Presenting IGU’s new members IGU welcomed three new Associate Members at the Council meeting in October 2019 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Here they give brief overviews of their activities and their reasons for joining the Union. Chart Industries:
to the world’s largest, with multiple
provide a completely integrated,
Building the
mobile solutions also available.
intermodal solution.
energy future through LNG
Chart’s LNG-to-power solutions are
By Paul Shields
configured according to any storage
LNG for transport
“Chart is proud to have been accepted
and demand requirement and
In the transportation sector Chart
as an Associate Member of IGU. We
incorporate LNG storage, vaporisation,
supplies on-board LNG fuel tanks to
look forward to taking an active role
pressure regulation and control
major truck OEMs and we’ve recently
in the organisation and working
systems to deliver natural gas power at
expanded our manufacturing capacity
with other members to promote
the point of use in areas not connected
in Europe to support local customers.
our shared goal of advancing natural
to the grid, for peak shaving and as
We also offer a complete range of LNG
gas as a key contributor to a lower
temporary, back-up or emergency
fuelling stations, from private, relocat
carbon, sustainable energy future,”
power applications. Chart has many
able outlets to ones with multiple
said Jill Evanko, President & CEO,
LNG-to-power projects in operation,
dispensers open to the public as well
Chart Industries.
from large megawatt power stations to
as fleet operators. Public stations can
skid-mounted composite solutions for
also be fitted with a CNG module,
a broad portfolio of complementary
medium-sized manufacturing facilities.
which equips them to service all
products, including specialty heat
All are modularised, which reduces
natural gas-fuelled vehicles.
exchangers and cryogenic storage
cost and construction time, permits
tanks. The integration of these pro
easier installation and allows for
a reduction in the sulphur content of
ducts to deliver highly engineered
capacity expansions as required.
marine fuel from 3.5% to 0.5% begin
solutions, used from the beginning to
Because Chart also manufactures the
ning January 1, 2020. The maritime
the end in the liquid gas supply chain,
cryogenic containers for road, water
sector is expected to increasingly
makes Chart unique.
and rail distribution we are able to
adopt LNG to meet this standard. Chart
At the cornerstone of our business is
Chart brazed aluminium heat exchangers (BAHX) were first used to liquefy natural gas in the 1970s and have remained at the heart of natural gas liquefaction processes ever since. Today, Chart process technology and heat exchangers are used in global liquefaction projects driving the next energy wave. Our cryogenic tanks range from the smallest standard packaged gas vessels
86 Presenting IGU’s new members
v Modular cryogenic storage: Instead of a single site-built custom storage tank, smallscale LNG projects typically favour a modular approach using multiple shopbuilt items. This provides both schedule and cost benefits and significantly reduces civil engineering and time at site.
The IMO 2020 regulation mandates