2021 Ignatius Park College Magazine

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2021 Ignatius Park College

College Mission Statement

Ignatius Park College is a reflective community that encourages its members to seek truth through the spirit of Edmund Rice by nurturing right relationships and respecting the dignity of each person. In partnership with families and the wider community, we strive to promote a learning community that actively encourages excellence in teaching and learning within an inclusive curriculum framework based on Gospel values.



EREA 4 Bishop’s Message 4 College Advisory Council 5 Principal’s Message 6 Deputy Principal 9 Director of Students 10 Director of Curriculum 11 Director of Identity and Mission 12 Director of Staff 13 Dean of Pedagogy 14 Dean of Wellbeing 15 Staff Photograph 16 Staff Directory 17 Vale Paul Fanning 19

Athletics 103 AFL 104 Basketball 105 Cricket 108 Cross Country 109 Football 110 Hockey 111 Mountain Biking 111 Netball 112 Rowing 113 Rugby League 114 Rugby Union 123 Swimming 131 Touch Football 132 Water Polo 134 Volleyball 134 North Queensland and Queensland School Representatives 135

STUDENTS Captain’s Report 20 School Leaders 21 Academic Awards 22 Baillie 28 Carew 36 Nolan 44 Putney 52 Reid 60 Rice 68 Treacy 76 STUDIES Digital and Design Technologies 84 Drama 85 English 86 Film, Television and New Media 87 Hospitality 88 Humanities 89 Inclusive Education 90 Industrial Design and Technologies 91 Languages 92 Library 93 Mathematics 94 Music 95 Physical Education 96 Religious Education 97 Science 98 Visual Arts 99 Skills and Training 100

COMMUNITY AND CULTURE ANZAC Day 136 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Programs 138 Battle of the Bands 139 Careers 140 Chess 141 Counselling 142 Debating 143 Defence 145 Edmund Rice Day 146 Ensemble Music 147 EREBB 148 Faith in Action 149 Healthy Minds Project 150 Handball Championship 151 Iggy Under the Stars 152 Instrumental Music 153 Outdoor Education and Camps 154 Mulkadee 155 Peer Mentors 156 Production 157 Sons of Iggy Old Boys 158 World's Greatest Shave 159 SENIORS Seniors 160 Senior Poem 161 Senior Song 174

Ignatius Park College 2021





EREA I am pleased to be able to make a small contribution to your Annual for 2021. There is so much to celebrate at your school, and indeed in every one of our schools across the nation. I have had the privilege to visit many of our schools in the last year, and to speak with the young people who inhabit them. They never fail to impress me; in who they are, in how they describe their learning, and in their love of their school. Our students are also acutely aware that they belong to a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition – a community within a larger community that stretches across many countries of the globe and unites us in common purpose to be called to action by the message and person of Jesus, to make this world a better place. As this year commenced, I would have hoped not to have had to refer to COVID-19, because it would have been relegated to our recent history. Alas, we are all still grappling with outbreaks of the virus and living and learning through constant and in some places, extended lockdowns. I appreciate that this has taken its toll on so many in our school communities, and has affected how we live, relate, and engage in schooling. I offer my congratulations to our students and young people who have been so ready to adapt, to remain engaged and who are determined to get the most out of school despite the many challenges. I also offer enormous gratitude and thanks to our staff. I have always known that those who choose to work in school education work hard, but the last two years have evidenced for me time and again, the true selflessness and vocation that belongs to this work. Our teachers and support staff have put students first

and have been acutely attuned to their learning and wellbeing needs. In education, we often speak about the primary role of parents and carers as the first educators of their children. When a student enters an Edmund Rice school, it is not only the child who is welcomed into the community, but indeed the whole family. Our partnership with parents and carers is so important to us, and the support and interest that families demonstrate in their local community never ceases to impress upon me the value that we all share in belonging; to a group that is bigger than ourselves, to an expression of a faith community, and to a shared belief in the power of an education to liberate. I offer my thanks to our parents and carers for the contributions that you each make in making your school community a vibrant place. For those young men who are taking their leave from school this year, I offer you every blessing and best wishes as you navigate the post-school world. Please know that you will remain in the thoughts and prayers of the wider Edmund Rice community. Whatever it is you take with you from your experience of education in your school, my sincere hope is that you will have an appreciation of and be moved to action to use your gifts and skills to make change in the world. May the inspiration of Blessed Edmund Rice, and the living out of the Gospel move you to look out for those who are marginalised in our world, give of your time as well as your resources, and in turn, motivate others in your world to do the same. There is much that is happening in our world right now, that can cause us to become glum, if not distressed. Yet, as a faith-filled Catholic community, we remain hope-filled. May the birth of the Christ-child bring joy, peace and happiness. Dr Craig Wattam | Executive Director

Bishop’s Message Dear Members of the Ignatius Park College Family, I once again greet you all and pay tribute to the contribution of Ignatius Park College for its dedication to its students. I am well aware that a holistic approach is applied to these education endeavours with a focus on a young person’s spiritual, academic, social and physical growth. This of course all takes place within the “Edmund Rice Network” which means that at the heart of the school is Jesus Christ and the living word. This cornerstone enables the College to offer a life-giving education within an inclusive context where everybody matters. I have the opportunity to visit the College from time to time. I led the College community “birthday” celebrations this year and honoured past and present students, as well as acknowledging the contribution


Ignatius Park College 2021

of the Christian Brothers over the years. The College, after all, has a long tradition that I consider to be an overwhelmingly good one. My hope for your school is that it continues to thrive in every respect and that your sons thrive as a result. We need people of substance within our world and if Ignatius Park College can go on meaningfully helping to facilitate this outcome, then its legacy can only be described as substantial. I am sure that Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice is cheering you on all the way! May he pray for you now and always. With every best wish,

Most Rev Timothy Harris | Bishop of Townsville

As I write this message Townsville has recently entered into a fortnight of limited restrictions as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Aside f rom current circumstances, this year has largely seen the Townsville community including the College adjust to 'living with the pandemic', if an effort to find some normality. In fairness, our part of the world has not been impacted to the same degree as others but the College has always remained vigilant and cautious, with multiple layers of planning and back up options in place to ensure that our boys enjoyed a fuller experience at the College this year. Our fingers and toes are crossed that our good fortune continues for the remaining elements of the year and in particular for our Year 12 young men and their families. The Design and Interaction with EREA The 'School Board' has undertaken a name change this year and we are now referred to as a 'School Advisory Council'. The name change and EREA's review of the surrounding structure is intended to remove ambiguity about the School Advisory Council's role and assist in the future direction, all of which is captured in a document called 'The Design'. Whilst 'The Design' will have a more complete explanation , in short the School Advisory Council's responsibilities include: • supporting and advising the Principal on implementation of strategies for monitoring and enhancing the school's identity and culture as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition; • supporting the Principal in maintaining school strategies for safeguarding children and young people; • contributing and endorsing submissions to EREA around strategic planning, budgets, annual financial statements, capital works, master planning programs and supporting line of sight to the governing body requests, etc; and • endorsing specific school policies and generally providing a sounding board for the Principal and the College Leadership Team (CLT) on various issues. As part of our role, the Council does interact with different members of the CLT throughout the year, and it has been encouraging to see the hard work being undertaken by the CLT both in terms of strategic planning and development of action plans for different aspects which fall within their ambit of control. There has also been a degree of interaction (via Zoom) between chairs of EREA School Advisory Councils around the country to discuss certain matters which apply to all EREA schools. I am hopeful that there is increasing and meaningful interactions between the EREA schools such that we might be able to benefit from shared recourses and collaborative approaches to various topics which are common to our schools. Learning Resource Centre – Project Underway After a winding path to obtain funding for our new Learning Resource Centre, it was pleasing to see this project underway with the College now financing the construction from its own resources and borrowings.

for the development of this much needed facility, but all care and appropriate sensitivities were undertaken by the CLT in dealing with this issue and we now look forward to the next stage of this valuable infrastructure being undertaken. Rotation of School Advisory Council Members The end of 2020 saw the departure of the long serving previous Chair Peter Duffy, whose contributions to the College and the then 'School Board' were enormous and appreciated by all those who were fortunate it enough to be the recipient of any guidance or advice offered by Peter. 2021 saw the departure of Glenn Seri who also contributed significantly to the College, and in particularly in the finance realm. Thank you Peter and Glenn for your time and efforts. The new members to the School Advisory Council include Nadene George and Magistrate Steven Mosch who have both hit the ground running, already providing insightful commentary, guidance and feedback to the CLT. The School Advisory Council also welcomed Vilton Crasto and John Doolan, Deputy Principal, as members and they, together with the continuing members, have been providing excellent service to the College. The Phoenix – Old Boys Newsletter This year we saw the creation of a tool to further engage and connect with Old Boys of the College (and their families) which has already returned tangible and intangible dividends. Past students are reaching out to reconnect with each other and the College and provide assistance and opportunities for our boys. We look forward to The Phoenix gaining even further momentum next year. Finances, Mission and Sustainability The College continues to be in a sound financial position with several measures being implemented to ensure that remains the case. Importantly there has also been a review and attention drawn to student engagement, behaviour management and wellbeing which as always is an ongoing item requiring focus and resources. Strategic Planning Retreat and Thank You The College undertook a Strategic Planning Retreat in August. Strategic Planning Retreats always play a valuable role in ensuring that the College retains its rudder by reviewing its past activities (both successful and unsuccessful), analysing the present situation of the College and then developing plans, strategies and approaches for the future on the horizon. We will no doubt see the benefits of this retreat in the new year. A massive thank you to Shaun and Kirrilee for their efforts at the School Advisory Council level and the College more broadly. They are tireless, essential and are every much appreciated. Last, but not least thank you to the continuing members of the School Advisory Council, (Leo Foyle, Matt Morton, Kieran Keyes, Jeff Doyle and Lee-Ann Barton) who again took time out of their busy days to provide expert advice and meaningful contributions to Shaun and the CLT. All the people mentioned in this message continue to contribute because they have a vested interest in seeing the College's junior wide-eyed boys grow into well-equipped young men ready and eager to take their first steps into the greater community. From all of us - thank you! Michael Keir | Chair

The old Brothers' House has been demolished to allow

Ignatius Park College 2021



College Advisory Council


Principal’s Message our co-curricular program, our camps and retreats program, our pastoral system, our immersion experiences, our cultural and arts programs and so forth. All of these are not stand-alone elements in the College. Instead, they combine to ensure that, by the end of Year 12, we have young men who are good character and can enter the world with confidence, hope, love and live the spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice beyond our school gates. A school cannot move forward without change whether this is in our curriculum design, pedagogy, subject offerings, QCAA requirements and career pathways. Our 2021 theme calls us back to what is our point of reference, our measure of what matters, what is important? What is unchanging, what is enduring, what is the reliable compass point by which we navigate in a sea of change? What stops us drifting and what is it we want to educate boys in – to instill in them, which they will carry within themselves regardless, and that they can fall back on, in this changing world? There is a scene in the movie, Boy Choir, where actor, Dustin Hoffman, inspires his choristers with the following advice: I know that you know this; but I want to say it anyway. Most of you have one year or two years and .. the mystery of your gift (is that you) wake up one morning and your voice is no longer there anymore. Some of you become altos and some of you become baritones. But there will be other gifts in your lifetime and the most important thing is when those gifts appear, nurture them the way you have nurtured this one. When you go upstairs to that cathedral, take a moment to look around and feel where you are. This isn’t about music; it’s about you. It’s your life and I want you to celebrate it. Tonight, is indeed an opportunity to take a moment, look around and celebrate your son and his learning. Schools are about growth. They exist to grow young people, in our case young boys into men. Without the ongoing process of change, growth won’t happen. This year our college theme was “Stay True: Bleed Blue.” This theme was developed by our 2021 Student Leadership Team and has challenged us as a College community to grow and recontextualise ourselves as students, staff, parents, and community in this everchanging world, while at the same time staying true to our core beliefs, values and traditions. Br. Philip Pinto once stated that: Our school exists to challenge popular beliefs and dominant cultural values, to ask the difficult question, to look at life from the standpoint of the minority, the victim, the outcast, and the stranger. The theme “Stay True: Bleed Blue” reminds us that Iggy Park is not just a community of people being at the same place at the same time. Nor is it just a large group of parents sending their sons to the same school. Community means sharing a common vision and sharing a passion and interest to achieve that vision in the best way possible. So, what is our shared vision at Iggy Park? To put it simply, the common vision must be to ensure that any student who travels through his years at Iggy Park becomes – an Iggy Brother – a young man of good character. Everything we do leads to this – our curriculum,


Ignatius Park College 2021

As a Catholic school, Ignatius Park College offers something that sits deeper. The points of reference we offer are the foundational values and beliefs which distinguish us as a Catholic school. The solid core of Catholic values anchors to the sacred tradition of our faith: the value and scaredness of human life, particularly that of the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick and old, the young and defenceless; the power of loving relationships; the capacity to forgive and reconcile endlessly; the virtues of faith, integrity, hope and love, the qualities of loyalty, commitment, courage, honesty, pride and perseverance. This is the consistency in our theme to “Bleed Blue”, that our boys become men who aspire and adapt to the incredible changes and challenges which life will hold in the future. Throughout 2021, our College has continued to develop partnerships outside our walls. These learning partnerships have allowed us to transform what and how we learn. In life, partnerships are vital in so many ways, and this year we understood just how important they are in providing a variety of learning contexts outside the school grounds, locally, nationally and internationally, to offer a rich exposure to languages, cultures, industries and careers. The College not only brought expertise into our different curriculum areas but have developed and cultivated “learning partnerships” with both the Queensland Mines Energy Academy and Gateway to Industry, facilitating deep learning experiences for our students from Year 8 – 10. This has included workshops in the exploration of energy, electrolysis hydrogen production, cyber safety and Lego robotics. The very best kind of learning and social understanding comes from openness to others, from respect for every individual, from acceptance of difference, and of valuing living in a community. Our diverse partnerships within Australia and the wider global community are a manifestation of our Touchstones and living the spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice. At the heart of what we live and breathe is a sense of the worth of every individual, fairness and equality, and acknowledgment of the power that understanding culture and diversity brings. Even with our pandemic this year our students were able to connect internationally with other Edmund Rice

schools online through our Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders program. In fact, every country in which Edmund Rice schools are located around the world had some form of lockdown this year. It is said that the difference between a stranger and a friend is knowing their story. This program allowed us to continue to develop friendships and stand in solidarity with our brothers with a sense of compassion, solidarity and hope. In 2021, Ignatius Park College was one of twenty schools internationally selected to participate in the project “Classroom Partners” and work together with St. Edmund’s College in India.

• Both Rory Hawke and Luca Yates being accepted at the AIS for basketball and have moved to Canberra

This year our College celebrated our first ATAR Awards Assembly. It was a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of our previous cohort, with 45% of Year 12 students gaining an ATAR of 80 and above and Edwin Jomon receiving College Dux with an ATAR score of 97.85. In addition, we continue to experience success through our VET courses with all our Year 12 School Based Trainees gaining employment prior to leaving the College. It was pleasing to see the majority of our ATAR students successfully gaining entrance to tertiary courses that included Medicine, Engineering, Law, Education, Business, Fine Arts and Medical Science. In fact, some twenty students were accepted into the Bachelor of Engineering course.

• Eight students who were selected in the North Queensland Athletics Merit Team

This year we also had students in Years 10, 11 and 12 undertake work placements in Diesel Fitting, Business, Information Technology, Electrical and Mechanical Automotive trades and the ADF. We already have 27 students who have completed and submitted their nomination forms in Engineering, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Law, Education, Para Medicine, and Social Work.

• The College came top four in Queensland in the Bill Turner Cup (U15)

Throughout 2021, not only was there great pride in many of our outstanding achievements but also in many activities within the College that allow us to “Bleed Blue” and live the true sense of Brotherhood. Whether this was our sporting carnivals, battle of the bands, House choirs, our productions, Iggy Under the Stars, Challenge Games, our theme weeks such as Mental Health Week or Inclusion Week, visits to the Townsville Drop In Centre, Deadly Awards or celebrating International Women’s Day, it’s clear that learning just doesn’t happen in the classroom. At its heart, a true education is a life-long process and is about becoming a well-rounded, happy, fulfilled and productive human being. A true education helps us to appreciate that we are all part of one big human family, and we have responsibility for each other and the living world, with every individual making a difference. Everywhere I go at Iggy Park, I have seen evidence of this in the creativity and passion, not just of our many talented and committed students, but of the staff who nurture, encourage and support their aspirations in everything they do. Our students’ achievements both academically and personally are a great testament, not only to the quality of Iggy Park teachers at every level, but also to the support of their parents.

Our co-curricular continues to play a vital part in the life of all Iggy Park students. Congratulations to all students, coaches and families for their involvement in and support of the wide range of co-curricular activities offered throughout the year. I would particularly like to thank parents who have supported their sons in so many ways to attend competitions, whether financially, travelling with groups, through sponsorships or just supporting your son on the sideline. I would like to thank Mr Josh Williams, who will be finishing as President of Friends of Rowing this year, for his dedication and support.

This year we have had over 700 opportunities to represent Ignatius Park College across a variety of sports. Also, a record 97 students have represented the Northern Region at Queensland Championships for various sports in 2021. Our successes include:

• Three students representing Queensland at National level - Jacob Fowler (Water Polo), who was also appointed as the Queensland representative for the Australian Youth Advisory Committee, Brayden Lewis (Hockey) and Tyler Boyce (Soccer) • Thomas Duffy and Luke Jack (Rugby League) selected in the Australian Merit Team. Thomas Duffy also won the Michael Morgan medal.

• College finished 1st place in the TSSS Sports Carnival for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics in the A Grade Division. • Rugby League won all three games in the Confraternity before it was cancelled due to Covid. • Touch teams made it to the Quarter Final and Grand Final at the Queensland All Schools Touch Competition • Our cricket team came runners up in Queensland T20 State Grand Final.

• Rowing had a magnificent season coming second in the Townsville Head of the River and winning two gold and five bronze medals at the Queensland State Rowing Regatta in Rockhampton.

This year, the College has embarked on a significant building development which is the construction of our new Learning Resource Centre. This construction will double the size of our current library over two levels and will have flexible spaces that supports students in their learning, to encourage their curiosity, problem solving skills and build a sense of innovation with meeting rooms, media and communication room, tiered lecture area, a café and outside working area on a deck underneath an already established rainforest. The car park will also be extended near the pool with some 37 spaces for students to be dropped off and picked up in a safe location. We hope to have this first phase of our Master Plan completed by mid-2022. Change and continuity also describes our College Leadership Team, which has seen this year a restructured team in new roles. I offer a message of heartfelt gratitude and thanks to this highly

Ignatius Park College 2021



Principal’s Message


Principal’s Message professional team and I wish to thank John Doolan, Shane Dove, Johanna Smith, Mark Holmes, Marg Hodgson and Vilton Crasto for their commitment and energy to a shared vision of Ignatius Park that is centered on those we serve. Also thank you to Kirrilee Browning, my Executive Assistant, who works tirelessly in her role to ensure I am organised. I also extend my thanks to all the remarkable staff across Ignatius Park College for their hard work and dedication. The Iggy Park staff, both teaching and non-teaching, are an outstanding group of talented people who contribute widely across the College. One of the joys I see as I walk around the College is the warmth of the relationships between teachers and students. There are no more human institutions than schools, and relationships are the beating heart of every great school. There are members of staff I would like to acknowledge as they depart or have departed Ignatius Park College this year. These staff have demonstrated a great commitment to the College in terms of time and service, and in losing these staff, we lose some great story tellers of the community. With a combined experience of 116 years of service to our community, we farewell and sincerely thank Mrs Ann Scuito (23 years), Tom Lennon (19 years), Mr Greg Pecchair (8 years) and Mr Phillip Dembowski (5 years) who are all retiring. Also Mrs Catherine Ventic (23 years), Mrs Julie Owen (11 years), Mr Itti Wilson (3 years), Sharon Jackson (9 years), Mr Patrick McMahon (7 years), Mrs Kim Rogers (13 years), Mr Sam Cribb (2 years). Madonna Simmons (8 years) and Mrs Stacey Seri (6 years) who is finished or finishing at the College this year. Your gift of service to the College has not gone unnoticed and we miss and will continue to miss, their presence and service within College community. \ I also would like to thank the Ignatius Park College Advisory Council, so capably led by Mr Michael Keir. The members of the council are all volunteers, taking on a role with ever increasing responsibilities and with ever increasing complexity. The Council comprises Leo Foyle, Lee-Ann Barton, Matthew Morton, Kieran Keyes, Steven Mosch, Nadene George and Jeff Doyle. Without exception, they are very busy and accomplished people, who dedicate a great deal of time, care and thought to the governance of this College. They have been a great support to me, and I thank them most sincerely, both personally and on behalf of the wider Iggy Park community. I must also acknowledge the fine work of our Student Leadership Team this year, under the leadership of College Captain, Euan Cram. Euan has been an integral part of the College since his commencement in Year 7 and has led the College in a strong and inspirational manner, supported by his Vice-Captain Thomas Duffy and our Prefects: Andrew Edmonds, Wayne Owens, Atticus D’Mello and Lucas Dummett. All six men personify what the true spirit of Iggy Park is about. Thank you for your work this year and for the wonderful support of our fourteen House Captains and House Vice-Captains. To the current Year 12 students, there may be mixed emotions tonight – a certain sadness at leaving the familiar warmth and security of the school community, an eager anticipation of the freedoms and opportunities which you see in the adult world,


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and perhaps a little nervousness about whether you are making the right choices about your future directions and whether you will achieve your goals. However, I encourage you to embrace the future with a sense of excitement as you are now entering into a whole new world where you will make your mark, follow your dreams and become whatever you want to be. I have every confidence in each of you as men of great potential, you just have to take advantage of the gifts you have and the support, opportunities, brotherhood and sense of responsibility your Edmund Rice education has given you. Finally, deepest thanks to our students – from Year 7 all the way to Year 12. Ultimately, it is the students who will past on the legacy for others to follow, as it is their spirit and work that really makes our College. I thank our young men for their commitment, their participation and drive in ensuring we live our theme to “Stay True: Bleed Blue.” Tonight, we will acknowledge and recognize the talents of our awardees who have made an immense contribution to our school and cultural life. These exemplary students exhibit such qualities that will not only help them in achieving their goals but them encapsulating the Iggy Park spirit. We have gathered here not just to celebrate the achievements of our students, but also to give due regard to our values and morals which these awardees exemplify, like discipline, compassion, sporting commitment , zeal for learning, creative ability and living our Edmund Rice ethos. Congratulations to all who receive awards tonight. This year, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, celebrated his 90th birthday. His articulation of the ideal of Ubuntu provides a timely reflection for our world today. “A person is a person through other persons. A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed, or treated as if they were less than who they are.” I stand before you tonight as your Principal and repeat Dustin Hoffman’s words when I remind you that when you leave Iggy Park, you need to take a moment to look around and feel where you are. This isn’t just about education, it’s about you and the way you find purpose in your life. Life will change around you but discover your giftedness and dedicate these gifts to a shared future and a common good. Iggy Park is an amazing community and tonight I celebrate all who have contributed to our College’s 52 years. May we continue to “Stay True: Bleed Blue” and live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Live Jesus in our Hearts. Forever

Shaun Clarke | Principal

This year marks my seventh year at the College, but my first as the Deputy Principal. It has been a significant year for me as it represents a very different role within what is a new Leadership Team at IPC. In our planning for this year, the team acknowledged that this new membership offered a unique opportunity to organise ourselves in a very different way. It was recognised that schools, like most things in our society, are becoming very complex and that to work effectively, there is a need to maintain our focus on many different priorities, while still ensuring that our efforts are coordinated and meeting the overall strategic direction of the school. Our response was a new imagining of how we would lead the overall direction of IPC. Most positions have been re-badged to more accurately reflect the role that this position entails, but the most important change has been the creation of various working groups within the extended leadership team to progress the vision of the school.

It has been a great pleasure for me to have a role in working with all these groups to ensure that our collective vision is maintained. I hope that it has allowed us to more effectively maintain our focus and bring about positive change. Certainly, as I look around the College as the school year draws to a close, the school reflects some important work achieved this year from the foundations of a new Learning Resource Centre to a new teaching framework to meet the needs of students and a positive behaviour system to support learning to increasing support for teachers through our HR systems. Next year will represent the beginning of the next strategic planning period for the College. As we pull the ideas of the community together to shape this plan, the team is confident that this next iteration of the strategic directions of the College will continue the good work that has been done in the past with a new and contemporary focus. Overall, the College is responding to the current needs of its community as it has done for the last 52 years and as we look forward to our 53rd year, we do so with a renewed hope for our students that they will continue to receive the education that they need to be successful in their future lives and be positive contributors to their communities — locally, nationally, and globally. John Doolan | Deputy Principal

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Deputy Principal


Director of Students Joining the Pastoral Team in 2021 was exciting. John Deer took on the role of Dean of Wellbeing, and three new Pastoral Leaders joined the team – Michael Turner (Baillie), Liam Dunne (Reid) and Christian Quabba (Treacy). The continued commitment of Paul Bruce (Carew), Matthew Mitchell (Nolan), John Fuller (Putney) and Matthew Groves (Rice) has ensured the active pastoral support of the students has not missed a beat. The Pastoral Leaders have all worked hard to create a thriving culture of care within our community. Dannielle Charge and Val Derwent (Counsellors) have worked tirelessly with their new referrals and established relationships, giving that extra layer of support to our students and their families. They also have led many initiatives to enhance the mental health and resilience of students and staff at IPC. Marie Fensom (Pastoral Assistant) has added caretaker to her already full role and has been a firm but fair primary support to our students. The response and care delivered by Gian Guerra (Culture Coordinator) was positive, welcoming and thorough. His work with all students, but particularly with Year 7s, Year 12s and new students is critical to our pastoral success. We also had some movement of offices and the establishment of the Student Hub. A door being reinstated has enabled a more collaborative approach, much needed airconditioned waiting areas, and availability of meeting spaces. The majority of the Pastoral Team being in one place makes it easier for students, staff and families to share information and experiences. 2021 saw a coordinated Professional Development program for staff, bringing our previous foci of Essential Skills for Classroom Management and Restorative Practice together with ideas from the Positive Behaviour Support Team. We covered areas such as Active Supervision. All training sessions were


Ignatius Park College 2021

available to all staff members, in person and online. In 2021 we began a three-year process of culture review. The Positive Behaviour Support Team was formed from all areas of the school staff to review our current practices and strategically direct a positive culture based around values. At times, students have contributed their voice to ensure we kept on track. Our main focus in 2021 was data collection as good data can inform good practice. Using our data entry system (Teacher Kiosk) and TrackOne, the Pastoral Team can see trends in individual and group behaviour, monitor attendance and improvement, and foresee future needs. We have also aided our Pastoral Team to undertake Functional Behaviour Assessment training, to be better able to respond to the needs of individual students who are struggling at school. Students can now collect immediate positive feedback and reinforcement, be in the chance to win prizes for their positive behaviours and collect reward points for the whole school. Our primary goal is to ensure our College values – Integrity, Pride and Commitment – are consciously lived both within and beyond the College grounds. We now have a clear definition of what these values are at IPC. I sincerely hope your son has engaged with these definitions and you are living with a Man of Integrity, a Man of Pride and a Man of Commitment. Integrity Respect yourself and others Develop and maintain positive relationships Do the right thing when no-one is watching Ask the question, what would Jesus do? Pride Maintain your appearance and the facilities Represent IPC everywhere you go Celebrate success Be all that God asks you to be Commitment Right time, right place, right equipment Strive for personal excellence Demonstrate perseverance, resilience and initiative Maintain your relationship with God Johanna Smith | Director of Students

Whilst 2020 was a year of many firsts, 2021 has been a year of consolidation and growth. Last year’s remote learning experience during COVID lockdown was hailed as a success at Ignatius Park College and many faculties have permanently adopted lessons learned from this period. Online platforms, for example, are now integral tools used across subject areas for teachers to post learning activities, collect student work, monitor student progress and provide important feedback. As a result, our students now have far greater access to the curriculum, learning activities and to their teachers. The College also continues to expand the range of off-campus and flexible learning options available to the student body. This year, senior students have completed a diversity of learning sites off-campus, including QCAA subjects and VET qualifications ranging from Certificate I to Diploma level, with a variety of providers including TAFE, Townsville Creative Technologies Centre, external Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and even other Catholic schools. With increasing flexibility in curriculum delivery, we continue to improve our capacity to cater for the wide range of learner styles and varied post-school pathways of our students. Additionally, teachers and students continue to benefit from the experience of our inaugural Year 12 cohort graduating under the new Queensland

NAPLAN 'Tunnel of Love'

Certificate of Education (QCE) and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) systems in 2020. The transition to the new curriculum has provided teachers with the opportunity to develop an impressive bank of innovative teaching resources, rich learning experiences and challenging assessment items. In response, our Year 11 and 12 boys are adapting quickly to the heightened rigour and expectations of the new senior curriculum in Queensland. In the Junior School, there has been a strong focus on ‘getting back to basics’. The importance of being at the right place, at the right time and with the right equipment has been the clear message to our Year 7 students transitioning from primary school. The significance of regular study habits and neat, organised bookwork has also consistently been stressed. Whilst laptops and other electronic devices can be important learning tools, there is a plethora of research supporting the benefits of well organised, handwritten notes for neural development, long-term content recall and deeper processing of information. The focus on getting the basics right as a foundation for academic success will continue into the future. 2022 promises to be an exciting year with new subject offerings in the areas of Manufacturing, Graphics and Active Volunteering available for students to pursuit. We are also exploring exciting new independent study options for Year 11 and 12 students that provide a greater degree of flexibility in terms of senior subject selection. Ignatius Park College has a long and fine tradition of diversity and academic, artistic, sporting and cultural success – our curriculum delivery will continue to evolve to nuture the talents of our boys and respond to their needs. Shane Dove | Director of Curriculum

In HASS class with Year 7 students

Ignatius Park College 2021



Director of Curriculum


Director of Identity and Mission Ignatius Park College is a Catholic beacon of the Townsville and North Queensland community, steeped in tradition and based on strong, identifiable morals and values. Being a Catholic School means we deliver more than a valuesbased education. A Catholic education means the decisions we make are Christcentred. It means we attempt to form your sons to be good citizens of the world, loving God and our neighbours, making the world a better place. It also means we emphasize that everyone is made in the image of God and therefore deserves the inalienable dignity of the human person. We hope your sons understand what it means to be made in the image of the Creator. Another emphasis is that we are a school community, in communitas with each other and with our God. This encourages quality relationships that allow for difficulties and celebrate successes. Another way we demonstrate our Catholicity is by clearly articulating our Catholic worldview throughout our curriculum. And finally, the staff of our College should be known for their authentic witness to the Gospel. A further gift to the community is our charism. Charism is a gift from God for the Church and the world, given as diverse ways of living the Gospel. The charism of Blessed Edmund Rice is practical, liberating and gives preferential option to the poor. In all Edmund Rice Education Australia schools, including Ignatius Park, we express the charism as Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity. These Touchstones should be living and auditable in our school community. How successful have we been in living our charism? Ask yourself: Liberating Education How are the vision and hope for a better world for all expressed and celebrated at Ignatius Park? What experiences most awaken our students to the need for liberation in their own lives? What knowledge and skills do we equip the young men with so that they are able to discern the liberation needs of others? Who amplifies the voices of those most in need of liberation within the College community? How is that voice received?

Liberating Education


Gospel Spirituality

Ignatius Park College 2021

Gospel Spirituality In what ways do newcomers or visitors to Ignatius Park College tangibly recognise our relationships and actions as being Gospel inspired? What opportunities exist here for people to explore more deeply their understanding of and commitment to a Gospel spirituality? In what ways does IPC utilise its gifts to witness to the Gospel practices of inclusivity, forgiveness and compassion? Inclusive Community How does our College open its doors, not only to welcome and support all who come, but also to go out and meet those who don’t, constantly seeking ways of inviting everyone to the table? What opportunities does Ignatius Park have to ensure its mode of operation meets the diversity of needs of those it openly welcomes? What challenges does our school community face in aiming to be ‘open to all’? Justice and Solidarity What are the benefits and challenges of committing to justice and peace for all? How do we develop our educational mission through a spirituality that reflects upon needs and actions? In what ways are we asked to stand with those who are afflicted and marginalised? How are we asked to defend our wounded planet? In a “reset” year after what was disruptive 2020, it has been a blessing to have an opportunity to reflect, and to have time to go back to being of service to our school community. We have the opportunity to further strengthen our bond as a community, but I pray that we keep those who are still overwhelmed by this pandemic at the forefront of our minds. On the road that led to the cross, God stayed with Jesus, and, in our testing times, God will stay with us too. The source of hope, when we are discouraged; the source of community, when we are on our own; the source of faith, when doubt overpowers us; the source of inspiration, when life is colourless and drab; the source of eternity, when the weight of years bears down on us; the source of peace, when uncertainty is all around us ... God will not leave you on your own! Amen. I look forward to further consolidating, strengthening and providing further opportunities for our students and staff to engage in communitas throughout 2022. Mark Holmes | Director of Identity and Mission

Inclusive Community

Justice and Solidarity

The reimagining of the College Leadership Team at the end of last year has been positive for our College moving forward. Whilst the Principal and Deputy Principal oversee the entire College, each of the Directors have a portfolio of responsibility: Director of Curriculum, Director of Identity and Mission, Director of Students, and a new role, Director of Staff. As Director of Staff, my role is to fulfil the Human Resources function for the College, namely recruitment, selection and induction, appraisal, professional development and to ensure our legal obligations (eg Blue Cards, QCT Registration, Industrial Relations) are met. In 2021, our staff numbers are approximately 133 (full time equivalent) staff – 77 teachers and 56 support staff. I would like Ignatius Park College to not only be the ‘School of choice’ for students and their families, but also for staff. To this end, we provide professional development opportunities to ensure our staff remain at the forefront in their field, regardless of what position they hold in the school. Every year many of our staff participate in First Aid Training. In 2021, over 50 staff completed either the full First Aid or their CPR Refresher Course. Despite COVID restrictions, many of our staff have attended conferences, workshops and meetings and bring their learning back to the College to improve our processes, procedures or programs for students. Ignatius Park College is a vibrant community that encourages life-long learning for both our students and staff. Staff wellbeing is also a key component of this role. This year, we have worked collaboratively to ensure that all staff members feel valued and supported through new and ongoing initiatives such as our

acknowledgement of R U OK? Day, staff yoga and a family camp weekend as well as end of term social functions. Our staff club also provides many opportunities for staff to interact and socialise. Our staff make so many opportunities available for our students. From staff who participate in the formal tutoring and Homework Program in the Library, to those who help students in the Quad at lunchtimes and after school – we are a learning community. Many of our staff also make a vast array of sporting opportunities available to the boys through coaching and managing teams as well as organising travel to gain experience from a greater range of teams. The specialist areas, such as Music, Drama, Hospitality, Digital Technologies, Industrial Arts and Science, regularly host events at lunchtimes and after school hours, to allow interested students to hone their craft. We are humbled and very appreciative of staff who share their talents and personal time to enable these programs to thrive and succeed. We have also been blessed to mentor a number of Preservice Teachers again this year and we are looking forward to enhancing this program, in partnership with James Cook University (JCU), in years to come. This year, Mr Matthew Burnett was presented with an Award from JCU for his exceptional work as a Mentor Teacher. Congratulations, Matt! Mr John Alloway was also a finalist in the Queensland College of Teachers TeachX Awards 2020, acknowledging the amazing contribution that he has made during his 42 years of service to the College. Ignatius Park College has certainly been built on the contribution of many and continues to be a vibrant community for staff, students, families and alumni as well the wider community! Our values of integrity, pride and commitment are certainly practised in every day life by all. Marg Hodgson | Director of Staff

School Officers' Day

World Teachers' Day

Staff vs Students Cook Off

Ignatius Park College 2021



Director of Staff


Dean of Pedagogy I was incredibly honoured to step into the new position of Dean of Pedagogy at the College, which focuses on the development of best practice teaching and learning. After many years as Faculty Leader of the English Department, this role provided an opportunity to focus on pedagogy and curriculum across the College and work closely with junior students. We have amazing teachers at the College, and our combined wisdom gives us an opportunity to continue to explore ways we can help our students grow and achieve their goals. This year, the role has incorporated a wide range of projects and has allowed me time to work closely with our students in the junior school. It’s been wonderful to have an opportunity to get to know our newer students at the College. I’ve also been excited to introduce the Invicta Awards, for students who have achieved great results across their subjects, and also the Ignacio Awards, for those students who’ve displayed strong improvements in their studies. This year, we recognised an incredible number of young men in both categories and I look forward to seeing this continue to grow next year. Key to seeing our student outcomes improve is helping the boys develop a growth mindset and confidence about their studies. Some key programs this year have included conducting NAPLAN, supporting the implementation of Write That Essay sentence and paragraph structures in the junior school and helping to organise intervention programs for Year


Ignatius Park College 2021

7 students who have experienced some challenges with their learning. We’ve also used the PIVOT Reflection Tool to allow our students to provide feedback to their teachers. Running NAPLAN online for the first time this year brought some challenges, but the students in Years 7 and 9 have achieved some positive results and we can be very proud of their efforts. We were determined to have our boys approach the experience positively, and the Year 12 students did a wonderful job of supporting the junior boys by cheering them in to their first exam and reminding them of the importance of representing the College well. Moving forward, I’m looking forward to working closely with Faculty Leaders to develop our Pedagogical Framework and identifying new approaches to pedagogy. We’re also exploring different ways to approach assessment in the junior school with lots of interesting news happening in this area next year. The collection and collation of data is another important project. Having access to more data about our students and how they are progressing will help to guide how we develop and deliver curriculum in a way that is most beneficial for our students. The support and encouragement of Shane Dove, our Director of Curriculum, and CLT Assistants Kayleen Foster, Sheena King and Kim Rogers has been invaluable this year. I appreciate their collective wisdom (and endless patience!). Ignatius Park College is an amazing place to be and our teaching team is always working to find ways to make what we do better. This role is a great opportunity to continue to work towards helping this to happen. Andrea Tarttelin | Dean of Pedagogy

In such a dynamic and valued institution as Ignatius Park College, there is a wealth of history and knowledge which I consulted in order to continue some of the gains made in recent years. Some of the initiatives which have been introduced in 2022 have made huge inroads into the lives of our students and proved to be of great benefit. These include a full school week on a quarterly basis dedicated to educating our students and parents of our strong anti-bullying stance. The manner in which students speak and behave with one another continues to be of paramount importance at our school. I am proud of the Senior students, led by the ‘Super Six’ who have driven much of this initiative with their “White or Blue, I’ll Stand by You” campaign. Embedded within this program were improvements to our online reporting system and pulse surveys to allow students to have their voice heard. We also ran a week based on ‘Inclusivity”, which was something new to our community and raised awareness of our Inclusive Community Touchstone. Our Rites of Passage Program has been something which has in 2021 been in continued development and expansion. In 2022 it will form the backbone of a modern, research-based wellbeing program designed to develop and nurture compassionate, forward-thinking Christian gentlemen in a uniquely Ignatius Park College style. Other 2021 initiatives included: Skate and Scoot Day, the Handball Competition, the introduction of SCHOOLTV for our parent body and well

as Domestic and Family Violence, Consent, Appreciation of Women in our lives, Homelessness, several different presentations on Drug and Alcohol education and Life skills. With the help of Mr Steve Coleman, Outdoor Education program was extended this year with our students now participating in an annual program designed to build grit and teamwork, whilst also attaining individual accolades and skills to help them as they mature. I am particularly proud of two other programs which were run in 2021, which I think were a success and achieved their goals. Firstly, Old Boys’ Week was run in Term 2 giving opportunity for our Old Boys to return to the school in their professional capacity and share their experiences with current students. From sporting superstars to successful business owners, leaders in finance to a mathematician who is solving the world’s COVID problems, Ignatius Park College can hold its head high knowing our young men are actively contributing to our world. Secondly, in a pioneering move for Ignatius Park, we began the year with the House Choir competition. It was a fantastic way for our students to bond and can achieve something as a House. All agree that the afternoon was a true display of IPC spirit. I would like to thank all of the Pastoral Leaders, Senior and Middle student Leaders, Mr Guerra, Mrs Smith and the incredible staff at IPC for allowing me to have some latitude in 2021 to try new things. Such a dynamic and important team is vital to the success of a huge organisation like Ignatius Park. Finally, thanks to all students in 2021 who were receptive and open to learning and experiencing new ideas with such a positive mindset. There’s more to come in 2022! John Deer | Dean of Wellbeing

Ignatius Park College 2021



Dean of Wellbeing


Ignatius Park College 2021





Marta Goddard, Julie Sherwood, Nadine Burnett, Mark Holmes, Marg Hodgson, John Doolan, Shaun Clarke, Johanna Smith, Shane Dove, Nicole Putscher, Marie Fensom, Dannielle Charge, Larissa Di Bella Kayleen Foster, Leanne Hunter-Painter, Tina Gibson, Kay O'Connor, Marita Martinez, Frances Hawkins, Laura Simpson-Helman, Monica Kolb, Annette Gregory, Susan Pilcher, Carly Beckham, Sandra Walton, Karen Crespan Andrew Keane, Paul Bruce, Renee Deuble, Georgia Stayte, Julie Owen, Terry Taylor, Jerome Collier, Bill Mitchell, Kylie Tillack, Sal Kruger, Val Derwent, Damien Tehan, Christopher Baily Grant Sim, Amanda Loechel, Trevor Rethamel, Leonard Farren, Erin Reyes, Christian Power, Oral Power, Matthew Rowan, Tristan Nelliman-Adams, John Alloway, Will Phelan, Frank Iemma Kirrilee Browning, Keely Mullins, Pudy Timbs, Matthew Burnett, Darren Spina, Kelsey Campbell, Bruce Denny, Michelle Kenyon, Katrina Guazzo, Sandy O'Melia, Mackenzie Taylor, Clare Regattieri Rohan Lloyd, Thomas Lucas, Matt Thiele, Matthew Johnston, Vilton Crasto, Kim Steele, Donna Knowles, Mark Laguna, Matthew Fanning, Chris Lauren, Liam Dunne, Grant Rossiter Laural Brown, Greg Christ, Dave Hodgson, Troy Deans, Tim Booth, Jake Jackson, Drew Thompson, Matthew Scharfe, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Sam Cribb, Andrew Hodgson, Jane Gioffre Sheena King, Jaclyn Bartholomew, Paul Marano, Christian Quabba, Phillip Dembowski, Brian Geaney, Chris Thiele, Stephen Woodford, Gian Guerra, Rebecca Ebelt, Christina Allen Andrea Tarttelin, Nick Giemsa, John Fuller, Tim Lindeberg, John Deer, Brian Hawke, Matthew Groves, Casey Raeside, Leo Hogan

CAREW COLLEGE Staff Photograph

Principal Mr S Clarke BA, Dip Ed. Rtc Deputy Principal Mr J Doolan MEd Leadership, MBA, BEd, Cert. of Catholic Education Director of Curriculum Mr S Dove BEd (Sec), BA (Hons), Dip VET, Dip Training Design and Development, Cert IV TAE Director of Identity and Mission Mr M Holmes MEd Leadership, GCert Theology, BEd Sec (Human Movement) Director of Staff Ms M Hodgson MEd Leadership, BA, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Arts (Lib and Info Sci.), Cert II Hospitality, Cert IV Career Dev, Dip HRM Director of Students Mrs J Smith MEd Leadership, BAppSc (HMS-Ed), Cert IV TAE Business Manager Mr V Crasto CPA, MBA, MPA, BCom


Staff Directory

PROGRAM LEADERS Head of Sport Mr J Alloway, MEd, BHMS (Ed) Indigenous and Multi-Cultural Mr A Kirkpatrick, BEd Inclusive Education Ms N Putscher, BVA, BEd, Masters – National Award for SEN (Special Needs) Vocational Education and Training (VET) Mr G Rossiter, MEd - Leadership, GDip - Teach, B App Sci – Physics, Cert IV TAE Cultural Co-ordinator Mr G Guerra, BEd Teacher-in-Charge Languages Ms R Irvine, BLM (Japanese) Faith Learning in Action Coordinator Mr C Raeside BA/BTeach (Sec), BA(Hons), MPICT Liturgies and Retreats Coordinator Ms B Barbagallo, BA, BEd, GCertEd Leadership (on Leave) Edmund Rice Beyond Borders Coordinator Mr G Christ, BEd Learning Resource Coordinator Mrs P Timbs, BEd Instrumental and Ensemble Coordinator Ms T Higgins, Bach Contemporary Music and PostGrad Dip. Education

ACADEMIC STAFF Mr C Baily, B.Ed, Cert IV TAE Ms B Barbagallo, BA, BEd (On leave) Mrs J Bartholomew BTHT, GDipEd Dr A Bowman , BSc (Sust. Env.), GDipEd, BSc (Hons), PhD (Biology) (Term 1) Deans Mr M Burnett, BEd (Sec) Dean of Pedagogy Mrs N Burnett, BA Ed (Sec) Mrs A Tarttelin, BEd, MEd Leadership Ms K Busby, BEd (Sec) Dean of Student Wellbeing Ms K Campbell, BApp Sci, PG Dip Sport Science, GDip Ed, NZ Mr J Deer, BEd Cert Personal Training Mr J Collier, BEd (Sec), Cert III in CAD Drawing PASTORAL (HOUSE) LEADERS Mr G Cook, BEd (On Leave) Baillie House Mr M Turner, BSc (Chem), GDLT, Mr S Cribb, BEd GCertEdLeadership Mr B Deneen, BVisual Art, BEd Carew House Mr P Bruce, BInfTech, BEd, Cert IV Training Ms R Deuble, BAppSc, BAppSc (Honours), BEd (Sec), (Sem 2) and Assessment Mr B Geaney, Dip T, Cert IV TAE Nolan House Mr M Mitchell, BEXSc, BTeachSE Ms K Guazzo, BEd, BJ, MEd - Leadership Putney House Mr J Fuller, BEc, BEd Mr B Hawke, BEd Reid House Mr L Dunne, BEd Mr A Hodgson, BVisual Art, BEd Rice House Mr M Groves, BEd (Human Movement) Mr L Hogan, BEd Treacy House Mr C Quabba, BEd Sec (Human Mr G Hughes, B App Sc (HMS), GDipEd Movement), Cert IV TAE Mr F Iemma, Dip T, BEd (Term 1-3) Mr J Jackson, BEd FACULTY LEADERS Mr A Keane, BEd (Hons) English Mrs M Kenyon, BAppSc., GDipEd, DipCounselling Dr R Lloyd, PhD (History), BEd (Sec), BA (Hons) Mrs S Kruger, BAppSc, MPodPrac MTeach(Sec) Health and Physical Education Mr M Laguna, BEd Mr M Johnson, BEd, MSp Coach, MBus (Sports Management), Mr S Lansley, BEd (Sec) MEXSc (Strength and Conditioning), MPhil Ms A Loechel, B Biomed Sc, BEd Hospitality Mr T Lucas, MEd, BAppSc, GDipEd, Dip Bus, Dip Mgt, Highly Mrs J Head, BEd Technologies, Cert II Hospitality Accomplished Teacher (QCT) Kitchen Operations, Cert II Hospitality Food and Beverage Mr P Marano, BEd (Secondary Vocational), Cert III Engineering Cert IV TAE Tradesperson, Cert IV TAE Ms M Martinez, BBus, BJ and GDipEd (Sec) Humanities Ms B McLean, GDipSecEd, BSc, LLB (Sem 1) Mr T Lindeberg, BEd Ms S Meyer-Seri, BA (Photography), Cert Irish Literature, Digital and Design Technologies Culture, Politics and Economics, MA Art Ed, Cert in Art Ed, Dip Mr B Denny, BEd Hosp (On Leave) Industrial Technology and Design/Graphics Mr M Moxon, BMgt, BEd Mr L Farren, BEd, Diploma of Teaching TAFE, Diploma Mr C Mullins (Term 4) Management, Certificate IV TAE , Certificate in App Science Ms K Mullins, BEd (Sem 2) (CAD), Certificate in Boilermaking Ms M Oakley-Cogan, BTeach/Arts, Dip Music Industry Mathematics Mrs S O’Melia, BEd, Cert IV Teaching English to Students of Ms R Ebelt, BSc/BEd (Sec) Other Languages, Dip Edu Supp, Cert IV TAE Religious Education Mrs T Quabba, BEd (Prim) – Japanese Mr M Holmes, MEd Leadership, GCert Theology, BEd Mr D Rawnsley, Cert III Cabinetmaking and BEd (Sem 2) Sec(Human Movement) Mr E Reyes, BEd Science Mr S Robertson, BJ, Grad BEd Mrs A Deer, BBiomed Sc, BEd Mrs A Rossi, BEd Mr M Rowan, BEd (Human Movement), Cert IV in TAE The Arts Mr K Spencer, BSc, BEd Mrs K Tillack, MEd (Leadership and Management), BEd (Sec) Mr D Spina, GDipEd (Secondary), B Pharmacy Ms G Stayte, BEd Ms M Taylor, BEd School Chaplain Father Rod Ward MB, BS (Qld), FAMA, BTheol (BCT), Grad Dip Min (BCT)

Ignatius Park College 2021



Staff Directory Mr D Tehan, BEd, Dip T, Adv Dip Construction Management, Dip Construction, Dip Training Design and Development, Dip Project Management, Cert IV TAE, Cert IV Construction, Cert III Carpentry (Sem 2) Mr C Thiele, BEd, Cert IV TAE Mr M Thiele, BEd, BMus Mr D Thompson, B New Media Arts, GDipEd (Secondary) Ms C Ventic, BScEd, GradCertREED (Sem 1) Ms S Walton, First and Second Staatsexamen for teaching Special Education (Germany) Student Counsellors Ms D Charge, BPsych, Assoc MAPS Mrs V Derwent, MSW, AASW, Cert IV TAE Careers Advisor Mr P Dembowski, B/Learning Management (Sec VET), Dip TAE Systems, Cert IV TAE Vocational Trainer, Cert IV Career Development, Cert III Fitter and Turner IT Manager Mr C Lauren, Graduate Electronic Engineering (Sweden) (Terms 1-3) Outdoor Education Consultant Mr S Coleman, Dip T, Cert IV Outdoor Recreation Property and Services Manager Mr T Rethamel, Cert IV Engineering (Mech Fitting), Trade Cert III Engineering (Mech Fitting), Dip Bus, Dip OHS, Dip Logistics, Cert IV Transport and Logistics Promotions and Marketing Consultant Mrs M Simmons (Terms 1-3) Administrative Staff Mrs K Browning, Executive Assistant to the Principal, Cert III Office Administration, Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training Mrs M Fensom, CLT Assistant Mrs K Foster, CLT Assistant Ms A Harrington, Events Coordinator Mrs L Hayward, Student Reception (Sem 2) Ms S King, CLT Assistant, Dip Local Government Administration, Cert IV Business Administration Mrs D Knowles CLT Assistant, Advanced Diploma – Remedial Therapies, Cert IV Education Support, JP Qld Qualified Mrs V Moloney, Office Reception Mrs L Moule, BEd (Arts), Cert IV Workplace TAE , Cert II, III, IV in Business Admin, JP QLD Qualified Mrs J Owen, Assistant to Program Leader – VET (Sem 1) Ms D Price, Administration Assistant, Teacher Aide - Art, Tuckshop (Terms 1-3) Mrs K Rogers, CLT Assistant, Cert IV Front Line Management (Term 1) Mrs L Simpson-Helman, CLT Assistant, Cert III Library and Information Services, Cert IV Education Support, Cert III Meetings and Events Mr M Stark, Strength and Conditioning Coach BSpExSci, Grad Dip ExPhys (Clin), MExerSc (Strength and Conditioning). Mrs K Steele, Publications, BAComm / BBus Mrs J Vignale, Admissions Assistant (Sem 1), VET Assistant (Sem 2), Cert IV TAE, Cert III in Education Support Tuckshop Mrs K O’Connor (Convenor) Mrs C Beckham Mrs C Jones Mrs R Robertson Mrs J Sherwood, Office Reception Defence Mrs C Drummond, Defence School Mentor, BA (English/ Drama), GDipEd (Sec) Finance Staff Mrs K Crespan, Finance Officer Ms N Davids, Accountant, CA, BCom (Fin Man) Mrs P Holland, Finance Officer Mrs L Hunt-Painter, Finance Officer, Dip Acc IT Support Mr N Giemsa, IT Support, Diploma of IT (Networking),


Ignatius Park College 2021

eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester Mr M Scharfe, IT Support Mr I Wilson, IT Support, BEng-Computer Systems Engineering (Sem 1) Journey2Jobs Mr T Nelliman-Adams – Journey2Jobs Laboratory Assistants Ms J Gioffre, Assistant Laboratory Aide, Cert IV in Laboratory Techniques, Cert III in Laboratory Skills, BSc (Marine Biology), Sheetmetal Working (DK Qual) Mrs A Gregory, Laboratory Assistant, Dip of Laboratory Technology, Cert IV TAE, Cert IV Laboratory Techniques (Education), Cert III Laboratory Skills, Cert III Education Support, Deliver e-Learning Skill Set, Infection Control Skill Set Library Staff Mrs L Fryer Mrs M Goddard, Cert III in Library and Information Services Mrs L Brown Mr M Fanning Property and Services Staff Ms C Allen Mr J Bell Mrs D Butterworth Mrs W Greig Mr D Hodgson, Trade Cert Welding Mr W Jervis Mrs M Mitchell Mr W Phelan Mr O Power Mr T Taylor Teacher Aides Mrs M Bebb, Teacher Aide - Hospitality Mr T Booth, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education Mr E Collins, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, BFA: Film, TV and New Media (Term 4) Mrs D Crespan, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Cert IV in Education Support – Learning Support Mr T Deans, Teacher Aide – Industrial Arts, Fitter, Heavy Earth Moving Ms L Di Bella, Teacher Aide – Physical Education and Sport, BSpExSci, ASCA SandC Coach, Cert III in Business Mrs F Hawkins, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, DipT Ms M Kolb, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Cert III in Learning Support Mrs C Lestone, Teacher Aide - Inclusive Education, BSc Mrs J Long, Teacher Aide - Hospitality Mr W Mitchell, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education Mr D O'Connor, Teacher Aide - Inclusive Education, BA (Eng) (On Leave) Mrs S Pilcher, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, Cert III in Education Support, Cert IV in Telecommunications Mr C Power, Teacher Aide – Indigenous Support Mr O Power, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education and Indigenous Support, Dip of Youth Work Mrs C Regattieri Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education Mrs A Sciuto, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education, D Ed Supp, Cert III in Learning Support Mrs M Sheppard, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education Ms R Stretton, Teacher Aide – Inclusive Education Mr G Sim, Teacher Aide - Industrial Arts, Builder Mr S Woodford, Teacher Aide - Industrial Arts, Fitter Machinist, Welder

Paul Fanning - 1961 - 2021 This year, we mourned the passing of much-loved son of Iggy Park, Paul Fanning. Paul passed away earlier this year after an extended illness from cancer. He graduated from the College in 1978 and was the Business Manager of the College from 2008. His service to the College was greatly valued by staff, students and parents. On the football field he was known as the ‘Mighty One’ as once the ball was in his procession it was near impossible to stop him, such was his strength and determination. Yet in his role as Business Manager at Iggy Park, he was a humble servant, with deep levels of empathy and compassion for those he served. He was an intelligent and innovative Business Manager, whose decision always focused on continuous improvement and the learning needs of our students. Paul was truly a man who emulated the spirit and charism of Blessed Edmund Rice, clearly understanding the power of education to open doors and change lives. So deep was his belief in Iggy Park that it was the chosen educational setting for his sons. Paul’s life reflected his deep commitment to his faith, always placing others before himself. His relationships both within the College and beyond, were characterized by his kindness, generosity, loyalty and authenticity. As such he was a wonderful role model for us all, but particularly for our young men at Iggy Park. Paul will be deeply missed by so many, as his was a life of great celebration, which has touched our hearts and created a bond that will remain beyond his physical presence. We have been blessed to share in his life story and to be enriched by the journey. Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Blessed Edmund. Pray for us. Live Jesus in our Hearts forever. Shaun Clarke | Principal

Ignatius Park College 2021



Vale Paul Fanning


Captain’s Report What a momentous year 2021 has been. The presence of COVID-19 being almost eliminated in North Queensland made for a memorable year as almost everything went back to normal from the sporting field to the classroom. Although it has been an amazing year, it draws to a close with the legacy formed by the 2021 Seniors and a new group of eager Year 11s stepping up. Personally, I think nothing could beat the feeling of putting on a white shirt and tie and stepping on the school grounds for the first time. The sense of pride was overwhelming and we were looking forward to our last year at the Park. After immense help from the College leadership group, many events were able to run smoothly, along with some new ones emerging along the way. It was amazing to see the great Eddie Rice Day back in action, as well as all the carnivals back in swing for 2021 - Athletics, Swimming, and Cross Country. The revival of paint at our beloved Athletics Carnival left the boys in a spray of assorted colours. I believe the echo from the Swimming Carnival was heard as far north as Bushland Beach and as far east as The Strand! It was one to remember with each


Ignatius Park College 2021

House cheering loud and proud, finishing the day with the Iggy Ya-Ya to top it all off. The outstanding Eddie Rice Day was a success amongst all grades, f rom spaghetti eating competitions to brutal sock wrestling. We even had the Police giving students tours of their car as well as using their speed camera to determine the fastest thrower in the school. There is so much to say about such a wonderful year but more importantly more to say about the men who will be leaving this all behind. It has truly been a stellar year with these men leading from the front. Everyone in our grade added a little bit of their touch to the year in their own way, whether they believe they did or not. We had a broad range of men from the VET men slaving away on the tools, to the ATAR men smashing the books, and to our QCE men chasing the career choices of their dreams. Our theme this year was to Stay True, Bleed Blue, and I believe we stuck to it like glue! Many adversities were faced by my fellow Senior men, but we overcame these in search of our dreams. It has been a memorable six years for most of the boys who started here in Year 7 and the years have flown by. For any of the younger Iggy men reading this, remember to Stay True, Bleed Blue, follow your dreams and don't stop grinding away to achieve them. Euam Cram | College Captain

College Captains and Prefects FRONT ROW: Lucas Dummett, Thomas Duffy, Euan Cram, Atticus D'Mello SECOND ROW: Wayne Owens, Andrew Edmonds

House Captains and Vice Captains FRONT ROW:

Braedan Kennedy, Lachlan Bourke, Darcy Keir, Benjamin Dixon, Mitchell Doyle, Trinidy Parker, Joshua Marquez SECOND ROW: Alex Katsaros, Cathane Hill, Lachlan Parker, Corey Stevenson, Orlando Sartori, Alex Bombardieri, James Potter

Ignatius Park College 2021



School Leaders


Academic Awards

Promixe Accessit of Year 7 Riley Sievers

Dux of Year 7 Louie Ferres

Promixe Accessit of Year 8 Oliver Catt

Dux of Year 8 Ashley Hudson

Promixe Accessit of Year 9 Adam Sievers

Dux of Year 9 Benjamin Hatchard

Promixe Accessit of Year 10 Nathaniel Barton

Frank D’Ilario Memorial Shield for Dux of Year 10 Daniel Mosch

Vocational Education and Training Year 11 Jackson Hocking


Promixe Accessit of Year 11 Oliver Oh

Ignatius Park College 2021

Dux of Year 11 Harry Gallagher-Smith


CERTIFICATES OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Bronze Jack Alloway Corbin Waddington Jack Whelan Ryer Duxbury Mason Oliver Caylan Rout Tyler Brown Coen Schaffer Nicolas Demopoulos Lachlan Wilkie Jake Daldy Dean Gunders Noah Payten Callan Watson

Fergus Daly Cameron Mears Harrison McCloskey Antse Mpusetsang Lachlan George-Shaw Ethan Askin Silver Nate Antoniazzi Jake Piccolo Darius Nauer Ethan Burnett Lucius Scheiwe Tyler Shore Divjot Singh

Mac Barwick Blake De Satge Gold Louie Ferres Riley Sievers Cooper Bloxsom PROXIME ACCESSIT YEAR 7 Riley Sievers DUX OF YEAR 7 Louie Ferres


CERTIFICATES OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Bronze Bibin Martin Trey Paul Vinh Luong Bentley Duncanson Coen Jones Nicholas Barr Tyler Pannach Maddyx Mancuso Cooper Riley Harrison Biggin Ashton Deer Billy Curley Haydan King Orlando Lochowicz

Riley Girgenti Rory Foyle Lachlan Kiehne Liam Jones Caleb Allan

Elliot Gilmore Euan Roberts Ryan McCarthy Beau McCarron George Paske

Silver Seth Chun Tie Jackson Hatchard Jack Montgomery Owen Myers Dane Craperi Azhagan Slingsby Winston Joseph Luke Swain

Gold Ashley Hudson Oliver Catt PROXIME ACCESSIT YEAR 8 Oliver Catt DUX OF YEAR 8 Ashley Hudson


CERTIFICATES OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Bronze Ethan Clarke Darcy Schafer Lucas Lazzaroni Evan Msonga Jay-Dee Barwick David Scott Oscar Beattie Tate Hastie Jai Duxbury Michael Paine Ryan Connolly Sean Weir

Connor Kenyon Trey Horan Thomas Bartels Elliot Hoskins Rhys Clarke Caleb Mahoney Alexander Demopoulos Johnathan Hewson Silver Lucas Partridge Nathan Dolan Calam Sinclair

Luke Madsen Connor Sadler Joshua Morton Gold Benjamin Hatchard Adam Sievers PROXIME ACCESSIT YEAR 9 Adam Sievers DUX OF YEAR 9 Benjamin Hatchard

Ignatius Park College 2021



Academic Awards



CERTIFICATES OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Bronze Parker Duncanson Aidan Fitzpatrick Jack Fredericks Scott Swain Nicholas Rowan Nate Rasink Drew Roberts Cody Christiansen Jude Foyle Nelson Kennedy

Silver Liam Sutton Luke Craperi Joseph Wood Gold Daniel Mosch Nathaniel Barton




Gold Harry Gallagher Smith Riley Innes Oliver Oh Tenzin Daly


CERTIFICATES OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION EXCELLENCE Bronze Brody Ah Kit Jesse Blake Jacob Fowler Myles Hoskins Elijah Joe Daniel Scott


Silver Jackson Hocking Cooper Leonard Kym Nuth Roman Smirnov

Ignatius Park College 2021

Gold Jonathan Gatis



Tenzin Daly Harry Gallagher-Smith Liam Marr Dane Smedley Keil Duxbury Oliver Oh Riley Innes Tenzin Daly Keil Duxbury Oliver Oh Riley Snell Harry Gallagher-Smith Riley Innes Harry Gallagher-Smith Cohan Russell + Finn Kearns Gabriel Smith Harry Bowman Riley Innes Harry Bowman Harry Coleman Jack Revell Jackson Hocking Cooper Leonard Cameron Annesley Declan Hart Cameron Annesley Riley Gibson Cooper Leonard Roman Smirnov Jackson Waldon


Jackson Hocking Oliver Oh Harry Gallagher-Smith

Ignatius Park College 2021



Academic Awards


Academic Awards JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY AWARDS Year 7 Cooper Bloxsom Year 8 Jackson Hatchard Year 9 Benjamin Hatchard Year 10 Daniel Mosch Year 11 Riley Innes Year 12 Joel Tully JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY RISING STAR SCHOLARSHIP Year 12 Lucas Dummett THE LOCHLAN KENNEDY "DEADLY BALA" AWARD Braedan Kennedy As a Year 10 student in 2009, Lochlan suffered a serious spinal injury resulting in him becoming a quadriplegic. The Deadly Bala Award recognises a Year 11 or 12 Indigenous student who inspires others to achieve the best of their abilities. LONG TAN LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORK AWARDS (Sponsored by the Australian Defence Force) Year 10 Nate Rasink Year 12 James Potter ADF FUTURE INNOVATORS AWARDS Year 10 Liam Sutton Year 12 Joel Webb DEUS CARITAS EST AWARD Atticus D'Mello The Catholic Education Office instituted this Award in each of the Diocese Catholic Colleges. It recognises a Year 12 student who demonstrates a commitment to Christian living in how they interact with and treat others. EDMUND RICE SERVICE AWARDS Ardrijan Shahinper Vatsal Goyal Don Raju Andrew Edmonds These are awarded to students who have served the College in a special way. THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AWARD Kaleb Lewis This award, instituted in 2012, goes to a Year 12 student who has shown a consistent commitment to the study of Religious Education and demonstrated an ability to incorporate this study within his life. It is sponsored by Fr. Rod Ward. IPC MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR Samuel Salvador This award, instituted in 1999, recognises outstanding all round participation within the Music Department. THE BR R. O. GRUNDY ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Jackson Hughes This award was instituted by the Art Department in 1997 to recognise a work of outstanding artistic merit. It is named in honour of Br. R.O. Grundy, College Principal 1995 - 1997. THE EXCELLENCE IN THEATRE AWARD Axel Lincoln This award, instituted in 2012, is presented to the student who has shown outstanding dedication to the art of Musical Performance and Creative Industry. THE MATTHEW GOW MEMORIAL TROPHY Zac Brunetto Matthew Gow was a student at the College from 1987-1991. This trophy is awarded to a student who has consistently represented the College in Interschool Debating.


Ignatius Park College 2021

EDMUND RICE DASH Mitchell Doyle This trophy was first presented in 1997 as part of the College’s Annual Edmund Rice Day in honour of our founder. THE RUSSEL BROWN MEMORIAL AWARD Joel Webb Russel Brown was a student at the College from 19951997. This Award recognises students who overcome adversity to realise their full potential as Christian gentlemen. THE MARK MEWBURN BURSARY Nicholas Rowan Mark Mewburn was a member of the College staff from 2011-2015. This bursary is awarded to a Year 10 student who would benefit from support to help him “Get the Life you LOVE!” THE COMMERCE AWARD Keegan Gedling This Award is awarded to the student who has excelled in the area of Commerce in Year 12. It is sponsored by the Hansen family. THE ANGUS L. McPHERSON TROPHY Atticus D'Mello This trophy is in honour of Angus McPherson who saved the life of a past student of the Christian Brothers in Townsville. The Award recognises participation in various charitable activities in the service of the community. THE AMPOL BEST ALL ROUNDER Thomas Duffy Ignatius Park College uses this award to recognise a student who has participated well in a wide range of school activities and who is in his final year of schooling. THE BROTHER LACEY MEMORIAL SHIELD Euan Cram Brother Lacey, a former Principal of our Lady’s Mount, is remembered in this award which is given to the student who has displayed qualities of excellent leadership within the school community. THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS OLD BOYS' BURSARY Keegan Gedling This is awarded to a Senior student who has displayed persistence and diligence in his studies. It is anticipated that he continue his education and would benefit from this bursary. THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS OLD BOYS' SHIELD Wayne Owens This shield has been donated by the Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Association in recognition of service to the school community by a Senior student. THE FRANK D’ILARIO MEMORIAL SHIELD Daniel Mosch Frank D’Ilario was a student at the College from 1988-1992 and was Dux of Year 10 in 1990. The Shield is awarded to the Year 10 student who has shown academic excellence as Dux of Year 10. BR JON HANSEN SPIRIT SHIELD Rice House PADDY CAREW SHIELD Baillie House

Ignatius Park College 2021



Academic Awards


Year 7 Baillie


Ben Di Bella, Jamie Lazzaroni, Mason Oliver, Luca Ferguson, Jack Shelton, Doujon Kanak, Callan Watson, Tyler Shore, Dean Gunders SECOND ROW: Kingston Perez, Luis Sirriss, Antse Mpusetsang, Beau Campbell, Cooper Bloxsom, Zak Green, Mitchel Lyon THIRD ROW: Corbin Waddington, Ryan Hennell, Kevin Ross, Ethan Weil, Koby Jones, Dylan Mathie, Ethan Millington, Riley Eastlake TEACHERS: Dr A. Bowman, Mr M. Stanford

Year 8 Baillie


Adam Parker, James Brice , Toby Watson, Carter Koitka, Rory Foyle, Oscar Smith, Oliver Catt, Harrison Purt, Tom Revell SECOND ROW: Cooper Christiansen, Ethan Vaughan, George Paske, Jayce Humphreys, Ethan Catt, Caius Arnold, Luke Swain, Rylan Coleman THIRD ROW: Tyson Downey, Koby Burnett, Cruz McGhie, Mark Collins, Cooper Riley, Vinh Luong, Blake Arnold, Harrison Rowe TEACHERS: Mr J. Jackson, Mr C. Raeside


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Year 9 Baillie


Corey Ashby, Joseph Martini, Geoffrey Lui, Alex Owens, Lucas Lazzaroni, Cooper Umstad, Jamahl Stone, Trey Horan SECOND ROW: Sean Weir, Zack Hannah, Blake Koitka, Mason Saltner, Andrew Gatis THIRD ROW: Lucas Mathie, Aiden Morris, Hugh Cafferky, Ethan Conrad, Connor Sadler, Logan Maggenti, Connor Kenyon ABSENT: Samuel Hawes, Clay Bell TEACHERS: Miss M. Taylor, Miss R. Ebelt

Year 10 Baillie


Jude Foyle, Aidan Phelan, Ty Foley, Lennox Metcalfe, Marley Scarff, Lachlan Moody, Khiem Luong, Jayden Robshaw, Michael Whittering SECOND ROW: Benjamin Moody, Scott Swain, Jackson Ross, Mark Hennell, Orlando Parker, Mitchell Bloxsom, Kye Stallan THIRD ROW: Hayden Downey, Tarquinn Forster, Domenick Osborne, Daniel Mosch, Joshua Eggins, Nate Rasink, Sonny Crawford TEACHER: Ms M. Oakley-Cogan

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Year 11 Baillie


Riley Snell, Jack Revell, Ethan Hunter, Cohan Russell, Max Gough, Jonathan Gatis, Joel Prescott, Luke Ashby, William Costigan SECOND ROW: Damon Christiansen, Jacob Pugh, Kyle Reddicliffe, Blake Irving, Lleyton Ward, Brodie Dinneen, Zac Bennett THIRD ROW: Joshua Pierce, Cody Brown, Aiden Coleman, Joshua Corcoran, Lane Bell, Reece Foley, Sebastian Stone ABSENT: Kian Jenkinson TEACHER: Ms G. Stayte

Year 12 Baillie


Atticus D’Mello, Koby Wood-Lynch, Trinidy Parker, Daniel Weir, Henry Laws, James Yardley, Bailey Umstad, Billy Gifford SECOND ROW: Ashton Waddington, Alex Bombardieri, Joe Brosnan, Mitchell Davey, Ethan Coleman, Keane Stone THIRD ROW: Jakeb Vailalo, Cody Sadler, Lleyton Jackson, Wayne Owens, Angus Gorrie, Kobe Owens TEACHER: Mrs B. McLean


Ignatius Park College 2021

As 2020 drew to a close, a notable time arrived for an important handover to take place when the Baillie House honours were passed on to the determined Senior group of 2021. Now, it has officially been 12 months and here we are. What a year it has been! Heading into 2021, the Baillie House was determined to build upon a legacy laid down by our Brothers during 2020. This year, Baillie House welcomed some new faces to the College. This included the Year 7s, as well as a few young men throughout older grades. From the 2021 Baillie Seniors, we hope that your transition into the College has been an easy one, and you enjoy this place as much as we have. It is safe to say the Baillie House lived our 2021 theme and ripped into every opportunity. Our first test of the year that showcased pride, integrity, and commitment, was the Ignatius Park College Swimming Carnival. During the early weeks of Term 1, all Baillie men dressed up in Hawaiian outfits and were filled with eagerness about maintaining their 2020 title of first place victors. It was a long rainy day punctuated by the deafening sound of war cries and chants around the edge of the pool. Even though the rain cooled us down, it could not dampen our spirit. Heading into the afternoon session, the seniors encouraged all young Bears to “RIP INTO IT”. Winning was the only thing on our mind, but as luck would have it, we were knocked down from the winning position by a well-rounded Rice House, and we secured second place. Despite having the win taken from our grips, I would like to give a massive shoutout the all the Age Champions: Callan Watson (2nd), Carter Koitka (2nd), Blake Koitka (1st), Joshua Eggins (2nd) and Max Gough (2nd) for their top efforts! The second notable event for the year was Eddie Rice Day. This has always been a time for the Iggy Park community to come together to recognise, and pay respect to the efforts of Blessed Edmund Rice. The Annual Eddie Rice Dash was run by several Baillie boys who gave it their all . Students and staff were encouraged to participate in activities led by the Year 12s, especially the Thong Throw and the Tyre Tug-o-War. We also held a Staff vs. Student Netball and Soccer game. As per usual, there was a large turn-out by the Baillie Bears. After hours of fun, the day ended with the traditional interhouse Tug-o-War. Without a doubt, Baillie House spirit was the greatest on show throughout the day, and encouragement was in no short supply. Hot on the tail of Eddie Rice Day celebrations, the infamous Cross Country arrived. This day is always fantastic, and the athleticism of the Baillie House is put on a show for all to see. Unsurprisingly, participation was excellent, and all Baillie Bears dug deep. The day managed to capture an honest sense of pride which we hold for the College, our House and one another as we aimed for greatness

together. I would like to make special mention of the following Baillie men: Corbin Waddington (2nd), Carter Koitka (3rd), Blake Koitka (2nd), Daniel Mosch (1st), Zac Bennett (2nd), Max Gough (3rd) and Koby Wood-Lynch (1st). Overall, the combined efforts of everyone within the Baillie House saw us achieve fourth place. It was not a fantastic finish, but we are proud of the effort everyone put forward on the day. Despite our placement for the Cross Country, we thought we had a blessing in disguise arrive at our feet with the Inaugural Ignatius Park College House Choir. For the first time ever, each House performed their own song in a head-to-head battle against the other Houses. The winner was to be crowned as being the first ever ‘House Choir Champions’. After diligently practising and performing the greatest ever rendition of I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys, the Baillie House finished in fifth place. Even though it wasn’t our year to dominate vocally, we still managed to muster what was left of the Baillie spirit and set our sights on smashing next year. With much anticipation one of the final calendar events for the year arrived, the Athletics Carnival. The theme for this year was The Smurfs and the costumes didn’t disappoint. Once again, Baillie’s spirit was unmatched. We set our sights on securing our first carnival win of the year, especially after a few narrow defeats. From Josh Corcoran and Mason Saltner’s inspirational high jump skills to Cody Sadler’s mindblowing 800m, it was clear Baillie was ready to stand tall on the podium. Day 1 showcased an enormous effort for the field events. Every single Baillie Bear competed with conviction and recorded some of the best distances of the day. On Day 2, it was apparent from the morning onwards that we were in good stead as a House, as we maintained a definitive point lead running into morning tea. The rest is history. The mighty Baillie Bears officially won the Athletics 2021 Carnival! I would like to acknowledge the following men for their outstanding effort on the track: Carter Koitka (3rd), Mark Naudi (3rd), Blake Koitka (2nd), Geoffrey Lui (2nd), Max Gough (3rd) and the following for their efforts in the field Koby Jones (3rd), Lucas Lazzaroni (3rd), Blake Koitka (2nd), Joshua Eggins (2nd), Reece Foley (1st), Jakeb Vailalo (3rd) and Kobe Owens (1st). Finally, I would like to give thanks to all the boys who took part in charity events and community service activities this year. Without a doubt, you bring something special to the College, and most importantly, to the Baillie House. Furthermore, to all the Baillie men who have committed wholeheartedly to their studies this year, keep ripping into it because sustained effort always shows in the end! On that note, I'd like to give a special mention to the young men who had their work published in The Blue Bulletin: Mason Oliver (Year 7, Front Page), Antse Mpusetsag (Year 7), Tyler Shore (Year 7), Cooper Bloxsom (Year 7), Daniel Mosch (Year 10), and Lleyton Jackson (Year 12). These men are academic examples we should all be looking up to in the Baillie House. To all my Baillie Brothers…you are a part of a House and culture that is truly unique. As you make your way through the College remember to carry on the

Ignatius Park College 2021



Baillie Report


Baillie Report legacy left before you: have no regrets and RIP INTO every opportunity. To Ms McLean and Ms Ebelt, on behalf of the 2021 Seniors, we want to thank you for your guidance. Both of you have brought a unique and caring nature into our Homeroom every morning. You have been an important anchor point for every single one of us as we have faced many personal and academic challenges. There is no doubt that you have also filled our high school years with fun, enjoyment, motivation, and a sense of direction. We have nothing but positive words to say, because you have made sure that each of us have been ‘seen’. On that note we would also like to give a special mention to all our past Homeroom teachers. Thank you for your role in our development Lastly, thank you to Ms Timbs, Ms Roberts, and Mr Turner. The dedication that all three of you have shown to the Baillie House has been outstanding and something that is deeply valuable to all Seniors. Without your care and support, we would not be the young men we are today. On behalf of the Baillie House, thank you!


Ignatius Park College 2021

To my fellow Seniors Baillie Brothers: our time at Ignatius Park College has finally come to an end. I want you to reflect on how far we have come. It only feels like yesterday we were sitting under the chin of Mr Bettington. Even though we don’t know where our future will take us, one thing is certain: we will always have each other as we face unknown challenges ahead. On behalf of Bomba and I, we appreciate everything you have done for us and would like to thank you for being the best group of men. We should all be proud and grateful, because we have officially made it. Yes, that’s right…we are now ‘Old Boys of Ignatius Park College’ and with that comes an unspoken responsibility to always take a seat at the Baillie House table together. So… RIP INTO IT! Baillie Bears for Life Trinidy Parker | House Captain

BAILLIE Ignatius Park College 2021



Ignatius Park College 2021

BAILLIE Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 7 Carew


Ethan Whitney, Wil Lerch, Angus Woodhouse, Cooper Stanford, Ryer Duxbury, Tyhler Sherwood, Joseph Murphy, Ryder Alderton, Trent Kelsey SECOND ROW: Mason Stout, Chase Jang, Alex Manu, Malachi Gaudreau, Klay Graham, Cruz Paul, Zachary Van Dooren THIRD ROW: Harrison McCloskey, Trent Martin, Zeeden Zaro, Keyarn Zaro, Jack Whelan, Coen Schaffer, Mac Barwick TEACHERS: Mrs P. Timbs, Mr J. Collier

Year 8 Carew


Jake Jones, Liam Jones, Adam Konidis, Hezekiah Nona, Cooper Humphries, Coen Jones, Declan Josey-Clancy, Gabriel Friskie, Timothy Knewstub SECOND ROW: Caleb Allan, Jacob Davison-Allen, Zakary Donnelly, Orlando Lochowicz, Sebastian Wyke, Oliver Nguyen, Bentley Duncanson, Samuel Thomas, Jett Cluff THIRD ROW: Trey Paul, Frank Donovan, Ethan Armstrong, Kester Girling, Maddyx Mancuso, Brodie McDonough, Riley Morrison TEACHERS: Mr G. Christ, Mr B. Deneen


Ignatius Park College 2021


Year 9 Carew


Nathan Dolan, Thomas Beasley, Cooper Covatich, Ethan Grieve, William Huynh, Jarrah Kemp, Matthew Jones, Joshua Morton SECOND ROW: Alexander Abrahams, Darcy Schafer, David Scott, Thomas Gillman, Samuel Rains THIRD ROW: Jethro Young, Jai Duxbury, Nathaniel Kimber, Tyler Butler, Ashley Onslow, Jay-Dee Barwick, Cooper Slaven ABSENT: Tobias Gaudreau, Billy Harrold TEACHERS: Mr T. Lindeberg, Mr M. Moxon

Year 10 Carew


Tony Anderson, Joseph Wood, Connor Browning, Caleb Keir, William Bowman, Cody Christiansen, Julian Blacklock, Ethan Stout SECOND ROW: Parker Duncanson, Thomas Keir, Christopher Heagney, William Buttigieg, Samuel Cozzitorto, Jack Kemp THIRD ROW: Hamish Mitchell, Joseph Dixon, Nicholas Divljak, Joe Murphy, Daniel Norman, Zak Paul, Dylan Thomson ABSENT: Sam Daniel TEACHER: Mrs A. Rossi

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Year 11 Carew


Jacob Fowler, Jayden Sanderson, Ethan Fletcher, Caylis Whyte, Keil Duxbury, Cobi Connolly, Hayden Vignale, Keegan Elrick SECOND ROW: Kai Harvey-Hall, Brydon Schafer, Luke Kinsey, Daniel Scott, Mackenzie Luxford THIRD ROW: Brody Ah Kit, Zak Merida-Johnston, Flynn Mintern, Noah Lau, Finn Kearns ABSENT: Jack Ford TEACHER: Mr C. Thiele

Year 12 Carew


Ethan Giacobone, Elijah Iorangi, Jake Buzzi, Lachlan Lerch, Eden Hess, Joshua Eckford, Maximillian Sosnowski, Javan Ah Kit SECOND ROW: Zachary Cozzitorto, Luke Jack, Hamish Salter, Phoenix Lochowicz, Nicolas Benedetti, Jeremy Morton, Mitchell Doyle THIRD ROW: Zachary Lee, Lachlan Sheppard, Ethan Burkhardt, Corey Stevenson, Harrison Delgado, Joel Basso, Clancy Blacklock TEACHER: Mr B. Hawke


Ignatius Park College 2021

In 2021, the Carew House ce l e b ra te s another successful year, with countless accolades in all areas. Corey Stevenson and I have had the privilege to lead the Carew House as House and Vice-Captain. As the Seniors walked in for the first day, the feeling around the College was positive, with the boys ready and excited for what the year would bring. The Carew motto is Effort Every Time, and I can easily say the boys showed this everywhere they needed to. As in previous years, the first annual event on the College calendar was the Swimming Carnival. The Carew House came in heavy numbers supporting the theme of surfers, where we gathered under the mango tree, paid our respects and had a minute’s silence in memory of the passing of Mr Mewburn. The House then completed a war cry which raised the excitement and adrenaline levels. Moving in a large pack of surfers towards the pool, the boys were ready to take on any challenge thrown their way. We got off to a good start with the Year 7s getting a taste of what the Carew spirit really feels like. Going into morning tea, we were sitting at third place, with plenty of swimming still to be done, but this didn’t stop the Carew House spirit! As the day progressed, our place on the leaderboard was holding firm. It was not the efforts the boys showed in the pool that amazed me though - it was the spirit. From the cheering to the war cries from the edge of the pool, the boys really demonstrated what the Carew House is all about. After a long hard day at the pool with no voices, sore arms and legs. The Carew House held on to a podium finish of third place. A special mention to Joe Murphy, Noah Lau and Jacob Fowler who all gained a spot in the Iggy Swim Team. But, we had more to prove with the Athletics Carnival and Cross Country still to come. As Term 2 was around the corner, so was the very first House Choir. This was a great opportunity for the Carew boys to display their vocals to the school. The Seniors came to the decision that the House would be singing Lean on Me by Bill Withers. The House prepared well with plenty of rehearsals for the big day. With plenty of confidence, the boys took the stage and put on what we thought was one of the best performances. So it was with disappointment that we finished sixth, only due to a couple of backflips and a few stray votes. Special mention to Luke Jack, Elijah Iorangi, Joel Basso and Ethan Burkhardt for stepping out of their comfort zones and taking lead singing roles. None of this would have been done without the efforts of Mrs Timbs who put in many hours to run practices. Although there was disappointment after the House Choir result, the boys had to recover quickly as Cross Country was just around the corner. We had great attendance on a jam-packed day at the College, with normal Eddie Rice Day proceedings

after Cross Country. The boys showed 110% effort and plenty of Carew spirit, as we entered the Cross Country course and were determined to do well. This top effort showed on the leaderboard and we secured second place. The boys were becoming the underdogs on their way back to the top. Special mention to all the lads who made it into the top ten. As Semester 2 approached, so did the Athletics Carnival. The Carew House ended up in fourth place on the leaderboard after the field events. With still another day of events to go, the Carew boys were not ready to give up just yet. As is the tradition, the Carew boys gathered around the mango tree for the 2021 Seniors’ final Athletics carnival, covered in purple and yellow to support the Cure Starts Now. The boys stood around to listen to final words of advice and the message was clear - Effort Every Time. We began the walk to the oval, on the last time for the Year 12s. Starting the day off well, we got a few podium finishes here and there and the boys were really sticking it to the top three Houses. The day went on and the spirit lifted for the Carew boys, going hard at the Rice House most of the day. As the day came to an end, unfortunately the Carew House could not quite catch up to the top three, but received fourth place. I can happily say the boys gave it everything and their efforts are what made me most proud. We had many boys who were successful in making the Iggy Athletics Team. In academics, the Carew House excelled above and beyond with several boys achieving Diligence Awards at the conclusion of Term 1. In addition to these awards, our Carew ‘Cudas’ also received Bronze, Silver and Gold awards in a commendable effort from everyone involved. I would like to personally congratulate each recipient for their efforts in the classroom. Furthermore, there were also many students from the Year 11 and 12 VET programs who achieved work placement awards and had excellent feedback from their employers. Moving around the grounds of Ignatius Park, the House spirit continued through various events with each grade competing in a lunch time competition of basketball, cricket or softball. With each game adding points to the Paddy Carew Shield tally, the boys fought hard but had fun doing so. Other activities included TCLC visits, Drop-in Centre visits, House morning teas, Homeroom visits between grades and the Homeless Sleepout. In Semester 1, some of the Carew boys and staff participated in the World’s Greatest Shave where they shaved their heads to raise money to find the cure to blood cancer. The Year 12s also ran a raffle in Term 3 to raise money for Cure Starts Now. The boys raised around $1,000, which is a massive effort from the whole House. We moved on to something that has grown over the years, Theatre Sports, where our Juniors finished in fifth place. The boys showed the Carew spirit and earned the House a few points towards the Paddy Carew Shield. Our Senior team consisted of Luke Jack, Lachlan Shepperd, Lachlan Lerch and myself.

Ignatius Park College 2021



Carew Report


Carew Report It was a team thrown together on the day and we finished second. One of the biggest events of the year, Battle of the Bands, finished the year. Led by the triangle player, Lachlan Lerch, all the Houses gathered their best musicians to try to gain the Battle of the Bands trophy. Personally, I would like to thank all the Carew teachers, teacher aides and other Carew boys, past and present, over the last six years. As my journey here at the Park has come to end, I can truly say I am honoured to be able to call myself not only an Iggy Old Boy, but a Carew Old Boy. This House has brought not only myself, but the Carew Seniors of 2021, so many memories and friends that we will have for a lifetime. To Mr Hawke, our Homeroom teacher - I don’t think any of the boys could ever thank you enough for what you have done for us over the years, and I truly


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believe we would not be the blokes we are today without you pulling us into line when we needed it. For that, on behalf of the Homeroom, thank you. To the Carew boys - thank you for nominating me for House Captain and giving me the opportunity to lead the Carew House in 2021. I have loved every moment of it. When I walk out of those Iggy Park gates for the last time, I can rest easy knowing that the Carew House has been placed in good hands with next year’s seniors. Lads, the last bit from me, and I know, you hear it every year, but you will soon find out that your time here at the Park goes so quickly, so don’t waste the opportunities you are given as you will regret it. So, enjoy it while it lasts, and don’t forgot Respect, Compassion, Determination and most importantly Effort Every Time – UP THE MIGHTY CUDAS! Mitchell Doyle | House Captain

CAREW Ignatius Park College 2021



Ignatius Park College 2021

CAREW Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 7 Nolan


Jack Hedger, Divjot Singh, Caileb Hollingsworth, Sonny Gibson, Jake Daldy, Hayden Lloyd, Darius Boyd, Benjamin Muscovich SECOND ROW: Brock Payne, Riley Flanders, Hayden Denman, Asafa Namok, Connor Gleeson, Nicolas Demopoulos THIRD ROW: Thomas Holden, Tyler Brown, Earveen Kalonji, Rafael Josifoski, Matthew Bourke, Linton Williams, Cameron Mears ABSENT: Jaum Sam, Joseph Sam, Kala Sam TEACHERS: Mr M. Laguna, Mrs K. Tillack

Year 8 Nolan


Harrison Bow, Cooper Cornish, Hudson Cornish, Blake Pearce, Braeden Johnstone, Preston Northrop, Taylor Livock, Ryan Thompson, Nicholas Cripps SECOND ROW: Darius Thorsby, Dylan Babbage, Ashton Nicholls, Max Jackson, Tonuia Tonuia, Max Reeves THIRD ROW: Nayte Essery, Sitiveni Afu, Toma Apete, Kobe Kenworthy, Robbie Girvan, Cooper Brook, Koen Tengvall TEACHERS: Mr G. Rossiter, Miss K. Campbell ABSENT: Nayte Wood, Bret Maloney, Corey Elliot


Ignatius Park College 2021


Year 9 Nolan


Tyson Barry, Xander Thorsby, Jude O’Shea, Preston Johnston, Jaxon Sciuto, Shaiel Waller, Chad Mrzyglocki, Brayden Lewis, Calam Sinclair SECOND ROW: Rafael Pyers, Gideon Lafoga, Logan Collins, Toby Martin-Wojtacha, Alexander Demopoulos, Max Daldy, Miach Hemphill, Quintin Eldridge THIRD ROW: Thomas Bartels, Lucas Partridge, Robbie Price , Zachary Jenkins, Jaylen Hollingsworth-Sorbello, Nicholas Irving, Brock Kyle, Caleb Mahoney TEACHERS: Mr B. Denny, Mr S. Cribb

Year 10 Nolan


Cranston Hill, Luke Quincey, Dylan Hill, Jack Fredericks, Mason McWha, Karmichael Wright, Marcus Farrands, Nicholas Gho, Tylamani Lafoga SECOND ROW: Brohdie Gibson, Harrison Law, Cody Jackson, Joshua Randall, Monty Curran, Tyler Flanders, AteliPatrick Iosefo THIRD ROW: Marcus Cervellin, Matthew Lynch, Ratu Savu, Matthew Ament, Adam Waugh, Hayden Moore, Kenta Muirhead TEACHER: Ms A. Loechel

Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 11 Nolan


Jackson Hocking, Zac Rolfe, Tekelu Mene, Finn Cook, Hayden Lucas, Oliver Oh, Ayden McKenzie, Tayte Rasmussen, Emil Jomon SECOND ROW: Jared McPherson, Kym Nuth, Benjamin Male, Matthew Evans, Daniel Bell, Jakob Collinson, Elijah Joe TEACHER: Mr K. Spencer ABSENT: Murugu Kiumbura, Merrick Jaylan, Josiah Daniel

Year 12 Nolan


Vatsal Goyal, Lachlan Bourke, Moana Woods, Isaac Pyers, Matthew Dyer, Cameron Carter, Thomas Nona SECOND ROW: Kaleb Lewis, Jaxon Reid , Tremaine Body, Travis White, Dallenger Field, Connor McColl THIRD ROW: Wade Jonsson, Orlando Sartori, Tyler Boyce, Jack Dwyer, Elijah Hughes, Brandon Pearce ABSENT: Jacob Angus TEACHER: Dr R. Lloyd


Ignatius Park College 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, the Nolan boys can reflect fondly on the chaotic year we’ve had. We began the year with the Swimming Carnival in which several Nolan members had outstanding achievements: Brandon Pearce (Year 12), Kym Nuth (Year 11), Matthew Lynch (Year 10), and Riley Flanders (Year 7) all achieved Age Champion. Despite the House falling short of a podium finish, the participation and enthusiasm of Nolan was the best we had seen in years. It was encouraging to see the Year 10s and 11s helping run the day and getting behind the younger grades. Seniors have peace of mind knowing that the Nolan House will have excellent Seniors for the next couple of years. Beyond that, it was great to see the bonds forming throughout the Year 7 Homeroom at their first Swimming Carnival. Some credit should also be given to my fellow Year 12s who made sure the day ran smoothly and chipped in to pay for the Senior gifts which were given out to some of the boys who embodied the Nolan spirit at the carnivals this year. Following the Swimming Carnival was the Cross Country, and the Nolan students put on a show with Nick Demopoulos (Year 7), Harrison Bow (Year 8), and Murugu Kiumbura (Year 11) all placing in the top three for their age groups. Although we fell short of the win, the boys put in a tremendous effort and it was a day to remember. Coming off a controversial win in the House Choir competition, the Nolan lions headed into the Athletics Carnival full of spirit with the House dressing up as their favourite sports stars. With a busy two days of field and track events programmed, the boys ripped into their field events with some students dominating such as Tekelu Mene (16s), Muguru Kiumbura (17s) and Tyler Boyce (18s) in the high jump events. After a long day on Thursday, our position was unknown, but we knew we had to put in an effort in order to compete. Being in the House of the lion must have affected our track results; several students showed off their speed in a tight competition. Jackson Hocking proved his place as

one of the fastest of his age group, taking out runner up for track Age Champion. Tremaine Body won the Opens Age Champion and proved that he is the fastest in the College. Orlando Sartori also took out Field Events Age Champion for 17s. At the end of the day, drained of energy the Nolan House stood proud. However, being the smallest House on the day had an effect and we were nowhere to be seen on the podium. However, with some promising signs in the younger grades, Nolan’s future is looking fierce. The athletics did not stop on the Friday, with several Nolan students selected in the interschool competition. A special mention to Tyler Boyce, Tekelu Mene and Orlando Sartori for making it to the next stage in the North Queensland (NQ) trials with all three athletes making NQ for their selected events. This year was truly one to remember. With COVID-19 not interrupting our year, 2021 saw the best Eddie Rice Day in years. The day was a soaring success with dunking machines, toad races, sock wrestling and Teacher vs Student sports. Hats off to my fellow Seniors for helping run the day and the Year 11s for helping run the Nolan dunk machine. In this our final year at the College, we would like to extend thanks to a couple of people. Firstly, the Nolan Seniors would like to acknowledge Mr Spencer for his guidance. Another person that should be thanked is Dr Lloyd. We as a Homeroom would like to thank you for all your effort over the past four years. It goes without saying that some of us wouldn’t be the men we are today without you chipping us when we are out of line. The PACA lesson trivia, and wins of the week, definitely made our lessons more enjoyable and the effort you’ve put into our homeroom does not go unnoticed. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr Mitchell for his work over the years. The House challenges and the buddy group point system boosted the House morale. Even though Mr Cook was our first Pastoral Leader, you have made the last four years truly special, and we thank you for that. To the Year 11s: although leaving is sad, it’s reassuring to know we are leaving the House in such capable hands. Lachlan Bourke and Orlando Sartori | House Captain and Vice House Captain

Br. Patrick Nolan Award Congratulations to Kaleb Lewis (Year 12) and Brayden Lewis (Year 9) who were the recipients of the first Br. Patrick Nolan Award. These were awarded to a Senior and Junior student who had consistently displayed the College values of Integrity, Pride and Commitment throughout the year as well as made a significant contribution to the lives of others. Mr Matthew Mitchell | Pastoral Leader

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Nolan Report


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CAREW NOLAN Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 7 Putney


Kaleb Bonner, Beau Wood, Noah Payten, Louie Ferres, Darius Nauer, Harrison Power, William Fletcher, Jimmy Nawarie SECOND ROW: Caylan Rout, Seth Crowden, Gerard John, Henry McGrath, Oliver Dickhart, Lachlan Douglass Brooks THIRD ROW: Cooper Pain, Fergus Daly, Levi Jacobson, Gordon Keith, Marc Winning, Beau McKenzie ABSENT: Jesse Currin, Connor Kratzmann TEACHERS: Mr S. Robertson, Mr S. Lansley

Year 8 Putney


Scott Kelly, Ryan Fletcher, Hans Ila, Marley Hinsbey, Aiden Masatto, Kai Burchell, Alexander Waszkiewicz, Benjamin Hore, Harrison Ward SECOND ROW: Azhagan Slingsby, Billy Curley, Beau McCarron, Reece McMillan, Aiden Finlay, Mason Lord, Riley Girgenti THIRD ROW: Alapati Taulaga, Cooper Currin, Ethan Cavanagh, Jy Gasa, Ben Nystrom, Luke Atkins, Brodie Quigley ABSENT: Angus Wheeler TEACHERS: Mr G. Hughes, Mr A. Hodgson


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Year 9 Putney


Rylan Palframan, Meky Turnock, Tyron Bethune, Jake Sullivan, Christian Healey, Lincoln Burrowes, Charlie Barringhaus, Jack Coleman SECOND ROW: Benjamin Wilson-Dougherty, Brian Wiegmann, Alex Kerr, Ethan McDonough, Sebastiaan Arends, Cameron Braby THIRD ROW: Lincoln Turner, Hamish Miles, Fletcher Ferres, Thomas Denham, Jacob Horan, Andre Corradini, Evan Msonga TEACHER: Mr M. Johnson

Year 10 Putney


Joshua Roubicek, George Billsborough, Zachary Hounsell, Jake Masatto, Bronson Wilmen-Latham, Jarel Hemmings, Kodi Douglass-Crooks, Joshua Williams SECOND ROW: Matthew Parker, Jack Prior, Orlando Nawarie, Joseph Kelemete, Nathaniel Barton, Jake Hartwell, Liam Sinn THIRD ROW: Iowani Cavuilati, Koen Hutana, Nathan O’Neill, Nicholas Rowan, Jim Finger, Cade Murray, Jalen Anderson TEACHER: Mrs A. Deer

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Year 11 Putney


Cooper Leonard, Diesel Jacobsson-Rhodes, William Sloan, Declan Davidson, Gerard Di Bartolo, Miles Brown, Marcus Illin, George Mait SECOND ROW: Jack Wood, Jay McPherson, Harry Gallagher-Smith, Thierry de Largie D’Alton, Riley Innes, Owan Scott, Cormac Eakin THIRD ROW: Tenzin Daly, Zachary Vass, Roman Smirnov, Zachary McKergow, Riley Masters, Benjamin Thompson, Jett Bates TEACHER: Mr D. Thompson

Year 12 Putney


Isaac Mayo, Kuresa Fota Pio, Keegan Gedling, Casey Murray, Seamus Williams, James Potter, Kyran Lyddiard, Jairus Butalid SECOND ROW: Ryan Lee, Danyon McDougall, Jakson Hughes, Sean Bourke, Padraic Glasheen, Oliver Betcher, James Paul THIRD ROW: Justin Hamill, Zachary Skipp, Ryan McCarron, Marshall Wilson, Lachlan Parker, Kaden Partland, Alexander Roubicek TEACHER: Mr L. Farren


Ignatius Park College 2021

2021 was a huge success for the mighty Putney House as we returned for a new year with new challenges. After a COVID-19 controlled 2020, the entire school body looked forward to a sense of normality and hoped for a less chaotic year. It is safe to say that the students and staff of Putney were especially keen and could not wait to embrace whatever was put in front of them. As always, we had Bishop Michael looking over us, keeping us safe and out of harm’s way. The current Putney Seniors also finished their time at the Park this year and will officially become part of a culturerich Old Boys network. Congratulations everyone and good luck to you all. There were also several students who would have graduated in 2021 at IPC. However, for a variety of reasons, they had moved on before finishing their Senior year. We wish them good luck with their future endeavours and all the best for what is to come. The Putney House inducted its Senior leaders in 2021 with Lachlan Parker (Putney House Captain) and James Potter (Putney House Vice Captain) being presented with their leadership badges at the opening Mass by College Principal, Mr Shaun Clarke. We were honoured to be selected by our peers to lead the Putney House in 2021 and we thank all staff and students for their support throughout the year. The first major event of the year for the Putney House was the famed Swimming Carnival. As always, the atmosphere on the day was electric and the boys could not wait to get out there and give it one hundred percent. This year’s theme was Under the Sea and it brought out plenty of style and colour on the day. Finishing fifth overall, the boys definitely gave it a red-hot crack leaving everything out there in the pool. Ultimately, it was a great way to kickstart the year and prepared everyone for what was to come.

The Cross Country was unfortunately delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this did nothing to slow us as we powered our way to the podium finishing third overall. This was a great outcome and one of the best results the House has achieved in this event. It is a true testament to the Putney House theme of Fail Better. Full credit to the Putney student body with a near perfect attendance rate, proving that getting out there and giving it all you’ve got goes a long way to winning. Also, it would be remiss of us not to mention Isaac Mayo who won his third Cross Country in consecutive years. Isaac has been a figurehead for the House in this event and finished his last Cross Country in the best way possible. Before we knew it, the Athletics Carnival was knocking on the door, with all Putney staff and students praying for a podium finish. Unfortunately, it didn’t come this year. However, the men of the Putney House led the spirit like no other House. The Putney Seniors of 2021 were like cattle dogs, rounding the boys up, making sure they were up on their feet and getting involved. A real highlight of the day was seeing Brian Weigmann in Year 9 tearing down the straight in the 100-metre race. Well done mate! Thank you everyone for making the carnival such a memorable experience for us all. One of the new traditions to be introduced this year was the House Choir. It is safe to say that everyone was a bit unsure of how it would turn out. However, it surpassed all expectations and was a huge success. Lead by Mr Hodgson, the song Africa by Toto was practised at every House Assembly until the boys were singing it in their sleep. Fortunately, all the hard work paid off with Putney finishing third overall against some very tough competition. Thank you to all those involved in making the performance a success. Last year we also recognised the 2020 “Young Silverback of the Year” Award. The 2020 recipient was none other than Nathaniel Barton. He is a deserving winner who sets a wonderful example

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Putney Report


Putney Report for the House in terms of his respect, humility and passion for the College. At the time of print, the 2021 “Young Silverback of the Year” award was yet to be announced. However, we would like to say congratulations to whomever that recipient may be. A huge thank you must go to Mr Fuller who has been the Pastoral Leader of the House since its beginnings and has worked harder than anyone to ensure its success. He has proven to be both an amazing role model and great leader, whilst also creating strong traditions for both students and staff to take part in. On behalf of the Putney House, thank you Mr Fuller for all that you have done. On behalf of the Putney Silverbacks, we would also like to thank and acknowledge all of the Putney House Homeroom teachers. Without you all, the men of Putney as well as the House would not be where it is today. Your ongoing contribution allows the boys to grow to their full potential and shapes them into a man of IPC. We would like to thank the following Homeroom staff for their efforts in 2021. Mr Stephen Robertson, Mr Steve Lansley, Mr Gary Hughes, Mr Andrew Hodgson, Ms Katrina Guazzo, Mr Matthew Johnson, Mrs Alyssa Deer, Mr Drew


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Thompson and Mr Len Farren. Thank you all for your hard work and support. We would also like to take a moment to thank the parents and carers for their support throughout 2021 as well. Finally, enjoy your holidays everyone and take the time to thank your loved ones and family for providing the opportunities you have been given throughout the year at Ignatius Park College. To next year's Seniors: it is now your turn. Keep that flame burning and flag flying and carry on the traditions and values of the Putney House that have become legacy. To our fellow Seniors in 2021: all the best men and good luck with all of your future endeavours. We walked in as strangers and now we leave as Brothers, so never forget the memories we have made and shared together. We hope to see the mighty Putney House go from strength to strength next year and beyond. All the best everyone. James Potter and Lachlan Parker | House Captains

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PUTNEY Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 7 Reid


Hudson Bailey, Ethan Askin, Blake De Satge, Marcus Carter, Leo Lazaredes, Lucius Scheiwe, Luke Kaczmarek, Dylan O’Neill SECOND ROW: Cooper Williams, Jack Mounsey, Emilio Santolaya, Angus Curtis, Ethan Burnett THIRD ROW: Jamestyn Baira, Beau Bawden, Charlie Moore, William Baker, Jack Quinney, Jake Harrington ABSENT: Cornelious Wyles TEACHERS: Mr L. Hogan, Ms R. Irvine

Year 8 Reid


Joshua Lee, Ethan Morgan, William Pearson, Jayden Wetherell, Joshua Symons, Zanda Fogarty, Bibin Martin, Byron Morris, Chase Reading SECOND ROW: Ryan McCarthy, Kalan Melvin, Harry Ballinger, Winston Joseph, Lindsay Kirk, Anthony Roveglia, Riley Talbot, Bryce Micola Von Furstenrecht, Brodie Pritchard THIRD ROW: Conor Towers, Seth Chun Tie, Fazili Kandanda, Owen Myers, Thomas Dodds, Lachlan Kiehne, Cai Banfield, Nicholas Barr TEACHERS: Mrs S. Walton, Mr M. Thiele


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Year 9 Reid


Mason Bailey, Maddix Hampton, Kyhnaan Kennedy, Harley Caspani, Darcy Firmin, Jewelius SeageEvans, Jaron Lakin, Khaid Wixon SECOND ROW: Kevin Morris, Bradley Vines, Johnathan Hewson, Jayden Chilby, Joe Briskey, Noah Dawson, Ryan Connolly THIRD ROW: Jacob Carroll, Harrison Rush, Rhys Clarke, Michael Paine, Ethan Clarke, Parker Bishop TEACHERS: Mr O. Power, Mr M. Rowan

Year 10 Reid


Vincent Micale, Ryan Young, Angus Ogilvie, Samuel Norris, Jordan Allan, Aidan Fitzpatrick, Sherriff Dury, Patrick Beams SECOND ROW: Cooper Clarke-Drier, Alvine Njau, John McLean, Ryan Warren, Lachlan McCarthy, Spencer Leslie THIRD ROW: Jaxon Curtis, Lachlan Hutchings, Blair Williamson, Isaac Seri, Lleyton Dooley, Max Beckham TEACHER: Mrs K. Busby


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Year 11 Reid


Liam Whiting, Timothy Doyle, Harvey Arboit, Elijah Manning, Lachlan Webb, Will Tarlington, Daniel Gregory SECOND ROW: Norman Stanbrook, Dylan Talbot, Taj Petersen, Jaak Braddick, Stuart Carter THIRD ROW: Cameron Annesley, Connor Jeffery, Ashden Curtis, Fletcher Ryder, Patrick Clifford ABSENT: Felusi Kandanda, Seth Wells TEACHER: Mr C. Baily

Year 12 Reid


Braedan Kennedy, Jack Connolly, Euan Cram, John Beams, Ethan Hannay, Benjamin McLean, Ethan Dawson, Ryan Paine, Cianan Cuthbert-Botha SECOND ROW: Joel Tully, Corey Baker, Ethan Scharkie, Chase Briskey, Joseph Sale, Connor Wilkins, Alex Katsaros THIRD ROW: Curamis Majok, Josh Clarke, James Clarke, Alastair Mills, Angus Myers, Joel Webb, Jarrod Chaillon TEACHER: Mrs N. Burnett


Ignatius Park College 2021

2021 – what a year for the mighty Reid wolves! After the 2020 Senior group handed over the reins, we knew the task we had ahead of us was going to be challenging, however, we were ready! We had the privilege of leading the Reid House as House Captain and Vice-Captain. Building on the momentum from previous years at the Park, Reid House Seniors endorsed the motto of do the little things right. The Senior group led from the front and showed the younger grades what it was like to be a true Reid man. As the new leaders of the Reid House, we set out to rise to the top. Although this was a very large leap to make, we put the hard yards in and really had a dig. We like to gauge our idea of success with not just medals, awards, and trophies achieved, but instead the mateship, Brotherhood, and participation. The Reid House succeeded with flying colours this year. We built a Brotherhood within our House like no other where we enjoy each other’s company and will do anything for the bloke next to us, no matter what challenge we may face, both inside and outside the school gates. You do not have to look far to see the mateship portrayed within our House. From carnivals, Homerooms, House Assemblies, or even just on your way to your locker in the morning, the mateship and overall vibe of the House is always positive and upbeat. Through this culture of Brotherhood and mateship, it was effortless to promote participation as everyone is so keen to jump in and have a go for the mighty Reid House. The House Choir was a new event this year and the song that was chosen for Reid House was The Lion Sleeps Tonight. It took many practices however it was all worth it in the end with the inaugural House Choir competition going off with a bang. Being drawn out to perform in the middle time slot of the competition, we knew we would have to do everything we could to stand out to the judges. After

our best performance on the day, we managed to score a respectable second place. We couldn’t be prouder of the bravery all Reid House young men showed to get up in front of the whole school and do something that was well outside some of the boys’ comfort zones. The carnivals this year started off like any other year, with the Swimming Carnival. Our theme for the 2021 Swimming Carnival was Superheroes. We had a cracker of a day with the House spirit being one of the best many teachers have seen in the Reid House for a long time. It is surreal to think we had enjoyed our final IPC Swimming Carnival as Seniors and it was definitely our favourite out of the three carnivals. Next, we had the annual Cross Country carnival. Over the past years this is where the Reid House does their best work, and it continued this year. After being postponed due to heavy rainfall, we ran the Ross River course on a very muggy hot day. The Cross Country perfectly portrays the work ethic of this House. No matter what skill level, the urge for all to do their best for the House was truly inspiring to witness. Even after running the long and gruelling course, the amount of Reid men who continued to push their mates over the line in the end just goes to show the amount of Brotherhood we have in this House. Lastly, we had the famous Athletics Carnival. The theme the Seniors came up with was Wild West. This gave us the ability to raise money for the charity Canteen with boys buying red bandanas for our costumes while also giving back to the community to support with children and their families faced with cancer. With all of us dressed in our costumes, we sang the war cry in the Eddie Rice Garden and embarked as a pack to the oval for the last of the carnivals for the year. The Seniors sparked a paint war which is definitely something we will never forget. The Reid House again did not disappoint with everyone having a dig for the House even if that meant doing something that they did not feel comfortable doing. This was a recurring topic for the Reid House this year—getting

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Reid Report


Reid Report out of our comfort zones for the House. It shows the camaraderie of the House and the extra efforts we are willing to make for the bloke next to us. After a day filled with laughs and memories, we concluded by coming out in fifth place. The carnivals weren’t the only place our Iggy spirit ran free. Lunchtimes were filled with entertainment from the hall to the oval, with every grade contesting in a variety of sports weekly. Each House was aiming to be crowned number one, which of course came with bragging rights. For the Seniors, the most enjoyable sport was volleyball, where men took dives and spikes to the next level. Also, we followed in the footsteps of the previous Senior cohort and assembled our very own netball team. With the first game played at St Margaret Mary's College, the boys skipped training and work to fill the court with a sea of blue, managing to outnumber our opponents. After losing the series the previous year, we were ecstatic to claim the win on foreign grounds. In concluding this report, we would like to firstly thank all the members of the Reid House staff for their time and commitment into developing us all into young man. In particular, Mrs Burnett, (and in their absence) Mr Brown and Mr McMahon for tolerating our antics over the past six years and, most importantly, being influential in our development to becoming the fine young men we are today. It is safe to say that you all found a way to put the home in Homeroom. Also, as


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Mr Rigano was our previous House Leader, from Year 7 through 11, it would be remiss of us not to thank him for his untiring efforts in our first five years at the College. From day one, when he welcomed us all up until his final days here, Riggsy not only taught us the values of a true Reid House man, but also how to be respectable young men of society. We would also like to offer our thanks, on behalf of the House, to Mr Dunne for what he has done not only for the Seniors, but for all of Reid over the course of the year. He made his transition into the House seamlessly and has taken immense pride in being the House Leader. Dunny has done a fantastic job for the House in the year and we look forward to seeing what the future holds under his wonderful leadership and guidance. Finally, a big shout out to the Reid Seniors of 2021, we couldn’t have conquered this year without you all. Each one of you gave your own special input into making this year the best of our schooling career. We couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of blokes to spend our time with here at the College. To the Seniors of 2022, all we ask is this: your final year is the most important, so make the most of it and seize the moment. Braedyn Kennedy and Alex Katsaros | Reid House Captain and Vice Captain

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REID Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 7 Rice


Roman Lacey, Jarrah-Daniel Sorbello, Brody Sleader, Reece Kerr, Mitchell Westhorp, Xavier Morgan, Jaxon Caswell, Rory Maguire, Peyton James SECOND ROW: Coby Behrens, Cornell Moncrieff, Kobie Chislett, Charlie Fuller, Lachlan George-Shaw, Zachary Hayes, Jake Piccolo THIRD ROW: Nate Antoniazzi, Jack Alloway, Brodie Sutton, Patrick Kuruyawa, Joseph Ori, Tamati Sipi, Ned Hay TEACHERS: Mr F. Iemma, Ms M. Martinez

Year 8 Rice


Samuel Trbusic-Smith, Dane Craperi, Nicholas Ellis, Tyler Pannach, Indygo Keir, Haydan King, Kye Lange, Tashaun Benjamin, Nicholas Franklin, Benjamin Turner, Rookie McMinn SECOND ROW: Tyler Batley, Koby Baban, Cooper Reinders, Lincoln Baker, Mitchell Hardy, Kye Connell, Ashton Deer, Jackson Hatchard THIRD ROW: Myles Rosemond, David Holmes, Langston O’Rourke, Cooper Eastlake, Harrison Biggin, Riley Kerr, Jordan Daniels, Morgan Payne, Jesse Bowker TEACHERS: Mr T. Lucas, Mr P. Dembowski


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Year 9 Rice


Bryce Parry, Flynn Maguire, Charles Glover, Oscar Beattie, Michael Hay, Oliver Pascoe, Harrison Guyatt, Rory McDonald SECOND ROW: Jacob Sexton, Tate Hastie, Michael Salvador, Charlie Hawkins, Timothy Chappell, Wesley Kerr, Cody Amos, Connor Sexton THIRD ROW: Oliver Minns, Coen Ross, Luke Guilfoyle, Benjamin Hatchard, Nikolas Collocott, Luke Madsen, Bailey George-Shaw TEACHERS: Mr M. Burnett, Mr J. Alloway (Absent)

Year 10 Rice


Rami Peltonen, Jake Brewer, Hayde Munro, Marshall Scott, Mitchel Waldon, Brody Lejarraga, Ethan Sampson, Bailey Westhorp, Archie Allen, Izach Campbell SECOND ROW: Stewart Gordon, Zane Butler, Ryan Sutton, Benjamin Donlon, Jaikyn O’Connor-Poore, William Fuller, Ben Walker, Marcus Bell THIRD ROW: Jake Reinders, Samuel Keir, Jackson Lemmon, Flynn Scott, Luke Craperi, Jack Bragg, Liam Sutton, Benjamin McDougall TEACHER: Mr P. Marano

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Year 11 Rice


Brayden Pemmelaar, Liam McDonald, Riley Gibson, Allen Wharton, Howard Keyes, Zachary Bannister, Finn Anderson, Gabriel Smith SECOND ROW: Harry Coleman, Christian Payne, Jackson Waldon, Jesse Blake, Lachlan Hawkins, Harry Bowman, Lachlan Hardy THIRD ROW: George Abednego, Declan Hart, William Leoni, Joshua Gill, Brody McBride, Jamal Shibasaki, Mitchell Brown ABSENT: Connor Cafe, Sean Young TEACHER: Mrs M. Kenyon

Year 12 Rice


Jayden McMinn, Matthew Gilboy, Darcy Keir, Benjamin Dixon, Zac Brunetto, Ashley Mayocchi, Lewis Roberts, Jake Scherff SECOND ROW: Lucas Dummett, Jordan Batley, Lachlan Symss, Nathan Weis, Damon Marshall, Braydon Bin Doraho THIRD ROW: Jaidyn Wilkins, Thomas Duffy, Orlando Clark, Harrison Fuller, Louis Jackson, Samuel Salvador, Cooper Chislett TEACHER: Mrs S. O’Melia


Ignatius Park College 2021

2021 was another exceptional year for the IPC community. To add to this, it was also another outstanding year for the mighty Rice House. The graduating class of last year faced many challenges along their road but showed what Rice men can accomplish in the face of adversity. The Rice House came out with many trophies from different carnivals and other activities leading us to the 2020 Paddy Carew shield. This left the 2021 Seniors with big shoes to fill! At the start of our leadership journey, the Year 11 Rice boys travelled to Camp Gedling for the well-established Leadership Camp, where it is said that boys turn to men. As the Seniors of the year were getting ready to finish their time at the Park, the Year 11s knew that it was almost their time to step up to the plate and show the College what this cohort was about. The Rice men got their first taste of what leadership was and soon realised that each one of them had to strive to be a role model who would guide the up-and-coming Rice Crocodiles. The soon to be Seniors made it a goal to make sure that the morals and values of an Iggy boy, as well as a Rice man were upheld. With Pastoral Leader Mr Groves at the helm, Vice School Captain Thomas Duffy, alongside Prefect Lucas Dummett, House Captain Darcy Keir, House Vice Captain Ben Dixon, as well as nineteen other Brothers in white, it was a given that the boys in emerald were in for yet another successful and enjoyable year. The mighty Rice House kicked off their campaign with the annual Swimming Carnival. As the year began, we explained to the boys that the only expectation was for everyone to have a dig. Whether you were a strong swimmer or not, participation was all that was asked. After winning the Swimming Carnival last year, we set a goal this year to remain

on the podium. The rivalry was fierce and all the boys embraced the day and got amongst it. This day showed the new Year 7s why the Swimming Carnival is the best carnival of the year. The 2021 Swimming Carnival will stick with the Seniors for years to come. The mighty crocodiles returned to their home ground on the infamous banks of the Ross River for the Cross Country. This event is one of the toughest carnivals of the year, but once again the mighty Rice House was up for the challenge. The boys came out with extreme heart and courage with a drenching battle against the Townsville sun and the other houses. Mr Groves has always said “never be the men walking at the back.” Yet again, the boys didn’t disappoint, with the bar raised high. The boys fought hard and never gave up till they crossed the finish line. These efforts and attitudes brought strong confidence and helped us to get around the boys and prove what the Rice House is all about. The third and final carnival in the IPC calendar is the annual Athletics Carnival. A traditional theme within the Rice House for this great carnival is to wear pink to raise much needed funds for medical research to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. All House members donated $5 and on the day, the boys showed up looking pretty in pink. Our House managed to raise a staggering $602 for the charity. Our main rivals for the Athletics Carnival were Baillie, who fought well and came out with the victory. After a hard-fought fight, we placed second and remained on the podium. Also, IPC loves their sports but many of the boys love getting involved with the arts area and other boys like to experience something a bit out of their comfort zone. This year, there was a new event introduced the House Choir. This is rather similar to the Battle of the Bands, however, this gets the whole House involved, which gave everyone the opportunity to involve themselves with the arts. This was a very successful afternoon and now the event will be held annually.

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Rice Report


Rice Report On behalf of all the Senior Rice men, we would like to thank Mrs O’Melia for being such a caring, kind and passionate Homeroom teacher. She shaped each and every one of us to be the best men that we could be. She has looked out for all of us on many occasions, especially when some of the boys came into school looking a bit down or didn’t seem like our normal selves. She was more than happy to pull us aside and have the difficult talk, just to make sure we were travelling well. We are certain that all the Senior Rice boys would agree that Mrs O’Melia has been like a second mother to all of us and will be very much missed when we leave on our final day. From making sure that our uniforms


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are looking good to making sure that we were up to date in our assessment she couldn’t have cared more for us more than she did. To finish off, on behalf of the Senior Rice boys, a massive thanks to all teachers who have played a role in the shaping of the nineteen Senior Rice men of 2021. To the rest of the Rice men, you’re only in the Rice House once, so make sure you get around it and ‘have a dig’. Darcy Keir and Benjamin Dixon | Rice House Captain and Vice Captain

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Ignatius Park College 2021

CAREW RICE Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 7 Treacy


Xander Sikhosana, Lachlan Wilkie, Riley Sievers, Jesse Leo, Luca Rottaro, Jiun-Shian Li-Downie, Thomas Clark, Xavier Sikhosana SECOND ROW: Leuatea Kelemete, Hayden Bamford, Taite Morris, Darius Madden, Callum Scott THIRD ROW: Blaine Roper, Dominic Abdul-Rahman, Jachri Laban, Flint Harris, Craig Blackhurst, Xavier Kelemete, Jaylen Gadsby ABSENT: Milton Larry, Romell Sorogo TEACHERS: Ms C. Ventic, Mr A. Kirkpatrick

Year 8 Treacy


Cooper Cheyne, Ashley Hudson, Ethan Jeffery, Gordon Richards, Logyn-John Webster, Travis Church, Koby Kyle-Little, Euan Roberts, Jobi Jackson SECOND ROW: Cooper Crooks, Ryan Nguyen, Jake Newman, Kallen Wallace-Carr, Brady Campbell, McCallum Kennedy, Cayden Balnaves, Cody Chanthagoon THIRD ROW: Jasper Flintoff, Jack Montgomery, Ronan Richter, Wiki Kelemete, Leslie Trimmer, Isaac Whelan, Elliot Gilmore, Andre Johnson TEACHERS: Mr A. Keane, Ms J. Head


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Year 9 Treacy


Edward Cox, Corey Lambert, Pio Kelemete, Keelin Hookey, Campbell Bryan, Drew Gilmore, Thomas Reeves, Darcy Fredericks, Adam Sievers SECOND ROW: Carter Cole, Reuben Hilbourne, Kynan Purdy, Jayden Ryan, Elliot Hoskins, Steven Tom, Baxter Woosnam THIRD ROW: Kaleb Norton-Bern, Reagan Knowles, Kynan McMahon, Lachlan Williams, Harrison Barrett, Hamish Keyes-West, Logan Robertson ABSENT: Brody Fredericks TEACHERS: Mr E. Reyes, Mr M. Lunn

Year 10 Treacy


Brady Rankin, Flynn Adams, Trent Grant, Cyrill Hold, Blake Newman, Lucas Petrie, Hunter Hovell, Tyson Bickley, Lucas Anderson SECOND ROW: William Sheppard, Drew Roberts, Finn Knowles, Daniel Jacob, Zy Gall, Zachariah Abdul-Rahman, Ryan Langfeldt, Logan Clam THIRD ROW: Brock Delforce, Declan Murray, Nelson Kennedy, Angus Bamford, Aiden Knowles, Dallyn Powell, Arinze Nzeakor, Jet Smalley ABSENT: Kade Day TEACHER: Mr D. Spina

Ignatius Park College 2021



Year 11 Treacy


Austin Keane, Cade Lyons, Myles Hoskins, Caleb Searles, Hayden Lunn, Matthew Hunter, Dominic Taylor, James Sheppard SECOND ROW: Dane Smedley, Lachlan Tapp, Luke Wilmen, Connor Harris, Liam Marr, Hayden McIntosh THIRD ROW: Jay-Jay Bennett, Jayden Henaway, Finn Lyons, Ethan Craig, Jamaine Stanley, Ethan Buchanan, Owen Church TEACHER: Mr B. Geaney

Year 12 Treacy


Joshua Marquez, Don Raju, Lachlan Gode, Vincent Trimmer, Reilly Williams, Jaylen Perry, Frank Backo, Jordan Whiteside SECOND ROW: Stanford Scott, Angus Dalgliesh, Cathane Hill, Gus Rees, Andrew Edmonds, Renyn Eisel, Cohen Shucksmith THIRD ROW: Axel Lincoln, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Lloyd Kennedy, Luca Yates, Lachlan Larsen, Ardrijan Shahinper, Brodie Powell TEACHER: Mrs A. Tarttelin


Ignatius Park College 2021

What a year it has been, it's hard to know where to start? With yet another new group of Year 7s and some eager Year 12s, Treacy was reinvigorated and ready to take off from where the previous Seniors left us. The Treacy House is a House like no other and the foundation of our success lies upon years of persistence, resilience and Brotherhood. The Treacy Seniors for 2021 gelled together as a group and strived for the goal of having a go and showing spirit. While working alongside Mr Quabba in his first year as Pastoral Leader, the Treacy theme this year was We, Not Me. Expectations were set, and with last year's Seniors being seriously impacted by COVID-19, we didn’t want to waste any opportunity thrown at us. Bring on 2021! The first major event on the IPC calendar was the famous Swimming Carnival. The lads rolled in the gates with their tennis costumes on and a determination to win. Gathering outside the basketball court, outfits were compared, rolls were marked, and war-cries were done. Off to the pool we marched, singing our song Eye of the Tiger while we asserted our dominance over the other Houses. As swimming started, so did all the chants, which allowed the Year 7s to get a true taste of the Treacy spirit. Going into morning tea, the Tigers were sitting seventh, but the day was young, and our spirits rode high. After some cheeseburgers to refuel our bodies, we set upon our goal of finishing better than we did last year. And how we did! After some serious cheering, chanting, and swimming, the comeback was made, and fourth position had our name on it. I was a proud House Captain to see our true Treacy spirit on display and was also proud that Treacy House had the best attendance in the school.

Later in the year, the annual Athletics Carnival would commence over two days, first the field events then secondly the track. The rain that hung around all week made the uncertainty of this event linger in our stomachs, as we did not want to miss this day. However, the weather pulled through which gave us the opportunity to display some of our special talents. On this occasion, the Tigers swarmed into the Park dressed as mimes, covered in paint and matching attire. From the get-go, the day proved to be a handful for the leaders. Some crucial support from our Year 11 students and staff members ensured it ran as smoothly as possible and for that I cannot thank them enough. The boys showed they were better suited to the land as they carved up the track and field, giving 100% in every event. This effort evidently paid off as the House secured an impressive third place finish to tie up an eventful day. It was unreal to see the pride in our House, especially in our younger students who showed some real promise over a wide variety of events. Once again, I was proud of our attendance levels and spirit. One message I really wanted to push this year with the House was the idea of getting out of your ‘comfort zone’ and giving everything a red-hot crack. This message appeared to have sunk in by the time Cross Country came around, as the Tigers wasted no time before pouncing on the track around the river. Furthermore, the ferocious efforts shown by the cubs on this scorcher of a day solidified us a fourth place finish. Another fantastic opportunity to step outside our comfort zones was thrown at us with Iggy’s first ever House Choir. With the full support and guidance of Mr Keane and Mr Reyes, the Treacy House was set off in the right direction. Or so we thought! Our robust performance of Pompeii was led by a couple of lead singers in Jordan Whiteside, Gus Rees, Axel Lincoln, and myself. However, the judges seemed to have thought that our choir was not up to standard and decided to hand us the wooden spoon. On the

Ignatius Park College 2021



Treacy Report


Treacy Report bright side, we can only move up from here, and with this experience under our belt, our future is exciting. Both these school events were crucial in the building of our House as it brought us together to show our true Treacy spirit. With the main school events concluded for the year, it was time for the highly anticipated Battle of the Bands. The Treacy House consistently finds itself receiving a new batch of gifted artists and creators with every year that comes through. This year, these boys had an opportunity to show off their wide variety of skills through the means of the school musical, Battle of the Bands, Theatre Sports, and various Assembly performances. To say these performances were captivating would be a drastic understatement, as I genuinely believe there are a few special talents within this House. The support of the House was incredible for these boys all year round and I am sure they are beyond thankful for the opportunity to show off their talents on such a stage. The theme of the House We Not Me proved to be one to live by in 2021. Regardless of their grade, age or situation, every Tiger in the House faced one form of adversity or another as the year progressed. There were times where our integrity, spirit, and resilience were tested, but in true Treacy fashion, we handled what was thrown at us. A true example of this was our results for classroom behaviour and efforts, where we finished second overall. This is what makes our House so strong and if this continues for years coming, then I cannot wait to see what the House will look like in 10 years' time. To have the chance to be the Treacy House Captain for 2021 is something I will forever cherish. This year


Ignatius Park College 2021

threw a lot of new learning experiences my way, and for that, I am grateful. My Vice-Captain, Joshua Marquez, has been such a help in guiding this House in the right direction, setting a good example, and being a companion for the younger students. With Josh’s arduous work behind the scenes I was able to get to form stronger relationships with a lot of the boys in Treacy. However, with such a supportive group of Seniors, the workload was shared, and everyone had an opportunity to show their leadership. The Seniors sacrificed their own time to enable school events to run smoothly. Events such as the help a brother out program, the fundraisers, the homeroom activities, and the Eddie Rice Day events. The Senior group showed such strong spirit at all carnivals, whether it was through the creation of new war-cries, carrying our mates over the finish line, or filling in for extra events. With all this extra effort, the House was able to be in a strong running for the Paddy Carew Shield. As I first stepped foot into this college, I would have never expected to form such a strong relationship with not only the staff and students but with the school itself. The lessons I learned while at this College are invaluable, and my respect goes out towards all the Brothers and teachers who taught all of them. My time in the Treacy House will never be forgotten, and to the lads I got to spend it with, I thank you. I feel safe with the direction the House is headed and I have confidence in the next group of seniors to continue this legacy. Respect all, fear none. Always a Tiger. The pleasure was mine lads, cheers. Cathane Hill | Treacy Captain

TREACY Ignatius Park College 2021



Ignatius Park College 2021

TREACY Ignatius Park College 2021



Digital and Design Technologies The world that we currently live in is becoming increasingly digitised and automated. It is important that we use technologies in ways that will create preferred and sustainable futures as we move forward in this brave new world. Coding is today’s language of creativity. Code powers the digital world that we live in and computer coders are the architects and builders of our digital future. We live in a world where computer applications drive almost everything we use, from our transport to our communication devices. In businesses, education, medicine and entertainment, we rely on digital devices to make our lives easier and better. Mobile and desktop devices are transforming learning, recreational activities, home life and work. There are many who argue that Australia’s future prosperity relies on digital technologies, and computer programmers are essential to this end. As Stephen Hawking (Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist, and Author) stated: Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.


Ignatius Park College 2021

At Ignatius Park College, we teach coding from Year 7 to Year 12. Students start their coding in a drag and drop environment and progress to writing their own programs using hundreds of lines of code. In Digital Technologies, we do not simply teach students how to program computers, we teach them how to use computational thinking skills - skills that will be vital for tomorrow’s workforce. Computational thinking requires students to take complex problems and break them down into smaller more manageable parts. Each of these smaller problems can then be looked at individually and students consider how similar problems have been solved previously, focusing only on the important details, while ignoring irrelevant information. Next, students design rules in the form of algorithms to solve each of the smaller problems. Computational thinking is a fundamental part of the way people think about and understand the world. We help students to stretch their minds and think more effectively. Bruce Denny | Faculty Leader Digital and Design Technologies

Drama enables us to find out who we are and discover who we could become – Augusto Boal. In 2021, Drama continues to grow as students study the making, performing and understanding of Drama in various roles from tragedy to comedy, fact and fiction. Looking back on this year, we continue to build on the creative ways we teach and cultivate the imaginations of our students. Mr Drew Thompson and Ms Jaclyn Bartholomew joined the team this year to share their wealth of knowledge and experience in Drama. New to the Arts in 2021 was the introduction of Creative Futures, a combined drama, media and visual arts subject. The project-based subject saw the boys creating and producing radio dramas, short films, 2D and 3D art works. Once again, Year 7 boys delved into the world of storytelling, transforming their stories into dramatic pieces. The Year 11 students explored Realism whilst Year 9 went back in time to explore where drama first began.

Through Drama we aim to entertain, challenge and educate the boys and their audience to better understand themselves and their world. Our drama students certainly achieved this through some enthusiastic and entertaining assessment performances. These ranged from Superheroes to Villains, Diggers in World War 1 to Teenagers in a contemporary world. The boys developed skills in a range of areas including working as part of a team and the process of rehearsal to refine their performances whilst meeting deadlines. Co-curricular activities thrived this year with several drama students involved in the Combined Schools Musical Back to the 80s, lead roles in Mulkadee and competing in the Townsville Eisteddfod. We are looking forward to continuing our creative journey in 2022! Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader - The Arts

Ignatius Park College 2021





English The English Department had an exciting 2021. For the first time in over a decade, we had a new Faculty Leader. Andrea Tarttelin assumed a new role within the College and left the English Faculty in new hands. Andrea has always provided kind, critical and inspiring leadership to both her students and staff and helped steer the school through the shift to the Australian Curriculum and then again to the new ATAR system. She remains a part of the English Faculty, but the Faculty would like to publicly acknowledge and thank her for her contribution. Under new leadership, the Faculty took on some novel initiatives. For the first time, Ignatius Park College ran a whole-school Spelling-Bee during Term 2. We located Year-Level Champions and awarded them a certificate and a gift voucher on Assembly. Congratulations again to the following students: Oliver Dickhart (Year 7 Putney); George Paske (Year 8 Baillie); Calam Sinclair (Year 9 Nolan); Nicholas Rowan (Year 10 Putney); Stuart Carter (Year 11 Reid); and Samuel Salvador (Year 12 Rice). However, the fun did not stop there. We split the Champions into two groups Year 7-9 and Year 10-12 to find the ultimate Middle and Senior School champions among these groups. Their collective spelling prowess was so impressive that we were unable to separate them.

The heat is on! The 2021 Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Oliver Dickhart and Calam Sinclair, and Stuart Carter and Samuel Salvador for joint winning the Year 7-9 and Year 10-12 Spelling Bees, respectively. Ignatius Park also linked up with James Cook University this year to run a two-day writing workshop for some of our Year 8 and 9 students. Over two days of writing, reading, and more writing, the students learned how to effectively ‘write about place’. We were fortunate enough to also have a session with James Cook University researcher and lecturer Dr Claire Hansen who presented, along with Dr Emma Maguire, a workshop on how to write using our five senses and our sixth sense of emotional feeling. Hopefully, we can make this initiative a constant on the IPC calendar. Finally, as part of a celebration of IPC writing, the English Faculty launched a new periodical: The Blue Bulletin. The newspaper was named by the IPC students in an online vote, and it was filled with IPC student work submitted throughout the year. This will be an annual publication, and we are looking forward to seeing what our students produce in 2022. Rohan Lloyd | Faculty Leader - English

Winners of the 2021 Spelling Bee

Writing Workshop at James Cook University

English class in action - Mr Reyes using the five senses for a creative writing activity


Ignatius Park College 2021

From photography to foreign films, from horror to music videos, our Year 10 to 12 Film, Television and New Media students have studied traditional and emerging media, producing work that is a testament to their talents. This year, our aspiring filmmakers and photographers have enjoyed being both behind and in front of the camera, creating media art in a range of genres and for various platforms. They have also spent hundreds of painstaking hours sketching storyboards and shaping characters and ideas that previously lay hidden in the depths of their imagination.

videos which explored issues typically affecting teenagers. No film course is complete without a study of foreign film and students also had the opportunity to explore famous foreign film movements such as French New Wave. The theme of love and the complexity of relationships was certainly a popular topic among the boys. It was wonderful to see the students tell their stories in such a creative and compelling way, while paying homage to the great filmmakers and developing their own unique style.

Year 10 students re-framed the world around us via their photography skills. The budding photographers experimented with a range of compositional elements and also enjoyed enhancing their work with the industry-standard editing program Adobe Premiere Pro, producing some eye-catching images.

Parents and friends who attended Iggy Under the Stars had the opportunity to watch some of the student productions and admire the boys’ photography. As always, each artwork is a celebration of students’ talent, creativity and dedication. We look forward to seeing more of the creative work our students will produce, next year, both in and out of Ignatius Park College.

The Senior students provided us with an insight into the lives of our youth, making sensational music

Katrina Guazzo | Teacher

Declan Hart

Lachlan McCarthy

Aidan Phelan

Liam Sinn

Chris Heagney

Filming and photographing the demolition of the Brothers' House

Keil Duxbury, Norman Stanbrook, Aidan Phelan and Declan Hart

Ignatius Park College 2021



Film, Television and New Media


Hospitality It has been a busy year in Hospitality this year, starting with the now annual event, the International Women’s Day Breakfast. The Senior Hospitality students catered for 260 guests to rave reviews. It certainly puts the pressure on for next year’s function! The Year 12 Hospitality Practices class held a Tapas Bar function and a Burger Joint as their two events for the year. Both were smash hits with amazing dishes, desserts, and cocktail creations. In their final weeks the class participated in an elimination style Black Box challenge, to earn the right to compete in the final against a teacher’s team. Maybe next year we will have a student team winner as the teachers were just too good, winning again for 2021. Next on the Hospitality calendar was the College Advisory Council dinner, where our Year 11 Hospitality Practices students catered and served dinner to the members. This event gave students the opportunity to practice their Hospitality skills in an intimate setting. The College Advisory Council are already looking at next year’s calendar for a repeat performance. The students catered the Iggy Under the Stars Showcase for the Arts and the mini arancini with chipotle aioli were a crowd favourite. The Year 10 Hospitality students were learning valuable life skills relating to healthy eating and cooking on a budget, whilst also earning two QCE points to help them in their Senior year. The High Tea for Brooklea Retirement Village is always a crowd pleaser. This is an event that the residents of Brooklea Retirement Village look forward to each year and the students excelled.


Ignatius Park College 2021

Year 9 Food Technology students were immersed in the world of herbs, spices and curries in Semester 1. Butter Chicken will always be a crowd pleaser and it has been declared a 'never to be dropped from the recipe book', recipe. In Semester 2, Adolescent Nutrition and Health was the topic. Students were able though research about their own health and nutrition and devise healthy snack options. In Year 8 Food Technology, the first Semester was all about creating the perfect burger. Some imaginative creations would beat the burger chains, hands down. Semester Two saw the students examine food waste and allergies and intolerances. The hand rolled gnocchi and homemade pizza were the highlights. I’m still not sure about the Nutella marshmallow pizza though. The highlight of the Hospitality calendar is the Year 7 Parents Morning Tea, held every term for each class. The boys look forward to showing off their newly learned Hospitality skills to their parents or carers. Pizza Pinwheels are another example that is always a crowd favourite! It has been a busy year as usual in Hospitality. We have welcomed Miss Kelsie Campbell as a new teacher to the department and Miss Monique Bebb as a new Kitchen Assistant too. I look forward to 2022 for new opportunities to showcase the vast talent of the students of the Ignatius Park Hospitality Department. Jude Head | Faculty Leader - Hospitality

“Oh the humanity!” was first exclaimed by reporter Herbert Morrison in 1937 as the Hindenburg balloon burst into flames. This phrase could now be used to describe the situation we find ourselves after dealing with COVID-19 for nearly two years. For the second year, the Humanities Faculty have taken the positives out of a very difficult situation for many around the world. COVID-19 has given our Year 8 History students the opportunity to live in a pandemic while studying the weird and wonderful ways the world attempted to survive the Black Plague of the 1300s and 1600s. The financial fallout and the budgetary injections of the Australian Government has enabled our Economics and Business classes from Years 9-12 to sift through the countless amounts of stimulus that has crippled and supported local, national and international markets. The everchanging data has granted Geography students the opportunity to collect, manipulate, map and analyse trends across the world using Microsoft Excel and GIS programs. It was another fascinating year to be a part of an ever-changing global community.

Our second group of ATAR students to graduate are to be congratulated. New systems present new challenges and our boys, along with their teachers, continue to adapt and show resilience in these times of change. We have had some terrific results and I look forward to seeing our boys achieve the ATAR results they deserve. “If our best-educated citizens have no idea how to answer these basic questions, we will struggle to build a democracy that can solve the problems we face, whether they are what to do about climate change, the world’s poor, the problems of Australia’s Indigenous people, or the prospect of a future in which we can genetically modify our offspring. An education in the humanities is as valuable today as it was in Plato’s time.” Peter Singer (Australian Philospher), Ethics in the Real World Tim Lindeberg | Faculty Leader - Humanities

Ignatius Park College 2021





Inclusive Education Ignatius Park College is about our students learning, growing and flourishing together, accepting the unique gifts of each Individual. Inclusive education at our College reflects our EREA Touchstone, where every student is created in the image of God and has the right, without exception, to be included in our College’s educational setting. As a College community, we are all called to adapt our environment and teaching approaches to ensure full participation of all students. The Ignatius Park community embraces human diversity and welcomes every student as equal member of our community. We are extremely fortunate in our Inclusive Education Department to have a team of committed professionals. We welcomed Sandy O’Melia to our team this year, alongside Nadine Burnett, Sandra Walton and all the Teacher Aides who bring a diversity of strengths and abilities when working closely with the boys, responding to their individual needs and assisting students to accomplish their goals. This may include extra scaffolding, assistance with organisation, as well as encouraging students to remain focused and respond accurately. I offer my gratitude to this team; our students are extremely fortunate to have the support of such dedicated and caring individuals.


Ignatius Park College 2021

At Ignatius Park College we identify students with disabilities through the Education Adjustment Program (EAP). The EAP is a process for identifying and responding to the educational needs of students with disability who require significant education adjustments related to the specific impairment areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, Social Emotional Disorder, and speech language impairment. The EAPs assist teachers in adjusting and working alongside Teacher Aides to achieve desired outcomes. Our boys participated in the Challenge Games in July from the march past and through all the events including running, relays, shotput and volleyball. Thank you so much to all involved in these tremendous achievements. NCCD is an annual collection of information from all Australian schools on the numbers of students with disability and the adjustments they receive. This year we collected evidence on 112 students ranging in needs from Quality Differentiated Learning through to Extensive Support. Nicole Putscher | Program Leader - Inclusive Education

2021 has been another busy year for Industrial Design and Technology Faculty. The majority of our junior school classes are at capacity and Year 10 to 11 subject selections are also reflecting this direction. The students and their families will benefit from the many projects that they are manufacturing for years to come. This year, IPC introduced a new subject into Year 10 - Industrial Manufacturing. The program is being run for the whole year and is project-based with students experiencing using common materials such as timber and metal and also new materials such as acrylic. Their projects have also incorporated utilising some of the new technology we now have at IPC such as laser cutting, vinyl printing cutting and ironing and computer routing. This program has been designed as a conduit for the new certificate course in manufacturing in the VET area for 2022 (Year 11). Projects undertaken in 2021 in this program are as follows: Year 7 Timber tool rack Year 8 Mosquito coil holder and timber pencil case Year 9 Garden fork, foot stool, carry-all and CO2 dragster Year 10 Sheet metal toolbox, timber desktop tidy, timber coffee table and sliding bevel square Year 11 (no classes this year) Year 12 Timber carry-all and saw horse, plumb bob and desktop ornament Through the successful submission of capital expenditure budget this year, we were able to purchase several new machines which will benefit both Industrial Technology and VET students. These include: •

Section Rollers (Rolling metal into rings, for example: a basketball hoop)

• Panbrake (Folding sheetmetal) • Milling Machine (Machining down flat surfaces) This year we have seen one major and one minor change in staffing. Mr Mark Stanford (Teacher Aide) left us to go and work as an Assessor with BlueDog Training. He was replaced by Mr Troy Deans, who has quickly moulded into this position very well. Mr Deans comes to IPC with a wealth of knowledge and skills in both engineering and construction having worked in industry as a diesel fitter and a builder. Additionally, Mr Brian Geaney took leave in Term 3 and was admirably replaced by Mr David Rawnsley (Iggy Old Boy) who has a wealth of teaching and trade experience in Cabinet Making. This year has been extremely busy, as in previous years with all classes operating at maximum numbers. With the new ATAR system for Year 11 and 12 students, our traditional trade certificate courses have proved very popular and IPC is looking to introduce another class into the construction sector. That will bring that certificate course to four classes next year. Next year, Industrial Technology Skills, an ATAR Applied Subject, is being reintroduced and already has a full class of students. This is a two-year course and is project-based with the addition of an examination for assessment. A new course has also been designed for next year to complement VET students as well as give some students basic skills and knowledge in Industrial Graphics. This too is an ATAR applied subject namely Industrial Graphic Skills, which will be run over the two years covering industry drafting practices and processes through modules directed at construction and engineering drafting. Len Farren | Faculty Leader - Industrial Design and Technologies

Ignatius Park College 2021



Industrial Design and Technologies


Languages In 2021, our Japanese students enjoyed many interesting cultural and learning experiences.

pancakes topped with Japanese barbeque sauce, mayonnaise, and bonito flakes.

This year students in Year 8 were able to study Japanese for Semester 1 and 2. The Year 8 program allowed for many language and cultural experiences. Students participated in an undoukai (Japanese sports day) with our version of tamaire (ball toss) and chopstick races.

Several of our senior students participated in the JCU Holiday Language Program in the June/July holidays. This one week intensive online course is an enjoyable way for our students to revise their grammar and vocabulary. Congratulations to Year 12 student James Clarke who was accepted to study Japanese and Education at JCU—best of luck, James!

As a part of their food unit, students went into the kitchen as cooked up some okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake). We all enjoyed eating our delicious


Ignatius Park College 2021

Rebecca Irvine | Acting Teacher in Charge Languages

What do Elijah Iorangi and Sebastian Arrends, two very different young men, have in common? On any given day, in any given week, you will find these fine students enjoying the comforts of our Library space. Whether it’s to complete an RE assignment, get some extra help at Homework Program, challenge a mate at chess or poker, or simply just enjoy reading a book in the “Hush Zone”, the Library is certainly an inviting and exciting place for any Iggy boy! This year we have continued to create a welcoming space for all students who visit the Library. The varied and diverse activities organised each week ensure that there is always something interesting to capture all students’ attention. From competing in our Library Chess Competition, participating in the Cowboy’s writing challenge, to enjoying the wonderful displays put together by the Library staff, our humble space is never short on visual and kinesthetic activities. A special mention must be made to the wonderful Year 7 boys who participated in our annual Reader’s Cup Challenge. For over two months, Marcus Carter, Divjot Singh, Tyler Shore and Jake Daldy met each day in the Library after reading six novels each, to discuss the finer aspects of the stories and characters. Capably assisted by the new Library Aide recruit, Mr Matthew Fanning, the boys went on to compete

in the Townsville district to secure sixth place – a sterling effort, men! Once again as a College we all enjoyed our Book Week extravaganza, with this year’s theme Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds proving to be a very unique dress-up opportunity. All students were invited to participate in a range of Homeroom quizzes, lunch time activities, reading to the Year 1 students at Holy Spirit Catholic School, and sending in pictures for the Get Caught Reading competition. What a hoot of a week! There could be no denying that our wonderful Library Monitors really contribute a positive energy to our busy space. Without their selfless spirit and assistance, the Library would just not run as smoothly as it does – thanks men! Of course, let us not forget our incredibly talented and helpful Library Aides who are at our beck and call each day – we salute you! Finally, the demolition of the Brothers' House this year, signals the start to the building of our highly anticipated new Learning Resource Centre. Due to be completed in 2022, we all await with bated breath for our new digs to be built … watch this space! Pudy Timbs | Learning Resource Coordinator

Reader’s Cup Challenge Participants

Ignatius Park College 2021





Mathematics Galileo told us that, “mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.” In 2021, our students have definitely progressed in their study of this beautiful language. In our beautiful North Queensland location, the Mathematics Faculty are thankful that we could continue our learning journey in person for the entirety of 2021, undisrupted. Ignatius Park College is committed to welcoming the diversity of mathematics. Our students embraced a variety of tasks from being able to understand real-world articles, written on state and national vaccination rates; to creating a budget and understanding the costs of moving out of home; or estimating the area of a lake using integral calculus. With an increased focus on cumulative mathematical knowledge, our students were challenged to reach their full potential.


Ignatius Park College 2021

I would personally like to thank all our dedicated members of the Mathematics Faculty for their hard work and commitment to the young men of the College. Our teachers ensured that our students were supported, encouraged and inspired, and moving on from their classes in 2021 with a greater cumulative knowledge of the universal language of mathematics. I look forward to 2022 as we continue our learning journey at Ignatius Park College and wish our graduating seniors the best of luck in their chosen careers. “The study of mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness but ends in magnificence.” Charles Caleb Cotton Rebecca Ebelt | Faculty Leader - Mathematics

Music at Ignatius Park College continues to offer students a vibrant, hands-on learning experience, providing them with the opportunity to become involved in a diverse range of ensembles. This year we welcomed Mr Leo Hogan as a Junior classroom music teacher. His expertise and passion along with Ms Tess Higgins who continued in the role of Instrumental Coordinator and support to Junior classes had great success in revitalising school bands and promoting music amongst the younger students. The students this year were able to produce an entertaining mix of music in a range of different music styles with some outstanding works from our Senior students being released and recognised on social media music platforms. The ability of our boys to not only compose but also produce and promote their own works highlights the constant changes in trends and technology within the popular music industry.

There were some excellent individual as well as group performances this year from our elective students in Years 8-12. Their efforts were recognised at the annual Iggy Under the Stars Arts evening which continued to showcase the sometimes hidden ability of the boys. Congratulations also to all students who participated in the Artie’s Entertainer of the Year, College Assemblies, Eisteddfod, Instrumental evenings and other school events. These public performances help build confidence and strength of character as well as raise the profile of the Music Department. Finally, congratulations to the Senior Music class of 2021: Samuel Salvador, Josh Clarke, Axel Lincoln, John Beams, Elijah Iorangi and Lewis Roberts who all received high levels of achievement on their exit statements. These boys have worked tirelessly over the past two years and should be commended for their efforts. Best of luck for the future, boys! Matthew Thiele | Teacher

Ignatius Park College 2021





Physical Education Junior Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education has continued its focus this year on engaging, developing and advocating for students' and others' health. Years 7-9 have been encouraged to take positive action to protect and enhance their own and others’ health, wellbeing and safety through the design and development of nutritional health plans, personal f itness programs, emergency response s cenarios, assertive relationships and alcohol and drug action plans. This was also demonstrated through the emphasis on regular movement-based learning experiences to understand and appreciate the significance to personal, social, cultural, environmental and health practices and outcomes. In 2021, we introduced an Indigenous Cultural Awareness Day as part of an Indigenous Games unit. This was facilitated by the Wulgurukaba people, who came in and showed our Year 7 students some of their traditional games and dances, highlighting the cultural significance these activities hold for Indigenous people. VET - Certificate III in Fitness and Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 2021 saw the continued popularity of the Certificate III in Sport and Recreation and Certificate III in Fitness courses, which we run in conjunction with our partner Binnacle. The students engaged in many learning activities to work towards successful completion


Ignatius Park College 2021

of the course and gain the valuable Certificate III qualification, which will aid the students in gaining employment in these industries post school. These courses often require the help of junior classes or teachers to act as “clients” so they become a real community course with the students interacting with many members of the College they might not normally encounter. Senior Physical Education Curriculum 2021 also saw the continuation of the new senior Physical Education and Sport and Recreation courses. An exciting addition to the faculty this year was the second of three upgrades to the School gym, with nearly $30 000 worth of new equipment being installed and more scheduled for 2022. Student numbers for both courses increased in 2021 and look set to increase further in 2022. It is encouraging to see so many students interested in learning more about the health, exercise and sport industries. Students undertook units in coaching, biomechanics, track and field, volleyball, lifesaving and event planning to name but a few. Students also had the opportunity to visit the James Cook University sports science labs to experience how these courses are taught at the tertiary level. Matthew Johnson | Faculty Leader – Health and Physical Education

It has been a big year of Religious Education at Ignatius Park College. Our faculty aims to provide students with a solid grounding in the Catholic Faith through targeted, engaging topics entrenched in our four Touchstones that enhance their personal and spiritual growth as they journey through Secondary School. During our staff meetings, we have been exploring the National Catholic Education Commission’s Shape Paper on Religious Education, which overtly sums up our aims and desires for students at IPC: “In this regard, children and young people benefit from Religious Education, the learning area at the heart of the Catholic School. They develop knowledge, skills and understanding leading to positive dispositions about Christianity and other World Religions. As a result, they become informed and active contributors to a faith community as well as a global religious citizen.” Every effort is made at Ignatius Park College to ensure that all who seek to share and celebrate our Catholic Christian Brothers heritage through the curriculum engage in religion classes, class mass celebrations and in opportunities to expand their knowledge of and commitment to their own faith traditions in service learning as well as integrating our “Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders” program into the curriculum seeing our students

sharing lessons with others from around the world in real time. Next year sees the implementation of Certificate II in Active Volunteering embedded into Year 10 Religion and Ethics. This ‘course within a course’ will deliver students with 4 extra QCE points as well as an invaluable qualification will look great on their resumes upon exiting school. In addition, a re-configuration of the senior program sees a new option for the non-ATAR pathway in “Catholic Studies” for Year 11and 12. This course features a focused, strong element of dedicated service learning to engage our senior students with the wider community in a variety of capacities. All 36 teachers of Religious Education (whom again I cannot thank enough for their tireless dedication and hard work in the subject) and those responsible for leadership in Religious Education in the College constantly seek to incorporate these core perspectives into each and every lesson, utilizing the flexibility of their own personal experience and wisdom in Religious Education classes to ensure that an inclusive spirit pervades all learning experiences and class mass celebrations. I look forward to 2022 whereby we continue to consolidate our programs and work hard together in continual reflection and renewal, bringing ever-fresh approaches to Religious Education in all year levels. Mark Holmes | Faculty Leader – Religious Education

Ignatius Park College 2021



Religious Education


Science 2021 has been another exciting year in the Ignatius Park College Science arena with students enthusiastically involving themselves not only in their studies but also in the wide variety of practical experiences on offer. From the Year 7 students gaining their Bunsen burner licenses, performing dissections on cane toads in Year 8, participating in the NQ Regional Science and Engineering challenge in Year 10 to the Year 12 students designing motors and generators, the IPC Science faculty never rests. National Science Week once again saw chemical explosions on stage at assembly as the students became immersed in the 2021 theme Food: Different by Design. The week involved the Street Science Show for the Junior students where Science really came to life, watermelons exploding using only rubber bands, skills being challenged in the titration


Ignatius Park College 2021

competition for our Senior students, and our new backwards brain bicycle being wheeled out for the first time, having the potential to rewire brain pathways for those that dared to ride it. As Faculty Leader, I would like to thank the hard-working science staff who continuously dedicate their energy to improve both the learning outcomes and the pedagogy so it is enjoyable and accessible for our young men. I would also like to thank the students who have a genuine and keen interest in the sciences who work so diligently in their studies. I look forward to seeing where their career paths lead them, and hope that in some way the IPC Science team has inspired them to pursue a career where science is held in high regard. Alyssa Deer | Faculty Leader – Science

Visual Arts aims to nurture the artist in every child. Through our experienced teachers Mr Brett Deneen and Mr Andrew Hodgson the students were inspired and motivated to transform their ideas into drawings, paintings and sculptures. Visual Art is a powerful way to connect to the world around us through an emotional and sensory lens. Students in Years 7 Art and 8 Creative Futures have both explored the elements and principles of Art, been introduced to the basics of Art history, and developed their core drawing and construction skills respectively. Year 9 Art has focused on a range of tasks that included an advanced drawing unit, soapstone animal sculpture, pottery and Japanese woodblock printing. The boys in Year 10 incorporated their art history research into a practical task by creating an acrylic on canvas painting that emulated one of the many styles found in the Modern Art period. They also tried their hand at multi-colour lino printing and a range of contemporary street art styles and techniques.

Students in Year 11 Art had the opportunity to refine their skills in experimenting with various media areas within their folio work. All of which serves as preparation for Year 12 Visual Art where the boys are required to create art pieces in relation to specific themes. They also learn how to critically analyse artists and art works to understand how the elements and principles make artworks more effective, which in turn strengthens their own concepts. We have some budding artists in Year 12 with special mention to Jackson Hughes and John Beams. Jackson painted exquisite landscapes on canvas – Velvet Skies and Dawning – whilst John transformed his 3D bonsai into an animated computer manipulation – Firefly. Visual Art encourages us to think, develop skills and confidence as we make something that wasn’t there before. Creativity is contagious, lookout in 2022 as we continue making simple, awesomely simple! Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader - The Arts

Ignatius Park College 2021



Visual Arts


Skills and Training This year the VET area was transformed both physically and nominally. VET is now known as “Skills and Training” so that the name correctly matches the emphasis on developing transferable skills and capabilities that will enable our young men to enter the workforce, influence it and be future focused. We have also been relocated to the quadrangle area and now belong to the Pathways hub along with the Careers Advisor and the Indigenous and Multi-cultural Program Leader. Being in the centre of the school and alongside other student services has been beneficial for the students and enabled collaboration of the three services when activities overlap. A VET review was conducted in conjunction with the EREA Skills and Training delegate with particular focus on certificate and subject offerings in the Skills and Training area. One of the major findings was the need to create occupational clusters of subjects to support a design focus, building focus and a service focus. This allows for blended pathways, not merely ATAR or VET, and provides a focus on skills for successful individual pathways. Other findings and recommendations include the introduction of new course offerings, greater industry engagement, increased partnerships with Gateway programs, third party training organisations and JCU. 2021 has seen the first cohort of 10 senior students enrol in the Diploma of Business course offered through “Learning Partnerships” as well as have students from a number of year levels from Year 8 to 11 participate in workshops offered by our new Gateway to Industry schools arrangements with ICT and JCU, QMI, QMEA and advanced manufacturing. We continued to offer Certificate II in Resource Infrastructure and Work Practices under our own RTO (Registered Training Organisation) and have developed the Certificate II Active Volunteering course in readiness to deliver it to Year 10s next year. Also, through external providers such as Bluedog Training and Binnacle Training we were able to offer Certificate I in Construction, Certificate II in Engineering Pathways, Certificate III in Fitness, and Certificate III in Sport and Recreation. 2022 will also see the introduction of Certificate II in Manufacturing Technology for Year 11s through an arrangement with IVET and TAFE. Plans are also in place to extend our offerings with TAFE to also include Certificate III in Engineering Technology( Autocad) for 2023. A few of our Year 12 students were able to attend the TAFE in Schools Program to complete courses that would not otherwise be available. These courses allow the boys to pursue their preferred career path as part of their senior studies and significantly enhance their employability post-graduation. We have developed closer links with TAFE this year and are looking at more opportunities for 2022 and beyond. Congratulations to these students on their successful course completion of TAFE in Schools qualifications. An integral component of the IPC Skills and Training program is Industry Placement. Industry Placement provides students with the opportunity to try different occupations and make informed decisions about their career journey. It provides the boys with invaluable on-the-job experience and assists them in


Ignatius Park College 2021

making industry contacts. We would like to thank our industry placement providers for the support they have given the students and the College throughout the year. Their support is imperative to the success of the program and we truly appreciate them. As always, Industry Placement has facilitated opportunities for many students to attain schoolbased apprenticeships and full time work postgraduation. We would like to congratulate the following students on securing their futures with school-based apprenticeships and thank the employers for offering them this opportunity. Benjamin McLean (12R)

AJ McLean Construction

Lachland Sheppard (12C)

Millair Climate Control

Jarrod Chaillion (12R)

Quick Start Auto Electrical

Damon Marshall (12ER)

The Ville

Corey Baker (12R)

Precision Engineering & Welding

Louis Jackson (12ER)

Jaxx Projects

Jaxon Reid (12N)

JEG Electrical Pty LTD

Euan Cram (12R)

Bonlec Pty Ltd

Angus Gorrie (12B)

Kenny’s Auto Electrical

Ethan Giacobone (12C)

Locke Electrical

Max Sosnowski (12C)

Kaltec Services Pty Ltd

Billy Gifford (12B)

CV Services Group

Ethan Burkhardt (12C)

Gough Plastics

Jackson Hocking (11N)

Jaysel Electrical & Instrumentation

Ethan Buchanan (11T)

Barrett Carpentry & Building Concepts

Jonatan Gatis (11B)

Greg Thomas Electrical

Hayden Lunn (11T)

Lunn Plumbing and Construction

Karmichael Wright (10N)

Butchers On Bundock

Stewart Gordon (10ER)

Built by Beasley

Our Year 12 VET Student of the Year for 2021 will not be finalised until after the external exams and will be presented in January 2022 at the Awards Day ceremony. The Year 11 VET Student of Year will go to Jackson Hocking. The criteria for the awards is related to the quality of practical work produced, being upto-date with all theory materials, quality reports from placement, future employment prospects as well as high academic results in core areas. I would personally like to thank the Skills and Training teachers for their hard work and commitment to ensuring our young men leave the College with excellent skills and are work ready. It would also be remiss of me not to thank the VET Assistant, Mrs Julie Owen, for her work in terms one to three this year. Julie was successful in gaining alternative employment, but her efforts and care for our boys during her tenure was outstanding and very much appreciated by the students and her ability to connect with the employers will be greatly missed. We welcome Mrs Jennie Vignale to the pathways hub and all communications will now be addressed to pathways@ipc.qld.edu.au. We wish all our graduating students the best of luck in their chosen pathway. Grant Rossiter | Skills and Training Program Leader

Ignatius Park College 2021



Skills and Training


Industry Placement Employers Industry Placement Employers 2021 5 Star Fitness A. Gabrielli Construction Pty Ltd Aitkenvale Auto and Dyno AJ McLean Constructions A-Lec Electrics Pty Ltd Alliance Electrical Townsville Auto-Lek NQ Automotive Repair Centre Baker and Co Landscape Construction Belcher Diesel Service Bellmarc Constructions Qld Pty Ltd Bill and Ben The Cabinetmen Billabong Sanctuary Bips Auto Service Centre Bob Parkes Automotive Bonlec Pty Ltd Brilliant Touch Up Painting Briskey Concreting Services Britrac (Aust) Pty Ltd Broadspectrum Defence Maintenance and Support Services Brothers Leagues Club Townsville Brown and Hurley Group Carmichael Ford Casa Engineering (Tsv) Cato Constructions CD Projects CIR Electrical Clark Equipment CLR Electrical and Refrigeration Coastal Gasfitting and Plumbing Combined Metal Fabrication Pty Ltd Coops Automotive Core Developments Cowboys House

Craig McGill Carpenter Cranbrook State School Cummins Townsville Currajong State School CW and GS Blaik Electrical Dallecort Electrical David Rose Carpentry David Taylor Spraypainting and Panel Beating DN Electrical Contractor Pty Ltd DNA Carpentry Downing Plumbing and Earthworks Dynolink Automotive Excellence Ede's Plumbing Electricians Downunder Electrotek Qld Pty Ltd EMA Electrics Ergon Energy Fabbro Diesel Services FNQ Mechanical and Fabrication Food Relief NQ Forks 4 U Fortifire Four Seasons AirConditioning and Refrigeration Franzmann Constructions Franzmann Plumbing Pty Ltd Fulton Hogan Girringun Aboriginal Corporation Glen Carroll Painting Glenn Sexton Pty Ltd GNL Plumbing Goodsell Earthmoving Gough Plastics Grady Homes Greg Thomas Electrical Gymnastics Townsville Heatley State School Hilditch Plumbing Horace Constructions Horan and Bird Hurst Auto Electrical Hutchinson Builders

iChippy Ignatius Park College Canteen Ignatius Park College Property and Services iMalekky Intersport Townsville Jam Corner Jason Miekus Plumbing and Drainage Pty Ltd Jaxx Projects JB and Sons Builders JEG Electrical Pty Ltd Jim Chaillon Auto Service John Lendich Carpenter Johnson Controls Kaltec Services Pty Ltd Kassulke Building Projects Ken Fox Homes Kenny's Auto Electrical Kev Smith Electrical Keypower Systems Pty Ltd Kolby's Electrical KP Walsh Electrics Lancini Homes Landmark Ayr Larsen Fencing Larsen Fencing Lazzaroni Electrical Legit Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Len Dowd and Co Lex Electrix Locke Electrical and Airconditioning Pty Ltd Lollo and Allan Electrical Macca's Sports Turf Co Magnetic Steel Works Manufacturing Design and Engineering Pty Ltd Mark Graham Electrical Mark Hudson Engineering and Welding Marteene Painting Services Mazlin Electrical Services MB Automotive MBD Pty Ltd

McCann's Airconditioning and Refrigeration Services Pty Ltd McGovern Agencies Mendi Group Merritt Plumbing and Gas Millair Climate Control Mineforce Australia Pty Ltd Minelec Pty Ltd MNB Constructions Morello Electrical Pty Ltd MPL Refrigeration MVO Airconditioning Pty Ltd NEM Group Pty Ltd Norfab (Qld) Pty Ltd North Regional Gas NPS Corporate NQ Electrical NQ Hydraulic Solutions One Million Strong Pacific Marine Group Parry NQ Patriot Crane Hire Pickerings Auto Group Plumbing Professionals NQ Precision Engineering and Welding Predator Signs Professional Pump Services and Irrigation Quality Steel Fabrications and Engineering Quick Start Auto Electrical R and K Bennett Fencing Rapid Plumbing NQ Reef Coast Constructions Reldas Constructions Pty Ltd Remi Creative Furniture Rhyscapes Rolly's Electrical Ross Joinery Pty Ltd Rowanair

Simon Bell Constructions Skilled Trees Services Pty Ltd Smith Marine Services SPD Group Suncity Harley-Davidson Sureline Solar and Electrical Synergy Health Centre T and R Electrical and Airconditioning Tacoma Plumbing (Nth Qld) Pty Ltd TCC - Fleet Services TCC - Maintenance Services TEi Services The Good Shepherd Home The Ville The Ville - Property Services Tony Ireland Holden (Car Workshop) Top to Bottom Plumbing Townsville CBD Electrical Townsville Electronics Service Centre Townsville Signs and Pegasus Installation Townsville Transport Services Tyrepower Townsville URT Ultimate Results Training Van Eerde Air Conditioning and Refrigeration W and F Constructions Pty Ltd Waltlec Industries WF Electrical Woodward Plumbing Woolworths Fairfield Central Wulguru Group

School Based Apprentices and Trainees FRONT ROW: Maximillian Sosnowski, Stewart Gordon, Hayden Lunn, Vincent Trimmer, Benjamin McLean, Jackson Hocking, Ethan Giacobone SECOND ROW: Mr G. Rossiter, Euan Cram, Zachary Cozzitorto, Jonathan Gatis, Damon Marshall, Jaxon Reid, Ms J. Owen THIRD ROW: Lachlan Sheppard, Ethan Buchanan, Louis Jackson, Angus Gorrie, Jarrod Chaillon, Corey Baker ABSENT: Ethan Burkhardt, Mitchell Doyle, Billy Gifford, Karmichael Wright, Luca Yates


Ignatius Park College 2021

Term 3, Week 1 saw us celebrate our 1st Baillie annual Athletics Carnival. Across the two days, our boys showed 2nd Rice impressive strength, power and 3rd Treacy speed in both track and field events. It is a time-held tradition whereby 4th Carew all boys are encouraged to compete 5th Reid in the 100m and 200m, all throwing 6th Putney events and long jump. We were very impressed with the College Spirit and 7th Nolan all boys should be congratulated on their efforts and behaviour. However, there can only be one winner! Baillie Bears ran, jumped, and threw their way to a win, followed by Rice in 2nd and Treacy in 3rd. Congratulations to our Track and Field Age Champions listed below: Field





Jack Quinney

Joseph Murphy

Keyarn Zaro


Cai Banfield

Lincoln Baker

Koby Jones


Tyler Butler

Blake Koitka

Lucas Lazzaroni


Lachlan Hutchings

Joseph Kelemete and Joshua Eggins

Charlie Rattray


Reece Foley

Tekelu Mene

Jamal Shibasaki


Orlando Sartori

Joshua Marquez

Jakeb Vailalo


Kobe Owens

Jake McAuliffeFickling

Tyler Boyce






Jack Quinney

Angus Woodhouse

Jake Piccolo


Gordon Keith

Koby Kyle-Little

Carter Koitka


Jacob Sexton

Blake Koitka

Mark Naudi and Brodie Quigley


Ben Hatchard

Geoffrey Lui

Keelin Hookey and Jai Duxbury


Seth Wells

Jackson Hocking

Max Gough


Tremaine Body

Lachlan Lerch

Vincent Trimmer and Damon Marshall


Lucas Dummett and Isaac Mayo

Reilly Williams

Cathane Hill

Across two days, we took over 130 students down to the Townsville Sports Reserve to compete in the TSSS Athletics Carnival. IPC took out first place in the Overall Male by almost 200 points to Kirwan. We also had 30 students selected in the Townsville Track and Field Team that later competed at the NQ Trials in Week 8. Due to the COVID restrictions impacting South-East Queensland, there was no State Championships held, rather an NQ Track and Field Merit Team was selected. A massive congratulations to the following students who gained selection: Jack Quinney, Rafael Josifoski, Keelin Hookey, Lincoln Baker, Lachlan Hutchings, Tekelu Mene, Tyler Boyce and Keegan Elrick. Larissa Di Bella | School Officer - Physical Education and Sport

Ignatius Park College 2021





AFL After a vacant year of AFL in 2020 due to the risk of COVID in the country, we were back and ready to take on the best in the state in the 2021 StreetSmarts AFLQ Schools' Cup. Again, IPC entered both Junior and Senior divisions and were optimistic of making the State Finals. Juniors were a strong team this year with a large contingent of club players and very talented first timers. Under the reins of first time IPC AFL Coach, Jake Jackson, the boys were put through their paces in training, leading up to the competition, and we fielded a very capable team that was eager to progress through the competition. On the first round, we went up against Southern Cross Catholic College, Ryan Catholic College (A and B team) and Kirwan State High School. The first three teams were a training run for our boys as they put their skills to the test and were very dominant, running away victorious. However, the game against Kirwan would see it all undone as stiff opposition and wayward kicking would cause an early exit from the competition for the Junior boys. We saw stand out performances by Morgan Payne and Alex Demopoulos in the midfield and Pio Kelemete for locking down the backline. Overall, everyone contributed greatly but a special mention to Reegan Knowles for his unmatched mark taking ability. The Senior team were again ready to avenge their unlucky first round knock-out in the 2019 competition.

AFL - Junior Team FRONT ROW: Ryan Thompson, Joshua Tower, Max Reeves, Tyron Bethune, Lincoln Burrowes, Cooper Bloxsom, Flynn Maguire, Hudson Bailey SECOND ROW: Mr P. Marano, Kye Lange, Connor Sexton, Kynan Purdy, Oscar Beattie, Koby Baban, Sebastian Wyke, Mr J. Jackson THIRD ROW: Pio Kelemete, Lucas Partridge, Kynan McMahon, Benjamin Hatchard, Brock Kyle, Logan Maggenti, Alexander Demopoulos


Ignatius Park College 2021

Ben Payne again volunteered his time to come back to coach the boys and steer them to success. Like the Junior team, IPC fielded a strong team of Seniors made up of club players and capable first timers. In a repeat of two years ago, the Senior boys took on Kirwan in the first match of the day. In a seesaw game, the lead changed several times, but at the conclusion, it went our way. The remaining games against Townsville State High and Thuringowa State High were easily won, which saw the Seniors win more through to Round 2 of the competition. Beston-ground performances by Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Trinidy Parker and newcomer Ethan Craig saw IPC dominate on the day. Unfortunately, COVID-19 would rear its ugly head again. Lockdowns in Cairns meant St Augustines could not travel to Townsville for Round 2 and a suitable rescheduled date could not be organised so late in the year with the state finals date looming so close. As a result, the Senior boys' campaign ended early through no fault of their own. Hopefully the boys can channel the frustrating early exit and use it for motivation for next years' competition. Thanks to the Junior and Senior boys who committed to training and to staff members Amanda Loechel (Seniors Manager) and Jake Jackson (Junior Coach) for their commitment to the AFL program. Paul Marano | Juniors Manager

AFL - Senior Team FRONT ROW: Marcus Illin, Hayden Vignale, Howard Keyes, Kye Stallan, Ben Walker, Liam Sinn, Trinidy Parker, Sean Young SECOND ROW: Ms A. Loechel, Lachlan Tapp, Cody Brown, Orlando Parker, Jett Bates, George Abednego, Jackson Waldon, Christian Payne, Christopher Heagney THIRD ROW: Murugu Kiumbura, Ethan Craig, Joshua Corcoran, Marshall Wilson, Matthew Evans, Finn Lyons, Brody Ah Kit ABSENT: Javan Ah Kit, Cathane Hill, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling

After a short four week preparation, the First V Basketball team were off to the Gold Coast to participate in the annual Champion Basketball School of Queensland (CBSQ) Tournament in the Championship Division. The boys left with a 12man team consisting of six Seniors and six Year 11 students eager to play and bring home a top three medal. With a rough start to the first two days of the competition, the team were in desperate search of a win after only losing by small margins against four tough and talented teams. We ended up winning the next three games against Marsden High, Cairns State High and St Edmund's College Ipswich. Although we did not get the result we wanted at the end, we enjoyed our time on the Gold Coast; playing

cards, riding the electric bikes on the Esplanade, cooling off at the beach and relaxing in the spa. Our Seniors, on their last CBSQ trip representing Iggy Park, include Lachlan Parker, Kobe Owens, Trinidy Parker, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Joe Brosnan and Marshall Wilson and our Year 11 students were Cody Brown, Lleyton Ward, Matthew Evans, Marcus Illin, Joshua Corcoran and Murugu Kiumbura. A massive thank you to Carl Ward who took the time to prepare the boys and coach them at this tournament, and to Ms Amanda Loechel who did a great job in managing the team and organising food, uniforms and accommodation. Marshall Wilson | Captain

Basketball - Senior Social FRONT ROW: Jeremy Morton, Renyn Eisel, Benjamin Dixon, Alex Bombardieri, Darcy Keir SECOND ROW: Dr R. Lloyd, Clancy Blacklock, Kaden Partland, Lloyd Kennedy, Lleyton Jackson

Ignatius Park College 2021






Basketball - Year 7 FRONT ROW: Noah Payten, Lachlan George-Shaw, Charlie Fuller, Antse Mpusetsang, Harrison McCloskey SECOND ROW: Mr J. Fuller, Jaylen Gadsby, Ethan Weil, Gordon Keith, Levi Jacobson

Basketball - Year 8 FRONT ROW: Jobi Jackson, Ryan Nguyen, Cooper Eastlake, Sebastian Wyke, Jake Jones SECOND ROW: Ms A. Loechel, Ashton Nicholls, Jayce Humphreys, Orlando Lochowicz ABSENT: Zakary Donnelly, Riley Morrison

Basketball - Years 9 and 10 FRONT ROW: Alvine Njau, Kye Stallan, Logan Robertson, Brock Kyle, Logan Maggenti, Andrew Gatis SECOND ROW: Mr E. Reyes, Kynan McMahon, Hugh Cafferky, Matthew Ament, Izaya Leedie


Ignatius Park College 2021

Basketball - Gregory Terrace Challenge FRONT ROW: Trinidy Parker, Jordan Batley, Cody Brown, Renyn Eisel, Lachlan Parker, Lleyton Jackson, Murugu Kiumbura, Roman Smirnov, Marcus Illin SECOND ROW: Ms A. Loechel, Lleyton Ward, Matthew Evans, Marshall Wilson, Joe Brosnan, Harrison Delgado, Joshua Corcoran, Corey Stevenson ABSENT: Angus Dalgliesh, Kobe Owens, James Sheppard, Luca Yates

Basketball - Junior FRONT ROW: Logan Maggenti, Matthew Parker, Jalen Anderson, Ashton Nicholls, Brock Kyle, Kye Stallan, Jobi Jackson SECOND ROW: Ms A. Loechel, Kynan McMahon, Blair Williamson, Matthew Ament, Izaya Leedie, Logan Robertson

Basketball - Senior FRONT ROW: Trinidy Parker, Jordan Batley, Marshall Wilson, Lachlan Parker, Murugu Kiumbura, Cody Brown SECOND ROW: Ms A. Loechel, Joshua Corcoran, Matthew Evans, Joe Brosnan, Harrison Delgado, Lleyton Ward ABSENT: Marcus Illin, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Kobe Owens

Ignatius Park College 2021





Cricket Iggy Park were involved in the T20 interschool competition this year. A notable accolade to Christian Payne for scoring 140 runs off just 42 balls which is a record for Townsville School Cricket. The intermediate side (Years 7 – 9) had a 2/1 win/loss at our Townsville region competition and were not able to progress to the next round. There are strong numbers of young cricketers here at Iggy and their skills will only develop further making for a traditional Iggy Park sporting team – well done men. In the representative arena, we saw four Iggy Park men represent NQ in the U19 NQ Cricket team who

travelled to Brisbane to participate in the State Championships. Iggy Park was represented by Cody Sadler (C), Ryan McCarron, Paddy Glasheen and Mr Len Farren (Manager). NQ won the first two games; the third game was cancelled due to rain overnight. NQ was awarded third place on a count back and received the bronze medallion. Had another game been played and NQ won that game, they would have finished either 1st or 2nd. A lot of what ifs remain, but third place was fantastic. Leonard Farren | Faculty Leader - Industrial Design and Technologies

Opens Cricket With a number of NQ Representatives and records broken, cricket for IPC has had a consistently winning feeling around the grounds in 2021 with the pinnacle being our Opens side making the State Final of the SSSS T20 series. Between massive team scores, mammoth individual runs, smart and aggressive fielding combined with extremely tight bowling squeezing teams out of games, IPC has climbed over every obstacle put in front of them to win every game they’ve played heading into the state final. Individual performances from young guns like Christian Payne (146 not out off 48 balls vs. The Cathedral School) and Ryan McCarron (18 dot balls from 4 overs vs. St. Augustines) continued to set the foundation for excellent cricket throughout the year, while a team total of 220+ in a T15 fixture continues

T20 Cricket - Junior Team FRONT ROW: Dane Craperi, Brayden Lewis, Caleb Allan, Beau McKenzie, Ashley Hudson, Cooper Bloxsom, Logyn-John Webster, Benjamin Turner SECOND ROW: Mr A. Keane, Dr R. Lloyd, Beau McCarron, Nate Antoniazzi, Connor Sadler, Bradley Vines, Joshua Morton, Mr G. Christ


Ignatius Park College 2021

to be the highest Townsville Cricket schoolboys score ever recorded. Several of our players have been lucky enough to earn representative honors for the NQ district, taking home the bronze medal at the Schoolboys State Championship earlier in the year, while two players were seen to have enough potential to earn a drafted spot in the inaugural Brisbane Premier League in both the U17 and U19 categories respectively. This year has seen the development of a very strong side that has paved the way for an reinvigorated program that will allow our boys to continue to compete at a consistently high level. Well done this year men! Chris Baily, Leonard Farren, Casey Raeside and Drew Thompson | Cricket Coordinators

T20 Cricket - Senior Team FRONT ROW: Benjamin Dixon, Ben Walker, Christian Payne, Jackson Waldon, Mr C. Baily (Coach), Cody Sadler (C), Padraic Glasheen, Matthew Dyer, Jeremy Morton SECOND ROW: Mr L. Farren (Manager), Mr D. Thompson (Manager), Fletcher Ryder, Ryan McCarron, Taj Petersen, Cooper Chislett, Mr C. Raeside (Manager)

After being postponed, IPC finally held the Interhouse Cross Country on 5 May, sharing in the celebrations of Edmund Rice Day. The boys ran through and around parks along the Ross River. The day was a success and Rice House came out on top over Carew in 2nd place and Putney in 3rd. Congratulations to the following Age Champions:










Cross Country

Baillie 5th









Nicolas Demopoulos

Cruz Paul

Dylan O'Neill


Koby Kyle-Little

Corbin Waddington

Carter Koitka


Jacob Sexton

Blake Koitka

Brodie Quigley


Jai Duxbury

Ben Hatchard

Julian Blacklock


Daniel Mosch

Zac Bennett

Max Gough


Koby WoodLynch

Joshua Marquez

Mitch Doyle


Isaac Mayo

Reilly Williams

Braedan Kennedy

In June, almost 60 IPC students competed in the TSSS Cross Country at Bicentennial Park. Our boys narrowly missed out on the win, humbly taking second place to Grammar. On the day, we had five boys qualify for the NQ team. A huge congratulations to Koby Kyle-Little, Carter Koitka, Corbin Waddington, Jacob Sexton and Daniel Mosch on their selection. Larissa Di Bella | School Officer - Physical Education and Sport

Interschool Cross Country FRONT ROW: Cooper Williams, Cruz Paul, Carter Koitka, Joshua Tower, Kye Lange, Jackson Hatchard, Indygo Keir, Jake Piccolo, Koby Kyle-Little, Nicolas Demopoulos SECOND ROW: Mr A. Keane, Tyron Bethune, Lincoln Burrowes, Brodie Quigley, Cyrill Hold, Jacob Sexton, Isaac Mayo, Joshua Marquez, Geoffrey Lui, Nicholas Barr, Mr J. Alloway THIRD ROW: Miss L. Di Bella, Kyhnaan Kennedy, Kye Stallan, Mitchell Doyle, Kyle Reddicliffe, Joseph Dixon, Damon Marshall, Max Gough, Darcy Keir, Thomas Dodds, Blake Koitka FOURTH ROW: Thomas Keir, Stuart Carter, Padraic Glasheen, Benjamin Hatchard, Wayne Owens, Marshall Wilson, Daniel Mosch, Murugu Kiumbura, Zac Bennett

Ignatius Park College 2021



Football Football at IPC started very positively in 2021 with a great deal of interest from boys wanting to trial for the Bill Turner Cup team. We didn’t have a team last year because the Bill Turner Cup national competition was cancelled due to COVID, so boys in this age group were keen to participate after missing out previously. Our staff member coach, Mr Bill Mitchell, instigated a program of training sessions after school, as well as gym sessions at lunch time and after school to get the boys started. Trials were held and a squad of 17 players selected to play in the Term 2 interschool competition which stands as the local area round robin series for the Bill Turner Cup. The boys competed well, and the following results were achieved: Game 1: 4-0 win vs Southern Cross Catholic College Game 2: 2-0 win vs Ryan Catholic College Game 3: 6-0 win vs Kirwan State High School The team then played Burdekin Catholic School here in Townsville, resulting in a 12-0 IPC win, thereby sending the team on a road trip to Bowen to meet Mercy College Mackay halfway, with IPC coming away victors 3-0. The grand final of the Northern Region competition was played in Townsville this year in the last week of Term 2, with Cairns State High School travelling down to play us in a competitive game which IPC won 3-1 to take the title. Football Coordinator, Paul Bruce and Team Manager, Annette Gregory, then made numerous preparations for flights, accommodation, permission notes, letters, purchasing jerseys and player equipment in readiness for the trip to the state finals in Brisbane in Week 4 of Term 3. However, at the last minute, COVID popped up again and scuppered those plans, with many

contingent dates set in place to run the finals later in the term or early in Term 4. Luckily, the original plan of playing in the last week of Term 3 went ahead uninterrupted and all the bookings were made again for our trip to Brisbane. With not having had a game since our game against Cairns at the end of Term 2, the boys were unused to the pace of Kelvin Grove State High School and lost 4-0 in the opening game. We then played for third and fourth place in a game against Palm Beach Currumbin High School, which was a far better game from us, losing 2-1 in the dying minutes. The boys should hold their heads high as fourth in Queensland is a good achievement, especially as we are the only team outside of the strong South-East to compete. Eleven of the squad are age-eligible to trial again for next year’s IPC Bill Turner Cup team, so we have a wealth of experience to hopefully take with us into next year’s competition. Term 4 will see us enter an IPC team in the Year 7 and 8 Interschool competition, which at the time of writing this article, is yet to kick off. Traditionally the boys certainly love to compete in what is usually their first chance to represent IPC. Special thanks to our Bill Turner Cup Football jersey sponsor, True North Solar. We certainly looked the part in our new jerseys this year. Mr Bill Mitchell, Mr Paul Bruce and Mrs Annette Gregory put in countless hours on and off the field to keep football at IPC alive and thriving. Paul Bruce | Pastoral Leader - Carew House

Football - Bill Turner Cup FRONT ROW: Liam Jones, Carter Koitka, Aiden Masatto, Blake Koitka, Ethan Grieve, Nicholas Franklin, Benjamin Turner SECOND ROW: Mrs A. Gregory, Jacob Sexton, Brody Lejarraga, Jaxon Sciuto, Mr B. Mitchell, Mr P. Bruce THIRD ROW: Bailey Westhorp, Liam Sutton, Tyler Pearce, Evan Msonga, Parker Duncanson, Jai Duxbury


Ignatius Park College 2021

During 2021, IPC played several games in the interschool sports program. Unfortunately, it was only Ignatius Park College and Kirwan High School that nominated teams for Hockey. IPC played Kirwan High School three times, winning two out of the three games. Additionally, IPC were contacted by Bowen High

School seeking to see if we would be interested in playing a game in Townsville. This was played in Week 7 of Term 3 and IPC came out close winners 4-2. At the time of writing, BSHS were seeking a rematch in Bowen. Leonard Farren | Faculty Leader - Industrial Design and Technologies


Brayden Lewis, Bradley Vines, Dylan Hill, Joseph Dixon, James Potter, Jack Whelan, Luca Rottaro, Grady Stone SECOND ROW: Mr L. Farren, Harrison Law, Zachary Cozzitorto, Charlie Rattray, Kaleb Lewis, Hayden Lloyd, Ms N. Putscher

Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking FRONT ROW: Joshua Lee, Hudson Cornish, Lindsay Kirk, Brodie Quigley, Zanda Fogarty, Hayden Denman, Cooper Cornish SECOND ROW: Mr D. Spina, Harrison Bow, Jett Cluff, Craig Blackhurst, Samuel Rains, Riley Flanders, Mr K. Spencer

Ignatius Park College 2021





Netball There is a famous quote by American basketball legend, Magic Johnson, which aptly captures the 2021 IPC Netball team’s spirit: In life, winning and losing will both happen. What is never acceptable is quitting. Our Senior men, consisting of an eclectic mix of both talent and height, not only endured both wins and losses throughout the season, but ultimately displayed indominable resolve to never quit their ultimate goal of finishing the competition as victors. And like Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games…winners they were! But let me return to pre-season images and memories…a ragtag bunch of adrenalin fuelled egos took to the court, largely undisciplined, and most completely oblivious to the term 'stepping'. Forget about understanding ANY of the most basic of netball rules, these boys had a long way to march before turning into a slick unit. There was much physical jostling for the ball, there were plenty of “travels” called, and there was much frustration in keeping to the three feet distance rule. Yes, we had lots to work on in the early days. However, after several lunchtime coaching sessions in the Hall where the piercing shrill of the whistle rebounded off the walls, and countless rule reminders were given, the boys started to resemble a formidable team. Proof of their skill development was evident in their first official game against St Margaret Mary’s where, in a nail-biting contest, they triumphed against the well drilled girls and won by one point.

But, as we all know, revenge is a dish best served cold, and it would be two weeks before the Maggie's team was able to exact vengeance on our boys and return the favour. Sadly, there were no amount of aerial skills that Lerchy could provide, or tighter defence that Bourke could bolster, that would see The Park boys rise to glory on home turf in the second game. A dark day it was. And yet, there is an admirable quality about being an Iggy boy. Whether it’s our tenacious spirit to continue fighting against all odds, or our “never say die” attitude in the face of adversity, or perhaps just our genuine love of mucking in with mates, there is a reason why IPC is so victorious across many codes. Some could argue that our victory in the third and final game was secured by the 7-foot giant in our team, AKA Luca Yates. But, the reality is that Netball is a TEAM sport, and without all the various cogs all working together, winning would never be a possibility. So to the 15-man side, and to the incredible support crew who followed their every game and bellowed louder than Cowboys’ fans at a grand final, you deserved your day in the sun ! “Non ducor, duco” Pudy Timbs | Coach Alyssa Deer | Manager

Netball FRONT ROW: Mitchell Doyle, Lachlan Lerch, Renyn Eisel, Sean Bourke, Cathane Hill, Benjamin McLean SECOND ROW: Ms P. Timbs, Gus Rees, Joseph Sale, Lachlan Parker, Jakeb Vailalo, Frank Backo ABSENT: Mrs A. Deer, Cian Botha, Angus Dalgliesh, Luca Yates


Ignatius Park College 2021

In 2021, our Rowing squad had a very strong season with stellar performances locally and at a regional and state level at the Central Queensland, North Queensland, and Queensland State Championships. Our Rowing squad had a highly competitive local season finishing in second place overall at the Head of the River. Our squad of twenty-seven boys was led successfully by the captaincy of Zachary Skipp and Reilly Williams. In 2022 we hope to continue our trend of success and be strong contenders for the Head of the River title. This season, we have seen massive improvements throughout the squad and the level of camaraderie within the squad has been second to none. Some highlights of the year include the Head of the River and State Champion Gold in the Open Single for Reilly Williams as well as Noah Lau and Sonny Crawford winning Gold in the Year 11 Double at QLD States. Lachlan Larsen claimed bronze in the Open Single and and the Open Boys Four and

Quad claimed bronze. It was our most successful QLD State Championships to date. As we anticipate 2022, and reflect on an action packed 2021, we say farewell to four Senior rowers in Zachary Skipp, Reilly Williams, Lachlan Larsen, and Atticus D’Mello. All of these fine young men have rowed the whole way through school and their contribution and dedication to the program is highly commendable. They have all been fantastic mentors and role models to Junior rowers throughout their time rowing. We thank them for all they have given and hope that they reflect on their time Rowing with fondness and positivity well into the future. They will be greatly missed. In 2022, we aim to achieve even greater things within the Rowing community and encourage everyone to consider joining our Rowing squad. Harrison Parks | Rowing Coordinator


Ryder Alderton, Taylor Livock, Kai Burchell, Vincent Micale, Gordon Richards, Jude Foyle, Atticus D'Mello, Angus Woodhouse SECOND ROW: Mr Parks, Jack Whelan, Hamish Mitchell, Reilly Williams, Sonny Crawford, Thomas Bartels, Harrison Biggin, Seth Chun Tie THIRD ROW: Harrison Barrett, Riley Masters, Noah Lau, Lachlan Larsen, Joe Murphy, Zachary Skipp, William Leoni

Ignatius Park College 2021





Rugby League In 2021 Ignatius Park College saw a full complement of Rugby League teams participate in the Townsville Secondary School Rugby League Block Sport competition. All players represented their school with pride and displayed a high level of commitment and skill in the Ignatius Park Jersey. The results through these competitions were outstanding and a real credit to all players and coaches involved. All players should be congratulated on the level of commitment to their school that they displayed and the high standard of Rugby League that they produced. Year 7 The Year 7 boys had their first opportunity to wear the Ignatius Park Jersey and certainly did their school proud along the way. Ignatius Park entered three

Rugby League - Year 7 Blue FRONT ROW: Ethan Askin, Cruz Paul, Beau Campbell, Trent Martin, Hayden Bamford, Coby Behrens, Thomas Holden, Hudson Bailey SECOND ROW: Mr G. Christ, Luca Ferguson, Chase Jang, Patrick Kuruyawa, Linton Williams, Wil Lerch, Doujon Kanak, Mason Oliver

teams in the Year 7 competition with Mr Christ, Mr Laguna, Mr Dunne, Mr Graham and Mrs Mclean all overseeing the boys' progression throughout the competition. Throughout the season, both teams played an exciting brand of Rugby League with the real highlight being the way in which the boys came together and progressed their skills as the season went on. Although much of the season was played with wet weather hanging around, the skill level of the boys and their commitment to training and games is something that is sure to hold IPC in good stead for years to come. It was excellent to be able to provide approximately 80 young men with the opportunity to wear the IPC Rugby League colours for the first time. Steven Lansley | Rugby League Coordinator

Rugby League - Year 7 White FRONT ROW: Sonny Gibson, Connor Kratzmann, Jake Piccolo, Zeeden Zaro, Lachlan George-Shaw, Riley Flanders, Darius Boyd, Rory Maguire SECOND ROW: Mr M. Laguna, Cameron Mears, Joseph Ori, Gordon Keith, Rafael Josifoski, Asafa Namok, Luis Sirriss, Hayden Lloyd

Rugby League Sponsors

Rugby League - Year 7 Red FRONT ROW: Roman Lacey, Klay Graham, Jamestyn Baira, Dominic Abdul-Rahman, Craig Blackhurst, Keyarn Zaro, Jack Quinney, Cooper Bloxsom, Leuatea Kelemete SECOND ROW: Mr L. Dunne, Kingston Perez, Corbin Waddington, Blaine Roper, Flint Harris, Beau Bawden, Jesse Leo, Callum Scott ABSENT: Mr M. Graham


Ignatius Park College 2021

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Year 8 Ignatius Park College fielded two Year 8 Teams in the competition in 2021. Both teams played some quality Rugby League throughout the season. In a true testament to the strength of the Year 8 Rugby League age group at IPC, both teams played an outstanding brand of Rugby League and should be congratulated for the level of skill that was on display. Ignatius Park College was also the only

school that was able to field two teams in this Year 8 age group. We are very excited to watch this development as they continue to move through the IPC Rugby League Development System. Thank you to both team’s coaches Mr Jackson, Mr Power, Mr Iemma and Dr Lloyd for all their knowledge and commitment throughout the term. An outstanding achievement to all involved! Steven Lansley | Rugby League Coordinator

Rugby League - Year 8 Blue FRONT ROW: Beau McCarron, Cooper Reinders, Frank Donovan, Cooper Currin, Kye Connell, Nayte Essery, Mason Lord, Anthony Roveglia SECOND ROW: Dr R. Lloyd, Tonuia Tonuia, Cooper Brook, Ben Nystrom, Sitiveni Afu, Leslie Trimmer, Mark Naudi, Mr F. Iemma

Rugby League - Year 8 White FRONT ROW: Rookie McMinn, Bryce Micola Von Furstenrecht, Beau McCarron, Mason Lord, Cooper Crooks, Indygo Keir, Koby Kyle-Little SECOND ROW: Mr O. Power, Coen Jones, Mitchell Hardy, Oliver Nguyen, Alapati Taulaga, Ryan Fletcher, Mr J. Jackson THIRD ROW: Lincoln Baker, Myles Rosemond, Wiki Kelemete, Cooper Riley, Cai Banfield, Zanda Fogart

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby League


Rugby League Year 9 Ignatius Park College also fielded two teams in the Year 9 Competition. Mr Thompson took charge of IPC Blue while Mr Lansley and Mr Rethamel took the reins of IPC White. In what was a smaller competition due to Kirwan High and Ignatius Park College being the only schools to enter the competition, both teams equipped themselves well and represented their school with pride. The highlight of the season was when the boys took on each other and we were able to see the high

level of skill and commitment they put into their Rugby League. They also played the game in great spirit and it will be exciting to see how this mix of 40 boys comes together as they progress through the ranks and enter their Senior years of Rugby League next year as part of the Year 10 Cowboys Challenge squad. A huge thank you to all teachers and coaches involved with the boys over the Term long competition and to the boys who gave their all in the IPC uniform. Steven Lansley | Rugby League Coordinator

Rugby League - Year 9 Blue FRONT ROW: Flynn Maguire, Connor Sexton, Jacob Sexton, Steven Tom, Lucas Mathie, Oscar Beattie, Jake Sullivan SECOND ROW: Mr D. Thompson, Preston Johnston, Luke Guilfoyle, Andre Corradini, Nathaniel Kimber, Alex Kerr, Joshua Morton

Rugby League - Year 9 White FRONT ROW: Khaid Wixon, Connor Sadler, Drew Gilmore, Mason Saltner, Gideon Lafoga, Kynan Purdy, Shaiel Waller, Kyhnaan Kennedy SECOND ROW: Mr T. Rethamel, Keelin Hookey, Pio Kelemete, Fletcher Ferres, Luke Madsen, Jaylen HollingsworthSorbello, Nicholas Irving, Corey Ashby


Ignatius Park College 2021

Cowboys Challenge The Cowboys Challenge is the elite Year 10 rugby league competition, where schools across North Queensland compete for the shield each year. Whilst this year the shield is not ours, I am tremendously proud of the effort the entire squad has put in since all the way back in February. I challenge each of the young men to be ‘students and good people first, footballers second.’ I am very proud of all the young men who turned up early twice a week in the freezing cold, dewy ground and were not afraid to rip in for themselves, each other, and Iggy Park. The season kicked off against Kirwan SHS in a local derby that was to be a physical start to the competition. After some gritty defence by our forwards, flair from the halves and well executed attack by the backs, we were able to secure a 20-12 first victory. Round two brought Mackay State High School to Ignatius Park grounds where the boys put on a show for the blue and white crowd that day. The close 18-0 score at halftime was soon extended to 56-0 by the end of the match with Iggy achieving their second win in a row. The following week saw us travel for our first of many trips to Mackay to go up against Mercy College in a once again physical match. With an early try through the middle, the momentum created at the beginning of the match couldn’t be stopped by the Mercy defence, rewarding our boys with a 18-10 win. Leaving on a high, the boys arrived back in to match up against Rockhampton Grammar, in which was to be one of the toughest and closest games yet. Despite missing multiple key players, everyone stepped up to come home with a 28-16 victory. On the road once again was a meeting with brother EREA school and old foe St. Brendan’s College. In what was a very windy day, the players all used their skills and determination against these conditions to force eventual Grand Finalists St Brendan’s to a gritty win by only two points. Our first loss of the season meant a quiet trip home, with some reflection from the players. Despite the loss, the players learnt a lot about the ‘bounce of the ball’ in sport and life that day. The final round game of the regular season took place again in Mackay, facing another Rockhampton school in The Cathedral College. It was safe to say that our loss to St Brendan’s, a big effort was needed and this was sitting in the back of our minds, with all players keen to put on a jersey against their opposing colours and get Iggy back in the “W’s.” It was a top performance by the entire team, which led the boys to a 22-0 victory over another Southern rival. With a week off to recover and get prepared for finals time, the squad gathered together again on a couple of frosty mornings to fine tune our approach to our semi-final opponents, Mercy College from Mackay. Another bus trip down the coastline as the game was to be played in Mackay. Despite the home ground advantage we knew they had, we were determined to win the day and progress to the Shield game. Our effort, determination and drive was there, however, unfortunately it was just not our day. All players were

overwhelmed with emotion at the loss, after what had been a gruelling season of travel and games. It was the end of our season that day, but the boys told the entire squad to be immensely proud of their own efforts and each others'. Winning 5/7 games in a season is definitely a huge reflection on not only the players but also the coaches and staff involved in generate our success. A huge thanks must be given to Assistant Coach Mr Frank Iemma, and strength and conditioning coaches Mr Matthew Johnson and Miss Larissa Di Bella for developing our squad to becoming not only better players, but also better men. Also, we thank Mr Steve Lansley, Mr Matthew Rowan, Mr Tristan NellimanAdams and Fr. Rod Ward for their guidance and assistance on our trips away, not forgetting Mr Christian Quabba for all his help and advice behind the scenes. The squad should be commended on their consistent commitment to early morning trainings, lunchtime gym sessions and after school sessions, where this sacrifice of time contributed to our overall success and development on the field. Congratulations to everyone involved on a very great year and an amazing level of commitment to Ignatius Park College Rugby League. Year 10 Rugby League Squad 2021 Jack Prior, Nick Divlijak, Marcus Bell, Mason Saltner, Kyhnaan Kennedy, Jack Bragg, Jim Finger, Ty Foley, Jake Reinders, Zy Gall, Aiden Knowles, Iowani Cavuilati, Ateli-Patrick Iosefo, Jake Hartwell, Nathan O’Neill, Izaya Leedie, Cranston Hill, Marshall Scott, Ryan Young, Josh Randall, Orlando Nawarie, Nelson Kennedy, Kynan Purdy, Sean Weir, Hayde Munro, Zac Abdul-Rahman. Mr Holmes (Head Coach), Mr Iemma (Asst Coach), Mr Johnson and Miss Di Bella (Strength and Conditioning Coaches) Player of the Year: Jack Prior Best Forward: Nelson Kennedy Best Back: Jack Bragg Mark Holmes | Director of Identity and Mission

Rugby League - Cowboys Challenge FRONT ROW: Kyhnaan Kennedy, Ty Foley, Hayde Munro, Jake Reinders, Jack Prior, AteliPatrick Iosefo, Kynan Purdy, Mason Saltner, Cranston Hill SECOND ROW: Mr M. Holmes, Sean Weir, Ryan Young, Jake Hartwell, Joshua Randall, Zy Gall, Orlando Nawarie, Zachariah AbdulRahman, Miss L. Di Bella THIRD ROW: Jack Bragg, Izaya Leedie, Nelson Kennedy, Jim Finger, Aiden Knowles, Nicholas Divljak, Iowani Cavuilati, Marcus Bell

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby League


Rugby League

First XIII Aaron Payne Cup The First XIII were Aaron Payne Cup Semi finalists for the 2021 season after finishing the pool games as minor premiers. Below is a recap of the First XIII’s Aaron Payne Cup campaign. Round 1 First XIII V Kirwan in Townsville The First XIII opened their Aaron Payne Cup campaign with a tough loss to arch rivals Kirwan High School 18 to 12. After falling behind 10 nil we clawed our way back with strong defence and great yardage running. We fell just short in a spiteful match Round 2 First XIII V Mackay State High, in Townsville It was a case of one game down and onto the next when the First XIII were drawn to play MSHS in the second round of the Aaron Payne Cup. This was a vital encounter to ensure the boys bounced back after a tough loss . In a dominant performance in the first half, we went to halftime 28 nil up. The second half was a completely dominant display, eventually winning 66 nil. Round 3 First XIII V St Pats in Mackay A tough encounter against Mackay was next on the agenda. The First XIII started well with good energy. Luke Jack and Justin Hamill got through a mountain of work defensively and Lachlan Lerch controlled the ruck, creating space for Tom Duffy. Sean Bourke ran strong and terrorised the edge defence of St Pats Mackay. We ran out winners, 30 to 6. Round 4 First XIII V Rocky Grammar at Mackay It was on the road again for the First XIII, this time off to Mackay to take on Rocky Grammar. After flying out of the blocks, the Iggy Park boys soon lead 10


Ignatius Park College 2021

– 0 after two early tries. The boys managed to keep applying the pressure and dominated both halves. Our centres played strongly. Tom Duffy kicked well and Reece Foley was looking for opportunities all game. IPC 72 defeated RGS 6. Round 5 First XIII V St Brendan’s in Mackay In another week on the road, the First XIII were excited to play another rival in St Brendan’s. The Ignatius Park College boys were in for a tough contest and after an early arm wrestle we started dominating St Brendan’s in the middle third. Our halves did a great job controlling possession and Tom Duffy kicked well. Luke Jack worked tirelessly as did all core forwards. We eventually won 12 to 6 in a tight contest. Round 6 First XIII V The Cathedral College, Rockhampton in Mackay It was all or nothing for the First XIII in a final round contest in Mackay against The Cathederal College, Rockhampton. The equation was simple, win and book a place as minor premiers in the Aaron Payne Cup or lose and have to play the 2 vs 3 semi. The First XIII come out of the gates strongly early to establish a good half time lead. IPC found another gear in the second half, producing a strong display of attacking Rugby League. A dominant display saw us win easily 46 to 4. Semi Final First XIII V St Brendan’s in Mackay On the road in Mackay we started slowly. A string of penalties and mistakes saw the Ignatius Park boys forced to continually defend their line and that they did for the opening half. In a good defensive display, the First XIII turned away raids but weight

of possession was too much and St Brendan’s led at half time SBC drew first blood after the break and extended the margin to 20 to 4. In true Ignatius Park spirit the boys kept turning up for each other and once again started to claw their way back into the contest. With the clock ticking down, SBC wore us down with more possession and ran out winners 22 to 16 On behalf of the group, I would like to thank Principal Mr Shaun Clarke, his Leadership Team and entire

staff for their continued support. Fr Rod Ward, Mr Tristan Nelliman-Adams, Mr Matthew Rowan, Mr Frank Iemma, Mr Matthew Stark, Mr Liam Jameson and Ms Kayleen Foster for the hours and hours of work they have put in with the boys every single day for the past 10 months. The coaching staff did a fantastic job in ensuring that the boys were physically and mentally prepared and I am incredibly grateful for their support. Steven Lansley | Head Coach

Rugby League - First XIII FRONT ROW: Eden Hess, Diesel Jacobsson-Rhodes, Lucas Dummett, Mitchell Doyle, Lachlan Lerch, Luke Jack, Benjamin McLean, Dominic Taylor, James Yardley, Jack Wood, Braedan Kennedy SECOND ROW: Ms K. Foster, Fr R. Ward, Mr S. Lansley, Riley Innes, Tremaine Body, Damon Marshall, Sean Bourke, Braydon Bin Doraho, Matthew Hunter, Mr M. Rowan, Mr T. Nelliman-Adams THIRD ROW: Mitchell Brown, Reece Foley, Wade Jonsson, Jakeb Vailalo, Justin Hamill, Cody Sadler, Jamaine Stanley, Lachlan Sheppard, Thomas Duffy, Cathane Hill

Special Mentions

Thomas Duffy receiving the Michael Morgan Medal from Michael Morgan for Aaron Payne Cup Player of the Year.

Congratulations to Luke Jack and Thomas Duffy who were named in the U18 Australian Schoolboys Rugby League Team.

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby League


Rugby League First XIII Confraternity After 10 months of uncompromising commitment, early mornings and intense training the moment the First XIII boys had been waiting for all year had finally arrived. Confraternity 2021 was here and with it an opportunity the boys had been working hard for all year. An opportunity to celebrate a long road of hard work, to enjoy playing the greatest game of all, to represent their school and to achieve a goal the boys had set for themselves since arriving at Ignatius Park College. To defend the Confraternity Shield after being crowned champions in 2019 and Covid seeing the cancelation of the carnival in 2020. This year’s Confraternity campaign started just like many others before it. A flight to Brisbane and attending the opening ceremony at hosts Iona College. The Opening Ceremony was once again a celebration of all the wonderful things the Confraternity carnival has to offer. The gathering of 48 teams from around Queensland all of which had worked hard to prepare for the carnival and were proud to be representing their school. The First XIII’s opening assignment was a tough meeting against the unpredictable and very dangerous St Augustine’s College, Cairns. The Ignatius Park boys started their campaign on a high with a 14 – 0 victory. Shalom College, Bundeburg was the next opponent for the Iggy Park boys. The First XIII came out of the blocks firing and were never truly tested running out eventual winners 44 - 0. The IPC boys had ticked off the first day of the competition in style and were ready for a huge day 2. The final pool game saw Ignatius Park College come up against Marist College, Ashgrove. The Iggy Park boys stuck to their structures well and turned the screws on the Marist boys to record a comprehensive 40 - 14 victory. In a wonderful attacking display of rugby league, the IPC boys were the talk of the competition


Ignatius Park College 2021

as they showed they once again had the flair to go all the way in 2021. Tuesday afternoons quarter final was set for a game of the ages. Ignatius Park College were drawn against arch rivals and fellow Confraternity Shield heavy weights St Brendan’s College, Yeppon in sudden death rugby league. Unfortunately, just as excitement built for the game, COVID once again struck and the Queensland Government placed a lockdown over the State, forcing the abandoning of the Confraternity Carnival. The boys were hastily placed on a bus back to Townsville before the lockdown commenced so they were able to return safely to their families. While shattered at the result, a realisation that these are the times we live in and that welfare of individuals will always come far before a game allowed the boys to ready like true gentlemen in what was a difficult and emotional situation. Confraternity is about bringing away a group of boys and returning with a group of men. To the Ignatius Park College First XIII, you are an amazing group of young men who your coaches, families, friends and school community are extremely proud of. On behalf of the group I would like to thank Principal Mr Shaun Clarke, his leadership team and entire staff for their continued support. Fr Rod Ward, Mr Tristan Nelliman - Adams, Mr Matthew Rowan, Mr Matthew Stark, Mr Bill Ahern, Mr Liam Jameson and Ms Kayleen Foster for not only giving up a week of your holidays to accompany the boys to Confraternity but the hours and hours of work you have put in with the boys every single day for the past 10 months. The coaching staff as a whole did a fantastic job in ensuring that the boys were physically and mentally prepared and for that, I cannot thank them enough. Steven Lansley | Head Coach

Cathane Hill

Ben Mclean

North Queensland Schoolboy and Townsville Blackhawks U18, Cathane was always involved at the back for the First XIII this year. He was a leader all year was a real go-to man and focal point of the attack. Cathane is a damaging runner of the football. He had many classy touches. Cathane was an outside back for NQ in 2021.

Ben is a good athlete who is good on his feet and carries the ball strongly into contact Ben is a talented Rugby League player who can play multiple positions and will certainly continue to improve in the future.

Cody Sadler

Braydon Bin Doroho

Cody went from strength to strength for the First XIII this year. As a new member of the squad, Cody quickly proved his worth among the boys and made the right centre position his own. A very skilful and tough competitor, he was a constant threat on the right-hand side of the field. I look forward to watching Cody thrive in the future.

A good athlete. Strong, powerful and fast. Braydon is a natural athlete who is strong with the ball in hand and continually caused the opposite headaches on the edge throughout the year.

Tremaine Body

Reece Foley

Trey was very consistent in 2021. He began the year finding a permanent home on the right wing. A quiet achiever, Trey lets his actions speak louder than words and constantly accumulated the numbers as he got through plenty of work game after game. He's a real team player.

Townsville Blackhawks U16 Representative. A real player of the future, Reece is the type of player who never lets anyone down. He was an integral member of the squad who produced strong games in the final series. An impressive athlete and impressive young man. He will be an essential part of our success in 2022.

Thomas Duffy

Jakeb Vailalo

Australian Schoolboy, Michael Morgan Medal Aaron Payne Cup Player of the Year, Townsville Blackhawks U18. In his second year of being in the First XIII, Tom really took control of the team and played exceptional this year. Tom took his running game to another level making countless line breaks. He ran the show and more often than not came up with the correct decisions. Tom is a very skillful player who has achieved so many accolades in 2021. I look forward to watching his career develop. A star of the future.

A tough and uncompromising forward with speed at the line, Jakeb has the ability to get the First XIII on the front foot through an aggressive carry and quick play the ball. Jakeb improved his defence in 2021 and was a dedicated trainer and we look forward to watching his career develop in the years to come.

Lachlan Lerch

Wade Jonsson

Lachlan has the maturity, work ethic and persistence that very few young men possess. He played big minutes and did a ton of hard work in the middle of the field, Lachlan worked hard on improving his defensive game and it paid off. He is the ultimate team man who always puts the team first and was a real cornerstone of the teams success. The boys love playing beside him. He has good speed and ruck recognition. We look forward to Lachy's success in the future.

North Queensland Schoolboy Wade is a hardrunning backrower who continually puts his body on the line for the benefit of the team. He's one of the best young runners of the football in NQ and a reliable defender. He led from the front and provided real leadership throughout the year. Wade ran some wonderful lines this year on the right edge for the First XIII. He improved his ball playing skills and this became a weapon for us. He is a wonderful Rugby League player and excellent young man.

Sean Bourke

Damon Marshall

North Queensland Schoolboy Townsville Blackhawks U18 Sean is an extremely talented footballer. He had an outstanding 2021, continually leading the way on the left edge. Sean is tough with good foot work, putting the opposition on the back foot. He is a great ball player and tough defender. I look forward to watching Sean thrive in 2022 and beyond has he continues his journey in Rugby League.

North Queensland Schoolboy, Townsville Blackhawks U18, Damon is a very talented Rugby League player who runs harder than any other prop in the state. Damon's work ethic and competitiveness sets him apart from other players. Damon is the ultimate team man who continually rolled up his sleeves for the First XIII. Damon overcame some hurdles to get back on the field and lead us late in the season. He is a class act.

Luke Jack

Jamaine Stanley

Australian Schoolboy Queensland Schoolboy North Queensland Schoolboy Townsville Blackhawks U18 Luke was an outstanding player and Captain in 2021. He led from the front. He was tough a great ball player and strong defender. His game kept improving due to his hard work. He will leave a big hole to fill in 2022. Luke didn't miss a game in three years with us and is a true legend of Iggy Park Rugby League.

Another one of the squad’s young players in 2021, Jamaine is an outstanding talent in the prop position. Jamaine has the ability to keep the opposition guessing with the ball in hand and possesses a strong run­ ning game. A key player off the bench for the First XIII in 2021 and will be a real leader in 2022.

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby League


Rugby League Braeden Kennedy

Mitch Brown

Braeden was a real find in the 2021 season. After starting the year as a fringe player, his performances simply could not be ignored. He's a very strong passer of the football who was always getting involved in tackles around the ruck and has had an outstanding season.

A strong forward/half with the skills to match, Mitch was the aggressive in the First XIII defensive training sessions. Unfortunately a shoulder injury impacted his season. Mitch has the Rugby League world at his feet. I look for­ward to working with him in 2022.

Justin Hamill

James Yardley

Justin is as tough as nails and he certainly leads by his actions on the field. A willing defender with the ability to hit hard, Justin also possess late footwork and speed at the line when carrying the ball. Justin is someone the boys were glad they played with and not against.

A Year 12 who came into our Ignatius Park First XIII in 2020, James quickly bought into the IPC culture. A real team man who was comfortable playing hooker in the middle and in the halves, James simply got better and better as the year went on.

Lachlan Sheppard

Lucas Dummett

Lachlan bought plenty of positive energy to IPC league program. Lachlan has plenty of ability on the Rugby League field and certainly takes some stopping when in full flight. He worked hard on his game over the year. We wish him well for his future.

A talented Rugby League player who gives his all every time he steps onto the field. Unfortunately, injury cruelly cut Lucas' year shorter. His effort for Ignatius Park at the NQ trial and final few games was outstanding. He showed effort after effort and made try saving tackles. A typical Lucas performance.

Diesel Jacobsson-Rhodes

Riley Innes

Another young player who will be back for the First XIII in 2022, Diesel has excellent footwork and the ability to find the try line. He continually worked hard throughout the year waiting for his opportunity. He's one to watch in for the First XIII in 2022.

Riley is a real hard worker who has a strong appetite and understanding of Rugby League. Riley was going to be an integral part of our team until injury stopped his season short. A real player to watch in season 2022.

Matthew Hunter

Dominic Taylor

Matty is a real thinker who has a strong appetite and understanding of Rugby League. He has a deep understanding of his role as a half and is held in very high regard on the field. Matty was a good team man who was dedicated all season.

Another Year 11 player who will be good for the First XIII in 2022. Tough in every sense of the word, he had an uncanny ability to make metres after contact and often found a quick play the ball when the team needed it. Once again injury cut his season shorter.

Eden Hess

Mitchell Doyle

A class player who had a number of setbacks in 2021. Eden possesses natural strength and evasion. A great set of hands who is tough and hard working, he was missed in our APC season when injured.

Mitch is a great young talent in the halves. He trained well and developed his game in 2021. Mitch is a smart half with a strong kicking game and has good game awareness. Unfortunately, injury cut his season short but he was a real asset to the squad in 2021.

Jamal Shibasaki North Queensland Schoolboy Townsville Blackhawks U16 Representative A great team man who has talent to burn. Jamal is one player who lifts the standard of the squad. He's quick, strong and a good defender. A real player to watch in 2022. Jamal is a star of the future.


Ignatius Park College 2021

Once again, the IPC Rugby Union program excelled in challenging times, fresh off a season with practically all games cancelled due to Covid, interest and participation came back to encouraging levels. Due to the endless support from so many people we were able to achieve the following in 2021: 1st XV and U16 Rockhampton Tournament 1st XV Ballymore Cup - Brisbane 1st XV Elder’s Cup – Toowoomba U16 Sunshine Coast and Nudgee Trip 4 x Year 7/8 – 10 aside teams in local competition 2 x Year 9/10 – 15 aside teams in local competition NQ U15 Representatives x 7 NQ U18 Representatives x 11 Hosted All Saints from the Gold Coast – 1st XV and U16 U14 Development Program U14 Development Trip to Brisbane A big thank you to our Platinum and Community sponsors, IPC families, the players and the staff who have unselfishly donated their time to make this year a rugby success. For the first time in a long time a couple of other schools at Junior level participated in the inter-school competition which allowed our younger games to play a consistent 10 aside competition each week in Term 2. This year’s numbers grew, and I trust that this legacy will live on in the coming years – Year 7/8 had 70 nominations, Year 9/10 had 45 nominations and the 1st XV had a squad of 25 with all nominations playing. While Covid, country sport, lack of participation from other schools and the tyranny of distance makes it difficult we have still been able to keep Rugby Union alive at IPC and continue to be a nursery for Townsville Club Rugby while we have the generous support we receive. Thanks to all involved and I look forward to seeing the players involved stay in the sport.

Year 7/8 Rugby Union 2021 2021 was the year that IPC Rugby in the junior grades of the College went BOOM!!! 60 plus students from Years 7 and 8 signed up to take on anyone who wanted a game. Only the brave souls of Grammar and Cathedral took up the challenge. Every Tuesday afternoon in Term 2 turned into a festival of rugby as our boys enjoyed the competition, comradery, and fun of playing with their mates. The interschool competition started with the Year 7/8 IPC (Blue) team starting their campaign with a healthy win over their intraschool rivals the Mr Lindeberg led IPC (White) Team. Facing off against their mates, the game was played with a spirit that was a credit to all involved. This great spirit and sense of fair play continued throughout the competition as IPC came away with more wins than losses. As a group, all the Year 7 and 8 teams rallied each week to ensure we were able to field teams where boys were absent or other schools did not have enough players. With teams being filled with several players who had never been on a rugby field before and others who had a few years of involvement in the sport, IPC was a great mix of experience and eagerness to learn. Trainings and games were always overflowing with enthusiasm, and you could see that the boys taking part really enjoyed being given the opportunity to put on the Ignatius Park jersey. There were several outstanding players in the four teams and win or lose the games were always exciting and enjoyable to watch. With the boys playing for their team and consistently backing up for another run with one of the other IPC teams it was pleasing to see how they enjoyed the carnivallike atmosphere. With teams being mixed at times it mattered little if they were playing rugby and a great afternoon was had by all involved. It will be great to see many of the boys continue to play

Rugby at Iggy and further develop their skills in the game. We look forward to seeing the boys back next year with a new group of Year 7s. Year 7/8 Team (White) Awards Best and Fairest Nic Barr Best Forward Tom Dodds Best Back Indygo Keir Phoenix Award Thomas Holden Year 7/8 Team (Blue) Awards Best and Fairest Myles Rosemont Best Forward Cooper Christiansen Best Back Mark Collins Phoenix Award Benjamin Muscovich Year 7/8 Team (Red) Awards Best and Fairest Gordon Keith Best Forward Rafael Josifoski Best Back Linton Williams Phoenix Award Riley Flanders Year 7/8 Team (Grey) Awards Best and Fairest Cooper Reinders Best Forward Sitiveni Afu Best Back Tonuia Tonuia Phoenix Award Coen Jones

U16 Rockhampton & Sunshine Coast Rugby Union This year the saw U16 Rugby Union players get an opportunity to participate in two tours. The first was to Rockhampton and the second to the Sunshine Coast. The team was made up of students from Years 9-11 Rockhampton was the first trip which took place in Term 1. In Game One, we played Marist Emerald. It was a very hot game, and it had a noticeable impact for both teams. Both teams played very hard and it could have gone either way. In the end we walked away with a 12-5 loss. Game Two we played our hosts, the Rockhampton Grammar School. We led early with a 5-0 lead at half time. In the second half, Grammar controlled the pace and quickly moved to an 8-5 lead. We then conceded 2 yellow cards that dropped us to 13 players. Our boys dug extremely deep and in this ten-minute period defended their line and made a commitment to not let any tries in. Within the last 3 minutes we managed to score two tries to finish with a 17-8 win. On Sunday, we woke up sore. It took a while to get into gear for Game 3. Unfortunately, we started the second half down by two scores. We fought back to level it at 1717. After two days of Rugby we were down but not out. A penalty kick after the bell to win. Iggy wins 20-17. In Term 2, we travelled to Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. We spent Friday training with former Brumbies and Queensland forward, Blake Enever. This was a valuable session which helped to develop our mindset in defence. Saturday, we played Sunshine Coast Grammar. It was a game played in trick conditions which meant that maintaining position was difficult. We created many chances but unfortunately fell just short of scoring valuable points. Final Score, 31-10 We set ourselves a challenge on the Sunday to take on St Joseph’s College, Nudgee. All the boys had spent the night billeting with the opposition, so the mind games had well and truly started. This was a very physical game with neither team wanting to take a backwards step. Unfortunately, we didn’t win but the boys could hold their heads high as they made the opposition work hard for their points. Our defence stood strong for phase after phase, but we struggled to build this pressure into turnovers. Mr Bailey and I are extremely proud of the team. They have played with a great attitude and commitment to each other. It is easy to see that wearing the blue and white jersey means a lot. A big thank you to Mrs Knowles and Ms Beckham.

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby Union


Rugby Union Year 9 and 10 Rugby Union

This year saw growth in the schools’ competition as more schools signed up to be a part of the competition. This allowed us to enter two teams which allowed more IPC student to get involved. Games were organised between Townsville Grammar, Kirwan State High School and The Cathedral School. Our boys did a great job adapting to the inconsistent numbers from our position and play with great spirit and inclusion. The best game of the competition was the match between IPC Blue and IPC White. It was a high-speed game with plenty of solid contact. At the end, IPC White walked away with the win, but the greatest outcome was the camaraderie at the end. At the end of the season, we were lucky enough to combine our teams and organise a game against All Soul Charters Towers. This was the first Rugby experience for many of the All Soul’s students and we managed to demonstrate how the game should be played with a 30-12 win. I look forward to what 2022 brings as we continue to strengthen. Congratulations to the following award winners IPC Blue: Best and Fairest: Leyton Dooley Best Forward: Max Beckham Best Back: Joshua Morton Phoenix Award: Archie Allen IPC White: Best and Fairest: Jack Bragg Best Forward: Angus Bamford Best Back: Cranston Hill Phoenix Award: Reagan Knowles

First XV Rugby Union

Rockhampton Grammar Tournament The First XV and U16s Rugby Union squads travelled to Rockhampton for the annual Rockhampton Grammar Rugby Union Tournament from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 March. The tournament was hosted by The Rockhampton Grammar School and the other schools that competed in the tournament were Downlands College Toowoomba, Marist College Emerald and St Brendan’s College Yeppoon. The tournament was a remarkable success with the teams experiencing some quality rugby games in preparation for the upcoming Ballymore Cup and John Elders Cup tournaments. Ignatius Park Rugby Union would like to formally thank Rockhampton Grammar for their hospitality over a great weekend of Rugby. Game One Ignatius Park 5 defeated Downlands College 3 The squad faced perennial rugby powerhouses Downlands College for their first game of the tournament. After being presented with their jerseys from Ignatius Park stalwart John Alloway, the team set about the job at hand. Ignatius Park fast line speed and strong defence led to them gaining the lion’s share of field position and possession in the first half of the game. Unfortunately, the rust of the first game of the year was evident as the squad struggled to convert their dominance into points. However, just before half time the team was able to cross the line through Brandon Pearce barging over the top of his opposing winger to open the scoring. The second half was much the same, with Ignatius Park's defence dominating the game. Unfortunately, while their defence held strong, the team struggled with their discipline as multiple penalties allowed Downlands to get back into the game. The Park defended for most of the second half but were resolute in holding their line to survive a late scare after full time to come away with a 5 – 3 win. Player of the game honours went to Jeromy Morton for his organisation around the park and strong work ethic. Game Two Ignatius Park 0 defeated by Rockhampton Grammar 14 After a very short break, the team backed up to play Rockhampton Grammar as the main event to finish Day One of the tournament. The game was played with a lot of feeling and at a very high intensity, with both teams


Ignatius Park College 2021

feeling the brunt of the opposition's defence. Much like the first game, Ignatius Park frustrated their opposition with their stoic defence. The team finally cracked after being caught out from a quick tap to allow Rockhampton to open the scoring towards the end of the first quarter. After defending for most of the first quarter, the team had a chance to build some pressure and level the scoring at the end of the half, only being denied by their own inability to finish off set plays. The second half played much like the first with Rockhampton Grammar dominating possession, but Ignatius Park's defence holding strong in the face of a mounting injury count. Rockhampton scored early in the second half through a runaway try, which threatened to open up the game in Rockhampton’s favour. But to the side's credit, they frustrated Rockhampton with a defence that never yielded and continued to hold their line for the remainder, of the game. Player of the Match, and Ignatius Park's Player of the Tournament was Euan Cram for his tireless work rate in both attack and defence. Game Three Ignatius Park 0 defeated by Marist College Emerald 28 Feeling the effects of a hard-fought game the following night, Ignatius Park fronted for their final game of the tournament in the play-off for 3rd position. Down on troops and nursing a lot of battered bodies, the squad fought hard for the entire game against a larger and more physically dominant opposition. With multiple players out of position and having to play uncontested scrums, the team struggled for continuity in attack and continually handed possession to their opposition. This led to the team being down by several tries going into half time. Determined not to go down without a fight, the team started the second half with a run of possession as the game plan began to click into gear. Further injuries and mistakes continued to cruel the side as they could not make inroads onto the scorecard. Resolute to the end, the squad kept pushing forward in defence as they were determined to finish the tournament well. Despite the one-sided score line, Ignatius Park had their opportunities and although they went down, we were extremely proud of their efforts. Players of the Match were Lloyd Kennedy for his strong leadership and Howard Keyes for his dogged determination to disrupt opposition ball at the breakdown.

The Ballymore Cup

The Ballymore Cup is a tournament that involves over 800 players, team staff and match officials across three days of competition. It is Queensland's largest schoolboy Rugby competition. The Ballymore Cup along with other tournament style events around the regions such as the Regional Rugby Championship and the John Elders Cup have an important part to play in the overall opportunity for participation in XV a side rugby for school boys. It has been 10 years since IPC last competed in the tournament. After three days of tough competition IPC ended up Runners Up in the U18 Div 2 competition. Friday 16 April Game 1 v St Edmund's College, Ipswich Result: Draw Our first game of the tournament was always going to be a tough one against St Edmund's College, Ipswich. A lot of the game was played in IPC’s half which forced the boys to dig deep and focus on their defensive structures and line speed. With ball in hand, there were moments when some disciplined and structured rugby saw IPC put St Edmund's under pressure. However, lapses in concentration and decision-making processes meant that continual pressure was not able to be applied and resulted in mistakes with the ball. By the end of the game, IPC came away with a respectful draw, but knowing there were several improvements to be made. Try: Nathan O’Neil MVPs: Lloyd Kennedy, Nathan O’Neil, Zac Cozzitorto

Friday 16 April Game 2 v Faith Lutheran College Result: Win

After a draw with St Edmund's in the first game IPC were still looking for their first win and went in against Faith Lutheran confident of victory. After a shaky start, the boys started firing and scored a couple of quick tries. Quick line speed in defence continually put Faith Lutheran’s attack under pressure and forced them into mistakes with the ball. By the end of the first half, IPC had capitalised on some disciplined and structured rugby as well as some rampaging runs to lead Saint Edmunds. By the second half IPC played more composed rugby and with good field position management and continual pressure through the forwards were able to close out the game with a 27 – 0 victory. Overall, a good performance but one we knew we could improve on! Tries: Trinidy Parker (2), Kaden Partland, Darcy Keir, Lachlan Bourke MVPs: Alex Bombadieri, Matt Dyer, Zac Cozzitorto

With the Queensland Reds

Saturday 17 April

their second draw against St Edmund's. We look forward to meeting them again sometime in the future to continue the battle.

Attacking St Edmund's

Saturday 17 April Game 4 v Canterbury College Result: Win

After the draw with St Edmund's earlier in the day, IPC knew a big win against Canterbury College, the winners of Pool A, would see them secure a spot in the Grand Final the next day. The boys came out firing in the first half and after several disciplined set plays, they went into half time with the lead. The second half started off with some undisciplined plays. However, when the boys stuck to their structures, they continually put Canterbury under pressure. Some slick back line plays saw them come away with enough points to qualify top of Pool 1 and guarantee themselves a spot in the Grand Final. Tries: Matt Dyer, Jayden McMinn, Joshua Pierce, Jett Bates, Max Gough, Lloyd Kennedy, Lachlan Bourke MVPs: Euan Cram, Matt Dyer, Jeremy Morton

Sunday 18 April Grand Final v Emmanuel College Result: Loss

Game 3 v St Edmund's College, Ipswich Result: Draw

IPC came up against St Edmund's again in the Pool games that would determine the playoffs in the finals. After drawing with them on Friday, we knew it was going to be another tough game. IPC went into the contest with a confident mindset and were determined to improve the result from the previous game. This mindset was quickly challenged though as St Edmund's showed a lot of flair and attacked in the outside channels, putting IPC under constant pressure out wide. IPC dug in and through continual pressure through the forwards started to chip away at St Edmund's strong defence. Despite a continuation of good structured rugby in the second half, IPC were unable to come away with the win, and, like the first game, walked off the field with

This was the match IPC were waiting for a showdown between the North and South. The boys knew that good discipline and thoughtful decision-making would be the keys to winning. IPC stuck to their structures and played a fast-paced game. However, Emmanuel College were ruthless in defence and played an expansive running game. After a rugged first half, the scores were locked at 5 all. The second half was like the first. Unfortunately, IPC were unable to apply continual pressure in Emmanuel’s half and they were able to score just before full time to claim the title. The boys were able to leave the field with their heads held high knowing they had given everything.

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby Union


Rugby Union Tries: Ryan McCarron MVPs: Nathan O’Neil, Euan Cram, Alex Bombadieri

GAME 2 IPC v. AMBROSE TREACY – Saturday 15 May 2021 WIN 19 to 12 Having played very well in the first game, the team went into this game a little under prepared mentally and soon found themselves struggling to get organised and settled in their structure. Unfortunately, this went on for most of the first half with IPC scrambling to stay in the fight. While messy, IPC managed to keep level with Ambrose Treacy and went into the break at one try a piece. By half time, Ambrose Treacy led 7 to 5. Heading into the second half, IPC was struggling to hit their straps once again but was able to shift momentum for large periods of the half in their favour. Showing flashes of the rugby they can play IPC finally found a way to score two tries to one and wrestle the game away from Ambrose. Final score IPC 19 to 12. Tries – Cody Sadler (1) – Howard Keyes (1) – Matthew Dyer (1) Conversions – Nelson Kennedy (2) MVPs: Euan Cram (3 points) Howard Keyes (2 points) Lloyd Kennedy (1 point) GAME 3 IPC v. DOWNLANDS COLLEGE 2 Sunday 16 May 2021 LOSS 10 to 5

Annual Elder’s Cup Tournament Toowoomba

The Elder's Cup is a tournament played annually at Downlands College in Toowoomba. Teams are invited from around the State and play over two days. This gives IPC an opportunity to play and test itself against quality opposition from around Queensland. It is a competition in which IPC has regularlyp participated.

GAME 1 IPC v. SUNSHINE COAST GRAMMAR Saturday 15 May 2021 – LOSS 10 to Nil Coming in a tournament favourites Sunshine Coast Grammar (SSCG) came out of the blocks quickly, but were matched by a determined and committed IPC. Suddenly realising they were in a game, SSCG settled in and momentum was with them for most of the first half. While not having the ball for extended periods of time and falling off more tackles than we would like, IPC managed to scramble well and work into their game plan and shape. However, SSCG managed to score one try down the flank to poor defense and another try from an intercept against the run of play. SSCG led 10 to zero at half time. Addressing a couple of critical issues at half time, the boys went into the second half knowing they were still very much in the hunt. Momentum changed several times throughout the half with IPC creating some legitimate opportunities. While we had our chances to covert pressure into points, we fell short but managed to dominate the half and keep SSCG scoreless as well. Final score SSCG 10 to nil – the one that got away. MVPs: Matthew Dyer (3 points) – Lloyd Kennedy (2 points) Cody Sadler (1 point)


Ignatius Park College 2021

Waking up to a very crisp morning in Toowoomba the team was slow to get going but were primed to get out and take on Downlands in the battle to third and fourth. Having warmed up well IPC started well and matched Downlands in the physical battle. Supporting each other well at the breakdown IPC looked good in the first half but once again were unable to convert pressure into points. Finally, their defense cracked and Downlands scored. With IPC threatening Downlands, they fell into the trap of being ill disciplined which ended in a yellow card for repeated infringements. Down to 14 men, IPC held on and went into the break behind 7 to nil. Feeling good about their first half IPC went out and scored an early try in the second half and continued to mount pressure on Downlands only to make vital mistakes and crucial times. With the game in the balance, IPC once again gave away a soft penalty and Downlands kicked the resulting goal and went to a 10 to nil lead. This is the way the game would end with the whistle being blown after IPC made a final mistake five metres out from the Downlands line. Final score: Downlands winning 10 to 5. Try: Jett Bates (1) MVPs: Matthew Dyer (3 points) Euan Cram (2 points) Zac Cozzitorto (1 point)

1st XV Local Season

1st XV vs Townsville Grammar School 1st XV 18 May 2021 IPC – 43 / TGS - 5 Tries: Lloyd Kennedy X 1, Darcy Keir x 1, Howard Keys x 1, Matthew Dyer x 1 MVP3: Matthew Dyer MVP2: Ryan McCarron MVP1: Jeremy Morton TGS only had 12 players so IPC decided to match this. The game was slow to start with both sides getting used to the reduced numbers on the field. However, soon into the first half IPC began to find their shape and dominate the contest. With momentum swinging quickly to IPC, they began to run in tries with little resistance. Going into half time, IPC led by five tries nil - 31 to nil. The second half saw TGS rally and scored a try of their own before letting in an additional two from IPC before the final whistle blew. 1st X vs TCS 1st XV 19 May 2021 IPC - 20 / TGS - 7 Tries: Darcy Keir x 1, Nelson Kennedy x 1, Alex Bombaderi x 2 MVP3: Jayden McMinn MVP2: Matthew Dyer MVP1: Lloyd Kennedy With TCS and TGS not having enough players to field independent 15 aside teams, they combined so everyone got a game. While this may have been a challenge for the combined team they came out and really put IPC to the test. IPC started very slowly, lacking aggression and struggled with basic skills. This allowed TCS to score a try early to which IPC answered but not in convincing manner - half time score IPC 10 and TCS 7. Having regrouped at half time IPC came out in the second half and managed shut TCs out for the half and score two additional tries before finishing with a scrappy win. IPC versus All Saints Gold Coast 22 June 2021 Due to COVID restrictions, several schools throughout Queensland have not have been able to travel overseas as they normally would, IPC included. Due to these restrictions, schools have opted to do short domestic tours instead. All Saints embarked on a northern tour, flying into Cairns and then travelling back down to the Gold Coast over the next ten days. IPC hosted both the 1st XV and U16s teams from All Saints on Tuesday 22 June here at the College. 1st XV Coming off a sporadic 1st XV local competition, IPC were keen to finish their rugby season with a solid performance against All Saints. Taking the field in high spirits, IPC matched it with All Saints initially but unforced errors proved to be the difference with IPC giving several piggy backs to All Saints which saw them score an early try. This trend unfortunately continued with IPC making poor decisions and errors while they searched for some sting in their defense. The half time break finally came with IPC down 19 to nil. The second half started a lot better with IPC dominating for much of the half, scoring two quick tries to mount a spirited comeback. Unfortunately, this was not to be though as the errors and poor

defense continued, which played into All Saints hands when they finally came away winners by 24 to 12. Tries: Zac Cozzitorto and Max Gough Conversion: Nelson Kennedy MVPs: Zac Cozzitorto U16 From the opening kickoff it was clear to see that All Saints was a very well drilled side. During the first half we struggled to get any consistency and we were made to pay for it. At half time we talked about the need to take our opportunities and all take responsibility to lead from the front. The second half we were a different team. Playing with attitude and aggression, we focused on the task and the consistency improved. Our captain, Oliver Oh led from the front, and managed to score two tries whilst carrying the opposition forwards on his back. When the full time whilst went the score was 24-12 to All Saints. Tries: Oliver Oh 2. Conversions: Mitchell Waldon 23 June 2021 Year 9 and 10 v All Souls On Wednesday afternoon, the Year 9 and 10 team played a match against All Souls Charters Towers. Both schools have looked to grow their program, and this was the first opportunity in many years to play each other. We managed to field a strong team in spite of many injuries. This was not our most clinical performance, but we managed to grind out a win 30-12. The game was played in great spirit which was a fitting way to finish a busy term of Rugby. 1st XV Medal Recipients 2021 Best and Fairest Matthew Dyer Best Forward Llyod Kennedy Best Back Zac Cozzitorto Phoenix Award Alex Bombaderi Representative Honours 2022 saw IPC well represented in the various representative teams – players from the College played for the U18 NQ Team in the Qld Championships in Brisbane in May and in the U15 and U12 NQ Teams which also played in their respective Qld Championships in Brisbane in July. U18 NQ Schoolboys Representatives Congratulations to the following boys who made the NQ U18 Representative team Nathan O’Neill Ryan McCarron Cody Sadler Alex Bombardieri Matthew Dyer Lloyd Kennedy

Jeremy Morton Zachary Cozzitorto Orlando Clark Nelson Kennedy Euan Cram

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby Union


Rugby Union U15 NQ Schoolboy Representatives Reagan Knowles Lleyton Dooley Archie Allen Joshua Morton Nathaniel Kimber Cranston Hill Stewart Gordan


Ignatius Park College 2021

U15 Central Queensland Barbarian Representatives Cranston Hill Reagan Knowles U12 NQ Schoolboy Representative Rafael Josifoski Mark Moxon | Rugby Union Coordinator

Rugby Union Year 7 and 8 FRONT ROW: Ethan Askin, Trent Kelsey, Nicolas Demopoulos, Louie Ferres, Dane Craperi, Euan Roberts, Doujon Kanak, Darius Boyd, Rory Maguire, Rookie McMinn, Benjamin Muscovich SECOND ROW: Ms K. Tillack, Coen Jones, Oliver Nguyen, Beau McCarron, Linton Williams, Cooper Christiansen, Riley Flanders, Kingston Perez, Thomas Holden, Leuatea Kelemete, Zak Green, Mr M. Thiele, Mr T. Deans THIRD ROW: Mr T. Lindeberg, Aiden Finlay, Tonuia Tonuia, Xavier Kelemete, Cooper Brook, Sitiveni Afu, Mark Collins, Keyarn Zaro, Frank Donovan, Leslie Trimmer, Zeeden Zaro, Lachlan George-Shaw, Mr M. Fanning FOURTH ROW: Cooper Reinders, Luke Atkins, Thomas Dodds, Toma Apete, Kobe Kenworthy, Wiki Kelemete, Gordon Keith, Rafael Josifoski, Craig Blackhurst, Myles Rosemond, Indygo Keir

Rugby Union Year 9 and 10 FRONT ROW: Samuel Cozzitorto, Archie Allen, William Sheppard, Caleb Keir, Aidan Fitzpatrick, Alvine Njau, Samuel Keir, Thomas Keir, Liam Sinn, Pio Kelemete, Mitchel Waldon SECOND ROW: Mr C. Baily, Mr M. Mitchell, Joshua Morton, Chad Mrzyglocki, Jayden Chilby, Gideon Lafoga, Cranston Hill, Ms D. Knowles, Ms C. Beckham THIRD ROW: Max Beckham, Lleyton Dooley, Andre Corradini, Dallyn Powell, Nicholas Rowan, Angus Bamford, Aiden Knowles, Luke Madsen, Nathaniel Kimber ABSENT: Zachariah Abdul-Rahman, Flynn Adams, Jack Bragg, Iowani Cavuilati, Sherriff Dury, Stewart Gordon, Zachary Jenkins, Joseph Kelemete, Reagan Knowles, Orlando Nawarie, Marley Scarff, Connor Sexton

Ignatius Park College 2021



Rugby Union


Rugby Union

U16 Rugby Union Rockhampton and Sunshine Coast Squad FRONT ROW: Cranston Hill, William Sheppard, Aidan Fitzpatrick, Marley Scarff, Alvine Njau, Caleb Keir, Samuel Cozzitorto, Oliver Oh SECOND ROW: Ms D. Knowles, Mr C. Baily, Jayden Chilby, Thomas Keir, Mitchel Waldon, Archie Allen, Ms C. Beckham, Mr M. Mitchell THIRD ROW: Joshua Randall, Lleyton Dooley, Dallyn Powell, Angus Bamford, Nicholas Rowan, Jack Bragg, Max Beckham ABSENT: Harvey Arboit, Iowani Cavuilati, Reagan Knowles, Zac Rolfe, Allen Wharton, Zachariah AbdulRahman, Jake Brewer, Sherriff Dury, Luke Guilfoyle, Samuel Keir, Nathaniel Kimber, Liam McDonald, Connor Sexton

Rugby Union First XV FRONT ROW: Jairus Butalid, Trinidy Parker, Darcy Keir, Zachary Cozzitorto, Alex Bombardieri, Alexander Roubicek, Orlando Clark, Howard Keyes, Lachlan Bourke SECOND ROW: Mr M. Moxon, Lachlan Gode, Max Gough, Declan Davidson, Matthew Dyer, Jeremy Morton, Jayden McMinn, Mr J. Alloway, Mr B. Denny THIRD ROW: Euan Cram, Jett Bates, Brodie Powell, Lloyd Kennedy, Ryan McCarron, Kaden Partland, Nelson Kennedy, Joshua Pierce ABSENT: Mr M. Turner, Nathan O'Neill


Ignatius Park College 2021

IPC’s Interhouse Swimming Carnival was held on Friday, 12 February. With light rain falling throughout the day, the wet conditions did not dampen the boys' spirits. The mighty Rice House swam their way to victory, followed by Baillie in second place and Carew in third. Congratulations to the age champions below:




















Jake Piccolo

Callan Watson

Noah Payten


Euan Roberts

Carter Koitka

Riley Kerr, Jackson Hatchard and Riley Flanders


Blake Koitka

Jy Gasa

Owen Myers


Ben Hatchard

Joshua Eggins

Matthew Lynch


Kym Nuth

Drew Roberts and Max Gough


Jacob Fowler

Joshua Marquez

Joseph Sale


Brandon Pearce

Thomas Duffy

Jake McAuliffeFickling

On 11 March, our Swimming Squad competed in the TSSS Swimming Carnival at the Long Tan Pool. Our boys swam their way to yet another victory, winning by 147 points to second place Cathedral. We broke two records on the day. Jake Piccolo broke the 12 years Breaststroke record by a convincing 2.25s. Our 15 years Freestyle Relay team broke the prior 2012 IPC-set record by a near 0.35s. Congratulations Joshua Eggins, Alex Demopoulos, Matthew Lynch and Ben Hatchard! Larissa Di Bella | School Officer - Physical Education and Sport

Interschool Swimming FRONT ROW: Noah Payten, Jake Piccolo, Joshua Tower, Jackson Hatchard, Kyran Lyddiard, Lincoln Burrowes, Jett Cluff, Carter Koitka, Cruz Paul SECOND ROW: Mr J. Alloway, Hayden Vignale, Drew Roberts, Alexander Demopoulos, Zac Bennett, Max Gough, Blake Koitka, Miss L. Di Bella, Mr J. Jackson THIRD ROW: Stuart Carter, Benjamin Hatchard, Noah Lau, Wayne Owens, Kym Nuth, Matthew Lynch, Corey Baker, Jacob Fowler

Ignatius Park College 2021





Touch Football The dust has settled on another amazing and successful year of Touch Footy here at IPC. Thankfully, the Touch Football calendar was unaffected by COVID and a return to play was afforded to our teams meaning we were entered in the Touch competitions for Townsville Block Sport, NQ All Schools and the QLD All Schools. When all is considered, over 70 young men were able to pull on the Iggy Crest and represent our College in Touch this year. GOLD COAST TITANS QUEENSLAND ALL SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIPS In October, three IPC teams competed in the largest Touch Football carnival in the world at the Gold Coast Titans QLD All Schools Championships on the Gold Coast. 450 teams and 6000 students took part in the 5-day tournament. The U13 team, guided by Coach Mark Graham and Mr Michael Turner, the U15 team, guided by Coach Conor Wilson and Mr Drew Thompson, and the Open team, coached by Mr Gian Guerra, yet again put in strong performances and were a genuine chance to challenge for victories in the 13s, 15s and Open divisions. The U13s team played some great footy and their attack put many teams under immense amounts of pressure. The speed of Lincoln Baker proved too much for many flat-footed defenders, the tenacity of Mason Oliver in defence had opposition players falling to the floor and the finishing on the wing by Cai Banfield saw many half chances converted. The U13s team fought hard on finals day and saw them take a drop off victory in the semi-final to book a spot in the Grand Final. All players in the U13s did their very best and battled hard against a dominant Keebra Park team that had just won their semi without conceding a try. Keebra started fast but our young team battled back with tries to Cai Banfield and Oliver Nguyen to tie things up. After a frantic 25 minutes, a late consolation try to Klay Graham was not enough as Keebra won 8 – 3. The U13s are to hold their heads high and understand a second placing in the state is an incredible achievement. A massive shout to Rookie McMinn who was unable to play due to his arm being in a cast. We missed you on the paddock Rookie and we can’t wait to see what difference you’ll make next year when you’re out there running the show again. One loss in a calendar year is a massive achievement. We look forward to the many years of touch ahead for this group.

punish shotty and nifty piece of half work. Two tries to CJ and one to Josh Pierce weren’t enough as TCC took the win 7 – 3. Pats on the back for all players for the effort over the year. Huge carnivals from Ryan McCarron and Brodie Dineen also need mentioning. Second in Queensland is a pretty good achievement but who knows the final result if we’d played the “Perfect Game.” The results below are a testament to the efforts and commitment of staff and students: U13s Runners-Up U15s Top Eight Opens Runners-Up NORTH QUEENSLAND ALL SCHOOLS Iggy Park entered five teams across the three divisions. Player numbers and commitment for this tournament were outstanding. All teams played in classic IPC style scoring some amazing tries along the way. IPC achieved the clean sweep in 2021! Wins in the U13s, U15s and U18s were proof that bigger things were to come if the boys could commit the time needed to rip in at the QLD All Schools later in the year. IPC Touch appreciates the efforts of IPC staff Mr Turner, Mrs Deer, Mr Jackson, Old Boys Sam Twiname and Conor Wilson and Parent Mark Graham for their efforts helping to coach the carnival. Old Boy Kerrod Hall and Kaitlyn Essery graciously gave up their weekend to referee for the College. Without the above help, carnivals like this can’t happen. A massive congratulations to all players and staff who were involved in the successful tour. Expectations are high for 2021 and is looking very promising for Iggy Park Touch. U13 BOYS – CHAMPIONS NQ ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH, RUNNERS-UP QLD ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH Lincoln Baker, Cai Banfield, Cooper Bloxsom, Kye Connell, Klay Graham, Koby Kyle-Little, Kye Lange, Trent Martin, Rookie McMinn, Oliver Nguyen, Mason Oliver, Blake Pearce and Leslie Trimmer. Coaches – Mark Graham and Mr Michael Turner

The Under 15s had a great tournament that ultimately ended prematurely with an exit in the Quarter Finals. Coach Wilson and Mr Thompson had the boys running hard and with purpose in all their games. Sean Weir bossed the field, Marcus Bell bullied the opposition defences and Ethan Stout was a man possessed out on the wing. The team learnt some valuable lessons on and off the field and all have their eyes firmly on the future with this carnival circled on their calendar for years to come. Some will make the step-up next year into the Opens team and others will have another chance to prove themselves in the U15s competition. Either way, the Blue and White of the Iggy Jersey is in good hands moving forward.

15 BOYS – CHAMPIONS NQ ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH, TOP 8 QLD ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH Marcus Bell, Nayte Essery, Indygo Keir, Sam Keir, Nathaniel Kimber, Beau McCarron, Hayde Munro, Matthew Parker, Kynan Purdy, Myles Rosemond, Ethan Stout and Sean Weir. Coaches – Old Boy Conor Wilson and Mr Drew Thompson

The Opens, led by Captain Cathane Hill and a very strong leadership group, were confident that this could be their year… again after taking out the comp in 2019. The boys were able to improve every game, becoming a tighter unit and a more formidable opponent. The team escaped, in my opinion, the pool of death with victories over many powerhouse teams from across the state. The finals were as tight a contest as they come, having just gotten up over Chancellor in the Quarters and Coombabah in an extra time drop-off in the Semi. The GF saw the Iggy Opens facing off against The Cathedral College Rockhampton who were the favourites to win the comp from the beginning. Our boys new the importance of playing a “Perfect Game” as the TCC team was littered with rep players. Ultimately, we were short of our best footy and couldn’t wrestle enough momentum to turn this into the contest it could have been. Matty Hunter was a beast in the final setting up 3 tries with a cutout, a



Ignatius Park College 2021

OPENS BOYS – CHAMPIONS NQ ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH, RUNNERS-UP QLD ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH Sean Bourke, Brodie Dinneen, Cathane Hill, Matty Hunter, Elijah Joe, Lachlan Lerch, Josh Marquez, Ryan McCarron, Ben McLean, Jayden McMinn, Joshua Pierce, Jacob Pugh, Jake Scherff and Scott Swain. Coach – Mr Gian Guerra

NORTHERN REGION Beau McCarron Kynan Purdy Nayte Essery Hayde Munro Matthew Parker Kyhnaan Kennedy Marcus Bell Jacob Pugh Matthew Hunter Sean Bourke

Jayden McMinn Ben McLean Jake Scherff Elijah Joe Cathane Hill Ryan McCarron Scott Swain Joshua Pierce Brodie Dinneen

AUSTRALIA Matthew Hunter Gian Guerra | Culture Coordinator

Ignatius Park College 2021



Touch Football


Water Polo

Water Polo FRONT ROW: Hayden Vignale, Max Gough, Jacob Fowler, Ryan Sutton, Liam Sutton SECOND ROW: Ms S. O'Melia, Nathan Weis, Zac Bennett, Kym Nuth, Zachary Cozzitorto, Darcy Keir, Mr J. Alloway


Volleyball - Senior FRONT ROW: Monty Curran, Isaac Pyers, Brandon Pearce, Jaxon Reid, Lachlan Bourke, Nicholas Gho SECOND ROW: Mr G. Rossiter, Gus Rees, Ardrijan Shahinper, Clancy Blacklock, Lachlan Sheppard, Hayden Moore


Ignatius Park College 2021

Ignatius Park College 2021

Euan Cram, Kye Stallan, Joshua Pierce, Max Gough, Zachary Cozzitorto, Orlando Clark, Sonny Crawford, Matthew Ament, Murugu Kiumbura, Reilly Williams, Nathan Weis, Kaleb Lewis, Ashton Waddington, Elijah Iorangi, Isaac Mayo, Joshua Morton




Luke Jack, Kym Nuth, Gus Rees, Lloyd Kennedy, Tyler Boyce, Ryan McCarron, Joe Brosnan, Marshall Wilson, Joshua Corcoran, Lachlan Parker, Brodie Powell, Daniel Mosch, Matthew Lynch, Zac Bennett

FOURTH ROW: Jeremy Morton, Trinidy Parker, Alex Bombardieri, Cathane Hill, Wade Jonsson, Cody Sadler, Nelson Kennedy, Benjamin Hatchard, Joshua Eggins, Nicholas Divljak, Padraic Glasheen, Sean Bourke, Thomas Duffy, Matthew Dyer, Alexander Demopoulos, Jack Quinney


SECOND ROW: Mr J. Alloway, Hayden Lloyd, Archie Allen, Matthew Hunter, Benjamin McLean, Matthew Parker, Jacob Pugh, Lleyton Dooley, Joseph Dixon, Scott Swain, Nathaniel Kimber, Marcus Bell, Brodie Dinneen, Damon Marshall, Brody Lejarraga, Jayden McMinn, Miss L. Di Bella

North Queensland and Queensland Sports Representatives FRONT ROW: Rory Maguire, Cruz Paul, Brayden Lewis, Beau McKenzie, Dominic Abdul-Rahman, Kyhnaan Kennedy, Hayde Munro, Blake Koitka, Jacob Sexton, Kynan Purdy, Jacob Fowler, Lincoln Burrowes, Beau McCarron, Hayden Bamford, Jake Piccolo, Koby Kyle-Little, Connor Kratzmann

North Queensland and Queensland School Representatives


ANZAC Day ANZAC Day 2021 allowed the College to return to a traditional ANZAC Day Liturgy held in our Edmund Rice Hall. Silence fell over the Hall as our Cadet students formed the Guard of Honour and our younger Cadets raised the flag with precision and accuracy. This year we were lucky enough to have a bag piper from the RSL Pipes and Drums partake in our service. The sound of the pipes echoed across the College creating a real sense of pride, tradition and empathy for our ANZACs. This year marked 100 years of the RAAF. The theme for 2021 was Then, Now, Always which filtered throughout the Liturgy using multimedia, prayer and guest speakers. Our Year 12 Defence School Student Representative, Lachlan Parker, delivered a powerful and moving message. His raw, unfiltered account and reflection of being the son of an Army soldier captured the hearts of many, expressing his sadness, his feelings about the life he has lived. This was a real eye opener for staff, students and guests.


Ignatius Park College 2021

Hearing first-hand the about his family's mobility and deployments gave a real glimpse into the life of a Defence family, including both positive and negative aspects. We also had the pleasure of hearing from Warrant Officer Class One Kimberly Kiely. Kimberly explored the theme of women in leadership and highlighted the important roles woman have played in our past, present and will continue to make in the future of our Australian Defence Force. Kimberly herself has deployed many times, showcasing her leadership and skill set in the Australian Army. The wreath laying was a time to reflect. Our College Captains and Principal were joined by Major Justin Parker who had just returned from Iraq a few days prior. It was a real privilege to have him join us on the day and to hear his son Lachlan express his emotions surrounding the day. Lest We Forget Carolyne Drummond | Defence School Mentor

Speech by Lachlan Parker My name is Lachlan Parker, and I am a Defence Student. I am also your Defence Student Representative, and my Dad is an Infantry Officer in the Australian Army. My Dad has been deployed several times with the Australian Army and has recently returned from a rotation in the Middle East. I cannot count the times in the long seven and a half months that he was away, I thought about the day he would return. I was so proud. More than you can imagine. But it was hard to deal with his absence and a level of responsibility fell onto me, sometimes forcing me to make tough decisions. Looking back, I realise that I placed a burden on my shoulders that did not need to be there. I did not need to take the role of the father. That was not my job. I just needed to support the family and put in more work to help. As time went on, I adjusted to life without my Dad and became familiar with him being gone. Most people think that the reunion between you and your family member returning from deployment would be pure joy and excitement, but that is not always the case. I can say from my experience that along with the huge amount of positive emotions, came shades of doubt about how I would have to adjust my life. It has never been too difficult for me to do this, but I know different people who it has been much harder for. This is just one example of some of the emotions that I and many others in my situation have felt during our parent’s deployments. The one thing about my Dad coming home to my Mum, brother and I – is that he DID return. Many soldiers never return home, and some who do are very broken, not just physically, but mentally as well. 8,000 Australians died on the battle fields of Gallipoli and never got to return home, never got to

see their loved ones again, and never got to see their mates again. The sacrifices made by our service men and women are immeasurable and have enabled Australia to remain a safe place for those who call it home. To me, the ANZAC spirit is the definition of positive Australian culture. The mateship, courage, compassion and determination shown by those brave soldiers inspires me to be the best version of myself possible, and to demonstrate these values in my own life. They are real heroes. Being an ADF student can have profound challenges. Mums and Dads go away for long periods of time and we move around a lot. Iggy Park was my fourth school in four different cities around the country and one in the United States of America. I had to make new mates all over again, find new sporting teams, find a new house, in another new place. Sometimes, I even question where ‘home’ is. This can affect the social and emotional wellbeing of those involved, not just the kids, but the civilian husbands or wives as well. They also have to uproot their lives, jobs and friends to move to a different place. But in saying that, being a Defence family is exciting. You build resilience like you never knew and understand the true meaning of family and sticking together. I would not trade it for the world and consider myself to be so lucky to have a Dad that does this job. Yes, moving can be difficult but I can say that I have friends all across the country, even the world and that is something special in itself. This is why I am proud to stand here today and be the first Defence Student Representative of Ignatius Park College. To finish, ANZAC Day falls on Sunday this year. This makes Monday a public holiday. So instead of heading off camping for the long weekend – think carefully about the sacrifices that our veterans have made for our freedom and the sacrifices families continue to make today. Lachlan Parker | Defence Student Representative

Ignatius Park College 2021





Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Programs After a disrupted 2020, this year saw many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs return to the College calendar. The continuation of these programs allows efficient support to the 108 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students enrolled to ensure these young men are given every opportunity to succeed at school and beyond. For non-Indigenous students, the programs ensure positive opportunities to develop understanding of how Australia’s First Nations culture is developed in a process of reconciliation. Highlights included the cultural components to the junior camp programs, the


Ignatius Park College 2021

St Michael’s visit on Palm Island, the Journey 2 Jobs program and the annual Iggy Park Deadlys that returned after having only a watered-down version last year. With Reconciliation Australia requesting updated Reconciliation Action Plans annually, the College will maintain the standards we have set in previous years to ensure this element of the College remains strong. Andrew Kirkpatrick | Program Leader – Indigenous and Multicultural

Congratulations to Rice House - 2021 Winners!

Ignatius Park College 2021



Battle of the Bands


Careers Career Development is a lifelong process that is unique for every person. The Careers Office is available to assist students with their career decision making and work experience placements for ATAR and Year 10 students. This is my final year at the College working in the Careers role and it has been an exciting and at times challenging role, especially with the current situation we are having to live with. In the middle of Term 2, the Year 10 students utilised our Career Tools website to work through career quizzes and then investigate careers and the subjects that are required for occupations that they aspire to undertake after Senior schooling. The SET Plan process implemented by the College assisted students with making subject choices which would match their pathways. Students have been advised to undertake work experience or to speak with employers to get as much information about the job role, subjects needed, and qualifications required. As we all know, the current situation has limited the opportunities for work placement. The College held subject information sessions, and Subject Showcase for students at the start of Term 3 with Faculty Leaders and teachers available to answer questions from students. Also, information sessions were organised with Australian Defence Force Recruiting, Mater Private Hospital, Central Queensland University and James Cook University.


Ignatius Park College 2021

We are indebted to these organisations for providing our community with the opportunity to obtain information in an efficient and effective manner. Year 12 students planning to continue further study at university, attended a Zoom session with QTAC on how to apply to university, putting in their course preferences and ATAR registration. It is an important time for the Year 12 students as they endeavour to make informed choices for their potential futures. James Cook University Early Offer Program was again available for students to nominate for their chosen courses and a few students took advantage of this opportunity. Two Year 12 students also took the opportunity to apply for the SUN (Start University Now) Program in Bachelor of Paramedic Science and two Year 10 students applied for the Bachelor of Business with CQ University. This is a fantastic opportunity for all of them as they work towards their degrees. Our VET Pathway provides opportunities for students to enter the workforce to experience first-hand various occupations. Students should always remember that learning is a lifelong process, and, at times, decisions will be made that while not always perfect, learning from mistakes is also an important part of the process! Phillip Dembowski | Careers Advisor

2021 was another successful year for IPC Chess with many participants competing over only two regional rounds this year. Unfortunately, the third and f inal round of competition was cancelled due to the snap COVID-19 lockdown in the South-East corner in early August. Congratulations to the many students who received merit awards throughout the year. These included Austin Keane, Riley Snell, Lachlan Tapp, Tenzin Daly, Harry Gallagher-Smith, Tyler Shore and Lewis Roberts. Well done to all students who represented the College this year. Chess remains a popular option for those students at the College who know their way around a chess

board. A big thank you to Mrs Piera Holland for her administrative work in dealing with registrations at the Front Office. Further, a massive thank you to the parents who allow their son to play Chess at IPC. Your generous $2 donation over each round this year has allowed us to make a considerable financial contribution to the Althea Projects - Townsville Drop-In Centre. If your son is keen on a game of Chess next year, tell him to drop by my office for further details. It is a good opportunity to play some quality chess against some quality opposition in a friendly interschool setting. See you all next year! John Fuller | Pastoral Leader - Putney House

Ignatius Park College 2021





Counselling What a year of growth, renewal, and accomplishment within the Student Counselling area. In 2021, Ms Charge and Mrs Derwent have supported over 300 individual students to reach their potential and increase their mental wellbeing. Part of our Student Wellbeing Framework includes awareness and prevention, in areas such as child protection, mental health and building positive relationships. Day 1, Term 1, the Student Counsellor’s supported the 2021 emerging Peer Mentors in their first activity - transitioning Year 7 students to the IPC College. It was an action-packed day and fun was had by all! The Peer Mentors showed our new students what it means to be an IPC student. We also engaged, upskilled, and supported 14 Year 10 students, two from each House, to be a part of the Healthy Minds Project. Students who wanted to take part in brainstorming and creating a project that would increase the wellbeing of our students, were invited to apply and undergo a selection process. DRUMBEAT, an acronym for helping participants in Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes and Thoughts, is an evidence-based program offered throughout Terms 1-3 to Year 7 and 8 students. Due to the significant amount of other College based activities, DRUMBEAT was practiced when possible and many laughs were enjoyed. Term 2 saw the Peer Mentors engaging in homeroom and supporting our younger students to settle in and adjust to the ‘shifts of life’ in secondary school. The Healthy Minds Project crew had their first all day brainstorming and planning session with the Unleashing Personal Potential team. The boys were engaged, enthusiastic and full of creative ideas! At the start of Term 3, Ms Charge and Mrs Derwent prioritised student protection frameworks and practice by attending a full day in-service, hosted by QCEC Student Protection. It was a great opportunity to network and explore various topics with other Student Protection Contacts. The Student Counsellors moved into preparing activities and PACA lessons for Child Protection Week as it was being recognised during Week 9 of Term 3. With support from Mrs Burnett, Mr Jackson and Dr Lloyd, the Peer Mentors got their creativity flowing with ideas for the ‘best yet’ Child Protection Week video. The Peer Mentors did an amazing job and showed their fine work to all IPC students and staff at assembly. Zooper Doopers were sold every day in Week 9, raising $110 to go back into wellbeing activities for our students. Also in Term 3, the Healthy Minds Project (HMP) Crew, had a board meeting with our Principal, Mr Clarke and Business Manager, Mr Crasto. The boys were treated like ‘true blue’ board members as they presented their ideas, PowerPoints and funding wish list. They were not held in suspense and told on the spot that they were successful in their request.


Ignatius Park College 2021

The boys were stoked! Their vision of transforming the bland, bare, not so inviting space next to the Student Counselling area was going to become a reality. After lots of hard work, student surveys and developing a plan, we headed back to the second workshop for the Healthy Minds Project. The intention of this workshop was to develop an action plan, consider how to ask for funding or launch ideas. Our IPC students had already completed ALL of that! These were some serious minded and focused gentleman! The Student Counsellors provided mental health and wellbeing tips for the school community, coping and management strategies, monitored students through PACA lessons and maintained connections with students. Mental Health Week this year was Week 2 of Term 4. At IPC we focused the theme around defining and understanding G.R.I.T.. Guts is about being brave, and by being brave we don’t mean doing risky things. Being brave can be as simple as asking for help. Or the quiet whisper to yourself at the end of the day that says “I will try again tomorrow.” Resilience isn’t about being tough and not having things affect you – being resilient is about when things get difficult using those experiences to try and move forward. Initiative is about when things don’t go as planned – being creative about another way that you can get there. Many roads can lead you in the same direction. Tenacity is about going after something you really want and chipping away at a goal that you have. This can be about coming to school when you really don’t want to or can be getting a C in a subject that you struggle with. The Healthy Minds Project (HMP) Crew were a huge part in raising awareness and connection during Mental Health Week. The HMP crew sold 250 cheeseburgers in 10 minutes – raising $250! The funds raised will be used to go back into wellbeing activities and resources for IPC students. They also hosted separate lunch hour activities for Yr 7, 8 and 9’s in the new space to make connection with the students in these years levels who had been identified as being disconnected from higher year levels. On the final day of Mental Health Week, all the staff from varying roles within the school who had helped make a connecting wellbeing space possible, were invited for the launch and name unveiling. The Phoenix Room was named – representing hope and connection to the human spirit and Mr Clarke cut the ribbon to welcome this space into the IPC community. In Week 4 of Term 4, the current and emerging Peer Mentors volunteered their time to lend a hand with the Phoenix Flyer transition program. They demonstrated Integrity, Pride and Commitment by racing paper airplanes, dancing to TikTok videos and creating Ya-Ya’s with almost 150 students who will be joining the IPC family next year. Dannielle Charge and Val Derwent Student Counsellors

After a disruptive year last year, the Townsville Interschool Debating Competition was back in full swing for 2021. IPC had a successful Round 1 this year, with many of our teams winning their first debates and progressing through to Round 2. It was also pleasing to see so many of our Year 7s sign up for debating and step outside their comfort zones and try something new. This year we ran two Year 7 teams, and both teams did an excellent job in preparing for and delivering their first ever debates. Eager to improve and increase their speaking skills, it’s always encouraging to see the familiar faces of debating back for more. To debate from Year 7 right through to Year 12 is a solid accomplishment and is no doubt a valuable skill for life. Congratulations to those students who have represented the College in debating for multiple years, and to those who have had their final debates this year as IPC men. We are sure you will continue to find opportunities for public speaking in the future.

Again, we wouldn’t be able to participate in the competition without the support, time and effort dedicated by the coaches. Thank you to Mr Roberston and Mrs Andrea Tarttelin for the hours of preparation you put in to get our teams ready for their debates. Teams Year 7/8 IPC 1: Jake Piccolo, Louie Ferres, Antse Mpusetsang and Nate Antoniazzi (coached by Marita Martinez) Year 7/8 IPC 2: Bibin Martin, Winston Joseph, Gerard Manchupallil and Fazili Kandanda (coached by Stephen Robertson) Junior: Nathaniel Barton, Daniel Mosch, Nathan Dolan, Tate Hastie, Domenic Osbourne and Benjamin Hatchard (coached by Stephen Robertson) Senior: Hamish Salter, Harry Gallagher-Smith, Howard Keyes, Zac Brunetto, Tenzin Daly (coached by Andrea Tarttelin) Marita Martinez | Debating Coordinator

Round 1 Year 7 / 8 Topic: School uniforms should be banned Junior Topic: The voting age should be reduced to sixteen Senior Topic: There is no place for politics in international sporting competitions Team




Year 7/8 IPC 1


Victorious over Southern Cross

The adjudicator was impressed with this team and their strong arguments and rebuttals. They took out the win convincingly.

Year 7/8 IPC 2


Defeated by St Margaret Mary’s College

A close debate but unfortunately the other team had too many solid rebuttals.



Victorious over Abergowrie

Logical arguments from this team and a lack of rebuttal from their opponents secured them the win.



Victorious over Pimlico

The adjudicator was impressed with the passion and enthusiasm from this team which led to their triumph.

Round 2 Topic 7/8: Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument Junior: Modern technology has ruined the English language Senior: There is no such thing as a selfless act Team




Year 7/8 IPC 1


Defeated by St Patrick’s College

A very close debate! Both teams put forward excellent arguments and rebuttals but unfortunately the other team came out on top.



Defeated by St Margaret Mary’s College

Armed with strong rebuttals and arguments, this team was only narrowly defeated.



Defeated by Grammar

This was an unseen topic where debaters had to rely on existing knowledge. Our team argued well but on this occasion they weren’t strong enough.

Ignatius Park College 2021






Debating - Years 7 and 8 FRONT ROW: Louie Ferres, Jake Piccolo, Antse Mpusetsang, Winston Joseph, Bibin Martin SECOND ROW: Ms M. Martinez, Nate Antoniazzi, Fazili Kandanda, Mr S. Robertson

Debating -Years 9 and 10 FRONT ROW: Nathan Dolan, Nathaniel Barton, Benjamin Hatchard, Tate Hastie SECOND ROW: Ms M. Martinez, Daniel Mosch, Domenick Osborne, Mr S. Robertson

Debating - Year 11 and 12 FRONT ROW: Atticus D'Mello, Harry Gallagher-Smith, Howard Keyes, Zac Brunetto SECOND ROW: Ms M. Martinez, Hamish Salter, Harry Coleman, Mrs A. Tarttelin


Ignatius Park College 2021

This year we welcomed new students and opened our brand-new Defence Mentor Hub. The space has allowed the program to grow, with fridge, microwave, and relaxed seating options for students to use. The space is filled at most break times for casual chats, workshops, quiet study time and much more. New students arrived with enthusiasm and excitement for a new chapter and a real drive to make connection in our school community. We had students say farewell to parents as they departed on extended exercise, overseas deployments and Covid Assist. This was a challenging time for students, however students were able to use the ‘mateship’ of the program to be handle the ups and downs of parental absence. Much like 2020, we witnessed an increase in border protection with ADF parents heading to the borders to help the fight with COVID-19. This was an excellent time to use social workers from Defence Members and Family Support who ran Operation, Reflect, Connect sessions. This involved creating salt sculptures, discussion groups, and art as a way to connect with self and others. Our ADF students continue to enjoy the weekly Milo Club and Lego Lads. These programs give them a chance to connect with each other and reflect on the

week. Boys were always inviting a mate to share in the fun and teach them about what it means to be part of the Defence Mentor Program. The attendance numbers at the regular catch up have gone from strength to strength. The new space has also allowed ADF students to catch up on homework, complete study, or use it as a quiet space to escape the hustle and bustle of break times. The ADF Student of the Month started this year has given the cohort a real sense of pride and honour. Every month, I gather feedback from all aspects of school life and awards one student for ADF Student of the Month. The boys receive a letter, a photo up on the hub window and a tuckshop voucher. All students who have received this award should be commended on their outstanding contribution. With help from students, I have recently created a Gratitude Tree outside the Defence Hub. As new students arrive they too can adds words of gratitude to the tree. This helps students feel appreciation for all that they have, even with facing the challenges of being part of an ADF family. Carolyne Drummond | Defence School Mentor

Ignatius Park College 2021





Edmund Rice Day On 5 May, the College celebrated the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice. As a College community, we gave thanks for the life of Blessed Edmund Rice through our celebration of the Eucharist in our whole school Mass. Blessed Edmund Rice was given the grace, over two hundred years ago, to respond to the call of Jesus by identifying with Christ in the poor. His example evoked a deep awareness of God’s loving presence in all, with whom


Ignatius Park College 2021

he came in contact. He also awakened within them a consciousness of their dignity as children of God. His life invites all of us to share the Gospel insight to reach out to the needy, especially the materially poor. As part of these celebrations, we also held the much loved Eddie Rice Day filled with fun activities and challenges for the students. Shaun Clarke | Principal

Our Ensemble Music has gone from strength to strength in 2021 and we are proud to say we offer a program like no other school in Townsville. Our contemporary approach has been received enthusiastically by the students and this year we have worked on many modern styles including Rock, Hip Hop, Rap, Electronic, R’n’B, Reggae, Pop, Disco, Blues, Jazz, Heavy Metal and Alternative Indie to name a few! We are not afraid to attempt new releases of today and have also enjoyed learning about and performing music of the past decades, revisiting hits from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. We have welcomed new members from Year 7 and new students to the school and now have a Junior band (Year 7 and 8) a Middle School band (Year 9 and 10) and a Senior band (Year 11 and 12). We also started a brass section that features trumpet, trombone, tenor sax and euphonium! Ensemble work has been incorporated into the junior music classes, giving all our Year 7 and 8 students more access to learn performance techniques on guitar, keyboard, vocals, percussion and ukulele as

well as get more hands-on experience playing in a band with all the full rock equipment. Our school ensembles have performed many times throughout the year including the Music Showcase evening, IPC Open day, the Edmund Rice Feast Day celebrations, Iggy Under the Stars, whole school assemblies, whole school masses, and College fundraiser events. Our Ignatius Park music students have participated in the wider community this year in a number of initiatives including songwriting and recording workshops, concerts and projects at the Shedspace (Headspace Youth Arts Centre in Thuringowa), Mulkadee, Combined Schools’ Musical Production and the Artie’s Entertainer of the Year Competition. If you take a look around you will find Ignatius Park Music students performing in public for the people of our city, be it at NAFA, Townsville Fringe Festival, Cotters Markets, Art exhibition openings, Cafes and restaurants. Tess Higgins | Ensemble Music Coordinator

Ignatius Park College 2021



Ensemble Music


EREBB Ignatius Park College is committed to developing global links with schools across the world and learning from, with and about each other, focussed on a spirituality of justice and solidarity.

beyond. In particular, we are wanting our students and staff to share: •

How IPC lives the ER Touchstones and how we can share our story with our EREBB partner schools.

Establish connections between our Year 7 students as ‘email buddies’ and encourage each of our students to write and make contact at least four times per year.

Look at the possibility of student / staff exchanges or immersions in 2022 and beyond.

Sharing curriculum and resources to broaden the educational experience for our students across key learning areas. This has been done with great success via ZOOM calls in 2021.

In the diverse and challenging year of 2021, we have: Hosted EREBB Zoom calls focused on how sport unifies us around the world, curriculum and cocurricular programs with 12 EREA Australia schools and our 7 international EREBB partner schools from all corners of the globe. Year 7 EREBB email buddy program – All of our Year 7 boys, aided by their homeroom teachers, have reached out and made contact with their buddy as part of our Pastoral House groups with ER schools internationally as follows; Baillie St Edmund's School, Shillong, India Carew Stella Maris, Montevideo, Uruguay Nolan Palma School, California, USA Putney Mt Sion CBC, Waterford, Ireland Rice Veritas College, Springs, South Africa Reid St Kevin’s, Oamaru, New Zealand Treacy St Ambrose College, Manchester, England We are keen to consolidate and continue a close working relationship with these schools in 2021 and


Ignatius Park College 2021

Thanks to all of the IPC staff (22 involved) and students (over 200) who have been open to the EREBB initiatives in 2021 and we look forward to building our connections and programs in the future. Greg Christ | Identity and Mission Coordinator Liberating Education

As part of who we are as an Edmund Rice School, Faith in Action, or Service Learning, has been an important part of the school year during 2021. Coming out of the disrupted 2020, the normal programs the students are used to were welcomed back and some new programs were added. Brooklea Lifestyle Village Visit Every Thursday afternoon 8-10 boys, generally from Year 7 to Year 10, have gone across the road to visit with the elderly residents of Brooklea. The boys are put to good use helping with odd jobs, cleaning, gardening, and generally spending time with the residents. Holy Spirit Catholic School Reading Each Thursday some boys have gone across the carpark to Holy Spirit School and spent their lunchtime reading or working with the year 1s. They have had the opportunity to spend some time in different year 1 classes but the result is the same each time – the year 1s cheer when the ‘Iggy boys’ turn up and are sad when they leave. Homeless Sleepout As part of the focus around supporting the homeless community in Townsville, 12 Year 10 students took the opportunity to spend a night at school, learning from individuals working with the homeless communities and experiencing a night’s sleep on the ground in the quad. Townsville Drop In Centre For three weeks, many Year 12 students and staff started their days early by heading to the Townsville Drop in Centre to assist in feeding breakfast to members of Townsville’s homeless community. This experience exposed these young gentlemen to situations and people they may never have experienced before.

Townsville Community Learning Centre A changing of the guard occurred this year with TCLC as Br. Jon Hansen handed to reins to the Mission and Identity team. The Year 11s at the school had the fantastic opportunity to head to TCLC and spend some time in the classroom and in the yard playing games, making new friends, and building relationships. Catholic Missions Month/Socktober In Term 4 the whole school community joined the broader Catholic community to participate in Catholic Mission Month. Along with learning activities in Religion classes and a whole school liturgy, students were encouraged to set goals and raise money for a kindergarten in Thailand. Retreats Throughout the year each year level has had the opportunity to participate in the retreat program at the school. The Year 7s spent some time participating in workshops based around the idea of seeking truth. The Year 8s went outside of school to explore speaking truth. The Year 9s went to YWAM and spent a day in exploring the concepts of being true to ourselves. The Year 10s went out and spent some time looking at Future Truths and how this will apply to their leadership responsibilities in the coming years. Whole School Fundraising • Caritas • Townsville Drop in Centre • Catholic Missions • Vinnies Christmas Appeal Thank you to everyone who has participated in reaching beyond themselves. Casey Raeside | Faith Learning and Action Coordinator

Faith in Action FRONT ROW: Oliver Catt, Brayden Lewis, Ethan Catt, Andrew Edmonds, Atticus D'Mello, Kaleb Lewis, Luke Swain, Rory Foyle, Adam Parker SECOND ROW: Mr M. Holmes, Mr C. Raeside, Riley Talbot, Connor Kenyon, Fazili Kandanda, Jayce Humphreys, Rami Peltonen, Mr G. Christ

Ignatius Park College 2021



Faith in Action


Healthy Minds Project The Healthy Minds Project (HMP) is a school-based initiative that provides the opportunity to educate and empower young adults across schools in Townsville to lead wellbeing initiatives within their respective schools. The project followed a review of data reporting nearly eight suicides per day in Australia across all ages (Mindframe, 2017) and approximately eight youth suicides each week (Headspace, 2017). Ignatius Park College has been fortunate to be a part of the HMP since 2018 when it launched. The project has received funding by monies raised from the annual Banish the Black Dog Bike Ride, organised by the Rotary Club – Townsville Central. This year, the following students represented IPC at a series of HMP workshops – coordinated by Tracy Blanchard, Ryan Catholic School Inclusive Education Coach and Wellbeing Coordinator. CAREW: Joseph Dixon; Cody Christiansen, Parker Duncanson PUTNEY: Jim Finger, Nicholas Rowan RICE:

Zane Archer; Liam Sutton

NOLAN: Hayden Moore TREACY: Declan Murray; Dallyn Powell REID:

Isaac Seri

BAILLIE: Daniel Mosch

The amazing HMP Crew spent many lunch hours brainstorming and conducting student surveys to gather ideas of how to increase student connection, especially between the younger grades and the more senior students. What emerged from their hard work was an agreement that a student space was needed to foster a place to connect, chill and have some space when feeling anxious or overwhelmed. The gents quickly got to work to plan what the space would look like and ultimately, how we could fund it! Our Principal, Mr Clarke, invited the HMP Crew to attend a proper boardroom meeting with him and our Business Manager, Vilton Crasto, so they could pitch their ideas and the amount of money they wished for. The boys were blown away when Mr Clarke put on a proper boardroom meeting with the boys sitting in leather chairs, while enjoying a small afternoon tea. The program was granted the money that had been requested – so off Mrs Derwent went, list in hand, to go shopping (one of her favourite things to do)! We are incredibly proud of the HMP Crew as they truly reflected Integrity, Pride and Commitment to each other, the project and the greater IPC community. Val Derwent and Dannielle Charge Student Counsellors

STAFF CREW: Mrs Derwent, Ms Charge and Mr Turner (Baillie Pastoral Leader).

Healthy Minds Project FRONT ROW: Parker Duncanson, Joseph Dixon, Isaac Seri, Dallyn Powell, Liam Sutton, Cody Christiansen SECOND ROW: Mrs V. Derwent, Daniel Mosch, Nicholas Rowan, Hayden Moore, Ms D. Charge ABSENT: Jim Finger, Declan Murray, Mr M. Turner


Ignatius Park College 2021

The 2022 Handball Competition was once again a hotly contested event by all students in the school. A full school event, involving every student in the College, the Handball Competition has become a favourite among both students and staff alike. It is an event that utilises all that is great about IPC and shapes a very exciting Term 3 annually. The top eight in the school was made up of Ashton Deer (Rice - 8), Nathaniel Barton (Putney - 10), Jackson Waldon (Rice -11), Cohan Russell (Baillie - 11), Lachlan

Tapp (Treacy -11), Zac Cozzitorto (Carew -12), Thomas Nona (Nolan - 12) and Taj Petersen (Reid - 11). The grand final was played between 2020 runnerup Taj Petersen and Jackson Waldon in front of a capacity crowd. In another epic five set match, Taj Petersen eventually triumphed and will see his name emblazoned on the court for the next twelve months. Who will take out the crown in 2022? John Deer | Dean of Student Wellbeing

Ignatius Park College 2021



Handball Championship


Iggy Under the Stars From the opening act by our Junior Band, featuring brass/woodwind players Jackson Hatchard, Coben Miles and Ben Hatchard, we knew the night was going to sparkle brightly like a constellation of stars. Iggy Under the Stars is part of the Ignatius Park College’s Arts celebrations and is an opportunity for each of the subjects to showcase the outstanding work that is being created in our Visual Art, Drama, Music and Film, Television and New Media classrooms.

showstoppers such as Elton John’s I’m Still Standing, Backstreet Boys’ Everybody to original compositions. Highlights of the night were Year 12 student, Samuel Salvador, sharing his passion for piano, and James Clarke’s deep vocals. Our Visual Art students didn’t disappoint with their innovative artwork on display in the Star Gallery. Special mention to John Beams with the Bonsai and virtual artwork as well as Jakson Hughes with his acrylic on canvas – Velvet Skies.

Year 12 music student Axel Lincoln hosted the evening taking us on a journey to celebrate the creative work of our arts students. Film, Television and New Media students presented their music videos inspired by their favourite songs as well as venturing into French New Wave with Year 12 Ryan Paine’s take on love. We definitely have some budding film makers on the horizon.

A massive thank you to our fabulous Hospitality Department with Ms Judy Head and Year 11 Hospitality students preparing the menu and food for the evening as well as running the bar.

The entertainment didn’t stop all evening with aspiring musicians from Year 7 to 12 performing


Ignatius Park College 2021

Iggy Under the Stars aimed to share the creativity and passion of our Arts students at Ignatius Park College. We definitely achieved that and look forward to continuing this creative journey in 2022. Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader - The Arts

Ignatius Park has continued in 2021 to offer state of the art instrumental lessons to our students. Our professional and passionate tutors have been working consistently throughout the year to provide expert advice and musical mentoring to our boys. Four days of the week vibrant sounds can be heard coming out of our music rooms. Drums, guitar, bass, keyboards, piano, singing, flute, saxophone, ukulele, songwriting and theory lessons are on offer and the whole school is enjoying watching and hearing our music students grow. Not only do our music lessons help students develop their performance technique and skill on their chosen instrument, but at the College we ensure a safe and supportive environment to encourage students to

build on their self confidence and celebrate the joys of music. Our tutors are very experienced in accommodating diverse abilities and are rich with the knowledge of various repertoire, styles and genres. The standard of excellence in our instrumental program was evident in the music showcase evening held in the drama theatre in Semester One. Parents and friends came to enjoy a magical night of entertainment. The exceptional level of musicianship was also impressive to the judge of the “Artie’s Entertainer of the Year” competition in Semester Two, who awarded our school five finalists instead of the usual three, as she was so impressed with our talented students! Tess Higgins | Instrumental Music Coordinator

Ignatius Park College 2021



Instrumental Music


Outdoor Education and Camps Why Outdoor Education? Perhaps a better question to ask is, “Why not Outdoor Education?” Where would the world, the community or the students be without this ‘thing’ called ‘Outdoor Education’? The answer lies in considering the six basic human needs that underlie our survival as human beings. In no particular order, these basic human needs are: •

The need to know what’s happening and what’s going to happen – certainty. • The need for variety and variation. • The need for love and connection. • The need for personal growth and development. • The need for significance or identity or need to be an individual. • The need to contribute to a cause and appreciate a power greater than oneself. Adults have these needs as do their children – our 21st Century students. Meeting these needs will manifest in their own unique ways, depending on the individual person and their circumstances. How does Outdoor Education meet the needs of our 21st Century students? Providing a safe mental and physical environment through communication, practice and trust ticks the ‘certainty’ box, where new challenges are introduced from the certainty of what is known. Variety comes with the contrast between the indoors and the outdoor environment ... between the classroom and the bush. Trying something new is inherently challenging. It is stepping cross a threshold into an uncertain space. Within this step are the lessons learned. Love and connection (in a college for young men) happens in the camaraderie, friendships and loyalties created by shared experiences … experiences that create the positive foundations for living a satisfying life. Growth comes packaged within the challenges themselves … challenges of learning new life skills


Ignatius Park College 2021

that build upon each other for wholesome social engagement. Selective introduction of new physical skills hastens the adjustment to the ever-changing demands of young adult physicality. Especially crafted outdoor activities are perhaps the most critical to meeting a student’s need for significance and to be an individual … to be aware of and build onto who they already know they are – to know how and why they matter and why they are significant. Every human being is wired to communicate, solve problems and operate in their own unique way. Working against this ‘wiring’ not only requires more time and energy; if unchecked, it can lead to strain, stress and eventual mental and physical burnout. In this way, crafted outdoor experiences allow each student to participate in a way that allows them to do their best work. Outdoor experiences, whether shared or solo, bring each participant face-to-face in mind and body with the whims and unpredictabilities of the natural order: sunshine and rain, wildlife, cold and unidentified ‘noises in the night’. In this way, students experience first-hand, the dual powers of contribution and gratitude. (“If I treat this environment right, it will look after me and I will be most grateful that only positive things will happen to me.”) It is worth remembering that the wellspring of 21st Century education lies collectively in the ‘jungles’, the ‘savannahs’ and ‘oceans’ of pre-civilisation. As students and teachers all, we must regularly revisit our roots in the natural order and recharge our human batteries if we are to remain healthy, satisfied and inspired members of our global community. Steve Coleman | Outdoor Education Consultant

Mulkadee returned in 2021, following the Yellow Brick Road to find The Wizard of Oz. After a year off, students and staff from Ignatius Park College were excited to join with other schools from across the Townsville Diocese to be part of the Mulkadee Arts Festival. Creativity, performance excellence and long-lasting friendships is why Ignatius Park continues to be involved in this annual event. The Townsville Entertainment Centre was inundated with approximately one thousand students in Term 3 for Mulkadee 2021. The students’ journey began with a couple of workshops prior to the week of intensive tutorials where the students' hard work across the various disciplines – Band, Strings, Guitars, Dance, Choir and Drama – culminated in a wonderful, vibrant performance on the Friday evening.

The Wizard of Oz exploded on to the stage through the creative collaboration of so many talented tutors, teachers and, most especially, the students for whom this was a truly amazing experience. Students from Ignatius Park worked with world-class local educators, providing the opportunity to build skills and foster friendships with others. This is a unique opportunity for Ignatius Park students to showcase their talents playing prominent roles in Dance, Guitar, Vocal Solo and Dramatic presentation of the story and with others lending their talents to the choir, band and dance. Another sold out show and another amazing success, be sure to book early next year as you won’t want to miss it. Kylie Tillack | Faculty Leader - The Arts

Ignatius Park College 2021





Peer Mentors Our Peer Mentors in Year 11 and Year 12 continue to provide amazing support and guidance to our newest cohort of IPC men as they transition to high school. One of the roles of Peer Mentors undertake is assisting with the Phoenix Flyers program which is a program of afterschool events for the Year 6 young men who will be joining our College the following year. Our Peer Mentors then continue to support these students into Year 7 on the first days and weeks of school and attend Homerooms regularly. Our Year 12 Peer Mentors continue to build on the relationships that they formed the previous year with their Year 8 Homerooms and have engaged themselves in House activities. Our Year 11 Peer Mentors wrote, produced, and delivered an amazing video for Child Protection Week this year. The theme was of a 'sliding doors' moment for a young student who was experiencing neglect. We also encouraged students to “trust their gut” if they felt something was wrong with either their friend or another student at the College. The role of the Peer Mentor offering to help the student to seek support from the numerous staff members at our College also shined brightly in the video. The Year 11 Peer Mentor students should be

Peer Mentors FRONT ROW:

very proud for producing such an outstanding and powerful video. Zooper Doopers were also sold at lunch time during Child Protection Week with the money raised going back into wellbeing activities at IPC. Year 12 Peer Mentors – Sincere thanks to our departing Peer Mentors who have been supporting the current Year 8 students over the last two years. Bailey Umstad, Atticus D’Mello, Clancy Blacklock, Zachary Lee, Kaleb Lewis, Lachlan Bourke, John Beams, Alastair Mills, Tom Duffy, Zac Brunetto, Jordan Whiteside, Don Raju, Alexander Roubicek, Lachlan Parker. Year 11 Peer Mentors – Reece Foley, Zac Bennett, Zak Merida-Johnston, Flynn Mintern, Kym Nuth, Emil Jomon, Daniel Gregory, Dylan Talbot, Lachlan Hardy, Harry Coleman, Lachlan Tapp, Austin Keane, Miles Brown and Tenzin Daly Peer Skills Facilitators – Dannielle Charge, Val Derwent, Rohan Lloyd, Nadine Burnett and Jake Jackson Dannielle Charge and Valarie Derwent Student Counsellors

Atticus D'Mello, Austin Keane, Daniel Gregory, Dylan Talbot, Lachlan Hardy, Kaleb Lewis, Miles Brown, Jordan Whiteside, Emil Jomon SECOND ROW: Mr J. Jackson, Ms D. Charge, Lachlan Tapp, Reece Foley, Harry Coleman, Ms V. Derwent, Ms N. Burnett, Dr R. Lloyd THIRD ROW: Tenzin Daly, Zachary Lee, Kym Nuth, Flynn Mintern, Zak Merida-Johnston, Alexander Roubicek, Zac Bennett


Ignatius Park College 2021

If you remember buying the first CDs and know what Hyper-colour is; then I hope you made it to see this year’s Combined Schools Musical – Back to the Eighties. Set in the late 1980s, the show follows the trials of growing up and finishing high school in America. With a soundtrack of solid gold hits from the era you can’t help but sing along and recollect what you were doing at a school dance when those songs came out – or maybe I'm just showing my age. Ignatius Park College was well represented in this cast. Needing a strong mix of characters who are destined to pair up for Prom Night, our boys stood up from Year 7-12. Louie Ferres and Joseph Ori teamed up to play sidekicks to Josh Clarke’s lead character “Corey” who is reminiscing over his yearbook for the duration of the play. That’s where I got the gig to play Corey Snr and link the story together with a bit of commentary and narration. Axel Lincoln played the rival love interest and led the “cool kids” who were played by James Clarke,

Adrijan Shahinper and Kian Jenkinson. John Beams stole the show as the mild-mannered Maths teacher who busted out some Michael Jackson dance moves with Josh Gill joining the teachers as well. Hayden McIntosh as the super nerd Feargal with his uncanny predictions for the future was a comic gift. Mr Andrew Hodgson volunteered to play drums in the band, keeping us all in time, whilst Mrs Tillack kept information flowing to help us stay organized and coordinate with the three schools to deliver this top-notch experience for the boys involved. As always, the production was a high point for the Arts department at Ignatius Park. Working closely with St Patrick’s College and St Margaret Mary’s is a unique relationship among our Catholic schools in Townsville that began in 1974. Many talented local artists have had their start on stage with our musicals and it has been a pleasure to be part of it along the way. Leo Hogan | Teacher

Ignatius Park College 2021




Sons of Ignatius Park College Old Boys FRONT ROW: Jack Hedger, Tyler Shore, Harrison Bow, Mac Barwick, Hayden Denman, S. Clarke, Jayden Wetherell, Kingston Perez, Chase Jang, Hayden Lloyd, Dean Gunders SECOND ROW: Tony Anderson, Euan Roberts, Indygo Keir, Charlie Barringhaus, Bentley Duncanson, Luke Toplis, Max Jackson, Ashton Nicholls, Nicholas Barr, Harry Ballinger, Jett Cluff THIRD ROW: Jay-Dee Barwick, Joshua Pierce, Samuel Keir, Benjamin Thompson, Daniel Mosch, Harrison Rush, Myles Hoskins, Daniel Gregory, Jack Alloway FOURTH ROW: Michael Salvador, Euan Cram, Keegan Gedling, Andrew Edmonds, Lloyd Kennedy, Wayne Owens, Samuel Salvador, Jordan Whiteside, Darcy Keir, Elliot Hoskins


Sons of Iggy Old Boys

Ignatius Park College 2021


Ignatius Park College students had their heads shorn in March to raise funds for cancer research as part of World’s Greatest Shave. Around 60 students signed up for the shave, with some staff also brave enough to shave in front of an eager audience. The ‘Shave’ encourages people of all ages to shave, colour, or wax the hair on their legs, head, chest or face – supported all the way by proud family, friends, colleagues and classmates. The World’s Greatest Shave is more than just a fun way for the boys to engage with fundraising for a great cause. Many of our students and staff have been personally affected by cancer. The Shave allows

our students to do something positive to ‘fight back’ against cancer. This year, we raised over $27,000. Today, blood cancer is one of the top four most frequently diagnosed cancers and is one of the leading causes of death in Australia. More than 110,000 Aussies are living with the disease right now. The money raised by the World Greatest Shave goes directly to the Leukemia Foundation whose mission is to stand with every Australian to cure and conquer every type of blood cancer. The World’s Greatest Shave began in 1998 as a fun way to raise much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. Gian Guerra | Cultural Coordinator

Ignatius Park College 2021



World's Greatest Shave




Ignatius Park College 2021

Farewell to the Park - Lloyd Kennedy - 12 Treacy Our final day is here boys, So let’s take in all the joys. It’s a moment we’ve all been waiting for Since our first step through the doors. In January 2016, we were welcomed to the Park. With excitement and fear inside our hearts, We were placed inside the Hall, Thinking to ourselves all of us were so small. Wearing new blue shirts, high socks, and grey shorts We were amazed at all the different cohorts. We recognised familiar faces from primary school Along with the fresh haircuts that we thought made us look so cool. Our PL’s had a chat to us about life at the Park But we didn’t know what they meant, or how we’d ever make our mark. Then we met our Year 12 buddies, all dressed in white, And we couldn’t understand how their friendships were so tight. They spoke about brotherhood and the bonds that we would make, They told us that even through the ups and downs those bonds would never break. They told us to make the most out of our six years at the Park And seeing them cry in the Tunnel of Love, we knew they’d played their part. But reminiscing now, that time seems just like yesterday When we made our teachers stay home just to have a rest day. We messed around in class, and forgot to fill out our diaries, Only to receive a spray from Mocko about choosing good priorities. Footy and handball went off every break, At least until someone’s winning streak was at stake. We were sent to Mr Doolan’s office, hoping to avoid a suspension But walked out of there with something worse: a Saturday detention. From thunder domes with Cmack, to Godie getting dacked, Our time at Iggy is something I know we’d never take back. We sprinted to the Tuckshop on carnival days Where cheeseburgers and Powerade were always the craze.

Although inevitably we put them off till 12 that night. To the teachers who guided us in the right direction, We’re forever grateful for your love and affection. For without you, we would never be the men we are today, With integrity, pride, and commitment instilled in every way. It may have taken us six long years to understand it all But our Homeroom Teachers are the reason that today we stand so tall. They watched us grow from little boys to proud and strong young men, And we are now so thankful as we near the end. To the friends and family who have supported us every single day, We hope that you are proud of the men you see today. Your presence in our lives means more than you might realise, Today you are the reason that emotions fill our eyes. Finally to my brothers all dressed in white: You are the reason this place really ignites Every single one of you makes the others better, Especially today, when our hearts are bound together. Thanks for being the brotherhood, the buddies we talked about, Our bond will never be broken, of that there is no doubt. Working or uni, whatever we do, Just remember what the Park means to you. And for our Iggy men who are not here with us today, We are thinking of you every step of the way. We hope that you are successful in whatever you do, And you will always be considered our brothers too. So shed a tear and share a smile, And be sure to remember all the while That although it may be time for us to move on The memories we’ve made here will last our whole lives long. Some of these moments may seem rather small But I know it's the little things that we’ll remember most of all. Just like the Ya-Ya, that we scream together, I know we’ll stay true and bleed blue, forever and ever. In 2016, I came to the Park knowing only a few others, But today I leave with what I now call my 147 brothers.

Then there were the academics. We all thought it would be a breeze But we’d only just finished primary school and learned how to count in threes. The assignments kept coming our whole schooling life

Ignatius Park College 2021



Senior Poem



Javan AH KIT


Achievements: Making it to Year 12, and playing in the cowboys challenge in Year 10 Interests: Fishing, footy, camping and hunting. Ambitions: have a successful career in my chosen trade and have a happy family. Wisdom: Success doesn’t rush. The greatest reward is the journey.

Nickname: Yacub Achievements: Finishing Year 12. Interests: Footy and basketball Ambitions: To have my own business. Wisdom: There’s always a way if you’re committed.




Nickname: Kachow Achievements: Making it to Year 12 and making my family proud. Interests: Basketball Ambitions: To have a six figure job and to be a good father for my future family. Wisdom: Soccer has a goalie but you can still score.

Nickname: Koosh Achievements: I taught my self how to do 3D modelling, animation and video editing to create awesome projects. Interests: Art, games, animé 3D modelling and animation, Ambitions: I want to hopefully join the Australian Federal Police or become a Graphic Designer. Wisdom: Milk is just sauce for cereal, change my mind.



Tremaine BODY

Nickname: Clancky Achievements: Australian Rugby Union Referee Scholarship, Senior Social Basketball leading point scorer Interests: Rugby Union refereeing Ambitions: To be successful Wisdom: Salter, I mean Blacklock C. Quabba

Nickname: Treyway Achievements: First XIII, Athletics Track Age Champion. Interests: Rugby League Cards. Ambitions: Find happiness and travel.

Nickname: Basso, Unco Achievements: Finishing Year 12. Interests: Rocking up to school late, hanging with the boys, boxing. Ambitions: Become a firefighter and make it onto the calendar, become World Heavy Weight Boxing Champion.

Oliver BETCHER Nickname: Ollie Achievements: Surviving high school I guess. Interests: Studying Macbeth Ambitions: To be a psychologist, and the best version of myself possible. Wisdom: Treat others with the dignity and respect everyone deserves


Nickname: Bindo Achievements: Playing in the First XIII. Interests: Hanging around my mates and playing basketball with them. Ambitions: To follow my dream and reach my highest potential. Wisdom: Don’t be a scab.

Ignatius Park College 2021

Frank BACKO Nickname: Chef Murri Achievements: First Five Netball Interests: Footy, hunting and fishing Ambitions: Mayor of Napranum

Corey BAKER Nickname: Killerbee Achievements: Got first in one Kahoot on animals in Year 9. Interests: Games, animé fishing. Ambitions: I will own my own gun shop and be a gunsmith Wisdom: Current Objective: Survive

Nicolas BENEDETTI Nickname: Bourbonetti Achievements: Passed Specialist. Pretty notable. Interests: Making sure I can have a great career for the future. Ambitions: Make some friends..... maybe, depends how I’m feeling. Wisdom: Don’t do what I did.

Alex BOMBARDIERI Nickname: Bomba Achievements: Vice House Captain - Baillie House, First XV Rugby Union North Queensland Rugby Union. Interests: Rugby 4WDing/ camping, hanging out with mates Ambitions: Start my own diesel fitting company. Wisdom: Enjoy it while it lasts.

Chase BRISKEY Nickname: Briskey Achievements: Finishing Year 12 Interests: I like sports and outdoors. Ambitions: To own my own business. Wisdom: Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies why honey is better than goona.

Jairus BUTALID Nickname: Jibby, J, Jai, To’o Achievements: First XV, Killa Bees. Interests: Footy, Hangin out with the boys <3 Ambitions: Be a good lad. Wisdom: If you're not first, you're last.

Lachlan BOURKE Nickname: Bourkie Achievements: Nolan House Captain. Interests: Photography. Ambitions: To retire young and travel. Wisdom: “Don’t embarrass me” - Dr Lloyd

Joe BROSNAN Nickname: Iso Joe and Brosso Achievements: 2021 U18 State Champion. Interests: Basketball. Ambitions: NBA. Wisdom: Fortune favours the brave.

Sean BOURKE Nickname: Bourkie Achievements: School of Origin Champion Interests: Karate, Kung Fu, Tai Chi. Ambitions: Lawn Mower Mechanic. Wisdom: King Richards - Sean Bourke

Zac BRUNETTO Nickname: Roddy Achievements: Senior Debating Team. Interests: Hedge Fund Managerial Positions. Ambitions: Retire at 21. Wisdom: If I work as much as I talk, I’ll do well in life.


Cameron CARTER

Nickname: Buzzi Achievements: Making it to Year 12. Interests: Rugby League. Ambitions: Plumber Wisdom: You only live once, so live life with no regrets.

Nickname: Cam Carter Achievements: I haven’t given up. Interests: Destiny 2 Lore and gameplay, going fishing, archery, playing and listening to music and gym. Ambitions: I will let my actions show my ambitions rather than empty words that may not come to fruition. Wisdom: FIGHT FOREVER, GUARDIAN! - Lord Shaxx

Tyler BOYCE Nickname: Boycey Achievements: North Queensland for Soccer and High Jump, Queensland for Soccer, Sportsman of the Year Interests: Football (Soccer), Riding dirt bikes and hanging out with mates. Ambitions: To pursue football and live a great fulfilling life. Wisdom: Always be yourself!

Ethan BURKHARDT Nickname: Big Joog Achievements: Getting an apprenticeship. Interests: Video and graphic editor. Ambitions: Police Force. Wisdom: You have to be odd to be number one.

Jarrod CHAILLON Nickname: J-Rod Achievements: School based apprenticeship, National waterski team. Interests: Motorsports Waterskiing Ambitions: To have a successful career, my own home and start a family. Wisdom: Life’s not easy, it never is, never was, never will be. Put in the effort to make a change.

Ignatius Park College 2021







Orlando CLARK

Nickname: Chissy Achievements: First XI Cricket Interests: Cricket, hanging with mates, sports. Ambitions: Get a job, start a family, own a house and a nice car and live a good life. Wisdom: Play with matches, you get burned.

Nickname: Clarky Interests: Hedge fund manager, stock broker and fund management Ambitions: Write a best selling novel. Wisdom: You’re only as good as your last haircut.



Nickname: Coley Achievements: Making it through Year 12. Interests: Gym Ambitions: To be involved in emergency services and help people. Wisdom: Try your hardest in the time you have left.

Cianan Pieter CUTHBERT-BOTHA Nickname: Mini Botha Achievements: Making through high school Interests: Fishing and bit of footy Ambitions: Travel around the world Wisdom: If you’re not living on the edge you’re wasting space


Nickname: Chicken Joe Achievements: Completion of compulsory education. Interests: Guitar, video games. Ambitions: A career in I.T. Wisdom: Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.

Angus DALGLIESH Nickname: DALGLIESH Achievements: 2021 Future Prime Minister of Australia Interests: Music, money, psychology. Ambitions: Get a trade, become a DJ, start a business. Wisdom: If you don’t put the work in, it’s never gonna workout - Mr Traumatik

Ignatius Park College 2021

James CLARKE Nickname: Jack-James Achievements: Writing an entire SOR essay in two hours. Interests: The Arts. Ambitions: To continue to be the best version of myself I can be. Wisdom: I need to be youthfully felt, ‘cause Lord I never felt young - Jackie and Wilson, Hozier

Zachary COZZITORTO Nickname: Cozzie Achievements: Competing for the school in many sports. Interests: Sports Ambitions: Live a fulfilling life Wisdom: Live Life or Die Trying.

Mitchell DAVEY Nickname: Mitch Achievements: Out of school Interests: Games with mates Ambitions: Be able to help others Wisdom: Don’t always blame yourself

Josh CLARKE Nickname: Clarkey Achievements: QLD Rep in Tenpin bowling two years in a row, lead in 2021 Musical. Interests: Music, reading and True Crime. Ambitions: Primary school teacher or Musician Wisdom: Don't take life too seriously, no one makes it out alive.

Euan CRAM Nickname: Crammmy Achievements: School Captain, School based trade, First XV, Interests: Fishing, Camping, Rugby, Working on cars and fabrication. Ambitions: Work as an electrician develop a range of skills, to travel the world / Australia using these skills. Wisdom: Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. F.B

Ethan DAWSON Nickname: Dawso Achievements: My achievements are finishing Year 12 with my brothers and showing my Torres Strait Islander heritage. Interests: Car enthusiast and cooking. Ambitions: Secure a full time apprenticeship and travel the world. Wisdom: Don’t be ashamed of asking for help and be present for everyone.

Harrison DELGADO Nickname: Hazza Achievements: School basketball: Year 7, 8 and 9 Senior Band: Keyboard. Interests: Basketball Piano Video Games Spontaneous outings. Ambitions: Reach a point where I can say I have no regrets. Wisdom: The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

Thomas DUFFY Nickname: Duff Achievements: College ViceCaptain, First XIII, Australian Schoolboys Rugby League. Ambitions: To never take myself too seriously. Wisdom: A camel cannot see its own hump.

Joshua ECKFORD Nickname: Josh Achievements: Making it through school Interests: Fishing and sports Ambitions: To be happy in life Wisdom: Have a real go

Benjamin DIXON

Atticus D’MELLO

Nickname: Ben Achievements: Skipper of the IPC Social Basketball Team Interests: pickerwheel.com Ambitions: Set myself up for a nice life. Wisdom: Teachers don’t understand that I just want to be a hobo - Cribby

Nickname: Atticat Achievements: Prefect of Gospel Spirituality Deus Est Caritas Award 2021, Angus L McPherson Award 2019 - 2020 Interests: Coding and robotics Rowing / Coxing, charitable initiatives. Ambitions: Study Computer science and develop the next generation of intelligent software Wisdom: Be yourself, Everyone else is taken.



Mitchell DOYLE Nickname: Doyley Achievements: House Captain, First XIII, Eddie Rice Dash Champion, Netball champs, Better water runner than Gemo. Interests: Reading books, writing essays, crosswords Ambitions: Be a better bloke than Tom Duffy Wisdom: Live with the rolls Mitch Doyle

Matthew DYER

Nickname: Dummo Achievements: First XIII, Swim Team, Athletics Team, Prefect of Liberating Education. NQ League Shadow. Interests: Physics/Chemistry, Rugby League, video games, hangin' with the ‘Blokes’. Ambitions: To pursue a career in Medicine or Engineering. Wisdom: Procrastination is the thief of time, chain him down.

Nickname: Jacky, Big D Achievements: Multiple Diligence awards, Bronze VET award. Interests: Sports and fitness, pop culture and men’s fashion Ambitions: To live a fun and exciting life, and have a job that I enjoy going to. Wisdom: Hard work is worthless for those who do not believe in themselves.

Nickname: Jim Achievements: NQ Rugby Union XV Best and Fairest Interests: Fooooooty Ambitions: To make Qld Country Rugby Union and get a university degree. Wisdom: Being a good man is something you do, not something you are.



Dallenger FIELD

Nickname: Ren 10 Achievements: IPC Netball, did General Math as VET student. Interests: Music, sport, making money. Ambitions: To become half the man Darren Spina is. Wisdom: Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.

Nickname: Dally Achievements: VET placements, played some Rugby, Shave for a Cure. Interests: Rap music, dirt bikes and family dinners. Ambitions: Hoping to become a plumber. Wisdom: Relax, everything is gonna be alright.

Nickname: Eddie Achievements: College Prefect, TCLC, Drop-In-Centre visits, growing as a person. Interests: Rugby League, Touch Football, nature. Ambitions: To travel and be a qualified plumber. Wisdom: Dreams don’t work unless you do.

Ignatius Park College 2021






Kuresa FOTA PIO Nickname: KP Achievements: 2021 Vetshays NRL Fantasy Champion Interests: Sae-Byeok Ambitions: Be successful in life. Wisdom: Would you rather be the person talking or the person doing the the things that people talk about?

Billy GIFFORD Nickname: Banjo Achievements: VET Student of the year 2020. Interests: Fishing, camping, hunting. Ambitions: Own a business. Wisdom: Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.

Angus GORRIE Nickname: Gorrie Achievements: School based apprenticeship. Interests: 4x4, fishing, camping. Ambitions: Start my own business. Wisdom: Stop thinking about tomorrow. It’ll be here soon enough.


Harrison FULLER Nickname: Harry Achievements: Gained apprenticeship, go to Kelso bush mechanic, most bogan HG ute Interests: Pool, cars and travelling. Ambitions: My ambitions are to become a fully qualified diesel fitter. Wisdom: Don’t wear your school uniform whilst working on cars.

Matthew GILBOY Nickname: Gilboy Achievements: Passing Specialist Maths. Interests: Mountain Biking. Ambitions: Engineering. Wisdom: Thanks for the extra stress Paul.

Keegan GEDLING Nickname: Keego Achievements: Year 11 Dux and subject awards for English, History, Math Methods, Legal Studies and Economics. Interests: Football, basketball, hanging out with mates. Ambitions: Become a lawyer. Wisdom: If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Padraic GLASHEEN Nickname: Moz Achievements: 2x Intermediate Cricket State Champs, First XI Cricket and Football Interests: Sports and hanging out with mates. Ambitions: Make memories with my mates and have a successful job. Wisdom: Do the bare minimum.

Vatsal GOYAL


Nickname: Vatty Achievements: Ability to handle challenge, complexity and change. Interests: Gaming, net surfing, drawing and writing, photo and video editing Ambitions: Conquer my dreams, improve my lifestyle and return all the efforts and time spent by my parents. Wisdom: Don’t expect things to go your way without investing your efforts and time into it.

Nickname: Jham, Justo Achievements: First XIII, Gary Cook's favourite student. Interests: Long walks along the beach, Rugby League and hanging with the boys. Ambitions: Be the Champ Wisdom: Dumbest thing you do as a kid, is wish you were all grown up. Live in the moment!

Ignatius Park College 2021


Lachlan GODE Nickname: Godesaurus Rex Achievements: First XV. Interests: Break dancing. Ambitions: Win the Powerball. Wisdom: Life is like a sandwich, no matter how many times you flip it, the bread always comes first.

Ethan HANNAY Nickname: Hannay Achievements: Successfully made it this far. Interests: Guitar Tennis Cars Music Tinkering. Ambitions: My main ambition is to one day find what I really want to pursue as my career. Wisdom: The prize for first place isn’t near as rewarding as helping someone else reach it.

Eden HESS Nickname: Hessy Achievements: Completing all VET Certificates Interests: Rugby League Ambitions: Diesel Fitter Wisdom: If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door

Elijah IORANGI Nickname: Bala1speed Achievements: Nq Rugby, and just being a overall good bloke. Interests: Going to the gym. Ambitions: Be successful in any career I choose to pursue. Wisdom: We don’t make. mistakes, we make happy accidents - Bob Ross

Wade JONSSON Nickname: Wado-Insano Achievements: Scored 17 points for First Five Basketball on debut, House Choirs Champion. Interests: Mr Lloyd’s Book Club, Rugby League. Ambitions: Beat Reece Foley at handball, be happy in life. Wisdom: Enjoy the little things.

Cathane HILL Nickname: Biscuit Achievements: School of Origin, Netball champions, First XIII, Dux of Maths (Essential) Interests: Rugby League, Touch Football, Sports Ambitions: To beat Jake Paul in a boxing match. Wisdom: If you're not first, you're last - Ricky Bobby

Luke JACK Nickname: Luke Achievements: QLD Rugby League U18 Australian Rugby League U18 QLD Country U16. Interests: Travelling, rugby league. Ambitions: To have fun. Wisdom: Work hard, play harder.

Alex KATSAROS Nickname: Katsy Achievements: Reid Vice Captain, Dux of Specialists Maths 2020, survived 13 years of schooling. Interests: Fishing, camping and spending time with the blokes Ambitions: Travel the world and/ or study engineering. Wisdom: I wish there was some way of knowing you were in the good ol' days before you actually left em. - Andy

Elijah HUGHES Nickname: Hughesy Achievements: Successful senior year, finishing studies Interests: Driving, video games. Ambitions: Finding a career that I enjoy and that challenges me. Wisdom: Stick to your strengths and commit to them.

Lleyton JACKSON Nickname: L-Leyton Achievements: Year 9 Dux, Senior Social Basketball CoCaptain. Interests: Playing basketball, bird watching, walks along the beach. Ambitions: Get a good job, start a family and travel. Wisdom: Life’s short, have fun.

Jakson HUGHES Nickname: Jacko, Hughesy Achievements: Interschool swimming. Interests: Long walks on the beach, golf, music and chilling with the mates. Ambitions: To live a life doing what I enjoy with the people I love. Wisdom: :Life is a journey, not a destination.

Louis JACKSON Nickname: Jacko Achievements: Carpentry apprentice. Interests: Camping, utes. Ambitions: To be a business owner. Wisdom: If you aren’t first you're last.

Darcy KEIR


Nickname: DK Achievements: First IX, Captain of Rice Interests: Camping / footy Ambitions: Happy family living comfortably Wisdom: Play till the whistle blows

Nickname: BK, Braebags Achievements: Confro Champs Confraternity 2021 Team First XIII Team 2021 Palm Island Trip 2021 Interests: Running amok with my mates and spending time with my family. Ambitions: Be that bloke at pre’s that can play a guitar. Wisdom: Can’t coach tikka.

Ignatius Park College 2021






Lloyd KENNEDY Nickname: Kenoath Achievements: First XV Captain. Interests: Rugby and my mates. Ambitions: Graduate with a university degree and give back to my parents.

Lachlan LARSEN Nickname: Larso Achievements: State Rowing bronze medal. Interests: Rowing, cars, video games. Ambitions: To create and publish my own game. Wisdom: It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Henry LAWS Nickname: Hendawg Achievements: Boost gauge instalment Interests: Self taught auto Ambitions: Install as many boost gauges as possible. Wisdom: Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything. Don't worry, I don’t understand it either, I don’t get chemistry.

Zachary LEE

Lachlan LERCH


Nickname: Zac Achievements: Passing without studying. Interests: Playing music unreasonably loud, pretending my car isn’t falling apart, absorbing useless knowledge. Ambitions: To die with achieved dreams than live with no meaning. Wisdom: When your back is against the wall, break the goddamn thing down - Harvey Specter

Nickname: Lerch, Lerchy Achievements: First XIII, First VII Co-captain with B MAC, Made to the speech stage of Carew House Captain Interests: Sport, story time with mates on a Monday, snowboarding in the Salt Lake City mountains Ambitions: Finding my Cinderella, settling down with two beautiful kids while running my own carpentry business. Wisdom: Everyone wants happiness no one wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

Nickname: Lewie Achievements: Peer Mentor, QSS Rep and Warrant Officer Class 2/ Leadership in Australian Army Cadets Interests: My interests include music, hockey, cricket and cadets Ambitions: I one day wish to travel to Japan, graduate from university and become a primary school teacher Wisdom: When you’re chewing on life’s gristle. Don’t grumble, give a whistle - Monty Python



Curamis MAJOK

Nickname: Phoenix Achievements: Graduating Year 12. Interests: I have interests in cars and sports like basketball. Ambitions: My ambition is to be a highly skilled diesel fitter and own a reputable business. Wisdom: Do everything you can until you find what you love to do most, then work hard for it.


Nickname: SCANDO Achievements: Open Interschool Swimming (freestyle 2nd div and breaststroke 1 div 3rd place) Interests: Gym, cars, and science. Ambitions: Be successful and enjoy life. Wisdom: All that glitters ain’t gold - Scott Anthony Arceneaux Jr

Ignatius Park College 2021

Nickname: Christmas (real name) Achievements: Reid House mascot, going on the Palm Island trip. Interests: West Tigers, story time with the boys. Ambitions: Find the One Piece, go to the homeland Africa. Wisdom: Don’t leave things till last minute, like I did with this.

Ryan LEE Wisdom: Don’t stress

Axel LINCOLN Nickname: Ax Achievements: Multiple Lead roles in musicals from 2018 Interests: Acting, Music, Martial Arts Ambitions: I want to be a Musician/Actor and make it in the industry Wisdom: Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your goals. Stream Red Rover by AJAX3 on Spotify

Joshua MARQUEZ Nickname: Josh Achievements: Sportsmen of the Year, Bronze Award, Athletics and Cross Country Age Champion. Interests: Touch, cars, spending time with friends and family. Ambitions: Go to uni, study and get a good job and live a life that I am happy with, with a family of my own. Wisdom: Have no regrets.

Damon MARSHALL Nickname: Damo Achievements: Best rapper in the year. Interests: Gym. Ambitions: Finish my apprenticeship. Wisdom: Don’t take anything for granted, you never know when you’ll have it taken from you.

Ryan MCCARRON Nickname: Ghduey Achievements: Sportsman of the Year U16. Interests: Sporting activities. Ambitions: Have a career that suits my type of lifestyles. Wisdom: Don’t wait to study.

Jayden MCMINN Nickname: Maze runner Achievements: Cyclones, NQ All Schools Touch, and First XV Interests: Sport Ambitions: Start an electrical business. Wisdom: Never judge a cover by the book.

Isaac MAYO Nickname: Ozzie Achievements: Scoring four tries in one game for the Killer Bees Touch Team. Interests: Soccer, outdoors. Ambitions: Figure out what I wanna do. Wisdom: VET > ATAR.

Connor MCCOLL Nickname: CMACK Achievements: making it to Year 12. Interests: Rugby Union, camping. Ambitions: To gain an apprenticeship. Wisdom: Put the hard work in to get the most from it.

Alastair MILLS Nickname: Racecar, Millsy Achievements: Peer Mentor, Helping out with Open Days, Drop in Centre Volunteering, Reid Senior of 2021. Interests: Golf, cars, enjoying the little things, makin’ memories. Ambitions: See as much of the world as I can. Wisdom: You’ll get there, no matter how far away it may seem.

Ashley MAYOCCHI Nickname: Ash Achievements: Getting a medal for the Chess team, Mountain Biking Club. Only got in trouble once for not shaving. Interests: Gym, gaming, Netflix, Rugby Union and food . Ambitions: To look back on my life one day and say that I have no regrets and that I’m happy where I am. Wisdom: If you're always trying to be normal you will never discover how amazing you are

Danyon MCDOUGALL Nickname: Danny Achievements: Making Mr Bruce laugh. Interests: Design. Ambitions: To become a design teacher. Wisdom: The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Jeremy MORTON Nickname: Jez Achievements: King of 3 up 3 down Interests: Footy Ambitions: To get a job I enjoy and start a family. Wisdom: Back yourself.

Jake MCAULIFFEFICKLING Nickname: Jmac, McAuliffe Achievements: First XIII, First VI, School AFL, Age champion for athletics and swimming. Interests: Going out with the boys Ambitions: To have a happy life and open up a business of my own one day Wisdom: Don’t leave any page unturned

Benjamin MCLEAN Nickname: Benny Mac, B-Mac Achievements: Confro Champs First VII Captain School Of Origin Champs. Interests: Lunch time table talk with the boys. Ambitions: Become a qualified chippy. Wisdom: Winners win.

Casey MURRAY Nickname: Case Achievements: Having tuckshop everyday since Year 9. Interests: Playing video games and snowboarding. Ambitions: Getting to a chicken roll on Wednesday Wisdom: take it slow, life's not a speedrun.

Ignatius Park College 2021






Angus MYERS Nickname: Gus Achievements: Year 12. Interests: Camping and cars. Ambitions: Finish Year 12. Wisdom: Got it.

Ryan PAINE Achievements: Working hard to achieve the goals I had set out. Interests: Gamer, KFC. Ambitions: Degree in Psychology. Wisdom: Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

James PAUL Nickname: Jimbo Achievements: Diligence awards, NQ School Boys Soccer Interests: Chillin' with my mates. Ambitions: Be successful Wisdom: Get involved and have fun.


Thomas NONA Nickname: Tom Smoke Achievements: Graduating school. Interests: Rugby League and fishing. Ambitions: To become a father to a little family. Wisdom: Never take life for granted, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

Lachlan PARKER

Kobe OWENS Nickname: Kobes Achievements: U16 Qld Basketball First Five Interests: Basketball, fishing, golf. Ambitions: Be happy and successful. Wisdom: If you ain’t first you’re last!

Trinidy PARKER

Nickname: LP Achievements: First V Basketball (2019 State Champs), Putney House Captain, Long Tan Leadership Award 2019. Interests: Sports, outdoors, and hanging out with mates. Ambitions: Travel the world and be successful in whatever I choose to do. Wisdom: Do today what they don’t, so tomorrow you can accomplish what they can’t.

Nickname: Trin Achievements: First V First XV First XVIII 2021 Baillie House Captain. Interests: Facebook Marketplace. Ambitions: Get a good job and look after my family. Wisdom: Failure is the tuition you pay for success.

Brandon PEARCE

Jaylen PERRY

Nickname: Pearcy Achievements: 6 x Swimming Age Champion. Interests: Sports. Ambitions: Become successful outside the workforce.

Ignatius Park College 2021

Wayne OWENS Nickname: Wayne Achievements: Senior Leader, Prefect of inclusive community Interests: Gymnastics, camping, fishing and cars Ambitions: Traveling overseas and pursuing my passion in the fitness industry. Wisdom: The best friends to have are those who want nothing from you but your company!

Kaden PARTLAND Nickname: KP Achievements: Getting dropped by the First XV, getting dropped by Luke Jack Interests: Rugby, hanging with mates. Ambitions: Be happy and successful Wisdom: What’s Adam Doueihi.

James POTTER Nickname: Jimmy Achievements: Playing in the first ever IPC hockey team. and advancing to play in the Queensland finals. Interests: Sports and the Defence Force. Ambitions: To be a part of the Royal Australian Air Force. Wisdom: If you're going to fail in life, fail better and grow from it.

Brodie POWELL Nickname: Brodes, BP Achievements: First XV, demolishing a whole mud cake in Accounting. Interests: Sports, having a good time with mates. Ambitions: Get a job I enjoy and have a family. Wisdom: Such is life.

Jaxon REID Nickname: Bugsy Achievements: Got a school based apprenticeship. Interests: 4WD camping hunting, fishing. Ambitions: Complete electrical apprenticeship and join the mines and travel around Austrialia for one year. Wisdom: Do the things you want to do in life not what others want.

Isaac PYERS Nickname: Isnack Achievements: Establishing a good set of opportunities for my future. Interests: Computers, cars, and chasing butterflies. Ambitions: To own a house by 30. Wisdom: Trust the guidance of your parents but make decisions that are right for YOU and YOU alone.

Lewis ROBERTS Nickname: Robbo Achievements: Passed unit 1 Specialist Maths Interests: Music Ambitions: ADF Wisdom: If nothing changes, then nothing changes

Joseph SALE


Nickname: Saley, Horseph Achievements: Age champion for Swimming. Interests: Rugby League and Cards. Ambitions: Have a successful career.

Nickname: Mr Mish Achievements: Look... I’m passing. Interests: I’m interested in why the QCAA demands I know Macbeth off by heart... and not how to do TAXES. Ambitions: I plan on taking a gap year to assess my grades and what my future careers are now limited to WOOHOO. Wisdom: We require the energy of 2.06 x 10^34 Weet-Bix to create a black hole. Hope that information helps!

Don RAJU Nickname: Donny Achievements: Christian Leadership Award and two time World's Greatest Shaver. Interests: Sports, music and chilling with the boys. Ambitions: Joining university and working towards a social working career. Wisdom: Be careful who you trust, for the devil was once an angel.

Gus REES Nickname: Mike Tyson Achievements: Game of Origin Netball Champions. Interests: Reading books, late night study, writing poems. Ambitions: To be the G.O.A.T at everything I do. Wisdom: You only live once

Alexander ROUBICEK


Nickname: Roubs Achievements: Passing Specialist Maths Interests: Basketball, Rugby Union, Mountain Bike Riding. Ambitions: I ultimately want to specialise in automotive engineering and design vehicles for major companies. Wisdom: School is a long, hard struggle but the finish comes quickly and unexpectedly.

Nickname: Sads Achievements: Baillie mascot, 800m champion. Interests: Footy, cards, fishing. Ambitions: have a successful career. Wisdom: Enjoy every moment.



Nickname: Asian Man, Sambo Achievements: Becoming a paid musician and being able to watch French/Japanese movies without subtitles B) Interests: Music, languages, gaming and doing stuff others are too scared to do! Ambitions: Be fluent in four languages before 25, get a degree in music and teaching, make mad bank. Wisdom: If you ever fall, its up to you whether you want to get back up or not... choose wisely

Nickname: Sartori Achievements: Vice House Captain, 2x Age Champion Athletics, Tennis Team Captain, Interschool Swimming Team. Interests: Fishing, camping, tennis, footy. Ambitions: Get outside my comfort zone and give life a solid crack.

Ignatius Park College 2021






Ethan SCHARKIE Nickname: Scharkie Achievements: Surviving. Interests: Games. Ambitions: Get rich. Wisdom: Don’t do Methods unless you need it.

Cohen SHUCKSMITH Nickname: Shucky Achievements: NQ Soccer, Treacy Handball Champion and owning a Hilux. Interests: soccer, 4WD, fishing and hanging out with the boys. Ambitions: To be the best i can be and lead a good example. Wisdom: People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.

Keane STONE Nickname: Stoney Achievements: B in Math Interests: The boys Ambitions: Become an engineer Wisdom: I’m not a chippy, but I’ll fix it.


Jake SCHERFF Nickname: Scherffy Achievements: Rice House Croc Mascot. Interests: Hanging with my bros. Ambitions: Go up in space Wisdom: Always be yourself, unless you're Batman then be Batman.

Ardrijan SHAHINPER Nickname: AJ Achievements: Made some great mates and finished as a better person than who I started as. Interests: A bit here and there and time with the boys. Ambitions: Enjoy what life throws at me and make the most out of the opportunities it gives me. Wisdom: Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men.

Lachlan SHEPPARD Nickname: Shep, Sheppo Achievements: First 13, Being apart of the Carew winning Volleyball team. Interests: Bird watching, playing footy, having a beatbox. Ambitions: Living my best life playing reggies at the Burdekin Roosters. Wisdom: Go all in.

Zachary SKIPP

Maximillian SOSNOWSKI


Nickname: Skipp Achievements: Achieving success with my chosen sport of rowing at a local, state and national level. Interests: Rowing. Ambitions: To achieve a career I enjoy. Wisdom: An apple a day will keep anyone away, if you throw it hard enough.

Nickname: Maxy Achievements: Gaining my Electrician apprenticeship. Interests: Mechanics. Ambitions: Complete my apprenticeship and place a loan on a house. Wisdom: Remember that everybody puts their pants on the same way in the morning...

Nickname: Cozza Achievements: Carew Vice House Captain, Diploma of business and working as a support worker. Interests: Basketball, volleyball, concerts and travelling. Ambitions: Study an advanced business course at university Wisdom: Learn to make the most out of a bad hand, you can’t help what life deals you sometimes.

Lachlan SYMSS



Nickname: Symssy Interests: Animé videogames and food, Foods has to be my top interest. Ambitions: Become a registered nurse, not be at Woolworths for 30 years. Wisdom: On my rise to mediocrity, I wish to remain anonymous.

Ignatius Park College 2021

Nickname: Vinnie Achievements: Securing an apprenticeship and being set up for life after school Interests: Running amok with the boys, fast cars and good music. Ambitions: To pursue my passion in cars, raise a happy family and aim to achieve my life goals. Wisdom: You've got to know what you bring to the table. You also got to not be afraid of eating alone sometimes.

Nickname: JT Achievements: Did what I could. Interests: Cricket, fishing. Ambitions: Engineering/ science. Wisdom: Winners never quit. Quitters never win.



Nickname: Bails Achievements: Starting Senior Social Point God Interests: Myself Ambitions: Be rich Wisdom: Don’t follow your dreams follow me [bailey_ umstad16].

Nickname: Fob Achievements: Staying above 50% attendance. Interests: Long walks on the beach, good sense of humour, cooking for two. Ambitions: Put the 4820 on the map. Wisdom: Got to see it through my boy.

Daniel WEIR

Nathan WEIS

Nickname: Dan Achievements: JCU Engineering early offer. Interests: Making memories with the boys. Ambitions: To become and engineer and live a happy, healthy life. Wisdom: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.

Connor WILKINS Nickname: Wilko Achievements: Successful primary school graduate. Interests: Sports and nature. Ambitions: To become a successful business owner. Wisdom: Stick with your mates you make in school, they will be your friends for life.

Nickname: Weisy Achievements: Dropping economics before Unit 2. Interests: Travel. Ambitions: Study Paramedic Science. Wisdom: Bosses don’t accept notes from your mother.

Jaidyn WILKINS Nickname: Wildox, Wilko Achievements: Founder of VETshays Interests: Lunchtime chats with the boys and footy. Ambitions: Having a happy family. Wisdom: My name Matt.

Ashton WADDINGTON Achievements: Year 7, 8 and 9 Academic Awards, Cross Country Champion and North Queensland Schoolboys. Interests: Soccer, snorkelling, water skiing and gym. Ambitions: Successful, university and doing something I actually enjoy. Wisdom: Your younger self had a dream, don’t let that little guy down.

Travis WHITE Nickname: Trav Dog Achievements: Finishing Year 12. Interests: Soccer Ambitions: To become a personal trainer. Wisdom: You only live once.

Reilly WILLIAMS Nickname: Non Achievements: Rowing NQ Team Rowing, Vice-Captain State Champion 2019 for Rowing. Interests: Rowing. Ambitions: Start my own business and having a family. Wisdom: Don’t make the same mistake once.

Joel WEBB Nickname: Webber Achievements: Being in the Townsville Bulletin for being the ‘next big thing.’ Interests: Maths and Science. Ambitions: To finish Uni with a degree in Science majoring in Maths. Wisdom: Study hard.

Jordan WHITESIDE Nickname: Jordan Achievements: Ate a jam sandwich every day since Year 3. Interests: Computers, games, language, people. Ambitions: To help people and make their days just a little better. Wisdom: Life is to short to not make the most of it. So enjoy the time you have!

Seamus WILLIAMS Achievements: Completing Year 12 Interests: Soccer and Fantasy Footy Ambitions: Be successful and have a happy life Wisdom: Mum’s always right

Ignatius Park College 2021






Marshall WILSON Nickname: Marsh. MarshInnit. Phunder. Achievements: Palm Island trip 2021. getting a shoutout by Luca Yates. Interests: Nas. Townsville Bake Inn. Kebabs. Pub Tunes. WWE. Ambitions: Getting an Honours degree in Neurology. Wisdom: If you’re Fairdinkum. You’ll go places. - Marshall Wilson

Koby WOOD-LYNCH Nickname: Woodash Achievements: Under 17s Cross Country Age Champion. Interests: Sports, music and mates. Ambitions: Athlete and business owner. Wisdom: Tough times don’t last, but tough people do!



Nickname: Jimmy, Yards Achievements: Playing First XIII, Confro. Interests: Rugby League, anything outdoors. Ambitions: Get a trade, stay connected with mates. Wisdom: Can't frighten a Triton.

Nickname: Zuca Achievements: Beat Kuresa Pio in 100m race back to back years. Interests: Making money. Ambitions: Become an Olympian. Wisdom: Pressure is a privilege.

Senior Song Brother - Tyler Braden Ramblers in the wilderness We can't find what we need We get a little restless from the searching Get a little worn down in between Like a bull chasing the matador is the man left to his own schemes Everybody needs someone beside you Shining like a lighthouse from the sea Brother let me be your shelter I'll never leave you all alone I can be the one you call when you're feeling a low Brother let me be your fortress When the night winds are driving on Be the one to light the way bring you home Face down in the desert now, there's a cage locked around my


heart I found a way to drop the keys Where my failures were now my hands can't reach that far I ain't made for a rivalry, I could never face the world alone I know that in my weakness I am strong But It's your love that brings me home Brother let me be your shelter I'll never leave you all alone I can be the one you call when you're low Brother let me be your fortress When the night winds are driving on+ Be the one to light the way bring you home And when you call and need me near Saying where'd you go, Brother

Ignatius Park College 2021

I'm right here And all those days when the sky begins to fall You're the blood of my blood We can get through it all Brother let me be your shelter I'll never leave you all alone I can be the one you call when you're low Brother let me be your shelter I'll never leave you all alone I can be the one you call when you're low Brother let me be your fortress When the night winds are driving on Be the one to light the way bring you home Hmm., bring you home

AUTOGRAPHS Ignatius Park College 2021


Ignatius Park College 384 Ross River Road, Cranbrook 4814 P.O. Box 121, Aitkenvale, Queensland, 4814 Telephone: (07) 4796 0222 Fax: (07) 4796 0200 Email: info@ipc.qld.edu.au Web: www.ipc.qld.edu.au

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