2015 Ignatius Park College Magazine

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2015 Yearbook Ignatius Park College

Senior Poem A young boy woke his dad and told him that he couldn’t sleep, “Dad, I’m scared and alone, And I don’t know who I’ll meet.” “What do you mean?” he asked so softly and kind. “It’s my first day of high school dad, And there are so many things on my mind.” “Let me tell you a story son, A story that is special One that is full of adventure and fun. A story about a young boy, Who went to Iggy Park And experienced so much joy. This is a story that not many people know, Because this story is about a place, A place that everyone wants to go. So sit back and listen, and take it all in, Because this story is about, My experience within. The first day of school, I was dressed up in blue, My shirt ironed, socks high, I was feeling rather new. The car ride with mum felt so long, I was just sitting in silence, Thinking about everything that could go wrong. As I pulled up to the gates of Iggy Park that stood high, I could see so many other young boys, All of whom also looked shy. So I did what any young boy would do, As nervous as I was, I walked on over to try and make a friendship or two. At first it was awkward as the conversation was slow, But in a matter of minutes, I knew I could call him my bro. From that day on, I did not expect, How a small conversation, Would lead to so much respect. As our relationships continued to build, We all wanted to make sure, That our lives were fulfilled. Each day at The Park, our steps were so small, Because we didn’t want to disturb our seniors, Who appeared so hairy and tall. I wanted to be like them, To do our school proud Because that is what the Park is about, Standing tall and being loud.

And with that simple sentence, They no longer felt alone. The one thing that I will always adore, Is we helped each other out, if an Iggy Park boy hit the floor. As the days go by and as I grow old, The Iggy Park spirit in my heart, will never go cold. See son, the times at The Park come and go, But being a part of that brotherhood, Will always continue to grow. You’ll fall in love with this place son, I know from my past experience, That you’ll cry when it’s all done. Iggy Park will always be a big part of me, And I know that the feeling will never leave, In fact I could class it as my second family.” The boy was so relieved by what his father had just said, He started to calm down, And slowly went on back to bed. He didn’t understand how his father’s story could be, But I do now as this young boy was me. Now it was my turn, to experience this ride, And to be able to wear the Iggy Park Crest With overwhelming pride. My first day was nothing like any other, All these new boys, Who were each going to be called my brother. From that moment on, it began. The future for us at The Park, Would change us from a boy to a man. Year Eight was the time for us to find our feet, To learn the rules and get to know our peers, We all quickly jumped aboard the Iggy Park fleet. We were constantly taught what a true Iggy boy is, It was a term that I struggled to grasp, But with the help of the seniors and those all around, It is now something I’ll never look past. It took me a while, to understand The Park, But I soon started to realise, That this place would never leave you in the dark.

I knew that it would be me in the blink of an eye, But it wasn’t until I wore a white shirt, That I started to cry.

We continued as one unit to ride this journey together, Making lifelong memories and friends. We knew this ride wouldn’t last forever but it would certainly make us better. It was like being a part of a family - brothers, mothers and a home.

I did my best and always tried, To help out the younger boys, Who were often scared and trying to hide. I told them that this place is just like home,

To the staff of IPC, we wouldn’t be here without you, You believed in us and helped us to succeed.

You inspired us to believe and to follow our ambitions, Coming to this school was just one of those many missions. You also taught us what it is to be great, To help change the world and inspire others. Now that lesson will be instilled in us, It has become of our fate. There’s a beautiful lady who I dearly adore. She works tirelessly in the toast room, But her value is so much more. Mrs Allan constantly taught me about how to give to others, Expecting nothing in return, She has taught that our lives are no more important than another’s. A simple good morning with a piece of toast, Always helped out a struggling student, And for many at The Park, that’s what mattered the most. It’s things like these that built this school, And teaches us as young men how to make the most of each day And to live by the Golden Rule. It wasn’t until I was in my senior year, That our friendships seemed to blossom. But looking around now, I can still see all those I hold dear, I realise, “I can’t ever leave this bunch.” Well not in my heart anyway. But now as our time is almost gone I can certainly stand tall and say, “We are mates forever and a day.” I don’t think I can thank my parents enough, For sending me to this school. Even though you were doing it tough. This place has changed me into someone new. I have enjoyed this adventure so much, That my time here just flew. I didn’t know that I’d make it to the end, But I guess dreams do come true and It’s you boys that I need to commend. As scary as it may be, We are Iggy Old Boys now. It’s time for us to move on But this much I know is true We will greet each other many more times And we will always bleed blue. So look at me now and let your tears fall For today we say farewell. Stand tall, I’m going to miss you boys, For you know I love you all. By James Conroy

Introduction 2015

EREA Message Dear Friends It gives me enormous pleasure and pride to contribute this short piece to the Annual Magazine of your great College. On behalf of the entire Edmund Rice Education Australia community and our forebears, the Christian Brothers, I need to say how proud we are of your College and the wonderful work that you do to keep the vision of Edmund Rice alive in your community. Your College strives for excellence in the fullest sense of the word. You challenge your students to see the world with our vision akin to that of Jesus. A vision where people matter ahead of things, where special care is shown to those who are struggling and where everyone has the potential to achieve fullness of life. The students at your College know that they are privileged and with this privilege comes great responsibility. Our children are the future! The future of our world is greatly dependent on their commitment to use the gifts that they receive at your College for the common good, rather than a narrow vision of their own self-interest. I know how hard the staff of your College work to instil in our young “Good Riddance Life)” freedom a sense (Time thatOf Yourthe that Another road they turning enjoypoint, ainfork stuck our in thesociety must, Time grabs by the wrist, where to go to the in the endyou express itselfdirects as a you commitment So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why making of a better world.

Senior Song

It’s not a question, but a lesson learned in time

As I travel around our great land, the Christian Brothers

Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial For what it’s worth it was worth all the while It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life.

It’s something unpredictable, the end is right,and the I meet regularly tell me but thatin your school Imany hope you had the timeare of your others who partlife.of our Edmund Rice

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind visionit on of aEdmund Rice. I know this istime true through Hang shelf in good health and good

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life. By Green Day

Education Australia family are so faithful to the my privileged opportunities to visit your community and be inspired by your students and staff.

May your College thrive into the future and may it always challenge our young people to strive to success in the most complete sense of the word. With best wishes and many congratulations. Wayne Tinsey Executive Director Edmund Rice Education Australia

Ignatius Park College 2015


Contents Sport

Introduction Senior Poem EREA Message Principal’s Message Staff Directory Staff Photos Leadership Team Reports Captains’ Report Award Recipients

1 3 6 7 8 13 14

House Photos Class Photos 2015 Baillie Report Carew Report Nolan Report Putney Report Reid Report Rice Report Treacy Report

19 39 45 51 57 63 69 75

Subjects Big History 81 Drama 82 English 83 Film, TV and New Media 84 Hospitality 85 Industrial Technology and Design 86 Industry Placement 87 Information and Community Technology 88 Indigenous Education 89 Languages 90 Learning Enrichment 91 Library 92 Maths 93 Music 94 Physical Education 95 Religion 97 Science 98 SOSE / Commerce 101 Visual Arts 102 Tours Indian Immersion New Zealand Ski Trip European Football Tour UK Rugby Tour Italian Exchange 2014 - 2015


Ignatius Park College 2015

103 104 106 109 112

AFL 114 Athletics 115 Basketball 116 Cricket 118 Cross Country 119 Football 120 Hockey 122 Rowing 123 Rugby League and Confraternity 124 Rugby Union 129 Swimming 134 Touch Football 135 Tennis 137 Volleyball 137 Waterpolo 138 Qld School Reps 139 Co-Curricular ANZAC Day 140 Careers 141 Chess 142 Christian Meditation 142 Community Learning 143 Counselling 145 Debating 146 Edmund Rice Day 147 Instrumental Music 148 IT Resources 149 Outdoor Education 150 Peer Mentors 151 Powered by Velocipedes 151 Production 152 Property and Services 154 Reef Guardians 155 St Vincent de Paul 156 Tuckshop / Toast Room 156 Trailburners 157 Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride 158 Ultimate Award 159 Year 7 Camp 160 Year 8 Camp 161 Year 9 Camp 163 Seniors Senior Profiles 163 Graduation 178 The Year That Was 184 Work Placement Sponsors 188 Senior Song

Introduction 2015

Principal’s Message It took me longer than usual to write this year’s Principal’s address because at the moment, there is so much I want to say about how best we, as grown-ups, can assist our boys develop into the fine young men we know they can be.

I believe one of the main influences on mental health issues for young men revolves around the concept of ‘what is a man and masculinity’. Research into men’s health issues indicate that ‘men’ who hold more rigid views about what it means to be ‘a man’ are more likely to be depressed and be less satisfied with their lives and relationships. Is ‘de-masculinising’ our boys the answer? No, I don’t believe it is.

My musings as I write are based on the Irenaean theodicy. A theodicy is an attempt to answer the question ‘why a good God permits the manifestation of evil’.

As a blokey sort of person, I will always espouse the important virtue of being a good strong man. But, for the sake of our up and coming men, we need to clarify this statement. Indeed, I have always said ‘nothing is as strong as gentleness and nothing is as gentle as real strength’.

The Irenaean theodicy asserts that the world is the best of all possible worlds because it allows humans to fully develop. Most versions of the Irenaean theodicy propose that creation is incomplete, as humans are not yet fully developed, and experiencing evil and suffering is necessary for such development. In a time when mental health issues, and yes I will name it, youth suicide, hangs around like an unwanted smell that no one knows what to do with and just wants to go away, it is more important than ever before, to give our boys an education that must meet the needs of today and today’s youth. I have always told people I have the best job in Australia but my job turns to the worst when dealing with such tragedy. We, as Australian males have a culture of avoidance when it comes to discussing difficulties with relationships. The benefits of having these discussions far out way the benefits of doing nothing about it. Australian males have to get better at this. We need to ask such questions and have such discussions if we as educators are to take our students to those deeper levels of human meaning that are going to preserve and enhance their own lives and the lives of others. We know that knowledge alone does not lead to virtue. Look at the Wannsee Conference held on 20 January 1942 in Berlin, attended by 15 highly educated men. Among them were three judges, six or seven lawyers, the majority possessed doctorates, at least two were sons of Lutheran pastors, and others were musicians. The leader was Reinhard Heydrich, a gifted musician himself, son of two highly respected opera singers. This meeting lasted only an hour and a half and sketched out the framework of the Final Solution, which resulted in the death of 6 million Jews, 1.5 million of whom were children. Education is more than just instruction. So what are the issues that become such stumbling blocks in this continuum of human development that make some of our young men say ‘no more; I can’t stay on this road to becoming a better man; I want to get off’.

The longer we allow certain myths of masculinity to go on, the bigger our problem will be with mental health issues for young men in Australia. Such myths include: Men are not supposed to ask for help! For a man to say ‘I can’t function’ can sometimes seem to be ‘I’m not a man’. Quite simply, young men and old men alike, must both be willing and have the courage to seriously interrogate the negative effects of what it means to be a so called ‘real men’. The ability to talk about emotions is part of an expansion of behaviours that we as educators must put into the ‘real men’ category. Unfortunately, we associate masculinity with athletic ability, size, strength or skill sets that allow us to win or dominate others. Being a man doesn’t have a single thing to do with athletic ability, size, strength or the ability to dominate. It is no coincidence that recent youth suicides in the North Queensland area are linked to young men questioning their own athletic ability or the ability to belong at a certain level or progress to the next level and relationship issues with members of both sexes based on mutual trust and understanding. Yes, sport and the role of sport in our community plays a big part in perpetuating the ‘real men’ myths. The power sport plays comes from the fact that sport will engage more individuals, more families, more communities as a shared activity than any other shared activity, including religious organisations or cultural pursuits. Sport allows a transmission of values and sports are a metaphor for social change. Another myth centres around popularity and the fact that some men believe you measure a man on his job title, his position, power or the amount of money or possessions he has accumulated. Indeed, some men associate their selfworth with their net worth. So, what do we do as educators to address this important issue? I believe the biggest issue facing educators today in terms of mental health issues for our young men is a condition called Alexithymia, that is an inability to put emotions and feelings into words.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Principal’s Message Where does this Alexithymia come from? It comes from stuff like ‘big boys don’t cry’ and ‘toughen up Princess’. Quite simply, if our young men don’t understand their own feelings and emotions, they will never understand the emotions and feelings of others. Unfortunately, as America has experienced, boys who can’t cry tears, shoot bullets. Indeed, research would indicate that Alexithymia leads to covert depression then isolation which prevents men from entering into meaningful relationships with others. So what is the Michael Conn definition of masculinity? How do we tell our young men that yes sometimes they do need to toughen up and bounce back? We need to do it in such a way that they know we are going to help them do it; that we are going to be patient enough to wait until they can, and that every man no matter who he is, has been in this same position. I think masculinity comes down to one main evaluation. If you were on your death bed and you wanted to know what kind of man you have been, and what success you have had in life, it should come down to: ‘The realisation that all of life is about relationships’. That is, the capacity to love and be loved.‘What does it mean to be a man?’ It means you can look someone in the eye and say I love you and receive that love back. Men are not taught to be relationship successful, they are taught to compare and compete.


Ignatius Park College 2015

The essence of what it is to be a man must emanate from the heart. Yes, values such as courage, loyalty and real strength are important, but we are not going to judge them on when and how they appreciate the importance of such values. What would happen if every parent, carer, school teacher, sports coach, mentor or boss, delivered the same message? Would it be possible to prevent the ultimate tragedy of young, undeveloped lives coming to a preventable end? The challenge is for all of us, but particularly sports coaches, to teach our boys to live from the heart and to redefine the definition of team. A team is a set of relationships for a cause. Every team has a common purpose, performance goals and objectives, mutually accountable work ethic and demands trust, respect, integrity and dignity from all team members. We need to reframe and redefine what it is to be a sports coach, a ‘male’ teacher. We have to give our young men affirmations for what they can do, not condemnation for what they can’t. We have to give our young men some validation about all their emotions, all of their feelings, all of their humanity. We can never devalue the advice that the relationship between reward and effort is significant but, ultimately, true power will come from their relationships with others and that humility is not the enemy of self-confidence or self-assurance.

Introduction 2015

Principal’s Message

2015 has been a dynamic year with significant change for Ignatius Park College. I would sincerely like to thank my colleagues on the College Leadership Team – Deputy Principals Brendan Stewart, Grant Rossiter, Darren Kearney, John Doolan and Br Jon Hansen. A special mention must go to our Business Manager, Mr Paul Fanning. Paul has project managed just over $10 million in capital improvement over the last three years and all projects have come in on or below budget and on time. A truly remarkable feat! 2015 also marks the end of an era at Ignatius Park College. Next year, for the first time since the College opened, we will not have a Christian Brother on staff in a full-time capacity. With Br Jon Hansen stepping down as Deputy Principal – Identity and with Darren Kearney relocating to Brisbane, Ignatius Park College will lose 24 years of senior leadership experience. Both men have been instrumental in turning Ignatius Park into a school of first choice for adolescent males in Townsville and for their tireless effort I am grateful. Can we please thank these two great educational leaders for their contribution to the College? I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at Ignatius Park College. They are a truly talented, dedicated group of hard-working people who are genuinely concerned for the welfare of your sons. I believe we offer a wide, varied, balanced and challenging co-curricular program as any school in Queensland here at Ignatius Park and this is because of the work ethic of the staff. The teaching staff, office staff, maintenance staff, teacher aides, library, tuckshop, uniform shop all work together to provide the best education and personal development for all. Thank you.

It would be remiss of me not to mention the tremendous amount of support the College receives from the College Board and the Parents and Friends Association. Mr Peter Duffy and the College Board continues to provide the benefit of cutting edge research and modern educational policy reform to all within our community. Also, P and F President, Mr Brad Hodder, and the P and F continues to support the College. A very special thank you to all the students, but particularly the Senior group. They have indeed been an extremely impressive and successful group and their leadership and friendship will be sorely missed. I believe the challenge for you for the future is straight forward – make a difference – don’t live lives of quite despair. Dare to live, dare to love and dare to be grateful. In conclusion, as Principal of Ignatius Park, I stand here full of enthusiasm and positive energy and remain passionate about leading Ignatius Park College. Quite simply, I want Ignatius Park to be a school where people are in love with their lives. A place where people believe they can achieve anything, a place where dreams do come true and hope the boys at Ignatius Park will become competent, confident and connected young men with character and, as a result, become all that God created them to be. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your continued support of me and the College. Michael Conn Principal

Ignatius Park College 2015


Staff Directory 2015 Principal M.Ed Admin, B.Ed., (Phys Ed) Mr M Conn, Dip T, Grad Dip RE,MACEL Deputy Principal - Studies Mr B Stewart M. Ed, B.Ed., B. Bus (Acc) Deputy Principal – Identity Br J Hansen cfc. Dip. T. Deputy Principal – Pastoral Mr D Kearney (Sem 1) M. Ed., B.Ed. (Hons) Mr J Doolan (Sem 2) MBA, B.Ed, Cert. of Catholic Education Deputy Principal – Staff Development and Administration Mr G Rossiter M. Ed Leadership, B App-Sci (Phys.), Grad. Dip. T Business Manager Mr P Fanning CA, B. Com School Chaplain Father Rod Ward M.B., B.S. (Qld), FAMA, B. Theol. (BCT), G. Dip. Min (BCT) Dean – Middle School Mr C Brown B.Ed, Cert in Business Studies Dean – Senior School Mr S De Luca (Sem 1) B.Ed (Secondary) Mrs Marg Hodgson (Sem 2) M. Ed Leadership, B.A.; Grad Dip. Ed.; Grad. Dip. Arts (Lib & Info Sci.) Pastoral (House) Leaders Baillie House Mrs P Timbs, B.Ed. Carew House Mr M Moxon, B. Mgt, B.Ed. Nolan House Mr G Cook, B.Ed. Putney House Mr J Fuller B.Ec., B.Ed. Reid House Mr C Horn, B.Ed. Rice House Mr B Logan, B.Ed., Dip T (PE) Treacy House Mr J Deer, B.Ed. Faculty Leaders The Arts Mr M Thiele, B.Ed., B. Mus English Mrs A Tarttelin, B.Ed. Health & Physical Education Mr B Williams, B.Ed. (Human Movement) Humanities Mrs A Rossi, B.Ed. Information & Communication Technology Mr B Denny, B.Ed. Industrial Technology & Design/Graphics Mr M Anderson, B.Ed. Mathematics Mrs B Lovisa, M.Ed., B.Ed. Religious Education Mrs S Hughes, B.Ed. Science (Terms 1, 2 and 3) Mr Chris Rigano, B.Ed., B.IT (Term 4) Mrs A Deer, B. Biomed Sci., Grad. B.Ed. Program Leaders Indigenous & Multi-Cultural Co-ordinator Mr A Kirkpatrick, B.Ed. Learning Enrichment Mrs T Nioa, Dip Ed, Post Grad Dip Ed (Student Welfare), Cert IV Training & Assessment Head of Sport

Mr J Alloway, M. Ed, BHMS (Ed)

Teacher-in-Charge Hospitality

Mrs J Squire, B. Ed Technologies, Cert II Hospitality Kitchen Operations, Food & Beverage Cert IV Training & Beverage Assessment


Ms T Quabba, B.Ed (Japanese)

Learning Enrichment Teacher

Ms J Thompson, M. Ed. (Educational Leadership), M. Ed. (Religious Education), Grad Dip Arts (Theology), Grad Dip Learning & Teaching, Bachelor of Business

Instrumental Music Co-ordinator

Ms C Dickson, B. Mus, Dip. Ed, ATCL

Academic Staff Mr W Ahern Ms J Armstrong Mr D Bettington Ms E Bourne Mr D Brown Mr P Bruce Mr G Christ Mr J Collier Ms K Collins Mrs S Conn Mrs T Conyers Mr B Deneen Ms S Davis Mr T Dewan Mr D Elliot Mrs J Foley Mr J Gaston Mr M Groves Ms K Guazzo Mr G Guerra Dr J Hanley Mrs S Hanran Mr B Hawke Mr L Hogan Mr G Hughes Mr A Keane Ms T Keir Mr M Lazzaroni Mr T Lindeberg Ms A Loechel Mr T Lucas


M. Ed Leadership, B.Ed/Studies B. Ed. (Drama and English) B.Ed. (Sec.), B.Sc. BSc Design and Technology with Secondary Education B.Ed. B. IT, Grad. B.Ed. B.Ed. B.Ed. (Sec.), Cert III in CAD Drawing B.Ed. (Sec.), Cert IV TAE B. App Sc, Grad Dip Ed BA, B.Ed. (Sec.) B. Visual Art, Grad. B.Ed. B. Arts, Grad Dip Ed B.Ed (Sec.), Bachelor of Creative Industries, Cert II (Arts Management) B. Ed., B App Sc (HMS), M App Sc B.Ed., Grad Dip IT B.Ed. (Indigenous Primary) B.Ed. (Human Movement) B.Ed., B.J. B.Ed (Primary) B.Sc (Hons), Dip Ed., M. Ed. Admin,PhD, Grad Dip Arts (Religious Studies, Christian Leadership), MACE B.Ed. B.Ed. B.Ed. B App Sc (HMS), Grad Dip Ed B.Ed. (Hons) B.Ed. Dip T. B.Ed. B. Biomed Sci., B.Ed. B AppSc, Grad Dip Ed,Dip Bus, Dip Mgt

Ignatius Park College 2015

Mr P Marano B.Ed (Secondary Vocational), Cert III Engineering Tradesperson, Cert IV TAE Ms M Martinez B.Ed., B.J., Grad Dip Sec Edu Mr P McMahon BA, Grad Dip Ed. Mr P Monypenny B. Sci (Hons), B.Ed. (Hons) Ms L Moody B. A (Eng Lit.), Grad B.Ed. Mr D Newton B. Tech. Ed. Ms A Nicholson B.Ed (Hons) Mr F Piccolini B.Ed. Mr A Pollock B.Ed. Ms A Proud B.Ed (Sec) Mr C Quabba B.Ed Sec Human Movement Mrs J Roberts M. Ed, B.Ed., Grad Dip Management Mr M Rowan B.Ed. (Human Movements) Mr K Spencer B. Sci, B.Ed. Ms G Stayte B.Ed. (Hons) Mr C Thiele B.Ed. Mr D Thompson B New Media Arts, Grad Dip (Secondary) Mr M Turner B.Sc., GDLT Mrs C Ventic BSED, Grad Cert Rel Ed Mr M West B.Ed., Dip T Mr P Yates B. Tech. Ed Ms A Zeko BA GradDip Secondary Education Outdoor Education Consultant Mr S Coleman, Dip. T. Student Counsellors B.A., B. S.W. (Hons), Grad Cert. Mental Health Mrs M Parsons, (Children & Youth), MAASW Mr M Mewburn, B. Ed., Grad Dip Soc Sc., Grad Cert Career Development (Student Counsellor & Careers) Teacher/Librarian Mrs M Hodgson, (Sem 1) M. Ed Leadership, B.A.; Grad Dip. Ed.; Grad. Dip. Arts (Lib & Info Sci.), Mr B Geaney, (Sem 2) Dip. T, Cert IV Training & Assessment IT Manager Mr D McKenzie, Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, ITIL Foundation, Prince II Practitioner Property and Services Manager Mr G Brown Cert IV OH&S Promotions and Marketing Consultant Mrs M Simmons Grad Dip (Tourism & Business), Dip (Tourism) Administrative Staff (Principal’s Assistant) Cert IV Business Admin Mrs J Pugh Mrs K Foster (CLT Assistant) (CLT Assistant), Cert IV Front Line Management Mrs K Rogers Mrs J Owen (Deans’ Assistant) Mrs S Turner (PC Assistant/Student Reception Mrs V Moloney (Office Reception) Mrs J Anderson (Photocopy/Sickbay) Mrs S Brock (Uniform Shop) Finance Staff Mrs J La Fauci (Senior Finance Officer), Cert IV in Bookkeeping, Cert IV in Accounting Mrs F Hall (Finance Officer) Mrs P Holland (Finance Reception) IT Support Mr J Jilg (Systems Administrator), Cert II in IT, Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Mr N Giemsa (IT Support), CompTIA Network +, CompTIA Security + Mr M Scharfe (IT Support) Library Staff Mrs V Andersen Mrs L Fryer Mrs M Goddard Cert III in Library & Information Services School Officers Mrs D Crespan - Learning Support Mr S Demopoulos - Physical Education Mrs A Gregory, Cert IV Laboratory Techniques (Education), Cert III Laboratory Skills, Cert III Education Support - Science Laboratory Ms B Helander, Bachelor OCC THY - Learning Support Mrs P Holland - Events Co-ordinator Mrs Y Hunt - Science Laboratory Mrs K Hunter - Hospitality Mrs S Jackson - Learning Support Mrs D Jensen, Cert IV in Training and Assessment, Cert in Autism in Secondary School, Cert in Austswim Teacher of Stroke Techniques and Disability – Defence Transition Mentor Mr A Mitchell - Learning Support and Indigenous Support Mr D O’Connor - Learning Support Mrs S O’Melia, D Ed Supp - Learning Support Mrs J Parker - Learning Support Mrs S Pilcher - Learning Support Mr O Power - Learning Support and Indigenous Support Ms D Price - Hospitality and Art Mrs M Richards - Learning Support Mrs A Sciuto D Ed Supp – Learning Support Mr H van Dorsselaer, Cert IV in Training and Assessment - Industrial Arts Mr S Woodford - Industrial Arts Maintenance Co-ordinator Mr D Hodgson Trade Cert Welding Property and Services Staff Mr W Phelan, Mr W Jervis, Mr G Pecchair Mr O Power, Mrs M Mitchell & Ms A Di Legge Breakfast Room Mrs K Allen Canteen Mrs K O’Connor, Mrs R Robertson & Mrs M Sheppard Hall Co-ordinator Mr T Lennon Hall Canteen Manager Sue McCombes Hall Cleaning Mr B Scott

Introduction 2015

Staff Photos

ANCILLARY STAFF – FRONT ROW: Kayleen Foster, Jordan Jilg, Paul Fanning, Michael Conn, Hans Van Dorsselaer, Ashleigh Kerr, Sheridan Turner SECOND ROW: Geoff Brown, Melissa Sheppard, Jean Pugh, Fiona Hall, Marta Goddard, Vicki Andersen, Yvonne Hunt, Janet Anderson, Stacey Meyer, Kim Rogers THIRD ROW: Susan Pilcher, Kay O’Connor, Annette Gregory, Vicki Moloney, Janine La Fauci, Julie Parker, Piera Holland, Julie Owen FORTH ROW: Will Phelan, Sany O’Melia, Oral Power, Nick Giemsa, Bill Jervis, Greg Pecchiar, Bob Scott FIFTH ROW: Michael Parker, Dan O’Connor, Stefaan Demopoulos, Matthew Scharffe, Dave Hodgson, Tom Lennon, Stephen Woodford ABSENT: Karin Beschel-Hunter, Marie Cole, Laura Fryer, Biance Helander, Anna Di Legge, Sharon Jackson, David McKenzie, Anthony Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Debbie Price, Rebecca Robertson, Ann Scuito, Sue Brock, Debra Crespan, Madonna Simmons, Marie Richards

TEACHING STAFF – FRONT ROW: Tracy Nioa, Simone Hanran, Catherine Ventic, Tracey Quabba, Emma Bourne, Joan Hanley, Brendan Stewart (Deputy Principal), Michael Conn (Principal), Br Jon Hansen (Deputy Principal-Identity), John Doolan (Deputy Principal – Pastoral), Grant Rossiter (Deputy Principal-Staff Development and Administration), Pudy Timbs, Adriana Rossi, Marg Hodgson (A/Dean of Senior School), Craig Brown (Dean of Middle School) SECOND ROW: Sally Conn, Jodie Roberts, Sikwasa Davis, Angela Zeko, Jacquelyne Armstrong, Leonie Shucksmith, Jennie Thompson, Marilyn Parsons, Mark Mewburn, Andrew Keane, Alyssa Deer, Chris Rigano, Douglas Bettington THIRD ROW: Travis Dewan, John Deer, Greg Christ, Katrina Guazzo, Annette Nicholson, Amy Proud, Claire Dickson, Tracey Conyers, Kimberley Collins, Georgia Stayte, Amanda Loechel, Jacinta Foley, Bill Ahern, James Gaston FOURTH ROW: Christian Quabba, Gary Cook, Michael Andersen, Paul Bruce, Gian Guerra, Jerome Collier, Michael Turner, John Alloway, Paul Marano, David Newton, Andrew Pollock, Bruce Denny, Peter Moneypenny FIFTH ROW: Mark Moxon, Brendan Logan, Drew Thompson, Frank Picciolini, Gary Hughes, Leo Hogan, Tom Lucas, Tenille Keir, Darren Kearney SIXTH ROW: Dallas Brown, Phillip Yates, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Brian Geaney, Mark West , Keith Spencer, Matthew Groves, John Fuller, Patrick McMahon, Matthew Rowan, Chris Thiele, Brett Deneen ABSENT Sam De Luca, David Elliott, Brian Hawke, Chris Horn, Sandra Hughes, Michael Lazzaroni, Tim Lindeberg, Bernadette Lovisa, Lisa Moody, Judy Squire, Andrea Tarttelin, Matthew Thiele, Ben Williams, Martia Martinez

Ignatius Park College 2015


Studies Report 2015 was a successful year in the academic sphere of the College. It was heartening to see so many boys and families continue to be motivated by their learning at the College and their desire to improve. Thankyou to the teaching and auxiliary staff at the College for your efforts in continuing to motivate the boys in this key endeavour in their development. I will try to highlight a couple of the key initiatives and events that occupied my time in 2015. The experience of teaching Year 7 boys for the first time this year was overall a huge positive for the Community as a whole. Although our new cohort presented challenges along the way, their energy and enthusiasm more than made up for the occasional unanticipated issue on behalf of staff. We found the boys to be eager to please and very helpful. The curriculum prepared for the Year 7’s worked well as a whole, and we look to better balance the assessment during the year as a package to suit the boys as they transition from Primary School. The College IT Committee met several times this year, and significant decisions from this group obviously impact on teaching and learning in the College. One key decision made was to commit to funding Year 10 for 1:1 laptop type computers from 2015 onwards. Unfortunately, with the removal of Federal Government money it was no longer possible to fund our current Year 9’s with a similar program. This has meant some restructuring of the availability of computer labs and library resources. The committee had also made a decision to purchase laptop trolleys to avail Year 7’s of the College IT resources. In summary, IPC’s commitment to IT remains significant with Senior School (Year 10 – 12 students) having 1:1 computing, and Middle School (Year 7 – 9 students) having access to our well-maintained computer labs. This is a decision we reviewed again this year in preparation for 2016. Even though our current level of purchasing and resourcing is being maintained in 2016, we are looking at several options for the future including a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program or some type of iPad program in the Middle school. Our Trade Skills Centre unofficially opened for business during Term 3 this year. This centre is designed to provide


Ignatius Park College 2015

the space and resources to teach a new Certificate II in Resource and Infrastructure, as well as extending our work in the Certificate I Construction course. The building is a very professional looking facility and our students have already enjoyed their time in learning further Construction skills this year. Would like to thanks our former Head of Department, Mr Kevin Tierney, and our current Faculty Leader, Michael Andersen for the effort they have put into making the dream a reality. Our students in Years 11 and 12 will receive instruction in a state of the art facility during 2016 because of the building’s successful completion. Ignatius Park College was lucky (unlucky?) enough to be randomly selected for the International PISA Testing during 2015. The PISA test is a standardised test conducted internationally to compare countries in the areas of Maths and Science. I want to sincerely thank the 25 or so students and families who did participate in the test and in doing so took 2 days off standard classroom lessons. 2016 will herald an important time in the academic life of the College as the Faculty Leader group and myself releases the new Learning Framework to the community. Various aspects of the framework have been discussed and trialled during 2015. Much of the discussion centred on the work of John Hattie, a New Zealand educational researcher, whose ideas have grown in favour in many schools around the globe. “Know Thy Impact” is his mantra. Finally, I would sincerely like to thank Chris Rigano, who has covered both the Maths and Science faculties for periods of time in the times of leave for both Bernadette Lovisa and Alyssa Deer. Chris has made a significant contribution to the College in each of these subject areas and has a special gift in communication and making those he works with feel acknowledged and comfortable. I wish Chris well in his future endeavours at IPC. I would also like to acknowledge the energy and efforts of my assistant, Mrs Kim Rogers, who has made this office look (somewhat) professional and proactive during 2015. For those of us in the Studies area of the College, we look forward with excitement to bringing in our second only cohort of Year 7’s arriving at Ignatius Park College in 2016. Thankyou also to parents and carers for the care and concern they have brought to the academic welfare of their sons this year. Brendan Stewart Deputy Principal

Reports 2015

Pastoral Care

I would expect that a common theme running through the 2015 Year Book is how much has changed this year, or the related idea, that it has been a particularly busy year. This is all true, as the year has introduced a number of firsts – the introduction of Year 7 into the secondary system and as a result, beginning the year with two new year groups instead of the usual one group. There has also been a large number of new staff and new facilities to cope with the additional numbers. Running parallel to these changes, there has been new curriculum and new ways of organising the middle leadership of the College. On top of all that, there has also been a new Pastoral Deputy to break into the Ignatius Park way of doing things. For my part, the change has been made much easier by the College community, particularly the boys and the staff, who have gone out of their way to make me welcome. It has also been easier because of the well-developed systems and professionalism of the Pastoral Care team at the College. These men and women, Deans, House Leaders and Counsellors are the people who have their fingers on the pulse of College life. As a new comer, I have been continually impressed by their knowledge of the students and their skill at weaving a path through the often tricky relationships that make up the life of a large school like Ignatius Park College. I also owe a great gratitude to Darren Kearney whose work over many years as the College Pastoral Deputy has made my task in slipping into his role so much easier. In any senior role at a school there is a real art in keeping things moving, often from behind the scenes, while maintaining an atmosphere of calm and purposeful effort. Darren has obviously managed to do that superbly for many years as he has piloted the relational life of the College. I would join with the rest of the pastoral team in wishing him well for the future at St. Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe.

Of course these changes, particularly the addition of Year 7 and the resulting increase in the size of the College has been cause for a re-examination of our pastoral systems. Already in 2015, there has been a number of areas in the College where we have had to revise our ways of doing things to keep pace with these changes. So that what we do doesn’t become reactive, the pastoral team has undertaken a full review of the pastoral focus and systems at the College. Our aim is to look at what we are doing with an eye towards remoulding our overall approach to better cater for students. In this review, we are looking at how contemporary theory and practice, especially that relating to boys’ education, can assist us with our task at the College. We are very conscious that there is much that already exists in our school that must be maintained. Our hope is that we can incorporate these things along with a number of new initiatives into a revised comprehensive program from Years 7 to 12. All in all, it promises to be a further opportunity to improve the lives of the boys that their parents entrust to us. On behalf of the pastoral team, I would like to thank the staff and students of the College for the year that was 2015. We wish the graduating class all the best as they chart their futures away from the College and we look forward to welcoming the Class of 2021 as they begin their journey with us next year. John Doolan Deputy Principal (Pastoral)

Ignatius Park College 2015


Dean of Middle School / Senior

As expected 2015 was a big year for the Deans’ office; as it was for the whole College community with the arrival of not one, but two cohorts. This year saw Mr Sam De Luca (Dean Senior School) farewell the role at the end of Term 2, with Ms Marg Hodgson stepping in as Acting Dean Senior School for the last half of the year. Mr Craig Brown continued as Dean Middle School and Mrs Julie Owen as the Deans’ Assistant. Last year Dean of Middle School, Mr Craig Brown, implemented many systems to ensure that this year saw a seamless integration of the double cohort into life at the College. Fortunately, he had come to IPC with previous experience of what was required to make this process as easy as possible for staff, students and parents. With ground work in place, the year took off better than expected and the transition went smoothly, although it was a very busy period. Throughout the year, Mr Brown was kept busy with camps for the Years 7, 8 and 9 cohorts to Camp Gedling, the College campus at Hervey Range. Pastoral Days and Activity Afternoons were organised to encourage a sense of community, as the more the boys involve themselves in all the College has to offer, the more they will enjoy their school journey. Add to this the Year 7 and Year 9 students participation in Naplan testing it made for a busy but successful and productive year. This year also saw the introduction of Middle School Leaders to the College. A number of boys were given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by participating in a variety of activities with the long term benefit of having very strong senior leaders in the future. Our Deans of Senior School, Mr Sam De Luca and Ms Marg Hodgson also had a productive year wearing their many ‘hats’. One that they hold dear is that of Year 12 Coordinator. In this role they work closely with the Year 12 cohort by organising the Leaders Camp, Senior jerseys, Parent


Ignatius Park College 2015

Information Night, Year 12 Dinner, $5 Formal, dance practices, Valedictory and of course the very special Graduation night. Many of these events would not be possible without the assistance of Piera Holland and a small but energetic group of helpers. A large part of Dean Senior School role is that of VET Coordinator and RTO Manager. This role oversees the School Based Apprentices and Trainees, as well as the placement of around 110 students, six times a year into Industry Placement. An exciting time was the opening of the new Trade Training Centre at the College; which will further enhance the students’ employability. This role is very rewarding as a great number of our boys graduate and then move into full time work or apprenticeships. Finally, add to their busy schedule the Year 11 Leadership Days, various Pastoral events and of course, the fantastic Eddie Rice Day celebration that is held in Term 1. The boys and their families have a fantastic afternoon with sumo wrestling, sock wrestling, jousting, bucking bull rides, dunking machine, amongst other activities. The day culminates in teacher vs student games of football, league and netball…that at times has very dubious refereeing! It is a special day that sees the College community come together to celebrate the spirit of Edmund Rice. All in all it has been a busy but very enjoyable year in the Deans’ office and we look forward to next year with enthusiasm. Deans’ Office

ERA for Change In previous generations it could be widely presumed that ‘Catholic culture’ was a feature of the home life of the majority of students in our Catholic schools, and that the language and symbols of Catholicism were familiar to all. This is certainly no longer the reality. As fewer people are visibly associating with local parish communities, our Catholic schools are being challenged to broaden their focus and become communities that meet human and religious needs of students and look further to serve and challenge society. This is true at Ignatius Park. We firmly maintain that the message of the Gospels has the power to engage all. Through participation in the life of the school, people of all cultural and faith backgrounds discover something deeper in their lives and undergo personal transformation towards the values proposed by the Gospel. It is our hope that these deeper values permeate the teaching and learning at Ignatius Park not just in the classroom but in all our areas of endeavour. In a recent communication, Dr Wayne Tinsey, the Executive Director of Edmund Rice Education Australia, wrote: “There will always be the need for schools to be places of excellence in learning and teaching and, in the main, Catholic schools provide this. It is also a commonly held belief that Catholic schools provide a safe and caring community environment for young people and this is something that we rightfully aspire to. A deeply relevant Catholic education will teach our young to question and critique their world, not simply inhabit it. We form students to know that the liberty and freedom that we may experience in our Australian society is not merely a licence to do whatever we want; to indulge whatever passing mood or fancy we might have; but rather, it is the freedom to do what we know we ought to do for the making of a better world and creating a more authentic life. We speak for the voiceless and those who are excluded, about justice, about the way in which we are expected to relate to one another, about the dignity of every human life.” Ignatius Park has responded to this in many simple ways including the following: People who run Assembly Reflections; Reflections in the Sacred Space; Meditation; The provision of Breakfast before school; The work of the SVDP Group; Our Homelessness Program , at the Centre , at Shops, and the overnight “sleepout” by some of our Year 10’s; The initiative of the “Pie Drive” to support the Drop-In Centre; The Year 11 and 12 students’ commitment to the Townsville Community Learning Centre; The aid given to many Appeals including Project Compassion, Catholic Mission, the Daniel Morecombe Foundation, Edmund Rice Camps, SVDP Winter Appeal, Cancer Research, Christmas Packages, India Immersion Experience; Individual classes such as Year 11 English

Communication with their fund-raising initiatives for various local charities; Our involvement with the students on Palm Island; Assistance with the Challenge Games; Visits to the Brooklea Lifestyle Village and many other Service Learning initiatives; and our involvement in “ERA for Change”.

Reports 2015

Deputy Principal Identity

In October last year Ignatius Park College and 30 other Edmund Rice Education Australia schools participated in a ‘Detention for Detention’ activity. This was a student driven initiative by groups under the banner of ‘ERA (Edmund Rice Advocacy) for Change’ speaking out in solidarity with others. This year we participated in a follow up nation - wide campaign in Semester One. Semester Two saw the focus on Domestic Violence where a number of our students took the opportunity to participate in ‘Be a Stella Fella’ by wearing Bow-Ties or White Ribbons. The hope is that ‘ERA for Change’ provides a mechanism through which students and staff can engage in advocacy with a larger network of young people who are trying to do the same thing – amplify the voices of those in our society whose voices are silenced through poverty or injustice. We also hope it provides a way in which our students can explore their faith and their relationship with God through action. They will be challenged but that is part of the process. We often see life from the position of privilege and assume we understand the experiences of others. The above involvements hopefully help us to learn more about ourselves and walk beside others so that our world view expands to the point where we want to be part of finding a place for everyone. It is appropriate, I believe, that we continue to acknowledge the ongoing commitment to Edmund Rice’s vision by our staff. We presented plaques at the end of 2014 to the following people: Brendan Logan and Grant Rossiter for 15 years’ service; Marilyn Parsons and Andrew Keane for 20 years and Michael Conn for 30 years. At the end of this year, 2015, we acknowledge Darren Kearney, Leo Hogan and Brian Hawke for 15 years’ service; Sue McCoombes for 20 years; Mick Lazzaroni for 30 years and Mark Mewburn for 35 years supporting Edmund Rice Education. Finally, my thanks to Fr Rod Ward, College Chaplain, Mrs Sandra Hughes, Faculty Leader Religious Education and the Staff at Ignatius Park who have assisted in keeping the Spiritual aspect of Edmund Rice Education in focus at IPC in 2015 through Prayer and the Liturgical and Reflective life of the College. And my thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and support for all in the IPC and wider Community. May God and his blessed Mother continue to keep you and your sons and families in their guiding hands. Wishing God’s blessings on you all this Christmas Season. Br Jon Hansen Deputy Principal Identity

Ignatius Park College 2015


Staff Development and Administration This year we welcomed the new “Year 7� cohort to the College and the planning and preparation for the new resources required, both the human and physical, proved beneficial. The 22 new staff members have embraced the Iggy community and the core teacher model for Year 7 and 8 has aided the transition of our new young men into Middle School. In order to cater for the increased number of students we have extended the Gym, refurbished the upstairs Hall classrooms into a Mezzanine level for viewing major school events and also created another junior Hospitality cooking area. The new Trade Training Centre is also a welcome addition this year enabling us to offer a new VET course incorporating forklift, scaffolding and trenching skills as well as other construction techniques. We have made significant progress with a number of strategic planning goals this year including the development of a new performance management plan for teaching staff. Staff will engage in a four yearly improvement process incorporating self-review, peer reviews, classroom observation/profiling and an appraisal process. Our professional development endeavours this year supported this new process and also focussed on a new online compliance training package. A number of staff also attended conferences and professional development and shared their knowledge with the whole staff at Thursday afternoon sharing sessions. A highlight for our whole staff was the staff retreat at the start of the year run by Brother Damien Price. Brother Damien shared our


Ignatius Park College 2015

College history and the story of Edmund Rice to enthuse the staff to continue making a difference with our boys and to focus on our relationships and inclusivity. I would not have been able to perform my duties this year without the support of the whole staff and in particular my assistant Kayleen Foster. Thank you all for a great year in 2015 and a special thank you to our departing staff. We acknowledge and thank Darren Kearney for his great work as Deputy Pastoral and he leaves the school a far better place because of his integrity and role modelling. The culture and traditions he has established will be deeply embedded in the school for years to come. Whilst Brother Jon Hansen is not leaving us, he has retired from the Deputy Principal Identity role. Brother Jon will continue in a part-time teaching role next year as well as assist with service learning activities. We said goodbye to Ms Kimberley Collins, Ms Sikwasa Davis, Mr Chris Horn, Mr David Newton, Mr Frank Picciolini, Mr Drew Thompson, Ms Jennie Thompson, Mr Mark Mewburn and Mr Travis Dewan. To these dedicated teachers, we are grateful for your presence, enriching Ignatius Park and for your years of service to our boys. All in all, 2015 has been another extremely busy but rewarding year and the addition of Year 7 has added another dimension to the College. We have grown to a school of 1110 students and as a result we need to constantly review and adjust policies, procedures and economies of scale. Whilst our core business is teaching and learning, we are very grateful that the staff at Iggy help provide a myriad of opportunities to develop the whole student. Grant Rossiter Deputy Principal Staff Development and Administration

Awards 2015

Captain’s Report Our story is who we are. All that will remain of us after we are gone is our story. And as we quickly approach our end here at the Park, we know we are concluding the 46th chapter. Each chapter usually follows a similar story, detailing moments of high academic, sporting and cultural achievements, awards and campaigns; and, within reason, this year’s chapter has similar content, but with a new approach, a new idea, a new legacy.

At the beginning of the year, Declan and I set out a challenge to the students of Ignatius Park College, inviting them to call upon the teachings of our founder Edmund Rice, and focus on the touch stone, inclusive community, in order to build on the College’s brotherhood and unification. As expected, this was a challenging task. With 1111 boys, diverse cultural backgrounds and personalities, everyone isn’t going to get on 100% of the time, we know that. But cumulatively, as you flip through the pages of the 46th chapter, you’ll undoubtedly read that the students of Ignatius Park in 2015, gave it a red hot crack, and that this is justified, through the achievements and respect shown throughout all cultural, academic and sporting events. As you read the 46th chapter, you may come across the new addition to our inclusive community, our first year of Grade 7s, who have quickly and efficiently immersed themselves into the College’s culture. You will read of the College’s successful campaign within the Northern Region, having placed in athletics, swimming and cross country. You will read how our respective First XV union, First XI soccer, Opens Cricket and Water Polo sides have all remained undefeated within the Northern Region and, to further that, the First V Basketball, who for the first time in 19 years, are the inaugural, undefeated State champions. You will read about the successful UK tours, seeing the union and soccer men setting foot onto international grounds and representing Ignatius Park proudly against highly skilled and well-structured British sides. You will also read about the success in our College’s touch and league programs, enjoying a clean sweep of under 13s, 15s and opens at the annual Northern Regional all schools touch competition as well as commendable placings within the Queensland All Schools competition. Within our pages, you will also read about the First XIII’s solid season, winning 12/15 games and making both the Aaron Payne Cup and Confraternity Grand Final, with narrow loses in the dying minutes. But it is the cultural experiences, where Ignatius Park gives back to our Community, which defines our school’s character. Throughout 2015, various innovative ideas have been introduced to both the school’s legacy and story. These include the Pie Drive to support the Drop In Centre organised by Aidan Standley as well as retirement home visits. This initiative was led by the College’s middle school leaders, where an abundance of Grade 9 men volunteered their time every week to spend time with the elderly. Meanwhile, there was the continuation of the annual initiatives which have been embedded into the College’s culture namely St Vincent De Paul, the weekly TCLC program, visits to the Homeless Drop In Centre, the ANZAC Day March and finally, our Indigenous programs, which raise awareness of current Indigenous issues and support our diverse range of students within the College.

However, these accolades aren’t exactly what Campbell and I intended to share with you. In fact, the last thing we wanted to do was about the achievements of 2015. We’d rather reflect upon how these achievements came about and ultimately shine light on a new perspective from which we would like you to read this chapter. As we sign off on the 46th chapter, we don’t want you to leave remembering the achievements and materials which we have manifested in our story. While we do take these with pride there is a more significant, underlying facet of the school which we would like our chapter to entail. It’s simple. Most of us, when we read a story, remember the great scenes and accomplishments surrounding the main characters, and ignore the hidden messages within. Well this year, we’d like the message to be echoing through your minds, because this is what Iggy Park is all about. When the winner of the 100m dash crossed the line at the athletics carnival to win gold, he was accompanied by 1100 other boys shouting his name. Remember the boys who shouted his name. When the Year 12 students handed the homeless lunch earlier in the year, they were met by a smile. Remember the smile and satisfaction obtained from helping the needy. That’s what Ignatius Park teaches to its students over time, to look beyond an act, and see its true meaning. Cowboy’s player, Michael Morgan reminded our students at an assembly how lucky we are to attend a ‘great school like Iggy’. Yes, we are a good school. But not because of the buildings, results and achievements. We are a good school because of the people within the school. People who live the dream, vision and the story of Edmund Rice. People who take themselves out of the centre of their own world so that Iggy boys reach their full potential, so that we can go from Iggy boys to Iggy men. For all students, Years 7 to 12, when your time comes to reflect on the chapters you’ve written, we don’t want you to highlight the achievements and awards you’ve attained. Rather, we want you to embrace the entire story, reflect upon the lessons you’ve learnt and the relationships you’ve built. Every lesson within the Edmund Rice tradition, including the four touchstones, are continually promoted throughout the College for a reason. Whilst you may not realise it, this is why we have successfully upheld the wonderful reputation Ignatius Park has generated over time. It is our job, as students of the College, to live these lessons. We do this to show respect for those who modelled them for us, and to teach those who will one day teach others. I would like to conclude our chapter asking that you don’t remember how amazing the achievements and materials of the 46th chapter were, but rather, remember what it has taught you. Reflect upon how you’ve developed from your experience at Ignatius Park College and how you will use your lessons in writing the remaining chapters of your life. Declan Wolfinden and Cambell Duffy Captain and Vice Captain

Ignatius Park College 2015


Academic Awards Year 7 Academic Awards

Year 8 Academic Awards

Year 9 Academic Awards

Certificate of Diligence Matthew Blanchard Dante Calliste Alexander Dietrich Sawyer Faulks Julian Fusco-Wright Braithe Galea Reegan Gileppa Angus Hawkins Antony Hockin James Hoffensetz Edwin Jomon Matthew Kirkpatrick Mebin Martin Brandon O’Grady Fionn O’Seighin James Rowan Cooper Scott Julian Sewell Joel Stevens Isaac Truett Kieran Truett Benjamin White Cooper Wilkins

Certificate of Diligence Timothy Ambrose Oliver Bisaro Kian Dalton Joseph Dowd Jack Gallagher-Smith Daniel Hannah Cooper Hurst Clayton McCoy Callum Parsons Patrick Shephard Harvey Smith Corey Talbot Matthew Thompson Zachary Thomson Andrew Vollmer

Certificate of Diligence Thomas Bennett Robert Birnie Matthew Blaik Jack Bombardieri Jack Donkin Matthew Garbutt Daniel Gough Justin Guevara Fintan Halpin Brendan Haylett Francis Jakis Liam Jameson Connor Keir Trinity-William Lintern Zachery McMinn Daniel Moore Jack Murray Max Newman Damon Pennisi Mason Penny Max Penny Benjamin Scott Certificate of Academic Excellence Bronze Oliver Dickinson Alan Faulkner Michael Forster Nicholas Mann Thomson Poly Cameron Stabler Joshua Ward Angus Woods

Certificate of Academic Excellence Bronze Liam Barber William Bennett Brocklan Bryant Hunter Finlay Harrison Keir Mitchell Parker Ethan Ramsbotham Aiden Simkin Lachlan Waldon

Gold Jayden Bauers Drew Boniface Thomas Harte Parth Jhamb Bryce Kenyon Reuben Roberts

Silver Bayden Hardy Joshua Kinsey Maverick Pegorarao Kyle Robinson Kai Simmons

Nicholas Pearce Proxime Accessit

General benchmarks for Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 3A’s and 2 or 3 B’s in core subjects with very good results in electives Silver: At least 4A’s and 2B’s in core subjects with very good results in electives Gold: 6A’s or 5A’s in core subjects with excellent results in electives


Silver Nikolaus Cranstron Anton Donohue Benjamin Gunn Mitchell Jackson Mitchell Jarrett Riley Rupp Louis Zabala

Silver Travis Busch Dominic Cusumano Curtis James James Oh

Gold Yanni Collocott Zachary Judge Declan Keyes-West Daniel Kratzmann Nicholas Pearce Riley Pritchard

Zachary Judge Dux

Certificate of Academic Excellence Bronze Declan Bird Hamish Carter Nathan Clohesy Jean-Luc Denyer-Lazaredes Kai O’Donoghue Joshua Pether Darcy Reddicliffe Nathan Ryland Kevin Sajeeve Nathan Seri Thomas Whiting

Ignatius Park College 2015

Drew Boniface Dux

Gold Deekin Dametto Liam Duffy Ethan Engert Ashley Gonzales Antony Jobby Benjamin Judge Inseram Khan Thomas Lyons Jackson Pearce Benjamin Stewart

Reuben Roberts Proxime Accessit

General benchmarks for Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 3A’s and 2 or 3 B’s in core subjects with very good results in electives Silver: At least 4A’s and 2B’s in core subjects with very good results in electives Gold: 6A’s or 5A’s in core subjects with excellent results in electives

Benjamin Stewart Dux

Benjamin Judge Proxime Accessit

General benchmarks for Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 4A’s Silver: At least 5A’s and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 7A’s and 2B’s

Year 10 Academic Awards

Year 11 Academic Awards

Year 11 Subject Awards

Certificates of Diligence Connor Anderson Jack Andreassen Samuel Audas-Ryan McKenzie Baker Oscar Benn Harrison Dove Oliver Gibson Ryan Gilmore Joseph Hirst Aiden Mazlin Nicholas McCaig Jackson O’Hanlon Ethan Roveglia William Russ Jean Sajeeve Henry Wells

Certificates of Diligence Dexter Anderson James Babao Mackenzie Bagley Timothy Bloxsom Ethan Cannon Kyle Everett Daniel Fraser Joshua Galang Damien Kipping Otto Lake Harrison Lassig Layton McColl Matthew Mitchell Brandon Paull Bailey Simmons

Accounting Art Biology Chemistry Construction Drama Economics Engineering English English Communication Film, Television & New Media Geography Graphics Hospitality Hospitality Studies Industrial Graphics Information, Digital Media & Technology Information Processing & Technology Information Technology Systems Japanese Legal Studies Mathematics A Mathematics B Mathematics C Modern History Music Physical Education Physics Pre-Vocational Mathematics Recreation Religion & Ethics Science in Practice Study of Religion

Certificate of Achademic Excellence Bronze Lochlan Armit Christian Batic Drew Diakonow Campbell Evans Dylan Kenworthy Reegan Koelman Christopher Konidis Jarrad Mayocchi Rhys Mead Jordan Tuckey Matthew Vollmer

Certificate of Achademic Excellence Bronze Nicholas Healy Joshua Stanley Samuel Stewart Silver Abhijith Abraham Patrick de Waele Corey Evans Callum McDonald Jack Reddicliffe Elijah Sanderson Gold Lachlan Burgess-Orton Joseph Roepke

Silver Matthew Beauchamp Bailee Brown Riley Campbell Lincoln Hardy Joshua Keir Travis Keys Henry Lyons Lane Moloney Jacob Seri Gold Matthew Astbury Ramal Jayawardhana Zachary Timbs Brodie Windle Zachary Timb Dux

Matthew Astbury Ramal Jayawardhana Proxime Accessit Proxime Accessit

Lachlan BurgessOrton Dux

General benchmarks for Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 4 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award. Bronze: At least 4A’s Silver: At least 5A’s and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 7A’s and 2B’s

General benchmarks for Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 3 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award Bronze: At least 3A’s, or 2A’s and nothing less than a B Silver: At least 3A’s and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 5A’s and nothing less than a B

Joseph Roepke Andrew Kennett Joshua Galang Elijah Sanderson Connor Wilcox Patrick de Waele Joseph Roepke Samuel Stewart Daniel Fraser Patrick de Waele

Awards 2015

Academic Awards

Daniel Fraser Elijah Sanderson Daniel Phillips Lachlan Burgess-Orton Brendan Wilkie Bailey Simmons Layton McColl Kellan Church Joshua Stanley Ethan Cannon Abhijith Abraham Timothy Bloxsom Thomas Steyger Hayden Roberton Lachlan Burgess-Orton Lachlan Burgess-Orton Logan Stanford Samuel Stewart Nicholas Healy Lachlan Burgess-Orton Greg Iorangi Jack Maye Jack Reddicliffe Caleb Jones Patrick de Waele

Joseph Roepke Proxime Accessit

Ignatius Park College 2015


Academic Awards Year 12 Academic Awards

Year 12 Subject Awards

Certificate of Diligence Jayden Alloway Bradley Anderson Joshua Armit Braden Bloom Kyle Bloxsom Timothy Boniface Flynn Campbell Timothy Coleman Thomas Conn Bradley-John Corlis Joel Diakonow Lachlan Fanning Evgeny Filatov Connor Liston Justin Macor William Matters Jared Mazlin Harrison Milton Justin Pepperdene James Rowe Brody Seymore Lewis Spriggs Sebastian Stanley Jordan Whitehead Jayden Windle Nathan Wootton Izaak Yarrington

Accounting Aidan Standley Art Pio Kelemete Biology Ethan Rasmussen Chemistry Mitchell Landa Construction Joshua Stabler Drama Thomas Chapman Economics Joshua Leonardi Engineering Trent Owen Engineering Technology Joshua Smith English Kalen Timbs English Communication Brodie Flynn Film, Television & New Media Jack Baxter Geography Robert Beauchamp Graphics Hayden Graham Hospitality Joseph Cram Hospitality Studies Blake Mayocchi Industrial Graphics William Matters Information, Digital Media & Technology Samuel Blezard Information Processing & Technology Aidan Standley Information Technology Systems Lachlan Pepperdene Japanese Brody Seymore Legal Studies Declan Rush Mathematics A Izaak Yarrington Mathematics B Mitchell Landa Mathematics C Mitchell Landa Modern History Thomas Proctor Music Rhys Gillman Music Extension Declan Rush Physical Education Sam Anderson Physics Mitchell Landa Pre-Vocational Mathematics Travis Kaurila Nathan Wootton Recreation Trent Owen Religion & Ethics Aidan Standley Science in Practice Kristian Lye Study of Religion Declan Wolfinden

Certificate of Achademic Excellence Bronze Patrick Forster Joshua Leonardi Jack Toohey Silver Campbell Duffy Matt Evans Thomas Gallegos Rhys Gillman Bailey Hillier Tahne Lahiff Blake Mayocchi Lachlan McDonald Teague Moloney Kevin Mugambi Ethan Rasmussen Aidan Standley Gold Robert Beauchamp Brett Kittle Mitchell Landa Declan Rush Thomas Smith Kalen Timbs Declan Wolfinden

General benchmarks for Academic Awards Diligence: Awardees have been nominated by teachers in 3 different subjects during the year and have not already received a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award Bronze: At least 3A’s, or 2A’s and nothing less than a B Silver: At least 3A’s and nothing less than a B Gold: At least 5A’s and nothing less than a B


Ignatius Park College 2015

Mitchell Landa Dux

Thomas Smith Proxime Accessit


Abhijith Abraham Connor Boon Nicholas Cassidy Mathew Gatehouse James Hoffensetz Antony Jobby Inseram Khan Callum McDonald Sebastian Petrie Jean Sajeeve


Connor Boon Jack Byrne Thomas Chapman Patrick de Waele Harry Griffin Ramal Jayawardhana Samuel Stewart

Ultimate Awards Bronze

Lachlan Braby Callum Bowman Jaxson James Liam Jameson Jack Pople


Brody Jorgensen Harrison Milton Declan Rush Brody Seymore Aidan Standley


Hamish Billingsley Cameron Lowth Jacob Pegoraro

IPC Musician of the Year

This award, instituted in 1999, recognises outstanding all round participation within the Music Department. Daniel Fraser

Awards 2015

Cultural Awards BR. R. O. Grundy Artistic Achievement Award

This award was instituted by the Art Department in 1997 to recognise a work of outstanding artistic merit. It is named in honour of Br. R.O. Grundy, College Principal 1995 - 1997. Pio Kelemete

The Excellence in Theatre Award

This award, instituted in 2012, is presented to the student who has shown outstanding dedication to the art of Musical Performance and Creative Industry. Thomas Capman

The Matthew Gow Memorial Trophy

Matthew Gow was a student at the College from 1987-1991. This trophy is awarded to a student who has consistently represented the College in inter-school Debating. Nicolas Cassidy

Sporting Awards Interhouse Age Champions Athletics: 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open

Field Events

Jonathan Van Aswegen Harvey Smith Cameron Bateup Harrison Leslie Fraser McKay William McDowell-White

Track Events

Aiden Freeman Kevin Sajeeve Thomas Lyons McKenzie Baker Samuel Stewart Joshua Cocking

12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open

Jack Sanson Nathan Hutchings Jalen Ward Nicholas Nugent Samuel Stewart Charlton Offermans

12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years Open

Logan Pickering Bradley Graham and Bayden Hardy Louka Demopoulos Matthew Beauchamp Nicholas Cussen Robert Beauchamp

Cross Country


Edmund Rice Dash

This Trophy was first presented in 1997 as part of the College’s Annual Edmund Rice Day in honour of our founder. Eamon Preston

Pierre de Coubertin Award

This is awarded to a student who has shown Sportsmanship qualities throughout his schooling and competed in at least two Olympic Sporting disciplines. Mitchell Weis

Melton Black Shield This Prestigious Award goes to the Champion Sports College in Townsville and is presented by Mayor Jenny Hill. Ignatius Park College has now won this Trophy for 33 years in a row. The Shield was accepted on behalf of the College by:

Mitchell Weis

Sportmen of the Year Awards Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Jonathan Van Aswegan Kevin Sajeeve Max Newman Ryan Gilmore Mackenzie Bagley Charlton Offermans

Ignatius Park College 2015


Other Awards LONG TAN LEADERSHIP & TEAMWORK Awards (Sponsored by the Australian Defence Force) Year 10 Connor Anderson Year 12 Blake Mayocchi Edmund Rice Christian Leadership Awards Year 7 Harrison Keir Year 8 Ethan Brooks Year 9 Antony Jobby Year 10 Jean Sajeeve Year 11 James Babao Year 12 Aidan Standley Deus Cartas Est Award

The Catholic Education Office instituted this Award this year in each of the Diocese Catholic Colleges. It recognizes a Year 12 student who demonstrates a commitment to Christian living in how they interact with and treat others.

Brett Kittle

The Religious Education Award

This award, instituted in 2012, goes to a Year 12 student who has shown a consistent commitment to the study of Religious Education and demonstrated an ability to incorporate this study within his life. It is sponsored by Fr Rod Ward.

Nathan Wootton

The Lachlan Kennedy “Deadly Bala” Award

As a Year 10 student in 2009, Lochlan suffered a serious spinal injury resulting in his becoming a quadraplegic. The Deadly Bala Award recognises a Year 11 or 12 Indigenous student who inspires others to achieve to the best of their abilities.

Pio Kelemete

The Russell Brown Memorial Award

Russell Brown was a student at the College from 1995 – 1997. This award recognises students who overcome adversity to realise their full potential as Christian gentlemen.

Lewis Spriggs Nong Van Hung

The Commerce Award

This prize is awarded to the student who has excelled in the area of Commerce in Year 12. It is sponsored by the Hansen Family.

Bradley Anderson

The Angus L. McPeherson Trophy

The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Bursary

This is awarded to a Senior student who has displayed persistence and diligence in his studies. It is anticipated that he continue his education and would benefit from this bursary.

Matt Evans Mitchell Landa The Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Shield

This shield has been donated by the Christian Brothers Old Boys’ Association in recognition of service to the school community by a Senior Student.

Brett Kittle Middle School Trophy BAILLIE

Patrick Carew Shield Awarded to the Champion House for Intra- House Competition.

Accepted on behalf of the winning House by their House Captain: RICE

Proxime Accessit Year 7 NIicolas Pearce Dux of Year 7 Zachary Judge Proxime Accessit Year 8

Reuben Roberts

Dux of Year 8 Drew Boniface Proxime Accessit Year 9 Benjamin Judge Dux of Year 9 Benjamin Stewart Proxime Accessit Year 10 Mathew Astbury Ramal Jayawardhana The Frank D’ilaro Memorial Shielf for Dux of Year 10

Frank D’Ilario was a student at the College from 1988-1992 and was Dux of Year 10 in 1990. This shield is awarded to the Year 10 student who has shown academic excellence as Dux of Year 10.

Zachary Timbs

This trophy is in honour of Angus McPherson who saved the life of a past student of the Christian Brothers in Townsville. The award recognises participation in various charitable activities in the service of the community.

Vocational Education & Training Year 11

The Caltex Best all Rounder

Dux of Year 11 Lachlan Burgess-Orton

Aidan Standley

Ignatius Park College uses this award to recognise a student who has participated well in a wide range of school activities and who is in his final year of schooling.

Thomas Smith

The Brother Lacey Memorial Sheild

Brother Lacey, a former Principal of Our Lady’s Mount, is remembered in this award given to the student who has displayed qualities of excellent leadership within the school community.


Decan Wolfinden

Ignatius Park College 2015

Layton McColl

Proxime Acessit Year 11 Joseph Roepke

The Ball Family Award

The Ball Family Award is presented to a student for diligence in Vocational Education and Training in the Senior School.

Joshua Stabler Proxime Accessit Year 12 Thomas Smith College Dux 2015 Mitchell Landa

House Photos 2015

Year 7 Baillie

Front Row:

Nicholas Harders, Timothy Sharman, Cooper Abraham, Ethan Maloney, Kynan Wregg, Luke Forster, Braithe Galea, Jayvan Scarff

Second Row:

Ms Jacinta Foley, Charlton Bird, Dylan Smith, Samuel Williams, Sawyer Faulks, Ethan Little, Connor Romano, Bailey Waddington, Mr Peter Monypenny

Third Row:

Lachlan Halvorsen-Lehnert, Joshua Swain, Jack Kirkpatrick, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Logan Pickering, Dean Gillham

Back Row:

Charlie Priestley, Lachlan McDermid, Cash Foster, Jett McGhie, Bradley Graham


Anthony O’Hagan (Myers)

Year 7 Carew

Front Row:

Nathan Ford, Jaidan Penny, Malachi Ware, Lachlan Moss, Joshua Kinsey, Connor Depold, William Thomas, Benjamin White, Daniel Kratzmann

Second Row:

Miss Kimberley Collins, Jeremy Howell, Matthew Elston, Jai Hill, Ryan Booth, Julian Sewell, Patrick Eaton, Kurtis Brink, Aiden Freeman, Mr David Newton

Third Row:

Keenan Whitwam, Caleb Gunn, Taran Burkhardt, Angus Gibb, Will Buchanan, Jordaan Denley-Hay, Jacob Vitale

Back Row:

Robert Roche, Lachlan Ryan, Levai Young, Dante Calliste

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 7 Nolan

Front Row:

Jeb Eastaughffe, Zeph Tengvall, Jai Marczak, Samuel Marczak, Johnathan Webster, Edwin Jomon, Tate Martin, Riley Pritchard, Lachlan Moore

Second Row:

Mr James Gaston, Valentin Nshimyumukiza, Liam O’Donovan, Trey Valentine, Taylen Reasons, Callum Crestani Wilshere, James Stephan, Ethan Woods, Mr Gian Guerra

Third Row:

Micheal Bell, Jack Morton, Brocklan Bryant, Jayden David, Brandon Tabell, Aidan Grove

Back Row:

Julian Collins, Benn Dalle Cort, Ryan Pickering, Jack Rasmussen, Harrison David

Year 7 Putney

Front Row:

Joshua Farrington, Alexander Colley, Daniel Moman, Cooper Wilkins, Xavier Hooper, Jude Mitchell, Boaden Giuca-Segal, Aiden Scott

Second Row:

Miss Claire Dickson, Hayden Dunlop, Nicholas Pearce, Zachary Judge, Joel Stevens, Thomas Kelly, Ryley Musumeci, Ms Lisa Moody

Third Row:

James Rowan, Thomas Huxley, Ethan Cameron (Henders), Kyle Robinson, Joseph Di Bartolo, Lachlan Hillery, Ashley Cusack

Back Row:

Antony Hockin, Ethan Ramsbotham, Liam Barber, Reegan Gileppa, Lachlan Hillery, Evan Corradini


Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015

Year 7 Reid

Front Row:

Daniel Claffey, Mebin Martin, Lachlan Miekus, Liam Coffey, Heath Turner, Corey Garner, Daniel Knowles, Lachlan Nugent

Second Row:

Miss Emma Bourne, Ethan Moody Humphrey, Alexander Hooper, Joseba Kelly, Ethan Firmin, Kmani Levi, Matthew Blanchard, Mr Leo Hogan

Third Row:

Lincoln Anderson, Liam Leonardi, Austin Smythe, Adam Roveglia, Jarrod Edmondson, Hunter Paull, Hayden Tarlington

Back Row:

Jamie Humphreys, Joseph Gregory, James Hoffensetz, Finn Andreassen


Luke Saldana Lopez

Year 7 Rice

Front Row:

Harry Griffin, Kai Simmons, Johnathon deRooij (King), Alistair Corkeron, Robert Bayley, Angus Hawkins, Bailey Steel (Fowler), Maverick Pegoraro, Brandon O’Grady

Second Row:

Mr Drew Thompson, Pakome Pakome, Mitchel Yow, Fernando Benn, Benjamin Herrero, Lachlan Waldon, Alexander Dietrich, Julian Fusco-Wright, Craig Jeffrey, Ms Jennie Thompson

Third Row:

Diego Urdanivia, Isaac Truett, Bayden Hardy, Cooper Scott, Harrison Keir, Lewis Minns, Lachlan Whereat

Back Row:

Yanni Collocott, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Kieran Truett, Fionn O’Seighin

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 7 Treacy

Front Row:

Ieuan Harker, Brigaire Neza, Elijah Weeks, Brayden Pott, Lachlan Mitchell, Corey Blair, Hudson Murray, Jason Zoller

Second Row:

Joshua Martin, Will Arnell, Lachlan Scott, Ethan Gasa, Mitchell Parker, Sebastian Lynch, Miss Annette Nicholson

Third Row:

Jordan Davies, Matthew Wilmen, Tai-Reece Hill, Brandon Mackay, Aiden Simkin, Brendan Eaton, Jack Sanson

Back Row:

Declan Keyes-West, Jared Mitchell, Hunter Finlay, Colby Finlay, Sebastian Petrie, William Bennett


Mr Phillip Yates

Year 8 Baillie


Front Row:

Michael Lamrock, Jayden Morrison, Callaway Parker, Thomas Turner, Samuel Pacey, Travis Busch, Matthew Sharp, Declan Bird

Second Row:

Mr Andrew Pollock, Darcy Reddicliffe, Kyam Nallajar, Christopher Francisco, Jayden Bauers, Andrew Jones, Declan Lenz, Riley Faust, Ms Angela Zeko

Third Row:

Patrick Tarttelin, Bryce Kenyon, Kallum Heard, John Nawara, Bingen Balanzategui, Tyson Booth

Back Row:

Tristan Mentor, Jarrod Bubner, Marley Iorangi, Shy Tully, Jye Washbourne

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House Photos 2015

Year 8 Carew

Front Row:

Caleb Whiteley, Kye Onton-O’Shea, Clay Jang, Manuel Kelly-Fenech, Elliott Basso, Caleb Donnelly, Jayden Simpson, Kyle Wynne, Connor Snow

Second Row:

Mr Greg Christ, Clay Smith, Alain Mukasa, David Lau-Young, Hunter Evans, Harvey Smith, Jiro Whyte, Raith Sheerans, Christian Fanning, Mrs Bernadette Lovisa

Back Row:

Dominic Cusumano, Timothy Ambrose, Izack McLean, Callum Parsons, Jakab Huddy, Nathan Ryland, Lachlan Stevenson

Year 8 Nolan

Front Row:

Adam Gray, Hamish Carter, Jaydn Gray, Terence Rooney, Jonathan O’Shea (Grundeman), Kian Dalton, Malcolm Walsh, Jordan Richards

Second Row:

Mr Matthew Douglas, Colby Hammelswang, Kye Henderson, Parth Jhamb, Dominic Murphy, Thomas Harte, Zachery Richards, Noah Bray, Lachlan Lemon, Mrs Tracey Quabba

Third Row:

Joszef Lengyel, Maletino Lafoga, Patrick Lulham, Christopher Gho, Christian Lauder, Jadon Rollings, James Oh

Back Row:

Nicholas Audas-Ryan, Josiah Setiu, Cooper Stocks, Ethan Wilson

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 8 Putney

Front Row:

Declan Wasley, Mason Kennedy, Rhys Campbell, Jack Letters, Blake McKinley, Reuben Roberts, Luke Powell, Thomas Olsen

Second Row:

Ms Tracy Nioa, Ryan McConchie, Harley Bowden-Seage, Jack Gallagher-Smith, Joel Parsons, Lachlan Marshall, Thomas Nesirky, Bradley Pardon, Mr Ben Williams

Third Row:

Brendan Lee, Matthew Thompson, Luke Powell, Gistain Giuca-Segal

Back Row:

Boston Mazlin, Riley Baldwin, Zachary Thomson, Kai O’Donoghue, Jean-Luc Denyer Lazaredes

Year 8 Reid


Front Row:

Bailie Armstrong, Nathan Hutchings, Patrick Shephard, Clayton McCoy, Patrick Clarke, Harrison Neucom, Thomas Whiting, Cooper Withers

Second Row:

Ms Jodie Roberts, Ethan Kelvin, Dakota Campbell, Corey Talbot, Daniel Hannah, Lucas Clarke-Drier, Daniel Aplin, Alexander Jumeau, Mr Matthew Thiele

Third Row:

Kyron Mitchell, Anthony Grech, Andrew Vollmer, Stephen Grady, Connor Illingsworth, Aaron Phillips

Back Row:

Nathan Seri, Thomas Claffey, Thomas Baker, William Thompson, Matthew Hayes

Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015

Year 8 Rice

Front Row:

Clay Henderson, Angus Hay, Dane Wosomo, Jared Heilbronn, Matthew Groves, Finlay Jenkins, Joseph Dowd, Kade Amos

Second Row:

Mr Tom Lucas, Callum James, Joshua Pether, Cooper Hurst, Makisacc Lapworth, Bellamy Lake, Drew Boniface, Oliver Bisaro, Mr Paul Marano

Third Row:

Cain Anderson, Jack Scott, Jaime Steel-Fowler, Jesse Schmidt, Brayden Yow, Ethan Hagarty

Back Row:

Curtis James, Ethan Brooks, Taine Catelan, Henry Hunt, Thomas Hills

Year 8 Treacy

Front Row:

Damian Ravkin, Riley Chapman, Ryan Pearce, Tom Sheppard, Stuart Smith, Nathan Clohesy, Blake Read, Jackson McGregor

Second Row:

Mr Andrew Kirkpatrick, Hamish Chowns, Jarred Copley, Bryson James, Wesley Peplow, Ethan Rennie, Jake Good, Benjamin Toohey, Miss Megan Parker

Third Row:

Lachlan Lee, Luke Lovejoy, Lachlan Maginnis, Kevin Sajeeve, Joshua Reeves, Jack Thomson

Back Row:

Connor Whiteside, Cameron Turner, Tyreece Pott, Braidey Delforce, Jack Taylor

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 9 Baillie

Front Row:

Tynan Scarff, Benjamin Stewart, Mitchell Gulson, Matthew Kent, Zachary Gough, Beau Josey, Jaxon Galea, Liam Jameson, Louis Zabala

Second Row:

Ms Jacquelyne Armstrong, Jalen Ward, Caleb Townsend, Mitchell Jackson, Mitchell Pickering, Max Spriggs, Lochlan Shepherd-Kemp, Dakoda Vaughan, Mr Tim Lindeberg

Back Row:

Dominic Unamuno, Tahran Lahiff, Jack Bombardieri, Will Hempsall, William Hunter, Jett Priestley, Kyle Ashby, Michael Forster

Year 9 Carew


Front Row:

Benjamin Gunn, Ezekiel Iorangi, Cody Weaver, Timothy Price, Justin Guevara, Benjamin Morton, Callum Bowman, Reece Torkington-Keyse, Samuel Twiname

Second Row:

Mr Jerome Collier, Mason Penny, Julian Rasmussen-O’Keefe, Oliver Dickinson, Jake Connor, Thomas Spinks, Matthew Garbutt, Max Penny

Third Row:

Darcy Meehan, Jack Byrne, Jacob Yarrington, Fintan Halpin, De Wet Potgieter, Jack Delgado

Back Row:

Francis Jakis, Patrick Cudmore, Samuel Nimmo, Jordan Kleesh, Jayden Haines

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House Photos 2015

Year 9 Nolan

Front Row:

Davis Johnson, Mitchel Waples, Seth Young, Shaun Godfrey, Joseph Pelling, Darcy Stevenson, Bailey Odgers-McDonagh, Angus Woods, Ethan Engert

Second Row:

Mr Bruce Denny, James Young, Lachlan Spencer, Brian Booth, Matthew Grant, Jack Brennan, Anton Donohue, Riley Rupp, Mr Frank Picciolini

Third Row:

Lachlan Truntic, Jared Fagg, Cameron Stabler, Logan Kyle, Jeremy McPherson, Josh Turnbull

Back Row:

Thomas Rawstron, Connor Brookhouse, Matthew Blaik, Conor Dalton, Louka Demopoulos

Year 9 Putney

Front Row:

Deekin Dametto, Callum Gedling, Mitchell Irvine, Corey Gulliver, Rylie Wilkins, Matthew Lorenz, Joseph Rudd, Joel Barber, Lachlan Braby

Second Row:

Colby Busetti, Tristan Winship, Baily Crump, Jackson Pearce, Connor Musumeci, Brendan Buttigieg, Jordy Stevens, Mr Gary Hughes

Third Row:

Kieran Chambers, Szymon Rawski, Jacob Allan, Benjamin Judge, Martin Paul, Quinton Zoller

Back Row:

Joshua Pool, Antony Jobby, Max Newman, Bryce Fern, Charles Betcher

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 9 Reid

Front Row:

Mitchell Jarrett, Trinity Lintern, Joshua Ward, Tomas Chester, Nickia Whaleboat, Alan Faulkner, Casey Henderson, Jack Pople, Ronan Kippin

Second Row:

Mr Brian Hawke, Dallas Donovan, Daniel Stout-Milkins, Cooper Dank, Nicholas Mann, Reece Will, Aiden Howlett, Ms Tenille Keir

Third Row:

Ring Majok, Lucas Lynam, Liam Blackley, Aidan Blackley, Samuel Doyle, Nikolaus Cranston, Angus Ramsay

Back Row:

Lleyton Anderson, Garrett Saylor, Yihehio Timoti, Thomas Lyons

Year 9 Rice


Front Row:

D’Aundre Cassady, Brendan Haylett, Cody Evans, George Griffin, Sebastian Herrero, Tom Walsh, Zachery McMinn, Daniel Gough, Jalen-Tre Tait

Second Row:

Mr Matthew Groves, Douglas Abdul-Rahman, Lachlan Weis, Adrian Trevilyan, Inseram Khan, Reece Holdsworth, Casey Stephenson, Matthew Eggins, Mrs Simone Hanran

Third Row:

Liam Duffy, Damon Pennisi, Jacob Keir, Thomson Poly, Liam Fusco-Wright, Harrison Waldon

Back Row:

Ben Scott, Bailey O’Grady, Conor Larkin, Connor Keir, Cameron Bateup

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House Photos 2015

Year 9 Treacy

Front Row:

Mason Lea, Riley Wolstencroft, Hayden Rowbotham, Jordan Lye, Jeffrey Toms, Dale Connelly, Kyren Walters, Jack Donkin

Second Row:

Mr Brett Deneen, Oscar Stanley, Kaleb Church, Aiden Phillips, Noah Power, Jaxson James, Lochlan Whitehead, Mrs Sandra Hughes

Third Row:

Thomas Owens, Riley Bloom, Tim Peno, Brayden Winterburn, Jack Murray, Thomas Bennett, Daniel Moore

Back Row:

Jye Pearce, Connor Rhodes, Thomas Clive, Robert Birnie, Rohan Applin, Mitchell O’Connell

Year 10 Baillie

Front Row:

Brandon Jurgens, Zachary Timbs, Maverick Parker, Hunter Wriede, Jack Hall, Jordan Tuckey, Bayley Ryan, Anthony Wright, Benjamin Leonardi

Second Row:

Mr Paul Bruce, Matthew Astbury, Benjamin Faulks, Matthew Jeffrey, Alexis Tsirtsilios, Osana Koloi, Jack Maloney, Joseph Tropea, Joseph Hirst, Miss Amy Proud

Third Row:

Ramal Jayawardhana, Jack Wegener, Nicholas Nugent, Liam Buxton, Hayden Saltner, Reegan Koelman

Back Row:

Oscar Fisher, Zane Van Rynswoud, Connor Anderson, Jayden Rafter, Mitchell Zohn, Nicholas Denman, Harrison Turner, Campbell Proctor

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 10 Carew

Front Row:

Michael Wilson, Edan Twiname, Dominic Figg, Christopher Konidis, Cooper Jang, Michael Watson, Conor Wilson, Michael Howell, Akhil Ebby

Second Row:

Mr Trais Dewan, Oliver Gibson, Kane Montgomery, Kelly Mugambi, Joshua Keir, Campbell Evans, Damon Giacobone, Connor Evanson, David Salmon, Mr Michael Turner

Third Row:

Lachlan Doyle, Travis Keys, Harrison Leslie, Keiren Manning, Drew Diakonow, Cameron Lowth, Ryan Kinsey

Back Row:

Jesse Owato, James Barclay, Bradon Kenna, Viliami Taufa, Fraser McKay, Samuel Goldsworthy

Year 10 Nolan


Front Row:

Jacob Pegoraro, Ryan Zeller, Dylan Kenworthy, Hamish Billingsley, Hans Ogo, Benjamin Maugeri, Patrick Carter, Joshua Grant, Lochlan Armit

Second Row:

Mrs Amanda Loechel, Lewis Chadwick, Darcy Young, Adam Narratone, William McMahon, Guy Cummins, Luke Kenny, Kane Jackson, Hayden Seers, Mr Keith Spencer

Third Row:

Jarred Hannon, Damien Sferratore, Manfred Babao, Charlie Matterson, Austin Carter, Riley Robertson, Matthew Beauchamp, Christopher La Spina

Back Row:

Brodie McDonald, Adam Whyte, Kieran Moran, Samuel Audas-Ryan, William Thomas, Isaac Young, Andrew Bell


Daniel Walk

Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015

Year 10 Reid

Front Row:

Tristan Sorensen, Henry Wells, Caine McClelland, Harrison Hooper, Henry McKinnon, Nicholas Doyle, Conall Wadforth, Fabien Menegazzo, Steven O’Connor

Second Row:

Mrs Sally Conn, Brodie Windle, Riley Campbell, Drew Dawson, Gianluca Thompson, Lachlan Dale, Matthew Vollmer, Nicholas Garvey, Mr Patrick McMahon

Third Row:

Aiden Mazlin, Samuel Anderson, Jesse Statham, Jacob Seri, Ethan Roveglia, Lucas Copnell, Jack Brown, Lane Moloney

Back Row:

Jack Andreassen, Henry Lyons, Reede Moloney, Lucas Copnell, Ryan Gilmore, Aaron Evans, Trent Lloyd

Year 10 Rice

Front Row:

Lachlan Morton, Sean Renton, Jack Keioskie, Sam Brunetto, Nicholas Truett, Jarrad Mayocchi, Jake Daniell, William Russ, Angus Hickmott

Second Row:

Mr John Alloway, Hayden Barbi, Bailee Brown, Harry Hay, Adam Cook, Oscar Benn, Harrison Mahoney, Mitchell McCubben-Fry, Lincoln Hardy, Ms Georgia Stayte

Third Row:

Dylan Penny, Jett Brooks, Joseph Bourne, Daniel Conn, Jack Kelly, Taylor O’Brien, Mason Romaior

Back Row:

Lucio Celotto, Jack Cobon, Isaac Locke, Matthew Conroy, McKenzie Baker, Hunter Keen

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 10 Treacy

Front Row:

Jed Toohey, Dre Backer, Daniel Rennie, Rhys Mead, Jean Sajeeve (Kalappurackal), Matthew Gillespie, Harrison Dove, Sam Clohesy, Jake Greer

Second Row:

Mr Christian Quabba, Nicholas McCaig, Cameron Mitchell, Cameron Pridmore, Justin Coleman, Daniel Davern, Casey McDonald, Sean Rennie, Ms Catherine Ventic

Third Row:

Aaron McRae, Jared Evans, Nicholas Cussen, Mathew Gatehouse, Jack Dunn, Hamish Glasby, Kieran Ryle, Kale Smith

Back Row:

Benjamin Wilmen, Wiktor Balacinski, Jackson O’Hanlon, Taylor Millar, Benjamin Pearson, Christian Batic, Benjamin Woodward

Year 11 Baillie


Front Row:

Joshua Galang, Bradley Meek, Benjamin Wheeler, Reece Williams, Jacob Smith, Lachlan Dillon, Hayden Roberton, Mitchell Francisco, Indy Metcalfe

Second Row:

Mr Douglas Bettington, Corey Millan, Connor Boon, Alexander Kachel, Julian Cook, Bennett Russell, Thomas Prince, Mr Michael Lazzaroni

Third Row:

Lachlan Regattieri, Lachlan Heard, Samuel Stewart, Blake Downey, Andrew Kennett, Jack Reddicliffe, Cooper Champion

Back Row:

Samuel McGhie, Kurt Schultz, Harrison Bird, Brendan Wilkie, Bennett Jesberg, Gregory Iorangi


Andy Luong

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House Photos 2015

Year 11 Carew

Front Row:

Rudy Marshall-McGrath, Dylan Price, Brodie Hohn, John McKenzie, Logan Stanford, Connor Wilcox, James Norris, Joshua De Munari, Dwight Hawken

Second Row:

Mrs Adriana Rossi, Campbell Parsons, Denzel Morandin, James Field, Jacob Murphy, Jason Alsemgeest, Jackson Domin, Joshua Figg, Jack Maye, Thomas Steyger, Mr Chris Thiele

Third Row:

Daniel Fraser, Jackson Finnigan, Jayden Freitas, Alexander Whitwam, Connor Pettigrew, Matthew Macor, Thomas Mawdsley, Jason Alsemgeest

Back Row:

Corey Evans, Samuel Morris, Dimitri Polikarpowski, Aaron Williamson, Bailey Weaver

Year 11 Nolan

Front Row:

Jacob Corbyn, Theophilus Babao, Kurt Cummins, Nicholas Cassidy, Ryan Tapiolas, Joseph Lendich, Charlie Pelling, Michael McEvoy-Bowe, Dexter Anderson

Second Row:

Mr Michael Andersen, James Stevenson, Murray Roache, Darcy Smith, Rohan Clarke, Elijah Sanderson, Emilio Fichera, Ms Andrea Tarttelin

Third Row:

Jackson Hannon, Cooper Plath, Nicholas Healy, Robert Fairbanks, Charlie Bennett, Layton McColl, Lachlan Keevers

Back Row:

Oscar Carter, Tom Kenny, Lachlan Burgess-Orton, Cody Kesteven, Liam Clarke, Justin Guningham

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 11 Reid

Front Row:

Mitchell Walduck, James Morrison, Brandon Paull, Daniel Phillips, Cameron Lenton, Jackson Stickland, Jason Burke, Bryn McClure-Griggs, Joshua Castrejana

Second Row:

Mr Matt Rowan, Jamie Jeffree, Lochlan Goddard, Cieron Cuthbert-Botha, Jack Humphreys, John Tolcher, Brody Liston, Daniel Clarke, Kyle Howarth, Mr Mark West

Third Row:

Charlie Gaudion, Max Stone, Ryan Townsend, Timothy Bloxsom, Joshua Stanley, Damien Kipping, Jeremy Kerr

Back Row:

Jonte Kennedy, Regan Baker, Lachlan Lingard, Ayden Faulkner, Callan Feeney, John Dempsey, Thomas McCagh, Dylan Gudge

Year 11 Rice

Front Row:


Drew Whiting, Enemarki Shibasaki, Bailey Simmons, Dalton Pegoraro, Mrs Marg Hodgson, Lachlan Pether, Rhys Lambert, Patrick de Waele, Nicholas Dunn

Second Row:

Samuel Newman, Callum McDonald, James Stephenson, Michael Trevilyan, Daniel Steel, Matthew Sturgess, Kellan Church

Third Row:

Emmaus Benn, Callum Bell, Brodie Chaffey, Jayden Swift, Mackenzie Bagley, Patrick Conn

Back Row:

Otto Lake, John Patrick Connell, Callum Mahoney, Sam Gould, Ethan James, Jack Collins, Caleb Jones

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House Photos 2015

Year 11 Treacy

Front Row:

Brady Roberts, Jonah Timmins, Matthew Oliver, Nicholas Allman, Mathew Mitchell, Cameron Soutar, Bruce Hirwa, Brendan Blair, Aiden Campbell

Second Row:

Mr Andrew Keane, Timothy Stokes, Alex Evans, Ryan Rankin, Harrison Lassig, Riley Holman, Ruan Konik, Mrs Leonie Shucksmith

Third Row:

Jaison Greer, Huon Deacon Johnstone, Todd McAuliffe, Braedy Paxton, Jeremy Myles, Kyle Everett, Joshua Eaton

Back Row:

Joseph Roepke, Jordan Larsen, Nicholas Clive, Harrison Crandley, Riley Bailey, Alex Grieve

Year 12 Baillie

Front Row:

Alexei Namoga, Kevin Stark, Travis Kaurila, Lachlan Fanning, Jake Webster, Jarrod Anderson, James Roberton, Joshua Leonardi

Second Row:

Dominic Morrison, Thomas Proctor, Tahne Lahiff, Calem Watts, Jake Riley, Reece McKenzie (O’Brien), Bailey Hillier, Mr Dave Elliott

Third Row:

Aidan Fitzsimmons, Brodie Flynn, Lewis Spriggs, Joshua Smith, Mitchell McGuire, Harrison Searle, Patrick Forster, Ethan Blain

Back Row:

Kalen Timbs, Justin Straker, Connor Morgan, Luke Olzard, William Bishop

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 12 Carew

Front Row:

Van Hung Nong, Jesse Ruedin, Joel Diakonow, Declan Evanson, Bradley Anderson, Izaak Yarrington, Kipngetich Kemei, Brody Seymore, Alex Stever

Second Row:

Mr Mark Mewburn, Rhys Gillman, Justin Macor, Jack Spinks, Samuel Haines, Sam Anderson, James Rowe, Matt Evans, Joshua Ryland

Third Row:

Lachlan Pepperdene, Bryan Salmon, Kalyn Ponga, Ethan Rasmussen-O’Keefe, Kevin Mugambi, Haralambos Konidis, Adam Ibell

Back Row:

Jack Kaufline, Jake Rainbow, Thomas Smith, Nathan Jorgensen


Luke Black

Year 12 Nolan


Front Row:

Reuben Lomas, Joel McPherson, Matthew Gallegos, Mitchell McKee, Thomas Gallegos, Samuel Pirret, Joshua Armit, Thomas Chapman, Joshua Stabler

Second Row:

Lachlan Taylor, Matthew Hosking, Brody Jorgensen, Richard Vaughan, Bradley-John Corlis, Brady Holdsworth, Robert Beauchamp, Marcello Macdonald, Mrs Tracey Conyers

Third Row:

Alexander Page, Gerard Ferns, Trent Owen, Caleb Murphy, Aiden Hodder

Back Row:

David Narratone, Samuel Blezard, Lachlan Hughes, Thomas Mayes


Riley Danes, Jessey David, Benjamin Dusabimana

Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015

Year 12 Reid

Front Row:

Kyall Davern, Nathan Cocking, Karl Raffe, Nicholas Jumeau, Storm Jones, Connor Liston, Olijah-Juwon Kennedy, Daniel Cooper, Joshua Cocking

Second Row:

Declan Rush, Jack Anderson, Teague Moloney, Liam McKay, Joseph Cram, Thomas Wells, Brett Kittle, Dr Joan Hanley

Third Row:

Justin Pepperdene, Jared Mazlin, Jayden Stennett (Alloway), Harrison Milton, Samuel Kippin, Kyle Bloxsom, Jayden Windle, Nathan Wootton

Back Row:

Kyle Caspani, Mitchell Landa, Jake Kerr, William McDowell-White, Flynn Campbell, Ethan Betts, James Dale

Year 12 Rice

Front Row:

Benjamin Parker, Sebastian Ten-Lohuis, Joshua Davis, Aiden Toplis, Hayden Graham, Zachary Grady, Jason Wilkins, Kristian Lye, Tyler Roberts

Second Row:

Thomas Conn, Samuel Urdanivia, Ibtesam Khan, Blake Mayocchi, Evan Glover, Jacob Bourke, Jahn Brautigam, Mr Chris Rigano

Third Row:

Christian Heilbronn, Jackson Baker, Jack Baxter, Campbell Duffy, Mitchell Weis, Charlton Offermans, William Matters, Timothy Boniface

Back Row:

Lachlan La Rosa, Joshua Groves, Daniel Niven, James Conroy, Declan Wolfinden, Jacob Willington, Gehamat Shibasaki

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 12 Treacy

Front Row:

Nathan Godfrey, Braden Bloom, Kristian Houghton, Ryan McGill, Lachlan Joyce, Aidan Standley, Sebastian Stanley, Stuart A’Vau

Second Row:

Christian Power, Jordan Renouf, Alexander Gertz, Chase Warrell, Lachlan Vest, Kai Mittereger, Jordan Whitehead, Ms Jude Squire

Third Row:

Timothy Coleman, Brodie Germaine, Pio Kelemete, Jordan Zanussi, Aidan Barker, Eamon Preston, Evgeny Filatov, Lachlan McDonald

Back Row:

Joshua Thorsen, Jack Toohey, Patrick Boniface, Norbert Balacinski, William Bulley, Jaidyn Dearden, Haydn Chapman

House Captains

Aiden Barker - Treacy, Charlton Offerman - Rice, William McDowell-White - Reid, Gerard Fern - Nolan, Ethan Rasmussen-O’Keefe - Carew, Bailey Hillier - Bailey


Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015


They say “Success is not measured in medals or trophies – rather, the true measure of success is how you respond to adversity and the challenges thrown your way.” Well if this is true, then the Baillie House has certainly had a very successful year by this measure as we have definitely had our fair share of hurdles and challenges! It has been such a privilege to watch my fellow bears “rip into” 2015 in the sporting and cultural arenas while keeping a watchful eye over the new cubs. It was even greater to see the lads demonstrate their camaraderie, sportsmanship and humility throughout the year during the various events that made for a spectacular school calendar. Of course the academic pursuits of many fine young men witnessed throughout the year certainly contributed to the focus and determination the House is renowned for. Eager to hit the water early this year, spirit grew fast amongst the Baillie boys as we moved into the College’s first Interhouse event – The Swimming Carnival. It was all golden smiles for the house as we managed to take out the coveted trophy with a convincing win. Great sportsmanship and attitude was shown throughout the course of the day, with all boys giving their best efforts while in the water. It was very exciting as House Captain to see the talent we have coming through the years, especially with our youngest of cubs in grade 7 and 8. The encouragement provided by the

senior boys during the day was sensational, and this was an element that continued right until the final bell. Of course, our “Maori” theme ensured success both in and out of the water with all men donning traditional tattoos that withstood the ravages of chlorine, allowing our inked bodies to be noticed all day. Yes, it was a very magical start to the year. The next challenge the Baillie boys were ready to face was the annual Cross-Country. This proved to be another outstanding performance from the boys with marvelous results demonstrated throughout the day. Running the course myself, it was extremely pleasing to see such a large number of boys pushing themselves to run the entire race without a walking break. And it was even more pleasing to witness the encouragement from other Baillie students. And what would be every boys dream? To have a day of war cries, healthy competition, spectacularly coloured bodies and no schoolwork of course. This was the platform for our Athletics Carnival – another highlight to the calendar. The kaleidoscope of blue men who dotted the IPC landscape was quite the spectacle, and I’m sure it was something our College cubs will never forget. With every boy putting his best foot forward, the final result while not on top, certainly was a great display of undying spirit and unfettered effort.

2015 Brother Baillie Winners

Year 7 Jayvan Scarff, Year 8 Samuel Pacey, Year 9 Ashley Gonzales Year 10 Matthew Astbury, Year 11 Brendan Wilkie, Year 12 Tahne Lahiff,

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While the Baillie House has had some sporting talents come through the ranks this year, the cohort is much more than a house of athletes. Many men are involved in co-curricular activities around the College like St Vincent De Paul, TCL, Reef Guardians and the toast room. These groups are all about helping out and giving back to the community, which has done wonders for our school. Additionally, we had a number of boys participate in this year’s Musical production ‘Peter Pan,’ which was a huge success for all involved, as well as our annual Battle of the Bands where our Baillie men “rocked” on. Joining the College only three short years ago in grade 10, my time at The Park has been the best few years of my life thus far. It was a humbling privilege to be elected as House Captain by my fellow Year 12 peers. However, it would be remiss of me not to mention my partner in crime who has helped me ensure this year ran as smoothly as it did, and with as much spirit as we could muster. Vice-Captain Connor Morgan has been a great asset to the House’s functioning, and I cannot thank him enough for his hard work and dedication, particularly during events like the Baillie Welcome BBQ, Baillie Fishing Classic, Trivia Night, Battle of the Bands


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and organizing House assemblies. I would also like to make a special mention to the rest of the senior cohort who have been so supportive and made the year such an enjoyable experience. Without them, as a House we would not have accomplished what we were able to do this year. Thank you to my brothers. A huge mention must go to a very inspiring lady who has been a mentor to both the group and myself in becoming the leader who I am today. Mrs Pudy Timbs has been instrumental to everything that has occurred this year. Whether it is organizing various House events, raising funds for groups, coordinating tutoring for students or even reminding us to get our diaries organized, Mrs Timbs is all about the goodness and love for the Baillie boys. She pushes the House to strive to their potential, and makes the experience of being a Baillie boy an enjoyable and memorable one! Thanks must also go to our Homeroom teachers Ms Dickson and of course Mr Elliot, who have both been inspirational during our time at the College. I know I can thank my role model Mr Elliot in particular for those extra muscles gleaned from doing pushups each morning when late to Homeroom!

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BAILLIE Report Now a message to the younger boys of the Baillie House: Make the most of what Iggy Park has to offer as it all comes to an end so quickly and not too long from now, you will be the ones walking out of the College for the final time. Ensure you keep in touch with all of your Baillie Brothers, as they are ones who will stick by you in life. I can honestly say that the quality of men in the Baillie House is exceptional and I look forward to seeing you boys grow into fine young men over the years.


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I was truly humbled to represent the Baillie House for 2015 at The Park which has become my second home. Year 12 for me has been a roller coaster ride, but I can honestly say I am leaving with no regrets. I look forward to keeping in touch with my fellow year group and becoming a proud Ignatius Park old boy. Baillie Brothers, thanks once again for a truly memorable experience. I salute you. Bailey Hiller Baillie House Captain

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Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015

CAREW Report

Year of the Cudas 2015 Was undoubtedly the year of the Mighty Carew Barracudas and has been incredibly successful in all aspects of schooling. Our endeavours have ranged from sporting, academics, extra-curricular activities and our commitment to the Carew charity, ‘The Cure Starts Now’. Our successes have not always come through victories. However, it was the Carew spirit of giving everything a go and enacting Crew’s motto ‘effort every time’ which ensured we were rewarded. With the selection of Ethan Rasmussen and Rhys Gillman as House and Vice Captain, additionally with Tom Smith appointed as a Prefect, it set the foundation for another successful and exhilarating year for all Carew with many memorable events to come.

Not alone, the Carew leaders were well supported throughout the year with a number of their peers willing to assist when and if needed. Special mention needs to be made of the Carew leaders Ethan Rasmussen and Rhys Gillman plus the contributions of Josh Ryland, Brody Seymore, James Rowe, Izaak Yarrington and Adam Ibell (who were all Carew Medal recipients) and the senior cohort for their tireless efforts throughout the year. I would also like to acknowledge the junior student representatives Oliver Dickinson and Fintan Halpin who helped motivate their peers to push the House to its full potential. Thank you all for your efforts. The year began with the swimming carnival and with the Carew House adopting the theme “Spartans”, the swimming carnival was a thrilling and unforgettable day. The morning

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CAREW Report began at the annual meeting place under the mango tree where there was an energetic vibe amongst all grades. It was great to see the great lengths that some students went to in order to produce their eye-catching outfits. With the House all dressed up as Spartans we made our way towards the pool. The morning started well with excellent participation and effort by everyone in the House which had Carew high on the points table by the first break. This was to set the scene for the day with further displays of exceptional effort being shown by all grades within the House and placing Carew just off the podium in fourth place. Special mention has to be made of Year 7 Lachlan Ryan the U12 third place swimming champion, Harvey Smith the U13 second place swimming champion and Jason Alsemgeest the U16 second placed swimming champion along with the entire House who represented the Cudas with distinction. Within a couple of weeks the annual Cross Country had arrived. As usual the mighty Cudas were ready to go into battle against the other Houses. The House motto “Effort Every Time” was at the forefront of all members’ minds and we all knew it was up to each individual to do the Mighty Carew House proud. Armed with the reassurance of the


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Year 12’s every student was reminded that participation was the key to the day. Encouraged to simply do their best a large number of fellow Carew students pushed their friends along to gain as many extra points for the House as possible, this was exceptional to see. Once again special mention has to be made of the following students who performed exceptionally for the house, Aidan Freeman the U12 third placed champion and Oliver Gibson the U16 second placed champion. Finally, it was the last ever athletics carnival for the Year 12’s’ and the last chance for the Carew House to show the other houses and the school we won’t go down without a fight. The first day of events got off to a great start with many of the Carew Boys displaying their athletic abilities in various field events (best result for senior and younger school). On the second day, the Carew House came out with nothing to lose. Flocking to the front of the school the Carew boys gathered in large numbers smothered head to toe in maroon paint and supporting The Cure Starts Now Foundation. The House spirit was further heightened in 2015 as we continued to conduct and participate in enjoyable activities amongst the grades including Cricket and softball afternoons

Flooding every event throughout the day the Carew House had shown they were willing to participate to the highest level; and it finally happened, no one believed it at first the Carew House won the athletics carnival for the first time ever, a special memory for the whole House to take away. Special mention once again to Aiden Freeman the U12 track age champion, Harvey Smith the U13 field age champion, Harrison Leslie the U15 field age champion and Fraser McKay the U16 field age champion. The Carew House also achieved academically above and beyond this year with the House receiving a truly memorable amount of Certificates of Academic Excellence and Diligence. This was exceptional to see, I would like to congratulate the boys who made this possible. Additionally, our very own Year 12 Prefect, Tom Smith, received the Proxime Accessit award, with Ethan and Rhys taking home Dux of Biology and Music respectively. The following boys also achieved outstandingly this year and received diligence awards: Year 7 – Dante Calliste, Julian Sewell and Benjamin White; Year 8 – Timkothy Ambrose, Callum Parsons and Harvey Smith; Year 9 – Matthew Garbutt, Justin Guevara, Fintan Halpin, Francis Jakis, Mason Penny and Max Penny; Year 10 – Oliver Gibson; Year 11 – Daniel Fraser and Thomas

Steyger for Dux of Legal Studies; Year 12 – Bradley Anderson, Joel Diakonow, Justin Macor, Justin Pepperdene, James Rowe and Izaak Yarrington. The House would like to applaud everyone for their exceptional achievements.

House Photos 2015

CAREW Report

Nearing the end of the year, the Mighty Cudas were given one last opportunity to prove themselves and show off their Carew talent in the annual interhouse Battle of the Bands. This year the band was led by the House Vice Captain, Rhys Gillman, who rounded up the house band early with the ambition of taking out first place for the event. Thankfully, the House jumped at the opportunity to get up on stage, and a band was quickly formed with Jackson Finnigan and Sam Haines on lead guitar and Dimitri Polikarpowski on drums. Finally, vocals were led by Rhys Gillman and supported by Brody Seymore and Sam Morris, along with a surprising addition of Adam ‘Sinatra’ Ibell. These talented boys took out third place with their brilliant renditions of Lou Bega’s ‘Mambo Number Five,’ and Milky Chance’s ‘Stolen Dance.’ These performances were truly something to be proud of and the Carew Captains left school with their heads held high that day.

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CAREW Report

The House spirit was further heightened in 2015 as we continued to conduct and participate in enjoyable activities amongst the grades including cricket and softball afternoons for the entire House, as well as volleyball and dodgeball activities interhouse. These activities saw students from across the grades join together for various afternoons of fun. The bonds within the house were further strengthened with Year 12 students buddying up with the Year 10 and 8 students in order to help them make the transition from primary to secondary schooling. These activities were well supported and the participation was great to see, especially from a House Captain’s point of view. We would also like to make another proud mention to those boys who were involved in the school production this year, Peter Pan, and those students involved in music ensembles and Mulkadee. As is the case every year many Carew boys and Iggy boys unselfishly contributed to the various charities supported by the College such as The Cure Starts Now Foundation, St. Vincent De Paul, the homeless sleep out. A special thank you to Izaak Yarrington for tirelessly selling chocolates to go towards The Cure Starts Now charity and for overseeing the


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various charity events which raised over $1000 for such a great cause. A huge thank you also to those Year 12’s who gave up their time to help serve breakfast to the people at the Townsville Homeless Shelter which was indeed a real eye opener to see more of our community and to give back to people less fortunate then us. Another charitable donation involves the Year 11’s and 12’s who rolled up their sleeves and donated blood, helping save the lives of others in the community unknown to the donator. From all aspects of Ignatius Park College life, the Carew spirit and involvement has ensured a successful year has been had by all and that the House is in good shape to be handed onto the seniors of 2016. Left with a House buzzing with its first major win under its belt we feel comfortable the future seniors of the House will build on our legacy which calls on everyone to from the IPC/Carew community to make our school and our world a better place for all. Effort Every Time, Participation, Dedication and Compassion - Up the mighty Cudas. Ethan Rasmussen-O’Keefe Carew House Captain

House Photos 2015

CAREW Report

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CAREW Report


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NOLAN Report

2015, was unquestionably the biggest year in Ignatius Park history as it saw the arrival of the Year 7 group. The year was a real test in character for the Nolan House as they were successful where it counts. The sporting accolades were not the best on record. Despite the losses pride was shown in the house like never before. This is solely because of the tireless efforts of our Pastoral Coordinator Mr Cook, a quote that will eventually be instilled in every member of the Nolan House was what kept the house going throughout the course of the year no matter the circumstance “At 99 degrees, water is hot. At 100 degrees, it boils, and with boiling water, comes steam. Steam can power a locomotive. One extra degree makes all the difference and that one extra degree of effort separates the good from the great. The Grade 7’s and 8’s were initiated into the ‘Iggy Park Culture’ very early on in the year with the annual Ignatius Park Swimming Carnival. After a motivational video presentation at the opening house assembly by Mr Cook, the moto of ‘An Extra Degree of Effort’ was unquestionability fresh in every member of the Nolan House’s mind as they hit the water. A lot of people were tested on this day and although some found it hard to get out of their comfort zone, there was a certain two who stepped right into theirs. The Fish or Beauchamp brothers proving their worth, with both of the boys receiving Age Champions for the respective age groups. Although not receiving the physical result we had wished for the heads of each and every boy were still held high with all members of the house showing their true Nolan Spirit.

Next came the infamous Cross Country, and it did not fail to disappoint with Mr Keane and Mr Alloway once again picking the hottest and most humid day of the year to hold the carnival but this did not stop the Nolan House. With the senior boys having one of the most successful Cross Country’s on record, with 4 Nolan boys in the top 10 recognition, to Benjamin Dusabimana who placed a close second. Despite many of the younger boys being very good runners, the majority of them had to branch out of their comfort zone. It was a credit to these boys as they all put in a valiant effort and showed a great deal of perseverance. The Athletics Carnival was next on the agenda and a great day was had, despite the results. The Nolan House did not take a backwards step and fought until the very end. With a 6th place finish, it was a disappointing way to finish our last ever Athletics Carnival but nevertheless I believe this result should not overshadow the success and enjoyment that was had on the day. A special mention to Matthew Hosking who made the shotput look like a tennis ball and to Darcy Smith of Year 11 who produced a stellar performance which gained him Age Champion in the field for the Under 16 Age Group. A thanks must go to Brady Holdsworth and Mitchell McKee who pushed their bodies to the very limit after a short notice to run the 1500m race in the heat of the day, both finishing in the top 10. The Confraternity Shield Carnival was held on the June/July holidays with a number of our Nolan boys competing in the carnival including Oscar Carter and Tom Kenny of Grade 11

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NOLAN Report and seniors Riley Danes and Lachie Taylor, Lachie captained the First XIII boys to a respectable second place, Oscar was also named in the Queensland Confraternity Merit Team. Recognition must also go to the boys who represented the school in this year’s musical Peter Pan. Tom Chapman gained the main role of Peter in this play which was a massive achievement. This talented young man did not disappoint. Brody Jorgensen and Marcello Macdonald must also be recognise for their outstanding performances. Battle of the bands left the entire Iggy Park community second guessing themselves as to whether Daddy Cool or the Nolan Band was playing on the stage. Despite his injuries Tom Mayes pushed through the pain to produce Eagle Rock as well as Ross Wilson did in 1971, recognition must almost be given to Reuben Lomas on the drums,


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Marcello MacDonald on the guitar and Mitchell McKee on the bass. They say you save the best for last and this was indeed proven by the enthusiasm of the crowd, when the mighty Nolan Band performers led by none other the Mayes received a standing ovation. Mrs Conyers, through the ups and downs you have stood by our homeroom and personally I cannot thankyou enough. You entered the Nolan House in 2013 after taking over one half of the homerooms. In 2014 you were given the opportunity to take our homeroom through our final year and we are forever grateful. Although you have had your fair share of hardship the year wouldn’t have been as enjoyable without you and on behalf of the seniors of 2015 I formally thank you for putting up with us and sticking through to the end.

Last but not least, Mr Gary Cook you are undoubtedly the backbone of the Nolan House and you have been for many years. You know each and every member of this house inside and out, this year has probably been one of the hardest you’ve had with the addition of another grade but you stuck through and the Nolan spirit was not lost. You have stood by our cohort since Grade 8, you have seen us develop day in and day out into the men we have become today. For everything you have done from story times at the Grade 9

Camp to inspirational talks at our senior breakfasts, we thank you. I’d just like to say on behalf of the Nolan Seniors of 2015 your support and dedication to the house, it is irreplaceable, so thankyou Mr Cook for not only this year but for everything over the past 5 years.

House Photos 2015

NOLAN Report

Gerard Ferns Nolan House Captain

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NOLAN Report


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NOLAN Report

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NOLAN Report


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House Photos 2015

PUTNEY Report Another action-packed year for the Putney House in 2015 going from one year level (Year 8’s in 2014) to three year levels this year (Years 7, 8 and 9). 2016 will see the Putney House extend to Year 10, while in 2018, the first ever Putney students to arrive at the college will graduate. It’s all happening very quickly. Being the ‘new kids on the block’ didn’t seem to deter the young Silverbacks at all this year as they all immersed themselves in whatever academic, cultural, sporting or spiritual events were on offer. The swimming carnival early in the year saw the Putney House finish 3rd in the junior school competition. Our first ever podium finish. This was on the back of some very strong performances in the pool by Kyle Robinson, Thomas Carey, Nicholas Pearce, Jack Gallagher-Smith, Ben Judge, Jackson Pearce, Jordy Stevens and Matt Lorenz. These young men will only get faster and stronger as they grow so I’m thinking the Putney House will go close in the next few years in securing our first ever victory at this prestigious event. The Athletics Carnival also produced plenty of participation and excitement as the Houses’ ‘Gangster’ theme brought colour and fun to one of the premier events on the IPC sporting calendar. Max Newman in Year 9 was a standout in the field events almost hurling the shotput into the pergola at Holy Spirit and sending the discus some 38 metres to break the school record. This effort also sent him to red track for the TSSSA competition. Ben Judge, Boston Mazlin and Kyle Robinson accompanied Max at red track after strong performances in the 100m, 200m and high jump respectively. All three year levels attended camp in 2015 and although the swimming hole was out of action due to the poor wet season, there was still plenty of adventure and fun to be had up at Camp Gedling. We had shooting down at the range

where no-one even got close to Joe Rudd’s 2014 expert marksmanship, abseiling, high ropes courses, indigenous cultural practices and spirituality, group dynamics, Touch Football, tree Cricket, hikes, obstacle courses and plenty of food to keep everyone satisfied. The Year 9 campers experienced the difference in weather patterns this year as they embarked on their winter bush camp on the 2nd night to the tune of a forecast 3 degrees overnight temperature. Nice and chilly and plenty of ‘sitting around the fire’ time. Jackson Pearce, Antony Jobby and Ben Judge even found time to sit a national Maths exam while on camp. Now that takes commitment. Well done men! We also congratulate Ben Judge, Antony Jobby and Lachlan Braby on their efforts as Middle School Leaders in 2015. All three handled themselves admirably in the leadership field throughout the year and certainly gained some worthwhile experiences – perhaps for future years at the college. The Student Council was also well represented by the Putney House with Zachary Judge, James Rowan, Riley Baldwin and Lachlan Braby all signing on to contribute to student welfare and progress throughout the college community.

The efforts of Zachary Thompson (Year 8) in the charity field should also be recognised in 2015. A quiet and unassuming young man, Zachary was a standout performer when it came to charitable donations to the college community. Most notably, his ongoing contribution of spreads to the IPC toast room throughout the year. Well done Zachary – tremendous qualities for such a young man. Special mention also to Tom Nesirky and Blake McKinley for their efforts in this field.

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PUTNEY Report IPC Chess was also well represented in 2015 with Xavier Hooper, Josh Farrington, James Rowan and Blake McKinley the main contributors to a Chess season that saw many competitors finish with merit ribbons and medallions. The Battle of the Bands was another success for the Putney House this year as our musicians improved on last years’ efforts by competing strongly against the other Houses in an afternoon of colour, fun and really really loud guitar playing. Our band members; Baily Crump, Ben Judge, Corey Gulliver, Zachary Judge, Jack Letters, Hayden Dunlop, Josh Farrington and lead vocals Kieran Chambers and Brendan Buttigieg certainly did the House proud. While on the subject of music – Josh, Hayden and Jack also performed well at the 2015 Mulkadee Music Festival. Hayden wrapped proceedings up on the drums in front of nearly 1500 onlookers on the final day of performing. Jack also found himself caught up in the Production of Peter Pan this year – plenty of participation – plenty of commitment. Well done to all of our musicians!! Many students also received Diligence Awards for academic achievement in 2015. Rueben Roberts, Matthew Thompson, Kai O’Donoghue and Ben Judge were standout performers


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for the Putney House this year as they received awards from across the majority of their subject spectrum. Basically, every teacher they had, respected their work ethic, punctuality, behaviour and academic efforts in the classroom. This is a mighty effort from these men and a testament to their hard work and discipline at the college. There are many other notable mentions, too many for this space however. We’ve had Eddie Rice Day celebrations, lunchtime indoor Cricket competitions, a full school touch competition in Term 2, Year 7 and 8 Retreats at Townsville’s picturesque Strand, year level BBQ breakfasts with other houses to promote social interaction and relationships, District representatives across a number of sporting fields, NQ representatives in Touch Football, Soccer and Rugby League, Basketball and Hockey, Queensland Country representatives in AFL and even a Queensland Shadow in Touch Football. Young Rhys Campbell showing how it is done in Ten Pin Bowling, Rueben Roberts getting the better of Atlas Stones, Boston Mazlin taking it all the way to the rim and Lachlan Marshall being invited to attend a junior Cricket Academy Training Camp, one of only 40 selected nationwide I hear.

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On behalf of the Putney Silverbacks, a special thank you to Ms Claire Dickson, Ms Lisa Moody, Ms Tenille Kier, Ms Tracy Nioa, Mr Ben Williams, Mr Darren Kearney, Mrs Alyssa Deer and Mr Gary Hughes for their professionalism and dedication to the Putney House and wider college community in 2015. I reserve special mention for Mr Hughes who took on the sole role of Year 9 Homeroom teacher for the majority of 2015 in Alyssa’s maternity leave absence. We welcomed Alyssa back in Term 4 this year. Thank you also to the IPC Pastoral Team for their ongoing support throughout the year – Mr Darren Kearney, Mr John Deer, Mr Mark Moxon, Mr Brendan Logan, Mr Gary Cook, Mrs Pudy Timbs, Mr Chris Horn and our new Deputy Principal Pastoral - Mr John Doolan. The Putney House would also like to acknowledge the support of parents and guardians throughout 2015. I am sure you are all very proud of your sons and all of their achievements this year.

To the young men of the Putney House – as I have said before, you are the custodians of a house that will continue to grow and prosper long after you have all left the college for the final time. The standards you set from now on will be followed by those younger who will look to follow thee. You are that important to them. Finally, always keep in mind Bishop Michael E Putney. The motto of your house lends itself to the personal qualities that Bishop Michael was renowned for: Patience…Presence… Passion. Enjoy your holidays and take the time to thank your parents or significant other for the opportunities they have afforded you this year. See you all back on deck in 2016. Mr John Fuller Pastoral Leader Putney House

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REID Report

I cannot begin to explain how honoured I am to have been able to spend my final year at the park representing Reid as the House Captain alongside Harry Milton our Vice Captain and College Prefect, Brett Kittle. The year spent serving with these two men will forever be some of my greatest memories. We as a Year 12 cohort adopted the motto for the year, “good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best”, to promote the Reid men to try their hardest in everything they do. As well as trying to motivate the men to try their hardest, we have also made it clear that we understand not everyone can be great at swimming, athletics or cross country and acknowledged these men trying their best in their chosen field. This is what I believe has brought our house together as a group drastically, accepting everyone for who they are and not trying to make someone be something they are not. I can honestly say that the year has been a success and the young men of the Reid House have gone above and beyond the expectations of the Year 12 leaders.

Everybody’s favourite carnival had crept up on us again, but we were more than ready. The boys kitted up in their best ‘Radical Reid’ costume, suggested by a young scooter rider and proud Reid man Nathan Cocking. All of the boys took on the challenge of putting together their best costume in a matter of days and put on a show for the other houses. Although we didn’t come out on top, I’ve never experienced a feeling like every single boy in the house chanting the names of the swimmer on our block. This didn’t stop by the 2nd or 3rd division either, it continued on until every single man in our house had swum. A special thanks is in order for the teachers and their efforts throughout the day because without them the day wouldn’t have run as smoothly as it did. Also a big thankyou to Ethan Betts, Olijah Kennedy, Kyle Bloxsom, Joshua Cocking, Kyall Davern, Mitch Landa and all the other men who volunteered to help marshal and organise the boys for their relays. Though we did miss out on a placing I know if you asked the boys who won the ‘imaginary’ spirit award, they would say “we did.” And that in itself is a win like no other.

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REID Report The next big event on our calendar was the cross country. Without our chief Indian, Mr Horn, Mr McMahon shone through and lead from the front. This was going to be our best chance at getting a placing with the attendance and attitude on the day outstanding. We promoted grabbing your mate and dragging him along with you just to push each other and earn those extra points and the boys performed nothing less than outstanding. Being able to see all of the boys with nothing left in the tank after they’ve tried their hardest helped weaken the blow of coming second last. Without the result we were after everyone kept their heads high and soldiered on happy with their efforts. A special thanks was well earned by our stand in Chief Mr McMahon for his efforts throughout the day. Coming into the third carnival with a little bit less confidence than the previous ones, the boys stood up and participated in our most creative theme of the year, ‘Red’. Everyone gathered trackside in one of our best events yet. The atmosphere under the tent and efforts from all the


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boys to participate in every event for those extra points was outstanding. With William McDowell-White jumping 190cm with a crowd of almost half the school and nearly all the Reid men there, Joshua Cocking winning the open 100 and 200 metre sprints and a large amount of other age champions, we thought we’d at least finally secure a top 3 placing but unfortunately came away with the wooden spoon. One of our biggest goals for the year was to promote bonding between year levels. For the boys to meet older and younger men of our house we held an all age’s sports afternoon with an impressive turnout. The boys participated in Touch Football, European Handball, Ultimate Frisbee and Touch Gridiron. As a whole the afternoon was a great success and the leadership group couldn’t have been happier with how it turned out. Special thanks to Ms Roberts and Mr Horn for putting on a barbeque and providing drinks afterwards. Throughout the year, the Year 12’s competed in two interhouse lunch time sports, Touch Football and Gaelic.

Unfortunately one was a lot more successful than the other. It was good to see nearly all the boys out at every touch game even if they weren’t playing. No one could stop us until we met our match in the grand final. Unfortunately we narrowly went down to the Baillie house and came away with the silver. Special thanks to Doc Hanley for being down at every game cheering on the boys to do their best and helping with the substitutions for both sports. Unfortunately at the time this article was due in we hadn’t yet competed in the battle of the bands competition but had high hopes and a top two placing in sight. The band was looking great in their preparation for the competition. I would like to wish them the best and hopefully we can come away with our first win of the year. Academia is where the Reid house’s strengths lie. The Reid men throughout the year have only improved in their work ethic and attitude towards their subjects and this has been reflected through their marks. At the beginning of the year one of our biggest goals was to improve the house not only on the sporting field but in the class room and fortunately the boys have stood up and taken the challenge head on.

We are anticipating a lot of the boys to be up on stage on awards night representing the Reid house proudly.

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REID Report

To conclude my report I would like to thank all the staff in the house for always supporting us and trying to get the best from the men. Particularly, I would like to thank Mr Hogan and Doc Hanley for putting up with us all these years and for making us better men. I don’t think we as a Year 12 cohort could have been any more lucky than spending our final year at The Park with Doc. Doc, day in and day out blessed our homeroom with her presence and motivated us to tackle every day the best we could. I would also like to thank Mr Horn for his outstanding efforts in organising every single event we participated in throughout the year and constantly supporting the boys to leave nothing in the tank. We are more than grateful for the time we have spent at The Park and the time we have left and will forever cherish the memories and lessons we have learnt over the years. Thank you, James Dale Reid House Captain

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REID Report

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REID Report


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RICE Report

“You only get out what you put in,” the words spoken by our fearless leader, Mr Logan have continued to echo in our heads throughout the year. At the beginning of the year the leaders sat down and discussed with each other what legacy we wanted to leave behind. This year was the perfect opportunity as Ignatius Park College was making history with the first ever group of Year 7’s coming through our ranks and countless other opportunities the school would offer which would allow us to leave our mark. As the days at The Park went by, the Rice House continued to thrive in their effort to “have a dig” and this year the boys did not disappoint. The year kicked off with five Rice House seniors elected as school leaders for 2015: School Captain – Declan Wolfinden, School Vice-Captain – Campbell Duffy, Prefect – Gehamat Shibaski, House captain Charlton Offermans, Vice-Captain Blake Mayocchi. Although these

students earned a position on the student leadership team, it did not take away from the rest of the cohort as anyone wearing a white shirt and a tie had the capability to be a perfect role models for the younger boys. Our campaign as a House began with the annual swimming carnival. Leading up to the day of the carnival we outlined the expectations to the rest of the House. We told them all we wanted was 100% participation and effort and if we got that, we’d be more than happy. We ended up earning a hard fought second place, narrowly missing out on the main prize. Throughout the day the rivalry between Houses was fierce as the young men of the Rice House fulfilled our expectations to the highest of levels, with everyone competing to the best of their ability. The talent was distributed throughout all grades with everyone contributing evenly and everyone playing their part.

Ignatius Park College 2015


RICE Report

A short few weeks later, the mighty crocodiles returned to their natural habitat; the notorious banks of the Ross River. The Cross Country is constantly regarded as the schools least favourite carnival, however, this did not stop the young men of the Rice House from ripping in and giving their best efforts. In order to succeed, the men of the Rice House had set a goal to never give in to the thought of walking, and yet again they did not disappoint, with the Rice House prevailing as the 2015 Cross Country Champions. Just like the swimming carnival the talent within grades was spread evenly with certain boys stepping up to the occasion. The first term’s results of second in the Swimming Carnival, and first in the Cross Country gave the young boys a taste of the true Iggy Park Spirit and provided confidence within themselves for what was to come in the remaining three terms.

Next on the agenda for the Rice House was keeping the successful streak going, by taking the Schools highly prestigious Interhouse Athletics Carnival out. Leading up to the event, the recent Rice House success was well known across the school and all the other Houses were aiming to knock us out of the winner’s podium, however, the boys were determined to show the rest of the school what we were truly capable of achieving and fought hard. The day kicked off with all members of the Rice House dressed in pink to show their strong support for Breast Cancer Research. The boys were already recognised as winners for getting behind such a great cause for the community, however, they were still hungry for more. The boys fought extremely hard, however, came up short earning another hard fought second place. Overall the day was a huge success as we achieved our primary goal which was for every bloke to have a dig.

With term two approaching, the School’s Musical, ‘Peter Pan’ was preparing for its most successful show in years, and with strong participation from the Rice House, The Park sure did put on a ‘show’. Most notable being Patrick De Waele charming the audience with his humour as ‘Mr. Smee’. Overall the show was a huge success with many Rice House boys supporting the performers by attending.

As term three commenced, so did the Year 12 Gaelic competition. The senior boys were fed up with second place and wanted that little bit extra. However, it wasn’t going to come easily. The boys fought hard and earnt their way back to the winner’s circle and held their Year 12 Championship Gaelic trophy above their shoulders.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Multiple members of the Rice House did not only represent their House at Inter-house Carnivals, but also at Interschool level with many progressing to the Northern Regional Carnivals. The talent within the House was truly incredible, not just sporting wise, but academically. This year a massive improvement was made academically with numerous amounts of boys displaying exceptional results. The boys within the Rice House excelled all year, and ended up not only making themselves and the house proud, but the entire school. The men of the mighty Rice House finally achieved the most desired award at the college, The Paddy Carew Shield. The award has never been obtained by the crocs, until 2015. It was a great way to end the year and put icing on the cake for the 2015 Rice Seniors. In an effort to exhibit the diversity of the House and the talents we foster as a group, the senior boys decided to introduce a new segment within weekly House assemblies called The Talent Show, whereby boys from all grades were encouraged to breach the walls of their comfort zones and perform an act of their choice in front of the entire House. The participation of the boys within the House was remarkable. From Year 7 singers to Year 10 comedians, the boys broadcast an array of talents which left the House in awe. We hope this

tradition is continued in the coming years, whereby the boys will continue to demonstrate support and appreciation of their fellow crocodiles.

House Photos 2015

RICE Report

On behalf of the 2015 Rice House senior group, we want to thank all the teachers from the bottom of our hearts. In particular, a special thank-you to Mr Rigano, Mr Logan and Ms O’Melia who have been with us along our entire journey at the Park. The impact you’ve had on us has been so significant. We entered the school unaware of the people we were to become and now as teachers you have shaped all thirty one of us into fine young men destined for great futures. You will always have a place in our hearts and we will never forget the things you taught us, especially your stories Mr Logan. Thank you. Good luck with your future boys, and remember: Always “Have a dig!” Charlton Offermans Rice House Captain

Ignatius Park College 2015


RICE Report


Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015

RICE Report

Ignatius Park College 2015


RICE Report


Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015


2015 is the year that went down in history as the first year grade 7’s were introduced into high schools throughout Queensland. With a new buddy system linking grades 8, 10 and 12 together and 7’s, 9’s and 11’s together, both older and younger grades were able to connect and bond within the first few months. Every term the bigger buddies would host a morning team for their group, sharing their weekend shenanigans and catching up on day to day life, an experience not a lot of schools are privileged to have. From the get go, the young Tiger cubs showed full participation in all activities, beginning with the carnivals and weekly house meetings, in true Treacy House spirit. The swimming carnival was one of the hottest carnivals I have ever been a part of, but the Treacy Tiger spirit never died down. “Men in Black” was voted in as the theme for the carnival and the boys gave it their all, coming out with a number of fantastic costumes. Kyle Everett fully embraced the theme, winning the house’s best dressed award. Despite a disappointing result in the swimming carnival last year, as a house we set a goal to achieve fourth place or higher. Through hard work and full participation we were able to realise that goal, and achieve fourth place. After securing a rather sound positioning at the swimming carnival, the Cross Country was the next carnival to sneak

up. Cross Country has always been our strong suit, with previous consecutive wins. Numerous students, including myself, trained for the Cross Country, engaging in afternoon and morning runs. Mr Deer has always believed in students pushing their limits to achieve not only for ourselves but for the man standing next to you. The Treacy Tigers pushed onwards through stitches and cramps, determined for success. Despite having a many top athletes finish among the top 5 in all different age groups the boys fell agonisingly short of a victory, narrowly losing to the Rice house. Our heads never dropped and our shoulders never slouched, backing our fellow Treacy brothers all the way during Interschool Cross Country. The final Athletics Carnival was undoubtedly one of the better days of 2015 with every Tiger backing each other 100% of the way through every race. Whether they were on crutches, in casts or strapped up, the participation levels from all Treacy brothers was exceptional and I personally couldn’t have asked for a better house to captain through my final years. The day was able to run so smoothly due to the grade 11’s aiding the grade 12’s by organising the other grades through our mighty war cry whilst we put our heart and soul into every race. Through all the support from fellow brothers ensured the Treacy Tigers slotted clean in 3rd place by the end of the exhausting 2 days of events.

Ignatius Park College 2015


TREACY Report This year’s musical, Peter Pan, was an outstanding performance clearly due to the involvement of many Treacy boys. I am proud to have been involved personally as there was rehearsing an average of 3 times a week, giving up 3 hours on many Sundays is a clear example of the dedication our boys put in to ensure the show would be entertaining for all. Battle of the Bands was also another big day for the Treacy House. With impeccable leadership from Jean Sajeeve the Treacy house band (Kale Smith, Ben Wilmen, Robert Bernie, Matthew Wilmen, Chase Warrell, Aidan Standley, and myself) was able to win for the 3rd year in a row with their hit songs, Chasing the Sun by The Wanted and Anthem by Greenday. The degree of musical talent these boys demonstrated is uncanny and it was an absolute privilege to work amongst them. Prefect Aidan Standley and fellow Treacy Brother deserves a last honourable mention for his incredible efforts raising funds for Townsville’s Homeless Drop-In Centre. Aidan was in charge of a Pie Drive which raised over $650 in what was a truly selfless act of kindness and community mindedness.


Ignatius Park College 2015

To conclude I would like to show my appreciation to the Treacy staff members. Your work both in and outside of schools doesn’t go unnoticed. Whether you’re a new staff member or have been with us forever, you are the heart of the house and without you all, homeroom just wouldn’t be the same. Every morning we’re able to come to school to a safe and enjoyable environment thanks to your constant support and the compassion you share with us day in day out. Personally I cannot thank Ms Squire enough for the breakfasts she prepares every Friday for us and the constant putting up with our nonsense. She was like our second mum. Feeding and caring for us, and for those who forget to bring the appropriate clothes, she even provides clothing. Mr Deer, has consistently been there for every Treacy boy and I was privileged enough to have him as my Pastoral Leader. He organised countless trips and activities for us, with fond memories of Clean up Australia Day at Palleranda. The effort Mr Deer goes to day in and day out is unbelievable. If any Treacy Tiger was asked who they believed the perfect representation of a humble, honest and respectful man was, it goes without saying, Mr Deer would be their answer.

House Photos 2015

TREACY Report Having spent our adolescent years at Ignatius Park, watching each individual change and grow into the men they are today, I couldn’t be prouder of the boys I’ve grown up with. Spending 6 hours a day, 5 days a week for 5 years, special brotherly bonds were bound to form. Every memory made with these brothers was a memory made to last. Whether it was the endless shenanigans during 9 science or the wrestling matches during PE (or countless other memories}. My biggest regret is I didn’t build these bonds with some students earlier. If I could leave one piece of advice to my brothers that are to come it would be this; Make the most of every opportunity presented to you because when the time comes to leave, you only remember the things you do, and you’ll regret everything you didn’t. Aidan Barker Treacy House Captain

Ignatius Park College 2015




Ignatius Park College 2015

House Photos 2015


Ignatius Park College 2015




Ignatius Park College 2015

As a young boy philanthropist and entrepreneur Bill Gates struggled to understand how and where he fitted into the world. Via a chance meeting with academic and historian David Christian the dream of a Big History subject being taught globally is now a reality. The online course – Big History offered through Macquarie University is a narrative. This story however does not start with Ancient Egyptians united under the first Pharaoh of upper and lower Egypt; it doesn’t even start with the first Prokaryotes teeming around underwater vents in the young earth; it goes back as far as human understanding does – currently 13.7 billion years ago. Don’t get me wrong this is still the story of humans. The key questions asked are “What is it that makes the human species distinctive?” and “Why have humans come to dominate the planet within such a relatively short space of time?” The disciplines of History and Science have long been fragmented – divided into separate units based on a curriculum. Students understand each separate topic studied, but never get time to understand the relevance of that historical or scientific study to their lives and to the story of humanity, or to make connections. Everything is discrete and they are left to put the puzzle together somehow! Big History helps students explain how seemingly isolated events taught in school fit in the context of the Universe, its history and how this may have further implications for the future. This course is more fascinating and more intrinsically motivating because it is ‘THE big picture’ and ‘THAT big story’ that is discussed in class. As student Inseram K. wrote in his reflection “Big History has been a great course full of rich content and has been a spectacular way to learn about the world and the ‘mysteries’ it holds. I think of Big History as an intriguing novel, it tells our story with the most artistic pictures and the most refined language”. The narrative of 13.7 billion years provides the framework for looking at nearly every discipline and the contributions that studies in each field have made to our current understanding. The narrative helps students make their own connections within the course and most importantly connections to work they have done elsewhere and to their own knowledge. As student Antony J. wrote in his reflection “This interdisciplinary course has provided me with an insight into the story of

our Universe. It also helps to put together what we have learnt from Geology, Archaeology, Physics, Chemistry, Cosmology, Anthropology, Biology and many more. In essence the course has provided me with a broader outlook on the world today”.

Subjects 2015

Big History

A boy friendly pedagogical approach is due to the way in which the course is set out. It “chunks” 13.7 billion years of history and science into eight manageable thresholds covered in ten units. Thresholds range from the Big Bang, the birth of our Universe, to the formation and death of stars which produce all the chemical elements in the Universe, to the first Agrarian Civilisations and the Modern Revolution. As student Ethan E. wrote in his reflection “Big History was liberating, inspiration, enriching, and developmental and as great new direction in learning”. Or as student Nicholas M. wrote “Big History has helped tremendously with my science and history studies. Great subject for teenage boys who are interested in the creation of our universe and life on earth”. The current Year 9 students who chose the course seem to have benefited measurably and immeasurably and it is fitting to have a student sum up his experience: “After almost a year of Big History I look back on reflection and I have found that although this subject was difficult at times it has encouraged me to find out where I fit in this world. I felt that I have been engaged in everything around me. It has helped me with my other subjects and in general life. I had my doubts to start with but now as time goes on I realise that this is indeed the best subject offered at Ignatius Park. With the fascinating videos to the simple wording of documents the Big History website provides a fascinating platform to learn from. The subject is the only one that is actually interesting to learn about and has showed me that there is so much more to the universe and our world than we are currently told”. Fintan H. On a personal note it has been a privilege and a fantastic experience teaching this course. The multidiscipline approach has enabled me to look beyond my own areas of expertise and learn a discipline other than my own. It is also interesting in the midst of new Australian Curriculum units being published and taught for the first time, to teach a course that is international in execution and more than global in focus. Sally Conn Big History Teacher

Ignatius Park College 2015


Drama Senior Drama is a great way to gain confidence not only within yourself but also the confidence to face others in many different situations. This year the students have had to work above and beyond to achieve a good mark in this subject, working on a variety of different acts and plays the students have enjoyed the drama program. Adam (Year 12) Drama is great for students as they are able to express themselves and truly find and bring out the talents that everyone has on the stage. I would highly recommend the senior drama program to any students looking to gain confidence, work in a laid back environment, enjoy having fun, but are also happy to face a challenge. Sam (Year 12) We were taught many different skills about acting. The skills we learnt were group work, communication skills, improvisation, script writing, and self-confidence on stage. We had to dress up and work as a group to successfully present a play which was really fun and exciting. Josh (Year 8)

Year 10 Drama was fun and a great experience. We learnt all about different styles of theatre and gained confidence in front of others and with my own abilities. I really liked the physical theatre unit where we got to stage a fight scene. I also thought making puppets and learning about the history of them was pretty cool. Manfred and Connor (Year 10)


Ignatius Park College 2015

Subjects 2015

English The best word to describe 2015 is HECTIC! This year saw an exciting time when we welcomed our Year 7 students, the newest members of our College community. The preparation for their arrival took several years and every contingency was considered. However, we needn’t have worried, as the transition was a smooth one and our Year 7 boys dazzled us with their enthusiasm for learning and commitment to doing their best. They wholeheartedly embraced the many opportunities offered to them throughout the year and definitely proved themselves able to rise to any challenge! In fact, the young men from Year 7 Rice can even lay claim to the fact that they managed to defeat me in both the Reading Challenge and the Dictionary Race – feats never previously achieved! This year also saw the introduction of a range of strategies to help students develop their ability and confidence in this subject. A Foundation Literacy Program saw students in Years 7, 8 and 9 undertake regular lessons on core aspects of language, such as sentence structure and purpose, punctuation and homonyms. We hope that by giving the boys the tools to ‘unlock the codes’ of language, this will help them improve in every subject. I’m sure they’ll be only too happy to share everything they know about embedded clauses over dinner one night! A further innovation was the English Club, an after-school tutoring program, which began this year with regular sessions offered for students from all year levels. Senior boys often worked with junior students, which was incredibly positive and rewarding for everyone. These sessions will continue next year in order to offer a further option for the students to receive support when it’s required.

As always, our boys have produced work of which they can be very proud. Students compiled their resumes and completed selection criteria as they prepare to journey towards the workplace and considered the many ways that perceptions are manipulated by the creators of texts. They have explored the tragic world of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and been moved by language intended to challenge, confront and move them through the many texts with which they have engaged and created. As always, the boys have been very ably guided on their journey by their English teachers, who understand the power and importance of words and work very hard to make sure our boys do as well. Through many solitary hours of drafting and marking, as they exhaust yet another pen and rub their tired eyes, English teachers are working incredibly hard to help our boys develop their work and reach their potential. I’m sure all of our students recognise the incredible effort of their teachers and appreciate the support they have received throughout the year.

As we move towards another year at Ignatius Park we celebrate the many successes, some small and others very noticeable, of our boys and wish the senior boys well for the wonderful future they step forward to create for themselves. So, having considered the year that was, I may need to make a small change - the best word to describe 2015 is EXCEPTIONAL! Andrea Tartelin

We also had the ‘What’s Your Favourite Book?’ competition, where the wonderful suggestions made by the boys helped us to compile recommended reading lists for both junior and senior levels. The Year 10 boys watched an amazing performance of Romeo and Juliet, while the Year 7 boys were fortunate to see the Poetry at Play presentation, even though there was some rather smelly subject matter!

Ignatius Park College 2015


Film, TV and New Media

A film production crew typically consists of over 50 employees ranging from Director to Producer, Screenwriter to Editor, Set Designer to Camera Operator and much more. Now combine all these roles into one and that will resemble what the students within Film, television and new media have been asked to do throughout this course. The student’s creativity and time-management skills have been put to the test through critiquing, designing and producing a range of films including local advertisement campaigns, through to the global scale where the students have created their own films centred on the styles of many foreign film genres such as German Expressionism, Italian Neo Realism and of course Hollywood style Horror. The Year 11 boys began the year with an in-depth focus on the Australian film industry and an exploration into its rich history and success throughout the past century. Before diving into the world of business marketing with the focus on advertising our local city. Whilst the boys gathered most the skills of producing a film throughout the early stages of the year, it was the unit on Hollywood with a focus on the Horror genre that really grabbed their attention and showcased some of the strong capabilities these young men have as aspiring filmmakers.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Taking their knowledge from last year, the Year 12 boys began to examine how television is a great platform for reaching out to a wide range of people and essentially focussing on some of the positive and negative messages television has had on constructing popular youth culture. They then put their directing and editing skills to the test in creating a film clip for a song of their choice. Finally, the boys studied a unit on Art House and learnt about genres such as German Expressionism, Italian Neorealism and French New Wave which have been the foundations for some of the strongest styles of films we see today. They then had the opportunity to create, design and produce their own Art House film which really allowed the boys to experiment and showcase their knowledge and creativity. The boys were very fortunate to have members from the New York Film Academy (Australian Branch) visit the school and run a workshop course on how to effectively create their stories into films. It also served as a great opportunity for possible career choices after life at Ignatius Park College. Drew Thompson Film, Television and New Media Teacher

Subjects 2015


2015 in the Hospitality Department we welcomed new teacher Miss Emma Bourne as well as keeping old favourites like Mr Patrick McMahon Mr Mick Lazzaroni and Mrs Jodie Roberts. This year we were lucky enough to hold a chef’s competition in the kitchen and the word has obviously spread about the senior classes and their professionalism in organising and hosting events, as we were approached by a few local organisations to plan and host an event for them. The work the goes into planning and trialling menu items, service styles and décor for each event is a credit to the imagination and enthusiasm of the students and the dedication of the hard working teachers and kitchen assistants who help facilitate the student’s ideas into a reality. Credit should also go to the parents who support each event and are amazed and proud of what their son has achieved. The following is a taste of what each year group experienced during the year; Year 7 The boys were introduced to the Hospitality Department with some of them picking up a knife for just the first time. Others learnt that there is life without a dishwasher and washing up the ‘old fashioned way’ is a valuable life skill. The students cooked their way through cookies, scones, healthy wraps and stir-fry’s just to name a few and gained confidence in the kitchen as well as learning about health hygiene and safety. A highlight of the ten week course was the boys hosting a morning tea event for their parents to show off their newly learnt skills. Year 8 Due to timetabling issues, the Year 8 boys only got to enjoy a Hospitality experience for a day. It was a day to remember with students making biscuits, pizzas and muffins throughout the day learning new skills, kitchen hygiene and safety throughout the day. Year 9 Fresh foods, food presentation and celebrations were the units Year 9 boys completed this year cooking everything from kangaroo sausages to lamb pide and cake decorating. The boys learnt how to select fresh produce and the best methods of cooking the produce using a variety of herbs and spices. The highlight this year was the students hosting a popup restaurant for their parents and teachers many of whom were impressed with their efforts and professionalism. Year 10 Foods for special needs, food trends, food in Australia and food service and catering were the units explored by Year 10 this year. Exploring the various food allergies and intolerances as well as special dietary requirements, gave

the boys a perspective on a very serious issue. A sense of history and cultural pride was gained when looking at the way the Australian food evolved due to emigration. Planning their own canapé and finger food themed event was a highlight for the year. Themes ranged from Italian, Australian to International and everything else in between. Year 11 We have 2 Hospitality classes in Year 11, a VET class and a Hospitality Studies OP class. The OP boys this year planned and managed two events; a coffee shop in the hospitality area and a Melbourne Cup luncheon function in the hall. Both events were and overwhelming success and gave the OP boys valuable experience in planning and managing events. The Year 11 VET boys have been developing their skill in food preparation and beverage making, they are preparing for an event they will be planning for next year.

Both Year 11 classes were lucky enough this year to have specialists within the hospitality industry take time out of their schedule to teach them about the different careers that the Hospitality industry can offer. They completed their RSA and with TAFE specially coming to the school to train them. The Heritage Bar and Grill’s owner/manager Josh Agostino, gave a master class lesson to Hospitality students with hand on real experience in the art of cocktail making and flaring. Year 12 Our Year 12 VET boys planned a black tie dinner event for Apex. The standard of service and quality of the food produced was commented on with one patron declaring he had never had a better chicken Kiev.

The Year 12 Hospitality Studies OP boys started the year with a Friday night Italian Restaurant and in the second semester they hosted an 8 course cocktail event for the Townsville branch of the international gastronomic society Chaine De Rossiteur. A successful night for all involved Both classes attended the Sea World Resort Hospitality School on the Gold coast. They worked in all departments of the resort and participated in a tour and dinner at the Palazzo Versace. Finally I would like to thank the Hospitality Staff, Karin Bechel – Hunter and Debbie Price, for their enthusiasm and dedication to Hospitality. I look forward to next year with a new kitchen in the works and a world of possibility for what the students may achieve. Jude Squire Teacher in Charge of Hospitality

Ignatius Park College 2015


Industrial Technology and Design

This has been a big year for our department in the school. As always we have had busy workshops with students from Years 7 to 10 in our industrial arts classrooms completing projects. Our Senior VET Students have been working hard to finish certificate courses while completing work placements in industry. Our Graphic Students are honing their skills using AutoDESK CAD products; like Revit, Inventor and AutoCAD in from Years 8 to 12. We welcome two new staff members Paul Marano and Emma Bourne to the department and wish them all the best in their time here at IPC. At the end of 2015, Dave Newton will be moving on to greener pastures and Frank Picciolini will be taking 12 months leave Thank you gentlemen for your contribution.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Besides being extremely busy with all the usual activity in our workshops going on we have also seen the completion of the much awaited Trade Skills Centre. This will now see our construction subject move into a bigger space and also the introduction of the new Cert II in Resource and Infrastructure Work Preparation. This certificate is a basic level in Civil Construction. The students will now have some new learning experiences in areas like scaffolding, paving, trenching and concreting. Student will also have an opportunity to operate a dingo with bucket attachments as well as a forklift. I would like to thank all the staff in the department for what has been a very busy and very successful year. Mr Andersen

Subjects 2015

Industry Placement Industry Placement and Vocational Education and Training During 2015, approximately 105 Year 11 and 12 students took the VET pathway, which saw them participate in 6 x 1 week blocks of Industry Placement.

We sincerely appreciate the support of our local community which has enabled us to always accommodate our students’ choice of Industry Placement. Please refer to the back of our College Yearbook which lists all of the businesses who have participated in our program. Please support those who support us! In various areas such as: information technology, chef and hospitality, transport and logistics, retail, fitness, plumbing, electrical, auto electrical, carpentry, plasterer, tiler, painter, nurse assistant, car mechanic, aviation mechanic and diesel fitting and others. VET students were also given the opportunity to complete the Construction White Card, Provide First Aid, CPR Refresher and RSA courses within this program. Some of our boys were lucky to gain School Based Apprenticeships or Traineeships. We would like to congratulate the following students on this achievement: Year 11

Year 12

Cooper Champion Dylan Price Riley Homan Matthew Marshall-McGrath Dimitri Polikarpowski Jake Rainbow Matthew Hosking Pio Kelemete Jared Mazlin Nathan Wootton Jarrod Anderson Jessey David Caleb Murphy Ben Dusabimana

Our aim is for all VET students to move from Ignatius Park College into full time work, apprenticeships or traineeships. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to send my sincere best wishes to the Year 12 students, as they head into the ‘real’ world of employment. Good luck men! Marg Hodgson Acting Dean of Senior School

SCHOOL BASED APPRENTICES and TRAINEES – FRONT ROW: Dylan Price, Riley Holman, Cooper Champion, Marg Hodgson (Teacher) SECOND ROW: Pio Kelemete, Dimitri Polikarpowski, Jared Mazlin ABSENT: Matthew Hosking, Matthew Marshall-McGrath, Jake Rainbow

Ignatius Park College 2015


Information and Communication Technology

Coding the Future

Young ICT Explorers

Code powers the digital world that we live in. Coders are the architects and builders of our digital future. We live in a world where computer programs drive almost everything we use, from our transport to our communication devices. In businesses, aviation, medicine and entertainment, we rely on computers to make our lives easier and better. There are many who argue that Australia’s future prosperity relies on digital technology, and computer programmers are essential to this end. Earlier this year, Bill Shorten stated that if elected a Labor Government would “ensure that computer coding is taught in every primary and secondary school in Australia”. The UK introduced coding in their primary schools last year and many schools in the US are also pushing to make coding a mandatory subject in the curriculum.

This year we had three students enter the Young ICT Explorer’s Competition. It is a national competition that invites students to submit an ICT related project. The three Year 7 students, Hayden Dunlop, Sebastian Petrie and Brendan Mackay submitted a project that they had been working on since the beginning of the year called The Omniverse Project. The project consisted of a short film and a RPG style game which tackled the issue of pollution. The boys had to pitch their project at a panel of judges from academia and industry and answer questions regarding the development of their project. The students performed very well and the judges were very impressed by their knowledge, skills and enthusiasm. The boys were awarded 1st place for the Year 7-8 category and they also picked up the Student’s Choice Award which was chosen by the other competing teams on the day.

At Ignatius Park College, we teach coding from Year 9 to Year 12. Students start their coding in a drag and drop environment and progress to writing their own programs using hundreds of lines of code. In ICT we do not simply teach students how to program computers we teach them how to use computational thinking skills. Computational thinking requires students to take complex problems and break them down into smaller more manageable parts. Each of these smaller problems can then be looked at individually, and students consider how similar problems have been solved previously and focus only on the important details, while ignoring irrelevant information. Next, students design rules in the form of algorithms to solve each of the smaller problems. Computational thinking has to be a fundamental part of the way people think and understand the world. We help students to stretch their minds and think better. They are taught skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.

Bruce Denny Faculty Leader – Information Technology


Ignatius Park College 2015

Subjects 2015

Indigenous Education

2015 saw a number of opportunities for students to engage in developing more understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Highlights of the year included the Close the Gap campaign visit to St Michael’s on Palm Island, Reconciliation Week guest speakers, the Pride in Identity Program which included camps (Carnarvon Gorge and Woorabinda) and tours (Cairns) as well as the annual ‘Iggy Park Deadlys’. A number of students also continued their involvement in the Indigenous Youth Leadership Program, which allowed leadership opportunities to develop within our community. With the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at the College at the highest it has ever been and with the continued success of these programs, the future of Indigenous Education at the College is looking very bright. Andrew Keane

IYLP – FRONT ROW: Steven O’Connor, Douglas Abdul-Rahman, Enemarki Shibasaki, Hayden Saltner, Drew Dawson, Noah Power, Rudy Marshall-McGrath, D’Aundre Cassady SECOND ROW: Olijah Kennedy, Jackson Baker, William Matters, Pio Kelemete, Brodie Germaine, Leo Akee, Christian Power THIRD ROW: Oral Power (Teacher-Aide), Mackenzie Baker, Gehamat Shibasaki, Alex Gertz, Gregory Iorangi, Andrew Kirkpatrick (Teacher)

Ignatius Park College 2015



JAPANESE SPEAKING COMPETION - Mrs Tracey Quabba (Teacher), Joshua Swain, Daniel Hannah, Zachary Judge, Oliver Dickenson, Nicolas McCaig, Cameron Turner

A snapshot of what has happened this year. The boys have worked hard to discover the cultures and languages taught at Ignatius Park College

Japanese Speech Competition Year 7

Joshua Swain and Zachary Judge

Year 9

Oliver Dickinson

Students who were selected to attend were Jean Sajeeve, Reede Moloney, Elijah Sanderson, Sam Stewart, Tim Bloxsom, Abhijith Abraham, Timothy Boniface, Bailey Simmons and Brody Seymore.

Italian Exchange Students

They all delivered strong performances and Zachary Judge was awarded a special medallion for his participation in four Japanese Speaking Competitions.

Ignatius Park College was lucky enough to host two Italian exchange students, Marco Anesin and Andrea Rippa. During Semester 2, the boys immersed themselves into Australian school life and helped out in the Italian classes with Mr Spencer and Mrs Hanran. Marco and Andrea were valued members to our school and embraced the Ignatius Park College spirit.

JCU Young Language Ambassadors

Open Evening

Ignatius Park College language students were invited to attend the annual JCU Young Language Ambassadors Conference featuring guest speakers from all over Australia who inspired the students and teachers to further develop their language skills by considering the opportunities available to those who are multilingual.

Tracey Quabba

Year 8 Year 10


Daniel Hannah and Cameron Turner Nicolas McCaig

Ignatius Park College 2015

The Language Department displayed many of the unique language capabilities at the school’s Open Evening. Students made origami, tested their chopstick ability and tried calligraphy. Parents and new students enjoyed tasting tradition sushi and antipasto entrees.

Subjects 2015

Learning Enrichment

IPC recognises that each student is unique and has different gifts, abilities, interests and styles of learning. The Learning Enrichment Team works in collaboration with staff across the school to ensure our students abilities and needs are catered for. Students who have been identified as having learning difficulties are included in regular work and mixed ability classrooms where differentiated programs are offered to ensure students have the opportunity to develop their full potential. Sometimes it is necessary for students to receive further skill development and English Skills, Mathematics Skills and Science for Living classes are offered from Year 7 to 10. The diversity of student learning needs are met in many ways including a modified curriculum, a differentiated curriculum, in-class assistance, accommodations such as Special Provisions for exams, mentoring and emotional support. The Year 7 and 8 boys quickly adjusted to life at Secondary School and produced some wonderful work with the assistance of our new teacher aide members: Mrs Marie Richards, Mr. Anthony Mitchell and Mr Oral Power who have worked predominately with this year level. We welcome new teachers James Gaston and Dallas Brown to the Learning Enrichment Team this year as well as two new teacher aides: Michael Parker and Ashleigh Kerr. The boys have engaged in a diverse range of activities. Several boys from Ignatius Park competed in the Challenge Games held 29th and 30th July. There were approximately 800 students with disabilities participating from as far south as Sarina to Mossman in the north and Mt Isa to the west. Our boys participated fully through all the events. The Skills Camps organised by Mick Lazz in Year 9 and 10 have once again been a huge success. We are all extremely grateful for the tremendous commitment and dedication by Mick and other staff involved, in particular Brian Geaney, Bianca Helander and Daniel O’Connor ensuring boys received the best experience. I offer my gratitude to Jennie Thompson our new Learning Support teacher who has supported our boys to achieve great success. I wish her all the best in her future roles in Western Australia. Our students are extremely fortunate to have had the support of dedicated and caring professionals. Tracey Nioa Program Leader Learning Enrichment

Ignatius Park College 2015



The Ignatius Park College library is integral to the teaching and learning process. The college library facilitates the work of the classroom teacher and ensures each student has equitable access to resources, irrespective of home opportunities or constraints. With the substantial increase in student numbers, this has been quite a challenge for the library staff to meet this task. While the role of the college library remains constant, its design, digital platform, strategies and tools change as pedagogy and technology changes. In this fast changing world, this too was another major challenge for our library staff. During 2015 I believe our College library did provide the following opportunities and services: •

Created and developed quiet, motivating, flexible physical and digital learning spaces.

• Equipped students with the skills necessary to succeed in a constantly changing technological, social and economic environment. • Collaborated with classroom teachers to plan, implement and evaluate inquiry-based programs that will ensure students acquire skills to collect, critically analyse and organise information, problem solve and communicate their findings. •

Provided and promoted quality fiction to develop and sustain in students the habit and enjoyment of reading for pleasure and to enrich students’ intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth.

Catered for differences in learning and teaching styles through the provision of, and equality of access to, a wide range of curriculum resources fiction and non-fiction, digital, print, audio and video.

Provided teachers with access to relevant curriculum information and professional development materials within and outside the college; and opportunities to cooperatively plan, implement and evaluate learning programs.

• Provided the venue for the after school Homework Program and Senior Study Program. The functioning success of the Library was without question due to the excellent and skilled work done by our “Library Ladies”; Mrs Vicki Andersen, Mrs Laura Fryer and Mrs Marta Goddard. The volume of work done by these ladies is immeasurable – Thank you! During this year the teacher librarian role has been occupied by myself, Leonie Shucksmith, Hannie Pelser and Marg Hodgson. Leonie and Hannie have filled in admirably for Marg while she worked in an acting senior leadership position within the college. Leonie’s and Hannie’s presence and work ethic was always appreciated by both students and staff. Marg has been the teacher librarian since 2011. During her time as Teacher Librarian, Marg has worked tirelessly for the students and has managed the library in the most professional manner. We wish her well in her newly appointed position as Deputy Principal – Operations and Community Engagement. Brian Geaney Acting Teacher Librarian


Ignatius Park College 2015

2015 QAMT Year 10 Maths Camp In Week four, five Extension Mathematics students travelled to Magnetic Island for three days along with students from 14 other schools from all across North Queensland to participate in the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers annual camp. Matthew Astbury, Ramal Jayawardhana, Zachary Timbs, Jordan Tuckey and Matthew Vollmer competed in mixed teams in a variety of activities and scenarios to extend their knowledge of Mathematics and apply it to real life scenarios. The activities included a range of geometric, trigonometric, algebraic, volume and area problems which took the students out of their comfort zones and facilitated group work. All students participated wholly in the program and were a credit to themselves and the College.

Competition Winners Year 7 Nicholas Pearce

Subjects 2015


Year 8 Daniel Hannah Reuben Roberts Drew Boniface Clay Smith

Year 9

Mr Turner Science and Mathematics Teacher

Ethan Engert

Year 10 Riley Campbell Bailee Brown Lincoln Hardy Zachary Timbs Justin Coleman HD

Year 11

7 Zachary Judge

Dexter Anderson Michael Trevilyan Lachlan Burgess-Orton Jason Alsemgeest

7 Julian Fusco-Wright

8 Drew Boniface

9 Core Caleb ChurchStewart

10 Extension Zachary Timbs

10 Extension Justin Coleman

11A Hayden Roberton

11 Pre-Vocational Greg Iorangi

11B and C Lachlan Burgess - Orton

12A Izaak Yarington

12B and C Mitchell Landa

12 Pre-Vocational Nathan Wootton

12 Pre-Vocational Travis Kaurila

9 Extension Ben Stewart

10 Extension Matt Beauchamp

Ignatius Park College 2015



What a great year 2015 turned out to be. The past five years of music seem like a blur and we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. We, the seniors of 2015 are privileged to have been a part of the excellent music program offered at Ignatius Park College. We hope that the experiences and connections we have made through the variety of music workshops with industry professionals, excursions and important performances that we have enjoyed this year, help us in our future music endeavours. If we don’t end up working in the music industry, the experiences we have had this year will be something we will carry with us for the rest of our life. Be on the lookout for Rhys Gillman solo act, pro pianist Andrea Rippa, up and coming opera singer Lachlan Fanning, drumming sensation Reuben Lomas, Barbershop quartet prospect Brody Seymore, one-man band Chase Warrell, future conductor of the Internet Orchestra Declan Rush and Dr. Dre’s new protégé Marco Macdonald. To the future senior music students at Ignatius Park College, we implore you to practice, practice, practice and remember to thank your teachers. Brody Seymore


Ignatius Park College 2015

Subjects 2015

Physical Education

New opportunities has been the focus in 2015 with the introduction of the Year 7’s into secondary reshaping our approach to the middle school program. The new influx has seen students settle and integrate really well at Ignatius Park College learning new skills and engaging with important but challenging topics such as Growth and Development, Identity, Self-esteem and Cultural Diversity. Along with new students, this year saw the inclusion of some new, yet, experienced Health and Physical Education teachers to Ignatius Park College. I would like to officially acknowledge and welcome Matthew Groves and Greg Christ to the

IPC teaching community this year and recognise the hard work they have done in their first 12 months at the college. I know they are excited for 2016 and looking forward to extending their influence on the young men in their academic endeavours. The introduction of new students and staff has also seen an increase in new facilities and equipment with the much anticipated extension to the gym which has an exciting new cardio section including rowing machines, exercise bikes, and ski ergometers to improve the way we teach our programs and implement aerobic based training sessions.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Physical Education It is important to recognise those students who strive for academic excellence and the following two students deserve a massive congratulations with Sam Anderson and Trent Owen being awarded the Dux of Physical Education and Recreation respectively. To achieve strong results consistently over the year requires determination, hard work and perseverance and these two gentlemen have demonstrated these attributes. We look forward to monitoring their progress and the bright future which awaits them in their respective fields. This year we aimed to extend the teaching and coaching of our students by engaging external organisations such as AFL Queensland and Townsville District Rugby Union to come in and conduct specialised skill development sessions with our students during HPE lessons. I would like to pass on my appreciation to those organisations for coming in and improving student outcomes and ensuring a high quality of coaching for the students at IPC. We aim to further strengthen our engagement with community organisations in 2016 and encourage any interested organisations to contact the school. The annual Touch Football Competition was a huge success this year, a record 55 teams nominated to participate in a 7 week competition starting at the beginning of Term 2. Year 9 Ballie (West Coast Cubs) and Year 9 Rice (Ankles) played out a fast paced grand final with Ankles making up for their grand final defeat last year winning the 2015 junior division. In the senior division, Year 12 Ballie (Bailey Biscuits) played Year 12 Reid (Reid Rednecks) with the early competition favourites Bailey Biscuits taking out the title. The high participation rate this year is a strong reflection of the positive sporting culture we have here at the school as the students not only participated in outstanding numbers


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but all games were played with a positive spirit. All staff would like to pass on their congratulations to the students who gave up their lunchtime to add to the schools sporting culture. Also, personally a big thank you to the 30 plus people who volunteered their time and services to ensure the competition ran successfully, unfortunately there are just too many names to mention but without the assistance of all the students and staff who officiated, the competition would be unable to continue. Finally, it is with sadness to hear that Melinda Pearson will not be returning to Ignatius Park College in 2016. I would like to recognise and thank Melinda for her contribution to the IPC HPE department. Her hard work and dedication as faculty leader will be missed but she has left the department in great shape and we wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Ben Williams

Subjects 2015


Tahne Lahiff and Harrison Searle (Year 12 Baillie) reflect on the importance of an Edmund Rice Christian Education:

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

In the majority of schools there is something lacking. Whether it be the search for academic perfection or the pursuit of sporting excellence, a great number of qualities of this College are able to be, and have been, replicated time and again in countless other institutions. Though, we are certain that the unique spirit of communal trust and acceptance along with the incessant reminders and encouragement to focus more on relationships with each other, the community and our God found within our halls has, for now, remained just that, unique. The importance of an education on life and a future outside of the laboratory, worksite or office forms the basis of an Edmund Rice Education, and so prepares students for not just exams but how to live as inherently good and moral people. Personally, the units in Religious Education focusing on social justice issues such as homelessness, refugees and other displaced people, and discrimination were of particular interest and pertinence to daily life, and inspired our desire to pursue a life of consciousness and work in eradicating these injustices. So in conclusion, we do understand not only the value, but the importance of a Christian Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition. It is about more than just the traditions of Catholicism but about the wholeness of a person, something that every young man not only needs but deserves.

The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It is never between you and them anyway. Sandra Hughes

These ideas are best summed up in the words of Mother Theresa’s reflection – ‘Do it Anyway’: People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centred. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

Ignatius Park College 2015



Science at Ignatius Park College in 2015 saw both teachers and students continuing to keep in touch with the everchanging developments of the Australian Curriculum. A major part of this development involved the welcoming of both a new Year 7 and Year 8 cohort to the College. With the expansion of this aspect of the College, a number of new staff joined the Science teaching team, namely Mr Greg Christ, Mr Gian Guerra, Mr Thomas Lucas and Miss Annette Nicholson. With the farewell of our laboratory technician, Mr Michael Cowling, we also had the pleasure of introducing Mrs Annette Gregory to the department. Many thanks must be extended to Mr Chris Rigano for his efforts in filling in as Acting Faculty Leader while I was on maternity leave for Term 1 to 3. Co-curricular science events and opportunities were promoted throughout the year. The revamping of the Science Club was the first thing on the list for Ms Ventic. With the assistance from trusty helpers, Mr Lucas and Miss Nicholson, and the loyal support of several senior students, Ms Ventic and the boys have had plenty of fun on Wednesday afternoons performing experiments across a multitude of science topics.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Four students took up the opportunity to participate in the SPARQ-ed research program in Brisbane during the September holidays. Abijith Abraham (11G), Rhys Gillman (12M), Tahne Lahiff (12B) and Ethan Rasmussen-O’Keefe (12M) learnt how to seed mesenchymal stem cells on to 3-dimensional PLA scaffolds in order to grow bone tissue. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt that research is a viable and rewarding career path. At least 100 young men from Year 7-12 were also invited to participate in the UNSW ICAS Science Competition. Thanks must be extended to these boys for taking up the challenge and gaining worthwhile experience in dealing with multiple choice questioning. Students in Year 7 Science embarked on a new experience in not only being the guinea pigs in initiating their secondary education, but for the majority, actually stepping in to a science laboratory setting for the first time. They have been busy in developing their knowledge and skills by means of separating mixtures, exploring concepts of Earth, water and space, discovering the diversity of life and investigating forces.

Year 8 students found out quickly how much science rocks! Their first unit of the year involved research on the diverse range of rocks and minerals that exist on Earth and the cycle of change they go through. Writing skills were put to the test so that teachers could gain insight into student abilities and literary pizazz. Their practical skills were developed when investigating the building blocks of chemicals and chemical reactions, in designing energy transforming gadgets, and in performing dissections and microscope practicals when studying cells and particular body systems. The highlight of the year would be the fantastic array of cell models that the students presented. This hands-on task always lets the talents of the boys shine through. Year 9 boys tackled projects involving energy transfer. Many impressive, functional energy designs were constructed and clearly demonstrated that students were up to the kinaesthetic challenge early on in the year. The chemistry unit further demonstrated the boys’ practical ability when performing the solubility practical investigation.

The men of Year 10 had a very busy and successful year in the sciences. The enormous number of students that have selected to undertake senior science subjects in 2016 is evidence of the positive success they have experienced through the year in rotating through the units involving chemical reactions and reaction rates, heredity and evolution, and motion and structures. Academic results are extremely strong for this cohort - a phenomenal effort on which the young men are to be congratulated!

Subjects 2015


In the senior years, Biology had a large number of students doing field studies in the new location of the Town Common and Pallarenda. As a change from Magnetic Island, this proved to be just as successful and is planned to be done in the new location again next year. Year 11 biologists had a great, informative time on their excursions to the MTQ and Reef HQ. Dissections always bring about excitement and as part of the homeostasis and genetics units undertaken, anatomy of rats, piglets and particular body parts such as kidneys and muscles were studied.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Science Senior Physics and Chemistry students embarked on the journey of designing, constructing and investigating factors associated with motors, generators, super balls, the art of making wine and illegal volcanoes. A beautiful rose’ drop developed from a blend of grape and plum varieties was the highlight of the fruity concoctions put together this year. It was discovered that maybe pineapples and figs was not such a great combination! An event that stood out was ‘Mr Spencer’s Rocket Masterclass Expo’! Other memorable moments were quoted from the senior Chemistry and Physics men: “Projectile motion was a blast!” and “Thermodynamics was a hot topic!” Joel Diakonow


Ignatius Park College 2015

“We couldn’t understand why the pH meter wasn’t reading. It would help if we took the lid off!” Matt Evans “I discovered the thrill when you do a prac that you have designed, and it actually works!” Bradley Corlis Chris Rigano and all science staff are to be commended for their efforts in 2015. It has been a very busy and challenging year with now having a College body of over 1100 young men. More importantly, parents, their sons and the surrounding community are to be thanked for their understanding, support, positive feedback and contribution to the sciences. We will strive to continue moving forward in redefining the education of young men. Mrs Alyssa Deer Faculty Leader Science

Subjects 2015

SOSE / Commerce


In 2015 the Junior Business classes have explored how enterprising endeavours can meet human needs and wants. The aim of study in business is to challenge our students to consider the impact of business activity on society so that they become informed citizens, workers and entrepreneurs in the future. One of the core understandings in the subject is that business activity affects the daily lives of all Australians as they work, spend, save, invest, travel and play. The Year 9 classes have examined Personal Finance, Business Systems and Economics, Globalisation and Charitable and Not for Profit Organisations, whilst the Year 10 classes have completed an Introduction to Accounting, and Enterprise Venture and a study on Globalisation in the Modern World. Overall it’s been a very productive and exciting year. Kimberly Collins

Year 11 Accounting / Economics at IPC

Student numbers continue to be strong in both senior subject areas of Accounting and Economics at IPC. In the accounting field this year, students explored the core foundations of Accounting Principles / Practices, indulged in the intricacies of Accrual Accounting, disposed of NonCurrent Assets and delved into the technical world of Inventory Control. Although Accounting will always come across as a truly ‘black and white” subject that is stringent on its procedures, few will know that conversations can become quite interesting in class on a weekly basis as practical work will often take the class off on a tangent to discuss real life accounting issues and situations. The future economists immersed themselves early on this year in modelled theories such as the Circular Flow of Income and the Price Mechanism. Term 3 concentrated on a contemporary economic issue. This year it was the Emissions Trading Scheme versus the outdated, outlegislated, but highly popular Carbon Tax. It was also hard to go past discussions on Global Warming and where we are heading as a planet with our insatiable appetite for resources that, in most cases, are non-renewable and predominantly scarce in the first place. Congratulations must go to Joey Roepke who picked up the Year 11 Accounting and Economics awards this year. He was joined by Sam Stewart on the podium in Economics as it was too difficult to split the two. Special mention must also go to Callum MacDonald and Mackenzie Bagley who

performed admirably in Accounting this year. Well done to all and I wish you all the best in your final year of both subjects at the college. John Fuller

History Department in 2015 “The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future” (Theodore Roosevelt) 2015 was a historic year, as for the first time Year 7 students joined Ignatius Park College. These fresh faced young boys made history and studied history, exploring the ancient world of Australia, Rome and China. In Term 3, these young historians journeyed to Ancient Rome, recording the stories of the assassination of Julius Caesar, the eruption of Mt Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii and the Roman invasion of Britain. Imagine the surprise of these young students when a survivor of the eruption, one of Caesar’s assassins and Boudicca arrived in their classroom to tell their stories! The Year 9s and 10s explored the world of Colonial and 20th century Australia, discovering the conflict on the Goldfields and the Eureka Stockade and the fight for freedom, recognition and land for Indigenous peoples. The Year 8s meanwhile discovered the horrors of the Black Death during the 1300s – blood, pus, secret remedies and strange superstitions. Needless to say, most boys thoroughly enjoyed this unit and wrote some wonderful tales which they shared with their classmates! For the Year 11s and 12s, their studies took them on an adventure through the 20th and 21st centuries – war, political upheavals, the fight for equal rights, and the people who made history… The young men in these classes certainly rose to the challenge and produced some thought provoking documentaries which confronted often challenging historical and current issues. As we near the end of 2015, the history department continues to evolve, with the boys discovering new “history mysteries’ to solve… Adriana Rossi

Ignatius Park College 2015


Visual Arts

2015 has brought with it a range of changes to the Visual Arts department, most notably the addition of Year 7 Art. Having the opportunity to introduce an intensive course on core drawing skills, and basic principles of composition will in turn allow for more challenging tasks to be undertaken in the years to follow. Year 8 Art is a rotational subject, the same as 7 Art, where boys get to experience the subject for one term. Following on from here they can choose to continue the subject all the way through into senior which is an OP subject. Proportion, figure drawing, and clay sculpture were the main focus for the Year 8’s this year. After several weeks of hard work recycling clay students produced clay heads which were glaze fired in a range of striking colours. In an effort to bolster the skill of journalling and design, Year 9 Art students focused solely on improving their illustration skills in term 1. This would later prove invaluable when it came time to design their clay dragons, ceramic ware, and Japanese woodblock mono prints.


Ignatius Park College 2015

The Alligator Creek excursion / incursion gave Year 11 students the chance to photograph and draw the natural environment, and later that same day begin work on a large acrylic on canvas landscape painting. Technical skills gained in this unit greatly assist students in the self-portrait unit the following term. Tying into the theme of self-portraiture, the Year 11’s were fortunate enough to see the work of Archibald Prize winner Ben Quilty on the annual exhibition excursion. Congratulations go to Pio Kelemete and Andrew Kennett who are this year’s Dux of Year 11 and 12 art respectively. The recipient of the Brother Grundy Award also goes to Pio Kelemete. Special thanks must go to Debbie Price who once again gave up much of her free time to ensure the completion of all the props required for this year’s production of Peter Pan. Without her efforts the Visual Arts department would not run as smoothly as it does. Brett Deneen Visual Arts Coordinator

Tours 2015

Indian Immersion INDIAN IMMERSION 2015 – “Thinking locally, acting globally”

As part of our commitment to support the Service Learning Initiatives within the school, once again IPC will embark on a journey beyond our frontiers and visit the culturally rich and incredibly diverse land of India. Now in its 5th year of development, the trip will be an immersion into a unique landscape of extremes, where our students will not only continue to forge partnerships with various pre-established outreach programs, but also develop a more humble world view of our neighbours. Far from being a holiday, the 9 students and 3 teaching staff will have the opportunity to travel throughout both urban and rural India and experience this land of contrasts first hand. They will follow in the footsteps of our most humble of global leaders and continue to learn about an incredible culture whose majority of population live on less than $2 per day.

uplifted and renewed at the great works carried out by individuals and groups who are striving to make a difference in the lives of the very poorest of communities. The outreach programs that in India and coordinated by various NGOs very poignantly highlight the strength of the human spirit, and reveal how liberating the power of education can be on individuals. One of Gandhi’s greatest talismans has been “My life is my message”. I challenge all IPC students to consider – what footprint will you leave behind? Pudy Timbs The “India Immersion 2015” group would like to sincerely thank the whole IPC community for supporting their venture. Without your generous spirit and donations, this trip would not be possible. Thank you.

From personal experience, I can guarantee that the students partaking in the immersion will be moved emotionally, physically and spiritually. At times they will feel pity and sorrow for the people they encounter and their plight; they will at times also be repulsed by the assaulting smells and sights. But more importantly they will feel amazed, inspired,

INDIAN IMMERSION - FRONT ROW: Craig Brown (Teacher), Zac Timbs, Pudy Timbs (Teacher), Matthew Oliver, Douglas Bettington (Teacher) BACK ROW: Jack Hall, Ramal Jayawardhana, Joseph Roepke, Mitchell Zohn, Lane Moloney, Campbell Evans

Ignatius Park College 2015


New Zealand Ski Trip

July 2nd saw the annual ski tour take flight to New Zealand’s South Island with the largest ever group with 41 students and 4 staff. Unfortunately for Christian Batic, he found his trip to be shortest in history sustaining a sprained ankle the day before take-off and not being able to go on tour. This took our student total to 40, hopefully not a sign of things to come. We boarded the plane in the wee hours of the morning and travelled to Brisbane before joining up with our flight to Christchurch, NZ. The boys were treated to one of the most spectacular sights in the world, the NZ Alps. They took plenty of photos and had huge smiles, then all of a sudden, the plane dropped. The smiles very rapidly became faces of worry as we hit a cross wind swirling over the alps. Ms Stayte I think had the most concerned look having flashes of those airplane investigations shows. We landed safely, grabbed our bags and head for Methven for our equipment hire and accommodation. Once we did all the necessaries, the boys hit the sack for some much needed sleep. Day 2 saw the boys up bright and early for their first day at Mt Hutt. The time was 7:00am and we were on our way up the hill. We went through rentals and made our way to lessons. There was a wide range of skill levels from everyone with the beginners being relegated to the Magic Carpet, with the advanced boys heading up the mountain to investigate their options. Lessons finished and the boys were off to practice what they were taught in their respected areas. The day wasn’t without incident seeing Kristian Lye crash into Reuben Lomas fracturing his collarbone. For Kristian, this spelled the end of his trip. A few quick phone calls to the appropriate people, and Kristian would be flying home. We were down to 39. Day 3 was much the same as the day before with lessons in the morning and plenty of great opportunity to test out their new skills. Mr Yates and Mr Rigano helped out students with one on one lessons getting them caught up with other students and given them the confidence to go out and adventure. Day 3 saw no one injured…thankfully! Day 4 was one of our travel days and the boys had the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful country sides on the planet. Snow-capped peaks and green pastures mixed with glacial lakes was the scenario to the right and left for the entire trip. We had a stopover a Lake Tekapo where the boys had a photo opportunity and lunch as well as a dip in the Tekapo Hot Pools. This was the perfect recovery session the boys needed after being beaten up from Mt Hutt. The aches and pains disappeared after their 30 minute session. From here we continued on the way to Wanaka with


Ignatius Park College 2015

our only stop at the Mt Cook Lookout. Once at Wanaka, the boys were briefed about the next day and then up town for food for the next day. The night time meal was a treat at Amigos Mexican Restaurant. Days 5 was an early one, 7:15am on the bus. Up the hill we went to Cardrona Alpine Resort, then through rentals and then off to lessons. The snow at Cardrona would be the best the boys would see whilst on tour. There were offpiste sections that hadn’t been open for years that were accessible. Smiles ear to ear from everyone who was on the hill. Everyone by this stage had picked up enough skills to adventure the entire mountain which was great to see. After a great day on the mountain, everyone was accounted for and we were on the bus and heading home. On this day would be Taylor O’Brien’s birthday and he celebrated in style at the Fed Dinner scoring a very special dessert and a sing along from all the boys. Day 6 we were off to Cardrona again with lessons and then adventuring the hill. The day saw snow flurries happen all day with conditions being incredibly cold. Sitting on a chair lift with wind chill, there was on average -20oC. Very cold! As the day went on, the boys continued to enjoy

Tours 2015

New Zealand Ski Trip the mountain but it all had to come to an end and they had to return their gear and head for the hotel. For a treat, the staff organised a night out for the boys at Cinema Paradiso to watch Terminator Genesis. Cinema Paradiso isn’t your standard cinema. Chairs consist of airplane chairs, couches and even a VW Beetle with a half time intermission. Something our boys wouldn’t know was until then. They appreciated the gesture and then we walked home to the hotel and off to bed. On Day 7, we travelled to Queenstown with a stop at the Goldfields Jetboats. This would be Jack Spinks birthday so one of staff gave their ticket to Jack so he could have two runs on the jetboat. They had a blast getting as physically close to the edges as they could, pushing every turn. We continued on to Queenstown and straight for the Luge. The boys head up the Gondola and in for our 5 luge runs down the hill. There was a fierce competition between the boys, barging each other down the hill. This was yet another for the boys loving every minute of the run. We settle into the accommodation and got ready for dinner at the Lonestar Restaurant. After dinner the boys had a chance to explore Queenstown at night heading to the Haunted House and collecting many gifts and goodies to bring back home.

Day 8 would be our last day on the mountain heading to Coronet Peak. Visibility was ordinary for most of the day, but they kept the lifts open so we had to continue on. The boys had lessons as usual and then broke away for adventuring on their own. As the day passed over, the conditions got improved with visibility increasing and the mountain becoming increasingly more enjoyable. There was only one incident to mention on the hill in the dying minutes with Jesse Statham sub-laxing his patella in a turn on his board. Thankfully, it was only a minor injury and he was able to participate in the grand feast at the Skyline Restaurant. The boys had prepared themselves all day for this event, and there was no holding back. The great battle between restaurant and IPC boy took place but the restaurant was the victor yet again. They polished off an incredible amount of desserts, a total that would span an entire set of tables. Day 9 was our final time in NZ as we boarded our plane and headed home, leaving NZ around lunchtime and arriving in Townsville to happy families at 10pm. We started with 41 and ended up with 39. Not bad numbers really! It was an amazing trip that I’m sure none of the boys will ever forget and it would never have happened if not for the teachers Mr Rigano, Mr Yates, Ms Stayte and finally Mr Bettington. Chris Rigano

Ignatius Park College 2015


European Football Tour

Over the recent September holidays, 15 students and 4 staff toured Belgium, England and Scotland with the team playing five games during their travels. The team had just completed playing games in the Townsville Interschool Competition for the Open team so were looking forward to testing themselves against schools where football is so strong and competitive.

Ypres, Belgium After landing in Paris, we headed through central Paris with a quick stop for photos at the Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum. We also managed to travel along the Champs-Elysees up to see the Arc de Triomphe on our way out of Paris. An amazing start to the tour but it was time to move on to the Ypres Battlefields. We met Koenraad Dumoulin, our guide, for our day of visiting the Messine Ridge western front and many of the Australian memorials and grave sites. Each cemetery that was visited, in particular Tyne Cot, Polygon Wood, Hill 60 and the Australian War Memorial, provided moving experiences for all members of the group and gave each of us a sense of overwhelming pride in our fallen Australian soldiers. At these sites, a cross was laid by the group, prayers and the ode were said. The battlefields experience was completed by experiencing the Last Post ceremony at Menin Gate that evening with Brody Jorgensen, Nick Clive and Mark Mewburn representing the group and laying the wreath.

Salesian College, Farnborough After the moving experiences around Ypres it was an early start to make our crossing of the English Channel via the Eurotunnel Train and then straight through to Farnborough for our first game against Salesian College. The boys had barely had time to stretch their legs after more than 3 days on planes and coaches, and suddenly they were about to play their first game. While not a surprise, the boys were disappointing in the first half and had started very slowly, conceding 3 goals in the first half, however a goal by Kai Mittereger from a free kick late in the first half gave the team the jolt needed to get them back in the game. The second half was much better with us dominating most of the half and David Narratone scoring 2 goals but we finished the game losing 4-3. Although it was a loss it gave the boys a lot confidence and the realisation that they could compete equally with teams in England. Goal Scorers: Kai Mittereger 1, David Narratone 2 Man of the Match: Nick Dunn


Ignatius Park College 2015

Marlborough College, Marlborough After a day of sightseeing, including Stonehenge and Old Wardour Castle, we were off to Marlborough College to meet our next hosts. It was a different experience for the boys as it was a boarding school and we stayed on the college grounds, ate all meals with staff and students and enjoyed experiencing their very busy way of college life. After getting in our first training session of the tour, the boys were ready for their next game. On what can only be described as a “first class” pitch, easily the best the boys have ever experienced, we prepared for the game. Again, a slow start saw us conceding goals in the first half with us being down 3-0 at half time. The game was then stopped due to a serious injury to our goalkeeper Brody Jorgensen and the game was moved to the training field for the second half. Although the injury was a low point for us, moving to the training field was a bonus as the slightly smaller field suited our style of play with us scoring 3 goals but still leaking more goals, eventually finishing 5-3 down. A great effort in the second half saw us dominating most of the play and the boys played much better which was a positive leading into the future games. Goal Scorers: David Narratone 1, Brady Holdsworth Man of the Match: Brody Jorgensen

Queen Elizabeth School, Kirkby Lonsdale On our way to Kirkby Lonsdale, we enjoyed the “Football Experience” training session at St George’s training facility where many professional teams train, including the England mens and womens teams. Great preparation for the next game with a professional coach. Game day arrived with the boys ready to try and win their first game of the tour. Unfortunately, another poor start saw us 2 goals behind at half time even though the game was quite even. A good pep talk at half time saw the boys come out firing in the second half to put the opposition to the sword and record a 4-2 win but we could have scored even more in the second half as we were so dominant. A great win with some really high quality attack and defence, especially in the second half. Goal Scorers: Nick Dunn 2, Kai Mittereger 2 Man of the Match: Josh Stanley

Tours 2015

European Football Tour Harrogate Grammar, Harrogate Next host was Harrogate Grammar who we have visited on our previous tour. Before moving on to Harrogate, we explored some of Hadrian’s Wall at Homestead’s Roman Fort in Scotland, then on to Edinburgh where the boys got to explore Edinburgh Castle and The Royal Mile. After the first win of the tour, spirits were high and the boys were keen for the next game against a tougher opposition (Harrogate gave the IPC touring team a lesson in football on the previous tour). Finally the boys realised they needed to play with intensity for a full 90 minutes and they proved they were capable of matching it against any school overseas. A great game ensued with the scores locked at 2 all on the final whistle. We were the better side for most of the match and led 2-0 until midway through the second half, with Nick Dunn providing both goals. Everybody was extremely happy with the results but even happier with the way we played, so a very satisfying game for all. Goal Scorers: Nick Dunn 2 Man of the Match: Brady Holdsworth The Bishop’s Stortford High School, Bishop’s Stortford The weather had turned against us for our final game of the tour with strong winds and light rain, but spirits were very high after getting to watch The Cowboys win their first ever Grand Final, thanks to Harrogate Rugby Club providing us with a venue, access to their internet and a big TV. The boys were looking to finish on a positive but it was going to be a struggle with lots of injuries due to the packed schedule and little time between games and training sessions. A very entertaining game with some interesting refereeing that saw a few boys having to take a break on the sidelines (Sin bin in football??). The team dug deep with Harry Lassig scoring after some good play. However, the heavy schedule took its toll with us losing 3-1. Still a good effort from everybody with the team still giving 100% right through till the final whistle.

With us leaving our final hosts, we headed to London for our final 2 days of the tour. If they weren’t tired after all the games and training, they certainly were after the 8 hour walking tour of London, taking in the Thames River walk, Tower of London and London Bridge. The remaining time in London was spent sight-seeing including London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and then watching the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.

Our final night in London started with the Tour Dinner enjoying each other’s company along with a range of Italian dishes. This was followed by experiencing London’s West End Theatre district and seeing Charlie and The Chocolate Factory at the Theatre Royale in Drury Lane. A great way to finish the tour before travelling for two days to return home to Townsville and enjoy their own beds and home cooking again. As always, it has been a pleasure to take such a great bunch of boys overseas and they have been great ambassadors for Ignatius Park College with staff receiving many glowing reports from hosting parents and staff. The boys matured as the tour progressed and have made many new friends in just 3 weeks. Thank you to all of the boys, but special thanks must go to the staff, Mark Mewburn, Mick Lazzaroni and Bianca Helander for their work on the tour and all the hard work for the 18 months leading up to us flying out. Also, thanks to our CD Designs and Advanced Irrigation for sponsoring the tour.

Goal Scorer: Harry Lassig 1 Man of the Match: Kai Mittereger

Ignatius Park College 2015


European Football Tour After Richmond it was time to move on to London for the final two nights of the tour before flying home. The tour party was really looking tired this late in the tour and we were looking forward to getting home. We had one day left of the tour which was spent touring London on the Big Red Bus Tour, getting to see such sites as the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Bridge, Tower of London and so many other famous landmarks. Especially as these students were the pioneers for Football tours of the UK, we regard this tour as an outstanding success both on and off the field. All tourists are to be commended on their excellent behaviour, attitude and effort throughout their time on the tour. New friendships have been formed with students from abroad as well as within the touring team. I will take this chance to thank Joe Clarke Training for sponsoring the tour, which provided the team with such a professional looking playing strip. Also, thanks to Frank Picciolini who worked tirelessly in the background to make sure this first ever tour was a success and to Mick Lazzaroni for joining the tour to provide advice and support during the three weeks overseas. The staff are looking forward to the next tour in 2017 which can only be bigger and better after this experience. Paul Bruce Coach and Tour Leader


Ignatius Park College 2015

Tours 2015

UK Rugby Tour

Over the September holidays, 38 students and four staff members embarked on the 2015 European Rugby Union Tour. Due to the ever increasing numbers of students playing rugby at the college and the quality of the individuals both on and off the park it was decided to take the unprecedented step of bringing a First and Second XV on tour. It was the culmination of the College’s Rugby Union development program for the open boy’s age group and 18 months of hard work and preparation that allowed this tour to proceed. Big thank-you to Fulton-Hogan, Colliers, Barbeques Galore, W&F Construction, Brothers Rugby Union, Key Motors, Zambrero, Len Dowd and Co Electrical and Julie Mahoney (Harcourts) for their generous sponsorship of team apparel which went a long way to reducing costs for each student. A patriotic visit to the battlefields of Normandy and the Somme in France and Belgium was part of the tour and in preparation for this Donna Baldey from the Family Historians Association of North Queensland along with John Reading (Vietnam Veteran) and Paul Warren (Afghanistan Veteran) from Mates for Mates made numerous visits to IPC during the tour preparation period. During these visits the boys were educated on the horrors faced by young Australian troops during World War I with particular emphasis placed on the Somme Battlefields. Troops from Townsville who fought and died in on the Somme were researched to give this aspect of the tour a more personal touch. Arriving at Charles De Gaulle Airport in the early hours of a beautiful Parisian morning, we took in the sights of Paris via a bus tour; the Eiffel Tower, Arch de Triumph and The Louvre were just some of the sights seen. After a brief tour of the major sights of Paris we set off for the northern beaches of France to explore the battlefields of Normandy. After a refreshing nights rest in Caen we were off to the Somme via the beaches of Arromanches at Normandy. Over the next two days, Bill George from Somme Tours gave the tour party an unforgettable experience of the battlefields and cemeteries, placing a particular emphasis on Australian places of significance and sentimentality. The headstones of a number of Townsville troops that were researched prior to the trip were visited. Many boys had the opportunity to visit distant relatives that had fallen during the war also. At these sites, crosses the boys had made in school were laid next to the graves of men who enlisted in Townsville and had perished in The Great War. Prayers and the Ode were said and moments of silence taken as the group reflected on what was a truly horrific and brutal war. Each cemetery

that was visited, in particular Tyne Cot, Polygon Wood and the Australian War Memorial, provided moving experiences for all members of the group and gave each of us a sense of overwhelming pride in our fallen Australian soldiers. It was only appropriate that this aspect of the tour ended with the Last Post played at Menin Gate, Ypres where it has been performed for every night since 1928. It was a great honour for the tour and team captain to lay a poppy wreath on behalf of the Ignatius Park community. A short journey under the English Channel from Calais to Dover and it was onward to Henley-on-Thames, via Canterbury, where the team got its first taste of rugby on foreign soil at Shiplake College.


Game Day 1 – Tuesday 22nd September 2015 First XV

Won 36 to 5

This was our first game of the UK Tour and playing against unknown opposition is always difficult. From the kick off the boys dominated the contest playing with intensity and aggression, which saw the forwards put Shiplake on their heels consistently and lay the perfect platform for the backs to exploit. The second half saw a renewed resolve from the opposition that limited the scoring opportunities available to IPC. This resulted in the boys getting into an arm wrestle with Shiplake, with both sides only managing to cross the chalk once a piece. However, due to a strong first half they prevailed with a dominant 36 – 5 victory. Tries: Joe Cram (1), Josh Cocking (1), William Bulley (1), Karl Raffe (1), Tom Smith (1), Lachlan Regattieri (1) Conversions: Joshua Figg (1), Joe Cram (2) MVP1 – Tom Smith MVP2 – Patrick Boniface MVP3 – Joseph Cram Second XV Won 38 to 17

Similar to the firsts, the seconds got off to a flier in their introduction to English rugby with two tries in the opening 5 minutes. With pride on the line Shiplake fought back in the second half to close to within five points, only for the seconds to regain the ascendancy and streak away with a commanding 38 – 17 victory. Tries: James Dale (2), Nathan Cocking (1), Kurt Cummins (1), Stuart A’Vau (1), Callum Bell (1) Conversions: Charlie Bennett (4) MVP1 – Layton McColl MVP2 – James Dale MVP3 – Joel McPherson

Ignatius Park College 2015


UK Rugby Tour After an enjoyable two night stay in Henley-on-Thames it was a short bus trip west to Milfield via Stonehenge. The School was set amongst the many rolling fields of Somerset and boasted amazing facilities that included an Olympic indoor swimming pool, Equestrian Park containing 70 horses and 28 cricket pitches and a variety of courts or fields for a number of different sports.

Tries: Ethan Blain (1), Matt Gallegos (1), Tom Gallegos (1), Karl Raffe (1) Conversions: Joe Cram (1) MVP1 – William Bulley MVP2 – Trent Owen MVP3 – Joe Cram


The second XV suited up, albeit depleted by injuries, against Catholic University School and like the firsts started quite slowly. The IPC forward pack was dominated by a strong, disciplined Irish pack which played a forward dominated, Northern Hemisphere style of play. Thankfully, IPC’s steadfast resolve in defence and brilliant line speed was again a feature and successfully nullified the majority of the CUS attack, which had the lion’s share of possession. In a tight second half, IPC were eventually able to gain the ascendancy to score the only try of the half to close out the game 17 to 7. Tries: Charlie Bennett (1), Nathan Cocking (1), Kurt Cummins (1) Conversions: Charlie Bennett (1) MVP1 – Nathan Cocking MVP2 – Mitchell McKee MVP3 – Daniel Cooper

Game Day 2 – Wednesday 23rd September 2015 First XV

Lost 19 to 26

After a tough encounter only the day before, Ignatius Park were asked to back up against Milfield, which is rated as the number one sporting school in the United Kingdom. Once again, the boys came out of the blocks well and quickly sent a message that they were not to be underestimated.. Playing only on heart in the latter stages of the half, IPC chased down Milfield and created several chances to win the game, only to be denied despite crossing the line twice. In a game they thoroughly deserved to win, IPC went down 26 to 19. Tries: Tom Gallegos (1), Joe Cram (1), Lachlan Vest (1) Conversions: Josh Figg (2) MVP1 – Tom Smith MVP2 – Karl Raffe MVP3 – Trent Owen Second XV Won 31 to 19

With a game the previous day and the hectic nature of tour life starting to take effect, the Second XV took a while to warm into their second game. The second half again was dominated by defence, with limited opportunities for the forwards to play to their structure. Another three pieces of brilliance from the outside backs saw IPC gain control of the game, only to let in a few late consolation tries on the back of tiring legs. IPC held on to win 31 to 19 Tries: Ethan Blain (5) Conversions: Charlie Bennett (3) MVP1 – Daniel Cooper MVP2 – Callum Bell VP3 – Ethan Blain The following day, was spent exploring the Roman city of Bath and Wells, which came as a welcome break for the boys. The next day was spent in coaches and planes for the journey into Dublin, Ireland. Catholic University School (CUS) has been visited by IPC on six previous UK tours and, therefore, we were keen to ensure the strong relationships between the two schools was maintained in the form of good rugby and pleasant social occasions, something the Irish are well known for.


Game Day 3 – Saturday 28th September 2013 First XV

Lost 22 - 25

After a hectic week it appeared the firsts were feeling the effects as they started the game very lethargically, coming out of the blocks slowly and immediately allowing CUS to take the ascendency. However, missing a couple of kicks in front and the inability to contain CUS’ set piece kept CUS in the game and eventually handed them the lead. In all the boys showed a lot of character, especially when they were locked down defending their own line for the last 15 minutes of the game. To have scored four tries to three and to still go down by 3 points was very disappointing but provided the boys with an extremely valuable lesson in mental fitness and rugby on a tour.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Second XV Won 17 to 7

The tourists enjoyed the hospitality of the Irish with a down day before getting on the road to Bushmills. Along the journey the team visited the ancient sites of New Grange and took a Black Taxi tour of Belfast to gain a better understanding of the history of the unrest in Northern Ireland. The next day started early, with a trip to The Giants Causeway. After the visit, we travelled by bus back to Belfast, caught the ferry back to England then continued onto Newcastle where we spent the next three nights with our billets from Dame Allen’s School. The school was excited to be able to reciprocate the hospitality and look after the boys, after IPC hosted Dame Allen’s earlier in the year on their Australian tour.

After which the team explored the ancient ruins of Hadrian’s Wall, Housesteads Fort and Steel-Rigg carpark on another glorious day. The following day was game day and the team spent the morning getting an insight into the football mad culture of Newcastle.


Game day 4 – Wednesday 2nd October 2013 First XV

Won 31 - 12

Keen to get back on the paddock against a school rated 16th in England for sporting prowess, the first XV took on a new look with a few changes being made. IPC lost the toss which saw them faced with a new challenge of running uphill, literally. All in all a good display by the boys in a game that was reasonably physical and played in the right spirit and boasting a score line of 31 to 12, which didn’t really show the closeness of the contest. Tries: Kalen Timbs (1), James Dale (1), William Bulley (1), Penalty Try, Luke Olzard (1) Conversions: Joe Cram (3) MVP1 – William Bulley MVP2 – Patrick Boniface MVP3 – Joe Cram Second XV Won 50 - 0

IPC seconds got off to a flier thanks to a fortuitous bounce to “Tommy” on the spot Gallegos, who scored a try within the first minute. The forwards backed up the flying start with large periods of well-structured play which allowed them to dominate most facets of the game. This dominance led to a double to Tom Gallegos and Tyler Roberts, which saw the team go into half time with a commanding 26 to nil lead. The dominance continued in the second half, which led to another four second half tries, including a hat trick to Kurt Cummins. In a pleasing performance, IPC notched up 50 uncontested points for the game. Tries: Tom Gallegos (2), Tyler Roberts (2), Kurt Cummins (3), Stuart A’vau (1) Conversions: Charlie Bennett (5) MVP1 – Lachlan Regattieri MVP2 – Tyler Roberts MVP3 – Tom Gallegos With the game completed and presentations made, the next day saw the tour team travel north to Edinburgh for two leisure days. On the way there was a stop at the Scottish border and the rugby mad town of Melrose, where rugby 7’s was invented. When we arrived in Edinburgh the team participated in a training session with the defensive coach and development officers for the Guinness Pro-12 team Edinburgh at Murrayfield Stadium. Along the way, the group streamed the grand final and listened to the Cowboys win their maiden premiership.


Game day 5 – Monday 7th October 2013 First XV

Won 50 - 12

IPC were keen to finish the tour on a strong note and very quickly showed their intent to get up in the oppositions face and dominate play. However, this was not to be as QES gave as good as they got. After wearing QES down, IPC began to dominate possession and managed to breach their defence to score several unanswered tried, including tries from well-structured lineout mauls. Clearly dominant in the first half, IPC went to the break leading 38 to 7. With IPC making several changes to give the seconds

players an opportunity and QES determined not to throw in the towel, IPC were only able to add two additional tries to their half time tally. In all a convincing 50 to 12 win, but a game that showed all the traits of running rugby. Tries: Daniel Cooper (1), Lachlan Fanning (1), Joe Cram (2), Josh Cocking (1), William Bulley (1), Trent Owen (1), Patrick Boniface (1) Conversions: Joe Cram (4), Josh Figg (1) MVP1 – Trent Owen MVP2 – William Bulley MVP3 – Joe Cram

Tours 2015

UK Rugby Tour

Second XV Won 38 - 0

On a wet, windy and cold afternoon the second team finally came face to face with true English rugby conditions. The conditions didn’t seem to faze the team as they got off to another flier with the forwards playing strong, structured rugby which set the platform for the backs to exploit. The IPC defence stood up again, as it had all tour, to deny the home team and keep a clean sheet. With another two second half tries, IPC rounded off their tour with a convincing 38 to nil win. Tries: Callum Mahoney (1), Joel McPherson (1), Charlie Bennett (1), Josh Leonardi (1), Callum Bell (1), Jason Wilkins (1) Conversions: Charlie Bennett (4) MVP1 – Layton McColl MVP2 – Jason Wilkins MVP3 – Callum Bell

With the tour coming to an end the boys spent their final two days at the comfortable and centrally located Travelodge in London. There, they took in the many famous landmarks and shopping districts on offer. These included Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London and the London Eye. On the penultimate night the final team dinner was held where the boys were praised for an outstanding tour on and off the field and the team MVPs were announced. The awards for the First XV were: Best and Fairest: Joseph Cram, Best Back and Players Player: William Bulley, and the Best Forward was awarded to both Patrick Boniface and Trent Owen. The awards for the Second XV were: Best and Fairest: Callum Bell, Players Player: Layton McColl, Best Back: Charlie Bennett and Best Forward: Joel McPherson. It is fair to say that by the Thursday afternoon, the tour party was indeed ready to journey back to a home-cooked meal and comfortable bed some 16,500 kilometres away. New friendships were formed with students from abroad and existing friendships among teammates strengthened due to the positive bonding experiences that were present on tour. We only hope that these friendships will grow over the coming years and that the boys continue to stay in the game and to experience the world and the many cultures within it. Michael Turner

Ignatius Park College 2015


Italian Exchange 2014 -2015

At the end of the 2014 academic year, 5 of our students embarked on the experience of their lifetimes, joining them will be nine Saint Margaret Mary’s girls and Mrs Catherine Spncer of SMMC and IPC teacher Mr Keith Spencer. They all travelled to northern Italy for a 7 week exchange with our sister school in Pergine, Istituto Marie Curie.

The train journey up the valley to Pergine was a gradual but clear transition from a holiday and the excitement of travelling overseas, to a very different kind of excitement since the students were about to meet a new family that would embrace them as their own for the next one and a half months.

Tahne Lahiff, Tim Boniface, Hayden Roberton, Tom Prince and Alex Kachel had determined they would give up 7 weeks of hard earned summer holidays to travel to Italy to go to school! This meant being away from loved ones at Christmas and New Year, it meant attending school in distant country in a foreign language and most impressively, it meant meeting and then inserting themselves into someone else’s family they had never met. When we think about what faced these young men, it really was quite a brave and breath-taking decision to make but they stepped up and all agree, they had the most amazing experience and grew as Iggy boys in so many positive ways.

The Australians had spent some time getting to know their host brothers via email and social media so they felt a somewhat comfortable with the meeting which was terrific. The welcoming faces of their host parents was really pretty special. They were so obviously and genuinely looking forward to hosting our boys. And that’s exactly what the students experienced.

We were fortunate enough to stay in a hotel right in the centre of Rome within a very short walk of the Pantheon, Spanish steps, Trevi Fountain and more. The Coloseum was only a couple of metro stops away and St. Pauls and the Vatican only 15 minutes on foot. The atmosphere and history of Rome can never be overstated and all of the students soaked it up. After Rome, we headed north to the Italian region Trentino Alto Adige, graced to the south by lake Garda and the north, east and west by the imposing and beautiful Dolomite Mountains of the Italian/Swiss Alps.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Our brother school “Istituto Marie Curie” is a not entirely unlike Ignatius Park. It offers a wide range in its curriculum, as we do, including sport and hospitality but with the key differences that it is a secular school and they are coeducational. Catholic schools are surprisingly rare in Italy but being a predominantly Catholic country, the boys were quite at home with the general religious way of life. Life in Italy is actually a little difficult these days because of the state of the country’s economy. The Italian love of family is extensive and our students were so lucky to be fully welcomed in that way. The group were off to the theatre in Pergine during a school day visit Day to day life included attending school from 8:00 am until lunchtime everyday including Saturdays! Marie Curie were also very generous in supplying specialist teachers to teach 2 x 2 hour Italian language lessons each week which was almost worth the airfare in itself we thought. But after school there was the roar of the little Ape (Italian for Bee) 3 wheeler “pick-up” motorcycle cars that lots of the boys drive.

From day to day, the boys became more comfortable in their new Italian “skins” and the experiences and rewards flowed. Tim Boniface lived with his Italian family and brother Filiberto up the mountain a few kilometres. It was a little isolated from Pergine but life was different and amazing for him. His host family were into mountain sports so the very first day after school they went for a “short” walk to the top of the mountain. It is very steep and quite long. Filiberto mentioned later how fit Tim was. He was very impressed. However, Tim later confided in me, “Sir that nearly killed me but I didn’t want to seem to tired!” And so for Tim during the 2 week break from school over Christmas and New Year, he learnt how to telemark ski and did lots of mountaineering. Prof. Pedrotti as the students in Italy refer to their teacher, did a brilliant organizational job and even sacrificed some of her personal family time during the 2 week pause to escort the students to Venice and Verona. Bolzano near the Swiss Italian border was another highlight where we wandered through the ancient market lined streets and visited “Urzi” the Iceman, a 5,300 yr old mummy found in a glacial mountain pass in 1991 complete in his clothes with his weapons and the food he carried.

We were all hopeful that perhaps in the near future, we would have the opportunity to welcome and host their Italian bothers at Ignatius Park College and in July 2015, 2 young men and a young lady journeyed here to enjoy the Australian way of life in this reciprocal exchange.

Tours 2015

Italian Exchange 2014 -2015

Marco Anesin and Andrea Rippa committed to 6 months of separation from their family and friends to school on the other side of the World at Ignatius Park. They have been supported by the selfless generosity of the Australian exchange boy’s families and have been treated to many terrific experiences of a lifetime. From North to South Marco and Andrea have been treated to life unlike anything at home in their own beautiful country. It has been a very successful exchange and we hope to offer another in the future. Mr. Keith Spencer Italian Cultural and Scholastic Exchange Program Coordinator

The experiences varied widely for the boys. Tom, Alex , Tahne, Tim and Hayden all had unique experiences and were the richer for it. Each of the boys have memories which will stay with them for the rest of their lives and developed friendships which we are sure will endure. All good things must come to an end and on the 18th of December we parted on a very cold early Sunday morning. It was an emotional departure and for me, the perfect measure of success for this exchange. The families and our boys had become closely bonded and very fond of each other.

ITALIAN EXCHANGE – FRONT ROW: Mr Keith Spencer (Teacher), Timothy Boniface, Hayden Roberton SECOND ROW: Alex Kachel, Tahne Lahiff, Thomas Prince

Ignatius Park College 2015



Open AFL Side

Under 15’s AFL

The support for AFL in 2015 was extremely strong with over 30 students turning up for a run with the Open side. The skill level and energy displayed by all members of the Open team was sensational with all boys doing the College proud. It was also pleasing to witness the manner in which the more experienced AFL players assisted in educating their team mates across these games. The end result was a group of young men who supported each other and played as a team.

The AFL season took place in term 4 with a five team competition. It included IPC, William Ross, Kirwan, Cathedral and Grammar.

The season started off with convincing wins over Cleveland, Pimlico and William Ross. However, the major challenge was to come when IPC met our rivals Kirwan. Although the IPC team fought hard, with many non AFL players playing above their skill level, they unfortunately lost their final match for the year. There were many stand outs across the season, however, a big congratulations must go to the core senior group of Dominic Morrison and Charlton Offermans for their on-field leadership. Darren Kearney (Coach) and Jennie Thompson (Manager)


Ignatius Park College 2015

The IPC team was made up of boys from Year 8-10 with a mix of experience. All boys wore the jersey with pride and displayed terrific sportsmanship in every game. At the time of print we have played three games for one win and two losses. The final game against Kirwan should be a cracker as previous results show that it will be a very close contest. Thank-you to our coach Narelle Woodhall and her son Lachlan for their enthusiasm in coaching our boys. It is greatly appreciated. Narelle has a strong association with AFL in Townsville and did an excellent job. Thanks also to parents Kath Newman and Cain Bennett for their assistance. A final thanks to all the parents who supported the boys each week. Brendan Logan (Manager)

Sports 2015


ATHLETICS – FRONT ROW: Riley Pritchard, Louis Zabala, Ricky Faust, Ethan Kelvin, Sam Brunetto, Lachlan Ryan, James Norris, Alex Namoga, James Baboa, Lucas Lynam, Josh Cocking, Kyle Robinson, Ryan Booth, Jordan Davies SECOND ROW: Aidan Freeman, Julian Fusco-Wright, Bingen Balanzategui, Lachlan Dale, Brayden Winterburn, Jalen Ward, Cameron Bateup, Luke Lovejoy, Nathan Seri, Kevin Sajeeve, Adam Cook, Julian Rasmussen, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Mitchell McKee, Harvey Smith, Kmani Levi, Bailey Steel Fowler THIRD ROW: Mr Andrew Keane, Austin Carter, Kieran Ryle, James Barclay, Harrison Leslie, Lope Goidubu, Enjamin Judge, Christian Power, Jackson Baker, Darcy Smith, Lachlan Maginnis, Boston Mazlin, Lucas Copnell, Fraser McKay, Brodie Macdonald, Hayden Saltner, Mr Peter Moneypenny FOURTH ROW: Mr Brendan Logan, McKenzie Baker, Tom Lyons, Mackenzie Bagley, Samuel Stewart, Thomas McCagh, Charlton Offermens, Joshua Myles, Rohan Applin, Mitchell Weis, Todd Mcauliffe, Kurt Schultz, Alex Whitwam, Hunter Zacka, Jack Humphries, Gerard Ferns, Mr John Alloway FIFTH ROW: Mr Gary Cook, Daniel Niven, Jordan Kleesh, Max Newman, Bradey Paxton, Declan Wolfinden, Jayden Rafter, James Conroy, Braden Kenna, William McDowell-White, Matthew Conroy, Mitchell Zohn, Patrick Boniface, Dimitri Polikapowski, Samuel Nimmo, Ryan Gilmore, Mr Matthew Groves

Congratulations to the students listed who made the Townsville Athletics Team to attend the NQ Trials. Ignatius Park won the 12 Years, 13 Years, 14 Years, 15 Years, 2nd in 16 Years and 17 Years age groups and WON OVERALL!!! From the NQ Athletics the following boys were selected to represent Northern Region at the State Track and Field Championships: Kmani Levi, Kevin Sajeeve, Tyson Booth, Tyreece Pott,Harvey Smith, Rohan Applin, Max Newman, Lucas Lynam, Mackenzie Baker, Matthew Conroy, James Barclay, Sam Stewart, Lope Goidubu, Fraser McKay. Andrew Keane

12 Years Jonathan Van Aswegan Kmani Levi Aiden Freeman 13 Years Kevin Sajeeve Tyson Booth Tyreece Pott Ethan Kelvin Harvey Smith Angus Gibb

14 Years

Louis Zabala Jalen Ward Thomas Lyons Rohan Aplin Sam Nimmo Max Newman Cameron Bateup

16 Years

Regan Baker Sam Stewart Jack Humphreys Lope Goidubu Braedy Paxton Frasier McKay Lucas Copnell Darcy Smith Dylan Gudge

17 Years

Charlton Offermans Gerard Ferns Joshua Cocking Declan Wolfinden Patrick Boniface Matthew Hosking Daniel Niven James Conroy Michael Trevilyan

15 Years

Lucas Lynam Mackenzie Baker Matthew Conroy Jayden Rafter James Barclay Mitchell Zohn Kieran Ryle

Ignatius Park College 2015


Basketball Year 7 The Year 7 Ignatius Park College Basketball team had a fantastic season with the boys being undefeated across Townsville. The boys started the season strong and never looked threated as they showed great sporting prowess and terrific sportsmanship. A special thank you goes to all the spectators who have shown support for the boys and added great atmosphere to the games.

Year 8 Once again in 2015, Ignatius Park College were lucky enough to have an enormous amount of Year 8 students with Basketball talent and passion for the game. This meant that two teams could be entered into the TSSSA competition. Over a six week commitment, the teams IPC 1 Dream Team and IPC 2 Iggy All Stars represented the College with enthusiasm, excellent sportsmanship, and true Iggy Park spirit. Both teams were undefeated throughout the competition and played off against each other to decide the overall winner. It was a tough fight with IPC 1 Dream team being triumphant. Congratulations to Boston Mazlin (IPC 1) and Declan Wasley (IPC2) who received overall Best and Fairest and Callum Parsons (IPC1) and Marli Lorangi (IPC 2) who received the coaches award. Thanks must go to Harrison Searle who willingly volunteered his time to help umpire, and to Mr Gary Hughes who gave up his time to run all trainings each week and coached the IPC 2 team. It is certainly exciting times for Junior Basketball at Ignatius Park College. Congratulations to both Iggy Park teams on another outstanding year.

YEAR 7 BASKETBALL – FRONT ROW: Tracey Nioa (Teacher), Sebastian Lynch, Lachlan Waldon, Joshua Martin, Patrick McMahon SECOND ROW: Joseph Gregory, William Bennett, Hunter Finlay, Colby Finaly, Liam Barber, Tomas Carey ABSENT: Keenan Whitwam

Amanda Loechel and Gary Hughes

YEAR 8 BASKETBALL IPC WHITE – FRONT ROW: Ms Loechel (Coach), Terence Rooney, Brendan Lee, Callaway Parker SECOND ROW: Boston Mazlin, Curtis James, Callum Parsons, Jack Thomson ABSENT: Clay James

YEAR 8 BASKETBALL IPC BLUE – FRONT ROW: Gary Hughes (Coach), Reuben Roberts, Hamish Carter, Kyle Wynne, Declan Wasley SECOND ROW: Jack Taylor, Marley Iorangi, William Thompson, Jack Gallagher-Smith ABSENT: Manuel Kelly-Fenech


Ignatius Park College 2015

Sports 2015

Basketball Ignatius Park Basketball State Champions! The Champion Basketball School of Queensland tournament, held in Brisbane saw two Ignatius Park College teams compete. The First V contested the division one competition with the U15 Development Squad contesting third division against Open age teams. The talent and depth of ability across these teams lead to some outstanding results. The U15 team, coached by Mr Gary Hughes played unbeaten until the final of their competition. These boys displayed a combination of talent and teamwork to overcome the size and strength of teams made of older students. The current First team had the same result in their first CBSQ tournament against the same Marsden SHS Mako’s team. The IPC First V are 2015 State Champions with a win over Brisbane Boys College in the Grand Final. On the way to the win we played St James College the runners-up from 2014, when IPC finished in third place. Our formidable front court duo of Ethan Betts and Charlton Offermans were joined this year by William McDowell-White to create an unstoppable combination on the court. The starting five is rounded out by Jeremy Myles and Taylor Millar. While we have three outstanding players, the coaching staff of Mr Brent Millar and Mr Leo Hogan have the luxury of a strong contingent of bench players that can support and carry on the fight when the leaders need a break. Ms Amanda Loechel accompanied the team taking care of score bench duties.

U15’s BASKETBALL IPC WHITE – FRONT ROW: Ms Amanda Loehel (Coach), Sam Brunetto, Adam Cook, Hunter Wriede, Maverick Parker SECOND ROW: Aiden Mazlin, Lochlan Cook, Matthew Conroy, Lachlan Dale

Coaches and Staff would like to thank the parents who have supported us all the way from home and in Brisbane. Also to acknowledge those who have sponsored our program Global Welding Supplies, Mazlin Electrical Services, Page and Pearce, and Xerox. Leo Hogan U15’s BASKETBALL IPC BLUE – FRONT ROW: Mr Gary Hughes, Jalen Ward, Tom Owens, Jye Pearce, Cody Evans SECOND ROW: Logan Kyle, Robert Birnie, Callum Parsons, Jordan Kleesh, Boston Mazlin ABSENT: Ashley Gondalez, Corey Gulliver

STATE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS FRONT ROW: Charlton Offermans, Braedy Paxton, Ethan Betts, Declan Wolfinden, Harrison Bird, Amanda Loechel BACK ROW: Brent Millar (Coach), Jeremy Myles, Nathan Jorgensen, Bailey Weaver, William McDowell-White, Taylor Millar, Harrison Crandley, Leo Hogan (Manager)

Ignatius Park College 2015



OPEN CRICKET STATE CUP - FRONT ROW: Thomas Conn, Ryan McGill, Timothy Boniface, Emmaus Benn, Bailee Brown, Lachlan Joyce, Joshua De Munari SECOND ROW: Tim Lindeberg (Manager), Jackson Baker, McKenzie Baker, James Conroy, Daniel Niven, John Dempsey, Teague Moloney, Jacob Seri, Gary Huges (Coach)

Senior Cricket The Senior Cricket Team again performed well in the State 20/20 Competition. Convincing wins against Williams Ross State School and Gilroy Santa Maria College ensured the team advanced to the Northern Region finals played at Harrup Park, Mackay. In the first game of the finals’ series against Atherton State High School, Ignatius Park posted a competitive score of 6 for 120 batting first. Captain Daniel Niven led the way with 49 not out. He was well supported by Jackson Baker (43). Despite lacking a little control under lights early with the new ball, wickets at regular intervals restricted the scoring of Atherton until they were eventually dismissed for a 78. Daniel Niven closed out the innings with an impressive 4 for 4. Bailee Brown, Emmaus Benn and Thomas Conn also bowled well, with Joshua De Munari flawless behind the stumps. Unfortunately the second game on Day 2 was washed out, leaving the winner of the final game between Ignatius Park and Rockhampton Grammar to advance to the State Final. Batting first, Joshua De Munari compiled a well-constructed 92 not out. He was well supported by opening partner John Dempsey, putting on a 100 runs before the loss of the first wicket. Emmaus Benn, Daniel Niven and Jackson Baker all chipped in late in the innings to push the Ignatius Park total to 3 for 162. Rockhampton scored quickly in their first five over, despite two wickets from James Conroy placing the game in the balance at 3 for 40. An excellent fourth wicket


Ignatius Park College 2015

partnership ensured Rockhampton scored the winning runs with 2 overs remaining with four wickets in hand. We look forward to putting another strong team on the field for 2016. We wish all the departing senior players best of luck with their future cricketing endeavours and sincerely thank them for the contributions they have made to the program during their time at the College. Tim Lindeburg

INTERMEDIATE CRICKET – FRONT ROW: Mr Tim Lindeberg (Manager), Travis Busch, Connor Snow, Cam Pacey, Ethan Engert, Brendan Haylett, Mr Michael Conn (Coach) SECOND ROW: Lachlan Marshall, Oliver Dickenson, Max Newman, Liam Duffy, Joshua Ward, Bingen Balanzategui

Sports 2015

Cross Country

CROSS COUNTRY – FRONT ROW: Jack Sanson, Tom Kelly, Jordan Davies, Sam Twiname, Aden Simpkin, Kyle Robinson, Darcy Redicliffe, Louis Zabala, Travis Busch, Reuben Roberts, Nick Pearce SECOND ROW: Bailley Steele, Maverick Pegararo, Ben Stewart, Riley Bloom, Ben Parker, Ben Leonardi, Thomas Bennett, Oliver Gibson, Adam Cook, Rhys Mead, Jordy Stevens, Lachlan Moreton, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Ethan Ramsbotham, Diego Urdaniva, Aiden Freeman THIRD ROW: John Alloway (Manager), Lucas Lynham, Jalen Ward, Kevin Sajeeve, Boston Mazlin, Mitch McKee, Tom Wells, Nick Nugent, Dominic Morrison, Tim Stokes, Luke Lovejoy, Will McMahon, Lachlan Dale , Josh Figg FOURTH ROW: Lachlan Vest, Jack Humphries, Alex Whitwam, Charlton Offermans, Sam Anderson, Gerard Ferns, Sam Stewart, McKenzie Bagley, Jack Reddicliffe

Ignatius Park College won the Townsville A Grade Cross Country Championships last week.

16 Years Sam Stewart, Oliver Gibson, Sam McGhie,

Whilst our 12 Years and 14 Years dominated the completion, our 16 Year team tied for first. The Open team, 15 Years team, and 13 Years team came second. It was a great team effort and all the boys contributed to the win.


The following students went on to represent the school at the Townsville Competition 12 Years

Jack Sanson, Aiden Freeman, Maverick Pegararo, Kyle Robinson, Jordan Davies and Nic Pearce

13 Years

Aidan Simpkin, Kevin Sajeeve and Luke Lovejoy

Mackenzie Bagley and Josh Figg

Mitchell McKee and Mitchell Weis

NQ Schools Cross Country Trials saw 16 boys run, with 5 boys qualifying for the NQ team and competed at the state championships on the Gold Coast Name

Louis Zabala Thomas Harte Lucas Lynam Sam McGhie Mitchell McKee

Age Group

14 Yr 14 Yr 15 Yr 16 Yr Open


1st 4th 5th 5th 6th

14 Years

Kyron Walters (14Year), Jalen Ward (15 Year), Mitchell Weis (Open) and Adam Cook (15 Year) finished in the top 10 but outside the top 6.

15 Years

Greg Christ North Queensland Coach

Jalen Ward, Louis Zabala, Thomas Harte, Kyron Walters, Ben Stewart, Sam Twiname and Patrick Morrison Lucas Lynam, Adam Cook, Nic Nugent, Lachlan Dale and Alex Whitwam

Ignatius Park College 2015


Football - Bill Turner Cup

BILL TURNER CUP – FRONT ROW: Louis Zabala, Lachlan Armit, Benjamin Stewart, Riley Bloom, Zac Timbs, Lucas Lynam, Bailey McDonagh SECOND ROW: Patrick Carter, Ben Leonardi, Jake Siandri, Cameron Stabler, Joseph Hirst, Mitchell Gulson, Brendan Stewart (Coach) THIRD ROW: Thomas Clive, Jayden Rafter, Jared Fagg ABSENT: Kyren Walters

The Bill Turner Cup team performed well in 2015. Ultimately, we felt disappointed not to progress beyond the local stages of the competition. However, the boys trained and played with distinction and again represented the College well in their time on the pitch this year. In 2015, we trained to play and perform a more effective passing game, which requires training and preparation at a high level. As a group we sometimes found this difficult as school football is constantly challenged with the club football commitments of players. I would like to thank the players for their patience and their ability to still play and train for IPC when their clubs are asking players to commit more time to their schedules. The campaign started with a Development Tour trip to Brisbane as part of celebrations for the 2015 EREA Centenary for St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane. The boys performed better as the week progressed, and this culminated in a brilliant 2-0 win V St. Edmund’s, Ipswich, a team which had beaten us a couple of weeks earlier in Townsville. We also had good wins V St Laurence’s during the tournament itself.


Ignatius Park College 2015

During the program the team had good wins against Kirwan SHS, Pimlico SHS and Townsville Grammar School. Unfortunately, we lost to Grammar and then to Burdekin Catholic High in the latter stages of the tournament. We did have a good mix of youth and experience in the squad, and we hope this keeps us in good stead for next year. The squad felt at the end that they had missed an opportunity to progress beyond the local stage of the Bill Turner Cup. This year the team was managed by Teacher Michael Lazzaroni with the assistance of teacher-aide Bianca Helander. I would like to thank Mick, Bianca and our Director of Football, Mr Paul Bruce, who helped to organise opportunities for the boys behind the scenes. Mr Phil Yates and Mr Mark Mewburn were also fantastic in their support during the Development Tour to Brisbane in the early part of the year. Finally, I would like to thank the players for their efforts in 2015, and we look forward to a bigger and better season next year. Thankyou sincerely to the current year 10 students who will now move on to the IPC Open team next year. Brendan Stewart Bill Turner Cup Coach

2015 was another great year for football, and it was such an advertisement for the sport to have over sixty students try out for our two teams. As usual, Ignatius Park College provided two teams for the local competition, and we ensured our teams were of equal strength. With a hectic schedule, our lads trained very well each week, and it is a pleasure to see the level of skill in Townsville, and in particular Ignatius Park College at an all-time high. With teams of a high calibre, we expected to perform well, and as the season progressed, there were some very pleasing results. As with all sport, there was an unlucky loss or two between the two sides throughout the twelve matches, however once the students got to know one another, and the way they play, coaching the boys was a real pleasure. Long range and accurate shots, excellent midfield play and steadfast defence became the norm, and in true IPC spirit, excellent sportsmanship was maintained throughout the season by all players. I would like to thank Mr Philip Yates who coached the IPC WHITE team for his continued dedication to the sport, and to developing and encouraging

SENIOR FOOTBALL – FRONT ROW: Joshua Stabler, Patrick Carter, Karl Raffe, Jake Siandri, Braden Bloom SECOND ROW: Evan Glover, Harrison Milton, Jayden Rafter, Brady Holdsworth, Joshua Armit

young players at Iggy Park, and my manager Mr Fuller who supported the boys in many areas behind the scenes that often go unnoticed.

Sports 2015

Football - Junior Well done to all of the students who played this year. You have all been a credit to the college and your families in the manner you have trained, played and conducted yourselves. Best of luck to the Year 8 lads as they move on to the under 15 division, and I look forward to the Year 7 lads playing next year in this competition another year older and wiser. Mr Deer IPC Blue Team:

Connor Romano, Bailey Waddington, Hudson Murray, Patrick Shephard, Hayen Tarlington, Finlay Jenkins, Diego Urdanivia, Aidan Freeman, Ethan Ramsbotham, Jeremy Howell, Caleb Gunn, Tim Sharman, Parth Jhamb, Lachlan Bawdon, Sam Williams, Blake McKinley

IPC White Team:

Charlie Priestly, Joseba Kelly, Samuel Mazarek, Lachlan Waldon, Kyle Robinson, Kai Simmons, Jack Gallager-Smith, Clayton McCoy, Joseph Gregory, Jacon Vitale, Cooper Hurst, Clay Henderson, Yanni Collocot, Nathan Hutchings, Daniel Kratzman, Kurtis Brink, Valentin Nshimyumukiza

U15’s FOOTBALL – FRONT ROW: Bailey McDonagh, Zachary Gough, Patrick Carter, Dakoda Vaughan, Benjamin Leonardi, Matthew Vollmer, Lucas Lynam, Reece Torkington-Keyse SECOND ROW: Jack Hall, Jayden Haines, Jayden Rafter, Damon Pennisi, Michael Forster THIRD ROW: Dominic Unamuno, Thomas Clive, Jared Fagg, Jake Siandri

Futsal In 2015, for the first time in many years, the College entered Futsal teams in a local Townsville interschool competition. The students showed great enthusiasm this year for the sport. I actually recorded the names of 73 students at our first meeting! Unfortunately we could only take 10 Open players and around 20 Junior players this year. We are looking to extend on this commitment in 2016. Our Junior teams, Blue and White, were very successful in this tournament. The Blue U14 team won the competition and were crowned North Queensland champions, and the White U13 team made the Grand Final but went down to a team from St Patrick’s, Mackay. Thankyou to Mr Phil Yates who took the Open team this year. We look forward to more incredible participation from our students for this sport in 2016. Brendan Stewart (Junior Futsal) Phil Yates (Senior Futsal)

JUNIOR FUTSAL – FRONT ROW: Timothy Sherman, Kai Simmons , Joshua Pether, Kai O’Donoghue, Callum James, Ethan Ramsbotham, Bailey Waddington, Daniel Kratzmann SECOND ROW: Brendan Stewart (Coach) Louis Zabala, Mitchell Gulson, Reece Torkington-Keyse, Damon Pennisi, Benjamin Stewart THIRD ROW : Jared Fagg, Riley Bloom, Cameron Stabler ABSENT: Kyren Walters

Ignatius Park College 2015



IPC Open Hockey 2015

Queensland U15 and U18 Men’s Team 2015

Hockey at IPC has been very strong this year. The IPC team went through the Interschool competition undefeated to successfully defend the title.

Gerard Ferns (U18 Shadow) Played for the Northern Territory

Benjamin Judge (U15 Shadow) and Curtis James (U15 Shadow)

Queensland U18 and U15 Men’s Squad 2016

Gerard Ferns and Liam McKay (U18)

Benjamin Judge, Max Spriggs and Curtis James (U15)

The team started off strongly with a 3 – 0 win over Kirwan High School. Followed up by an 8 – 1 win against Townsville Grammar. Another 8 – 1 victory over Kirwan High and the final game was a high scoring 10 – 4 victory over Townsville Grammar. Well done to Year 7 and Year 8 boys; Drew Boniface, Callum James, Curtis James, Sawyer Faulks, Zachary Judge, Mitchell Parker and Sebastian Petrie who all debuted in the Open Hockey team with goal scoring performances throughout the season. The IPC Open Hockey team played Bowen State High School on the 21st July. The IPC team had an 8 – 1 victory and showed great sportsmanship in a very enjoyable game. Congratulations to Gerard Ferns, Liam McKay, Patrick Forster, Lewis Spriggs, Matthew Astbury, Benjamin Judge and Curtis James on their selection in North Queensland Open School Boys Team that competed on the Gold Coast in May. Strong performances from Liam McKay, Gerard Ferns and Patrick Forster resulted in further selection in the Queensland Open School Boys team that toured New Zealand in October.

To our Senior Boys Liam McKay, Gerard Ferns, Kevin Stark, Lewis Spriggs, Tim Boniface and Patrick Forster who are leaving the team we wish you well and hope that you continue to play and enjoy your hockey. Thank you to Peter Spriggs for his continued support of the IPC Open Hockey Team and thanks also to Jennie Thompson for umpiring and assisting with the team. Geoff Brown and Jacinta Foley Hockey Coordinators

Congratulations also to Sawyer Faulks and Zachary Judge who were selected in the North Queensland U12 School Boys Team and competed at the School Boy’s State Championships in Ipswich. Well done to the following Boys that were selected in Queensland teams and squads.

HOCKEY – FRONT ROW: Ms Jennie Thompson, Zachary Judge, Callum James, Max Spriggs, Rhys Mead, Drew Boniface, Sawyer Faulks, Ms Jacinta Foley SECOND ROW: Matthew Astbury, Curtis James, William McMahon, Benjamin Judge, Kevin Stark THIRD ROW: Mr Geoff Brown, Liam McKay, Patrick Forster, Gerard Ferns, Lewis Spriggs


Ignatius Park College 2015

Sports 2015


ROWING-FRONT ROW: Daniel Rennie, Nicholas Cussen, Nicholas Garvey, Aaron McRae, Fintan Halpin, Guy Cummins, Liam Fusco-Wright, Mitchell Jarrett SECOND ROW: Mr Daniel O’Connor (Rowing Co-ordinator), Lachlan Stevenson, Jesse Statham, Joseph Roepke , Conor Dalton, Jack Cobon, Jack Dunn, Kian Dalton THIRD ROW: Kieran Moran, Thomas Smith, Patrick Boniface, Cooper Stocks ABSENT: John Patrick Connell, Taylor O’Brien, Christian Lauder

Rowing at Ignatius Park College allows students from Years 8 to 12 of all abilities to participate in a sport that is both low impact and competitive. Students compete in a wide range of boats from the individual Single Sculls to the large and prestigious Eights. In 2015 Ignatius Park College Rowers competed in Local, State and National competitions. Locally IPC Rowing competed against other school programs in a series of regattas during Terms 2 and 3. Students train three times a week in a range of boats that test them technically and physically in preparation for the competitions. This resulted in some stunning races throughout the season and the most exciting Head of the River in a long time.

IPC Rowing would also like to thanks our coaches; Rob Hamilton, Nick Potter, David Underwood and Elizabeth Underwood for their time and effort throughout the season as well as our support network of Donna Kittle (Fundraising), Kay O’Connor (Tuckshop) Janine La Fauci (Accounts) Bill Jervis (Bus Driver) and the Parents for all of their assistance this year. Daniel O’Connor

For the second year in a row Ignatius Park College has been represented at the Sydney Open Rowing Championships by Tom Smith and Patrick Boniface. Tom and Pat train year round to be in form for the competition that takes place early in Term 1 and their efforts and commitment do themselves and the College proud. A select group of Rowers from Grades 9 and 10 represented the school at the Queensland State Rowing Championships in Rockhampton in the September school holidays. The boys performed well against rowers from around the country and abroad with the highlight of the trip the Year 10 Quad crew placing Second overall in their division. The boys showed great sportsmanship and they all should be congratulated for their efforts and their commitment to training. 2015 IPC State Rowing Team: Liam Fusco-Wright, Fintan Halpin, Mitchell Jarrett (Cox), Aaron McRae, Guy Cummins, Nick Potter and Kieran Moran. The Ignatius Park College Rowing would like to thank our all of our Gold and Bronze level Sponsors, without their generous contributions we would not have a Rowing team.


Arch Fraley Photographics, Battery World, Brumby’s Bakery Annandale, Dillon Architects, Gabrielli Constructions, Len Dowd and Co Electrical and Setch Design.


Virginia Henry Optometrists, John Gribbin Realty, The Kittle Family, Townsville Debt Recovery and Consultancy, Skinworx

Ignatius Park College 2015


Rugby League

U12’s RUGBY LEAGUE - FRONT ROW: Jayvan Scarff, Maverick Pegoraro, Lachlan Scott, Ryley Musumeci, Jordan Davies, Charlie Bird, Jack Sanson, Aiden Scott SECOND ROW: Mr Pollock, Lachlan Nugent, Lachlan Miekus, Thomas Kelly, James Stephan, Bailey Steel, Mr Guerra THIRD ROW: Trey Valentine, Ryan Booth, Alex Dietrich, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Jai Hill, Kmani Levi, Malachi Ware

Under 13 Blue Rugby League Team

Under 14 Rugby League Team

The 13 Year Blue Rugby League had a great season going through the season undefeated. Our closest game was against the IPC White team in a close and competitive game we won 24-12. Season MVP’s were: Best Forward Mackisaac Lapworth, Best Back Tai-Reece Pott, and MVP Bingen Balanzatgui.

Our under 14 Rugby League team finished with four wins and one loss. We finished second to a strong Kirwan A team. The competition consisted of five teams (two from IPC and two from Kirwan and St Anthony’s).

Greg Christ

U13’s RUGBY LEAGUE BLUE - FRONT ROW: Josh Kinsey, Jamie Humpreys, Darcy Reddicliffe, Tai-Reece Hill, Bingin Balanzatgui, Aiden Simpkin, Mitchell Yow, Matthew Sharp, Greg Christ (Coach) SECOND ROW: Ryan Pearce, Jiro Whyte, Patrick Lulham, Izack McLean, Maletino Laf, Macisaac Lapworth, Angus Gibb, Clay Smith

Under 13 White Rugby League Team

The under 13’s had a six week season with the boys getting 5 wins out of six with our only loss coming at the hands of the Under 13 Iggy Park Blue side. Throughout the season the boys improved individually and as a team, which was reflected in many of them being chosen to represent the college in the Under 13 Rugby League tour against Mercy College Mackay and St Brendan’s Yeppoon. James Gaston

We were led by Noah Power, Lleyton Anderson, Jake Connor and Jacob Keir up front. Adrian Trevilyan and Darcy Stevenson shared the hooking duties. Our back rowers were Lachlon Whitehead, Mitchell O’Connell and Oliver Dickinson. Brayden Winterburn and Cameron Bateup played at lock. We used a number of combinations in the halves. All handled their roles well. These included Tom Chester, Brendan Haylett, Zac McMinn, Hayden Rowbotham and Josh Ward. The centres were Sam Nimmo, Kyle Ashby, Sam Twiname and Kyren Walters. Wingers were Matt Eggins, Caine Anderson, Tom Hills and Jordy Stevens. Fullback was Max Newman and Patrick Morrison. Many boys played out of position but did so for the good of the team. Congratulations to Cameron Bateup on being selected in the NQ Under 15 Team. An outstanding effort from a fourteen year old. The highlight of the year was the game against Kirwan A. We did not win the game but as Rugby League often does, it presents the opportunity to show real character. We were down 16-0 at half time. The game had the potential to be a “blowout”. We really lacked intensity in the first half. We were even hesitant against much bigger opposition. In the second half we played much better football. The catalyst was some “rough house” tactics against one of our players. To a man, the boys responded in true IPC style by playing tough, clean football. We scored two tries to get back to 16-10 as the final score. Thank-you to all parents for your support. A huge thanks also to Mr Oral Power for his assistance in coaching the team. His time and effort is greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing this team develop under the coaching of Mr Matthew Groves (A member of our 2004 First XIII). Under 15 is a big year for school boy football with an NQ side selected for the QLD Championships. The school competition expands to include teams from Cairns down to Yeppoon.

U13’s RUGBY LEAGUE WHITE - FRONT ROW: James Gaston (Coach), Bailie Armstrong, Connor Snow, Declan Venz, Ethan Kelvin, Benn Dalle Cort, Bake Read, Cooper Withers SECOND ROW: Harley Bowden-Seage, Jarrod Copley, John Nawara, Alain Mukasa, Ethan Rennie, Kyam Nallajar THIRD ROW: Aka Pio, Jake Bourke, Jarrod Bubner, Ryan Pickering, Jack Taylor ABSENT: Bradley Pardon, Jaydn Gray, Clay Jang


Ignatius Park College 2015

Thank-you to all boys for your efforts this year. The sportsmanship displayed each game did IPC proud. The hope is for all boys is to continue enjoying the great game of Rugby League. Brendan Logan

Sports 2015

Rugby League

U14’s RUGBY LEAGUE - FRONT ROW: Zachery McMinn, Tomas Chester, Darcy Stevenson, Adrian Trevilyan, Jordy Stevens, Matthew Eggins, Brendan Haylett SECOND ROW: Mr Brendan Logan,, Cameron Bateup, Lochlan Whitehead, Oliver Dickinson, Brayden Winterburn, Hayden Rowbotham, Noah Power, Mr Oral Power THIRD ROW: Kyle Ashby, Jacob Keir, Thomas Lyons, Max Newman, Samuel Nimmo, Lleyton Anderson, Mitchell O’Connell

Under 15 Rugby League Team The year saw us start with a squad of 42 players all keen to represent IPC. After a number of early mornings, the boys were keen to finally have a trial game out in Charters Towers. The bus trip was a highlight, with Uncle Kracker and many other fine musicians blasting out from the oversized speaker. As expected, it was a very rusty performance but one that showed how committed the boys were defensively. The side continued to improve during a narrow loss to Kirwan (10-18) at the NQ trials and then a solid win at Abergowrie (28-10). The highlight of the year was a close fought win over Kirwan SHS (14-10) which was the boys’ first win over this side in three years. Unfortunately we were outclassed in the Semi Final of the Cowboys Challenge by Rockhampton Cathedral (28-8). We certainly did not perform at our best, but I am sure that this will be a game that all players will learn from in the future.

This was a quick but hard season, led by Coach Mr Cook and Trainer Mr Williams. Rugby League seconds at Iggy Park is a great way for the boys to prove that they are ready for the First XIII. Brodie Chaffey, Dalton Pegoraro, Caleb Jones, Jordan Whitehead, Patrick Conn, John Tulcher and Lope Goidubu have all stepped up from playing seconds, and made it into the First XIII Squad. This season we played numerous teams such as Black Heath Charter Towers, All Souls Charters Towers, Kirwan High, Ryan Catholic College, St Anthony’s and Cleveland Juvenile Centre. Against Kirwan High, it is always a fierce contest because of the rivalry the boys have made before us, and the boys stepped up to the plate. Unfortunately we went down 18-16. With a few of the more experienced boys playing really well, with Dalton Pegoraro winning Man of The Match. We played a very physical game against Ryan Catholic College, with Caleb Jones and Patrick Conn setting the platform, both men leading from the front, ultimately gave our backs the edge they needed to get over the top winning 8-6. In a very exciting time of the season, we travelled to Cleveland Juvenile Centre to play, which was a first for many of us. It was a great experience for everyone, we went up 30-12 with the try scoring machine Callum Bell going in with a double and Man Of The Match. This was a very successful season for everyone and we enjoyed every minute of it. A special thank you to Mr Cook, Mr Williams and Miss Thompson for all their help throughout the season. Also a big thanks to Jacob Pegoraro and Jonothan de Rooij who were our water boys. It was an unforgettable season and we thank you for the memories that came along with it. John Tolcher

A special mention to Harrison Leslie, Isaac Locke, Adam Cook, Manfred Babao, Mitchell Zohn, Adam Whyte, Hayden Saltner and Cameron Bateup who were selected in the NQ Schoolboys team this year. Also an extra congratulations must go to Mackenzie Baker who represented the QLD Schoolboys team at the national championships. Best Back – Harrison Leslie Best Forward – Mitchell Zohn Best and Fairest – Mackenzie Baker Mr Groves and Mr Bettington

RUGBY LEAGUE SECOND XIII – FRONT ROW: Jahn Brautigam, Cieron Cuthbert Botha, Jack Maye, James Field, Jordan Whitehead, Kurt Cummins SECOND ROW: Gary Cook (Coach), Callum Bell, Caleb Jones, Jack Reddicliffe, Josh Thorsen, Joe Cram, Jacob Pegoraro (Waterboy) THIRD ROW: Aiden Fitzsimmons, Jack Humphrey, Robert Fairbanks, Connor Morgan, Daniel Walk, Richard Vaughan ABSENT: John Tolcher, Brodie Chaffey, Dalton Pegoraro, Patrick Conn U15’s RUGBY LEAGUE - FRONT ROW: Michael Watson, Drew Dawson, Hayden Saltner, Ryan Kinsey, Luke Kenny, Matthew Jeffrey, Dre Backer SECOND ROW: Matthew Groves (Coach), Harrison Leslie, Adam Cook, Manfred Babao, Daniel Conn, Keiren Manning, Adam Whyte, Jared Evans, Cameron Bateup THIRD ROW: Jack Kelly, James Barclay, Kieran Moran, Mitchell Zohn, Trent Lloyd, Isaac Locke, Mackenzie Baker

Ignatius Park College 2015


Rugby League First XIII First XIII 2015 Aaron Payne Cup Our 2015 season began strongly with a 22 - 0 win over Kirwan High School in the NQ Trials which was round one of the Aaron Payne Cup competition. From these trials the following players were selected to represent NQ in the State Championships to be held in Brisbane. Jacob Bourke, Oscar Carter, Tom Conn, Campbell Duffy, Lachlan LaRosa, Christian Power and Gehamat Shibasaki. Gehamat and Jacob went on to represent Qld U18 Schoolboys team at the National Carnival in Wollongong, which was an outstanding achievement. We then travelled to Mackay for Round two of the Aaron Payne Cup which saw us defeat St Brendan’s 20 - 18 and Mackay State High 34 - 10 in a double header. Round 3 took us to Abergowrie where we defeated them 42 - 16. Round 4 was held in Townsville with another double header. We had good wins over The Cathedral College, Rockhampton 44 - 6 and also St Patrick’s College, Mackay 20 -10. Heading into the Grand Final undefeated, we met Kirwan as the curtain raiser to the Cowboys vs Eels NRL game at 1300 Smiles Stadium. In what was a high quality game, we were defeated 24 - 18, with individual errors at key times hurting us.

RUGBY LEAGUE FIRST XIII - FRONT ROW: Kyall Davern, Christian Power, Riley Danes, Jacob Bourke (Captain), Enemarki Shibasaki, Thomas Conn, Alexei Namoga SECOND ROW: Christian Quabba (Assistant Coach), Matthew Rowan (Coach), Jordan Whitehead, Brodie Germaine, Campbell Duffy, Ethan James, Reece McKenzie-O’Brien, Lachlan Taylor, Kayleen Foster (Manager), Fr Rod Ward (Team Doctor) THIRD ROW: Regan Baker, Tom McCagh, Kurt Schultz, James Conroy, Tom Kenny, Oscar Carter, Lachlan La Rosa FORTH ROW: Caleb Jones, Gehamat Shibasaki, Brodie Chaffey, Lope Goidubu

2. Regan Baker

U18 NQ Schoolboys, U18 QLD Schoolboys U18 Qld State of Origin

3. Tom Kenny

Regan is a gifted player and talented athlete. He filled in at fullback, five-eighth and on the wing this year and never let the team down. Regan will be one of our leaders next year and we look forward to another big year from him and seeing his game develop.

U16 Qld State of Origin

5. Tom McCagh

6. Oscar Carter

7. Jacob Bourke

1. Gehamat Shibasaki

Gehamat is a talented player who boasts great physical attributes. His size and strength made it difficult for the opposition to handle him all year. I look forward to seeing Gehamat develop in the future. We wish him luck at the Brisbane Broncos next year.

Tom played mainly on the wing but also filled in admirably at centre and fullback. Tom is an extremely consistent player who always gets the job done. We will look to him as one of our leaders next year and look forward to working with him again in 2016.


U18 NQ Schoolboys QISSRL QLD Merit Team

Oscar had a breakout year in 2015. A skilful footballer with a good pass and kicking game. His ability to take on the line made him a danger to opposition teams. Oscar will be a leader next year and we are looking forward to watching him take his game to the next level.

Ignatius Park College 2015

Tom is a talented outside back. His defence and flair with the ball in hand is a real feature of his game. He is a strong ball-runner who has the ability to turn games. Unfortunately a few injuries hampered his 2015 campaign and we never saw his true potential. Looking forward to a big year in 2016 from him.

First XIII Captain U18 NQ Schoolboys U18 QLD Schoolboys

Our captain for 2015 and someone the boys looked towards in the big games or when things got tough. Jacob has an excellent kicking and passing game. It was great to see him run the footy more this year, as this is when he is at his best. His talk and communication in defence was also a highlight this year. We wish him luck at the North Queensland Cowboys next year.

4. Lachlan LaRosa

U18 NQ Schoolboys IPC First XIII Best and Fairest (Doc Ward Medal)

Lachlan had an outstanding year. From his attitude in the gym, on the training field, to turning up and performing every game. Lachlan often lifted the team with a big hit in defence and always proved dangerous with the ball in hand, finishing off and finding the try-line on many occasions.

8. Thomas Conn U18 NQ Schoolboys

An honest and tough front rower who always carted the ball forward and never let the team down. Thomas was another player who all of the team loved to play alongside. Thomas was always consistent and played with his heart on his sleeve.

Sports 2015

Rugby League First XIII

9. Reece O’Brien

A skilful and talented dummy half. Reece was always creative out of hooker and provided good service for his forwards. Reece also played his best footy in the big games of the year, which was pleasing to see.

13. Lachlan Taylor

10. Christian Power

11. James Conroy

12. Campbell Duffy

U18 NQ Schoolboys QISSRL QLD Merit Team


When Christian played well, the team played well. A talented footballer who has great feet at the line and always managed to get between defenders and over the advantage line. Christian also possessed a great offload and good hands.

A real success story of 2015. James’ work ethic and willingness to listen and learn allowed him to transform from a ‘skinny’ outside back to a ‘rangy and reliable’ back rower. James always played tough and was an asset to the team. We wish him luck at the Penrith Panthers next year.

U18 NQ Schoolboys

Another player who the boys loved to play alongside. Campbell was always consistent and played tough. He would always play with his heart on his sleeve. His leadership qualities will be missed.

14. Kyall Davern

Bobby was electric out of nine all year. He was another player that the boys loved to play alongside with. He played way above his weight and always put his body on the line for the team.

15. Riley Danes

16. Kurt Schultz

U18 NQ Schoolboys

17. Ethan James

18. Brodie Germaine

19.Enemarki Shibasaki

20. Alex Namoga

21. Jordan Whitehead

22. Brodie Chaffey

A real competitor, Lachy was an extremely tough player who always did his job. His defence and no-nonsense style made him one of the first players picked every week and he always put his body on the line for the team.

Another younger member of the squad who will be a leader of the pack in 2015. His efforts in the gym this year are to be commended. Ethan has a good carry and is solid in defence. Ethan will need to take his game to the next level next season and we look forward to his development.

Jordan had limited opportunities in 2015. However, when he got his chance at Confraternity, he took it with both hands and performed consistently during the week.

Brodie had a solid 2015. He offered good impact whenever he entered the field. His strengths were running hard and his leg speed. He brought size and intimidation to our pack.

Riley had a great 2015. He often lifted or changed a game with his impact off the bench. His tough carries and being ever reliable in defence were the features of his game. Another guy who all the boys loved to have beside them.

Although a younger member of our squad, Enemarki was one of our best forward’s in 2015. He especially played well in big games. Enemarki is aggressive in both defence and with the ball in hand. He is extremely skilful and always asks questions of the defence when running the ball. We look forward to a big year from him in 2016.

A younger member of the squad who had the ability to play in the middle or on the edge. Kurt always did his job and never let the team down. He also really stood up in some of the bigger games, which was great to see. We are looking forward to his development next year.

Alex was a player that everyone loved to play with. He always did the tough carries coming out of our own end. Alex played above his weight and never took a backward step.

Brodie had limited opportunities in 2015. He is a tough and clever playmaker who has the ability to play at hooker. We will be looking forward to see him develop in 2016.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Rugby League Confraternity Confraternity 2015 was hosted by St Peter Claver College at Ipswich. IPC kicked off their first game with a good win over Abergowrie College 28 - 0. This was a well contested, physically tough game for the boys, nursing a few injuries afterwards. Game 2 brought us up against Emmaus College Rockhampton with another good win 24 – 6. We were down with some injured players, so the boys did well to pick themselves up. Game 3 was well played against local rivals, Ryan Catholic College with the score 26 - 0. The quarter finals saw us up against St Edmund’s College with a best game of the week winning 28 – 0. All boys played well and thankfully injury free leading into the semi-finals. After a well needed rest day on Wednesday, spent nursing a variety of injuries and illnesses, we were ready to get back into the action for the semi-finals on Thursday. St Patrick’s College, Mackay saw us with a hard fought win 14 – 0. This win put us into the Grand Final to play off against St Brendan’s College, Yeppoon. We came racing out of the blocks in what we knew was going to be a tough game, to lead 22 – 6 at half time. However, a lack of composure and individual errors at key times, let St Brendan’s back into the game and it was 22 all at the end of regulation time. This forced the game into extra time where St Brendan’s proved too strong and came away with the win 28 – 22.

accompanied us on the tour and gave positive support to the team. I would sincerely like to thank Fr Rod Ward on behalf of the entire squad. Fr Rod (Doc) made his ninth trip to confraternity and was again worth his weight in gold. Every year he works his magic and the staff and players appreciate him enormously. Mrs Kayleen Foster, our Team Manager who does an extraordinary job behind the scenes, to help get the boys on the field throughout the season. Appreciation is given to the parents and friends that have supported us throughout the year. It is hard work getting a team to Confraternity. Finally, I would like to thank our Sponsors: BLK, Brothers Rugby League, Rowanair, Waltlec and Pacific Imports. Without their generosity each year, this tour would not be possible. It is exciting to see our juniors coming through and we look forward to developing them for the new season and of course, for Confraternity 2016 which will be hosted by The Cathedral College in Rockhampton. Matt Rowan First XIII Coach

The following players were selected into the Queensland Independent School Boys side; James Conroy (second row), Oscar Carter (five-eighth) and Christian Power (front row). Our player of the week was awarded to Lachlan LaRosa, who was outstanding in both attack and defence all week. I would like to give a special mention to the following boys for contributing throughout the year, through training and games. Patrick Conn, Lope Goidubu, Caleb Jones and Dalton Pegararo. We look forward to seeing them in next year’s squad. Each member of this team should be proud of themselves and their achievements, both as Rugby League players and more importantly, as young men of Ignatius Park College. These boys continually put their bodies on the line for their coach and their school and they should be extremely proud of their achievements. I would like to thank the League staff of 2015. Assistant Coach and trainer, Christian Quabba. Christian puts in a mountain of work into both strength and conditioning of the boys and is also an asset with field trainings to ensure are well prepared. I would also like to thank Gary Cook who


Ignatius Park College 2015

CONFRATERNITY – FRONT ROW: Kyall Davern, Christian Power, Riley Danes, Jacob Bourke (Captain), Enemarki Shibasaki, Thomas Conn, Alexei Namoga SECOND ROW: Christian Quabba (Assistant Coach), Matthew Rowan (Coach), Jordan Whitehead, Brodie Germaine, Campbell Duffy, Ethan James, Reece McKenzie-O’Brien, Lachlan Taylor, Kayleen Foster (Manager), Fr Rod Ward (Team Doctor) THIRD ROW: Regan Baker, Tom McCagh, Kurt Schultz, James Conroy, Tom Kenny, Oscar Carter, Lachlan La Rosa

Sports 2015

Rugby Union XV

Another good year for Rugby with over 50 students’ trialling for the 1st XV squad for 2015. Obviously these numbers were impressive along with the skill level displayed by the boys so we decided to enter a 2nd XV also. Encouraged by the enthusiasm shown by the entire 1st and 2nd XV squads we were keen to get stuck into the season and avenge some of the under par performances from 2014. In all the boys played five local competition games which was encouraging given that school sport is struggling in some areas due to a variety of reasons and two international fixtures late in the season. When looking at the 2015 squad it is plain to see that the individual talent was very good with a lot of the players representing their club sides well and being involved in the finals series. This notion was backed up with the team coming together well to produce an undefeated season and some convincing results.

Local Competition Game 1 - Wednesday May 13:

Defeated Pimlico State High School – 67 to 0.

The 1st XV Rugby Union team had a great start to the season with a convincing 67 – 0 win over an understrength Pimlico who have just recently returned to the competition. Coach Mark Moxon said the boys played the game in the right spirit and it provided a good opportunity for them to refine their skills and patterns from training.

Once again the boys were determined to avenge last year’s defeat to Grammar by coming out hard and making sure they started strong. Despite it being a scrappy game they came away with a 17 - 3 victory. Tries: Matt Gallegos (2), Thomas Smith Conversions: Daniel Niven

MVPs: Matt Gallegos, Daniel Cooper, Thomas Smith

Game 4 - Wednesday June 10:

Defeated The Cathedral School – 43 to 0

The team finished off their local season with a well constructed win over Cathedral. The boys fought hard throughout the game to eventually defeat Cathedral 43 - 0. It has been a successful season for the team with strong wins against all their opponents.

Tries: Josh Cocking, Thomas Gallegos, Patrick Boniface,

Thomas Smith, Joe Cram, Conner Morgan, Matt Gallegos

Conversions: Nathan Cocking (4)

MVPs: Conner Morgan, Lachlan Fanning, Patrick Boniface

Tries: Josh Figg (3), Nathan Cocking (2), Patrick Boniface,

Conner Morgan, James Dale, James Field, Joey Cram, Lachlan Regattier.

Conversions: Daniel Niven (5), James Dale

MVPs: Conner Morgan, Josh Figg, Daniel Niven

Game 2 - Wednesday May 20:

Defeated Kirwan State High School – 48-0.

After losing to Kirwan the previous year in a close game the boys were determined to come out stronger this year. The boys played a fast paced game of running rugby to eventually defeat Kirwan 48 – 0.

Tries: Tom Wells, Patrick Boniface (2), Thomas Smith (2),

Lachlan Fanning, Robert Fairbanks, Daniel Niven

Conversions: Luke Olzard (4)

MVPs: Daniel Niven, Thomas Smith, Patrick Boniface

Game 3 - Wednesday May 27: Defeated Townsville Grammar - 17 to 3

RUGBY UNION FIRSTS – FRONT ROW: Joshua Figg, Joshua Cocking, Nathan Cocking, Thomas Gallegos, Tom Wells, Daniel Cooper, Dexter Anderson SECOND ROW: Bruce Denny (Manager), Matthew Gallegos, Ruan Konik, Lachlan Vest, Mark Moxon (Coach), Lachlan Fanning, Joseph Cram (Captain), Karl Raffe, John Alloway (Co-Coach) THIRD ROW: Jackson Baker, Kyle Caspani, James Dale, Trent Owen, Callum Mahoney, Ethan Blain FOURTH ROW: William Bulley (Vice Captain), Tom Smith, Luke Olzard, Connor Morgan, Patrick Boniface, Daniel Niven

Ignatius Park College 2015


Rugby Union XV International

Representative Honours

This year saw two UK school teams touring Townsville, which gave us a perfect opportunity to host them and experience another style and standard of rugby. Given such an opportunity the IPC Rugby Union community did not disappoint and rallied to help billet a number of UK students. Going above and beyond, rugby families hosted over 80 students from abroad in a three week period. While this effort was tremendous it also provided the 1st XV and UK Touring squads with a couple of challenging and entertaining games of rugby.

Townsville U18 School Boy Representatives:

Game 1 - IPC vs Dame Allans School:

Best and Fairest

Patrick Boniface

Best Forward

Connor Morgan

Monday July 20: WON 56-5

Ignatius Park opened their international season with a tour match against Dame Allen’s School from Newcastle, Northern England. Dame Allen’s opened the game strongly, in true Northern Hemisphere style. Their aggressive, forward dominated rugby allowed Dame Allen’s to compete at the set piece and tight forward structure in general play saw them lead 7 to 5 at half time. The second half saw a more open, attacking game which allowed Ignatius Park to take control. The skills of the loose forwards and speed of the outside backs saw Ignatius Park dominate and eventually run away with the game 56 to 5. Try scorers were Lachlan Fanning, Stuart Avau, Tom Gallegos and Josh Cocking. Man of the Match went to Tom Gallegos, with special mentions to Patrick Boniface and Captain Lachlan Fanning.

Dexter Anderson, Ethan Blain, Patrick Boniface, William Bulley, Nathan Cocking, Joshua Cocking, Joey Cram, James Dale, Josh Figg, Connor Morgan, Alex Namoga, Trent Owen, Karl Raffe, Tyler Roberts, Tom Smith and Lachlan Vest. North Queensland U18 Representatives:

Connor Morgan, Patrick Boniface, Dexter Anderson, William Bulley, Josh Cocking, Alex Namoga and Karl Raffe. 1st XV MVP’s

Best Back

Daniel Niven

Game 2 - IPC vs Hexham:

Thursday July 23: WON 40 - 5

Ignatius Park’s second International game was against The Hexham School from Northumberland, Northern England. Ignatius Park opened the game with a flying start. Their fast, wide running forwards, aggressive style and slick hand skills blew Hexham off the Park. First half tries to Nathan Cocking, Joseph Cram (double), Tom Gallegos and Daniel Niven, with 5 conversions to Daniel Niven, ensured Ignatius Park went into half time with a healthy 35 to 5 point lead. The second half was a much tighter affair, with Hexham coming out after half time with a renewed energy. Ignatius Park closed out a grinding, defence dominated half with a try to Josh Cocking to seal a 40 to 5 point win.


Ignatius Park College 2015

RUGBY UNION SECONDS – FRONT ROW: Tyler Roberts, Joel McPherson, Kurt Cummins, Nicholas Jumeau, Jason Wilkins, Henry McKinnon, Joshua Leonardi, Stuart A’Vau SECOND ROW: Michael Turner (Coach), Lachlan Regattieri, James Field, Callum Bell, Charlie Bennett, Marcello MacDonald, Guy Cummins, Mitchell McKee, Patrick McMahon (Manager) THIRD ROW: Layton McColl, Ethan Rasmussen-O’Keefe, Jack Toohey, Thomas Mayes, Huon Deacon Johnstone FOURTH ROW: Kalen Timbs, Lachlan Buchanan, Jake Riley

Rugby Union Seconds Due to the strength of the Rugby Union program at Ignatius Park and the continued growing interest in the sport, the decision was made to enter a Second XV side into the Townsville competition. Even though this was our second side, the team competed very strongly and represented the college well. Although they ended the season with a 2 win – 3 loss record, this was not a true indication of the strength of the team. IPC opened their season against St. Anthony’s College with a convincing win, despite the rust associated with their first time playing together as a team. From the opening kick-off it was clear IPC were the dominant team, making metres at will through the middle of the field with the forwards and swinging it wide to capitalise on the space the forwards created. IPC’s second game of the competition was against much stronger competition in Cathedral. The team started the game slowly, giving away two early tries in soft fashion. Thankfully the team woke up and began to play strong, structured rugby and turned the game into a competition. Again the forwards were the backbone of the performance, competing strongly at the breakdown and making good metres in attack. Unfortunately this was a game that got away from the team, rueing missed opportunities which eventually led to the team going down by a single try. Although it was a loss it was definitely a performance to be proud of and gave the squad a level to build on for the rest of the competition. The team next came up against Grammar and they again competed strongly against one of the major rugby schools first side. The forwards again paved the way doing the hard work in the middle of the field. The backs also stood up and were much more fluent in attack and solid in defence. Unfortunately it was not to be, with a missed conversion being the difference between the two teams with IPC going down by 2 points. Unfortunately their form from the opening 3 weeks of the competition deserted the team in the fourth game against Kirwan High. The team got off to a flier scoring in the opening 5 minutes of the game. However, Kirwan began to turn the game into a touch game and the team decided to try and match them at their game instead of sticking to the structure that had served them so well in their previous games. Despite returning to structured play in the second half, it proved too little, too late with the team going down by 10 points.

The U13 Rugby Union season this year saw two teams enter the competition with IPC Blue and Whites and IPC Insideouts. With such a large number of boys signing up to represent the College, it was refreshing to train such an enthusiastic bunch of young men. Both teams represented the College with pride playing a local derby and two matches each against Cathedral and Heatley High School.

Sports 2015

Rugby Union

The local derby, played at the College, was a spirited affair that saw the Insideouts emerge victorious. With the Blue and Whites leading for the majority of the game, it took a breakaway try to bring the opposition back to within a point and only three minutes left on the clock. A last minute try snatched victory from the Blue and Whites, however, it was the spirit in which the game was played that both teams should be commended. Congratulations to the following boys on their awards for this year: Insideouts

Best and Fairest Most Improved Best Forward Best Back

Jack Taylor Harvey Smith Nic Audas-Ryan Tom Whiting

Blue and Whites

Best and Fairest Jake Good and Ethan Rennie Best Forward Makisacc Lapworth Best Back Johnathon Van Aswegen Congratulations also to the U13 Townsville and North Queensland representatives: Townsville Representatives

Elijah Weeks, Adam Roveglia, Logan Pickering, Anthony Grech, Reegan Gileppa, Terence Rooney, Bryson James, Ethan Woods, Harry Keir, Finn Andreassen, Sean Rennie, Nick Audas-Ryan, Makisacc Lapworth, Bayden Hardy, Evan Corradini North Queensland Representatives

Macisacc Lapworth and Nick Audas-Ryan Paul Marano, Chris Thiele and Andrew Kirkpatrick

With the boys keen to end the season on a high note they came up against a Pimlico side, which was back in the competition after a few years away from rugby. The boys did not disappoint with a strong performance which blew Pimlico off the park. After a strong season the Year 11 players in the squad now look forward to taking their opportunities in the first XV squad in 2016. Awards:

Best and Fairest Best Forward Best Back

Kalen Timbs Guy Cummins Christian Heilbronn

U13 Rugby Union

U13’S RUGBY UNION – FRONT ROW: Lachlan Mitchell, Joseph Dowd, Lachlan Moss, Finn Andreassen, Kyle Wynne, Jaiden Penny, Jeb Eastaughffe SECOND ROW: Mr Andrew Kirkpartick, Bayden Hardy, Harrison Keir, Cooper Scott, Aka Pio, Kye Henderson, Terence Rooney, Mr Chris Theile THIRD ROW: Makisaac Lapworth, Jack Taylor, Jack Scott, Jarrod Bubner, Nicholas Audas-Ryan, Jonathon Van Aswegen

Ignatius Park College 2015


Rugby Union Under 14 Rugby Union Team

Under 14 Development Tour

Three schools – Ignatius Park, Kirwan High and Cathedral nominated for the Under 14 Schoolboy Rugby competition in 2015 and a competitive and enjoyable series of games were played out.

Ignatius Park College Vs Saint Laurence’s College

Whilst Ignatius Park was able to beat Cathedral during the series, a win on the field against Kirwan proved elusive. The Kirwan team was big and strong with plenty of pace, which proved a lethal combination on the scoreboard. Our boys never gave up against their bigger opponents, but in the end the Kirwan team ran out deserved winners. There was revenge of some sort against Kirwan in the last game when Kirwan lost to us on forfeit. A number of boys were playing rugby for the first time and it is a credit to the Ignatius Park boys that they are willing to put themselves out on a limb, try something different and then perform to a high standard. The Award winners for the season were:

Best and Fairest Best Back Best Forward

Zachary Thomson Reece Holdsworth Brayden Yow

Other dedicated performers included Riley Baldwin, Charlie Betcher, Jean-Luc Denyer-Lazaredes, Oliver Dickinson, James Jaxson, Matt Lorenz, Ringo Majok, Connor Musumeci, Sam Nimmo, Patrick Tartellin, Lachlan Whitehead, Tristan Winship, Hunter Zacka and Matthew Thompson. The team displayed true sportsmanship in all their games and were a credit to themselves, their families and the College. Finally, a big thanks goes to Mrs Tartellin, our Team Manager, for all her hard work and efforts organising the team and the coach during the competition. Paul Fanning Coach

U14’S RUGBY UNION – FRONT ROW: Patrick Tarttelin, Patrick Morrison, Jean-Luc Denyer-Lazaredes, Lochlan Whitehead, Braden Yow, Reece Holdsworth, Marrthew Lorenz, Mr Paul Fanning SECOND ROW: Oliver Dick, Tristan Winship, Ringo Majok, Zachary Thomson, Adrian Trevilyan, Matthew Thompson, Mrs Andrea Tartellin THIRD ROW: Connor Musumeci, Charlie Betcher, Sam Nimmo, Hunter Zacka, Riley Baldwin


Ignatius Park College 2015

On a humid Saturday morning the IPC under 14 development squad took to the fields at South’s Rugby Club to play their annual friendly against St Laurence’s College. Both teams came out of the blocks strongly in the first third, setting a high standard for the rugby which was to come. IPC were first to strike through Hunter Zacka on the back of some enterprising forward play and slick hands from the backs. Unfortunately, this awakened Laurie’s sizable forward pack which began to take control of the game. IPC conceded a try right on the cusp of break to allow Laurie’s to square it up after the first third at 5-all. Conceding a try on the break seemed to take the wind out of the sail of the team. Through a glut of possession St Laurence’s gained the ascendency with aggressive, structured forward play. This structured play interrupted the defence of IPC, drawing in the numbers and creating on space out wide leading to four second third tries. St Laurence’s went into the final break with a healthy 31 to 5 lead. To the teams credit they didn’t lie down and fought back in the final third. Their defensive structure returned as they shut down Laurie’s options. This finally provided the team with some possession, which they had not had the lion’s share of for the game. However, IPC were not able to capitalise on the extra possession with Laurie’s scoring two late tries, which blew out the score line 41 to 5 in Laurie’s favour. Despite the lopsided score line the team comes away with a better understanding of the type of game plan they need to employ to succeed as they move forward in rugby. The fight they showed to not lie down was also a pleasing feature of the game. All in all an enjoyable trip away with the team getting a better idea about true rugby culture.

RUGBY UNION DEVELOPMENT – FRONT ROW: Tynan Scarff, Matthew Thompson, Hamish Chowns, Jack Thomson, Patrick Tarttelin, Riley Chapman SECOND ROW: Mr Michael Turner, Ryan Doolan, Adrian Trevilyan, Ringo Majok, Zachary Thomson, Lochlan Whitehead, Brayden Yow, Mr Chris Rigano THIRD ROW: Samuel Doyle, Riley Baldwin, Jacob Allan, Hunter Zacka, Charlie Betcher, Jack Taylor ABSENT: Cain Anderson, Jaxson James, Brendan Butigeg

Sports 2015

Rugby Union

U15’S RUGBY UNION – FRONT ROW: Fabien Menegazzo, Angus Ramsay, Luke Kenny, Dale Whalley , Jack Andreassen, Dylan Kenworthy, Douglas Abdul-Rahman, Jed Toohey SECOND ROW: David Newton (Teacher), Hayden Saltner, Lacas Copnell, Francis Jakis, Daniel Conn, Lane Moloney, Thomas Bennett, Benjamin Faulks, Chris Rigano (Teacher) THIRD ROW: Fraser McKay, Manfred Babao, Christian Batic, Harrison Turner, Hunter Keen FORTH ROW: Henry Lyons, Connor Anderson, Viliami Taufa, Reede Moloney

U15 Rugby Union This year there was a number of schools that entered a team into the U15 division making for a more competitive pool of games. Ignatius Park College, Cathedral School, Townsville Grammar and Kirwan High rounded out the teams that would participate in local division. In our first game, IPC played Townsville Grammar on Hugh St. 2. From the kick off, IPC were there to play rugby making good metres throughout the halves. Strong drives through the middle and clean ball was delivered allowing IPC to not feel the pressure of their oppositions defence. The boys come away with a comprehensive win and plenty to discuss for next game. The second game against Cathedral saw a stronger level of competition. The game would initially be played in the 10m for the first 10 minutes with good discipline from both sides not blowing a penalty. IPC snuck in for the first try before Cathedral answered back with a try of their own. The second half was tough with IPC having the strength in the middle, whilst Cathedral used their speed on the edges. When the final whistle blew, Cathedral ended up winners by a conversion.

The roster then returned to where it started and IPC played Grammar again. With the loss fresh in their mind from the previous week, the boys came out and played a great game of rugby. Strong performances across the park saw IPC come away with another comprehensive win over Grammar. Our final game of the season was against Cathedral. This wouldn’t be our best game unfortunately and Cathedral used their strength against our weakness. IPC would lose this game in an uncanny fashion. The boys now look forward to playing for the First XV and in two years travelling away as part of the UK Tour Squad. North Queensland Representative Honours

• Reede Moloney • Christian Batic • Connor Anderson

• Jack Andreassen • Daniel Conn • Hayden Saltner

Michael Turner

Kirwan would be our next team to play for the third game. What they lacked in rugby knowledge, they made up for in speed and touch style play. Unfortunately the boys did not play to the set piece and fell into the trap of scrambling footy. Kirwan came over the top of us with a win and the boys needing to reflect about their game.

Ignatius Park College 2015



SWIMMING TEAM – FRONT ROW: Nick Pearce, Thomas Carey, Kyle Robinson, Guy Cummins, Bayden Hardy, Caleb Donnelly, Kian Dalton, Jaidan Penny SECOND ROW: Chris Rigano, Lachlan Ryan, Benjamin Judge, De Wet Potgieter, Louka Demopoulosm, Jason Alsemgeest, Jackson Pearce, Luke Lovejoy. John Alloway (Teacher) THIRD ROW: Lincoln Hardy, Nick Nugent, Matthew Beauchamp, Nicholas Cussen, Blake Downey, Robert Beauchamp, Reegan Koelman, Thomas Williams FOURTH ROW: Henry Lyons, Jack Humphreys, Daniel Niven, Samuel Nimmo, Joseph Roepke, Timothy Boniface ABSENT: Lachlan Scott, Logan Pickering, Harvey Smith, Anthony Grech, Bradley Graham, Thomas Rawstron, Tom Kenny, Kristian Lye

Wednesday 11th March saw the IPC Swimming team attempt to defend their title of “Champions of the Water” at Long Tan Memorial Pool for the TSSSA Swimming Carnival. The boys started the morning with their warm up swim followed by what could only described as a breakfast fit for a king. They then travelled to the pool by bus and walked in proud wearing their blue and whites.

The U16’s had lost a few of their key swimming members due to NQ Water Polo commitments, however the boys that replaced them swam hard and did the College proud. They had strong competition in all stroke styles but held their own. Nick Cussen, Jason Alsemgeest, Jack Humphreys and Joseph Roepke put in good times and kept IPC in points mix.

The day saw the introduction of the U12 division, and IPC dominated this age group now setting the records for the year to come. Logan Pickering, Nick Pearce and Kyle Robinson put in great swims for the day which will leave the U12 for next year a challenging time to beat.

The closest race of the day was the Open Boys 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay where Tim Boniface, Daniel Niven and Blake Downey swam the 1-2-3 leg. With the final leg ready to be swam, Robert Beauchamp had a 15m chase of the man in front with the ending sounding like tap. tap. The result was a 0.04 second spilt and IPC finishing second. The best swim of the day.

Up until the last day, the U13 team list chopped and changed for a number of reasons. With the list finalised, the science of who swims where had to be collated. The keen thinking of John Alloway made precise adjustments to the team giving us our best chance in the group. Bayden Hardy, Caleb Donnelly, Kian Dalton and Harvey Smith put in some great times in the water and helped the boys to their age group position of 3rd. The U14’s had a great day in the pool also taking out two records; 4 x 50m Medley Relay and 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay. Strong swims by Louka Demopolus, Thomas Lyons, Dewet Potgieter, Thomas Rawstron and Sam Nimmo saw the records fall and now print the IPC name next the newly elected time. The always reliable U15 group provided a consistent effort all day in the pool. Solid times were recorded from all swimmers with a very narrow spilt between the 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay record and their time. Solid swims by Henry Lyons, Matthew Beauchamp, Reegan Koelman, Nick Nugent and Lincoln Hardy made their age group a very competitive one.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Controversy struck, as it always does, in event 134 (the last race of the day) where one of the other teams broke competition rules resulting in a disqualification of their result and pushing IPC to first in the race. It brought us very close to the win for the day, however IPC placed 2nd overall by a narrow 10 points; so we thought. On closer inspection of the results table a few days after the carnival, it was apparent that there was a calculation error which did not include the U12 points in the overall results. With this corrected, it was noted that IPC had in fact won the carnival, and by one of the largest differences in past years. All boys swam with pride as they lapped the pool and showed the courage and determination that comes with being and Iggy Boy. Their general behaviour was always at the highest and all competitors enjoyed their opportunity to represent the College.

Sports 2015

Touch Football

Representative Selection

Northern Region U12 - Maverick Pegoraro

Northern Region U15 - Tomas Chester, Daniel Gough, Zachery McMinn, Hayden Rowbotham, Sam Twiname, Conor Wilson

Northern Region Open Boys - Regan Baker, Christian Heilbronn, Kyall Davern, Bailey Hillier, Bennett Jesberg, Kalyn Ponga, Eamon Preston, Sam Anderson (shadow selection)

Queensland U12 Boys - Thomas Kelly (shadow selection) Queensland U15 Boys - Adam Cook (shadow selection)

Queensland Open Boys and National Youth Champion Reece McKenzie O’Brien

Queensland All Schools Championships, October • MINOR BOYS inaugural Runners Up in the newly introduced U13 Division - CONGRATULATIONS!!! • Staying at Kindilan was magic thanks to Mr Matsen! • Coming away with no broken bones and only 1 soft tissue injury! • MINOR, JUNIOR and OPEN BOYS all finished top of their pools undefeated with impressive for and against records progressing through to finals day • Narrow defeats in drop-offs in knock out finals • Junior Boys 4-5 vs Emmaus College in Round of 16 final • Open Boys 4-5 vs Rockhampton Grammar (eventual champions) in Quarter final • Minor Boys 2-3 vs Rockhampton Grammar in Grand final

BLOCK SPORT, TERM 3 • Lots of keen Year 7 and 8 students representing the College enthusiastically - a plethora of potential on display!

• Linda Stringini’s endless supply of sports drinks

North Queensland All Schools Championships August • Year 8 Mixed “Magnatius” fifth consecutive grand final appearance - runners up in 2015 2-3 to Ingham SHS (Lachlan Nugent - player of the Grand Final)

• The continued support of family, relatives and friends on the sidelines

Minor Boys 6-1 grand final win over Kirwan SHS to become inaugural champions at NQ for that age division – first name on the new shield (Maverick Pegoraro - player of the Grand Final)

Junior Boys 4-3 grand final win over Kirwan SHS to become champions for third year running. (Adam Cook - player of the Grand Final) Open Boys undefeated, Grand Final 7-5 win over Kirwan to become back- to-back-to-back NQ All Schools Champions. (Christian Heilbronn - player of the final)

• Being able to nominate a second Open and Junior team to reward the efforts and commitment of squad members we had more than 60 students in 3 squads train week in week out.

• Mr Warwick Rowbotham’s lens work highlighting the boys skill in stunning images, yet again

• Old boy Todd Davern making the front cover of the Championship program • Snake’s incisive run, stepping every opposition only to spill the pill over the line and end up in the Iggy U13 spectators • Mr Guerra coming second to future Australian Hall of Famer in flick pass competition • Spoons became very intense with scuffles for the final spoon • Ms Roberts and Ms Stayte collecting a new mascot by rescuing an impaled sugar glider - that banana suit came in handy • The boys were clambering over each other outdoing each other for some fashionable headwear!

Minor Boys:

Junior Boys:

Open Boys:

Best and Fairest

Jared Heilbronn

Sam Twiname

Eamon Preston

Most Improved

Reuben Roberts

Zac McMinn

Sam Anderson

Ignatius Park College 2015


Touch Football Minor Boys Touch

In 2015, Ignatius Park welcomed their first U13 Touch Team to the College. Since Term 1 the newest members of the school have showed an immense commitment to the program and must be commended for their efforts. We started with a squad of over 40 boys and through continued trialling, eventually created 3 teams to compete in the annual NQ All Schools Touch Competition.

Although the weekend was challenging, with many of the games being played in the U15 division, all teams performed well and as a squad they walked away NQ champions in the U13 boys and runners up in the U13 mixed division in a combined side with St Margret Mary’s College.

After a successful NQ All Schools campaign, the squad was again reduced to a singular team that would travel to Brisbane to compete in QLD All Schools Touch. The boys in this squad trained tirelessly and gave up every Friday afternoon in Term 2 and 3 to ensure success at the carnival. In Brisbane the boys were amazing both on and off the field. The team was undefeated in the round games and won both their quarter and semi-finals with a clean score card. Unfortunately the boys just missed out on claiming a maiden QLD All Schools championship, losing in a nail bitting drop-off to Emmaus College of Rockhampton. To conclude I would like to thank all the parents and boys for a fantastic year. Additionally the work and support of Georgia Stayte and Jodie Roberts was key to the success of the Minor Boys Program.

Minor Boys

Bingen Balanzategui, Jake Bourke, Benn Dalle Cort, Jared Heilbronn, Tai-Reece Hill, Jamie Humphreys, Joshua Kinsey, Tom Olsen, Bradley Pardon, Maverick Pegoraro (C), Darcy Redicliffe (injured), Reuben Roberts, Clay Smith, Harley Bowden-Seage Mr Doug Bettington (Coach) Ms Jodie Roberts (Manager) Junior Boys

McKenzie Baker, D’Aundre Cassady, Tomas Chester, Adam Cook (C) Daniel Gough, Brendan Haylett, Benjamin Judge, Isaac Locke, Tom Lyons, Zachery McMinn, Hayden Rowbotham (C), Sam Twiname, Conor Wilson, Hunter Wriede Mr Ben Williams (Coach) Mr Rhys Matsen (Coach) Ms Georgia Stayte (Manager)

Kyle Ashby, Jordan Davies, Jeb Eastaughffe, Will Hunter, Thomas Kelly, Ryan Kinsey, Lachlan Lemon, Patrick Morrison, Blake Read, Sean Renton, Jake Siandri, Aiden Simkin, Harvey Smith Sean Stringini (Coach) Jack Sherwood (Coach) Mr Craig Brown (Manager/ Photographer) Open Boys

Sam Anderson, Regan Baker, Jacob Bourke, Kyall Davern, Christian Heilbronn, Bailey Hillier, Jack Humphreys, Bennett Jesberg, Lachlan La Rosa, Reece McKenzie O’Brien, Dalton Pegoraro, Eamon Preston, Jake Riley Mr Gian Guerra (Coach) Mr Brian Geaney (Manager)

Dexter Anderson, Greg Iorangi, Cameron Lowth, Jack Maye, Matthew Marshall-McGrath, Alex Namoga, Ryan McGill, Jack Reddicliffe, Sean Renton, Ben Woodward, Hunter Wriede Mr Rhys Matsen (Coach) Mr Frank Picciolini (Manager)

Referees: Karl Raffe, Wyatt Raymond, Mrs Linda Stringini, Mrs Sheridan Turner, Kerrod Hall

Thank you for your commitment to the IPC Touch Football Program in 2015 no matter how big or small. MINOR BOYS TOUCH FOOTBALL – FRONT ROW: Maverick Pegoraro, Reben Roberts, Blake Read, Joshua Swain, Joshua Kinsey, Thomas Olsen, Lachlan Nugent SECOND ROW: Mrs Jodie Roberts (Manager), Jordan Davies, Thomas Kelly, Tai-Reece Hill, Bingen Balanzategui, Jamie Humphreys, Hamish Carter, Mr Douglas Bettington (Coach) THIRD ROW: Aiden Simkin, Benn Dalle Cort, Jared Heilbronn, Jake Bourke (CoCaptain), Clay Smith, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Harley Bowden-Seage, Jared Copley ABSENT: Bradley Pardon, Jeb Eastaughffe (Co-Captain), Declan Bird, Darcy Reddicliffe

JUNIOR BOYS TOUCH FOOTBALL – FRONT ROW: D’Aundre Cassady, Zachery McMinn, Brendan Haylett, Conor Wilson (Coach), Hunter Wriede, Hayden Rowbotham (Co-Captain), Tomas Chester, Patrick Morrison, Samuel Twiname, Daniel Gough SECOND ROW: Ms Georgia Stayte (Manager), Jake Siandri, Thomas Lyons, McKenzie Baker, Isaac Locke, Ryan Kinsey, Benjamin Judge, Adam Cook (Co-Captain), Mr Rhys Matsen (Coach) ABSENT: Sean Renton, Lachlan Lemon


Ignatius Park College 2015

Georgia Stayte Touch Football Program Coordinator

OPEN BOYS TOUCH FOOTBALL – FRONT ROW: Mr Brian Geaney (Manager), Hunter Wriede, Ben Wheeler, Jacob Bourke, Mr Gian Guerra (Coach), Christian Heilbronn, Dalton Pegoraro, Kyall Davern (Captain), Mr Frank Picciolini (Manager)SECOND ROW: Reece McKenzie O’Brien, Bailey Hillier, Jake Riley, Lachlan La Rosa, Sam Anderson, Bennett Jesberg, Regan Baker, Jack Reddiciliffe, Jack Humphreys, Eamon Preston

Sports 2015


TENNIS – FRONT ROW: Riley Rupp, Dominic Cusumano, Greg Christ (Manager) SECOND ROW: Lachlan Weis, Mitchell Weis, Michael Forster

Volleyball Open Volleyball This year due to the number of keen senior Volleyball players, Ignatius Park College entered 2 teams, one in each tier. The tournament was played over three afternoons. Both teams were quite competitive and made the grand final in their respective tiers. The B team went down in their grand final, whereas the A Team were fortunate enough to win theirs. The boys were great ambassadors for the sport and the College. They played with skill and a high amount of sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Volleyball is a team sport and the boys surely did play as a team. Well done guys! We look forward to more success next year! Sam De Luca and Grant Rossiter VOLLEYBALL OPEN – FRONT ROW: Alex Namoga, Thomas Gallegos, Leo Akee, Aiden Hodder, Dominic Morrision, Brett Kittle, Zachary Grady SECOND ROW: Mr Sam DeLuca (Teacher), Cooper Champion, Richard Vaughan, Ethan Betts, Ethan Rasmussen-Okeefe, Ben Dusabimana, Nicholas Healy, Mr Grant Rossiter (Teacher) THIRD ROW: Daniel Niven, Jake Kerr, William McDowell-White, Declan Wolfinden, Thomas Smith

Ignatius Park College 2015


Water Polo

OPEN WATER POLO – FRONT ROW: Guy Cummins, Gerard Ferns, Mackenzie Bagley, Brodie Chaffey, Timothy Boniface, Kurt Cummins SECOND ROW: Jack Humphreys, Campbell Duffy, Mitchell Weis, Charlton Offermans, Jeremy Myles, John Alloway – Teacher/Coach

The Ignatius Park Water Polo Team dominated the 2015 Townsville Secondary Schools Competitions. The boys were undefeated in both seasons (Term 1, Term 4) of water polo. Iggy Park dominance over the years in Water polo has paralleled the colleges’ dominance in the John Melton Black Shield. However, 2015 has been the most outstanding season. The strength of the team can be attributed to the skills and commitment of the grade 12 boys in the team. These boys were also prominent in displaying good sportsmanship and sharing the Iggy pride culture and traditions with the younger boys in the team. As a team the Grade 12 boys have left a legacy and challenge for 2016. John Alloway


Ignatius Park College 2015

Sports 2015

Queensland School Reps

NORTH QUEENSLAND REPRESENTATIVES – FRONT ROW: Charlton Bird, Connor Romano, Aidan Freeman, Trey Valentine, Jordan Davies, Daniel Gough, Tomas Chester, Sawyer Faulks, Ryan Booth, Joshua Ward, Brendan Haylett, Samuel Twiname, Kmani Levi, Thomas Kelly, Maverick Pegoraro, Zachary Judge, Jack Sanson SECOND ROW: Thomas Carey, Diego Urdanivia, Riley Bloom, Harvey Smith, Kevin Sajeeve, Lachlan Morton, Conor Wilson, Liam Duffy, Dexter Anderson, Matthew Astbury, Lachlan Marshall, Rhys Mead, Oliver Dickenson, Lucas Lynam, Hayden Rowbotham, Maverick Parker, Jonathan Van Aswegen, Yanni Collocott, Benjamin Stewart THIRD ROW: Lachlan Ryan, Lachlan Dale, Harrison Leslie, Joshua Cocking, Curtis James, Benjamin Judge, Hayden Saltner, Adam Cook, Reece McKenzie O’Brien, Boston Mazlin, Thomas Harte, Cameron Bateup, Alexei Namoga, Jake Siandri, Jalen Ward, Tyson Booth FOURTH ROW: Jacob Bourke, Joshua Armit, Manfred Babao, Daniel Conn, McKenzie Baker, Adam Whyte, Karl Raffe, Charlton Offermans, Brodie Chaffey, James Carclay, Fraser McKay, Aiden Mazlin, Thomas Conn FIFTH ROW: Ethan Blain, Kai Mittereger, Robert Beauchamp, Liam McKay, Gerard Ferns, Isaac Locke, Oscar Cater, Lachlan La Rosa, Matthew Beauchamp, Patrick Forster, Timothy Boniface, Ryan McGill, Christian Power SIXTH ROW: Mackenzie Bagley, Jack Andreassen, Bennett Jesberg, Reede Moloney, Christian Heilbronn, Campbell Duffy, William Bulley, Jackson Baker, John Dempsey, Lachlan Joyce, Samuel Stewart, Christian Batic, Mitchell Weis SEVENTH ROW: Gehamat Shibasaki, Connor Anderson, Ethan Betts, Max Newman, James Conroy, Connor Morgan, Taylor Millar, William McDowell-White, Patrick Boniface, Matthew Conroy, Thomas Smith, Ryan Gilmore, Kalyn Ponga

QUEENSLAND REPRESENTATIVES – FRONT ROW: Thomas Kelly, Johnathan Van Aswegen, Jacob Bourke, Lucas Lynam, Reece McKenzie(O’Brien), Thomas Carey, Jack Sanson SECOND ROW: Gerard Ferns, Ryan Gilmore, Patrick Forster, Charlton Offermans, McKenzie Baker, Liam McKay THIRD ROW: Ethan Betts, William McDowell-White, Gehamat Shibasaki

Congratulations on making the Queensland and North Queensland Teams. I believe (my memory 38 years) that Ignatius Park College have never had this many Queensland representatives and never across so many different sports. It’s remarkable and will be hard to repeat. John Alloway Head of Sport

Ignatius Park College 2015



ANZAC Day March 2015 Centenary Commemorations 100 years

On the morning of Saturday the 25th of April 2015. The students of Ignatius Park College paid tribute to the 100th Anniversary of ANZAC. While over 110 students including our School, Sport and House Captains continued an age old tradition by the College. This year was different this was the Centenary year of the Gallipoli Landing. The students and teachers embraced this event by parading proudly. As Ignatius Park College banded together like “brothers in arms” to pay homage for the freedom bestowed upon us by our ANZACs. The College marched along The Strand with heads held high and medals on our chests. We waved flags in honour of our soldiers both past and present, we were humbled by the experience we all attended. Despite the larger crowds, a greater sense of community and belonging emanated amongst our students.


Ignatius Park College 2015

A long standing tradition of marching The Strand to commemorate our soldiers will always be celebrated amongst the students of Ignatius Park College. “They shall not grow old, as are we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” The boys represented Ignatius Park College with respect as an estimated 40,000 spectators lined The Strand to watch the ANZAC Day march. It is a special occasion when our students are able to be involved in community events with the turnout of students representing the college being exceptional. The college thanks parents for their continued support in acknowledging the sacrifices that have been made, by both past and present members of our Defence Forces. Theresa Littlefield and Diane Jensen Defence Transition Mentors

Get the Life you LOVE! 2015 saw Townsville still in the grip of a tight labour market. Whilst students have worked hard at academic and skills development, I have been working on a few “pet projects” to help them prepare for transition into the workforce Highlighting the important “Employability Skills” to our students: Communication Problem Solving Planning and organising Learning

Team Work Initiative and enterprise Self-Management Technology

Starting early to develop Individualised Career Plans for students who have challenging circumstances in their lives. Promoting Work Experience to the Year 10 students and those Year 11/12 students in the OP pathway. This broadens the student’s perspective of their study beyond only University pathways. It also gives them opportunities to experience career interests prior to committing to a course of study.

A Career is much more than simply a job; incorporates lifestyle, leisure and the ability to be adaptable in our changing world. The IPC Careers office works in partnership with parents and College staff to assist students in their transition beyond the school context. It is an exciting and privileged role.

Co-Curricular 2015


i t

2016 takes me back to my hometown of Brisbane. I have enjoyed a wonderful 5 years here in Townsville and continued my own learning and skill development during this time. My thanks to all who have supported me during my time at Ignatius Park. As ever I remind everyone…. Change is constant – embrace it!! Learning is ongoing Focus on the Journey Mark Mewburn Careers and Counselling

Ignatius Park College 2015


Chess IPC Chess has all the right moves in 2015 Congratulations to the 45-50 students who participated in all 3 rounds of the Queensland Regional Inter-School Chess Competition held in the IPC Hall during the year. It was our most successful year to date with many students receiving merit awards and medallions for their efforts during the annual competition. In the final round, our Premier League division managed a 4th placing which is by far the best achievement in this division in recent years. Special mention must go to Brad “The Madman” Anderson for his captaincy and leadership throughout the year. Will “The Bishop” Bishop also stood in for “The Madman” on occasion and did the job admirably also. Both will be missed next year. Thank you to all students for your efforts both in training and on competition day. The pre-game recommendation to give your fingers ice baths before each competition round really paid off for many of you. A big thank you also to team manager Mr John Deer for his “behind the scenes” work throughout the year and

Christian Meditation Earlier this year, three students from grade 11 were picked to embark on a spiritual journey to connect with God through meditation. Matthew Mitchell, Harrison Lassig and Joshua Stanley were the three students chosen to go to a meditation camp in Paluma. Over the two days, the boys participated in several activities to allow them to gain a better knowledge on how to meditate and connect themselves as well as others to God. The spiritual journey has consequently allowed Matthew, Harrison and Joshua to lead the Thursday morning meditation that is accessible to every student from 8:00am to 8:10am. Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus. Peter Moneypenny


Ignatius Park College 2015

Mrs Piera Holland for her administrative work over at the front office. Congratulations to the following students who received either merits or medallions throughout the season. – Samuel Haines, Dre Backer, Kieran Ryle, Daniel Rennie, Wiktor Balacincki, Matthew Vollmer, Austin Smythe, Charlie Priestly, Julian Sewell, Mebin Martin, Mitchell Parker, Logan Jeffrey, Riley Rupp, Kale Smith, Kieran Moran, Mitchell Weiss, Declan Rush, Anton Donoghue, Zachary McMinn, Alex Grieve, Hayden Chapman, Will Bishop and Brad Anderson. If your son is keen on a game of chess next year, let him know that there are 3 competition days per year where he can engage in some quality games and plenty of social interaction with students from other schools. See you all next year! John Fuller

Co-Curricular 2015

Community and Service Learning

TCLC YEAR 11 – FRONT ROW: Joshua Galang, Brendan Blair, Dylan Gudge, James Babao, Matthew Oliver, Jackson Stickland SECOND ROW: Emilio Fichera, Cooper Champion, Joshua Stanley, Sam Gould, Daniel Clarke, Darcy Smith THIRD ROW: Harrison Lassig, Max Stone, Lachlan Keevers, Oscar Carter, Jeremy Myles, Samuel Stewart, Damien Kipping

TCLC YEAR 12 – FRONT ROW: Joshua Stabler, Braden Bloom, Jordan Renouf, Blake Mayocchi, Justin Pepperdene, Mitchell McKee, Matthew Gallegos, Kyall Davern SECOND ROW: Lachlan Joyce, Eamon Preston, David Narratone, Ethan Betts, Jaidyn Dearden, Brett Kittle, Kai Mittereger, Brodie Flynn ACKNOWLEDGE: Brother Jon Hansen

Ignatius Park College 2015


Community and Service Learning

STUDENT COUNCIL – FRONT ROW: Jeb Eastaughffe, Bailey Steel, Caleb Whitely, Reuben Roberts, Brendan Haylett, Thomas Whiting, Br Jon Hansen, Joshua Swain, Brocklan Bryant, Zachary Judge, Matthew Blanchard, Daniel Knowles SECOND ROW: Nathan Clohesy, Casey Henderson, Patrick Tarttelin, James Rowan, Julian Sewell, Taran Bukhardt, Dale Connelly , Zac Gough, Lochlan Shepherd-Kemp, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Stuart Smith, Jai Hill, William Bennett, Elliott Basso, Dexter Anderson, Lachlan Braby, Angus Woods THIRD ROW: James Oh, Parth Jhamb, Jarrad Mayoochi, John McKenzie, Drew Dawson, Tim Peno, Julian Rasmussen, Matthew Jeffrey, Aidan Standle, Conal Wadforth, Michael Forster, Anthony Grech, Cooper Scott FORTH ROW: Jayden Haines, Bailey Hillier,Thomas Steyger, Riley Baldwin, Darcy Young, Benjamin Woodward, Jaime Steel, Riley Holman, Emilio Fichera, Charlton Offermans, Thomas Prince FIFTH ROW: Jesse Owato Samuel Audas-Ryan, Aidan Barker, Jeremy Myles, Conor Dalton, Jackson O’Hanlon, Sam McGhie, Ethan Rasmussen, Gerard Ferns, Jeremy Kerr, Liam Buxton

SERVICE LEARNING – FRONT ROW: Joshua Ward, Rhys Fillman, Jean Sajeeve, Tyler Roberts, Oliver Gibson SECOND LEARNING: Lincoln Hardy, Antony Jobby, Mackenzie Bagley, Henry Lyons, Bailey Simmons


Ignatius Park College 2015

Co-Curricular 2015


Saying goodbye to Mr Mewburn…

Child Protection Week

After 5 years influencing Iggy boys to ‘Get the Life Your Love’ through his entertaining Careers talks, Mr Mewburn sadly is leaving IPC to take up a Counselling position at St Patrick’s College in Brisbane, another Edmund Rice school in 2016. This year, Counsellors, Mrs Marilyn Parsons and Mr Mark Mewburn have welcomed our very first cohort of Year 7 and Year 8 students in their transition to high school along with the Peer Mentors.

6-12th September was launched on assembly with a presentation by Mrs Timbs, displaying a new Edmund Rice Education Student Protection poster which is now displayed around the college.

Preparing them also for the issues that world of social media can bring, Cybersafety Talks were presented to both Year 7s and 8s, with Mr Bruce Denny our IT Curriculum Coordinator and Mrs Marilyn Parsons providing valuable information and tips for making safe and appropriate choices. As a follow on from this, Brainstorm Productions’ performance of ‘Sticks and Stones’ to Year 8s was an entertaining investigation into the pitfalls of technology including cyberbullying at school, stress, lack of privacy and desensitization. Strategies to stop cyberbullying and encourage respect, empathy and resilience were conveyed in the debriefing session. Year 9 students were treated to a performance by Shake and Stir Theatre Company of ‘Tag’ which portrayed the ups and downs of a life becoming increasingly entwined with the virtual, and the ease at which situations online can be manipulated to the detriment of those involved. They also presented ‘TerritorTorial to our first Year 7 students for whom high school can be a daunting place. Everything changes for them but presenters showed that it can also be a time of new beginnings, new opportunities and life changing experiences.

The Peer Mentors sold red spiders with Mrs Pudy Timbs, Mrs Parsons and Mr Mark Mewburn, reminding students of the network of support at IPC especially for our younger students. Educating students about personal safety is an essential part of keeping young people safe, and special Personal Safety Talks were presented to Year 7s by Mrs Timbs and to Year 8s by Mr Conn. Counselling support resources continue to provide information and strategies for coping and resilience on a range of issues on the IPC website. www.ipc.qld.edu.au/pastoral/counselling/

Maryilyn Parsons and Mark Newburn

Ignatius Park College 2015


Debating Team




Junior: IPC 1 Lachlan Weis George Griffin Inseram Khan Connor Keir

That state schools are better value for money

Defeated by Grammar

Our boys had some convincing arguments but Grammar were just too strong in their execution this time.

Junior- IPC 2 Mathew Gatehouse Anthony Jobby Jean Sajeeve

That state schools are better value for money

Victorious over Pimlico

Well done to the boys.

Senior-IPC 1 Nicholas Cassidy Connor Boon Callum McDonald Patrick DeWale.

That the rise of social media has done more harm than good for interpersonal relationships

Other team forfeit. Automatic round two.

We now had plenty of time to get ready for the next debate.

Senior-IPC2 Kyle Bloxsom Jekka Filatov Logan Stanford Sam Morris William Bishop.

That the rise of social media has done more harm than good for interpersonal relationships

Defeated by Cathedral.

Plenty of strong speakers and energy to match, but Cathedral had some great arguments.

Senior-IPC 3 Abhijith Abraham Bailey Simmons Dexter Anderson Sam Newman

That the rise of social media has done more harm than good for interpersonal relationships

Victorious over St Margaret Mary’s.

Great deliveries! Persuasive and powerful- special mention to Abhijith who executed his arguments well.

That smoking should be banned in public places (negative).

Defeated by St Margaret Mary’s.

James Hoffensetz presented some strong arguments and showed leadership in the team, however, Saint Margaret Mary’s had numerous strong points.

Round one

YEAR 7 AND 8 DEBATING - FRONT ROW: Sikwasa Davis (Teacher), Bryce Kenyon, James Rowan, Mitchell Parker SECOND ROW: James Hoffensetz, Dante Calliste, Parth Jhamb, Sebastian Petrie

Round Two G 7/8 James Hoffensetz Mitchell Parker Sebastian Petrie Parth Jhamb Bryce Kenyon

Junior IPC 2 - Bye in this round: straight to semi-finals. Senior IPC 3Abhijith Abraham Bailey Simmons Dexter Anderson Sam Newman

That privacy is not as important as security.

Defeated by Cathedral.

The team’s delivery was powerful and the arguments were well structured, however, time came to be the deciding issue.

Senior IPC 1 Nicholas Cassidy Connor Boon Callum McDonald Patrick DeWale.

That privacy is not as important as security.

Defeated by Pimlico.

Strong delivery by Connor Boon, but Pimlico were ready with strong rebuttals.

That we should ban television advertising specifically aimed at children.

Defeated by St Margaret Mary’s.

A series of powerful rebuttals were thrown forward by the IPC team, particularly by Jean Sajeeve and Anthony who continually attacked the opposition’s arguments. Timing ultimately decided the loss.

YEAR 9 AND 10 DEBATING - FRONT ROW: Ms Angela Zeko (Teacher), George Griffin, Mrs Simone Hanran (Teacher), Lachlan Weis, Miss Kimberley Collins (Teacher) SECOND ROW: Jean Sajeeve, Antony Jobby, Matthew Gatehouse, Nicholas McCaig, Connor Keir, Inseram Khan

Semi finals Junior IPC 2 Mathew Gatehouse Anthony Jobby Jean Sajeeve


Ignatius Park College 2015

SENIOR DEBATING – FRONT ROW: Ms Amy Proud (Teacher), Dexter Anderson, Connor Boon, Bailey Simmons, Nicholas Cassidy, Abhijith Abraham, Mrs Tracey Quabba (Teacher) SECOND ROW: Mr Jerome Collier (Teacher), Patrick DeWale, Evgeny Filvatov, Wiliam Bishop, Kyle Bloxsom, Callum McDonald ABSENT: Logan Stanford

Co-Curricular 2015

Edmund Rice Day

On the last day of Term 1 we celebrated Edmund Rice day and it was wonderful to walk around the different activities and see the students and staff enjoying themselves. We commenced our celebrations with a combined Edmund Rice, Easter Liturgy where we presented three members of our community with their Edmund Rice Service Awards Mrs Jan Knight, Mrs Julie Sherwood and Mr Mark Mewburn. Congratulations to our recipients and for the contribution they have made to Ignatius Park College. It is very much appreciated by all. We thank parents and family members who were able to attend and we hope you enjoyed the day as much as we enjoyed having you. Under the guidance of Mr Sam DeLuca, the College Prefects and House Captains arranged a variety of activities to keep the students, and staff, entertained: Sumo Suit Wrestling, Sock Wrestling, a Dunking Machine, Mechanical Bull Rides, Pillow Fights, Gladiator Wars, Putt-putt Golf, a rock band

made up of Iggy students and plenty of fundraising food and drink stalls. The ever popular and highly competitive Year 12’s vs Staff sporting competitions were, as always, hotly contested events. Well done to the brave staff for putting their bodies and their pride on the line to take part in the Rugby League, Football and Netball matches. The Inter-House Tug of War and the Eddie Rice Dash were also highlights of the day. Congratulations to Eamon Preston, 12 Treacy, on winning the Eddie Rice Dash, followed closely by Pat Boniface and Josh Cocking. It was also good to see the College community wearing purple in support of Lewis Spriggs and his efforts in raising awareness for Epilepsy QLD. It once again highlights the Eddie Rice spirit. Br Jon Hansen

Ignatius Park College 2015


Instrumental Music

This year has been eventful once again! The College had 35 students participate in the 10th Anniversary Mulkadee workshops and performance at the Entertainment Centre. 1200 students from the Townsville Diocese participated and performed to an audience of 2000 on the Friday night. The College Stage Band once again performed at the Eisteddfod as well as many College events including the Open Day, Awards Night and the Instrumental Music Night.

Our Instrumental Music Teachers for 2015: Co-ordinator and Brass – Miss Claire Dickson Woodwind – Ms Laurell Bourne Strings and Piano – Ms Christine Pulvirenti Guitar – Mr David Roberts Percussion – Mr Matthew Giddings Vocal – Mrs Lyllie Cowling Claire Dickson Teacher

The Combined Schools Concert Bands have had a wonderful year as for the first time we have had to split into two bands – the Middle Schools Band and the Senior Schools Band. The year ended with a concert at Ignatius Park featuring both bands as the main event. The schools choir have had the talented Lyllie Cowling take them on a huge journey of contemporary singing this year. The boys performed at the Open Day, with crowds dancing to their rendition of ‘Uptown Funk’ and many others. The other big event was a gig at the Brooklea Lifestyle Village in Term 4.

Stage Band - FRONT ROW: Corey Gulliver, Jean Sajeeve, Daniel Fraser, Riley Campbell, Jackson Finnegan, James Morrison, Oliver Dickenson SECOND ROW: Miss Claire Dickson (Teacher), Benjamin Judge, Thomas Rawstron, Jordan Larsen, Harrison Milton, Timothy Bloxsom, Damien Kipping ABSENT: Declan Rush


Ignatius Park College 2015

Choir - FRONT ROW: Miss Claire Dickson, Thomas Chapman, Aidan Standley, Brody Seymore, Lachlan Spencer, Matthew Wilmen SECOND ROW: Pio Kelemete, Benjamin Wilmen, Samuel Morris, Samuel Audas-Ryan, Brody Jorgensen ABSENT: Jack Letters, Davis Johnson

Co-Curricular 2015

IT Resources

2015 was another busy year for the IT Department with the introduction of the Year 7’s students into the College. To accommodate for the increase in student numbers the school added two additional laptop trolleys into the library learning spaces and increased our server and storage infrastructure. Internet was also an area of improvement. With NBN expanding into Cranbrook the school added a fast NBN connection to our existing Microwave link. This has given the school increase bandwidth and added redundancy to keep the College connected to the Information Super Highway. A huge thank you must go to the IT Departments staff members. The IT Department has welcomed an Old Boy back into the fold as Matthew Scharfe returns to the school after graduating in 2007. He brings to the school a knowledge of Microsoft SharePoint and a vast hardware knowledge to help the boys with their netbook repairs.

Jordan Jilg is continuing his great work in System Administration and has used 2015 to extend the use of technologies in the business and curriculum areas of the school. He has achieved a lot this year automating a lot of the school business processes and installing new technologies to tie the curriculum and business systems together. A special thankyou to Desmond Noronha for his contribution to the IT Department in his time at the College. We wish him all the best in his next adventure. 2016 and beyond are exciting times for the school moving forward. Information Technology is increasingly expanding across more year levels and learning areas. Over the next few years the IT Department will be kept busy helping link our IT resources into more of the College’s curriculum. David McKenzie IT Manager

Nicholas Giemsa has continued his great work supporting the College’s students and staff. He has spent the year enhancing his skillset by learning Microsoft System Centre Configuration Manager which he is now using to control software within the College.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Outdoor Education

There is no doubt that the latest addition to IPC Camp Gedling high ropes course has been a terrific success. It has “run hot” since it was hoisted manually into place (and in one piece) in November 2014. There is more to the story. The 250 metres of rope that went into its construction was gifted, as was the energy and man-hours to install the finished work. Since the first poles went into the ground in 2009 (another massive gift of time, energy and material resources), the ropes course has certainly grown as a labour of community support. Sure, there were dollars out-layed for much of the hardware: poles, eye bolts, stainless steel belay cables, safety systems and other necessary fittings. What’s worth many times more, however; than the “dollar” hardware, is the insight, the understanding and the active recognition of what is worthwhile to further the education of our students. Cargo nets, giant ladders, high traverses, multi-vines are all designed to challenge physically and mentally. Physical and mental challenge means discomfort, and discomfort means learning and extending the capability of each participant. Whether it’s “up top” on the “sharp end” of a rope, or in the support crew on the ground, the combination of challenge and responsibility makes for permanent, though sometimes subtle changes for the better in mind of the ropes course player. In closing this short, 2015 Year Book note on Outdoor Education, let us make a commitment as a community of students, families, College staff and satellite organisations, to extend our sincere thanks to those perceptive and committed amongst us for their generous and timely support. Let us also commit to keeping uppermost in our collective mind’s eye, the imperative of challenge and its opportunity for us as perceptive human beings, to harness its consistent thread of “discomfort” … to engage it as a spring-board for empowering our lives. We each harbour within us, though it’s sometimes masked by layers of our life’s conditioning, a young and vibrant mind … a mind eager to explore, keen to learn, yet always on the look-out for and ready to take on that new challenge. Steve Coleman IPC Outdoor Education Consultant


Ignatius Park College 2015

The Peer Mentor Program was a new initiative in our College last year. Our first Peer Mentors, now in Year 12, assisted the Year 8’s settle into life at Ignatius Park and our Year 11 Peer Mentors made the very first cohort of Year 7’s, feel at ease. Peer Mentors established their presence among the younger students through regular Homeroom visits, participating in special events and being a visible presence during break times.

Co-Curricular 2015

Peer Mentors

Year 12 Peer Mentors for Year 8’s

Tahne Lahiffe, Lachlan McDonald, Haydn Chapman, Thomas Conn, Gehamat Shibasaki, Kalen Timbs, Adam Ibell, Nicholas Jumeau, Rhys Gillman, Matthew Gallegos, Jason Wilkins, Mitchell McKee, Sebastian Stanley, Kyle Bloxom and Harrison Milton. PEER MENTORS – FRONT ROW: Dexter Anderson, Rhys Gillman, Jason Wilkins, Nicholas Jumeau, Matthew Gallegos, John Tolcher, Sebastian Stanley, James Babao, Marilyn Parsons (School Counsellor), Mark Mewburn (Careers and Student Counsellor) SECOND ROW: Cieron Botha, Thomas Conn, Jason Alsemgeeest, Haydn Chapman, Oscar Cater, Lachlan McDonald, Callum McDoanld, Mitchell McKee, Lachlan Regattieri THIRD ROW: Sam Morris, Kalen Timbs, Harrison Milton, Samuel Stewart, Lachlan Burgess-Orton, Adam Ibell, Kyle Bloxsom, Kyle Everett ABSENT: Tahne Lahiffe, Gehamat Shibasaki, Patrick Conn

Year 11 Peer Mentors for Year 7’s

Sam Stewart, Lachlan Regattieri, Sam Morris, Jason Alsemgeest, James Babao, Lachlan Burgess-Orton, John Tolcher, Cieron Cuthbert-Botha, Callum McDonald, Patrick Conn. Mark Mewburn and Marilyn Parsons

Powered by Velocipedes

VELOCIPEDES - FRONT ROW: Mr David Newton (Teacher), Rhys Lambert, James Stevenson, Aaron Williamson, John McKenzie, Cameron Soutar SECOND ROW Mr Sam DeLuca (Teacher), Alex Namoga, Brodie Flynn, Jarrod Anderson, Mr Frank Picciolini (Teacher)

Ignatius Park College 2015




Ignatius Park College 2015

Co-Curricular 2015

Production Ignatius Park students found themselves on stage once again in this year’s show stopping production of ‘Peter Pan’. It was with the hard work and dedication from the students and teachers along with the phenomenal talent from our sister schools Saint Margret Mary’s College and Saint Patrick’s College that this year’s show took flight, bringing the audience to their feet. Nerves were high as dozens of boys and girls lined up out front the drama room door, anxiously awaiting their audition. With only a matter of minutes to impress the likes of directors Leo Hogan and Jacquelyne Armstrong, many sang and danced their hearts out. With the final decisions of casting pending, all awaited the final verdict. A wait which felt like years. The sighs of relief could be heard throughout the drama room as names were called. Finally a cast of over 130 skilled dancers, actors and singers was formed. The leads of this year included the ever talented actress Teal Warner as Wendy, Connor Boon as the sinister Captain Hook, Patrick deWaele as the loveable Smee, Jack Bryne as John, Harry Griffin as Michael, Samuel Stewart as Mr Darling, Jessica Scott as Mrs Darling, Ramal Jayawardha as Chief, Clare Dark as the silk climbing Tiger Lilly, the talented ballerina Shaina Leo as Tinker Bell, Georgia Hasson as Liza, Connor Morgan as the humours Crocodile and Tom Chapman as the sprightful Peter Pan. These talented leads were supported with an excited crew of old and new faces. Rehearsals were often chaotic trying to coordinate complex dances, musical numbers and staging. With months of hard work and long Sunday’s the cast was ready to move into the theatre. The move to the theatre was preceded by a mad rush of script learning, prop making and scene decorating. The energy levels of the cast instantly rose as costumes, beautifully created by Tracey Quabba, Patrice Hogan, Molly Conn and Debbi Price, were fitted and makeup was applied. The show was on. The many performances had the whole cast’s efforts behind them, wowing the audiences, bringing them to their feet. We were fortunate to have a number of volunteer and professional musicians, dancers, makeup artists and back stage crew help make this show the resounding success it was. Thanks go out to Miss Armstrong, Mr Hogan, Mr Thiele, Miss Dickson, Ms Cowling, Mr Keane and Mr Lindeberg, as well as every parent and volunteer who made this show a reality. Finally, I’d highly encourage all boys to participate in the school production while they have the chance. For me, Peter Pan was my fifth and final production with Ignatius Park College. Smiles, laughs and tears have been shared with cast after cast, friends and memories have been created for life. An experience one will never forget. Tom Chapman (Peter Pan)

Ignatius Park College 2015


Property and Services

This year the College continued with a number of construction project to accommodate the growth of student numbers in 2015.

ahead of time. The quality of work and the extra tasks completed to assist with the development of the College is greatly appreciated.

Major works completed for 2015

Work to be completed for start of 2016.

The construction of Trade Skills Centre fund by the Federal Government. Refurbishment of the upstairs area of the IPC Hall into two additional classroom and will also allow a viewing area for the larger functions at the College. Extension to the College Gym – this was done due to the high demand for gym work by our students. The College would like to thanks Gabrielli Construction for their work on all the above projects which were finished


Ignatius Park College 2015

Refurbishment of Art Room 2 into a new hospitality kitchen. Sound proofing the second music room to allow more music tuition. Once again I would like to thank our dedication Property and Services team, Dave Hodgson, Bill Jervis, Will Phelan, Bob Scott, Greg Pecchiar, Margaret Mitchell and Anna DiLegge. Geoff Brown Property and Services Manager

Co-Curricular 2015

Reef Guardians

REEF GUARDIANS – FRONT ROW: Jed Toohey, Kallum Bowman, Dylan Price, Rhys Gillman, Tom Chapman, Abhijith Abraham, Declan Keyes-West, Mitchell Parker SECOND ROW: Ms Catherine Ventic (Teacher), Wesley Peoplow, Antony Jobby, Jack Dunn, Nick McCaig, Kevin Sajeeve, Jean Sajeeve THIRD ROW: Christian Batic, Harry Searle, James Rowe, Tahne Lahiff, Daniel Conn

Our Actions Affect the Sustainability of the Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia’s most remarkable gifts. Its breathtaking beauty and splendour is truly a blessing and something of remarkable pride for all Australians. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s (GBRMPA) Reef Guardian program recognises the exceptional environmental work undertaken by communities, schools and industries to protect this wonderful gift of nature. The program involves working closely with those who use and rely on the Reef for recreation or business, or just to help build a healthier and more resilient reef. The Reef is slowly dying due to pollutant discharge from the land and coastal development. The Reef Guardian program at Ignatius Park College demonstrates a hands-on, community-based approach that can make a real difference to the health and resilience of the reef. Reef Guardians are taking on voluntary actions beyond what is required by law and sharing information. These actions will help to improve the sustainability of industries operating in the Great Barrier Reef Region and ensure the environmental sustainability of the Marine Park. “Think globally, act locally”. As a Reef Guardian school, we have been constructing and developing different ways to promote Reef Sustainability in our school and public environment. Every step we take looks towards a better and healthier reef of tomorrow. As a community, we pride ourselves in the actions we have taken to ensure the safety and sustainability of the reef. These include: Clean Up Australia Day/ Battery World Recycling/ Mobile Phone Muster/Plastic Free August

We have also painted stencils around the school in order to promote awareness of the rubbish that ends up in the reef. This is in order to help create a healthy and clean environment in our school and the reef. Students in the Reef Guardians at our school have also been interviewed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority for the Reef Beat program which encourages teachers and students to explore the amazing Great Barrier Reef and the dangers that are threatening the reef. Additionally, this year, our school has been invited to take part in the “Celebrate the Reef Program”, which marks 40 years of managing this international natural icon and also the launch of the Townsville ReefBlitz. In the future the Reef Guardians endeavour to challenge the school to prioritise the solar panel installations which will immensely reduce power bills and take advantage of a powerful and renewable energy source. We are also looking forward to working with the “Eliminate Dengue Project” which is a partnership between James Cook University and the Townsville City Council. As Reef Guardians, we “think globally and act locally”, we follow this concept to ensure a better and healthier reef of tomorrow. I would also like to congratulate and thank Ms. Ventic in all her hard work, effort and personal time that she has put into Reef Guardians without expecting any rewards. She is a great teacher and a wonderful human being. This year’s Reef Guardians consist of: myself, Antony Jobby, Kevin Sajeeve, Abhijith Abraham, Nick McCaig, Mitchell Parker, Declan Keyes-West, Callum Bowman, Wesley Peplow, Dylan Price, Daniel Conn, Chrisitan Batic, Jed Toohey, Tahne Lahiff, Harry Searle, Cameron Pridmore, Mathew Gatehouse, Hamish Glasby and Tom Chapman. Jean Sajeeve Townsville Reef Guardian Ambassador

Ignatius Park College 2015


St Vincent de Paul The St Vincent de Paul Society of 2015 focused its efforts on supporting and enriching the Townsville community. The group wanted to help others through volunteer service and grow their awareness of local, national and international issues. The boys started the year by selling lollies, drinks (and hundreds of cheeseburgers) at the annual Eddie Rice Day and Swimming Carnival to create funds for our activities and to donate to charities. Our first program was the annual ‘Clean-Up Australia Day’ at Rossiter Park and the Vinnies Boys worked hard cleaning rubbish along the rivers and around the drains of the local area.

I am very proud of the St Vinnies boys and thank them for their commitment, their volunteering and their compassion for helping others who are less fortunate. Travis Dewan St Vincent de Paul Society

The next program was followed with some members participating in the ‘Homeless Sleep-Out’ and was a great eye opener for the students to sleep in the school grounds with nothing but cardboard as their shelter and gain a greater understanding of what some of the underprivileged people go through each day. With this in mind, The Vinnies boys ran the annual ‘Winter Appeal’ and ‘Xmas Appeal’ where hundreds of food and clothing items were collected and donated to the local St Vincent de Paul shop. With a focus on our local community, the Vinnies Boys also invited members from Townsville Ozcare to Iggy Park to participate in a sharing and learning session centred around the use of technology. The boys worked with the senior members of Ozcare and shared their knowledge and learned from the older members of their community.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL – FRONT ROW: Mr Travis Dewan (Teacher), Jean Sajeeve, Tom Chapman, James Babao, Rhys Gillman, Abhijith Abraham, Zac Timbs SECOND ROW: Braidy Delforce, Joey Roepke, Tahne Lahiffe, Harrison Searle, Antony Jobby, Kevin Sajeeve THIRD ROW: Jackson Baker, James Rowe, Luke Olzard

Tuckshop / Toast Room


Ignatius Park College 2015

Co-Curricular 2015


This Year, 2015 is the inaugural year of mountain biking cocurricular sport at Ignatius Park College. MTB (mountain terrain biking) is a rapidly expanding, exhilarating sport which has all the traits of a fun, challenging and at times competitive activity. With the right bike, students can take riding to a totally different level out on the trails. Fitness, safety, fun, challenge, respect for the environment and mateship were all key outcomes for the group. The group was instantly successful with 26 boys signing on for the group. Soon after, more students joined the Trailburners. A terrific aspect of the group was the support by staff with 5 teachers putting their hands up to lead and support riding at IPC Every Wednesday after school, the group got together at the trail head for up to 2 hours of fun and challenge. Generally we selected ability groupings, teamed up with teachers to lead or “sweep” the rides and we’d head off up to the Summit for some cool breeze and spectacular views of out beautiful city of Townsville. Rollcall of our first year of riding trails as the Trailburners include:

Matthew Ambrose Sam Audas Jack Brennan Connor Brookhouse Brendan Buttigieg Sean Rennie Nathan Clohesy Nik Cranston Connor Dalton Michael Forster Oliver Gibson Joshua Keir Cameron Lowth Kristian Lye Mitchell McCubben-Fry Harrison Milton Oliver Gibson

Reuben Roberts Jadon Rollings Lachlan Spencer Harry Turner Brodie Windle Jayden Windle Angus Woods Sam Clohesy Luke Saldana-Lopez Patrick Morrison Zac Gough Daniel Rennie Aidan Standley Drew Whiting Christian Lye Luke Saldana-Lopez

Rollcall of the teachers who have helped out and joined in include: Mr Keith Spencer Ms Georgia Stayte Mr Hans Van Dorsellaer

Mr Chris Rigano Ms Jodie Roberts Mr Sam DeLuca

But riding on Wednesdays is not all we did. Trailburners are race bred! Racing is the exhilarating, hard edge of the sport. In 2015 both students and staff have participated in race series all over the country. The group has members of all abilities and many of the boys were keen to race because it is “massive fun”. Oliver Gibson travelled with his Dad Peter to compete at Bright, Victoria in the Australian Nationals final and later in the QLD State titles. 24 hour race the Hot Rock saw 2 teams compete with awesome results. The XC series hosted by the Townsville Rockwheelers have had many of our Trailburners compete. The challenges are thrown out thick and fast and the IPC riders inevitably step up and often succeed, standing on the podium steps. The RRR race from Mt Malloy to Port Douglas was followed by one of the biggest rides of the year is the Paluma Push. We fielded a large group including teachers. This is a short marathon race of 42 or 51 km. This is a massively contested race where 600 plus riders go go go at the starting siren. Cramps and exhaustion were put out of mind. The boys from Ignatius Park took the challenge dug deep and never gave up. We shone that day. The atmosphere was electric and everyone had more fun than they could have imagined possible. Trailburners even went on tour! We have ridden at Atherton twice on their amazing trails, travelled to Mackay to race, ridden the Pallarenda Under The Radar trail here in Townsville as a group. So many fun times, so many flat tyres! The occasional “over the hangers” stack ups and so many cool rides, but so many good mates. We all look after each other and we do it with a smile. Keith Spencer

Of the things the young men in the group really seemed to appreciate was not only the opportunity to ride with their mates and have fun, but to ride with their teachers in a common interest and have fun together. It has been an awesome year. We have also had a few parents at times coming to ride with the group. Sam Audas-Ryan’s Dad, Reuben Roberts’ Mum is also a teacher in the group and particularly Nik Cranston’s Dad Mark, who was a rusted on regular, all enjoyed being able to ride with their son and just come out and join in the fun.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Townsville to Cairns Bike Ride

From the 23-25 of July, 12 students, along with two teachers and four parents, and our rider trainer successfully covered the 350km journey that is the Townsville to Cairns Charity Bike Ride. By raising awareness of Childhood Cancer, the ride raised approximately $300,000 to be donated the Children’s Cancer Institute Australia to assist in further research to finding a cure of childhood cancer. Of this $300,000, Ignatius Park alone raised $21,636.36, the third highest amount out of 12 teams. This year marked the third consecutive year that Ignatius Park College has participated in the ride to Cairns.

Day one: Townsville to Ingham – 110km Flat terrain mapped out the profile for the first day of the Townsville to Cairns. Thanks to a well-deserved lunch stop at Frosty Mango, which involved burgers and ice cream, everyone made it to Ingham safely, and with rather fresh legs. A fast and easy leg which saw us arrive in Ingham in only 4 hours.

Day two: Ingham to Innisfail – 150km The longest and hardest day of the ride saw us battle rather humid heat, lengthy distances between rests, crosswinds, and a rise in the road just 15km out of Ingham, better known as the Cardwell Range. A longer day in the saddle saw the boys sore and tired as they rolled in to Innisfail just short of 6 hours after leaving Ingham.

Day three: Innisfail to Cairns – 90km A strong minded Ignatius Park team battled the mental toughness that came after day 2, and put their bums back in the saddle for the final 90km of the ride. However, soon enough the boys were alive with energy as they could feel how close they were to their goal. No crashes saw everybody arrive in Cairns with no skin off, and everyone had an amazing time at the gala dinner to celebrate the success of the ride, that evening. Well done to Lachlan Lemon, Riley Campbell, Hayden Graham, Rhys Mead, Huon Deacon, Joshua Keir, Liam Jameson, Nicholas Truett, Cullum McDonald, Drew Whiting and Jaison Greer, who road to Cairns as part of the newly formed Galah’s. Jesse Statham, who although injured and


Ignatius Park College 2015

unable to ride, came on the ride to support the riders at each stop. A special thanks needs to go to Mr Rigano, and Chris Whiting, who gave up their time to be our support drivers over the three days. Thanks to all the parents, Greg Jameson, Mark McDonald, Bradley Keir, and David Mead, who also participated in the ride. Mrs Deacon, Huon’s mum, trained with us but rode with another group. Her efforts organising all the support vehicles was amazing. Alongside Mr Geaney, Anthony Dare from Cycle de Vie, generously donated his mornings and time to help coach the riders from day one of training to prepare us for this ride. Well done to Ms Armstrong on becoming the fourth teacher in three years to complete the ride. A note must be made of Mr Geaneys effort. Having no regard to his own personal health battle, trained with the school team and successfully completed every inch of the ride. His ability to overcome such adversity was an inspiration to all of us. I look forward to next year’s ride with great anticipation and the next group of talented young men to complete this challenge. Callum McDonald (11E)

The Ignatius Park College Ultimate Award concept is one of individual challenge. It presents to our boys a balanced, noncompetitive program of voluntary activities that encourages personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility to themselves and service to their community.

The Fundamental Principles

The criteria for gaining an Award is individual improvement through persistence and achievement, taking into account the Participant’s initial capabilities, and without any element of competition between Participants

• Participation is entirely voluntary and the individual Participant has a completely free choice in the selection of the locally available options.

• The basic structure of The Award program consists of the four mandatory sections: Physical Recreation, Skill, Service (Volunteering), and Adventurous Journey.

Aim of Physical Recreation:

To improve your physical fitness and wellbeing, and get active. Physical Recreation. This section offers the opportunity to participate in physical activity in a variety of ways. Whether it be a team sport, individual pursuit or a regular get together with a few friends, the ultimate outcome must show that you were determined, you had fun and achieved some personal goals in developing your health and fitness.

Aim of Community Service:

To experience what the community around you has to offer and what its needs are. The Community Service section is all about giving back to the community. Regardless of your circumstances there are always situations out in the community that are in need of your passion. This may concern the want of the elderly, care for the environment or love of animals, refereeing a game of sport or helping with the sick.

The Adventurous Journey is all about getting out there and going on an expedition or exploration in a challenging environment, with a clear purpose. What does it involve? • Team work • Making social connections • Determination • Physical effort • Perseverance • Problem Solving • Cooperation • Taking away a unique experience!

Co-Curricular 2015

Ultimate Award

Students are also required to keep a log or journal of their experience. The format of this record may take one of the following formats: • Written journal • Web page • Scrapbook • Photographic record • Audio log • Video documentary • PowerPoint slide Minimum Timescales for each Level by Section BRONZE



Physical Recreation

3 months

6 months

12 months


3 months

6 months

12 months


3 months

6 months

12 months

Adventurous Journey

3 days + 2 nights

4 days + 3 nights

4 days + 3 nights

Minimum Grade to start

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Service offers Participants the opportunity to engage with society and gain an understanding of the importance of their role within both their immediate and global community. It gives participants the chance to connect with individuals and groups that they may have previously overlooked or not been aware of, and to make a real difference to their world.

Purpose of a Skill:

To extend your talents and broaden your personal interests and skills. With so many options to choose from, the participant is given the opportunity to undertake and become personally involved in an interest which he can extend his passion. The activity may be artistic, creative, musical, academic, technical, cultural or some other area. It lets the student try something totally new or continue with an existing activity with a renewed purpose.

Purpose of the Adventure:

To discover a spirit of adventure and discovery whilst undertaking a journey in a group.

“ULTIMATE AWARD RECEPIENTS 2015” Bronze: (Back Row) Jaxson James, Callum Bowman.

(Front Row) Liam Jameson, Jack Pople, Lachlan Braby.

Silver: (L-R, Back Row)

Cameron Lowth, Jacob Pegoraro, Hamish Billingsley,

Ignatius Park College 2015


Year 7 Camp The Year 7 camp for 2015 was fantastic! Some of the best things about camp were setting up the tents and hanging out with our mates. We did many team building activities to get to know each other better. The high ropes was one of the most exciting and thrilling events of the camp. There were many memorable moments, like sitting around the camp fire and telling stories and enjoying the food. Overall the camp was great and we would rate it 10/10! Nic Pearce and Zac Judge


Ignatius Park College 2015

The major highlights of the 2015 Year 8 Camp would be the thrill of abseiling down the rock cliff, getting shooting experience with the men from the Hervey’s Range Shooting Club and the cultural experience of visiting Turtle Rock with Mr Gaston. The hospitality and food served by the Year 12 boys and Mrs Holland were great too.

Being with our friends and doing team building activities was an awesome experience, in itself. Overall, the whole camp was lots of fun and we all enjoyed ourselves. Reuben Roberts and Drew Boniface

Ignatius Park College 2015

Co-Curricular 2015

Year 8 Camp


Year 9 Camp The survival of our camp was a highlight of our year! The camp was full of great experiences. We created bonds between our fellow class mates that will resonate for years to come. From the ropes course and spear throwing to making tents and receiving rations, the Year 9 camp was an experience of the ages. Overall, the camp was an enjoyable and memorable venture. Ben Stewart and Ben Judge


Ignatius Park College 2015

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Leo Brian Akee

Jarrod Colin Anderson

William Patrick Bishop

Ethan Blain


Nickname Jrod

Nickname Will, Willy B Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Bala Lion

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Basketball, Touch, Rugby Union, Volleyball, Best and Fairest, Opens Volleyball and Basketball, Baillie Medal and indigenous activity.

Achievements: Rugby Union development squad, Velocipedes.

Interests: Fishing, Basketball, Touch Football, hanging out with friends and family, beach Volleyball. Ambitions: To get a succfessful job, travel to see family, live a good life, continue to play Basketball and Volleyball.

Interests: Hanging out with mates, Rugby Union, camping and spending time with family.

Achievements: Not failing a subject. Interests: Best toast in the world at the toast room.

Nickname Blainy Achievements: Rugby Union XV, Rugby Union UK tour.

Ambitions: To be fit.

Interests: Rugby Union, fitness, outdoors, hanging out with the boys. Ambitions: To complete a trade, then join the Fire Department and keep playing rugby.

Ambitions: Make my family proud and travel.

Lachlan Brian Fanning

Aidan Stephen Fitzsimmons

Brodie James Sam Flynn

Patrick Thomas Forster


Nickname Fitzy


Nickname Paddy

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: IPC rugby, XV rugby, swimming team.

Achievements: Turning my left knee to dust at athletics carnival, making the cross country team.

Achievements: Dux of engineering and my tackle in students footy.

Achievements: Qld Schoolboys Hockey, NQ Hockey, IPC Hockey, Bronze and Silver Awards.

Fanua, Fandogg, Famoosa

Interests: Rugby Union, Squash, Reading, TV and Xbox. Ambitions: To make a difference in the world and live a long life.

Interests: Rugby League, toast room feeds, camping, Fishing. Ambitions: Get a dual trade - electrician and refrigeration mechanic and own my own business.

Skinny, Flynny

Interests: Drift car, mechanical work, motorsports and building projects.

Interests: Hockey and Water Skiing.

Ambitions: To become an engine builder or highly skilled mechanic.

Ambitions: Complete uni degree, get a good job and win the lotto.

Bailey James Hillier

Travis Mark Kaurila

Tahne Joseph Lahiff

Joshua Andrew Leonardi


Nickname Trav



Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie


Achievements: Baillie House Captain, NQ and Qld Allschools Touch and a proud graduate of 2015.

Achievements: Winning swimming carnival 2015 and to actually finishing Year 12.

Achievements: Other than my obvious sporting achievements, finding great friends.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Interests: Hanging out with friends and family, playing Basketball, Fishing, having an assorted wardrobe, music and casual Sunday Golf.

Interests: Motocross, camping, Rugby Union, farming, Fishing.

Interests: Science, learning about other cultures.

Ambitions: Become a boilermaker or pro motocross rider.

Ambitions: To see the world and make it a better place.

Baz, Bai, DJ, Deej

Ambitions: Maintain an interest in my profession and live life with no regrets.

Cancee, Cheynee

Leo, Jleo, Leonardi,

Achievements: 3rd State Rowing championships,MMVP in lunchtime Touch comp, dux Yr 11 Economics. Interests: Fishing, hanging with mates, accounting. Ambitions: Travel the world and be the next Wolf on Wall St.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Senior Profiles

Mitchell Peter McGuire Nickname

Mitchy Baby, Air Mitchell, Mitchy McG

Homeroom Blue/Baillie Achievements: U15 and Yr 8 Basketball, bunning champ div. Interests: Aviation, Basketball, Mountain and Road Biking, refereeing. Ambitions: To be a pilot for a major airline.

Reece George McKenzie (O’Brien)

Connor Jeffrey Morgan


Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: XV, XIII, winning 2015 swimming carnival.

Achievements: Cross country yrs 8, 9 and 12, AFL team U15s.

Rez, Ubba OB1, Reezey

Homeroom Blue/Baillie Achievements: First XIII, First VI, All schools champ, Dux of Physics. Interests: Rugby League, Touch, star signs.


Morgo, Boycen

Dominic Michael Morrison Nickname Dom

Ambitions: To play at LCS.

Interests: AFL, Oztag, running, earning money.

Interests: Rugby Union, Rugby League.

Ambitions: To complete uni and have children.

Ambitions: Work in Brisbane and become a carpenter, then go travelling.

Alexei Rorokoma Namoga

Luke Thomas Olzard

Thomas Edward Proctor

Jake Raymond Riley




Nickname Snake

Namoga, Moga, Uate

Big Bird

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: First XI Confro 2014 and 2015, First XV 2013, 2013 Belgiumate, Indigenous activities.

Achievements: Spiritual leader of St Vinnies, First XV and UK touring and get massive.

Interests: Rugby League, Mrs Allan Toastroom, Confro.

Interests: Rugby union, reading and gaming.

Ambitions: Playing footy, get a job and live with no regrets.

Proc, Proco

Homeroom Blue/Baillie Achievements: Cricket team, UK Tour, Yr 11 11 Modern History Dux. Interests: Cricket, hanging out with the boys.

Homeroom Blue/Baillie Achievements: Academic awards, Qld allschools champions, Yr 8 MUP, lunchtime Touch comp champions. Interests: Rugby League, Touch Footy, hanging with mates, casual Sunday golf.

Ambitions: Completing uni and having a family.

Ambitions: Be a detective or something law related, have a family and still hanging out with the boys.

Ambitions: To graduate from the Park in hopes to retun as part of the teaching staff..

James Andrew Roberton

Harrison John Searle

Joshua Dean Smith

Lewis Gee Spriggs



Nickname Smithy


Jimmy, Robbo

Searlo, Searlie

Lewy, Spriggsy

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Being able to get a job through the VET program and Chess.

Achievements: St Vincent de Paul Vice Captain.

Achievements: Getting my name on the Blue Wall.

Interests: Computers, IT and Go Carting.

Interests: Basketball and socialising.

Interests: Motorsport and fitness.

Ambitions: Get a full time job, then car, house and have a family.

Ambitions: Complete university and make a difference in the world.

Ambitions: To win the lotto and make it into the V8 Supercars.

Achievements: Raising awareness of Epilepsy, school and NQ Hockey, winning Brother Baillie Medal, presenting Baillie in all sports, going on the Sea World excursion. Interests: Cricket, Hockey, Sports, Video games, drawing, rading, watching movies and going theme parks. Ambitions: To be seizure free so I can get my licence and a good job and to pass maths.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Kevin Michael Francis Stark

Justin Fitzgerald Straker

Kalen Murray Timbs

Calem William Watts

Nickname Starks

Nickname Strakes



Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Achievements: Hockey first XI, diligence award, TCLC.

Achievements: Seconds IPC Basketball team.

Achievements: A brain and to be respectful.

Interests: Hockey, whatever sports are in season, hanging with the boys.

Interests: Rec studies and Basketball.

Achievements: Academic awards, Captain of water polo yeam, UK rugby, St Vincent de Paul.

Ambitions: To be happy.

Ambitions: To finish school with the boys proudly.

Timbsy, KT, Kalamari

Interests: Rugby Union, water polo, Touch Football, Rugby League, hanging with mates, differential calculus.

Bullrider, Wattsy

Interests: Pig hunting, motorbike riding, horse riding and camping. Ambitions: To get a job next year.

Ambitions: Live a happy and healthy life and travel the world.

Jake Scott Webster

Bradley Mark Anderson

Sam Alec Anderson

Luke McKellar Black

Nickname Webby

Nickname Madman



Homeroom Blue/Baillie

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Academic awards, Chess captain, 2015 athletics carnival win.

Achievements: Qld All Schools Touch, shadow NQ schoolboys Touch.

Achievements: I’m proud that my academic levels have improved.

Interests: Gaming with mates.

Interests: Fishing, Touch Football, hanging with mates.

Interests: Outdoors and enjoying life to the fullest with a few good mates.

Ambitions: To have a successful small business such as a Fishing charter.

Ambitions: Become financially stable and improve myself as an individual.

Achievements: Meeting lots of great people. Interests: Geography and soccer.

Ando, Sammy


Ambitions: Pass my subjects and get an enjoyable job.

Ambitions: Graduate uni with degrees in Business and Law.

Joel Diakonow

Matt James Evans

Declan James Evanson

Rhys Thomas Gillman





Diak, The Flash


Russell, Evo


Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Chief of army cade challenge 2015, Relay for Life 2013/14.

Achievements: Gold and silver academic awards and winning the athletics carnival in 2015.

Achievements: High marks in hospitality and english.

Achievements: House Vice Captain and first victory at athletics carnival.

Interests: Skating, web development, hanging out with friends, art.

Interests: Music, science, ready and performance.

Ambitions: To start my own business.

Ambitions: To study medicine while pursuing work as a musician.

Interests: Australian Army Cadets and cycling. Ambitions: Medical technician in Defence Force.

Interests: Baseball and maths. Ambitions: To leave school with life long mates as well as a single digit OP score.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Senior Profiles

Samuel John Haines

Adam Warren Ibell

Nathan William Jorgensen

Jack Steven Kaufline




Homeroom Maroon/Carew




Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: 2015 Athletics carnival winners.

Achievements: Christian Bros Cricket, peer mentoring, being a part of the blue brigade.

Achievements: Representing the College in sports such as Basketball and Chess.

Interests: Fishing and Cricket.

Ambitions: To maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle in the future.

Interests: Hanging out with friends and family, watching and playing sport.

Interests: Sports particularly Basketball.

Interests: Computers, reading and hanging out with mates. Ambitions: To pursue a career in the IT area.

Ambitions: To become a secondary school teacher.

Ambitions: Agricultural business, keeping in touch with the boys.

Kipngetich Alex Kemei

Haralambos Konidis

Justin Peter Macor

Kevin Mutai Mugambi









Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: State vault champion 2013/14, 3rd overall Qld lvl 7 2015, 1st team nationals, 2nd floor and vault nationals 2015, 3rd p-bars nationals 2015.

Achievements: Making it to Year 12.

Achievements: Academic awards, Carews first victory in the athletics carnival.

Achievements: Bronze and gold academic certificates.

Interests: Music. Ambitions: To obtain a full time career and hopefully an apprenticeship.

Interests: Fishing, camping.

Lachlan John Pepperdene

Nong Van Hung

Kalyn Jay Ponga

Jake Daniel Rainbow





Interests: Gymnastics. Ambitions: Become a software engineer and do well in gymnastics.



Ambitions: Single digit OP and graduate university.


Interests: Fishing, Bowling, Skydiving with Spinks. Ambitions: To carry and further develop the morals that the IPC community has bestowed upon me, in to my later life.

Rainbow Man

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: High Distinction Australian Maths Comp, Diligence and Academic Awards.

Achievements: Friendship and language.

Achievements: Mateship between my peers.

Achievements: Being the in the winning house for athletics carnival.

Interests: Golf, touch, Rugby League.

Interests: Motorbikes, camping, hunting, music.

Interests: Social gatherings and playing games with friends.

Interests: Travel. Ambitions: Finish school, attend uni and become Australian.

Ambitions: To do well at university and have a successful career.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Ambitions: To further my studies at university and persue a career in teaching.

Ambitions: To live an adventurous, crazy life and to make the most of every moment.

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Ethan Mark Rasmussen-O’Keefe

James William Rowe

Jesse Leon James Ruedin

Joshua Shane Ryland





Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Vinnies secretary, blue brigade, Yr 8 Magnatius touch, good grades.

Achievements: Making it to Yr 12.

Achievements: Mateship and good learning skills.

Interests: Cricket, sport, reading, work and mates.

Ambitions: Have a family, get a 1969 Ford Mustang and a 2014 Kawaski Ninja.


Homeroom Maroon/Carew Achievements: House Captain, academic awards, age champion athletics, first Carew athletics win, representing school in Rugby Union, Volleyball and athletics.

Rowie, Jimmy, Rowe

Ambitions: Grow my hair.

Ambitions: Become a financial lawyer, own a house in Monaco, have a successful life and have a family.

Bryan John Salmon

Brody Richard Seymore





Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Homeroom Maroon/Carew

Achievements: Homeless shelter and Detention for Detention.

Achievements: JCU young language ambassador, choir captain.

Interests: Motorbike riding and camping.

Interests: Learning foreign languages, singing, fencing, playing video games with the lads.

Ambitions: To gain my apprenticeship and keep in contact with my family and friends.

Ambitions: To travel the world and meet new people.


Interests: Hunting, camping and hanging with friends.

Ryland, Old Mate

Interests: Hiking, running, reading and writing. Ambitions: Get a trade, join the army, travel and eventually start my own business.

Thomas James Stafford Smith

Jack Michael Spinks


Homeroom Maroon/Carew


Homeroom Maroon/Carew Achievements: College Prefect, being given a leadership position voted by my peers, participating in a wide range of sporting, academic and social aspects of the College.



Interests: Motorbike riding, going out west, chillin with the boys, bungee jumping and sky diving. Ambitions: To become an accountant.

Interests: Rugby, rowing, late night Balderdash. Ambitions: To live an enjoyable life, free of regret without forgetting the IPC community that has propelled me to where I am today.

Alex Mitchell Stever

Izaak William Yarrington

Joshua William Armit





Homeroom Maroon/Carew Achievements: Positive comments on my report cards. Interests: Camping, 4 wheel driving, Fishing, road racing and hanging with mates. Ambitions: To be successful in some kind of career or sport.

Ike, Kazzi, The Myth, Scott Sterling

Homeroom Maroon/Carew Achievements: National cheerleading champion 2014, Relay for Life 2011-14, Carew Charity Captain 2015 and great mates. Interests: Cheerleading, gaming, prospecting and hanging with my mates. Ambitions: To go to university and study business.

Robert Tremayne Beauchamp

Armpit, Scabbin

Homeroom Gold/Nolan Achievements: NQ Soccer, First XI Captain, UK team Captain. Interests: Fishing, soccer, tinny racing with mates. Ambitions: Continue to play soccer, study at JCU and pursue a career in business.

Nickname Rob Homeroom Gold/Nolan Achievements: Swimming age champion Years 8 to 12. Gold, silver, bronze academic awards. Dux Yr 11 Geography. Interests: Swimming, water skiing and aviation. Ambitions: To become a pilot and to continue to pursue my goal of representing Australia in swimming.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Senior Profiles

Samuel Thomas Owen Blezard

Thomas James Chapman

Bradley-John Corlis

Riley Lewis Danes

Nickname Chappo

Nickname Brad


Nickname Blezzy

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: Lead role in school productions Oliver, Godspell and Peter Pan. Dux drama, 2013 Aust figure skating champion, future leaders eco challenge ambassador, state honors ensemble selection and participation as male tenor vocalist.

Achievements: Achieving well academically.

Achievements: Making the First XIII squad.

Interests: Fishing, Mountain Biking, Tennis, cars and riding motorbikes.

Interests: Footy, Fishing and having good times.

Ambitions: Bachelor in Engineering.

Ambitions: Get a job and dollars, play some good footy and catch some nice fish.

Gerard John Edward Ferns

Matthew James Gallegos



Homeroom Gold/Nolan Achievements: Weekly visits to TCLC, meaningful work placement at Nextbyte. Interests: IT and gaming. Ambitions: To achieve a certificate 3 and diploma in IT.

Interests: Figure Skating, drama, dance, singing.

Dunza, Fat Riley, Danesy

Ambitions: International rep for figure skating, acceptance into NIDA, Broadway, performing and to be happy.

Jessey David

Benjamin Dusabimana




Ben Dus

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: Finishing Year 12.

Achievements: Soccer, 2nd cross country, athletics.

Interests: Music. Ambitions: To write music.

Interests: Sport and hanging with friends. Ambitions: Good marks.

Fernsy, Jarrod

Big Gal, The Axe

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: House Captain, NQ open Hockey, Qld U16 and U19 schoolboys Hockey.

Achievements: First XV Rugby Union, First VI volleball, Rugby Union UK tour, St Vinnies Spiritual Leader, TCLC.

Interests: Fishing, sport, sleeping, hanging with mates.

Interests: Driving.

Ambitions: To become a physiotherapist and keep in Touch with my Iggy brothers.

Ambitions: Meeting the love of my life and having a mixtape.

Thomas Michael Gallegos

Aiden Nicholas Hodder

Brady Joel Holdsworth

Matthew James Hosking

Nickname Gallegos

Nickname Hodder



Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: 1st XV Rugby Union, UK rugby tour, Volleyball.

Achievements: Graduating high school, IPC Volleyball.

Achievements: Director of sports report with James Conroy.

Achievements: Interschool sports, football U13, 14, 15 and 2nds.

Interests: Having fun.

Interests: Rugby Union, Fishing, long walks on the beach, crocodile wrestling.

Interests: Soccer, Touch, Fishing and scoring 40 yard pilchards.

Interests: Fishing, football, sports.

Ambitions: Become a stormchaser.


Ambitions: Complete my university degree, join the Australian Federal Police.

Ignatius Park College 2015

Holdzy, Burger, Stevie G

Ambitions: To travel the world, to enjoy whatever I pursue and play in the EPL.

Hosking, Hosko

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Lachlan Mitchell Hughes

Brody Michael Jorgensen

Reuben James Lomas

Nickname Hughesy

Nickname Jorgo


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: Diligence awards.

Achievements: Supporting roles in the school production.

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Interests: IT, Australian Army Cadets. Ambitions: Live a happy and successful life.

Interests: Soccer, music, musical, playing sports and having a good time. Ambitions: To get a good exit mark for Year 12 and to go to universtity.

Jandalz, Lomas

Achievements: Battle of the bands, Captain, Mulkadee, stage band. Interests: Music, photography and Rugby Union.

Marcello Baxter Paul Macdonald Nickname


Homeroom Gold/Nolan Interests: Rugby Union, music. Ambitions: To become a musician.

Ambitions: To do the things that scare me and live an adventurous life.

Thomas Joseph Mayes

Mitchell Thomas McKee

Joel Gregory McPherson

Caleb Robert Murphy

Nickname Mayes




Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: Senior Chess team, UK rugby tour, top 3 in Mr Turner’s chem class.

Achievements: College Prefect, Christian leadership x 3, NQ cross country, peer mentor.

Achievements: UK Rugby Union tour, 2nd XV Rugby Union.

Achievements: Making the football team.

Interests: Footy, Cricket and storm chasing.

Interests: Music.

Interests: Rugby League, Rugby Union, socialising with mates.

Ambitions: To finish Year 12.

David Reece Narratone

Trent Taylor Owen

Alexander Thomas Page

Samuel Jordan Pirret


Nickname Ogre

Nickname Pag


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Achievements: Weekly TCLC, UK football tour, open football team.

Achievements: First XV Rugby Union and the UK tour.

Interests: Motorbike riding, Fishing, working on my car and playing football.

Interests: Fishing and footy.

Achievements: A sense of family and brotherhood.

Achievements: Having all my Iggy brothers close to me.

Interests: Military, psychology, current affairs.

Interests: Archery, ice skating, racing and spear fishing.

Ambitions: A career that allows me to travel.

Ambitions: The sky is the limit.

Davo, Div, Divad, Dave

Ambitions: To become a fully qualified diesel fitter.

Diddle, Didds, McKeezy

Ambitions: Move to Woollongong, buy a combi van and surf every day.

Ambitions: Get an apprenticeship in my chosen field.

Joelo, Jmac, Jooeeel

Caleb, Murphy

Interests: Football.

Ambitions: Achieve an electrical apprenticeship and become a tradesman.

Spirret The Seventh

Ignatius Park College 2015


Senior Profiles

Jayden Reece Alloway

Joshua Jack Stabler

Lachlan Mark Taylor

Richard Egan Vaughan

Nickname Staples

Nickname Lachie


Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Gold/Nolan

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: Participating in many school activities and trying my best in them.

Achievements: First XIII.

Achievements: Firsts Volleyball, seconds Rugby League, TCLC helper.

Achievements: Science engineering challenge, diligence awards.

Interests: Soccer, camping, Fishing, art, design and construction.

Interests: Footy. Ambitions: Play footy.

Ambitions: Becoming a qualified builder and start my own business.

Rich, Rich Boy

Interests: Footy, storm chasing, driving economically.


Alloway, Stennett

Interests: Athletics, engineering, technology and cars.

Ambitions: To stay in contact with the boys and live a happy and successful life.

Ambitions: Become an electrical engineer.

Jack Edward Anderson

Ethan Kyle Betts

Kyle Gregory Bloxsom

Flynn Campbell





Ando, Sawyer, Rigby



Flynny C, Bushy

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: UK Cricket Tour 2014, Yr 9 Cricket Tour.

Achievements: First five, other activities.

Achievements: High level of academic and extra-curricular success, peer mentoring, Townsville to Cairns bike ride and Banish the Black Dog.

Achievements: Silver certificate of service learning, bronze and diligence academic awards.

Interests: Charity events, community service, engineering and science.

Ambitions: Complete a bachelor degree at university and obtain a job in a field of science.

Interests: Cricket and cars. Ambitions: To work at a place I enjoy.

Interests: Basketball, hanging with the boys. Ambitions: Play ball at a high level and stay focused like a lazer beam.

Ambitions: To become employed in a successful engineering business and to live a happy life with my future wife and family.

Kyle Vivian Barnes Caspani Nickname

Sparn, Sparnos

Interests: Science, technology, school.

Joshua Joe Cocking

Nathan John Cocking

Daniel Keith Cooper






Coops, Cooper

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: First XV Rugby Union, cross country team 2013 and 2014, athletics team 2011, 2014.

Achievements: First XV, UK rugby, age champion for track.

Achievements: First XV, UK tour.

Achievements: Indian of the week, UK Rugby Union.

Interests: Rugby Union, hunting, kangaroo boxing, chilling with mates.

Interests: Rugby, chilling with the boys. Ambitions: Back ya self.

Ambitions: Back yourself, make family proud.

Ambitions: Get a trade or be a bushman.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Interests: Chilling with the boys.

Interests: Rugby Union, Fishing, camping. Ambitions: To live a happy and successful life.

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Joseph Martin Cram

James John Ross Dale

Kyall Peter Davern

Storm Andrew Jones





Trappa, Trapper

Homeroom Red/Reid

Jimmy, Jimbo Slice, Disco Junkie Jim

Achievements: First XV Rugby Union, second 13 Rugby League, Volleyball, badminton first II, UK Rugby Union.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Interests: Fishing, hunting, rugby union, camping.

Interests: Rugby and kicking back with the boys.

Ambitions: Get a trade or become a ringer.

Nicholas Jumeau Nickname


Homeroom Red/Reid Achievements: Making it to Yr 12, helping my fellow brothers lead the younger lads. Interests: Lunchtimes with ‘tha boiz’, walking into homeroom and saying ‘morning doctor’. Ambitions: To be successful in whatever I do and to stay close to the Iggy lads. To master the whip and nae-nae.

Achievements: UK tour, Reid House Captain.

Olijah-Juwon Tareek Kennedy Nickname

Eli, Pres Kennedy.

Homeroom Red/Reid



Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: First 13 and toast room veteran.

Achievements: Diligence awards, Relay for Life twice, Shave for a Cure.

Interests: Rugby League, Touch, Chess. Ambitions: Get a job.

Interests: Programming and computer networking.

Jake David Kerr

Samuel James Kippin

Homeroom Red/Reid


Achievements: Finishing Yr 12 and getting into the athletics team.

Homeroom Red/Reid

Ambitions: Achieve masters in computer networking.

Achievements: Diligence awards, IYLP, Close the Gap, Anti-bullying campaign, cultural tours, made life long friends.


Achievements: Sydney creative arts tour 2014. Interests: Film making, editing, gaming. Ambitions: To become a professional film editor who is working for some of the biggest directors in Hollywood.

Interests: Travel, reading, computers, music, Chess, hanging out with family and friends, learning. Ambitions: International travel, complete university degree, learn a language, earn lots of money, keep in touch with friends.

Brett Scott Kittle

Mitchell Scott Landa

Connor James Liston

Jared Michael Mazlin








Jay, Maz

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: College Prefect, academic awards, Gold service learning, Close the Gap campaign, Buy a Bale tour, Relay for Life, Volleyball.

Achievements: 2014 Maths C Dux, 2013 Proxime Accessit, Gold academic awards 2013 and 2014, Volleyball, Rugby Union, Relay for Life, Lions Youth of the Year Public Speaking Award.

Achievements: Diligence awards, Yr 11 dux of religion, taking part in Yr 10 engineering and science challenge.

Achievements: Yr 11 Dux Construction, NZ ski trip, Relay for Life, Yr 8 Basketball.

Interests: Touch Football. Ambitions: To live life to the fullest, help others and be happy.

Interests: Fishing, Wakeboarding, NBA, NRL.

Interests: Books, reading and technology.

Interests: Fishing, boating, sports, hanging out with mates.

Ambitions: To achieve a Bachelor of Bio-Medicine.

Ambitions: To graduate and complete my electrical apprenticeship.

Ambitions: To live a happy life and to travel the world. To have a strong relationship with my family and my mates.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Senior Profiles

William McDowell-White

Liam James McKay

Harrison James Milton

Teague Nathan Moloney







Milto, H


Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: Age champion in field, Reid house Basketball champions.

Achievements: Open Hockey, IPC cross country.

Achievements: Vice House Captain, Peer Mentor, stage band, soccer, Relay for Life, TCLC Battle of the Bands, academic awards, NQ Science and Engineering Challenge.

Achievements: Bronze academic awards, Qld Cricket state champions, bronze medal at Qld Rowing state champs, Aust Neuroscience competition, UK Cricket tour, NZ ski trip.

Interests: Soccer, saxophone, hanging with my mates.

Interests: Cricket, NBA, AFL and Rowing.

Interests: Basketball. Ambitions: Play Basketball overseas professionally.

Interests: Watching Modern Family, playing Hockey. Ambitions: To make my parents proud.

Ambitions: Study pharmacy at JCU, play premier league soccer, Life Quote “We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one”. Have a family and a successful career.

Ambitions: To go to university and travel the world.

Justin Mark Pepperdene

Karl Justin Raffe

Declan Ormond Rush

Thomas Isaac Wells





Pep, Peppo

Kraffe, Raffa



Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: Diligence Award in Yr 10 manual arts and Yr 11 engineering.

Achievements: First XV, Anti-bullying campaign, Close the Gap, Indian of the Week twice.

Achievements: Musician of the Year 2014, Yr 11 dux in music and legal, debating, Chess, Mulkadee, SHEP, Stage and IMPS band, Battle of the Bands, Eisteddfod.

Achievements: First XV Rugby Union, UK Rugby Union, finishing Yr 12.

Interests: Motorcross, aviation, NRL. Ambitions: Finish my electrical apprenticeship, start my own business and complete an engineering degree for electrical engineering.

Interests: Rugby Union, make a mean burrito, FIFA.

Jayden Alexander Windle

Nathan Noel Wootton



Windle, Windizzle

Ambitions: Sports nutrition and physiotherapist.

Woodo, Wootto, Nat, Nath

Homeroom Red/Reid

Homeroom Red/Reid

Achievements: Cricket, Relay for Life, homeless project, mountain biking, academic awards, 2014 IT Dux, NZ ski trip.

Achievements: Bill Turner Cup, NZ Ski Trip, Seaworld Trip, Logistics Traineeship.

Interests: Mountain biking, wakeboarding, hanging with my mates. Ambitions: Travel, have a family, strong friendships, be genuinely happy with whatever I do.


Interests: Martial Arts, Cycling, hanging out with my mates. Ambitions: Live the dream, be happy and stay close to the boys.

Ignatius Park College 2015

Interests: Music, piano, cornet, Chess, gaming, Tennis.

Interests: Rugby Union, hunting. Ambitions: To live a successful and happy life.

Ambitions: Study law and business at JCU.

Jackson Mitchell Marsh Baker

Jack Leyton Baxter


Homeroom Emerald/Rice


Homeroom Emerald/Rice Achievements: First XV and first XI and production. Interests: Fishing and sports. Ambitions: To always live a fulfilling life.

Nickname Baxter Achievements: Maturing into the man I am today. Interests: Working, studying, economics, and the functioning of a business Ambitions: Study business and open my own business.

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Timothy Desmond Boniface

Jacob Ian Bourke

Jahn Mathias Brautigam

Thomas Michael Conn


Nickname Bourkey

Nickname John


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Peter Pan production, First XI, IPC Hockey, India Immersion, play of Yr 8 Magnatius.

Achievements: Becoming James Conroy’s friend

Achievements: Decent academic marks and 180 brothers.

Interests: Geography, knee excercises, Cricket, Hockey, water polo.

Interests: Rugby League, Touch Football.

Interests: Sports, music, the lads

Achievements: First XIII, First XI and being chosen to go on the 2013 social justice Immersion to India.

Ambitions: To stay friends with James Conroy, find a good job.

Ambitions: To finish school and go to uni.

Bono, Boniface

Ambitions: To tell stories like Mr Logan.

Conny, TC

Interests: Rugby League, Cricket, travelling overseas and spending time with family. Ambitions: Be successful in whatever I choose to do and to live a life full of happiness.

James Thomas Conroy

Joshua Edward Davis

Campbell Michael Duffy

Evan Todd Glover


Nickname Josh


Nickname Evan

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Making life long friends and graduating.

Achievements: College Vice Captain 2015, Waterpolo, representing IPC every year for Rugby League, full attendance at intraschool carnivals, solid grades.

Achievements: Production, Soccer, UK soccer tour, homeless sleepout and Futsal.

Ambitions: To go to and be successful in my chosen field.

Interests: Rugby League, Volleyball, MAS fitness blocks, touch, my own appearance.

Ambitions: To get an electrical apprenticeship and eventually become an electrical engineer.

Zachary Ian Grady

Hayden Mark Graham

Joshua Leslie Groves

Christian Joel Heilbronn


Nickname Hayden

Nickname Grovsey


Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Life long friends, representing the College.

Achievements: Townsville to Cairns bike ride, made good mates.

Achievements: Maturing into the polite, well mannered young man I am today.

Achievements: IPC rep Touch Football, Anzac Day march, sports carnivals.

Interests: Computers, cycling.

Interests: Cricket and spending quality time with mates.

Interests: Touch Football, hanging out with friends.

Ambitions: Travel, join ADFA, Bachelor in Engineering (civil).

Ambitions: To study business, psychology or event management at uni and to leave IPC as valued student and friend.

Conroy, The Prodigy, Son of Mowan

Homeroom Emerald/Rice Achievements: Qld Confro, First XIII, First XI, Qld State champions opens T20 Cricket. Interests: Rugby League, Cricket. Ambitions: Honours in Abstract Algebra, Bachelor of Quantum Chemistry and PHD in Quantum Mechanics, play NRL.

Grady, Slim

Interests: Soccer, Volleyball, travelling. Ambitions: To get a good job and be able to support a family.

Interests: Computers, technology and aviation.

Ambitions: To give my best shot.

Duffy, The Axe

Ambitions: Give back to the IPC community, particularly the rugby league program, complete a bachelor in physiotherapy and play Rugby League until I’m 38 like Scott Minto.

Interests: Soccer, Futsal, WWE and hanging with mates.


Ignatius Park College 2015


Senior Profiles

Ibtesam Nabi Khan

Lachlan Brady La Rosa

Kristian Robert Lye

William Davide Matters

Homeroom Emerald/Rice


Nickname Lybo

Nickname Wil

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Interschool swimming team, being a part of Rice House Crocodiles and all of our achievements.

Achievements: VET Student of Yr 2014. Interests: Aviation and industrial graphics.

Achievements: Growth from childhood to becoming an adult. Realisation that academic performance is essential for overall success in life. Interests: My interests have changed from obsession with music, cars and video games to more serious matters of personal health and responsibilities at home. Ambitions: To serve humanity in proud Australian tradition. Becoming a successful professional in the field of Medicine.

La Rosa, Hitman, La Quabba,

Homeroom Emerald/Rice Achievements: Best looking bloke in First XIII, Confraternity Best and Fairest. Interests: Rugby League, Fishing, hunting, physics. Ambitions: Become Mayor of Ingham, get a good trade or study education.

Interests: Crossfit and mountain biking.

Ambitions: Get a trade in small aircraft maintenance.

Ambitions: To study paramedic science to eventually specialise in special operations.

Blake Edmund Mayocchi

Daniel Joseph Niven

Charlton Joseph Offermans

Benjamin Graham Parker

Homeroom Emerald/Rice




Achievements: High standard of academics and work ethic while improving my organisation substantially.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: First XV Union, First XI Soccer, open Waterpolo, IPC swimming team and athletics, open Cricket.

Achievements: Firsts Basketball, 3rd in Qld 2014 Basketball, Waterpolo, Chess.

Achievements: Scoring a goal in Waterpolo.

Interests: Basketball, Waterpolo, constructing swan apples, learning the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Interests: WNBA, Fishing with Blacko, Football, Low Diving.

Interests: Bodybuilding, reptiles, Rugby League, cooking. Ambitions: Join the Police Force and to continue to work hard in order to put myself in the best position possible.

Nivo, Cube King

Interests: Spearfishing, sport and sleeping.

Chuck, Charlie

Benpp, Bonoi

Ambitions: To reach 6 foot, finish uni, always try my best.

Ambitions: To play doubles with Mitchell Weis at Wimbledon or become a storm chaser.

Ambitions: Have fun and follow in the footsteps of my father.

Tyler Stephen Francis Roberts

Gehamat Thomas Shibasaki

Sebastian Ten-Lohuis

Aiden James Toplis

Nickname Gem

Nickname Toppy

Nickname Robba

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Nickname Seb, Man of the People, Sab

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: First XII Rugby League, cube champion.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Was a stand in for seconds Rugby Union, being taught by Mrs Hodgson and Hospitality trip to Gold Coast. Getting up at 3:30am to do work experience as a baker.

Achievements: Rugby Union, UK 2015 touring squad. Interests: Gym, family, friends and gains. Ambitions: Join the Airforce and achieve my career goals.


Interests: Rubiks Cube. Ambitions: Continue with Rugby League, further my studies and being La Rosa’s Assistant Mayor in Ingham.

Ignatius Park College 2015

Achievements: A successful education and life long bonds with my brothers. Interests: Having phat times with the boys, business, marketing. Ambitions: To live an awesome and successful life with no regrets.

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Interests: Badminton, Rugby Union and kicking back with the boys. Ambitions: To become state champ in Badminton, to work in the hospitality industry

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Samuel Urdanivia

Mitchell Thomas Weis

Jason Tuahana Wilkins

Jacob Bradley Willington


Nickname Weisy

Nickname Wilko

Nickname Willow

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Achievements: Friendship, understanding, community, kindness, youth, optimism and unity.

Achievements: NQ Tennis and Waterpolo, representing the College in athletics, cross country and swimming carnivals.

Achievements: UK rugby tour, IPC Rugby Union, peer mentor and Rugby League.

Achievements: A in Rec Studies

Interests: Rugby Union, Fishing, gym with Alloway.

Ambitions: To join the Defence Force.

Mex, Mexy

Interests: Video games, football and chilling with mates.

Interests: All sports.

Interests: Gaming, history, war.

Ambitions: Acquire currency.

Ambitions: To become a student at JCU and succeed in my sports science or education course.

Ambitions: To make the NHL with Jumeau, to have a great future.

Declan James Wolfinden

Stuart Ross A’vau

Norbert Grzegorz Balacinski

Aidan John Barker





Wolf, Wolfy


Norbs, Nbala98

Barker, Bluey

Homeroom Emerald/Rice

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: College Captain 2015, First V Basketball.

Achievements: First XV Rugby Union, UK Rugby Union, good reputation and ethics.

Achievements: Meeting new people, raising money for Caritas and RSPCA.

Interests: Rugby Union, camping and travelling.

Interests: Rugby League, fitness and Basketball.

Achievements: Treacy House Captain, leadin school production, Eddie Rice camps.

Ambitions: To be happy with whatever I do in the future and live with no regrets.

Ambitions: Having a successful career and a good life.

Ambitions: Join the army and become a commando.

Braden David Bloom

Patrick David Boniface

William Allen Bulley

Haydn William Chapman





Interests: Basketball, Rugby League, Chess, making swan apples.

Bloom, Trappa

Bono, Rick

Billy, Bulldozer

Interests: Dancing, gymnastics, rugby, guitar. Ambitions: Master of the whip, primary school teacher.


Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: UK Football trip and TCLC.

Achievements: First XV, First VIII, First VI.

Achievements: Qld All Schools Champs, First XV.

Achievements: Peer mentor 2014/15, Japan tour, sausage sizzle fundraiser for Caritas, cupcake fundraiser for RSPCA.

Interests: Manchester City and music. Ambitions: Live a happy life with no regrets and spend one year travelling the UK.

Interests: Cubing, Rugby, Fishing, sharing a lunchtime pie with Joycey. Ambitions: Sub 30s.

Interests: Fishing, rugby, business, doing skids on my bike. Ambitions: Grow eyebrows, own a Donut King, move to Canada.

Interests: IT programming, game design, drawing and Kanye West. Ambitions: Get a successful career withing either the business or IT industries.

Ignatius Park College 2015


Senior Profiles

Timothy Paul Coleman

Jaidyn Michael Dearden

Evgeny Filatov

Brodie Wayne Germaine








Germaine, Isa, Small-boy, #42

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Silver and Bronze Academic Awards, Chess, Soccer.

Achievements: St Vincent de Paul, Student council, 2014 Sydney Art trip.

Homeroom White/Treacy

Interests: Quad riding, league, Touch, camping, reading and listening to music.

Interests: Fitness, socialising, boxing.

Achievements: Bonding with the boys, Pheonix-ing at sporting games. Interests: Building things, world economics, investing.

Interests: Rugby League, Touch footy, gym.

Ambitions: Own my own independent business and meet Putin.

Ambitions: Become a personal trainer, count to 200, Mayor of Mt Isa and have 12 kids.

Achievements: First XIII Rugby League.

Ambitions: To make my parents proud.

Ambitions: Serve the country in the Defence Force and travel.

Alexander Graham Gertz

Nathan Rhys Godfrey

Lachlan Richard Joyce

Pio Whalevai Kelemete






Nate dogg


Mr Gertz

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Helped organise RSPCA Cupcake day, participated in Indigenous Programs and trips.

Achievements: QCS success.

Achievements: First XI Cricket, UK Cricket tour 2014, Rugby League seconds, sumo wrestling champ.

Achievements: Diligence Awards 2012 and 2014.

Interests: Aussie Rules, Cricket, Fishing, gym, FIFA,religion, bartending and travelling.

Ambitions: To do the best I can.

Interests: Computers and gaming.

Interests: Supply and demand, talking. Ambitions: Live a successful life.

Ambitions: Study business or IT at Uni, get a well paying job and live a happy life.

Interests: Arts, IT, wildlife rehabilitation.

Ambitions: Travel, be number 1 FIFA player in the world, professional bartender.

Lachlan John McDonald

Ryan Michael McGill

Kai David Mittereger

Christian James Power






McGill, Gilly, Ryno, Stewie


Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Peer mentor, ANZAC march, achieving diligence award every year, cupcake fundraising for RSPCA.

Achievements: First XI Cricket, open Touch Football, achieving best possible marks in all subjects.

Achievements: IPC soccer and winning state titles, meeting new mates.

Interests: IT and engineering.

Interests: Cricket, Touch Football, hunting, camping, Fishing, 4x4 driving, spending time with mates, offshore superboat racing.

Ambitions: Get a job, have a family, live life to the best.

Ambitions: OP below 5, getting into a university.

Ambitions: Working with auto electrical trade or marine technician, living life with no regrets.


Ignatius Park College 2015

Interests: Soccer, Futsal, Touch, sport.

Power, Mango, The big guy from Bowen.

Homeroom White/Treacy Achievements: 1st XIII 2014 and 2015, winning athletics carnival and an A+ for RE. Interests: League, Fishing, playing guitar. Ambitions: Mayor of Bowen.

Seniors 2015

Senior Profiles

Eamon Jakeb Preston

Jordan Mark Renouf

Aidan Parker Standley

Sebastian Carl Stanley









Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Badminton First II, Athletics, NQ schoolboys golf, cross country.

Achievements: Helping out at open days in hospitality, TCLC, breakfast for homeroom on Fridays and much more.

Interests: Health, fitness, supplementation.

Interests: Bike jousting and darts.

Interests: Fishing, hanging out with the boys, cars and camping.

Achievements: Prefect, multiple academic achievements, musicals, choir, mountain biking, student council, charity fundraising with the homeroom and Japan tour.

Ambitions: Live a happy, healthy, wealthy life and travel the world.

Interests: Movies, music, fitness, study, socialising, cycling, driving, working and aviation.

Joshua James Thorsen

Jack James Toohey

Lachlan Harrison Vest

Chase Amyas Warrell





Ambitions: To get a trade.


Toohey, Chewy

Ambitions: To work in the aviation industry as an air traffic controller or something similar. Get married and have children, build my own home and own an exotic vehicle.



Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: Second XIII Rugby League, Engtech Dux.

Achievements: Seconds Rugby Union, academic awards, dux hospitality.

Achievements: XV Rugby Union

Achievements: 1st Battle of the Bands, hosting the RSPCA Cupcake Day.

Interests: 4 wheel driving, rugby league, Yahtzee.

Interests: Cricket with Ben Parker, darts at the palace and fishing.

Ambitions: Engineering at JCU.

Ambitions: To send my kids to Iggy.

Jordan Cole Whitehead

Jordan Matthew Zanussi




Interests: Rugby Union, fishing, longboarding, hanging out with friends. Ambitions: Join the Army as an officer, make Qld side for union.

Interests: Computers, music and games. Ambitions: World domination.

Zeus, Sushi

Homeroom White/Treacy

Homeroom White/Treacy

Achievements: First XIII and competing in confro.

Achievements: Topping the class in gym, best vaccumer in Yr 12 Treacy.

Interests: Rugby League and golf.

Interests: Cubing, football, golf, FIFA.

Ambitions: Have a career as a criminal profiler.

Ambitions: Sub 30s, single digit handicap.

Ignatius Park College 2015




Ignatius Park College 2015

Seniors 2015


Ignatius Park College 2015




Ignatius Park College 2015

Seniors 2015


Ignatius Park College 2015







Ignatius Park College 2015




Seniors 2015


Ignatius Park College 2015


The Year That Was


Ignatius Park College 2015

Seniors 2015

The Year That Was

Ignatius Park College 2015


The Year That Was


Ignatius Park College 2015

Seniors 2015

The Year That Was

Ignatius Park College 2015


Work Placement Sponsors Employers 2015 Gibb Auto Electrical Darryl Hurst Auto Electrical Leslie’s Auto Electrical NQ Coolectrix Baker’s Delight Heritage Bar and Grill B M Webb Fabrication Gold City Welding JS Welding MNDE Fabrication Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd Thomas Steel Fabrication Windmill Bricklaying Angliss Meats Stockland AGM Home Improvements Bill and Ben The Cabinet Men Elegant Kitchens Ross Joinery Pty Ltd Accel-R-8 Building Services AJ McLean Constructions Anthony Anderson Carpenter Core Developments Craig McGill Carpenter David Rose Carpentry Dylan Bell Contracting Gabrielli Constructions Grady Homes Horace Constructions Hurst Constructions Qld JB and Sons Builders Lancini Homes Martin Locke Homes NQ Carpentry Tropical Homes Holman Homes Pty Ltd Sizzler Restaurant Cowboys Leagues Club -Bistro The Metropole Hotel Marian Catholic School Outside School Hours Care Mundingburra State School Outside Hours Care Next Byte The Laptop Man Xerox Business Solutions Queensland Personal Computers Andersons Transport Clark Equipment Cummins Cloncurry Cummins Townsville Fabbro Diesel Services


Ignatius Park College 2015

Fleetrepair Pty Ltd Macquarrie Corp P/L Mendi Constructions NQ Engine Reconditioning RGM Maintenance SOS Diesel SRT Diesel Tony Jeffree TCC - Fleet Services Keypower Systems Roadtek - Plant Hire Service Townsville Earthmoving Brown and Hurley Group Solid Drilling and Mining Solutions AE Smith (Electrical) A-lec Electrics Bonlec Electrical Bzzzt Electrical CIR Electrical Craig Stocks Electrical D and B Whiting Electrical DLF Electrical Contractors DN Electrical Dowd Electrical EMA Electrics Flash Lec Electrical Jangair Kape Electrical Kolby’s Electrical Locke Electrical Mark Graham Electrical Mazlin Electrical Services Mr Electrical n Solar P and C Smith Electrical Pegasus Electrical Pinnacle Power RST Airconditioning Smith’s Speedy Spark RMH Refrigeration and Electrical Pty Ltd Four Seasons Airconditioning Waltlec Electrical and Refrigeration And1 Electrical, Refrigeration and Airconditioning DMC Electrical and Aircooling P/L Horan and Bird Electrical and Airconditioning Electrotek Qld Pty Ltd Northern Hard Surfacers Qld Fire and Rescue Maughan Engineering Precision Engineering and Welding P/L

Landers Creek Pastoral Co TCC - Maintenance Services Brother’s Leagues Club Coffee Club Willows La Porchetta Restaurant Mercure Inn RSL Club Townsville The Sun Hotel Michels Restaurant Oracle Studio Aquaflow NQ Baker and Co Jim Roberts Locksmiths Ruswin Locksmiths Norm Hyatt Locksmiths Action Automatics LG Automotive Mark’s Mechanics Xtreme Motorsport Future Sport Motorcycles Aviex Hawker Pacific Hegarty Aircraft Maintenance Tony Ireland Holden (Car Workshop) Far Northern Medical Supplies Masonic Care Queensland Good Shepherd Nursing Home GV and JK Carroll Painters Marteene Painting Services Strand Fitness North Shore B and G Commercial Plastering CD Projects B and K Lambert Plumber and Gasfitter Damian Eaton Plumbing Services Franzmann Plumbing Rapid Plumbing NQ Coastal Gasfitting and Plumbing Colliers International MVO Airconditioning Pty Ltd RST Airconditioning Sun City Refrigeration Target Castletown Murphy Steel Fabrication Harvey Norman Townsville Mercedes-Benz Townsville Willows State School Holy Spirit Catholic School GDA Tiling Brooklea Lifestyle Village

Senior Song “Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)” Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test, and don’t ask why It’s not a question, but a lesson learned in time

Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial For what it’s worth it was worth all the while

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life.

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life. By Green Day

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life.

Ignatius Park College 368 Ross River Road, Cranbrook 4814 P.O. Box 121, Aitkenvale Queensland, 4814 Telephone: (07) 4796 0222 Fax: (07) 4796 0200 Email: info@ipc.qld.edu.au Web: www.ipc.qld.edu.au Cover Artwork by Henry Wells

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