PROJECT DETAILS LOCATION Hyderabad, India DEVELOPER The project is a unique model of public-private partnership between the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Pirojsha Godrej Foundation and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), with the technical support of USAID
The building is a perfect blend of India’s rich architectural splendour and technological innovations, incorporating traditional concepts into modern and contemporary architecture. Extensive energy simulation exercises were undertaken to orient the building in such a way that minimizes the heat ingress while allowing natural daylight to penetrate abundantly. Jalis used to prevent glare and heat gain while ensuring adequate day lighting. Water seeps into openings and is utilized by plants inside.
Stone grid pavers ensure water goes into soil to keep sub-soil water level high.
55% of the roof is covered with terrace garden, helping reduce the interior temperatures.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Karan Grover and Associates, India SIZE 4.5 acres (total site area) 1858 sq. m (total built up area) 1115 sq. m (total air conditioned area) TYPE Office building BUILDING DETAILS Office building Seminar Hall Green Technology Centre, displaying latest & emerging green building materials and technologies in India Large number of visitors are escorted on green building tour RATINGS Awarded the LEED Platinum Rating for New Construction (NC) v 2.0 by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in November 2003 ENERGY EFFICIENCY INDEX (EEI) 84 kWh / m2 / year REDUCTION IN CO2 EMISSIONS - 100 tons / year WATER SAVINGS 35% reduction in potable water consumption
A central courtyard and colonnaded corridors ensure that the hot air cools before entering the interiors. The courtyard also acts as the area for interaction.
Two air-cooling towers are erected where air is cooled up to 8 degrees by sprinkling water. This cool air is circulated inside the building, minimizing the load on air-conditioning.
TERRACE GARDENS ZERO WATER DISCHARGE BUILDING: ・ Waste water treated biologically through “Root Zone Treatment System”. The treated water is used for landscaping. ・ Low-flush toilets and waterless urinals used.
MINIMAL DISTURBANCE TO SITE: ・ Centrally located at the flattest part of site so as to not disturb the site features during construction. SOLAR PANELS ・ Heavy foliage developed all around site to minimize pollution and Solar photovoltaic cells on the roof terrace produce nearly heat island effect. 20% of the building’s electricity consumption. ・ Distrubance limited between 40 feet from building footprint.
Double - glazed units with argon gas filling in between the glass panes enhance the thermal properties.
MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: ・ 80% materials sourced within 500 miles of site. ・ Fly-ash bricks, glass, aluminium and ceramic tiles, which contain consumer and industrial waste are used in cosntruction. ・ Office furniture made of bagasse-based composite wood. ・ 96% construction waste recycled within building or sent to other sites & VOC - paints and adhesives used. ・ Use of aerated concrete blocks for facade reduces the load on air-conditioning by 15-20%.
CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre
Manvie Prusty / 160823020 B.Arch / Semester VIII