December 26, 201 9
Vol 18 , NO. 15
Nancy Ibrahimi receives highest honor Key to the District Education News
ancy Ibrahimi, Career Center Technician at Eisenhower High School, was presented with the highest honor a sitting Rialto Unified School District (RUSD) Board member can bestow to an educator or education advocate the Key to the District - on Dec. 11 during the regularly scheduled board meeting. The award began a decade ago and is given to individuals who are highly admirable and hardworking who has demonstrated overall success in the RUSD through a decorated professional history as either a RUSD educator (Certificated, Classified or Management), parent/volunteer, and/or a long-term education partner.
San Manuel provides shoes to 1,000 youth Pg. 5
Each board member presents one Key each school calendar year. Ibrahimi was Board of Education President Nancy O’Kelley’s awardee. “The recipient for the Key to the District is selected by the Board trustee based on a high standard of commendable character traits
and selfless devotion to the strategic mission of the RUSD, its students, parents and staff members,” explained O’Kelley. “Mrs. Nancy Sehsah Ibrahimi, you fit this criteria, impeccably... Congratulations!” Ibrahimi is a product of the RUSD, attending Morris Elementary, andJehue Middle schools, before graduating from Rialto High School. During her senior year at RHS Ibrahimi served the district as a Student Board Member. “Being a student board member opened opportunity doors to my 16 years of service to RUSD,” she remarked. After two years of substitute teaching, Ibrahimi was hired by former RUSD administrator Reggie Thompkins and O’Kelley as a full-time Clerk Typist II at Eisenhower, before filling the position as Attendance Specialist for eight-and-a-half years where she worked directly with O’Kelley on ideas and strategies to improve attendance rates and honoring students who made Key, cont. on next pg.
RUSD School Board of Education President, Nancy O'Kelley (right) honored Mrs. Nancy Ibrahimi (left) with the highest honor from a sitting board member: Key to the District. Mrs. Ibrahimi, a Career Center Technician at Eisenhower High School is also a product of the RUSD, who once, was also a student board member. We congratulate Mrs. Ibrahimi for her deserving honor.
Rialto City Council approves constr uction contract for community center r ehab at Bud Bender Par k By Manny B. Sandoval
Amazon brings food pantr y to Hunt Elementar y Pg. 7
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5 Opinion
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n December 10, Rialto City Council approved a $866,549 construction contract for a Community Center Rehab at Bud Bender Park. The Community Center Rehab will include the rehabilitation of Building 200, gym restrooms, basketball court improvements, and sideline fencing. “The city of Rialto currently operates the Rialto Community Center and Bud Bender Park. At the meeting on June 11, City Council authorized Community Development Block Grant funds for the rehabilitation of Building 200, the rehabilitation of basketball court and construction of bleachers, and baseball field netting at Bud Bender Park,” said Savat Khamphou, Public Works Director. Rehab, cont. on next pg.
A construction contract for improvements at Bud Bender Park was approved by Rialto City Council on December 10.