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IGU publishes latest case studies in improving air quality IGU’s latest report highlighting how the increased use of natural gas in industry, power generation, heating and transport can significantly reduce air pollution was released during COP 25 in December 2019. This fourth edition of the Urban Air Quality report series includes case studies of three cities – Morbi, London and Bogotá. Urban air quality remains a major threat

pollution challenge and improv­ing the


to human health and wellbeing across

quality of life and health of their resi­dents.

The city of Morbi in the Gujarat region

the globe. On average, pollution reduces

As in the previous reports, the initiatives

of India achieved a dramatic reduction

global life expectancy by 1.8 years, which

presented demon­strate the complexity of

of air pollution and environmental

is worse than smoking and road accidents.

the issue and highlight the need to take

contamination, thanks to switching

an economy-wide, multi-stakeholder

from coal to natural gas in its energy-

comprehensive approach to solving it.

intensive ceramics industry.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) continues to sound the alarm about the urgent problem of air pollution, killing

Despite being connected to the nat­

7 million every year and costing econo­mies

Key findings

ural gas pipeline network, the city’s 900

trillions of dollars in health, welfare and

The 2019 Air Quality report is a tour

industrial units originally used cheaper

productivity losses, for the 90% of world

across the globe, with cases from three

coal gas in the manufacturing of cera­

population who breathe polluted air.

very distinct regions addressing air

mic tiles with society bearing the cost of

pollution challenges, across different

environmental and health hazards. In

sectors (industry, power and transport).

March 2019, India’s National Green

The United Nations also recognises the fight for cleaner air as a top priority in the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2019, the Special Rapporteur to the

It starts in India, with the most severe

Tribunal banned the use of gasification

example of air pollution, set in the con­

technology in Morbi’s ceramic units and

Human Rights Council of the UN, David

text of a growing economy and evolv­

they switched to piped natural gas. The

Boyd, presented a case for recognising

ing regulations. Then, the UK presents a

switch brought immediate results and

clean air as a human right, because air

case where air quality regulations have

translated into significantly improved air

pollution has negative impacts on “the

been evolving since the 1950s, and a

quality readings, with a 75% reduction

right to life and the right to health, in

recent move to establish a CO2 market

in PM2.5 levels, 72% reduction in PM10

particular by vulnerable groups”.

brought on a further reduction in air

and an 85% reduction in SO2. In addi­

pollution, as well as in greenhouse gas

tion to the air quality improvement,

issue that was responsible for some

emissions. Finally, Bogota is a case where

there were other significant environ­

12.5% of 2017 deaths in India, and it has

ongoing progress in the development

mental benefits, including reduced

to be addressed with the highest sense

of a public transit system also helped to

water consumption and avoided emis­

of urgency by authorities.

meet several city development objectives,

sions from reduced coal truckloads.

It is a very real and very dangerous

The latest edition of the Urban Air

including improving the quality of its

Quality report builds on the tradi­tion of

air, and now the city is taking it a step

coming challenges with compliance,

showcasing cities, regions and coun­tries

further by bringing in new natural gas-

once standards are in place. In the case

around the globe taking on the air

powered buses into the fleet.

of Morbi, it took regulatory oversight and

94  IGU publishes latest case studies in improving air quality

The policy lesson here is about over­

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