Keynsham News Summer 2021

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SUMMER 2021 - Issue 36

Produced for Keynsham Town Council

Inside – Town Council Annual Report 2020-2021 and Town Centre update

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It’s Summertime, and the living is easy”, according to George Gershwin at least.

Well, I hope it is for you. The cornerstones of our lives are changing as they always do and we have to adapt or lose out, going forward. The only constant is that things will change. We are all susceptible, even the Royal Family, as our Queen continues on her own. Like many of us, she has lost her main support but I will be very surprised if she doesn’t simply “Stay calm and carry on”. What is the alternative after all? A year ago, who had heard of Zoom or the phrase “You are muted”? Well, the Government wants all Town and Parish Council public meetings held virtually to cease from May 6th. All Council and Comimttee meetings from that date therefore need to be face to face. There is a challenge in the High Court currently and the result may well be known as you read this. My view is that there is a place for virtual meetings in future, as they are time efficient, virus safe and convenient. Stopping them completely is wrong, especially as the technology allows both face to face and virtual at the same time which was already achieved at the May meeting of KeynshamNow. Our High Street is changing because of online shopping. Keynsham is very lucky to have funding from WECA, B&NES, Historic England and the Town Council to support the regeneration of the Town Centre in two separate phases of works, the first of which is about to start on improving the core High Street public realm. There will inevitably be some disruption, so please be patient and support the High Street businesses as a thriving town centre is vital for Keynsham. Finally, a word on Covid 19. We in the South West did not witness the high numbers of cases recorded in other parts of the UK. Why? Well we only have one big city and a smallish airport. Although Keynsham has more older people than average and therefore is



Annual Report















24 15 28

litter picking station


Co-option of town councillor




vulnerable to the virus. We were generally pretty careful as individuals and caring as a community. Whilst change is inevitable, I believe we won’t go far wrong if we follow our guidance and common sense. Stay safe and enjoy the summer of 2021.

Cllr. Andy Wait, Chairman Keynsham News is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Bathway Farm, Bathway, Chewton Mendip, Somerset, BA3 4LN Tel 01761 410141. While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Keynsham Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

The next issue of Keynsham News will be distributed in August. To feature in the next issue, please get in touch by 25th July 2021.



ANNUAL REPORT: Chairman’s Report

We are working towards Keynsham becoming a much greener and more pleasant place to live, work and shop.

Andy Wait Chair, Keynsham Town Council


hen I wrote this report last year, there was so much optimism, looking forward to our unique calendar of events which we have come to anticipate and love. Sadly, the Music and Winter Festivals, Keynsham in Bloom and so many other events were erased from our lives. We have learned a different way of working, not as good but better than nothing. We have supported the vulnerable and weak but some of us have watched loved ones dying alone. 2020, what a dreadful year and one to forget. In December of this infamous year, Tony Crouch died as a serving Councillor after a long struggle with cancer. Many moving tributes have been made, a man who served for 21 of the 29 years of the Town Council’s existence. A tower of strength, a defender of the weak and unrepresented, and a man who understood what it meant to serve our community, someone who will be much missed.

Now in the spring of 2021, there are signs of recovery. We hope to support a scaled down Music Festival and maybe a full-sized Winter Festival. Our work in Climate Change has meant the promise of more trees and hedgerows in Keynsham, a more pedestrian and cycle friendly High Street and, hopefully, a better public transport service. We are learning more about developments in Temple Street and the High Street from Charlton Road to St John’s Church. Our new Leisure Centre will be complete soon and there are a series of Climate Emergency events planned for the weekend starting on 17th September.

I must pay tribute to our Town Council staff who have worked tirelessly through a very difficult year. Almost everything has been more difficult for them, from sourcing scarce supplies of PPE to dealing with mud in the Play Areas. Let’s hope for a sustained period of good health, growth for our beleaguered businesses and a strong sense of wellbeing for us all. We live in a caring community and now is the time to take stock, to not forget how this pandemic has changed us; to reflect on the lessons we have learned so we can emerge stronger and better prepared to face a safer, greener and more sustainable future for our generations to come.




The Committee hope that new innovation might encourage further community participation and engagement.

Dave Biddlestont Chair, EATH Committee


020 has been an extraordinary year for our fledgling Events, Arts, Tourism and Heritage (EATH) Committee, set up to reflect the Town Council’s 4-year action plan maintaining existing projects and creating new initiatives. Last year the Committee took the view that the Winter Festival should not be abandoned but rather be developed into a ‘virtual’ event that the whole town could view live on TVs, phones, laptops, etc. The technical intricacies were terrifying but despite that, and in conjunction with Spirolux, Churches Together, KMFA and local schools; we were able to bring a creditable event for all residents to enjoy. This year work has begun to better engage with the community via our developing Community Engagement Strategy and it is hoped that new

innovation might encourage further community participation and engagement. To that end, the Town Council has obtained video and camera equipment that might be used for further live-streamed events with the intention of attracting more visitors to the town and promoting Keynsham as a tourist and business destination.

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We are working towards Keynsham becoming a much greener and more pleasant place to live, work and shop.

Alan Greenfield Chair, Environment & Sustainability


n the summer of 2019, the newly elected Town Council declared a Climate Emergency. Climate change is no doubt the biggest issue facing our planet. The main aim is for the Council to become carbon neutral by 2030. To work towards this objective, the Environmental and Sustainability Committee was set up. The Council was already doing many ‘green’ things, like opposing the expansion of Bristol Airport and supporting many local environmental groups. The E&S Committees role is to bring together what we are already doing and expand this and push in a planned way to meet our goal. It brings together Councillors and representatives from local business and community environmental groups. Since this committee’s formation it is worth mentioning it has: • R ingfenced grants available for environmental projects from zero to £10,000 a year. • H eld a showcase day at The Space for the public to attend in early 2020. This had over 20 environment

related groups in attendance including the Repair Café, attracted several hundred people, and was a great success. • Identified many sites for possible tree and hedge planting.

One key piece of work over the last year has been putting together our ideas and objectives into an Action Plan. The Council has identified it has a key role to play in helping to support and encourage the many groups in our community already doing some great work, from the Wombles (litter clearing) to plastic reduction and community energy, to name but three. In the next year, we will aim to continue to look into how we can help groups and individuals to help themselves on our joint journey, not only to be carbon neutral but for Keynsham to become a much greener and more pleasant place to live, work and shop.




The Finance & Policy Committee give the Town Council more time to deal with the exciting new issues of Climate change, and Heritage that are so important for a 21st century Keynsham.

Hal MacFie Chair, Finance & Policy


he Finance and Policy Committee deals with the monthly reviews of expenditure, annual budget preparation and has an annual Corporate governance programme of reviewing such matters as risk assessments, investment strategy, policies and procedures, procurement terms and conditions and finance and governance regulations that were formerly dealt with at the Town Council meetings. The Committee also reviews the capital projects programme and makes recommendations to Town Council on the procurement of large capital items such as mowers or vehicles or new playground equipment.

We are very grateful to our Town Clerk who provides us with hard copies of the voluminous data sheets which are difficult to handle in a Zoom virtual meeting. It is hard work but we rejoice that we are giving the Town Council more time to deal with the exciting new issues of Environment, Climate change, and Heritage that are so important for a 21st century Keynsham. We would like to record our sorrow at the passing of our Vice Chairman Tony Crouch. We will miss his steady and thoughtful contributions to our meetings.




In total, the Committee objected to 32 of the 138 applications that were considered and 90% of the Town Council’s decisions agreed with the decision reached in finality by B&NES Council.

Clive Fricker Chair, Planning & Development Committee


begin my annual report by noting the sad passing of our Committee Chair Tony Crouch in December. Tony was a good friend who for many years served KTC well with a special interest in planning matters. Planning continues to be a significant area of KTC activity with its direct impact on residents’ wellbeing and a vital role in the future shape, style and development of our town. Applications that we considered between April 2020 and February 2021 included consultations on tree works, Full applications, Listed Building applications, Variation applications, Discharge of Conditions applications, Outline applications, Permissions in Principle, Environmental Scoping Reports and Retrospective applications. The total number of applications considered during the period was 138 and of these, 41 are still awaiting decisions from B&NES. Four of the applications were withdrawn after we concluded and one application was classed as invalid. The Town Council objected to 32 applications and nearly 90% of KTC decisions concurred with B&NES final decision. During the year numerous members of the public were welcomed to meetings of the Committee.




The youth service has a purpose-built youth club called TimeOut, that has many facilities including a music studio, pool table and cooking area

Time Out Keynsham Town Council Youth Service


ven though this year has been very different, Keynsham Youth Service has continued to offer young people across Keynsham the opportunity to engage with positive activities and learn new skills through youth sessions online. This year we have had to be very creative with inventing different ways to engage with young people. We have largely run on-line sessions on Tuesday and Thursday nights, plus every day we offer on-line chat support groups. Normally the team would run a varied programme throughout the year. The Youth Service has a purpose-built youth club called TimeOut, that has: • Themed Cooking Nights • Arts & Crafts – felting, graffiti, holiday-themed • Mental Health, Alcohol Awareness, Sex and Relationships • Learning Sign Language (BSL) • Sports & Outdoor games • Careers & Education - support and guidance • Music Studio Sessions • Games & Quiz Nights The Tuesday night session is called TimeOut Chat and gives young people the chance to come online and speak to members of staff with any issues they have or seek guidance they may need. We support young people with job hunting, C.V. writing and how to make the best of home school learning. Thursday night sessions are for young people to test their knowledge with a quiz, games or music. Both sessions are open from 6.30pm until 8pm. There is also a member of staff online at 1pm till 2pm and

6pm till 7pm on days where we are not running a session. This is for young people to have someone to talk to so they are not alone. During 2020 we have focused on young people’s mental health to ensure they always had someone to talk to. As we continue to come out of lockdown we shall be supporting young people in returning to a more normal life and ways they can cope with change and deal with issues that have happened during the pandemic such as loss, separation and homelessness. If you would like more information about the Youth Service, follow us at or email




It is vital our NDP supports further development in Keynsham for the benefit and wellbeing of all residents.

Clive Fricker Chair, NDP Steering Group


eynsham’s Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) was launched in April 2016. Last year, Covid-19, with its restrictions and demands on resources has seriously delayed progress. However, a fortuitous advantage has arisen due to the withdrawal of the WECA Joint Spatial Plan and the decision by B&NES to update its Local Plan. This will impact the policies to be contained in the NDP and it is clear that additional work will be required before completion. There is also the climate emergency declaration and pending ecological declaration by the Town Council. Despite Covid, progress has been made this year. Building on evidence collected to support our developing policies, the Town Centre is now benefitting from the injection of substantial funding for two town centre public realm improvement projects. The first is an imminent £1.5m Local Growth Fund initiative, administered by WECA and B&NES with a High Street focus. Secondly, a £1.1m Historic England bid means the town centre has

been declared a Heritage Action Zone. Works to improve the Upper High Street and Temple Street together with the implementation of a shop front design guide will take place over the next 3 years. Consultation will commence shortly on what a future town centre should look like, facilitating regeneration of the town centre for traders and residents. These grants would not have been achieved without the sustained work of the NDP topic groups and resident feedback.

Post Covid restrictions we will re-launch NDP topic group activities with the main focus on finalising Plan policies together with community engagement. It is vital our NDP supports further development in Keynsham for the benefit and wellbeing of all residents. It is also important that the NDP engages with all businesses to secure economic success after the pandemic. Your Town Council is committed to finishing the Plan and having it approved by public referendum. Consequently funds are set aside in next year’s budget for this purpose. Finally, I would like to extend a big thank you to all those who have worked resolutely on our Plan preparation since the outset. This includes Steering Group members past and present, B&NES Officers and our invaluable staff. The NDP relies upon the engagement and input of residents to determine all aspects of our future town and we invite anyone who would like to be involved to contact Cheryl Scott our Town Clerk:- townclerk@keynsham-tc.




In 2020, the Town Council awarded funding to these groups in the sum of £18,482 for general grants and £6,229 for environmental grants. In total, we helped thirty-six groups seeking assistance.

Dave Biddleston Chair, Grants Committee


t’s been an incredibly difficult time for our local charities and community groups over the past year and it has been inspiring to see so many of them maintaining the work they do through entertaining and creative ways. For some the work became more vital, and our community has significantly benefitted from their generosity.

Despite Coronavirus, the Town Council were able to run their Grants funding initiatives in 2020 and managed to provide over £24,711.00 to those groups. In all, we were able to assist thirty-six groups looking for additional assistance and we were pleased to receive so many applications which specifically serve Keynsham residents.

Grants awards for 2020/2021 1st Keynsham Scout Group £1000

Chandag Infant School PTA £250

3rd Keynsham Girls Brigade £215 General & £125 Environmental

Community At 67 £700

Avon Wildlife Trust (Keynsham Branch) £10

Friends of Castle Primary School £600

Bath and North East Somerset Carers Centre £893

Focus Counselling £1000

Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation £804 Environmental

Friends of Manor Road Community Woodland £400 Environmental

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Golden Oldies Charity £534

Keynsham Town Community Radio £1000

Great Western Ambulance Charity £500

Keynsham Town Junior Football Club £1000

Hawthorn Court Residents’ Association £170

Keynsham Walkers Are Welcome £600

Keynsham Allotment Association £1000

Environmental Keynsham Wombles £500 Environmental

Environmental Keynsham & District Twinning Association £300

KIDS £1000

Keynsham Bowling Club £200 Environmental Keynsham Cricket Club £1000 Keynsham Food Bank £1000 Keynsham Hockey Club £1000 Keynsham Life Saving Club £695 Keynsham Light Opera Group £400 Keynsham Phoenix Youth Theatre £400


Somerdale Community Shed £500 Environmental St. John’s School Association £1000 Environmental St. Keyna Primary School PTA £725 Swan Advice Centre £500 The Keynsham Orchestra £1000 The Ships Project £600 Transition Keynsham Food Group £1000 Environmental Vision West of England £1000

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Dawn Drury

Town Clerk

Deputy Town Clerk

Vivienne McDonnell

Jackie Sydenham

Administrative Officer

Administrative Assistant

Lisa Edwards

Kelly Low

Administrative Assistant

Youth Support Worker

Michael Frison

Daniel Morgan

Assistant Youth Worker

Youth Support Worker

Kelvin Bush

Chris Champion

Grounds Maintenance Supervisor

Cemetery Attendant

Allen Richards Grounds Maintenance Supervisor


ny questions about the services offered by Keynsham Town Council can be addressed to: The Town Clerk, Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF 0117 986 8683 @KeynshamCouncil @KeynshamCouncil



ANYONE FOR TENNIS? £600k investment for tennis in B&NES


esidents in Bath and North East Somerset are set to benefit from improved tennis facilities across the district thanks to a £600,000 investment. Work to refurbish tennis courts in Keynsham Memorial Park have now begun as part of a project being carried out by Bath & North East Somerset Council, alongside refurbishment works already begun at Alice Park and Sydney Gardens in Bath. The project will create a network of community tennis facilities that encourages more people to take up the sport, offering pay and play opportunities, membership packages and free tennis and coaching programmes. It will also provide wider community use for local schools, colleges, community groups and disability groups in a safe environment. B&NES has worked with Alice Park Trust, Keynsham Town Council, Lawn Tennis Association and Sport England to secure the funding for the tennis court refurbishments. The improvements are as follows: • Alice Park - Resurface six courts and improve fencing. • Sydney Gardens – Resurface and put new fencing around the top two courts, replace the undersized bottom three courts with a new twocourt block as part of the Heritage Lottery Fund Bid for the park. • Keynsham - Resurface the four courts in the Memorial Park and improve fencing. Two courts at both Alice Park and Sydney Gardens are expected to be ready for public use at the end of May. The four courts at Keynsham are due for completion in July (together with four more courts at Alice Park), two remaining courts at

Sydney Gardens are expected to be completed in September. The improved tennis provision is part of B&NES council’s overall aim to get more people, more active, more often and support residents’ health and wellbeing. It comes in addition to improvements already completed at Royal Victoria Park, alongside refurbishment and community asset transfers of courts at Chew Valley School and Saltford. The project has been funded by the Sport England Community Asset Fund, Heritage Lottery Fund, Community Infrastructure Levy, Lawn Tennis Association, and Keynsham Town Council. The Memorial Park courts will be operated on behalf of the council by the West of England Sport Trust (Wesport) which will manage and oversee the coaching provision at the park courts, providing coaching programmes and outreach to target groups. The new facilities will make use of the Lawn Tennis Association’s web-based bookings and access systems. The process is simple in that a court can be booked and paid online via a laptop, tablet or phone. The future of the Keynsham Memorial Park tennis courts has been a matter of discussion between B&NES and the Town Council since the lease expired in 2018. This new programme by B&NES enables Keynsham residents to receive the benefits of an easier and more accessible booking system, with courts refurbished to a much higher standard than before. The Town Council has agreed to contribute £7,500.00 of CIL receipts towards the scheme, with ownership and operation remaining with B&NES. This enables the Town Council to focus its resources on improving play areas and other green spaces in the town.




he past year has been difficult for many people. We have never witnessed a pandemic like this and really hope we never have to experience anything like it again. The way the residents of Keynsham, the Town Council and local community groups came together to support the elderly and vulnerable in our town was tremendous and an example to everyone. Community at 67 is at the centre of our community and we feel privileged to have played a part in the support programme working with the Keynsham Covid 19 group. With things improving, Community at 67 is now looking ahead and hoping to get back to something like normal. We are planning to reopen in the Summer with as full a programme of

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activities as possible. Prior to lockdovm, we ran a wide range of sessions, from a Luncheon club, an older people’s group to Scrabble, Coding and Craft sessions. Also a Maths club for children. We hope to recommence these sessions soon and also add to our programme of events. At present we are available for private room hire. To be able run this wide range of sessions, we need more volunteers. If anyone is interested in joining our team of volunteers, please contact us on 07737 742300 or email enquiries@ Alternatively, you can visit our webpage for more information. We Iook forward to seeing you all very soon. Keep Well, Keep Safe. Adrian Inker Community at 67

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eynsham Town Council is now taking bookings for junior and full size pitches at the Manor Road playing fields for football fixtures and training for the new season commencing August 2021. A pitch can be booked weekdays or weekends for the following times (unless by arrangement) Mornings: 10.00am - 12.30pm. Afternoons: 1.30pm - 4pm. Evenings: 5 - 7.30pm or 6 - 8.30pm There are 3 options available in respect of pitch hire: 1) Casual Bookings – for a one-off fixture/practice session. VAT is chargeable. 2) Seasonal Team bookings – Teams hire the pitch for a season on specified dates (up to 20 fixtures/training sessions). Teams provide their own nets/corner posts 3) Club Pitch Bookings – Guaranteed pitch availability throughout the season on the day/time specified for use by multiple teams belonging to the Club. Nets and posts provided. As well as full size pitches, the following sizes are available: 80x50 (9x9), 60x40 (7 x 7) and 40x30 (5 x 5) Owing to the increased demand, if anyone wishes to use the pitches, even for informal training during the week, please do so by arrangement with the Town Council office. Hire of Manor Road (Non football/rugby activities) Keynsham Town Council is delighted to announce that space (sized according to football pitch measurements or 10x10m or 20x20m ) can now be booked at the Manor Road playing fields for activities such as bootcamps, exercise classes and outdoor activity space.

Space can be booked for 2hr 30minute slots at the following times (unless by arrangement) Mornings: 9.00am - 11.30am or 10.00am - 12.30pm Afternoons: 1.30pm - 4pm or 2 - 5pm Evenings: 5 - 7.30pm or 6 - 8.30pm Hirers will be expected to provide public liability certificates and Risk Assessments (including COVID RA’s) to cover activities. A litter deposit of £50 per single booking or £100 for block bookings. There are reduced rates for charitable organisations and those requiring to hire guaranteed space for less than 2.5hours per session. Please contact the Town Council to discuss your requirements. A full list of charges is available from the Town Council offices. Please contact

Keynsham In Bloom Competition Entry Form 2021 ‘Let Us Recycle’

Entry Form Name





Category Category 1

Project by young people/organisations

Category 3

Floral Display by a Community Group

e.g. street, community hall, elderly person’s home etc

Category 2 Schools

marked on floral and environmental areas and cleanliness

Category 4

Front Garden

Category 5

Category 6

Including basements, balconies, window boxes, hanging baskets etc

including vegetable plots

Containers/Hanging Baskets

Category 7

Best Allotment

Category 9

Places of worship

Back Garden

Category 8

Business Premises Other awards include Best New Entry, Most Inspiring Garden, Wildlife/Conservation Garden Award, Most Artistic and Overall Entry Winner

Entry forms must be with us by Friday 25th June 2021 Please email/send your completed form to: or Dawn Drury, Secretary, Keynsham in Bloom, c/o 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, BS31 1HF Judging will take place on 15th &16th July 2021 Schools judging date will be on Friday 9th July 2021 Entrants to the ‘Children’s Grow a Wildflower Plant in a recycled container Competition’ must send a photo of their plant with their Name and contact details to the above address by Friday 2nd July 2021 Winners will be notified by post invited to a prize giving in September. If you need any further information you can contact Dawn Drury on 0117 9868683

Keynsham Residents, get your thinking caps on, be creative and plant up a recycled item to display as part of the In Bloom Trail 2021.

To get your planted, recycled item on the trail map, please complete & return the slip below. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Name: Your recycled item: Address: Email or phone number: Return your completed form to Keynsham In Bloom c/o Keynsham Town Council, 15 - 17 Temple Street, Keynsham BS31 1HF. Display your planted recycled item from: 26th June – 28th August 2021.



An exciting year ahead for Keynsham In Bloom


s the days start to get warmer, daylight hours increase and COVID restrictions permit Keynsham In Bloom will be undertaking a new and exciting project, in conjunction with the Royal Horticultural Society who are supplying project funds and the support of an outreach support officer, Gavin Hardy. We also thank Keynsham Town Council for granting permission and also supplying additional funding for this special project and other floral elements to enhance this location, as part of the Town’s entry into South West In Bloom. 2021, will see the development of a wildflower meadow in one section of the Keynsham Cemetery. Initially, we will be marking out the location of this meadow area and undertaking some bio blitz research sessions to identify the current flora on site. Some experts from Avon Wildlife Trust have already undertaken the first assessment on 13th April 2021.

In the meantime, we will be calling for the assistance of local residents to plant wildflower seeds, care for and grow these on for planting out in the Autumn. Our RHS support officer has given us some guidance as to the type of plants to grow and we have brought in the seeds and equipment for distribution to those that wish to get involved. Gavin will also be running a few online workshops giving instructions on the best way to plant the seeds and care for the plants as they grow. Undertaking gardening projects is proven to help with mental and physical, health and wellbeing and if you are interested in getting involved in this exciting project, please do drop us a message with your details to Dawn at Keynshaminbloom@ or call 0117 9868683 and we will send you further information on how you can get your seeds.






eynsham Community Fridge is re-opening. Having operated sporadically during the periods of lockdown, the fridge is re-launching from Tuesday 1st June at Temple Street Canteen, 20 Temple Street, Keynsham. A community fridge is a great way for communities to help to reduce waste or surplus food. Around 10 million tonnes of food is wasted in the UK every year whereas an estimated 60% of this could be avoided by using the perfectly good food that is often thrown away. Food waste is also one of the biggest contributors to global warming as a result of the greenhouse gases produced when it is disposed of. In Keynsham we have been fighting back by making nutritious surplus food donated by local businesses available

FREE of charge to anyone who wants it. The food is available Monday – Saturday at Temple Street Canteen. Check out the Keynsham Community Fridge Facebook page to see what food is available each day or just come along to the café and find out for yourself. Mike Burke Chair – Keynsham Community Fridge

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Keynsham High Street Public Realm Improvements T

wo significant public realm improvements programmes are being undertaken in Keynsham Town Centre:

resurfacing, better signage, cycling and bus stop facilities, and new street furniture, streetlights, landscaping and trees.

• Keynsham Public Realm Improvements Phase 1

B&NES Council was awarded £1.5 million towards the cost of implementing the first phase, it is funded by the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership through the Local Growth and Getting Building funds, administered by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and funded by WECA through its Love our High Streets programme.

• Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Programme The Phase 1 scheme focuses on the one-way system between Charlton Way and Bath Hill. In contrast, the HS HAZ programme has a wider remit and considers opportunities for improvement throughout the length of the High Street. Both projects respond to needs, challenges and opportunities of the High Street. These have been established through stakeholder engagement and public consultation. Together, in collaboration with project partners, the projects will deliver ongoing improvements which will help to revitalise the High Street and a create distinct, thriving Town Centre for both residents and visitor to enjoy.

Keynsham Public Realm Improvements Phase 1 At time of writing (20 April 2021), B&NES Council hopes to be starting work very soon on the first phase of public realm improvements to the High Street, after delays caused by the pandemic and supply of materials. The permanent improvements to the public realm between Charlton Road and Bath Hill seek to rejuvenate the town centre and get people back to the High Street. The rearrangement of the temporary one-way system the High Street aims to increase opportunities for walking, cycling and other sustainable modes of transport. The enhancements include footpath widening and

Further updates will follow as soon as a start date is confirmed - these will be made available on the project webpage at

Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone Programme Keynsham is one of more than 60 High Streets across the country that were successful in receiving funding from Historic England. We were awarded £1.1million as part of Historic England’s High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Programme with additional match funding from Keynsham Town Council and Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES). HS HAZ is a partnership programme between B&NES, Keynsham Town Council and Historic England. It will enable us to harness Keynsham’s historic environment to generate economic growth and improve quality of life in the town centre. This will be achieved through four key programme strands; public realm improvements, shop front improvements, community engagement and a cultural programme. Further details about HS HAZ can be found at


A new website dedicated to the programme will be launched this summer with further information on when project elements will happen and how to get involved.

Public Realm Improvements: Master Plan In November 2020, landscape architects, McGregor Coxall, were appointed to carry out a Masterplan exercise for Keynsham High Street. Initially working with the project partners and a small working group they have looked at the whole of the HSHAZ area, from Upper High Street right through to Temple Street. The Masterplan will provide a framework that will help guide future development and public realm projects within Keynsham’s HS HAZ area. The Masterplan highlights potential areas of opportunity which could be developed further – in each case these areas would be explored through stakeholder engagement and public consultation over the course of the HSHAZ programme.

Public Realm Improvements: Temple Street Project (Phase 2) The first area of opportunity that will be explored through the HS HAZ programme will be Temple Street. Through investment in the public realm the project will seek to make Temple Street a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work and play. A Working Group (made up of representatives from B&NES, Keynsham Town Council and Historic England) has been set up to appoint consultants to explore the Temple Street priority area further. These newly appointed consultants will devise and develop concept and detailed designs for Temple Street. They will use themes from the Masterplan to inform their designs. Whilst working closely with the programme partners to engage with key stakeholders, including residents, community organisations and local businesses, to develop this together. We are looking forward to working together with partners and key stakeholders on this project element.


Cultural Consortium A Cultural Consortium made up of many local organisations, has been set up by Keynsham Town Council, in partnership with B&NES Council. A bid to Historic England was submitted for local cultural funding. We look forward to sharing the news on the bid in further detail very soon. The Local Cultural Programme will take place alongside the main HS HAZ Programme. This complementary Cultural Programme will act as a way for people to engage with the HS HAZ programme celebrating Keynsham’s local heritage and character. Through series of events and mini projects, the Cultural Programme will help to activate the High Street as a key place to experience and participate in Keynsham’s culture.

National Cultural Programme We’re delighted to be part of Historic England’s Twin Towns programme. Over summer 2021, Historic England will unofficially ‘twin’ towns through a programme of creative commissions that see artists working with local communities to uncover what they have in common, read more: Artists Ellie Shipman and Katy Hawkins have started their creative community project in Keynsham and Bedford called Public Announcements. The project aims to bring to light the hidden activity and histories of both High Streets through designing High Street Observation Cards and an illustrated map of the High Streets with local groups as well as banners that will be displayed in the summer. To get involved with the project, get in touch with Creative Producer Katy Hawkins at: To find out more about the project and follow updates see the project blog: eleanorshipman. com/blog/public-announcements




he world has had little to celebrate in the last 18 months as it has been a very challenging time, particularly for those who have lost loved ones to the pandemic. But it has not all been doom and gloom, as one of the winners from lockdown has been the environment. Improvements in air quality, lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of noise pollution are some of the benefits that we have experienced. The inhabitants of Delhi, report that they are able to see the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas some 200 kilometres away for the first time in 30 years, whilst people who live in Venice say that the water in the canals is the clearest it has been for 60 years due to the decline in the tourist traffic on the water. Stories such as these can be reported from all corners of the globe. It would however be naive of us to imagine that this situation would remain long term. As people want to holiday, planes will take to the air again, the traffic will build up on our roads and as industry worldwide moves back into production, pollution levels will increase. But we cannot afford to allow all of the gains that have occurred to be wiped out – we cannot afford a return to the status quo. Churches Together in Keynsham and Saltford, in conjunction with Keynsham Town Council, are arranging a Community Eco Festival to be based in Market Walk and in The Space (above Keynsham Library) Keynsham on Saturday 18th September running from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. The objective of the event will be to raise awareness about climate change and to provide information on what individuals can do to reduce their carbon footprint. Mindfulness, spiritual, social and climate justice elements will be included in the event, such as our responsibility to care for nature and the effect of global warming, not only on

us but the poorest people on our planet. There will be stalls representing businesses, charities, community groups, action groups, schools and other young people’s groups all of whom share the one purpose of trying to make our planet a better and safer place for us all. Our Churches will be open providing visual presentations and also a place for quiet and meditation. On the Friday evening there will be an open evening held in The Space with guest speakers – the Head of Food and Farming at the Soil Association, the Chief Executive of the Avon Wildlife Trust, the Managing Director of Bath and West Community Energy and the Fund Manager of Triodos Bank. Whilst the reason behind the day is a serious one, it will nevertheless be a fun day. A fun day for all of the family with the opportunity for children and young people to participate. It will be a day that challenges but also provides the opportunity to respond. So, make a note of the date in your diary and come along for an hour - or two!

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KTCRFM’s Duke of Edinburgh Girls on Radio Bristol


TCRfm has currently two students on placement as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme community service. One has quickly become KTCRfm’s youngest programme maker with her one hour show in which she discusses teenage lock-down experience. 14 year old Anna recorded the conversation with her friend Imogen, while walking in woodland around Keynsham, and included a range of topics including attitudes to lockdown, school work, book reading and cooking. This was punctuated with their favourite music. No adults were involved in their production until a minimum of studio editing before broadcast. The show went out in February. Almost immediately it was picked up by the BBC’s Radio Bristol presenter Adam Crowther who asked if he could feature it on his nightly programme – which he did giving full acknowledgement to KTCRfm and editing the hour down to a full 30-minute feature. Anna has since produced another show and has ideas for more. This is a great example of what young people can achieve if given the freedom to do so.


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The other D of E placement with KTCRfm is becoming the voice of The KTCR Show – formerly The Keynsham Hour, one of the station’s flagship weekly shows. She is very interested in radio production and in recent weeks has engineered sections of the weekly show unaided. Like Anna, Katie is 14, though in the year below at school. With an age-range of 14 to 70 plus, KTCRfm has maintained a 100% record of scheduled shows broadcast throughout the whole lock-down period – with most presenters now nearing their their sixtieth shows. Other highlights have been the appearance of rock singer Suzi Quatro on the Rock with Doug Show, following Slade’s Dave Hill last autumn. As the station becomes more established it is attracting contacts from record companies, music agents and publishers. But its not only musicians who have not been able to perform for 15 months. Actors have been equally hit, and the result is a growing interest in radio drama – something KTCRfm is committed to supporting. KTCRfm has recently began broadcasting Greenborne the new national radio soap-opera carried by 30 local radio stations across the UK.

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The series produced by the LMN (local media netwok), includes actors previously seen in Eastenders, Emmerdale and other TV soaps.

All inquiries for inclusion, volunteering and training should be made by email to

Greenborne looks set to run for a good while yet and each weekly episode is on KTCRfm at 4pm on Mondays, repeated Wednesday at 2pm and Sunday at 3pm – within the Spoken Show. An omnibus edition is coming soon for catch up purposes.

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he Local Government Act (1972) requires Town and Parish Councils to hold meetings face to face that are open to members of the Public to attend. In order to permit Councils to continue to conduct business safely through the pandemic, the government created legislation allowing local authorities to hold meetings remotely until 06 May 2021. Keynsham Town Council and its Committee meetings have therefore been conducted virtually on Zoom since May last year. The legislation has already been extended in Wales, so Parish and Town Councils there can continue to meet and make decisions virtually after 6th May. However, despite the National Association of Local Councils, Society of Local Council Clerks and various other bodies and individuals petitioning the government, the response has been that it will not extend the current legislation in England and that there is no time within the parliamentary timetable to consider the change in primary legislation that would be required to enable virtual meetings to become enshrined in law.

The Legal Challenge The Association of Democratic Services Officers (ADSO), Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) and Hertfordshire County Council have therefore lodged a legal challenge in the High Court as to the interpretation of the Local Government Act (1972), that seeks a continuation of Local Authority remote meetings beyond the 06 May 2021. The date for this challenge to be heard in the courts was set for 21st April, but the outcome is not guaranteed and so the Town Council needs to consider how it wishes to move forward after 7th May and, in any case, resume face to face meetings when national lockdown is scheduled to end on 21st June.

Risk Assessment The Risk Assessment from the Town Council’s point of view is that a considerable number of staff and Councillors will not have received their first vaccine in May or even June, let alone their second. There is also the added risk from the attendance of Members of the Public, particularly if a controversial planning application or other item is to be discussed at a meeting. There is still much uncertainty around how legislation or COVID-19 risks and restrictions (including any new variant surges) may change over the coming weeks and months. The emergence of the Brazilian and Indian strains is worrying, especially if they reach these shores.

Virtual consultation meetings between 7th May and 18th June Prior to 21st June, the Council is not willing to undertake face to face meetings given the current risk assessment. Therefore the various Committee meetings will continue to be held virtually and members of the public permitted to attend and speak, but these will take the form of consultation meetings only, with decisions being delegated to be made by the Town Clerk or Deputy Town Clerk.

Face to Face meetings to resume from 22nd June Unless the Court Case is successful, the Council will be commencing face to face meetings for all its Committees and full Council once national lockdown ends. The first full Council meeting takes place on Tuesday 22nd June at which the Council will approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return together with the end of year accounts for 2020/2021.


All Council meetings from this date onwards will be held in The Space and appropriate PPE and social distancing measures will be in place. All attendees, be they Councillors, staff or Members of the public will be required to wear a minimum of FFP2 facemasks which will be supplied by the Council. Meetings may also be limited to 2 hours or less. Committee meetings (including Planning & Development Commttee) will not take place in the Council offices but in the Baptist Church or other suitable large room, again with appropriate


safety measures in place. Full details of the place for each meeting will be included on the Agendas which are published in advance on the Town Council website.

Town Council Offices – open for business The Town Council offices will also re-open on Monday 21st June and members of the public will be permitted to enter provided appropriate PPE and social distancing measures are followed as per the prevailing risk assessment at the time.

Keynsham Town Council Meeting Dates JUNE


•9 th Events, Arts, Tourism & Heritage - 4pm

• 2nd Planning & Development - 7.30pm

• 15th Finance & Policy - 6.30pm

• 9th Events, Arts, Tourism & Heritage - 4pm

• 16th Grants - 7.30pm

• 23rd Planning & Development - 7.30pm

• 21st Planning & Development - 7.30pm • 2 2nd Town Council Full meeting - 7.30pm



•6 th Finance & Policy - 6.30pm

• 7th Finance & Policy - 6.30pm

• 7 th Events, Arts, Tourism & Heritage - 4pm

• 8th Events, Arts, Tourism & Heritage - 4pm

• 1 2st Planning & Development - 7.30pm

• 13th Planning & Development - 7.30pm

• 2 2nd Town Council Full meeting - 7.30pm

• 21st Town Council Full meeting - 7.30pm

• 2 7th Environment & Sustainability - 6pm

• 28th Environment & Sustainability - 6pm



Keynsham Park Litter Picking Station K

eynsham Memorial Park is the first park in B&NES to receive an innovative 2 Minute Litter Picking Station based on a successful concept that has inspired 2 minute beach cleans across the South West. The Keynsham station, an initiative of the Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation launched on 13 April 2021. The project aims to improve parks postlockdown and support local communities who want to see nature rich and litter-free local green spaces. The new unit developed in partnership with the 2 Minute Foundation will provide litter picker equipment to help volunteers pick litter safely in their local park. This station is funded by the Keynsham Town Council and is one of several that Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation plan to introduce to other parks in Bristol and B&NES. Salvatore Corsentino of Park Side Café is the station’s Guardian and is supporting the project by safely storing it overnight. The Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation has been working with ‘The Wombles’, Keynsham’s voluntary litter picking group on the launch of the new station. Erica Davies, the group’s founder is very supportive: “Keynsham Wombles are so pleased to support the two minute litter pick station in the park. The best possible way to discourage littering is to make sure there is no litter already on show - so giving park goers the ability to pick up litter as it happens will have a huge impact on reducing the amount of litter in our beautiful park.” Phoebe Dando, Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation Litter Station co-ordinator, said: “Keynsham Memorial Park is a wonderful green space that’s really enjoyed by the local community. The Litter Pick Station is located right next to the cafe and

fun to use and I look forward to seeing park goers sharing their experiences on social media.” Councillor David Biddleston of Keynsham Town Council commented: “We are very happy to support such a worthwhile project. It’s exciting that local people are willing to get involved and to help keep our community clean and tidy. It’s wonderful to see an initiative like this that really goes to show people in Keynsham are community minded.” The Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation has also launched a campaign to encourage people to


pledge to care for their park this Spring and keep it nature rich and litter-free. The pledge can be found on the Foundation’s website www.yourpark. and @YourParkBB Facebook page highlighting the importance of parks as community havens during the pandemic.

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L to R: Erica Davies, Keynsham Wombles; Phoebe Dando, Bristol and Bath Parks Foundation; Dawn Drury, Keynsham Town Council, Salvatore Corsentino, Café Manager; Councillor David Biddleston, Keynsham Town Council. Foreground; young litter pickers – Josh, Reuben and Nella.


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Let us get Keynsham Litter Free A

s part of the Great British Spring Clean, Keynsham Wombles are planning a litter pick across the town from 10am until 12 noon on the morning of Sunday 6 June followed by tea and cake. Litter picking will be undertaken under the Rule of 6 (with groups of six litter picking whilst socially distanced). If you have a small group that would like to get involved in a particular area of town, please can you contact Chief Womble (Erica) - so that equipment may be arranged. If you cannot make this date but would like to do your bit for the Great British Clean 2021 either

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contact Erica or Dawn at the Town Council on 0117 9868683 or email keynshaminbloom@icloud. com and we will arrange the loan of equipment for you to undertake your own family/small group litter pick between 28th May and 18th June 2021. Also, during this weekend, you will spot a keen group of Keynsham In Bloom station volunteers litter picking at Keynsham railway station on 5th June 2021. KeynshamNow are keeping up their good work around town and have just undertaken a litter pick on 23rd May with a second planned for 13th June 2021.


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n 23rd March 2021, members of Keynsham Town Council considered five candidates for the appointment of councillor to Keynsham North Ward. Council considered applications and heard presentations from all candidates before undertaking a vote. The Chairman announced the resolution that Alex Ross be co-opted to fill the vacant position. Alex is welcomed as a new member to the Town Council.

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YOUR TOWN COUNCILLORS Keynsham Town Councillors are elected to help you.

If you have any problems or want action taken on a local issue which concerns you contact one of your local Councillors below.

Andy Wait Dave Biddleston Liberal Democrat East Labour South Tel: 01179 867389 Tel: 0117 9870081 Email: andy.wait

Email: dave.biddleston

Deb Cooper Independent North Tel: 01179 864203 07564 155944

Clive Fricker Independent East Tel: 01179 869250

Email: deb.cooper

Email: clive.fricker

Hal MacFie Brian Simmons Liberal Democrat East Independent Tel: 01179 863590 Tel: 01179 096596 07786 436656 07855 631844 Email: hal.macfie

Email: brian.simmons

David Brassington Liberal Democrat North Tel: 0117 9867876 Email: david..brassington

Caitlin Brennan Liberal Democrat East Tel: 01179 863905 07557 223037 Email: caitlin..brennan

Charlotte Buxton Keynsham South Tel: 07886 739906

Email: chartlotte.buxton@

Andy McGuinness Alan Greenfield Andy Halliday Liberal Democrat East Liberal Democrat East Labour North Tel: 07815 163036 Tel: 07757 673492 Tel: 01179 865735 Email: alan.greenfield

Email: andy.halliday

Allan Sinclair Independent South Tel: 01179 865658

Jonathan Wallcroft Labour South Tel: 07464 798073

Email: allan.sinclair

Email: andy.mcguinness

Email: Jonathan.wallcroft

Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1HF, Tel: 07904 161097 (temp) Email: |

Telephone Bristol: 07500 875431 Email:

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