.com June 28, 20 18
Vol 16, N O. 4 1
More than football, camp teaches life skills for success
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The AFL hosts 250 boys and 50 girls during the free four-day erseverance, hard work, camp where participants reside in commitment, teamwork, the college dorms. and education is what it takes to become successful, said Young men attend either the two-time Super Bowl champion High School Player Development Terrell Davis, former running or Junior Player Development back for the Denver Broncos, to a camps that teach football techroomful of 250 male high school niques as well as sportsmanship students from around the Inland and decision-making skills by forEmpire during opening cere- mer NFL players and area coachmonies of the Athletes for Life es. (AFL) 13th Annual Summer Life Skills Camp at Cal State San Davis shared his personal challenges to illustrate the importance Bernardino on Sunday, June 24. of perseverance and “mental “Greatness isn’t predestined… it toughness.” “There will be times is something you all can achieve,” that you will fall, but it’s about Davis encouraged. “This isn’t how you pick yourself back up about sports but being the best that’s important. If you quit, it’s version of yourselves, to tap into permanent, but pain is tempoyour potential to take it to the next rary.” By Maryjoy Duncan
Former NFL All-Pro running back Greg Bell and best friend Ron King started the summer camp to empower youth with life skills and to underline the importance of going to college.
“Education is key to life, and sports is a great opportunity for college scholarships,” explained Bell, former player of the Raiders and Rams. “Our goal is for these kids to go to college and return to their communities to be good citizens.”
Young girls in 7 – 12th grades participate in the Hot To Be a Girl program taught by Josefa Salinas that focuses on empowerment, responsibility, leadership and being mindful of how to conduct and present oneself to the world. “It’s not about what you have on, but what you have in,” Salinas told the audience assembled in Cal State’s Physical Education building. Participants also attend classes
Camp , cont. on pg. 2
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Above: Athletes for Life (AFL) hosts 13th Annual Summer Life Skills camp at cal State San Bernardino Sunday - Wednesday, June 24 - 27. Terrell Davis, former running back for the Denver Broncos, left, was the featured speaker during opening ceremonies, and is pictured with AFL founder Greg Bell, former nFL All-pro running back. Top: high school kids from throughout the inland empire participated in the 4-day camp at cal State San Bernardino.