indoor... ...Special igus solutions for indoor cranes... ® ®
...E-ChainSystems.E-Tubes.ReadyChain.Chainflex... ®
...iglidur.igubal.DryLin.xiros/ /.. ®
...content/ igus® products for safe power and data transmission on low costs in indoor cranes For crane travelling: Heavy Duty E-Chains® page 6
For trolley travelling: E-ChainSystems® E2/000 and E4.1 page 4
Safe guidance: Guide troughs page 10
Push-Pull Force Detection System page 8
For long travels: System P4 page 7
Pre-harnessed igus® E-ChainSystems® page 14
Fail-safe Chainflex® cables page 12
For almost every indoor application: E-Chains® page 4
For unsupported lengths up to 50 m: Guidelok page 9
24 hrs delivery time The goods leave igus® within 24 hrs. On request we can deliver via express or special delivery. Please inform us about your wishes.
Hotline Phone +49-2203-9649-800 Fax +49-2203-9649-222
No minimum order igus® has no minimum order. Just order the amount you need.
Onlineshop See There you can find our whole product range. Order around the clock.
With warranty Beyond the legal warranty we also vouch for wear and tear. Together with you, we define your application‘s parameters. With a warranty certificate!
You have questions? For questions and more information call us or use our online productfinders on
Ordering times From Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 12:00 am
E-Chains® vs. Festoon or Bus Bar-systems
Without E-ChainSystem®
With spacesaving E-ChainSystem®
l Space saving construction! l All kind of media can be guided (power cables, l A loop station is not necessary, the trolley is able run control cables, hydraulics, pneumatics etc.) on the full beam length! l Low maintenance necessity will reduce your crane l No down hanging cable loops! downtimes l E-ChainSystems® reduces cable lengths by more l Quick and easy installation of additional cables than 50% (center feeding)! l E-ChainSystems® can be and have been used at ® l E-ChainSystems prevens the cables from any trolley speeds up to 10 m/s external mechanical stress, i.e. uncontrolled whipping, l E-ChainSystems® make travels up to 800 m swinging, getting stuck l Synchronous run of trolley and E-ChainSystem® l Easy and quick to assemble l Spare part guarantee for ten years and more l Short cable length, especially well for Bus systems and fibre optics
No down hanging cable loops.
In safe position on the cranebeam
The cranebeam‘s end is also the end of the E-Chain®
...Trolley travelling E-ChainSystem® E2/000
Fast opening from both sides
l Openable in inner- and outer radii l Available in 21 - 45 mm inner height l For high speeds and medium weights l Also as E-Tube version available ex stock Detailed Information and video: Applications: Joining technique, cutting machines, surface technology
E2/000 in trolley travelling
Easy Chain® for simple applications: Favorable and easier to assemble. l Quick to fill – just press in cables l Small sizes from 5 mm inner height l For small spaces or easy purpose
if-Design Award Saves time and money:
E-ChainSystem® E4.1
1 ● 1. Low noise through integrated „brake“ ● 2. Large unsupported lenghts due to the optimized stop dogs ● 3. High rigidity and carrying capacity for shear forces thanks to tongue and groove design ● 4. Cable-friendly rounded crossbar ● Inner heights 21 - 350 mm; 3 versions: crossbars every link, crossbars every 2nd link and as tube E-Chain® series E4.1 with extension links
For unsupported length up to 7 m travel - option XXL
XXL-material: Allows for up to 25 % more unsupported span and for up to 7 m of unsupported travel without trough and support. 5
...Crane travellin Heavy Duty E-Chains速
Crossbars are removable along both radii, saves time installing and dismantling Expanded gliding surface, expanded stop dog surface and bigger pin/hole surface to classic E4/4 series Hinged snap-open removable lids along outer radius of E-Tube available, closed and open designs can be combined High secure double lock Wide rounded plastic crossbars, cable friendly
The Heavy Duty Chain family was developed in view of the following applications: l High cable loads l High speeds l Long travel lengths l Strong dirt loads The improved E4/4 Heavy Duty takes cable carrier stability to new levels. Strength and cycle life are improved by significabtly increased gliding and load bearing surfaces. E4/4 Heavy Duty takes higher push/pull forces at the same inner dimensions as regular E4/4 series. Supplied from stock for the HD series: l Roller glide for the reduction of the tensile/ shear forces l Extension link for large widths and for raising the load capacity l Separators for the adaptation of the interior separation in the cable layout l Mounting brackets for the fastening of the chain at fixed and moving ends
Lateral glide surfaces for side-mounted operation High torsion stability
5050 HD to classic 5050: Y: +120%, X: +7,5 mm 4040 HD to classic 4040: Y: +140%, X: +9 mm Heavy Duty E-Chain速 in indoor crane in steel plant in India
Typical Crane applications: STS, Goliath Cranes, Indoor Cranes, Bulk handling Cranes,Mining Crane, ...
ng/... System P4
For big plants or indoor cranes the system P4 is the perfect solution to supply with energy and data over long travels. ● Tribo-optimized wear resistant roller material ● Large rolling and gliding surfaces Applications: Forming and punching machines, transport For long crane travellings: igus® E-ChainSystem® P4
1) Four different inner heights: 32 mm, 42 mm, 56 mm and 80 mm available 2) Low maintenance Rol E-ChainSystem® from tribo-optimized plastic rollers
3) Comb-stile AUTO-GLIDE cross bars
1 3
4) Same pitch for roller- / chain links
2 5
5) Exceptionally quiet through special roller and link design 6) Offset motion of upper and lower run
7) Robust steel mounting brackets available
8) Special P4 guide trough system available
6 4
8 7
...special.solution Protection: Push-Pull Force Detection System in two versions Benefits: l Prevents down time l Prevents damage to equipment l Saves money l Improves operational safety through preventative maintenance and fine tuning of the system Full PPDS System: l Data input Nominal/actual comparison of force value at the tow arm, measured 4 times per second, relative to the position of the E-ChainSystem®. l Data exchange options Malfunction alerts as defined – through SMS, e-mail, fax. Remote data exchange, online or through e-mail. l Data log System data logout, retrospectively for up to 3 months, with a 128 MB memory chip. Alternatively incident-driven logout through modem memory Easy PPDS System: l Low Cost Solution l Data input Push-/Pullforces with freely selectable parameters. Measurement of the real force on moving end l Data exchange Emergency shut-down of the system in case of overstepping of optional limit values. l Data log Data log for up to 40,000 entries
Easy PPDS exhibtion principle model. In reality integrated in the floatin moving arm
Push-/Pull-force monitoring with the igus® PPDS system
Compact: Micro Flizz® - Long travels with smallest E-Chains® Complete system for the control panel
l Compact, cost-saving complete system for safe guidance of energy, data and air l Maintenance-free alternative for power bar l Control through stationary switch cabinet possible l Low noise l Acceleration up to 50 m/s² and operating speed up to 6 m/s l Quick installation through preassembled system in modular design l Low space requirement l Smooth-running through ball-bearing mounted carriage l if-Design-Award
For unsupported lengths: Horizontal “Guidelok” up to 50 m Especially for long travels on indoor application, igus® Guidelok is a cost-effective solution. l 1. Stuff cannot get stuck between upper and lower run, perfect for dusty environments l 2. Modular system with few parts (also possible without side- ways trough) l 3. Enormous increase of “self supporting” length of E-Chains® l 4. Lower push-/pull forces (smaller E-Chains®, self supporting and rollers = energy efficient) l Smaller E-Chains® for any given self supporting length l Lower cost than most steel chains or sophisticated gliding systems l Open guide trough design, chips can fall through
1 2
Design principle
The E-Chain® is guided in the trough chan- ...which snaps back out again after the nel, pushing back the spring loaded roller E-Chain® radius has passed... support with its radius...
...the upper run then gets to lay on the roller support.
Circular movements and “RBR” applications “RBR” applications with a reverse bending radius have become an industry standard. igus® supports even this standard for cranes with RBR E-Chains®. l For twisting crane applications l Customised metal guide troughs and plates available l Large range of accessories
For circular movements: E-Chains® with RBR 9 Steel guide troughs
Guide troughs are used in long travels according to chain type from 5–12 m. They support the smooth low-friction operation of the igus® E-Chain® and E-Tubes. The infeed point is at the center of the travel, and the E-Chain® glides by itself on one half of the travel. For the other half, we recommend glide bars mounted in the trough, on which the E-Chain® glides. igus® guide troughs have glide bars made of extremely abrasion-resistant plastic igulen (exception RS - gliding partner steel).
Steel guide trough - very stable and rugged for heavy duty applications If the igus® installation sets are used, the guide troughs are particularly easy to assemble. All the steel guide troughs are constructed according to the same basic principle. All sizes use a common C-profile on which the guide parts are assembled. The assembly brackets used vary in height only. l Easy assembly with installation set l Big range, two piece design, adjustable to E-Chain® width l Available in galvanized steel and stainless steel l Glide bar made of PE
Long travel with igus® steel guide troughs and a harnessed E-Chain® in a crane application
Even in dusty environments: E-Chain® trough in slack yard crane Snap-in trough system SP - simple and cost-effective
Economically priced and simple guide options igus® snap-in trough systems are simple and favorably priced options to safely guide E-Chains®. Recommended for less demanding applications and applications with travel speeds below 2 m/s, as well as travel distances below 50 m. The crucial advantage of the igus® insert trough is the low price and the very simple and fast installation. l Smaller than conventional troughs l Easy and fast assembly l No sharp metal edges in the internal area because of covered connectors l Low price because of easy assembly
igus® E-Chain® with trough system
Rol E-Chain® 5050HD in super alu guide needs 75% less drive force. 11
...Chainflex cabl ®
Tested and stayed: Fail-safe Chainflex® cables with igus® guar
CFCRANE - Chainflex® Power cable
Competitor: corkscrews after 145,000 double strokes
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CFCRANE For maximum voltages and outputs, igupren-outer jacket, oil-resistant, flame-retardant, minimum bending radius: 10 x d CF330.D - Chainflex® Power cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CF330.D For the highmechanical requirements of crane and general plant construction, TPE-outer jacket, PVC-free/halogen-free, oil-resistant, bio-oil-resistant,minimumbending radius: 7,5 x d CF30 - Chainflex® Power cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CF30 For the high mechanical requirements of crane and general plant construction, PVC-outer jacket, oil-resistant, flame-retardant, minimum bending radius: 7,5 x d CF300.UL.D - Chainflex® Power cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CF300.UL.D For maximum load requirements, TPE-outer jacket, oil-resistant, bio-oil-resistant, flame-retardant, UV-resistant, minimum bending radius: 7,5 x d CF35.UL - Chainflex® Power cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CF35.UL For maximum load requirements, TPE-outer jacket, shielded, oil-resistant, bio-oil-resistant, flame-retardant, UV-resistant, minimum bending radius: 7,5 x d igus® Chainflex®-cables are optimized for high dynamic applications. The materials are developt for best service life in single or system use. The special Chainflex®-design prevents corkscrew and cable breakages. Find over 850 Chainflex®-cables and detailed Information:
Large igus® cable stock with chain-fit Chainfle
CF9.UL - Chainflex® Control cable
igus® CF27: even after 5 million double strokes no wear!
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CF9.UL For maximum load requirements, TPE-outer jacket, oil-resistant, bio-oil-resistant, PVC-free/halogen-free, low-temperatureflexible, minimum bending radius: 5 x d CF211 - Chainflex® data cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CF211 For high load requirements, PVC-outer jacket, shielded, stranded in pairs, oil-resistant, flame-retardant, minimum bending radius: 10 x d CFBUS - Chainflex® Bus cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CFBUS For maximum load requirements, TPE-outer jacket, shielded, oil-resistant, bio-oil-resistant, flame-retardant, minimum bending radius: 10-12,5 x d CF14 CAT5 - Chainflex® Bus cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CF14 CAT5 Ethernet special cable formaximumload requirements, TPE-outer jacket, oil-resistant, bio-oil-resistant, PVC-free/halogen-free, UV-resistant,minimumbending radius: 12,5 x d CFLG.G - Chainflex® FOC cable
IGUS® CHAINFLEX® CFLG.G Gradient glass-fiber cable for maximum load requirements, TPE-outer jacket, halogen-free, low-temperature-flexible up to -40 °C, minimum bending radius: 15 x d
ex® cables
ReadyChain® with Chainflex® in two girder crane
Pre-harnessed systems from igus® – ready to install
Perfect for outdoor applications: Chainflex®
Abrasion-free due to special materials 13
...igus.ReadyCha ®
Total pre-harnessed igus® E-ChainSystems® from one supplier
Precise and quick harnessing in our ReadyChain® factory
ReadyChains® – E-Chains®, cables, accessory and metal components from igus® – with system guarantee The advantages of plug and play E-ChainSystems® from igus®: l Increase cash-flow l Cover fluctuations l Reduce waste l Minimize downtime l Reduce or purchase orders by about 75% l Zero stock l Modern equipment means low cost at highest quality l System is checked in our test center l More than 3,000 electrical components from stock l Delivery with individual plates and mounting parts l igus® is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 l ReadyChain®-factory with more than 80 experts l Over 800 systems leave the 10 ReadyChain® factories worldwide every week l Experience since 1993 l Worldwide service in more than 50 countries Detailed Information:
Installation-optimized of an igus® ReadyChain®
Serial production
Inductive energy transmission even in curves invis速 power is a system based on the inductive energy transmission principle. l Contactless, insensible, silent l Wear-resistant, totally mechanical maintenance-free l Works in dirt, water or clean room l Several pickups possible l Up to 40 kW power and more l Modular l Economical range of standard parts Catalogs online:
Robust modul kit
Resistant to dirt over long 15 15
igus® maintenance- and lubricant-free polymer bearings
iglidur® bearings – Lifetime predictable Every designer’s dream: A life-time-predictable plainbearing without lubrication at low cost. Each material has got their own features. For all iglidur® bearings valids: l Maintenance-and lubrication free l Corrosion and dirt resistance l High vibration dampening l Very low tendency to creep Detailed Information:
New: Other iglidur® materials to improve technic and reduce costs
igubal®: self-aligning plain bearings made of polymer igubal® puts a complete system of self-aligning bearings at the developer’s fingertips. Self-aligning bearings are easy to fit, adapt to all angular deviations and replace special housings in many cases. l Exceptionally cost-effective l Maintenance-free Lubrication-free l Resistant to dust and dirt l Corrosion-free Usable in liquid media Detailed information:
DryLin® - glides instead of rolling! DryLin® is a product range of maintenance-free and lubricantfree linear bearings in four different main categories. Besides the freedom from maintenance, the main features include ruggedness and the insensitivity to dirt, water, chemicals, heat or impacts. l Maintenance-free l Dry operation l Weight reduction l For short-stroke applications l Self-lubricating Detailed information:
igubal® rod end and spherical bearings are available in many different types, e.g. with spherical ball material to choose.
DryLin® W Linear Guides with manual adjustable clearance „Turn-To-Fit“ ®
24h igus® service and products – i-net customer information system At track your orders in real time with igus® i-net. Just request a password, log into i-net and track your jobstatus via a webcam. igus® i-net shipment tracking permits a monitoring of deliveries from igus® outlet right up to your doorstep l Detailed order data including an overview of target and actual deadlines l Order confirmation via post, fax or e-mail as required l Track your orders via webcam
Request order tracking here:
You can find more special websites for other industries (cranes, robotics,...) on:
Special homepage for the indoor cranes industry You can find information, applications, videos and product details for indoor cranes on :
...applications/... Solutions for indoor cranes with igus® E-ChainSystems®
High reliability despite extreme contamination
Inspection of an E-Chain® in a refuse incineration plant
igus® E-Chain® operated in a cement plant
High reliability in refuse incineration plant
E-ChainSystem® E2/000 in slewing crane
Very demanding industry due to brick dust in the environment
The terms “igus”, “iglidur”, “igubal”, “DryLin”, “xiros”, “xirodur”, “E-Ketten”, “E-Chain”, “Easy Chain”, “E-KettenSysteme”, “E-ChainSystems”, “Energy ChainSystems”, “Triflex”, “Chainflex”, “plastics for longer life”, “invis”, “ReadyChain” and “ReadyCable” are legally protected trademarks in the Federal Republic of Germany and in case also in foreign countries.
igus® offices igus® distributors
1 Germany igus® GmbH Spicher Str. 1a 51147 Köln (Porz-Lind) Cologne Postfach 90 61 23 51127 Köln Cologne Phone +49-22 03-96 49-0 Fax +49-22 03-96 49-222
2 Australia Treotham Automation Pty. Ltd. Unit 36, 9 Powells Road, Brookvale NSW 2100 Phone +61-2-99 07 17 88 Fax +61-2-99 07 17 78
3 Austria igus® Polymer Innovationen GmbH Ort 55 4843 Ampflwang Phone +43-76 75-40 05-0 Fax +43-76 75-32 03
4 Argentina FABRIMATICA S.A. Av. Varela 2966 C.P. 1437 Buenos Aires Phone +54-11-49 18 00 09 Fax +54-11-49 19 00 80
5 Belarus STS Stromtehservis 19-609, Ul. Sharangovicha Minsk, 220018 Phone +375 17 313-4513 Fax +375 17 313-4514
6 Belgium igus B.V.B.A. Kolonel Begaultlaan 75 3012 Wilsele Phone +32-16-31 44 31 Fax +32-16-31 44 39 ®
7 Brazil igus® do Brasil Ltda. Av. Eng. Alberto de Zagottis 655 Santo Amaro 04675-085 São Paulo - SP Phone +55-11-35 31 44 87 Fax +55-11-35 31 44 88
8 Bulgaria Atlas Technik EOOD BG-1612 Sofia PK 51 Phone +359-885-23 25 95 +359-897-98 16 69 Phone/Fax +359-2-859 76 81
8 Bulgaria Hennlich OOD, BG 4000 Plovdiv Konstantin Velichkov, 69, Et. 3 Phone +359-32-511 326 Phone/Fax +359-32-621 929
9 Canada igus® Office Canada 201 Millway Ave. UNIT 25 Concord Ontario L4K 5K8 Phone +1-905-760 84 48 Fax +1-905-760 86 88
10 Chile Vendortec San Martín # 2097 Maipú - Santiago Phone +56-2-710 58 25
11 China igus® Shanghai Co., Ltd. No. 28, Jiatai Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai 200131, P.R.C. Phone +86-21-51 30 31 00 Fax +86-21-51 30 32 00
11 China South igus® China Guangzhou office Room 2306, West Tower, Yangcheng International Commercial Center, Tiyu, East Road, Guangzhou 510620, P.R.C. Phone +86-20-38 87 17 26/7/8 Fax +86-20-38 87 17 68
12 Croatia Hennlich, Industrijska d.o.o. Franje Wölfla 4 10000 Zagreb Phone +385-1-3 87 43 34 Fax +385-1-3 87 43 36
13 Czech Republic Hennlich Industrietechnik spol. s r.o. o.z. Lin-tech Českolipská 9 41201 Litoměřice Phone Chains +420-416-71 13 32 Phone Bearings +420-416-71 13 39 Fax +420-416-71 19 99
14 Denmark igus ApS Postboks 243 8800 Viborg Phone +45-86-60 33 73 Fax +45-86-60 32 73 ®
14 Denmark – E-Chains
Solar AS Industrievej Vest 43 6600 Vejen Phone +45-76-96 12 00 Fax +45-75-36 47 59
14 Denmark OEM Automatic A/S Møllehaven 8 4040 Jyllinge Phone +45-70 27 05 27 Fax +45-70 27 06 27
15 Egypt Fedicom Trading Fayed Sami & Co. 12, El Mahaad El Swissri St., Flat 10 – 2nd Floor-Zamalek Cairo – A.R of Egypt Phone +202-2736 25 37 Fax +202-2736 31 96
15 Egypt IEE International Company for Electrical Engineering 2nd floor, 25 Orabi St Down Town, Cairo, Phone +202-25 76 73 70 Fax +202-25 76 73 75
16 Finland SKS Mekaniikka Oy Martinkyläntie 50 01720 Vantaa Phone +358-20-764 65 22 Fax +358-20-764 68 24
16 Finland – Chainflex® SKS Automaatio Oy Martinkyläntie 50 01720 Vantaa Phone +358-20-764 6748 Fax +358-20-764 6820
17 France igus SARL 49, avenue des Pépinières Parc Médicis 94832 Fresnes Cedex Phone +33-1-49 84 04 04 Fax +33-1-49 84 03 94 ®
18 Greece – E-Chains
Chrismotor s.a. 71, Sp. Patsi str. 118 55 Athens Phone +30-210-34 25 574 Fax +30-210-34 25 595
18 Greece – Bearings J. & E. Papadopoulos S.A. 23, Retsina Street 185 45 Piraeus Phone +30-210-4113133 Fax +30-210-4116781
19 Hong Kong Sky Top Enterprises Ltd. Room 1707, Block C; Wah Tat Ind Centre; Wah Sing Street; Kwai Chung; Hong Kong Phone +852-22 43 42 78 Fax +852-22 43 42 79
20 Hungary igus® Hungária Kft. Mogyoródi u.32. 1149 Budapest Phone +36-1-306-64 86 Fax +36-1-431-03 74
20 Hungary Tech-Con Kft. Vésõ utca 9-11 1133 Budapest
Phone +36-1-412 41 61 Fax +36-1-412 41 71
21 India igus® (India) Pvt. Ltd. # 199/1, 22nd Main, HSR Layout, Agara Post, Bangalore - 560 102 Phone +91-80-39 12 78 00 Fax +91-80-39 12 78 02
22 Indonesia Pt. Energi Canggih Indonesia Kelapa Gading Selatan BJ 08 / 14 Gading Serpong Tangerang 15810 Phone +62-21-547 43 64 Fax +62-21-547 43 65
23 Iran Tameen Ehtiajat Fani Tehran (TAF CO.) 72, Iranshar Ave., Unit 5 15816 Tehran, Iran Phone +98-21-8831 78 51 Fax +98-21-8882 02 68 24 Ireland igus® Ireland Fitzwilliam Business Centre 26 Upper Pembroke Street Dublin 2 Phone +353 1 6373921 Fax +353 1 6620365
25 Israel Conlog LTD P.O. Box 35 71 Petach Tikva 49134 Phone +972-3-926 95 95 Fax +972-3-923 33 67
26 Italy igus® S.r.l. Via delle Rovedine, 4 23899 Robbiate (LC) Phone +39-039 5906.1 Fax +39-039 5906.222
27 Japan igus® k.k. Arcacentral 7F, 1-2-1 Kinshi, Sumida-ku Tokyo JAPAN Zip 130-0013 Phone +81 3 58 19 20 30 Fax +81 3 58 19 20 55
28 Latvia INPAP Katrinas Str. 16 Phone +371-750 94 04 Fax +371-750 94 03
29 Lebanon Mecanix Shops Gebran Safi Charles Helou Avenue Beirut Phone +961 1 486 701 Fax +961 1 490 929
30 Lithuania Hitech UAB Terminalo g. 3 54469 Biruliskiu k. Kauno raj. Phone +370 37 323271 Fax +370 37 203273
31 Malaysia igus® Malaysia Sdn Bhd No. 19-1, Jalan PJU 1/3F Sunway Mas Commercial Centre 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor D.E. Phone +603-7880 5475 Fax +603-7880 5479 31 Malaysia Automation Industry & Systems (M) SDN.BHD. 50, Lorong Nagasari 11, Taman Nagasari 13600 Prai, Penang Phone +60-4-390 56 07 Fax +60-4-399 73 27
32 Mexico igus® México S. de R.L. de C.V. Av. Tecnologico 496 Nte Col. Agricola-Bellavista 52149 Toluca Phone +52-722-27 14 273 Fax +52-722-27 14 274
33 Netherlands igus® Nederland Sterrenbergweg 9 3769 BS Soesterberg Phone +31-346-35 39 32 Fax +31-346-35 38 49
33 Netherlands – Bearings Elcee Holland BV Kamerlingh Onnesweg 28 NL-3316 GL Dordrecht Phone +31-78-6544777 Fax +31-78-6544733
34 New Zealand Automation Equipment Ltd. P.O. Box 5656 Frankton 45 Colombo Street Frankton, Hamilton Phone +64-7-847 20 82 Fax +64-7-847 71 60
35 Norway / Iceland ASI Automatikk AS Ingv. Ludvigsensgate 23 3007 Drammen Phone +47-32-82 92 90 Fax +47-32-82 92 98
36 Peru Profaco Av. República de Panamá N° 4130 - Surquillo Lima - Perú Phone +51-1-241 43 70 +51-1-242 52 95 Fax +51-1-242 86 08
37 Poland igus® Sp zo.o ul. Parowcówa 10 b 02-445 Warszawa Phone +48-22-863 57 70 Fax +48-22-863 61 69
38 Portugal igus® Lda. R. Eng. Ezequiel Campos, 239 4100-231 Porto Phone +351-22-610 90 00 Fax +351-22-832 83 21
39 Romania TechCon Industry SRL Calea Crangasi nr. 60 060346 Bucuresti Phone +40-21-2219-640 Fax +40-21-2219-766
39 Romania Hennlich SRL Str. Patria, Nr17 310106 Arad Phone +40-257-21 11 19 Fax +40-257-21 10 21
40 Russia Eka-Service Kompani 1-aja Dubrowskaja, 2A, k. 35 109044 Moskau Phone +7-495-632 66 23 Fax +7-495-677 17 78
40 Russia Barti OOO p/b 333 194358 St. Petersburg Phone +7-812-972 49 14 Fax +7-812-448 38 28
41 Serbia Hennlich doo Beograd Ul. S. Markovica 3/4 11400 Mladenovac Phone +381-11 39 43 414 Fax +381-11 39 43 412
42 Singapore – HQ ASEAN igus® Singapore Pte Ltd. 15 Shaw Road, #03-02 Singapore 367953 Phone +65-64 87 14 11 Fax +65-64 87 15 11 Malaysia-Hotline +60-12-709 30 41 Thailand-Hotline +66-9-160 73 69
43 Slovakia Hennlich Industrietechnik s.r.o. Kovsicka 52 821 08 Bratislava Phone +421-2-50 20 43 08 Fax +421-2-50 20 43 11
44 Slovenia Hennlich, d.o.o. Industrijska tehnika Podnart 33 SI-4244 Podnart
Phone +386-4-532 06 10 Fax +386-4-532 06 20
45 South Africa igus® Pty. Ltd. Unit 14, Heron Park 80 Corobrik Road PO Box 4214 4017 Riverhorse Valley Phone +27-31-569 6633 Fax +27-31-569 6636
46 South Korea igus® Korea Co. Ltd. 25BL 13LT Namdong Ind. Complex 446-11 Nonhyundong, Namdonggu Incheon City, 405-300 Phone +82-32-821 29 11 Fax +82-32-821 29 13
47 Spain igus® S.L. C/ Llobatona, 6 Polígono Noi del Sucre 08840 Viladecans - Barcelona Phone +34-93-647 39 50 Fax +34-93-647 39 51
48 Sweden igus® ab Knut Påls väg 8 256 69 Helsingborg Phone +46-42-32 92 70 Fax +46-42-21 15 85
48 Sweden – E-Chains® OEM Automatic AB Box 1011 Dalagatan 4 573 28 Tranås Phone +46-75-2424100 Fax +46-75-2424159
48 Sweden – Bearings Colly Components AB P.O. Box 76 164 94 Kista Phone +46-8-7030100 Fax +46-8-7039841
49 Switzerland igus® Schweiz GmbH Industriestr. 11 4623 Neuendorf Phone +41-62-38 89 797 Fax +41-62-38 89 799
50 Taiwan igus® Taiwan Company Limited 2F, No 82, 32nd Road Taichung Industrial Park 40768 Taichung Phone +886-4-23 58-1000 Fax +886-4-23 58-1100
51 Thailand Autoflexible Engineering Co., Ltd. 111 Soi. Sukhumvit, 62/1 Bangjak, Phakanong Bangkok 10260 Phone +66-2-311 2111 Fax +66-2-332 79 00
52 Turkey HIDREL Hidrolik Elemanlar Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Percemli Sk. No. 7 Tünel Mevkii 80000 Karaköy / Istanbul Phone +90-212-249 48 81 Fax +90-212-292 08 50
53 United Kingdom igus® UK Ltd. 51A Caswell Road Brackmills Northampton NN4 7PW Phone +44-1604-67 72 40 Fax Chain +44-01604 67 72 42 Fax Bearing +44-01604 67 72 45
54 Ukraine Cominpro Ltd. Romena Rollana 12, Office 220 61058 Kharkov Phone +38-057 717 49 14 Fax +38-057 717 49 14
55 USA igus® inc. 50 N. Broadway P.O. Box 14349 East Providence, RI 02914 Phone +1-401-438 22 00 Fax +1-401-438 72 70
MAT0071506.25 Issue 06/2009
igus® worldwide
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igus® GmbH Crane Department Spicher Str. 1a D-51147 Cologne Tel. +49-22 03-96 49-0
Country Phone Fax Email Please call me for further information
Please send me information on the following material: igus® E-ChainSystems® catalog, 06/2009
xigus® CD-ROM Electronic catalog with Expert system
igus® Chainflex® cables catalog, 06/09
CD-ROM Crane presentation