Wisconsin Independent Agent | September 2020 Magazine

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IIAW’S ONLINE COMMUNITY: SUPPORTING YOU AND YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES In last month’s issue of Wisconsin Independent Agent, we announced our new platform, the Online Community. IIAW’s Online Community will help our members, vendors, sponsors and IIAW staff connect. This new member benefit will launch on November 1st, and we have a big incentive for members to participate: Top contributors of our Online Community will receive gifts and prizes that will give back to their local communities, simply for participating. Participating in our Online Community is easy. All you need to do is sign up, join Groups, connect collaborate and engage to earn gifts that will give back to your local communities. Sign Up: On November 1st our Online Community will go live for all members. Once live, IIAW members can log into their profile on our website, iiaw.com, to access the Online Community. If you or someone within your company would like to join the Online Community but don’t currently have an account through our website, please contact us at info@iiaw.com and we will send you a link to be added as a user under your company’s membership. You can also email us at info@iiaw.com if you have any questions about logging into an existing account.

Apple Cider Mules

Join Groups:   We are moving our current committees online, and they will now be called Groups. Amidst COVID-19, in-person gatherings are hard to accommodate. Instead, we want to continue offering a place for those with like interests to gather together but in a more attainable way - online. Recently, we opened Group sign up to those who would like to be Thought Leaders (previously known as committee members). Thought Leaders will lead discussions within their Groups and answer any questions that may arise. Prior to the launch of our Online Community, we will be opening the sign up for those that would like to be general contributors of Groups. There are no obligations to join a Group as a contributor, but contributors can still soak up the information being shared within the Groups they choose to join. When members log into their account on our website November 1st, they will already be a member of the Groups they selected in previous sign-ups. As we move our current Groups (formerly known as committees) online, we are also introducing a few new Group interest areas. • Legal - This Group will be a source for news and articles. This will be a place to discuss laws and legal implications. Information within this Group will be general in nature, and the forum will not be used to provide personal or agency-specific legal advice and counsel.

Matt’s Mixology

Toast to the kickoff of fall with this seasonal take on Moscow Mules.




• 4 oz. vodka • Ginger beer • Sparkling cider • Sliced apple, for garnish • Cinnamon sticks, for garnish

1. Fill two copper mugs with ice. Pour 2 oz. vodka into each cup. Fill 2/3 full with sparkling cider, then top with ginger beer. 2. Garnish with an apple slice and a cinnamon stick. Serve.

| SEPTEMBER 2020 |


Recipe and photo courtesty of Delish.com

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