IIDENTIDAD 2. Versión en inglés.

Page 1


UEE presents dissemination booklet. Page 4

The process of the PDI development of the IIDE concludes for the period 2011-2015. Page 7 REDIE participates at the ANUIES Course for scientific magazines managers. Page 6 End stage the latest project of Dr. Guadalupe Tinajero Villavicencio. Page 3

The IIDE participates in the design of the Exam for the Professional Certification | Page 9

The IIDE advises Special Education Centers of Baja California. Page 4



The collaboration actions between UABC and other academic institutions and organisms from public, social and private sectors help to the fulfillment of the University main functions and to the commitment with society in general. Since the IIDE is an institute that generates, transfers and spreads knowledge through research and the development of technological education, it is essential its relationship with local, stately, national and international institutions.

Dr. Felipe Cuamea Velázquez Rector Dr. Óscar Roberto López Bonilla Vice- Rector Ensenada

Dr. Joaquín Caso Niebla Principal M.T.R.I. Julio César Cano Gutiérrez Assistant Principal M.C. Estrella Velasco López Administrator Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas Coordinator of Postgraduate Programs

L.C.C. Ana Gabriela Zaragoza Peralta Editor


With IIDENTIDAD No. 2, is documented the daily activity of its academic personnel and its students product of their participation in conferences, research stays, congresses, courses, academic commissions and research activities. What it is presented here illustrates in a significant way the nature of the dynamic and daily activity registered by our institute.

Project of the month “Analysis and following of the counseling practices in the indigenous subsystem in the State of Baja California” With the purpose of document the educational practices made by Academic Advisors for Diversity (AAD, by its Spanish initials) in indigenous education of Baja California as well as classify the type of skills that they have the project "Analysis and identification of the counseling practices in the indigenous subsystem in the State of Baja California” for what is responsible Dr. Tinajero -researcher from the IIDE- was presented. It is to mention that the ADD's are responsible for giving pedagogical counseling for the articulation of Basic Indigenous Education, and for identify and propose innovative evaluation strategies of learning, and to promote the professionalization of teachers. In her study, Dr. Tinajero analyzed the content of a total of 800 informs made by the AAD concentrated by the State Coordination of Indigenous Education (CEEI). During its transcription and analysis recurring approaches of ADD were detected to avoid the problem observed at middle schools, being the processes of teachers training one of them and with more frequency. The results of this analysis were presented to an AAD's group, allowing to identify the functions that are actually being fulfilled as well as the type of training needs that they refer. Nowadays Dr. Tinajero is working in the final inform that will be presented to the CEEI, and in a proposal of the Manual para la formación de asesores, in coordination with

Dr. Guadalupe Tinajero Researcher from the IIDE.

Prof. Tiburcio Perez Castro, head of this institution. In this project is also participating Dr. Carmen Perez, who collaborates in the design of a blog for counselors and teachers, where it is concentrated a series of informative resources to support that work. Guadalupe Tinajero Villavicencio is a PhD in Education, graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa and Professor of Pedagogy from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Researcher in the Academic Unit Discourse, Identity and Educational Practices and teacher of the Master and Doctorate at the IIDE.

Newness in the CIE Manual de Publicaciones de la American Psychological Association (2010).

Breaking the Mold of Preservice and Inservice Teacher Education (2011). Audry Cohan y Andrea Honigsfeld.

Clinical Supervision and Teacher Development (2010). M.D. Gall y Keith A. Acheson.


News of the month The IIDE advises Special Education Centers of Baja California. Last May 24th was celebrated a work meeting in which were present Prof. Blanca Luz Tinoco Gracia, principal of CAM- Mexicali “César Prieto Larriva”, B.A. Graciela Arredondo Talamantes, vice-principal of the Center and Dr. Luis Ángel Contreras Niño, researcher from the IIDE. The Multiple Attention Centers (CAM, for its Spanish initials) are centers where students of elementary school who present special educational needs associated with some disability are supported with specific help (mainly deafness or communicative difficulties), where the aim is to integrate them to a regular ambit once the basic requirements that allow them to access that academic context, are fulfilled. The meeting had as objective to know with more detail the reticulated analysis of the basic education's new curriculum, in order to know its particularities and to determine the type of

arrangements that are required as provision for the curricular design of the programs and support offered at the CAM's. The reticulated analysis of the curriculum of elementary and higher education, is one of the project's products "The design of ENLACE tests with referential criteria based on the new curriculum of Spanish and mathematics”, for which Dr. Contreras Niño is responsible, within the framework of the agreement between UABC and the Secretariat of Public Education.

UEE presents dissemination booklet. As part of the dissemination and disclosure processes of the research outcomes developed by the UEE, last month of May was presented the booklet "associated factors with academic achievement in high schools of Baja California", during the cycle of curricular topics offered to Technical Pedagogical Counselors by the Education System of the State of Baja California. This booklet, developed in coordination with the Educational Assessment Department of the Educational System of the State of Baja California, presents teachers, principals and other involved actors, the main factors influencing the Baja California high school students' academic performance.


Dissemination booklet number 4.

The IIDE participates at the UABC professors training on the topic of educational evaluation. Last June 8th and 9th started the works for the Second Days of International Seminars organized by the Faculty of Pedagogy and Academic Innovation (FPIE) in which specialists on academic evaluation from the Complutense University of Madrid and the UABC will participate. The seminar started with the teaching of the course "Introduction to the development and validation of tests to evaluate academic achievement” directed by Dr. Joaquin Caso Niebla, IIDE researcher. In this course were revised the foundations for the evaluation of learning as well as several conceptual and methodological concepts associated with the design and development of tests to evaluate academic achievement, with the participation of

IIDE researcher presents course.

16 professors of FPIE. The second part of this Days will be at the Faculty of Education of the UCM the days 29th and 30th of June of this year in which Drs. Arturo de la Orden, José Luis Gaviria, Elvira Carpintero, Eva Expósito and Coral González Barbera relevant professors of which institution, will participate.

Researcher from the Basque Country participates at the Seminar of Academic Research. Last May 13th, Dr. Luis Lizasoain Hernandez presented the preliminary outcomes of the research "Detection, characterization and good practices of academic centers of high added value", in the framework of the Seminar of Educational Research. In his presentation Dr. Lizasoain remarked the benefits of using mixed methodologies for identify the factors associated with the academic achievement, remarking the use of quantitative approximations to identify the centers differing from the rest in their academic outcomes to later, through approximations and depth, identify those academic practices and processes that benefit the students learning.

Dr. Lizasoain presents projetc at IIDE.

With this conference was concluded the Seminars of the semester, inviting the community to re open activities starting 2012-2 semester.


REDIE participates at the ANUIES Course for scientific magazines managers. On June 20th, 21st and 22nd the ANUIES (Asociaci贸n Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educaci贸n Superior, by its Spanish initials) taught the course Editorial Quality and efficiency in magazine production in which Dr. Edna Luna Serrano, General Editor of REDIE and B.A. Gabriela Vidauri, Production Editor of REDIE participated.

processes on data ases, the different bibliometrical indicators and several strategies for its dissemination and divulgation were discussed.

The teaching of the course was directed by Dr. Rosario Rogel Salazar, Editorial Chief of the Project Network of Scientific Magazines in Latin America and the Caribbean (Redalyc) In this course, among other topics, the processes and editorial politics were revised, also the situation of Latin American scientific magazines around the world, indexing

The IIDE present at the World Congress of Education in France. From June 3rd to 8th in the city of Reims, France, was celebrated the 17th World Congress AMSE AMCE WAER entitled "Research on education and training: Problems and current issues." The congress had the presence of academic researchers of universities and institutions from different countries, highlighting the interventions from Drs. Carmen Perez Fragoso and Guadalupe Tinajero Villavicencio, who presented the results of the research projects carried out by them as part of their academic work. On this matter, Dr. Perez Fragoso presented the lecture entitled "Professors and the incorporation of technological platforms in their courses: the case of a community college", work developed with Roberto Sanchez Garza, from the Faculty of


Presentation of projects in congress in France.

Adminsitrative and Social Sciences of UABC. Dr. Tinajero presented the work "Technical pedagogical Counseling in diversity and migration contexts: the case of the Indigenous Educational System of Baja California". from the Master in Social and Humanistic.

The process of the PDI development of the IIDE concludes for the period 2011-2015. It was recently concluded the elaboration of the document that integrates the strategic objectives, substantive functions, strategies, actions and institutional goals committed by the Institute (IIDE) for the period of 2011-2015. This document is result of a group work of the IIDE academic community, group through seven work sessions, in the months of March, April and May, integrated the document that commits the fulfillment of 16 strategies, 37 actions and 80 goals for the following four years. For its integration the PDI demanded the participation of the Institute personnel, coordinated by a work group that conducted, organized and materialized the discussions, specific proposals and partial products generated all along this process. Its creation was given in a polite environment with academic collaboration standing along the process, in which was exercised

the auto critic in a responsible way and having the enthusiastic participation of the Institute professors. The PDI represents a support tool that guides and orients the activity developed by supervisors, professors, administrators and personnel from this Institute. With this document the commitment that the IIDE has with the University main functions and the engaged projects for the current administration has been recorded.

Contreras, Norma Larrazolo, Juan C. RodrĂ­guez y Vicente

Master student from UAA spends time at the IIDE B.A. Margarita Reyes Alonso, student of the master in Social and Humanistic Researches from the Univesidad Autonoma deAguascalientes, concluded recently a research stay at the IIDE under the tutorship of Dr. Alicia Chaparro. This stay let her to reinforce several theoretical and methodological aspects related to her thesis, which it has as objective to evaluate the effects on a program of brief intervention for teenagers and the prevention of drugs and alcohol consumption. A special component of this thesis is in the application of a group of tests for these purposes, for which a good part of the activity of the stay was concentrated in the obtaining of psychometrical properties and validation evidences of these instruments. The stay of each student was justified for the collaboration agreement between both institutions.

Margarita Reyes Alonso


The IIDE's Liaison Office starts its work. Last June 13th the new IIDE's Liaison Office that will support and orient the several actions the Institute develops in terms of college integration, started working. This Office has as function to build networks of action with institutions of public, social and private sector, particularly with the educational System of the State and other academic institutions and research centers of the country. The Liaison Office of the IIDE is integrated by Dr. Luis Lizasoain Hernandez, professor of the University of the Basque Country; B.A. Juan Galvez Lugo, Director of Academic Evaluation of the Educational System, Dr. Joaquín Caso Niebla, Principal of the IIDE, Prof. José Luis Ramírez and Dr. Juan Carlos Rodríguez, EXHCOBA members and Educational Evaluation Unit, integration projects from the IIDE.

Technical council meeting.

Researchers from the IIDE spend a period of time in Canadian Universities Recently Dr. Lucia Aguirre Muñoz and Dr. Gilles Lavigne, researchers from the IIDE, come back from Canada after carried out a research stay and several presentations in international conferences, during the month of May. On one hand, Dr. Aguirre spent eleven days at the Centre de Recherche sur les Innovations Sociales (CRISES) where she was involved with the study of the fight against poverty and exclusion, aspects of the project that had been developed at Quebec in a notable way and with a particular model. She also participated at the congress of the Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS) with the lecture "The University, community and the vicious circle of inequality" and in the congress of the Association International de Pedagogie Universitaire (AIPU), where she presented the work entitled “L'université peut ellle former des citoyens informés, critiques et actifs?”. On the other hand, Dr. Lavigne carried out a research stay at the Laboratorie en Infotmatique Cognitive et Environnements de Formation(LICEF), center that depends on the Université de Québec á

25 y 26 de junio |


Dra. Lucía Aguirre whit Juan Luis Klein, Principal of CRISES and Denis Bousières.

Montréal. He also participated at the Colloque Scientifique Internationale syr le TIC en Education teaching the lectures “Un cliq, ce la n'est rien, mais la pédagogie" and “La navigation dans l'space virtual d'apprentissage”. Finally he presented the lecture "Moodle et ses registres de navigation, une information pedagogique nouvelle”, at the conference of the Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire Section Amériques (International Association of Pedagogy University section Américas, AIPU). It is important to remark that in the annual general assembly of the AIPU its members selected Dr. Lavigne as president for a second consecutive period, position which he will hold until May 2014.

The IIDE's members studying in Pittsburgh. From June 11th to 17th, Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas and Victor Hugo Torres Fernandez, doctorate student, assisted to the congress Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS), in Pittsburgh, United States. This seven-days-course was about, among other topics, the analysis of social networks, dynamic networks and text networks, topics that are fundamental for the thesis work of a student. CASOS Summer Institute is organized by the Carnige Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA) and has as purpose to provide a detailed practical introduction to the analysis of network's dynamics and computational modeling of a complex socialtechnical system.

Integrated group CASOS 2012.

The IIDE participates in the design of the Exam for the Professional Certification of Psychologists. Last June 15th at the CENEVAL headquarters the design of the Test for the Professional Certification of Psychologists (EUC-PSI) by the Exam Technical Counsel, which is integrated by representatives from several academic institutions of the country (UNAM, UAEM, UAEMEX,UIA, UACAM, UANL, UMSNH and UABC), by representatives of associations and psychologists dedicated to private practice, and the CENEVAL. The UABC is represented by Dr. Joaquin Caso Niebla, researcher from the IIDE. This group is in charge of the orientation of the different processes related to the test's design, development and validation that will support the professional certification of psychologists in the country, according to the actual legal order, and in benefit of the psychological services users around the country. It is estimated that in October of this year, once the

IIDE researcher in the design of EUC-PSI.

devolpment and pilot is concluded, the first national call be issued in order to attend this purpose.


The IIDE celebrates meeting with the State Commission of Continuous Training and Professional Development for Basic Education Teachers of Baja California. Last June 11th was held the 5th Ordinary Session of the State Commission of Continuous Training and Professional Development for Basic Education Teachers of Baja California at the IIDE's headquarters. This meeting had as purpose to present the members of the Commission the bases and implementation strategies of the Universal Evaluation in the entity, as well to analyze and validate the Continuous Training and Professional Development Catalog for Basic Education Teachers in Baja California, in its edition 2011-2012. To mention is that Dr. Graciela Cordero Arroyo, researcher from the IIDE and hostess of this event, represents UABC as part of the group of technical counselors of this Commission.

5th Ordinary Session in the IIDE.

The UEE starts inventory pilot of Academic Coexistence. With a sample of approximately 1400 high school students in the State, the Educational Assessment Unit (UEE) concluded the pilot of a test to evaluate academic coexistence; in its design the Latin American Network of Academic Coexistence and the UEE were involved. This pilot has as purpose to analyze the behavior of the test and to give feedback to the group responsible for its design and development and at the same time to characterize at an exploratory level, the democratic coexistence practices, inclusion and even the violence that may occur in academic centers of Baja California. It should be noted that the test was applied simultaneously to

Pilot of a test in State high school.

an equivalent high school students sample from Michoacan, which will allow to extend the outreaches of this research and to strength links with researchers of the Faculty of Psychology from the Universidad de San Nicolas de Hidalgo.

Others activities 25th and June 26th | UABC Educational Model. 29th and June 30th | 2nd. international seminars conferences.


August 10th | Forum “Contribucion de la UEE al

desarrollo de una nueva cultura evaluative en Baja California� and 7th anniversary of the UEE.

New generation of the Master in Educational Sciences is integrated. Last Tuesday June 19th, was published on the IIDE's website the list of 25 selected students to be part of the Master in Educational Sciences class 20122014. The delivery of the acceptance letters was held Thursday 21st during the first informative meeting with the students of that generation. During the meeting that was directed by Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas, coordinator of the PhD programs, the students were welcomed and the thesis advisors were assigned, who also are going to be their tutors for the period. The meeting concluded with the reminder of dates and processes that the Master enrollment involves, among others, the starting day, September 17th.

August 24th | Colloquium for doctorate

students and 22th anniversary of the IIDE.

September 17th | Start courses for MCE.

From September 3th to 7th | Application process for

5th and November 6th | International Forum of

admission to the MCE.

Educational Evaluation.


The IIDE'S recent numbers Propuesta de una pensión universal en México: análisis económico e impacto social.

Voces de la psicología mexicana. Coordinador: Joaquín Caso niebla.

Autor: Juan Carlos Rodríguez Macías.

IIDE’S Agenda National and International Coming Conferences Orlando, Florida, del 2 al 5 de agosto de 2012. 120th. APA Annual Convention Buenos Aires, Argentina, del 4 y 5 de octubre de 2012. Primer encuentro de la Red Iberoamericana para el desarrollo de una plataforma tecnológica de soporte a la evaluación de los procesos de formación. Campeche, Campeche, del 17 al 19 de octubre de 2012. XX Congreso Mexicano de Psicología.

Santiago, Chile, del 3 al 6 de enero de 2013. The 26th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement. “Educational Systems for School Effectiveness and Improvement: Exploring the Alternatives.” Lima, Perú, del 5 al 8 de marzo de 2013. IV Coloquio Internacional de la RIIED “La evaluación de la docencia en Iberoamérica: avances, perspectivas e innovación.””

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