STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE As I sat tasked with the responsibility to write an article for our Membership Edition of the Wisconsin Independent Agent, I was trying to determine how I wanted to portray an IIAW membership. Like any mediocre writer, I started with what I know. I know that I love my job and the support we provide our members. I know that there are members who we need to connect with more. And I know there are independent agents who would find value in our organization and we have yet to connect with. And I know baseball. Across the nation, people young and old are stepping back up to the plate. Not just the actual home plate on the baseball field, but the metaphoric plate of life. The Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin resembles a baseball team - a really strong one that has been around for a long time. We have the front office. A team of dedicated professionals who are on the clock 24/7 making sure that the Association is up-to-date on the latest news, changes and information. That we are making the trip to the capital building when there needs to be a voice on the floor. That we are showing up to the games and practices and listening to what the players want. And that we never leave someone behind or feeling like they don’t have somewhere to turn for help.
When crisis hit, agents came together to learn from one another and show support. I see this continuing in the future so that everyone can grow and experience success. The IIAW may have created the club, but it is the players who have made it great. Utilizing the tools and resources made available to them has allowed agencies to focus on their business and show the value of an independent agent.
Character isn’t defined by the moments when you’re up 3-0, but instead by how you battle when you’re down 0-2. The IIAW battled and will continue to battle no matter what pitch is thrown to us. At the end of the day, our passion and dedication for the independent agency channel drives everything we do. We promise to continue to find new ways to support the independent agent. We will work with our supporting company members to drive innovative solutions and offer them at little-to-no-cost to our members. Thank you for believing in us and being part of the team. Let’s root for each other and see how we all grow.
“Surround yourself with people who will leap out of the dugout should you ever charge the mound.” We have dedicated companies, brokers and vendors. The non-agency members who show their support for the independent agencies channel do so by being part of our committees, by attending our events and by financially supporting the IIAW. We would not be as strong as we are today without those vital organizations.
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual starts in the world, but if they don’t play together the club won’t be worth a dime.” - Babe Ruth The team of independent insurance agents who represent the IIAW is a team I couldn’t be prouder of.
JULY 2020
> Mallory Cornell,
IIAW Vice President and Director of Risk Management