17–21 June, 2024 Almería, Spain

Welcome to Andalucía, the beating heart of Spanish traditions and culture. Gold Sponsor — IFAMA 2024
17–21 June, 2024 Almería, Spain
Welcome to Andalucía, the beating heart of Spanish traditions and culture. Gold Sponsor — IFAMA 2024
In a world with over 1.3 million hectares of greenhouses under glass or plastic, Spain is second only to China in terms of CEA/indoor agriculture and offered us a fascinating venue as the host of the IFAMA conference. What an exciting place for members who have attended previous IFAMA events, and for the next generation of talented food and agribusiness leaders to consider the future of food production.
Almería demonstrates how the world of food production is changing and provides the backdrop to address the production issues of nutrients delivery, disease control and management precisely, while also examining the bigger consumer and sustainability challenges of water, labor, recycling, chemical usage, and disease. Almería is a microcosm of the global issues facing the entire food system, and the ‘Almería model’ uses technology and practices to maximize food-production yield’s economically, with the rational use of water, recycling of plastic, specialized training and precise application of all inputs, using environmental metrics. Almería is a leader in embracing Integrated Pest Management (IPM), biological crop production, and the practices that minimize synthetic and chemical inputs. Since IFAMA gathered in New Zealand in 2023, it has been a very fruitful year. Our new webinar series is very successful, bringing several different perspectives from food and agribusiness together with an academic lens. Most importantly, the role of IFAMA Young Board in hosting these sessions has brought youthful energy and enthusiasm to many of the thornier subjects we’ve tackled. The IFAMR Journal has several interesting calls for papers underway, including a Special issue on ESG focusing on the business benefits of sustainability—another exciting first.
I hope you share my excitement for the congress as it promises to inspire, invigorate and bring new ideas from a tremendous lineup of international speakers. Not least, IFAMA events are always best when you take time to meet new people, build your network and make new friends. I look forward to sharing this time with you and we hope to see you again at IFAMA 2025 in Brazil.
Aidan Connolly President, IFAMA
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to welcome you to Almería, (Spain), one of the biggest agricultural hubs in Europe, and home to the International School of Agri Management (ISAM). We are honored to host the 34th IFAMA World Conference and to show you our potential and commitment to innovation in this region.
The past few years have unveiled vulnerabilities and disruptions in our supply chains, impacting commodity prices and consumer markets worldwide. These challenges underscore the critical need for resilient, sustainable, and technologically advanced agribusiness practices and education.
We are privileged to have a distinguished lineup of international speakers and thought leaders who will guide us through the complex topics and challenges that the agricultural sector faces. Their insights and experiences will undoubtedly provoke introspection and inspire innovative solutions.
I extend my deepest gratitude to the conference co-chairs and their dedicated teams for curating a program that promises to be both insightful and relevant to the global agricultural sector. This conference is not just an opportunity to learn but also to expand our professional networks, forge new partnerships, and build lasting friendships.
As we gather here, I encourage each of you to engage fully in the discussions, share your perspectives, and take the time to connect with your peers. Let this be a platform for collaboration and a catalyst for new ideas that will drive our industry forward.
Thank you for joining us in El Ejido and Almería. I am confident that we will make this a memorable and impactful event.
Germán Fernández CEO & President
International School of Agri Management
El Ejido and Almería, Spain
Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Agricultural Economics & Management Professor at Kansas State University, is recognized for his achievements in food and agribusiness. He excels in management, research, teaching, and service, providing education and outreach programs for executives globally. Vincent shares expertise in business management, entrepreneurship, and innovation, forming strategic alliances and driving change. He has made significant contributions to IFAMA, including chairing the Student Case Competition, serving as Managing Editor for the IFAMR Journal, and authoring strategic initiatives as a Board member.
Derek Baker is Professor of Agribusiness and Value Chains at the University of New England (Australia) and the Founding Director of UNE’s Centre for Agribusiness. He has led and managed numerous international development projects throughout Central and Eastern Europe, China, and Africa. Derek has been an IFAMA member for more than 20 years and served in several service capacities including as a Managing Editor for the IFAMR Journal and member of the IFAMA Board of Directors. He has coached and supported over 15 teams competing in the IFAMA Student Case Competitions.
Everlyn Musyoka, a key leader at Bayer Crop Science, spearheads the smallholder strategy across Africa. With more than 20 years in agribusiness, she has impacted 8.9 million smallholders through innovative solutions and ecosystem building, to date. Everlyn advocates for women in agriculture, mentors colleagues, and promotes empowerment programs. Committed to sustainability, she addresses environmental issues and climate change impacts, and leads Bayer’s digital transformation in Africa, advancing agricultural technology and digital solutions.
As a farmer’s son, Antonio Roque Escobar Rubio helped transform Almería’s agricultural sector. He was Managing Director of Agroponiente for 30 years and has driven exponential international growth at Nature Choice over the last five years. Antonio actively works with horticultural and commercializing companies and organizations, and advocates for the next generation of agricultural and agribusiness professionals through his support as a co-founder of ISAM. His contributions have significantly impacted food security, health, and quality of life in Spain, making him a deserving recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Service Award.
Michelle Marais, Project Coordinator at Urban Farmer Pty Ltd, leads the U-MIX project in Johannesburg, training 1,400 smallholder poultry farmers across eight countries. She’s passionate about sustainable agriculture and youth engagement. A dedicated leader, Michelle has won several IFAMA competitions, including the 2020 International Essay Competition, 2022 Graduate-level Student Case Competition. She holds a BAgEc degree and a Master’s in Agribusiness, graduating top of her class. Michelle was selected as an ambassador for women in Agriculture in South Africa after winning the Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition in March 2024.
A Speed Networking session on Day 3 was structured to acquaint ag sector companies with top students and young professionals who are pursuing careers in the agri-food Industry. Participating companies had five 8-minute rotations to meet our aspiring candidates. The event gave companies an opportunity to profile their brand to more than 150+ candidates under age 35.
The IFAMA International Mentoring Program was officially launched during the congress. The program aims to connect young professionals with global mentors for a unique
networking experience based on their goals, ambitions, and interests.
Conference attendees had exclusive access to the first twelve mentoring slots. Others interested in having a mentor are on a wait list. When additional mentors register for the program, the Young Board will form additional pairings from the wait list. This program is predominantly selfdirected and flexible to suit each unique mentor/ mentee match, however, it will be facilitated by IFAMA to ensure smooth delivery. If you are interested in being or having a mentor, please contact Jack Keeys, Chair, IFAMA Young Board.
Following Day-1 of the conference, the Young Board hosted an inaugural Quiz Night. Over 100 people gathered at a local eatery to test their knowledge and learn from fellow agribusiness enthusiasts in a friendly competition . The event was deemed a great success as it provided an opportunity to laugh, unwind, meet new people and make new friends. We hope to offer it again next year in IFAMA 2025 in Brazil.
Follow the Young Board!
Want more from the Young Board?
18–19 September, 2024
Get ready for another global competition hosted by the Young Board, on September 18–19, 2024. The Venture Building Challenge will focus on Implementation of Innovation, testing a combination of skills and expertise. Multi-disciplinary teams from around the world will be given an innovation case and must create a video pitch to showcase their strategy, problem-solving, and entrepreneurial talents. Prizes include: 1st place USD$2500, Runner-up, USD$1000. Sponsored by Bayer Crop Science. The competition is entirely online. More details coming soon!
Juan Jose Bolaños Ceiba Consulting Co. (Costa Rica)
Luis Umana Timms ISAM (Spain)
Rocío Reina Paniagua San Telmo (Spain)
Illinois State University USA Iuliia Tetteh
Oregon State University USA
James Sterns
Kansas State University USA Aleksan Shanoyan
Harven Agribusiness School 1 Brazil
Harven Agribusiness School 2 Brazil
Roberto Fava Scare
Roberto Fava Scare
Harven Agribusiness School 3 Brazil Vinícius Cambaúva
Zamorano Pan-American Agriculture School Honduras
Murdoch University
Lincoln University
Stellenbosch University
University Free State
University of Udine
University of Kentucky
New Zealand
South Africa
South Africa
Purdue University USA
Michigan State University
Julio César Rendón Cantillano
Sharon Lucock
Melissa van der Merwe
Tyler Mark
Maria Marshall Ariana Torres
Brent Ross
CIHEAM Zaragoza Spain Ramzi Belkhodja
China Academy for Rural Development, Zheziang University China
University of the Free State 1
South Africa
Chung Chou Tsai
Daniël Haarhoff Naude
South Dakota State University USA Zhiguang Wang
University of the Free State 2
Kansas State University
University of Illinois
Banrural sponsor
South Africa Heinrich Kotze
Aleksan Shanoyan
Meredith Blumthal
Costa Rica Esteban Brenes
Germán Fernández Rodríguez
Germán Fernández Rodríguez
Monterey Tec Ján Rehák
University of Foggia
Food HQ New Zealand 1 New Zealand
Food HQ New Zealand 2
New Zealand
Mariantonietta Fiore
Nicola Shadbolt
Nicola Shadbolt
Germán Fernández Rodríguez
ISF is the voice of the global seed sector. Since 1924, it has represented the interests of its members who make up 96% of international seed trade today. Its global reach extends to seed associations and seed companies around the world, and it has official observer status in key intergovernmental and international organizations.
Since 1913, Sakata Seed Corporation has become a global leader in seed breeding and production. As industry innovators, it develops vegetable and ornamental varieties that offer superior performance and set new standards for the industry. Sakata products are available in more than 130 countries.
Semillas Fitó is a multinational company, founded in 1880 in Sant Martí de Provençals, Barcelona. It is one of the leading multinationals in the sector of genetic breeding, production and distribution of vegetable and field crop seeds.
Gautier Semences is a French, family-owned and independent company, established in 1952, and specialized in the breeding, production and marketing of vegetable seeds for the professional market. Through a rigorous approach, we provide innovative solutions to sustainable agriculture’s challenges and support farmers with healthy, safe and efficient seeds every day.
Our ambition: O ering everyone the nest of nature.
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Leo Kruger, Riley Pryser, Patrick Collins, Rodney Billerbeck II and Brandt Faivre
Pictured with sponsors (L-R): Inma Duarte, Semillas Fito; Agatha Agudelo, Javier Bernabeu, Sakata; Andrés Guleed and Ben Riviore, ISF.
Alexandra Dickson, Katie Henderson, Fatima Imran, Daniel Ryan and Braydon Schroder
Pictured with sponsors (L-R): Ferdinand Chauchat and Frank Juan, Gautier Semences; Inma Duarte, Semillas Fito; Agatha Agudelo, Javier Bernabeu, Sakata; Andrés
Makenna Campbell, Grant Holle and Hannah Cryer
Pictured with Student Case Competition Co-Chairs and sponsor (L-R): Luis Umana Timms and Juan Jose Bolaños, and Ferdinand Chauchat, Gautier Semences.
Erena Calder-Hawkins, Loame Kok, Alexandra Tomkins, Chanelle Hill and Matthew Oei
Pictured with sponsors (L-R):Ferdinand Chauchat and Frank Juan, Gautier Semences; Inma Duarte, Semillas Fito; Agatha Agudelo, Javier Bernabeu, Sakata; Andrés Guleed and Ben Rivore, ISF.
Owen Zakrzewski, Maria Camila Ulloa Gomez, Alejandra Armesto Gomez and Karen Ivanna Carrillo Siller
Pictured with sponsors (L-R): Ferdinand Chauchat and Frank Juan, Gautier Semences; Agatha Agudelo, Sakata; Inma Duarte, Semillas Fito; Javier Bernabeu, Sakata; Andrés Guleed and Ben Rivore, ISF.
Yara El Zoghby, Elia Torreblanca Bravo, Mustafa Emre
Gül, Jean Paul Wehbe and Seifelden Metwally
Pictured with sponsors (L-R): Ferdinand Chauchat, Gautier Semences; Inma Durante, Semillas Fito; Frank Juan, Gautier Semences; Agatha Agudelo, Sakata; Javier Bernabeu, Sakata; Andrés Guleed and Ben Rivore, ISF.
Alberto Bertossi, University of Udine (Italy)
Ntokozo Ngwenya, Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
Primrose Madende, University Free State (South Africa)
Jacobus Kok, Lincoln University (New Zealand)
Comfort Onyaga, Murdoch University (Australia)
Oscar Gonzalez, Ana Quintero, Stefany Iglesias and Jorge Guzman
Pictured with sponsors (L-R): Ferdinand Chauchat and Frank Juan, Gautier Semences; Agatha Agudelo, Sakata; Inma Durante, Semillas Fito; Javier Bernabeu, Sakata; Andrés Guleed and Ben Rivore, ISF.
Buses depart Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance for Municipal Theater in El Ejido
Grand Lobby, El Ejido Municipal Theaßter
08:45 – 10:00 SYMPOSIUM KICK-OFF
Main Auditorium
Keynote 1
Almería agribusiness ecosystem: innovative and sustainable? Symposium Co-Chairs Mariantonietta Fiore University of Foggia (Italy) and Loïc Sauvée, Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle (France)
Keynote 2
Shifting from an animal towards a plant protein based diet: a walk in the park? Xavier Gellynck, Ghent University (Beligium)
For a few decades now, interest in alternative protein sources has been rising. The shift is gaining momentum on policy agendas worldwide in general, but particularly in the EU, US, and even China. Multiple stakeholders are recognizing the potential of alternative proteins to address key challenges related to environmental sustainability, public health, and food security. However, the transition is not happening smoothly. In addition to technological and regulatory constraints, economic and consumer issues create a trajectory characterized by many hurdles. This session takes you through some of these issues related to microbial protein, insectbased protein, cultured meat, forgotten vegetables, and shifting diets. Recent research findings provide an illuminating overview of these challenges and point to some interesting future research topics.
10:00 – 11:30 SESSION 1
Agribusiness Finance and Economic Impacts
Room A
Moderator: Vera Bitsch
Decision-making during the business acquisition process: the case of the Dutch agricultural family business Teffany Kartopawiro and G. Kouwenhoven, Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
The nexus between smallholder irrigated agriculture and household welfare: a case study of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Mzuyanda Christian, University of Mpumalanga (South Africa)
The effects of agricultural product exports on environmental quality Sayed Saghaian, H. Mohammadi, and M. Mohammadi, University of Kentucky (USA)
Farmers and Cooperatives
Moderator: Ryan Loy Room B
Organizational structures of agriculture cooperatives in China: evidence from the green vegetable sector Alex Liu, E. Garnevska, and N. Shadbolt, Massey University (New Zealand)
Governance dynamics of cooperatives federations: a conceptual framework Francis Declerck, ESSEC Business School (France); J. Cadot, Virgina Tech (USA); M.L. Cook, University of Missouri (USA); and P. Jeanneaux, VetAgro Sup (France)
The impacts of dairy farm exits on local communities Shaheer Burney, University of Wisconsin (USA); and Luis Peña-Lévano, University of California, Davis (USA)
Sustainable Transitions
Moderator: Nathan Kemper Room C
Sustainable transitions in agrifood systems: a bibliographic analysis of the role of firms and industries Nic Lees, S. Sivakumar, and S. Lucock, Lincoln University (New Zealand)
Proposal for management aspects in planning of communication in social media for agribusiness organizations Vinícius Cambaúva, and M. F. Neves. University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
A double perspective efficiency analysis to maximize the value of cattle sales Samuel D. Zapata, F. Abello, D. Anderson, and M. Palma, Texas A&M University (USA)
Case Conference
Room D
Moderator: Guilherme Signorini
How collective action organizations (associations and cooperatives) acting in coordination can promote competitiveness, total support and sustainability for farmers? The case of Guariba Sustainable Agricultural Production Ecosystem Rafael Kalaki, Socicana - Sugarcane Farmers Association of Guariba; J.A.R. Junior, R F. Machado, M.M. G. Santos, and M.F. Neves. Markestrat Group and University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Silver Fern Farms: where to now for net carbon zero beef? Elena Garnevska, N. Shadbolt, and L. Polson, Massey University (New Zealand)
Farm Produce innovation driven by last-mile delivery technology: vertical linkages between Kurly and Small Farms Nayeong Kim, J. Moon, J. Son, Seoul National University; and D. Lee, Gangneung-Wonju National University (Republic of Korea)
VIP Room
IFAMA Young Board Meeting
11:30 – 13:00 SESSION 2
Digital Transformation
Room A
Moderator: Lindie Von Malitz
Software solutions in agri-food systems: a current view for sustainability reporting Ryan Loy, L. Britton, and T. Malone, University of Arkansas (USA)
The return of investment of social media marketing: a case of U.S. green industry firms Ariana Torres, Purdue University; A.L. Rihn, University of Kentucky; M. Knuth, North Carolina State University; Bridget K. Behe, Michigan State University; S. Barton, University of Delaware; and H. Khachatryan, University of Florida (USA)
Does social media marketing enhance performance? Evidence from U.S. mobile markets Ram Acharya and A. Bernal, New Mexico State University (USA)
Agribusiness Education
Moderator: Loïc Sauvée Room B
Teaching innovation in the food industry: design thinking, participatory action research food waste Gregory Baker and R. Brand, Santa Clara University (USA)
Research on university agribusiness education: a systematic review of research themes and an analysis of research gaps Nic Lees and S. Lucock, Lincoln University (New Zealand)
What is the opinion of primary school teachers in Brazil about food security? Analice Pereira da Silva, K. Ferreira de Oliveira, Y. Casagranda, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)
Consumers and Customers
Room C
Moderator: Pablo Mac Clay
Mission and vision of foodsharing cafes in Germany Vera Bitsch, L. Fratini, Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Improving consumer understanding of pesticide toxicity labels: experimental evidence Michelle Segovia, University of Delaware; H. Hosni, S. Zhao, University of Kentucky; M.A. Palma, Texas A&M University, and T. Skevas, University of Missouri (USA)
Perception of Brazilian agricultural supply store managers on food security Dorivaldo Francisco Neto, J. V. Cardoso, and Y. Casagranda, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)
Local and International Drivers
Moderator: Luis Alberto Sandoval Room D
Challenges and opportunities for gene edited crops in Latin America Roberto Feeney, Austral University (Argentina)
The drivers of internationalization: a configurational perspective Esteban R. Brenes, L. Ciravegna, and D. I. Zavala, INCAE Business School (Costa Rica)
SPECIAL SESSION: How to get your research published in an international journal Kevin Chen, IFAMR Editor in Chief, Zhejiang University (China)
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 – 15:30 SESSION 3
Sustainability and Farming Moderator: Jeremy Slade Room A
Driving sales through customer education: The impact of a variety sample box practice Haram Eom and J. Moon, Seoul National University (Republic of Korea)
Social sustainability of technological innovations in the EU’s fresh fruit and vegetable processing Giustina Pellegrini, V. Otter, and G. Hagelaar, Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Farmers’ attitudes in front of the ag-tech revolution: understanding technology adoption among Argentine farmers Pablo Mac Clay, R. Feeney, F. Borbiconi, C. Beltramino, F. Mendez, University of Austral; and T. Capretto, National University of Rosario (Argentina)
Moderator: Loïc Sauvée Room B
Retail chains’ sustainability initiatives from a value chain perspective: comparisons over Germany, Turkey, USA Tom Reardon and R. Brent Ross, Michigan State University (USA)
Cultivating resilience: a strategic “Risk Resilience Model” for agricultural SMEs in the face of climate change Linda Snippe, Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
The competitive advantages of implementing an ESG agenda: examples of Cooxupé coffee cooperative Marcos Fava Neves, L. Peralta, L. Martinez, and F. R. Valerio. University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
Agribusiness Strategies
Room C
Moderator: N.T. Sudarshan Naidu
Vegetable value addition initiatives pursued by smallholder irrigation farmers in Eastern Cape, South Africa Mzuyanda Christian, University of Mpumalanga, A . Obi, UNISA (South Africa), I. K. Agbugba, University of Birmingham (UK), P. Jiba, University of Zululand (South Africa)
Prioritisation of no-regret solutions to address food system disruption in central Mozambique Crisáldo Jorge, O. Loki, W. Fitawek, University of Pretoria; S. M. Mpuzu, Mangosuthu University (South Africa)
The value chain disciplines alignment framework: a strategic tool for ensuring farm – value chain fit Hamish Gow, Lincoln University (New Zealand) and E. Micheels, University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
Sustainability and Education
Room D
Moderator: Gregory Baker
An assessment of the role of sustainability goals in trade agreements Ernst Idsardi, North-West University (South Africa); B. Steiner and M. Carlson, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Impact analysis of rice production, education and environmental risks on food insecurity in Bangladesh Lal Almas, T. Islam, B. Guerrero, G. Kibria and F. Dewan, West Texas A&M University (USA)
Comparing growers’ sustainable agricultural practices under different value chain governance structures: evidence from potato industry in Pakistan Hafiz Azhar Rasool, H. Badar, University of Agriculture-Faisalabad (Pakistan); T.D. Blare, University of Florida (USA); International Potato Center (Ecuador); and A. Ghafoor, University of Agriculture — Faisalabad (Pakistan)
15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE / NETWORKING 15:30 – 16:00 POSTER SHOWCASE
Grand Lobby
Market potential for disease-resistant raisins: implications from eye-tracking and EEG technologies Chengyan Yue, U. Parasuram, University of Minnesota; Q. Qiao, K. Gallardo, University of Washington; G. Steede, M.Clark, University of Minnesota (USA)
Making fisheries sustainable: digital transition for blue economy Mauro Amoruso, A.M. Pacifico, P.P. Miglietta, and L. Agnusdei, University of Campania — Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)
Gene editing and the rural economy: the role of cultural worldview on consumer attitudes in the Philippines, China, and Japan Nathan Kemper, A. Pittman, B. McFadden, A. Durand-Morat, L. Nalley and S. Rider, University of Arkansas (USA)
Do consumers favor companies that advertise sustainable business practices? A study of the Honduras’ egg market Luis A. Sandoval, J. Mendoza, Panamerican Agricultural School Zamorano (Honduras); and B. Mamani, Texas Tech University(USA)
Do relationships matter? Investgating the role of relationships in enhancing performance of organic food firms Maneka Goyal and S. Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (India)
Distributed ledger technolgies and sustainable development goals Roberto Rana, N. Adamashvili, C. Tricase, University of Foggia, R. Pareschi, University of Molise (Italy)
What is the role of institutional, internal, and ecological drivers in the acceptance and adoption of Circular Economy across Italian farmers? Niso Randellini, P. Garrone, and G. Scotti, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Beneficiary payment scheme for village-scale ecosystem services: a phase-in framework and the driving forces Yunyi Zhou and K. Z. Chen, Zhejiang University (China)
Assessing the impact of state marketing campaigns on consumer preferences for locally grown blueberries in Florida Hayk Khachatryan, Y. Jeon, University of Florida; X. Wei, University of Maryland; B. Kassas, L. House, University of Florida; and R. Nayga, Texas A&M University (USA)
Exploring the synergy between small-scale farms and e-commerce in the Philippine agri-food system: a case study Mozelle Ramos, T. Uchiyama, K. Hatanaka, N. Shimoguchi, R. Terano, Tokyo University of Agriculture (Japan)
Defining coffee consumer profiles with a sustainability perspective: an instrument proposal Luis Alberto Sandoval, V. Achicanoy, S. Morales, Panamerican Agricultural School Zamorano (Honduras)
Consumers’ ‘eating-food relationship’ in purchasing alternative ingredients food products: moderating effects of ingredient origin information and recipe authenticity Hyunju Song and J. Moon, Seoul National University (Republic of Korea)
Biosecurity in the swine livestock: a state of art in the economic field Valentina Suprani, A.G. Paolo; A. Maurizio, C. Massimo, Alma Mater University of Bologna (Italy)
Do non-monetary promotions work better at night? Time-of-day effects on consumer acceptance of new commodity food products Minji Seo and J. Moon, Seoul National University (Republic of Korea)
NFT - Soul bound tokens for winery reputation Roberto Tonelli, A. Tiddia, A. Pinna, M.I. Lunesu, G. Cherchi, D. Bentivoglio, G. Chiaraluce, G. Staffolani, G. Zonneveld, G. Rafaiani, and A. Finco, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Energy use, measurement, and conservation in frozen food cold chains Victoria Salin, Texas A&M University (USA)
16:00 – 17:00
Main Auditorium
Welcome to El Ejido: The Almería agribusiness ecosystem Francisco Gongora, Mayor of El Ejido; and Antonio Mena Rubio Delegado, Territorial de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua Y Desarrollo Rural
Keynote 3: How knowledge helps famers become more sustainable Stella Provelengiou, Wikifarmer (Greece) Farmers must constantly adapt and gain new knowledge and skills to feed the global population. From the use of smart farming technologies, the adoption of sustainable systems, or the production of more, safer, and nutritious food, it is apparent that farming has become a knowledge-intensive job. And while the scientific community innovates more than ever, there seems to be a gap in the communication of these two essential pillars of the sector. To empower farmers, Wikifarmer has created a 360° ecosystem with an online Library, Academy, and Marketplace facilitating knowledge dissemination across the agrifood sector through a free, multilingual environment.
17:00 – 18:30 SESSION 4
Blockchain Technology and Innovation
Room A
Moderator: Mariantonietta Fiore
Elaboration of a “long-short” supply chain within the fair trade sector with blockchain technology Johannes Owsianowski, Technical University of Munich (Germany)
The challenges of the coffee sector: analysis of main trends and impacts on coffee production in Southern Minas Gerais, Brazil Marcos Fava Neves, R. S. Amaral, and F. R. Valerio, University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
Does BCT change relate directly to the intervention in the wineries? Maria R. Maschio, L.S. Alaimo, M. Fiore, and A. Galati, University of Salento (Italy)
Smallholder Competitveness
Room B
Moderator: Ouiam Fatiha Boukharta
Evaluating the training needs of smallholder farmers in Zambia Melissa Van der Merwe, Stellenbosch University; and Anathi Makamane, University of the Free State (South Africa)
Determinants of the small and medium agribusiness enterprises funding model during covid-19 pandemic in the North West Province, South Africa Mzuyanda Christian, University of Mpumalanga; A. Smit, U. Luvhengo, J. Lekunze, North West University; H. Khobai, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)
The commercialization of donkey milk in South Africa: identifying possible early adopters and key drivers Chiedza Z. Tsvakirai, B. Kitsweditswe, L. M. Mabusa and M. F. Tshehla; University of South Africa (South Africa)
Best Paper Finalists
Room C
Moderator: Mozelle Ramos
Changes in policy and consumer preferences create opportunities for sustainable chains Guilherme Signorini and J. P. Sequeira, The Ohio State (USA)
A statistical learning approach to Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) insurance coverage selection Samuel D. Zapata, X. Villavicencio, and A. Xicay, Texas A&M University (USA)
The contingent interplay between resources, entrepreneurship, and agribusiness performance among small-scale agri-food actors Ayobami Adetoyinbo, R. Harrison, and D. Mithöfer, Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
Price Volatility and Risk Management
Moderator: Robert Feeney Room D
Vertical price transmission in the U.S. hemp value chain Tyler B. Mark, University of Kentucky; and S. Odiase, Illinois State University (USA)
An analysis of the risk narrative disclosed by publicly traded biofuel firms Carlos J.O. Trejo-Pech, B. Bista, T. Edward Yu, and J. A. Larson, University of Tennessee (USA)
Insights into infant formula industry structure: a comprehensive analysis of the 2022 food safety recall and supply chain disruptions Sevval Buse Sariman, J. Polloshka, and V. Caputo, Michigan State University (USA)
17:30 – 18:00 VIP Room
IFAMA 2025 Planning Meeting
18:45 Buses depart Municipal Theater for Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance 20:00 – 22:00 QUIZ BOWL NIGHT
La Tahona, Almería (see map)
Buses depart Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance for Municipal Theater in El Ejido
08:00 – 08:30 COFFEE / NETWORKING
Grand Lobby, El Ejido Municipal Theater
08:30 – 09:00 KEYNOTE
Main Auditorium
Blockchain and Made in Italy Roberto Tonelli, University of Cagliari (Italy)
Learn how blockchain technology is revolutionizing everyday life, including e-commerce, identity management, and utilities exchange, creating exciting new business prospects. This session delves into the latest trends and insights on leveraging blockchain to authenticate the origin of products in supply chains, focusing on certifying the provenance of goods for national products such as: “Made in Italy”. Explore the implications of Italian and European blockchain solutions on innovative business strategies and trading opportunities.
09:00 – 10:30 SESSION 5
Agribusiness Knowledge/Education
Room A
Moderator: Ayobami Adetoyinbo
Food waste and behaviour scenario of Midwest Brazilian families Annalu Fonseca Razuk, L. Dias, K. Oliveira, and Y. Casagranda, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)
Training new generation agrifood specialists — learning from the development of a specialist agribusiness and food marketing degree programme Sharon Lucock and N. Lees, Lincoln University (New Zealand)
The effects of e-commerce adoption on the financial performance of agri-food enterprises in China Chen Ji, X. Dong and W. Lin, Zhejiang University (China)
Supply Chain and Trade
Room B
Moderator: Esteban Brenes
Role and relevance of contracts in managing relationships in contract farming in emerging economies NT Sudarshan Naidu, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (India)
Analysis of the US pet food supply chain and trade: implications for managers and policy makers Aleksan Shanoyan, M. Hill, Farm Journal, N. Villoria, and G. Aldrich, Kansas State University (USA)
The impact of international trade on environmental performance: an international analysis in the agrifood sector Yolanda Sorroche del Rey, L. Piedra-Muñoz, E. Galdeano-Gómez, University of Almería (Spain)
Best Paper Finalists
Room C
Moderator: Nicola Shadbolt
Pet obesity causes and opportunities for business innovation in pet food industry Lonnie Hobbs, A. Shanoyan, and J. Bergtold, Kansas State University (USA)
Value-belief and value-identity norms in ethical food consumption: investigating the influence of workerfriendly labels in Italy Claudio Mirabella, V. Borsellino, A. Galati, E. Schimmenti, and F. Caracciolo, University of Palermo (Italy)
U.S. - Mexico Corn Trade Stephen Devadoss, Texas Tech; J. Luckstead, Washington State University (USA)
Conservation, Regenerative and Future Agriculture
Room D
Moderator: Jack Hetherington
Exploration strategies of agricultural input incumbents: the case of biologicals Pablo Mac Clay, G. Bort, R. Feeney, J. Sellare (Argentina)
The effect of the Rainforest Alliance 2020 Sustainable standards in some selected humid forest zones of Cameroon on the livelihood of farmers Ndoke Nwoteh Elvis Mbiwewo, Pan African Institute For Development (Cameroon)
Assessing the effects of commercial applications of urban agriculture practices in the Parisian cityscape through an analysis of two actual real-life cases Ouiam Fatiha Boukharta, University of Valladolid (Spain)
ESG Round Table
VIP Room
The Guest Editors of the upcoming IFAMR Special Issue on “Sustainability as a Winning Strategy: The Business Case for ESG in the Food and Agribusiness Sectors” are offering an informal roundtable discussion about ESG and the type of short business cases and academic contributions they are seeking for the issue. If you have already submitted a paper and would like one-on-one feedback or you are presenting research during the Symposium on ESG and would like to learn more, we encourage you to attend. Authors will be asked to give a 5-minute overview of their business case or research paper topic. The deadline to submit final business cases and research papers to the IFAMR is 29-July.
Guest Editors: Mary Shelman, Shelman Group (USA); Aidan Connolly, AgriTech Capital and President IFAMA (USA); and Damien McLoughlin, UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School (Ireland)
Managing Editor: Brent Ross, Michigan State University (USA)
10:30 – 12:00 SESSION 6
Security and Safety Issues
Moderator: Linda Snippe Room A
Contingency planning for food security in times of change Gerhard Schiefer, University of Bonn (Germany)
Food security perception of Brazilian family farming agents Laís Roberta Bubans Schroeder, K. Ferreira de Oliveira, Y. G. Casagranda, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)
The dynamics of food safety alerts in the EU: influence and effectiveness of GlobalGAP Standard in the RASFF Jesus Hernandez, E. Galdeano-Gómez, J. C. Pérez-Mesa, M. del Carmen García-Barranco, University of Almería (Spain)
Sustainability and Technology
Room B
Moderator: Chen Ji
Horti-databae supporting the design and implementation of drone-based monitoring systems (DBMS) for grenhouse crops application Mauro Gallo and A. Amir, Inholland University (Netherlands)
Estimating the effects of agro-environmental regulation on eco-innovation of agri-food firms: evidence from pig sector in China Huang Xuyang, C. Ji, S. Jin, N. Zhuo, Zhejiang University (China)
How an advising good practice in short food supply chain management becomes a golden case: the COREnet project experience Fedele Colantuono, Anna Romagno. G. De Pascale, M. Riefolo, P. La Sala, University of Foggia (Italy)
Case Conference
Room C
Moderator: Esteban Brenes
Pork sustainable production in the heart of Brazil: the case of Nutribras Marcos Fava Neves, R. F. Scare, F. R. Valerio, and R. B. Rosalino, University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
SHOWCASE 1: Reimagining tropical agriculture: the case of Ourofino Agrociência Marcos Fava Neves, J. B. Cortarelli, B. Casagrande, F. d. S. Meirelles, and F. R. Valerio. University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
Agribusiness and Geopolitics Issues
Room D
Moderator: Lal Almas
How economic and agricultural export growth affect nitrogen oxide emissions in South Asia: evidence from Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis Tyler B. Mark, H. Jeong, and P. Buddhika, University of Kentucky (USA)
Emerging threats to global security: pathways and propositions through agricultural productivity and food security Shahriar Kibriya, E. Price, Texas A&M University; and N. Fatema, McGill University (USA)
Delivering on agricultural goals through NGOs and cooperatives Lori-Rae Van Laren, C. O’Donoghue, M. Ryan, R. Miiro, University of Galway (Ireland)
12:00 – 13:30 SESSION 7
Agribusiness Entrepreneurship
Moderator: Nic Lees Room A
Agropreneurs` internationalization through innovation: embedded in national institutions S. (Shaya) Ashourizadeh and E. Kalhor, Wageningen University (Netherlands)
The impact of completion of an agribusiness management certificate on wage-employment, selfemployment, and earnings for students in developing economies Jeremy Slade, D. Moncayo, D. Hibbard, Brigham Young University-Idaho (USA)
Business aspirations among smallholders in rural Zambia: drivers and effects on business decisions Ayobami Adetoyinbo and D. Mithöfer, Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
Customer Orientation in Agribusiness
Moderator: Hafiz Azhar Rasool Room B
The ‘democratization’ of novel food technologies: consumer empowerment in a brave new world Denise Conroy and A. Errmann, Plant & Food Research (New Zealand)
Disposable and reusable cups: three surveys on consumers choices Alberto Bertossi, L. Rizzi, S. Troiano, and F. Marangon, University of Udine (Italy)
Unveiling the vinous tapestry: an in-depth exploration of Italian wine consumers and the nexus between information accessibility and purchasing behavior Nino Adamashvili, A. Spada, M. Fiore, R. L. Rana, C. Tricase, The University of Foggia (Italy)
Case Conference Moderator: Elena Garnevnska Room C
The rise of Oilema: how the company became one of the main platforms for seed multiplication in Brazil Vinícius Cambaúva, M. F. Neves, G. Teixeira, P. J. F. Toledo, and J. C. Tittoto. University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
SHOWCASE 2: Cultivating innovation: empowering rural economies through seed development Susana Falcão, Fondation Ondjyla (Switzerland); J, Saraiva, J. de Yoba (Angola) and Bernardo Piazzardi, University Austral (Argentina)
Food Waste and Recycling
Moderator: Pablo Mac Clay Room D
Barriers to the circular economy are diverse and many are business model-specific: evidence from the Australian cheese manufacturing sector Jack Hetherington, A.J. Loch, University of Adelaide; P. Juliano, CSIRO; and W.J. Umberger, ACIAR (Australia)
Biobased food packaging: exploring recycling lock-ins and corporate power Lusine Aramyan, T. van Velzen Ulphard, H. Nera, S. Gerben, S. Arijana, Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Food waste measurement and food waste reduction at the firm level: an empirical model Giulia Valentini and P. Garrone, Politecnico di Milano (Italy) 13:30
Moderator: Mzuyanda Christian Room
ESG Initiatives and performance of global food and beverage companies Vinícius Cambaúva, D. F. L. Santos, L. F. C. Basso, E. H. Junior and R. N. Lumasini, Markestat (Brazil)
Sustainability and economic performance of startups in the AgTech sector: empirical evidence from Argentina Ana Inés Navarro, J. Camusso, M. J. Soler, J.C. Varvello and J. Arraigada, University of Austral (Argentina)
Building resilience to shocks and disruptions in local and regional food systems Andrea Ramos Bonilla and R. Brent Ross, Michigan State University (USA)
Digital Sustainability
Moderator: Mauro Amoruso Room B
Automation in pistachio of Bronte authentication: an integrated system based on NIRS and machine learning Leonardo Agnusdei, P. Paolo Miglietta, University of Salento; V. Ungaro and M.F. Renzi, Roma Tre University (Italy)
The digital readiness of agricultural advisory professionals: a South African case study Lindie Von Maltitz, K. Davis, and J. V. Niekerk, University of the Free State (South Africa)
An application of machine learning methods to assess price transmission in specialty crops in the U.S. Xavier Villavicencio, S. D. Zapata, A. Xicay, Texas A&M University (USA)
Sustainable Transformations of Agribusiness
Room C
Moderator: Guilherme Signorini
A framework to analyze resilience of local and regional food systems in the Midwest of the United States Andrea Ramos Bonilla and R. Brent Ross, Michigan State University (USA)
Disposable and reusable cups: three surveys on consumers choices Alberto Bertossi, L. Rizzi, S Troiano, and F. Marangon, University of Udine (Italy)
Integrated crop-livestock system and agricultural resilience enhancement: evidence from ecological riceduck farming system in China Ni Zhuo, C. Ji, J. Fu, Zhejiang University (China); Y. Yao, Asian Development Bank Institute (Japan), B. Li, Q. Zhu, Zhejiang University (China); Y. Shen, Xing’qing Family-owned Rice Farm Co. Ltd. (China)
Case Conference
Room D
Moderator: Hamish Gow
Promoting the production and consumption of biofuels in Brazil: the case of BioSul Marcos Fava Neves, G. Texeira, P. G. Caserta, A.Z. Pfann, and F. R. Valerio. University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
Farm Business Models under different political and economic environments: survival and growth strategies – La Sorpresa Luciano Di Pompo, La Sorpresa SAICA; and Bernardo Piazzardi, C. Steiger, Austral University (Argentina); J. Colussi, University of Illinois (USA); and A. Da Luz, Fundacao Escola Superior do Ministerio Publico (Brazil)
Delta berries and nuts from ethusiasm to strategy Roberto Feeney, C. Beltramino, B.Piazzardi, University of Austral (Argentina)
16:00 – 16:15 Buses depart Municipal Theater for Kimitec Tour
Discover the largest biotechnology hub in Europe focused on natural solutions: Kimitec’s MAAVi Innovation Center. With over 15 years of research in agriculture and the food industry, it’s a benchmark for innovative, effective solutions to challenges like zero waste, circularity, and productivity. Explore the unique 4health+1 technology, the LINNA computational platform, and the center’s pioneering R&D&I in the agri-food sector.
18:50 Buses depart Kimitec for Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance
Ristorante Saona, Almería
Marcos Fava Neves University of São Paulo and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil). Pictured with Case Conference Chairs, Susana Falcão and Bernardo Piazzardi.
Reimagining tropical agriculture: the case of Ourofino Agrociência
Co-Authors: J. B. Cortarelli, B. Casagrande, F. d. S. Meirelles, and F. R. Valerio
Guilherme Signorini The Ohio State (USA). Pictured with Best Paper Chair, Ram Acharya.
Changes in policy and consumer preferences create opportunities for sustainable chains
Co-Author: J. P. Sequeira
Stephen Devadoss Texas Tech
U.S. - Mexico Corn Trade
Co-Author: J. Luckstead, Washington State University (USA)
Claudio Mirabella University of Palermo (Italy). Pictured with Best Paper Chair, Ram Acharya
Value-belief and value-identity norms in ethical food consumption: investigating the influence of worker-friendly labels in Italy
Co-Authors: V. Borsellino, A. Galati, E. Schimmenti, and F. Caracciolo
Lonnie Hobbs Kansas State University (USA). Pictured with Best Paper Chair, Ram Acharya.
Pet obesity causes and opportunities for business innovation in pet food industry
Co-Authors: A. Shanoyan, and J. Bergtold
Mauro Amoruso University of Campania — Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)
Making fisheries sustainable: digital transition for blue economy
Co-Authors: A.M. Pacifico, P.P. Miglietta, and L. Agnusdei
07:00 – 08:00 IFAMA Fellows Breakfast Hotel Catedral Almería
The distinction “Fellow” is awarded to members of IFAMA who have made outstanding contributions to the field of food and agribusiness management in at least two of the following four categories:
1. Practice of management in food and/or agribusiness
2. Research and scholarship
3. Teaching and/or academic administration
4. Service to IFAMA Fellows will take taxi to the Auditorium
07:15 Buses depart Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance (see map) for Auditorio Maestro Padilla
08:00 – 08:30 REGISTRATION – Coffee and networking Lobby: Auditorio Maestro Padilla
08:30 – 09:00 Conference Greeting Center Stage
Cultural Welcome
09:00 – 10:00 SESSION 1
Center Stage
Transforming our food and farming production systems – How will innovation change agriculture in the next 10 years?
Innovation and technology are changing every aspect of farming and food production. The upheaval in the food supply chain, from fruits to flowers, vegetables to row crops and livestock has been enormous and is accelerating. Using examples from the Almería model, the changes in European agriculture and globally the panel will seek insights into the nature of the farm a decade from now.
Yvonne Colomer
Executive Director, Triptolemos Foundation, IFAMA Board Member (Spain)
German Fernandez CEO & President, ISAM (Spain); IFAMA 2024 Conference Chair
José Antonio Aliaga Mateos Secretario General ProvincialConsejería de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua y Desarrollo Rural
Anabel Veloso Flamenco Dancer
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Thia Hennessy
Head, College of Business and Law, University College Cork Ireland
10:00 – 11:00 SESSION 2
Center Stage
The seeds of disruption – Re-imagining genetics and novel agrifood ecosystems
The significance of the seed sector—considering both its scale and structure—has a profound impact on research and development, which in turn affects Spain’s export industry. The seed sector is a critical component of the economy, presenting unique challenges while driving innovation and technology for farmers and producers. It plays a key role in shaping agrifood ecosystems, with producers influencing upstream activities and consumers guiding developments downstream.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Jack Keeys
Managing Director, J. Keeys Consulting, IFAMA Young Board Chair (New Zealand)
11:00 – 11:10 Governmental Welcome Center Stage
Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca, Agua y Desarrollo Rural
11:10 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK Main Lobby
11:30 – 13:15 STUDENT CASE COMPETITION – Graduate Teams Grand Finale
Center Stage
José Luis Molina
CEO Hispatec (Spain)
Arturo Lizon Nordström
Global MAAVi Lab Director, Kimitec (Spain)
Joaquín Pozo Dengra
R&D Director, Biorizon Biotech (Spain)
Marcelo Rodrigues
Associate Professor, University Brasilia, & Krilltech Nanoagrotech (Brazil)
Ben Rivoire
Sustainability and Crop Value
Chain Manager, International Seed Federation (Switzerland)
Eduard Fitó
President, Semillas Fitó (Spain)
Andrea Álvarez
Agribusiness Development Manager, UNICA (Spain)
Antonio Villaroel
Secretary General, ANOVE (Spain)
This is the 19th year that IFAMA has hosted a Global Student Case Competition. Thirty teams of students and young professionals from around the world have traveled to Almería to compete for the title of World Champion in the only case competition specifically geared for the agribusiness sector. The top advancing teams in three divisions (Undergraduate, Graduate, and Early Career Professionals) will demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills before a panel of judges. All conference attendees are invited and encouraged to attend the grand finale of this capstone event showcasing new talent and future leaders in agribusiness.
12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH
13:30 – 14:30 SESSION 3
Center Stage
From villain to victor – Can agriculture solve humanity’s biggest challenges and simultaneously save the planet?
What works and what doesn’t? A discussion about the global trends using practical examples of the challenges at different levels of the supply chain of agribusinesses (upstream and downstream). Case studies and examples of how decision makers in finance (debt and capital) are using novel instruments to change the ways in which we use and finance land, food production, intermediaries, providers, technology and consumers. Brainstorming what to expect to see in the next 5 years.
With the inherent challenges in the transition to sustainable agriculture how we address the threat of climate change, environmental impact, and diversity loss. Can the Green deal and environmental legislation really help accelerate the availability of biological crop protection solutions?
14:30 – 15:30 SESSION 4
Center Stage
Beyond the buzzwords – Can regenerative agriculture result in a more resilient food system?
Regenerative Agriculture is a new trend with an old concept. Besides its broad definition, as of today, there are different perspectives on the how to scale regenerative agricultural practices and commercial inputs in a competitive environment and learning from the shortcomings of “organic” failed as an alternative to conventional approaches. Europe has taken the lead with SBT’s and the CSRDD/ CSDDD directives impacting every aspect of farming. Vertical and indoor farming, hydroponics, and even conventional outdoor precision farming will be reviewed in a session designed to present the challenges and potential solutions for scaling regenerative agriculture and offers insights and deep discussions of whether regenerative agriculture is just a fad, a need, or a true opportunity for modern agribusiness sectors in the future.
Panel Discussion
The panel will discuss the supply chain as seen on the frontlines in developing countries and trends in regenerative-controlled agriculture farming encompassing vertical farms, insect protein production, cellular meat production, alternative food proteins, and more.
Moderator: Tony Salas
CEO and Founder Shared X (Peru)
15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
Main Lobby
Jack Bobo
CEO Futurity, Director Food Systems Institute, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Peter Maes
Chief Strategy Officer, Koppert Biological (Belgium)
Pierre Broun
Director Climate Resilient Agriculture, Topain and Director of Agriculture & Livestock, NEOM (Saudi Arabia)
Sylvain Charlebois
Professor & Director, Food Analytics Lab, University of Dalhousie (Canada)
Tony Salas
CEO and Founder Shared X
Alfonso Chico de Guzman
Primary Partner, The Regeneration Academy (Spain)
Kai Wirtz
Global Head of Food Value Chain Partnerships, Bayer (Germany)
16:00 – 17:00 SESSION 5
Center Stage
A century of Cooperativism has helped the farmer – Models of how
co-ops are reinventing themselves for the modern era
The Coop model has endured but does it need to adapt to the continued consolidation of farm size, technology, and the requirements of professionalizing management and talent? Does management needs a different mindset? What are the best practices of public and private global models? A discussion of the European experience, current challenges in the America’s and the pivot to collaborative farming consolidation.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Cynthia Giagnocavo
Cátedra, Chair of Agriculture, Cooperative Studies and Sustainable Development, University of Almería (Spain)
Center Stage
The agricultural industry is crucial for feeding the global population and is the world’s top employer, generating €1.2 trillion in Europe. Despite its significance, many farmers lack access to modern practices, making agriculture one of the least digitized sectors. With challenges like population growth, climate crisis, and resource scarcity, farmers face financial struggles. Wikifarmer, based in Athens and founded in 2017, aims to empower farmers by democratizing agriculture through digital technology. The platform’s goal is to create a leading B2B marketplace for agricultural products in Europe and provide free agricultural knowledge to support sustainable practices and address the industry’s pressing needs.
17:15 – 18:15 STUDENT CASE COMPETITION – Undergraduate Teams Grand Finale
18:15 – 18:30 Buses depart Auditorio Maestro Padilla for
20:00 – 23:00 IFAMA Board Meeting / Dinner Hotel Catedral Almería (see map)
Michael Cook Professor, University of Missouri (USA)
Emilio De Leon Livestock Production Director, COVAP (Spain)
Gabriel Rodriguez Marques Country Representative, InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (Paraguay)
Marga Vintges
Strategic Advisor & Project Manager, Greenport West-Holland (Netherlands)
Enrique de los Rios General Manager, UNICA (Spain)
Miguel Colmenero Commercial Director, Wikifarmer (Spain)
entrance (see map)
07:45 – 08:00
Buses depart Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance (see map) for Auditorio Maestro Padilla
08:45 – 10:00 SESSION 6
Center Stage
Keynote Sustainable models for smallholder farming
More than 700 million people face hunger today, while the cost of a healthy diet keeps rising globally. This session provides insights on innovations that can help farmers meet the increased need and demand for fruits and vegetables globally while adhering to important sustainability standards. It will further explore how agricultural innovation for fruits and vegetables and row crops can be made more accessible to the biggest farmer segment: smallholders. There are over 550 million smallholders worldwide, who produce more than 50% of the total food consumed in low-and middleincome countries. They are essential to feeding especially the most marginalized rural communities, but they need affordable access to innovative products, systems and services to sustainably increase their productivity, incomes and resilience in the face of climate change.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Melissa Es-Sayed
Global Smallholder Farming Processes Support, Bayer Crop Science
10:00 – 11:00 SESSION 7
Center Stage
Sustainability as a winning strategy: the business case for ESG in the food and agribusiness sectors
Calls to transform the global food system have increased over the past decade, with sustainability at the core. Agri-food companies face challenges in meeting evolving sustainability standards. Consumers expect sustainable food but are often unwilling to pay extra. Improving farm-level sustainability requires investments with upfront costs and management complexity. Experts diverge on approaches, with some emphasizing productivity and resource efficiency, while others advocate for fundamental dietary changes.
Moderator: Mary Shelman
Mary Shelman Group, USA
11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
Main Lobby
Venkata Kishore
Global Head of Veg
Seeds Smallholders & Sustainability, Bayer (USA)
Yvonne Colomer
Executive Director, Triptolemos Foundation (Spain)
Harmanpreet Singh
Smallholder Partnership LeadAPAC (Singapore)
Sheila Komen Keino
AFAP Vice President, Development Cooperation and Sustain Africa
Regional Lead (Malawi)
Beatriz Eugenia Arrieta
Regional Manager Food Value Chain, Bayer (Colombia)
Group Head of Sustainability, Technology Ventures, Kerry (Spain)
Mark Titterington
Co-Founder & Director, Forum for the Future of Agriculture (Belgium)
Hassen Ali Cherif
Head of Sales MENAT, RELEX Solutions (France)
11:30 – 12:30 SESSION 8
Center Stage
Are food producers doing the right thing? The Spanish produce sector as a national pilot for supply chain due diligence
Moderator: Kristian Moeller
Appellando (Germany)
Human rights and Human capital issues are crucial to the future of the agsector. Leading agribusinesses foster collaborative thinking with their workers in Spain to drive global workplace innovation and justice primarily in the farming sector.
11:30 – 12:30 SESSION 9 - Speed Networking Session
Cafeteria, First Floor
Hosted by the IFAMA Young Board
Ruben Romero Masegosa Head of Policy Advocacy & Alliances, Convive Fundación Cepaim (Spain)
Catherine Morgans
Senior Consultant, Ergon Associates (Spain)
A speed networking session to acquaint ag sector companies with top talent who are pursuing careers in the agri-food Industry. Participating companies will have five 8-minute rotations to meet these aspiring candidates. The session offers an opportunity for companies to profile their brand to more than 150+ candidates under age 35.
12:30 – 13.30 LUNCH
13:00 – 14:00 STUDENT CASE COMPETITION – ECP Teams Grand Finale
14:00 – 15:00 SESSION 10
Women in agriculture – Portraits of leaders and leadership
Women play a crucial role, contributing significantly to food production and ensuring food security for communities worldwide. Acknowledging and honoring them inspires more women and girls to pursue careers in agriculture. Recognizing women in agriculture helps promote gender equality in the sector, and opens doors for equal access to resources, land, education, and opportunities.
Moderator: Anathi Makamane
University of the Free State (South Africa); IFAMA Young Board
15:00 – 16:00 SESSION 11
Center Stage
The Ag Tech Promise – What is working
Financial investment is essential to achieving the Ag Tech Promise. This session showcases new innovations sprouting from IFAMA and the Almería ecosystem.
Moderator: Aidan Connolly
CEO, AgriTech Capital; President, IFAMA (USA)
16:00 – 16:30 COFFEE BREAK Main Lobby
Adelina Salinas
Founding Partner, ZOI Agrícola (Spain)
Isabel Cayuela Zamora Head of Global Marketing, BASF (Spain)
Everlyn Musyoka
Strategy Lead Africa, Smallholder Business, Bayer (Kenya)
Karel Escobar Sánchez Co-Founder, Back Fund (Spain)
Juan José Magán
Project Manager, Fundación Cajamar (Spain)
Fu Wenge
Dean of the MBA Education Center, China Agricultural University (China)
Ana María Molina Olmo CEO & Co-Founder, GrodiTech
16:30 – 17:30 SESSION 12
Center Stage
Agriculture’s got talent: How the nature of food and agribusiness human capital is changing and will change more
Food producers and farmers need a new generation of workers and management, with very different skills. What does this look like in 2030 and beyond? Technology skills, understanding AI/Chat GPT, robotics, working with startups, managing technology workers, not just blue collar on our farms and in our food processing plants. Fluent in data and sustainable practices, the focus is on youth and the next generation of talent. The things that new generations need to be thinking about. Attracting talent to our industry is also one of our big challenges.
Moderator: Jorge Bittner Area Sales Manager, UNITEC (Chile); IFAMA Young Board
Marcos Fava Neves
Founder of Markestrat and Harven Agribusiness School (Brazil)
Montserrat Ventosa Garcia Co-founder & CEO, Happy Shifting (United Kingdom)
Ken Sloan Vice Chancellor, Harper Adams University, (United Kingdom)
Woody Maijers
Innovationpact Manager, Greenport West Holland (Netherlands)
17:30 – 17:45 Buses depart Auditorio Maestro Padilla to Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance (see map)
19:30 Buses depart Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance (see map) to Presidential Banquet
23:00– 23:30 Buses depart Restaurante La Jábega to Ohtel Gran Hotel Almería front entrance (see map)
Hello dear conference attendees,
stella@wikifarmer.com wikifarmer.com
Although the IFAMA 2024 World Conference has come to an end, the action period has just begun.
I am Stella Provelengiou, the Senior Content Manager of Wikifarmer and a Plant Scientist. It is my pleasure to contact you with an exciting collaboration proposal. As an attendee and keynote speaker during Day-1 of the Academic Symposium: How knowledge can help farmers become more sustainable, I had the opportunity to listen to some great presentations and learn about the amazing work the IFAMA network is doing.
During these four days, all speakers highlighted the importance of knowledge dissemination to transform the sector and empower farmers.
I would like to invite you all to share your insights and disseminate your work through Wikifarmer, an open-access, multilingual knowledge platform devoted to the agrifood sector. We collaborate with hundreds of contributing authors (academics, researchers, students, and professionals of the agrifood sector) worldwide to help them share their work in a popularized way, with no charge, and in front of a global and highly relevant audience.
From sustainable farming practices and new technologies to food processing, safety, and quality principles, we build and share original, high-quality, and useful content for all sector stakeholders. Translating the content into more than 17 languages, we make the knowledge accessible to more people.
Would you like to learn more about the project? Scan the QR codes on the following page or contact me to discuss the collaboration, the topics, etc., in more detail!
Kind regards,
Brazil has been chosen to host the IFAMA 2025 World Conference. This is the first time that the Congress will take place in Brazil and will be hosted by Harven Agribusiness School and FB Group, in Ribeirão Preto—the Brazilian agribusiness capital.
June 23-26, 2025
Leading academics, political leaders and agricultural professionals from more than 80 countries will discuss sector trends, challenges and new technologies for food production and sustainability.
IFAMA was founded in 1990. The congress in Brazil will mark IFAMA’s 35th World Conference.