The Wheel Summer 2022

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Summer 2022 Issue 7



Bringing together Clandown, Haydon, Radstock and Writhlington.

Welcome to The Wheel’s summer edition! This is a special issue as not only are we celebrating the start of summer, better weather and more fun events, but also the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee! We’ll be highlighting some of the events being put on for the occasion, so make sure to make space in your diaries. In this issue, you will also find plenty of your local community news. Please take time to fill out the Haydon Batch Public Consultation Questionnaire, as your opinions and thoughts really do matter. In the meantime, we hope you have a fantastic and fun summer!


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CALL CARMEN ON 01761 410141

The next edition of The Wheel will be in August 2022. If you would like your group to be included in the next edition, please contact us on 01761 437962 before the deadline of 15th July 2022. If you have difficulty reading the print, please contact the Town Clerk for a large print copy. You can also view The Wheel on the council’s website at The Wheel is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Bathway Farm, Bathway, Chewton Mendip, BA3 4LN. Tel 01761 410141. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Radstock Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.


The Wheel

MAYOR’S MESSAGE Welcome to the second edition of The Wheel 2022.

Our town magazine is beginning to establish itself as the ‘go to’ source of information for all matters concerning Radstock. Right now there are a number of interesting and exciting projects taking place and if you are thinking of something worthwhile to occupy your spare time, the pages of the Wheel might just help. In particular, there is news of the development of Haydon Batch. This is currently under the scrutiny of Green Leaf Studio (landscape architects) who have drawn up designs for all parts of the 20 acre site and the Council has been receiving input from a wide range of current and potential users. The good news is that our neighbouring parish, Westfield has bought the land along the Snails Brook, thus almost doubling the size of the amenity. However, much work needs to be done, such as river bank clearance and strengthening the paths and bridges so that people can walk over the area without collecting mud on their shoes! A number of our local traders have got together and are considering a weekly produce market. This will be useful to the residents and give a badly needed injection of money and opportunity to the traders themselves who have felt somewhat beleaguered in the wake of Covid.

Can I take this opportunity to encourage you to support our local businesses? They are an important component of Radstock life; without them, the town would lack identity. A number of residents have offered accommodation to Ukrainian families. This is a wonderful development and I am certain that the town will benefit from this act of generosity. Rupert Bevan Mayor of Radstock


The Wheel


RADSTOCK IN BLOOM By the time this goes to press, the hanging

baskets will soon be ready for display. This year, we are planning two shows, one for the jubilee itself in early June and one for the judges' visit in July. With the help of other groups, we look forward to celebrating 2022 and hopefully another Britain in Bloom Gold award. In March this year, the Royal Horticulture Society announced a new criteria for judging this year's event. Luckily, we were ahead of the game. Working with local nurseries and groups, we are aiming to be much more sustainable. Our big coal trucks will be a mixture of bedding plants and perennials and more perennials will adorn the other beds we look after. We are also looking at ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. Over the past two years, we have used our spent compost from the hanging baskets to mulch the beds. Last year's compost has been added to the Church Street bed where Jean has been working her magic, the previous year it was added to the Brian Perrett/Signal bed where Pam and Jo have created a new landmark for Radstock. We have, with the introduction of the reservoir baskets and planters, already reduced the amount of water used from 960 litres a week in the old wire baskets down to 540 litres a week but we want to go further and plan to look at ways we can harvest rain around the town in the future. This year also sees us not using any weedkillers and we will be trialling weed burners, hoes, and a wire brush strimmer. We hope to set up a hoeing station alongside the litter hub in the Community hub and Library to encourage people to borrow the tools to remove weeds in a more environmental way. We will also be starting our trial of Peat free compost in the hanging baskets on the chandelier this year. If successful and

the results are not too different, this will be rolled out in 2023 to all hanging baskets and we will be looking at ways we can reduce the overall amount of chemicals and fertilizers used but still produce great blooms by using organics. After supplying baskets to our traders at no cost throughout the pandemic, we took a big hit to our funds. So far in 2022, we have reduced the cost to our traders with our current baskets, which can reduce watering and feeding costs. We are also looking at ways to reduce our cost to the town council. Over the next few years, we hope to reduce our funding by two thousand pounds by 2025 but still be able to maintain a high standard, by creating a plan for a sustainable future. Finally, we are in the very early stages of setting up a community garden at Southfields and are currently looking for feedback and groups to help, alongside grants available to create a space that is accessible and inclusive to all. We are hoping this comes together and is up and running by summer 2023. Radstock in Bloom are always first and foremost working to make Radstock a better place to live, shop, work, and visit. Bloom isn’t all about the flowers, it’s about growing a community that continues for years to come.

The Wheel


YOUTH CONNECT SOUTH WEST PROVIDING local youth provision Youth Connect South West

((YCSW) is a registered charity offering support to young people across Bath and North East Somerset. We have a range of services for young people, and all are run in line with guidance from the National Youth Agency. The Youth Work team have made some changes to their regular sessions at Radstock Youth Hub on Monday. The team are now hosting a regular inters session for young people who are in years 7, 8 & 9 (11-13) on Monday evenings from 6pm – 8pm. Like our senior session, this club night offers young people an opportunity to learn new skills, engage in positive activities and socialise with friends. We run a range of activities from sports to crafts, learning new skills or polishing existing ones, there is something for all young people. Senior Youth

club sessions continue Wednesday for ages 13-19 between 7pm – 9pm. Join YCSW at the Jubilee event at Southfields on Sunday 5th June, where we will be hosting some traditional games, sports and activities for all young people in Radstock. Incorporating fete games/sports from the era of the queen’s coronation to modern day outdoor games like giant Jenga. We love to see new faces at the event and showcase our work across the area. For more information about sessions in Radstock, please contact; Carrie Ford, NES Youth Work Team Leader 07875488718 Facebook - Youth Connect SouthWest Instagram - @youthconnectsouthwest


The Wheel

Creativity Works Radstock Jubilee Festival

– come and celebrate this momentous milestone on Saturday the 4 June between 11am and 5pm at St Nicholas Church Field in Radstock. Free outdoor arts event with a family friendly atmosphere. Witness the finest theatrical acts, silly spectacle and quirky comedy. Take part or simply come and support our community stage showcasing the very best of our local talent including musicians, singers and dance acts. There will also be local stalls, food and have a- go creative workshops during the day.

For further information on how to get involved in the community stage, to hold a stall or becoming a festival volunteer please contact Sarah James on or ring on 01761 438852. The festival will be themed around stories, histories and memorable characters and events in

For more details including performance schedule, look out for further information in local shops, community centres and through social media using hashtag: #RadstockJubilee2022

Radstock Jubilee Festival is delivered in partnership with Youth Connect South West, Creativity Works, The Natural Theatre Company and Age UK Bath & North East Somerset. Thank you hugely to our funders and supporters for enabling this event to happen including Radstock Town Council.

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Photographs: Natural Theatre Company

Radstock and neighbouring areas so please do contact Sarah directly to share these.

Equipping you to take the next steps in the direction you want to go

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Are you looking to get ready for work, improving your job prospects or looking for a new career? We can help you on your way.

CV Writing & Interview Techniques Leadership, Assertiveness & Decision Making Volunteering & Work Experience English, Maths & IT

To register your interest contact: 01225 328822

Bright Start Children’s Centre Services What’s On April - July 2022 for children (0-5 years) and their families

Did you know that your local Children’s Centre also offers... • Breastfeeding and infant feeding support, and space to feed your baby • Healthy Start vouchers or card - to exchange for healthy food, milk or vitamins • Doidy Cups for sale • Foodbank Vouchers • Refill water station

Weekly Groups for all Radstock Children’s Centre Tuesday 10.00-11.30am Outdoor Play & Explore Together Thursday Baby & Toddler Hub See Health Visiting website (back page) for further information

Health Visitors Health Visitors are qualified nurses or midwives who work alongside families offering support and information around parenthood and early parenting, from pregnancy right through to when your child starts school. The service offers support for all parents of all children (0-5), whatever their circumstances, including; Hello Baby course, Baby & Toddler Hubs and Infant Feeding Circle, as well as a programme of health and developmental visits and reviews, known as ‘The Healthy Child Programme’. Find out more about the Health Visiting service including latest news and contact details for your local team; Your Children’s Centre and Health Visiting Service is accredited under the Unicef baby-friendly initiative:

Children’s Centre Courses Bright Beginnings Supports attachment, early learning through play and meeting other parents, includes baby massage, for babies 18 months and under and parents/ carers Ready Steady Talk Communication & language development for babies 18 months to 3 years, with their parents/carers Our Time, Our Space Antenatal arts group for women experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression in pregnancy My Time My Space Postnatal arts group for women experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression in first year after birth Step by Step Supports families of a child with additional needs

Step into Step Supports families of a child with additional needs, and is due to start school Theraplay Families Time to think, about your relationship with your child & discuss current challenges Freedom Supports women to understand controlling relationships Family Links Nurturing Programme 11 week parenting course for families facing the challenges of parenting young children Family Links Parenting Puzzle 4 week parenting course Catching Confidence Supports confidence building for parents to set new goals for the future

Family Support & Home Learning programmes Looking for further support? You can contact us or your Health Visitor and we can refer you to one of our programmes or courses General Family Support

Flying Start

Portage Home Learning


Personal & Employability Skills Support

One-to-one practical support and advice on a wide range of parenting issues.

6-week, home-based programme, using play activities to help parents/carers and child enjoy time together.

10-12 week home-and playbased educational programme for young children who have SEND.

10-12 week playbased programme supporting child and parent/carer to form positive healthy attachments.

Tailored support for parents/carers to develop skills and gain access to training and employment opportunities.

Bright Start Children’s Centre Services Radstock Children’s Centre Church Street, Radstock BA3 3QG Tel: 01225 396660 Email: BrightStartChildrensCentres

Health Visiting teams Bath & North East Somerset Somer Valley West: 01761 408358 Somer Valley East: 01225 395371 PLEASE NOTE banesbabyhub Groups & courses are subject to change. Check Facebook for latest updates.


The Wheel

Active Travel Social Prescribing Bath & North East Somerset

(B&NES) Council have been awarded a small pot of funding from the Department for Transport to explore the feasibility of delivering an ‘Active Travel Social Prescribing’ project in the Somer Valley. B&NES Council are working closely with a wide range of partners including Radstock Town Council, 3SG, West of England Rural Network, the Three Valleys Primary Care Network, Sporting Family Change and our Somer Valley Rediscovered partners. This project will form part of the existing local social prescribing service and offers an opportunity to support our residents health and wellbeing without the need for medicalised intervention, by encouraging and supporting people to be more active through walking and cycling. If we are successful with securing the full project funding, we aim to open an ‘Active Travel Hub’ in the area. The hub will be a physical location where we can bring awareness of the services that will be offered through the ‘Active Travel Social Prescribing’ Project. Examples of what we hope to offer through the project are guided local walks, a 1-2-1 walking support programme; cycle training; bike hire; advice on ways to incorporate more walking and cycling into daily life; route planning; confidence building on two-wheels and inclusive cycling opportunities. We aim to bring greater awareness of bicycles as a

mobility aid and the wide range of benefits of walking and cycling. The ‘Active Travel Hub’ will also be a focus for the community more generally; somewhere to enjoy a coffee and talk about the ways in which general wellbeing can benefit from incorporating more active travel in one’s day to day activities. We aim to have the ‘Active Travel Hub’ as an invaluable resource for the local communities that it serves, providing a wide range of support and opportunities for local residents to walk and cycle, whilst also being a vibrant and welcoming environment in which to start one’s active travel journey. With so many opportunities to walk and cycle in the Somer Valley with the old railway alignment paths and beautiful countryside; we aim for the ‘Active Travel Hub’ to be a focal point for starting. We are very keen to work with local residents and communities on developing this project and are eager to have your input into what this new project could offer in the local area. We welcome your ideas, thoughts and suggestions on what you think would be good to have available through this project and via the Hub, that will encourage and support residents to walk and cycle more in the local area. Please do get in touch with your thoughts and comments by e-mailing Public_Health@BATHNES.GOV.UK.

2022 – Celebrating


of Dance in Radstock

Over 50 classes a week in all styles of dance from 18 months to adult From £16.50 per month




The Wheel

HAYDON BATCH Consultation Event Review

An exhibition of the plans prepared by New

Leaf Studio were mounted at the Community Hub from Friday 18th March. Information boards showing the masterplan and advertising the consultation had gone up on site earlier in the week. The Exhibition was then manned by Andy King of New Leaf Studio and representatives from the Town Council on the Friday afternoon and for four and a half hours on the Saturday. Only about 20 people attended the event but those who came along showed great interest in the plans and asked plenty of questions and the general impression was that people were supportive of the proposals. On Sunday 20th there were guided walks at the site from 10.30am. A small group of about 12 people attended, some of whom had also been to the event in the Community Hub. Miriam Woolnogh from Bath & North East Somerset’s Somer Valley Rediscovered project led the walk and highlighted some of the main ecological points of interest around the site, while Andy King explained some of the practical issues that needed to be addressed and the principal ideas for improvements to the site. The fine spring

weather was a great bonus and allowed a leisurely walk around the site with plenty of discussion. The Exhibition in the Community Hub will remain in place until 30 April 2022. Questionnaires are available from the Community Hub and online on the Town Council Website - https:// haydon-batch-public-consultation. The period for feedback has been extended to 30 April 2022 and as many as possible are encouraged to complete a questionnaire to give confidence that we have a representative response and that the final plans represent what people really want. The results of the questionnaire will be carefully considered and taken into account in finalising the masterplan.

HAYDON BATCH Public Consultation

Please share your views and complete a questionnaire to help us collect valuable information that will help to shape and finalise the masterplan. Alternatively scan the QR code to complete the questionnaire.

1. What is your name? * Required

2. What is your telephone number?

3. What is your email?

4. Please tell us where you live? * Required Radstock





Midsomer Norton


5. What age group are you in? * Required Under 18





65 and over

6. Please confirm your consent to the Town Council retaing your personal information and using it only to contact you in the future regarding this topic. * Required I give consent to the town council to use my personal data I do not give consent to the town council to use my personal data

The Wheel


7. What do you currently use the Haydon Batch site for? * Required

9. How would/do you currently get to Haydon Batch? * Required

Passing Through


Walking (destination)


Dog Walking

Public Transport

To Enjoy Nature


To Stop and Relax

I don’t travel there

Meeting Friends I Do Not Use/Do Not Go There Didn’t Know It Existed Other 8. How often do you currently use or visit site? * Required Daily 1-2 times a week Occasionally (less than once a week) Never

10. Do you think the changes shown on the masterplan are likely to result in you using the site more? * Required Yes


Not Sure

11. The masterplan has aimed to find the right balance between preserving the existing character of the site and improving it to encourage greater use by a more diverse range of people and for a wider range of activities. Do you think we have got that balance right? Required Yes


The Wheel 12. Please rank the top 3 elements of the masterplan that you think/feel are the most important? * Required Please select exactly 3 answer(s). Entrances


Recreational Area

Improved Walkways

Picnic Benches/Seating



Conversation Circle

Improved Accessibility

Information/Interpretation Boards 13. Please let us know if there are any aspects of the proposals that you do not like or feel is missing?


14. From a scale of 1-5, how much do you support the plans to improve the batch? * Required 1





Not At All

100% Support It

15. Would you, or a group that you belong to, be interested in volunteering to help improve and maintain the site (such as litter picking, wildlife surveys, scrub management or path maintenance under guidence of a leader)? * Required Yes (I am interested)

Yes (My group is interested)


16. Would you, or a group that you belong to, be interested in organising events or activities on the site? * Required Yes (I am interested)

Yes (My group is interested)


Please return your completed questionnaire to: Radstock Town Council The Community Hub The Street Radstock BA3 3PR Or drop off into the Community Hub where you can view the Masterplan. Please note consultation closes on Sunday 15 May.

The Wheel


RADSTOCK & WESTFIELD BIG LOCAL It has been an exciting time for us here at the

Big Local, as we continue to make investments in many brilliant community projects across Radstock and Westfield. As well as supporting food schemes, coffee mornings and flower competitions, we have granted £25,000 to increase and improve outdoor learning across the local primary schools. It makes all the hard work worthwhile to see how much the pupils appreciate their new play equipment, fire pit, forest school sessions, cob oven, restored pond, and gazebos! We hope that with the links we have made and the impact we have had, that we can continue to support the schools to provide good opportunities to their pupils. Our Dragons’ Den is coming up in July, and we hope to see some creative pitches from the schools there!

About us: We are a group of residents who volunteer time and enthusiasm to ensure that over £1million of community money is invested in Radstock and Westfield. We are always looking for new members willing to commit a couple of hours a month - if you want to help out, then please get in touch! Learn more: We run a virtual ‘drop-in’ on the first Monday of every month, from 10am until 11am – please come along to find out more about the Radstock & Westfield Big Local! Sign in here: Trinity Church School. Photo: Nigel Coles Photography St Mary’s C of E Primary School. Photo: Mrs Dobson


The Wheel

RADSTOCK MUSEUM Somerset Coalfield Life

at Radstock Museum will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee during half term week with an arts and crafts event for children. Bring your children to the museum to make a crown and some bunting. Children can take their crowns home to wear on the bank holiday weekend for any Jubilee parties and the bunting will decorate the outside front of the museum and the inside too. Each child will receive a jubilee cupcake. The museum looks forward to welcoming you. Find details on the museum’s website:

Connect with your community You are not alone. Join The Carers’ Centre to meet your supportive community.


0800 0388 885

Fosseway Press

(Mon–Fri, 9am–1pm)


Looking after a loved one can come with a mix of feelings.

7 Frome Road Radstock BA3 3PT

Tel: 01761 431919

Please bring this voucher for 10% off any purchases

The Wheel



you know someone who is struggling with sight loss? Across the UK, an estimated 2 million people are currently living with sight loss, and each day 250 people in this country begin to lose their sight. It’s a scary thought, but sight loss does not have to mean loss of independence. Sight Support West of England is a local charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with sight loss across B&NES, Bristol and South Gloucestershire. We provide practical and emotional support for people adjusting to living with sight loss. We support people to continue to live independently by equipping them with the tools they need and create peer and social networks to help reduce isolation. We are the only charity in the region providing local, face-to-face support. To tackle the geographic challenges of providing services across the region, we conduct local consultation hubs across the area, to bring our information, advice and guidance services as close as possible to our clients. Although not currently in Radstock, we run a monthly community hub in nearby Midsomer Norton, where you can meet with a friendly Community Sight Loss Advisor, who can provide support including: Information, advice and guidance on living with sight loss, remaining independent and getting the most from life

Demonstration and training on a range of useful resources to help with daily living, including making the best use of magnification and lighting aids to support reading and writing Advice and training in how to use smartphones, tablets and other devices to minimise the impact of your sight loss Social activities, sports clubs and opportunities to meet others living with sight loss. Our biggest fear is that there are people stuck at home, struggling with sight loss, who do not know that support is available. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing difficulties, or would like to find out about opportunities or support available to them, please do get in touch. If anyone would like any more information about our services please contact or call 0117 322 4885.

WANT TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS TO 3000 HOMES IN THE AREA? CALL CARMEN ON 01761 410141 PRICES START FROM JUST £55 Follow us on facebook thewheelradstock


The Wheel

History of Methodism Methodism values of personal

discipline, community service and joyous music making are ingrained in Radstock and many other former mining communities on the North Somerset coalfield. John Wesley only stopped in Radstock to change horses in 1788, but from at least 1800 there was a Wesleyan Society congregation in Radstock. There were also Primitive Methodists (working class women given an equal role in ministry), as at the Westfield chapel, and the disappeared one on the Frome Road, and United Methodists on Wells Hill. To celebrate the Methodist contribution to our community, an exhibition will be held from September – November in the Radstock Museum. A group of councillors and friends are researching the congregation and building in Fortescue Road, Radstock, in particular. When the History of Westfield exhibition was held in 2018, residents produced all kinds of family treasures to illustrate the theme of ‘ordinary people achieving extraordinary things.’ We are appealing again for help. Please contact Dr Eleanor Jackson on or tel 01761-438968 or Radstock Town Council. The church was built at the expense and with the labours of our grandparents, and should be saved for our grandchildren. effective use of the building.

Consultation — Manor Copse Open Space Saturday 30th April 10.30 a.m. to 12.30pm Please come and share your views to help re-imagine the space at Manor Copse. B&NES Council needs to remove play equipment and is looking for ideas to re-landscape the area to help meet the needs of the community and address the climate and ecological emergencies. The Council has a small budget for the space and ideas might include a community garden, allotments, community orchard or a community managed play space. Please join staff from B&NES Parks Department and Radstock Town Council on Saturday 30th April from 10.30 to 12:30 to share your ideas.

For more information about the event, or if you’re not able to attend, please contact or call 01225 394041


The Wheel

Volunteer drivers for Swan Transport Swan Transport is looking for volunteer

from the NHS, Government, and the Community Transport Association to keep everyone safe. Support, PPE mileage expenses and drinks are paid by Swan.

The driving role is to take passengers to a coffee morning group run by Swan for local passengers living around Radstock and Midsomer Norton to go to the popular Swallow Café and occasionally other venues, these meetings are held monthly on a Wednesday 10.30 -12.30. to enable people to have a social get together and meet others over a coffee or tea. Our drivers are welcome to join in if they wish to stay and socialise.

Swan Transport has been operating since 2001 providing friendly and reliable transport to people unable to use conventional public transport. Swan’s drivers help people using their own vehicles to get people to the services they need in the community for their health and well-being and prevent further isolation.

drivers who wish to help a few hours a month and enable us to help combat isolation for people who live alone or care for someone.

Swan Transport is still following the old guidelines

Are you looking for a new job? Search ‘Proud to Care Bathnes for a great range of care jobs. Hours that fit around you Training and support provided Wide variety of roles

To find out more about volunteer driving with Swan, please ring us on 01761 439548 or email us at

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We are pleased to supply our customers with locally farmed meat, poultry, milk and cheeses, home-prepared bacon and cooked meats, our prize-winning pies and sausages, plus our famous faggots!

Shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Saturday, 7am to 3pm. Phone orders taken Mon-Fri 7am-5pm (for collection during above shop opening hours)

or visit our Facebook page Westfield Radstock BA3 3XS

Tel: 01761 412109


The Wheel


Swallow CHarity RAISing FUNDS FOR UKRAINE Members of SWALLOW Charity, the local

charity supporting teenagers and adults with learning disabilities have been working hard to raise funds for those suffering from the war in Ukraine. At the SWALLOW Community Café in Radstock they have been collecting the profits from their daily specials that are sold and will be sending them to the Disasters Emergency Committee. The café provides a training opportunity for SWALLOW members to learn employment skills, both in the kitchen and front of house, as well as offering the local community a welcoming, safe environment to enjoy nutritious home cooked food at very reasonable prices. If you would like to know more about SWALLOW’s work, go to or ring 01761 414934 to book a table at the café. At SWALLOW we want to show our support for Ukraine and raise money for

The Disasters Emergency Committee - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal All profits from the sale of soup and a roll at the SWALLOW Community Cafés will be donated to the appeal. We are also happy to pass on any additional donations to the appeal.

SWALLOW Community Café @ Radstock Open Tuesday - Friday 9am to 3pm

Tel: 07565 752350 Email: Café SWALLOW Community Café, Radstock, BA3 3QQ

(We are situated next to the Church, behind the basketball courts)

SWALLOW Community Café @ The Hive Peasedown Open Monday - Thursday 8:45am to 3:45pm

Hive Community Centre, Peasedown-St-John, BA2 8DH Tel: 07834 598288 The Old Engine House . Old Pit Road . Westfield . BA3 4BQ 01761 414 034 Registered charity number 1045893

Acorns Nursery @ Trinity Church School

Learning Growing Believing Together ted Qualified, dedica d staff and experience available, Extended care city subject to capa

Term t for 2, 3 ime nursery and 4 y ear old s Space s avail able

Funding fo r 2, 3 and 4 year olds and C hildcare vouchers a ccepted

reas outdoor a Fantastic g stimulatin providing s xperience learning e

Fresh, healthy food cooked on site For more information, contact the school office on: 01761 438650 or email: Trinity Church School, Woodborough Lane, Radstock, BA3 3DE

The Wheel


RADSTOCK LIBRARY Membership to Radstock Library is FREE – and joins you to a group of 150 libraries across the southwest giving you access to over two and a half million books, and a range of other online benefits.

Radstock Library - along with all the Libraries in Bath & North East Somerset - is a member of a bigger group known as Libraries West and their website – - not only allows you to reserve books but opens many more opportunities. With your Radstock library membership card you can visit any of the 150 libraries in the LibrariesWest group to: • Borrow, return or renew books • Use the public computers • Borrow E-Books, E-Audio, E-magazines, E-Newspapers and E-comics • Borrow music CDs and other DVDs (music CDs, DVDs and spoken word books need to be reserved in advance to pick up from Radstock) Visit and explore the free extras that membership gives you: Digital Magazines - choose from around 3,000 different titles including computers & technology, crafts, current affairs, entertainment, food & cooking, lifestyle, science & nature, sports and home &

garden. Checkout as many editions as you like at any one time - there are no loan limits. You don’t need to reserve a magazine and you can check out as different magazines as you like at the same time they appear on the shelves. Read Digital Comics -over 2,800 titles for adults and children including Marvel, Disney, IDW, Dark Horse & Image, with fantasy, manga, horror, science fiction and superheroes galore available to download or stream to your tablet, smartphone, PC or laptop. Read or listen to Digital Newspapers. There are more than 1000 daily, weekly and monthly newspapers from over 100 countries (in 60 languages) to read, including 166 local, regional and national UK titles such as Western Daily Press, Bath Chronicle, Bristol Post, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, Guardian, Independent, Observer, and hundreds more. The spoken newspapers language can be changed from English to a number of other languages, including Arabic, French, German & Spanish. Research your family history at Midsomer Norton Library with your card. The Ancestry Library Edition opens up an index to civil registrations of births, marriages and deaths, Census returns for England

& Wales from 1841 to 1911 and of family history datasets from all over the world. Open Educational Resources for students, small businesses, entrepreneurs, personal health & wellness. An ever growing, vetted collection of more than forty million open access, peer-reviewed articles, non-fiction books and other open source materials. There are over 100 videos and podcasts to watch, including storytimes, Health & Wellbeing and LibraryCast Podcasts on a range of interesting topics. There are free online reference resources including the Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford Music Online, Who's Who & Who Was Who, Times Digital Archive, Newsbank, Encyclopaedia Britannica & Naxos Music Library. Ideal for reading groups - a selection of titles are available in both E Book and E-Audio book for multiple users to checkout and read or listen to at the same time.

Now only



for a fully fitted electric garage door.

Reading Well books for all ages supporting the mental health and wellbeing of adults, young people and children, providing families and carers with information, advice and support for coping with feelings and worries, daily life and getting through a tough time. You can also explore mood-boosting books - uplifting titles, including novels, poetry and non-fiction. The books are all recommended by readers and reading groups. Radstock Library is open Tuesday 9am - 4pm Wednesday 10.30am - 5pm Thursday 9am-4pm 2nd Saturday of the month 10am-12noon (14 May, 11 June, 9 July, 13, August) On these Saturdays members of the Town Council will be on hand if you want a chat.

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The Wheel

P.E.O.P.L.E Coffee Morning To

celebrate their 20th Anniversary as an organisation, P.E.O.P.L.E have planned some events to coincide with other celebrations this year! One event planned is a coffee morning in May with a Jubilee theme, everyone is welcome to come along and we hope that we can raise awareness of our work at this event. With the support received from the Big Local, we will be holding a brew and bingo event in Radstock - enjoy a cuppa and eyes down! This event will be held in the summer and we will advertise nearer the time. We hope that by bringing people together as a community we can all strengthen and develop our connections and the vision for the future in Radstock. We are delighted to have been supported by Radstock Town Council via a grant and to have established ourselves again within the Town.

01761 568683


The Wheel



weather is starting to warm and spring is on the way. We are busy planning for the nicer weather.

HAVE YOUR SAY: Haydon Batch Thank you to those who attended the Haydon Batch Consultation weekend where Andy King (Landscape Architect) was able to showcase the design and an opportunity for you to comment on the design ideas. This will give us the opportunity to plan the next stages of work. Thank you to those that have commented and those that haven’t please take the time to fill in the centre pages and return to the community hub or complete the online form. We really appreciate your feedback. As the site is accessible from many sides we would love to her from all residents and locals who use the area. We are also consulting with Westfield Parish Council who successfully purchase Waterside Valley Land last year. Bath & NE Somerset’s arm of Somer Valley Rediscovered are all supporting and looking at potential funding streams for the works. (See page 14 for details)

PARKS: Bath & NE Somerset Council are looking at play park provision in the area and would like to hear from local residents with ideas for re-landscaping Manor Copse in Writhlington. Curo, B&NES offices and Radstock Town Council will be available to meet you on site on Saturday 30th April 2022 between 10.30am and 12.30pm. (See page 23 for details)

The Town Council have also been consulting with B&NES on a new lease for Tom Huyton Play Park with B&NES budgeting for essential works to be completed in the area. Fencing works have started, but there’s lots more to do. The Town Council have been looking at ways to upgrade the play equipment and once a lease has been agreed a plan to focus on a staged review and improvements will commence. We will be asking residents for your opinion. This is a little way ahead, but the Town Council have agreed to start with a replacement of the ability roundabout as well as a new bucket swing to be placed in the ability swing frame. Essential repairs throughout the park will also go ahead. The Annual Town Meeting is due to be held on Monday 11th May 2022 at Trinity Methodist Church, Radstock at 6.30pm. All residents are invited to attend and raise your questions. See you soon. George Clutten - Town Clerk

Autumn 2020 Issue 1

2022 SpringIssue 6

Winter 2021 Issue 2





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The Wheel



Cllr Gary Dando Radstock Haydon Ward T: 01761 432739 M: 07813 904923 E:

Cllr Chris Dando Radstock Centre Ward T: 01761 432918 M: 0771 3103380 E:

Cllr Mrs Elizabeth Derl-Davis Radstock Centre Ward T: 01761 439119 E:

Cllr Rupert Bevan - Mayor Radstock Centre Ward M: 07980 607127 E:

Cllr Mike Boulton Radstock Haydon Ward T: 01761 436681 E:

Cllr Nick Toogood Radstock Writhlington Ward M: 07715 939804 E:

Cllr Bruce Shearn Radstock Clandown Ward T: 01761 751117 E:

Cllr Colin Currie Radstock Centre Ward T: 01761 420296 E:

RADSTOCK TOWN COUNCIL Radstock Community Hub The Street Radstock Somerset, BA3 3PR Cllr Robert Langley Radstock Writhlington Ward M: 07970 708216 E:

Cllr M atthew Shearn M: 07710 263998 E:

Cllr Adrian Dodgson M: 07812 046091 E:

T: 01761 437962 E: council@radstock-tc.

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