Decembe r 24, 2020
Vol 19, NO. 15
Never Stop Grinding Impact and Sista’s Making a Dif fer ence host Rialto’s largest toy drive in histor y By Manny B. Sandoval
ever Stop Grinding Impact (NSG) Founder and CEO Darious Harris enlisted assistance from San Bernardino organization Sista’s Making a Difference to coordinate a citywide toy drive, which resulted in being the largest toy and food drive in Rialto’s history.
Fr om all of us at IECN we wish the community a h a p p y, h e a l t h y holiday season
On Thursday, Dec. 17, the two organizations distributed over 2,000 toys, while Feeding America provided them the ability to also provide over 600 25pound turkeys, over 700 food boxes and 700-plus survival bags to underserved families in the city and beyond.
From left: Kecia Miller, Tameka Grayson, Ronecia Miller, and Darious Harris from Sista’s Making a Difference and Never Stop Grinding Impact giving out over 2,000 toys and food boxes on December 17.
“First off, a major thank you to our partners Sista’s Making a Difference, our 60 volunteers and all of our sponsors including Toy Drive, cont. on next pg.
Rialto Unified School Board member s take oath of office
Healthcare workers receive first dose of va ccine Pg. 3
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
he Rialto Unified School District welcomed a new board member, swore in two incumbent board members and underwent its annual reorganization at the Board of Education Meeting on December 16. Stephanie E. Lewis, Nancy G. O’Kelley and Joseph W. Martinez took the oath of office to start a four-year term prior to the start of the board meeting. Lewis was sworn in by Joanne T. Gilbert, a former RUSD Board Member. She joins the Board of Education as a new member after having won a seat following a successful election on November 3. She replaces Joseph Ayala who decided not to run for reelection, ending his 12-year run on the board. “It gives me great honor and pleasure to be elected to serve as your next board member,” Lewis said during the swearing-in cere-
From left: Stephanie E. Lewis, Joseph W. Martinez, and Nancy G. O’Kelley took the oath of office to start a four-year term prior to the start of the board meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 16. mony. “Thank you, voters. I will serve, and I will do my very best with honesty and integrity.” Lewis is a parent and long term resident of Rialto. She is a Board Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Mental Health Specialist, and Retired
Transportation Commissioner for the City of Rialto. Lewis also serves as the High-Risk Infant Follow-up Program Coordinator at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, Nurse Consultant for Southern California Easterseals, Child Development Services, and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Phoenix, Graduate
School of Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner Program. The five-member board underwent its annual reorganizing once the public session began. Martinez was voted to be Board President. He replaces O’Kelley BOE, cont. on next pg.