November 14, 201 9
Vol 18, N O. 0 9
Meditation Garden at Car ter High School promotes wellness, provides suppor t to Rialto students
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The Lions now have their space to rest, reflect and be well. Wednesday, Nov. 6 marked the grand opening of the Carter High Wellness Center Meditation Garden. RUSD leaders, students and guests filled the beautiful Mediterranean-themed space as the ceremonial ribbon was cut. By Manny B. Sandoval
with life stresses and feel safe.
Greg Anderson.
fter a year of development, Carter High School’s Meditation Garden opened to both students and staff on Wednesday, Nov. 6. The Meditation Garden, an extension of its on-campus Wellness Center, gives students a space to clear thoughts, cope
“When entering the Meditation Garden, first you have to walk in through the Wellness Center. Inside it’s a very calm environment, there’s no fluorescent lighting, and it’s nicely painted. It brings your anxiousness down. When entering the garden, you open the door and hear the fountain right away,” said Principal
“There are trees all around and even the bark scent and nature of the Meditation Garden is filled with serenity. It brings your anxiousness level down naturally. When a student walks to the garden it feels as if they are not even at school,” continued Anderson. Once inside the garden area, students and staff have the oppor-
tunity to participate in breathing exercises, yoga, meditations or even to simply read a book. “The Wellness Center on campus gives students a wide range of support. The Meditation Garden gives us an opportunity to work with kids in a way that allows us to be more proactive, Serenity, cont. on next pg.
Rialto's Pride Platoon Program transforms lives of at-risk youth need of leadership skills and altering negative behavior. It utilizes proactive and innovative techniques for positive redirection. Overseen by Rialto Police personnel, the 14-week program offers physical training, prevention, disciplinary components, and counseling," said City Administrator Rod Foster.
By Manny B. Sandoval
ialto Police Department has teamed up with the City to transform the lives of at-risk youth, in Rialto, through the Pride Platoon Program. The program is available for 1417-year-old juveniles who have been recommended by the court, parents, probation, and schools. The program utilizes and implements innovative techniques and activities to assist the youth in forging a positive relationship with law enforcement role models and get the youth further away from the culture of gangs, violence and criminal activity. "The program is specifically designed to deal with teenagers in
The Pride Platoon Program is available for at-risk youth in Rialto, to transform lives in a positive way.
According to a Rialto Police Department press release, "The objective of the program is to identify problems within a family that have surfaced through juvenile delinquency. Juveniles in high school and in junior high school with antisocial behavior such as truancy, incorrigibility, minor law violations, etc., may be considered for the program. Through the leadership role of Platoon, cont. on next pg.