IGBIS Weekly Newsletter. Issue 150, Week 2, April, 2017.

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IGB International School’s Weekly Newsletter - Issue 150. Week 2. April 2018.

The Tyre Playground Pg.6


MYP Personal Project Exhibition | Pg. 3 + Visit to SMK Bandar Baru | Pg. 4 CAS Update | Pg. 4 + The Tyre Playground| Pg. 5 + PVO News | Pg. 6

Message from Head of School Dear IGBIS Parents and Community Members, At the beginning of this week I had the privilege of attending the Council of International Schools Board of Trustees meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands. Key areas of focus for CIS are membership services, links with higher education, international accreditation and child protection. Apart from schools, CIS counts 580 colleges and universities amongst its membership. CIS already holds an annual higher education forum for school counsellors and university admissions staff to meet up and it plans to expand on these relationships in the future. This is of huge benefit to schools such as IGBIS as colleges and universities value CIS member schools.

We are looking forward to the inter-house duathlon taking place next Thursday and encourage parents to come along to support our teams.

Anne Fowles Head of School

The MYP Personal Project exhibition showcased the independent study that our Grade 10 students have undertaken during the last year. I have noticed that the Personal Projects have developed year by year with the current work of an even higher standard than before. Our thanks are extended to the MYP Personal Project supervisors, the students and our MYP Coordinator, Mr Clark, for the work that has gone into the projects during the course of the year.

More opportunities for our Careerrelated Programme students The Career-related Programme (CP), which is an alternative to the Diploma Programme (DP), provides students with an excellent foundation to support their studies beyond Grade 12, as well as ensure their preparedness for success in the workforce. The CP combines the highly regarded and internationally recognised DP courses with an approved career-related study and a unique CP ‘core’. Our CP career-related study has recently expanded with a partnership between IGBIS and Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). With this new partnership, CP students are able to take five university-level courses while still studying at IGBIS, and will receive university-level credit for those courses when they move on after graduation. More than 20 courses are available including Drawing, Design, Computer Arts, Graphic Design and Sequential Art. We will maintain our partnership with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) by continuing to offer ICAEW’s Certificate in Finance, Accountancy and Business (CFAB).


Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

News from Elementary School Field trips are an integral part of the PYP Programme, as too are camps (overnight experiences). We have a number of field trips coming up and they are being used in a variety of ways. For example the Kindergarten students are experiencing a ‘live’ theatre production as a provocation to their new unit ‘How We Express Ourselves’. The Grade 4 students will be visiting the Royal Selangor Visitor Centre to experience and observe materials changing. This is all part of their ‘How the World Works’ unit of inquiry ‘Materials behave, interact, change and are manipulated to meet the needs of humans’. Finally the Grade 3 students will be having their ‘camp’ where they will be experiencing outdoor adventure kinds of activities at District 21. They will also be sleeping the night at IGBIS. This is a great stepping stone/preparation for future camps when students will have multiple days sleeping away from home. All of these trips are valuable in their own way and provide authenticity to the learning process. Over the holiday members of the community including students and staff completed the Elementary school tyre playground. Later in the newsletter there is detailed information and thanks about

the whole process and community involvement in the project. The Kopitiam was a great success this week and we are grateful to Autism Cafe for their care and attention to make this a special occasion.

Dates for your diaries: • • • • •

Monday 16th April: Day 5: EY assembly and school ‘catch up photos’. Thursday 19th April: Duathlon 8.00 - 10.10am Monday 23rd April: ES book day (see the flyer in this newsletter for more details) Thursday 26th and Friday 27th: IB PYP Exhibition (see the flyer in this newsletter for more details) Saturday 28th April: Student Led conferences 8.30 - 1.00pm (more details to follow)

Simon Millward

Elementary School Principal

News from Secondary School Dear parents, This week was a great week to see visible evidence of student learning and service. MYP students are in the midst of preparing their portfolios for Student-Led Conferences on April 28th. They are identifying pieces of work that demonstrate their learning and how they have grown over the course of the year. The Student Led Conference is one of my favourite events as we get to hear about student progress and plans for the future. Also this week was our MYP Personal Project Exhibition. I would like to congratulate our Grade 10 students for their work in developing their projects and their presentations on Friday. As there are each year, the project topics were diverse and creative, and very interesting! I was particularly drawn to several projects about student well-being: this is clearly a topic on the minds of our students, and something we should be continually focussing on. Congratulations are also due to Sebastian and Andrea in Grade 11, for organising the first IGBIS blood drive. The criteria for giving blood was quite stringent, but there were several donors and it was pleasing to see such an important event happening at school. Well done to you both! Looking forward, an initial survey has gone out to Secondary students for those who wish to volunteer at the Special Olympics Malaysia National Games on May 4th to 6th. In case students still wish to sign up, the survey is here: https://goo.gl/forms/GzLc4tzVP6Ggw72l2 We also have several complimentary tickets to the Special Olympics Charity Concert on April 22nd. If you wish to receive some tickets, please fill out this form. https://goo.gl/forms/uy2gtDvWfF8WebgL2

Igniting Minds

Best regards,

Michael Arcidiacono Secondary School Principal

Impacting Lives


Elementary Music notes Susan Bal-Short Elementary Music Teacher

.................................................................................................................... Well the Phoenix did rise recently as the Elementary School presented their story of how the mystical bird managed to find its way to IGBIS via the Realms of IGNIS, AQUA, AER and TERRA. She now sits proudly in the elementary school playground keeping watch. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the production. The students were engaged and delighted to share their learning and performance skills with family and friends.

This season of after school activity has seen a flurry of new Phoenix Tweeters joining the fledgeling Choir. Numbers of boys joining have doubled (now five) and the number of singers has also nearly doubled from 18 to 29 keen singers. We are preparing now for some final performances before the end of the year which is coming around very quickly. I wish to thank Ms. Clare Demnar - who has been a great support of the Phoenix Tweeters and my faithful accompanist, for all her work over the past three seasons of after school singing.

MYP Personal Project Exhibition Phil Clark Middle Years Programme Coordinator

.................................................................................................................... Congratulations to our Grade 10 students who presented their MYP Personal Projects to an audience of parents and invited guests at the official opening of the Personal Project Exhibition on Friday morning. They will continue to exhibit their projects for the whole IGBIS community during Student Led Conferences on Saturday 28 April. The Personal Project is an important culminating self-directed project in the MYP which connects student personal interests with school learning. This year Grade 10 students worked on a variety of projects which included coding a website about Muay Thai; developing skills in using oil paints to create portraits; creating a video to raise awareness about mental health; composing, creating and recording music; teaching English to less privileged children; creating a website about fishing in Malaysia; developing and improving personal photography skills; raising awareness about the impact of perfectionism; creating a website about drone photography; and many other interesting topics.

The Grade 10 students engaged with their Personal Projects over a period of nine months. They first selected a topic that was of personal interest to them, investigated and researched it further, planned what they would do before taking action by creating a product or outcome. Throughout the entire project, the students documented their progress in a process journal and met regularly with their project supervisor. At the end of the project they reflected on the process, the things they had learnt about their chosen topic and about themselves as learners. Each student then submitted a report on their Personal Project which is formally assessed by the IBO. They will receive their assessment results in August. The students created display boards and showcased their Personal Projects at the exhibition this week. They spoke to visitors with confidence and enthusiasm, explaining the inspiration behind their projects, the process they went through and the things they learnt along the way. The MYP Personal Project is a valuable learning experience and provides excellent preparation for the Extended Essay in the IB Diploma Programme. Well done, Grade 10.

Visit to SMK Bandar Baru Surpriti, Gareth & Omar Grade 9


experience and we learnt a lot. We enjoyed visiting them and we can’t wait to see them again in the future. Special thanks to Mr. Rashid, Ms Nathalie and the other teachers at SMK Bandar Baru for organising this eventful trip.

On April 10th, we, the Grade 9 students of IGBIS were given the opportunity to visit students at a government school called SMK Bandar Baru. After introduction letters and Skype calls, we were ready to meet them in person for the first time ever. When we first arrived at school, we were greeted by friendly people, and a marvellous traditional Malay dance, which they had performed for a competition. After the magnificent performance, a few of our students volunteered to learn the dance as well (Anam, King, Hritvik, Phebi, Pantipa and Anushka)! We then met up with our assigned buddy and got to know them better. We went on a food tour with them - it was truly a great


Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

CAS Update Nathalie Chotard CAS Coordinator ....................................................................................................................

DuitForThePeople reflected on their successful clothes drive.

In last week’s newsletter, Mr Arcidiacono mentioned the increasing lead of secondary school students in “ (...) organis(ing) initiatives that meet the needs of others”. Today, I’d like to share news about the initiatives which were presented during the last secondary school assembly. Andrea and Sebastian announced that we have reached more than 50 donors for the blood drive scheduled for Thursday, April 12th from 10am-4pm. Omar and Marvin shared their concern about food wastage and invited students to the Clean Plate Challenge, starting on Monday, April 9th.

Joshua hopes to gather The Phoenix Squad, a group of students supporting sports events taking place at school during Season 3.

Why don’t you watch IGBIS Service February-March 2018? It is a 4.49-minute video featuring MYP and DP students in a variety of experiences at school as well as outside. Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the IGBIS students who have contributed “to shape a culture of service at IGBIS” (Arcidiacono, Michael. “News from Secondary School.” IGBIS Weekly Newsletter, 31 Mar. 2018, p. 4)

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives


The Tyre Playground It has been fantastic to see children playing on the new tyre playground this week, after our team of volunteers finally put the finishing touches to it during last week’s break. As you can see from the pictures, the effort put in was really worthwhile and the contribution from the IGBIS community was heartwarming to see. Thanks to the Expat Car Guys for being our biggest tyre donor; everyone who shared snacks, drinks, sunscreen and toys; and our

tireless (no pun intended) organisers, Chrissy Steinhardt, Lizzie Hudson, Kari Twedt and Matt Snooks, who were always there to give direction and never stopped until everything was finished. But more importantly, a huge thank you must go to the following people, who each rolled up their sleeves and pitched in to give students another area to explore and play:

Beth Hudson Kantaro Aoki Galen Derry Jack Ngatai Kristopher Fournier Zahlia Steinhardt Zoe Watters Rees Hudson Tea Millward Finian Thompson Neil Hopkins Ng Eita Mori Mao Aoki Daniel Parfitt Zoja Dziobkowska Isla Watters Tia Snooks Kalen Steinhardt Archie Moore Gretsie Robinson Daniel Adam Grace Ngatai

Ray Salam Harrison Harvey Adrian McDermott Abdallah Salam Lizzie Hudson Marshall Hudson Usa Chankasem Kari Twedt Tanya Cornish Geoff Derry Shireen Blakeway Simon Millwood Clare Demnar Wayne Demnar Sean McDermott Julie Arcidiacono Zulkifli bin Zakaria Aga Chojnacka Dean Watters Sally Watters Scott Ngatai Steve Harvey


Landen Thompson Arlo Derry Charlie Hopkins Ng Wakana Mori Rafael Arcidiacono Liam Dujardin Paige Snooks Dan Millward Heidi Robinson Nina Dziobkowska Ghazi Kamarul Ming Zhou Lee Andrew Koh Christopher Chai Hariz Tan Cindy Lee Jorja Mathies Mathilda Harvey Nina Fournier Rachel Lee Zi Xuan Lee Alicia Fournier

Igniting Minds

Darcy Steinhardt Chrissy Steinhardt Noria Akip Julian Hopkins Ng Tze Yeng Toshi Mori Kanako Aoki Helen Moore Renata Parfitt Matthew Snooks Suzana Tan Elizabeth Tan (timber donation) Azlina Adam Cassandra Wong Jim Thompson Maria Fournier Pappu Sruthi Thanu Mahalingam Sun Hee Yoon

Impacting Lives

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives


PVO News Julie Arcidiacono Community & Events Coordinator

.................................................................................................................... Our final PVO meeting for this academic year is scheduled for Thursday, 19 April from 8:00 - 9:00 am in the PVO Room on Level 2. The agenda will include:


• • • • •

International Day thank you PVO involvement in the Special Olympics Preparations for Staff Appreciation Lunch Update from cafeteria decoration committee Brainstorming dates for next semester’s events - PVO Social and Christmas Bazaar

All parents are encouraged and welcome to join.

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

A better world through education

IB programmes consistently challenge students to think critically and understand how their learning fits within a wider global context.

50years.ibo.org Celebrating with the IB:

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives



In 1968, inspired by a spirit of hope in a time of instability an education. Our founders saw a need for an international appro with the skills, values and knowledge necessary to build enlightened minds for all primary and secondary students decades, and will continue to do so in a world where we face they’ve developed to help make the world a better place. Ou nations and cultures for a sustainable f


Parents and educators recognize that the solutions of yesterday cannot solve the problems of today. We champion critical thinking and a flexibility for learning by crossing disciplinary, cultural and national boundaries. We design our curriculums so that students build a deep appreciation of how their studies fit into the wider context of our world. All of our programmes are driven by a commitment to multilinThe IB develops and s community of students, gualism and international mindedness, and to action with a shared mission to through service in the student’s own community international educatio and beyond. We encourage the curiosity inherent emphasis on h in every child, developing an attitude of constant questioning and a hunger for knowledge and We believe that open, enlighten are our best hope to create a understanding.

proven and continuously revitali deep inquiry and relentless curi are caring, courageous risk t


An IB education inspires youn learners, using their energy, c engage with increasingly co global issues. Our foundatio of us is responsible for t understanding is a neces toward a more just a

We create our own, internationally- recognised assessments to ensure that we consistently challenge students to think critically, rather than simply to recall knowledge. Our approach to assessment is highly respected: the best universities in the world actively seek out IB students, and we always stay true to our core mission—we assess what is important to measure, not what is easy to measure. We design curriculums that allow teachers to be passionate about their subjects and focus students not only on content, but also on how they think and learn. Our programmes and assessments evolve with the changing demands of information technology, global interconnectivity, higher education and employment.


Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives


nd conflict, the IB pioneered a movement for international oach to education which would bring young people together a more peaceful future. Our vision is to foster open and s, aged 3-19. We have been successfully doing this for five an unprecedented pace of change. IB students use the skills ur founders’ vision—of an education that can unite people, future—has never been more urgent.


We take a truly holistic approach to our education using a professional ecosystem made up of schools, educators and students. We co-create and co-develop curriculums with IB educators and other experts around the world. Our professional development programmes engage fellow teachers who train other teachers across the world, as part of a highly effective system of constant learning, development and sharing of best practice. IB teachers sustains a worldwide have the tools and flexibility to do more than just teach a educators and schools, course; they ignite passion and curiosity, and teach in a o offer the best possible way that is best suited for them and their students. IB on combined with an educators are part of what makes an IB education so human values. purposeful and challenging—from Beijing to Brooklyn, ned minds, free from prejudice, from Brussels to Bogota, IB teachers inspire a passion better world. Grounded in a for learning and the drive to make things better. ized curriculums, we encourage

iosity to develop students who takers and critical thinkers.

ng people to become lifelong conviction and positivity to omplex and interconnected onal idea is that each one the rest of us, and this ssary basis for progress and peaceful world.


Our alumni are prepared with the skills and mindset to succeed in our fast-changing world. Their ability to think and collaborate across countries, cultures and disciplines allows them to approach challenges in ways that truly make a difference in their chosen field. From teachers to prime ministers, NGO executives to small-scale entrepreneurs, astronauts to award-winning actors, an IB education continues to develop generations of problem solvers with the boldness, creativity and belief in themselves to embrace their personal ambitions and their dreams for a better, more peaceful world. We are proud that so many of our students leave the IB with a commitment and the skills to address humanity’s greatest challenges.

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives



Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

You are invited to a

Charity Concert In aid of

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Dewan Tunku Canselor University of Malaya



University of Malaya Big Band Orchestra Featuring Tan Sri Azman Hashim Book your complimentary tickets by contacting us at +6010 557 9787 or specialolympicsmalaysia.baru@gmail.com Special Olympics Malaysia A: Unit 1-G, Bangunan BAKTI Siti Hasmah, 6 Changkat Abang Haji Openg, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T: +6010 557 9787 W: www.specialolympics.org E: specialolympicsmalaysia.baru@gmail.com Created by the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation for the benefit of persons with intellectual disabilities

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives



Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

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