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And the WinnersAre... 2023 BIGiOK Annual Conference and Showcase Highlights
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Denise Johnson, CISR, CIC

Managing Editor

Jerri Culpepper

Graphic Designer

Denise Canon


President/Chief Executive Officer

Denise Johnson, CISR, CIC

Chief of Staff and Operations

Josh Reasnor, MSSL, CISR, CKC

Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives

Sara Bradshaw Ray, CIC, CKC

Workers’ Compensation Account Manager

Jeanette Madrid

Director of Member Services

Shania Slavick

Director of Marketing and Communications

Jerry Rappe’

Specialty Lines Service Account Manager

Cindy Munden, CISR

Director of Professional Liability

Cari Senefsky

Visit www.BIGiOK.com SUMMER 2023 | VOL. 72 NO. 31 Select images and graphics courtesy of freepik.com POLICY is the official publication of the BIGiOK. POLICY is published quarterly and distributed to all member agencies and other interested parties in Oklahoma. Manuscripts and contributions are welcome and will be considered for publication at the discretion of the BIGiOK Publications Committee. Correspondence and advertising inquiries may be addressed to BIGiOK, P.O. Box 13490, Oklahoma City, OK 73113. Ph: (405) 840-4426 or 1-800-324-4426
COVER Could This Be You? FEATURES 10 When Leading an Organization, Discipline Matters 12 FILO Program Off to an Exciting Start 20 And the 2023 Conference Award-winners Are: 24 BIGiOK Conference Highlights 28 Newsmakers COLUMNS 4 Want to Know How Your Agency Stacks Up? Jerrad Van Coots, Chairman 7 Reflections on a Great Year and Thinking Ahead to the Future Denise Johnson, CISR, CIC 15 A Rare Breed of Insurance Professionals Ryan Smith 16 BIGiOK Goes to Nation’s Capitol to Fight for YOU Chris Floyd, CIC, CRM 18 Which Way Should I Go? Sara Bradshaw Ray, CIC, CKC 22 Be Wary of Misleading Health Insurance Marketing Glen Mulready 10 12 20

From the Chairman

Want to Know How Your Agency Stacks Up?

Best Practice Study Provides Insights Broken Down by Size

It appears this is my last article. When you serve on the BIGiOK board, it seems to last forever, then once you become the chairman it flies by overnight. The time I have spent with the other agents and company partners has been invaluable. I look forward to the incoming chairman Vaughn Graham to do some big things.

I think a bit of my time was spent learning from the other board members and the BIGiOK staff. It’s natural to want to understand how other agencies

down the data individually by agency size, which allows you to see how your agency stacks up to another agency with $1 million in premium all the way up to more than $25 million.

You can purchase this report to get a great idea of how your agency or you as a producer are doing compared to the reporting agencies. Trust me, once you get the report in your hands, you can start comparing and doing the math to see how your agency compares.

Our staff hits homeruns on a daily basis, or so it seems to me. I am confident that the future being paved by our members, companies and Association is going to be something amazing.

operate and how companies approach their relationship with agents. I am sure you have always wondered how you size up to other agencies. Well, there is a great tool for that.

The Association has partnered with Reagan Consulting to annually produce the annual Best Practice Study. Every three years, agencies are selected to be submitting best practice agencies. These agencies then provide information, including premium volume, producer commissions, staffing counts with income, and several more metrics. They use this information to produce their annual report. The report breaks

Make sure to reach out to Denise Johnson or go to independentagent. com/best-practices for more information about the process for becoming a best practice agency in 2025.

It’s a big deal how well our Association is doing. We have great company partners and legislative representation. Our staff hits homeruns on a daily basis, or so it seems to me. I am confident that the future being paved by our members, companies and Association is going to be something amazing.

4 POLICY | Summer 2023 BIGiOK.com

For over 75 years, Mid-Continent Group has been committed to providing specialty commercial insurance for the oil and gas industry. Our specialized expertise and entrepreneurial, relationship-driven approach has allowed us to offer solutions which address the unique needs of our agents and insureds.

Policies are underwritten by Mid-Continent Casualty Company, an authorized insurer in all states except AK and NY; Mid-Continent Assurance Company, an authorized insurer in CA, CT, DE, HI, ID, LA, ME, MA, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, TX, VT, VA, WV, WI and the D.C.; and Oklahoma Surety Company, an authorized insurer in AR, KS, LA, OK, TX and OH. © 2022 Mid-Continent Casualty Company, 1437 S. Boulder, Suite 200, Tulsa, OK 74119. All rights reserved. 5606-MCG (12/22)
5 Spring 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com
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Reflections on a Great Year and Thinking Ahead to the Future

How can it be summer? Our Annual Conference in Branson, Missouri, at Big Cedar Lodge was a huge success! It was a bit out of the box, but it was good to do something different. You may not be aware, but our fiscal year end is June 30 so we start our “new year” on July 1. We have a few things that we’re going to try that we’ve never had before. Keep an eye on your calendars for the following newly developed events that will meet your needs in Technology, Perpetuation, Women, and Leadership. It’s all geared with YOU in mind!

As we close out our year, there are so many people to thank. Your BigIOK staff is BEYOND compare! Each person on our small staff of eight regularly goes above and beyond expectations. We continue our growth mindset, and I must say, we have exceled in so many areas! A special thank you to Josh, Sara, Shania, Jeanette, Jerry, Cindy and Katie. I’m so pleased that Oklahoma remains on the cutting edge of Association business.

I’m also very pleased to be part of an incredible group of member AGENTS. I have people all around the state who I can contact for legislative issues and other matters. Our goal at the Big “I” of Oklahoma is to make agencies better. We are always looking for ways to give our agents more information that will assist them in their day-to-day business while also helping them pave a better way into the future. We can help with that!

Our Partner Program is beyond belief. The relationship that has been forged between the Association/agents and companies have helped ensure that each and every event we hold is successful. Our Partners are truly that… PARTNERS! We are always looking for ways to work together, whether it be a Young Agents function or one of our conferences, which are an integral part of the entire organization.

Our Board of Directors is an incredible group to work with. This is a group that changes every year, yet they manage to stay focused on what we need to do to make our Association better. The board concentrates on the needs of our member agents and understand the importance of our Company Partners.

Most of all, I appreciate the way the board works with me. Jerrad Coots has been such an inspiring chairman; he is super-intelligent and keeps me on my toes. He and Kory have been such fun to work with – we’ve spent a lot of time laughing. The Coots are the cool couple –and their girls are cool, too! I’ve enjoyed the year that I’ve spent with them.

Stewart Berrong will roll off the board after many years of service. His leadership and contributions have not gone unnoticed – and in fact, I plan to continue to draw on his factfinding skills for years to come. Our incoming chair, Vaughn Graham Jr. (yes, another Vaughn Graham!), is fully capable of stepping into this vital role. His background in insurance, bonds and banking has already been of great benefit to me. I “use” his brain a lot – and am looking forward to the next year of working with him.

Also, a big thank you to all our board members. Please note: this is a group of people who generously give their time and talent to our Association and industry. I encourage each of you to look for ways to give back to our industry as well – the industry certainly has certainly been good to us!

As always, we appreciate the dedication of those who serve and of those we serve. As we look to our “new” year, I am expecting great things.

As always, feel free to contact me with questions or comments at denise.johnson@bigiok.com.

From the President/CEO
7 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com
Maintaining a safe workplace shouldn’t be a daunting task. Protecting the workforce is what we do at Summit, and we’re here to help every step of the way. Policies are underwritten by Bridgefield Casualty Insurance Company and Bridgefield Employers Insurance Company, authorized insurers in AL, AR, FL, GA, IN, KY, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX and VA; Retailers Casualty Insurance Company, authorized in AL, AR, LA, MS, OK and TX. ©2021 Summit Consulting LLC (DBA Summit, the people who know workers’ comp LLC), PO Box 988, Lakeland, FL 33802. All rights reserved. summitholdings.com

OKPac is BIGiOK’s state political action committee. It provides financial support for state elected officials who will provide support for or have shown support of issues affecting the insurance industry and to those who share our business philosophies. Only individuals or partnerships can make contributions to OKPac. Under Oklahoma law, OKPac can accept no contributions from corporations.

2023 Contributors

InsurPac is BIGiOK’s national political action committee. It pools the voluntary and individual financial contributions of thousands of independent insurance agents to help elect candidates to Congress who share BIGiOK’s business philosophies. InsurPac is the largest property-casualty insurance industry PAC in the country.

2023 Contributors

Jonathan Baggs

Wes Becknell*

Travis Brown

Debbie Burton

Jeff Burton

Mark Carlin

Vicky Courtney

Vaughn Graham

Vaughn Graham, Jr.

Austin Greenhaw*

C. Ross Harris

Alan Hodges

Tony Holmes

Denise Johnson

Patrick Mandeville

Mark McPherson

Kathy Reeser

Arthur “Drew” Rickets

T.J. Riley

Benjamin Seth Robbins

Michael Ross

See more information and quantifiable examples of contributions by going to: OKPac - BIGiOK.com/OKPac InsurPac - BIGiOK.com/InsurPac

Is your name not on the list? Make contributions today at BIGiOK.com/pac Contributions

as of
Only gifts of $100 or more are listed, except for Young Agents, whose contributions of any amount are listed. Young Agents are denoted
Wes Becknell* Debbie Burton Jeff Burton Jon Moon
9 Spring 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com

When Leading an Organization, Discipline Matters

During a recent onsite quarterly planning session, a client group asked me, “How can we be more like them?!” They wanted to be like another company that they admired, and they were struggling to figure out why they weren’t more like them. After all, they worked just as hard! “We know we do,” they said, “because we hit the ground running every single morning and we work hard all day – at least until mid-evening each night!”

The other company was, in all honesty, a good one to admire. This group, though, was having a hard time comprehending why they weren’t more like the other company. I let them vent a bit and we went through an exercise that helped them try to gain understanding in what might be missing for them, etc. It was therapeutic on multiple levels, and with each passing moment their thinking would continue to spin more and more out of control. Their discussion evolved and became so complicated… and their conversation was becoming really convoluted. When the conversation shifted toward excuses (such as all the advantages the other company must have over them, etc.), I had to step in with a brutal fact (…because “it’s my job”).

“All they have over you is discipline. They’ve simply given their world a sense of order.” Suddenly, there was a hush in the room. They were just sitting there staring at me and exchanging glances with each other. “Huh?”

It’s funny to me the degree to which habits impact us. Even when we’re in a bad habit of doing something, it’s just easier to keep doing it the wrong way vs. change to a better way. Change requires work – hard work. How hard depends on

what needs to be changed, but either way we like what we know, even if what we know leads to complexity and/or dysfunction.

Discipline: The Tangible & the Intangible

There are the tangible aspects of discipline, such as stated (and followed) systems and processes, and activities such as Annual Planning, Quarterly Planning, Monthly Meetings, Weekly Meetings, and/or Daily Huddles – each with a clear purpose and designed to build a community around more frequent and meaningful communication and joint problem-solving, all in realtime.

But there’s also the intangible aspects of discipline, such as leadership. The tangible side of leadership can be seen on an organizational chart; it’s clear who the “leaders” are by looking at their place on the chart. But as Rummler and Brache have noted, where leadership really matters is in the white space between the boxes. What goes on in the white space around each organizational box matters. Discipline in this esoteric realm is a beautiful thing to watch because in a truly disciplined organization, informal leaders organically emerge when the context is such that it’s important for them to step-up. It’s this temporary structure (which is within the white space of your organizational chart) where the disciplined organization sets sail. When you get to this level of informal leadership, your organization is smooth sailing across the waters, no matter how choppy or disruptive. It just keeps moving forward. The tangibles of your organization’s systems and processes are giving order, then, to the intangibles.

Decision-making, for instance, isn’t adhoc or staccato; the framework for sound decision-making is right there, ready to serve.

Here are few interesting perspectives to consider as you think about building a disciplined organization.

• A disciplined organization isn’t a rigid and structured entity. The business climate requires companies of all sizes and in all sectors to reinvent what they do and/or how they do it. The business climate stimulates us toward growth and self-renewal. Creative thinking and brainstorming are requirements in today’s world. What matters, though, is that we allow leaders to emerge when the context calls for them to do so. “It’s not my job,” or “That’s her job,” or “I’m waiting on him to get that done” are all indicators of poor discipline. Team members not consistently attending set meetings because they’re “busy” doing other things shows a lack of discipline. Leaders who don’t establish and/or routinely status their success metrics weekly indicate a lack of discipline. And all of these are also indicators of a lack of accountability, and when there’s a lack of accountability the organization isn’t disciplined. Formal leaders might think they run a tight ship, but running a tight ship via formal leadership only gets compliance at best. Compliance doesn’t build a disciplined organization. It builds a machine, but not a heart.

continued on page 27

Disciplined Organization
Cathy McCullough, M.S. McCullough Leadership Group
10 POLICY | Summer 2023 BIGiOK.com



Jerrad Van Coots

Burrows Agency Claremore

Secretary Kathy Reeser VIP Insurance


Director at Large Scott Dull

Omega Insurance Agency Choctaw

Company Liaison

Rebecca Easton CompRisk Management Inc.


Vaughn Graham Jr., CIC

Rich & Cartmill Inc.

Oklahoma City

State Director

Chris S. Floyd, CRM, CIC

Brown & Brown Insurance Pryor

Director at Large Ryan Teubner

Rich & Cartmill, Inc. Oklahoma City

Company Liaison

Meredith Cole

Graham-Rogers Inc. Bartlesville


Treasurer Vicky Courtney Ricketts Fennell & Assoc. Tulsa

Immediate Past Chairman Stewart L. Berrong, CRM, CIC Ed Berrong Insurance Agency Edmond

Director at Large Rob Piearcy Arnett Insurance Agency Durant

YAC Chairman Ryan Smith

Smith & Sons Insurance Agency Lawton

As the new voice of the independent agents of Oklahoma, BIGiOK promotes and provides education, legislative advocacy, innovative concepts and practical solutions, and community and career opportunities.


BIGiOK is the largest insurance trade association in Oklahoma. With more than 475 independent insurance agencies, we represent nearly 3,000 independent insurance agents and their employees and more than 100 company members. BIGiOK member agencies range in size from one person to some of the largest agencies in the region.

Founded in 1906 as the Oklahoma Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents, BIGiOK is a result of the consolidation of the Independent Insurance Agents of Oklahoma, Inc. (IIAO) and the Oklahoma Association of Professional Insurance Agents (OAPIA) on Jan. 1, 1992.

BIGiOK policy is set by a board of directors elected at the annual conference. Policy is implemented by a professional

staff located in Oklahoma City. BIGiOK’s mission is carried out through a variety of programs designed to enhance the business of independent insurance agencies.

BIGiOK is an active advocate on behalf of independent agents before legislative, regulatory and judicial groups in Oklahoma and at the federal level.

BIGiOK is affiliated at the national level with the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America with offices in Alexandria, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

BIGiOK is an excellent source of information through POLICY magazine, published quarterly, and the Oklahoma Agent, a monthly newsletter of time-sensitive material for its members.

About BIGiOK 11 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com

FILO Program Off to an Exciting Start

The Future Insurance Leaders of Oklahoma program is off to an exciting start with the “Meet Your Mentor” kickoff event at Sidecar in OKC. The program aims to enhance the careers of its participants through networking opportunities with industry professionals, earning continuing education credits, and developing essential insurance leadership and sales skills. The young agents of Oklahoma are enthusiastic about the program and are looking forward to exposing their agency/ company to fresh, innovative ideas.

At first, the idea of participating in the FILO program was daunting for Catherine Gee, an agent at Insurance Solutions in Ardmore. Being new to Oklahoma and the insurance industry, she was nervous about being thrown into the deep end. However, after speaking with Shania Slavick and meeting her mentor, Sarah Campbell, Catherine was thrilled to participate in the program and attend the kickoff event. She is excited to gain valuable knowledge and make new friendships through the program.

The FILO program is an excellent opportunity for young insurance agents to develop their skills and connect with industry professionals. Through the program, participants can enhance their careers and bring new ideas and approaches to their agencies. The kickoff event was just the beginning, and the young agents of Oklahoma are eager to see what the rest of the program has in store for them.

FILO Off to Exciting Start
12 POLICY | Summer 2023 BIGiOK.com
FILO Off to Exciting Start 13 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com
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We’ve got it made.

It’s easy to take for granted, but the work that our Association has done over the years to strengthen the case of the independent agent has laid such a great foundation for us today. The practice of insurance agents organizing, discussing and lobbying for changes in law and policies has done more for our communities, even our country, than most will ever understand.

Despite what side of the room you sit on, you can surely agree that taking on the responsibility of influencing our legislators to uphold the best interests of our businesses and our customers’ businesses is one worth doing regularly.

This week I had the honor of attending the IIABA Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. Like most young agents, I have never gotten involved in political affairs. I never dreamed of meeting with a legislator to discuss how certain programs and bills do or would affect my industry or business. I’d be willing to bet that I’m in the majority of my peers who have never called, written or even spoken to one of our state or national lawmakers. But this week, my eyes were opened to the importance of keeping our representatives informed.

Message to Young Agents: Open a Dialogue With Your Legislators

I also was able to contrast our meetings with Oklahoma representatives against stories from other states’ agents and their respective representatives. Again, we’ve got it made.

What independent agent would argue that a person’s freedom to start a business and run it how they see fit, within the law, is not the backbone of our country? Given that 80% of commercial insurance is written by independent agents, you could say that our business is the business of keeping other businesses in business!

So naturally, we expressed to our Oklahoma legislators that the smallbusiness owners in our great state deserve to be given fair treatment in tax law and cybersecurity and liability laws. They all seemed to agree. Similarly, we expressed the importance of keeping independent agents involved in crop insurance and flood insurance programs. Certainly, there are many differences in opinions among us with regard to politics. But what I heard in D.C. was that the values that most in our industry share are strong within our Oklahoma legislators as well. This is not the case for every state. We heard stories from our counterparts in other states about their representatives not being willing to take a meeting with them. To me, that is shameful.

While we saw over and over again how busy these people are all day, nearly every one of the seven Oklahoma congressmen and senators we met with

made a point to at least say hello and talk for a minute. Beyond that, their very capable aides, assistants and chiefs of staff listened intently and discussed the issues with us.

With this experience, I would urge my fellow young agent peers to open a dialogue with their local and state representatives. Do a bit of preparation if you feel it is necessary. The Big I has many helpful resources to help with expressing the importance of our industry in the local and global economy. At the very least, find out about our Political Action Committees that do this work for us every day.

For the skeptical young agent reader: the assumption that nothing meaningful could come from a conversation with a politician is unfair. You may be surprised, like I was in D.C.

For the experienced agent who has spoken with legislators many times, show a young person the ropes. Don’t merely explain to them, like I have tried to do here. Help us discover who to call, what to say, and most importantly, why to continue this work.

Yes, we have it made. But the work is never finished. There will always be a constant flow of new ideas, proposals and bills that advertently or inadvertently undermine the work that the independent agent does for the good of society. Let us be sure to continue this tradition in our industry’s younger population.

From the Young Agents Committee
15 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com

BIGiOK Goes to Nation’s Capitol to Fight for YOU

What do these five topics have in common?

1. The Section 199A 20% small business deduction

2. Federal Data Privacy Standards

3. National Flood Insurance Program

4. Federal Crop Insurance Program

5. Federal Trade Commission on Non-Compete agreements.

All are priority discussions with your lawmakers in Washington during this year’s Big I Legislative Conference. Thousands of volunteer Big I member agents and brokers from all 50 states carried the water through the halls of congress and delivered the message directly to the offices of lawmakers in D.C.

• The Section 199A 20% small business deduction, also known as the Qualified Business Income Deduction, was created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to provide a tax break for small-business owners. The deduction allows eligible businesses to deduct up to 20% of their qualified business income on their taxes, resulting in significant tax savings. This is a very important benefit to 80% of our member agencies, and the Big I continues to fight for the extension of this deduction (due to expire in 2025) for its members.

• The federal data privacy standards for financial institutions including insurance agencies refer to a set of regulations designed to protect the confidentiality and security of sensitive personal and financial information held

by financial institutions. These standards are set forth in various federal laws and regulations, including the GrammLeach-Bliley Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The Big I seeks to ensure states maintain appropriate regulatory authority and any new federal mandates take in to consideration the differences between large and small businesses.

• The National Flood Insurance Program continues to lack a long-term reauthorization. The Big I supports a long-term solution for reauthorization, private market participation and opposes any policies that would harm the important role of the independent agent.

• The Federal Crop Insurance Program continues to be an important priority for the Big I. The current Farm Bill expires Sept. 30, 2023. The Big I supports a strong and robust FCIP that provides our farmers and communities certainty and opposes cuts to crop insurance.

• The Federal Trade Commission has decided to attempt to assert its power over non-compete agreements. The recent actions of the FTC are concerning, and the Big I has asked Congress to use its oversight authority to closely examine FTC’s proposed rulemaking and guard against unauthorized regulatory overreach.

These are just the top five priorities. The Big I advocates for the Independent Agent and Broker on many fronts all year long. No matter if you’re a small agency or a large agency, the Big I fights for you. Learn more by going to: independentagent.com/GovernmentAffairs

Chris Floyd, CIC, CRM State National Director
From the State National Director
16 POLICY | Summer 2023 BIGiOK.com
No matter if you’re a small agency or a large agency, the Big I fights for you
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From Strategic Initiatives Which Way Should I Go?

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, “ said the Cat.

“I don’t much care where—" said Alice.

"Then is doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.

~ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 6

In Lewis Carroll’s beloved classic, Alice in Wonderland, Alice is wandering through the forest and happens onto the beguiling Cheshire Cat when she famously asks which way she ought to go; the Cheshire Cat responds, “Well, that all depends on where you want to get to.”

Alice, feeling lost and unsure, replies that “it really doesn’t matter” and the Cheshire Cat wisely responds, “Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go.”

This exchange is a poignant reminder of how directionless we can feel when we don’t know where to start in resolving a problem. Like Alice, many of our members who contact BIGiOK Consulting often find themselves in a similar predicament, knowing that they have an issue that needs to be addressed but feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin.

BIGiOK Consulting can provide valuable assistance and resources to our member agencies regardless of your level of clarity about your challenges or opportunities. If you know exactly what your situation is but just need a little guidance on how to tackle it, BIGiOK Consulting can offer tailored solutions and expert advice to help you overcome the obstacles you face. On the other hand, if you already know what your challenge or opportunity is but don’t know where to begin resolving it, we’re here to help there too!

Our BIGiOK Consulting team is also complemented by an amazing group of colleagues called the Elite Professionals Network. In addition to our own purview, our EPN is made up of individuals who specialize in areas of insurance agency management, including productivity, professional

development, strategic planning and culture assessments, and are wellequipped to provide comprehensive solutions that cater to the unique needs of each agency and exactly where you’re headed, even if you’re not quite sure when we first begin our conversations.

Over the course of my professional career, I’ve been called a lot of things, but the one that caught me by surprise most recently was included in an introduction as I prepared to speak to a group where I was referred to as an Agency Productivity Evangelist!

Now, sure, I was raised as the granddaughter of a southern Baptist preacher and my speaking style has occasionally been likened to those roots, so I’ll own that proudly. But, after my presentation that day and those that followed, I began to think a little harder about that reference

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
18 POLICY | Summer 2023 BIGiOK.com

and realized that it really is the outpouring of my passion for helping agencies realize their full potential. I also realized that this moniker is particularly significant because it underscores the importance of recognizing the incredible opportunity for enhanced productivity, effectiveness and profitability that exists within any agency.

So many times, in my own experience, owning and operating our family’s agency for 25 years and more recently in agency management consulting, I see so many agency owners who become so focused on day-to-day tasks that they fail to take a step back and assess their organization as a whole when by simply taking the time to step back for a fresh perspective to evaluate their practices, address outdated or redundant processes, and build on existing strengths, those agencies can experience remarkable growth and

our member agents tap into their potential and create thriving, highperformance organizations. Whether you’re like Alice and need a little

how BIGiOK Consulting, and our Elite Professionals Network can help you get on the right track to get or keep growing to the next level

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From Strategic Initiatives
19 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com

And the 2023 Conference Award-winners Are:

and in November 2018, she relocated to the Edmond branch to further her career with the agency.

Krista’s expertise and knowledge have led her to become a producer for the agency’s Small Business Unit, specializing in oil and gas, small trucking, construction, and artisan contractor accounts. She firmly believes in leading by example and leading from any position. In 2019, Krista earned her CISR designation, and she is currently working toward obtaining her CIC designation.

Agent of the Year

Clayton Howell

Vice President at Rich & Cartmill, Inc.

Clayton Howell’s roots can be traced back to Edmond, where he spent his formative years and attended Edmond Memorial High School. He subsequently enrolled at the University of Oklahoma, graduating in 2006 with a BBA in entrepreneurship and venture management. Following his graduation, he embarked on an insurance career at Howell-Stone Inc., the agency his grandfather established in 1957.

In January 2018, Clayton transitioned to Rich & Cartmill, Inc., where he currently specializes in commercial insurance and bonds for the construction industry. He is an active member of numerous construction associations, reflecting his passion for the field. Clayton, along with his wife, Mary, and their two children, Betty and Coleman, call Edmond their home.

Krista serves on the Young Agents board, slated to become the chair of the Young Agents Committee for the 2023-2024 term. Her outstanding work was recognized when she was named the 2021 Big I Oklahoma “Agency Staff Member of the Year” and the recipient of the “Oklahoma NextGen Under 30” award in the finance category in 2022. Krista is an active member of the Independent Insurance Agents of Greater Oklahoma City, and she actively participates in the Edmond Chamber and Edmond Young Professionals networking events.

In her spare time, Krista enjoys spending time with her husband, Craig, and their son, Asher. She has a passion for music and has started a vinyl collection. Krista also loves singing on her karaoke app, which is one of her favorite pastimes.

Young Agent of the Year

Krista Kautz, CISR

Commercial Lines Producer at Berrong Insurance Agency

In mid-2016, Krista Kautz began her journey with Berrong Insurance in Weatherford as a data entry/processor. She quickly demonstrated her capabilities and was promoted to account manager later that year. Krista’s professional growth continued,

Agency Staff Member of the Year Deidre Stone

Director of Operations at Rich & Cartmill

A 1990 graduate of Oklahoma State University, with a degree in history and political science, Deidre Stone embarked on her insurance leadership career at Rich & Cartmill in 2001. Starting as the Commercial Lines manager, she worked her way up the ranks to become the director of operations, a position she has held since 2017. Deidre’s extensive experience and diverse roles at Rich & Cartmill have provided her with a unique perspective on the workings of an independent agency. This perspective has enabled her to lead with courage, knowledge and experience, positively impacting the agency’s staff, producers and clients.

2023 Award Winners
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2023 Award Winners

Deidre’s primary goal at Rich & Cartmill is to empower her team to love what they do and remain true to what matters most; family, friends and helping others. She and her husband, Rocky, are blessed with four children, Michel, Katie, Trace and Conner, and three granddaughters, Harper, Ava and Ivy Jo. The couple currently resides in Inola.

Underwriter of the Year Kyle Mathewson

Construction Underwriter at CNA Insurance

Kyle Matthewson is a construction underwriter for CNA Insurance Co., bringing six years of experience on the underwriting side of the insurance industry. His career began as a producer for Kysar Insurance Agency, a family-owned independent agency in Farmington, New Mexico, after graduating from New Mexico State University’s insurance program. Kyle moved to Oklahoma to start his underwriting career after the agency was acquired.

Kyle worked as a small-business program underwriter for Union Standard for five years. During this time, he gained valuable underwriting skills from seasoned professionals, learned the territory and built strong relationships. In the fall of 2021, Kyle joined CNA to work on larger construction accounts and further develop his underwriting skills. He enjoys working with agents, meeting new people and helping agents find solutions that meet their client’s needs.

Kyle has made Oklahoma his home and is actively involved in the market, industry events and agency functions.

Marketing Representative of the Year

Dana Johnson, CIC

Senior Territory Manager at Liberty Mutual Insurance

Dana Johnson has had an accomplished career in the insurance industry, having worked on both the agency and carrier side in various roles such as Excess Casualty Account executive and underwriter, Account Placement specialist and senior sales manager. With a true passion for people and exceptional problem-solving skills, she has consistently achieved optimal efficiency throughout her career. As a senior sales manager, she has had a positive impact on production year after year, managing nearly 200 agency locations in Oklahoma. In her current position as senior territory manager at Liberty Mutual Insurance, Dana successfully manages her territory and works closely with her agents to build out and implement strategies for a healthy and successful book of business. Dana enjoys spending time with her daughter, friends and family, hiking, and indulging in outdoor activities, especially near water.

Brokerage of the Year COMP Risk Management

COMP Risk Management, Inc, was founded in 1988 as a Managing General Agency specializing in mono-line workers’ compensation for the financial industry, with a focus on providing competitive markets to independent insurance agencies. Over the years, its appetite has expanded broadly,

21 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com
More photos are available at BIGiOK.com/BigExcellence

2023 Award Winners

catering to an array of low- to moderate-risk businesses, including heat and air contractors, plumbers, electricians, light manufacturing, auto repair, retail stores and restaurants. The firm also now offers other commercial lines coverage such as general liability, cyber liability and property policies on a limited basis. COMP Risk has been providing superior policy service for more than three decades.

Small Agency of the Year VIP Insurance, Edmond

Company of the Year Mid-Continent Group

Established in 1947, Mid-Continent Group is a specialty insurer committed to helping independent agencies secure insurance coverage quickly, easily and profitably. Specialized expertise and an entrepreneurial, relationship-based approach allow them to offer insurance solutions that meet the unique needs of agents and insureds. Mid-Continent Group focuses on General Liability, Umbrella, Commercial Auto and Inland Marine Protection. As a member of Great American Insurance Group (headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio), Mid-Continent Group benefits from the resources of one of the largest insurance and financial services providers in the United States. Mid-Continent can write coverage in all 50 states on an admitted and nonadmitted basis. The member companies of Mid-Continent Group carry an A+ VIII (Superior) A.M. BEST financial rating and include: Mid-Continent Casualty Company, Oklahoma Surety Company, MidContinent Assurance Company, and Mid-Continent Excess & Surplus Insurance Company. MidContinent Group partners exclusively with designated retail and wholesale agencies that share a vision of creating value through knowledge, relationships, ease of doing business, and identification of underserved markets. This has provided decades of success in underwriting individual accounts, as well as developing specialty niche programs with their appointed agents. Strong family values drive the company’s culture, fostering a supportive, collaborative and compassionate work environment. Mid-Continent Group recognizes that its core values, servant leadership and employee-centric culture remain part of their competitive advantage.

Kathy Reeser was abruptly made a widow in ‘01 due to cancer. She was fortunate enough to continue being a stay-athome mom because of her late husband’s choice to have life insurance. When she went back to work, she decided to open a Farmers agency. She knew firsthand exactly how life-changing insurance is in one’s time of need. She recruited her daughter Theresa Scioli, and they quickly decided captive wasn’t for them when they hated answering the phones! Both single moms, they decided to take the leap of faith and start all over again as an Independent Agency. They went to a Big I trade show shortly after opening VIP Insurance and the blinders were taken off! They quickly realized how many opportunities there were with different companies and products. They wouldn’t be where they are today, without the relationships from company reps and other agents to guide them.

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Medium Agency of the Year

Berrong Insurance, Weatherford

Founded in 1948, Berrong Insurance Agency is now celebrating 75 years in business and has been owned and operated by the Berrong family for three generations. With locations in Weatherford and Edmond, the agency has worked to be known throughout Oklahoma as “The Agency Service Built.” Berrong Insurance Agency is a commercial and personal lines generalist agency with a focus in the oil and gas industry and has been recognized as a Best Practices Agency for 25 of the past 28 years. The agency is committed to each other as a team while diligently serving its clients, carriers and community with integrity, honesty and compassion. The agency’s owners and employees have been intensely active in both the insurance industry and the civic, political and cultural life of the community and state. Its staff has achieved many industry designations, including multiple CICs, a CRM, CISR Elite, and a CISR. They understand the importance of giving back to the industry and are proud to currently employ four FILO graduates, the Young Agents chair-elect, the BIGiOK president-elect, as well as two past Big I board members and a past chairman. Throughout our history, members of this agency have served terms as mayor of Weatherford and state senator and have chaired and served upon countless boards and civic committees, including the Weatherford Regional Hospital, the Great Plains Family YMCA, Rotary, the Oklahoma Policy Institute, various economic development endeavors, and even performing in musical productions at Southwest Playhouse.

2023 Award Winners

Large Agency of the Year

Dillingham Insurance, Enid

Dillingham Insurance is an independently owned, fourthgeneration, family-run insurance firm specializing in public entity and corporate business insurance, group benefits, risk management, loss control services and human resource consulting services. They were founded in 1927; however, the family’s insurance heritage can be traced back to 1889, when Tom Boyd Dillingham wrote the first insurance policy issued in the Cherokee Strip Outlet of Indian Territory in Oklahoma. With their headquarters in Enid, Dillingham Insurance has additional locations in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Woodward, as well as Kansas City. They are honored to work with thousands of clients located in 38 states, with varied needs across multiple industries. A great insurance agency isn’t just marked by sales, but company culture, client satisfaction and exceeding growth goals year after year.

Their mission? To empower their team to provide agile, innovative and transparent service while bringing personalized consulting and thoughtful, comprehensive insurance solutions that help clients manage risk and grow their business. They are so proud of the 70 employees and the countless clients that choose their agency as their work and risk management home, and they can’t wait to see what the next 96 years have in store for them!

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From the State Insurance Commissioner

Be Wary of Misleading Health Insurance Marketing

Scams involving health insurance plans and other products have increased exponentially recently. Robocalls, social media advertising, search engine advertisements, mailers and endless telemarketing efforts aim to steal from consumers seeking comprehensive health insurance. The Oklahoma Insurance Department is taking action to identify and combat the improper marketing of these health plans.

Unfortunately, these deceptive marketing practices have moved into the Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plan market to target seniors. At OID, we’ve received more complaints about the misleading marketing of Medicare Advantage plans and are investigating these complaints. Most, but unfortunately not all, of these complaints can be traced to sources outside our state. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the complaints about marketing practices for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription drug benefit plans increased by more than 200%, from 15,497 in 2020 to at least 39,617 in 2021.

How to Protect Yourself from Improper Marketing

The OID’s Medicare Assistance Program division provides accurate and objective counseling, assistance and advocacy relating to Medicare, Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage, longterm care, Medicare fraud prevention, and other related health coverage plans for Medicare beneficiaries, their representatives or people who will soon be eligible for Medicare. MAP can assist beneficiaries if they suspect potential

Medicare fraud but aren’t sure what to do. A MAP counselor can also help review the situation and provide guidance to beneficiaries, such as contacting the provider, notifying CMS or helping them file a report submitted to the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General.

In addition, consumers can contact the Consumer Assistance division at OID and request mediation or file a complaint if they think they may have become victims of these improper marketing scams. The OID processes and investigates all complaints lodged against insurance companies by the public. In 2022, our Consumer Assistance team answered over 12,000 consumer calls and resolved over 2,000 complaints and requests. OID recovers millions of dollars for Oklahoma consumers every year. Visit oid.ok.gov/complaint to file a complaint.

I encourage consumers to work with a licensed, local agent or someone they know and trust to evaluate plan options carefully. I hope Oklahomans will contact our department’s Consumer Assistance or MAP Division if they have any concerns or questions about manipulative and deceptive advertising and sales. Our mission is to protect the people of Oklahoma. To identify and investigate these bad actors in the improper marketing of health plans, we need consumers to reach out to us and utilize our services.

With your help, we can further investigations and prosecutions of those entities, coordinate appropriate enforcement actions, and strengthen our laws to protect Oklahomans better.

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Glen Mulready State Insurance Commissioner

continued from page 10

• When people are disciplined, your company is disciplined. Jim Collins’ research on why successful companies later tanked noted that the failures were due to “the undisciplined pursuit of more.” Leadership teams simply kept grabbing at every opportunity vs. exercising disciplined thought. As a result, these companies were soon swept up into the vortex of simply trying to stay alive. The missing element was discipline: Instead of wanting more, they should have wanted less – and then focused on those initiatives.

• We tend to think of ‘discipline’ as a cold and uncaring word. We see it as having a negative connotation. But in its purest sense, discipline isn’t a harsh word; we just perceive it incorrectly. In fact, discipline grants a sense of freedom (vs. rigidity) because discipline will serve you by giving you more time to do what you need to do, to figure out what you should say “no” to, more energy to think about what will catapult your company into the future, more excitement

as informal leaders seize the right opportunities at just the right time to give of their thoughts and talents, more openness – which will allow you to solve problems sooner vs later, etc. Discipline, then, is a main artery within your organization. It’s required for greatness.

Discipline: It’s a two-sided coin.

On one hand, discipline requires a sense of order – all those tangible things that are simply “the way we operate this company.” On the other hand, though, it has to honor the intangible – the organic emergence of informal leadership. Within the essence of informal leadership is a sense of urgency to do really good things, to share wisdom, to not fear repercussion. When your people begin to lead (in the right way) without being directed to lead, you’re coming closer and closer to having a disciplined organization. You’ll be amazed to discover, too, the intellectual capital that lives within your company. When you can harness that kind of capital, you will have leveraged your company for an incredible future.

The company I was working with needed to spend time committing to a new way of working (i.e., to a new way of leading). They admitted they were a chaotic bunch – leading, in turn, a chaotic organization. But if they wanted to be a truly great company, then they were going to have to work on figuring out exactly how they could better balance the two sides of ‘discipline.’ It’s definitely a journey for most any leadership team.

The other thing about discipline is that it doesn’t just serve an organization. Most CEOs I work with truly do desire to leave things better than they found them; they desire to make a difference. If you want to be a truly great leader, then understand the tangibles and intangibles of building a disciplined company, because if you can accomplish that feat, you will have not only built a great company; you will have also defined your own legacy. For most of us, that matters

Your BIGiOK Consulting team stands ready to help you connect with Cathy or other members of our Elite Professionals Network as your needs arise. sara@BIGiOK.com

27 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com

Association Members Honored as Distinguished Leaders in Oklahoma

BIGiOK is proud to announce that two of its members, Jennifer Dotter and Kelly Miller, have been named among the 2023 honorees of Oklahoma’s Most Admired CEO’s & Financial Stewardship Awards, presented by The Journal Record

The recognition is a testament to the exceptional leadership that these two outstanding individuals have demonstrated in their respective fields. Jennifer, representing One General Agency and Coles Garden, and Kelly, from Professional Insurors Agency, are among the 41 Most Admired CEO selections award honorees.

The 14th annual Oklahoma’s Most Admired CEOs and Financial Stewardship Awards event, where Jennifer and Kelly were recognized, took place April 24 at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel in Oklahoma City.

BIGiOK congratulates Jennifer and Kelly on this well-deserved honor. Their recognition as two of the state’s most admired CEOs and financial stewards serves as a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence and their outstanding leadership skills. They are an inspiration to all aspiring business leaders in Oklahoma and beyond.

One General Agency Acquires MGA in Arkansas

One General Agency of Oklahoma City announced that it has acquired Jaeger + Haines Inc., a wholesale broker in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Since 1976, Jaeger + Haines has served agents across Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Tennessee, writing excess and surplus lines commercial insurance.

Mike Johnson, president of Jaeger + Haines, said, “We have been friendly competitors and business colleagues for decades. We share a deep respect for

each other and a common set of values, putting people first and creating longlasting relationships built on trust and integrity.”

Founded in 1951, the Oklahoma-based OGA is a second-generation, familyowned wholesaler led by Jennifer Dotter, president and CEO. They provide E&S markets, standard markets and premium financing to independent agents in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas. They also offer

coverage solutions in key practice areas, including cannabis, professional lines, workers’ compensation, and energy and environmental. This acquisition will allow them to increase their footprint in Arkansas and Missouri and expand into Tennessee.

For more information on One General Agency, visit YourOGA.com, or email at info@youroga.com.

Jenny Dotter
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Kelly Miller

Unyielding Dedication: Celebrating 25 Years of Cindy’s Impact on BIGiOK

For a quarter decade, a remarkable individual named Cindy Munden has made a huge impact on Big I Oklahoma and its members.

Cindy’s professional journey started at USF&G (now defunct). Upon joining the Association, she has brought her wealth of experience and a can-do attitude to every endeavor she has undertaken. Throughout her time at BIGiOK, Cindy has embraced various roles, effortlessly donning different hats with finesse and expertise.

From skillfully administering the OKMAP program to managing the RLI Umbrella program and the farm program with American Reliable, Cindy has displayed tremendous versatility and adaptability.

Over the years, she has willingly assumed additional responsibilities, including performing CSR functions for the Workers’ Comp program. And her commitment to attaining CISR designation is a testament to her understanding of the significance of continuous professional growth.

BIGiOK President/CEO Denise Johnson and her other colleagues at the Association describe Cindy as the heart and soul of the organization, further noting that her infectious smile and unwavering positivity serve as a beacon of light, radiating warmth and kindness to all those around her. Cindy's loyalty and unwavering support for her colleagues exemplify the spirit of camaraderie and encouragement that define BIGiOK’s culture.

Outside the professional realm, Cindy enjoys her life with husband Richey; together, they have embraced their roles as loving “pet parents. They revel in the joys of family gatherings, opening their hearts and home to create unforgettable moments. As the summer sun kisses the world, Cindy can be found basking in the tranquil waters of her backyard pool or at the lake, cherishing precious moments with her beloved family.

As we celebrate Cindy’s remarkable achievement of 25 years at BIGiOK, we extend our warmest congratulations and extend our hope that this remarkable individual will continue to shine her light on the Association for years to come. We wish upon her continued success, boundless happiness, and the same spirit of kindness that defines her.

29 Summer 2023 | POLICY BIGiOK.com
Cindy Munden
©2023 Keystone Insurers Group ®. All rights reserved. This does not constitute an offer to sell a franchise in any state in which the Keystone Insurers Group franchise is not registered. Learn more about how Keystone can beef up your agency offerings But do they come with all the extras? Aggregation? Check. National carrier contracts? Check. Basic networks can do a lot for an agency. Keystone does all that and more. We’re sure other networks are great.
ALWAYS THANKFUL FOR THE SUPPORT OF THESE GREAT PARTNERS. BIGIOK.COM/PARTNERS Chubb AndDone CNA Insurance Travelers Insurance Zenith Insurance Company EMC Insurance ICW Group AmTrust North America Oklahoma Agents Alliance DBA: One Agents Alliance Union Mutual Insurance Company Accident Fund, United Heartland & Third Coast Underwriters National American Insurance Company (NAICO) Iroquois Group Normandy Insurance Company Smart Choice Berkley Aspire The Hanover Insurance Group ~ The Hartford ~ Cornerstone National Insurance ~ HawkSoft ~ Southwest Risk, LP ~ AMERISAFE ~ Pie Insurance ~ Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies ~ Specialty Insurance Managers of OK Inc ~ Employers ~ Burns & Wilcox ~ Comp21 ~ Skyward Specialty Insurance ~ Patriot National Underwriters, Inc. ~ Equity Insurance Company ~ CRC Insurance Services ~ Central Insurance Company ~ Hallmark Financial Services, Inc. ~ National General, an Allstate company ~ Taber Brokerage ~ Producers XL ~ Stonetrust Workers’ Compensation ~ Berkley Management Protection ~ Gainsco Auto Insurance ~ Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company ~ Main Street America Insurance ~ Risk Placement Services, Inc. ~ RT Specialty ~ Keystone ~ Openly ~ Jencap Insurance Group ~ Traders Insurance Company ~ Philadelphia Insurance Companies ~ Columbia Insurance Group ~ Convelo Insurance Group ~ Markel ~ Med James, Inc. ~ Chris-Leef General Agency, Inc ~ WORKS24 ~ Peoples Premium Finance ~ ePayPolicy ~ Johnson & Johnson ~ Equipment Insurance International ~ Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies (BHHC) ~ Savvital ~ AFCO Premium Finance ~ Sola Insurance ~ Old Republic Surety Company ~ State Auto Insurance ~ HoundDog - COI Tracking Automation ~ BondExchange PLATINUM PARTNERS GOLD PARTNERS SILVER PARTNERS BRONZE PARTNERS DIAMOND DELUXE PARTNERS

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