*Rialto Record 11/02/23

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Vol 22, NO. 08

Nov. 02, 2023

S B V C S t u d e n t s E n g a g e i n R e a l - Wo r l d R e a l E s t a t e Development Experience in Rialto


A San Bernardino Student’s Capital Scholar Experience Interning at the Smithsonian Pg. 4


PHOTO BIRTCHER DEVELOPMENT Students from San Bernardino Valley College post with real estate professionals at Birtcher Logistics Center Rialto panel tilting event.

By Manny Sandoval

n a novel collaboration aiming to merge education with real-world experiences, Tomorrow’s Talent partnered with San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) and Birtcher Development, a prominent family-owned industrial real estate development firm.

The BBOP Center Hosts “Unlocking Access and Capital to Advance Women of Color Entrepreneurs” Pg. 5

Gateway Specific Plan H OW TO Community R E A CH U S Canceled: BBQ Signals Victory Inland Empir e Community Newspaper for Environmental s Of f ice:Justice (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: iecn1 @mac.com Adver tising: sales@iecn .co m Legals : Pg. 8 iecnlegals@ho tmail.co m


Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Office: (909) 381-9898 Editor ial: iecn1@mac .com Adver tising: iecn1@mac .c om Legals : iecnle gals@gmail.com

Over 30 SBVC students were welcomed at the Rialto located Birtcher Logistics Center in October to witness the intricate process of concrete wall panel raising. More than just observing, these students

engaged directly with real estate experts, obtaining insights into the multifaceted world of entitlement, planning, design, development, construction, project management, and engineering.

The panel of seasoned professionals hosted a roundtable discussion, sharing their wealth of knowledge and experience. This event not only allowed students to see the theoretical concepts they study come alive but also allowed them to network with industry professionals. Ginger Ontiveros, CEO of Tomorrow’s Talent, spoke about the significance of

such events. “Birtcher Development inspires us. They’re opening up their entire development process to create unique learning experiences for students, and we are honored to help make them happen,”

Ontiveros remarked. “Their panel raising provided a memorable backdrop for local college students to see how the concepts they learn in the classroom translate to work in the real world. Plus, networking with experienced professionals gave these future engineers, real estate developers, environmental planning consultants, and Students, cont. on next pg.

A r i s t r o n g ’ s A n n u a l C a r S h o w & K i c k b a l l To u r n a m e n t i s N o v. 4 t h , A D a y o f U n i t y a n d C a n c e r A wa r e n e s s i n C o l t o n



The Aristrong Foundation promises attendees a day filled with hope, unity, food, fun and live music on November 4th; to benefit families with a child experiencing health struggles or the death of a child.

By Manny Sandoval

he memory of Arianna "Ari" Villalobos will shine bright this November 4th at Colton High School with the 5th Annual #Aristrong Car Show & Kickball Tournament. This free public event, scheduled from 8 AM to 5 PM, promises to be a day filled with joy, hope, and unity, all in honor of a young life taken too soon.

The football field at Colton High School, located at 777 W Valley Blvd., will witness

the energy of two simultaneous kickball games, with each team boasting 12-14 enthusiastic players. Adjacent to the action, the junior varsity field will be transformed into a vibrant car show with a stage set up in centerfield, where live music will captivate attendees throughout the day.

"Most importantly, we hope to spread awareness about childhood cancer and promote unity under one banner – and that banner is hope," says Nikki Villalobos, mother of Ari. She adds, "Hope is essential. Without it, you have nothing. Through successful fundraisers like this, we aim to bring

hope to those facing challenging times." Live music will kick off at 10 AM with the Breaking Free Ministries Band, followed by The Two of Us, a 2-piece jazz ensemble, at 11 AM. The Blue Haze Band, featuring former Colton Mayor Richard Delarosa on percussion, will take the stage at noon.

Throughout the day, survivors will share their powerful testimonies, echoing the event's central theme of hope and resilience. With over 50 vendors, a dedicated kids' corner featuring games and jumpers, and a Aristrong Event, cont. on next pg.

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