Rialto Record 6 21 18

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Vol 1 6, NO. 40


.com June 21 , 2018

RUSD, Fir st K-12 Distri ct in So Cal to Own/Operate Compressed Natural Gas Station


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Gloria’s Corner




Words To think About A5

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he Rialto Unified School District (RUSD) has made regional environmental history as the only K-12 school district in Southern California to own and operate a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station that will, unprecedentedly, also to be opened to the public 24-hours, a day, seven days a week. The Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting for the new CNG Fueling Station, located at 261 South Lilac Avenue, in Rialto will be held on Monday, June 25, 2018, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. “Our new station allows the District to lower the cost of fuel, while increasing our operational efficiency in ways that are environmentally responsible for our students and our community,” said Mohammad Z. Islam, RUSD Associate Superintendent of Business Services. “Our drivers currently have to drive to the cities of Fontana or Riverside to obtain fuel for our 38 CNG buses at a much higher cost.” Over a decade ago, the District’s Transportation Department began the dialogue of providing clean fuel school buses. Five years ago, the RUSD

Board of Education authorized the implementation of the CNG station, 2006, the RUSD “In Transportation Department began the journey of reducing our carbon footprint on the environment by incorporating clean fuel school buses, which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the transporting of students,” added Dora Parham, RUSD Transportation/Garage Manager. “Our buses are yellow, but our fleet is turning green.” The District shared a strong business partnership with the California Energy Commission (CEC), Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) and The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). “The hard work of our staff and the focus-based support of the Board of Education will now benefit our entire community of Rialto,” stated Dr. Cuauhtémoc Avila, RUSD Superintendent. “This is another success story in which, innovative, smart decisions are made in the best interest of our younger generation. Although we are educating our

undreds of children all across the Inland Empire are starting their Summer Break with brand new books to enjoy! They are having fun reading with their families and friends while keeping their academic skills sharp during the school break.

“Star Wars” and “Snow White.”


students, through modeling the importance of environmental science, the District is also excited

to offer this fuel service station to the entire community of drivers.”

Bo o k Fe s t e n co u r a g e s cu l t u r e o f r e a d i n g

Children from San Bernardino, Rialto, Fontana, Highland, Redlands, Loma Linda and other regions of the county attended the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) Summer Book Fest 2018 and Resource Fair on June 9 at CAPSBC. Assemblymember Elois Gòmez-Reyes stopped by to support the event and presented a certificate of appreciation stating, “This event celebrates the joy of reading and reinforces important skills that will prepare our students for successful futures.”

Thousands of new, colorful children’s storybooks and activity workbooks were given to kids for pleasure reading and family learning time during the Summer break from school. The books feature fun Disney themes and characters, including “Frozen,”

10,000 new books, enough to fill a library shelf the length of two football fields, were granted by the Molina Foundation to CAPSBC as part of their “Launch into Learning” campaign. The books, valued at $84,000, provide free educational resources to help children, parents, and caregivers create word-filled homes this summer through reading and learning together.

CAPSBC Board Chairwoman, Dr. Margaret Hill stated, “With this wonderful donation from Molina Foundation, we were able to provide books to children in families for whom a book purchase would otherwise not be financially feasible. These books go a long way in helping children in our disadvantaged communities to learn and read with their families.” The Molina Foundation, based in Southern California, believes that book distributions can be an effective way to reinforce storytelling at home and create opporLiteracy , cont. on pg. 2


Children from San Bernardino, Rialto, Fontana, Highland, Redlands, Loma Linda and other regions of the county attended the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) Summer Book Fest 2018 and Resource Fair on June 9 at CAPSBC.

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