IFAMA President
The first 100 days of a new president’s tenure are often considered critical in politics. IFAMA is different than serving in the congress, senate, or even a more elevated position, but we have an equally important and noble goal: Feeding the world through better food and agribusiness.
Since our conference in New Zealand, I’ve had the chance to meet with people and key IFAMA members in the US, China, Brazil, the Netherlands, Ireland, Austria — and to visit another six countries. These meetings have put me in front of hundreds of agriculture professionals and to meet many of the movers and shakers addressing the critical issues in agriculture and our food systems.
My book, The Future of Agriculture, has been downloaded in English more than 10,000 times, and was recently released in both Portuguese and Chinese.
1. It is clear that Talent, and the availability of smart agri-workers, will be crucial to the future of our business. Increasingly this means that people need to understand farming realities, the consumer demands and technology. This theme is as relevant to Brazil and China, as it is in the US and EU.
2. Sustainability is no longer a mere add-on, it’s a necessity to play. ESG reports have moved from being a form of marketing and promotion to being critical to attracting new employees, capital and the benchmarking business for investors who want to future-proof their businesses.
3. A gritechnology is the future, but while examples demonstrating the real challenges
of investing in disruptive change have challenged the faith of investors, particular the failures in vertical farms and cellular meats, it is clear that the farms of the future will never look like the ones your grandparents tended, anywhere in the world.
1. A new board – The arrival of new board members is incredibly exciting. We welcome Jack Bobo, Sylvain Charlebois, Yvonne Colomer, Catherine Keogh, Yoav Levsky, Jayson Lusk, and Damien McLoughlin, and Bernardo Piazzardi, who all bring combinations of huge social media followers, profound insights into the future of food, an understanding of the academicindustry axis to engineer change and the dynamism to engage with all of those.
We also are also pleased to welcome back Johan van Rooyen, who previously served as IFAMA’s president from 2015–2018 and continues to share his passion for IFAMA with other members in Africa.
2. IFAMR Special Issues – featuring top thought leaders in the food industry and agribusiness sector who share insights that inspire new areas of academic research and real policy changes in government. See the current Call for sustainability in ESG on page 13.
3. The annual meetings – Currently we have a roadmap to 2026 with three meetings planned: 2024 in Spain, 2025 in Brazil; and 2026 in Ireland in conjunction with the tri-annual meeting of Nuffield Scholars.
4. The continued growth and success of Young IFAMA is also a revelation to me and very exciting for our future!
1. We need more members. Please encourage your friends, business colleagues, and fellow students to join our global organization.
2. Stay active on Social media. We need your support on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and IFAMA’s WhatsApp chat groups.
3. Plan to attend the annual conference. Book your tickets now!
And feel free to let myself and Kathryn White know by email how we can better support you, and our industry.
We are off to a great start. Let’s make 2024 our most impactful year ever!
Your President,
Aidan Connolly
WhatsApp +18594943978
Don’t miss this opportunity to network with students, early career professionals and future leaders in our industry at the IFAMA 2024 World Conference! Click here for details.
1 Dec. 2023 – 28 Feb. 2024
The future of feeding people on our planet rests in the hands of the next generation
Join IFAMA’s rapidly growing global network
Director Food Systems Institute, University of Nottingham | UK
Senior Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab, Dalhousie University | Canada
Chief Corporate Affairs, Brand Officer, Kerry Group | Ireland
DAMIEN MCLOUGHLIN Professor Marketing, Michael Smurfit Grad School Business | Ireland
Chairman of Board, VYLA | Israel
Director, Triptolemos Foundation | Spain
Executive Director, MBA Agribusiness Program, Universidad of Austral | Argentina
Vice President and Dean of Agr Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University | USA
JOHAN VAN ROOYEN Professor, University of Stellenbosch | South Africa
Atrue foundation for success was laid by the inaugural IFAMA Young Board leadership team.
As I sit on a train writing this and whirling through the city of Sydney, I reflect on that gift, which gives the leadership executives and incoming Young Board members an excellent opportunity in continuing momentum and building even further.
My first message here is to thank those exceptional outgoing Young Board leaders, many of whom are still connected to and working with the Young Board.
Stepping into our new roles at IFAMA 2023 World Conference in New Zealand, the current focus for our new leaders is to establish and develop a strong and sustainable network of Young Professionals in each part of the world. Where some established regions such as Oceania and North America will be leveraging their successes
of activity and events from the past two years, other regions are being re-established, or built for the first time.
Our goal is to have all regions set-up with their committee structures and a 12-month strategic plan by the end of 2023.
If you or someone you know is interested in forming or joining one of these Regional Young Professional Networks, please feel free to reach out to me or anyone on the Young Board team.
Young professionals and academics are often strictly limited on capacity while trying to juggle the numerous tasks involved in setting up an early career. For this reason, our Board and networks have been established with strict guidance on delivering quality over quantity and a goal of only two interactive, innovative and engaging activities per year, per region. This means you can guarantee that if you see a regional or international event on the calendar, it will be worth your while to attend!
The Young Board is also excited to be focusing on preparations for a pilot launch of the IFAMA International Mentoring Program, developed through popular demand and great feedback from the conference attendees in New Zealand. The Young Board will be sharing more information about this unique global initiative soon, with a full launch in 2024.
If you would like to register your early interest as a mentee or mentor, you can do so by contacting me directly at j_keeys@outlook.co.nz.
Our Young Board group has grown by two new members as of this month. It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of Jorge Bittner and
Vinícius Cambaúva to the Young Board. We are looking forward to their insight, input, and contributions to the future success of IFAMA.
Although the New Zealand conference seems like yesterday to many of us, all eyes are looking toward IFAMA 2024 in Almería, Spain. The Young Board will be sharing several exciting initiatives in association with IFAMA 2024 World Conference which will also be released in due course. These activities will focus on connection and collaboration, as well as innovation and ideation.
As the Young Board continues to evolve, we challenge you to contact us with your own ideas, comments, and opportunities to help IFAMA and the communities we represent to make the greatest positive impact possible.
Amongst a time of unprecedented volatility, disruption and challenges, it’s a privilege to be in a position to create conversations and initiatives which can deliver progress and change, with the catalyst of a truly diverse and interdisciplinary approach.
IFAMA Young Board Chair, Jack Keeys j_keeys@outlook.co.nz
Vinícius is currently an MBA student at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and an associate at the Markestrat Consultancy Group, where he works with projects on digital communication and strategic planning in agribusiness. He is the head of the DoutorAgro.com platform and instructor at Harven Agribusiness School, and the author of six books about agribusiness.
Jorge is a Business Engineer and has Master In international Agribusiness Management from ISAM of Almería, Spain. He is currently working as a Product Manager at UNITEC, Italy. He is passionate about agribusiness and participates actively with NGO’s that are committed to improving the agrifood industry.
Join your regional WhatsApp chat group to share information on events, projects, research, or hot topics relevant to your region. Connect with students, young professionals, and experts. Ask a question, or find a collaborator for a business venture or research study.
The chat groups are open to current IFAMA members. If you would like to join the chat group in your region, simply email mara@ifama.org. Be sure to mention your region.
IFAMA 2024 Conference Chair
CEO and President, International School of Agri Management, Almería, Spain
I would like to personally invite you to attend the IFAMA 2024 World Conference, June 17–20, 2024. There are several reasons you must consider traveling to Almería. This conference will deliver leadingedge discussions, top-notch speakers, the latest research, and excellent food.
The province of Almería is a central hub of fruit and vegetable production and agricultural exports throughout Europe. It is also a research and innovation hub for auxiliary industries and different sustainable agricultural technologies (crop protection, bio stimulants, etc.), making Almería the ideal backdrop to host the IFAMA 2024 World Conference.
Although the province has always focused on agriculture production, in recent years Almería has become a world leader in innovation and sustainable agriculture through implementing environmentally friendly practices that use less water and produce less waste. This is something you really must see firsthand!
Over the past five years, Almería’s agricultural sector has expanded to 34,000 hectares of greenhouses, yielding more than 4.2 million tons of fruit and vegetables—generating revenues close to €4.5 billion turnover, with a workforce of 75,000 people working in the ag sector. Almería literally lives and breathes agriculture.
Almería has grown in stature to signify a seal of quality for producers, exporters, businesses, and consumers committed to using sustainable methods and economic success.
In 2019, Almería was awarded the Spanish Capital of Gastronomy, receiving more than 10,000 letters of support highlighting its achievements, commitment to sustainability and a creative cuisine that combines both tradition and innovation. The tapas are top-notch, and the seafood is impossible to resist.
Our school, the International School of Agri Management (ISAM), is IFAMA’s partner for the event. ISAM, the first business school in the region solely focused on agribusiness, was created by the sector and born especially for the agricultural sector in direct collaboration with leading agricultural companies and professionals and aims to duplicate our educational model of preparing existing professionals and future up-and-coming talent for agribusinesses around the world. ISAM will host both the academic Symposium and the Student Case Competition, June 17–18 in El Ejido city in collaboration with El Ejido council.
The Academic Symposium is managed by Co-Chairs Loïc Sauvée, Professor of Management Sciences Head of Research unit InTerACT Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, France, and Mariantonietta Fiore, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Department of Economics, University of Foggia, Italy. The deadline for full papers is 09 January 2024. Learn more about the hot topics and read the full submission guidelines: https://www.ifama.org/2024-Symposium. We expect see more than 120 research papers presented during the 2024 Symposium.
A collaboration among stakeholders across multiple sectors is needed to transform agriculture combining innovation, science and technology. Will technology achieve its promise to transform food supply chains and farming?
The commercialization of climate-resilient and sustainable innovation from farm-to-fork is necessary to ensure a net-positive future. What are the economics of sustainability? Can ESG be aligned with sustainability of the food business?
Regulation plays a key role in promoting and enforcing sustainable practices in agriculture. Who should lead change? What role should governments, universities, consumers and corporations play as agents of disruption in the existing systems?
Food is central to our cultural identity. However, as the global population increases access to balanced diets is not equitable, leading to food scarcity in some regions, and food waste and an obesity epidemic in others. Can we create a better society through better food? How do we balance the needs for abundant food, nutrition, human health, with diminishing planetary resources?
Students are the life blood of the conference, and the 2024 Student Case Competition is the crown jewel. IFAMA offers the only global case competition specifically targeting the agribusiness sector providing students and early career professionals an opportunity to showcase their analytical and problem-solving skills before the entire congress. Rocio Reina Paniagua, Director and Professor of Business Policy at
San Telmo Business School, Spain, is the Student Case Competition
Chair. We look forward to working closely with her and her colleagues from San Telmo Business School as a hosting partner for the 2024 Conference.
The Global Business Forum will follow on June 19–20 and will be hosted in Almería city in collaboration with Almería council. The two-day program will feature hot-topic discussions from high-level industry speakers, breakout panels, workshops, exhibits, and cross-sector networking—including a Welcome Reception and the Presidential Awards Banquet. You’ll meet experts and colleagues from around the world who are addressing the most pressing challenges facing the food and agribusiness sector today. It is a rare venue bringing together top thought leaders who create a cross-pollination of ideas as we explore how to best accelerate innovative agribusiness models to ensure a sustainable food supply.
Additionally, please consider extending your visit and bringing your families because Almería has gorgeous and unspoiled beaches that are considered the finest in Spain, a great cultural heritage and a fascinating history (founded in A.D. 955) just waiting to be explored. Great touristic locations are nearby: Granada (90 minutes by car), Malaga (2 hours), and Seville (3 hours and a half).
Monday, December 4
3:00 PM–4:00 PM Central Time
The webinar will provide attendees with the latest research findings on social media marketing and offer tips for investing in social media marketing Click the image to register
Wed., January 31 3:00 PM–4:30 PM Central Time
Learn top 10 profitable strategies to build or strengthen your social media marketing The workshop will have a hands-on approach Attendees should have access to a computer or mobile device
A native of Ecuador, Dr. Ariana Torres is an Associate Professor at Purdue University (USA) Her research focuses on the intersection between the horticulture industry and marketing decisions She is currently working on supporting small and minority farmers from Peru and Iraq to reach markets with value-added product Her research provides relevant researchbased information to her extension program, Horticulture Business, to provide trainings and publications to farmers, business owners, Extension personnel, and policymakers
Students, entrepreneurs, academics, farmers and managers in agricultural and food sectors
Tatevik Avetisyan (ypna@ifama org), President of IFAMA Young Professionals N America
Maria Noriza Q. Herrera is known to her friends, students, and colleagues as either Maria or Aiza. She teaches Agribusiness Management at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), where she also earned her undergraduate degree in Agribusiness Management. She joined the UPLB faculty in 2014 as a lecturer after working in industry and research for almost a decade.
During the pandemic, Maria and her colleague, Phoebe Ricarte decided to compete in the IFAMA 2020 International Essay Challenge (online), writing an essay on Block Farming & Blockchain Technology to Aid the Philippine Sugarcane Industry. The duo won 2nd Place in the Young Professional’s division and she has been an IFAMA member ever since.
Maria considers IFAMA an excellent platform for agribusiness educators, managers, and entrepreneurs to get updates on innovations
occurring globally in food and agribusiness. She participated in the IFAMA 2021 Virtual Conference, and attended the IFAMA 2023 World Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand.
“IFAMA has been instrumental in helping me better appreciate the agricultural and agribusiness challenges that all nations around the world experience—albeit in varying forms and degrees. IFAMA has strengthened my desire to take part in developing agribusiness solutions within my own country,” Herrera said.
Maria has master’s degrees in environmental science and management and another in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship. She leverages her experience in these areas in pursuit of research opportunities at the nexus of food, agriculture, and environment. Her previous research activities include biofuel feedstock and ridge-to-reef assessments. She is currently working on a project examining the
sustainability of commodities such as tilapia, rice and bitter gourd for the Department of Science and Technology–Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development in Laguna, Philippines.
Maria mentors undergraduate students studying agribusiness management and entrepreneurship. She’s coached students in
Maria stands next to a statue of a Talapia, the most widely consumed fish in the Philippines.
two IFAMA competitions. Her students won 2nd Place in the undergraduate division of the 2021 IFAMA online Student Case Competition, and 1st Place in the inaugural online Venture Building Challenge in 2023.
“As an agribusiness educator, the most important challenges I see in our sector in the next ten years concerns sustainability, agribusiness education, innovative solutions, and ethics,” says Herrera.
Maria sees the agribusiness landscape accelerating at a faster pace: “The issue of sustainability is a perennial concern due to man-made activities which are putting pressure on the environment and negatively affecting our land, water and air resources,” she said.
According to Herrera, the tools are available to assess the social, environmental, and economic components of sustainable development. “The issue of aging farmers can be addressed by further enhancing agribusiness education among the youth with the expectation that they can produce innovative solutions,” says Herrera. “However,
Maria presents her research during the IFAMA 2023 Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand.
these innovations and technologies might have corresponding ethical concerns depending on the policies and regulations existing in each country. Nonetheless, with proper evaluation, innovations that might be deemed disruptive can still be of value in advancing thriving agribusiness systems, especially in sustainable food value chain,” Herrera said.
IFAMR Editor-in-Chief
From 2022 to 2023, authors and referees
contributing to IFAMR spans nearly 50 countries/regions because of the continuous support of our contributors, and global editorial team. Thank you!
The IFAMR has seen a steady increase in its Impact Factor, currently ranking 1.5 in the category of Agricultural Economics & Policy (Clarivate, 2023). The CiteScore is 2.9 and IFAMR is ranked 185/436 in Business and International Management (Scopus, 2023).
IFAMR is an internationally recognized catalyst for discussion on issues related to the global food and agribusiness system.
This Special Issue will lay the foundation for discussion sessions that will take place during the IFAMA 2024 World Conference. The editors are especially looking for caselets that demonstrate how adopting a strategy based on sustainability/ESG in food and agribusiness leads to enhanced financial performance and/ or other desirable outcomes for a company (or country). This will be a fast-tracked publication.
Submission deadline: 30 January, 2024.
Detailed ESG Call for Papers
The COVID-19 pandemic and other natural disasters are impacting economic, social, and political systems in new ways which are awakening innovative policies and market mechanisms that can help agriculture producers transform themselves into entrepreneurs and stakeholders. This Special Issue seeks research models that show innovation and shared-value activities implemented through collaboration and coordination in developing economies of the food and agricultural sectors.
Submission deadline: 1 February, 2024.
Detailed VCC Call for Papers