2016 Ignatius Park College Magazine

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Ignatius Park College

Senior Poem In January 2012 we were eager to start With both excitement and worry inside our hearts We picked up our bags and jumped in the car Thinking to ourselves- will we make it very far? Walking through the gates, we knew things were different Long hallways and shiny leather shoes on the pavement Looking around, seeing our old mates from primary school Wearing blue shirts, high socks and looking so cool Our PC’s had a chat to us about life at the Park But we didn’t know what they meant, or how we’d make our mark Then we met our Year 12 buddies, towering over us with pride We asked them “Do you like Iggy?” and they smiled as they replied They talked about brotherhood and being there for your mates Standing up for the little guy especially when he makes mistakes Told us to enjoy our Iggy journey, as it won’t last long And seeing them cry in the tunnel of love, we knew they weren’t wrong But reminiscing now, that time seems just like yesterday We mucked around in class, not caring what the teacher had to say Then those dreaded papers came, in red, yellow and green We discussed with our peers, is this really the Iggy scene? And how were we supposed to handle the business of Park life? If half our time was spent doing assignments and keeping out of strife? We rehearsed our drama monologues and played our footy games And our day was always brightened with a “Hello” from now captain James Then there was the academics, we were all surprised there The sheer work expected of us? Primary school didn’t compare We eventually got it done though, right to the last minute But there was always someone saying: “Miss I haven’t finished.”

We didn’t know it at the time, but the teachers really cared about us Giving us extra help, tutoring and always making a fuss The people who gave us an education, we are eternally grateful For without you, we would not be standing here today so tearful You all believed in us, every step of the way Making our 50 minutes with you, the best part of the day From Mr Rossiter’s study nights to Bro Hansen always looking fine Thank you for making our Iggy journey, the absolute best time To our friends and family who gave us love and care Encouraging us to do the same and encouraging us to dare Your support means the world because that’s what you are You are our planet, moon and star There’s one group left who can never be forgotten The blokes in white shirts done up to the last button Every single one of you make the other amazing Especially today, when our emotions are raising We’ve been through plenty, of ups and downs A loss in Year 9 gave us reason to frown But these situations brought us closer together And just like the Ya-Ya, we’ll scream forever Thanks for being the brotherhood, our buddies talked about If we have each other’s backs, our lives are never in doubt In January 2012, I came here knowing few others In November 2016, I leave the Park with 178 brothers Thank you boys Sam Morris

Contents Introduction


Senior Poem EREA Message................................................. 2 Principal’s Message.......................................... 3 Deputy Principals’ Reports............................... 6 Staff Directory 2016........................................ 10 Staff Photos..................................................... 11 Captains’ Report............................................. 12 School Leaders............................................... 14 Academic Awards........................................... 15

AFL................................................................ 108 Athletics......................................................... 109 Basketball.......................................................110 Cricket............................................................112 Cross Country................................................113 Football..........................................................114 Hockey...........................................................116 Rowing...........................................................117 Rugby League and Confraternity...................118 Rugby Union................................................. 123 Swimming...................................................... 128 Surf Life Saving............................................. 129 Tennis............................................................ 129 Volleyball....................................................... 129 Touch Football............................................... 130 Water Polo..................................................... 132 Queensland School Reps............................. 133

House Reports

Baillie............................................................... 20 Carew.............................................................. 29 Nolan............................................................... 38 Putney............................................................. 47 Reid................................................................. 55 Rice................................................................. 64 Treacy.............................................................. 73


Big History....................................................... 82 Drama.............................................................. 83 English............................................................. 84 Film, TV and New Media................................. 85 Hospitality....................................................... 86 Humanities...................................................... 87 Indigenous Education..................................... 89 Industry Technology and Design.................... 91 Industry Placement......................................... 92 Information and Communication Technology... 93 Languages...................................................... 94 Learning Enrichment....................................... 95 Library............................................................. 96 Maths.............................................................. 97 Music............................................................... 98 Physical Education.......................................... 99 Religion......................................................... 100 Science......................................................... 101 Visual Arts..................................................... 103


Japan............................................................. 104 Kairos............................................................ 105 Ski Tour......................................................... 106 Italian Exchange............................................ 107



ANZAC Day................................................... 134 Battle of the Bands....................................... 135 Careers.......................................................... 136 Chess............................................................ 137 Christian Meditation...................................... 138 Counselling................................................... 139 Debating........................................................ 140 Defence......................................................... 141 Edmund Rice Day......................................... 142 Instrumental Music........................................ 143 Mulkadee....................................................... 144 Outdoor Education........................................ 145 Peer Mentors................................................. 146 Production..................................................... 147 Reef Guardians............................................. 148 St Vincent de Paul......................................... 149 Townsville Community Learning Centre....... 150 Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride......... 152 Trailburners................................................... 153 Ultimate Awards............................................ 154 Year 7 Camp.................................................. 155 Year 8 Camp.................................................. 156 Year 9 Camp.................................................. 157 Sony Camp.................................................... 158


Seniors Profiles............................................. 159 Graduation.....................................................174 The Year That Was........................................ 180 Work Placement Sponsors........................... 184 Senior Song Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


EREA Message Friends


t is with great pleasure that I offer these few words to your College on behalf of Edmund Rice Education Australia.

Your College belongs to a national family of some 50 schools who share the common inspiration of Blessed Edmund Rice. We particularly celebrate the way in which Edmund responded to our Gospel by providing Catholic education based on key priorities and values. We collectively try to embody these values through fidelity to the Charter for Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition. Each school is different and we celebrate this diversity while endeavouring to maintain our relationships as a ‘family’. We work together for the good of all, particularly mindful of those families for whom life can be a struggle.

There are so many aspects of the life of your school that are a source of great pride for the Edmund Rice vision. Your care for the disadvantaged, your advocacy for a more just world, your vision for ‘excellence’ that encourages all students to strive for fullness of life, your emphasis on service as a response to the privilege of education and your challenge to our young to seek a strong relationship with God and obtain the happiness our Gospel promises. There is so much to celebrate and rejoice in! On behalf of the Christian Brothers and the whole Edmund Rice family, I thank and congratulate you on another great year. I thank our families for choosing Edmund Rice education through enrolment in this school. I realise that costs associated with education of our children can be difficult to bear at times. I know that your school commits to continuous examination of ways in which it can be as supportive as possible in this regard. I thank the staff and students of this school for using their gifts and talents to make this excellent school so faithful to our vision and traditions. So friends, may God bless your school and bless us all as we celebrate another wonderful year of hard work and great achievement. With much gratitude and admiration. Best wishes Dr Wayne Tinsey | Executive Director Edmund Rice Education Australia


Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

Principal’s Message


s I sat down to write this year’s Awards Night address, my reflections wander to the question “What is Good, Strong, Decisive Leadership?” and what message do we want our boys to leave the College with regarding who is an effective leader. I would like to be a fly on the wall if American President Elect Donald Trump ever has to meet with North Korean Leader, Kim Jong-un, and Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to decide the future of the world. With such “role models” for leaders, I believe it is more important than ever to give our young men alternative definitions of Leadership. In a world full of frenetic energy and activity, Pope Francis has made no secret of his intention to radically reform the administrative structures of the Catholic church, which he regards as insular, imperious and bureaucratic. He understands that in a hyper-kinetic world, inward-looking and self-obsessed leaders are a liability. The Pope’s ideas on Leadership are clear and blunt. Leaders are susceptible to an array of debilitating maladies, including arrogance, intolerance, myopia and pettiness. When those diseases go untreated, the organisation itself is enfeebled. To have a healthy church, we need healthy leaders. Indeed, to have a healthy world, we need healthy leaders.

neglecting the need for regular check-ups. A leadership team which is not self-critical, which does not keep up with things, which does not seek to be more fit, is a sick body. A simple visit to the cemetery might help us see the names of many people who thought they were immortal, immune and indispensable! It is the disease of leaders who turn into lords and masters, who think of themselves as above others and not at their service. It is the pathology of power and comes from a superiority complex, from a narcissism which passionately gazes at its own image and does not see the face of others, especially the weakest and those most in need. The antidote to this plague is humility; to say heartily, “I am merely a servant. I have only done what was my duty.” 2. Another disease is excessive busyness. It is found in those leaders who immerse themselves in work and inevitably neglect to “rest a while” or “go out and play”. Neglecting needed rest and play leads to stress and agitation. A time of rest and play, for those who have completed their work is necessary, obligatory and should be taken seriously.

So what are the infectious diseases that can dangerously weaken the effectiveness of any organisation?

3. Then there is the disease of mental and emotional “petrification”. It is found in leaders who have a heart of stone, the “stiff-necked”, in those who in the course of time lose their interior serenity, alertness and daring and hide under a pile of papers, turning into paper pushers and not men and women of compassion. It is dangerous to lose the human sensitivity that enables leaders to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Being a humane leader means having the sentiments of humility and unselfishness, of detachment and generosity.

1. The disease of thinking that as leaders we are immortal, immune, or downright indispensable and, therefore,

4. The disease of excessive planning and of functionalism. When a leader plans everything down to the last detail

The Pope goes on to say that as human beings we have certain proclivities or predispositions - not all of them noble. Nevertheless, leaders should be held to a high standard, since their scope of influence makes their ailments particularly infectious.


Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


Principal’s Message and believes that with perfect planning things will fall into place, he or she becomes an accountant or an office manager. Things do need to be prepared well, but without ever falling into the temptation of trying to eliminate spontaneity and serendipity, which is always more flexible than any human planning. Leaders contract this disease because it is easy and comfortable to settle in our own sedentary and unchanging ways. 5. The disease of poor co-ordination. Once leaders lose a sense of community among themselves, the body loses its harmonious functioning and its equilibrium; it then becomes an orchestra that produces noise: its members do not work together and lose the spirit of camaraderie and teamwork. When the foot says to the arm: “I don’t need you”, or the hand says to the head, “I’m in charge”, they create discomfort and parochialism. 6. The disease of existential schizophrenia. This is the disease of those who live a double life, the fruit of that hypocrisy typical of the mediocre and of a progressive emotional emptiness which no accomplishment or title can fill. It is a disease which often strikes those who are no longer directly in touch with colleagues and “ordinary” people and restrict themselves to bureaucratic matters, thus losing contact with reality, with concrete people. 7. The disease of gossiping, grumbling and back-biting. This a grave illness which begins simply, perhaps even in small talk and takes over a person, making him or her become a “sower of weeds” and, in many cases, a cold-blooded killer of the good name of friends and colleagues. It is the disease of cowardly persons who lack the courage to speak out directly, but instead speak behind other people’s backs. Let us be on our guard against the terrorism of gossip!


Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

8. The disease of taking yourself too seriously. You see this disease in those glum and dour persons who think that to be serious you have to put on a face of melancholy and severity and treat others, especially those we consider our inferiors, with rigor, brusqueness and arrogance. In fact, a show of severity and sterile pessimism are frequently symptoms of fear and insecurity. A leader must make an effort to be courteous, serene, enthusiastic and joyful, a person who transmits joy everywhere he or she goes. A happy heart radiates an infectious joy: it is immediately evident! So a leader should never lose that joyful, humorous and even self-deprecating spirit which makes people amiable even in difficult situations. How beneficial is a good dose of humour! 9. Lastly, the disease of extravagance and self-exhibition. This happens when a leader turns his or her service into power and uses that power for material gain, or to acquire even greater power. This is the disease of persons who insatiably try to accumulate power and, to this end, are ready to slander, defame and discredit others; who put themselves on display to show that they are more capable than others. This disease does great harm because it leads people to justify the use of any means whatsoever to attain their goal, often in the name of justice and transparency! I hope all the young men sitting in front of me realise that the power of love is much more important than the love of power. To be an effective leader we must discover our relationship to everything around us and we must stay with the voice that disturbs us, not the voice that gives us soft options and comfort zones. Yes, as we have discovered with some of our world leaders, ego can be the nemesis of good Leadership as ego attaches itself to the present and fears the future.

Principal’s Message


2016 has been a dynamic year with significant change for Ignatius Park College. I would sincerely like to thank my colleagues on the College Leadership Team - Deputy Principals Brendan Stewart, Grant Rossiter, John Doolan, Frank Clarke, Marg Hodgson and Business Manager, Paul Fanning. I would also like to thank Allison Elcoate who stepped into the Deputy Principal Administration role, due to Grant’s ill health, and the very difficult task of preparing the timetable for 2017 and she has done a wonderful job.

impressive and successful group and their leadership and friendship will be sorely missed. I believe the challenge for you for the future is straight forward - make a difference - don’t live lives of quite despair. Dare to live, dare to love and dare to be grateful.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at Ignatius Park. They are a truly talented, dedicated group of hard-working people who are genuinely concerned for the welfare of your sons. I believe we offer a wide, varied, balanced and challenging co-curricular program as good as any school in Queensland here at Ignatius Park and this is because of the work ethic of the staff. The teaching staff, office staff, maintenance staff, teacher aides, library, tuckshop, uniform shop all work together to provide the best education and personal development for all. Thank you. Let’s take a few moments now to review 2016.

In conclusion, as Principal of Ignatius Park College, I stand here full of enthusiasm and positive energy and remain passionate about leading Ignatius Park College. Quite simply, I want Ignatius Park to be a school where people are in love with their lives. A place where people believe they can achieve anything, a place where dreams do come true and hope the boys of Ignatius Park will become competent, confident and connected young men with character and, as a result, become all that God created them to be.

It would be remiss of me not to mention the tremendous amount of support the College receives from the College Board. Mr Peter Duffy and the College Board continue to provide the benefit of cutting edge research and modern educational policy reform to all within our community.

Indeed, more than any other year of my 14 years as College Principal, this year I have needed and been grateful for the overwhelming support received from the staff, College Board, parents and students. Please do not underestimate how much my family and I appreciate this support.

Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your continued support of me and the College. Michael Conn | Principal

A very special thank you to all the students, but particularly the Senior group. They have indeed been an extremely

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


Deputy Principal


busy year in 2016 began with the visit from ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) to Ignatius Park College. ACER have a standard ‘School Improvement Tool’ (a field study research method) at its disposal, with the purpose of delivering feedback as well as recommendations to take the College to the next level across a number of dimensions. This meant that the College Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders and Teachers were interviewed and some lessons observed to find out more about the College and its ability to impart a high value education to its students. From this significant ACER report, commendations were made and recommendations discussed with staff. Since this time in early 2016, much work has therefore been done to further develop a curriculum planning model that suits both our context and most importantly, our students. We would like to thank Christina Rogers-Dix, a consultant from USQ, who has helped the school in its endeavours on improving these aspects of the curriculum. Christina has spent a significant amount of time at the College and has worked closely with the school in achieving our goals for curriculum planning this year. In terms of subjects and studies to be undertaken in the future, the College is very enthusiastic about the change in the senior curriculum in 2019 to a model aligned with ATAR. With one eye on this development, next year the College intends to make a few adjustments in terms of the names of subjects, especially in the Mathematics area. Extension, Core and Skills Maths subjects will now be called Enriched, Functional and Foundation Mathematics. All students studying these subject areas will be eligible to receive at least a ‘C’ or Sound Achievement standard in the subject according to Australian Curriculum standards. There will also be changes made to the Technology subject areas including the introduction of a new subject ‘Design and Technology’. The IPC Learning Framework was a significant curriculum development, designed and initiated by the Studies team, and was “unpacked” with staff in 2016. This framework highlights the research and work of John Hattie, and assists teachers in their interactions with students in the classroom. Professional Development was carried out with staff in 2016, and this work will continue in the coming years. The framework should provide a starting point to enhance our pedagogy with students in the long term. One of the main areas where work was carried out in 2016 in regards to this Framework was Classroom Profiling. There are many different styles of profiling currently being undertaken in Australian schools. However, the method used at IPC was designed by Mark Davidson from Cairns and used in several schools in North Queensland and Far North Queensland. Steve Sanderson, from Education Queensland, came to IPC again in 2016 and spent time with two groups of about 12 teachers in each group. The purpose of the meetings was to educate Ignatius Park College staff in the art of profiling, where teachers view the teaching of other teachers and ‘analyse’ what happens in the classroom. A reflection session is then carried out with the teacher on strengths and weaknesses of the lesson, following a particular model. Feedback so far from staff has been extremely positive, and the teachers involved in the program are enjoying re-learning important ‘micro-skills’ which are such a key part of any teacher’s toolkit in the classroom.


Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

The College officially opened the Trade Skills Centre this year and the space has been a wonderful addition to the Industrial Arts work areas. Courses in Cert I Construction, and Cert II Resource and Infrastructure are undertaken in the Centre. The hope is that with the extra opportunities provided by the new courses and certificates, coupled with the excellent reputation the College has with local employers, that this will provide students with a competitive advantage when they begin looking for work. A heartfelt thankyou to Sandra Kenman, a consultant with EREA Brisbane, who provided a significant amount of advice in the preparation of an application for the Centre over the past 5 years. 2017 will also herald a new era in data analysis at the College with the proposed introduction of the Business Intelligence Tool. The software was designed in Brisbane with the intention of providing schools with a high-quality tool to assist in analysing academic data and student tracking. To this end, Allison Elcoate, who has been acting as a member on the College Leadership Team during Grant Rossiter’s absence due to illness this year, has a background in data analysis and will assist the Studies team with this work next year. We are looking forward to working with Allison and the new Business Intelligence Tool in the hope that student academic tracking can be moved to a new level next year. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank three Faculty Leaders who are stepping down at the end of 2016. Sandra Hughes (Religious Education) and Matt Thiele (The Arts) have chosen to concentrate on their teaching responsibilities next year, while Michael Andersen (Industrial Arts) has accepted a position at the Townsville Flexible Learning Centre, beginning 2017. Michael, Matt and Sandra have all made a significant contribution to their Faculties and the students in their care over the years and I thank them for their contribution to the Studies dimension of the College. I know they will continue this wonderful work in their new roles next year. I would also like to sincerely thank my assistant Ms Kim Rogers for her tireless efforts in 2016. Kim has very effective communication skills and we are fortunate to have someone of her ability working in the Edmund Rice Room with us. Thankyou also to Kayleen Foster, Grant Rossiter, Allison Elcoate and Marg Hodgson for their advice and support at during those rough and tumble times of a normal school year. The Edmund Rice Room was once again an intense hive of activity in 2016. I wish all students, families and friends of the College a happy and holy festive season and I look forward to working with you again next year. Brendan Stewart | Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission “For the past: Thanks! For the future: Yes!”

- Dag Hammarskjold, Second Secretary-General of the United Nations (1953-1961)


ag Hammarskjold is somewhat of a hero to me in terms of leadership with purpose and engendering faith in others. Taking over as Secretary of United Nations after World War II required vision, healing and hope. As a devout Christian, Dag brought his love of Jesus to his work in re-shaping diplomatic relations between countries formerly at war or ignorant of each other with a Christian zeal to make Jesus known and loved - wherever and whenever. Many still refer to Dag in typical diplomatic-speak as “the best SecretaryGeneral yet!”

Coming to Ignatius Park and being charged with providing a contemporary vision for faith formation at the College has been a wonderful gift for me. The warmth of the community and the optimism of most has enabled us to build on the strength of the past 47 years of the College. Bringing Jesus Christ alive, with firm reference to Edmund Rice and his devoted love of God and Church, gives us great richness.

Our Souls United “Our job is to help get the souls of our boys and our colleagues to heaven!” This line has been mentioned by me on a number of occasions this year as I have become accustomed to further enabling aspects of faith formation at Ignatius Park College for our students and our staff members. We are all baptised as “Priest, Prophet and King” and it is our Baptismal call that unites our souls with each other. All of the excellent teaching and learning, work experiences, sports and cultural pursuits enliven and enrichen our hearts, our bodies and our minds. Our soul is what keeps us all together and is the spark of God within us - and an area of our lives to which we are giving greater emphasis. We are the Easter people! We live in hope that the world is becoming a better place through making Jesus known and loved. Kairos There is an article on Kairos Retreats in this publication to which I draw your attention. Kairos retreats will be a culture-changer when it comes to our young men and their lives. I commend all students to participate in Kairos and for all parents to encourage their sons to do Kairos as it is a life-changing! Some Highlights Year 7 Retreat - All Year 7 students had an opportunity to participate in a one-day retreat at The Strand and

were accompanied by teachers, homeroom teachers, and Pastoral Leaders. Sony Camp - Year 11 Students provided a residential holiday camp for students with special needs.

Detention 4 Detention - Over 150 students and staff stood silently alongside many other EREA and other Catholic schools to protest against the Australian government’s treatment of asylum-seekers and to remove all children from such mandatory custody.


2017 and Beyond - “Seed, Not Silo” Next year will see the creation of an Identity and Mission Team within the College. This team of teachers and staff will provide some expertise in “Head, Heart and Hands” Faith Formation for all students and staff. Comprised of existing teachers acquiring leadership positions as well as employing some younger Youth Ministers, we will produce a cohesive programme of faith formation opportunities for all students progressing from Year 7-12.

Our key operative in forming team is not to quarantine faith but rather to specialise and share in meaningful ways throughout the curriculum and the College. We will be linking the Religious Education curriculum with retreats, liturgies and prayers linked in with a Faithin-Action service programme for all students. These exciting developments, as building on strength, enable u to bring faith in Jesus Christ alive in contemporary and new ways. We bring the seeds of faith to all areas of the College for them to grow on fertile ground. Dag Hammarskjold died in a plane crash, ironically en route to cease-fire and peace-keeping negotiations. His legacy is a reminder to us all to persevere in all that we do to bring Jesus alive in our relationships. This year at the College we have started a reference-point for all and we look forward to growing it - “Let’s get Jesus off the bench and into the game!” For us here at Ignatius Park College, we say loud and clear: (Lord) “For the Past, thanks! For the Future: ‘YES!’” Frank Clarke | Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


Deputy Principal - Operations and Community Engagement


t is always exciting to be ‘inaugural’ - the first or initial person to hold a newly created portfolio - the position in which I found myself at the beginning of 2016. As Deputy Principal - Operations and Community Engagement (OCE), my role is primarily to bring the College Community together, whether that is to keep the community informed or to celebrate. I am certainly humbled by the generosity of staff, parents and students who sacrifice personal time to enable community and cocurricular activities and events to occur. Awards Night and Graduation are key events that could not have happened without our community coming together to create such wonderful celebrations. At the outset, I would like to acknowledge Piera Holland, Functions Coordinator, and Madonna Simmons, Promotions and Marketing Consultant, who are both integral members of ‘Team OCE’! I would also like to recognise the contribution of staff and students as well as the support of parents to the events and activities that promote our culture of community. We are all responsible for this culture - it can only happen if we all participate. Our contribution could be in providing assistance in the organising and realisation of events or simply, by giving up a few hours to participate.

This year, my aim was to make small changes whilst I moved into my role. To this end, we launched the ‘new look’ website as well as a more structured Newsletter, in order to keep the College community informed. It is wonderful to see how many ‘friends’ we have on Facebook and the ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ as proud students and their families share achievements and activities. This Annual Magazine is another product of my portfolio and provides a valuable reflection on our activities at the College. Our Open Day is yet another example of where we inform and share with the wider community. Next year, we are incorporating more IT into the delivery of information to the community with a greater reliance on Parent Lounge to deliver a ‘one stop’ place to provide information and a portal to access many of the necessary administrative functions of a school (eg payments, calendar events etc).


Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

The History of the College is another aspect to my position which is becoming important as we approach our 50th Anniversary in 2019. Next year, I will be working to formalise the ‘The IPC Old Boys Network’ to ensure our whole community, past and present, celebrates our journey. Every year at the induction of our College Student Leaders, we acknowledge that “We are standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before us…”. Many of our ‘Old Boys’ still play an active role in our community through donating their time, resources and/ or money to assist current students and for this, we are grateful. Many more ‘Old Boys’ have expressed a desire to reconnect and provide assistance where possible and my role is to facilitate this request.

I am indebted to the members of the Parents and Friends (P and F) namely Greg Jameson (President), Lenore Faulkner (Secretary), Mike Robinson (Treasurer), Damien Farrington, Ruth Coleman, Scott Bird and Madonna Simmons with whom I am working to restructure our P and F. The purpose of our P and F is not a fundraising mechanism for the College - we would like it to be a place where parents feel welcome to come and engage with us for the benefit of their sons. In 2017, we would like to increase the profile of the P and F with the aim of promoting events where parents can meet other parents. I reflect upon 2016 with a sense of satisfaction and look to 2017 in anticipation.

Marg Hodgson | Deputy Principal Operations and Community Engagement

Deputy Principal - Pastoral Care


his year has been one where the Pastoral Team at the College has focussed on a re-examination of the structures of the pastoral dimensions of the College. As the school rapidly approaches its 50th year in 2019, it is useful to reflect on what has changed and perhaps more importantly, what has not. The College in 2016 is certainly a lot bigger and more complex than the members of the College community could ever have envisaged it would be when the enterprise began in 1969. Size is an issue, the school today is 1120 students. These numbers are significant. The capacity for any one staff member to even physically be able to identify each student, let alone be able to adequately care for him, is not possible. This is where our House system structure, built around the connections made by Pastoral House Leaders and Homeroom teachers, is so important. The system is now some 16 years old and has coped well with the expansion of the school over the last few years. However, it is one issue that the Pastoral Team is constantly aware of and one where we have spent considerable time this year making sure that our systems are adequate to meet the demands. For example, this year we have moved to put in place a structure for reviewing students at risk and a roster for the team to improve teacher access to us during peak times. Increased complexity means that the policies and procedures that existed in a school of 700 students may not fit or cope in a school of 1100. So there has been

a need to re-visit our pastoral policies, to streamline their use and to include practices and approaches that address recent developments in our society that impact on young people, such as social media. Of course, in this change, it is important to recognise and reaffirm that which must not be lost, the fundamental purposes and Charism first expressed by Edmund Rice and continued today as part of the mission of Edmund Rice Education Australia. As I reflect on the year, the phrase “as an Edmund Rice school” is one that is often used to preface a decision. It gives us focus and purpose.


So as we move toward the end of another successful year in promoting education in the Edmund Rice tradition, I would like to thank the staff and students of the College. We wish the graduating class all the best as they chart their futures away from the College and we look forward to doing it all again next year. John Doolan | Deputy Principal - Pastoral Care

Deputy Principal - Administration and Staff Development


016 has been a positive year for staff development, even though I was unfortunately off sick for almost half the year. At the start of the year we launched our new, four year ‘Reflective Practice Cycle’. Staff have embraced the opportunity to review their classroom practices and receive feedback. I would like to thank the College community for the support shown during my illness and particularly Mrs Allison Elcoate for taking over the administrative and timetable duties. Outline of the Reflective Practice Cycle The purpose of the Reflective Practice Cycle process is to: • ensure staff are professionally developing appropriately and have the opportunity to discuss their work and future development options; • ensure that the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers are being met in the classroom; • provide an opportunity for staff to reflect on their own practice; • provide feedback from both the students and Faculty/ Pastoral Leaders; and • develop individualised Professional Development plans, actions and goal statements. One of the main tools used in the cycle is Classroom Profiling. This allows specially trained teachers to analyse teaching practices and behaviour management techniques using data. A second teacher attends classrooms for an individual teaching lesson to observe the lesson

and then feedback to the teacher based on the results. Student feedback is sought in the appraisal year and a middle leader also discusses professional development plans. It is hoped that The Reflective Practice Cycle will allow Ignatius Park College, over time, to enhance our standards of teaching and learning. Staff Movements Thank you to the entire staff for a great year in 2016 and, in particular, a special thank you to our departing staff. During the year we said goodbye to a number of teachers. Chrissie Taylor and Doug Bettington relocated from Townsville and we are grateful for their presence, enriching Ignatius Park and for their years of service to our boys. Tenille Keir and Angela Marano enjoyed maternity leave with their newborns and Claire Dickson and Jacky Armstrong also took a leave of absence. Grant Rossiter | Deputy Principal Administration and Staff Development

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


Staff Directory 2016 Principal Mr M Conn, MEd Admin, BEd (Phys Ed), Dip T, Grad Dip RE, MACEL Deputy Principal Mr B Stewart, MEd, BEd, BBus (Acc) Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission Mr F Clarke, Post Grad Diploma in Spirituality and Leadership in Education (Hons.), BEd (Secondary - Religious Education) Deputy Principal - Operations and Community Engagement Ms M Hodgson, MEd Leadership, BA, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Arts (Lib and Info Sci.) Deputy Principal - Pastoral Mr J Doolan, MBA, BEd, Cert. of Catholic Education Deputy Principal - Administration and Staff Development Mr G Rossiter, MEd Leadership, B AppSc (Phys), Grad Dip T Mrs A Elcoate (Acting Sem 2), BEd Business Manager Mr P Fanning, CA, BCom School Chaplain Father Rod Ward, MB, BS (Qld), FAMA, BTheol (BCT), Grad Dip Min (BCT) Dean - Middle School Mr C Brown, BEd, Cert in Business Studies Pastoral (House) Leaders Baillie House Mrs P Timbs, BEd Carew House Mr M Moxon, BMgt, BEd Nolan House Mr G Cook, BEd Putney House Mr J Fuller, BEc, BEd Reid House Mr C Rigano, BEd, BInfTech Rice House Mr B Logan, BEd, Dip T (PE) Treacy House Mr J Deer, BEd Faculty Leaders The Arts - Mr M Thiele, BEd, BMus English - Mrs A Tarttelin, BEd, MEd Leadership Health and Physical Education - Mr B Williams, BEd (Human Movement) Humanities (Sem 1) - Mrs A Rossi, BEd (Sem 2 - Acting) - Mr T Lindeberg, BEd Information and Communication Technology - Mr B Denny, BEd Industrial Technology and Design/Graphics - Mr M Anderson, BEd Mathematics - Mrs B Lovisa, MEd, BEd Religious Education - Mrs S Hughes, BEd Science - Mrs A Deer, BBiomed Sc, BEd Program Leaders Indigenous and Multi-Cultural Co-ordinator - Mr A Kirkpatrick, BEd Learning Enrichment - Mrs T Nioa, Dip Ed, Post Grad Dip Ed (Student Welfare), Cert IV Training and Assessment Head of Sport - Mr J Alloway, MEd, BHMS (Ed) Vocational Education and Training (VET) - Mr S Dove, BEd (Sec), BA (Hons) Cert IV Training and Assessment Teacher-in-Charge Hospitality - Mrs J Squire, BEd Technologies, Cert II Hospitality Kitchen Operations, Cert II Hospitality Food and Beverage Cert IV Training and Assessment LOTE - Ms T Quabba, BEd (Japanese) Learning Enrichment Teacher - Mrs Nadine Burnett, BA Ed (Sec), Instrumental Music Co-ordinator - Ms C Dickson, BMus, DipEd, ATCL (Sem 1) Academic Staff Mr W Ahern MEd Leadership, BEd Ms J Armstrong BEd (Semester 1) Ms M Baxter Grad Dip Ed, BA Ms E Bourne BSc Design and Technology with Secondary Education Mr D Brown BEd Mr P Bruce BInfTech, BEd Mr S Buchanan BEd (Term 2) Ms A Byrne BEd (Term 3) BEd (Sec), Grad Cert of Indonesian, Cert IV Training and Assessment Mrs C Cannon Mr G Christ BEd Mr J Collier BEd (Sec), Cert III in CAD Drawing Mrs S Conn BApp Sc, Grad Dip Ed Mr B Deneen BVisual Art, BEd Mr D Elliot BEd, B App Sc (HMS), M App Sc Mrs J Foley BEd, Grad Dip IT Mr J Gaston BEd (Indigenous Primary) Mr B Geaney Dip T, Cert IV Training and Assessment Mr M Giorgas BEd Mrs L Graham Grad Dip Ed (Sec), Grad Cert of Religious Education, BSc Mr M Groves BEd (Human Movement) Ms K Guazzo BEd, BJ Mr G Guerra BEd Dr J Hanley BSc (Hons), Dip Ed, MEd Admin, PhD, Grad Dip Arts (Religious Studies, Christian Leadership), MACE Mrs S Hanran BEd Br J Hansen cfc Dip T Mr L Hogan BEd Mr G Hughes B App Sc (HMS), Grad Dip Ed Mr A Keane BEd (Hons) Ms T Keir BEd (Semester 1)* Mr M Lazzaroni Dip T Mrs S Lima Grad Dip Ed (Sec), BEng, PhD, Grad Cert Research Commercialisation, Cert V in Occupational Health and Safety, (Sem 2) Mr R Lloyd BEd (Sec), BA (Hons) (Semester 2) Ms A Loechel B Biomed Sc, BEd Mr T Lucas B AppSc, Grad Dip Ed, Dip Bus, Dip Mgt Mrs A Marano BA, Grad Dip Secondary Education (Semester 1) * Mr P Marano BEd, Trade Cert III Engineering, Cert IV Training and Assessment Ms M Martinez BEd, BJ, Grad Dip Sec Edu Ms I McLaughlin Grad Dip Ed (Senior), BCrInd Mr P McMahon BA, Grad Dip Ed Ms S Meyer-Seri BA (Photography), Cert Irish Literature, Culture, Politics and Economics, MA Art Ed, Cert in Art Ed, Diploma Hospitality


Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

Mr P Monypenny BSc (Hons), BEd (Hons) Ms A Nicholson BEd (Hons) Mrs S O’Melia BEd, Cert IV Teaching English to Students of Other Languages, Dip Edu Supp (Semester 2) Mr A Pollock BEd Ms A Proud BEd (Sec) Mr C Quabba BEd Sec (Human Movement) Mr D Roberts BEd, BA (Semester 2) MEd, BEd, Grad Dip Management, Cert IV Training and Assessment Mrs J Roberts Mr S Robertson BJ, Grad BEd Mr M Rowan BEd (Human Movements) Mr J Smith BEd (Design and Technology), Cert IV Training and Assessment Mr K Spencer BSc, BEd Ms G Stayte BEd (Hons) Mr C Thiele BEd Mr D Thompson B New Media Arts, Grad Dip Ed (Sec) Ms K Thompson GradDip Ed (Sec), DipA, BNewMediaA Mr R Torrington PGCE/QTA (UK) Sec Teaching - Design and Technology, PgD Offshore Engineering, BSc (Hons) - Electronic and Electrical Engineering Mr M Turner, BSc, GDLT Mrs C Ventic BSED, GradCertRelEd Mr M West BEd, Dip T Mr P Yates BTechEd *Maternity Leave Outdoor Education Consultant - Mr S Coleman, Dip T Student Counsellors Mrs M Parsons, BA, BSW (Hons), Grad Cert Mental Health (Children and Youth), MAASW Mrs D Charge, B of Psych, Assoc MAPS Teacher/Librarian Ms N Bettridge, MEd (Teacher Librarianship), BEd (Middle School) IT Manager Mr D McKenzie, Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, ITIL Foundation, Prince II Practitioner Property and Services Manager Mr G Brown, Cert IV OHandS Promotions and Marketing Consultant Mrs M Simmons, Grad Dip (Tourism and Business), Dip (Tourism) Administrative Staff Mrs J Pugh Principal’s Assistant, Cert IV Business Administration Mrs K Foster CLT Assistant Mrs K Rogers CLT Assistant, Cert IV Front Line Management Mrs J Owen Assistant to DP - Identity and Mission and Program Leader - VET Mrs S Turner PC Assistant/Student Reception Mrs P Holland Assistant to DP Operations and Community Engagement and Functions Co-ordinator Mrs V Moloney Office Reception Mrs J Anderson Photocopy/Sickbay Mrs S Brock Uniform Shop Mrs D Jensen Defence Transition Mentor - Cert IV Training and Assessment, Cert Autism in Secondary School, Cert in Austswim Teacher of Stroke Techniques and Disability, Diploma of Youth Work Finance Staff Mrs J La Fauci (Senior Finance Officer) Cert IV in Bookkeeping, Cert IV in Accounting Mrs F Hall (Finance Officer) Mr M Holland (Finance Reception) BBus (Accounting and Finance) IT Support Mr J Jilg (Systems Administrator), Cert II in IT, Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Mr N Giemsa (IT Support), CompTIA Network +, CompTIA Security + Mr M Scharfe (IT Support) Library Staff Mrs V Andersen Mrs L Fryer Mrs M Goddard, Cert III in Library and Information Services School Officers Mr D Beasley - Physical Education Mrs D Crespan - Learning Support Mrs A Gregory, Cert IV Laboratory Techniques (Education), Cert III Laboratory Skills, Cert III Education Support - Science Laboratory Ms B Helander, Bachelor OCC THY - Learning Support Mrs P Holland - Operations and Community Engagement and Events Co-ordinator Mrs K Hunter - Hospitality Mrs S Jackson - Learning Support Mr A Mitchell - Learning Support and Indigenous Support Mr D O’Connor - Learning Support Mrs S O’Melia, D Ed Supp - Learning Support Mrs J Parker - Learning Support Mrs S Pilcher - Learning Support Mr O Power - Learning Support and Indigenous Support Mr M Parker - Learning Support Ms D Price - Hospitality and Art Ms M Richards - Learning Support, Cert III Education Support Mrs A Sciuto, D Ed Supp - Learning Support Mr G Sim - Industrial Arts Mr H van Dorsselaer, Cert IV in Training and Assessment - Industrial Arts Mr S Woodford - Industrial Arts Ms R Young, Cert IV Laboratory Techniques - Science Laboratory Maintenance Co-ordinator - Mr D Hodgson, Trade Cert Welding Property and Services Staff - Mr W Phelan, Mr W Jervis, Mr G Pecchair, Mr O Power Mr J Turner, Mrs M Mitchell, Ms A Di Legge Toast Room - Mrs K Allan Canteen - Mrs K O’Connor, Mrs R Robertson, Mrs M Sheppard, Mrs C Beckham
 Hall Co-ordinator - Mr T Lennon Hall Canteen Manager - Sue McCombes Hall Cleaning - Mr B Scott

Staff Photos


Ancilliary Staff 2016 Front Row:

Janet Anderson, Grant Sim, Marta Goddard, Greg Pecchiar, Paul Fanning, Michael Conn (Principal), Bob Scott, Susan Pilcher, Hans Van Dorsselaer, Bianca Helander

Second Row:

Carly Beckham, Kay O’Connor, Sheridan Turner, Debra Crespan, Marie Richards, Julie Owen, Jean Pugh, Kayleen Foster, Jordan Jilg, Tom Lennon, Stephen Woodford, Fiona Hall, Annette Gregory, Sue Brock, Vicki Moloney, Anne Sciuto, Rebecca Robertson, Melissa Sheppard

Back Row:

Michael Parker, Daniel Beasley, Vicki Andersen, Sharon Jackson, Ashleigh Kerr, Kim Rogers, Piera Holland, Matthew Holland, Dave Hodgson, Will Phelan, Matthew Scharfe, David McKenzie, Daniel O’Connor, Geoff Brown, Oral Power


Karin Beschel-Hunter, Anna DiLegge, Laura Fryer, Nick Giemsa, Bill Jervis, Janine LaFauci, Anthony Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Julie Parker, Debbie Price, Madonna Simmons, Fr Rod Ward, Roz Young

Front Row:

Marilyn Parsons, Carmel Cannon, Emma Bourne, Stacey Meyer, Tracey Quabba, Allison Elcoate, Brendan Stewart, Michael Conn (Principal), John Doolan, Marg Hodgson, Grant Rossiter, Joan Hanley, Tracy Nioa, Diane Jensen, Dannielle Charge, Alyssa Deer

Second Row:

Brett Deneen, Louise Graham, Sally Conn, Jacinta Foley, Stephen Robertson, Simone Hanran, Jodie Roberts, Amy Proud, Irene McLaughlin, Sandra Hughes, Michael Andersen, Paul Marano, Pudy Timbs, Andrew Pollock, Roger Torrington, Chris Rigano, James Gaston, Michael Giorgas, Georgia Stayte, Bill Ahern

Third Row:

Gary Cook, Paul Bruce, Susana Lima, Annette Nicholson, Katrina Guazzo, Amanda Loechel, Sandy O’Melia, Mel Baxter, Mark Moxon, Shane Dove, Mark West, Brian Geaney, Mick Lazzaroni, Gian Guerra, Patrick McMahon, Phillip Yates, Ben Williams, David Elliott

Back Row:

Rohan Lloyd, Dallas Brown, Christian Quabba, Gary Hughes, Brendan Logan, Matthew Thiele, Leo Hogan, Tim Lindeberg, John Deer, Matthew Groves, Keith Spencer, Tom Lucas, John Fuller, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Chris Thiele, Michael Turner, Greg Christ


John Alloway, Jacquelyne Armstrong, Nikea Bettridge, Nadine Burnett, Craig Brown, Frank Clarke, Jerome Collier, Bruce Denny, Br Jon Hansen, Andrew Keane, Tenille Keir, Marita Martinez, Peter Monypenny, David Roberts, Adriana Rossi, Matthew Rowan, Jason Smith, Andrea Tarttelin, Drew Thompson, Katelyn Thompson, Catherine Ventic

Teaching Staff 2016

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


Captains’ Report


or the students and staff of Ignatius Park College, 2016 has undoubtedly proven to be the ‘Year of Change’. The departure of College stalwarts, Mr Kearney, Mr DeLuca and Br Hansen, as the Deputy Principal of Identity, along with the unfortunate and tragic loss of Mr Mewburn, meant the school lost many valuable players in the Ignatius Park College game. For years, these beloved members of the College engaged in vital roles which ensured the culture and tradition of our school was always highly maintained. These people, who once safeguarded The Iggy Spirit, left the honour and responsibility up to the many new staff and students who sit before us tonight. Standing here now we must admit that ten months ago, we were concerned about what the year ahead might hold. Yet tonight, we stand before you with pride in the crest on our chests. This legacy of the Iggy Spirit has carried on in the Edmund Rice Tradition and has been nothing but strengthened by this student body and their cultural, athletic and academic ability. In the same way, the staff’s relentless efforts throughout the year have largely contributed to making such things possible. This alone is peace of mind for the future of Iggy Park. So tonight, Ladies and Gentleman, we gather to officially commend the efforts of the Ignatius Park Community with the highest praise and thank them for their work in contributing invaluably to the well-renowned reputation of Iggy Park. For members of the College and the wider community, it is no secret that Ignatius Park College places enormous focus on giving back to society in both direct and indirect ways. This year was, of course, no different and saw many of the boys, across all grades volunteer, fundraise and contribute to this year’s efforts in satisfying the four touchstones of Edmund Rice. Justice and Solidarity were shown in the senior school’s efforts in both the annual homeless sleep out and the 55 volunteers who worked in the Townsville City Homeless shelter over the course of three weeks. We displayed Gospel Spirituality through organisations including Caritas Australia, the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride, supporting childhood cancer, and the many initiatives conducted by St Vincent De Paul. Equally, efforts to create an Inclusive Community were in abundance. This year, evidenced by the sixteen Year 11s who volunteered to participate and run the Sony Camp and the 60 plus men who paid regular visits to the Townsville Community Learning Centre - both programs supported the vulnerable in our Community. Ultimately, the College staff, year in year out, encourage and support students who wish to give back and who wish to be ‘others-centred’, all in the hopes of respecting the final touchstone - Liberating Education. For us to provide a Liberating Education is to provide a holistic education and do so in its entirety, is to provide the absolutely incredible array of opportunities offered here at The Park. Hence, as our time draws to a close here at Iggy, we cannot only confidently, but wholeheartedly, say that Ignatius Park truly provides a holistic education, a liberating education or what we like to call, an Iggy education. Seeing the cultural aspects of the school has brought much pride and was nothing but incredible. This has been remarkably displayed through the inter-school debating and Ignatius Park’s strong contribution to St Margaret Mary’s musical, What’s New, Pussycat? Moreover, on a


Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

James Babao

Joseph Roepke

multicultural level, the Ignatius Park College Indigenous program highlighted various campaigns that involved both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. These events included National Reconciliation Week, The Central Queensland camp to Canarvon Gorge, the Year 11s trip to Yarabah, NAIDOC Week, ‘Close the Gap’ campaign, the Palm Island visit and the annual ‘Deadly Awards’. This year has seen even more students become involved with these programs to experience and learn many things, all of which contribute to bringing a new understanding of Indigenous Culture at Ignatius Park College. Academics, including our Vocational Educational Training programs, encompass a substantial and important part of College life. This year Ignatius Park not only participated but excelled in a plethora of external competitions in Maths, Science, Information Technology to name but a few, all the while performing extraordinarily well in their subjects - as evident in tonight’s Awards. 2016 allowed our young men to prove their intelligence in the Australian Maths competition, the ICAS Science competition, the young ICT Explorers event as well as research trips to Orpheus Island and Magnetic Island for Science and Maths respectively. All of these activities enrich the academic life at Iggy Park. We were also privileged this year to officially open the new Edmund Rice Trade Skills Centre, allowing our VET boys a greater scope to complete Nationally recognised Certificates, whilst still at school. Many students enrolled in the new offering of Certificate II in Resource, Infrastructure and Work Preparation. As a result, this has strengthened our VET program, further allowing our young men to work in immaculate facilities with state of the art equipment where they can gain the skills they need for greater employability in today’s competitive market. Finally, we would also like to acknowledge the many Hospitality students for their professionalism in events put on here at the College such as the Café Phoenix and the Tex Mex night - all of which were a great success! In the same way, sport has been a considerable part of this school and much success has been displayed throughout the year. The number of representatives from this school were amazing with over one hundred NQ Representatives and at least twenty for Queensland. With the John Melton Black Shield only being lost once since 1977, Iggy proved victorious once again in the Interschool Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country. All boys showed their talents and portrayed immense strength and determination to get Iggy across the finish line. Rugby Union made it far this year with the First XV coming third

Captains’ Report and finishing well across all ages. Touch was another sport that showed massive competition as the 13s, 15s and Opens participated in a huge carnival where over 1500 games were played - the biggest Touch Carnival in the world! The 13s and Opens came third whilst the 15s came a very creditable second allowing Ignatius Park to be named the highest ranked boys’ school in Australia for Touch Football. Additionally, Rugby League had a successful year with the First XIII winning the Confraternity Shield for the first time since 2013, defeating St. Brendan’s in the Final. This great victory proved the team played well together as a group and fostered great bonds. Other sports including Rowing, Cricket, AFL, Water Polo, Basketball and Trail Burners all showed great accomplishments this year also. The endless effort and strength from getting up for trainings, showing great comradery and being there for each other is reflected in our sporting success this year and our unending desire to represent Ignatius Park with pride and passion. Without further ado, we would like to say thank you to all the College community, staff and families - from the groundsmen who keep the school clean, to the volunteers that help in the tuckshop and toast room. Our gratitude for your work is greatly appreciated. Without your endless support and the massive effort you have put in, this year would not have been as successful or enjoyable as it was for all members of the IPC community. As we look back on the year gone by we wonder how, in the midst of all this change at the College we, as a student body, as Iggy Men, still managed to give back to the community with respect to the Edmund Rice ethos; dominate the sporting world with a humbleness only known to an Iggy athlete; have our best and brightest not only participate, but excel academically at internal and external levels; and witness our culturally diverse brethren once again further construct an accepting and

inclusive community which extends throughout and far beyond this nation’s borders. But that’s not all. We cannot forget our musically gifted, our drama wizards or our VET boys who are working tirelessly to build their futures. But back to the original question. How did they do it? The answer is easy because it lies in the question. They are Iggy Park Men and they share the same values as the 46 years of students who have gone before them and that in itself is explanation enough. They are simply your tried and true Iggy Park men. I’m proud to say that IPC successfully withstood the change forced upon it in 2016 in many areas and we should take pride in that. However, as with all change there are still some challenges to overcome - a task for next year’s Seniors and those who will follow them. At the end of the day, we know the culture of The Park will remain for years to come as long as we, both the students and the staff, do not forget our history and our foundations which is something we cannot stress enough. So tonight, we ask our fellow students to accept your rewards and praise, as it is well deserved, but boys, please do not become complacent about what you are a part of here at The Park.


Finally lads, before we go, just know that you, and only you, truly know the essence of an Iggy Park man and the moral code by which we live. As brothers we have the power and responsibility to carry on its legacy and traditions and ensure Iggy Park remains a place to be remembered both now and in the future. So please, do not ever let anyone change what we have grown to know and love. To the 2016 Seniors, and the many generations of Ignatius Park men to come, Iggy Park should always be a familiar place you can call home and if you ever feel like you are losing touch just remember, we will only ever be one call away. James Babao and Joseph Roepke | College Captains

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


School Leaders

College Captains, Prefects and House Captains Front Row: Back Row:

Damien Kipping, Aaron Williamson, Emilio Fichera, James Babao, Joseph Roepke, Brodie Chaffey, Matthew Oliver, Kurt Schultz Patrick Conn, Callum McDonald, Mackenzie Bagley, Nicholas Healy, Jason Alsemgeest, Dexter Anderson

Front Row: Back Row:

Harvey Smith, Patrick Shephard, Callum James, Jack Gallagher-Smith, Travis Busch, Bryce Kenyon, Nathan Clohesy Kian Dalton, Anthony Grech, Nathan Ryland, Drew Boniface, Ethan Rennie, Blake McKinley, Thomas Harte

Middle School Leaders


Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

Academic Awards YEAR 7



Certificates of Diligence Benjamin Dixon Mitchell Doyle Malachy Friel Matthew Gilboy Braydan Glover Luke Maugeri Ashley Mayocchi Don Raju Harry Reid Lewis Roberts Kai Tanna Jordan Whiteside Reilly Williams

Certificates of Diligence William Bennett Charlton Bird Taran Burkhardt Dante Calliste Aiden Freeman Edward Hampson Jeremy Howell Declan Keyes-West Matthew Kirkpatrick Mebin Martin Fionn O’Seighin Hunter Paull Matthew Wilmen Ethan Woods Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Liam Barber Rishabh Bawa Angus Hawkins Daniel Kratzmann Lachlan Moore Kyle Robinson Jayvan Scarff Cooper Scott Joel Stevens Lachlan Waldon Silver Edwin Jomon Joseba Kelly Mitchell Parker Maverick Pegoraro Aiden Simkin Kai Simmons Brandon Tabell Gold Brocklan Bryant Yanni Collocott Bayden Hardy Zachary Judge Lachlan McDermid Riley Pritchard

Certificates of Diligence Declan Bird Oliver Bisaro Dakota Campbell Christopher Gho Ethan Kelvin Bellamy Lake Callum Parsons Darcy Reddicliffe Corey Talbot Cameron Turner Declan Wasley Connor Whiteside

Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Matthew Dyer Keegan Gedling Jack Mines Kai Negri Alexander Roubicek Joseph Sale Cohen Shucksmith Joel Tully Silver Joshua Ferns Sonny Jennings Alex Katsaros Brodie Powell Cody Sadler Gold Thomas Duffy Daniel Franettovich Rory Hawke Lleyton Jackson Lloyd Kennedy Callum Leech Hunter Lim Angus Myers Lachlan Parker Ashton Waddington Daniel Weir

Proxime Accessit Year 7 - Rory Hawke Dux of Year 7 - Hunter Lim Proxime Accessit Year 7 - Lleyton Jackson General benchmarks for Year 7 and 8 Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 3As and 2 or 3 Bs in core subjects with very good results in electives Silver: At least 4As and 2Bs in core subjects with very good results in electives Gold: 6As or 5As in core subjects with excellent results in electives

Proxime Accessit Year 8 - Zachary Judge Dux of Year 8 - Riley Pritchard General benchmarks for Year 7 and 8 Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 3As and 2 or 3 Bs in core subjects with very good results in electives Silver: At least 4As and 2Bs in core subjects with very good results in electives Gold: 6As or 5As in core subjects with excellent results in electives


Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Jarred Copley Bryce Kenyon Thomas Nesirky Joshua Pether Nathan Ryland Harvey Smith Oscar Smith Zachary Thomson Andrew Vollmer Silver Travis Busch Callum James Parth Jhamb Reuben Roberts Kevin Sajeeve Thomas Whiting Gold Jayden Bauers Drew Boniface Curtis James James Oh Stuart Smith

Proxime Accessit Year 9 - Jayden Bauers Dux of Year 9 - Drew Boniface General benchmarks for Year 9 Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 4As Silver: At least 5As and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 7As and 2Bs

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


Academic Awards YEAR 10 Certificates of Diligence Nikolaus Cranston Baily Crump Patrick Cudmore Liam Fusco-Wright Daniel Moore Benjamin Morton Samuel Nimmo Mason Penny Tim Peno Thomson Poly Quinton Zoller Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Anton Donohue Ashley Gonzales Benjamin Gunn Fintan Halpin Mitchell Jackson Francis Jakis Mitchell Jarrett Inseram Khan Tahran Lahiff Callum O’Dwyer Silver Deekin Dametto Liam Duffy Alan Faulkner Antony Jobby Thomas Lyons Riley Rupp Gold Oliver Dickinson Ethan Engert Michael Forster Benjamin Judge Benjamin Stewart

Proxime Accessit Year 10 - Benjamin Judge The Frank D’ilario Memorial Shield for Dux of Year 10 - Benjamin Stewart General benchmarks for Year 10 Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 4As Silver: At least 5As and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 7As and 2Bs


YEAR 11 Certificates of Diligence Nicholas Denman Lachlan Doyle Jack Dunn Campbell Evans Damon Giacobone Oliver Gibson Cooper Jang Isaac Locke Harrison Mahoney William Russ Jean Sajeeve William Thomas Harrison Turner Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Riley Campbell Patrick Carter Justin Coleman Dylan Kenworthy Aaron McRae Rhys Mead Jordan Tuckey Henry Wells Conor Wilson Silver Matthew Astbury Bailee Brown Drew Diakonow Ramal Jayawardhana Travis Keys Jarrad Mayocchi Jacob Seri Damien Sferratore Gold Matthew Beauchamp Lincoln Hardy Henry Lyons Zachary Timbs Matthew Vollmer

YEAR 12 Certificates of Diligence Lachlan Buchanan Ethan Cannon Emilio Fichera Joshua Galang Bruce Hirwa Alexander Kachel Jeremy Kerr Otto Lake Harrison Lassig Layton McColl Matthew Oliver Certificates of Academic Excellence Bronze Abhijith Abraham Jason Alsemgeest Corey Evans Kyle Everett Damien Kipping Lachlan O’Dwyer Brandon Paull Logan Stanford Joshua Stanley Silver Mackenzie Bagley Brendan Blair Timothy Bloxsom Connor Boon Joshua Eaton Nicholas Healy Jack Reddicliffe Elijah Sanderson Gold Lachlan Burgess-Orton Patrick de Waele Callum McDonald Joseph Roepke Samuel Stewart

Dux Of Year 11 - Zachary Timbs and Matthew Beauchamp Proxime Accessit Year 11 - Lincoln Hardy

Proxime Accessit Year 12 - Joseph Roepke College Dux 2016 - Lachlan Burgess-Orton

General benchmarks for Year 11 Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 3 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award Bronze: At least 3As, or 2As and nothing less than a B Silver: At least 3As and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 5As and nothing less than a B

General benchmarks for Year 12 Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 3 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award Bronze: At least 3As, or 2As and nothing less than a B Silver: At least 3As and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 5As and nothing less than a B

Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016

Academic Awards YEAR 12 SUBJECT AWARDS


Dylan Kenworthy


Henry Wells


Henry Lyons


Zachary Timbs


Christian Batic


Benjamin Maugeri


Campbell Evans


Cooper Jang


Zachary Timbs

English Communication

Cooper Jang

Film, Television and New Media

Benjamin Maugeri and Benjamin Faulks


Harrison Dove


Travis Keys


Hamish Billingsley

Hospitality Studies Information, Digital Media and Technology Information Processing and Technology

Drew Diakonow

Information Technology Systems

Braden Kenna


Jack Hall

Legal Studies

Jackson O’Hanlon

Mathematics A

Edan Twiname

Mathematics B

Matthew Vollmer and Zachary Timbs

Mathematics C

Matthew Beauchamp

Modern History

Henry Wells


Jean Sajeeve

Physical Education

Damien Sferratore


Lincoln Hardy and Zachary Timbs

Recreation Religion and Ethics Resource Infrastructure and Work Preparation

Matthew Jeffrey

Science In Practice

Hayden Barbi

Study Of Religion

Zachary Timbs

Pre-Vocational Mathematics

The Mark Mewburn Bursary Liam Jameson


Joseph Roepke


Lachlan O’Dwyer


Brandon Paull


Connor Wilcox


Patrick de Waele


Joseph Roepke and Samuel Stewart


Dexter Anderson


Charlie Pelling


Patrick de Waele

English Communication

Dwight Hawken

Film, Television and New Media

Elijah Sanderson


Daniel Phillips


Lachlan Burgess-Orton


Ryan Townsend

Damien Sferratore

Hospitality Studies

Jason Alsemgeest

Connor Evanson

Industrial Graphics

Layton McColl

Information, Digital Media and Technology

Kellan Church

Information Processing and Technology

Ethan Cannon

Information Technology Systems

Ethan Cannon


Elijah Sanderson and Timothy Bloxsom

Legal Studies

Jeremy Kerr

Mathematics A

James Norris and Otto Lake

Mathematics B

Lachlan Burgess-Orton

Mathematics C

Lachlan Burgess-Orton

Modern History

Logan Stanford


Samuel Stewart

Physical Education

Nicholas Healy


Lachlan Burgess-Orton

Taylor Millar

Pre-Vocational Mathematics

Bruce Hirwa

Patrick Carter and Matthew Vollmer


Connor Wilcox

Religion and Ethics

Joseph Roepke

Science In Practice

Jackson Stickland

Study Of Religion

Patrick de Waele

Hamish Billingsley

The Caltex Best All Rounder Samuel Stewart


The Angus L. McPherson Trophy Joesph Roepke

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction


Cultural Awards Debating Abhijith Abraham Antony Jobby Callum McDonald Mitchell Parker Lachlan Weis Ensembles Timothy Bloxsom Riley Campbell Corey Gulliver Benjamin Judge Damien Kipping Jordan Larsen Jean Sajeeve

Production Samuel Audas-Ryan Timothy Bloxsom Connor Boon Jack Byrne Ashley Gonzales Harry Griffin Jack Hall Ramal Jayawardhana Damien Kipping Rudy Marshall-McGrath Lane Moloney Samuel Morris Mason Penny Stuart Smith Matthew Vollmer Dale Whalley

IPC Musician Of The Year Awarded to: Timothy Bloxsom

This award, instituted in 1999, recognises outstanding all round participation within the Music Department.

The Br R. O. Grundy Artistic Achievement Award Awarded to: Henry Wells

This award was instituted by the Art Department in 1997 to recognise a work of outstanding artistic merit. It is named in honour of Br. R.O. Grundy, College Principal 1995 - 1997.

The Excellence In Theatre Award Awarded to: Samuel Morris

This award, instituted in 2012, is presented to the student who has shown outstanding dedication to the art of Musical Performance and Creative Industry.

The Matthew Gow Memorial Trophy Awarded to: Callum Mcdonald

Matthew Gow was a student at the College from 1987-1991. This trophy is awarded to a student who has consistently represented the College in inter-school Debating.

Lions Youth of the Year - State Public Speaking Champion Awarded to: Abhijith Abraham 2016 Secondary Schools Citizenship Award Awarded to: Abhijith Abraham The Helen Handbury Future Leaders Award Awarded to: Abhijith Abraham

Ultimate Award Recipients

Bronze: Jordan Richards, Corey Talbot Silver: Lachlan Braby, Jack Pople

Sporting Awards Interhouse Age Champions Athletics Field Events

12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open

Track Events

12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open

Sean Bourke Lachlan Ryan Tyreece Pott Julian Rasmussen-O’Keefe Jayden Rafter Rohan Clarke

Edmund Rice Dash Winner: Oscar Carter

This Trophy was first presented in 1997 as part of the College’s Annual Edmund Rice Day in honour of our founder.

Melton Black Shield Accepted on behalf of the College by: Jason Alsemgeest

This Prestigious Award goes to the Champion Sports College in Townsville. Ignatius Park College has now won this Trophy for 34 years in a row.

Joshua Marquez Lucas Dummett Kevin Sajeeve Benjamin Stewart Lucas Lynam Samuel Stewart

Cross Country

12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open



12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open

Ashton Waddington Lucas Dummett Bailey Waddington Thomas Harte Lucas Lynam Samuel Stewart Darcy Cussen Kyle Robinson Bayden Hardy Thomas Rawstron Matthew Beauchamp Mackenzie Bagley

Sportsmen of the Year Awards

Year 7 - Joshua Marquez, Year 8 - Jonathan Van Aswegen, Year 9 - Boston Mazlin, Year 10 - Jalen Ward, Year 11 - McKenzie Baker, Year 12 - Joshua De Munari

Introduction - Ignatius Park College 2016


The Caltex Best all Rounder Awarded to: Samuel Stewart

(Sponsored by the Australian Defence Force) Year 10 - Liam Duffy

Ignatius Park College uses this award to recognise a student who has participated well in a wide range of school activities and who is in his final year of schooling.

Year 12 - Mackenzie Bagley

Edmund Rice Christian Leadership Awards Year 7 Thomas Duffy Year 9 Zachary Thomson Year 11 Oliver Gibson

Deus Cartas Est Award Awarded to: James Babao

The Commerce Award Awarded to: Joseph Roepke

Year 8 Zachary Judge Year 10 Antony Jobby Year 12 James Babao

This prize is awarded to the student who has excelled in the area of Commerce in Year 12. It is sponsored by the Hansen Family.

The Catholic Education Office instituted this Award this year in each of the Diocese Catholic Colleges. It recognizes a Year 12 student who demonstrates a commitment to Christian living in how they interact with and treat others.

The Religious Education Award Awarded to: Kyle Everett

This award, instituted in 2012, goes to a Year 12 student who has shown a consistent commitment to the study of Religious Education and demonstrated an ability to incorporate this study within his life. It is sponsored by Fr Rod Ward.

The Lachlan Kennedy “Deadly Bala” Award Awarded to: Enemarki Shibasaki

As a Year 10 student in 2009, Lochlan suffered a serious spinal injury resulting in his becoming a quadraplegic. The Deadly Bala Award recognises a Year 11 or 12 Indigenous student who inspires others to achieve to the best of their abilities.

The Russell Brown Memorial Award Awarded to: John McKenzie

Russell Brown was a student at the College from 1995 - 1997. This award recognises students who overcome adversity to realise their full potential as Christian gentlemen.

The Mark Mewburn Bursary Awarded to: Liam Jameson

Brother Lacey, a former Principal of Our Lady’s Mount, is remembered in this award given to the student who has displayed qualities of excellent leadership within the school community.

The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Bursary Awarded to: Lachlan Burgess-Orton


This is awarded to a Senior student who has displayed persistence and diligence in his studies. It is anticipated that he continue his education and would benefit from this bursary.

The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Shield Awarded to: Drew Whiting

This shield has been donated by the Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Association in recognition of service to the school community by a Senior Student.

Middle School Trophy Awarded to: Putney House Patrick Carew Shield Awarded to: Rice House

Awarded to the Champion House for Intra- House Competition. Accepted on behalf of the winning House by their House Captain.

The Frank D’Ilario Memorial Shield for Dux of Year 10 Awarded to: Benjamin Stewart

Mark Mewburn was a member of the College staff from 2011 - 2015. This bursary is awarded to a Year 10 student who would benefit from support to help him “Get the Life you LOVE!”

The Angus L. McPherson Trophy Awarded to: Joseph Roepke

The Brother Lacey Memorial Shield Awarded to: James Babao


Frank D’Ilario was a student at the College from 1988-1992 and was Dux of Year 10 in 1990. This shield is awarded to the Year 10 student who has shown academic excellence as Dux of Year 10.

This trophy is in honour of Angus McPherson who saved the life of a past student of the Christian Brothers in Townsville. The award recognises participation in various charitable activities in the service of the community.

Vocational Education and Training Year 11 Awarded to: Jed Toohey The Ball Family Award Awarded to: James Stevenson

The Ball Family Award is presented to a student for diligence in Vocational Education and Training in the Senior School.

Edmund Rice Service Awards Mackenzie Bagley, Samuel Morris, Patrick Conn

Patrick Carew Shield 2016 Winners Rice House

The Brother Lacey Memorial Shield James Babao

The Lachlan Kennedy “Deadly Bala” Award - Enemarki Shibasaki

The Ball Family Award James Stevenson

The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Shield - Drew Whiting

The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Bursary - Lachlan Burgess-Orton

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Introduction



Front Row:

Bailey Umstad, Jake Barwick, Ethan Coleman, Gabe Taylor, Ashton Waddington, Billy Gifford, Trinidy Parker, James Yardley, Atticus D’Mello

Second Row:

Mr Doug Bettington, Joey Koloi, Cody Sadler, Keane Stone, Hunter Lim, Barret Deaner, Daniel Weir, Angus Gorrie, Koby Wood-Lynch, Mr Michael Parker

Third Row:

Henry Laws, Lleyton Jackson, Alex Bombardieri, Lawson Proctor, Kobe Owens, Oscar Hill, Mitchell Davey

Back Row:

Rory Hawke, Kyle Heenan, Joe Brosnan, Haydn Conrad


Front Row:

Nicholas Harders, Jayvan Scarff, Braithe Galea, Bailey Waddington, Luke Forster, Cooper Abraham, Ethan Maloney, Brayden Ross, Timothy Sharman

Second Row:

Ms Jacinta Foley, Connor Romano, Kynan Wregg, Dylan Smith, Darcy Benson, Samuel Williams, Cooper Maddern, Charlton Bird, Mr Peter Moneypenny

Third Row:

Joshua Swain, Dean Gillham, Anthony O’Hagan (Myers), Jack Kirkpatrick, Sawyer Faulks, Lachlan Halvorsen-Lehnert

Back Row:

Rohan Chapple, Lachlan McDermid, Cash Foster, Jett McGhie, Matthew Kirkpatrick


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Declan Bird, Travis Busch, Bingen Balanzategui, Kyam Nallajar, Bryce Kenyon, Declan Lenz, Michael Lamrock, Matthew Sharp, Kasey Iwikau

Second Row:

Mrs Angela Marano, Patrick Tarttelin, Darcy Reddicliffe, Kallum Heard, Mrs Christine Taylor, Thomas Turner, Andrew Jones, Callaway Parker, Mr Andrew Pollock

Third Row:

Samuel Pacey, Riley Faust, Jayden Bauers, Tyson Booth, Jye Washbourne, Christopher Francisco

Back Row:

Tristan Mentor, John Nawara, Marley Iorangi, Jarrod Bubner, Shy Tully


Nathaniel Loder


Front Row:

Tynan Scarff, Jaxon Galea, Benjamin Stewart, Beau Josey, Zachary Gough, Matthew Kent, Dakoda Vaughan, Liam Jameson, Mitchell Gulson

Second Row:

Ms Jacquelyne Armstrong, Ashley Gonzales, Caleb Townsend, Jalen Ward, Max Spriggs, Lochlan Shepherd-Kemp, Joey Jensen, Mr Tim Lindeberg

Third Row:

Mitchell Jackson, Jack Bombardieri, Will Hempsall, Tahran Lahiff, Dominic Unamuno, Kyle Ashby, Michael Forster

Back Row:

Hunter Zacka, William Hunter, Riley Maddern


Patrick Morrison, Louis Zabala

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Brandon Jurgens, Anthony Wright, Alexis Tsirtsilios, Osana Koloi, Bayley Ryan, Matthew Astbury, Benjamin Leonardi, Joseph Tropea, Maverick Parker

Second Row:

Mr Paul Bruce, Jack Maloney, Hunter Wriede, Hayden Saltner, Matthew Jeffrey, Joseph Hirst, Jordan Tuckey, Jack Wegener, Ms Amy Proud

Third Row:

Reegan Koelman, Campbell Proctor, Jack Hall, Liam Buxton, Oscar Fisher, Jake Siandri, Nicholas Nugent, Benjamin Faulks

Back Row:

Ramal Jayawardhana, Harrison Turner, Connor Anderson, Mitchell Zohn, Jayden Rafter, Nicholas Denman, Zane Van Rynswoud


Zachary Timbs


Front Row:

Joshua Galang, Julian Cook, Indy Metcalfe, Lachlan Regattieri, Cooper Champion, Benjamin Wheeler, Connor Boon, Reece Williams, Mitchell Francisco

Second Row:

Mr Michael Lazzaroni, Corey Millan, Alexander Kachel, Lachlan Dillon, Blake Downey, Andrew Kennett, Jacob Smith, Hayden Roberton, Thomas Prince, Bennett Russell

Third Row:

Dylan Lazzaroni, Lachlan Heard, Samuel McGhie, Andy Luong, Gregory Iorangi, Samuel Stewart, Jack Reddicliffe

Back Row:

Kurt Schultz, Harrison Bird, Brendan Wilkie, Bennett Jesberg


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Baillie Report



Year 7 Rory Hawke


Year 8 Lachlan McDermid

Year 9 Bryce Kenyon

nce again, the Baillie House has continued to excel through sheer determination and amazing spirit. This year’s young Cubs fitted in straight away to College life with the implementation of the Buddy Program, which saw them buddied up with the Grade 11s who showed them the ropes. The older boys made the transition for the newbies easier with their compassion and leadership. Of course the camps that the Year 7, 8 and 9 boys participated in were a great adventure for all, and the team building activities provided a great opportunity for the younger boys to make some great friendships. Mr Lazzaroni’s classic story of “The Hoop Snake” made yet another appearance in an attempt to scare the boys and provided some great memories. Overall, our latest Cubs made a great start to the year and have shown that they are already growing into fine “Baillie men”. As per usual, each of the Baillie activities that ran throughout the various terms were outstanding successes. The Welcome BBQ was a hit with families and the boys lived up to expectations with their sense of good fun. The Bin-Ball arvo was another great experience for the boys to enjoy some community time together eating pizza, drinking softies, and avoiding getting minor concussion from rocket arm throws. Plenty of laughs were shared on this afternoon. Of course the Senior Dinner held in Term 2, which allowed the Year 11 boys to cook up a feast for us Seniors was very much appreciated, as was listening to the doleful tunes of Joshua Galang. The annual Fishing Classic made a return in Term 3 and saw many of the boys and their families have a great time

Year 10 Max Spriggs

Year 11 Nicholas Denman

Year 12 Bennett Jesberg

bonding down at Pallarenda. The best catch of the day went to Pat Tarttelin with a nice 21cm Bream, while the first catch went to Bailey Umstad who snagged a toad fish. Of course, let us not forget infamous fisherman, Connor Boon, who took out the most unusual catch with his mud crab. It was a shame the renown fisherman and Baillie Vice-Captain, Bennett Jesberg, couldn’t even snag a nibble. Better luck next time! This year’s annual sporting carnivals were also fantastic displays of sportsmanship, team spirit and high energy. The Baillie House managed to secure being in the top 3 for each event - great stuff men! The highly anticipated Swimming Carnival allowed each boy to swim 50m freestyle and breaststroke. The day’s highlight was the winning of the Opens 4x50m freestyle relay where we saw the fish himself, Blake Downey, the Birdman Harry, Vice-Cap Bennett and myself take out first place! The House spirit demonstrated was phenomenal with each Baillie member giving 100% on the day. Overall, Baillie came away from the pool in second place, with many of the juniors giving us hope for the future in such an event. The Cross Country was another great morning which saw over 1100 boys run along the banks of the Ross River. I was not let down by the Baillie men who made a huge effort in my absence and came away victorious throughout various year levels. A special shout out goes to Sam Stewart who came first in the Opens, and to the Waddington brothers who took out first place in the U12 and U14 years. The Baillie competitiveness in the Cross Country showed that we are a House to be reckoned with. Of course the Baillie boys were also very successful

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Baillie Report in the track and field events of the Athletics Carnival. Finishing in third place overall, as men we dug deep and achieved many personal bests on the day. Despite a long, hot day, all Baillie brothers stuck it out and gave 100%. This year’s musical “What’s New Pussycat?” was another highlight on our social calendar. Special mention to the play’s lead, Connor Boon, and to the supporting cast including Ashley Gonzales, Jack Hall, Ramal Jayawardhana, Alex Kachel and Corey Millan. Some of these boys also backed up their performances at the hotly contested Battle of the Bands held in Term 4. Sweating it up in the mosh pit was certainly a highlight for many of the younger boys who rocked front and centre stage. A quote used by many of us Baillie Seniors to describe our Pastoral Leader is, “behind every strong man is an even stronger woman”. This is certainly evident in the case with our House mother, Pudy Timbs who, although losing a very dear family member this year, ensured that each of us boys received her love and attention. This shows her strength and devotion to the Baillie House, along with her selfless spirit to ensure the continued success of her second family. We really couldn’t do it without her. Special mention


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

also goes out to Mr Lazzaroni, who has not only been a Homeroom teacher to us Seniors, but has been a mentor for the whole House throughout his many years at The Park. I know I write on behalf of everyone when I say ALL the Baillie teachers deserve a special THANKS for making everything run so smoothly, and for their genuine care of us boys. Our year wouldn’t have been the same without them. A special thanks must also go to the Year 11 Baillie boys for being so cooperative throughout the year. Whenever the call was made to help, they clicked right into gear without a second thought. It is evident that as a House group, we definitely have the best group of people who run it. Personally I could not have captained this House so successfully without the help from the Baillie Seniors, so a huge shout out goes to them for not only helping me, but believing in me. It was a privilege to lead this amazing Baillie House with my Vice-Captain Bennett, and I leave with the memory of this being my most enjoyable school year ever experienced. The pride I share of The Park will never diminish, and I know that our legacy will live on forever. I will always proudly “bleed blue”. Up The Park!

Kurt Schultz | Baillie House Captain

Baillie Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Baillie Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Baillie Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Baillie Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Joshua Eckford, William Fitzsimmons, Thomas Kilmurray, Eden Hess, Ethan Giacobone, Lachlan Lerch, Maximillian Sosnowski, Jake Buzzi, Jeremy Morton

Second Row:

Mr Michael Giorgas, Hamish Salter, Mitchell Doyle, Jared Kaufline, Clancy Blacklock, Ely Whiteley, Jefferson Bowman, Zachary Cozzitorto, Jayde French, Ms Bianca Helander

Third Row:

Nicolas Benedetti, Lachlan Sheppard, Zachary Lee, Corey Stevenson, Quinn Parsons

Back Row:

Ethan Burkhardt, Harrison Delgado, Joel Basso, Cooper McKay


Elijah Iorangi


Front Row:

Nathan Ford, Daniel Kratzmann, Jeremy Howell, William Thomas, Jaidan Penny, Malachi Ware, Aiden Freeman, Joshua Kinsey, Benjamin White

Second Row:

Mr Jason Smith, Patrick Eaton, Lachlan Moss, Kurtis Brink, Ryan Booth, Riley Birmingham, Connor Depold, Mr Chris Thiele

Third Row:

Jai Hill, Angus Gibb, Dante Calliste, Taran Burkhardt, Jordaan Denley-Hay, Keenan Whitwam, Julian Sewell

Back Row:

Will Buchanan, Jacob Vitale, Lachlan Ryan, Levai Young, Caleb Gunn


Andrew Harris

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Nicholas West, Caleb Whiteley, Clay Jang, Zac Sycamore, Caleb Donnelly, Jayden Simpson, Kye Onton-O’Shea, Sam Brennan, Connor Lerch

Second Row:

Mr Greg Christ, Connor Snow, Clay Smith, Christian Fanning, Jiro Whyte, Harvey Smith, Elliott Basso, Raith Sheerans, Manuel Kelly-Fenech, Mr Oral Power

Third Row:

Hunter Evans, Lachlan Stevenson, Timothy Ambrose, Nathan Ryland, Dominic Cusumano, Alain Mukasa

Back Row:

Jakab Huddy, Callum Parsons, Izack McLean


David Lau Young


Front Row:

Samuel Twiname, Timothy Price, Callum Bowman, Matthew Garbutt, Mason Penny, Reece Torkington-Keyse, Justin Guevara, Ezekiel Iorangi, Benjamin Gunn

Second Row:

Mr Jerome Collier, Thomas Spinks, Fintan Halpin, Jack Delgado, Julian Rasmussen-O’Keefe, Oliver Dickinson, Max Penny, Mrs Bernadette Lovisa

Third Row:

Benjamin Morton, De Wet Potgieter, Jacob Yarrington, Francis Jakis, Jack Byrne, Jake Connor, Cody Weaver

Back Row:

Jordan Kleesh, Michael O’Brien, Samuel Nimmo, Jayden Haines


Patrick Cudmore, Christopher Harris


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Michael Wilson, Edan Twiname, Domenic Figg, Conor Wilson, Oliver Gibson, Damon Giacobone, Lachlan Doyle, Michael Watson, Michael Howell

Second Row:

Mrs Louise Graham, Kane Montgomery, Connor Evanson, Joshua Keir, Drew Diakonow, David Salmon, Cooper Jang, Campbell Evans, Mr Michael Turner

Third Row:

Cameron Lowth, Kelly Mugambi, Jesse Owato, Ryan Kinsey, Lachlan Bruce, Lope Goidubu

Back Row:

Fraser McKay, James Barclay, Viliami Taufa, Braden Kenna, Travis Keys, Keiren Manning, Harrison Leslie


Akhil Ebby, Christopher Konidis


Front Row:

Rudy Marshall-McGrath, Dylan Price, Tyrell Zealey, Joshua De Munari, Matthew Ambrose, James Norris, Logan Stanford, John McKenzie, Dwight Hawken

Second Row:

Bailey Weaver, Jackson Finnigan, Denzel Morandin, Jason Alsemgeest, Daniel Fraser, Thomas Steyger, Connor Wilcox, Joshua Figg, Campbell Parsons, Mrs Adriana Rossi

Third Row:

James Field, Brodie Hohn, Matthew Macor, Connor Pettigrew, Jacob Murphy, Thomas Mawdsley, Jack Maye

Back Row:

Alexander Whitwam, Corey Evans, Aaron Williamson, Samuel Morris, Dimitri Polikarpowski, Jayden Freitas

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Carew Report


016 was undoubtedly the year of the Mighty Carew Barracudas as we have been incredibly successful in all aspects of schooling. Our endeavours have ranged from sporting, academics and co-curricular activities to our commitment to the Carew Charity, ‘The Cure Starts Now’. Our successes have not always come through victories. It was the Carew spirit of giving everything a go and enacting Carew’s motto ‘Effort Every Time’ that ensured we were rewarded. With the selection of Aaron Williamson and James Field as House and ViceCaptain and Jason Alsemgeest appointed as a Prefect, the foundation for another successful and exhilarating year for Carew was set. The Carew leaders were well supported throughout the year by a number of their peers willing to assist when needed. Special mention to all the seniors for their tireless efforts throughout the year as well as the junior students who helped motivate their peers to push the House to its full potential. Thank you all for your support. The year began with the Swimming Carnival and, with the Carew House adopting a ‘Toga Party’ theme, the Swimming Carnival was a thrilling and unforgettable day. The morning began at the annual meeting place under the mango tree where there was an energetic vibe amongst all grades. It was great to see the lengths that some students went to in order to produce their eyecatching outfits. After a minute silence around the mango tree in honour of the passing of Mr Mewburn earlier in the year, the House moved to the pool. Dressed in togas, the House started well with excellent participation and effort by everyone which had Carew high on the points table by


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

the first break. This was to set the scene for the day with further displays of exceptional effort being shown by all grades within the House and placing Carew just off the podium in fourth place. Within a couple of weeks, the annual Cross Country had arrived. As usual, the mighty ’Cudas were ready to go into battle against the other Houses. The House motto ‘Effort Every Time’ was at the forefront of all members’ minds and we all knew it was up to each individual to do the Mighty Carew House proud. Armed with the reassurance of the Year 12s, every student was reminded that participation was the key to the day. Encouraged to simply do their best, a large number of Carew students pushed themselves and their friends along to gain as many extra points for the House as possible. This was exceptional to see. Finally, it was the last ever Athletics Carnival for the Year 12s and the last chance for the Carew House to show the other Houses that we won’t go down without a fight. The first day of events got off to a great start with many of the Carew boys displaying their athletic abilities in various field events (best result for Senior and Junior school). On the second day, the Carew House came out with nothing to lose. Flocking to the front of the school, the Carew boys gathered in large numbers smothered head to toe in maroon paint and supporting ‘The Cure Starts Now’ charity. Flooding every event throughout the day, the Carew House had shown they were willing to participate to the highest level. The unthinkable happened… no one believed it but our efforts paid off and we attained first place! The Carew House went back to back in the Athletics Carnival for the first time ever!

Carew Report The Carew House also achieved academically above and beyond this year with the House receiving a truly memorable number of Certificates of Academic Excellence and Diligence. This was exceptional to witness and I would like to congratulate all the boys for their consistent effort and determination to improve. Carew were also well represented at the Production as well as Mulkadee and the IPC Ensembles. The House spirit was further heightened in 2016 as we continued to conduct and participate in enjoyable activities amongst the grades including Cricket and Softball afternoons for the entire House, as well as Interhouse Volleyball and Dodgeball activities. These activities saw students from across the grades join together for various afternoons of fun. The bonds within the House were further strengthened with Year 12 students buddying up with the Year 7 and 8 students in order to help them make the transition from primary to secondary schooling and the Year 11, 10 and 9 students buddying up to spread the House spirit throughout the cohorts. These activities were well supported and the participation was great to see, especially from a House Captain’s point of view. As is the case every year, many Carew boys unselfishly contribute to the various charities supported by the House and the College such as ‘The Cure Starts Now’,

St. Vincent De Paul, the homeless sleep out and the TCLC visits. A special thank you to Tom Steyger for raising money that goes towards ‘The Cure Starts Now’ charity and those seniors that ran tutoring sessions at lunch for some of the Carew Year 7 and 8 students. A huge thank you also to those Year 12s who gave up their time to help serve breakfast at the Townsville Homeless Shelter. This was indeed a real eye opener and we appreciated the opportunity to give back to people less fortunate than ourselves. Another charitable donation involved both the Year 11 and 12 students who rolled up their sleeves and donated blood, helping save the lives of others in the community.


From all aspects of Ignatius Park College life, the Carew spirit and involvement has ensured a successful year has been had by all and that the House is in good shape to be handed onto the Seniors of 2017. Left with a House buzzing with the back to back win under our belt, we feel comfortable the future seniors of the House will build on our legacy which calls on everyone from both the College and the Carew community to make our school and our world a better place for all. Effort Every Time, Participation, Dedication and Compassion - up the mighty ’Cudas! Aaron Williamson | Carew House Captain

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Carew Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Carew Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Carew Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Carew Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Jett Doolan, Max Davies, Andrew Hardy, Matthew Dyer, Luke Maugeri, Malachy Friel, Jade Herschfield, Isaac Pyers, Travis Goltl

Second Row:

Miss Melanie Baxter, Callum Leech, Cooper Bishop, Elijah Hughes, Leo Schafer, Mike Sailor, Daniel Franettovich, Orlando Sartori, Sonny Jennings

Third Row:

Codi Arena, Connor Jenkins, Chayse Wilkins, Cameron Carter, Lachlan Bourke

Back Row:

Joshua Ferns, Jack Dwyer, Brandon Pearce, Connor McColl


Mr Anthony Mitchell, Louis Billingsley


Front Row:

Jeb Eastaughffe, Jai Marczak, Lachlan Moore, Zeph Tengvall, Ethan Woods, James Stephan, Edwin Jomon, Kobe Gallagher, Riley Pritchard

Second Row:

Mr James Gaston, Michael Bell, Samuel Marczak, Liam O’Donovan, Trey Valentine, Callum Crestani Wilshere, Valentin Nshimyumukiza, Mr Gian Guerra

Third Row:

Jayden David, Taylen Reasons, Harrison David, Benn Dalle Cort, Jack Rasmussen, Brocklan Bryant, Jonathan Webster

Back Row:

Jack Morton, Ryan Pickering, Brandon Tabell, Julian Collins


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Brock Schafer, Kian Dalton, Terence Rooney, Malcolm Walsh, Zachery Richards, Oscar Smith, Jonathan O’Shea (Grundeman), Hamish Carter, Jordan Richards

Second Row:

Mr Shane Dove, Christopher Gho, Lachlan Lemon, Noah Bray, Joszef Lengyel, Colby Hammelswang, Kye Henderson, Mrs Tracey Quabba

Third Row:

James Oh, Patrick Lulham, Jadon Rollings, Faumui-Lafoga Iosefo, Christian Lauder, Thomas Harte, Parth Jhamb

Back Row:

Josiah Setiu, Maletino Lafoga, Cooper Stocks, Ethan Wilson, Nicholas Audas-Ryan


Front Row:

Davis Johnson, Ethan Engert, Mitchel Waples, Joseph Pelling, Darcy Stevenson, Timothy Hardy, Bailey Odgers-McDonagh, Angus Woods, Shaun Godfrey

Second Row:

Miss Nikea Bettridge, James Young, Jeremy McPherson, Brian Booth, Anton Donohue, Seth Young, Jack Brennan, Riley Rupp, Mr Bruce Denny

Third Row:

Lachlan Truntic, Matthew Grant, Logan Kyle, Louka Demopoulos, Cameron Stabler, Thomas Rawstron

Back Row:

Lachlan Spencer, Jared Fagg, Conor Dalton, Connor Brookhouse, Matthew Blaik

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Lochlan Armit, Dylan Kenworthy, Hamish Billingsley, Patrick Carter, Andrew Bell, Hanz Ogo, Ryan Zeller, Joshua Grant, Jacob Pegoraro

Second Row:

Ms Amanda Loechel, Brodie McDonald, Damien Sferratore, Adam Narratone, Charlie Matterson, William McMahon, Luke Kenny, Guy Cummins, Mr Keith Spencer

Third Row:

Lewis Chadwick, Jarred Hannon, Christopher La Spina, Riley Robertson, Benjamin Maugeri, Manfred Babao, Adam Whyte, Isaac Young

Back Row:

Darcy Young, Matthew Beauchamp, Daniel Walk, Kieran Moran, William Thomas, Austin Carter, Samuel Audas-Ryan


Front Row:

Jacob Corbyn, Theophilus Babao, Joseph Lendich, Murray Roache, Nicholas Cassidy, James Stevenson, Kurt Cummins, Abhijith Abraham, Dexter Anderson

Second Row:

Mr Michael Andersen, Michael McEvoy-Bowe, Charlie Bennett, Darcy Smith, Jackson Hannon, Layton McColl, Elijah Sanderson, Emilio Fichera, Ryan Tapiolas

Third Row:

Adam Matthews, Nicholas Healy, Charlie Pelling, Oscar Carter, Robert Fairbanks, Lachlan Keevers, Rohan Clarke

Back Row:

Tom Kenny, Cody Kesteven, Lachlan Burgess-Orton, Liam Clarke


Cooper Plath


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Nolan Report


n China, they say 2016 is the Year of the Monkey. But here at Iggy, it was definitely the year of the Nolan Lion. The boys of the Nolan House joined together this year to help achieve great things not only for one another but, most importantly, for the House. At the start of the year, Mr Cook, our fearless leader, presented the whole House with a motto to live by for the year. The motto ‘Go make a difference’ was put forward so that the men of the House were able to challenge themselves and strive to make a difference - both at The Park and also in the wider community. This was unquestionably achieved over the course of the year with the Seniors leading the way! The year started with a bang as the Swimming Carnival commenced almost straight away. It was a hard battle for all the boys going into ‘war’ dressed as tradies. Despite last year’s loss, the boys dug deep and fought hard to reclaim our spot on the podium as the 2016 Swimming Carnival Champions. Great spirit was shown by the entire House as evidenced by the cheering and encouragement on the day. The boys couldn’t have done it without the mighty efforts of Louka Demopoulos, Tom Rawstron and Matthew Beauchamp. The next two Carnivals proved to be an even bigger challenge for the boys to overcome. Despite the amount of effort and participation shown at both the Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals, it was clear the mighty lions preferred to swim! At the beginning of the year, three members of the Nolan Seniors were voted in by their peers to represent the College as student leaders. James Babao was voted as College School Captain and fellow class mates


Nick Healy and Dexter Anderson were voted College Prefects. These men have done an extraordinary job over the course of the year and have played an important role in the College’s development. The First XIII had a very successful season this year with five of our very own Nolan boys namely, Oscar Carter, James Babao, Tom Kenny, Adam Whyte and Manfred Babao being named as part of the squad. The boys started the season off with a win in the Mathew Bowen 9s in Abergowrie against arch rivals Kirwan State High School. The boys next challenge was the Confraternity Shield hosted in Rockhampton. They came head to head with our brother school St Brendan’s in the Grand Final. The boys played exceptionally well but the stand out of the game was surely Oscar, who scored two tries and converted them all. Oscar ended up being picked in the Queensland Merit side for the second year in a row. Tom, Oscar and Manfred were picked later on in the year for the North Queensland school boys side and ended up winning the State Championship. Tom was further successful in being selected for the Open Schoolboys Queensland Rugby League Team. This year, Abhijith Abraham a Year 12 Nolan boy inside out, has achieved many accolades which hold high significance. Abhijith has been part of the Lions Youth of the Year program in which he not only won the North Queensland Youth of the Year, but also the Queensland Public Speaking Cup. Seeing his potential, the Queensland Governor with the assistance of Mrs Andrea Tartellin and Mrs Myer-Seri, nominated Abhijith for the Helen Handbury National Leadership Award.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Nolan Report After a gruelling panel check and cross checking process Abhijith, along with a female student from Geelong Grammar was selected as the 2016 Helen Handbury recipient. However, Abhijith’s success didn’t stop there. He was further nominated by the College for the Order of Australia Student Service Award, where he was awarded this prestigious accolade alongside only eleven other students in the State. This year’s Nolan Homework Program has been bigger and better than ever. The Seniors have all contributed in helping out other boys who may be struggling with their work and need some further tuition. Every Nolan member


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

who has made an effort to come down and take this opportunity has seen a major improvement in their school marks. Although our marks have never been better we, as the Nolan House, are still striving for better. Not only has 2016 been my final year at The Park, it has been the best year of my life. I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy my time as much without my fellow Nolan Lions by my side. I’m sure the Captains for next year will do a fantastic job and strive to make the Nolan House the best it can be. Emilio Fichera | Nolan House Captain

Nolan Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Nolan Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Nolan Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Nolan Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Jairus Butalid, Kyran Lyddiard, Kye Johnston, Keegan Gedling, Kuresa Fota Pio, Alastair Robinson, Ryan Lee, Padraic Glasheen, Isaac Mayo

Second Row:

Ms Carmel Cannon, Danyon McDougall, Alexander Roubicek, Aiden Dotta, Oliver Betcher, Kai Negri, Sean Bourke, Jakson Hughes, Casey Murray, Mr Dan O’Connor

Third Row:

Ryan McCarron, Justin Kerr (Healey-McKenna), Luke Whalan, Thomas Lloyd-Jones, James Paul

Back Row:

Lachlan Parker, Zachary Skipp, James Potter, Marshall Wilson


Front Row:

Joshua Farrington, Jude Mitchell, Nicholas Pearce, Daniel Moman, Cooper Wilkins, Thomas Kelly, Ryley Musumeci, Boaden Giuca-Segal, Aiden Scott

Second Row:

Miss Claire Dickson, Zachary Judge, Xavier Hooper, Jin Torrington, Thomas Huxley, James Rowan, Joel Stevens, Hayden Dunlop, Ms Tenille Keir

Third Row:

Joseph Di Bartolo, Ethan Cameron (Henders), Ethan Ramsbotham, Antony Hockin, Ashley Cusack, Lachlan Hillery

Back Row:

Kyle Robinson, Liam Barber, Reegan Gileppa, Thomas Carey, Evan Corradini


Alexander Colley

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Declan Wasley, Thomas Olsen, Mason Kennedy, Will Hamilton, Gistain Giuca-Segal, Jack Letters, Reuben Roberts, Rhys Campbell, Luke Powell

Second Row:

Mr Roger Torrington, Bradley Pardon, Ryan McConchie, Lachlan Marshall, Brendan Lee, Harley Bowden-Seage, Thomas Nesirky, Blake McKinley, Mr Ben Williams

Third Row:

Lachlan Bawden, Aka Fota-Pio, Kai O’Donoghue, Jean-Luc Denyer Lazaredes, Matthew Thompson, Jack Gallagher-Smith

Back Row:

Zachary Thomson, Jake Bourke, Boston Mazlin, Kai Goodes, Riley Baldwin


Front Row:

Deekin Dametto, Callum Gedling, Rylie Wilkins, Joel Barber, Jordy Stevens, Joseph Rudd, Matthew Lorenz, Mitchell Irvine, Lachlan Braby

Second Row:

Mrs Alyssa Deer, Corey Gulliver, Baily Crump, Kieran Chambers, Tristan Winship, Connor Musumeci, Colby Busetti, Brendan Buttigieg, Mr Gary Hughes

Third Row:

Jackson Pearce, Szymon Rawski, Bryce Fern, Quinton Zoller, Martin Paul, Benjamin Judge

Back Row:

Charles Betcher, Joshua Pool, Max Newman, Jacob Allan, Antony Jobby


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Putney Report




016 was another successful year for the Putney House as we welcomed our new Year 7s taking the total House number now to 108. By 2018, the Putney House will have a full complement of year levels. This will also be the year our inaugural Year 8s from 2014 graduate from the College, our first Putney House graduates. While still being referred to (in jest) as the ‘new kids on the block’, this year, this didn’t stop the young Silverbacks as they continued to immerse themselves in ‘all that has gone on’ at the College in 2016.

The Swimming Carnival in Term 1 was a huge success for the House as we managed to claim our first ever Junior Shield victory. This was only made possible by the contribution of all who attended on the day. The College prides itself on not only ‘competing’ but ‘completing’ and I believe the victory came about because of this participation and not just because of the skill level of our swimmers. The Athletics Carnival also brought out the best in the House as we once again claimed victory in the Junior Shield (sharing equal first with the Carew House this time). There was plenty of colour, plenty of skill and plenty of effort shown on the day. I reserve special mention for Ethan Ramsbotham as his effort during the entire day was tireless. You could see the strain and concentration on his face in everything he did. A real standout performance and one worth recognising. Years 7, 8 and 9 all attended Camp in 2016. Unfortunately, we had to come home early after being ‘rained out’ on the Year 7 Camp. Many of the tents were flooded early on the first evening and students battled through a long and

wet night. A new format was trialled for the 8s and 9s this year where they camped away from Camp Gedling as part of the overall experience. I believe this was a huge success as it certainly tested the resilience of many, having to cope in the outdoors without access to many of the things we all take for granted. Well done to Mr Steve Coleman for his efforts in organising the logistics for each camp and providing the valuable learning experiences for all students. Again, the House has had a myriad of representations across many academic, sporting, spiritual and cultural arenas this year. Outstanding efforts on many academic report cards; Musicals; Mulkadee; Red Track; Interschool Swimming; Interschool Athletics; NQ Athletics; NQ Cross Country; Townsville, NQ and State Basketball; Representative Rugby League; Rugby Union; AFL; Touch Football; Gold, Silver and Bronze Diligence Awards; Ten-Pin Bowling; Motor-X; NQ and National Hockey Championships; NQ Futsal; Regional Chess Championships; Indigenous Excursions; Battle of the Bands; Maths and Science Competitions; Representative Cricket; Cross-Fit; Debating; Homeless Sleep-outs; Badminton; and The Stepping Stones Project. We have recognised as many of these as we could fit into our House Meetings in 2016! It always amazes me at how talented our young students are, across all areas of life. I am proud to recognise them as the year progresses. Last year we also recognised and announced the inaugural winner of the Putney House ‘Young Silverback

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Putney Report of the Year’ Award. This prestigious award went to Zachary Thomson (Year 8 at the time) in 2015. A well-deserved recipient for his outstanding commitment to the overall culture of Ignatius Park College. At the time of print, the 2016 Awardee is yet to be announced. An Honour Board has also been proudly donated by Whelan and Northey Joinery Pty Ltd to recognise Zachary and future recipients of this Award. We thank Mr Warren Northey and his team for their generous contribution to the Putney House. The first ever Putney Day was also held in Term 4 last year. A celebration for all students as the end of each year draws to a close. A day also primarily marked to remember Bishop Michael Putney and all of the good that he brought to the world. This ongoing recognition and remembrance of Bishop Michael will always be at the forefront of the Putney House agenda. The motto of the Putney House lends itself to the personal qualities he was renowned for: Patience…Presence…Passion. On behalf of the Putney Silverbacks, I would also like to acknowledge the tremendous contribution and extend a special thank you to the following Putney Staff Homeroom Teachers for their tireless effort in 2016. Mrs Carmel Cannon, Mr Dan O’Connor, Ms Tenille Keir, Ms Claire Dickson, Ms Angela Byrne, Ms Katelyn Thompson, Mr Roger


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Torrington, Mr Ben Williams, Mr Gary Hughes and Mrs Alyssa Deer. Thank you all for your support and professionalism in what has been another huge year at IPC. Thank you also to the IPC Pastoral Team for their ongoing support throughout the year. Mr John Doolan (Deputy) and Pastoral Leaders - Mr John Deer, Mr Mark Moxon, Mr Gary Cook, Mr Brendan Logan, Mrs Pudy Timbs and Mr Chris Rigano. I would also like to acknowledge the support of parents and guardians throughout 2016. I am sure you are very proud of your son/s and all of their achievements this year. To the young men of Putney - well done this year! As I say every year, you are the custodians of a House and culture that will continue to grow and prosper long after you have left the College for the final time. Be a part of it now and set positive standards for those who will follow. Never forget how important you are to those younger than you. Finally, enjoy your holidays and take the time to give your parents a big hug and thank them for the many opportunities they have afforded you this year. See you all back on deck in 2017. Mr John Fuller | Putney House Pastoral Leader

Putney Report


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Putney Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Putney Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Putney Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Cianan Cuthbert-Botha, Ethan Dawson, Benjamin McLean, Noah Liston, Connor Wilkins, Tyrion Mackey, Connor Dundas, Joel Tully, Braedan Kennedy, Jack Connolly

Second Row: Back Row:

Mr Dallas Brown, Zaviah Leedie, Jack Mines, Ethan Scharkie, Euan Cram, Mrs Nadine Bennett, Mathew Jeffree, Alex Katsaros, Joseph Sale, Jack Hoffensetz, Mrs Anne Sciuto Jarrod Chaillon, Joel Webb, Angus Myers, Curamis Majok, Alastair Mills, James Clarke, Corey Baker, Josh Clarke


Front Row:

Lachlan Nugent, Daniel Knowles, Lachlan Miekus, Matthew Blanchard, Heath Turner, Kmani Levi, Mebin Martin, Corey Garner, Daniel Claffey

Second Row:

Miss Emma Bourne, Austin Smythe, Lincoln Anderson, Jamie Humphreys, Jarrod Edmondson, Hunter Paull, Luke Saldana Lopez, Mr Leo Hogan

Third Row:

Liam Coffey, Liam Leonardi, Adam Roveglia, Ethan Firmin, Finn Andreassen, Alexander Hooper, Joseba Kelly

Back Row:

Ethan Moody Humphrey, Joseph Gregory, James Hoffensetz, Nathan Wright


Hayden Tarlington

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Cooper Withers, Bailie Armstrong, Nathan Hutchings, Clayton McCoy, Patrick Clarke, Joel Young, Thomas Whiting, Jacob Rush, Patrick Shephard

Second Row:

Mr Jodie Roberts, Ethan Kelvin, Lucas Clarke-Drier, Connor Illingsworth, Corey Talbot, Daniel Aplin, Andrew Vollmer, Dakota Campbell, Alexander Jumeau, Mr Matthew Thiele

Third Row:

Kyron Mitchell, Anthony Grech, Nathan Seri, Stephen Grady, Matthew Hayes, Aaron Phillips, Tai Laidlow

Back Row:

William Thompson, Thomas Baker, Thomas Claffey


Front Row:

Jack Pople, Mitchell Jarrett, Casey Henderson, Nickia Whaleboat, Cooper Dank, Joshua Ward, Tomas Chester, Alan Faulkner, Trinity-William Lintern

Second Row:

Mr Bill Ahern, Mark Gardiner, Angus Ramsay, Daniel Stout-Milkins, Thomas Lyons, Ringo Majok, Liam McDonald, Reece Will, Aiden Howlett, Mr Matthew Rowan

Back Row:

Lieam Blackley, Dylan Debenham, Lleyton Anderson, Garrett Saylor, Aidan Blackley, Nikolaus Cranston, Samuel Doyle


Lucas Lynam


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Tristan Sorensen, Steven O’Connor, Jakob Anderson, Harrison Hooper, Gianluca Thompson, Conall Wadforth, Henry McKinnon, Fabien Menegazzo, Henry Wells

Second Row:

Mrs Sally Conn, Matthew Vollmer, Drew Dawson, Samuel Anderson, Lachlan Dale, Nicholas Doyle, Nicholas Garvey, Brodie Windle, Mr Patrick McMahon

Third Row:

Lucas Copnell, Ethan Roveglia, Jacob Seri, Lane Moloney, Jesse Statham, Aiden Mazlin, Jack Brown, Riley Campbell

Back Row:

Aaron Evans, Henry Lyons, Reede Moloney, Lochlan Cook, Trent Lloyd, Ryan Gilmore, Jack Andreassen


Front Row:

Mitchell Walduck, Jackson Stickland, James Morrison, Cieron Botha, Cameron Lenton, Daniel Phillips, Brandon Paull, Bryn McClure-Griggs, Joshua Castrejana

Second Row:

Mr Mark West, Lochlan Goddard, John Tolcher, Charlie Gaudion, Jack Humphreys, Ryan Townsend, Brody Liston, Jamie Jeffree, Daniel Clarke

Third Row:

Damien Kipping, Max Stone, Dylan Gudge, Timothy Bloxsom, Jonte Kennedy, Jeremy Kerr, Joshua Stanley

Back Row:

Regan Baker, Thomas McCagh, Callan Feeney, Ayden Faulkner, Lachlan Lingard, John Dempsey


Kyle Howarth

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Reid Report


uring the final few days of 2015, the Seniors of 2016 decided on the theme ‘Put Reid on the Map’. This was a challenge to the boys across all year levels to ensure that we, as a group, held a strong presence within the school community. I think it is fair to say that the House has far exceeded expectations. The House spirit displayed during the many varied events was among the best I’ve seen over the last five years. Additionally, the House motto of ‘Do the little things right’ continued to be instilled into the Reid men throughout all areas of life at the Park.

The first major opportunity to pursue our goal for the year, as well as the first public display of John Tolcher as the House Mascot, was the highly anticipated Swimming Carnival early in Term 1. As a Senior group, we hoped to build on the fantastic House spirit displayed the previous year, and made it our goal to be the loudest and most noticeable House throughout the entire day. The boys once again went above and beyond all expectations with every swimmer having the full house behind them, no matter what division. However, a clear stand out for the day was the inaugural Reid stampede which involved the House as a whole parading through the entire school, before displaying a war cry in front of the entire senior grade. This, without a doubt, showed our unity to the school and got the boys geared up and ready to go for another big session in the pool. In terms of our results in the pool, all the boys should be congratulated on their effort and participation put into every race. I was also extremely proud to see boys step up and take on some of the more challenging races to ensure that we were represented in the events for the day. Although our efforts and enthusiasm are not displayed in


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

our 6th place finishing, a few boys provided outstanding performances during the day. Overall, I am sure that both staff and students can agree when I say it was a fantastic day and a massive display of House spirit which definitively put us on a clear course to our goal for the year. Every single member of the House should be congratulated for their attitude and behaviour. Our next event for the year was the Cross Country which, in the past, has been one of our strongest performances. Prior to the event all of the boys were encouraged to dig deep for the House and themselves to produce their best placing possible. This was displayed in our 3rd place achievement, which is credit to the entire House who worked hard and pushed through in the hot conditions. Special mention also to the U16s and Opens who won their respective age groups. Standout performance from Lucas Lynam who provided a 1st place finish in the 16 years’ race. The last Carnival for the year, and our last at the Park as Seniors, was the Athletics Carnival. Once again the theme of ‘Bloods Gangsters’ was embraced by the House, with a big effort across the two days producing 5th place for the House. It was great to see boys up at the side of the track to cheer on their brothers in each race throughout the day. Especially for the Open Championship races which resulted in our very own Regan Baker coming a narrow second place in the 100m, and then a first class, 200m win. The Reid stampede once again made a return, with the whole House arriving back on the oval as one loud group which definitely attracted attention from the rest of the school.

Reid Report The following boys should be congratulated on their outstanding efforts throughout the day: • Lochlan Goddard - 3rd Open Field • Lucas Lynam - 1st 16 years Track

• Lachlan Dale - 2nd 16 years Track • Regan Baker - 2nd Open Track

Overall, it was another great event ticked off for 2016, and completed the sporting carnivals for the year. On the cultural side, towards the end of Term 3, preparations for Battle of the Bands commenced. This year, we are really hoping to take home the win with our experience packed band of Daniel Phillips (Lead Guitar), Henry McKinnon (Rhythm Guitar), James Morrison (Bass Guitar), Tim Bloxom (Saxophone,) Harry Cordery (Keyboard), myself (drums), and Aaron Evans (Back up drummer). I would like to conclude my report by thanking all the members of the Reid House staff for their time and effort into developing us all into young men. In particular Mr Rowan and Mr West for tolerating our antics for

the last five years, and ultimately being instrumental to our development into the fine young men we are today. It would also be thoughtless to not mention Mr Horn for his efforts in our first four years at the College - for welcoming us into the House and instilling the values of not only the Reid House, but for respectable men of society. However, I’d like to give my biggest thankyou to Mr Rigano for making this year what it was. He has seamlessly transitioned into the House and straight away has been able to leave his mark while still keeping and emphasising what the Reid House stands for. He has done a fantastic job throughout this year which is clearly displayed through the unity of the House, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Reid under his exceptional leadership and guidance.


To my fellow Seniors, it has been an absolute pleasure being House Captain this year and I thank you all for your enthusiasm and support. You have all played an important role in the success of the Reid House this year. Good luck for the future. Damien Kipping | Reid House Captain

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Reid Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Reid Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Reid Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Reid Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Jayden McMinn, Kai Tanna, Cooper Chislett, Benjamin Dixon, Jervaiius Lapworth, Lachlan Symss, Jaxen Yow, Harry Reid, Aiden Hawkins, Matthew Gilboy

Second Row:

Mr Dave Elliott, Jordan Batley, Zac Brunetto, Braydan Glover, Ashley Mayocchi, Levi Buchanan, Nathan Weis, Joshua de Rooij, Braydon Bin Doraho, Lewis Roberts, Mrs Sandra O’Melia

Back Row:

Orlando Clark, Samuel Salvador, Jaylan Zaro, Lucas Dummett, Harrison Fuller, Louis Jackson, Thomas Duffy, Jaidyn Wilkins


Darcy Keir


Front Row:

Brandon O’Grady, Harry Griffin, Johnathon de Rooij (King), Angus Hawkins, Alistair Corkeron, Edward Hampson, Logen Jeffrey, Kai Simmons, Maverick Pegoraro

Second Row:

Miss Irene McLaughlin, Lachlan Waldon, Alexander Dietrich, Julian Fusco-Wright, Rishabh Bawa, Lachlan Whereat, Pakome Pakome, Mrs Stacey Meyer-Seri

Third Row:

Mitchel Yow, Lewis Minns, Benjamin Herrero, Yanni Collocott, Bayden Hardy, Isaac Truett, Robert Bayley

Back Row:

Cooper Scott, Kieran Truett, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Fionn O’Seighin, Diego Urdanivia


Harrison Keir


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Joseph Dowd, Finlay Jenkins, Angus Hay, Oliver Bisaro, Bailey Steinbring, Jackson O’Grady, Dane Wosomo, Kade Amos, Clay Henderson

Second Row:

Mr Tom Lucas, Callum James, Cooper Hurst, Joshua Pether, Bellamy Lake, Makisacc Lapworth, Drew Boniface, Jared Heilbronn, Matthew Groves, Mr Paul Marano

Third Row:

Cain Anderson, Thomas Hills, Jack Scott, Jesse Schmidt, Ethan Brooks, Ethan Hagarty, Brayden Yow

Back Row:

Curtis James, Henry Hunt, Taine Catelan


Front Row:

D’Aundre Cassady, Jalen-Tre Tait, Cody Evans, Tom Walsh, George Griffin, Douglas Abdul-Rahman, Brendan Haylett, Zachery McMinn, Daniel Gough

Second Row:

Mr Matthew Groves, Ryan Doolan, Matthew Eggins, Liam Fusco-Wright, Inseram Khan, Adrian Trevilyan, Charlie Bell, Sebastian Herrero, Casey Stephenson, Mrs Simone Hanran

Third Row:

Liam Duffy, Damon Pennisi, Harrison Waldon, Cameron Bateup, Thomson Poly, Reece Holdsworth, Lachlan Weis

Back Row:

Benjamin Scott, Conor Larkin, Bailey O’Grady, Jacob Keir


Connor Keir

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Cooper Guest, Jarrad Mayocchi, Jake Daniell, Dale Whalley, Harry Hay, Jack Keioskie, William Russ, Sam Brunetto, Angus Hickmott

Second Row:

Mr John Alloway, Hayden Barbi, Nicholas Truett, Lincoln Hardy, Adam Cook, Joseph Bourne, Dylan Penny, Harrison Mahoney, Jett Brooks, Mitchell McCubben-Fry, Ms Georgia Stayte

Third Row:

Mason Romaior, Jack Cobon, Bailee Brown, Daniel Conn, McKenzie Baker, Hunter Keen, Taylor O’Brien, Lucio Celotto

Back Row:

Michael Payne, Isaac Locke, Matthew Conroy, Carl Malan, Jack Kelly


Sean Renton


Front Row:

Jake Shaw, Dalton Pegoraro, Lachlan Pether, Samuel Newman, Callum Bell, Bailey Simmons, Rhys Lambert, Enemarki Shibasaki, Nicholas Dunn

Second Row:

Ms Katrina Guazzo, Brodie Chaffey, Michael Trevilyan, Callum McDonald, Quintin Chalmers, Patrick de Waele, Kellan Church, Matthew Sturgess, Patrick Conn, James Stephenson

Third Row:

Otto Lake, Caleb Jones, Mackenzie Bagley, Callum Mahoney, Sam Gould, John Patrick Connell, Drew Whiting

Back Row:

Jack Gauld, Jack Collins, Jayden Swift, Ethan James


Ms Marita Martinez


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Rice Report


he bar was set to new heights for the Rice House in 2016, after our historic first ever Paddy Carew Shield victory in 2015. The Seniors sat down as a group during our Leadership Camp to develop a set of non-negotiables to assist the Rice House strive for greater success heading into the future. As a Senior group we wanted to place emphasis on the little things around the College such as punctuality, uniform and respect. Three vital characteristics for an Iggy boy. As we look back on the year that was, we reflect on yet another successful campaign for the mighty Rice House. The Rice House had plenty of direction in 2016 as five Rice men were elected into Senior leadership roles: Prefect - Mackenzie Bagley, Prefect - Patrick Conn, Prefect - Callum McDonald, House Captain - Brodie Chaffey, Vice-Captain - Callum Bell. After learning the criteria of a quality handshake, our new buddy system gave all students from Year 9 the challenge to be a leader and a role model. However, the 30 young men wearing the white shirt and tie had the added expectation as the Rice House was theirs to look after in 2016. Like every year, the Swimming Carnival was the first major event on the Ignatius Park College calendar for the Rice House to stamp their authority on the upcoming year. The annual pump up speech held a day before the Carnival briefed our expectations: no excuses, maximum participation and challenged our young crocs to have a dig in the true spirit of the Rice House. As the big day arrived, everyone wore extraordinarily large board shorts to go with the theme of ‘How big are ya boardies?’ Regardless of our individual results, it was


always a priority to ‘give it your all’ for the Rice House. The day was one to remember and it wasn’t because of those freakish aquatic performances - it was because of inspirational moments that occurred in some of the final divisions in each age group. Before the results were announced everyone had a smile from ear to ear knowing they had a true dig. The Rice House claimed the silver medal and was narrowly beaten by the Nolan Lions. Yet nothing can be taken away from the Rice House as a jammed packed day of swimming, fierce battles and the constant cheering, came to an end. We congratulate the Nolan boys on their victory. At the end of Term 1, the Rice House had a chance to back up their commendable performance in the pool in the College’s Cross Country. As a House, we only insist on one thing during Cross Country and that is for no Rice member to be walking in the last pack. There is no hiding or running away from the grueling and tough race, however our fearless leader, Mr Logan, has always told the House for as long as I can remember, “The Rice House Crocodile is the only amphibious mascot”. Thus, we are the only House that has the ability to both run and swim! The boys set out to prove exactly that! The Rice House swept almost every age group and were announced Cross Country champs for the second year in a row. It just goes to show that the efforts of every individual contributed into the House’s Cross Country success. The boys’ willingness to never give up and walk, and their ‘have a dig’ mentality is what earnt us the win. The taste of success in the first two Carnivals added to the inspiration and hunger heading into Term 2.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Rice Report The third and final Carnival is arguably the most loved by students and the one that holds the most bragging rights - the Interhouse Athletics Carnival. There was a sense of hunger for more success after our Term 1 efforts. Yet, we knew there was a target on our backs from the other Houses to restrict our dominance. The Rice House has an ongoing tradition of dressing in pink to support the McGrath Foundation and breast cancer research. Before the first race was run we already knew we were winners by supporting such a great cause and their endeavors to eliminate breast cancer. Across two days of athletic events, the boys left nothing in the tank. They gave it all they had. Both the seniors and staff were appreciative of the younger crocs efforts and support. They truly understood the Rice House motto, ‘Have a Dig’. Our efforts were rewarded in another podium finish and another silver medal, pipped at the post by the Carew House. Yet, there was no sign of disappointment, only smiles and no one could be happier about our sporting performances as a group. We congratulate the Carew boys on their victory. The Carnival season is a major opportunity for the Rice House to demonstrate their spirit. However, there are so many other chances. To begin with, the school Production, run by St Margaret Mary’s this year, challenged the boys with a new and different genre. What’s New Pussy Cat? was a major hit, with amazing singing, dancing and acting. The Rice House had many boys participate from back stage to lead roles. The show was a major hit with the students who participated as well as the appreciative audiences.


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

The Rice boys also showed great levels of maturity, respect and unselfishness this year. This was evident every morning at the College’s wonderful and one of a kind Toast Room. Each morning, the Toast Room was littered with the Rice House’s signature green stripe of the uniform. It was the Senior boys who initiated this lovely trend and set a standard for the rest of the House. If boys weren’t spreading the Nutella, they were collecting donations at lunch time to help keep the toast room operating. Every man in the Rice House is particularly grateful for the efforts of Mrs Kath Allan and her army of volunteers. Mrs Allan continues to mentor the boys every morning. From leading prayer, to ensuring that all young men uphold a true and virtuous nature, Mrs Allan is by far the most important person at Ignatius Park College. Year after year, a number of Rice men assist in the running of the Challenge Games for disabled kids. The willingness to give up their time to make the day of someone else, is a firsthand example on what sort of men Rice boys are. Both the College and the Rice House has supported Epilepsy’s Australia Purple Day for the past couple of years. The Rice House’s donations may not be large, however, the participation and support for the cause was what really mattered. Additionally, the charity work of the Rice House does not end there as 2016 saw a record of nine Rice men participate in the fourth running of the Townsville to Cairns bike ride. After collectively raising over $20,000 for research in childhood cancer, these men saddled up for

Rice Report

350km of highway riding to raise awareness. With the handing over of the reins from the four-year veteran Rice Seniors, Callum McDonald and Drew Whiting, there is an expectation that this level of dedication will continue. The Seniors were the real leaders and enforcers of the importance of studying and academic work. Our Senior students are excelling in all aspects of classroom work from Math, Science and English to Religion, Drama and Visual Arts. It has certainly led to the younger boys following in those footsteps as they rip into their school work and achieve good results. Yet, everyone knows that the classroom is not suited for all students. There are several Rice boys undergoing the VET program and are looking for school based or normal apprenticeships and we wish them well. As a Senior group we cannot be any prouder of the efforts of all Rice members in all aspects of school. The younger grades never complained about how hard Cross Country was, or how hot it was at the Swimming Carnival, instead they were giving it their all. They were never asked to stand up and cheer or to participate in certain events because they already were. They were already having a


dig and giving it everything they had. The Rice House has done everything we have asked for in 2016 and exceeded expectations. Last but not least, the Seniors of 2016 would like to give a big thank you to the teaching staff and in particular our various Homeroom teachers. We would like to extend our appreciation to Ms Hodgson, Ms Mocke, Ms Nioa, Ms Collins, Ms Pelser and, more recently, our Senior Homeroom teachers, Ms Guazzo and Ms Martinez. Ms Martinez carried one half of the Rice men from Years 8-10 and returned after maternity leave to shape every bloke into the man they have become. The work of Ms Guazzo throughout this year cannot go unnoticed, as we are particularly grateful of her return from leave also. These two wonderful women gave up so much personal time for the benefit of their students. The Rice Seniors of 2016 would like to thank the staff at IPC for setting every individual up for successful endeavors in life. We will never ask for anything more than to Have a Dig! Brodie Chaffey | Rice House Captain

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Rice Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Rice Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Rice Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Don Raju, Joshua Marquez, Darcy Cussen, Ronin Spiridonov, Preston Brown, Lachlan Gode, Andrew Edmonds, Ethan Matthews (Langhorne), Jackson Murray, Kieran Godfrey

Second Row:

Mr Andrew Keane, Reilly Williams, Cathane Hill, Jordan Whiteside, Axel Lincoln, Cohen Shucksmith, Stanford Scott, Gus Rees, Jaylen Perry, Vincent Trimmer, Mrs Andrea Tarttelin

Back Row:

Ardrijan Shahinper, Ryley Winterburn, Noah Rule, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Lachlan Roberts, Lloyd Kennedy, Lachlan Larsen, Brodie Powell


Front Row:

Ieuan Harker, Brigaire Neza, Sebastian Lynch, Lachlan Mitchell, Will Arnell, Elijah Weeks, Joshua Martin, Hudson Murray, Jason Zoller (aka Hughes)

Second Row:

Miss Annette Nicholson, Brayden Pott, Jack Sanson, Mitchell Parker, Brendan Eaton, Matthew Wilmen, Lachlan Scott, Corey Blair, Mr Phillip Yates

Third Row:

Ethan Gasa, Aiden Simkin, Tai-Reece Hill, William Bennett, Brandon Mackay, Jordan Davies

Back Row:

Sebastian Petrie, Jared Mitchell, Colby Finlay, Hunter Finlay, Declan Keyes-West

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports



Front Row:

Damian Ravkin, Riley Chapman, Ryan Pearce, Lachlan Lee, Tom Sheppard, Ethan Rennie, Jarred Copley, Nathan Clohesy, Jackson McGregor

Second Row:

Mr Andrew Kirkpatrick, Stuart Smith, Hamish Chowns, Jake Good, Benjamin Toohey, Joshua Reeves, Bryson James, Ms Jude Squire

Third Row:

Kevin Sajeeve, Braidey Delforce, Wesley Peplow, Connor Whiteside, Cameron Turner, Luke Lovejoy, Jack Thomson

Back Row:

Jack Taylor, Robert Bogdanek, Lachlan Maginnis, Tyreece Pott


Blake Read


Front Row:

Jack Donkin, Jordan Lye, Noah Power, Thomas Bennett, Kyren Walters, Oscar Stanley, Dale Connelly, Kaleb Church, Mason Lea

Second Row:

Mr Brett Deneen, Hayden Rowbotham, Lochlan Whitehead, Jaxson James, Riley Bloom, Jeffrey Toms, Aiden Phillips, Brayden Winterburn, Riley Wolstencroft, Mrs Sandra Hughes

Third Row:

Jack Murray, Daniel Moore, Thomas Owens, Connor Rhodes, Mitchell O’Connell, Jye Pearce, Tim Peno

Back Row:

Kyle Gleeson, Thomas Clive, Robert Birnie, Rohan Applin


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016



Front Row:

Jed Toohey, Dre Backer, Matthew Gillespie, Daniel Davern, Daniel Rennie, Harrison Dove, Jean Sajeeve (Kalappuracka), Sam Clohesy, Jake Greer

Second Row:

Mr Christian Quabba, Rhys Mead, Cameron Mitchell, Cameron Pridmore, Kieran Ryle, Aaron McRae, Sean Rennie, Casey McDonald, Kale Smith, Ms Catherrine Ventic

Third Row:

Justin Coleman, Nicholas McCaig, Nicholas Cussen, Jack Dunn, Jared Evans, Benjamin Woodward, Mathew Gatehouse

Back Row:

Hamish Glasby, Christian Batic, Jackson O’Hanlon, Taylor Millar, Wiktor Balacinski, Benjamin Pearson, Benjamin Wilmen


Front Row:

Aiden Campbell, Bruce Hirwa, Matthew Oliver, Matthew Mitchell, Cameron Soutar, Timothy Stokes, Nicholas Allman, Brady Roberts, Brendan Blair

Second Row:

Mr Brian Geaney, Riley Holman, Harrison Lassig, Jaison Greer, Huon Deacon Johnstone, Kyle Everett, Ryan Rankin, Ruan Konik, Alex Evans

Third Row:

Todd McAuliffe (Pease), Joshua Eaton, Braedy Paxton, Alex Grieve, Riley Bailey, Joseph Roepke, Jeremy Myles

Back Row:

Lachlan Buchanan, Harrison Crandley, Jordan Larsen, Nicholas Clive


Mason McGrath, Ethan Cannon

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Treacy Report


stablished in 2000, The Treacy House students have consistently demonstrated that they are among the proudest of all, throughout their time at the College. These are the boys who roam around this prestigious College and our meeting area - ‘The Den’ - carrying the two white stripes behind their necks and across their chests. These boys are the ones who made this year what it’s been and they are the cubs that will grow into Tigers one day, just as I and my 29 other Treacy Grade 12 brothers have. 2016 for me, meant that the final chapter of the Ignatius Park College book would be unveiled, but for most, it was only the prologue to a fulfilling tale. The year began in our breeding ground of B2, where we would be introduced to our new motto for the year, ‘No Excuses’, which for us meant that we, as a House, had to perform to our capabilities without a fault or setback. This clearly proved its point as, although being renowned for our inability to swim, the Tigers swam hard and provided absolute commitment to our theme “Nuns and Monks”. After a hard fought effort, the boys reached fourth place with remarkable achievements from the Cussen cousins (Nick and Darcy) and the Bennett brothers (William and Tom) who all reached age champion status. After a term of hard work in the academic arena, it finally came down to ‘the day which tests true grit and strength’ according to Mr Deer or, as I’d prefer to call it, ‘Judgement Day’! This day, is nothing other than the annual Cross Country. After holding an unprecedented record in the event, it was our time as a House to really prove our worthiness as Tigers - to hunt for the top spot and to further our chances of attaining the Paddy Carew Shield.


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

After an amazing effort, the Tigers came out in eventual second place just behind the Rice House, with Josh Marquez, Aiden Simkin and Ethan Cannon all achieving age champion credentials. After finishing a strong Term 1, the boys all came back determined to repeat their efforts. After analysing the report cards of each student within the House, it was clear that although our grades have never been better, we were still required to revive the annual commencement of Treacy Tutoring. Therefore, every Monday afternoon from 3:154:15pm, the cubs who failed at least one subject would willingly attend tutoring. For five years now we’ve run this program and with every year, we’ve continued to see a steady improvement throughout the House. As a proud veteran of the program, it’s great to see that 5 years later as a mentor, the initiative and our drive for success has remained consistent. As we all know, grades and attitudes are directly related. Therefore, we’ve committed to this compulsory program to ensure that we are are not only developing a strong work ethic, but are establishing the habits of punctuality and manners. Throughout my years at the College, there was a myth of the supposed ‘Iggy Spirit’ who watched over the grounds. It was said that the Spirit was an old boy of the Park, a true hero perhaps. But what it took me five years to realise, and five years to understand and unlock, was that this so called spirit was amongst every soul whom occupied the province. This spirit was a unique presence within all of us. Therefore, my goal as Treacy House Captain for 2016 was to find this spirit within each of my cubs, to unlock their potential and find their true capabilities.

Treacy Report Earlier I spoke of our theme for the year “No Excuses”, but for myself, the theme for this year was involvement. In order to uncover the ‘true capabilities’ of the cubs it was clear that their minds, their eyes and their thoughts were to be embedded within the College, to leave a legacy behind and be proud to hold the Crest on their chest.

Wars’. They say you don’t realise the effort that is put into events like these until you reach your final year. After spending the entire day herding the tigers together for their races and events, I can say on behalf of the senior unit that for as difficult as the day was, we met our goals and worked together to achieve the results we sought.

By saying this, it was clear that as Term 2 came along, the Senior boys created their own way of immersing themselves within the College through various initiatives. The first being that they had wanted to be remembered for something, to leave a legacy that can be continued after their departure. This would be the introduction of a new chant which comprised of a string of high notes and deep roars conducted by the Captain and the ‘Spirit Stick’. Another thing the boys devised was dividing themselves up into even groups. By doing so the boys set off to their assigned Homerooms every Friday morning to talk to the young cubs about important events and get to know them one on one.

Throughout the two days of the event, the Junior Division for the House managed to place second with major shout-outs to Josh Marquez (again) and Kevin Sajeeve for their 1st Place Age Championships alongside Tyreece Pott who also placed highly. As for the Senior group, it was fantastic to see such amazing efforts from the boys. Outstanding performances were posted by Ryan Rankin and Tim Stokes due to their consistent hard work, Jeremy Myles qualified for every event and Senior, Mason McGrath, achieved a podium position to top the day off.

After continuing their morning regimes on a Friday, the boys had organised and worked alongside their assigned Homerooms to choose a theme for the Athletics Carnival which would suit the whole House. That theme was ‘Star


With a drought of Interhouse activities within the College, it was time to revive a day in which we, as a House, proudly celebrate. This day is a day which signifies the birth of Brother Patrick Ambrose Treacy, a founding member of the Christian Brothers Australia. This day consists of various activities ranging from sock wrestling through to T-Ball, and the House favourite - the annual

Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Treacy Report shaving cream fight. The day was entirely directed and produced by the Senior cohort which was reflected in the record numbers attending the event. As a student of Ignatius Park, or more proudly, a student of the Treacy House, I’ve been able to fulfil my duties as a student of the College by taking advantage of all the opportunities offered. One of these opportunities included having the chance to travel to India to immerse in a Third World experience. The understandings and values I learnt throughout my time brought me to realise the true meaning of ‘social justice’. To include this experience within my role at the College, our House was able to provide sufficient resources and funding for those close to our hearts, close to our minds and close to the true meaning of respecting your community - whether that be on a local or global level. Therefore, as a senior cohort, we made it apparent that, throughout our journey, our first step to justice would be to make our annual Carnivals (Swimming/Athletics) a gold coin donation. The recipient of our inaugural funding ($100) was to be the Toast Room in appreciation of what Mrs Allan and the volunteers do for us.


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

In order to continue the established social justice within the House, it was apparent that it was time they gave back… back to the man who began it all for them - Mr Brian Geaney, a respected elder within the College community. In 2014, Mr Geaney was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer and the Senior boys were without their ‘Treacy Father’ for almost three terms. Mr Geaney’s return to the College at the beginning of 2016 to take the boys into their final year was possibly the greatest gift we could receive. In order to show our respect for our very own hero, we raised funds for ongoing medical costs. The boys managed a significant $100 towards the man who taught us all how to be not only a man, but a true man of dignity and respect. As the Treacy House Captain of 2016, it was an honour to be a part of such a thrilling year with such a great bunch of boys. The departure of myself and my Grade 12 Brothers this year will be the beginning of life’s tale, and an epilogue for 2017 seniors to extend upon. Matthew Oliver | Treacy House Captain

Treacy Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Treacy Report


House Reports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Treacy Report


Ignatius Park College 2016 - House Reports


Big History


tudents of the 21st century require a specific set of skills to successfully meet the challenges they will face in the future. The course, Big History, has been designed in order to develop students’ critical thinking, critical literacy and problem solving skills. The main objective of the Big History course is to provide the boys with a platform that enables these skills to develop. Big History tells the story of the universe from the Big Bang to our complex modern societies by drawing on insights from disciplines such as astronomy, physics, biology, archaeology, history and economics. Big History has helped the boys to make links between these disciplines in order to make sense of the ‘big picture’! Big History has also provided the boys with an opportunity to discover new ways of thinking. They have not been able to merely accept the findings of others but have been challenged to question and address real-world issues. Big History involves looking at the world from a broader perspective. It is a wonderful, innovative and divergent way to teach the foundations of our universe. It blends History, Science and critical thinking via a forward thinking lens. During 2016, Ignatius Park College has been part of ‘The Big History Design Partner School Program’. The idea behind this program was to have schools working closely with the Big History Institute, completing surveys and unit logs available on the Big History Project web site to iterate and refine the course. This feedback during the year has gone directly to the Big History Project in the United States to inform decision making processes regarding where refinements and improvements need to be made, both to the course and the learning materials in order to best meet the needs of our students.


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

To receive an invitation to be a part of this program was indeed a privilege for the boys and myself. We have enjoyed working with Macquarie University and hope our feedback has been of some benefit to their program design. The students were asked to reflect upon their experiences over the past twelve months. The following was said: “A fun interactive subject which has helped hone my skills in Science, History and English. It has been a pleasure to be a part of.” Shy T. “The most important idea I have taken from Big History is to not accept the given and most obvious answer but to question. I have learnt to challenge and look beyond the answer.” Kai D. “Big History has made a positive impact on my education.” Bellamy L. “Big History starts at the beginning of time and tells our story.” Kian D. “It gives a better understanding of how the Universe was created.” Nathan R. On a personal note, teaching Big History for the second time has indeed allowed me to be more creative and flexible in my approach. The creation of different assessment tasks has provided me with an opportunity to explore in greater detail the wealth of resources offered by the Big History course. The challenge is always to go beyond what is ‘safe’ and ‘familiar’. The boys have fully embraced this opportunity and will, in my opinion, be better learners from their experience of Big History. Sally Conn | Teacher



he boys started the year auditioning for, and accepting a number of roles in the combined schools’ production of What’s New Pussycat?. This experience provides an opportunity annually for the students from the three schools to work in a professional venue under industry standard conditions with all of the equipment and facilities that would be available to touring professionals in the Townsville Civic Theatre. As such, it is an unmatched event for expanding the knowledge and horizons of all the students who participate. Through rehearsal and presentation of the production, our boys learn the performance, personal and social skills that are required to succeed in this field and any other field of work.

In class during 2016, we have encouraged and produced a wide range of work dealing with skills development, communication techniques, exploring concepts, and deepening our boys understanding of the ways they interact with the world. In an increasingly digital age the importance of presenting our image and intentions to a variety of audiences in both live and recorded contexts cannot be underestimated.


Leo Hogan | Teacher

In Term 3, Mulkadee was held and a small number of dedicated students committed to this intensive week of preparation with local, national, and international tutors. A spectacular show was produced that showcased the diversity and talent of students from Year 4 to Senior. All students enjoyed participating in the stadium extravaganza. Some of our Year 7 students are already old hands at Mulkadee. As they continue to demonstrate their involvement, they are entrusted with greater responsibilities to lead the 1500 plus strong cast.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects




s this is my tenth year in this role, I have had frequent opportunities to share with you lots of thoughts about our collective experiences exploring the world of English. So, this year, I decided to allow the young men who will be taking the first step on their new adventure to have their say about what English has taught them over the years. English has taught me . . . . . . to use my words in a creative and interesting manner. Connor Boon | Baillie House . . . that literature can be inspiring if you let it be. Patrick de Waele | Rice House . . . the value and complexity of literature. Joshua Galang | Baillie House . . . secrets about life. Everything can be compared and improved. Kyle Everett | Treacy House . . . that words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. Brody Liston | Reid House . . . perseverance. Dalton Pegoraro | Rice House . . . that one little word can have a huge impact. Timothy Bloxsom | Reid House . . . that difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It simply means that you have to work hard. Jason Alsemgeest | Carew House . . . to think about what I’m going to say before I say it. Sam McGhie | Baillie House . . . to focus on what the word means, rather than just on what it says. Matt Sturgess | Rice House


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

. . . that words can be just as powerful as actions. Jonte Kennedy | Reid House . . . that silencing someone else will not make you heard over the rest. You have to wait your turn. James Stevenson | Nolan House So, after those words of wisdom, I turn to our teachers. It is clear that over many years your passion and commitment have engaged and inspired our students. Although at times some may have seemed reluctant, we have made a difference. My sincere thanks to you, on behalf of all of our students, for all that you do to help our young men become all they can be. Thank you to all the staff and students who have contributed to wonderful programs such as Debating and tutoring in order to support and extend our students. We look forward to another year of developing our language and using it to its fullest potential in the year ahead. Andrea Tarttelin | Faculty Leader - English

Film, TV and New Media


ledgling filmmakers practice their craft far from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. In families’ and friends’ backyards, dimly-lit garages, and school classrooms, they transform their vision into a film that they hope will one day be seen by thousands, or even millions, of people around the world. What they lack in budget and star power, they make up in raw ambition. These budding filmmakers at Ignatius Park College have certainly had numerous opportunities to share their creativity and innovative ideas this year in Film, Television and New Media. Students in Year 11 and 12 have spent hundreds of painstaking hours sketching storyboards and bringing to life characters and storylines that previously lay hidden in the depths of their imagination.

The Year 11 students tackled the first term with admirable enthusiasm and creativity. They examined the most iconic films in Australian cinema and delivered commendable critiques on the much-loved Aussie classics The Castle and Bran Nue Dae. They cast a critical eye over the strategies of tourism advertising, before taking a seat in the director’s chair to develop and produce their own commercial. Now with a taste for the media industry, students jumped straight into exploring the history of cinema by viewing the earliest recordings of motion picture to the latest Hollywood blockbusters. These up-and-coming filmmakers finished the year producing their own horror films that could give Kubrick and Carpenter a run for their money. The Year 12s had an equally successful journey, building on knowledge and skills learnt the previous year.

They began their Senior studies exploring Australian television and the role this medium plays in the construction of popular youth culture. They critiqued representations of teenagers in the media and studied the link between youth culture and music film clips. Channeling their inner director, they then took up their cameras and tried their hand at producing their own music video. Always on the lookout for inspiration, these promising filmmakers studied a range of classic art house films, learning about the emotion-exploiting German Expressionist and radical French New Wave film movements. They examined the historical context of these film styles, the conventions of each movement, and the contributions each has made to the film industry. Students then had the opportunity to break all the rules of filmmaking and channel every inch of creativity available to them to design and produce their own art house production.


A highlight for both cohorts was the special effects makeup workshop in which they learnt to create a range of realistic effects such as black eyes, flesh wounds, grazes and gashes. The classroom looked like a battle field, as the boys learnt to apply theatrical makeup and practiced their newly acquired skills on one another. They also took the opportunity to shock their peers, teachers and parents with elaborate stories to support these recently attained ‘injuries’. Many students later replicated these techniques on their actors when filming gory horror and disturbing Expressionistic films. Katrina Guazzo and Irene McLaughlin Film, TV and New Media Teachers

ANSWERS From top left: Boyhood, A Clockwork Orange, Silence of the Lambs, The Emperor’s New Groove, Fight Club, Memoirs of a Geisha, Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Breakfast Club, Up, ET the Extra Terrestrial, Hairspray, Inception, Reservoir Dogs, Wolf of Wall Street, Forest Gump, Mission Impossible, Grease, Juno, The Theory of Everything, Minions, The Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, The Blues Brothers, The Exorcist, Jaws, Se7en, Singing in the Rain, The Matrix and The Truman Show.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects




his year, Hospitality has seen the opening of a second kitchen, a dedicated junior kitchen that can be utilised as a Demonstration space as well as a classroom. Teaching the junior classes this year were Mrs Emma Bourne, Mrs Jodie Roberts, Mr Patrick McMahon and Mr Michael Lazzaroni. Year 7 Hospitality introduced the boys to food preparation, food hygiene and occupational health and safety. Their ten week introductory course culminated in a morning tea for parents and teachers where the boys set a themed table and served food and beverages to their table. The beautiful table arrangements and costumes the boys wore really set the scene for a fantastic event, showing off not only their cooking achievements but their emerging service skills too. Year 9 Hospitality students made up for their lack of experience by showing enthusiasm for every cook. They started off the Semester focusing on selecting fresh produce - testing a carrot’s freshness with a snap to choosing a quality cut of meat. They entertained and showed off their culinary prowess to their parents in their assessment task. This was a special event giving parents time to appreciate what their son has achieved so far. Looking at special dietary requirements was the first learning task for Year 10 students. They also completed a group task, creating a mini event with canapés and finger foods. Their unit, ‘Food in Australia’ looked at the history of our country though the waves of migration and food products brought to Australia. Their practical exam challenged the boys to create what they considered to be the quintessential ‘Aussie’ dish. The boys prepared and cooked everything from pies to Tim Tams, pasta to Guinness ice-cream, showcasing the diversity and abundance of produce that has become Australian cuisine. The Senior Hospitality boys started off the year with a chocolate making course, learning how to make hand


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

crafted chocolates, tempering coverture chocolate and creating chocolate sculptures. The Hospitality Studies boys in Year 11 created a successful coffee shop event and a fantastic Melbourne Cup event with a 1920’s theme. Year 12 Hospitality Studies students also held two successful events - a cocktail party for the Chaine de Rossituers Society and a Tex-Mex restaurant. Meanwhile, the Year 11 VET boys spent the year building up a skill level which was often complemented by industry work placement. Year 12 VET students created a black tie event for APEX which, according to feedback, was even better than the high standard set last year. Nineteen Year 12 Hospitality students travelled to Sea World Resort to attend their H.O.T.E.L. school and really enjoyed their time working in all areas of the resort. As always, the highlight of the excursion was a tour and dinner at Palazzo Versace, which was a memorable night filled with opulence and amazing food. It is fantastic that the Hospitality Department has grown over the past five years, with organisations from the Townsville community approaching our Department to host and run events for them. This gives the students real experience in event management and a chance to showcase their abilities. With every event we host, the behind the scenes untiring work of Mrs Debbie Price and Mrs Karin Bechel-Hunter helps to showcase Hospitality and enables the boys to achieve to such a high standard. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has helped the Hospitality Department this year, from the Kitchen Assistants and teachers to the parents, friends and members of the Townsville community who come to our events. I can’t wait for next year! Jude Squire | Teacher in Charge - Hospitality



Accounting n Year 11 Accounting this year, students explored the core foundations of Accounting principles and practices, while the Year 12 students explored Bank Reconciliations, cashflow statements, cash budgets and analysed fully classified financial reports. We finished Semester 2 becoming experts in the software accounting package MYOB (Mind Your Own Business). Although Accounting may well be perceived as ‘dry’, our practical work will often take the class off on a tangent to discuss real life accounting issues and situations. This always leads to productive conversation and problem-solving for the real world. We’d like to think that anyway!

Economics We have proof that our Year 12 Economics class this year contained some budding Warren Buffetts or Gordon Geckos! Our class this year took the opportunity to enrol in the Australian Stock Exchange game, representing the College with distinction. The game itself involves teams of students receiving $50,000 ‘cash’ and purchasing shares based on their learning of Australian companies. Students showed interest in the mining, pharmaceutical, food/agriculture and banking industries. Their interaction with the game also involved receiving daily updates of their performance through the game website. Most of the buying and selling in the game is carried out online.

Business / Economics and Civics / Geography These Junior programs continue to move from strength to strength as they prepare students for the ‘real world’ as well as provide a pathway to a variety of subjects in Senior such as Accounting, Economics, Geography and Legal Studies. Year 9 students were given the opportunity to listen to guest speaker, Libby Zollner, from Queensland Country Credit Union. Libby shared her expertise when providing advice to students on topics such as banking, interest rates, insurance and personal finance. Year 10 students embraced learning experiences in the field of Economics and Accounting, looking at both Standard of Living in Australia and basic bookkeeping skills.

The students learned a significant amount and a few gained the taste for becoming financial advisors in the future! Although the Australian Stock Market did not perform particularly well during the six week duration of the game, our teams performed very well and became quite savvy in their purchases, sales, and timing their run for the receipt of dividends. Congratulations to Todd McAuliffe (Pease), who led a team containing Joshua De Munari and Jeremy Kerr to 3rd place in Queensland, and a cash prize. We hope that the Economics classes of the future can continue the successful legacy left by these young men and use the game to further enhance their experience in the best subject in the senior curriculum - Economics!

Todd McAuliffe (Pease)

Year 10 Business Economics: Libby Zollner from Queensland Country Credit Union Oliver Dickinson convincing helping the Year 9 Business Economics class think about his parents to help finance his personal budgets. first car purchase!


Joshua De Munari

Jeremy Kerr

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects


Humanities Geography A highlight of Senior Geography this year was guest speaker and Old Boy, Chris Nitsopolous. Chris is an integral member of the locally founded Oz Cyclone Chasers organisation and is very passionate about this form of natural hazard. Chris has a wide range of experiences dealing with cyclones which includes taking important readings that are often passed on to the Bureau of Meteorology and local community groups in need of weather advice. The presentation was both informative and entertaining and was thoroughly appreciated by the students. History History continues to develop at Ignatius Park College as we embrace the National Curriculum. Students engaged in a range of depth studies taking them on a journey from the ancient world to modern day society, researching and conducting inquiry based investigations. This allows for a smooth transition into Senior Modern History where students look at war, political upheavals, the fight for human rights and people who made history throughout the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Legal Studies Senior students undertook a range of learning experiences in the legal field focussing on the legal system in Australia and Queensland. Criminal law, defences, and punishments as well as legal contracts and torts were studied. Year 12 students finished the year by investigating Family Law and the associated legal processes and philosophies. Tim Lindeburg | Acting Faculty Leader - Humanities

Year 11 Geography students assessing the human impacts on the Ross River Catchment.

Year 10 Civics took a field trip to Bicentennial Park to study the work done on river bank stabilisation by the Townsville City Council.


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

Indigenous Education


gnatius Park College is committed to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture is embedded into the culture of the College and in 2016 this was once again achieved through numerous opportunities. A number of programs took place during the year where students in each year level were given opportunities to learn, develop and respect their knowledge of Australia’s Indigenous Cultures. Some of the many highlights of the year included the two trips to Palm Island for the St Michael’s Close the Gap Campaign and the Obe Geia Rugby League Challenge, the Year 10 Indigenous Education tour to Central

Queensland and the Year 11 Indigenous Education tour to Cairns. This year saw the largest enrolled number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students the College has ever had. This is something the College is extremely proud of and the contribution these students and their families make to the College is very much valued by our community.


Andrew Kirkpatrick Program Leader - Indigenous and Multicultural Education

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects


Indigenous Education


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

Industrial Technology and Design


his has been a big year for our Faculty in the school. As always, we have had busy workshops with students from Years 7 - 10 in our Industrial Arts classrooms completing projects. Our Senior VET students have also been working hard to finish Certificate courses while completing Work Placements in Industry. Our Year 8 - 12 Graphics students are honing their skills using AutoDESK CAD products such as Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD and TinkerCAD. The Senior students also have the opportunity to use new technologies like 3D printing to complete design tasks. As well as all the usual activity in our workshops going on, we have also seen the completion of the Trade Skills Centre which has allowed our Construction subject to

move into a bigger space. This space is shared by a new subject introduced in 2016 namely, Certificate II in Resource and Infrastructure Work Preparation which provides a pathway to Civil Construction. The students will now have some new learning experiences in areas such as scaffolding, paving, trenching and concreting as well as the opportunity to operate a dingo as well as an electric forklift.


I would like to thank all the staff in the Department for what has been a very busy, but successful year! Michael Andersen Faculty Leader - Industrial Technology and Design

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects


Industry Placement (Vocational Education and Training)


ET at IPC undertook a major change in 2016 with the implementation of a Program Leader - Vocational Education and Training. This role was previously combined with the position of Dean of Senior School, however, with the increased focus on the VET program at the College, the need for a specific role was identified. Shane Dove joined the staff at the start of 2016 as Program Leader, with Julie Owen continuing on in the role as VET Assistant. A highlight of 2016 was the opening of the new Trade Skills Centre (TSC). This state of the art facility was designed and built to provide students with industry standard training facilities and has largely been used to deliver Certificate I Construction and Certificate II Resources, Infrastructure and Work Preparation in 2016. Staff and students alike will reap the benefits of such an excellent facility for years to come at the College. In 2016, approximately 105 Year 11 and 12 students were enrolled in VET qualifications offered by the College. VET offers students the opportunity to undertake nationally recognised training and enhance their chances of post-schooling employment. Students develop invaluable skills and knowledge in a wide range of industries including Information Technology, Construction, Engineering, Hospitality and Resource Infrastructure. Industry Placement was also an integral component of VET at the College this year with students attending ‘work’ for six one week blocks in many and varied industry areas. Placement allows students to try various trades and put their training from the classroom into practice in the workforce. Placement also helps students to gain on-the-job experience and make industry contacts. The College Industry Placement program continued to provide excellent opportunities for VET


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students to secure full time work and apprenticeships post school. During the year, a number of our Year 11 and 12 students secured school based apprenticeships and traineeships in areas such as electrical, banking, hospitality, spray painting, panel beating, hairdressing and automotive. Additionally, a number of our students undertook external VET training including TAFE North’s VET in Schools Program and DETE’s GenR8 Program. This provided students the opportunity to complete certificates in areas such as logistics, automotive, and electro technology. Well done to the students below: School Based Apprentices and Trainees Year 11 Drew Dawson Connor Evanson Lachlan Doyle David Salmon Aiden Mazlin

Year 12 Riley Holman Dimitri Polikarpowski Matthew Marshall-McGrath Jacob Smith Cameron Soutar

TAFE / GenR8 Year 11 Jed Toohey Sean Rennie Tristan Sorensen

Year 12 Harrison Crandley Dylan Lazzaroni John McKenzie Alex Evans Sam Gould Layton McColl Ruan Konik Corey Millan

We look forward to 2017 with anticipation at the implementation of many more such opportunities. Shane Dove | Program Leader - VET

Information and Communication Technology


A Changing World echnology is changing the world we live in. Today, a smartwatch has over two times the capability that Cray-2, the world’s fastest computer between 1985 and 1989 had. Every year there are new breakthroughs which impact on the way we work, socialise and live our lives. In the last ten years we have seen lightning speed technological change in areas such as 3D printing, drones, smartphones, intelligent robots, self-driving cars and gene editing, to name just a few. The ‘Internet of Things’ is driving a revolution which is seeing more and more everyday objects connected together, allowing them to collect and share data. Within the next ten

and the Humanities. Computational thinking has to be a fundamental part of the way people think and understand the world. At Ignatius Park College, students who study ICT subjects are taught not only how to use a variety of software applications and code applications, but more importantly, they are taught how to think computationally. Young ICT Explorers This year, four Year 8 students, Hayden Dunlop, Sebastian Petrie, Connor Depold and Benjamin White, as well as Ethan Cannon from Year 12 Treacy, competed at the Young ICT Explorer’s Competition at James Cook University. Young ICT Explorers is a non-profit competition, which


The results from a survey of technology executives and experts highlight some of the changes we can expect in the next ten years. Technology tipping points expected to occur by 2025

Percentage of respondents

10% of people wearing clothes connected to the internet The first robotic pharmacist in the US The first 3D-printed car in production 5% of consumer products printed in 3D 90% of the population regular access to the internet Driverless cars equalling 10% of all cars on the US roads The first transplant of a 3D-printed liver Over 50% of internet traffic to homes for applicances and devices The first city with more than 50,000 people and no traffic lights The first AI machine on a corporate board of directors Source: World Economic Forum, Technology Tipping Points and Societal Impact report, 2105

years, it is expected that there will be more than a trillion sensors connected to the Internet, collecting data about how much milk we have left in the refrigerator, displaying real-time parking information, providing up-to-theminute information on road closures, parking availability, bus delays or the pollen count. By 2020 around 22% of the world’s cars will be connected to the internet and by 2024, more than half of home internet traffic will be used by appliances and devices. With all these changes happening around us, how can we ensure students enter the world with the skills required to compete in this ever changing environment? How will we make sure that our students are ready for jobs that we keep being told have not been invented yet? Thomas Frey, senior futurist at DaVinci Institute, says that “Sixty per cent of the jobs that will be available 10 years from now haven’t been invented yet”. We need to teach students how to think computationally. Computational thinking is a way of breaking down big issues into bite-size pieces to create amazing solutions. It is essential, not only in making computer programs and apps, but also for problem-solving across all disciplines, including Mathematics, Science

has been created to encourage school students to create their best Information and Communication Technology related projects. Both teams presented their ICT projects to a panel of judges from both academia and industry and were judged on four criteria: Creativity and Innovation; Quality and Completeness; Level of Difficulty; and Documentation. Ethan Cannon placed third in the Year 11-12 category with his project which consisted of a suite of security and utility apps for Windows and Android. He already has a number of apps available on the Google Play Store and we wish him all the best in the future. Hopefully, he will have a chance to play a role in what the future looks like as he moves forward with a career in IT. The Year 8 Team, consisting of Hayden, Sebastian, Connor and Ben, have been good friends since Primary school. Their project consisted of a multiplayer networked game which looks at tackling the issue of bullying. The boys impressed the judges with their technical skills and team work and took out first place in the Year 7-8 Category. A well-deserved result for a lot of hard work and perseverance. Bruce Denny | Faculty Leader - Information and Communication Technology

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects




he Languages Department enjoyed many highlights in 2016:

Japanese Speech Competition This year there were 8 students who proudly represented Ignatius Park College at the Japanese Speech Competition. Year 7: Atticus D’Mello and Jefferson Bowman Year 8: Taran Burkhardt and Dante Calliste Year 9: Bryce Kenyon and Cameron Turner Year 10: Mitchell Jarrett and Oliver Dickinson The students delivered strong performances, entertained the audience and enjoyed the experience. Well done to all the IPC contestants. Manga Club This year, the Manga Club has enjoyed exploring Japanese Pop Culture. The students meet weekly to watch Japanese Animation and read Japanese comics. The Club promotes the popular culture of Japan while building friendships with a common interest. ICTs Students studying languages at Ignatius Park are lucky to enjoy technology within the classroom. Students use iPads on a regular basis to assist with language learning as they provide an interactive way to study new alphabets and vocabulary.


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

Culture in the Classroom Junior Japanese classes have been learning the ancient Japanese tradition of Origami or paper folding. Classes helped make hundreds of paper cranes for the Japan Tour students to take to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Paper cranes are folded as a wish for peace and are laid at this sacred site by people from around the world. Ignatius Park students have been learning about this connection between paper cranes and peace which can be traced back to a young girl named Sadako Sasaki, who died of leukaemia ten years after the atomic bombing. Open Evening The Languages Department displayed many of the unique language capabilities at the school’s Open Evening. Students made origami, tested their chopstick ability and tried calligraphy. Parents and new students enjoyed tasting traditional sushi and antipasto entrees. Tracey Quabba | Teacher in Charge - Languages

Learning Enrichment


PC recognises that each student is unique and has different gifts, abilities, interests and styles of learning. The Learning Enrichment Team works in collaboration with staff across the school to ensure our students abilities and needs are catered for. Students who have been identified as having learning difficulties are included in regular work and mixed ability classrooms where differentiated programs are offered to ensure students have the opportunity to develop their full potential. Sometimes it is necessary for students to receive further skill development and thus English Skills, Mathematics Skills and Science for Living classes are offered from Year 7-10.

and James Gaston who worked tirelessly ensuring boys received the best experience. I offer my gratitude to Nadine Burnett, our new Learning Support teacher, who has supported our boys to achieve great success. We congratulate Sandy O’Melia for the completion of her Diploma in Education and we wish her all the best in her future teaching roles. Our students are extremely fortunate to have had the support of dedicated and caring professionals.


Tracy Nioa | Program Leader - Learning Enrichment

The diversity of student learning needs are met in many ways including a modified curriculum, a differentiated curriculum, in-class assistance, accommodations such as Special Provisions for exams, mentoring and emotional support. The Year 7 boys quickly adjusted to life at secondary school and have produced some wonderful work with the assistance of our teacher aide members, Anthony Mitchell and Daniel O’Connor, who have worked predominately with this year level. The students have engaged in a diverse range of activities. Several boys from Ignatius Park competed in the Challenge Games held in July. There were approximately 800 students with disabilities participating from as far south as Sarina, to Mossman in the north, and Mt Isa to the west. Our boys participated in many events. The Skills Camps organised by Michael Lazzaroni in Year 9 and 10 have once again been a huge success. We are all extremely grateful for the tremendous commitment and dedication by Michael and other staff involved, in particular Brian Geaney, Michael Parker, Dallas Brown

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects




Readers’ Cup dwin Jomon, Elijah Weeks, James Clarke and Mitchell Parker represented IPC at the annual North Queensland Year 7/8 Readers’ Cup. These students were required to read a selection of books throughout the term and meet each week to prepare for the competition. On the night, these students competed against other teams to answer quiz questions from the books. The team tied in sixth place and there were only six points separating the IPC team and the winning team. Book Week The Book Week theme this year was Australia: Story Country. To celebrate Book Week, students participated in a number of activities and competitions including: book trivia, silent library race, rebus puzzles, best book excuses, book lingo and fast book chat. Referencing and research lessons Throughout the year, various class groups have participated in referencing and reading sessions conducted by the Librarian. Students learnt how to search the internet and databases effectively and how to evaluate their information sources. Nikea Bettridge | Teacher Librarian


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016



Queensland Association of Maths Teachers Year 7 / 8 Maths Quiz.


he QAMT Year 7/8 Maths Quiz is an annual Mathematics competition. This year, twenty teams from the Townsville District competed in a fun and challenging afternoon. The competition consists of questions about general Mathematics knowledge, mental computation, written computation, problem solving and estimation. 2016 QAMT Year 10 Maths Camp During 2016, five Extension Mathematics students, as well as students from fourteen other schools from all across North Queensland, travelled to Magnetic Island for three days to participate in the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers annual camp. Harry Cordery, Anton Donohue, Antony Jobby, Riley Rupp and Angus Woods competed in mixed teams in a variety of activities and scenarios to extend their knowledge of Mathematics and apply it to real life scenarios. The activities included a range of geometric, trigonometric, algebraic, volume and area problems which took the students out of their comfort zones and facilitated group work. All students participated wholeheartedly in the program and were a credit to themselves and the College. Michael Turner | Teacher

The IPC Year 7/8 Maths Quiz Team of Zachary Judge, Julian Fusco-Wright and Joshua Ferns displayed great team work and were competitive.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects




usic at Ignatius Park College has experienced significant change and renewal this year. We said farewell to Ms Dickson after five years of working in the Arts and Instrumental Music Department. Thank you to Mr Scott Buchanan, Ms Angela Byrne and Mr David Roberts for stepping in and continuing to support the boys in Music. There were some outstanding individual as well as group performances and compositions this year from our students in Years 9 - 12. A number of rock bands were formed, performing at the annual Interhouse Battle of the Bands competition as well as the Palm Creek Folk Festival. Congratulations to all boys who performed in the College Production band, liturgy choir and ensemble, Townsville Eisteddfod and Mulkadee. These students represented the College with distinction, demonstrating talent, passion, pride and a commitment to the school’s Arts program. Finally, congratulations to the Senior Music class, Samuel Stewart, James Morrison, Jackson Finnigan and Brodie Hohn who all received excellent levels of achievement on their exit statements. These boys have worked tirelessly over the past two years and should be commended for their efforts. Best of luck for the future boys!

Matthew Thiele | Faculty Leader - Creative Arts


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

Physical Education


Investing in the future he Health and Physical Education Faculty has been strengthening its link with the Australian Curriculum this year, redeveloping programs and assessment to better educate the young men of Ignatius Park College. The new curriculum looks to expand students’ knowledge, understanding and skills to help them achieve successful outcomes in classroom, leisure, social, movement and online situations. We know we live in an increasingly complex, sedentary and rapidly changing world and thus it is critical for every young Australian to not only be able to cope with life’s challenges but also to flourish as healthy, safe and active citizens in the 21st Century. Through Health and Physical Education, Ignatius Park College continues to focus and invest in the future of our students’ health and physical activity. As with the Middle School Curriculum, we are seeing some new approaches in Senior Physical Education as we await the implementation of the new ATAR system. Along with the new system, the school will adopt a new syllabus which will reconceptualise the way we see Physical Education in Queensland with a more academically rigorous and tertiary pathway focused program. The Queensland Government will introduce the new senior assessment and tertiary entrance system, starting with students entering Year 11 in 2019.

Ignatius Park College is extremely excited to be adding a new subject to the Health and Physical Education Faculty, offering a Certificate III in Fitness course to the program for 2017. This year’s Grade 10 students are the first group to be offered the course, building on our already strong links with business in the community. The College will be working closely with Binnacle Training in an effort to diversify the curriculum we offer and provide even stronger pathways for students to follow their passion and career prospects in the health and fitness industries in Townsville. Ignatius Park College is looking to establish a strong relationship with local gyms and personal trainers in the community.


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the hard working Health and Physical Education teachers as well as external volunteers for developing and instilling a positive attitude towards health, physical education, sport and exercise within the students here at Ignatius Park College. We are particularly grateful to AFL Queensland who, once again, have offered their services on a volunteer basis to work with students and develop their skills. We look forward to working with more external organisations next year. Benjamin Williams | Faculty Leader - Physical Education

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects




uring our time at the College, we are immersed in a variety of religious activities that give us the opportunity, as a school community, to come together under our Catholic beliefs. These religious values and beliefs are not only expressed during our whole school Masses, but are incorporated in our interactions with the outside community. One example of this is Ignatius Park boys consistently volunteering their time to brighten up the faces of the student of the Townsville Community Learning Centre following the Edmund Rice Education touchstone of Inclusive Community. However, Catholicism isn’t the only religion that the school explores. As part of our religious studies, we are given an insight and understanding of other major religions from around the world, and subsequently taught tolerance and respect for others, regardless of their religious affiliation. The topics covered over the past five years at The Park have not only given us knowledge and understanding of religious topics, but allowed us to strengthen our own individual beliefs and spirituality. Damien Kipping | Year 12 Student

Throughout the year in Religion, we have explored a range of topics which include Good and Evil, Life Choices and Ethics and Morality. Investigating such areas allows students to challenge themselves to develop their own opinions and beliefs. Religion also promotes group discussion which exposes students to the opportunity to listen and to learn from the experiences and views of others. In the future, I have no doubt that I will be able to apply the knowledge and skills that I have attained this year to various aspects of my life. Nick Healy | Year 12 Student


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

The Ignatius Park College community strives to form boys who can challenge social norms and ‘Seek Truth’ in their everyday lives. This quality cannot be taught through Algebra or English essays, but can be learnt through exposure to the everyday issues within our world, which is done in our Religious Education classes. In my personal experience, the Study of Religion has forced me to think outside the box and question things that are often ‘swept under the carpet’. Students tackle challenging topics such as terrorism, fundamentalism and even different beliefs about the existence of God. Both Catholic and non-Catholic boys are asked to set aside their own beliefs and values, and analyse those of others. This is crucial as it exposes students to different realities and different understandings. I believe that this exposure equips us with the important tools to analyse and judge world issues and derive our own conclusions and beliefs. Ramal Jaywardhana | Year 11 Student Religion this year has not only taught me aboutthe poverty and corruption of the world, but it has also challenged many of my morals and beliefs. We learned not only about the belief system of Christianity, but its factions and ethics. We learned about other religions, which opened my eyes to a bigger world outside Catholicism. My morals and thoughts about people with and without power has changed forever. It has inspired me take action towards social injustices in the world. It made me realise that violence and anger can never solve anything because being angry is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies. To conclude, Religion is a belief challenging, eye opening subject that has changed me into the person I am today. Fionn O’Seighin | Year 8 Student



n January of 2016, the new and old students of Iggy Park arrived at the school to commence their learning of Science. The College body warmed up well, and ran through the motions that each busy term had to offer. Teachers, the coaches of these scientists, were at the ready with fresh training regimes to employ on the squad. New to the coaching team were Mrs Young (Lab Assistant), Mrs Graham and Doctor Lima. All coaches displayed their qualifications to the highest standard throughout the year. Ignatius Park’s scientists were busy from the get go, having to express and extend upon their priorknowledge of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space Science - essentially developing new appreciation, understanding and skills related to the phenomenon that allows them to exist. While not packed to the brim with superstar scientists, the potential could be seen in all with a range of abilities and interests in an area of Science. The question is, did they strive to their potential and take an interest? Throughout the year, gutsy Science was demonstrated across the year levels. Term 1 saw a number of highlights. The Year 7 crew developed important laboratory skills to set them in good stead for the rest of secondary school. On the other end of the spectrum, the Year 12 Physics and Biology teams were set to embark on their independent experimental investigations and field studies. The Year 10 scientists were up to the challenge of high expectation in preparation for senior studies, as evidenced through

their Reaction Rates Investigation. The Year 8 Science for Living boys keenly tested their volcano structures. Trained up from first term, the Iggy scientists were prepared for a longer Term 2. Some of the boys were keen to display their finely tuned skills through volunteering to assist with experiments at the Open Day. Year 10 talent made up the Science and Engineering Challenge team which took on seven other regional schools at JCU, only to be pipped at the post in the last challenge for second place. Jovial sportsmanship was displayed and the team stood proud for the College. Year 9 teams brushed up on their eye dissection skills. The physics of sound, the identification of unknown substances and the organic chemistry of wine were the practical investigation topics on the senior end.


Did we have age champions in every age group once the end of Term 3 came around? No, as we were yet to see the rest of the year play out before the highest Science achievers were recognised. But as a squad, it was proven that Iggy Park had tremendous depth across the College. The Year 11 team put their best foot forward in regards to finding an alternative future transportation fuel. In the middle area, Year 9 teams lived up to the challenge of investigating the issue of heart burn caused by stomach acid. Great success and skill was demonstrated using the intricate form of titration analysis. National Science Week also fell amongst these, and the theme of ‘Drones, Droids and Robots’ meshed in well with the STEM focus

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Science that is highly relevant to the future prospects of many of our Iggy scientists. Kinaesthetic skills, creative and critical thinking skills were put to the test throughout the week by competing in daily homeroom and staff quizzes, robotics ‘constructurama’, flight ‘constructurama’, rocket launching and the making of edible future materials. For those Year 10 scientists that aspire to a sporting future in the area of the Senior Sciences, a new camping challenge is awaiting them on Orpheus Island in Term 4. Key training, conditioning and assessment of the skills of these scientists will occur through the conducting of various island experimental investigations, which should clarify their purpose as future captains in the drive to live in a sustainable world. Alyssa Deer | Faculty Leader - Science


Subjects - Ignatius Park College 2016

Visual Arts



016 welcomes Ms Stacey Meyer to the IPC Visual Art Department. She has introduced the Year 7s to a wide range of core art skills, as well as the basic principles of composition. Both Year 7 and 8 Art are rotational subjects which allow the boys to experience the subject for one term per year. Although this only provides a brief introduction, students may choose to continue studying this subject all the way through into Senior. Lino printing has been the main focus for Year 8 this year. After several weeks of hard work, students produced a range of striking compositions which will prepare them for the more intensive units of Junior Art in Years 9 and 10. In an effort to bolster the skill of journaling and design, Year 9 Art students have focused solely on improving their illustration skills in Term 1. This has proven invaluable for units covered later in the year such as ceramics, clay dragons and Japanese woodblock prints. We are now fortunate enough to have the use of a CNC laser cutter which has been incorporated into several units. One example is Year 11 Art, who have used this technology to laser etch their hand drawn designs onto skateboards. The Alligator Creek excursion/incursion gave Year 11 students the chance to photograph and draw the natural environment and, later that same day, begin work on a large acrylic on canvas landscape painting. Technical skills gained in this unit greatly assist students in the self-portrait unit the following term. Congratulations go to Henry Wells on being this year’s recipient of the Br. R.O. Grundy Award. Special thanks must go to Ms Debbie Price, for her behind the scenes work ensuring the smooth running of the IPC Visual Art Department. Brett Deneen | Teacher

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Subjects




Tokyo he first day of the trip was spent at the happiest place on Earth - Disneyland! Even though the rain was torrential, that didn’t stop the boys from having a great time. Decked out in Mickey Mouse rain ponchos, the boys had shorter wait times on lines and got to enjoy every ride in the park. Anime and Manga fans were very pleased with our visit to the Ghilbli Museum where they became immersed in a fantasy world of characters, scenes and adventures, not to mention bulk purchases at the gift shop! A cultural highlight was watching a Sumo Wrestling Tournament. The excitement of the crowd and the atmosphere in the stadium had the boys cheering and out of their seats! The boys were in shopping heaven in Shibuya and many spent up big buying shoes and clothes. Harajuku was an eye-opener with its interesting fashions and shops. We walked across the busiest intersection in the world at Shinjuku and also visited the electronic capital of Japan, Akihabara.

Kyoto After riding the Shinkansen to Kyoto, we were amazed by the traditional buildings and culture in the city, compared to the modern world of Tokyo. We spent a day at Nara Park and Todaiji Temple where students got to pat and feed friendly deer, eat green tea ice-cream and explore the magnificent ancient structures and shrines. The guided bicycle tour around Kyoto city was a highlight of the trip. We explored the backstreets of old Kyoto where the Geisha and Samurai live. We paid respect at Shinto shrines, ventured into tranquil parks and took in the aromas of incense burning in the narrow alleyways lined with traditional tea houses. The Golden Temple, Kinkakuji, was a sight for weary eyes with its momentous structure and gleaming gold leaf surface. We also visited Utano Elementary School for a morning to interact with Japanese students and test our language ability. The boys presented their self-introductions in Japanese and we sang a couple of Australian songs for our hosts. The school students were soon ‘high-fiving’ our Iggy boys and had become best friends by the end of the morning. We played a competitive game of Paper, Scissors, Rock ‘Japan-style’ and used giant bouncy balls to do team relays.


Tours - Ignatius Park College 2016

Hiroshima Visiting the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Park was a solemn and overwhelming experience. We spent hours wandering through the Museum, reading the recounts of the victims, viewing footage, looking at remains from the bomb site and internalising what it all meant for the people of Hiroshima. It was truly a humbling experience for all of us. Hiroshima also hosts a number of magnificently beautiful gardens and temples which we explored. The boys enjoyed feeding the huge carp in the ponds and taking in the serenity of nature within the hustle and bustle of the city. Osaka We were taken back to reality in Osaka with its fast paced city life. Boys enjoyed shopping and exploring in Dotonburi streets. The traditional dishes of Octopus dumplings and Okonomiyaka, or savoury pancakes, were tasted with some mixed responses! The Kaiyukan Aquarium in Osaka hosted a spectacular array of sea creatures which the boys enjoyed admiring. Outside the aquarium was the biggest Ferris Wheel the boys had ever seen and of course they were thrilled to get a ride on it. They got a bird’s eye view of the city from there! It was a trip of a lifetime and the boys were very sad to say ‘Sayoonara’ to Japan. It was an amazing experience that I’m sure none of the boys will ever forget and it would never have happened if not for the teachers, Mr Bill Ahearn, Mrs Stacey Meyer and Mrs Tracey Quabba.

Kairos Kairos n. a significant opportunity, God’s time


airos retreats are peer-led senior student retreats. The purpose of Kairos is to facilitate participants to explore issues of identity, relationships, spirituality and their emerging young adult faith. Proven over fifty years in hundreds of high schools throughout the world, Kairos retreats are a practical application of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Ignatian Spirituality emphasises ‘Finding God in All Things’. Having been involved with Kairos retreats in Australia and abroad, I have witnessed the significant influence that Kairos retreats have on young men. Kairos allows young men to put their faith into action through a shared understanding of God alive in our world. A Kairos retreat runs for four days and three nights, and is fully residential by nature. There are trained adult retreat facilitators and a Priest is also present. Kairos retreats are open for all young men who are searching for answers about their life and practical dimensions of their lived faith in Jesus Christ, irrespective of how regularly they practice their Catholic faith. This is all within the context of our College community whereby input and activities are led by student leaders and adults. Frank Clarke | Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission Testimonies from Kairos 1 and 2 Student Leaders “Kairos was a life-changing opportunity. It is something that has to be experienced. Kairos is something that has taught me to know myself better and discover who my God is. Everything will happen in opportune time.” Lincoln Hardy (11 Rice). “Pre-Kairos, I had a pretty good understanding of who I was, but I had a very vague idea of who my God is and my spirituality. Kairos helped me to take a step back and establish my own opinion on these aspects of myself. In addition to this, it brought me closer to understanding myself and the boys that I shared the retreat with.” Matthew Vollmer (11 Reid). “There is no doubt Kairos has made me a better person. I encourage everyone to give it a crack because there is nothing else like it.” - Joshua Keir (11 Carew). “Kairos was something like no other. I had my doubts going in but I can honestly say that Kairos was one of the best things that I’ve ever done in my life. For the lads who have their doubts about going, just give it a go! If you don’t do Kairos, you have missed an opportunity like no other.” - Oliver Gibson (11 Carew).

“Kairos has significantly reformed my identification with God and ultimately myself. My understanding for life and where I want to go has forever been changed and words cannot express how grateful I am to have been a part of this program and to bring Kairos to Ignatius Park. It is simply a once in a lifetime opportunity.” - Damien Sferratore (11 Nolan).


“Kairos was an amazing experience! I was initially hesitant to go but it was awesome! I recommend it for everyone.” Daniel Conn (11 Rice). “The whole Kairos experience was amazing! You are able to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and God. It is easily one of the best things that I’ve done and is a must do.” Jack Andreassen (11 Reid). “This retreat gave me an amazing chance to reflect on what I have done in the past and give me a chance to think about the future. Kairos is a life-changer for me!” Jack Cobon (11 Rice). “Kairos was definitely an experience worth joining. Not only learning about Jesus but also more about your true potential. It was overall an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone! Kairos is a ‘must do’.” Viliami Taufa (11 Carew). “Before Kairos I had many questions and uncertainties regarding my spirituality. However, now I have a new perspective on my faith and I have undoubtedly grown stronger as a person - something that wouldn’t have been possible without Kairos.” - Jacob Seri (11 Reid). “It has been a privilege to witness the boys grow spiritually and emotionally as they explored their own identities during the Kairos retreat. Being a part of Kairos has already become a massive highlight of my teaching career.” - Ms Amy Proud. “Kairos is a valuable time of reflection on God present in all around us. It is a spiritual check-up on our values and beliefs as we live them out.” - Mr Leo Hogan. “Kairos was a truly life changing experience. It provided me with a wonderful opportunity to connect with the boys that form an integral part of the Ignatius Park College community. It was indeed a privilege to walk beside them at such a critical stage in their life journey. I feel very blessed to share faith with these young men.” - Mrs Sally Conn. “Kairos is an amazing opportunity to grow in faith in God through the experiences and interactions that Kairos offers retreat participants.” - Mr Greg Christ.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Tours


Ski Tour


n June 30, 25 students and 3 staff packed and began the annual 9 day New Zealand Ski Tour. In the early hours, we boarded the plane bound for Brisbane, then onto Christchurch, New Zealand. From here we travelled onto Methvan which was to be our base for the next few days. Early to rise again, we were off to Mt Hutt to begin our two-day adventure, exploring available trails and lines. The boys enjoyed their first two days of snowboarding and looked forward to the days ahead on the slope. From here we travelled toward Wanaka, stopping on the way at Lake Tekapo for a photo opportunity, then to the Hot Pools for a required recovery session. We then continued on to Wanaka and setup camp. An early start of 5:45am was expected by the boys, so it was an early to bed call. Cardrona was the next mountain on the list. It would provide the best snow conditions and traditionally is the favourite mountain of the tour. The boys were treated to plenty of open trails and conditions that were perfect. The smiles could have been seen high up on the chairlifts, as they made their way down the hill. After our two days on Cardrona, it was time to move onto Queenstown, our final destination. On the road to Queenstown we stopped off at the Goldfield Jet Boats, where the boys were tossed about in a speed boat, edging closer to the rock face for an extra thrill inside the gorge! Many boys experienced the coldness of the water when doing the 360 spins. After this, we continued to Queenstown. On arrival, it was a quick luggage drop and then off to the Skyline Gondola for the Luge. The boys had 5 runs down the tracks and enjoyed every minute. If the smiles weren’t big enough on the slopes, they were beaming at the Luge! After this we returned to the hotel and received the brief for the next day. Remarkables would be our final slope to attack as Coronet Peak was shut due to weather conditions. The boys were happy about this as Remarkables were snow packed and had fantastic conditions that again offered plenty of opportunity to skill up on the snowboard. We had an early completion to the day and we headed


Tours - Ignatius Park College 2016

down the hill for a bit of sightseeing around town. Being the final night, the Skyline Restaurant provided a feast! It was a 5-star buffet meal that I am yet to see an IPC Ski Tour defeat. The food was again of the highest quality with many pant buttons being opened and belt notches released. With the final day now playing out, it was time to say goodbye to New Zealand but not before we had a few last hours of checking out Queenstown. Some dined on the Fergburger, whilst others purchased gifts for family and friends. We boarded the bus and headed for the airport with Townsville our destination. Arriving back at 10:00pm. There were plenty of sleepy heads ready to see the pillow at home. All in all, the tour was an absolute success. No injuries to report, life long memories being formed, new friendships and everyone having a great time abroad. This was due to the behaviour and commitment that the boys displayed on the tour. Finally, I would like to also acknowledge the efforts of Mr Philip Yates and Mr Benjamin Williams who supported the tour before, during and after. Chris Rigano | Pastoral Leader - Reid House Touring Students Callum Bell Harrison Bird Riley Campbell Lewis Chadwick Domenic Figg Charlie Gaudion Zachary Gough Matthew Gillespie Riley Holman William Hunter Matthew Kent Cameron Lenton Layton McColl

Fabien Menegazzo Jacob Murphy Matthew Oliver deWet Potgieter Ryan Rankin Julian Rasmussen-O’Keefe Brady Roberts Joseph Roepke Bailey Simmons Thomas Steyger Jed Toohey Dominic Unamuno

Italian Exchange


n Semester 2, three young men from European countries joined the student body here at Ignatius Park College. Sebastian Oerntoft from Denmark joined the Year 10 cohort and was hosted by the Johnson family. As his exchange brother Davis is a member of the Nolan House, so too was Sebastian. Like his host family, Sebastian is involved in the Scouting movement and thus he accepted the opportunity to travel more than 20 000 km to Australia to attend a major Scout Jamboree on the Queensland Central Coast. Sebastian spent time on Fraser Island with the Scouts experiencing the Island’s stunning natural beauty and vibrant ecology. He then spent time at Ignatius Park College and experienced all the best that IPC and Townsville had to offer. In the far north of Italy is a small industrial and agricultural town called Pergine Valsugana. Pergine is only 100km or so from the Austrian border and only 13 km from the Capital of the region, Trento, in Trentino Alto Adige. Ignatius Park has had a twinning and exchange arrangement with a local school, Istituto di Marie Curie, for several years. Last year, Andrea and Marco came to learn more about Australia and joined our community for six months. It was a resounding success and the boys really enriched the cultural landscape of IPC in so many ways. This year, I was very pleased to introduce Valentino (Val) and Samuele (Sam) to the College community.

these exchange students to engage with, and enrich our community. Val and Sam took time out to teach the Year 7 and Year 8 Italian classes how to play Italian handball. All the students learnt something new and had a good workout. Only being able to travel with the ball for three steps challenged most of us in how to count to three! It was great fun.


All in all, this was an unforgettable experience for the Italians who quickly became Aussies. I want to personally thank Mr Michael Conn and the Leadership Team at Ignatius Park College as well as the Preside (Principal) and Professor Laura Pedrotti in Pergine, Italy for their generosity and goodwill in supporting the exchange program between brother schools, Ignatius Park and Istituto Marie Curie. Keith Spencer | Teacher

Samuele Motter was hosted by Campbell Evans and his family, although other families also supported him. Sam has had a brilliant time and enjoyed a range of experiences in Townsville. Valentino Angeli is also from Pergine. He is a very outdoor oriented young man and one of his favourite activities is mountain climbing. Both of the boys love Soccer, of course, and the array of sports at the College has spoilt them for choice! I would like to thank all the families who have generously volunteered to host these students. As was the case last year with the Italian students, Sam and Val were in a mix of Year 11 and 12 subjects and graduated from IPC with the Year 12 cohort. In October, the boys and the two Italian girls at St Margaret Mary’s College travelled to Sydney where they were shown around the ‘big smoke’. The Opera House, Luna Park and Darling Harbour as well as the beach at Manly, were all on the agenda. Whilst at school there were also great opportunities for

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Tours




FL talent is alive and well at Ignatius Park College. This year the College participated in the Queensland Schools Cup, a state-wide knock out competition. The first round was held here in Townsville at the Murray Sporting Complex, which saw IPC take on the likes of Kirwan State High School, William Ross State High School, St. Teresa’s Catholic College and Shalom Christian College for the Townsville region title. The boys represented the College extremely well, displaying fine sportsmanship, athleticism and ability. IPC drew an equal first with Shalom at the conclusion of the Carnival, however, congratulations must go to Shalom Christian College for progressing through to the Northern Finals due to a higher accumulation of points throughout the day. Special thanks must go to Shane Gilmore for his time, expertise and efforts as the coach. We also sincerely appreciate AFL Queensland’s continued support.

Andrew Pollock | Teacher

Front Row: Maverick Parker, Oliver Gibson, Domenic Figg, Dexter Anderson, Jett Brooks, Brandon Jurgens, Cooper Guest Second Row: Mr Andrew Pollock, Guy Cummins, Hunter Keen, Bailee Brown, Viliami Taufa, Darcy Young, Jack Kelly, Jack Andreassen, Jack Hall, Mr Shane Gilmore Third Row: Lachlan O’Dwyer, Connor Wilcox, John Tolcher, Jack Humphreys, Joshua Figg, James Field, Dwight Hawken Fourth Row: Jacob Murphy, Mason McGrath, Alexander Whitwam, Nicholas Healy, Oscar Carter, Callum Bell Back Row: Ryan Gilmore, Reede Moloney, Bailey Weaver, Harrison Bird, Jayden Rafter, Jayden Freitas


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Athletics Interhouse Athletics Carnival wo days of high quality Athletics was on the agenda at the annual Interhouse Athletics Carnival. All boys took part in six field events and at least two track events across the seven houses.


TSSS Athletics Carnival Congratulations to the Ignatius Park College Athletics Team on a strong team effort at the Interschool Athletics trials. There were numerous strong performances across the two days of competition.

The Track Age Champions were: 12 years Joshua Marquez 13 years Lucas Dummett 14 years Kevin Sajeeve 15 years Benjamin Stewart 16 years Lucas Lynam 17 years Samuel Stewart

Overall age-group placings were: Under 12 years - 4th Place Under 13 years - 1st Place Under 15 years - 1st Place Under 16 years - 1st Place Opens - 1st Place Overall Aggregate Trophy - 1st Place

The Field Age Champions were: 12 years Sean Bourke 13 years Lachlan Ryan 14 years Tyreece Pott 15 years Julian Rassmussen-O’Keefe 16 years Jayden Rafter 17 years Rohan Clarke

Further congratulations must go to Max Newman on his record breaking performance in the U15 Shotput and Sam Stewart on placing first in the Open 400m, 800m, 1500m and 3000m events. The Relay teams also placed first in the U14, U15, U16 and Open 4 x100m events. Over 50 IPC students were selected in the Townsville Team to compete in the Northern Region Athletics Trials.


Special thanks to Kath Newman for coaching Shotput; Hayden Clarke for coaching Jumps; and all of the coaching and support staff who contributed to the boys’ success. Andrew Keane | Teacher

Front Row: Darcy Keir, Andrew Hardy, Aiden Hawkins, Daniel Weir, Zachary Cozzitorto, Levi Buchanan, Thomas Duffy, Thomas Kelly, Jakson Hughes, Jaxen Yow, Lachlan Lerch, Joshua Marquez Second Row: Mr John Alloway, Sean Bourke, Kai Negri, Zachary Lee, Ethan Burkhardt, Lucas Dummett, Mark Gardiner, Benjamin Stewart, Keenan Whitwam, Kyle Robinson, Ethan Ramsbotham, Noah Rule, Corey Baker, Nicholas Pearce, Mr Peter Monypenny Third Row: Theophilus Babao, Lucas Lynam, Riley Faust, John Nawara, James Norris, Kevin Sajeeve, Joel Basso, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Jett McGhie, Oliver Gibson, Harvey Smith, Ethan Kelvin, Maverick Parker, Kyle Howarth Fourth Row: Benjamin Judge, Martin Paul, Thomas Harte, Nicholas Nugent, Darcy Smith, Michael Trevilyan, Thomas Lyons, Mackenzie Bagley, Fraser McKay, Harrison Leslie, Lachlan Dale, Boston Mazlin, Jacob Yarrington Fifth Row: Tyreece Pott, Jacob Murphy, Charlie Gaudion, Samuel Stewart, Regan Baker, Viliami Taufa, Gregory Iorangi, Darcy Young, McKenzie Baker, Bailee Brown, Mason McGrath, Julian Rasmussen-O’Keefe Back Row: Alexander Whitwam, Jayden Rafter, Jordan Kleesh, Samuel Nimmo, Jordan Larsen, Matthew Conroy, Max Newman, Michael O’Brien, Jeremy Myles, Bennett Jesberg, Rohan Clarke

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Basketball Junior Basketball


ll of the Junior Basketball Teams performed very well in the local Schools Competition during Term 1. Once again the impressive talent pool allowed IPC to enter two relatively even teams for both Year 7 and Year 8. Throughout the season, all teams demonstrated excellent skills and more importantly, terrific sportsmanship. The Year 8 teams were undefeated with a number of comprehensive wins. Fittingly, against each other in the first round, the result was a draw. IPC White had the better of IPC Blue in both of the encounters in the Year 7 competition. Both teams lost to a very strong Annandale Christian College team. All other games resulted in victories.

Congratulations to all of the students that represented the College. It was very pleasing to see the development in all players and teams over the season. We look forward to bigger and better things from the boys below in the coming years. A very special thank you goes to all the parents and spectators for supporting the boys throughout each game. Also a huge thank you to the teachers that gave up their team to coach and manage the teams.

Under 15 Development Front Row: Callaway Parker, Hunter Finlay, Mr Gary Hughes, Jalen Ward, Jye Pearce Back Row: Jordan Kleesh, Callum Parsons, Robert Birnie, Logan Kyle

Year 7 Blue Front Row: Cody Fraser, Axl Lincoln, Alexander Roubicek, Keane Stone Back Row: Kobe Owens, Harrison Fuller, Joe Brosnan, Lachlan Parker, Lleyton Jackson Coach: Mr Craig Brown

Year 7 White Front Row: Ms Georgia Stayte, Oliver Betcher, Luke Whalan, Alex Bombardieri, Trinidy Parker Back Row: Marshall Wilson, Rory Hawke, Harrison Delgado, Haydn Conrad

Year 8 Blue Front Row: Mrs Annette Gregory, Sebastian Lynch, William Bennett, Lachlan Waldon, Angus Hawkins, Ms Amanda Loechel Back Row: Benjamin Herraro, Colby Findlay, Hunter Findlay, Declan Keyes-West

Year 8 White Front Row: Liam Donovan, Kyle Robinson, Liam Barber, Keenan Whitwam, Zachary Judge Back Row: Ms Jacinta Foley, Charlton Bird, Ryan Pickering, Joseph Di Bartolo, Mr Gary Hughes


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016


Under 15 White Front Row: Manuel Kelly-Fenech, Jean-Luc Denyer Lazaredes, Jye Pearce, Joshua Ward Back Row: Boston Mazlin, Robert Birnie, Max Newman, William Thompson


Under 15 Blue Front Row: Declan Wasley, Callum Gedling, Jalen Ward, Callaway Parker, Lachlan Braby Back Row: Mr Gary Hughes, Logan Kyle, Jordan Kleesh, Callum Parsons, Jacob Yarrington

U15 Basketball

Open Basketball

In 2016, Ignatius Park College fielded two teams in the U15 Inter-School Basketball competition. In what turned out to be quite an even competition, both teams finished the season with one loss a piece. This group contained a number of very strong players with an equally capable supporting cast. Both teams demonstrated a knack for executing some eye-catching plays whilst having a very good grasp of the fundamentals. Congratulations to Robert Birnie (IPC White) and Callum Parsons (IPC Blue) who received the Best and Fairest Awards for their respective teams.

Our campaign toward the State Championships was successful for all the local games. Our trip to Brisbane was less than expected. Our first game defeat to eventual finalists Brisbane State High was within our grasp until the final quarter. This trend continued throughout the Carnival with final quarter capitulations making the Carnival one full of dreams of what could have been‌ Thanks to all the staff, students and families who have made this another enjoyable year on the Basketball court. Brent Millar and Leo Hogan | Coaches

It is certainly exciting times for Junior Basketball at Ignatius Park College. Congratulations to both teams on another outstanding year. Craig Brown and Gary Hughes | Coaches

Opens Front Row: Maverick Parker, Thomas Owens, Bailey Weaver, Mr Brent Millar (Coach), Boston Mazlin, Todd McAuliffe (Pease), Thomas Steyger Back Row: Mr Leo Hogan, Harrison Crandley, Harrison Bird, Taylor Millar, Jeremy Myles, Mr Gary Hughes

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports




nce again both the Open and Intermediate teams entered the State Knockout T/20 Competition in 2016. Unfortunately, the Open boys were bundled out of the competition in the first round with a loss in the last over to Ingham State High School. The Intermediate team had a very successful year dominating the Northern Division through their round games, quarter final and semi final in the T20 State Cup competition. They travelled to Brisbane and played Brisbane Boys College in the final at AB oval. Unfortunately, their total of 98 was passed with two overs to go. The boys, Mr Michael Conn and Mr Gary Hughes are to be congratulated for their achievements this year. The Opens Schoolboys State Championships were held in Charters Towers during March 2016. Six IPC boys represented their zone during this rain interrupted event with 1 win, 1 loss and 1 washout. Northern finished fifth. Tim Lindeberg | Coach Queensland 19 years Representatives Joshua De Munari John Dempsey

Northern Schoolboy Representatives 14 Years Lachlan Marshall Tom Duffy Travis Busch Brendan Eaton Ethan Ramsbotham Bingen Balanzetegui Connor Snow Joshua Ward

Open Joshua De Munari John Dempsey Patrick Conn Cooper Guest Michael Trevilyan Thomas Steyger

Joshua De Munari and John Dempsey helped Queensland retain the 1 Day and 3 Day trophies against NSW.

PHOTO (Right): Opens - Back Row: Brendan Haylett, Max Newman, Daniel Conn, Jacob Seri, Oliver Dickinson Front Row: Bailee Brown, John Dempsey, Michael Trevilyan, Patrick Conn, Joshua De Munari Absent: Thomas Steyger, Cooper Guest, Dylan Debenham, James Stephenson PHOTO (Below): Intermediates Team at Allan Border Oval, Brisbane.

14 Years State Carnival will be contested in Charters Towers in late November this year. The boys are contesting this Carnival as this Yearbook goes to print.


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Cross Country


Interhouse Cross Country

Interschool Cross Country

he annual Interhouse Cross Country began in earnest with all boys running either a 3km, 4km or 6km course along the Ross River bike pathways. The boys competed with great comradery and spirit in what were quite humid conditions on the day.

The Cross Country team was also successful at the Townsville Cross Country Championships taking out first place in 12 years, 13 years, 14 years, 15 years, 17 years and Overall.


The Age House winners were: 12 years Nolan House 13 years Rice House 14 years Treacy House 15 years Baillie House 16 years Reid House 17 years A tie between Reid, Rice and Treacy! Rice House were victorious on the day taking out both the Junior School and Overall Trophy. Congratulations to the following boys who were winners in their respective age groups: 12 years Ashton Waddington 13 years Lucas Dummett 14 years Bailey Waddington 15 years Tom Harte 16 years Lucas Lynam 17 years Samuel Stewart

The following boys were in the top ten placegetters in their respective age groups: 12 Years Ashton Waddington, Joshua Marquez, Kye Johnston, Jayden McMinn 13 Years Kai Negri, Lucas Dummett, Isaac Mayo, Aiden Freeman

14 Years Bailey Waddington, Ethan Ramsbotham, Aiden Simpkin

15 Years Thomas Harte, Louis Zabala, Ben Stewart, Jalen Ward, Tynan Scarff 16 Years Lucas Lynam, William McMahon, Alex Whitwam, Adam Cook 17 Years Samuel Stewart, Oliver Gibson, Ethan Cannon, Brodie Chaffey

Front Row: Padraic Glasheen, Joshua Marquez, Cooper Bishop, Maverick Pegoraro, Kye Johnston, Andrew Hardy, Jayden McMinn Second Row: Aiden Hawkins, Thomas Kelly, Ryan McCarron, Nathan Clohesy, Louis Zabala, Kai Negri, Thomas Duffy, Sonny Jennings Third Row: Ethan Ramsbotham, Lucas Dummett, Lucas Lynam, Kevin Sajeeve, Timothy Hardy, Darcy Reddicliffe, Benjamin Stewart Fourth Row: Max Spriggs, Kyle Howarth, Hunter Zacka, Jalen Ward, Mason McGrath, Rhys Mead Back Row: Jack Reddicliffe, Alexander Whitwam, Samuel McGhie, Samuel Stewart

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Football Bill Turner Cup 2016


he Bill Turner Cup team performed very well in 2016 and reached the State Finals for the first time in a number of years. The players trained and played with distinction throughout 2016 and represented the College well in their time on the pitch. Most importantly, the boys enjoyed their time as a squad this year and, as a result, played to their potential. In 2016, we aimed to get an effective balance in the team by combining experienced Year 10 players with a few of the best younger players in the College. Throughout the journey, we found this combination worked well and the boys demonstrated great team spirit. I would like to thank the players for their patience and their ability to still play and train for IPC when their clubs were asking players to commit more time to their schedules. The campaign began with home and away games against Kirwan SHS, where we won 3-1 (at Kirwan) and drew 1-1 (at IPC). These games were a fantastic training ground for the tougher games ahead. The boys passed the ball well and created opportunities for the front three attacking players. Congratulations to Louis Zabala and Tim Ambrose for consistent performances during these games. A zone final against Cairns SHS was the next challenge and on a rainy afternoon at Ignatius Park College, our team eventually won in an extra time playoff! An exciting equalising goal from Ben Stewart about 10 minutes from

time was paired with a counter-attacking effort from Mitch Gulson. It was a really exciting game and finish, and allowed the team to travel to Brisbane for the State Finals for the Bill Turner Cup. The trip to Brisbane was a bit of a disappointment, as we lost 5-1 to Kawana SHS. We conceded an early goal and were never really able to find our rhythm against an impressive Kawana side. The IPC squad and coaches were shocked to find that Gregory Terrace decided not to play the 3rd versus 4th playoff against IPC for reasons we are still confused about. We were proud of the boys and their efforts in getting to that stage of the competition, and 3rd place in the Bill Turner Cup, Queensland, was the end result. This year the team was managed by Shane Dove with the assistance of Paul Bruce. I would like to thank Shane and Paul, who were a brilliant support behind the scenes. I would also like to sincerely thank parents and carers of the squad this year. Their support on the sidelines was really appreciated by the players, as was their financial support of the State Finals trip to Brisbane. Finally, I would like to thank the players for their efforts in 2016, and we look forward to a bigger and better season next year. Thankyou sincerely to the current Year 10 students who will now move on to Senior football. Brendan Stewart | Coach - Bill Turner Cup

Front Row: Bailey Waddington, Mitchell Gulson, Ethan Ramsbotham, Jared Mitchell, Nickia Whaleboat, Louis Zabala, Daniel Kratzmann Second Row: Mr Brendan Stewart, Kyle Robinson, Kyren Walters, Riley Bloom, Benjamin Stewart, Mr Paul Bruce Back Row: Cameron Stabler, Jayden Haines, Timothy Ambrose


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Football Open Football


his year’s Open Team played in the InterSchool Block Sport in Term 3 as the previously contested State Cup Competition no longer exists. Even though there was no finals or cup to play for, it did give an opportunity for many boys in Year 11 a chance to represent the College. Additionally, this was the start of the 2017 UK Football Tour, providing a chance to start playing games as a team. The boys played four games for an unbeaten record, with three wins and a draw. Game 1: IPC 2 vs Tsv Grammar 1 Not a great start to block sport with only eight players available at the start of the game. Even with this numerical disadvantage, the boys produced some great counterattacking football with Hanz Ogo opening the scoring. Fortunately, some of the Rugby Union boys stopped in after their training to help the team. Although they were not Football players, we appreciated their assistance and the entertainment value they provided! Second half saw many opportunities to increase the lead, with Valentino Angeli (Exchange student from Italy) scoring the second goal. The boys held on for a 2-1 win, with Grammar scoring late in the game. Game 2: IPC 4 vs Ryan Catholic College 2 After a slow start and conceding an early goal, the boys bounced back with Jake Siandri scoring an equaliser. The boys then dominated the game with many, many chances to score, however, it was Ryan Catholic College that scored on the break to take a 2-1 lead. Fortunately, the team lifted and goals from Jack Hall and Joe Hirst took the score out to 3-2, with Charlie Matterson then scoring a goal to ensure a comfortable 4-2 win. Game 3: IPC 3 vs Kirwan State High 3 The game against Kirwan State High was always going

to be the toughest game, with the two teams having a number of quality players. It was a competitive game, played at good tempo, with much end-to-end attacks by both teams. Both teams had opportunities to seal a win with Kirwan High leading 3-2 in the final five minutes. A very late goal by Kyren Walters meant both teams had to settle with a 3 all draw. Goals were scored by Valentino Angeli and two for Kyren Walters in a high quality game.


Game 4: IPC 4 vs Pimlico 0 After a very tough game, this match saw an opportunity for some fringe players to get some quality game time. The boys dominated the game and created many scoring opportunities. Hanz Ogo opened the scoring after some good work down the left edge. Valentino Angeli then drove through their defence to score twice. The highlight of the game came in the final five minutes with William Thomas being in the right place at the right time to score the final goal! Although the boys didn’t get to travel away and compete in a State Cup this year, it was still very enjoyable to be involved with this team. Thank you to Charlie Matterson and William Thomas for coming out of Football retirement and playing for us. Also, thanks go to Valentino Angeli for being the sole Year 12 player. I am looking forward to 2017, to see some new faces coming up from a very successful Bill Turner Cup squad, especially as we look towards the 2017 UK Tour. We are looking forward to working as a team to improve so that we can match the school teams in England next year, especially after being given a football lesson by Queen Elizabeth School - Kirkby Lonsdale when they toured in July. Thank you to the staff working in the background with the Open and UK Tour teams as we look forward to 2017. Paul Bruce | Coach

Front Row: Benjamin Leonardi, Zachary Timbs, Harrison Dove, Valentino Angeli, Joseph Hirst, Jake Siandri, Patrick Carter Second Row: Jordan Tuckey, Ramal Jayawardhana, Lane Moloney, Thomas Clive, Jayden Rafter, Jack Hall, Charlie Matterson, Mr Paul Bruce

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports




gnatius Park Open Hockey was a very young team this year but were very competitive in the Interschool competition, placing second overall. Games against Kirwan State High School were closely contested with just one goal separating the teams in each match. However, in their games against Townsville Grammar School and Bowen State High School, IPC showed their goal scoring skills with strong wins in each of their matches. IPC were well represented in Northern School Boys Hockey teams. Kye Johnston was selected in the Northern School Boys U12 team and played at the State Championships on the Sunshine Coast in June. Benjamin Judge, Curtis James, Callum James and Max Spriggs all played in the Northern School Boys Open Hockey team at the State Championships in Ipswich. A strong performance by Benjamin Judge was rewarded with selection into the Queensland U16 School Boys team. Benjamin represented Queensland at the Australian School Sport National Hockey Titles in Melbourne. Congratulations also to Curtis James and Benjamin Judge who were part of the Queensland #1 Team that won the Gold Medal at the U15 National Hockey Titles. Benjamin scored a hat-trick of goals in the Grand Final and, as goal keeper, Curtis only let in one goal throughout the entire competition. Max Spriggs played in the Queensland #2 Team that placed 6th at the U15 National Hockey Titles.

Hockey Results 2016 3 May 2016 KSHS - 3 vs IPC - 2 Goal Scorer: Callum James 2 17 May 2016 IPC - 8 vs TGS - 1 Goal Scorers: Liam Duffy 3, Callum James 2, Mitchell Parker 1, Drew Boniface 1, Rhys Mead 1 24 May 2016 KSHS - 2 vs IPC - 1 Goal Scorer: Callum James 1 7 June 2016 IPC - 11 vs TGS - 1 Goal Scorers: Benjamin Judge 2, Callum James 2, Curtis James 2, Liam Duffy 1, Sawyer Faulks 1, Zachary Judge 1, Rhys Mead 1, Antony Jobby 1 25 June 2016 IPC - 8 vs BSHS - 1 Goal Scorers: Rhys Mead 2, Liam Duffy 2, Max Spriggs, Zachary Judge, Sawyer Faulks and Callum James Thank you to Peter Spriggs for his continued support of IPC Hockey. His assistance and expertise at games is greatly appreciated. Geoff Brown and Jacinta Foley | Coaches

Front Row: Mitchell Parker, Callum James, Max Spriggs, Liam Duffy, Matthew Astbury, Sawyer Faulks, Zachary Judge Back Row: Sebastian Petrie, Rhys Mead, Antony Jobby, Curtis James, Benjamin Judge, Joshua Ferns, Ms Jacinta Foley Absent: Mr Geoff Brown


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016



owing at Ignatius Park College has had a great year of growth in 2016. Learn to Row, held in Term 1, was a great opportunity to try a fun new sport. The success of this Learn to Row program has resulted in many new faces joining Team Phoenix during the Term 2 and 3 season. Ignatius Park College Rowing gives students of all abilities and sporting backgrounds an opportunity to train and compete in an elite sport. This season, the Rowers distinguished themselves by their competitiveness and community spirit; often stepping up to crew composite boats with students from other schools, in addition to their own races. Under the instruction of our new and returning Coaches, Rowers work on developing their skill in this highly technical sport, as well as honing their competitive edge.

The local rowing season consists of five Regattas, each hosted by a local school. IPC Rowers made a name for themselves this year by consistently progressing through their heats to finals races and top three finishes.


Four Ignatius Park College Rowers travelled to Bundaberg during the September school holidays to compete in the 2016 Queensland Schools Championships against competitors from all over Queensland and Northern New South Wales. As always, our students represented the College with pride. Ignatius Park College Rowing would like to thank our coaches, parent group and supporters for all of their tireless work, early mornings and long regatta days. Daniel O’Connor | Rowing Co-ordinator

Front Row: Daniel Moman, Joshua Swain, Kian Dalton, Aaron McRae, Fintan Halpin, Lachlan Larsen, Alistair Corkeron Second Row: Mr Daniel O’Connor, Anthony Grech, Christian Lauder, Jack Dunn, De Wet Potgieter, Nicholas Cussen, Guy Cummins Back Row: Liam Buxton, Conor Dalton, Cooper Stocks, Jesse Statham Absent: Kieran Moran

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Rugby League

T Front Row: Jairus Butalid, Ethan Dawson, Lachlan Lerch, Mitchell Doyle, Cooper Chislett, Cianan Cuthbert-Botha, Jayden McMinn Second Row: Mrs Tracey Quabba, Matthew Dyer, Eden Hess, Joseph Sale, Cooper Bishop, Andrew Edmonds, Jaxen Yow, Mr Ben Williams Back Row: Cody Sadler, Zachary Cozzitorto, Ryan McCarron, Joel Basso, Sean Bourke, Daniel Weir, Kuresa Fota Pio

Front Row: James Yardley, Aiden Scott, Thomas Kelly, Zaviah Leedie, Maverick Pegoraro, Jayvan Scarff, Benjamin McLean Second Row: Mr Greg Christ, Gus Rees, Trey Valentine, James Stephan, Chayse Wilkins, Miss Melanie Baxter Back Row: Ryley Musumeci, Jordan Davies, Ryan Booth, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling

Front Row: Lachlan Nugent, Braydon Bin Doraho, Jack Mines, Cathane Hill, Thomas Duffy, Levi Buchanan, Braedan Kennedy Second Row: Mr Andrew Pollock, Nathan Ford, Connor Wilkins, Lachlan Sheppard, Edward Hampson, Ashley Mayocchi, Harry Reid, Mr Gian Guerra Back Row: Louis Jackson, Lucas Dummett, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Justin Kerr (Healey-McKenna)

Under 12s he U12s had their first opportunity to wear the Ignatius Park Jersey and certainly did their school proud along the way. The boys grew as a team throughout the year which was highlighted through a very narrow defeat to Kirwan 1 in their second encounter against them as compared to the first game of the year. It must be mentioned that the Ignatius Park boys played as a U12 team, whereas Kirwan opted to stick with a Year 7 team which included U13 players. This concept is completely within the rules. However, it meant that the IPC U12s played against a predominately U13 Kirwan 1 side and were only narrowly defeated. The boys were successful in all other games with comfortable victories. This exposure and commitment against the older boys will surely hold this team in good stead as they travel through the age groups and play against their own age in next year’s competition. The team was very well coached by Mr Williams and managed by Mrs Quabba. Their efforts throughout the season are very much appreciated. Best Forward: Eden Hess Best Back: Jaxen Yow Best and Fairest: Cooper Bishop North Queensland: Jaxen Yow, Rory Hawke, Cooper Bishop, Lachlan Lerch, Eden Hess, Karessa Pio

Under 13s Ignatius Park College fielded two teams in the U13 Competition in 2016. In a true testament to the quality of these two teams and the depth with which Ignatius Park has in this age group, both teams went through the competition undefeated apart from when they played each other. In the end it was the Mr Guerra coached IPC White that prevailed, narrowly defeating Mr Christ’s IPC Blue 14-4. Both teams should be congratulated on their commitment to Ignatius Park College Rugby League and we are very excited to watch these players progress as they continue to move through the IPC Rugby League Development Program. Thank you also to both coaches as well as Mr Pollock and Miss Baxter for all their hard work throughout the season. IPC White 2016 Best Forward: Levi Buchanan Best Back: Justin Kerr Best and Fairest: Lucas Dummett IPC Blue 2016 Best Forward: Jordan Davies Best Back: Maverick Pegoraro Best and Fairest: Jake McAuliffe

Front Row: Joshua Kinsey, Jackson O’Grady, Clay Smith, John Nawara, Aka Fota-Pio, Tai-Reece Hill, Bingen Balanzategui Second Row: Mr Oral Power, Rohan Chapple, Tyreece Pott, Jake Bourke, Maletino Lafoga, Mr James Gaston Back Row: Jack Taylor, Jarrod Bubner, Marley Iorangi, Izack McLean, Josiah Setiu

Front Row: Cooper Withers, Bailie Armstrong, Thomas Whiting, Mitchel Yow, Darcy Reddicliffe, Matthew Sharp, Connor Lerch Second Row: Mr Dallas Brown, Aiden Simkin, Tom Sheppard, Ethan Kelvin, Terence Rooney, Alain Mukasa, Connor Snow, Mr Brian Geaney (Coach) Back Row: Kye Henderson, Tai Laidlow, Lachlan Maginnis, Patrick Lulham, Jake Good


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Under 14s Ignatius Park College also fielded two teams in the U14 age group. Both of these teams continued their stellar form from last year with Mr Gaston’s IPC White remaining undefeated throughout the season. Mr Geaney’s IPC Blue should also be very proud of their efforts beating the other schools in this age group and only suffering very narrow defeats to IPC White and Kirwan 1. The Under 14 age group continues to be a very strong bunch of talented Rugby League players who are committed to developing their game and representing Ignatius Park College with passion and pride. As a school we are very excited about the prospects of both of these teams as we watch them continue to develop and represent IPC. Thank you to both coaches as well as Mr Brown and Mr Power for all their work with the boys over the season. U14 White Best Back: Tyreece Pott Best Forward: Izack McLean Best and Fairest: Jake Bourke

U14 Blue Best Back: Thomas Whiting Best Forward: Aiden Simkin Best and Fairest: Connor Snow and Matthew Sharp

Rugby League U15 Cowboys Challenge Champions

Ignatius Park College were crowned the Champion school in the U15 age group after successfully claiming the Cowboys Challenge for the best team north of Gladstone. On June 8, the boys defeated Kirwan State High School in the Grand Final at Jack Manski Oval. Below is a recap of their season and the road they took to Grand Final glory. Round 1: Kirwan State High School was our first round opponents in the Cowboys Challenge. Iggy Park went into the break leading 18-6 after an outstanding first 25 minutes. The second half saw us starved of quality possession and the side defended really well to hold on 18-16. Round 2: The next round took us to the always damp Tully Showgrounds. As expected, it rained the entire match and the centre third of the field saw plenty of traffic. Our big boys handled the conditions far better and a double from Riley Maddern sealed the 18-4 victory. Round 3: We resumed our positions on the 22-seater and headed up the Bruce Highway to take on St Teresa’s College, Abergowrie. A new halves combination of Zac McMinn and Hayden Rowbotham combined well to steer the team around the park. Sam Nimmo inspired the boys with some bone rattling defence and also bagged a double to seal a 48 - 8 victory. Semi Final: The Cathedral College Rockhampton stood in our way of a possible home Grand Final. The opportunity to play at BB Print Stadium in Mackay was a real thrill for the boys and they certainly started the match well. ‘Bus lag’ was nowhere to be seen as the boys jumped out to an early 18-0 lead. Our ball control and enthusiasm in defence were highlights of this dominant 34-10 victory. Grand Final: The side made the perfect start through a try to hooker Adrian Trevilyan within the opening five minutes. The first half was highlighted by the strong defence of both sets of forwards, with neither willing to give up the ascendency. Special mentions must go to Joey Jensen, Cameron Bateup, Leyton Anderson and Adrian Trevilyan who were tireless in defence. A big defensive effort also came from first time centre, Mark Gardiner. Kirwan High scored from close range to have the match evenly poised at 6-all going into halftime. The Iggy boys knew that their defence would win them the match. A slick final tackle play saw Kyle Ashby score in the corner, with Hayden Rowbotham unable to convert from the sideline. The final 15 minutes gave both sides plenty of chances to seal victory but it wasn’t until Man of The Match, Noah Power, barged over from 10m out that victory was sealed.

2nds Rugby League

The mighty 2nd XIII proved to be a formidable side in 2016. With five wins and one loss, the season proved to be a successful one. The attitude displayed by all men was excellent. We had wins over All Souls, William Ross, Ryan, St Anthony’s and Thuringowa. Our loss was to very committed Cleveland team. We congratulate them on a great season. The team was led by our big men Robbie Fairbanks, Daniel Walk, Emilio Fichera and Lachlan Keevers. Jack Humphries and Matt Jeffrey were both sensational at hooker. Our Second Rowers were Trent Lloyd on the left and Cameron Bell on the right. Both men proved to be great in both attack and defence. Viliami Taufa played a real utility role in the forwards and handled the responsibility well. Another who played a utilty role was Cieron Botha. His enthusiasm for the game knows no bounds. Cieron was happy to play anywhere from prop to fullback. Our locks were Guy Cummins and John Tolcher. Both proved to be a real handful for the opposition. We used a number of combinations in the halves, including Quinton Chalmers, Dexter Anderson, Drew Dawson, Sean Renton and Charlie Matterson. All steered us around the park well. In the centres were Alex Evans and James Field. Both can find the tryline. On the flanks were Kurt Cummins, James Barclay and Fraser McKay. Kurt is blessed with great strength. Fraser and James with great speed. At the back was Marshall McGrath. With his freakish skills on display, he was a hit with the fans on the sideline. We were also aided at times by members of the First XIII squad. This included Jake Shaw, Patrick Conn, Brodie Chaffey and Jonte Kennedy. We thank these boys for their efforts. A huge thanks to Mr Bill Ahern for his superb managerial skills. Brendan Logan | Coach


2ND XIII - Front Row: Dexter Anderson, Guy Cummins, Luke Kenny, Drew Dawson, Kurt Cummins, Rudy Marshall-McGrath Second Row: Mr Bill Ahern, Kale Smith, Charlie Pelling, John Tolcher, Mason McGrath, Callum Bell, James Field, Jack Humphreys, Mr Brendan Logan Back Row: Charlie Matterson, Robert Fairbanks, Viliami Taufa, Trent Lloyd, Daniel Walk, Quintin Chalmers, Fraser McKay

A massive thank you to Coach Mr Groves, Mr Bettington and Mr Logan for all of the hours of hard work, commitment, effort and enthusiasm you put in with the boys. Without your hard work the excellent results achieved would not have been possible. NQ Reps: Mark Gardiner, Riley Maddern, Sam Nimmo, Michael O’Brien, Noah Power and Adrian Trevilyan QLD Reps: Cameron Bateup and Joey Jensen Best Back: Sam Nimmo Best Forward: Cameron Bateup Best and Fairest: Joey Jensen Christian Quabba | Rugby League Coordinator

UNDER 15 - Front Row: Mark Gardiner, Charlie Bell, Darcy Stevenson, Cameron Bateup, Kyren Walters, Jack Connolly, Zachery McMinn Second Row: Mr Matthew Groves, Brayden Winterburn, Adrian Trevilyan, Joey Jensen, Faumui-Lafoga Iosefo, Hayden Rowbotham, Noah Power Back Row: Lleyton Anderson, Jacob Keir, Michael O’Brien, Samuel Nimmo, Riley Maddern

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Rugby League First XIII National GIO Schoolboys Cup

In what proved to be a very successful year for Ignatius Park College Rugby League, spread around the Confraternity Shield victory was a pleasing GIO Cup National Schoolboys campaign. The boys started the year in style with a victory in the annual preseason Matthew Bowen 9s Competition. Ignatius Park entered two teams in the competition with both teams making it through to the Semi Final stage before the Ignatius Park 1st XIII went on to claim a comprehensive 18-4 victory in the Grand Final over Kirwan. From the hard work of the preseason and the enjoyment of the 9s Competition, it was then time for the season proper to commence with the first round of the Aaron Payne Cup which leads into the National GIO Cup. After a first round loss to Kirwan State High 34-10, it was back to the drawing board for Ignatius Park in order to ensure that they got their Aaron Payne Cup campaign back on track. A daunting road trip to Rockhampton to take on the favoured Cathedral College and St Patrick’s College Mackay was the next task for the IPC boys. The First XIII were clinical in both games, with a hard defensive edge helping grind out a 20-4 victory in muddy conditions against Cathedral on Day one, before running away with a 38-0 victory over St Patrick’s Mackay on Day 2. The remaining months of the Competition saw Ignatius Park College march along on their winning way with victories over Cassowary Coast in Tully 52-0, Mackay State High 48-0 and a very close fought victory at Abergowrie College in which Ignatius Park were pushed all the way until a Dalton Pegoraro line break and McKenzie Baker try saw Ignatius Park escape with a hard fought victory! Ignatius Park’s 28-4 victory over St Brendan’s to secure the Confraternity Shield also catapulted the First XIII into the Aaron Payne Cup Grand Final against arch rival, Kirwan State High School. Although Kirwan were victorious on the night 12-6, a wonderful defensive display from the boys coupled with a Jonte Kennedy try through some Enemarki Shibasaki brilliance in the lead up, ensured the game was not decided until the final kick. The boys will never forget the display of school pride with over 700 tickets being sold at the College Office and the sea of blue and white on the Northern Hill at 1300 Smiles Stadium. Rugby League at Ignatius Park College is indeed alive and well!

A Confraternity Grand Final rematch against St Brendan’s College to be hosted by Ignatius Park for the GIO Cup State Quarter Final was the First XIII’s next assignment. In a wonderful day for the College and a moment the Ignatius Park boys will never forget, the First XIII were victorious 22-18. A McKenzie Baker try only 3 minutes from full time sent the school into hysterics as the final hooter sounded and celebrations spilt onto the field. Ignatius Park were through to the State Semi Finals and the Top 8 of all schools in Australia. A feat which has not been achieved at Ignatius Park since 2012. A trip to Brisbane to take on Rugby League powerhouse Keebra Park in the State Semi Final was the First XIII’s next challenge. For many of the boys this was a massive occasion and something they had been working towards all year, made even more special by the fact it was to be telecast on Fox Sports. In the end, Keebra Park ran out winners 44 - 12. However, the Iggy boys certainly took up the fight to their much larger opponents and certainly had Keebra looking over their shoulders when Adam Cook had a close call disallowed which would have brought the scores to 24-18 with 15 minutes remaining. As Coach of the First XIII in 2016, I would like to wholeheartedly thank all 26 members of the squad. Amongst a horrific injury toll this year, where several boys suffered season ending injuries, every time an opportunity presented itself, the boys ensured they were ready to take it. Your commitment, hard work and desire to do whatever it takes for your team mates and your school will be something that sticks with me forever. Your legacy and commitment to IPC Rugby League will long be remembered into the future. North Queensland Schoolboys Representatives Regan Baker, Tom McCagh, Oscar Carter, Kurt Schultz, Manfred Babao, Lope Goidubu Qld Schoolboys Representative: Tom Kenny

Christian Quabba | Coach Enemarki Shibasaki

First XIII Captain NQ Open Schoolboys Selection Contracted to North Queensland Cowboys Ene was inspirational throughout 2016. Unfortunately, injury cruelled most of his season. However, he continued to lead from the front by working hard in the gym and waiting for the all clear. Upon his return after Confraternity, he was simply outstanding. His passion and toughness befitted the crest on his chest and his legacy will remain.

Thomas McCagh

First XIII Vice Captain Confraternity Champion QLD Confraternity Team QLD Open Schoolboys State Champion IPC Spirit of Confraternity First XIII Best Back 2016 Tom is a real leader of men. He is tough and uncompromising and lets his actions speak louder than words. He is a very talented Rugby League player who always puts the team first and has a ‘whatever it takes’ mentality. A real cornerstone of the team’s success. The boys love playing beside him and, as a coach, I love having him in the team.

Oscar Carter

FIRST XIII - Front Row: Brodie Chaffey, Dalton Pegoraro, Oscar Carter, Enemarki Shibasaki, Thomas McCagh, Theophilus Babao, Hayden Saltner Second Row: Mrs Kayleen Foster, Mr Matthew Rowan, Adam Cook, Mr Christian Quabba, Caleb Jones, Fr Rod Ward, Mr Gary Cook Third Row: McKenzie Baker, Jonte Kennedy, Ethan James, Jack Gauld, Regan Baker, Adam Whyte, Mr Mick Giorgas Back Row: Liam Jameson, Jack Maye, Isaac Locke, Kurt Schultz, Tom Kenny, Harrison Leslie, Mitchell Zohn Absent:Patrick Conn


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

First XIII Vice Captain Confraternity Champion QLD Open Schoolboys State Champion QLD Confraternity Team IPC Confraternity Player of the Carnival Fr Rod Ward Medallist First XIII Best and Fairest 2016 Contracted to North Queensland Cowboys Oscar is an extremely talented and dedicated Rugby League player and outstanding young man. He has taken his game to another level in 2016 and is the ultimate professional in all aspects of his life on and off the field. He is a natural with the ball in hand and is always asking questions of the opposition. His services to IPC Rugby League will long be remembered, participating in 3 Confraternity campaigns. I look forward to watching his career develop.

Rugby League First XIII James Babao

Caleb Jones

Confraternity Champion The ultimate team man. James was a player who the boys loved playing with as he would do anything for the team and those around him. He continually came up with massive defensive plays when the team needed them most and grabbed every opportunity with both hands. James is the type of player every team needs. Thank you, James.

Confraternity Champion Caleb is a terrific young man who always played well above his weight. His dedication to getting the best out of himself ensured that he was willing to take any opportunity given. Caleb’s enthusiasm and willingness to work hard meant that the boys loved playing beside him. A true team player.

Manfred Babao

Jonte Kennedy

Confraternity Champion QLD Open Schoolboys State Champion Manfred came into the team as a raw player with plenty of potential. He grabbed every opportunity with both hands and continually carted the ball forward into the opposition as a young Front Rower. His hard running has the potential to turn games.

McKenzie Baker Confraternity Champion Confraternity Player of the Final QLD Confraternity Team QLD U16’s Origin Team Contracted to Sydney Roosters McKenzie has had an outstanding year and was a real ‘go to’ man for us in times of need. He scored some excellent tries at crucial times and big plays were aplenty throughout the year. I look forward to watching McKenzie thrive in 2017 as he becomes a real leader in the group. He is a freakish athlete who can produce anything on the field.

Regan Baker Confraternity Champion QLD Open Schoolboys State Champion QLD Confraternity Team Contracted to Brisbane Broncos First XIII Best Back 2016 Regan is an outstanding Rugby League player and fine young man. His strong and powerful carries always get the team on the front foot. Regan lets his actions speak for themselves and is very skilful at the back. He was always there for the team. I look forward to watching his career develop.

Brodie Chaffey Confraternity Champion QLD Confraternity Team Brodie played out of his skin for Iggy Park in 2016. His defensive resolve and pride in keeping the right side strong defensively was a real foundation of his performances. Brodie continually put his body on the line and guided the boys around the paddock. Brodie should be proud of his 2016 year and his accomplishments on the field.

Patrick Conn Confraternity Champion Patrick provided impact for those around him throughout the year. He played his best football at the Confraternity Carnival where he carted the ball forward and bent the line. He is a skilful forward with the ability to play before the line.

Adam Cook Confraternity Champion Adam started the year as a young player hopeful of an opportunity and continued to develop into a certain starter. He is a skilful player with the vision and ability to guide a team around the field. I look forward to watching Adam thrive in 2017 as he becomes a real leader of the First XIII.

Jack Gauld

Confraternity Champion Jonte’s footwork often troubled opposition teams throughout the season particularly as they began to tire through the middle. He provided plenty of impact when he was injected into games and often sparked something from those around him. Jonte always put the team first and the boys loved playing beside him.

Tom Kenny Confraternity Champion QLD U18 Schoolboys QLD Open Schoolboys State Champion Contracted to North Queensland Cowboys A class act. Tom is the type of player who can be damaging on both sides of the football. He is a natural athlete who is strong with the ball in hand and equally as aggressive without. Tom brings confidence to those around him. I look forward to following his career closely over the coming years.

Harry Leslie First XIII Squad Member Harry is one of those people that everyone loves having in the football team. His enthusiasm and ‘team first’ mentality is exactly what the First XIII is all about. Harry is blessed with natural speed and instincts on the field. He is a player who will never let the team down. I look forward to a big 2017 campaign from Harry.

Isaac Locke Confraternity Champion Isaac gave everything to the First XIII this year. As a younger member of the squad, he began the year as a development player who wanted to listen and learn at all times. When opportunity presented, Isaac ensured he was physically and mentally ready to do the job for the Park. I look forward to watching Isaac thrive as a leader in 2017.

Dalton Pegoraro Confraternity Champion Dalton is a crafty dummy half who continually got the opposition on the back foot through his probing runs. He was not the biggest player and continually put his body on the line with every tackle and run. The boys enjoyed playing beside him because when he crossed the white line he gave it everything. Thank you, Dalton.

Hayden Saltner Confraternity Champion Another younger member of the squad. Hayden is as tough as nails and his speed and footwork were a constant threat. Hayden always plays well above his weight and the boys loved playing beside him because he always gave it everything. Hayden is a hard worker who will bring plenty of punch to the pack in 2017.

Kurt Schultz

Confraternity Champion NQ Open Schoolboys Selection Jack has gone from strength to strength since arriving at IPC early in the year. He fast cemented his position in the heart of our engine room and was always willing to provide a tough carry when needed. Jack is a tough, no nonsense country boy who brought some real starch to the First XIII pack. A very popular member of the team.

Confraternity Champion QLD Open Schoolboys State Champion Contracted to Manly Sea Eagles When I think back on 2016, I will always remember Kurt’s toughness. He played through extreme pain for a large part of the year with a shoulder injury and just refused to back down. Kurt is a player that makes the boys more confident for having him in their side. He continually put his body on the line and led from the front. Thank you, Kurt.

Ethan James

Adam Whyte

Confraternity Champion First XIII Best Forward 2016 Ethan developed into the leader of our pack in 2016. He grew in confidence as the year went on and really took it upon himself to get the team going forward. Ethan worked hard in every aspect of his game this year. He transferred his amazing strength and hard work from the gym to the paddock and should be proud of his season. Thank you Ox.


Confraternity Champion Adam began the year as a young and green player with potential. He worked extremely hard from the onset and grabbed his opportunity in the starting team with both hands. He is one of those players you want in your side. Adam will be one to watch in 2017 as he grows into a real leader in the First XIII.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Rugby League Confraternity First XIII Confraternity Champions

Confraternity 2016 was hosted by The Cathedral College, Rockhampton. The First XIIIs opening assignment was a tough meeting against the unpredictable and very dangerous Abergowrie College. Abergowrie came out of the blocks flying and with their minds firmly set on the upset of the Carnival racing to a 6-0 lead thanks to an intercept try. To the Iggy Park boys credit, they remained composed and ran out eventual winners 34-6 with Tom Kenny being judged the Man of the Match. Aquinas College from the Gold Coast was the next opponent for the Iggy Park boys. The First XIII were never truly tested, running out eventual winners 34-0. Oscar Carter was awarded Man of the Match for his clever work out of dummy half. The final pool game saw Ignatius Park College come up against Emmaus College, Rockhampton. The Iggy Park boys stuck to their structures well and turned the screws on the Emmaus boys to record a comprehensive 46-0 victory. Hayden Saltner tackled everything that moved and was named Man of the Match for his efforts.

Tuesday afternoon was one of the games the boys had really been waiting for. A quarter final against hosts, The Cathedral College. In what proved to be one of the best Confraternity games in several years, Ignatius Park came flying out of the gates to lead 6-0 early through a Regan Baker try. They held on to this lead at the half time break but, early into the second half, a string of penalties and a very controversial sin binning, saw TCC take the lead 8-6. To the Ignatius Park boys credit, this only brought them closer together and resulted in one of the best defensive displays in Ignatius Park history. The boys defended their line time after time and kept turning up for each other in the face of great adversity. With under a minute on the clock, Man of the Match, Oscar Carter, displayed wonderful vision and strength to slice through the TCC defence scoring under the posts. The resulting 12-8 victory sent Ignatius Park College into the Confraternity Semi Final. After a well-deserved rest day, St Augustine’s College, Cairns, was all that stood between Ignatius Park and arch rivals St Brendan’s in the Confraternity Grand Final. Ignatius Park were clinical in all areas, running out eventual winners 42-4 with Hayden Saltner again claiming Man of the Match honours. The boys had secured their spot in the Confraternity Grand Final against their great rivals, St Brendan’s College, for the right to be crowned Confraternity Shield Champions for 2016. In front of a very vocal and pro St Brendan’s crowd, the First XIII scored their opening try inside the first five minutes of the

game when Oscar Carter powered over the line. Less than ten minutes later, Carter scored his second try near the posts. St Brendan’s had opportunities but could not capitalise in the face of our relentless defence. Our hard work paid off when winger, Lope Goidubu, made a break out wide off a spectacular pass from Tom McCagh to score on the halftime siren. An early St Brendan’s second half try gave the locals some hope, but The Park kicked ahead to 20-4, courtesy of a penalty goal. With fulltime closing in, Patrick Conn scored our fourth try followed by another penalty goal, making the final score 28-4. It was Ignatius Park College’s first Confraternity Shield victory since 2013 and fifth since the competition began in 1980. Every player within the squad had certainly contributed to this victory and deservedly shared in the celebrations after the match as Ignatius Park College were crowned Confraternity Champions for 2016. As coach of the IPC Confraternity Champions for 2016 I can categorically say that I am proud of each member of this Rugby League Team both as athletes and most importantly, responsible young men. Throughout this article I have purposely only named the try scorers in the major games and Man of the Match as awarded by the Confraternity Selectors. The reason for this is that there were far too many amazing efforts throughout the week, to single out each individual player. Confraternity Shields are not won on the back of an individual effort, an individual play, or even an individual moment. Confraternity Shields are won on the back of the coming together of a group of young men, who are willing to commit to each other and do anything for each other, all in aid of the common cause. As I have heard people say in the past, Confraternity is about bringing away a group of boys and returning with a group of men. Congratulations to the Ignatius Park College First XIII, you are an amazing group of young men of whom your coaches, families, friends and school community are extremely proud.

Finally, there are a number of people who need a special mention for their effort and commitment towards the Confraternity Champions of 2016. To the parents, thank you for your understanding throughout the year. Whether it be the early morning wake ups to get your child to training, time spent sitting in the car when training went over time, or your travel throughout the state to support the boys, your commitment to your child and his Rugby League pursuits this year is truly appreciated. On behalf of the group I would like to thank Principal Mr Michael Conn, his leadership team and entire staff for their continued support. Fr Rod Ward, Mr Gary Cook, Mr Matthew Rowan and Ms Kayleen Foster for not only giving up a week of your holidays to accompany the boys to Confraternity but the hours and hours of work you have put in with the boys every single day for the past 10 months. Mr Michael Giorgas for his tireless work in the Gym to ensure the boys were the best physically prepared team at Confraternity and Mr Dave Elliott for assisting at regular sessions throughout the year. To achieve Confraternity glory truly is a team effort and without the massive contribution of those mentioned above such outstanding results simply would not be possible. Christian Quabba | Coach

Front Row: Brodie Chaffey, Dalton Pegoraro, Oscar Carter, Enemarki Shibasaki, Thomas McCagh, Theophilus Babao, Hayden Saltner Second Row: Mrs Kayleen Foster, Mr Matthew Rowan, Adam Cook, Mr Christian Quabba, Caleb Jones, Fr Rod Ward, Mr Gary Cook Third Row: McKenzie Baker, Jonte Kennedy, Ethan James, Jack Gauld, Regan Baker, Adam Whyte, Mr Mick Giorgas Back Row: Isaac Locke, Kurt Schultz, Tom Kenny Absent: Patrick Conn


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Confraternity Individual Honours 2016 Qld Independent Secondary Schools Merit Team Oscar Carter, Lope Goidubu, McKenzie Baker, Regan Baker, Brodie Chaffey and Thomas McCagh IPC Player of the Carnival: Oscar Carter Player of the Final: McKenzie Baker IPC Spirit of Confraternity: Thomas McCagh

Rugby Union XV


nother good year for Rugby with over 40 students trialing for the 1st XV Squad for 2016. Obviously these numbers, as well as the skill level displayed, were impressive and thus the decision was made to enter a 2nd XV again this year. Encouraged by the enthusiasm shown by the entire 1st and 2nd XV Squads, we were keen to get stuck into the season and avenge some of the under par performances from 2015. In all, the boys only played three local competition games which was disappointing given the number of schools in Townsville. Unfortunately, this seems to be the trend outside of the major cities. With the local competition struggling, IPC Rugby decided to look further afield and are in the process of getting games from outside the local area, touring teams and annual trips away. When looking at the 2016 squad, it is plain to see that the team was reasonably strong across the field but just came up short in the execution of the finer points of the game plan and shape practiced at training. Having said that, the 1st XV started the year well in the Elder’s Cup in the Downlands and finished on a high note beating Kirby Lonsdale from the UK.

John Elders Country Rugby Cup Seen as an opportunity to expose the IPC 1st XV to a number of high quality games early in the season, the coaching staff accepted an invitation to compete in the Elders Cup at Downlands College. The Cup was named in honor of John Elders who was a member of the Downlands staff and 1st XV Coach from 1982 - 1992. He was very passionate about Schoolboy’s Rugby and Country Rugby for young men. Including Ignatius Park College, the tournament brought together 1st XV country school teams from Rockhampton Grammar School, James Nash High School Gympie,

Scots PGC Warwick, Matthew Flinders College from the Sunshine Coast and, the hosting school, Downlands College. The hospitality offered by Downlands College was outstanding. They provided accommodation and meals for all 22 students as well as staff which was sincerely appreciated.


The tournament was held over two days and the crowds were treated to a number of very entertaining encounters. The weekend was a great success and the boys had the opportunity to play against some well drilled opposition in what would be their first games together as a team. They came away from Toowoomba with not only new and refined Rugby skills, but also stronger relationships with each other. Game 1: vs Downlands College (Toowoomba) IPC came up against an extremely well drilled Downlands College team in their first game for the year. Fresh back from a tour of New Zealand, the Downlands team proved too strong for IPC, winning the match 285. While this was our first game for the year, there were several patches of promising Rugby throughout the game and an inspirational effort which saw IPC running in a try with only two minutes left on the clock. Overall, IPC was dominated at the set piece and Downlands had too much power in the contact which saw them run out winners in the end.

Try: Matthew Marshall-McGrath MVPs: 3 - Daniel Conn, 2 - Christian Batic, 1 - Dexter Anderson Game 2: vs Matthew Flinders College (Sunshine Coast) IPC played Matthew Flinders College from the Sunshine Coast in their second game of the day and began to fine tune their shape which once again saw them playing

Front Row: Dexter Anderson, Henry McKinnon, Joshua De Munari, Callum Bell, Joshua Figg, Kurt Cummins, Fabien Menegazzo Second Row: Mr Mark Moxon, Lachlan Regattieri, Dale Whalley, Charlie Matterson, Callum Mahoney, James Field, Guy Cummins, Mr Bruce Denney Back Row: Mr Michael Turner, Daniel Conn, Robert Fairbanks, Christian Batic, Connor Anderson, Lachlan Buchanan, Jack Andreassen, Jeremy Kerr, Charlie Bennett, Mr John Alloway

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Rugby Union XV some good Rugby at times throughout the game. Still rusty from not playing many games together prior to the tournament, the team lacked cohesion which saw them fall into the trap of not keeping to the shape required to prevent the game from becoming a scrappy affair. However, while the game may have been scrappy at times, IPC did create several opportunities which weren’t always capitalised on. Once again the effort was good and we won the game 12-7. Tries: Charlie Matterson, Joshua Figg Conversion: Charlie Matterson MVPs: 3 - Callum Bell, 2 - Joshua Figg, 1 - Dexter Anderson

Game 3: vs Scots PGC Warwick Having won one game and lost one, we went into the playoff for 3rd and 4th on Sunday morning. Coming up against a very committed James Nash High from Warwick, IPC took a while to get into the game but showed some extremely gritty defense on their line. Parked on their line for 10 minutes, IPC had the chance to exit a couple of times but were unsuccessful and James Nash finally broke through. Once again, IPC played with big hearts and their effort was plain to see. While we created several opportunities, we lacked the patience to convert them into points. In the end, while IPC had improved considerably over the tournament, we came away in 4th place, eventually going down 17 -12. Tries: Charlie Matterson, Kurt Cummins Conversion: Charlie Matterson MVPs: 3 - Dexter Anderson, 2 - Daniel Conn, 1 - Christian Batic

Overall, the boys represented their families and the College with distinction, the Rugby was good, the weather great and the hospitality fantastic! Local Competition

Game 1 - Wednesday May 18 Defeated Pimlico State High School - 24 to 7. The first game of the year for the IPC Open team was against Pimlico SHS. Unfortunately, Pimlico had to forfeit the game as they were short a number of players. To IPC’s credit, however, a number of the boys ‘stepped up’ and joined the remaining Pimlico team to make sure all players that turned up got a game. It was the first game for the team since the John Elders Cup at Downlands College and provided many of the boys with the opportunity to try out some moves they had worked on in Toowoomba. MVPs: 3 - Callum Bell, 2 - James Field, 1 - Daniel Conn. Game 2 - Wednesday May 25 Lost to Kirwan State High School - 17 to 19. This was a tough game against a determined Kirwan State High School. The game was an arm wrestle from the start, with both teams leading at different times as they traded try for try. IPC were definitely stronger at the set pieces and breakdowns, however, the sheer


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

strength of some of the Kirwan players constantly tested the defence of IPC. The game came down to the wire with IPC attacking in Kirwan’s 20 for a last push towards the line. Unfortunately, they were unable to convert the pressure into points and had to settle for a closely contested loss. Tries: Callum Mahoney, Guy Cummins, Charlie Matterson MVPs: 3 - Guy Cummins, 2 - Kurt Cummins, 1 - Robert Fairbanks Game 3 - Wednesday June 8 Lost to The Cathedral School - 19 to 31. In the last game of the local season, IPC came up against old rivals Cathedral. They went into the game keen to make amends after the loss to Kirwan the week before. After only 10 minutes, however, they were already three tries behind a well-structured Cathedral team. Heads dropped and the boys came off at half time disappointed with themselves. They started the second half with a bang and scored a couple of quick tries to restore some pride and there was a belief that they could put the first half behind them and win the game. IPC started to play more structured Rugby, however, they were unable to keep the momentum going and eventually lost 31-19. Tries: Jack Andreassen, Jeremy Kerr, Robert Fairbanks MVPs: 3 - Dexter Anderson, 2 - Callum Mahoney, 1 - Jeremy Kerr International

IGNATIUS PARK COLLEGE VS KIRBY LONSDALE UK On Tuesday 26 July, IPC Rugby Union was treated to another UK team visiting our part of the world. Having been hosted and looked after exceptionally well by Kirby Lonsdale on our last tour to the UK in 2015, it was fantastic to be able to return the favour and host them, displaying our NQ hospitality.

Given such an opportunity, the IPC Rugby Union community did not disappoint and rallied to help billet a number of UK students. Going above and beyond, IPC Rugby families hosted 20 students for the week. While this effort was tremendous, it also provided the 1st XV with an opportunity to show their full potential and finish the season off in a positive manner. Game: IPC vs Kirby Lonsdale UK Tuesday 27 July 2016: Won 27-17 Having played Kirby Lonsdale almost a year ago their team, which still had most of the original players from this time, had matured into a very good side that challenged IPC until the last whistle. The first half saw IPC start extremely well and stick to the shape and aggressive breakdown work that was required to set the standard from the get go. IPC, playing an open and attacking style of Rugby, took control early and soon crossed the try line for one of their four first half tries. Dominating the breakdown and taking advantage of the space created out wide, IPC played a style of Rugby that any coach would be proud of going into the break 22-Nil up.

Rugby Union However, with the first half history, the Kirby Lonsdale team began to find their feet which saw IPC back pedaling and, in quick time, on the receiving end of three quick tries. With the game turning into a full on arm wrestle, IPC rallied and matched the skill and determination of Kirby to score a try of their own and closed out the day and the season on a winning note 27-17. Tries: Josh Figg (2), Guy Cummins, Kurt Cummins, Cieron Botha. Conversions: Charlie Bennett (1) Representative Honours

Townsville Schoolboy’s Representatives: Connor Anderson, Dexter Anderson, Callum Bell, Charlie Bennett, Cieron Botha, Lachlan Buchanan, Kurt Cummins, Robbie Fairbanks, James Field, Josh Figg, Jeremy Kerr, Ruan Konik, Carl Malan, Todd McAuliffe and Henry McKinnon. NQ Schoolboy’s Representatives: Lachlan Buchanan, Callum Bell, Dexter Anderson and James Field. 1st XV Most Valuable Players Best and Fairest: Callum Bell Best Forward: Callum Mahoney Best Back: Dexter Anderson Mark Moxon | Rugby Union Coordinator

one game each for the season, (ironically to each other). Unfortunately for the IPC White team, they had a draw with Cathedral which eventually made the difference on the points table.


IPC Blue Medal Winners Best and Fairest: Best Back: Best Forward: Most Improved:

Jonathan Van Aswegen Aiden Scott Kennedy Lloyd Lawson Proctor

Other good performers for IPC Blue were: Alex Bombardieri, Daniel Franettovich, Matt Dyer, Hunter Lim, Joshua Marquez, PJ Pakome, Clancy Blacklock and Ben Dixon. IPC White Medal Winners Best and Fairest: Best Back: Best Forward: Most Improved:

Euan Cram Jake McAuliffe-Fickling Kyle Heenan Cian Botha

Other good performances for IPC White came from: Cooper McKay, Jervaiius Lapworh, Cody Sadler, Will Fitzsimmons, Jayvan Scarff, Lachlan Bourke, Preston Brown, Ryan Booth and Connor McColl. Both teams displayed good talent and sportsmanship in all their games and were a credit to the College and their families.

A very big ‘Thank You’ goes to our Team Managers, Ms Melanie Baxter and Mr Paul Marano for their hard work and efforts organising two teams, two coaches and two lots of jerseys every week. Paul Fanning, Matthew Holland and Andrew Kirkpatrick | Coaches

Front Row: Douglas Abdul-Rahman, Sean Renton, Benjamin Faulks, Harrison Mahoney, Steven O’Connor, Angus Ramsay Second Row: Mr Michael Turner, Taylor O’Brien, Lane Moloney, Hunter Keen, Campbell Proctor, Francis Jakis Back Row: Reede Moloney, Viliami Taufa, Michael Payne

Under 13s

In the 2016 Townsville School Season, the Under 12 and Under 13 Rugby Union competitions were combined into one, and five teams competed for the prize. Ignatius Park provided two teams to the competition, IPC Blue and IPC White. Cathedral School, Pimlico State High and Southern Cross (under Coach Chris Horn - former IPC student and Pastoral House Leader), made up the balance of the competition.

Front Row: Jeremy Morton, Darcy Keir, Andrew Hardy, Joshua Marquez, Aiden Scott, Kieran Godfrey, Jayden McMinn Second Row: Miss Melanie Baxter, Benjamin Dixon, Jaxen Yow, Clancy Blacklock, Hunter Lim, Keegan Gedling, Matthew Dyer, Mr Matthew Holland Back Row: Daniel Franettovich, Lloyd Kennedy, Lawson Proctor, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Harrison Fuller, Oliver Betcher, Alex Bombardieri

Excellent numbers of boys nominated to play for Ignatius Park, which allowed the College to field two strong teams. It was good to welcome some boys who hadn’t played Rugby before and it is hoped they enjoyed their taste of the ‘Game they play in Heaven’!

A very competitive series of games ensued over Term 2, especially between IPC Blue, IPC White and Cathedral School. These three teams made up the top teams for the season but IPC Blue won the competition with IPC White close behind. IPC Blue and IPC White only lost

Front Row: Kye Johnston, Preston Brown, Lewis Roberts, Cody Sadler, Lachlan Scott, Elijah Weeks, Jayvan Scarff Back Row: Mr Andrew Kirkpatrick, Ryan McCarron, Kai Negri, Kyle Heenan, Jake McAuliffe-Fickling, Haydn Conrad, Oscar Hill, Mr Paul Fanning

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Rugby Union Under 14s

The Rugby Union season was fairly short this year, with five games held over a six-week period. In spite of this, it was a successful season, with the team ultimately winning the competition at this level. Throughout the season, the boys displayed good attacking rugby skills and moved from simply playing the game to understanding the tactics it involves. A strong, cohesive team developed and there are promising signs of great things ahead, with the boys becoming stronger and faster - important skills in this physical contact sport. We look forward to the future as the boys continue to learn how to have collisions on their own terms, develop their ball handling skills, display strength and commitment in the scrum and, most importantly, enjoy the game and all it has to offer. Results are as follows: Defeated Pimlico 48-12

Defeated Cathedral 36-34 Defeated Heatley


Lost to Cathedral


Defeated Pimlico

Best and Fairest: Best Back: Best Forward: Most Improved:


Will Buchanan Ethan Rennie Nick Audas-Ryan Harvey Smith

Under 14 Rugby Union Development Trip

The Under 14 boys had a very successful trip to Brisbane in October. The team attended a skills session with Queensland Rugby Union’s Development Officers, where we suffered our first minor setback with a broken finger and mild concussion lowering the number of players available for the game. We also toured Suncorp Stadium, with the chance to stand where some of the greats have stood, before then going on to meet our billeting families from St Laurence’s College, a fellow Edmund Rice School. We also had the opportunity to play against them, eventually being defeated in a spirited and energetic game on a very warm morning. Finally, the team had a chance to show their skill at getting a bargain when we had a break from football on Sunday morning. We all managed to negotiate our way around DFO successfully and even made it to the bus on time! The team was very appreciative of the incredible hospitality of the families of St Laurence’s and look forward to welcoming their students when they travel north next year. We congratulate our students on their impressive conduct, both on and off the field. Andrea Tarttelin | Manager

Andrea Tarttelin | Manager

Front Row: Lachlan Mitchell, Jaidan Penny, Finn Andreassen, Lachlan Moss, Joseph Dowd, Elijah Weeks Second Row: Mr Michael Turner, Matthew Groves, Terence Rooney, Benn Dalle Cort, Will Buchanan, Jake Good, Evan Corradini, Harrison Keir, Mr Jerome Collier Back Row: Maletino Lafoga, Nicholas Audas-Ryan, Lachlan Maginnis, Lachlan Ryan, Jack Taylor, Reegan Gileppa


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Rugby Union Under 15s

The College U15 Rugby team completed its short season with a clean sweep of all games. Their last game against Cathedral was their closest game and took the place of a Final. The team played their usual game and, as they had all season, wore down their opposition to win 22-5. As always it was on the back of some stand-out attack from Matt Lorenz, Louka Demopoulos and Hamish Chowns. The platform was set up by great work from the forwards in both defence and attack with Conor Larkin, De Wet Potgieter, Ryan Doolan, Cain Anderson, Zac Thomson and Charlie Betcher leading the way.

This final game followed up on an early win against Cathedral and two wins against both Kirwan and Townsville Grammar, a total of six for the year. A special mention should be made of a couple of players who haven’t had a great deal of football experience but played all their games with great skill and commitment - Zac Gough, Jeremy McPherson and Tristan Winship.


Well done to the whole team. John Doolan and Dallas Brown | Coaches

Front Row: Hamish Chowns, Matthew Lorenz, Zachary Thomson, Hunter Zacka, Ryan Doolan, Patrick Tarttelin Second Row: Miss Emma Bourne, Cain Anderson, Timothy Hardy, Brendan Lee, Mr John Doolan, Brayden Yow, Patrick Morrison, Zachary Gough, Mr Dallas Brown Back Row: Riley Baldwin, Charles Betcher, Conor Larkin, De Wet Potgieter, Tristan Winship, Reece Holdsworth

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports




he Swimming program at Ignatius Park College has again demonstrated its success competing at the district level. This comes from the hard work from both the Physical Education Faculty as well as the boys’ determination to be better in the water. The program caters for all facets of swimming including fitness, stroke correction and efficiency in the water. We continue to offer many opportunities for students to improve with the onsite facilities and encourage all students to dive in and have a dig. Wednesday, 9 March, saw the IPC Swimming Team journey to the Long Tan Swimming Pool for the 2016 TSSSA Swimming Carnival. The boys knew there was a huge task ahead, but in true Iggy spirit, they took charge and swam like they had never swum before. From the start, IPC maintained a positive point generation placing high in all races and this lead was never given away. As each boy finished the race, there were cheers from their mates, congratulating them on the performance. With Event 138 to be swum, the fastest boy in each age group competed in the All Age Relay. Mr John Alloway knew that there was enough distance between IPC and second place, so he instructed the boys to swim conservatively, thus ensuring there were no break starts. It was a race for the ages as always, with IPC placing first and securing the win for the Carnival. If you have a chance, look up the Ignatius Park College Facebook page to watch the final race.

IPC Swim Team 2016 Opens Nick Cussen, Kurt Cummins, Jason Jack Humphrey and Charlie Bennett. 16 Years Lincoln Hardy, Reegan Koelman, Matthew Beauchamp and Nic Nugent.




15 Years Thomas Rawstron, Thomas Lyons, de Wet Potgieter, Riley Faust, Liam Duffy, Louka Demopoulos and Thomas Bennett.

14 Years Bayden Hardy, Harvey Smith, Kian Dalton, Anthony Grech, Kieran Truett and John Nawara.

13 Years Kyle Robinson, Thomas Duffy, William Bennett, Brandon Pearce, Lachlan Roberts and Lucas Dummett. 12 Years Codi Arena, Darcy Cussens, Lachlan Lerch, Jakson Hughes, Aiden Hawkins and Luke Maugeri.

The boys should be congratulated on their overall performance and behaviour on the day. Below is the list of boys who competed.

Front Row: Jakson Hughes, Lachlan Lerch, Luke Maugeri, Thomas Duffy, Darcy Cussen, Brandon Pearce, Codi Arena, Aiden Hawkins Second Row: William Bennett, Lucas Dummett, Kurt Cummins, Jason Alsemgeest, Thomas Bennett, Kyle Robinson, Bayden Hardy, Mr John Alloway Third Row: Liam Duffy, Kian Dalton, Lincoln Hardy, Kieran Truett, Anthony Grech, Matthew Beauchamp, Lachlan Roberts Back Row: Nicholas Cussen, Thomas Lyons, Henry Lyons, Jack Humphreys, Nicholas Nugent, Reegan Koelman


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Surf Life Saving

S P O R T S Front Row: Thomas Duffy, Jarrad Mayocchi, Bayden Hardy, Finn Andreassen, Jaidan Penny, Harry Reid Second Row: Mrs Sally Conn, Max Penny, Thomas Lyons, Lachlan Roberts, Lincoln Hardy, Thomas Harte, Mason Penny, Matthew Lorenz, Mr Brendan Logan Back Row: Nicholas Nugent, Jack Hall, Henry Lyons, Conor Dalton, Hunter Keen, Jack Andreassen, Hunter Zacka, Reegan Koelman



ongratulations to the Ignatius Park College Tennis Team - Michael Forster, Lachlan Weis, Dominic Cusumano, Riley Rupp and Zachary Gough who played in the Queensland Secondary School Team Tennis Competition in Rockhampton in Term 3. After winning through to the regional stage of the competition by default, the boys fought hard for spots on the team to play the State’s best! A special mention to William Thomas, Kynan Wregg and Luke Forster who were unlucky not to tour this year but will no doubt be fired up to participate in 2017. Day 1 of competition was tough! After suffering heavy defeats to Palm Beach Currumbin and eventual champions Brisbane Boys College (National Champions from 2015), the boys dusted themselves off to take up the challenge to upstage rival Cairns losing 24-18, and finish the day with respect. Day 2 saw us take on the boys from the bush, Chinchilla SHS. We had a strong win to avoid the wooden spoon and have the chance to play Shalom Bundaberg. With a lack of numbers and tired bodies, the boys fought hard and managed to steal a set in the singles. Lachlan Weis and Michael Forster took out the first and only doubles match

to bring the score closer. However, the lack of numbers was our undoing and ultimately led to a loss in that round. Special thanks to Mr Mark Rupp for his support on tour and Mr Mathew Rowan for his preparation of the boys on and off court at a physical and psychological level. Bring on 2017! Greg Christ | Teacher

Front Row: Dominic Cusumano, Michael Forster, Zachary Gough Back Row: Mr Greg Christ, Riley Rupp, Lachlan Weis, Mr Matthew Rowan


Front Row: Ms Georgia Stayte, Mason McGrath, Kieran Chambers, Mackenzie Bagley Back Row: Jack Humphreys, Harrison Bird, Jeremy Myles

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Touch Football


016 was another successful year for the IPC Touch Football Program. We selected and developed players in six teams for three competitions and were fortunate enough to have many players gain selection in representative teams. A major highlight this year for the program was the number of U13 players involved. Having more than thirty students trial and train each week enabled us to enter three teams at each local competition. The Touch Football program prides itself on inclusivity - providing as many students as possible the opportunity to play Touch Football dependent on the availability of volunteer staff and supporters. Townsville Secondary School Sport Interschool Block Sport Block sport Mini Carnivals continued to be a great opportunity for players in our three age groups to put into practice their team skills, developed over weeks of committed training. North Queensland All Schools Championships Over sixty students and ten staff across six teams competed at the North Queensland All Schools Championships in August - a minor mixed, two minor boys, two junior boys and an open boys team. All six teams played well and made their Semi-finals and three of those six teams won through to their Grand Final. Our Open team overcame a slow start to force a drop off but couldn’t hold out Kirwan State High School, and therefore finished as NQ runners up in 2016. Our Grand Finalist minor boys and junior boys’ teams both overcame Kirwan SHS convincingly to become Champions for 2016. Jordan Davies (U13) and Samuel Nimmo (U15) were named players of their final. IPC Touch appreciates the efforts of Cameron Lenton, Ryan Rankin, Amelia Hawke, Jess Norris, Brooke Edmonds and Mrs Sheridan Turner who gave up their weekend to referee for the College. It was also great to have the coaching supporting of Old Boys, Jack Sherwood and Sean Stringini along with teachers, Mr Craig Brown, Mr Dallas Brown, Mrs Louise Graham and Mrs Jodie Roberts. Queensland All Schools Championships In October, three IPC teams competed in the largest Touch Football Carnival in the world at the QLD All Schools Championships at Whites Hill, Brisbane. The U13 team, guided by Mr Doug Bettington and Mr Matthew Douglas; the U15 team, guided by Mr Ben Williams and Mr John Turner; and the Open team, guided by Mr Gian Guerra and

Mr Brian Geaney, yet again put in strong performances to each finish top of their pools after their round games. The following finals’ results are a testament to the efforts and commitment of staff and students: U13s - Quarter Finalists - Top 8 Opens - Semi Finalists - Top 4 U15s - Grand Finalists - Runners up Finishing so high up in each division has resulted in IPC being named as one of the “Super 6” top performing schools in the State. Our three teams’ results also indicate that IPC is the top performing school in the State for the combined boys’ divisions. Not bad! As a result of their outstanding State result, the U15 Team has also qualified for the Harvey Norman National Schools Cup to be held in conjunction with the 2017 National Youth Championships. Congratulations to all players and staff involved! Ms Georgia Stayte | Teacher U13 Boys Champions NQ All Schools Touch Top 8 Qld All Schools Touch Levi Buchanan, Jordan Davies, Thomas Duffy (NQ), Lucas Dummett, Edward Hampson, Cathane Hill, Thomas Kelly, Justin Kerr, Hunter Lim (QLD), Ryan McCarron, Jayden McMinn, Lachlan Nugent, Maverick Pegoraro (C), Harry Reid U15 Boys Champions NQ All Schools Touch Runners Up Qld All Schools Touch Jake Bourke, Tomas Chester, Daniel Gough, Ethan Hagarty, Brendan Haylett, Jared Heilbronn, Thomas Lyons, Zachery McMinn, Samuel Nimmo, Darcy Reddicliffe, Hayden Rowbotham (C), Clay Smith, Samuel Twiname Opens RUNNERS UP NQ ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH TOP 4 QLD ALL SCHOOLS TOUCH Dexter Anderson, McKenzie Baker, Regan Baker, Callum Bell, Brodie Chaffey, Adam Cook, Jack Humphreys, Greg Iorangi, Bennett Jesberg, Dalton Pegoraro (C), Jack Reddicliffe, Conor Wilson, Hunter Wriede

U15 - Front Row: Zachery McMinn, Daniel Gough, Darcy Reddicliffe, Jared Heilbronn, Clay Smith, Brendan Haylett, Samuel Twiname Back Row: Mr Ben Williams, Jake Bourke, Thomas Lyons, Samuel Nimmo, Hayden Rowbotham


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Touch Football 2016 BEST AND FAIREST U13a Maverick Pegoraro

U13b Daniel Weir

U15a Jake Bourke

U15b Charlie Bell

U13 Mixed Lachlan Lerch Opens Bennett Jesberg

TOUCH FOOTBALL 2016 SCHOOL SPORT REPRESENTATION 12 Years and Under Townsville - Mitchell Doyle, Rory Hawke, Lachlan Lerch, Jaxen Yow

Townsville and Northern Region - Joshua Marquez, Ryan McCarron, Jayden McMinn, Joseph Sale 15 Years and Under Northern Region - Jake Bourke, Tomas Chester, Daniel Gough, Brendan Haylett, Hayden Rowbotham, Samuel Twiname


Queensland - Hayden Rowbotham (Shadow)

OPENS Northern Region - Regan Baker, Jack Humphreys, Bennett Jesberg, Dalton Pegoraro, Hayden Rowbotham, Jake Shaw, Conor Wilson

U13 - Front Row: Jairus Butalid, Lachlan Lerch, Jaxen Yow, Braydon Bin Doraho, Daniel Weir, Lachlan Scott, Mitchell Doyle, Andrew Edmonds, Kieran Godfrey, Jayden McMinn Second Row: Mrs Louise Graham, Lachlan Nugent, Maverick Pegoraro, Hunter Lim, Thomas Duffy, Mrs Jodie Roberts, Edward Hampson, Levi Buchanan, Thomas Kelly, Harry Reid, Ms Georgia Stayte Back Row: Ryan McCarron, Ryan Booth, Jordan Davies, Lucas Dummett, Joe Brosnan, Jai Hill, Haydn Conrad, Justin Kerr (Healey-McKenna), Sean Bourke, Cathane Hill

OPENS - Front Row: Conor Wilson, Hunter Wriede, McKenzie Baker, Jack Humphreys, Dalton Pegoraro, Dexter Anderson Second Row: Mr Gian Guerra, Callum Bell, Adam Cook, Brodie Chaffey, Mr Brian Geaney Back Row: Regan Baker, Jack Reddicliffe, Gregory Iorangi, Bennett Jesberg

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports


Water Polo


his year the Northern region was well represented by Ignatius Park College at the State Championships, held in Toowoomba. Jason Alsemgeest (#3), Mackenzie Bagley (#4), Brodie Chaffey (#5), and Jeremy Myles (#8) played extremely well over the four days, with each of them stepping up at various times throughout the Carnival against very tough and polished opposition presented by the metropolitan teams. For the first time in six years, Northern made it through to the Grand Final against the South Coast region. All the boys played their best game of Water Polo of the season, however, they fell short of the big prize, going down to a very athletic and skilful side which contained many players who compete in the National Water Polo League. All of the boys should be very proud of their efforts, how they conducted themselves, and how they represented both the College and Northern region at the Championships. Swimming and Water Polo talent is alive and well at Ignatius Park College and we look forward to another very competitive year next year! Sandy O’Melia and Andrew Pollock | Coach and Manager

Front Row: Shaun Godfrey, Kurt Cummins, Reegan Koelman, Nicholas Nugent, Bailey Simmons, Guy Cummins, Cooper Jang Second Row: Mr Andrew Pollock, Jason Alsemgeest, Nicholas Cussen, Mackenzie Bagley, Henry Lyons, Lachlan Keevers, Brodie Chaffey, Mr John Alloway Back Row: Nicholas Healy, Jeremy Myles, Harrison Bird, Conor Dalton, Jack Humphreys


Sports - Ignatius Park College 2016

Queensland School Reps


North Queensland Schoolboys Front Row: Jayden McMinn, Darcy Cussen, Lachlan Lerch, Jaxen Yow, Joseph Sale, Cody Fraser, Cody Sadler, Kuresa Fota Pio, Sonny Jennings, Cooper Bishop, Kye Johnston, Luke Maugeri, Joshua Marquez, Padraic Glasheen Second Row: Daniel Franettovich, Ryan McCarron, Kai Negri, Callum James, Patrick Morrison, Louis Zabala, Ethan Ramsbotham, Dexter Anderson, Nicholas Dunn, Marshall Wilson, Brendan Haylett, Daniel Gough, Lloyd Kennedy, Travis Busch, Thomas Duffy, Jaidyn Wilkins Third Row: Rory Hawke, Lucas Lynam, Timothy Hardy, Harvey Smith, Thomas Bennett, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Jack Reddicliffe, Brodie Chaffey, Conor Wilson, Jake Siandri, Max Spriggs, Benjamin Stewart, Joshua Ward, Lucas Dummett Fourth Row: Jalen Ward, Hamish Chowns, Adrian Trevilyan, Joey Jensen, Matthew Mitchell, Michael Trevilyan, Boston Mazlin, Mackenzie Bagley, Patrick Conn, Cameron Bateup, Kyren Walters, Riley Bloom, Cain Anderson Fifth Row: Thomas Steyger, James Field, Gianluca Thompson, Benjamin Judge, Lincoln Hardy, De Wet Potgieter, Matthew Beauchamp, Samuel Stewart, Hunter Zacka, Jack Humphreys, Darcy Smith, Rhys Mead, Joshua De Munari, Callum Bell Back Row: Rohan Clarke, Austin Carter, Thomas McCagh, Jordan Kleesh, John Dempsey, Robert Birnie, Taylor Millar, Harrison Bird, Jordan Larsen, Conor Larkin, Lachlan Buchanan, Jeremy Myles, Tom Kenny, Logan Kyle, Kurt Schultz

Queensland Reps

Front Row: Cameron Bateup, Riley Bloom, Benjamin Judge, Joey Jensen Back Row: Logan Kyle, Tom Kenny, John Dempsey, Joshua De Munari, Boston Mazlin

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Sports




midst the backdrop of a clear blue sky and a warm autumn sun that only the tropics can host, our strong and proud contingent of students joined the Townsville community in commemoration of our fallen Diggers. With a collection of nostalgic medals pinned to their chests and reverent displays of support, our boys represented the College in a very dignified manner. Lest we forget.


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Battle of the Bands


Inter-House Battle of the Bands


he Annual Inter-House Battle of the Bands once again took place during Term 4. Commencing in 2007, this concept was established to promote the Arts, highlight our talented musicians at the College and provide opportunities for students to perform on stage in front of their peers. Another initiative that emerged from this project was for our music students to workshop with visiting bands and artists on the day. This year we were lucky to have perform, adjudicate and work with the boys, local band, King Social. Angus Milne (guitar/vocals) and Stevie Mitchell (vocals) entertained the crowd, gave great advice to our young musicians and performed a few songs including a stirring rendition of Nothing Compares to You. No doubt the highlight of the afternoon though were the House Bands and Staff band. From guitar shredding solos to powerful, crowd-stomping vocals, all bands put in a great deal of effort at rehearsals to deliver a 10 minute set. Unfortunately, there could be only one winner and this year the title went to the Rice House. The boys did a fantastic job covering the song 2 juicy, however, they stole the show with their version of the B.E King hit Stand by Me. Congratulations to all students who performed on the day. Matthew Thiele | Faculty Leader - The Arts

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular




t is with excitement that I took on this role in 2016 from the much admired and respected Mr Mark Mewburn. His passion for “getting the life you love” has definitely carried on. The labour market in Townsville continues to be tight and the role of the Careers Counsellor is to help the students to develop highly employable skills and assist with postschooling options. Advice to the students normally includes suggestions to volunteer in the industry of interest, complete work experience, engage in networking opportunities and strive for the best marks possible. Year 12 students again this year had the opportunity to visit JCU Experience Day in Term 3 which assisted students to consolidate (or change) their choices for next year. The feedback from the students is that they found this an extremely worthwhile and interesting experience.


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Year 10 students and their families also had the opportunity at Subject Selection evening to talk with JCU, CQ University and TAFE regarding career options post-schooling. This was very well received and provided families with knowledge regarding pre-requisites and recommended areas of study. A Career is much more than simply a job - it incorporates lifestyle, leisure and the ability to be adaptable in our changing world. Key messages about Careers: • Change is constant - embrace it! • Learning is ongoing - focus on the journey! • Follow your heart! • Access your allies! Dannielle Charge | Careers and Counselling



nother successful year for IPC Chess with a large number of participants competing over the three Interschool regional rounds in 2016. We had 43 registered players for the third round competition this year - good numbers for a final round and up on last year. Throughout the year there were many students who received merit awards for their efforts. One standout was Riley Rupp who took home a medallion for his second place in the Open Division in the second Round held in June. Well done to all students who represented the College this year. Chess remains a popular and viable option for those students who can handle themselves on the Chess board. A big thank you to Mr Matthew Holland for his administrative work in dealing with registrations at the front office. Also to Mr John Deer (Chess Manager)

C O for his ‘behind the scenes’ work throughout the year. Further, through your $2 generous donation over each round this year to IPC Chess, we were able to make a $500 charitable donation in August to the Knights of the Southern Cross and their efforts in constructing a new wing for a Women’s Hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A worthy cause I reckon so again, thank you. If your son is keen on a game of Chess next year, tell him to drop by my office for further details. It is a good opportunity to play some quality chess against some quality opposition in a friendly interschool setting. See you all next year!!


Mr John Fuller | Putney House Pastoral Leader

Front Row: Benjamin White, Mebin Martin, Corey Blair, Xavier Hooper, Brandon Mackay, James Rowan, Deekin Dametto, Joshua Farrington Second Row: Mr John Fuller, Dre Backer, Matthew Gillespie, Matthew Lorenz, Riley Rupp, Matthew Oliver, Jackson Pearce, Jordy Stevens, Julian Sewell, William Bennett Back Row: Anton Donohue, Sean Rennie, De Wet Potgieter, William Thomas, Kieran Ryle, Daniel Rennie, Dominic Cusumano

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Christian Meditation


n April, Jean Sajeeve, Mr Peter Monypenny and myself, Benjamin Wilmen, had the privilege to go with other students from the rest of the Townsville Diocese up to the Gumburu Education Centre in Paluma for a Christian Meditation Retreat. Here we got to meet some amazing people from other schools as well as staff and special guest, Donna Mulhearn, who acted as a human shield during the Iraq war. We travelled the Labyrinth and learned how to meditate properly. If any student was like me, in primary school meditation wasn’t taken seriously and instead was taken for granted. After coming home from this retreat, I have learnt that meditation is something extraordinary. To meditate, one only needs to sit still for a length of time, with one’s back straight and mind clear. To help clear your mind, think of a simple phrase or word that you can devote your whole mind to. On the retreat, we used the Christian prayer-word ‘Maranatha’. This is Aramaic for


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

‘Come Lord Jesus’. When you have a phrase, say it in your mind evenly and try to match your breathing, which should be steady and strong. And that’s it. It may not seem like it, but this simple practice can give you focus and will help when a problem arises. I would like to thank all of those involved with the organisation and running of this retreat. I felt privileged to have had the opportunity to attend. One activity during the retreat was to think of ways to apply meditation in our schools. We have continued the tradition of Mango Tree morning meditations. We have also visited younger grades to introduce Christian Meditation. We have taught them the benefits of meditation and were quite impressed on how they responded to this. Ben Wilmen | Year 11 Student



his year we welcomed Mrs Dannielle Charge to the role of Student and Career Counsellor. Dannielle is a registered Psychologist with 15 years’ experience working with young people in multiple settings. Mrs Marilyn Parsons and Dannielle Charge are just an awesome team - ‘being there’ for every single student at Iggy Park. As a part of the IPC anti-bullying program, Brainstorm Productions’ performance of ‘Verbal Combat’ to Year 7s and 8s was an entertaining investigation into the pitfalls of technology including cyberbullying at school, stress, lack of privacy and desensitization. Strategies to stop cyberbullying and encourage respect, empathy and resilience were conveyed in the debriefing session. Year 9 and 10 students were treated to a performance by Shake and Stir Theatre Company of ‘Oversharer’ which examined the obsession that contemporary society has with sharing every moment of our lives across an ever growing swarm of social media applications. Developed from true stories shared by young people across the country, this production presented various characters grappling with some serious (and some not-so-serious) repercussions of using (and abusing) sites such as Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook.

C O Child Protection Week 4-10 September was launched on Assembly with a video presentation by the Peer Mentors interviewing students and staff with student safety messages, revealing statistics which conveyed the realities that children in the community face. Educating students regarding personal safety is an essential part of keeping young people safe, and special Personal Safety Talks were presented to Year 7s by Mrs Timbs and to Year 8s by Mr Conn. Check out the new IPC website for supportive resources which provide up-todate information and strategies for coping and resilience on a range of issues for both parents and students. www.ipc.qld.edu.au/pastoral/counselling/

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular





016 was another busy year for Debaters at Ignatius Park College. Altogether, six teams spent lunchtimes, afternoons and evenings preparing for different debates with various schools. Creating a theme, forming central arguments, sourcing evidence and sequencing speeches is just half the battle as the boys are forced to develop public speaking skills in front of teachers and parents in the community. A special mention must go to the Junior Ignatius Park 2 team, as they continually delivered classic textbook debates with skill and showed continual dedication to the program. Mitchell Parker is also to be commended for the hard work within his team and assistance to others! A very special thanks must go to all of the tremendous teachers who make this program possible. They have dedicated their time to making sure the teams can reach their full potential. Thank you for a sensational 2016! Amy Proud | Debating Co-ordinator

Debating: 2016 at a glance… Team Senior Ignatius Park 1 Nicholas Cassidy Connor Boon Patrick DeWaele Callum McDonald Senior Ignatius Park 2 Abhijith Abraham Bailey Simmons Dexter Anderson Jean Sajeeve Junior Ignatius Park 1 Inseram Khan Lachlan Weis Connor Keir George Griffin Junior Ignatius Park 2 Antony Jobby Anton Donohue Riley Rupp Bryce Kenyon Parth Jhamb Thompson Polley Junior Ignatius Park 1 Inseram Khan Lachlan Weis Connor Keir George Griffin

YEAR 7 and 8 - Front Row: Miss Amy Proud, Mitchell Parker, Angus Hawkins, Mr Stephen Robertson Back Row: Sebastian Petrie, Declan Keyes-West, James Hoffensetz, Brandon Mackay

YEAR 9 and 10 - Front Row: Riley Rupp, Mrs Simone Hanran, George Griffin Back Row: Thomson Poly, Antony Jobby, Lachlan Weis, Anton Donohue


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Topic Round one: That we talk about our rights when we should be talking about our responsibilities. Round one: That we talk about our rights when we should be talking about our responsibilities. Round one: That imagination is more important than knowledge.

Round one: That imagination is more important than knowledge.

Round two: That the voting age should be reduced to sixteen.

Junior Ignatius Park 2 Antony Jobby Anton Donohue Riley Rupp Bryce Kenyon Parth Jhamb Thompson Polley

Round two: That the voting age should be reduced to sixteen.

Grade 7/8 Ignatius Park 1 Mitchell Parker Brandon Mackay Sebastian Petrie Declan Keyes-West

Round One: That school hours should be extended to 5PM.



Victorious over Kirwan SHS

Some persuasive and powerful arguments that lead to a strong finish.

Brilliant deliveries and strong Defeated by Pimlico arguments, but an SHS issue with time set them short under the winning score.

Victorious over Pimlico SHS

Fantastic preparation led to a well-structured debate and a strong win.

Victorious over Pimlico SHS

The team worked together well and formed a strong theme and central argument.

Defeated by Cathedral

The boys were incredibly organised with some compelling arguments, but Cathedral had a strong team with an impeccable delivery.

Defeated by Southern Cross Catholic College

It was a close debate in the end as each team provided substantial arguments and strong deliveries. The opposition’s brilliant speakers ended up bringing in a narrow victory.

Defeated by Cathedral

The team were well prepared and had sufficient arguments, but Cathedral’s strong team managed to enforce their case in the end.

Year 11 and 12 - Front Row: Mrs Tracey Quabba, Abhijith Abraham, Dexter Anderson, Miss Amy Proud Back Row: Callum McDonald, Patrick de Waele, Bailey Simmons





he Defence Transition Mentor (DTM) program has been made possible through funding by the Defence Community Organisation (DCO) to provide ‘hands on’ support within the College for ADF members and their families. The purpose of this role is to support students during their transition into and out of the College or at times when a parent is Absent from home due to deployment, training exercises or courses. The Defence Transition Mentor works in the College to provide information, support and referral to secondary students from mobile Defence families. This assistance may include: • Assisting students integrate into the school community. • Coordinating welcoming and farewell strategies for students. • Helping students to develop their self-confidence and resilience. • Encouraging students to explore options and make the most of opportunities. • Helping students manage the challenges of transitions. • Referring students to student support services. • Identifying the issues and needs of individual students and developing programs to address them. • Monitoring students day to day social and emotional wellbeing. • Supporting students at school during times of parental absence from home for service reasons. • Facilitating student participation in cultural, sporting, academic and personal development programs. • Linking students to school and community programs. • Raising awareness of Defence related issues facing students such as parental absence due to service requirements. Diane Jensen | Defence Transition Mentor

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Edmund Rice Day


he last day of Term 1, Wednesday 23 March, saw the College community come together to celebrate our Easter Liturgy as well as Edmund Rice Day Awards and Celebrations. As part of this Liturgy, we acknowledge those in both the school community and in the wider community (parents and friends) who have served the College in the faithful spirit of Edmund Rice.

some of our senior leadership appointments. Both Virginia and David bring their skills and experience to the College Board in honorary contributions over a number of years. Amanda has contributed significantly to the College’s co-curricular program, particularly Basketball. We sincerely appreciate the contribution of everyone to enhance our College community.

Edmund Rice Service Awards All College community members are invited annually to nominate adults who, in their opinion, fulfil the criteria of “humble service of others in the spirit of Edmund Rice, following Jesus’ example” to Ignatius Park College. The College Leadership Team discerns award recipients for each year.

Celebrations Students and staff engaged in a wide-range of activities to celebrate our Founder, Blessed Edmund Rice. From ‘Students versus Staff’ in a number of sports including Basketball, Netball, Soccer and ‘modified’ Rugby League; to students participating in sock-wrestling, dunking tanks to the highlight for the Year 12 students, the Eddie Rice Dash. Edmund Rice and his spirit was celebrated very well at Ignatius Park this year!

Three members of our community were presented with the Edmund Rice Service Award in 2016 - Mrs Virginia Henry, Mr David Leonardi and Ms Amanda Loechel. Virginia and David are long serving members of the College Board who have made significant contributions to the College. David is the Chair of the Finance Committee and we are very fortunate to have someone of his ability in this position. Virginia has assisted in sitting on interviewing panels for

Mr David Leonardi and Mrs Virginia Henry


Ms Amanda Loechel

Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Frank Clarke | Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission

Instrumental Music


nstrumental Music played an important part in the co-curricular program offered at the College this year. Lessons were offered to students in brass, woodwind, guitar, keyboard, strings and percussion. A sincere

C O thank you to our tutors, namely David Roberts, Matthew Giddings, Christine Pulverenti, Laurell Bourne and Brett Northeast who have spent hours tutoring and developing the boys on their chosen instrument.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular





ourteen students from Ignatius Park College joined forces with students from 30 different Catholic schools in presenting the Annual Mulkadee Arts Festival from Monday 18 - Friday 22 July. The Mulkadee Youth Arts Festival is the only event of its kind in Australia, offering a week-long program of artistic workshops led by professional instructors in the areas of choir, dance, drama, band, guitar and strings. More than 1000 students from Years 5 to 12 and teachers from Catholic schools throughout the Townsville Diocese participated in rehearsals, workshops and presentations which culminated in a concert at the Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre on the final evening. Congratulations to Alastair Robinson, Alexander Roubicek, Bryce Kenyon, Conor Larkin, Davis Johnson, Harry Griffin, Hayden Dunlop, Kyle Heenan, Matthew Wilmen, Robert Birnie, Samuel Pacey, Samuel Morris, Zac Brunetto and Zachary Lee. Their hard work at rehearsals definitely paid off in what was a spectacular final night performance. Ignatius Park College students represented the school with pride, displaying talent, energy and passion on stage in each of the artistic dimensions. The boys should be very proud of what they were able to achieve in such a short amount of time.

Matthew Thiele | Faculty Leader - The Arts


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Outdoor Education


hat do you get when you mix a dash of motivation with a dollop of uncertainty and just a pinch of initiative?

Answer: The triumph of improvisation. What do you get when improvisation is repeated over and over … or even deliberately practised? Answer: You begin to create the enduring cocktail of human resilience. What better place than the great Aussie outdoors (at Hervey’s Range) to galvanise and build upon this priceless quality we each possess? In 2016, the College committed to a theme of resilience in the Middle School Outdoor Camping Program. To this end, Year 7 students were treated (in FebruaryMarch) to fully catered camp cuisine and the comfort of their own tents whilst braving the elements of hot nights and the rain of Townsville’s wet season.

C O As with any new direction or initiative, some adjustments and fine tuning will ensue. However, be assured that the IPC Outdoor Program will deliver on its promise to further the resilience cause. Together with the knowledge and skills they have acquired in academic and sporting pursuits and their own, unique and innate talents, it is resilience that will carry our young Iggy men through their senior years and on to successful careers and family lives. Being an experienced-based human attribute, teaching resilience is a challenge. However, it is a challenge admirably suited to the uncertainties, the magnificence and earthy stimulation of our North Queensland bush.


And if there was a preference, it would be for this “engineered” way, rather than the potentially harsh training in the “School of Hard Knocks.” Steve Coleman | Outdoor Education Consultant

The Year 8 stalwarts toughed it out for a night on the ground under canvas and with 24-hour rations to stave off the winter nip. And the Year 9s? They did each other proud, camping out for three days with themselves and a campfire for company, preparing their own rationed meals and with only one piece of builder’s poly sheet in which to carry their gear and with which to keep out the elements.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Peer Mentors


he Peer Mentor Program has been part of the pastoral program at Ignatius Park College for three years now. Our Year 12 Peer Mentors have continued to support Year 8 students who were the very first cohort of Year 7s. Peer Mentors in Year 11 assisted the Year 7s settle into life at Ignatius Park and made them feel at ease by being with them on their first day of school this year. Peer Mentors have established their presence among the younger students through regular Homeroom visits, participating in special events and being a visible presence during break times. As a special project, Peer Mentors created a video produced by Brodie Windle and Jack Cobon, interviewing students about safety at school. Riley Campbell introduced the video as a launch to Child Protection Week 2016. Year 12 Peer Mentors for Year 8s - Sam Stewart, Lachlan Regattieri, Sam Morris, Jason Alsemgeest, James Babao, Lachlan Burgess-Orton, John Tolcher, Cieron Cuthbert-Botha, Callum McDonald, Patrick Conn, Kyle Everett, Oscar Carter and Dexter Anderson.

Year 11 Peer Mentors for Year 7s - Zachary Timbs, Ramal Jayawardhana, Charlie Matterson, Jesse Owato, Cameron Lowth, Lochlan Armit, Trent Lloyd, Brodie Windle, Daniel Conn, Jack Cobon, Jack Dunn, Christian Batic, Ben Woodward, Joshua Keir and Riley Campbell.


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016





ach year, Ignatius Park College combines with St Margaret Mary’s College and St Patrick’s College to present a full scale musical at the Civic Theatre. This year saw St Margaret Mary’s College produce and direct the show What’s New Pussycat?

A cast of 127 students danced, acted and sang to the jukebox musical with well-known hits from the ’60s right through to the current day. Judith Prior’s hit musical was inspired by the 16th century fable Puss in Boots and was specifically written for school students. A production with a large cast always attracts a guaranteed audience of relatives and friends, but what generated interest in the general public this year was the increase of emerging talent on stage. Connor Boon as ‘Harry’ and Teal Warner as ‘Puss’ gave memorable performances whilst Jack Byrne, Matthew Marshall-McGrath, Stewart Smith and Harry Griffin were singing sensations! Special mention must also be made of the talented musicians in the pit, Damian Kipping and Tim Bloxsom, as well as Matthew Volmer, Sam Morris, Dale Whalley and Samuel Audas-Ryan for the hilarious one-liners delivered with perfect comedic timing. The forty boys from Ignatius Park College did a fantastic job on and off stage and should be congratulated for their talent and commitment. Matthew Thiele | Faculty Leader - The Arts

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Reef Guardians


he Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia’s most remarkable gifts. It is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and the pride of many Queenslanders. Its breathtaking beauty and splendour is truly a wonder and something of remarkable pride for all Australians. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s (GBRMPA) Reef Guardian program recognises the exceptional environmental work undertaken by communities, schools and industries to protect this wonderful gift of nature. The program involves working closely with those who use and rely on the Reef for recreation or business, or just to help build a healthier and more resilient reef. The focus this year for our College was recycling. Recycling is converting waste into reusable material. Recycling has many advantages including preserving land space, preventing global warming, reducing water pollution, protecting wildlife, creating jobs etc.

This year, we recycled over 50 kg worth of flat batteries at our school as part of the Battery World Flat Battery Recycling Competition. A big thanks to all those who contributed to this very noble cause. Also this year, we had a mobile muster competition. Another fun, yet beneficial method to cherish our wonderful environment. A big thank you to all Reef Guardians who contributed with all our activities this year and also to every non Reef Guardians who helped this year with our endeavours. We are looking forward to a great Future Leaders Eco Challenge this year, meeting Scientists and like-minded students who are keen to find solutions to the ecological problems challenging us today. Jean Sajeeve | Reef Guardians Member Townsville Reef Guardians Ambassador

Front Row: Mitchell Parker, Christopher Gho, Abhijith Abraham, Jean Sajeeve (Kalappuracka), Mebin Martin Back Row: Ms Catherine Ventic, Declan Keyes-West, Hamish Glasby, Antony Jobby, Kevin Sajeeve, Reece Will


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

St Vincent de Paul




his year, the dedicated young men of the St Vincent de Paul Society at Ignatius Park College embraced the value of giving to those in need, caring for our environment and creating awareness about local and international causes. Our volunteers raised funds for local charities, cleaned up our neighbourhoods and collected hundreds of donations to help those in our community affected by domestic violence. Partnering with Stepping Stone Baskets, a local group helping people transition from shelters, foster care and homelessness, St Vincent de Paul Society volunteers inspired staff and students at Ignatius Park College to give household and hygiene products to those in need. Together, the College donated hundreds of items while creating awareness about domestic violence and service learning. Our young men have learned a valuable life lesson - no act of kindness is too small. Stacey Meyer-Seri | Teacher

Front Row: Bryce Kenyon, Thomas Steyger, James Hoffensetz, Logan Stanford, Jean Sajeeve (Kalappuracka), Abhijith Abraham, Mebin Martin Second Row: Mrs Stacey Meyer-Seri, Kevin Sajeeve, Jeremy Kerr, Hamish Glasby, Antony Jobby, Samuel Stewart, Riley Baldwin Back Row: Samuel Morris, Benjamin Wilmen, Joseph Roepke

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Townsville Community Learning Centre


hanks to an initiative of Jonathan Connor, a Senior in 2008, Ignatius Park College has been involved with the students of the Townsville Community Learning Centre as a Service Learning experience for the past nine years. The Townsville Community Learning Centre (TCLC) is a school which caters for students with high level support needs in the areas of intellectual and multiple impairments. Our involvement has been student initiated with the support of several IPC staff, some of whom go with the students, some of whom are the bus drivers and some who provide support here at IPC. On a rostered volunteer basis, boys have attended the TCLC at lunch time and interacted with their students either in the classrooms or in the playgrounds for the Junior, Middle and Senior schools. This can involve simple cricket, soccer, touch, basketball, hand tennis activities; assisting with swings, wheel chairs and bikes; reading; movement to music; or simply walking and chatting. This year we had approximately 30 students from Year 12 involved in Terms 1, 2 and 3. At the time of writing, we have been briefing and initiating about 60 Year 11s to take over in Term 4 and continue the program as Seniors in 2017. Well done to all these young men! Some of these Year 11 students have also participated in the Challenge Games and have helped out at the TCLC School Fete and with the Sony Camp. These opportunities have been a great learning experience for our own students and we thank the staff and students of the TCLC for welcoming us to join them and be involved. The positive feedback we are receiving is encouraging further volunteering by other students. I would like to congratulate and thank those who have helped out this year from our IPC Community and thank the TCLC Community for allowing us to continue to be involved. It is a privilege. Br Jon Hansen | Teacher


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Townsville Community Learning Centre


TCLC Year 11 - Front Row: Henry Wells, Matthew Vollmer, Conor Wilson, Oliver Gibson, Domenic Figg, Damien Sferratore, Lochlan Armit, Benjamin Leonardi, Patrick Carter, Jarrad Mayocchi Second Row: Mr Gary Hughes, Guy Cummins, Cooper Jang, Campbell Evans, Harrison Mahoney, Mrs Cathy Ventic, Casey McDonald, Dale Whalley, Samuel Anderson, Jake Siandri, Br John Hanson Third Row:Jett Brooks, Joshua Keir, Benjamin Woodward, Jack Dunn, Ethan Roveglia, Jacob Seri, Charlie Matterson, Brodie Windle Fourth Row:Jack Cobon, Adam Whyte, Daniel Conn, Hunter Keen, Nicholas Cussen, Jared Evans, Hamish Glasby Fifth Row: Christian Batic, Harrison Turner, Aaron Evans, Nicholas Denman, Travis Keys, Samuel Audas-Ryan, Henry Lyons, Darcy Young Back Row: Connor Anderson, Reede Moloney, Jayden Rafter, Taylor Millar, Viliami Taufa, Ryan Gilmore

TCLC Year 12 - Front Row: Aiden Campbell, Matthew Oliver, Reece Williams, Brady Roberts, Nicholas Allman, Abhijith Abraham, Joshua Castrejana Second Row:Miss Emma Bourne, Thomas Steyger, Enemarki Shibasaki, Corey Millan, Cameron Soutar, Alex Evans, Brodie Hohn, Mitchell Walduck, Cooper Champion, Mr Leo Hogan Third Row: Blake Downey, Jack Collins, Joseph Roepke, Alexander Whitwam, Jacob Murphy, Mr Daniel Beasley Back Row: Corey Evans, Brendan Wilkie, Bailey Weaver

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride


ongratulations to the Ignatius Park College Galahs for successfully riding their bikes to glory in the Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride. What an awesome three days! The Ignatius Park Community and the Children with Cancer are eternally grateful. Some facts from the ride:

• The Galahs numbered 31 riders, consisting of 21 students, 2 sisters, 1 mum, 2 dads, 3 teachers and 2 supporters.

• Our youngest rider was only 12 years old and our oldest was 59 years young. • A number of additional IPC parents were members of other ride groups.

• Each rider has ridden about 2,500 km during training, preparing for the ride. • They were out of bed most Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays before 5am to meet training commitments.

• The Galahs committed to ten Saturdays or Sundays collecting donations at the front entrance of Big W stores. • The Galahs raised over $23,000 for the Children’s Cancer Institute, where 90% of this was raised outside the College community. • The total amount raised by all of the 400 TCBR riders is currently about $508,000.

• The students from Ignatius Park were continually praised for not only their riding and fundraising abilities, but also for their awesome spirit, courteous manner and exemplary behaviour. • We were exposed to countless examples of what it means to be determined, dedicated, compassionate, hardworking, caring and considerate. Riding to Cairns over three days certainly demonstrated the fine qualities of the boys. They went about their task with enthusiasm, commitment and professionalism. An event like this cannot happen without the dedication and the time of many people. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them. Firstly, I would like to thank Chris Whiting and Neil Truett for giving up their time to be our support car drivers. We certainly felt safe with their guidance and support. Chris has done this for the past four years and used this experience to make sure all the things that needed to be done got done.


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Thank you also to Michelle Whiting and Madonna Simmons for providing us with home cooked nourishments and encouragement. Peter Simmons was tremendous in getting our gear to each overnight stop and securing the best sleeping quarters. David Wright was also very supportive while being a Ride Marshall at various locations along the way. David Mead and Mark McDonald used their many years of riding experience to add professionalism to the group. A special thankyou to Jacqueline Armstrong, Paul Bruce, Carolyn Deacon and Anthony Dare for all the assistance they provided in making this ride a reality. They worked unselfishly in so many ways to ensure money was raised, training commitments were met and when needed, providing wonderful emotional support. Anthony’s leadership of the riding group during the ride was fantastic. Finally, I must give praise to two of our parting seniors, Drew Whiting and Callum McDonald. It was their idea four years ago to participate in this amazing event and each year they have provided the enthusiasm and desire to make the ride a reality. Their leadership up front during this year’s ride was fabulous. Well done Galahs for completing the 18th Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride without any serious incident. Brian Geaney | Teacher The 2016 Ignatius Park College Galahs: Jacky Armstrong, Matthew Astbury, Connor Boon, Paul Bruce, Sam Clohesy, Tarni Deacon-Johnstone, Huon Deacon-Johnstone, William Fitzsimmons, Julian Fusco-Wright, Brian Geaney, Oliver Gibson, Callum James, Curtis James, Joshua Keir, Lachlan Lemon, Kurt Lewis, Mark McDonald, Callum McDonald, Michael McEvoy-Bowe, Rhys Mead, David Mead, Kai Simmons, Jesse Statham, Nicholas Truett, Kieran Truett, Isaac Truett, Neil Truett, Drew Whiting, Michelle Whiting, Chris Whiting, Angus Woods.



ountain biking is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Staff, students and parents regularly met at the Townsville Rockwheelers’ Douglas trail network for exhilarating fun, riding the mountain. Skills were developed and goals set and realised. All the riders agreed that climbing the trails was always a challenge. However, the adrenalin rush flowing down trails with names like Redtail black, Whiptail and Ring bark frog, was definitely worth it! This year, students were involved in the Paluma Push. The race began at Paluma on the Village Green. The riders enjoyed 6 km ride on the road before heading off onto the dirt to the dam and beyond. There were three levels of challenge: 42km, 53km and 70 km ride, all of which had plenty of hills! Through deep rainforest to open cattle pasture, fording waist deep creeks in full flow, the riders pedalled at full effort for more than two hours. It was hard and it was muddy - but it was always fun! Almost inevitably, given their passion for the sport and commitment to riding, the podiums at the finish line had our athletes standing on the steps of every category we entered. In the 42 km, Lachlan Spencer posted a good time of 1:37hrs to take a win while Michael McEvoy-Bowe, one of our hot Enduro riders, claimed 3rd place in the longer and muddier 53 km course. In the exhausting but highly competitive 70 km race, Oliver Gibson also grabbed the 3rd place prize in a great ride. Congratulations to all the participants - there was such depth in the IPC team that everyone shone for so many reasons and in so many ways.

C O The Elev8XCM 8 hour marathon race at the Atherton Trail complex was the next event in our competition calendar. August 21 saw several of the boys participate as solo riders or team members. The trails were in awesome condition after rain and over 350 riders competed in one of the premier Northern region MTB events. Five teams involving Ignatius Park College students were registered: • Nathan Clohesy, Angus Woods and Lachlan Spencer along with a mate Tom Hick-Ledez (13 laps for 200 km and 1st place in 4x team). • Sean Rennie and friend (10 laps for 120 km 3rd place in 2x team).


• Daniel Rennie, Matty Gilboy and friend (10 laps for 120km in the 3x team). • Riley Birmingham, Ethan Woods and Nathan’s sister, Jade Clohesy (11 laps for 130 km in 3x team). • The Windle brothers Brodie and Jayden (lots of laps for lots of kms!). It was great to see the adults give it a crack as well. The Windle boys’ dad Craig Windle smashed out a large number of laps and Mr Spencer hit out 7 laps for 82 km. We are looking forward to 2017 as our group grows and we embrace the challenges that lie ahead. Sincere thanks to all staff, students and parents who were involved. Keith Spencer | Teacher

Front Row: Luke Saldana Lopez, Nikolaus Cranston, Ethan Woods, Lachlan Spencer, Angus Woods, Reuben Roberts, Matthew Gilboy Second Row: Mr Keith Spencer, Barret Deaner, Riley Birmingham, Sam Clohesy, Brodie Windle, Lachlan Lemon, Oliver Gibson, Patrick Morrison, Nathan Clohesy, Mr Chris Rigano Back Row: Joshua Keir, Sean Rennie, Drew Whiting, Harrison Turner, Michael McEvoy-Bowe, Cameron Lowth, Daniel Rennie, Mrs Jodie Roberts

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Ultimate Awards


he 2016 Ultimate Award Program once again offered students in the Learning Enrichment Program the opportunity to challenge themselves. With three levels on offer, this year we saw our Year 11 boys commence their twelve month Gold challenge which will be completed in 2017. The Year 10 students faced a six month challenge for their Silver Award while the Year 9 boys endured a three month ultimatum for their Bronze accolade. Each level requires the boys to partake in four disciplines which include Charity Work, Sport Commitment, a Hobby Interest and an Expedition. Every student that completes the challenge certainly feels that they have

achieved against the odds and have earned the respect to stand tall with pride and self-confidence. Many thanks must go to Mr Brian Geaney, Mr Steve Coleman, Mr Keith Spencer, Mr James Gaston and the Learning Support Team, for without their support and help this program would not happen. I now look forward to see the students’ progress as they step up to the next level of the Challenge and await our inaugural Gold recipients to complete their objective in 2017! Michael Lazzaroni | Teacher

Ultimate Award Recipients - Bronze: Jordan Richards, Corey Talbot. Silver: Lachlan Braby, Jack Pople

Bronze Award


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Silver Award

Year 7 Camp


The Good…


here were many times during Camp when, “That’s great!” was exclaimed. The activities blew some students’ minds - we couldn’t believe how far up the high ropes course went! It was sensational and the activities overall were awesome. For me, the best was just sitting around the campfire chatting and eating marshmallows. The Bad…

There was literally nothing bad about Camp…well, that could be controlled. Unfortunately for some of the Camps, the weather was terrible and some Houses had to return home early. The Ugly…

As we were ‘roughing’ it…there were quite a few ugly moments. Seeing Mr Rigano in the morning before he had his two coffees…yikes!!! Overall we loved Camp and cannot wait for next year! James Clarke | Year 7 Student

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Year 8 Camp Positives:

During the whole three-day camp, the boys connected with each other better than anyone would have thought. Most of the boys were surprised by how skilled some people were at shooting and abseiling. Some particular highlights were: - Swimming the rapids at Keelbottom Creek - Shooting the ‘Beast’

- Confronting your fears by abseiling down a rock-face

- Completing group challenges together and succeeding - Sitting around campfire singing songs - Spending time with mates


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016


There were not a lot of bad things about camp. Some were: - Seeing the boys in the morning without hair product (Levai Young) - Seeing another side of the boys (Patrick Eaton’s shorts falling down in the rapids) - The cooking skills of some of the boys left a lot to be desired!

We were very thankful to all the teachers that organised and went on camp. Overall a great experience and we are really looking forward to the next one in Year 9. Lachlan Ryan | Year 8 Student

Year 9 Camp




ear 9 Camp was a very exciting event. We left on the Monday for Camp Gedling with the Treacy House. Mr Giorgas taught us how to tie up our bags in a tarp, which would then be a part of our tent that we would be sleeping in for the next few days. After we arrived at our campsite, Mr Geaney showed us how to erect our tent, we were then lucky enough to get a swim! An interesting sight that night was watching the boys cook their own dinner from the food they had ordered. It is safe to say that some regretted their choices! On the second day, we returned to Camp Gedling to do Indigenous activities and the high rope course. A very challenging experience! After we had our lunch, we then returned to our riverside camp site to do a challenge with Mr Lazzaroni. We had to build rafts out of a plank of wood and swimming tubes, which resulted in some interesting contraptions! The next day we had to pack up our camping equipment so we could return to Camp Gedling as the Carew House would be arriving and could use our tarps for their tents. It was an action-packed three days of adventure and fun. Riley Baldwin | Year 9 Student

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Co-Curricular


Sony Camp


eventeen Year 11 young men from Ignatius Park College and seventeen young ladies from St Patrick’s College, Townsville hosted the first Sony Foundation Camp, 17-19 September. This Camp provided a full residential holiday experience for sixteen children with physical and intellectual disabilities. One boy and one girl partnered to be ‘Companions’ for each young person, known as a ‘Camper’. The Campers had a brilliant time as evidenced by the photos.

Various training programs were conducted to prepare the Companions to care for their Campers around the clock, providing all personal care as required. Camp Companion, Damien Sferratore (11 Nolan) said, “We strongly believe that the training days helped the group foster an awareness of the requirements that 24-hour care would require, and closer relationships with other Companions to achieve a higher sense of confidence and preparation to facilitate the Camp.”

Whilst an objective of the Camp was to provide support and respite to the home-carers and families of children with disabilities, the Companions gained equally from the experience. The Camp encouraged our Senior students to use their gifts in the service of others, out of love of God and in the spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice and Catherine MacAuley. This intensive and authentic experience of service-learning challenged the values and ideas of student participants. The Camp supported social, emotional and cognitive learning that will engender an ongoing commitment to advocacy and ‘good works’.

Jack Cobon (11 Rice) said of the Camp experience, “It was brilliant. The Campers had an amazing few days and it was just so much fun! We laughed and played, we learnt patience and we learnt so many lessons in life by having the privilege to serve these young children with their unique special needs. Thanks to Mr Clarke, Mrs Roberts and all staff at other schools for their support - it was amazing!” “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them!” (Luke 18:16) Frank Clarke | Deputy Principal - Identity and Mission

Front Row: Patrick Carter, Oliver Gibson, Domenic Figg, Damien Sferratore, Matthew Vollmer, Ryan Zeller Second Row: Mr Frank Clarke, Dale Whalley, Jacob Seri, Aaron Evans, Lane Moloney, Darcy Young, Jack Cobon, Brodie Windle, Mrs Jodie Roberts Back Row: William Thomas, Nicholas Denman, Ryan Gilmore, Viliami Taufa, Harrison Turner, Travis Keys


Co-Curricular - Ignatius Park College 2016

Senior Profiles Harrison BIRD

Nickname Bird

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Waterpolo and winning Basketball State Championships. Interests: Basketball, AFL, Snowboarding.

Connor BOON

Nickname Boony

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Participating in four of the College productions, with a lead role each time.

Ambitions: Do what I love, travel the world and live with no regrets.

Nickname Champ

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Achieving my QCE, new brothers and good grades.

Interests: Rugby League, Rugby Union and Volleyball. Ambitions: To work in the medical field as a male nurse.

Ambitions: To have a happy and healthy life, a good job and a family.

Lachlan DILLON


Blake Alan DOWNEY


Julian COOK

Nickname Cooky

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Soild academic results.

Interests: Going out and having fun with friends Ambitions: To become an Electrical Engineer and travel the world.


Nickname Dillon

Nickname Blake

Nickname Darby

Nickname Josh

Achievements: A wide range of goals and making friends along the way.

Achievements: Swimming, Waterpolo and AFL teams.

Achievements: Graduating after 12 years of school.

Achievements: Dux of Biology, College Graduate and Musical.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Gaming, cooking, hiking, camping and trail runs. Ambitions: To join the Police Force.


Nickname Bala1Time, Big GI, Greg Bah Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Making QLD All Schools and friends. Interests: Basketball and NBA. Ambitions: To work as a nurse.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Fishing, sports and hanging with friends. Ambitions: To get an apprenticeship and travel.


Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Fishing.

Ambitions: Own my own Fishing Charter.

Alexander KACHEL

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Playing guitar, singing and reading. Ambitions: I hope to be in a profession where I am able to give back to the community and help others.


Nickname Bdrizzle, BJ, Jez

Nickname Kachel

Nickname Drew

Achievements: Being Baillie Vice Captain and Captain of QLD All Schools.

Achievements: Cricket and time travelling with Lucas.

Achievements: Dux of Art.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Wetting a line, tearing up some trails and hanging with the boys. Ambitions: Be successful and continue slaying the Barra.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Fishing, hunting and long walks on the beach.

Ambitions: To be rich and build an empire.


Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Drawing, Pokemon Go and hanging with the boys. Ambitions: To live a happy life.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Senior Profiles Dylan LAZZARONI


Nickname Laz, Lazza

Nickname Asian Sensation

Achievements: TCLC.

Achievements: Not drowning at the Swimming Carnival.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Boating, camping,and kicking back with the boys. Ambitions: Work in the Police Force and travel the world.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Brucey’s tutorials.

Ambitions: I want to be the very best like no one ever was.

Samuel McGHIE

Nickname McGhie, Harambe, Shrek

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Making Interschool Cross Country and NQ in 2015. Interests: Running, fishing, Pokemon Go and hanging with mates on the weekend.


Nickname Stingey, Smeagle Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Gaining Mrs Timbs’ utmost respect.

Interests: Volunteering my time at The Park. Ambitions: Doing something I can be proud of.

Ambitions: To do something I’m passionate about.





Nickname Melon, Mill-train

Nickname Princey

Nickname Reddi

Nickname Rags

Achievements: Musical 2016, Homeless Sleepout and Dilligence Awards.

Achievements: Learning to row and refereeing.

Achievements: NQ and QLD All Schools Touch, Cross Country Team and Academic Awards.

Achievements: Selected in First XV, Peer Mentor and went on the UK Rugby Tour.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Hanging out with mates, Basketball and cars.

Ambitions: To become a Mechanic and be successful in future life ambitions.


Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Fishing, sports and motorbike riding.

Ambitions: To own a car repair shop.


Nickname Scrussell

Achievements: Italian exchange and Year 11 Dux of Math A.

Achievements: AFL, Brother Baillie Medal and Diligence Award.

Interests: Hanging with the boys.

Ambitions: To live a happy healthy life and keep in contact with Park brothers.


Interests: Hanging out with family and friends, Rugby League, Touch Football and fishing.

Ambitions: To live a happy and healthy life with no regrets.

Nickname Robbo, Pablo Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Getting the one metre Barra and company with mates. Ambitions: To be successful in my field of work.

Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016


Nickname Schultzy, Schultman Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: First XIII 201516, Confraternity win, Baillie House Captain and Baillie Bear. Interests: Sport and fishing.

Ambitions: To become an Electrician, play good footy, never waste a moment in life and fish more.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Sport, reading and having fun.

Ambitions: To have fun in every aspect of my life.


Nickname Schmidt

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: To finish and pass Year 12.

Interests: Camping, fishing, motorbike riding and hanging out with my mates.

Ambitions: To get an apprenticeship as a Refrigeration Mechanic.

Senior Profiles HOSPITALITY Samuel STEWART

Nickname Stewy, QCS Success Homeroom Blue/Baillie Achievements: Academic Awards; School Age Champion - Cross Country and Track; TSV, NQ and QLD Rep Athletics; Musicals; Lions Youth of the Year; Peer Mentor; College Graduate. Interests: Running, playing piano, singing and performing. Ambitions: To be happy, have no regrets, take opportunities given to me and make a difference in others’ lives after my time at The Park.


Benjamin WHEELER

Brendan WILKIE


Nickname Benny

Nickname Wilkie

Nickname Reece

Achievements: Being a part of sporting teams and Student Council.

Achievements: Changing my life around, Year 11 Dux of Hospitality and Brother Baillie Award.

Achievements: AFL Team

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Rugby League, Touch Football, Basketball and fishing. Ambitions: To be a successful Real Estate Agent.


Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Cars, fishing, camping, Toomulla Beach trips with the boys and Basketball.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Cricket, Wildcatz and friendship and love Ambitions: Make the All Star Team and a few games of bingo with Nan.

Ambitions: A career in the Building Industry and a loving family.

Joshua De MUNARI


Nickname Alsemgeest

Nickname Ambrose

Nickname Demo, Dig

Nickname Evans

Achievements: College Prefect, Interschool Swimming Champions, winning Athletics Carnival back to back.

Achievements: Life long friends

Achievements: First XI Cricket, First XV Rugby, third place in Super 8s.

Achievements: A Silver Academic Excellence Award and life long friends.

Ambitions: To have a good job and live happy.

Ambitions: To travel the world and find a job I enjoy.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Swimming, movies and cooking.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Fishing and mountain biking. Ambitions: To have a job I enjoy and to travel the world.

Ambitions: Go to Uni, get a degree, get a job and go to at least one other country.


Joshua FIGG

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Cricket, Rugby and weight room.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: BMX, Mountain biking, UFC and Baseball.


Nickname Fieldy

Nickname Figg

Nickname Finnigan

Nickname Fraz, Dan

Achievements: UK RU Trip, TI Trip, First XV and back to back Athletics Carnival.

Achievements: UK Tour, First XV and back to back Athletics Carnival.

Achievements: Participating in all School Carnivals.

Achievements: Dux, Year 11 Engineering.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Sport, fishing and hanging out with the boys.

Ambitions: Travel the world and be a good bloke.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Sports, fishing and rugby. Ambitions: Be a good bloke.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Reading, guitar and Basketball.

Ambitions: To do an IT course in programming and design.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Diesel mechanics.

Ambitions: To become a Diesel Fitter.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Senior Profiles Jayden FREITAS


Nickname Freitas, Fruitas

Nickname Dwight

Achievements: Dulux Super 8s winner, back to back Athletics Carnival wins, winning senior Touch Carnival.

Achievements: Open AFL, back to back Athletics Carnival win.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: AFL.

Ambitions: To attend University.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Camping, 4x4 driving, guitar and AFL. Ambitions: Become a Electrician, start a business and make it to the Cape one day.

Brodie HOHN


The Hammer, The Answer, Chodie, The King

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Winning the Touch Comp and being the MVP to score the winning try.

Matthew MACOR

Nickname Matt

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Life long friends and making it to Year 12 Interests: Fishing and social events.

Ambitions: To see the world.

Interests: Camping and Basketball.

Ambitions: Continue my studies at Uni and become an Engineer.





Nickname Marshall

Nickname Mawds

Nickname Maye

Nickname Big John

Achievements: Manners and respect.

Achievements: Going back to back in the Athletics Carnival and rowing scholarship.

Achievements: Going back to back in the Athletics Carnival, First XIII and NQ All Schools Touch.

Achievements: Winning back to back in the Athletics Carnival for Carew and making good friends.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Tennis, Volleyyball, singing, modelling and Rugby League.

Ambitions: To make a singing career, become famous, to live life to the fullest and have a family.


Nickname Casper

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Higher goals in life. Interests: Sports.

Ambitions: To have a good job.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Fishing, camping and kicking back with the boys. Ambitions: Join the Army and explore the world.


Nickname Sam, Tim, Shark Four Eyes Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Lead roles in musicals from Year 10-12, passing grades when I thought I would fail and Peer Mentor.

Interests: Acting, singing, guitar, piano, mems and squad meet ups.

Ambitions: To be a Social Worker or Psychologist and make the world a better place.


Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Dux of Rec, Rugby League, camping and Golf.

Ambitions: To get a job next year and to live a happy life.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Playing football and hanging out with friends. Ambitions: To graduate from High School and get a job as a Locksmith.


Nickname Murph, Murphy

Nickname James

Achievements: Interschool Athletics Carnival since Year 8.

Achievements: Back to back Athletics Carnival, Interschool Cross Country and Athletics.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Basketball, boxing, footy, running, fishing and Army. Ambitions: Join the Army, try out for the Commandos to be selected for the SAS.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Camping, fishing, hunting and Touch Football.

Ambitions: Enjoy life and take it as it comes.

Senior Profiles Campbell PARSONS

Nickname Cam

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Living up to the house motto, friends I’ll never forget. Interests: Gaming with friends. Ambitions: Remain positive in every situation.


Nickname Stanford


Nickname CP

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Winning the Touch Footy Comp with the Cuddas.

Interests: Basketball, fishing and NFL.

Ambitions: Keep in touch with all the boys and keep playing Basketball.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Nickname Steyger, Steggles, Tom

Interests: Kicking back and physical exercise.

Achievements: Cricket, Basketball, Touch, back to back Athletics Carnival winners and Year 11 Dux of Legal Studies.

Achievements: Part scholarship rowing team, Dux of Modern History and life long friendships.

Ambitions: Economics Degree at Australian Defence Force Academy. Serve as an Armoured Corps Officer. Go into business/ politics.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Fishing and Basketball.

Ambitions: To get my QCE, travel and study Education at Uni.




Nickname Dimi

Nickname Dyl, Pricey, 9DYL9

Achievements: Rowing State Championships and being part of the Carew House.

Achievements: My necessary qualifications needed for my future. Interests: Driving my car, spending time with family and close friends, shopping, fine dining, volunteering at nursing homes and travel. Ambitions: To work in Diversional Therapy in an Aged Care Facility.To own a home and travel the world.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Skateboarding and drums. Ambitions: To open my own restaurant as a qualified chef.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Alexander WHITWAM

Nickname Weaver, Mexico

Nickname Whitty

Achievements: Open Basketball 2015/16 and back to back Athletics Carnival wins.

Achievements: Back to back Athletics Carnival victories for Carew.

Ambitions: To travel the world and get a job.

Ambitions: To be accepted into ADFA and stay in touch with all my Iggy mates.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Basketball, movies and the Sharks.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: AFL and camping.

Abhijith ABRAHAM

Nickname Wilcox

Nickname Daron, A-A-Ron

Nickname Zealey

Nickname Abi

Achievements: Back to back in the Athletics Carnival and Interschool Cross Country.

Achievements: Life long friends and the Cairns RRR 36km race. House Captain of Carew.

Achievements: Life long friends and the Cairns RRR 36km race.

Achievements: Not making formal friends but life long brothers.

Ambitions: To be an Electrician, become a pro boxer.

Ambitions: Take life as it comes and just chill.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Sport, pigging, fishing and going out with the boys.

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Kicking back with the boys.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Interests: Trailburners, sports, fishing, spearfishing, Golf and Touch Football.

Ambitions: I would like to enter the Navy and travel the world.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Soccer, socialising, volunteering, UMAT studies (my life) and travelling overseas. Ambitions: To be the change I want to see in the world and to become a Neurosurgeon while playing Pro Soccer.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Senior Profiles Dexter ANDERSON

Nickname Spud, D-Money, DA Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: UK Tour and First XV scrumhalf, Prefect, Bronze Service Learning and helping at the Homeless Drop in Centre.

Interests: Rugby Union, Golf and friends. Ambitions: To study Electrical Engineering and travel through Europe and watch a Rugby World Cup.


Theophilus BABAO

Nickname Jimmy, Jimbo, Babao Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: School Captain, First XIII and making life long relationships. Interests: Hanging out with friends, Rugby League and spending time with my brother.

Ambitions: Attend university and become a Civil Engineer. Travel the world and explore new opportunities.

Nicholas CASSIDY



Nickname Chuck

Nickname Burgess , LBO

Achievements: UK Tour, First XV, Vice Captain and Open AFL.

Achievements: Year 10 Dux, Year 11 Dux, Dux of Maths B, Maths C, Physics and Graphics in Year 11 and Peer Mentor.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Rugby, spear fishing and pig hunting. Ambitions: To study Engineering.


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Movies and TaekwonDo.

Ambitions: To become an Aerospace Engineer who designs aircrafts or spacecrafts.


Nickname Carter boy

Nickname Nick

Nickname Clarkey

Nickname Clarkey

Achievements: Winning Confro 2016.

Achievements: Matthew Gow Memorial Trophy, productions, debating, cultural awards and graduating.

Achievements: Winning our final Swimming Carnival.

Achievements: Opens Field Age Champion 2016 and making the school Athletics Team.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Pig hunting, 4WD, fishing, camping and Rugby League.

Ambitions: To make a successful career in the NRL and to become an Auto Electrician.


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: TV shows, earning money, debating and spending time with family.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: AFL, basketball and Cricket. Ambitions: To become a successful Architect.

Ambitions: To study Secondary Education and to have a successful career and enjoy life.



Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Music, Basketball, camping and fishing.

Ambitions: Be successful and happy with my life.


Nickname Corbo

Nickname Kurt

Nickname Rob

Nickname Barra King

Achievements: Treasurer of St Vinnies, participating in the NQ Chess Competition and my singular debut on the Debating Team.

Achievements: House Vice Captain.

Achievements: Making First XV.

Achievements: House Captain.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Charity and Chess.

Ambitions: Make some money, have a family and live a life I’m proud of.


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: My mates, friendships and family. Ambitions: To find a job I love and enjoy life each day as it comes.

Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Gym, Rugby and 4WD. Ambitions: Be a good tradie and own a gym.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Spear fishing, fishing, camping, boating and 4x4ing.

Ambitions: To have a well paying job and to buy a boat.

Senior Profiles Jackson HANNON

Nicholas HEALY

Nickname Jacko

Nickname Heals

Achievements: Sea World Nara excursion.

Achievements: College Prefect, Open Water Polo, Open AFL and Academic achievements.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: All sports and food. Ambitions: Having a good job that I enjoy.


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Camping, fishing, 4x4, the outdoors and music. Ambitions: To become an Engineer.



Nickname Keevers, Keevs, Shievers Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: Torres Strait Island trip with Rugby League and won U15 Cowboys Challenge Cup. Interests: Water-skiing, Rugby League and hanging out with mates.

Ambitions: Accounting Degree, move to America and become a Pro Water-Skier.




Nickname Kenny, TK

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: First XIII Rugby league 2015/16,U16 QLD Origin and U18 Open School Boys Rugby League. Interests: Rugby League, Basketball and camping. Ambitions: Play NRL and run a successful sporting business.

Layton McCOLL

Nickname KeSoverign

Nickname Joe

Nickname Adam

Nickname L8O

Achievements: Helping the sudents at TCLC and The Homeless Drop in Shelter.

Achievements: Good mates and Homeless Shelter.

Achievements: Winning the Swimming Carnival and passing.

Achievements: UK Rugby Union Tour and first XV.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Movies, games, illustration, folklore myths and legends. Ambitions: To have a brilliant career, a loving family and happiness.


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Boxing, socialising with friends and creating positive memories that I can look back on in the future.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Footy and travelling. Ambitions: To be successful.

Ambitions: To join the Police Force and make a difference within the community.

Lachlan O’DWYER


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Fishing, camping, trucks, cars and farm..

Ambitions: Dual apprenticeship in Diesel Fitting and Auto Electrical then continue to make my own trucking company.

Cooper PLATH

Nickname Mick

Nickname Lachy

Nickname Shapell

Nickname Turtle dove

Achievements: U15 Football team, Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride 2014/16.

Achievements: Year 8 Dux and Open AFL team.

Achievements: Earning some life long mates.

Achievements: Homeless Shelter, Year 9 Rowing States, Year 9 Diligence Award and having some good mates.

Ambitions: Turn pro at Mountain biking.

Ambitions: To have a Uni degree and get a successful job that I enjoy.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Mountain biking.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Watching and playing sport.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Fishing and chilling with the boys.

Ambitions: Get a well paying job that I enjoy and to keep in touch with the boys.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Snow boarding and making memories of the Park.

Ambitions: To have a job doing what I love and to start a family.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Senior Profiles Murray ROACHE

Nickname Roache, Muzz Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: U15 AFL Team, 2015 NZ Ski Trip and Homeless Shelter. Interests: Making money and AFL.

Ambitions: To get a good job.


Nickname Tappa, Boomtown Rat Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: The Killer ‘B’s and U13 Rugby League Team. Interests: Fishing and pig hunting.

Ambitions: To get a trade as a Boilermaker and start my own business.



Nickname Eli

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: Winning the Swimming Carnival with Nolan in my Senior year.

Interests: Films, AFL, music and video games with friends. Ambitions: Own a film production company.




Nickname Smithy

Nickname Stevo

Achievements: Runner up Age Champion 2015 and making NQ trials for long and triple jump 2015.

Achievements: Leaving with great relationships with friends and teachers.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Music, rock climbing and hanging out with mates.

Ambitions: To become successful in my chosen career.


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: Spearfishing.

Ambitions: Live a happy and comfortable life and raise a family. Do well in the profession of my choice.


Nickname Sid

Nickname Tim

Nickname Boat

Achievements: Winning Confraternity 2016.

Achievements: Stage Band, IMPS Band, Diligence, Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

Achievements: Finishing high school.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Sport and hanging with mates. Ambitions: To be a school teacher in Exercise Sport Science.


Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Music, film and being with my mates.

Ambitions: To be happy and successful wherever I find myself in life.


Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Pig hunting, fishing and owning seven properties. Ambitions: International vegetable farmer, nurse.


Nickname Castro

Nickname Clarkey

Nickname Skipper, Strings

Nickname Faulkner

Achievements: TCLC Basketball Champion.

Achievements: Participating in the production ‘What’s New Pussycat.’

Achievements: Representing the College in Cricket and Aussie Rules.

Achievements: IPC AFL Team.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Yu-Gi-Oh, Ice Skating, Basketball. Ambitions: Have a good life and complete my Pokedex.


Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Archery, guitar and chilling.

Ambitions: To get a degree in Physics.

Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Enjoy playing the flute and going to the Burdekin in the holidays. Ambitions: To follow in the foot steps of Chris Horn.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: AFL and fishing.

Ambitions: To go to Uni and become an Architect.

Senior Profiles Callan FEENEY

Nickname Feeney

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: I am proud of the man I have become. I am also humble and respectful for being able to have met so many great mates at Iggy. Interests: Fishing, gaming, camping and spending time with mates. Ambitions: To become a qualified Electrician and join the Navy.



Nickname Frenchy, Gauds Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: The Dulux Super 8 Championship and player of the Carnival, Open AFL Captain and sports report. Interests: Spear-fishing, x-trails and landscaping. Ambitions: To own LIS.




Nickname Goddard

Nickname Gudgy

Achievements: Representing the Park in sporting events and overall wearing the Crest on my chest.

Achievements: Great sporting opportunities and mateship. Interests: Rugby League, camping and fishing. Ambitions: Persue a trade and establish a career.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Camping and Mr Bruce’s tutorials.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Ambitions: To surpass myself with exploration that will lead to new experiences and skills.



Nickname Skip

Nickname Humps

Nickname Cungulla

Nickname JK, Bala JK

Achievements: Placing in the 400m race.

Achievements: Playing League, Touch and going to Iggy Discos.

Achievements: Interschool Cross Country and Mr Rowan’s undefeated Year 12 Rec Volleyball Team.

Achievements: Confraternity 2016.

Ambitions: Uni degree in Finance.

Ambitions: Electrician or Butcher.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Soccer and Rugby Union.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Long walks on the beach and catching Pokemon.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Sports, fishing, camping and late nights with the boys.

Ambitions: Successfully obtain a job to set up my future.

Jeremy KERR



Cameron LENTON

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Rugby League, chilling with the boys and studying. Ambitions: To work for JT’s mowing while I follow my dreams to own my own inspirational quote blog.


Nickname Jerry

Nickname Damo

Nickname Woody, Lento

Nickname Chinny

Achievements: First XIV.

Achievements: Elected House Captain, Battle of the Bands, Stage and Musical Band and Service Learning.

Achievements: Made some great mates and NZ Ski Trip 2016.

Achievements: Making friends and bonding with the 180 brothers at this College.

Ambitions: Travel the world.

Ambitions: To become a primary school teacher.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Economics, Rugby Union and family.

Ambitions: Be remembered and live life to the fullest.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Playing drums, fishing, hanging with mates and Indoor Cricket. Ambitions: Attend the Australian Defence Force Academy and become an Officer in the Army.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: NRL Fantasy, NRL, Touch and Oztag

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Gaming, fishing and camping.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Senior Profiles Brody LISTON

Nickname Fchank

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: Great friendships that will last me a lifetime. Interests: Computers, technology and future advancements in technology.

Ambitions: To create something everyone will enjoy.

Brandon PAULL


Nickname McCagh, Mcrayfish Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: Confraternity 2016 and First XIII Uno Champ. Interests: Making riddles with Jack Gauld and surfing on the Strand.

Ambitions: Publish a book of Riddles, JT’s Mowing and study medicine.




Nickname Bryn

Nickname Morro

Achievements: A great level of friendship and a positive schooling life.

Achievements: Successfully completing Year 12.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: History, sport and technology.

Ambitions: To live a healthy life filled with love and care. Also to pass university and pay off the fees.


Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Performing with bands in front of crowds. Ambitions: To always believe in myself, because it’s trash can, not trash cannot.


Nickname Paully

Nickname Dan

Nickname Josh

Nickname Jackal

Achievements: Academic Awards.

Achievements: Assisting in the organisation and participating in the Reid House Battle of the Bands 2016, Geography Dux 2015 and Japan Tour 2014.

Achievements: Year 11 Dux of IPT, 3rd place in the 3000m race and going to the UK for school Soccer.

Achievements: Participant of TCLC, backstage for the musical and graduation.

Ambitions: Go to Uni and finish the Pokedex.

Ambitions: To be respected by all my friends and peers around me. To inspire.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Swimming and hanging with friends.

Ambitions: IT or Vet Science.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Guitar, Basketball and general fitness. Ambitions: To have a career within the Australian Defence Force.


Nickname Stoney

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: UK Football Tour and participating in the TCLC program. Interests: Soccer, fishing and chilling with mates.

Ambitions: To enter the Police Force and successfully acquire my Criminology Degree.



Nickname Tolch, 500 Champion, John Iron Bark Tolcher Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: Winning the biggest dance battle at the IPC Swimming Carnival. Interests: League, Basketball, fishing and dancing.

Ambitions: To be a proud coowner of JT’s Mowing and Jim’s Pest Control.

Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Soccer.


Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Soccer, fishing, games and skating.

Mitchell WALDUCK

Nickname Rhino

Nickname Duck

Achievements: Interschool Sports Team, Closing the Gap Campaign and making life long friends.

Achievements: Completing Year 12.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Playing sport, preparing and eating food.

Ambitions: To be involved in the Hospitality Industry in some way, to keep in touch with all my mates and live a happy life..

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Playing Touch. Ambitions: Carpenter.

Senior Profiles Mackenzie BAGLEY

Nickname Mac, Bags

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: NQ Sporting teams, academic achievements and service learning.

Interests: Sporting, fishing and 4WD with Mylesy. Ambitions: To become successful, happy and obtain a degree in Medicine.


Callum BELL

Nickname Belly

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Rice House (VC), First XV Captain and Super 8s Dulux best dressed. Interests: The boys, Reeboks and Commodores.

Ambitions: To stay in touch with all my brothers and strive to be the best I can be.




Nickname Chaff

Nickname Quinnie, Big Q

Achievements: Rice House Captain and Confraternity Champions 2016.

Achievements: Playing a game for the First XIII. Interests: Rugby League, Golf, long walks on the beach and fishing. Ambitions: To become an Astronaut and Mayor of Mount Isa.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Having fun with the boys.

Ambitions: To move to the South Coast.

Patrick CONN


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

John Patrick CONNELL

Nickname Churchie

Nickname Jack

Nickname Conny

Nickname JP

Achievements: Becoming an Iggy boy.

Achievements: Becoming an Iggy boy.

Achievements: Making life long mates.

Achievements: IPC Rowing Team

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Freestyle Motor Cross and camping.

Ambitions: To move to Brisbane and become a game developer or do Freestyle Motor Cross.


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Futsal refereeing. Ambitions:

Nicholas DUNN

Nickname Patty

Nickname Dunny

Achievements: Participating in the musical every year and making good friends along the way.

Achievements: QLD School Boys Soccer and making lots of friends.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Singing, guitar, piano and a good prank. Ambitions: To study medicine and become a GP and work in regional Queensland.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Soccer and hanging with the boys.

Ambitions: To achieve my dream of gaining a contract in the A-League.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Achieving goals. Ambitions: Having fun and helping others.


Nickname Gauldy, Dad, Grandad Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Confraternity Champions 2016.

Interests: Making riddles with Tom McCagh, fishing and pig hunting.


Nickname Gouldy

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Making mad friends.

Interests: Music and fitness.

Ambitions: Get a job, kick back and have a family.

Ambitions: Publish a book of riddles and make my Mum proud.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Senior Profiles Ethan JAMES

Nickname EJ, OX

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Playing Confro and winning and setting the bench record in the gym (140kg).

Interests: Rugby League, music, gym training and having good food.

Ambitions: To keep playing good footy and to enjoy life and take every opportunity I get in life.



Nickname Jonesy

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: First XIII and Confraternity Champions 2016. Interests: Rugby League, computer games, cars and graduating.

Ambitions: To get an apprenticeship, a good car and earn lots of money.




Nickname Morgo

Nickname Rhys

Achievements: Relay for Life, helping in the toast room, Soccer and Interschool Cross Country.

Achievements: Graduating, helping at the toast room, Sea World tour and Carnivals.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Australian Air Force Cadets, aviation and sport.

Ambitions: Work hard even when you feel like giving up. Life is about having fun and mateships last forever.


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Water skiing, music, driving, fishing and camping. Ambitions: Complete an apprenticeship, have a decent house, car and a happy life.


Nickname CJ

Nickname Callum

Nickname Newmy

Nickname DJP, D14

Achievements: Best Forward First XV 2016 and UK Rugby Tour.

Achievements: Participating in Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride, Peer Mentor, Prefect and Academic Awards.

Achievements: Making it this far.

Achievements: To win Confraternity, sports carnivals and Rice House member.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Rugby Union. Ambitions:

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Cycling.

Ambitions: To make everything worthwhile and to never hold back.

Lachlan PETHER


Nickname Peth

Nickname Shawey

Achievements: Graduating and making life long friends.

Achievements: First and Second Football

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Fishing, Soccer and camping.

Interests: Music, fashion and Basketball.

Interests: Fishing, Rugby League and Touch.



Nickname Enetime, SHIBA-SUSHI

Interests: Rugby League

Achievements: First XIII Captain Confraternity Shield.

Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Ambitions: To live a long, happy and successful life, travel the world and live life to the fullest.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Ambitions: To become the best person that I can. Happy job and life.


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Music and Rugby League.

Ambitions: To be successful in the future.

Ambitions: Live a successful and happy life.

Nickname Simmo

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Silver and Gold Service Learning Awards, Cultral Award, Battle of the Bands and Bill Turner Cup 2013. Interests: Music, Snowboarding and travelling. Ambitions: To travel the world with my guitar.

Senior Profiles James STEPHENSON


Jayden SWIFT

Nickname Stevo

Nickname Sturge

Nickname Swifty

Achievements: Making the Iggy Park First XI Cricket squad.

Achievements: Representing the school in Futsal.

Achievements: Graduating and Sea World trip.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Fishing, camping, playing sport and hanging with my mates. Ambitions: Be a successful Engineer.


Nickname Whiting

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Creating great mates to last a life time. Interests: Cycling, camping and getting outdoors. Ambitions: To have a successful career and family.


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Football and Futsal. Ambitions: To go to Uni and follow my chosen career path.

Nicholas ALLMAN

Nickname Alby, Albert, Elmo, Allman Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Year 10 Student Council and the Long Jump team. Interests: Long walks on the beach and my cocker spaniel.

Ambitions: Graduate from the Police Academy.


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Soccer, Basketball and fishing.

Ambitions: To have a well paying job.


Nickname Baz, Stomper Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Uk Football Tour, Homeless Shelter. Interests: Debating and travelling.

Ambitions: Become Prime Minister and travel the world.




Nickname Mick

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Making the first XI Cricket squad and making the Athletics Team. Interests: Cricket and hanging out with mates.

Ambitions: To study at University and to become a successful Engineer.

Brendan BLAIR

Nickname Blairy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: An A in Maths B. Interests: Reading, music and travelling.

Ambitions: To study a Bachelor of Architectural Design.

Nicholas CLIVE

Nickname Lachie

Nickname Cambo

Nickname The Cannon

Nickname Nick

Achievements: Selection in the First XV Rugby Union team.

Achievements: The Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride.

Achievements: Interschool Cross Country and the Blue Wall.

Achievements: Uk Football Tour.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Sports, fishing, reading and writing.

Ambitions: Study Chiropractics at RMIT. Travel the world and have a novel published.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Playing computer games and passing the wahu footy around with the boys.

Ambitions: Aspiring tattooist.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Fighting, running and programming. Ambitions: Successful job in IT and to never play Pokemon Go.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Music and Soccer

Ambitions: To figure out a degree I want to study at Uni.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Senior Profiles Harrison CRANDLEY

Nickname Cranda man, Crandley Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Sea World Trip. Interests: Basketball and Hospitality

Ambitions: To graduate with the boys.



Joshua EATON

Nickname Hoff

Nickname Jeaton

Achievements: Completing the Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride and being part of the UK Rugby Union Team.

Achievements: School refereeing and making life long friends.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Riding bikes, Rugby League and Union and good food. Ambitions: To obtain a trade qualification in Automotive or Hospitality and to never play Pokemon Go.

Jaison GREER

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Refereeing and Pokemon Go.

Ambitions: To exit school with the best possible OP, Engineering and to enjoy life.


Nickname Evey

Nickname Greery

Nickname Grievsy, General

Achievements: High results in my subjects and a role in the Musical.

Achievements: To pass Study of Religion.

Achievements: Decent grades, participating in sport and contributing to Treacy events.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Video games, movies, animation and story writing.

Ambitions: To become an Engineer or Teacher with a stable and happy life.


Nickname Lez, Lezole, Hisholman, Garth Homeroom White/Treacy Achievements: Student Council Representative 2015, U13 Rugby League, NZ Ski Tour 2015/16, TCLC and obtaining a school based apprenticeship. Interests: Quad bikes,fishing, camping at Daintree, travelling and hanging with the boys. Ambitions: Do the Kokoda Trail, travel and spend time living in Bali and USA, build houses for the less fortunate overseas.


Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Cricket, Rugby League and Basketball. Ambitions: To find a job I love.


Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Medicine, science and NRL.

Ambitions: To become a doctor.



Nickname Evans

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: A great education while creating great memories with even greater boys.

Interests: Playing Rugby League, camping with the boys.

Ambitions: To get a great job while being happy. To live my life to the fullest and to spread as many good vibes as I can.


Nickname Bruce

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: New skills and knowledge. Interests: Basketball and Soccer.

Ambitions: Healthy and wealthy.

Harrison LASSIG

Nickname Roo

Nickname Jordan

Nickname Harry

Achievements: Making the First XV two years in a row and touring the UK.


Achievements: Treacy House Vice-Captain and travelling to the UK with the Football tour.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Rugby Union and Car Mechanics. Ambitions: To be a successful Car Mechanic and to have a happy life.

Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Literature, music and graphic design Ambitions: Possibly find an enjoyable career eventually.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Soccer, Futsal, music, travelling and reading.

Ambitions: To become a successful Engineer and the best man I can be.



Nickname Mas

Nickname Matt, Matty,Mitch

Achievements: IPC Rugby Union and League, NQ School Boys Rugby, IPC Athletic Team and IPC Cross Country Team.

Achievements: I am proud of becoming a fine young man.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Fishing, basketball, Footy and NBA 2K.

Ambitions:Travel to America and Europe, study Engineering and play NBA, NBL or QBL.


Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Football(Soccer), music, family and friends.

Ambitions: To be the best man I can be, as well as becoming a professional Football player.


Nickname Pacco

Nickname T-Money

Achievements: State Basketball Champions. Interests: Tattoos. Ambitions: Tattoo Artist.

Achievements: Graduating.

Homeroom White/Treacy


Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Fashion, sneakers, Basketball

Ambitions: To do well in Fashion Design.

Cameron SOUTAR

Jeremy MYLES

Nickname Shify, Olly, Lil Olive



Nickname Ranko, Stinga, Roger Homeroom White/Treacy Achievements: Student Council, First XVIII, TCLC, NZ Ski Trip and First VI. Interests: Hanging with the boys, body building, Long Jump, Lacrosse and Squash Ambitions: Make money and live in Italy with my family, keep in contact with the boys.

Nickname Little Roberto, not so little Roberto

Achievements: College Vice Captain, NZ Trip, India Immersion 2015, a decent haircut.

Achievements: An Electrical school based apprenticeship.


Ambitions: Own my own Electrical Company and travel the world.

Ambitions: To represent Queensland for Indoor Cricket.

Interests: First XV, coming second and Corey MC.

Ambitions: Succeed in the world of business, travel the world.

Interests: Rugby Union.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: House Captain, India Immersion, NZ Ski Tour, TCLC, Chess, AFL.

Interests: Watching Lez Tacmun, 4x4 driving in the Daintree.

Ambitions: To study Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Passing Maths, NZ Ski Tour, TCLC, 2nd in the 200m and surviving 5 years of school.

Interests: Hanging out with mates, PS4, camping and fishing. Ambitions: Getting an Electrical apprenticeship, running Dad’s business and travelling the world.

Timothy STOKES

Nickname Soutsie

Homeroom White/Treacy

Matthew OLIVER

Nickname Tang, Mylesy, Weapon Homeroom White/Treacy Achievements: 1st State Basketball Championship, 2nd National Basketball Championship, NQ Basketball, Waterpolo and Javelin team. Interests: Basketball, fishing, spearfishing, camping and 4x4 driving. Ambitions: Professional spearfisherman, study Civil Engineering and continue playing and coaching Basketball.

Nickname Reppy, VC

Homeroom White/Treacy


Nickname Timbo Slice, Stokesy, Pringles Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Chilling with the boys, lacrosse and squash.

Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors




Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016



Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors




Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016



Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Graduation BAILLIE HOUSE 2016




Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Graduation REID HOUSE 2016




Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


The Year That Was


Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

The Year That Was


Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


The Year That Was


Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

The Year That Was


Ignatius Park College 2016 - Seniors


Work Placement Sponsors EMPLOYERS 2016

Action Automatics AE Smith (Electrical) AE Smith (Refrigeration) AGM Home Improvements AJ McLean Constructions A-Lect Auto Electrical Alexander Body Works Allan Holland Constructions Angliss Meats Northshore Angliss Meats Stockland Anthony Anderson Carpenter B and K Lambert Plumber and Gasfitter Bauer Constructions Bill and Ben The Cabinet Men Bonlec Electrical Brite-Lec Brothers Leagues Club Brown and Hurley Group Capitol Regent Chinese Restaurant Carmichael Ford Caskey Constructions CD Projects Clark Equipment Coastal Gasfitting and Plumbing Coffee Club Willows Colliers International Coop’s Automotive Core Developments Craig McGill Carpenter Craig Stocks Electrical Cycle de Vie Darryl Hurst Auto Electrical David Taylor’s Spray Painting and Panel Beating DN Electrical DNA Carpentry Dowd Electrical Doyle Star Motors Dylan Bell Contracting Ede’s Plumbing Elegant Kitchens EMA Electrics Ergon Energy Far Northern Medical Supplies Fish Inn Fit Solutions Fleetrepair Pty Ltd Four Seasons Airconditioning Franzmann Plumbing Future Sport Motorcycles Gabrielli Constructions Gibb Auto Electrical Golden Oak Furniture Restoration Good Shepherd Nursing Home


Grady Homes GTL Electrical Harvey Norman Townsville Hawker Pacific Heritage Plus Hi-Way 1 Truck Centre Holman Homes Pty Ltd Holy Spirit Catholic School Horace Constructions Horan and Bird Electrical and Airconditioning Hutchinson’s Builders Ignatius Park College - Hospitality Ignatius Park College - IT Ignatius Park College - Property and Services iMalekky Jangair JB and Sons Builders JEG Electrical Jorgensen Plumbing Kenny’s Auto Electrical Kev Smith Electrical Key Motors Kolby’s Electrical Kro Panels La Porchetta Restaurant Lancini Homes Leslie’s Auto Electrical LG Automotive Lifestyle Kitchens Lights On (Aust) Pty Ltd Locke Electrical and Airconditioning Pty Ltd Lollo and Allan Electrical Manutech Engineering Mark Graham Electrical Marteene Painting Services Masonic Care Queensland (Regis Aged Care) Mazlin Electrical Services MB Automotive McCanns Airconditioning Mendi Constructions Mercure Inn Michels Restaurant Mike Carney Toyota MJ and Co Espresso Bar MNDE Fabrication MVO Airconditioning Pty Ltd NEM Group North Regional Gas NQ Carpentry NQ Coolectrix Onboard I.T. P and C Smith Electrical Parry NQ

Seniors - Ignatius Park College 2016

Peak Airconditioning Refrigeration and Electrical Pegasus Electrical Pinnacle Power Precision Engineering and Welding P/L Quality Steel Fabrications and Engineering Queensland Health Biomedical Equipment and Education Service (BEES) Queensland Personal Computers Rapid Plumbing NQ Reldas Constructions RGM Maintenance Roadtek - Plant Hire Service Ross Greenwood Electrical Ross Joinery Pty Ltd Rowan’s Airconditioning and Refrigeration RSL Club Townsville RST Airconditioning Ruswin Locksmiths Sizzler Restaurant Smith’s Speedy Spark Spring Creek Turf SSAF Stainless Steel Aluminium Fabricators St Andrew’s Meals on Wheels Stihl Shop Garbutt Strand Fitness North Shore Strand Fitness North Ward Sun City Sheetmetal T and S Jeffree Contractors TCC - Fleet Services TCC - Maintenance Services TCC - Sport Facilities TCC - Trade Services The Ville Thomas Steel Fabrication TNG Constructions Pty Ltd Toll Linehaul and Fleet Services Tony Ireland Holden (Car Workshop) Top to Bottom Plumbing Townsville Demolitions Townsville Earthmoving Townsville Service Group Townsville Windows and Screens Trailer Sales Pty Ltd Twine Machinery Van Eerde Refrigeration and Airconditioning W and F Constructions Waltlec Electrical and Refrigeration WF Electrical Williams Truck Alignment Wulguru Steel Fabrication Xerox Business Solutions

Class of 2016


High Hopes by Kodaline

Broken bottles in the hotel lobby Seems to me like I’m just scared of never feeling it again I know it’s crazy to believe in silly things But it’s not that easy

Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon Naïve I was just staring at the barrel of a gun And I do believe that, yeah

I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started But I’ve only got myself to blame for it, and I accept it now It’s time to let it go, go out and start again But it’s not that easy

But I’ve got high hopes, it takes me back to when we started High hopes, when you let it go, go out and start again High hopes, oh, when it all comes to an end Now the world keeps spinning Yeah, the world keeps spinning around

But I’ve got high hopes, it takes me back to when we started High hopes, when you let it go, go out and start again High hopes, when it all comes to an end But the world keeps spinning around

High hopes, it takes me back to when we started High hopes, when you let it go, go out and start again High hopes, oh, And the world keeps spinning Ooh, yeah, this world keeps spinning

And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who have come and gone

How this world keeps spinning around

Ignatius Park College 368 Ross River Road, Cranbrook 4814 P.O. Box 121, Aitkenvale Queensland, 4814 Telephone: (07) 4796 0222 Fax: (07) 4796 0200 Email: info@ipc.qld.edu.au Web: www.ipc.qld.edu.au

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