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.com June 14, 2018

Vol 16, NO. 39

T h e M o v i n g Wa l l t r a v e l s t o B l o o m i n g t o n , community honor s Vietnam veterans


By Maryjoy Duncan


Gloria’s Cor ner A3

Ramos elected President of SBCTA A5

Redlands High team wraps up Destination Imagination



Gloria’s Corner






Words To think About A5

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8,318. That is the number of veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice during the Vietnam War, all of whose names are eternally etched on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. and the halfsize touring replica that arrived in Bloomington’s Ayala Park on Thursday where it remained until Monday, June 11.

who has traveled to D.C. to pay respects to his best friend and a dozen other comrades on the Wall is well aware that many in the community can’t afford the luxury of taking a trip to D.C. which is what motivates him to bring the Moving Wall experience to Southern California. This is the fifth tour Lavin has helped organize.

“It’s a very moving experience, my emotions still get to me,” Opening ceremonies for the shared Lavin. Moving Wall took place Friday Veteran Danny morning at the park that is home Vietnam to the city’s Veterans Monument. Mendoza described the wall as simply “breathtaking.” “Ultimately we must embrace our history and acknowledge the Mendoza’s brother-in-law was roles of those who died for us,” killed in the Vietnam War and his declared San Bernardino County twin brother served but was for5th District Supervisor Josie tunate to return. “It’s hard to see Gonzales to a crowd of over 100 all those names up there, that we who braved the heat to pay lost so many young men,” he homage to those inscribed on the mused. “I’m here to reflect and Moving Wall. “We give honor take the time to praise, thank and praise, and we will always them and to say ‘hi.’” remember.” Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes revealed her brothVietnam veteran and Ceremonies Chairman Bob Lavin Wall, cont. on next pg.

iecn photo

Maryjoy Duncan

the community had the opportunity to visit the Moving Wall from Friday, June 8 through Monday, June 11 at Ayala park in Bloomington. opening ceremonies took place Friday morning.

Seamless Summer Food Ser vice provides free lunch to youth 18 and under


By Maryjoy Duncan

omemade salad dressings, lasagna, crunchy chicken wrap and fresh jicama slices are not what you would expect on a school lunch menu, but this is an example of what students in the Rialto Unified School District consume on a regular basis. Although school is out for summer, anyone under the age of 18 will still be able to enjoy a healthy lunch through the newly established Seamless Summer Food Service Program that kicked off at Rialto Park on Friday, June 8. “The (kick-off event) is about giving back to the community and to raise awareness about our free lunch program all summer,” said Board of Education Vice President Edgar Montes who brought his son, Quetzal, to the festivities. “We’re about families.” The crowd of roughly 1,000 enjoyed free burgers, salad and fresh fruit. Entertainment was provided by Folklorico Generacion Musica - comprised

of Rialto natives, and DJ Dizzy, as well as face painting, health resources, craft activities and a giant slide. “I cook for (district students) the way I cook for my children,” said Fausat Rahman-Davies, Assistant Director of Nutrition Services. “I want them to have healthy choices and to get nourished.” According to Nutrition Services Supervisor Kristina Kraushaar food preparation at the barbeque are FDA-compliant. “Here we have an opportunity to show the community what Nutrition Services does behind the scenes everyday to take care of students, and that we are on their side.” The summer food program will be held Monday – Friday until July 27 (no service on July 4), from 11:15 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Rialto Park (which will feature daily gardening, STEAM, reading and crafts activities), Andreson Park, Carl Johnson Community Center; Carter, Eisenhower and Rialto High schools; Frisbie, Jehue, Kolb and Rialto Middle schools. More photos on next pg.

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Maryjoy Duncan

the Rialto Unified School District kicked off its Seamless Summer Food Service on Friday, June 8, which will provide lunch to all children 18 and under until July 27. over 1,000 people attended the kick-off event.

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