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Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

Literary Heritage INSTITUT PERE Barnils Centelles Catalunya

Comenius Project 2010-2012

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

[Comenius project]

Matí al cementiri de Montjuïc He pujat a la muntanya de les tombes. He vingut fins aquí travessant l’erm de Can Tunis, nevat de plàstics grisos i xeringues, on vaguen tremolosos els ionquis com estàtues de draps. Diuen que l’Ajuntament vol arrasar-ho, cobrir de formigó aquests camps d’herbotes davant l’enorme reixa de la porta del cementiri, alçat enfront del mar. Serà pels morts més mala companyia: els difunts, el seu mur i el seu silenci s’adiuen amb els ionquis, com soldats vagant perduts després de la derrota.

Pujant pel vell camí davant del port vaixells i grues es van fent petites i el mar es va eixamplant. Aquí, en el lloc més alt, estàs salvada del dolor del món. Joan Margarit

[description] With the poem the poet has been able to talk and explain about a situation and some events that he sees and lives usually when he hikes up the “ Montjuïc mountain” to feel again the calm and the solitude which he doesn’t have when he’s in the city. Montjuïc is also known as the “Tombs’ mountain”, because its cemetery is placed in one of the highest points of it. Shortly before reaching the mountain the poet must pass through Can Tunis, an old suburb of Barcelona known for the lifestyle of some part of their residents and where poverty, drugs and prostitution abounds... And that’s the fact which the poet plays with in the poem. He wants to show the relationship that there’s between the drugs and the death.

[author] Joan Margarit was born in Sanüja, in Segarra’s region, during the Spanish War. When the war finishes until 1948, the family move places lot of times: Barcelona, Rubí, Figueres and Girona. When they return to Barcelona, the family lives in front of the Turó Parc and Joan Margarit studies level at the Ausias March Secunday school, in the Muntaner street. Here is where he wrote the poem shown above.


The poem is comprised of 2 verses, once with 13 lines and the other with 5 lines. All the lines but a pair of them are tensyllables and they don’t have concordance between them. It is a poem with a simple and understandable lexicum, and practically he doesn’t use liiterary resources as personifications, metaphors... the poet just describes and explains what he sees in this situation, when he goes to Montjuïc. Along the poem we can find a pair of comparisons, which always make reference to stoned junkies from the suburb. Moreover, we can find an hyperbole, the exaggeration that he uses when he wants to say the quantity of rubbish the junkies throw away after taking drugs (he says the suburb is snowed).

Fitxa proposada per Arnau Panisello i Pol Calm, 4t ESO D, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Pol Calm

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry P

[Comenius project]

L’AMETLLER A mig aire de la serra veig un ametller florit: Déu te guard, bandera blanca, dies ha que t'he delit! Ets la pau que s'anuncia entre el so, núvols i vents... No ets encara el millor temps però en tens tota l'alegria.

Joan Maragall

[description] This poem explains that the almond trees are one of the first to be in bloom, that is why it says: “You’re not at your best season, yet you’re all about happiness.” There is also a comparison that says: “The Lord holds you, white flag”, because the almond tree has white and abundant leaves. [author] Joan Maragall i Gorina( Barcelona 1860-1911). He is a Catalan poet and writer. He is considered a modernist, master poet of the XIX and XX century. [coment] It is simple and easy to understand and learn, that’s why it has an special charm.

Fitxa proposada per Nerea Martinez, 4t ESO B, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Fernanda Azogue.

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

PIRINENQUES A dalt del Pirineu les flors són esblaimades, les flors són d'un blau clar, blavoses o morades: són tristes dels alts monts les crestes emboirades, i tristos els ramats estesos per les prades, i la del dret pastor figura solitària. El sol esblanqueït no treu color ni escalfa; el bosc mesquí i llenyós, i l'herba curta i clara: pedrosos i grisencs els cims de les muntanyes, tots ditejats de neu d'eternes clapes blanques, i fumejant arreu la boira corre i passa. Al tard, de dins les valls

[Comenius project]

la boira va aixecant-se, i amb ella emmantellant se va solemnement l'alta muntanya.

[description] He describes the appearence of the Catalan Pyrenées but with a second sense, a place where the author of this poem, Joan Maragall, used to spend the summer. Besides describing us the appearence of some elements, he also uses them to transmit certain sensations, thoughts and moods he felt when was writing, because that landscape made him feel very deep sensations. [author]

Maragall was a master Catalan poet and a writer, a famous figure of the modern poetry from the XIV to XX centuries. He was a strong supporter of the Catalan solidarity, and a main member of relevant intellectual groups in Barcelona. [comment]

The poem transmits some sadness, because it talks about the sad flowers and the sad herds from high mountains, together with a sip of solitude, but, at the same time, this gives us some harmony and peace, because he doesn’t say that it’s a slender changing landscape, he explains how everything is while the time passes by so fast. Fitxa proposada per: Arnau Prat, Roger Fabre i Martí Montero, 4t ESO A, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Paula Marsal nad Laura Beneyto

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry INSTITUT P Arbres daurats

del paradís.

La tardor vesteix

Ara, abans que l´hivern

amb daurats i coures

i la boira densa

les nostres fulles,

ens deixi, nues les branques

mentre s´inicia

i en un llit de virosta,

amorosa la dansa

posem en el fons de la memòria

amb la flauta del vent.

les millors llavors, perquè serà bo

Hem xuclat de la terra

sentir de nou

sals i aigua

l´impuls de la primavera,

i hem fet amb llum d´amor

aquella saba que es renova

la saba elaborada

any rere any.

amb els dies, els fruits més dolços

Assumpció Forcada

[Comenius project]

[description] The autumn is a period of the year between the summer and the winter. It rains quite a lot in our climate and the leaves of the trees go back to brown (the caducous fall) and sometimes even gold, like it happens in the poem.

[author] Assumpció Forcada (Sudanell, Segrià 1947) is a biologist amd a Catalan poet. All of her poems are related with biology (cosmos, ecosystem...), some og her books have been translated to a lot of languages (Frwnch, German, Russian...). She is the winner of the poetress award Joan Sitjar, and today she still continues spreading the poetry around.

[comment] In this poem, the author focuses on the autumn and she points out its most caractheristic traits, for example, the color of the leaves and their fall. At the end of the poem, she mentions the spring.

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

[Comenius project]

CAMPS Camps, catifes del més bell i pur matís bressolen l'ombra de les muntanyes que envolten silencioses els records amagats amb la força colpejant del vent. Els pins i les alzines s'abandonen a mercè de les ventades. El sol amoroseix la flor glaçada i la gebre s'obre el pas lliscant per brotons de romaní. I quan les roselles van eixint emmig de l'auri espigam escampen subtils pinzellades.

si s'esvaeix la suau flairança de timó i espígol.

Si cridem la força de l'oreig diem-li al mar que marxi lluny, que no envolti l'exímia imatge. Gemma Gregori

Camps, petits miralls de cel que a terra cauen i defalleixen a l'horitzó fins arribar al fil de mar que l'embolcalla rere d'una cortina blava. No fem que el mar abraci els camps que van tenyint l'àlgida plana, doncs tèrbol i punyent és el record

[description] The poem describes the image in a windy, cold, springtime day; when the sun rises and when the sun starts breaking the night freeze so that flowers open. It is written in a descriptive style at the beginning, it gives a tone of sadness by the end though. [author] Gemma Gregori was born in a region called L’Empordà. This poem, called “Camps” (Fields), is his most famous. She has a special affection towards it, because it portraits her homeland, all mixed with the perfect harmony of the sea, the mountain and overall the Empordà plain. [comment] It gives the image that the sky is a Paradise, it compares the sky with a field. At the same time, she tries to make us fell that the wind and the sea are bad because they spoilt the beauty of the landscape. It also compares the countryside, the sea and the wind with emotions and people’s own realities as if the fileds were people’s feelings, the wind and the sea were evil facts amd thoughts that prevent the countryside from showing its pure authentic beauty, this way making us feel that to fulfil happiness is not possible; there will always be obstacles that avoid it. This poem inspires tranquility in us. We like the way the landscape is described, because it reminds us the beginning of the spring. It also makes a reflection about life and we reckon about it. Poem proposed by Lídia Boix i Clara Pérez, 4t ESO A, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Maria Piniés and Lídia Boix

Paisatges amb poesia /Landscapeswithpoetry[


EL POBLE El poble és un vell tossut, és una noia que no té promès, és un petit comerciant en descrèdit, és un parent amb qui vam renyir fa molt de temps. El poble és una xafogosa tarda d’estiu, és un paperet damunt la sorra, és la pluja fina de novembre. El poble és quaranta anys d’enfilar-se per les bastides, és el petit desfici del diumenge a la tarda, és la família com a base de la societat futura, és el conjunt d’habitants, etc., etc. El poble és el meu esforç i el vostre esforç, és la meva veu i la vostra veu, és la meva petita mort i la vostra petita mort. El poble és el conjunt del nostre esforçi de la nostra veu i de la nostra petita mort. El poble és tu i tu i tu i tot d’altra gent que no coneixes, i els teus secretsi els secrets dels altres. El poble és tothom, el poble és ningú. El poble és tot: el principi i la fi, l’amor i l’odi, la veu i el silenci,

la vida i la mort. [description] The poem describes his natal village with simplicity, but at the same time, mentioning its most importantelements. He talks about how it looks like, comparing it with friends, family, the weather, etc. He says the village isn’t nothing without the people who live there, and the village is everything with them. [author] th The author is Miquel Marí i Pol, poet, writer and Catalan translator. He was born on the 19 March 1929 in the village of Roda de Ter. In 1970, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, which made him quit the job, although he kept writing and publishing poetry. [comment] It seems to us a beautiful poem, because we can see how much he loves his home village by the way he describes it.

Fitxa proposada per Paula Marsal i Alba Martos, 4t ESO B, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Laura Beneyto and Paula Marsal

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

[Comenius project]

Corrandes d'exili Una nit de lluna plena tramuntàrem la carena, lentament, sense dir re... si la lluna feia el ple també el féu la nostra pena. L’estimada m’acompanya de pell bruna i aire greu (com una Mare de Déu que han trobat a la muntanya). Perquè ens perdoni la guerra que l’ensagna, que l’esguerra, abans de passar la ratlla, m’ajec i beso la terra i l’acarono amb l’espatlla. A Catalunya deixí el dia de ma partida mitja vida condormida; l’altre meitat vingué amb mi per no deixar-me sens vida.


After the Spanih Civil War, many Catalans were exiled to other countries, mainly to France so as not to be imprisoned and / or executed. The poem reveals the feelings the poet felt while he was exiling to France. Many of these feelings are patriotic.

[author] This poem is by Joan Oliver, who wanted to use the pseudonym of Pere Quart, playwright, storyteller, journalist and translator. He is born in Sabadell in a bourgeois family. He studied law, he was part of the group in Sabadell, and after the Civil War he lived exiled in France and later in Chile.


This poem refers to the exile after the Civil War. We can see that Pere Quart appreciates his country (Catalonia) at the moment of his exile to France, using a tone of hope and longing. Fitxa proposada per Jordi Vilamitjana i Aniol Puig, 4t ESO B Curs 2011-12, Translated by Albert Codony

Institut Pere Barnils

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

[Comenius project]

La fageda d’en Jordà Saps on és la fageda d'en Jordà? per Si vas pels vols d'Olot, amunt del pla, trobaràs un indret verd i profond com mai cap més n'hagis trobat al món: un verd com d'aigua endins, profond i INSTITUT clar;el verd de la fageda d'en Jordà. El caminant, quan entra en aquest lloc, comença a caminar-hi a poc a poc; compta els seus passos en la gran quietud:s'atura, i no sent res, i està perdut. Li agafa un dolç oblit de tot lo món en el silenci d'aquell lloc profond, i no pensa en sortir, o hi pensa en va: és pres de la fageda d'en Jordà, presoner del silenci i la verdor. Oh companyia! Oh deslliurant presó!

[description] The beeches’ forest is typical humid forest of a decidious tree in Catalonia. In the text, the poet invites to dive into the famous beeches’ forest situated in the heart of La Garrotxa (a county) a place full of green, the charm of the stillness and silence; so that the hiker can end up lost even if this end can mean to be a "freeing prison."

[author] The poet Joan Maragall is the most representative poet of Modernism, a literary and artistic movement at the end of the XIX century and at the beginning of the XX century. He is a figure fundamental to Catalan art for his contribution to make Catalan culture modern, European and national. At this time, Maragall often uses the landscape as an intuitive element which reflects the magic of creation and the mystery of the eternal universe. [comment] It is a well known poem in which, besides portraying the beauty of a beech, the poet describes

how the walker can really be captivated by nature, as much as taking you to define the place with a sufficiently revealing antithesis: sometimes we can find beautifully imprisoned if the environment is so overwhelming. Translated by Clàudia Grau.

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

[Comenius project]

Paisatge amb poesia

Flors blanques a la boira Llençols grisos de gebre cobrien els bancals dels ametllers, però les pluges van venir com màscares i l’herba va esborrar els miralls del fred. L’aire càlid als ulls de l’hivern començava a mentir a les ales grises d’ocells erràtics dins els arbres nus. En una sola nit de tebiesa amb la fosca d’imatges al mirall es van obrir les flors dels ametllers. Tu també vas venir en un temps de fred i soledat: l’amor va ser un oratge damunt del gebre gris. Flors oblidades escampaven perfum de primavera en els àmbits glaçats, càlida neu d’efímeres flors blanques. Amb tristesa les recordo a l’hivern que en una sola nit les va glaçar. Margarit, Joan [description] It talks about the almond tree flowers that come up in winter and they freeze because of the winter cold, it talks about the rains that came by like masks and the grass, which the cold wiped out, and also mentions the hot air that maed the birds leave the trees. It is about the almond tree flowers when they bloom. Here the author refers himself as someoen who once bloomed after sometime of rough cold. [author] Joan Margarit (1938) is a poet, architect anda retired professor from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Margarit got to be known as a poet in the Spanish language from 1963 to 1965, and in 1980 he started writing in Catalan. He was awarded with the Nationa Literary Award given by the Generalitat de Catalunya (the government of Catalunya) for his work Casa de Misericòrdia (House of Remorse). [comment] We believe this poem is related to a period in the author’s sentimental life in which things didn’t go well, so he transmits this sad emotion in his poem. Poem proposed by Claudia Jofré i Anabel Sosa, 4t ESO A, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Albert Codony

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry P

[Comenius project]

Rolling Stones Salta de la muntanya l’aigua del torrent en arribar a la plana però i en ella baixen cansats brunyits vençuts els còdols a la riba s’aturen el corrent d’aigües glaçades se’ls enduu botí esdevenen repiquen i víctima cloquegen d’una gent covarda rodolen furients del futur immòbil

a mig vessant són encara purs seran mur de casa nets pedra quieta rodons domèstica lluny de la mà impura de l’home vora l’aigua que eternament transcorre Jordi Gabarró

The poem describes straight the route of the stones along the river. It intends to define how the life is for a little stone that falls from the top of the mountain until it arrives in the plain. Not on purpose, use may think that the poet’s intention is to compare the rout of the stones along the river of life to an old age, when they arrive to plain tired, by the route leading there only willing to rest in peace and be quiet. [description]

Jordi Gabarró was born in 1944. His published work is started with “Tot és caduc” ( All is cent of date) in 1992, which was followed by “ una llum a la finestra” ( to light by the window) in 1994, “ canvi climàtic” ( climated changed) in 1996, “ País trencadís” ( broken country) in 1998 , “Herois i Heroïnes”( Herois and Heroïnes ) in 1999, “ El Jardí” ( The Garden) in 2001, “ El somni de la raó” ( The dream of the reason) in 2004 and “ El temps de la terra” ( The time of the Earth ) in 2006. “ Les arrels de la ment “ (The roats of your mind ) is for noy his lastest book. Also he has poems like : els convidats de la terra ( The guests to the earth ), l’extrany futur (the stange future), l’home del gos a Perpinyà ( The man of the dog in Perpinyà), and Rolling Stones. [author]

To us it mainly caught our attention as we remember the band “ The Rolling Stones “ but after we saw that they don’t have much in common . We liked the poem because it was easy to understand and we could find different meanings that can’t be seen at first sight. [comment]

Fitxa proposada per Claudia Font Rodriguez I Paula Serra Ferré, 4t ESO _B___, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Clàudia Font i Paula Serra

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry P

[Comenius project]


Dóna'm la mà que anirem per la riba

Dóna'm la mà que anirem per la riba

ben a la vora del mar

ben a la vora del mar



tindrem la mida de totes les coses

tindrem la mida de totes les coses

només en dir-nos que ens seguim amant.

només en dir-nos que ens seguim amant. Salvat-Papasseit, Joan: “Dóna’m la mà” Les barques llunyes i les de la sorra prendran un aire fidel i discret, no ens miraran; miraran noves rutes amb l'esguard lent del copsador distret.

Dóna'm la mà i arrecera la galta sobre el meu pit, i no temis ningú. I les palmeres ens donaran ombra. I les gavines sota el sol que lluu

ens portaran la salabror que amara, a l'amor, tota cosa prop del mar: i jo, aleshores, besaré ta galta; i la besada ens durà el joc d'amar.

[ [description] The landscape that the author describes is a place near the sea, peaceful, sunny and with a lot of palm trees, all of it gives a summer air. In this place, we can find boats that sail over the sea and seagulls. The poet says that the air above the sea is full of marine flavour.


[author] The author of this poem is” Joan Salvat Papasseit “. He was born in Barcelona in 1894. He was a humble writer, he had a rebel and self taught spirit, and he is the most remarkable representative of the Catalan literary vanguards. He worked as an article redactor of social critics in Catalan and in Spanish, inspired by anarchism and socialism from that period. Joan Salvat Papasseit had a very fragile health, because he had a strong tuberculosis, which provoked him the death. He dead prematurely at thirty years old (1924). A lot of singers have turned his poems into musical poems, some of them are: Loquillo, Lluís Llach , Eduard Toldrà etc.

[comment] This poem reflects the love that the poet has for someone. He tells us how he and his beloved one migth feel walking by the seahore, holding hands, hidden away from any disturbances . It describes a seaside place . The tone is shiny , dreaming , and romantic. Fitxa proposada per Meritxell Bayó i Carla Casadevall, 4t ESO A, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Ada Jiménez

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry P

[Comenius project]


El portal de Centelles No hi ha batents ni clau. Aquest portal no és per a cloure res. És l'obertura a un camí, no cap a cims impossibles, sinó endins de la terra, la terra antiga, on collim la primavera com un guany d'esperança o una pausa a la mort. Ha posat ritme a un llarg corrent de sang, la vida de tants homes: ulls esbatanats a no sé quins somnis, petites mans oloroses a l'encalç de les flors, braços feixucs de collita madura, llavis ennoblits de les paraules de la meva llengua (la meva vella, dolça, desemparada llengua, que estimo follament).

Si posava, encara, aquest portal, una mica d'ordre a la nostra mirada; si ens donava accés a demà sense desfer-nos de les arrels, potser no fóra inútil la flama, i el batec que ens commou no seria l'efímer onejar d'un instant.


This gateway to the medieval part of Centelles was built in 1550 and reformed in 1919, after preventing it to be demolished . Today it’s part of the structure of the village house.


Josep Esteve (Sant Joan de les Abadesses,1929-Vic,2008) spent many years being the priest in Centelles. Apart from religion, he actively participated in the cultural and artistic life of the town during the 60s and 70s. Among other hobbies such as painting, he succeeded in literature. [comment]

The poet stands out this construction in the text as magnificent element glorified by the inhabitants, witness of their life and history. We must appreciate the open minded character of this gateway, not only physically but as a characteristic of the people of Centelles.

Translated by Paula Serra, Clàudia Font and Joseline Brito.

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

[Comenius project]

Vora la mar

l’emmusteïda flor.

Al cim d’un promontori que domina les ones de la mar, quan l’astre rei cap al ponent declina, me’n pujo a meditar.

A la vida o al cor quelcom li prenen les ones que se’n van; si no tinc res, les ones que ara vénen, digueu-me: què voldran?

Amb la claror d’aqueixa llàntia encesa contemplo mon no res; contemplo el mar i el cel, i llur grandesa m’aixafa com un pes.

Amb les del mar o amb les del temps un dia tinc de rodar al fons; per què, per què, enganyosa poesia, m’ensenyes de fer mons?

Eixes ones, mirall de les estrelles, me guarden tants records, que em plau reveure tot sovint en elles mos somnis que són morts.

Per què escriure més versos en l’arena? Platja del mar dels cels, quan serà que en ta pàgina serena los escriuré amb estels?

Aixequí tants castells, en eixes ribes, que m’ha aterrat lo vent, amb ses torres i cúpules altives de vori, d’or i argent: poemes, ai!, que foren una estona joguina d’infantons, petxines que un instant surten de l’ona per retornar al fons: vaixells que amb veles i aparell s’ensorren en un matí de maig, i lletres d’or que naixen i s’esborren del sol al primer raig: idees que m’acurcen l’existència duent-se’n ma escalfor, com rufagada que s’endú amb l’essència [description] The poem describes the place where the poet is Describes this hill, called Can Muntanyà, in Caldes d’Estrac from where we can see the sea and the sky. [author] The author of this poem is called Jacint Verdaguer. He was born in Folgueroles in 1845 and he died in 1902. He is one of the most important Catalan poets of all times and the biggest representation of the Renaixença. (cultural movement at the beginning of the XX century). [comment] The poet makes a reflection about the poem and about the poetic creation in general. Through the poem, he expresses the meaningless in the world surrounding us. He discovers a hidden world, where there is a collection of memories and past dreams. Fitxa proposada per Roger Saladrigues, Isaac Colmenar i Toni Conde, 4t ESO A, Curs 2011-12, Institut Pere Barnils Translated by Paula Marsal and Clàudia Grau.

Paisatges amb poesia / Landscapes with poetry

[Comenius project]

Els verbs de la jugada

Salta, controla, talla, busca, passa, la pilota corre veloçment sobre la gespa, per l'aire. Recupera, centra, frena,aguanta, avança, els jugadors teixeixen un tapís amb l'únic fil d'una pilota màgica. Sorprèn, supera, envia, rebota, llança, vint-i-dos jugadors i una pilota fan un univers inacabable. Corre, afina, perd, prepara, tapa, pica, toca, dribla, remata, xuta, el gol enfonsa els uns i exalta els altres. David Jou [description] It is a poem about football, as it may seem. Many verses are made exclusively by verbs that

are used during a match. The poet tries to tell us how it feels like being in a football match and tries to put ourselves in the footballer’s mind. It is a poem about football, as it may seem. Many verses are made exclusively by verbs that are used during a match.

[author] It’s a poem by David Jou, a Catalan poet and scientist, who was born in 1953 in Sitges. He is the

author of many works of poetry. He is a doctor in physics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is specialized in condensed material.

[comment] It is a poet who surprised everybody, because nobody expects someone to write a poem

related to football, neither to any other sport. That is why it caught our attention. Personally, we both liked it a lot. The poet tries to tell us how it feels like being in a football match and tries to put ourselves in the footballer’s mind. Translated by Joseline Brito, Judit Balielleas, Samiaa Oulad

Institut Pere Barnils Comenius Project 2010-2012

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