LAE Spain

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Landscape architecture in Spain

To単o Sopesens Vicepresident AEP


It has been an historic empty on recognised landscape architects in our country. Even if we do Landscape architecture, there are currently no landscape architect qualified working in Spain.



Professionally, the complexity of Landscape architecture and its EMPTY on recognition, facilitates FRAGMENTATION, being tackled from architecture, agriculture, forest management, geography, biology, gardening, art and other related professions. OUR FRAGMENTATION IS OUR WEAKNESS.

EXCLUDED The profession has always had many obstacles to be defined. It is excluded from public tenders, among other areas. As there, integration is performed based on favors and legal somersaults in order to persuade sensitive administrations. In project design or works survey teams, even in landscape projects, landscape architect is missed. AS MOST HE ACTS AS A COLLABORATOR OR ASSISTANT.

TIED His freedom is determined by recognition and university degree. As long as we have nor official recognition nor qualification conferred by law, remain tied to architecture, agriculture, forestry or gardening. On his release, landscape architecture won’t be away from these disciplines: it will walk in collaboration with them, BUT IN DIFFERENT SHOE.

DEGREE NEEDED Modern society requires the landscape architect The European Landscape Convention, signed and ratified by our country relates quality landscape and social welfare. Our landscape architects take 7 - 10 years to have minimum skills: architecture or engineering plus post degree and professional practice: TOO MUCH EXPENSIVE !!!

ABOUT TO GO Private degree in landscape architecture is already done in Spain. Next step is public degree enabling landscape architects at the same level as architects or engineers. Market is taken by these enabled profiles. And there are foreign landscape architects waiting to work in Spain the moment our country enables and recognise our professionals. ARE WE COMPETE?



AEP PROJECTS & ACTIONS •Spanish Ministries meetings and MEP letters to introduce our situation and ask for inclusion on PQD. •Integration in AEP of spontaneous group of LA, MANIFIESTO, asking for professional recognition. •Introduce AEP as evaluator in the Spanish National Agency of Evaluation Quality and Accreditation for university programmes. •Introduce AEP in Working Group for Professional Services Law, related to PQD, in the Ministry of Economy of Spain. •Meeting with LA Master responsible to unify criteria, and with new LA Graduates in order to make their title effective. •Letter to Autonomous Government of Catalonia asking for the implementation of UPC LA Graduate Programme, referring to the article 6 of ELC.

LOOKING FOR HELP AEP is working at national level, but one of the characteristics of our group is his weakness in dealing with other ones more powerful.

IFLA-Europe could provide help on:

VISIBILITY Our association organise events, and IFLA-Europe could organise one General Assembly and Workshop in our country with the AEP. IFLA-Europe could recommend to landscape events promoters in our country to take into account AEP as main collaborator.

LOOKING FOR HELP Public landscape architecture degree needs to be implemented.

IFLA-Europe could provide help on:

EDUCATION Remember to national governments that the signature of the ELC involves the implementation of university courses to enable landscape professionals. A letter to the Ministry of Education and Universities is necessary. National association would guide the action.

LOOKING FOR HELP Current economic situation makes AEP unable to design a reasonable budget. Treasurery can address only current spending but no more. We are modifying our statutes in order to have new opportunities but in midterm.

IFLA-Europe can provide help on:

FUNDING Reducing fees to 50% during two years. Taking extra fees for School Recognition Pannel work on visiting our national universities, leading the extra incomes to the AEP.

PROVIDING HELP As IFLA Europe member our association wants to collaborate. We have a knowledge on difficulties on Professional Practice of LA that can be used to help others. IFLA Eu GUERRILLA is a useful tool to help in prompt and effective actions in order to promote the profession and make not feel alone the national associations. If it is necessary, AEP is able to supply a project responsible for IFLA Eu GUERRILLA.


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