Mesopotamia Survival Kit

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Survival kit Sub Regional Training 2021


Sub Regional Training 2020/2021

TNT Coordinator Ali Alhilali PHLT Coordinator Haider Alani

TSRHRT Hussam Riadh

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - Iraq is a non-governmental organization formed by alumni and non-alumni medical students as part of the IFMSA worldwide. It started in 2012 and became a registered NGO in Iraq in the year 2015. IFMSA-Iraq aims to connect the Iraqi medical, dental and pharmacy students to communicate, collaborate, advocate and lead initiatives that create the change we believe in, IFMSA-Iraq carries the voice of its members and empowers them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences through exchanges, external representation and a variety of opportunities and projects, to carry out meaningful student’s participation role and to shape the face of healthcare and educational systems in aspects of local, national and the international levels all together.

Layout design Zahraa Adnan

Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations - Iraq P.O.Box: 62861 Medical post office (10049) Baghdad, Iraq Tel: +964 7714396322 web:

This is an IFMSA-Iraq Publication


© 2020 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided mentioning the source.

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Disclaimer This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA-Iraq. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA-Iraq in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.


TNT Workshop

PHLT Workshop

TSRHRT Workshop

T T N N T T Training New Trainers

M M e e e e t t

T T n n T T

T T r r a a i i n n e e r r s s


Al-Hilali CBDD

Hayder Noori

Ahmed Albayati



Lamis Berdewil

Mustafa Layth



welcome welcome message message

Dear TNT participants this is the workshop where all capacity building enthusiasts start their journey, during this workshop you will be developing skills that will make you leaders capable of educating and training their peers to be leaders in their community and making the change that they want in their society along with the vision of IFMSA. "the impossible we do tomorrow, miracles may take a little longer" we are hoping that the impact you will make in the future are the miracles we are hoping for right now !! . keep the excitement and the hype up, it will be totally worth it.



tnt tnt agenda agenda


Day Day 1 1 Teambuilding

This session will be about how can we develop a successful team and how can you as individual contribute into this team actively.

Day Day 2 2 Leadership

this session will dig deep into your inner core of how can you become unleash your potential of becoming the leader that everyone needs through self-leadership , self awareness, conflict resolution, and situational leadership.

Facilitation Techniques

During this hour you will be instructed by trainers how can you facilitate learning in a capacity building session through a number o important techniques.

Training Sessions P. 1

( Non -Formal )

here where the real business begins, its when we will learn about the training cycle, adulate learning and we will make in intro to the real training world.


Day Day 3 3 Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment is the key to making everything efficient and meaningful by identifying the gaps that our trainees or organization have and develop our training sessions to fill those gaps and resolve issues.

Training Session P.2

( Learning theory )

here we go with the learning theories by which we ill delve into how the the trainees brain work and how can we develop the content for the trainees of our training plan.


This is the way of making our learning environment fun and informative by creating games in our learning environment that can encourage our participants to actively interact and engage with the material.

Evaluation and Follow up

making a session with a big impact can be life changing, but evaluation follow up provides the means by which we can evaluate our work and follow up with our participants to increase the impact of the learned skills and knowledge.


Day Day 4 4 Debriefing

Debriefing is an essential tool for a trainer, during which the trainer uses the skills of debriefing to explore what hs been learned after any activity, game or assignment given during a training session.

safe environment and dealing with difficult Pax

this session is a place where we can create a simulation by which you can learn how to deal with the different types of difficult participants to have in a training session and how can you manage them successfully and create a safe space for all participants to engage within the training room.

Graphic Facilitation

graphic facilitation is a session where you will be learning how can you create the best visual content for your participants.

CB opportunities

during this session we will explore how can you become an active trainer and develop yourself a trainer within the federation.


Post Post srt srt online online sessions sessions


during this session we will work on developing the abilities of our participants in advocacy being an essential aspect of our work in the federation.

Online Facilitation

during COVID-19 online facilitation became an essential skill required in a trainer during this session we will explore the different tools a trainer can use to facilitate and online training session.

CB establishment

(trainers role in CB establishment)

CB establishment is something essential for the trainer to understand which means knowing how the CBD works within the federation.

Training Ethics

as regulated by IFMSA IOGs a trainer must comply with the ethics required by a trainer in the training process and which guidelines we should follow as certified TNT trainers.


p p h h l l t t Public Health Leadership Skills Tainting

M M e e e e t t

p p h h l l T T

T T r r a a i i n n e e r r s s



Ali M. AlSabti

welcome welcome message message

Hello LoPHs, My name is Haidar Alani a 5th-year medical student at the College of medicine/ University of Baghdad. I will be the PHLT on AMR workshop coordinator. It is always a pleasure to see enthusiastic participants from all around the world gather to attend public health sessions and to share the love of public health. What makes the PHLT unique is how the soft skills and public health knowledge are integrated to create public health leaders. That’s why I’m super thrilled and excited to meet you, to meet the future leaders who will carry the sparkle of public health to develop their communities and to make a positive impact in their society. HaidAr Al-anI PHLT COORDINATOR


phlt phlt agenda agenda


Day Day 1 1 Leadership Skills

in this session you will be introduced to the leadership compass and you will be able to recognize your type of leadership that will lead you through your way in the PHLT workshop and help you to extract your highest potential through different means of useful skill application.

Team Dyanamic

Defining the bases of differentiation between a team and a group and showing the Phases of team building thoroughly as well as introducing the different types of leadership inside a team to make you super oriented of what you need to be the ultimate leader and team player.

Communication Skills

Developing your communication abilities and discovering your strengths and weaknesses in this context has almost been one of the top rated adventures in the PHLT world that will contribute to your personal leadership skills development and help you image your peers and teammates from a new perspective concentrating on the optimal communication skills to put in use!

Basics of Public Health

Introducing the public health term and how it differs from clinical medicine and taking a peak over the different levels of prevention which is the core of SCOPH and Public Health in general, So! we better be solid from the bases to build a strong knowledge and skill level above.


Introduction to AMR

Defining the Anti microbial resistance, its causes, its consequences and its importance in the context of Public and global health and introducing the WHO global action plan on AMR briefly to help us maintain a well built perspective on this global health issues. Activity Planning part 1

The activity planning session is the cornerstone of building your activity, planning your projects, and shaping your future goals. You will be introduced to useful tools to put on your backpack on way to hike towards your ultimate activity!

Teamwork- Plan an Activity

during the teamwork sessions you will work with your team on an activity that you choose during the workshop by using the methods you will learn from each day of the PHLT. In these sessions you will be able to use your skills and knowledge to draw your own piece of art and plan your project with your teammates by yourselves under your trainers' supervision.

Feedback BIO model

Feedback has been always a great tool to use on our everyday context, not just in IFMSA or SCOPH work! but what most people miss is how to handle this tool properly , so in this session you will get introduce to the user manual of giving feedback and this will add to your skills and make you always a special, strong and most importantly a beloved opinion. AMR module 1


Have you ever heard about the SDGs? Did you have the chance to dive in a deep adventure inside this term? In this session you will go deep down in the blue ocean of sustainable development and make a great connection between this context and our PHLT theme the Antimicrobial resistance. So be ready!


Reflection groups and IndividualCoaching

We will designate a time to discuss our day in a group, listening to each one insight on the topic that we will take in the day. Besides, we will have an individual coaching during the day to guide you through the time of the workshop to help you in everything you need.

Day Day 2 2 Activity Planning part 2

Introducing the importance of risk management and delegation in activity management as well as different types of analyses which comes as an advanced tool in the management of all the activities and you will then have a homework to apply them to your project, but in contrast with all your past days school homework, we bet this one will be the most challenging, fun and exciting.

Evaluation andMethodology Tools

Evaluation is a critical tool to assess your activity outcomes and to help you to improve it. In this session we will learn how to use tools for our methodologies and how to evaluate our projects. We plan to seed the knowledge of evaluation inside all the participants so it would grow viral and have a great impact on the quality of work around your work environment. Conflict Management and Dealing with Difficult People

A smart set of skills are always wanted in the environment of teams and activities, In this session you will learn how to cope with inside and outside conflicts and difficulties and manage them in a special way because you are the future leaders of public health.


Basics of PH part 2

This session includes an advanced information on public health that covers social determinants of health and health systems as a second part of your day 1 bases sessions.

AMR module 2

(Health system)

This session will answer two big questions closely related to the core of Public Health. What is the meaning of Health systems? and how could all the public and global health issues impact it in their way, specifically AMR.

Finance Management and Fundraising

In this session you will learn how to plan your finances and methods to fundraise your activities as it's an important cornerstone in the success of projects, campaigns and activities. Advocacy and Campaigning

Introducing and enriching the knowledge of advocacy and link it to the contexts of leadership, activity management and eventually to the group activity we are planning.

Day Day 3 3 AMR Module 3

(Climate change)

Climate Change has been a leading global and planetary health issue and the development of climate change has an important role in enhancing AMR all around the globe and in many different ways, that's what are we going to discuss and work on in this session of PHLT day 3.


t t s s r r h h r r t t Training Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Trainers

M M e e e e t t


T T r r a a i i n n e e r r s s

Balsam Ahmed

Hussam Riadh

IFMSA-Iraq President


Hayder Tariq

Abdullah Al-Khafajy

LC president

ifmsa lme

welcome welcome message message

Dear SRHR advocates, It is my great honor to present you the Survival Kit of the first edition of the TSRHRT workshop in the history of IFMSA! I remember my first SCORA workshop 2 years ago in online settings, all the feelings of excitement, anticipation, confusion, and quite a bit of nervousness. I am imagining that these feelings are doubled for physical settings after countless days of quarantine. With this in mind that I and the rest of TSRHRT Trainers have carefully and lovingly prepared this Survival Kit which we hope will sufficiently prepare you for what I can guarantee to be one of the most intense, amazing, and lifechanging SRHR experiences of your life. In this TSRHRT, we will try to provide you with knowledge, skills, and perhaps more importantly, friends for life and a network of SRHR Advocates both Nation and Worldwide. We have crafted an agenda keeping in mind the knowledge and skills you want to build and we will ensure to deliver these sessions in a way that is interactive as well as informative. We will ensure to create a fun, friendly atmosphere that will give you priceless memories. Red Warm Hugs, Hussam Riadh TSRHRT COORDINATOR


tsrhrt tsrhrt agenda agenda


Day Day 0 0 Teambuilding

In this session, we will be learning how can we develop a successful team and how can you as an individual contribute to this team actively making you a successful SRHR Trainer.

Day Day 1 1 Communication skills

this session will dig deep into your inner core of how can you become unleash your potential of becoming the leader that everyone needs through self-leadership , self awareness, conflict resolution, and situational leadership. Presentation skills

In this session, you will be learning about how to be a good presenter, and to examine personal skills and presentation skills and get the chance to apply learned skills to create your own personal presentation

Training Library P. 1

here where the real business begins, its when we will learn about the training cycle, adulate learning and we will make in intro to the real training world. Gender inequities and GBV attitude transformation

This session involves gender inequities and gender-based violence. where you exchange ideas and learn about the impact that gender and patriarchy have on SRHR. Stigma: intersectionality and structural violence

This session will explore how stigma and discrimination can be intensified by having a specific background. This understanding of intersectionality is crucial for future healthcare providers as well as for SRHR advocates and trainers.


Day Day 2 2 Advocacy and the world of EXternal Affairs

Have you ever wondered about how to draw people's attention to a certain topic or how to defend an issue? Well basically that is called advocacy and this session is an introduction into what advocacy and the world of external affairs. Training Library P.2

here we go with the main techniques and skills to take your training to the next level where we will learn about debriefing, gamification, Graphic facilitation, and emotional intelligence safe environment and dealing with difficult Participants

this session is a place where we can create a simulation by which you can learn how to deal with the different types of difficult participants to have in a training session and how can you manage them successfully and create a safe space for all participants to engage within the training room.

Owning my body, owning my future

In this session, We will touch on different topics that fall under the umbrella of maternal health, from breastfeeding, family planning, and obstetric violence. They are introduced to how each concept is as important as the other to grasp and to understand. Access to safe abortion; a human right

This session unpacks everything about abortion including what exactly abortion is, busting myths about abortion, barriers to accessing safe abortions, from a human rights based approach.


Day Day 3 3 Evaluation and Follow up

making a session with a big impact can be life changing, but evaluation follow up provides the means by which we can evaluate our work and follow up with our participants to increase the impact of the learned skills and knowledge. Intro to SOGIESC; Understanding the Acronym

This session will offer participants the opportunity to learn the very basics about Gender identity, expression, biological sex, and sexual orientation or attraction and differentiating between them. The very different terminologies and concepts.

Youth Services Safari

In this session we will learn about CSE and what is sexual and reproductive health. and how that implies people being able to have satisfying and safe sexual relationships, the capability to reproduce, and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so. HIV and AIDS response crash course

This session will go deep into the social aspects of HIV, ranging from key populations, to legal barriers to access the HIV cascade and finally consultation on prevention and treatment.


How How to to Prepare: Prepare: For this TSRHRT preparation will not be different, as any IFMSA-Iraq SCORA Meeting before. It is especially important to check the channels of communication regularly and stay connected. What you need - The Essentials:

An open mind and loads of motivation: Gathering all this new information might be very confusing at first. Don’t be afraid to ask us any of your inquiries. Red Clothes: As you know SCORA’s color is red, we advise you to pack at least a rec piece of clothing for group picture purposes. Also, keep in mind that for the sessions one needs to wear comfortable clothes and footwear. Computer/Tablet/Notebook or Something to write with! Get organized! We don’t want you to miss any important information, and take notes. Happy energy and good feelings: On a scale 10 to 10, how much are you excited about TSRHRT? Give us yourbest shot of positive energy and we promise you the time of your life.

Important Message:

Always keep in mind that the SCORA Sessions are a Safe space, online as well: a place intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations. It’s where you can fully express yourself without fear of judgement. The space is not isolating and promotes healthy learning, listening and gratitude where physical and psychological safety is ensured. Keep this into account anytime during the overall sessions, it’s our responsibility to keep this environment!


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