Key Leadership Practices for Virtual Teams We are living in an environment where circumstance forces change! Work teams everywhere have been forced to shift quickly to a work from home setting.
Fully 72% of respondents to the BRC survey strongly agreed with the idea that virtual teams require more team communication than do co-located teams.
The MyAgencyCampus team reached out to virtual team leadership expert Donna Dennis, PhD to learn more about “Key Leadership Practices for Virtual Teams.” See below for some just-in-time recommendations.
3. Adjust to the medium.
Both leaders and team members must cope with many other challenges. A study conducted by the Business Research Consortium (BRC) in association with American Management Association survey of 1,500 individuals revealed the following seven suggestions for companies that want to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their virtual teams.
Pick up on more subtle cues (such as tone of voice)
1. Remember that good leadership is different.
Know nuances of cross-cultural communication
It is tempting to believe that traditional leadership qualities are so general that they easily translate to virtual team leadership. Unfortunately, that is just not true.
Ask more questions to get to a common under standing of a problem or issue
2. Emphasize communication even more Yes, nearly every leader has been told to “communicate, communicate, and then communicate some more.” What is true for leaders in general is doubly true for virtual leaders. In fact, it’s usually true for all virtual team members.
The study shows that team member engagement is strongly influenced by the degree of visual feedback members are getting. For example, participants in voice-only virtual meetings (the kind so common in the corporate world today) are much less likely to be engaged than participants in face-to-face meetings and in meetings with high-quality videoconferencing. Without a visual element, leaders must do things such as:
MAY 2020
4. Do more to establish trust. Because virtual team members often lack the time and opportunities to talk to each other informally, trust can be hard to build. The best virtual leaders tend to build “swift” trust, knowing that distance makes it more difficult. They provide goals, roles, responsibilities, strategies, and a vision to create a common purpose and shared objectives.