Rialto Record 8 16 18

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August 16, 2018

Vol 1 6, NO. 48

San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors to vote on rezoning 17 acres of land in Bloomington Victoria. According to Grossich the distance from the south-west corner of the land in question to the north-east corner of Bloomington High School is roughly 600 feet.


Since the project surfaced in 2014, it’s carried a lot of support, opposition and contention from the community.

Gloria’s Corner Pg. 3

Nonpr ofits e ncouraged to register fo r Give BIG San Ber nardino

Pg. 7

Iconic “Ice Cream Guys” entertain at Western Regional Little League

Pg. 8

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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JM Reality is planning to build a 344,000-square-foot distribution center on Slover and Laurel Avenues in Bloomington. County Planning Commission nesses, and diesel pollutions. By Manny B. Sandoval approved the 344,000-square- There’s a bunch of different chemicals, if electric trucks were he San Bernardino foot distribution center. used, it would be much safer. But, County Board of “We’ve said we’re unanimously these warehouses will be bringing Supervisors are schedin favor of this project. However, in diesel trucks that are not reguuled to take a vote on rezoning an there’s a development issue. This lated, some are dirty older trucks; unincorporated area of Bloomington to build a distribu- is going to be a very positive pro- that’s our concern,” said Victoria. tion warehouse on Tuesday, ject. The location is in an industrial corridor. Across on the west Bloomington has four wareAugust 21. is industrial zoned property. The houses within its limits, this JM The JM Reality development is anticipated to be located on only issue here is that at some Realty project would be the fifth. Slover Avenue and Laurel point in time it was zoned residential, to be able to proceed, the “Right now Bloomington has Avenue. location needs to be rezoned,” four warehouses. The issue is “The residents are frustrated said Gary Grossich, Bloomington with the 135 illegal trucking because we feel as if San Municipal Advisory Council operations. They travel directly past school sites, along the streets Bernardino County Board of member (MAC). and borders of schools. This proSupervisors have not adequately Even though the project is a ject has gone through review, it’s addressed our concerns or taken into account the long term effects medium-sized warehouse, many complying to California condithis project will have on our com- community members are still tions; the developers agreed to munity,” said Anthony Victoria, upset about the possible impacts put warehouse docks on the Center for Community Action it may have on their quality of Slover Avenue side of the building because there are four homes and Environmental Justice com- life. behind the (proposed) waremunications director (CCAEJ). “It’s a small project, any project house,” Grossich said. goes through an The distribution center is set to Currently, the location of the that Environmental Impact Report feature a 70-foot buffer with a proposed development needs to (EIR), they’re going say there wall between the new building be rezoned in order to move forwill be an impact. If you build 10 and the four homes. ward and build on that specific houses and there’s an EIR, it’s land. going to be the same thing,” con“Those in favor of this project, tinued Grossich. they’ll claim we’re anti-growth “When developers want to bring and development. We’re not in industrial developments, the There are currently four homes against growth, we’re against developer has to lobby their local leaders to amend the general located behind the site of the pro- warehouses being built 70 feet from schools and homes. They plan, in order to rezone,” contin- posed project. bring lots of jobs and raise propued Victoria. “It’s been proven that ware- erty tax, but are they going to On June 21, the San Bernardino house developments cause asth- favor this over the livelihood of ma, lung cancer, respiratory ill- their residents?” questioned


“This development has faced a lot of scrutiny ever since it came on the radar in 2014. It did pass two months ago, it went to the Planning Commission and passed with a 5-0 vote. It’s a no brainer project. It’s close to other industrial properties, it’s not close to any schools. There’s a newer warehouse in Rialto, it’s near two schools, within 300 feet of the property. In this case there will be no diesels passing by Bloomington High School,” said Grossich. Some residents in Bloomington say they hope a warehouse will not be built in their backyards. “These buildings should be placed in industrial zones, not in our neighborhoods. We’re asking you to please take into consideration our concerns,” said Bloomington resident Ana Carlos. “We’re opposed to having warehouses in our backyards.” “We’re seeing a lot of warehouse deliberation, there’s lots of concern about trying to bring up property value and value of the region. If they’re going to plan to build warehouses, all we ask is that they build this far away from homes,” continued Victoria. Although some impacts of the project may include health concerns, pollution and traffic, other impacts include job opportunities, property tax increases and road enhancements. “This project will provide the city with $30,000 annually…forever, through a developer agreement. Overall, the project will increase property taxes, job opportunities, and make improvements around Bloomington,” said Grossich. Grossich also shared that the developer is paying a large percentage for the installation of a traffic light to be placed on Development, cont. on next pg.

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