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Síntesis / Abstract
Este proyecto trata de analizar una serie de jugadas aplicando la física, a través del movimiento parabólico, para determinar cuál será la mejor opción para que el lanzador de la pelota (mariscal de campo) envíe al receptor, en diferentes situaciones del partido. Se han utilizado diferentes ecuaciones al objeto de determinar posibles receptores para atrapar la pelota, teniendo en cuenta las velocidades de lanzamiento, velocidades de los receptores y dos ángulos, uno de ellos refleja la dirección en relación con el eje X y el otro la elevación respecto al suelo. El momento en el que la distancia receptor-pelota sea cercana a 0, es el instante en el que la recepción será factible. Aplicando la física en este deporte, mediante una serie de ecuaciones, se encuentran lanzamientos fiables que mejoran notablemente el rendimiento de los equipos.
Palabras clave: tiro parabólico, lanzamiento, velocidad, ángulos, distancia, pelota, mariscal de campo, receptor.
This study is linked to my fanatism for American football, sport in which two teams play, one with 11 offensive players, who try to get points, and the other with 11 defensive players, who try to avoid being scored. The objective is to analyze a series of plays applying physics to determine what will be the best option for the thrower of the ball (quarterback) to send to the receiver, in different game situations. The field of physics that has been studied is the parabolic motion. To determine possible receivers to catch the ball, different equations have been used considering the speeds of the receivers, launch speeds and two angles, one reflects the elevation regarding the ground and the other the direction in relation to the X axis. Varying the previously mentioned data, the moment in which the receiver-ball distance is close to 0, will be the moment in which the reception will be feasible. Through physics equations, more reliable throws have been found in American football, which represents a success and which, if this subject were studied in more depth, could revolutionize this sport, significantly improving the success of the teams.
Keywords: Parabolic motion, throw, speed, angles, distance, ball, quarterback, receiver.