July 2019 - Insight - Member

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JULY 2019


Attracting and Developing



Recruiting New Talent by







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Editor & Graphic Design - Rachel Romines

July 2019






Advertising - Tami Hubbell

CONTENTS 12 An Interview with Director of Insurance Robert Muriel

By Rachel Romines

17 18 22

Developing Your Team - What Makes a Successful Salesperson?


IIA of IL Membership Provides Access to Top Resources to Attract, Recruit, Assess and Train Employees

How to Attract Generation Z Job Candidates

By Lauren Williams

How Agents Can Better Recruit New Talent by Integrating Technology

27 29 30 33

By Caliper

By Matt Masiello

By Jennifer Jacobs

Why Hiring Older Workers is Good For Your Business

By Sharon Emek

Sales Success: Are You In or Are You Out?

By John Chapin

Think Like a Customer or Lose the Sale

By John Graham

Cyber... What?

By Brian McSherry

In This Issue

The Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL) has been providing members with a sustainable competitive advantage since 1899.

7 8 10 21

Trusted Choice Industry Government


34 35 37 39 40 42

Associate News IIA of IL News Farm Agents Council News Industry News People in the News Classifieds

info@iiaofil.org | www.iiaofil.org | (800) 628-6436 or (217) 793-6660 | Fax: (217) 793-6744

2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017

Insight is the official publication of the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL). The magazine is published monthly for the members of the IIA of IL, with the office located at 4360 Wabash Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62711-7009; Consumer Website: www.ChooseIndependent.com. The IIA of IL welcomes letters discussing concerns of the insurance industry, articles, editorials, other matters of interest to the membership. The editor reserves the right to edit and select submissions for publication. Address submissions for review to Rachel Romines at rromines@iiaofil.org. For advertising information, contact Tami Hubbell at thubbell@iiaofil.org.


Board of Directors Executive Committee



Chairman of the Board | Ryan Hite (309) 688-7316 | ryan.hite@eaglerockins.com



President | Patrick Muldowney (312) 595-7192 | patrick.muldowney@alliant.com



President-Elect | Bill Wirth (618) 939-6368 | billw@wirthagency.com



Vice President | George Daly (708) 845-3311 | george.daly@thehortongroup.com



Secretary/Treasurer | Bennie Jones (312) 960-6206 | bjones@rmsoa.com IIABA National Director Gregory A. Sandrock, CIC, AFIS (815) 438-3923 | gregsandrock@2cornerstone.com

Regional Directors









Region 1 | Lisa Lukens (618) 942-2556 | salibainsurance@gmail.com



Region 2 | Joseph Heneghan (618) 639-2244 | joe.heneghan@hwcrins.com



Region 3 | Jay Peterson, AFIS, LUTCF (217) 935-6605 | jay@peterson.insurance



Region 4 | Michael Gonet (815) 339-2411 | mike_gonet@hotmail.com



Region 5 | Patrick Taphorn, CIC, CSRM (309) 347-2177 | ptaphorn@unland.com Region 6 | Teresa Fleming (815) 849-5219 | tess@leffelmanassoc.com Region 7 | Neidra Crosby (708) 597-8731 | ncrosby@insxchg.com Region 8 | Corbin Adams (312) 938-0900 | corbin@irsichicago.com Region 9 | Ed Boltz, JD (630) 443-7300 | eboltz@crumhalsted.com Region 10 | Kevin Lesch (630) 830-3232 | klesch@arachasgroup.com At-Large Director | William Durkin (312) 629-0725 | durkinb@danielandhenry.com At-Large Director | Michael-Charles Hilson (708) 333-3378 | mhilson@gbgins.com At-Large Director | Ken Samson, CIC (847) 291-0660 | kens@dascoins.com

Committee Chairs Budget & Finance | Bennie Jones (312) 960-6200 | bjones@rmsoa.com Education | Lindsey Polzin, CIC (630) 655-9112 | lindseyp@winesergi.com Farm Agents Council | Randy Jacobs (309) 365-3231 | rjacobs@mtco.com Government Relations | William Lawrence, CIC (309) 827-0007 | blawrence@plrinsurance.com Planning & Coordination | Cindy K. Jackman, CIC, CISR (800) 878-9891 x8745 | cjackman@arlingtonroe.com

IIA of Illinois Staff CRM Manager, CONVO Coordinator Shannon Churchill - (217) 321-3004 - schurchill@iiaofil.org

Government Relations Manager Evan Manning - (217) 321-3002 - emanning@iiaofil.org

Director of Education and Agency Resources Brett Gerger - (217) 321-3006 - bgerger@iiaofil.org

Vice President, Agents Insurance Services Brian McSherry, CIC - (217) 321-3018 - bmcsherry@iiaofil.org

Accounting & Admin Services, Tradeshow Admin Tami Hubbell - (217) 321-3016 - thubbell@iiaofil.org

Office Administrator Kristi Osmond - (217) 321-3007 - kosmond@iiaofil.org

Director of Human Resources/Board Admin Jennifer Jacobs - (217) 321-3013 - jjacobs@iiaofil.org

Director of Communications Rachel Romines - (217) 321-3024 - rromines@iiaofil.org

Sr. Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Mark Kuchar - (217) 321-3015 - mkuchar@iiaofil.org

Director of Membership Services Tom Ross, CRIS, CPIA - (217) 321-3003 - tross@iiaofil.org

Chief Executive Officer Phil Lackman - (217) 321-3005 - plackman@iiaofil.org

Products & Services Administrator Janet White, CISR - (217) 321-3010 - jwhite.indep12@insuremail.net

Central/Southern Marketing Representative Lori Mahorney - (217) 415-7550 - lmahorney@iiaofil.org

Sr. Products & Services Administrator Carol Wilson, CPIA - (217) 321-3011 - cwilson.indep12@insuremail.net

Trusted Choice | Keith Verisario (847) 699-4040 | kmv@allsecurity.com Young Agents | Allyson Padilla (618) 393-2195 | allyson@blanksinsurance.com

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The Trusted Choice Brand: Part III ®

Trusted Choice® is the brand of members of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. Over the course of past newsletters we explored how the Trusted Choice brand came to be, what it means and how it helps member agencies. This installment covers awareness and how a number of efforts all contribute to creating awareness of the brand and members of the Big “I.” Awareness

This is precisely why companies spend so much on advertising their brands. They know that visibility at the right time creates awareness and familiarity. How Trusted Choice Increases Awareness There are three ways that Trusted Choice® markets to insurance buyers that serve to raise their awareness of independent agents and the carriers they represent.

One of the key components of building a brand to encourage sales is creating awareness of the brand in the mind of the right prospect. The challenge is that building awareness takes repetition and receptiveness on the part of the prospect.

1. Advertising in both traditional and digital channels 2. Writing and publishing original materials that inform and educate 3. Encouraging third party websites and consumers to provide positive feedback and links to Trusted Choice content

Ever heard the old expression about how you see many cars like your new car right after you buy it? That make and model were just as plentiful prior to your purchase. The difference is that your mindset has changed and now you are receptive to seeing those cars.

Each of these marketing methods build upon each other and combine to develop familiarity and encourage purchases. At mid-year 2019, over 3 million brand impressions are created every week through digital marketing activities alone.

It is the same thing with advertising. Many advertisements are neither seen nor heard until the prospect has a specific reason to pay attention.

These techniques are designed to appeal to insurance consumers in various stages of the buying process and to get them to the TrustedChoice.com website.

Once the prospect is actively interested in the product or service, their receptivity to advertising is dramatically increased. This is when awareness can be built.

For an explanation on how TrustedChoice.com attracts consumers to the website, watch a short video at https:// trustedchoice-com.wistia.com/medias/02k5yzvtr4.

These principles are just as valid when buyers want to purchase insurance. What has changed however is the way shopping takes place.

Once the insurance buyer arrives at our website, the goal is to get them to choose a member of the association with whom to continue the policy purchase process.

Shopping Behavior

TrustedChoice.com provides a number of opportunities for agencies and carriers to be prominently displayed on the website. In addition, participating agencies and carriers are able to differentiate themselves in order to attract and write exactly the types of business that interest them.

Over the past half-dozen years, the consumer shopping journey has completely changed. In the past, a purchaser’s primary source of information was the sales team from the provider. Today, that same purchaser can and does research their purchases in many ways. They use facebook & conversations to get recommendations from their friends, or use the web to find relevant information and options on their impending purchase. When ready to purchase, they are far more educated about their options than they were in the past. Often, well known solutions are chosen for purchase because familiarity generates confidence in a purchase decision.

july 2019

To find out how your agency can benefit from an enhanced presence on the website, schedule a demo at https:// solutions.trustedchoice.com/demo/. In the next portion of this series, we will explore in detail the three marketing techniques that Trusted Choice and our partners use to raise the visibility of the brand and to encourage insurance buyers to choose an independent agent.



INSIGHT | industry

IIA of IL Victory in Supreme Court Case, American on E&O Coverage/Premiums

Decision upholding the 2-year statute of limitations and limiting the ability of policyhold By Matthew R. Davis Human beings are fascinated by the concept of luck, and it seems we all have our favorite spin on how it manifests in our lives. For some it’s, “I’d rather be lucky than good,” while others prefer the homespun, “Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you.” Personally, I recommend that insurance professionals pin this quote, written 2,000 years ago by the Roman philosopher “Seneca”, to their bulletin board: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Or, as a 21st century philosopher might put it: ‘You make your own luck’. It won’t help you win the lottery, but this notion can do wonders for your insurance agency – something we’ve seen play out in significant ways recently. Particularly instructive is the tale of “Walter Krop”. Mr. Krop was the insured on a homeowner’s policy who sought coverage from his carrier for a tort claim against his son. When the carrier denied coverage and filed a declaratory judgment action seeking a determination that it owed no coverage, Mr. Krop counterclaimed and filed a thirdparty claim against his agent arguing that the agent had negligently sold him a deficient policy. The trial court granted the agency’s motion to dismiss on the grounds that the suit was filed outside the statute of limitations – more than two years after the policy was

issued. The Court of Appeals, on the other hand, agreed with Mr. Krop, holding that the action was, in fact, timely because such a claim does not accrue (the limitations clock does not start ‘ticking’) until the insurer refuses to provide coverage. The matter was then appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court. This is where things got interesting. Several years earlier, the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL) had advocated successfully for tort reform legislation for producers, which included the two year statute of limitations at issue in the Krop decision. Because it tracked such cases, rather than simply sit back and wait for the Supreme Court’s decision with fingers crossed – hoping for luck, and wondering about the bear – the IIA of IL got involved. It quickly hired counsel and filed an “Amicus Brief” before the Supreme Court, adding its voice and reasoning to the mix. The end result? The Illinois Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals, siding with the carrier and agency, because, “[W]hen customers have the opportunity to read their insurance policy and can reasonably be expected to understand its terms, the cause of action for negligent failure to procure insurance accrues as soon as the customers receive the policy.” Was the IIA of IL brief decisive in the outcome? Impossible to say. What is known is that preparation met opportunity. The IIA of IL kept watch and, when it saw an opportunity,

DOI Bulletin: All Insurance Companies Approved t Coverage in the State of Illinois In a bulletin dated May 20, 2019, the Illinois Department of Insurance announced that all insurance companies writing workers’ compensation coverage in Illinois, utilizing loss costs or rates, must comply with the requirements in 215 ILCS 5/457. To reiterate from the language of the statute: 1. Every company shall pre-file with the Director every manual of classifications, every manual of rules and rates, every rating plan and every modification of the foregoing which it intends to use. Such filings shall be made at least 30 days before they become effective. Note that rate and loss cost filings are now prior approval. Please include an appropriate timeframe for the approval process when proposing an effective date for implementation. 8


2. A company may satisfy its obligation to make such filings by adopting the filing of a licensed rating organization of which it is a member or subscriber, filed pursuant to subsection (2) of 215 ILCS 5/457, in total or, with the approval of the Director, deviate from such filing. 3. If a company intends to deviate from the filing of a licensed rating organization of which it is a member, the company shall provide the Director with supporting information that specifies the basis for the requested deviation and provides justification for the deviation. 4. Any company adopting a pure premium filed by a rating organization pursuant to subsection (2) of 215 ILCS 5/457 must file with the Director the modification factor it is using for expenses and profit so that the final rates in use by such company can be determined. july 2019

industry | INSIGHT

an Family v Krop, Results in Positive Impact

holders to sue over coverage disputes helps maintain E & O rates for IIA of IL members. got off the sidelines, put its shoulder into the fight and pushed for the right result, and that team effort clearly paid off. Nor is the Illinois decision an outlier. A few months earlier the Ohio Supreme Court issued a similar decision, again reversing the Court of Appeals and reinstating a dismissal by the trial court, because, “[T]he delayed-damage rule does not apply to a cause of action alleging negligent procurement of a professionalliability insurance policy or negligent misrepresentation of the terms of the policy when the policy at issue contains a provision specifically excluding the type of claim that the insured alleges it believed was covered by the policy. The cause of action in such a case accrues on the date the policy is issued.” Time to pop the champagne in Illinois and Ohio? Not quite yet. In both cases, the Supreme Court makes it clear that the statute of limitations begins to run “as soon as the customers receive the policy” (Illinois) or “on the date the policy is issued” (Ohio). A fair reading of both opinions tells us that the policy has to be delivered. Otherwise, to quote another old saying, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” You have to get the policy into the hands of your customer and be able to prove it. Simply saying, “My usual practice was to send a copy…” will be helpful, to be sure, but in the end? The trial court is likely to find a ‘question of fact’ and send your case to the jury.

That is not where you want to be. If you want the ‘walk off’ home run that the agencies in Illinois and Ohio got? You need something more than ‘my usual practice’. You need some proof of delivery. An email. A signature. A letter. Something that can be attached to a ‘Motion to Dismiss’ or, if it goes that far, blown up and put up on display at trial. A document that will make plaintiff and his attorney visibly squirm when it is pulled out during cross-examination. What does that require? You know the answer: preparation. You need procedures in place to capture proof of delivery and rigorous adherence to that process, not to mention a very disciplined approach to follow up and capturing that key document. That’s how you ‘make your own luck’. It’s up to you. As you consider what to do, though, just remember that there are only two outcomes to this story. In one you eat the bear, and in the other the bear eats you. What’s your preference? Matthew Davis is a vice president and claims manager at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, working out of the office in Kansas City, Missouri. Insurance products underwritten by Westport Insurance Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri, a member of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions.

d to Provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance 5. A filing and any supporting information made pursuant to 215 ILCS 5/457shall be open to public inspection as soon as filed. The filing will be made public as soon as the Department is finished with the review process and approves the filing. 6. A filing shall not be effective nor used until approved by the Director. A filing shall be deemed approved and legally effective if the Director fails to disapprove within 30 days after the filing.

• Proposed rate level change; • Proposed deviation percentage from the National Council on Compensation Insurance’s recommended loss costs or rates and support thereof; • Proposed loss cost multiplier and support thereof; and • Expense exhibit including profit provision. Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to DOI. communication@illinois.gov.

Please include the following in all rate or loss cost filings: • Indicated rate level change with support for the indicated rate level change calculation; july 2019



INSIGHT | government

End of Legislative Session Report By Evan Manning The Illinois General Assembly adjourned its spring session June 2nd, two days after its scheduled adjournment. For all intents and purposes, it has been a historic year for the General Assembly. Led by the big ideas and initiatives of Governor JB Pritzker, lawmakers passed an operating budget, capital bill, graduated income tax, legal adult use of recreational marijuana, sports wagering, gaming expansion and much more. The Illinois House of Representatives and Senate, at the behest of Governor JB Pritzker, approved a constitutional amendment creating a graduated income tax in Illinois, if approved by voters. SJRCA 1, sponsored by Sen. Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) and Rep. Robert Martwick (D-Chicago) passed their respective chambers by votes of 40-19 and 73-44, both on a straight partisan vote. The constitutional amendment achieved the required supermajority of votes in the General Assembly and will now be on the ballot in November 2020 where it will be ratified if 60 percent of those voting on the measure (or 50 percent of total voters in the election) approve the amendment. Lawmakers also passed SB 687, sponsored by Sen. Toi Hutchinson (D-Chicago Heights) and Rep. Michael Zalewski (D-Riverside), which contains the recommended income tax rates that could take effect in January 2021 if voters ratify the amendment next fall. If enacted, Illinois will have the 3rd highest corporate income tax rate in the United States and the 8th highest individual tax rate that also applies to pass through entities such as Subchapter S corporations, partnerships, and LLCs. These income tax rates are in addition to the second highest property tax rates in the nation and the single highest sales tax rate in Chicago. The proposed tax rates for corporations: Income

Tax Rate

$10,000 or less

4.75 percent

$10,001 to $100,000

4.90 percent

$100,001 to $250,000

4.95 percent

$250,001 to $500,000

7.75 percent

$500,001 to $1 million

7.85 percent

$1 million or more **

7.99 percent

The proposed tax rates for individuals and pass thru entities:



Tax Rate

$10,000 or less

4.75 percent

$10,001 to $100,000

4.90 percent

$100,001 to $250,000

4.95 percent

$250,001 to $350,000

7.75 percent

$350,001 to $750,000

7.85 percent

$750,000 or more **

7.99 percent


** For corporations with income in excess of $1 million, the entire income is taxed at the maximum 7.99 percent rate. For individuals and pass thru entities with income in excess of $750,000, the entire income is taxed at the maximum 7.99 percent rate It is important to note that Illinois businesses are also subject to the Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax (CPPRT) that is 2.5 percent for C corporations and 1.5 percent for pass thru entities. This effectively takes the top rates for most businesses to 10.49 percent and 9.49 percent respectively. While Governor Pritzker campaigned on the graduated income tax, he also pledged that it would result in significant property tax relief. Unfortunately, the tax hike proposal provides extremely limited property tax relief for a small section of taxpayers with income less than $250,000 (single) or $500,000 (married). The Democrat plan provides no real property tax relief to Illinois employers. In order to persuade Democrat lawmakers, the Governor promised to create a task force that will meet over the summer to try and find a solution to skyrocketing property taxes.

Governor Pritzker and Lawmakers Pass Budget, Capital

Lawmakers adopted a nearly $40.6 billion state budget on the final day of session. Additionally, lawmakers approved a nearly $44 billion capital infrastructure program that is funded with more than $20 billion in bonding along with federal money and pay as you-go projects. The final budget deal for the fiscal year that begins on July 1 was reached late on Friday, May 31st after talks had broken down on how to fund capital infrastructure projects. The entire budget and capital package are encapsulated in a number of separate bills that include: SB 262: This is the $40.6 billion FY20 general operating budget for Illinois. SB 690: This legislation contains the revenue components for the “vertical construction” projects such as building projects at universities. The tax increases include (1) higher tax on parking lots, (2) increased real estate transfer tax, (3) imposing a cap of $10,000 on first division vehicles that are traded-in, (4) sales tax parity for online sellers, (5) sports wagering, (6) expanded video gaming, (7) higher taxes on cigarettes and vaping, (8) cap on sales tax exemption for traded in first division vehicles, and (9) land based casinos. It will increase the total gaming positions in Illinois from 43,000 to 81,000 with new casinos in Chicago, Rockford, Danville, Williamson County, Waukegan, and Lake County. Slots machines will also be allowed at O’Hare and Midway Airports. Horse tracks will receive 1,200 gaming positions. SB 689: This legislation is the revenue component for the operating budget package including (1) a tax “amnesty” period between October 1 - November 15 where taxpayers july 2019

government | INSIGHT

with an outstanding liability can pay their late taxes without incurring penalties and interest generating $175 million, (2) assessment on Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) raising $534 million, (3) new online marketplace tax system based on the recent Wayfair decision in the United States Supreme Court adding $20 million, and (4) decoupling from federal law with regard to Foreign Derived Intangible Income (FDII) generating $94 million. SB 1939: This legislation contains the revenue for “horizontal construction” projects, such as roads, bridges, and transit. The new revenues include: a 19 cent per gallon increase in the Motor Fuel Tax beginning on July 1, 2019 with annual index, 5.5 cent per gallon tax increase on diesel fuel, Chicago is allowed to charge an additional 3 cent tax per gallon on Motor Fuel Tax, increased vehicle registration fees from $108 to $148 for first division vehicles that will now include electric vehicles, additional $100 fee imposed annually on electric vehicles, increased registration fees for second division vehicles, repeals the commercial distribution fee on July 1, 2020, increased fees on vehicle titles, and beginning transferring the state’s sales tax on fuel into the Road Fund beginning in 2022. HB 142: This is a $21 billion general obligation bond authorization language for the capital infrastructure program. Bond revenue shall be allocated as follows: $6.5 billion for roads and bridges, $8 billion for state capital projects, $3 billion for universities and public community colleges, and $4.5 billion for grade crossings, airports, rail, and mass transit facilities. SB 1814 & HB 816: This is the Budget Implementation Bill (BIMP) that contains numerous provisions implementing the budget such as health care reimbursement rates, fund sweeps, transfer authority among line items, and aviation fuel programs. HB 62: This is the construction spending legislation that includes $32 billion for roads and bridges, $4.5 billion for “pay go” capital, $4.3 billion for deferred maintenance of state facilities, $1.2 billion for environmental and conservation, $420 million for rural broadband, $2.8 billion for higher education, and $1.7 billion for local community and economic development. McHenry County College will be receiving $15.7 million for a career, technical and manufacturing center. The CREATE program for rail efficiency will receive $400 million. Numerous items that were considered as part of the tax packages were eliminated due to opposition including taxes on beer, liquor, cable and satellite television, streaming services, plastic bags, and water bottles.

MCO Assessment

As stated previously, the Managed Care Organization (MCO) assessment is included in SB 689. The effective date is July 1, 2019, pending federal approval. The assessment will be on Medicaid and non-Medicaid HMO lines only. 97% of the assessment is paid by Medicaid MCOs and 3% of the assessment will be on non-Medicaid HMOs. The tax july 2019

on Medicaid and private managed care plans will total $1.2 billion. The non-Medicaid HMO assessment amounts to approximately $26 million (based on a $2.40 Per-MemberPer-Month) broken down as follows: • BCBSIL - $19 million • Health Alliance - $4 million • UHC - $1 million • Aetna, Cigna, and Humana - Less than $600,000 each The six government-operated MCOs will be assessed at $60.20 up to 4,195,000 member months, thereafter they will be assessed at $1.20. The tax must be mitigated back to the government MCOs to maintain actuarial sound Medical Assistance managed care rates as the assessment becomes an MCO cost of doing business. As stated previously $1.2 billion will be generated from the MCO assessment, from which $530 million will be used to reduce the General Revenue Fund. The State budget benefit represents the maximum net savings possible to the State’s General Funds. The remaining $690 million of tax would generate a total of $1.73 billion (gross) in new revenue. The gross value of $1.73 billion represents the total match possible over a full fiscal year. No further Medicaid match is possible. The tax of $1.2 billion would then be paid back to the MCOs, leaving a residual of $530 million (gross) to spend on additional program costs. The residual is predicated on the aforementioned full-year churn of Medicaid payments. Therefore, it cannot be matched again. The base year for enrollment will be frozen at 2018 for the duration of the assessment. Language allows HFS to raise or lower the rates by rule as long as that action maximizes federal match and minimizes the impact on commercial plans. HFS will collect the assessment from all carriers, including commercial plans. Collection of the assessment will be collected monthly equaling to one-twelfth of the assessment for the year. The language prohibits plans from passing along the tax/assessment to consumers, so there will not be an option to identify any portion of the premium as being directly attributable to the MCO assessment; however, nothing prohibits carriers from building this into the rates. PPOs are not included unless the federal CMS determines they must include them to meet their broad-based standard. For more information on recreational marijuana use and what employers need to know, minimum wage increase, workers’ compensation repose, and other insurance related bills that have passed the General Assembly, click here. Evan Manning is the Government Relations Manager for the IIA of IL. He can be reached at emanning@iiaofil.org or (217) 321-3002.



An Interview w

Director Interesting. Fascinating. Incredible. These are words that repeatedly came up in the recent interview with newly confirmed Director of Insurance, Robert Muriel. I, along with several members of the IIA of IL staff, met with Director Muriel and were able to witness the passion he has for his new role as the industry regulator. In attendance that day were IIA of IL personnel Phil Lackman, CEO; Evan Manning, Government Relations Manager; Brett Gerger, Director of Education and Agency Resources; and Lauren Williams, Communications Intern. Our contingency joined Director Muriel in his Springfield office and discussed the insurance industry and the role of the Association. This meeting provided the opportunity to get to know Muriel on a personal level and hear about the events in his life that lead up to his appointment as Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance. The meeting began with Lackman giving an overview of the Association including a brief history and mission statement, the makeup and diversity of the membership and staff, and key products and services. Lackman explained that while regulatory issues and advocacy are a big part of the Association, we also have a large focus on education and professional development with many designations, webinars, classroom seminars, and conferences being offered. Lackman and Gerger also let the Director know of upcoming plans to roll out the new Pre-Licensing Program to be able to offer quality programming for those entering the industry. With Gerger’s background at the Department of Insurance, he was able to discuss multiple issues with the Director including rebating, Premium Fund Trust Account, the new Workers Compensation Rate filing and review changes, and the new mandatory auto insurance verification law. Gerger also encouraged the Director to reach out to the Association to collaborate on issues and communication to agents within the state. Manning then spoke to the Director on his own role as Government Relations Manager with his primary duty as being a lobbyist for the IIA of IL and our Coalition of Insurance Agents & Brokers, which is made up of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors 12


of Illinois (NAIFA of IL), and the Illinois State Association of Health Underwriters (ISAHU). In addition, Manning lobbies for the Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (IAMIC), as well as the Farm Agents Council, which is a division within the IIA of IL. Manning encouraged the Director to work together to move the Department of Insurance and the IIA of IL agendas through the upcoming fall session. In the two-hour meeting with the Director, it became clear to the IIA of IL staff that Director Muriel has the consumer on his mind with all decisions, understands how important his role is within the industry, and is clearly confident and comfortable in his new role. With the introductions complete, the staff conducted the interview below. Insight Magazine: Director, congratulations on your appointment and your Senate confirmation. Tell us how your first few months at the Department of Insurance have been. Director Muriel: It’s been incredible. I have been pleasantly surprised with how talented and deep the staff is at DOI. With the folks in our legal department, the financial examiners and all the way down the line, we have some really bright people with years of experience. I’ve been leaning on them pretty heavily. As you know, I’m new to the Department, but it has been an interesting experience seeing the depth and breadth of the insurance industry. From health to P&C to auto and long-term care, it’s just amazing the different areas that insurance covers. It’s fascinating. IM: Before we dive deeper into your role and department operations, we want to hear a little about your background. You are from Chicago, correct? DM: I was born in raised in Chicago, on the North Side. For the first 18 years of my life, I would say I grew up probably half in the city and half in the north suburbs. IM: Tell us a bit about your early life - parents, siblings, high school, college, early career. DM: My parents are from Bolivia, South America and both came from large families. They came to Chicago with my older brother the year before I was born, so I was the first one in either family born in the United States. For the first few years of my life, I grew up speaking Spanish. Eventually, there came a point when we weren’t speaking it too much in the house, but Spanish was my july 2019


r Robert Muriel

By Rachel Romines

first language. I have two brothers, and we were educated in Catholic schools. We grew up playing basketball, baseball and football with our neighborhood friends. Our life was pretty much schooling, sports and then a little bit of, I guess, family responsibilities. [Laughs] It was a pretty normal childhood. I went to high school at Loyola Academy in Wilmette. Back then it was an all-boys school with about 400 per class. Coincidentally, I’ve learned that a couple of my classmates from Loyola have been through the Department: Pat Hughes and Mike McRaith. I reached out to Mike some time after the appointment and he’s been incredibly supportive. He’s just a wonderful guy that I’ve run into over the years as a lawyer, and we have a great relationship. I went to college at University of Illinois in Champaign. I graduated with two degrees: a finance degree that I finished in four years, then after a summer and another fall semester I had my accounting degree. After that, I was at one of the “Big 8” accounting firms in Chicago, working in the tax division. I did that for about two and a half years, working a lot with lawyers. I realized then that law school was something that I thought would be good for my professional development, so I ended up applying to and getting accepted at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. I thought I would be a tax lawyer, but Loyola has a very strong litigation program and a lot of my friends were going into litigation, so I ended up in that program. Then I had a judicial clerkship in the appellate court of Illinois for two years. That’s how I started my career. For the next eight years or so I was at two large law firms, including one very large insurance defense firm where I received experience in the insurance industry.

of Illinois. Not that the association was political, but it certainly brought me close to political circles as I was going to various networking events and sometimes political events. I remember we once hosted a political debate between two competing candidates for Congress. Soon thereafter from my presidency, I started my own law firm in 2003 with two other colleagues. At the time I had two children under the age of three, and so my focus was on them and building my practice. That kind of took me through the next ten to twelve years, and my next political experience beyond that was when I was appointed to the Illinois Racing Board by Governor Rauner about four years ago. With that, I got some experience with government. I went through the confirmation process, got some interaction with rule-making and the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), and served as a regulator of the horse racing industry. I think that gave me a good introduction to what I’m doing now. continued...

IM: Talk just a little bit about your family today. You mentioned earlier that you have children? DM: Yes, I should mention that I met my wife, Jayme Levin-Muriel, in law school at Loyola. She is a probate lawyer and does special needs estate planning and guardianships for minors and disabled adults. We have three children. The oldest will be starting college in the fall, then one will be a junior in high school and one will be in seventh grade. They have played soccer and basketball over the years, and the girls are dancers. It’s a lot of fun watching them grow up. IM: From your professional biography, it doesn’t appear that you’ve been deeply engaged in politics in the past, is that accurate? DM: It’s definitely accurate. I would say the closest I got to politics as a practicing lawyer was in 2001-2002 when I was president of the Hispanic Lawyers Association july 2019



IM: We’ve been trying to meet for several weeks but couldn’t get our schedules together until now. However, I did see you in Washington, DC. I was attending our Federal Legislative Conference and you were at a National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) event. Tell us about the NAIC and your involvement in their event in Washington.

IM: The insurance industry is a significant part of the economic fabric in Illinois. Were you aware of the impact the industry has made in the state prior to your appointment? DM: It’s well-known that Illinois is one of the leaders in the insurance industry, from the regulatory standpoint to the number of companies we have in the Property and Casualty field. We are proud of the fact that Illinois is a leading state in the insurance field. As we spoke about earlier, the breadth and the depth of the insurance industry is incredible. It weaves through the fabric of our society and our economy in so many different ways. So, it’s a real exciting time to be part of the Department and part of the industry. We definitely look forward to the challenges of the evolving economy and technology, generally how it’s going to play a role in shaping not only the industry but the broader economy. IM: That’s a good transition, technology in the industry. Historically, the industry has been kind of a late adopter, but there are things moving not only within independent agencies with technology, but also within the industry as a whole. Have you had the chance to meet with any technology focused companies? DM: I have met with quite a few people in the Insurtech space and it’s really something to see the innovation that’s happening. Artificial intelligence is being used in so many different creative ways in the claims-handling process. You know, you have the autonomous driving. It will be interesting to see how we as regulators and the industry in general are going to react to that and the tremendous impacts that it could have not only on our economy, but also on how people live their lives. It’s going to be fascinating to see how the next five to ten years unfold. Again, to be relatively new to the department at this critical time is a good challenge. We’re pretty excited about it. It’s important that we collaborate with folks like yourselves, people in the industry and trade associations, to make sure that we do this right, that companies follow the laws, to ensure consumers are properly protected. 14


DM: From my initial days in the position of Director, I heard from many folks, internally in the Department and outside the Department, talk about the importance of the NAIC and the importance of Illinois’ role in being a leader nationally. So, I’ve been encouraged to get involved, participate and be a leader on the various committees and see where that takes us. It’s important for Illinois to be on the national stage, to be a part of the national conversation and making important decisions, and to guide the conversation.

I’ve become involved in one committee dealing with longterm care insurance. Like a lot of families and people my age, I’ve lived through two experiences. Both my father and my father in-law ended up in long-term care facilities, and my mother needs to deal and grapple with these issues of long-term care insurance. It’s just something that a lot of people in a generation older than mine are dealing with, so it’s very important to our economy. I’ve been on quite a few conference calls and meetings, and it’s been an education process so far. I’ve been learning more in terms of the nuances of the various problems nationally that present itself in that space in particular. I’m looking forward to getting involved in additional committees, perhaps the Property and Casualty Committee. You know, we’ve got great leaders here who are chairing various committees. Kevin Fry is chairing the Financial Analysis Working Group (FAWG). We’ve got a good presence there, and we look forward to improving. IM: One of our members, Dayton Kilgus, recently sat on a panel regarding technology and social media at NAIC headquarters in May, and some of your staff were in attendance. I’m interested to hear your opinion on social media as it pertains to insurance. Are you for that, or do you think it’s more of a fad that’s just going to go away? DM: My first exposure to social media was when I had my own law practice and we were developing our website. My web developers strongly encouraged me to get on social media. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but I did it enough so that I’m comfortable with it now. I just think it’s such a huge part of communication, certainly with the younger generations, but even folks my age or older. You see the President of the United States using it as a primary vehicle of communication. It’s a great way to hear effectively and directly from key people on important issues. When we hired our Public Information Officer (PIO), Caron Brookens, a few weeks ago, one of my first requests of her was to get the DOI Twitter account back in operation, and she’s done a great job so far. She’s hooked in with the NAIC and we’re pretty encouraged and excited july 2019

about some of the things we are doing with social media. I asked about getting a Facebook page for the Department, and I’m not sure we’ve made a final decision on how we are going to use Facebook, but I know there is a big part of the population that’s on Facebook and not on Twitter. I see no reason not to use both. IM: The Illinois Department of Insurance has had a history of being a leader in insurance regulation, in large part by letting the marketplace work without too much heavy regulation. What are your thoughts on that? DM: I learned very early on in my tenure what Illinois historically has been in terms of a regulator, and from a personal standpoint I think that sits well with who I am and how I look at things. I think my earliest experience was as an undergraduate student in the business school at U of I. I was a finance major and I was always particularly impressed with the theory of efficient markets in the stock market. It’s just something that always made sense to me. So, similarly with insurance, I’m a big believer in free markets. From what I hear, it’s worked very well in Illinois. I think Illinois has a unique rate structure in terms of how it works, and my understanding from the Department is that it has worked well. So, it’s not that we don’t have any rate review, it’s that the structure that we have in place has worked well and served, I think, both the consumers and the industry. I am aware that there are some changes in the worker’s compensation field, and perhaps some proposals and ideas being discussed in health, as well. We’ll see how the legislators and the governor’s office want us to tackle that, but as a department I don’t think we’ve taken any strong position since I’ve been Director. IM: Let’s talk about agents - licensed insurance producers, actually. There are about 80,000 licensed producers in Illinois. Do you have an agent advising you on your personal auto and home coverages? DM: Yes, my experience with them has been great. Fortunately, my family has not had too many issues where we’ve had to submit claims or anything, but we certainly are in contact with our agents. Some of the first people who wished me well upon the news of my appointment were my friends who are insurance agents and who understood what the regulatory role of our Department was. I’ve always been the type of person who would rather pick up the phone, talk oneon-one and ask questions before making a decision. As recently as this weekend we were communicating with our agent. Our daughter is off to college and she bought a new laptop, so we were wondering how to get that laptop insured, if it made sense to insure it. We view our insurance agent as an important part of our team, just like we would a tax professional, a physician or anyone else.

DM: I was a law school classmate with Dan Hynes, and he is one of the four Deputy Governors. I got to know him a little better around the time I was President of the Hispanic Lawyers Association, and I believe he was Comptroller. We very loosely kept in contact over the years, and he called me in February to ask if I would be interested in the appointment. I did my normal due diligence and was of course very excited and extremely honored that both the Governor and Dan would think of me for this important position. The very first time I met the Governor was at my interview at the statehouse. Funny little story, I bought a new tie for the interview and was trying to look snazzy. I drove from Chicago, and I think it was a holiday so there was no one in the Capitol other than maybe the Governor, a couple of staff, and me. When I got out of the car in Springfield, I noticed some food from a meal I had eaten on the way there that was all over my tie and could not be removed. I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to explain what had happened on the way over to the Governor, but I just told him the story, and true to his good nature and sense of humor, he instantly told me a story of something similar that happened to him when he was running for Congress in the late nineties. It was a great, funny story, and it immediately broke the ice and put me at ease. Instantly, I knew he was someone who was goodnatured and would be good to work with. We’ve had a couple cabinet meetings, and he just has a wonderful way about him, a good sense of humor. He has an excellent command and is very articulate. It’s just been a joy and an honor to be working in his administration. IM: Every administration sets up differently. As we understand it with the Pritzker administration most agency directors report to a Deputy Governor. Is that correct and if so who do you report to? DM: Yes, there are four deputy governors. Dan Hynes and his team oversee around seven departments, and the Department of Insurance is one of them. We report to Deputy Governor Hynes and his team. continued...

IM: Have you had a direct relationship with Governor Pritzker? How did your appointment come about? july 2019



IM: This past legislative session was an over whelming success for Governor Pritzker and his administration. For the insurance industry most of the action centered on health insurance. Have you had much experience with the General Assembly and the legislative process prior to your appointment? I know given the date of your appointment the DOI really didn’t have time to put together a legislative agenda, but you were certainly engaged in many issues. Tell us about your overall experience with the legislative session. DM: I haven’t previously had a lot of interaction with the State House, other than as a lawyer for twenty-five years. I was a litigator, litigating cases which involved reading cases and arguing before judges, trying to persuade a judge how a law should be interpreted. So, my first few weeks in the Capitol were tremendously fascinating to see how things get done, from the lobbyists to the legislators walking out of committee meetings. I think in my second or third day on the job I had to testify at a couple committee hearings, so I was really intrigued by seeing the process close up. And then I got to do a little bit of that in Washington, D.C. with the NAIC for the Commissioner Fly-In where we met with Congressional staff about national insurance issues. Other than testifying in a few committee hearings and my confirmation process through the Executive Appointments Committee in the Senate, I did not have a deep involvement in this legislative session, but I know in the coming year I will be much more involved. IM: Tell us about the DOI personnel to date. Some of the new members of your team? DM: Starting with our Chief of Staff, Lauren Peters came from the Comptroller’s office and joined our staff in late March. She’s extremely bright and personable and has been an incredible addition to our team. She has great relationships and understands how state government works. Our General Counsel just started last week. Her name is Litza Mavrothalasitis. Litza is a very bright, capable lawyer with a wide breadth of experience, from some of the top law firms in the state to the Office of Executive Inspector General. She was most recently with the City of Chicago, and she brings a wealth of government and private law firm experience and we are excited to have her on our team. Our new Public Information Officer, Caron Brookens, I believe most recently worked with Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s campaign for re-election and has a wide range of experience in communications and reporting. She’s been great. She has a great sense of humor and is smart. Since Jerry Clarke left, we are looking to fill the role of Legislative Director. Lauren Peters has been doubling in that role, but we are looking to fill the position permanently. Kevin Fry has been promoted to our COO role and he has been, from day one, part of the senior leadership team. Personally, he has been indispensable in terms of introducing me to folks in the industry and the Department. He’s been a leader in Springfield and a rock in terms of providing stability and institutional knowledge to some of the new leadership teams. So, he’s been great, and obviously he has an incredible reputation nationally and is chairing NAIC committees. I’ve just been really pleased, and I enjoy working with Kevin.

IM: I know the Department has significantly less staff than, say, 12-15 years ago. The IIA of IL wants a well-staffed regulator. We want you to have the tools, resources and staff to regulate the marketplace. Our membership isn’t generally about expansive government, but they want a healthy regulator, and as a trade association, we do, too. What are your thoughts and impressions related to the size of the staff in the Department? DM: We are excited about the new budget and the approval that we have from legislators to increase our staffing levels. We want to get to what we think is a more reasonable headcount of around 260. We also realize that technology plays a big role in our economy in terms of things that we are able to do with our websites or allowing customers to communicate their issues electronically, which affects staffing requirements. Generally speaking, we are excited about the direction our department is going. We look forward to the challenges ahead and to serving consumers as best as we can. IM: Did you know much about the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois? DM: I hadn’t heard much about your association, but I certainly have many friends and family who are insurance agents. I’ve always valued them both in home and also when I was running my business. It was always important for me to have professional relationships like that to guide us on important issues of insurance. IM: What is your plan as far as splitting time between Springfield and Chicago? DM: I plan to be in Springfield a few days every other week. It’s what I have been doing and what I hope to continue doing. Between the kids, my wife, my dog and responsibilities at home, it’s important to split my time fairly. IM: Any issues/topics you would like to address, expand upon? DM: The only other thing I wanted to emphasize was my work with long-term care insurance. Like a lot of families and people my age, it has touched my family personally. I just want to make sure we do what we can to contribute to the national conversation and hopefully guide it in the right direction that’s best for everyone, especially Illinoisans. IM: We look forward to working with you. Thank you for your time today. DM: I look forward to collaborating with you. Thank you. Rachel Romines is the Director of Communications for the IIA of IL. She can be reached at (217) 321-3024 or rromines@iiaofil.org.

It has been an incredible experience seeing the depth and breadth of the insurance industry. 16


july 2019

DEVELOPING YOUR TEAM What Makes a Successful Salesperson?

By Caliper

Not sure how to create a team of successful salespeople? Start by hiring the right candidate. Making a bad hire will set your team off on the wrong foot. So, how do you know you’re making the right decision? Look for these six traits or the potential to cultivate these characteristics in candidates. A good manager can coach their employees and help encourage these soft skills in the workplace. Guide your sales reps in developing these six habits of successful salespeople.


Maintaining focus is beneficial for any employee but is crucial in a salesperson. A sales job includes many facets like prospecting for leads, checking in on clients, preparing sales presentations, planning sales meetings and team meetings, and handling paperwork, etc. At times, it may be difficult for an employee to stay focused on what’s important. However, this is the habit that can boost a sales rep’s effectiveness. You can coach your employees to hone their focus and achieve success. Help them outline which accounts they need to focus on by providing comprehensive guidelines, qualifying and disqualifying criteria, and reinforcing their understanding of the ideal buyer persona. Set your sales reps up for wins by determining what works for them, which activities should be done when, and what tasks are highly essential to accomplish.

Active Listening

Individuals who tend to listen more than they talk accomplish more than those who don’t. This can be a hard habit to form though, so it may be difficult to find a candidate who fits this category. However, as a manager, you can train salespeople with the right questions and strategies, and reinforce them through coaching. By listening fully and allowing your customers to answer thoroughly, your sales reps will learn additional and vital information. This information can drive your sales reps’ next move.

Networking Master

Salespeople who are continually building relationships go beyond just following up. These individuals take every interaction as an opportunity to strengthen trust and improve their relationships with customers. As a coach and manager, you need to ensure your salespeople have strong customer relationship skills. This characteristic will benefit the customer and your team in the long run and could help turn them into a loyal customer.

july 2019

Work Smarter, Not Harder

There’s no need to “reinvent the wheel” for every need. When a salesperson approaches each engagement as a brand new idea, they’re wasting time, energy, and resources when it’s not necessary. Instead, subject-matter experts should create playbooks to help salespeople accomplish more in a timely manner. Sales techniques that work should be included in the playbook because typically salespeople who consistently use them will be more successful than those who take a more unstructured approach. Plus, a consistent process will aid salespeople in staying focused on balancing their tasks. This will help avoid the effect of being too “busy” so they complete all tasks on time.


Exceptional salespeople pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. When faced with a new challenge, they adapt their approach to fit a marketplace change or a buyers’ behavior style. Sales managers can help their teams get into these habits and coach them into improvement in these three ways: 1. Flexible Thinking – Deepen awareness and perspective by accessing different ways of thinking. This will lead to a greater understanding of how their customers think. 2. Plan Ahead – Instead of getting stuck into one solution, have a contingency plan in place for when plan A doesn’t work. Planning allows salespeople to examine the opportunities and threats in current and future situations, and understand what resources they have to fix them. 3. Be Curious – Curiosity helps to open the mind, enable growth, and encourage new ideas. By being curious, salespeople can develop unique approaches to problems and hopefully find the results needed.

Be Prepared

Building upon planning in adaptability, salespeople who take the time to prepare for every meeting tend to be more successful. They have a deeper understanding of the products they’re selling, frequently asked questions, what their customers need, and what they want to accomplish in this meeting. Managers can set clear expectations for customer meetings and coach each salesperson in specific preparation skills. Enter every meeting with a purpose and be prepared to accomplish that purpose. View the original article with a link to the blog post on the Caliper website at www.calipercorp.com/developing-teamsuccessful-salesperson. insight


How to Attract

Generation Z Job Candidates

In 2019, Generation Z is predicted to pass up Millennials as the most populous generation in the United States, according to research from Bloomberg. With its oldest members now reaching the ages of 22 and 23, many in this generation of 61 million people are beginning to look for employment. Soon enough, they will dominate the workforce. In order to attract Gen Z candidates for open positions, companies will need to adapt to the changes in the work environment that this generation of workers will want to see made.

Who Are Gen Z? What Kind of Jobs Are They Looking For? Members of Generation Z are people who were born between 1996 and 2009. They lived through the global recession at a young age. Many saw one or both of their parents laid off from work, and therefore they seek sensibility and security in their careers. They have been raised in a competitive environment, knowing that in order to get the best jobs and get into the best colleges they would have to perform their absolute best. This had made them very individualistic and has caused them to 18


By Lauren Williams

pursue leadership development in the workplace rather than collaboration. Because of their competitive upbringing and individualistic nature, they crave structure, goals, challenges, and a way to measure their progress from their employers. According to a 2019 Recruiting Study completed by Yello, more than half of Gen Z-ers plan to look for a new job within three years, and only two in 10 will remain with their companies for more than seven years. In order to retain new Gen Z employees, Yello says companies should build strong internal mobility programs to encourage Gen Z candidates to seek new positions internally rather than externally. Gen Z-ers seek employment opportunities that allow them to contribute, create, lead and learn. Giving Generation Z these opportunities, as well as room to move up the ladder, will help them and your company flourish.

The Hiring Process Now that you are aware of what Generation Z is looking for, how can you get them interested in your company? Here’s how to attract Gen Z candidates for your open positions. july 2019

Diversify Your Job Advertisements Gen Z is the first generation to have Internet technology readily available for them from a young age. Known as digital natives, the majority of them have never owned any phone other than a smartphone, and almost none of them can remember a world without Google. Because of this, Gen Z-ers are more comfortable doing their own internet research on companies they are considering applying to. Yello found that 80% of Generation Z first turn to company websites to learn about companies and the positions they offer. Ensure your website tells a compelling employer brand story and that a clear description of each of your job openings has been posted. Yello says that Gen Z is the first generation to rank job duties among their top three considerations when searching for a new position, so having a clear job description is an essential step to capturing their interest. Social media and the Internet are a big part of this generation’s lives. Sharing your open roles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and even Snapchat can help get the word out to a wider audience. These social networks will also assist in engaging passive candidates, ones who are not necessarily looking but are still open to hearing about new job opportunities. They can also help with building your employer brand, as you can post photos and videos of your workspace that will catch candidates’ attention. You can even post personalized messages from your hiring team, letting prospective applicants see exactly who they will be working with throughout the hiring process. Utilize Recruiters Though they are considered digital natives, Gen Z-ers prefer face to face interactions when it comes to the hiring process. This is where the utilization of recruiters can be crucial. Statistically, half the members of Gen Z consider hiring events such as campus career fairs as one of their most valuable sources to find a job according to Yello’s study. Yello also found that nearly 44% of Gen Z-ers said that the connections they made with recruiters they spoke to during the interview process made the biggest impact on their decision to accept a job offer. To job candidates, recruiters serve as a trusted contact who can provide advice and encouragement during the hiring process, as well as help them to better understand what your company stands for. While serving as a liaison for your company, recruiters will be able to build genuine connections that will secure your company as a candidate’s first choice. Keep the Hiring Process Short and Stay Communicative Generation Z has a reputation for demanding instant gratification. According to Yello, around 70% of Gen Z-ers believe the hiring process should take around 1-2 weeks at the most. Employers must find ways to meet their expectations, and it seems that many of them have. Yello says that more than two-thirds of today’s employers extend offers in less than two weeks. Gen Z candidates agree that the worst part of the job recruitment process is the silence between updates. Make an effort to give them status updates as much as possible to show you are still interested.

july 2019

Members of Gen Z are more likely than any other generation to hold out for their first-choice offer, even if a second-choice offer is on the table. Secure their loyalty by ensuring your candidate experience is top notch. One way to do this is by incorporating texting into your hiring process. Yello’s study found that Gen Z ranks texting as a recruitment method twice as high as Millennials do, and that they rank phone calls lower than any other generation. As an alternative to phone calls, texting leads to a faster, more efficient way of candidate communication while impressing candidates with a more modern way of doing things. Offer the Right Benefits Like all other generations, Gen Z most values receiving medical insurance, retirement plans, and vacation and paid time off when shopping for employers. However, they put a higher value on maternity and paternity leave than any generation before them. Offering benefits that their generation cares about can help put your company at the top of every Gen Z candidate’s list. For example, Google has taken advantage of the fact that Generation Z is very socially and environmentally aware by giving their employees the ability to devote up to 20 hours of work time a year to volunteering at non-profit organizations. When choosing which benefits to offer, you’ll also need to look at what point your Gen Z candidates are in life. For example, where older members of Gen X are more likely to value stock options/equity as a benefit, the young members of Gen Z who are often fresh out of colleges and universities can be swayed by student loan repayments. After you have chosen what you want to offer, be sure to list the job benefits wherever you have posted your job description. This can be an eye-catching way to attract more applicants, letting them know exactly what they will be getting into before they have even applied. Generation Z candidates are creative, entrepreneurialminded and most importantly they are willing to work. If your company is willing to meet them at their level, you can build a hiring process that will benefit you both. Lauren Williams is entering her Senior year as an English major at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri and is working as an intern for IIA of IL while she is home for the summer. She can be reached at lwilliams@iiaofil.org.

In order to attract Gen Z candidates for open positions, companies will need to adapt to the changes in the work environment that this generation of workers will want to see made. insight


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online journal at www.iiaofil.org/Resources/Insight

JU LY 20 19



YOUR A g and Develop ing GENCY TALENT

Recru New Taiting






5 ROADBLOCKS to Delivering an


By Violet Xu, PropertyCasualty 360 july 2019

In this month’s e-Insight. insight


How Agents Can Better Recruit New Talent by Integrating Technology Explore tools that can keep your agency on the cutting edge, helping attract young talent with a next-gen work environment.

By Matt Masiello Today, technology is integral to every independent agent’s success. It helps agencies operate efficiently and is engaging clients and prospects, adding convenience, and leveling the competitive playing field. It’s also an essential part of an agency’s formula to attract young talent and create a work environment that will help motivate millennials to pursue careers in insurance.

What are they looking for in a job?

What Millennials Want

In a Brown & Joseph blog, “Attracting Millennials to the Insurance Industry,” Mikaela Parrick said that “millennials desire purpose above all, so if you want to attract young talent, you need to sell a job beyond just a salary and benefits.” Instead, sell your vision for how these people can impact the industry and their communities.

According to Pew Research, millennials are the largest generation in the U.S. labor force. More than one in three American labor force participants are millennials.



A recent article by Forbes found that millennials want five things from a job: good benefits that match their values, loyalty to and from their employer, retirement investment options, an ability to prioritize family, and opportunities to make a social impact.

july 2019

Millennials also have a natural affinity for technology. After all, they grew up with it. An independent agency without even the basics, from social media to a website to a mobile app and comparative rater, will seem out of step. By investing in technology, your office can become more efficient while also attracting more clients and careerminded millennials. And once there, young talent will bring different skillsets to your business, which may help keep you up to date on the latest technology.

Invest in Technology According to a 2018 survey by insurancedigitalrevolution.org, “Agents have a long way to go to use digital technologies to improve the customer service experience. Few agencies are providing mobile applications (19%) or offering 24/7 service (18%), and fewer still report using even basic service solutions, such as live chat (7%).” Identify gaps in your current digital technology so that all clients as well as existing and future staff can seamlessly communicate with you. Keep in mind, as technology changes, your staff will need training and mentoring to use it most effectively. These tools can keep your agency on the cutting edge: Agency Management System (AMS). The right AMS can result in superior agency productivity and long-term success. Top-of-the-line systems will include proposals, templates, carrier marketing, accurate data and reports to give you critical metrics on the health of your independent agency. These are the features young professionals expect when looking for a job. Agency Website. A mobile-optimized website is a central communication point, an online hub with branding and messaging that should align with your social media accounts. It is also the first (or second, after social media) place a millennial will look when evaluating job prospects. A quality website shows your agency’s strengths, features partner carriers, highlights your team and your agency’s history. Share video, photos, and stories from loyal clients and staff to sell and market to clients, and enable dialogue 24/7 with online quotes, live chat capability, and more. The Live Chat feature, or chatbot, can save you from personally answering questions regularly found on your Frequently Asked Questions page, capture leads and give you more time to build new business and manage daily business. Social Media. Statista recently reported that the U.S. population’s social network penetration rate was around 70 percent in 2018, and that number is only growing. Having an active business profile on Facebook, Instagram,

july 2019

LinkedIn, Twitter, and even YouTube is a great way to engage Millennials - and most others - while marketing your services, posting client reviews, sharing agency sponsorships, employment opportunities and more. Don’t try to execute on all social media platforms at once – pick one or two, use them well, and build from those. Mobile app. Having a custom mobile app may take an up-front investment of time, but according to a recent article in Independent Agent, 21st-century consumers now expect to access their accounts conveniently and at their leisure. Having a mobile app will increase efficiency and provide a method for direct contact with your clients. And millennials use them every day. A number of firms offer templated versions that provide for your unique branding, so the investment doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Comparative Rater. Integrated with your website, this tool is a timesaver for easy insurance quoting and will also capture new leads 24/7. A comparative rater increases accessibility for your clients and helps you to service them with more proficiency at a faster rate. This is how people shop today. And a solid AMS will include a comparative rater, so additional research isn’t necessary. Investing in technology and tools will ultimately lead to a stronger, more profitable book of business: Increased efficiency will show carriers, clients, and millennials — potential young talent for your agency — that you have made your business competitive in the marketplace.

Share Your Vision Demonstrate how your agency is a diverse place to work in your marketing materials. Share agency flexibility policies and specify whether staff can work from home, have community service days, etc. And what better way to show off these selling points to young talent than on a modern website and through social media channels?

The Next Evolution Deloitte’s survey also found that while digital transformations are happening across the country, young professionals don’t feel prepared for the next evolution of technology: 8 in 10 millennials said that on-the-job training, continuous professional development and formal training led by employers will be important to help them perform their best. How can you show millennials you are ready for the future today? Offer internships, training and mentorships to show millennials how they can personally make an impact and entice them into the industry. Independent agents who share their vision, invest in technology, and outline roads to growth in the insurance industry will attract more clients and engage a strong staff for a better future. This article first appeared on PropertyCasualty360.com, April 17, 2019. (c) 2019 All rights reserved. It is reprinted here with permission. Matt Masiello is CEO of SIAA, the largest alliance of independent insurance agencies in the country. He can be reached at mattm@siaa.net.



Recruit. Assess. Train. Retain.

CREATE YOUR DREAM TEAM! Does the thought of hiring a new employee leave you overwhelmed? Are you seeing turnover, or posting a job, but just aren’t finding the “right” person? You’re not alone. According to the Agency Universe Study 44% of independent insurance agency owners say finding qualified new recruits is their top challenge. Find the right recruits with Big "I" Hires, a one-stop resource for independent insurance agencies to identify, hire and assess top-performing Producers and CSRs.

Find Your Next Top Employee: BigIHires.com

Empowering Trusted Choice® Independent Insurance Agents.

IIA of IL Membership Provides Access to Top Resources to Attract, Recruit, Assess and Train Employees By Jennifer Jacobs Agencies are finding it more challenging than ever to source and hire new employees. Taking a thoughtful approach to ensure your hiring practices are up to date is the first step in winning the war for talent. According to Caliper, common hiring mistakes include: - Placing too much emphasis on experience or formal education and not enough on potential - Placing undue weight on interview performance - Spending too much time in the interview talking instead of listening - Neglecting proper onboarding practices To help agencies ensure hiring practices are up to date and avoid hiring pitfalls, the Big “I” and its state associations have sourced a suite of products and services that will make hiring and retaining top talent easier to achieve. Available to IIA of IL member agencies at www.BigIHires. com, the resources are specifically designed to help independent agencies Recruit, Assess, Train and Retain talent.

Recruit Founded in 2012 by three insurance agents, IdealTraits is a recruiting platform developed to assist agencies recruit and assess candidates. Hiring managers can easily copy and paste an existing job advertisement into the system or build a job ad by selecting descriptions and qualifications from a menu of options designed to attract the right customer service and insurance sales candidates. Once a job advertisement is complete and the hiring manager july 2019

chooses to post it, the IdealTraits system publishes the announcement to more than 100 job sites including Indeed, Zip Recruiter, Glassdoor, and other top sites where candidates are looking for employment. With a mobile-first philosophy, IdealTraits makes the application and assessment process easy for job seekers to apply from a mobile device. Studies suggest as many as 90% of job seekers are searching on mobile devices and nearly half of them are applying via mobile, making this technology essential for agencies to adopt into the future. No matter how the application is submitted, all resumes are compiled in an online dashboard where candidates can be reviewed, contacted, and tracked through the hiring process. IdealTraits also features a pre-hire assessment that gives insight into the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. IIA of IL has partnered with IdealTraits to host a webinar on July 24, complete with top recruiting tips and a demonstration of the recruiting platform. Go to https://app. livestorm.co/idealtraits/iiaofil for details. For agencies that prefer a Do-it-Yourself approach, Big “I” has a DIY Hiring Toolkit that will guide you through: - Preparation of and posting the job ad - Screening applicants, testing, interviewing, and reference checks - Making the offer, hiring, and onboarding continued...



The toolkit provides fully customizable samples for each step in the process from building the job advertisement to developing interview questions and sending an offer letter to your top candidate. Prepared by a human resources firm in consultation with agency employees, the complete toolkit includes Personal Lines CSR, Personal Lines Producer, Commercial Lines CSR and Commercial Lines Producer or the position-specific resources may be purchased individually.

Assess Whether you are looking for pre-employment assessments to help you hire applicants with the traits you need, or you want to evaluate current employees to determine training needs and advancement opportunities, Big “I” Hires has tools and resources for your agency. The Caliper Profile is designed to assess applicants beyond what is revealed in the interview process. The report evaluates a candidate’s natural work tendencies against the skills necessary for the position to provide an indication of the individual’s potential to succeed. The profile provides data that can’t be discerned from reviewing resumes and conducting interviews alone and caliper offers consultations to assist agencies in analyzing and interpreting the profile data. Organizations can also take advantage of Caliper’s suite of Talent Development products that assess an agency’s current talent to determine opportunities for training or advancement within the organization. Big “I” Members receive discounted rates on Caliper’s most popular products.

Train The IIA of IL has partnered with New Level Partners to bring online training to those new to the insurance industry. On-demand, online learning is ideal for new hires and job changers and is an excellent way to fit coverage education into the workday. The programs are interactive, cost-effective and measurable. On average, each course within a curriculum is 30-40 minutes in length. Purchase grants 4-Month Access per individual to the selected curriculum. Topics include: Personal & Commercial Lines Coverage Basics, Business Communication Fundamentals, Advanced Communication and Negotiation Skills, Client Management Essentials & more. For details go to www.iiaofil.org/Education/NewHire-Training. Scheduled to launch soon at www.ILPrelicensing.com, the IIA of IL has developed its own Insurance Pre-Licensing course that has been designed to help your new hires or existing employees not only pass the licensing exam, but build a foundation of knowledge that will ensure they succeed beyond the licensing process. Jennifer Jacobs, SHRM-CP is Human Resource Director and Board Administrator for the IIA of IL. She can be reached at (217) 321-3013, jjacobs@iiaofil.org.

Sales Reluctance Testing is another tool available to association members. Through a partnership with ExceptionalSales.com members receive discounted rates on sales reluctance testing which can help agencies hire the best candidates for their sales positions or determine what training, also offered through ExceptionalSales.com, is needed for existing employees.

Build and Grow a 5-Star Agency The General Session at this year’s CONVO will feature a panel presentation from several of the resources listed in the article above, and a few more. You won’t want to miss this session as we’ve pulled together a great panel of experts to help you: • identify potential job candidates • hire and on-board new employees • cultivate, develop and retain your staff • equip your staff with tools to improve performance • analyze your agency’s data Find all the CONVO details at www.ILConvention.com.



july 2019

Why Hiring Older Workers is Good for Your Business By Sharon Emek

When it comes to retirement, a significant cultural shift is well under way. More and more people are choosing to remain in the workforce beyond traditional retirement age. An entire demographic is reimagining retirement, and this change requires employers to simultaneously reshape their own notions about work, retirement and age in order to stay competitive. A few fast facts: • By 2024, one in four workers in the United States will be 55 or older. By comparison, in 1994, workers over the age of 55 accounted for about one in 10 workers. (US Department of Labor) • In 1996, less than 46 percent of people age 60 to 64 were working. In 2016, that percentage grew to 56 percent. In 2026, it’s expected to reach almost 60 percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics) • 85 percent of today’s baby boomers plan to continue to work into their 70s and even 80s. (Special Committee on Aging) july 2019

At WAHVE, we believe in the power and performance of experienced workers. We make it easy for you to hire work-at-home vintage professionals who are matched to the specific needs of your business. But if you’re like many employers, you might still be wondering how hiring an older work-at-home employee can benefit you: 1. Retain Valuable Knowledge – This may be the most obvious benefit of hiring an older worker, whether they work remotely or not. Retiring workers have a career’s worth of institutional knowledge at their fingertips that can’t be easily, quickly or inexpensively replaced. In addition to having the knowledge and skills required to perform the job itself, they have years of experiences that have taught them how to navigate difficult situations, solve problems on their own and effectively manage relationships with colleague and clients. continued...



2. Fill The Talent Gap – There are more than 7 million job openings in the United States, and not enough employees to fill them. Employers often can’t find the qualified workers that they need. To fill this gap, it’s inevitable that employers will need to consider hiring older remote workers. Employers benefit from their vast knowledge, while employees benefit from being able to stay employed and enjoy the work-life balance they desire. 3. Boost Work Ethic – According to an article in Deloitte Insights, research shows that older workers are more likely to demonstrate positive “organizational citizenship.” This means they are more likely to work hard, show up on time, help coworkers, and go the extra mile when needed.

4. Innovate – Innovation is an attribute usually reserved for younger workers, but research suggests that older workers can be just as creative and innovative as younger peers if given the chance. Additionally, creating a generationally diverse workforce can also spur innovation. There’s no turning back. Our population is aging. People are living longer and retiring later. And more people than ever are working from home. Older workers offer incredible value to employers who hire them. Sharon Emek, Ph.D., CIC, is founder and CEO of Work At Home Vintage Experts (WAHVE), an innovative contract talent solution that matches retiring, experienced career professionals with a company’s talent needs. For more information go to www.iiaofil.org/Products-Services/NonInsurance-Products-Services/Wahve-Work-At-Home Vintage-Experts.

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july 2019

SALES SUCCESS Are You IN By John Chapin

or Are You OUT?

I was recently speaking with a manager at a real estate office about what makes some agents successful and others unsuccessful. He told me, “John, I can sum up the difference between the successful agents and the unsuccessful agents with one quick example: during a major blizzard when everything is shut down and everyone is at home, my top agents are making phone calls to prospects because they know they have a captive audience, and the rest of my agents are posting pictures on Facebook of the cookies they’re baking.” I’ve noticed a similar phenomenon when I speak. Afterwards it’s always the top salespeople who line up to buy my book. The mediocre and poor salespeople, on the other hand, always give me one of two excuses for not investing in the book, either that they don’t read or, that they can’t afford to buy the book. Here’s another example that outlines the difference between success and failure in sales. Several years ago I worked for the largest banking equipment distributors in the world. The top salesperson at the time was a guy by the name of Pete. One day while Pete was out making prospecting calls, he got in a car accident. In fact, he totaled his car. Luckily, he didn’t get hurt too badly. He ripped his pants, got some cuts on his nose and forehead, but for the most part, he was okay. When the paramedics showed up and they insisted he go to the hospital and get checked out, Pete adamantly refused. Regardless of the car accident, he was determined to get the rest of his sales calls in. After pleading with Pete for a while, they finally gave him some butterfly stiches to close the facial wounds and sent him on his way. Pete then jumped into to a cab and completed his calls for the day. While that’s a pretty good story on commitment, it doesn’t end there. Like most top athletes, and people who are among the best in their field, Pete was determined to find the advantage in wrecking his car and it didn’t take long to find it. He remembered two hard-to-reach prospects that he simply could not get through to. He’d call, stop by in person, e-mail, send items through the mail, and use any and every trick and technique to get through, but he simply wasn’t able to get to these two prospects. He now saw the car accident, and his current condition, as an opportunity to change things. Pete took the cab to both offices and when he arrived, he walked in, torn pants, bloody face, butterfly stiches and all, and said to each receptionist, “Hi, I’m here to see Mr. Prospect. You have no idea what I’ve been through today to see him.” Now these gatekeepers, who had bullet-proof teeth and had been shutting Pete down for months, instead of stopping him this time, were now off making a sale to the decision maker as to why they had to see Pete. I can imagine it sounded something july 2019

like, “You’re not going to believe this. There’s a guy out in the reception area with torn pants and blood on his face. I mean it’s not Halloween, right? You have to see this.” The result was that Pete got in to see both prospects that day. They both laughed as he told his story. The best news is that three months later Pete ended up getting one of them as an account and it became his fourth largest account. While that’s a great story about commitment, there’s another point to be made here. Both of these prospects where owners of medium-sized businesses. As such, they undoubtably have some slackers that work for them. You know the type, the ones who take every sick day, holiday, vacation day, family day, and look for every excuse to take days off and work as little as possible when they are actually there, and here’s a guy who got in a car accident, who had a perfect excuse to take the rest of the day off, and he’s still out working. Do you think that gives Pete some instant credibility? You bet it does. Do those owners know that if Pete says he’s going to do something, they can’t count on it? Of course. Now let’s compare Pete’s story to that of a low-performing salesperson at the same banking equipment company. This guy showed up to the weekly sales meeting on Monday morning with a coffee stain on his shirt. I said, “Wow, tough drive into work, huh?” His response, “Yeah, luckily my appointment was able to reschedule.” I then asked what a coffee stain had to do with rescheduling an appointment. He said, “Well, obviously I can’t go out calling on prospects looking like this.” While missing an appointment because he had a coffee stain on his shirt was bad enough, also notice that he said ‘appointment’ versus ‘appointments.’ That one appointment was his one for the day, and probably his one for the week. So, on one hand, we have the top sales rep who gets in a car accident and actually makes two more calls than he had planned on versus the lowest performing sales rep who uses a coffee stain as an excuse to make no calls. I think the difference between the successful and unsuccessful is pretty obvious. One is committed and determined to make the calls and do whatever it takes to be successful, the other is simply going through the motions and trying to stay on the payroll while doing as little work as possible. One’s all-in, the other, for all practical purposes, is out. John Chapin is a motivational sales speaker and trainer with over 31 years of sales experience as a number one sales rep and is the author of the 2010 sales book of the year: “Sales Encyclopedia.” He can be reached at johnchapin@completeselling.com. insight


Think Like a Cust or Los Changing The Sales Narrative “Don’t fall into the trap of thinking like a customer. If you do, you’re done!” This warning has been pounded into the heads of salespeople - and it will follow them until their last day on the job. Why is thinking like a customer dangerous? It’s the noxious notion that leads down the dark and dismal path to serious trouble - lost sales. If you dare to let yourself think like customers, you may be distracted from your mission and become overly understanding and sympathetic, even finding yourself walking in a customer’s shoes. Yet, successful salespeople work hard at sharpening their understanding of what prospects and customers are thinking. It takes effort and skill to get inside someone’s head and it starts with asking questions: • What’s important to them? • What are they looking for? • How motivated are they? • Are they focused or not sure of themselves? • What are they trying to tell me? • Do they expect too much? • Will they be fair? • What are they not telling me? • Are they worried about being taken for a ride? • How concerned are they with making a mistake or getting stuck with a decision they will come to regret?

Accurate answers to these questions help to get an exact picture of what’s going on - and that changes the sales narrative. Instead of focusing on how you’re going to get customers to do what you want, you move to letting them know you’re on their side and your mission is to help them achieve their goal or dream. In fact, it takes doing the opposite of what salespeople have been told to avoid - thinking like customers. It applies to all sales, whether you’re selling burritos from a food truck, diamond rings, engineering systems, real estate, insurance, medical equipment, or anything else. What is it that the customer is trying to say? Some people have trouble expressing themselves clearly, either unwittingly - or on purpose. People often want others to think well of them, so they answer questions in ways that will impress the salesperson. They may let it be known, for example, that they can afford a purchase that’s far beyond their financial means. On and on it goes. We all use shortcuts for coming up with answers so we can get the job done as quickly as possible. In sales this leads to believing we know more about how customers think than we do. Without even realizing it, opinions become facts and certainty supersedes questioning, doubt, and curiosity, the essential tools for understanding customers’ thoughts and behavior. And at what cost? Lost sales.

Successful salespeople work hard at sharpening their understanding of what prospects and customers are thinking. It takes effort and skill to get inside someone’s head. 30


july 2019

stomer ose the Sale By John Graham Four Common Sense Rules For Understanding Customers Here are four basic rules to help zero in on gaining a better understanding of how customers think. And that mean more sales. Rule #1. Never Assume You Know What A Customer Is Thinking. This is the place to start. Believing we can know what someone is thinking is useful–it gives us the feeling of being in control, even though the deck is stacked against such a notion. The neurologist Robert A. Burton, MD writes, “We make up stories about our spouses, our kids, our leaders, and our enemies. Inspiring narratives get us through dark nights and tough times, but we’ll always make better predictions guided by the impersonal analysis of big data than by the erroneous belief that we can read another’s mind.” Rule #2. Avoid Thinking About What You Want To Say Or Do Next. In other words, the human mind isn’t up to speed on multitasking. When we’re with a client and our mind is on our proposal or what we want to say next, we’re distracted and unable to concentrate on what a customer is saying. There is nothing more important than what a customer is saying. If we don’t get it at that moment, it’s gone. Try as hard as we can, we are unable to recall what we’ve missed.

So, how can you keep your attention on what you’re hearing and recall it at the same time? Keyword notetaking helps. Instead of trying to jot down even four or five words at a time, let alone sentences, just one or two key words aid recall later. Rule #4. Use “Rewind Reviews.” Missing essential information or getting it wrong undermines a marketer or salesperson’s credibility - and the chances of make the sale. An effective way to avoid such unnecessary mishaps is the “rewind review.” You might say, “I want to be sure I understand what you’re telling me, so let me put in my own words. Correct me if I get it wrong.” This not only will help get it right, but it sends the message that you’re a serious listener. The battle for the control of the minds of salespeople is relentless. “Don’t give-in. Don’t let yourself think like a customer,” they tell us. “It’s our agenda and what we need to accomplish that counts.” At the same time, we are told to put the customer first. But those are just words that don’t ring true with customers unless we think like them. John Graham of GrahamComm is a marketing and sales strategy consultant and business writer. He is the creator of “Magnet Marketing,” and publishes a free monthly eBulletin, “No Nonsense Marketing & Sales Ideas.” Contact him at jgraham@grahamcomm.com or johnrgraham.com.

Rule #3. Make Key Word Notes. It’s a similar problem when concentrating on what a client is saying so you don’t miss anything, while taking notes disrupts listening. As it turns out, we’re not wired to do two things at the same time, while using a smartphone to record the meeting can be questionable.

july 2019



<You’ve been hacked.>

The cyber threat is real. Turn to Big “I” Markets to protect your clients today. The threat of cyber crime is no longer coming; it’s here. 62% of all cyber a�acks worldwide are directed at small and medium businesses, and an es�mated ��in�� small and medium businesses will fall �ic�m to a cyber a�ack. That’s why �ig ��� �arkets has partnered with �oali�on to bring you a cyber liability solu�on that stands apart from the crowd. This product can be quoted within 4 minutes or less using the online �ig ��� �arkets pla�orm, making it easy to quote for e�ery commercial lines client. �ll ques�ons, endorsements and cancella�ons are done through li�e chat where the con�ersa�on can be emailed for your files, making the process fast and easy. �rom the unique pre�assessment of your client’s web proper�es to ongoing policyholder monitoring and protec�on, �oali�on is the cyber solu�on your agency has been wai�ng for. There is no other carrier offering this type of program! Learn more at www.bigimarkets.com.

Coalition’s insurance products are offered with the ϔinancial security of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions and Argo Pro US (A+/A ratings by A.M. Best). Insurance products underwritten by Coalition Insurance Solutions, Inc. (CA License # 0L76155) Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. Coalition and the Coalition logo are trademarks of Coalition, Inc. or its afϔiliates.

Cyber… What? Data Breach Social Engineering Ransomware Phishing There are many words used to describe crime in the cyber world. The fact is, cybersecurity is not going away and is becoming one of the most challenging environments for independent agencies of all sizes. Perhaps the words “if and when” would apply. It’s not “IF” your agency will get hacked, but “WHEN.” I often wonder how many of your customers will continue to do business with you after they find their personal private information is out on the black market as a result of your lack of security protection. Is your business worth the investment? I think so. Protecting personal private information within the agency environment is a MUST. Agencies must have safeguards in place before the attack, as well as response protocols following a data breach. Over the next six months I will be presenting “12 Parts to Building an Agency Security Plan.” This will include resources that are FREE and only require an investment of your time. Agents Council for Technology (ACT) has an inventory of free resources available to help you with cyber compliance. The following is from ACT’s “Cyber Guide 2.0: Your Roadmap to Data Security Protection.” 12 Parts to Building an Agency Security Plan 1. Risk Assessment 2. Written Security Plan 3. Incident Response Plan 4. Staff Training and Monitoring 5. Penetration Testing/Vulnerability Assessment 6. Access Control Protocol 7. Written Security Policy for Third Party Providers 8. Encryption of Non-Public Information 9. Designation of a Chief Information Officer (CIO) 10. Audit Trail 11. Implementing Multi Factor Authentication 12. Procedure for Disposal of Non-Public Information Why should you care about all this stuff? You are a local agency in a small town with one employee and “nobody cares” about your agency. You couldn’t be more wrong. The hacking community calls you the “low hanging fruit”. You are easy because you don’t view security as a priority. Handling sensitive information is now one of the most critical responsibilities faced by the modern insurance agency. Independent insurance agents and brokers must properly collect and protect sensitive client information every day. This means complying with state and federal regulations as well as adhering to customer service best practice standards. Every state now has data breach response laws, and in the future each state’s regulations may vary based on their insurance department’s july 2019

By Brian McSherry

interpretations. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) covers all other models and state laws, including the New York Department of Financial Services (NY DFS) and the new National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Model, which several states have already adopted, and many others are reviewing. These acts and regulations can be difficult to address given the multifaceted responsibilities agents encounter daily, but it must be a priority. ACT, in cooperation with agents, carrier’s, and vendors have created the Agency Cyber Guide for Big “I” independent agents and brokers. This tool includes a list of the major federal and state regulations, clear descriptions and resources to address each, and detailed information on each vendor/service provider. Given the swift nature of change in technology and the increasing sophistication of cybercrime, this tool will be updated on a periodic basis. Let’s talk a little more about the first two steps in building an agency security plan. 1. Risk Assessment A risk assessment is the identification of hazards that could negatively impact an organization’s ability to conduct business. These assessments help identify inherent business risks and provide measures, processes and controls to reduce the impact of these risks to business operations. The assessment should include a risk mitigation checklist. Resources • ACT/CIS ‘Cyber Hygiene Toolkits’ For hardware & software, the ability to Count, Configure and Control. To access Cyber Hygiene Toolkit, go to https://learn.cisecurity. org/first-five-controls-download. • StaySafeOnline.org 2. Written Security Policy A security policy is a document that states in writing how a company plans to protect the company’s physical and information technology (IT) assets. It can also be referred to as a ‘written information security policy” or “WISP”. The document must detail your agency’s operations for security, governance, inventories, controls, continuity and disaster planning and systems monitoring. This includes internal and external mitigation policies. Resources • ACT Cybersecurity Policy Template https://www.independentagent.com/ACT/Pages/planning/ SecurityPrivacy/ACTCyberSecurityPolicy.aspx • Information Shield www.informationshield.com • FCC – Cyber Security Planning Guide https://transition.fcc.gov/cyber/cyberplanner.pdf Look for details on steps three and four in the August issue of Insight. Brian McSherry is Vice President of Agents Insurance Services. He can be reached at bmcsherry@iiaofil.org or (217) 321-3018. insight


INSIGHT | associate news Thank you to our Associate Members.

Diamond Level Members

Platinum Level Progressive

Gold Level AAA Insurance Arlington/Roe Blue Cross/Blue Shield of IL Surplus Line Association of Illinois

Silver Level Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company Imperial PFS IMT Insurance A. J. Wayne & Associates AFCO Credit Corporation AMERISAFE Aon Programs Atlantic Specialty Lines Auto-Owners Insurance Co. Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance Companies Burns & Wilcox, Ltd. Chicagoland Carstar Columbia Insurance Group Continental Western Group Donald Gaddis Company, Inc. Donegal Insurance Group Encompass Insurance Erie Insurance Group Foremost Insurance Group Forreston Mutual Insurance Company Frankenmuth Insurance Grange Insurance Illinois Public Risk Fund Indiana Farmers Insurance Insurance Program Managers Group J C Restoration J M Wilson Kemper Keystone Insurance Group, Inc. KPA, LLC dba Succeed/KPA 34


Nationwide West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.

Bronze Level Larry Gordon Agency Liberty Mutual/Safeco Insurance Madison Mutual Insurance Company MarshBerry Maximum Independent Brokerage, LLC Mercury Insurance Group MetLife Auto & Home Midwest Insurance Company Motorists Insurance Group Nat Gen Premier NHRMA Mutual Workers’ Compensation Previsor Insurance ProAg Management Inc PuroClean Selective Insurance Company of America ServiceMaster DSI Society Insurance Specialty Risk of America Transcom General Agency Travelers UIG - The Agent Agency United Fire Group Universal Property & Casualty Utica National Insurance Group W. A. Schickedanz Agency, Inc./Interstate Risk Placement Western National Insurance Westfield july 2019

iia of il news | INSIGHT

Education Classes july

2 16 16 17 18 23 24 29

On Ethics: Data, Delimmas & Knuckleheads Webinar E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar CISR - Elements of Risk Management Springfield CIC - James K. Ruble Graduate Seminar Elk Grove Village Ethics - Walking a Straight Line Webinar E&O Risk Mangagement Webinar CISR - Agency Operations Rolling Meadows Ethics Chicago


6 8 8 21 22 22 26 27 27 28

E&O: Roadmap to Policy Analysis Webinar CISR - Agency Operations Springfield Ethics & E&O: Synergy Not Rivalry Webinar CIC - Insurance Company Operations Rolling Meadows CISR - Insuring Personal Auto Exposures Champaign E&O Risk Management Webinar Ethics Rolling Meadows Ethics and the Law Webinar E&O Risk Management Webinar CISR-Elements of Risk Management Rolling Meadows

Online Education www.iiaofil.org July & August Featured Online Classes General Homeowners | General PAP Property & Liability Concepts | Ethics & E&O When the Child Becomes the Parent- Aging Parents Business Income | Commercial General Liability E&O Roadmap to Policy Analysis | Ethics & the Law National Flood Insurance Program Basic Course Who is an Insured? | Workers Comp Insuring Trusts | Homeowners Hot Topics And More!

july 2019

New Members member agency Insurance Consultants USA, Inc. Glendale Heights, IL

For information regarding IIA of Illinois membership or company sponsorship, contact Tom Ross, Director of Membership Services, at (217) 321-3003, tross@iiaofil.org. insight


The Importance of Networking with Industry Peers By Lauren Williams Called “an independent insurance agent’s best friend” by the American Agents Alliance, networking within your local insurance world is a necessary part of marketing your business and building professional connections. “Two heads are better than one,” as the saying goes, and that is why networking within the industry is so important. For any business, building a wide network of peers can be one of the most valuable uses of your time. Having a strong network to draw on can be crucial for every company’s success and having an extensive base of industry contacts you can learn from will be mutually beneficial for both you and your peers. There will be times when you both may need help or advice. You can always feel free to reach out to each other and learn from one another, thereby helping each other succeed. Along with helping you to expand your industry knowledge, networking can also help you grow your business through referral partnerships. Having these partnerships with other types of insurance agencies will allow them to recommend your agency to customers who are seeking additional coverage that their agency does not offer. In turn, you can also recommend your customers to them. In this way, networking is, again, mutually beneficial for both you and your network of peers.

Developing a wide network can provide your agency with a rewarding way of determining the best industry practices. It also offers a learning opportunity from the collective experiences of all your contacts. Through cooperating with people within your network, you are helping to better the industry for your agency. Networking can also help you as an individual, as your peers can give you support and career advice and can help you build your confidence within the industry. Though it may sometimes seem like a chore, networking face-to-face is extremely important and well worth your time. IIA of IL’s CONVO 2019 is the perfect place to make these connections and network with your peers. The conference offers several opportunities to talk with other agents in a relaxed environment while having fun at the same time. Whether it’s the golf outing or one of the many social events built into CONVO, the relationships made will last far beyond the conference. Lauren Williams is entering her Senior year as an English major at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri and is working as an intern for IIA of IL while she is home for the summer. She can be reached at lwilliams@iiaofil.org.

Past attendees had this to say... Convo provides a relaxed setting where initial connections can be made and relationships can be strengthened. I can meet with industry leaders and those to whom I look up to at the Convo. It’s a welcoming environment where I can seek advice from them. - Ray Roentz, CIC Heneghan, White, Cutting and Rice Insurance Agency Making connections in this industry is crucial. It is great to network and see what others are doing to help your business. I have been able to call on friends I have met at convention to ask questions and bounce ideas off of. I would not have such and expansive knowledge base nor network had it not been for CONVO. - Jason A Quaglia - Burns & Wilcox CONVO is the best place to meet not only company representatives but other agents as well. The camaraderie of agents at this event is energizing! Through these relationships, my agency has referred clients, accepted referrals, and was able to retain business that we may have otherwise lost. That alone makes attending CONVO worth my time, money, and energy. - Tess Fleming, CIC, CISR - Leffelman & Associates, Inc. CONVO provides the opportunity for sharing thoughts, concerns, and problem solving with your peers like only independent agents can do...everyone whom is in the same boat you are is in attendance and there are lots of time and opportunities to network. - Kevin Beck - Beck insurance Agency

Registration is Open

You must be registered for the event in order to reserve a room under the conference room block at the Crowne Plaza.

Exhibitor & Sponsor Opportunities Available

Get details at ILConvention.com.



july 2019

farm agents council news | INSIGHT

Farm Agents Council Golf Outing & Annual Meeting Wrap-Up The Farm Agents Council (FAC), formerly known as the Independent Farm Insurance Agents of Illinois (IFIAI), held the second event of the year June 6-7 in Bloomington. This was the 90th year for this event and the Golf Outing and Annual Meeting brought over 100 people together for fun and networking. Mother Nature is not being a friend of the Farm Agents Council this year, playing a big impact on both the Mid-Winter meeting and this event. Huge amounts of rain found many of our agents, and their clients unable to attend. We want you to know we are all thinking of you. Make sure you look into the Trusted Choice Disaster Relief Fund at www.iiaofil.org/Resources to see the resources available to you. For those that were able to attend, the event kicked-off on Thursday with the golf outing at Prairie Vista Golf Course. The weather held out for a beautiful day of golf and fun. Following a day of golf, attendees and 20 exhibitors took part in the industry-specific tradeshow. Friday morning, attendees received an update on what has been happening at the IIA of IL and the legislative issues and accomplishments. Attendees then joined instructor Nicole Broch, for a three-hour Ethics session to meet the State mandated requirement. Congratulations to the following: Hole Contests Winners: Steve Foster Randy Cesich Mike Dunker Curt Reznicek Dave Marker

By Shannon Churchill

Since the event took place during IIA of IL’s Days of Giving campaign, the FAC raised over $775 for the IIAPAC, and $166 for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Bear-AThon. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next event. Save the date for the 2020 Mid-Winter Meeting, January 30-31 at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield. Stay up to date with all Farm Agent Council news through Facebook at www.facebook.com/FarmAgentsCouncil and the website at www.ilfarmagents.com. Thank you to our sponsors (Sponsors who gave the most money are at the top) ProAg Great American Insurance Rain and Hail SECURA Indiana Farmers Insurance Crop Risk Services Farmers Mutual Hail NAU Country Insurance RCIS Forreston Mutual Diversified Crop Insurance Services Central Illinois Mutual Insurance Co. Auto-Owners Insurance Nationwide ARMTech Insurance Services

Golf Outing Winners: Peoria Handicap: Dean Zobrist Charlie Drier Devin Conkright Bob Dieker

Gross Score: Patrick Przykopanski Jeffrey Clements Brad Musselman Kyle Przykopanski

Photo Credit: Lisa Quest, FAC Board Member july 2019



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july 2019

industry news | INSIGHT Pekin Insurance Earns Superior Rating for Claims Service Ward Group, an Aon Hewitt company, has awarded Pekin Insurance with a Superior Rating for Personal Lines Claims Customer Experience. Ward’s Claims Customer Experience Superior Rating™ is based on achieving a minimum Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 50 across all personal auto and property claims settled and measured during 2018. The NPS is determined through a customer survey process, and it measures how likely customers are to recommend a company’s products or services. During this time period, Pekin Insurance achieved an NPS of 51.

“Grinnell Mutual and its employees are honored to be recognized as one of Iowa’s best employers,” said President and CEO Jeff Menary. “This recognition is not only given by our employees, it has been earned by them. They are the source of our corporate successes and of our fantastic culture. And they’re why we’ve also been recognized as one of Iowa’s Top Workplaces for eight years in row. “Besides their dedication to our customers and their communities, our employees care about Grinnell Mutual and their coworkers. It’s an honor to work with this great team.”

For the past 29 years, Ward Group has analyzed key financial and customer experience aspects of the property-casualty insurance companies, identifying the top performers. Pekin Insurance has been in business since 1921 and is one of the leading insurers in the State of Illinois, providing multiple lines of insurance..

Grinnell Mutual Named a Forbes Best Employer Grinnell Mutual has been ranked the fifth best Iowa employer in Forbes’ inaugural “America’s Best Employers by State 2019” list. The list was released June 5 on forbes.com. According to Forbes, the company worked with Statista to select America’s Best-in-State Employers with an independent survey from a vast sample of more than 80,000 U.S. employees working for companies employing at least 500 people in their U.S. operations. The surveys were administered in a series of anonymous online panels. Employees were asked to rate their willingness to recommend their own employers to friends and family. Participants were also prompted to evaluate other employers in their respective industries that stood out either positively or negatively.


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INSIGHT | people in the news Rebecca Korach Announced as Producer Representative on Illinois FAIR Plan Governing Committee The Illinois FAIR Plan is pleased to announce that Robert H. Muriel, Acting Director of the Illinois Department of Insurance, has reappointed Rebecca Korach as the Producer Representative on the Illinois FAIR Plan Governing Committee. In announcing the reappointment, the Governing Committee Chair, John Pagano stated: “Rebecca’s extensive knowledge of personal lines and commercial insurance is an asset to the Governing Committee and also allows Rebecca to represent the interests of both the Illinois insurance agents and consumers.” In accepting the reappointment, Rebecca stated: “I am very proud of the work the Illinois FAIR Plan does on behalf of the Illinois insurance consumers.” In addition to her Illinois FAIR Plan service, Rebecca is a member of the IIA, serves on the Auxiliary Board of the Art Institute of Chicago, the membership committee at the Arts Club of Chicago and the Cincinnati Insurance Agents Council. Rebecca graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania, obtained an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago Booth School and is a principal and founder of Chartwell Insurance Services. The Illinois FAIR Plan was founded in 1968 and is a nonprofit insurance association supported by the insurance industry. The FAIR Plan’s mission is to make to basic property insurance available to qualified Illinois applicants who have not been able to obtain property insurance in the standard market. All licensed IL insurance agents can submit applications to the FAIR Plan. Agents can learn more about the FAIR Plan and register at www. illinoisfairplan.com.

RLI Announces Bryant to Replace Retiring CFO Brown, Other Changes Specialty insurer RLI Corp. announced that its chief financial officer is retiring and it has made other executive changes. CFO Thomas Brown, who is also a senior vice president, will retire on July 1, 2019 after eight years with Once Brown retires, Todd Bryant, RLI’s vice president, Finance & Controller, will replace him. Bryant joined RLI in 1993 and held various positions in the accounting department before taking on his current position in 2009. He previously worked at Arthur Andersen & Co. and brings 25 years of insurance industry experience to his new role. Replacing Bryant in the controller slot will be Seth Davis, who is currently vice president, Corporate Services. Davis will lead RLI’s corporate financial reporting, corporate services, rating agency and tax. He joined RLI in 2004 and served as vice president, Internal Audit, before being named to his current position in 2018. Davis brings 23 years of insurance industry experience to his new role.



Kathleen Taylor, assistant vice president, Reinsurance Accounting and Cash Operations, has been promoted to vice president, Accounting Operations. In her new role, Taylor will lead RLI’s reinsurance accounting, cash operations, accounting systems, cost allocations and expense management. Taylor joined RLI in 2002 and held various positions within the accounting department before being promoted to assistant vice president, Reinsurance Accounting and Cash Operations, in 2015. Before RLI, Taylor worked for the Illinois Department of Insurance. Taylor brings 22 years of insurance industry experience to her new role. Separately, Lisa Gates has been promoted to RLI’s vice president, Marketing & Communications. In this new role, she’ll lead RLI’s marketing and communications strategy and operations. She first joined RLI in 2010 as director, Communications, and in 2015 was promoted to assistant vice president, Marketing & Communications.

Kemper Appoints Hunton as President of Kemper Auto Kemper Corporation announced that Matthew A. Hunton has joined the company as President of Kemper Auto, Kemper’s specialty personal and commercial auto lines, effective today. Hunton will report to Duane Sanders, President of Kemper’s Property & Casualty Division, and will be based in Kemper’s Chicago headquarters office. Hunton joins Kemper from The Travelers, where he held a variety of leadership roles related to personal and commercial lines in operations, strategic markets, finance, product management, and most recently held the role of Vice President–Global Small Commercial Select Accounts. He received a BS in Physics and Meteorology from Rutgers University and an MBA from Yale University. Hunton succeeds Glen Godwin, who is retiring from Kemper effective July 1.

Grinnell Mutual Names Two New Vice Presidents The Grinnell Mutual board of directors has announced it has added two positions to its senior leadership team: Vice President of Strategic Experience and Vice President of Product Transformation and Delivery. Andrea Brunk will serve as vice president of Strategic Experience. The division will encompass Grinnell Mutual’s Project Management Office (PMO), Marketing and Customer Experience (MCX), and Strategic Initiatives departments. Brunk will oversee the alignment of these functions to create superior customer interactions, more thorough impact analysis on current project work, and the facilitation and implementation of corporate strategic initiatives. Brunk was assistant vice president of the PMO. She joined Grinnell Mutual in February 2016 after building a portfolio management career in health insurance.

july 2019

people in the news | INSIGHT Lauren Augustin was named vice president of Product Transformation and Delivery. She has held various positions within the Underwriting, Sales, and Service division, and was most recently the assistant vice president for Personal Lines and Farm Underwriting and joined Grinnell Mutual in 2008. She will lead Grinnell Mutual’s multi-year enterprise project to transition all of its business platforms to the Guidewire system, and oversee the development of new products and the company’s positioning in the market. The new positions are part of Grinnell Mutual’s strategy to streamline the company’s organizational structure, bringing teams and functions into closer alignment. The changes will also better prepare Grinnell Mutual to evolve and grow within a rapidly evolving industry.

Harvey and Denny Join Arlington/Roe’s Transportation Team Jim Roe, CPCU, president and CEO, announced the appointment of Cindy Harvey and Joni Denny to the transportation team at Arlington/Roe, managing general agency and wholesale insurance broker. Cindy Harvey has prior varied experience at a wholesale and specialty insurance broker and a commercial property and casualty insurance company. Cindy has been in the insurance industry since 1997 and is knowledgeable in helping agents find solutions for a variety of transportation and inland marine risks. She earned her degree from East Tennessee State University. Joni Denny previously worked at a wholesale and specialty insurance broker and has been underwriting garage insurance since 2000. Her experience in building a garage underwriting department as well as her desire to provide excellent customer service to agents will further enhance the transportation team’s services. Joni sits on two insurance carrier advisory boards for garage liability and has completed leadership development programs.

july 2019



INSIGHT | classifieds for the insurance professional by the insurance professional


26. DeKalb, IL Agency is looking to fill a full-time, experienced Insurance Customer Service Representative/ Inside Sales position. Candidate will assist clients on the phone, in written correspondence, and in person, and actively sell products that meet their needs. Candidate will also provide clerical assistance to the Director of Insurance Services and all Insurance Advisors, which includes correspondence, documentation and related forms, and other special projects as assigned and also act as the receptionist, which includes answering the telephone and performing client transactions and miscellaneous clerical duties. Candidate must be multi-task oriented; already licensed to sell insurance in Illinois; have a strong commitment to customer service; attention to detail; two to three years of related customer service or administrative assistance preferred; PC and data entry experience required, including Word; good verbal and written communication skills; ability to handle multiple projects; and professional appearance and manner. Contact:

Debbie Bex Resource Bank/Resource Insurance (815) 748-1416


32. Are you a dynamic individual with prior insurance sales experience? This candidate will earn the opportunity to be the agency’s perpetuation plan and eventual owner of the agency. In this process, the producer will earn 50% split on commission and have the ability to earn ownership of their book of business, at no cost to the producer. The agency has an outstanding loss ratio/experience, exceptional relationships with Insurance Carrier’s that are A++ RATED and extremely competitive. We also have expertise in the niche markets. The right candidate should possess a strong sense of independence, motivation, excellent communication skills, leadership qualities, excelling in a fast-paced environment, establishing and meeting deadlines, self-starter, sales driven and most importantly, have integrity. Our agency has been family owned since 1940. Contact:

Bill Preston Preston Insurance Agency, Inc. (309) 265-5774


20. Since 2004, Central Illinois Agents Group LLC has been providing independent agents with a variety of markets with contingency opportunities. Agents have availability to several markets that they may not be able to sustain or maintain on their own. We have markets for personal, commercial, agricultural and crop insurance lines. Let us help you get to the next level.


02. Forest Park/Oak Park agency for over 60 years, will meet your needs by providing space, markets, marketing & sales support, automation, merging with or purchasing your agency. Perpetuation/ Succession Plans, BuySell Agreements also available. We have experienced, educated and dedicated staff for you and your clients. Have access to our numerous companies, office services and many other resources. Retain ownership in your book with contingency. Please look closely at us- we are an agency you want to do business with! We’ve done it before, we know how- we make it easy! Visit our website at forestagency.com/agents.html, or call for a confidential discussion and a list of Agency benefits. Dan Browne will provide an agency evaluation/appraisal at little cost to you. Please call:

Dan Browne or Cathy Hall Forest Agency (708) 383-9000 www.forestagency.com/contact-us/mergersacquisitions/


13. We are a 100 year old Northbrook agency looking to discuss any mutually beneficial opportunity. Our producers, mergers, clusters and agency purchases receive 50% commissions on new and renewal business without any expenses. We can provide: office space, phones, agency management system, service renewals and changes. The companies we represent are: Badger Mutual, Employers Mutual, General Casualty, Guide One, Hartford, Kemper, Progressive, Rockford Mutual, Safeco, State Auto, Travelers and Met Life. Contact:

Nancy Solomon Martini, Miller & Schloss, Inc. (847) 291-1313 Ron@martini-miller.com


99. 6400 SF office located at 127 N. Walnut St., Itasca, has availability for startups, insurance agents, salespeople, consultants, professionals, etc.; who are in need of class A space without the cost. Monthly fees range from $375 and include: Receptionist/Clerical, internet, conference rooms, kitchen, classroom/break room. Printing and clerical services are also available. Short term or long-term rentals are available. Wed are in downtown Itasca across from the Metra station. Close to expressways. For information contact:

Dino Gavanes 630-779-0566 or dino_gavanes@advisersinc.com

Visit www.ciagonline.com for contact information.



july 2019

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