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Inspirational Citizen 2021
Westfield's inspirational Citizens 2021
The plural in the heading is absolutely correct. This year we have not one, not two, but three Inspirational Citizens to congratulate.
During this past year, many people have been isolated and separated from their loved ones for long periods at a time. The effect of this can be quite devastating and loneliness is a major issue as a result. The first Inspirational Citizen has helped to alleviate some of that loneliness and brought a community together. Debbie Maggs, of St Peter’s Road spent time organising events within the street for residents to socialise – barbeque, coffee morning and even a fish and chip supper, where she got orders from everyone and went and collected from Whitstone's in Westfield. She wanted to be proud of the road in which she lives and brighten people’s days so her husband made the lovely planter by the street sign and she rallied everyone who lives there to donate to a regular display of bright flowers. Debbie said: “I am feeling absolutely overwhelmed and honoured (and hugely shocked) at being nominated for the Inspirational Citizen award by Joan Pack who is a resident in our Road at St Peter’s! In such a difficult year, not just myself, but most of St Peter’s have come together helping each other, especially the older generation. We are so lucky to have such amazing neighbourhood who have all become great friends. Time is so precious and it’s something I didn’t have a lot of before the lockdown, but it’s helped me by helping others and made me realise even more by just baking a cake and sharing, or doing a street BBQ, fish and chip evening celebrating big birthdays, that it’s lifted everyone’s spirits! This award isn’t just for me but everyone in St Peter’s Road that has helped make lockdown 2020/21 more bearable. To my amazing husband Steve for making the planter and painting it, and to Rachael for organising the planting making it look lovely as you drive in to our Road! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
she is truly inspirational.
Regular readers of the Westfield Warbler will know that the Parish Council is in the process of purchasing some land in the Waterside Valley. This area of beautiful scenery is a well-known haven for wildlife and so many people love to walk the length
of it on a regular basis. This has been made more possible by the work of our second Inspirational Citizen, Nigel Swift. Nigel has spent several years making sure the pathways through a section of the valley are passable and he mows them regularly. He has also cleared vegetation from a length of the river, keeping it all in check and healthy. When presented with the award Nigel said: “I am very proud to have been nominated for the Westfield Inspirational Citizen award for work that I love to do. It’s been a pleasure to see the masses of people that use the valley and to find it’s made easier for them through the maintenance of the pathways. I’ve been doing this for lots of years now and hope to continue for lots more to come.”
He is truly inspirational.
Residents of Westfield may have noticed how the pathways and pavements in the parish are clear of rubbish these days. That is partly down to the Wombles of Midsomer Norton and surrounding area, but in particular one Womble who lives in Westfield. Mike Chivers is that Womble and he is seen almost on a daily basis in Westfield in his hi-viz jacket with bags to collect litter that has thoughtlessly been discarded. Mike actually invents and makes equipment that he can use to get to litter that has been swept into bushes and brambles. He leaves nothing behind.
He is truly inspirational.
When meeting to make the decision on which one of these three should be honoured with the title this year, it was unanimous that, during this period of lockdown, it was impossible to discriminate and choose between them. As a result, we are delighted to say we have awarded all three with the honour. They will have to share the cup!!
Youth Connect South West Registered Charity: 1186059
Westfield Youth Club
Youth Connect will be running youth sessions in Westfield every Tuesday evening
@ Westhill Park, 7pm – 9pm Ages 12-18
Contact Katy on: 07530263378
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