Brick Masonry
Manvi, Anushka, Harshit, Rishika and Pratibha
Introduction Brick masonry is made of brick units bonded together with mortar. Two essential components of brick masonry therefore are a) bricks and b)mortar
Traditional brick 230 x 115 x 75 mm Modular brick 200 x 100 x 100 mm
Materials 1. Common burnt clay bricks 2. Sand Lime bricks or Calcium Silicate bricks 3. Engineered bricks 4. Concrete bricks 5. Fly ash clay bricks
Uses Walls Footings Corbels Retaining walls Fire Places Arches Piers Window Sills Copings Chimneys Lintels
Advantages of brick masonry 1. Aesthetic 2. Strength - Excellent high compressive strength. 3. Porosity - The ability to release and absorb moisture. 4. Fire Protection 6. Sound Insulation 7. Wear Resistant 8. Durability
Rules for bonding The bricks should be of uniform size. The length of the brick should be twice its width plus one joint, so that uniform lap is obtained. Use of brick bats should be discouraged, except in special locations. In alternate courses, the center line of header should coincide with the center line of the stretcher, in the course above or below it. The vertical joints in the alternate courses should be along the same perpendicular.
Types of Brick bonds 1. Stretcher bond 2. Header bond 3. English bond 4. Flemish bond 5. Ratrap bond
Brick Portions
Stretcher Bond
They are suitably used only for one-half brick thick walls.
Walls constructed with stretcher bonds are not stable enough to stand alone in case of longer span and height. Thus they need supporting structures such as brick columns at regular intervals. Stretcher bonds are commonly used in steel or R.C.C. framed structures as the outer facing. These are also used as the outer facing of cavity walls. Other common applications of such walls are the boundary walls, gardens etc.
When all the bricks are placed as headers on the faces of the walls, the bond formed is called “Header Bond�.
Header Bond
Since header bonds lacks strength in pressure transmission along the length of the wall, it is not preferable to use this kind of bond for load bearing walls.
Header bond is useful when the design demands curved surfaces to be constructed. In such cases, stretcher bond cannot be used. It can also be used for the brickwork in foundations.
English Bond
English bond consists of alternate course of headers and stretchers. Vertical joints in the header courses come over each other and same for stretcher courses. For the breaking of vertical joints in the successive course it is essential to place queen closer, after the first header in each heading course.
In English bond, a heading course should never start with a queen closer as it is liable to get displaced in this position.
Flemish Bond In case of double flemish bond, both faces of the wall have flemish look Whereas, in single flemish bond outer faces of walls have flemish look whereas inner faces have look of English bond Construction of flemish bond needs greater skill. It gives more pleasing appearance. But it is not as strong as English bond.
Ratrap Bond
This bond consumes 20% less no. of bricks. The air medium created between the brick layers helps in maintaining good thermal comfort inside the building.
The bricks which are placed in vertical position instead of conventional horizontal position and thus creating a cavity within the wall.
The End