IIDENTIDAD 7. Versión en inglés

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The IIIDE supports academic units from UABC with social service project evaluations. Page 9 Director of the State Educational System's Assessment provides conference at the IIDE. Page 8 New member to the Administrative area of the IIDE. Page 4 Definen agenda evaluativa de la UEE para 2013. Page 4

“The IIDE summons PhD in Educational Sciences.” Page 7

The REDIE increases the annual number of publications. Page 8



This edition of the newsletter IIDENTIDAD narrates the most important activities developed by members of the Institute during the beginning of this year. In IIDENTIDAD No. 7 you can realize the dynamism of this Institute and the close linkage with Directorates of the University, with other educational institutions and organizations from the public, social and private sector. This is proved in the working meetings held this month with the Postgraduate and Research Coordination, Coordination of International Cooperation and Academic Exchange, other academic units of the UABC, and various instances of the state education system.

In terms of research and outreach activities are documented the scope of the project "Dissemination of technological innovation UABC aggregates: the case of online education" and the participation of one of our academic bodies in the organization of a Latin American Dr. Felipe Cuamea congress, and the publication of a book that highlights the potential of Velázquez the social service community development tool and as a mechanism Rector Dr. Óscar Roberto López for linking the university with the community. Bonilla Vice-Rector Ensenada

Dr. Joaquín Caso Niebla Principal M.T.R.I. Julio César Cano Gutiérrez Principal Assistant Lic. Iván Contreras Espinoza Administrator Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas Coordinator of Post graduate programs

L.C.C. Ana Gabriela Zaragoza Peralta Editor


Finally, this month's edition also documents the issuance of the 2013 Call for the PhD in Educational Sciences admission, the official act of students in their degree examinations, the presence of our students in international academic forums, and the collective work of the IIDE to create conditions of equity in the allocation of resources in the exchange and student mobility.

Project of the month La difusión de la innovación de agregados tecnológicos en la UABC: el caso de la educación en línea. This project started in 2009 under the guidance of Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas with the aim of documenting the diffusion mechanisms of online education in the UABC, and to identify teaching practices on that matter recorded in 1996 to date.

Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas, researsher from the IIDE.

The project is funded by CONACYT and considers the application of surveys to the academic staff of UABC, which will explore the teaching practices in online education and their perception about this type of course. The study also seeks to characterize the profile of associated teaching and pedagogical practices. In this regard, among the preliminary results of the study, it is observed that about the 30% of professors teaching their classes online, rely mainly on the platform of Blackboard, and have master level studies.

Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas graduated from the UABC in Oceanology, holds a Master in Educational Sciences by the IIDE and PhD in International Education at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. He is member of the Academic Digital Technology in Education Board and member of the National Researchers System level I. From 2008-2011 he served as Assistant Principal of the Institute. Is currently Coordinator of Postgraduate Programs at the IIDE. In this project, which ends in the second half of 2013, are participating the graduate st u d e nt s f ro m t h e I I D E , a n d t h e participation of students in the Bachelor in Educational Sciences from UABC is being considered. The progress of the study must be submitted during the month of March at a specialized conference on the subject, to be held in Genoa, Italy, as a prelude to the publication of the corresponding article.


News of the month New member to the Administrative area of the IIDE. On January 16th took place the official IIDE's exchange of administrator, with the new head of this function B.A. Ivan Contreras Espinoza, who shall hold office for eight years that corresponded to Prof. Estrella Lopez Velasco, who now will serve as an analyst for the graduate programs of the Institute. The handover process is performed in the presence of counting Clara Hilda Verdugo Meza and Martha Atondo Valenzuela, members of the Audit area UABC Campus Ensenada, Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas, Coordinator of the Masters programs at the IIDE and the Prof. Julio Cesar Cano Gutiérrez, assistant Principal of the Institute, the latter serving as witnesses.

B.A. Iván Contreras Espinoza and Prof. Estrella Velasco López during the change process.

Ivan Contreras Espinoza has a background as a CPA and is a graduate of the Bachelor of Business Administration from the UABC. He has held various positions in institutions from public, social and private sector.

The UEE defines evaluative schedule for 2013. January 17th, in a work meeting in the presence of B.A. Javier Santillan, head of the state education system, the Educational Assessment Unit evaluative agenda for this year was defined. At the meeting, which was also attended by the heads of the basic education undersecretary, upper secondary education, higher and teacher education, educational assessment director and training coordinator service teachers in state education system, was established that the activities to be developed during this year include: a) conducting a needs assessment and professional development training, b) characterize good practice in Baja California high schools, c) identify factors associated with learning from the perspective of teachers; characterize school life at schools of the entity; d) support the training of teachers on emerging issues related to education 4

Meeting to defines evaluative schedule of the UEE.

reform and e) promote the culture of evaluation in Baja California. Dr. Alicia Chaparro is in charge of the coordination of the UEE, and projects under the responsibility of the researchers attached to the UEE and academic staff from the IIDE.

Professor from the IIDE presents book documenting university presence in the community. With the assistance of the IIDE academic community, students in its graduate Aguirre programs, project collaborators involved and Dra. Lucía Muñoz, El proceso de la convergencia digital: Aportaciones de la investigación a la académica del the general public, estratégica was conducted in the una propuesta para evaluación de estudiantes y docentes. IIDE. facilities of the IIDE the launch of "Meeting of Autores: Eduardo Backhoff,Joaquín Caso, Luis A. the University with the neighborhood: Contreras, Norma Larrazolo, Juan C. Rodríguez y Vicente Autores: Mayer Cabrera Flores y Arturo Serrano Santoyo. received the 2008 National knowledge , learning, and community This project Arámburo. Edna Luna, coordinadora. Service, recognition that Dr. Presentación: 13service de abril de 2012 la Facultad de development "byen its author, Dr. Lucia Award for Social Presentación: 13 de abril de 2012 en instalaciones del Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, UABC. Aguirre received by the National Association Coral Aguirre Muñoz, IIDE researcher. IIDE. of Universities and Institutions of Higher The book recovers the contribution of a Education (ANUIES). number of community projects that have involved academic, cultural and recreational Dr. Lucia Coral Aguirre Muñoz holds a B.A. in directed mainly by UABC students from Sociology from the National Autonomous Sociology, Education and Psychology, who U n i v e r s i t y o f M e x i c o ; d e g r e e i n through the provision of their social service Interdisciplinary Studies of Social Change at attended the needs of the inhabitants of the University of Nice, France, Master and Punta Banda, identified as a vulnerable Doctor in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Iberoamericana Noroeste. Her community. areas of interest are university pedagogy, The presentation of the book was attended sociology of education and humanistic She was the coordinator of by Dr. Luis Angel Contreras Niño, IIDE education. academic, who stressed the importance of graduate programs at the IIDE and assistant such projects, because with them not only principal of the Institute. contributes to the integral formation of students, but a closer approach to the community-oriented is made to solve problems by extending health services, legal and various educational services. He noted that in the 8 years of working with the community has benefited more than 3000 inhabitants of the demarcation.

The book was attended by Dr. Luis Angel Contreras Niño.


Students from the IIDE present their exam. The month of January recorded four degrees involving two students of the Master in Educational Sciences, class 2010 and two PhD students in Educational Sciences, class 2007. In this regard, the following stands: Mario Garcia Salazar presented the thesis entitled "Analysis of interactions in secondary math classrooms," directed by Dr. Maria Guadalupe Moreno Bayardo, a researcher at the University of Guadalajara. His thesis committee was formed by Dr. Maximilian Cervantes Salazar, researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies of the State of Sonora, and Drs. Graciela Cordero Arroyo, Eduardo Escudero Backhoff and Joaquin Caso Niebla, IIDE professors.

MCE student class 2010.

Maria Dolores Araiza Escalante also presented the thesis "Social participation in the school context. Piecing together community-school relationships. Case study of a vulnerable neighborhood of the city of Ensenada, Baja California. " Her master's thesis was directed by Dr. Lucia Coral Aguirre 25 y 26IIDE de junio | MuĂąoz, researcher, and his dissertation committee was composed by Dr. Gilles Lavigne, a researcher of IIDE and Prof. Maria Concepcion Ramirez Baron UABC professor.

DCE student class 2007.


DCE student class 2007.

Meanwhile, Tania Elizabeth Zavala Martinez presented the paper entitled "The use of ICT in the part-time course: the case of the Bachelor of Science in Education, Campus Ensenada", Master's thesis directed by Dr. Carmen PĂŠrez Fragoso, IIDE researcher. Her committee consisted of Dr. Guadalupe Lopez Bonilla, IIDE researcher, as well as Prof. Evangelina Rivera Davila and Dr. Rosa Guadalupe Modad Heras, UABC professors.

MCE student class 2010.

Francisco Javier Arriaga Reynaga finally obtained his degree of Doctor in Educational Sciences, product of defending the thesis entitled "Characterization of the university teachers' teaching practices in relation to the i n t e g ra t i o n o f i n fo r m a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y a n d communication." His dissertation committee was composed by Dr. Rosa Heras Modad (Director), Dr. Karla Emilia Collado Cervantes, Dr. Prudencio Rodriguez Diaz, and Dr. Maria Luisa Castro Murillo, all UABC professors.

The IIDE summons PhD in Educational Sciences. The Institute for Educational Research and Development (IIDE) from UABC, recently issued a call for the admission to the PhD in El proceso de la convergencia digital: Educational Sciences, whose classes start in una propuesta estrat茅gica paraaim of the mid-September this year. The program is to train human resources capable ofAutores: generating original on object of Mayer Cabreranew Flores y and Arturo Serrano Santoyo. study of science education, and to conduct Presentaci贸n: 13 de abril de 2012 en la Facultad de independent cutting Cienciasresearch Administrativasand y Sociales, UABC. edge with an interdisciplinary view of relevant educational issues at the state level, regional and national levels. Much of this PhD recognition rests on the personal attention provided to students, so it will be accepting only about 15 students. Documents reception is scheduled from May 6th to 24th, while the implementation of the test will be on May 27th.

Aportaciones de la investigaci贸n a la This PhD belongs to the National Program since 2007.

Those interested in this call may refer to the information available on the IIDE's webpage: http://iide.ens.uabc.mx/blogs/dce/category /call/ or request information at 1750707 ext. 64526 or email: posgradosiide@uabc.edu.mx .

This PhD belongs to the National Program 2007, so that students have the option to apply for the scholarship.

IIDE scholars define criteria for student mobility. Based on the discussion of the last teaching meeting it was agreed the need to define specific criteria to allocate equitably PIFI resources approved in 2013 in the field of student mobility, and to ensure, in as far as possible, that all students have the opportunity to benefit from mobility support in their transit through the graduate programs of the IIDE, the academic community adopted a set of criteria for allocation. This exercise will manage the resource PIFI 2013 assigned by the IIDE and to support 18 students through research stays and their participation in national and international

conferences. The proposed criteria provide academic and administrative conditions for the competition, and management of such resources.


Director of the State Educational System's Assessment provides conference at the IIDE. On January 23rd, under the Educational Research Seminar organized by the IIDE, the conference "Educational Evaluation in Baja California" was taught by Prof. Juan Gálvez Lugo, Director of the State Educational System's Assessment. During the exhibition, Mr. Galvez presented the basic theoretical framework around educational assessment, and exposed at the level of detail the characteristics, scope and limitations of national and international assessments in which the entity participates among which the Evaluación Nacional del Logra Académico en Centros Escolares (ENLACE), the Examen de Calidad y Logro Educativo (EXCALE), the Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de Estudiantes (PISA), the Tercer Estudio Internacional de Matemáticas y Ciencias (TIMSS), the Encuesta Internacional sobre Docencia y Aprendizaje (TALIS) and Examen

Prof. Juan Gálvez Lugo during Conference.

Nacional de Maestros en Servicio (ENAMS), among others. It was attended by students of the graduate programs from the IIDE, fellows, academic and administrative staff of the IIDE. Juan Galvez Lugo has a degree in Education from the UABC. He has held various positions in the Secretariat of High and Higher Education. Currently he is the Director of the State Educational System's Assessment.

The REDIE increases the annual number of publications. From April this year, the publication of the Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa (REDIE) change its periodicity of biannual l to become quarterly, this due to the amount of items received during 2012. For the first issue of 2013, which will be released on April 30th this year, will have to post 10 items, a review and an interview. This way REDIE numbers are scheduled for the months of April, August and December.

25 y 26 de junio |


Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa.

The IIIDE supports academic units from UABC with social service project evaluations. On January 29th and 31st, in the facilities of the School of Gastronomy and Enology and the Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, and in the presence of the directors of these academic units and coordinators of Gastronomy and Enology careers, Science Education and Sociology, there were a few meetings which pledged several actions at the level of collaboration in social service evaluation.

The project will be headed by Dr. Lucia Aguirre.


The project, which will work in coordination by the IIDE, FCAyS and EGE, will be headed by Dr. Coral Lucia Aguirre, Researcher of the Institute.

In particular, it was agreed to prepare an analysis to assess the fulfillment of the objectives of those careers social service, in order to inform the design and implementation of an improvement plan.

The IIDE Academic Body summons to Latin American congress. From September 11th to 14th this year, will be held the 12th Latin American Congress for Development of Reading and Writing, event in which UABC through the IIDE and its Academic Discourse, Identity and Educational Practices Board, integrated by Drs. Guadalupe Lopez Bonilla, Carmen Perez Fragoso and Guadalupe Tinajero Villavicencio, IIDE professors, as convener Institution organized by the International Reading Council Autonomous University of Puebla (UAP) with the aim to bring together professionals from reading and writing, teachers, researchers and administrators and culture, in order to share experiences, disseminate research results and publishing proposals for development of literacy in school and nonschool environments.

UABC sponsors the organization of this event.

A m e r i c a s P u e b l a , U n i v e rs i d a d d e Ta m a u l i p a s , I n st i t u to N a c i o n a l d e Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, la Red Cultura Escrita y Comunidades Discursivas, el Grupo del Foro Iberoamericano de Literacidad Aprendizaje, and the ITAM, will be held at the UAP.

This event which also involved as organizing institutions the Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Universidad de las 9

The IIDE present at international educational conference in Santiago, Chile. From January 3rd to 6th was held the 26th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement in Santiago, Chile, which was attended by María José Paulina Viveros Riquelme, who recently obtained her degree of Master in Educational Science from the IIDE. The paper presented is entitled "Development and preliminary evaluation of an academic index density, as a quantitative indicator to determine the relative Importance of curricular contents", in which shares authorship with Dr. Luis Angel Contreras Niño and Joaquin Caso Niebla, researchers from the IIDE.

Student of MCE during her conference.

This conference is one of the most important academic events at international level in the field. This edition included the participation of educational researchers attached to educational institutions from 52 countries.

The IIDE will submit the evaluation of CONACYT to its PhD program. To ensure the permanence of the PhD program in Educational Science in the National Register of Quality Program (PNPC) National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), the Coordination of Postgraduate Programs from the IIDE, headed by Dr. Lewis McAnally Salas, recently initiated a series of actions among which are the deveolpment of a work meeting with Dr. Patricia Moctezuma Hernandez, Coordinator of Graduate Studies and Research UABC, which also involved collaborators from this coordination.

Academics during meeting.

to address the electronic record of such request and prepare the evaluation scheduled meeting next April in Mexico, City.

The meeting, held on January 31st, allowed to know some institutional recommendations

Others activities February 25th | DCE Evaluation by CONACYT.


February 27th | University Council

The IIDE and CCIIA define agreements on mobility and academic exchange. At a work meeting held last January 24th at the IIDE headquarters in the presence of the head of the Coordination of International Cooperation and Academic Exchange (CCIIA) of UABC and Margarita Sarlat Sánchez, head from the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Exchange, UABC Campus Ensenada, reviewed programs, announcements, supports and services available to graduate students in mobility and academic exchange. The meeting helped to identify agreements and establish new channels of communication with such coordination, in order to provide relevant information timely and guide students in making decisions.

Academic authorities during meeting.

The meeting was attended by Prof. Julio Cesar Cano, assistant Principal of the IIDE and Dr. Joaquín Caso, Principal of the Institute.

Newnees in the CIE Higher Education Handbook of theory and research Volume XXIV. (2008). John C. Smart.

February 28th| UABC Anniversary

Psicología Educativa. Un punto de vista cognoscitivo (2009). David P. Ausubel, Joseph D. Novak y Helen Hanesian.

The International Handbook of Children, Media and Culture (2008). Kirsten Drother y Sonia Livingstone.

From may 6th to 24th | Receiving documents for

admission to DCEConvocatoria 2013.


IIDE’S Agenda National and International Coming Conferences Lima, Perú, del 5 al 8 de marzo de 2013. IV Coloquio Internacional de la RIIED “La evaluación de la docencia en Iberoamérica: avances, perspectivas e innovación.” Guanajuato, México, del 13 al 16 de marzo de 2013. 2º Congreso Iberoamericano de Calidad Educativa 2013. Loja, Ecuador, del 17 al 19 de abril de 2013. Evaluación y Calidad de la Educación Superior a Distancia en América, África, Asia y Europa. Zacatecas, México, 23 y24 de mayo de 2013. II Virtual Educa México.

Santiago, Chile, del 12 al 14 de junio de 2013. V Congreso Iberoamericano de Violencia Escolar. Madrid, España, del 3 al 5 de julio de 2013. III Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación. Estocolmo, Suecia, del 9 al 12 de julio de 2013. 13th Congreso Europeo de Psicología

Rodas, Grecia, del 11 al 13 de julio de 2013. XX Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Aprendizaje.

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