Robotic solutions enhance safety and reduce costs Development and implementation of robotic solutions is a high focus area within Gassco’s R&D activities which is yielding valuable results. By Britt Aarhus, Lisbet Kallevik and Håkon Hilmar Ferkingstad There has been rapid development in
ments, which have placed robotics in
Developing the technology
the field of robotic solutions in recent
an ideal position to be an integral part
Since 2012, Gassco has been involved
years and their deployment in the oil,
of the inspection and maintenance
in several research and development
gas and petrochemical industry is
strategies for various types of assets.
projects for robotic solutions, of which
increasing. Applications range from
A core focus for Gassco’s robotics
one was the European Union
subsea systems that are remotely
development has been internal
co-funded Petrobot project. This ran
operated to devices and drones for
inspection of pressure vessels. The
from 2012 to 2016 and involved the
topside and onshore use.
most important driver for this dev
development of robotic solutions for
elopment is enhanced health and
internal inspection of storage tanks
potential for visual inspection and light
safety. By using robotics solutions, one
and pressure vessels (see,
maintenance tasks such as cleaning
reduces the need for entry of a human
and painting, where they can provide
inspector in the pressure vessels. In
significant advantages over traditional
addition, there is a significant cost
internal inspection of pressure vessels
methods. These advantages include
saving potential, and new and better
developed in the Petrobot project were
the ability to work 24/7 and to operate
ways to document the condition of
used for the first time on a Gassco
in hazardous, harsh and dirty environ
the pressure vessel.
operated asset. The Bike, a small four-
Robotic solutions have particular
In 2016, two exciting solutions for
wheel magnetic crawler, is a flexible c Håkon Hilmar Ferkingstad holding a Bike to demon strate its compact ness and portability.
platform for inspection in confined spaces. The second solution, the Snakearm, is a four-metre-long robotic arm with unique visual inspection capabilities. The results from the first use of these two devices showed that such solutions can provide a safer, more complete and cost-efficient inspection compared to the use of entry by an inspector. It has been demonstrated that there can be significant cost savings through a reduced number of work tasks and man-hours for preparation, inspection and return to operation.
30 Robotic solutions enhance safety and reduce costs