e-Insight - February 2020

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February 2020

Editor & Graphic Design - Rachel Romines


Advertising - Tami Hubbell




13 16 19 20 22 24

2019 IIAPAC Contributors Get Involved - State and National Legislative Conferences Reinventing Retirement in the Insurance Industry By Sharon Emek

Business Etiquette for Agents By John Chapin

Without Customer Trust, Nothing Else Matters By John Graham

2020 EDGE Conference


In This Issue

The Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL) has been providing members with a sustainable competitive advantage since 1899.

6 7 8 12 15

Trusted Choice Level Up Agent Summit Recap Industry Government

26 27 28 30

Associate News IIA of IL News Board of Directors Profiles Classifieds


info@iiaofil.org | www.iiaofil.org | (800) 628-6436 or (217) 793-6660 | Fax: (217) 793-6744

2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2019

Insight is the official publication of the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL). The magazine is published monthly for the members of the IIA of IL, with the office located at 4360 Wabash Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62711-7009; Consumer Website: www.ChooseIndependent.com. The IIA of IL welcomes letters discussing concerns of the insurance industry, articles, editorials, other matters of interest to the membership. The editor reserves the right to edit and select submissions for publication. Address submissions for review to Rachel Romines at rromines@iiaofil.org. For advertising information, contact Tami Hubbell at thubbell@iiaofil.org.


Board of Directors Executive Committee

Chairman of the Board | Patrick Muldowney (312) 595-7192 | patrick.muldowney@alliant.com



President | Bill Wirth (618) 939-6368 | billw@wirthagency.com



President-Elect | George Daly (708) 845-3311 | george.daly@thehortongroup.com





Vice President | Jay Peterson, AFIS, LUTCF (217) 935-6605 | jay@peterson.insurance Secretary/Treasurer | Bennie Jones (312) 960-6206 | bjones@rmsoa.com IIABA National Director Gregory A. Sandrock, CIC, AFIS (815) 438-3923 | gregsandrock@2cornerstone.com

Regional Directors Region 1 | Lisa Lukens (618) 942-2556 | salibainsurance@gmail.com Region 2 | Joseph Heneghan (618) 639-2244 | joe.heneghan@hwcrins.com Region 3 | Christopher Leming (217) 321-3185 | cleming@troxellins.com

2 18 5 10 Cover Tip






Region 4 | Bart Hartauer, CIC (815) 223-1795 | hartauer@hartauer.com Region 5 | Nick Gunn, CIC (309) 691-1300 | nickgunn@nixonagency.com Region 6 | Thomas Evans, Jr. (779) 220-6564 | tevans@crumhalsted.com Region 7 | Neidra Crosby, CPIA, CISR (708) 597-8731 | ncrosby@insxchg.com Region 8 | Andrew Allan (773) 891-8000 | aallan@lakeviewins.com Region 9 | Ed Boltz, JD (630) 443-7300 | eboltz@crumhalsted.com Region 10 | Christopher Bassler, CLCS (847) 480-0800 | cbassler@basslerins.com At-Large Director | William Durkin (312) 629-0725 | durkinb@danielandhenry.com At-Large Director | Michael-Charles Hilson (708) 333-3378 | mhilson@gbgins.com At-Large Director | Ryan Hite (309) 688-7316 | ryan.hite@eaglerockins.com At-Large Director | Patrick Taphorn, CIC, CSRM (309) 347-2177 | ptaphorn@unland.com

Committee Chairs Budget & Finance | Bennie Jones (312) 960-6200 | bjones@rmsoa.com Education | Teresa Fleming, CIC, CISR (815) 849-5219 | tess@leffelmanassoc.com Farm Agents Council | Randy Jacobs (309) 365-3231 | rjacobs@mtco.com Government Relations | Kevin Lesch (630) 830-3232 | klesch@arachasgroup.com IIAPAC | Dustin Peterson (217) 935-6605 | dustin@peterson.insurance

IIA of Illinois Staff Director of Information and Technology Shannon Churchill - (217) 321-3004 - schurchill@iiaofil.org

Director of Government Relations Evan Manning - (217) 321-3002 - emanning@iiaofil.org

Director of Education and Agency Resources Brett Gerger - (217) 321-3006 - bgerger@iiaofil.org

Office Administrator Kristi Osmond - (217) 321-3007 - kosmond@iiaofil.org

Accounting & Admin Services Tami Hubbell - (217) 321-3016 - thubbell@iiaofil.org

Director of Communications Rachel Romines - (217) 321-3024 - rromines@iiaofil.org

Director of Human Resources, Board Admin Jennifer Jacobs - (217) 321-3013 - jjacobs@iiaofil.org

Director of Membership Services Tom Ross, CRIS, CPIA - (217) 321-3003 - tross@iiaofil.org

Sr. Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Mark Kuchar - (217) 321-3015 - mkuchar@iiaofil.org

Products & Services Administrator Janet White, CISR - (217) 321-3010 - jwhite.indep12@insuremail.net

Chief Executive Officer Phil Lackman - (217) 321-3005 - plackman@iiaofil.org

Director of Prof. Liability & Ins. Products Carol Wilson, CPIA - (217) 321-3011 - cwilson.indep12@insuremail.net

Central/Southern Marketing Representative Lori Mahorney - (217) 415-7550 - lmahorney@iiaofil.org

Planning & Coordination | Cindy K. Jackman, CIC, CISR (800) 878-9891 x8745 | cjackman@arlingtonroe.com Young Agents | Allyson Padilla (618) 393-2195 | allyson@blanksinsurance.com

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Level Up Agent Summit - Success! The first ever Level Up Agent Summit, hosted by the Big “I” Diversity Council, was held January 14-15 in New Orleans. The event brought agents, association leaders, carriers and other industry representatives together to learn key business strategies to enhance agency growth, innovation and sustainability through diversity and inclusion. During the Summit, attendees received step-by-step guidance from global business leaders on how to build a culture of inclusion and diversity across their agencies.

From workshops to keynote presentations led by experienced industry leaders and trailblazers, agents learned how to build a culture of integrity, kickstart their agency perpetuation plan, develop multicultural networks and more. For just a taste of the energy and inspiration throughout the event, watch the highlight video at https://youtu.be/evGPzX0ef8o.

Bennie Jones, IIA of IL Secretary/ Treasurer and Chairman of the Big “I” Diversity Council, presents during the conference.

“I would like to thank you for taking me to the New Orleans Insurance conference this week. I really enjoyed myself and I really learned a lot about the industry and how it is very applicable to just about any major. This conference had some very great speakers and I am glad I was able to attend and connect with some of the industry professionals.” - Jada Turner

february 2020

Special thanks to Jim Jones (second from right) of Katie School of Insurance in Bloomington, IL for bringing four of his students to the Summit. Pictured with Jones, left to right, is Phil Lackman, IIA of IL CEO, Ray Guardado, Carlos Rubio, Jada Turner, Tristen Aguilar, and Bennie Jones.



INSIGHT | industry

US Personal Lines and Commercial Insurance Rates By MarketScout

US Personal Lines Rates Up 4.5% in Q4 Some CAT Exposed Homes as Much as 35% Fourth quarter results are in and personal insurance buyers were assessed an average of 3.5 percent more in 2019 as compared to 2018. According to Richard Kerr, CEO of MarketScout, “We must all keep in mind, the barometer results include all types of personal lines insurance across the US. Massive placements for homes/autos/jewelry in the $300,000 to $800,000 value which are in non-cat prone areas impact the rate. If we were to measure homes over $5,000,000 in brush exposed areas of California, the average rate increase would be over 35 percent.� The hardening market has most severely impacted high net worth individuals because of their propensity to own properties in catastrophe prone areas; those on the water or in the mountains/brush. Membership organizations such as the Council for Insuring Private Clients (CIPC) are coming up with creative solutions to help insureds mitigate the impact of rate increases.

Summary of annual personal lines average rate increases from 2012 to 2019.

Summary of the fourth quarter 2019 personal lines rates

Personal lines rate changes throughout 2019



february 2020

industry | INSIGHT

tes Up in Q4 US Commercial Insurance Rates Up 5% in Fourth Quarter Rates Continue to Increase at Close of 2019 Fourth quarter rates for commercial insurance placements across the United States increased 5 percent. The steady trend of upward rate movement reflects insurers plans to continue increasing prices across all lines of coverage with workers’ compensation being the only exception. Richard Kerr, CEO of MarketScout noted, “Auto rate increases have been up all year long; however, D&O and professional rate increases have spiked significantly in the fourth quarter.” According to Kerr, “Insurers are utilizing the many catastrophe modeling tools to carefully analyze their property exposures. We expect many of the major property catastrophe insurers to curtail their 2020 writings in California brush and East and Gulf Coast wind areas. Naturally, this will result in higher rates to insureds.”

The following graphic reflects rate changes in US commercial insurance for the last 18 years.

Commercial lines rate changes throughout 2019

The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research conducted pricing surveys used in MarketScout’s analysis of market conditions. These surveys help to further corroborate MarketScout’s actual findings, mathematically driven by new and renewal placements across the United States.

february 2020

Summary of the fourth quarter 2019 rates by coverage class

MarketScout, an insurance distribution and underwriting company headquartered in Dallas, compiles the Commercial and Personal Lines Market Barometers. The firm is a Lloyd’s Coverholder and MGA for U.S. insurers. MarketScout owns and operates the MarketScout Exchange as well as over 40 other online and traditional underwriting and distribution venues. For more information, please visit MarketScout.com. insight


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government | INSIGHT

Legislative Update Spring Session began on January 28th and will run through the end of May. There will be one major difference from previous years as Senate President John Cullerton has retired. The Senate convened on Sunday, January 19th to formally elect a new Senate President. On a vote of 37-12, Senator Don Harmon will now lead the Senate as its 39th Senate President. While, 2019 was certainly a tumultuous year in Illinois politics it was one of the most historic legislative years on record. Governor J.B. Pritzker had by all means one of the most successful first years of any Governor in Illinois in terms of legislative accomplishments. Lawmakers approved Gov. Pritzker’s biggest campaign promise by asking Illinois voters to approve a graduated income tax via a referendum

By Evan Manning on the November 2020 ballot. Lawmakers also passed an equity-focused recreational cannabis measure, sports wagering, a budget and capital bill, pension consolidation, and a graduated increase to minimum wage to $15 an hour. IIA of IL’s Government Relations Committee recently met and his in the process of firming up our legislative and regulatory agenda for this year. Be on the lookout for an update in the next issue and in our e-Weekly newsletter. Evan Manning is Director of Government Relations for the IIA of IL. He can be reached at emanning@iiaofil.org or (217) 321-3002.



Independent Insurance Agents Political Action Committee



By Evan Manning

IIA of IL is constantly in communication and discussions on both the State and Federal level. One of our association’s biggest resources for this communication line is our State Political Action Committee known as IIAPAC. IIAPAC supports candidates for and members of the General Assembly who support the legislative agenda of independent agents. IIAPAC is a bi-partisan committee, making significant contributions to both Republican and Democrat legislators and candidates. IIAPAC took tremendous strides over the last year and exceeded our fundraising goals with the help of our VIP Contributors and the many donors to our Silent Auction that was featured at CONVO.

I want to sincerely thank all of the many generous donors listed on the next page. Supporting IIAPAC sends a powerful message to legislators and candidates about issues that are important to our members. While it is difficult to quantify legislative and regulatory victories into improved marketplace conditions, I guarantee you that without our combined efforts Illinois would be in a much worse condition for agents, brokers, and our company partners. Evan Manning is Director of Government Relations for the IIA of IL. He can be reached at emanning@iiaofil.org or (217) 321-3002.

IIA of IL is the LOUDEST VOICE for independent insurance agents and brokers in the state. We strive to INFLUENCE LEGISLATION to provide a better product for the consumer and protecting those who sell insurance.

2019 IIAPac Contributors

INSIGHT | government

Thank you to these agencies for their investment in IIAPac. $3,000 - $5,000 Contributions Alliant Insurance Services, Inc The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. IIA of IL - Region 1

$500 and Below Contributions A F I Insurance Agency, Inc A. Fazio, Inc. Acrisure, LLC dba Presidio Affiliated Insurance Agencies Allegiance Ins. Services, Inc. Arial Insurance Group Assurance Brokers, Ltd. Atlas Insurance Brokerage Bair Insurance Agency Banterra Insurance Services Bean Insurance Agency Beck Insurance Agency Beil & Stromberg Insurance Benhoff Insurance Agency, Inc. Bernard E. Pedersen & Associates, Inc. Beth & Rudnicki Insurance Agency, Inc. Better Business Planning BGS Insurance Agency, Inc. Biglow & Company, Inc. Blank’s Insurance Agency Bob Korvas Agency, Inc. Burnham & Flower Agency Buttrey-Wulff-Mamminga Agency, Inc. C & G Insurance Agency, Inc. C F & H Insurance Agency, Inc. Callender & Company Chapman-Henricks Ins. Agency, Inc. Chartwell Insurance Services, Inc. Chicagoland IIA Clark Carroll Insurance Agency, Inc. Clemens & Associates, Inc. Clennon Insurance Agency Combined Services, Inc. Compass Insurance Partners Concklin Insurance Agency, Inc. Connor & Gallagher Ins. Services, Inc. Corkill Insurance Agency, Inc. Cornerstone Agency, Inc. Coulter Insurance Agency Crossroads Insurance Services Crum-Halsted Agency, Inc. Danielle Duerr & Associates Dasco Insurance Agency, Inc. Draper Insurance Agency Dykstra & Law Insurance Agency, Inc. Eccher & Associates Insurance Agency Erland Insurance Agency Feese Insurance Agency Fergurson Insurance Agency, Inc. First Insurance Group, LLC dba First Insurance Group of IL First National Insurance Services, Inc First State Insurance Forest Agency, Inc. Freiburg Insurance Agency Frisbie & Lohmeyer, Inc. Frost Group Inc. George Ryan, Jr. Insurance Group, Inc. Gillmore-Allen Insurance Agency Graves Financial Services, Inc. GTPS Insurance Agency Hartauer Insurance Agency Hecht-Stout Insurance Agency february 2020

$1,000 - $2,999 Contributions

DuPage IIA IIA of Northeastern IL (IIA of NEI) The Plexus Groupe, LLC Luke Praxmarer, Corkill Insurance Agency, Inc. Michael Wojcik, The Horton Group, Inc. Henderson-Weir Agency Inc. Heneghan-White-Cutting & Rice Insurance Hepner Insurance Agency, Inc. Hi-Way Insurance Agency, Inc. Holman-Dahms, Inc. Houghtaling Insurance Agency, Inc. Howell Insurance Agency, Inc. I I P Insurance Agency, Inc. Imming Insurance Agency Inner-City Underwriting Agency, Inc. Insurance Planning & Management, Inc. Insurance Providers Group of Illinois, LLC InsureChampaign Jackson & Gray Co., Inc. James R Favor & Company, LLC James T. Shanahan Agency, Inc. James Unland & Co., Inc. Jim Lyons Insurance Agency Jim Simpson Insurance & Investments John E. Horn & Associates, Inc. Johnson Agency Kensington Insurance Kevin S. Dougherty Insurance Agency, LTD Kiesewetter Insurance Agency, LLC Lagestee Ins. Agency, Ltd. Lakeview Insurance Agency, Ltd Lamb Little Company Lane Insurance Group, Ltd. Langlois Insurance Agency Leezer Insurance Agency, Inc. Leffelman & Associates, Inc. Chris Leming, Troxell Leonardi Insurance Agency Libertyville Insurance Agency LiFonti Insurance Services, Ltd. Lincoln Insurance Agency Lincoln Logan/May Enterprise Ins. Agcy Lohman Companies Lundstrom Insurance Agency, Inc. Lutz Agency, Inc. M & M Insurance Agency, Inc. Mahomet Insurance Centre, Inc. MAS Insurance Consultants, Inc McCutcheon Insurance Agency, Ltd. McKellar, Robertson, McCarty & Click Insurance Agency McMillan Insurance Services, Inc. Meyer-Jochums Agency, Inc. Midwestern Insurance Associates Agency Minton Insurance & Associates, LLC Musso Insurance Agency Nichols Insurance Agency, Inc. Nixon Insurance Agency, Inc. Nold-Hamann Agency North Wayne Insurance Agency, Inc. Northern Illinois Insurance Clinic,Inc dba Marvin Uecker Insurance Agency Northwest Insurance Services, ISU Northwest Ins. Services, Arlington Financial Nowacki Insurance Agency Ogden Insurance Agency, Inc. Oliver & Associates, LLC Olsick & Company Insurance

P.A.R. Insurance Services P/L/R Insurance Services Partners Insurance Agency, Inc. Paul T. Price & Son, Inc. Paul W. Kaiser & Associates, Inc. North Shore Insurance Agency, Inc. Peak Insurance Agency, Inc. Pelz Agency Peterson Insurance Services, Inc. Porter-Hay Insurance Agency Premier Ag Partners, LLC Prime Insurance Agency, Ltd. Quantum Insurance Group, Inc. R. C. Keller & Company R.W. Gipson Agency, Inc. Ramey Insurance Agency, Inc. Ramsey Financial Services Inc. Reese Insurance Group Inc. Resource Insurance Advisors, Inc. Richard E. Bechtold Agency, Inc. Riordan & Scully Insurance Service, LLC Risk Management Solutions of America, Inc. Rosenthal Brothers, Inc. RWC Insurance Group S.C.D. Rea & Sons Insurance Agency S.T. Neswold & Associates, Inc. Saliba-Yewell Insurance Services, Inc. SC Crop Insurance Inc Schmale Insurance Agency, Inc. Schulz - Brundage Inc. Schwaller Insurance Agency, Inc. Seibt Insurance Siegert-Lees Insurance Services, LLC Smart Risk Insurance LLC Smeltzer Insurance Agency Snyder & Snyder Agency, Inc. Spicer Insurance Service, Inc. Squier Insurance Agency, Inc. Stateline Insurance Services, Inc. Stoutenborough Insurance Agency The Daniel & Henry Co. The David Agency Insurance, Inc. The Horton Group, Inc. The Liddle Agency, Inc. The Nolan Agency, Inc. The Owens Group, Inc. The Whitworth-Horn-Goetten Ins. Agency The Williamson Agency Thomas J. Masterson and Company Thompson Insurance Troxell Turner-Vermost Agency, Inc. TW Group Inc. Ulrich Insurance Agency VanDenBerghe Agency Waterman-Neely Ins. Professionals Waters Agency, Inc. Wehling Insurance Agency West Central Insurance Agency, Inc. Winters, LLP Wirth Agency Wirtz Insurance Agency, Inc. Yingling & Nuessen Agency insight


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online journal at www.iiaofil.org/Resources/Insight


20 20






An Inve C in Your stment Busines s

MORE ATTACKS ARE COMING 5 Things to Know About Cyber in 2020 By Shawn Ram

Printed on PropertyCasualty360.com

In this month’s e-Insight. february 2020





Gain access to those who could determine the fate o

Help legislators better understand potential laws being introduced. We concerns by explaining how legislation could impact your employees a

Learn about impactful legislation in the insurance and emplo

Hear from industry leaders on issues that affect your business.





Featuring a variety of speakers that will discuss the 2020 Census, redistricting, and the Graduated Income Tax.

Breakout Sessions - 3:45 pm

There will be a new format to the breakout session and will feature a legislative issues presentation and panel discussion from the leaders of the IIA, IIA of IL, and ILHIC. This is a great opportunity to hear from the top Government Relations leaders in the industry and learn about some of the most impactful legislation in the insurance and employer industries.

Legislative Reception - 5:30 pm

Following the breakout session will be the Legislative Reception from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Illinois State Library in Springfield. Legislators from all over the state will be in attendance.



e of your business!

We will address the industry’s top s and customers.

ployer industries.

CE HEARD Each year, IIA of IL coordinates a group of members to represent Illinois at the Big “I� Legislative Conference. Attendees have the opportunity to visit with their elected officials and provide valuable insights on issues that impact agents and insurance consumers. The conference will include speakers from both political parties and a featured guest or panel presentation that will be announced later this spring. IIA of IL provides travel incentives, scheduling assistance, and opportunities for members to network with their peers and association leadership. By taking part in the conference, agents will experience the benefits of state and national association membership first-hand. For all participating IIA of IL members, the association covers conference registration and hosts dinner Wednesday and Thursday nights. First-time attendees will be reimbursed for a two-night stay at the Hyatt Regency. Returning participants may request a $250 travel stipend. Attendees are responsible for booking their own travel arrangements arriving in Washington, D.C. by 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13th. and departing any time after 10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 15th. IIA of IL will coordinate hotel reservations. For the latest updates to the conference schedule, visit: www.independentagent.com/Events/ Pages/Calendars/default.aspx For information on travel incentives, scholarships, hotel reservations and any other questions about the trip, contact Jennifer Jacobs at (217) 321-3013, jjacobs@iiaofil.org or Evan Manning at (217) 321-3002, emanning@iiaofil.org.


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Reinventing Retirement in the Insurance Industry Retirement deserves a revamped definition - one that honors retirees’ goals and needs and supports businesses’ growth. By Sharon Emek Baby boomers (born roughly between 1946-1964) are exiting the workforce in droves - as 10,000 of them turn 65 every day. But many employers aren’t yet prepared to replace them, resulting in a growing talent gap.

irreplaceable, our wisest move is to employ them, honor their work-life balance needs, and continue to innovate as insurance firms that are prepared to serve clients with engaged, experienced employees.

Industries like insurance are particularly vulnerable because boomers are retiring at the same time there’s a shortage of millennials entering the industry. This shifting dynamic has become a hot topic- one that is shining a light on boomer retirement and its impact on businesses and the economy.

Due to this uncertainty about the when, what and how of retirement, many businesses are adopting flexible work models that delay the when in its entirety and stave off the immediate how of replacing veteran workers. As mentioned in the Tribune, “the share of companies offering older workers partial-year employment and shorter hours is expected to rise sharply. About two in five companies surveyed are considering offering part-time work or flexible hours by 2020, nearly double the current rate.”

These days, nothing about retirement is predictable. According to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune, the changing nature of retirement presents employers with three core challenges: It’s hard to plan when baby boomers will retire. Boomer retirement dates are constantly changing. Some boomers retire early, and some retire late. In general, though, retirees are living longer and retiring later. It’s difficult to know what retirement looks like. As stated in the article, nobody has a clear definition of what ‘retirement’ means these days since it’s no longer “a magic moment when you stop working entirely.” Retirement (or pretirement) today might include in-home offices, communal workspaces, flexible hours and video-meetings. Work arrangements become less tied to geography and 40-hour weeks, and more attuned to where and when employees work most efficiently for their employers’ purposes. As retirement’s chronological age is redefined, the physical factors influencing remote work and flexible hours will redefine retirement as well. It’s hard to figure out how to replace boomers, especially in certain industries like insurance, which are staffed by fewer young professionals than many other sectors. The insurance industry has an abundance of qualified, sharp, motivated and experienced professionals who are prepared to continue working as they approach and reshape the landscape of retirement. While they are virtually february 2020

This approach benefits both employers and baby boomers. Boomers who want or need to work can keep working while enjoying a flexible schedule. Employers get to keep their experienced workers while opening space for up-andcoming younger employees. It’s time to build smart, flexible, mutually beneficial solutions that pair talented veteran insurance professionals with insurance companies who need their skills. Veteran workers boost company culture with knowledge, motivation and experience. They benefit from being able to contribute economically and professionally while gradually shifting into fewer working hours. Companies retain top talent while maintaining a diverse workforce that meets their clients’ needs. Retirement certainly isn’t cut and dry like it once was, but our life expectancy and economic landscape are not what they once were, either. As people live longer and need to work longer, retirement deserves a revamped definition one that honors pretirees’ goals and needs and keeps our businesses growing, as we leverage our industry’s most experienced talent. Sharon Emek, PhD, CIC is CEO and President, Work At Home Vintage Experts. For additional information visit WAHVE.com. insight



By John Chapin Most business etiquette is common sense. The following are some finer points: • If someone tells you that you didn’t get the business, smile, find out why, thank the person for his or her time, make sure the door is open for the next opportunity, and exit courteously. • Always allow the customer or prospect to decide where you’re going to eat unless she is visiting your home turf and asks you to choose. At that point, ask what kind of food she prefers, and give her a choice of locations. • If you have someone else from your company with you, always let the customer or prospect sit in the front seat of the car, unless he begs you to sit in back. • Always pick up the check. • Know the rules of any game you’re going to play with a customer or prospect. Walking across someone’s putting line in golf can really tick some people off. 20


• Don’t be overly competitive, you might even let the customer win if possible. • Make sure you’re at least of average skill before you try bonding over any kind of game. • Extend common courtesy to everyone you encounter. This includes all people at the company you’re calling on, not just the person you’re there to see. In addition, be polite to the competition, people you pass on the street, and even the in-laws you don’t particularly like. You don’t have to go overboard - just be pleasant and professional. • Don’t sit down until the customer or prospect is seated. • Never assume anything, and always give the customer or prospect a chance to save face. • Never argue with the customer or prospect. • Never walk into a customer’s facility with a competitive product that is sold on the premises.

february 2020

General rules for social situations: • Watch what you say. Don’t say anything you don’t want someone to hear. For the most part, avoid any controversial topics. • Be sociable. • If you’re unsure of what to wear, it’s always better to overdress. You can always take something off. • Don’t drink too much. • Be selective about whom you hang out with. • Watch what you do and how you act. Items You Present to the Prospect or Customer Brochures, proposals, business cards, gifts, and other items speak volumes about you, your company, and your product. They may not make or break the sale, but they can dramatically affect your image. Keep these rules in mind: • Brochure pictures and the brochure itself should be in color and professionally printed. • Make sure all spelling and grammar is correct. • Have the prospect’s name and title correct. • Proposals should be thorough but not overwhelming. If you are answering a request for proposal (RFP), follow the instructions completely. • Make sure all gift items are clean, brochures and proposals are not wrinkled or soiled, and written information is clear, concise, and professional. Don’t skimp on business cards. Here are some quick rules: • Get your cards printed by a professional, not on your home computer. • Use raised print. • Use color. • Add your picture to your business card. • Add distinguished honors, club memberships, etc., to your business card. • If you are a member of the 100 Percent Club, the Inner Circle, or any other specially recognized group within your industry, have these printed on your card. • If you would like to present an image that’s out of the ordinary and a “cut above,” try: o A card that is twice as thick as a standard business card. o A larger card than usual. o A shape other than rectangular. o A magnetic business card. o A folded card with details inside. Use good judgment with your business card design. If you’re selling to conservative bankers, you don’t want hot pink business cards. At the same time, if you’re in the flower business, a scented and colorful card might work. The Pen You Use Have a high-quality pen and make sure it works. Also, have a backup pen. By high quality, I mean a Cross pen or something similar.

february 2020

Note 1: Many businesses give out company pens. If you have a good-quality pen from the company you’re calling upon, bring the pen with you and use it while you’re on the call. Note 2: All the pens you use should have black or blue ink unless you have a great reason related to your business that dictates another color. The Car You Drive If you have a company car, you can disregard this part. The car you drive projects a certain image. You can impress people with a car, turn people off with a car, and you can make people jealous with a car. Some potential customers will decide you make too much money or, perhaps not enough money, based solely upon the car you drive. When selecting a car, your objective is to drive a business car that is appropriate for what you are selling and one that puts you in a position where you are least likely to be judged negatively. A fire-engine red 700 Series BMW may not be the best car for calling on bankers, yet it would be appropriate for calling on dentists, doctors, or lawyers. A Ford Taurus may not be the best car to drive if you’re selling Lear jets, but it is fine if you’re selling office products. If you sell Cadillacs, you’d better be driving one. Look at what customers and other salespeople in your industry drive. Keep your car as clean as possible. Fuzzy dice and other idiosyncrasies probably aren’t a great idea. There aren’t too many bumper stickers I’d recommend either, especially political or religious ones. Keep the car smelling good. One more note: out-of-state license plates can be a potential red flag. Make sure the out-of-state plates are appropriate or that you have an appropriate answer for why you have them. Your approach to a sales call begins in the prospect’s parking lot, sometimes even before. One person I know got cut off in traffic and gave the other driver a “not so nice” gesture. The driver followed him into the parking lot of the company he was calling on. It was the CEO’s secretary. Not good. You never know who can see you from which window or who is in the parking lot with you. Act as if you have a camera and microphone focused on you at all times. We all know of situations where people have said something inappropriate, not realizing that others were listening. Watch what you say about the competition and other people anytime you are in public. It’s a small world as many of us have learned the hard way. Where You Park Your Car Do not park up front in the prime parking spots. These are reserved for customers and sometimes upper-level management. You should park in spots at the back of the lot or spots that are the farthest from the facility. John Chapin is a motivational sales speaker and trainer with over 26 years of sales experience. He is the author of the 2010 sales book of the year: Sales Encyclopedia. He can be reached at johnchapin@completeselling.com.



Without Customer Trust

Nothing Else Matters

By John Graham When the contractor didn’t deliverer the proposal as promised, the homeowner called to find out when to expect it. “Sorry about that,” was the reply. “You’ll have it later today or tomorrow.” When it arrived, what passed for a proposal was a “cost estimate” and a hand-drawn layout lacking specifics. It appeared to have been dashed off on the way over. The contractor came recommended, but the homeowner chose another company due to a lack of trust. Hands down, customer experience is today’s #1 marketing hot issue - and for good reason. Up to 82% of customers who leave do so because of a bad experience. While businesses keep trying to plug up the customer experience holes, it’s never enough. There’s a lesson here: it’s over and done if trust isn’t established as early as possible. Without a reservoir of goodwill available to recover from a bad customer experience, customers bail. Even though winning sales is the goal, the first objective is winning customer trust. Credibility matters since the doubt meter is always running with prospects and customers. This is why bulletproofing customer relationships is the number one task. Today’s customers don’t automatically trust brands, businesses, or salespeople. It’s earned by actions, experience, and attitudes that develop over time. And here are ways to establish it: Follow through. When contacting a business, a lack of follow through may be customers’ greatest fear. Allay their worries by acknowledging how they feel: “I know how important this is to you… I’ll be back to you about 3:00 pm today.” or “You have my word…but should you want to contact me here’s my email address and cell number.”



Solve problems fast. “Will-they-or-won’t-they take care of it?” is what every customer is thinking when they have a problem. What they’re looking for is a clue as how a business will respond. Surprise them by letting them know you understand and will take care of it now. If you can’t do it, change the policy! Be candid. “Why didn’t you tell me?” are words no salesperson wants to hear from a customer. It happens because there’s often a wide gulf between what customers think they want to buy and what’s going to best serve their needs. To assure satisfaction be candid with them to make sure they will be satisfied. Encourage feedback. Companies may say they want to hear from their customers, but make it difficult, at times nearly impossible, to do so. If you’re serious about getting feedback, make it easy for customers to contact you and then respond promptly. Personalize content. And not by dropping in the customer’s name a couple of times. Imagine having a cup of coffee with someone and keep that picture in your mind as you write. It’s how you say it - with empathy, openness and understanding that makes it personal. Make relevant recommendations. Let customers know you “get it” by giving them specific ideas and suggestions that fit them. General offers have a negative effect; they make customers feel you don’t know them. Test ideas and initiatives first. Before making changes affecting customers ask them to comment and express their views. Don’t bother if you’re afraid you’ll learn something you don’t want to hear. Taking customers into your confidence avoids mistakes - and creates trust.

february 2020

Respond quickly. When customers contact businesses today, they either don’t expect a response or assume it will take a day or longer. This is no way to build trust. Response Rule: best within 15 minutes…repeat, within 15 minutes.

Be up front. Bad customer experiences make consumers wary and doubtful. They’ve heard it all before so they’re ready to do battle when someone says, “We put customers first.” Being transparent in dealing with customers helps boost their trust.

Acknowledge mistakes. Desensitize tense situations by offering an apology and do it in a way so customers know you care - and not just trying to appease them. Then, resolve it to the customer’s satisfaction.

Is it worth the effort to build customer trust? It is if you believe that new customers come with built-in skepticism, waiting for the other shoe to fall. This won’t change unless trust is the basis of the customer relationship.

Keep your promises. Many “one star” customer comments, those that inflame customers the most, have to do with “broken promises.” Solution: do what you said you would do when you said you would do it. If you don’t, be prepared to suffer the customer’s wrath! In their mind, you have disrespected them.

John Graham of GrahamComm is a marketing and sales strategy consultant and business writer. He is the creator of “Magnet Marketing,” and publishes a free monthly eBulletin, “No Nonsense Marketing & Sales Ideas.” Contact him at jgraham@grahamcomm.com or johnrgraham.com.

Give meaning to “valued customer.” These two words are useless unless they translate into value for customers. Examples: a higher credit limit, loyalty options, a direct phone number, an assigned CSR, or some special service. Find out what they expect. Even though trust is the critical component of customer relationships, its meaning can be highly individual. To avoid customer dissatisfaction and disappointment, ask them what they expect from you.

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february 2020





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february 2020

Programming & Speakers Stacey Brown-Randall Brown-Randall is a member of the business failure club, a contrarian on how to generate referrals and a supporter of the entrepreneurial dream. Referrals... Without Asking

There are many ways to generate leads or prospects to fill your pipeline. From traditional business development tactics like cold calling, networking events, leads groups to newer techniques like social selling, social media ads and thought leadership. While many of the traditional methods and new techniques work, one method is consistently overlooked. Referrals. The reason generating referrals from clients and COis (Centers of Influence) is typically overlooked is because of old-school advice we have believed for years. Either we have been taught referrals are random, sporadic, something you cannot control, or we have been taught the only way to control them is to ask for them. But what if there was another way? What if you didn’t have to ask? Join Stacey Brown Randall for a discussion on her 5-step process to generate referrals without asking.

Productivity Demystified

Do you ever get to the end of the day and wonder: “Where did the time go?” or “I know I worked all day, but what did I do?” Being busy doesn’t mean you are being productive. How you invest your time, get work done and manage information overload directly impacts your ability to be successful. Taking control isn’t just for “natural” planners and to do list makers ... using brain science and proven techniques everyone can work within their natural style to take control and use time efficiently.

Matt O’Neill O’Neill is renowned for motivating both experienced and new sales professionals through his engaging, interactive style and leaves everyone with actionable insights they can implement for greater success. Dare to be Different

In today’s dog-eat-dog business environment, it is essential that agents stand out in a crowded marketplace... to separate themselves from their competition. Simply put, to be different! This program will convey that price is the enemy of differentiation. By definition, being different is worth something. Consumers are willing to pay a premium, redefine the buyer/seller relationship, erect barriers to the seller’s competitors and establish the seller as a trusted advisor when a differentiated platform offers perceived value in the marketplace. Dare to be Different is a program filled with diagnostic and consultative strategies focused on navigating the inner workings of a business or family to identify previously unrecognized issues to deliver unanticipated risk mitigation solutions.

Six Secrets to Peak Producer Performance

Are you at peak performance? Is your potential being realized? In this engaging and soul searching program, Matt O’Neill will uncover the “6 secrets to peak producer performance. A Peak Performer is one who is maximizing his or her potential for success. Peak Performers go about their business with clarity and a sense of excitement, purpose, passion and pride. While these individuals come from all walks of life and have differing skill sets, they share these secrets to success. Through this program, you will learn strategies to significantly increase your new business hit ratio, create a steady flow of qualified new business referrals and reduce outside competition on key accounts. Shhh… it’s a secret! february 2020



INSIGHT | associate news Thank you to our Associate Members.

Diamond Level Members

Platinum Level Progressive

Gold Level AAA Insurance Arlington/Roe Blue Cross/Blue Shield of IL Surplus Line Association of Illinois

Silver Level Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company Imperial PFS IMT Insurance A. J. Wayne & Associates AFCO Credit Corporation AMERISAFE AmWINS Brokerage of the Midwest, LLC Aon Programs Auto-Owners Insurance Co. Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance Companies Burns & Wilcox, Ltd. Chicagoland Carstar Columbia Insurance Group Continental Western Group Donald Gaddis Company, Inc. Donegal Insurance Group Encompass Insurance Encova Insurance Erie Insurance Group Foremost Insurance Group Forreston Mutual Insurance Company Frankenmuth Insurance Grange Insurance Illinois Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund Illinois Public Risk Fund Indiana Farmers Insurance Insurance Program Managers Group J C Restoration J M Wilson Kemper Keystone Insurance Group, Inc. KPA, LLC dba Succeed/KPA 26


Nationwide West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.

Bronze Level Larry Gordon Agency Liberty Mutual/Safeco Insurance Madison Mutual Insurance Company MarshBerry Maximum Independent Brokerage, LLC Mercury Insurance Group MetLife Auto & Home Midwest Insurance Company miEdge NatGen Premier NHRMA Mutual Workers’ Compensation PEOPLE Previsor Insurance ProAg Management Inc PuroClean RT Specialty - Naperville Selective Insurance Company of America ServiceMaster DSI Society Insurance Specialty Risk of America Transcom General Agency Travelers UIG - The Agent Agency United Fire Group Universal Property & Casualty Utica National Insurance Group W. A. Schickedanz Agency, Inc./Interstate Risk Placement Western National Insurance Westfield february 2020

iia of il news | INSIGHT

Education Classes february

3 5 5 11 11 13 18 18 19 24 24 25 25

Pre-Licensing-Property & Casualty Peoria Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Peoria Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Rolling Meadows E&O: Roadmap to Personal Auto & Umbrella Webinar E&O: Commercial Property Coverage Gaps Webinar E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar CISR-Commercial Casualty 1 Rolling Meadows Pre-Licensing-Property & Casualty Springfield CIC-Commercial Multiline Rolling Meadows E&O: Roadmap to Personal Auto & Umbrella Webinar Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Springfield Ethical Dilemmas Webinar E&O Risk Management: Meeting the Challenge of Change Webinar

New Members member agencies Arial Insurance Group Lincolnshire, IL Dynamic Insurance Agency, Inc. Franklin Park, IL Peterson & Associates Insurance Western Springs, IL SC Crop Insurance Inc. Venedy, IL SIA Insurance Group Woodridge, IL february 2020


3 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 19 19 23 24 24 25 26 31 31

Pre-Licensing-Property & Casualty Rolling Meadows Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Rolling Meadows Pre-Licensing-Property & Casualty Springfield E&O: Commercial Liability Coverage Gaps Webinar E&O: Roadmap to Homeowners Insurance Webinar Ethics and E&O Webinar CISR-Personal Lines Miscellaneous Rolling Meadows CIC-Personal Lines Rolling Meadows CISR-Agency Operations Bloomington Ethics and Agent Liability Webinar E&O Roadmap to Personal Auto & Umbrella Webinar E&O Risk Management Webinar Pre-Licensing-Property & Casualty Belleville CISR-Insuring Personal Residential Property Orland Park Pre-Licensing Course Life & Health Belleville E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar CISR-Life & Health Essentials Springfield



Board of Directors Pro

Greg Sandrock IIABA National Director

The Cornerstone Agency Inc., Deer Grove, IL President, Producer, Janitor if need be, etc. Number of Years with Agency: 40 Year You Started in Insurance: 1979 Education: Associate Degree in Ag Business, Oh and graduate from Hahnaman Grade School, class of 5... they also made me attend Jr High, and High School... and I passed. Current or Past Civic, Political, or Community Service Activities: - IIABA National Director - Chair of Big I Crop Task Force - IIA of IL Past Chairman, President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer - IIA of IL Regional Director In a rural community you simply pitch in: Church Council, School Committees, Local Chamber of Commerce, Mental Health Care Boards. What do you feel are major challenges facing our Association today? It is tough finding time to dedicate outside of our work and family. Technology is awesome but pushes all of us to feel the need to respond immediately to everything. We get weighed down with daily tasks, and it is difficult to allocate extra time to any association, because we are driven to do more things in a smaller window of time.

Tess Fleming Education Chair

Leffelman & Associates, Sublette, IL Producer Number of Years with Agency: 12 Year You Started in Insurance: 2005 (in college) Education: Bachelors of Science in Marketing from Bradley University Current or Past Civic, Political, or Community Service Activities: - IIA of IL Regional Director



What suggestions do you have to respond to these challenges? Throw away all cell phones, and portable devices. :) Seriously, we need to prioritize and carve out time to be involved and get others involved in this organization which helps us in so many ways. What do you see at the greatest benefit to IIA of IL membership? Besides the obvious Government Relations, I feel networking and the ability to reach out among peers for ideas, help, or anything is very beneficial. What advice do you have to share with someone considering a volunteer position with the IIA of IL? Jump in with both feet and get involved! Just ask - What can I do, you won’t regret it.

I am currently involved in the Dixon Public Schools, Dixon Public Library, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, and Sauk Valley Community Yoga as well as a coach for youth soccer at YMCA. What do you feel are major challenges facing our Association today? Involvement. Everyone becomes busier and busier every year between work demands (higher productions) and family/personal life demands. It is difficult to be away from the desk and family to attend insurance association events. What suggestions do you have to respond to these challenges? Easier locations and times. We try to have regional events and classes. EDGE and CONVO are always at convenient locations and days where one can receive an abundant amount of education and networking. With the average producer age around 55, we need to show the value of these events to our younger producers. february 2020


Ryan Hite

At-Large Board Member

Eagle Rock Insurance Services, Peoria, IL Owner Number of Years with Agency: Seven Year You Started in Insurance: 1999 Education: BS Business Management - Greenville College Current or Past Civic, Political, or Community Service Activities: - IIA of IL Past Chairman, President, President-Elect, Vice President - IIA of IL Regional Director - Neighborhood House of Peoria - Board of Directors 2016-2019, Personnel Committee Chair - Rotary Club of Peoria North, 2017-Current - Juvenile Diabetic Research Foundation Fundraising Team Captain 2010-Current - Peoria-Area Chamber of Commerce Leadership School Graduate - 2009 What do you feel are major challenges facing our Association today? We continue to need more youth and diversity inside the IA channel. And I think technology changes will be huge in the next few years and member agencies will need guidance and research from our Association to help us navigate through them. What do you see at the greatest benefit to IIA of IL membership? The greatest direct benefit to each member may vary, but it’s hard to put a value on what the Association does from a political advocacy standpoint. What we were able to

accomplish this past year on federal tax reform helps put some real dollars in our pockets, but almost every year since I’ve been involved we’ve fought off several Statewide bills from becoming law that would have been very detrimental to us and our clients. Offense and Defense are equally important! What advice do you have to share with someone considering a volunteer position with the IIA of IL? It will probably be one of the best decisions you could make. You give a little and receive a lot. You get to know agents and carriers throughout the State and sometimes Nationally. And make friends/relationships within the industry that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. It really helps you become a better agent for your agency and your clients because you’re better informed and connected. Do it!

What do you see as the greatest benefit to IIA of IL membership? Education. There are so many classes for designations, webinars, ethics, sales and now pre-licensing. What advice do you have to share with someone considering a volunteer position with the IIA of IL? Your opinion and voice matters - and needs to be shared. I love people who see the world in a different view than I do. Without diversity, we would not be able to grow.

february 2020



INSIGHT | classifieds for the insurance professional by the insurance professional


27. Long-time Metro East agency for sale. 1.8MM premium, 70% commercial. Great opportunity for young agent who wants to be his/her own boss. Owner to stay on to assist in transition. Serious inquiries only.

Tami Hubbell thubbell@iiaofil.org Reference #AFS27


02. Forest Park/Oak Park agency for over 60 years, will meet your needs by providing space, markets, marketing & sales support, automation, merging with or purchasing your agency. Perpetuation/ Succession Plans, BuySell Agreements also available. We have experienced, educated and dedicated staff for you and your clients. Have access to our numerous companies, office services and many other resources. Retain ownership in your book with contingency. Please look closely at us- we are an agency you want to do business with! We’ve done it before, we know how- we make it easy! Visit our website at forestagency.com/agents.html, or call for a confidential discussion and a list of Agency benefits. Dan Browne will provide an agency evaluation/appraisal at little cost to you. Please call:

Dan Browne or Cathy Hall Forest Agency (708) 383-9000 www.forestagency.com/contact-us/mergersacquisitions/




20. Since 2004, Central Illinois Agents Group LLC has been providing independent agents with a variety of markets with contingency opportunities. Agents have availability to several markets that they may not be able to sustain or maintain on their own. We have markets for personal, commercial, agricultural and crop insurance lines. Let us help you get to the next level.

Visit www.ciagonline.com for contact information.


13. We are a 100 year old Northbrook agency looking to discuss any mutually beneficial opportunity. Our producers, mergers, clusters and agency purchases receive 50% commissions on new and renewal business without any expenses. We can provide: office space, phones, agency management system, service renewals and changes. The companies we represent are: Badger Mutual, Employers Mutual, General Casualty, Guide One, Hartford, Kemper, Progressive, Rockford Mutual, Safeco, State Auto, Travelers and Met Life. Contact:

Nancy Solomon Martini, Miller & Schloss, Inc. (847) 291-1313 Ron@martini-miller.com

february 2020

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