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hand the reins to China, we are pleased

At the time of writing, the World Health

with the significant progress being

to our host the Indonesian Gas

Organisation (WHO) declared the

made towards fulfilling the strategic

Association for a memorable week in

Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, a pan­

plan set out at the start of the

this beautiful city, which has played

demic, pushing the threat beyond the

Presidency. We are grateful to have so

such an important role in IGU’s history.

global health emergency it had

many active industry experts actively

announced in January.

participating in the 11 committees and

celebrated the 2019 edition of the

three task forces of IGU, one of the key

Latin America and Caribbean Gas

strengths of IGU’s vast network.

Conference in Lima, Peru. The event

We are hopeful that everyone has followed and is following the advice from the health authorities and your

We continue to raise the Global

Our most sincere appreciation goes

In November of last year, we

brought together high-level govern­

individual organisations. Beyond that,

Voice of Gas through our active

ment representatives, regulatory

the effectiveness of the societal res­

engagement in the most significant

bodies, national and international gas

ponse to COVID-19 relies on individuals

global energy policy debates and fora.

companies, investors and solution

Your IGU leadership team remains

providers to uncover investment

making wise decisions and showing care for each other. We have taken the prudent decision

hard at work advocating for gas as a

opportunities in Latin America and

critical part of the world’s energy

the Caribbean’s gas sectors.

to postpone the meetings of the

portfolio. At the same time, we are

IGU also hosted two side events

Coordination Committee and Executive

working hard to ensure that the value

during the UN Climate Change

Committee, which were scheduled for

to IGU membership retains and

Conference (COP 25), held in Madrid

April 21-23 in Prague, in light of the

increases its relevance.

during the first half of December. The first event took place on December 2,

global impact of the COVID-19 out­ break. The health and well-being

Key developments

with the support of the Korean

of the IGU community, as well as that

Let us turn to some of the key dev­

Delegation at the Korea Country

of our local host community, are

elopments that took place in the last

Pavilion, and it focused on the

the priority.

six months.

environmental, economic and societal

Despite the current serious

Last October a historic event for IGU

value of natural gas as a transport fuel.

challenges, this year promises to be

took place, during the Council meeting

The second event was on December

a very significant stepping-stone for

in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Council

12, kindly hosted by the Presiding

the global natural gas industry and

voted to establish a permanent head­

Chilean Delegation at their Pavilion.

IGU, particularly, as we prepare to host

quarters and to base it in London, UK.

We launched the fourth edition of

the next edition of the World Gas

The implementation team approved at

the Urban Air Quality report series

Conference, in Daegu, Korea, in

the Council meeting is now working

during this event, presenting one of

June 2021.

towards completing the necessary

the cases on a clean air panel, and

plans to enable the move to a

highlighted Chile’s commitment to

permanent headquarters.

air quality and GHG improvement

As we are approaching the final year of the Korea Presidency and prepare to

8  Message from the President and the Secretary General

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