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Reports from the Regional Coordinators In this issue we bring you a report from IGU’s Regional Coordinator for Africa and the Middle East. Africa and the Middle East

access to electricity and clean cooking

in renewables. Another $13 billion was

By Khaled Abu Bakr

for all.

spent on electricity networks.

Africa’s population is growing rapidly.

Despite its large and growing

In the last decade, there have been

Its economies have the potential to

population, Africa accounts for a very

several major natural gas discoveries

do the same, and their demand for

small share of global energy sector

in the African continent, most notably

energy is set to grow very fast. Africa

investment. In 2018, around $100

in Mozambique and Tanzania but also

is also an important supplier of energy

billion was invested in the energy

in Egypt, Mauritania, Senegal and

and has seen major recent gas dis­

sector in Africa, or about 5.5% of the

South Africa. These finds accounted for

coveries. At the same time, it still faces

global total. Of this, $70 billion was

over 40% of global gas discoveries

significant challenges in terms of

invested in fossil fuels and $13 billion

between 2011 and 2018. The possible

Mozambique is ramping up gas production and the Eni-operated Coral Sul FLNG project is due to start up in 2022. Eni’s partners are ExxonMobil, CNPC, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, KOGAS and Galp Energia. The hull was launched in January at the Samsung Heavy Industries yard in Gohyeon Geoje, Korea.

76  Reports from the Regional Coordinators

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