A Fitness Track for Westfield Arising from the consultations for the Neighbourhood Plan, the fitness track at Westhill has been a long-awaited asset for the parish. It consists of a track around the perimeter of the recreation ground with 12 separate insets for outdoor gym equipment.
Our research showed that the fitness tracks and gym equipment which prove most popular are those which are accessible to all. So we have chosen pieces which can be used by people of all abilities and which rely on one’s own body weight rather than the resistance equipment of the type you would find inside a gym. We have also widened the range of accessible equipment, such as the inclusive chest pull down and the inclusive hand bike, and picked items which work the full range of muscle groups. Promoting fitness was a key motivator for this initiative. Dr Phil Whitaker, Senior Partner of Westfield GP Surgery, said: “The team at Westfield Surgery are thrilled to learn of this initiative to create outdoor fitness facilities in Westfield Recreation Ground. Sedentary lifestyles and 6 - The Westfield Warbler
weight problems are among the biggest health risks our patient population faces, and we warmly welcome this excellent proposal which will provide incentive and opportunity for Westfield residents to increase exercise and improve their health.” We are delighted that Westfield TT Running Group are embracing this initiative and plan to make full use of the fitness track in their running regimes. Founder of the group, John Reynolds, says: “This will open up so many opportunities for families, sports groups and individuals. I think it will be a great chance also to help the younger generation to enjoy more physical activity by providing additional interest. Really looking forward to seeing this new project happen in the heart of Westfield”.