Impressions Spring 2021, Issue 21

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Jewel Collection Making God’s family whole for 65 years


No Limits: A Series of Power

Evangelism: predicated on revival

The River

What can a river teach us about church health?


on the cover



Making God’s family whole for 65 years After 65 years of using technology to spread the gospel, It Is Written isn’t even thinking about retiring.

aspects 04

President’s Page


Mission Report


Escrito Está


My Place With Jesus


Community Connection


Staff Highlight



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The River

What can a river teach us about church health?

It Is Written impressions

No Limits: A Series of Power

Evangelism: predicated on revival


impressions magazine SPRING 2021 ISSUE 21 EXECUTIVE EDITOR John Bradshaw EDITOR Ellen Hostetler ASSOCIATE EDITOR Cassie Hernandez ART DIRECTOR Michael Prewitt GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ariel Warren Copyright © 2021 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written, Escrito Está, My Place With Jesus, and SALT are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Except otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGNED TO SHARE This Impressions magazine is designed to be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. When you are done reading it, please pass it on.

notes 05

Escrito Está Report


Partnership Highlight






Planned Giving


Tributes & Memorials


Event location Online event

John Bradshaw, president MAY 13 — 16

ASI Mid-America Convention Denver, Colorado

JUNE 4—5

Northwest Arkansas Camp Meeting Gentry, Arkansas

JUNE 11 — 12

Online Camp Meeting Minnesota Conference

JUNE 18 — 19

Wisconsin Conference Camp Meeting Oxford, Wisconsin

JUNE 25 — 26

Washington Conference Camp Meeting Auburn, Washington and Online


Cedar Ridge Church Georgetown, Tennessee

JULY 21 — 24

Oregon Conference Camp Meeting Gladstone, Oregon

JULY 30 — 31

Online Camp Meeting British Columbia Conference

Eric Flickinger, associate speaker JUNE 1—3

Northwest Arkansas Camp Meeting Gentry, Arkansas

JUNE 11 — 12

Online Camp Meeting Minnesota Conference

Get more out of life TODAY!

President’s Page

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y expectation is that, when Pastor George Vandeman founded It Is Written 65 years ago, he did not anticipate we would still be here 65 years John Bradshaw later. Every generation has had good reasons for expecting PRESIDENT the return of Jesus to happen in their lifetime. A friend’s grandfather once wrote to his young wife and said, “Surely the Lord’s return is near. I have seen man’s inhumanity to man. We do not have much time left.” The letter was written during World War II. What we know for sure is that every day that passes leaves us with one day less to proclaim the “Surely the Lord’s everlasting gospel. That motivates us to work “while it is day; the night is coming when no one return is near. can work” (John 9:4). I have seen man’s Cal left the church many years ago. Last year, inhumanity to man. a friend invited him to watch Hope Awakens, the It Is Written online evangelistic series. Hope We do not have awakened in Cal’s heart. When Bible workers called, he gladly accepted their offer of Bible studmuch time left.” ies. A dedicated church member began studying with him, and just weeks ago Cal was baptized! This is why we do what we do at It Is Written. We don’t want to mark another anniversary 65 years from now. Let’s reach the world with the good news, and go home!


It Is Written impressions

It Is Written turned 65 in March. Read about the amazing ways God has led this ministry starting with the timeline here and continuing in the cover feature.

SALT Soul-winning And Leadership Training


It Is Written airs its first known broadcast March 25 and later becomes the first religious television program to air in color.


It Is Written starts the Revelation Seminar as a way to follow up with television program viewers.


Teleseminar ‘81 becomes the first live satellite uplink evangelistic presentation of its kind, reaching 22 U.S. and Canadian cities.


It Is Written films an eight-part series in the Soviet Union called “Empires in Collision.” It becomes the first TV program produced in the Western Hemisphere to be given a time slot on Soviet television.


Escrito Está, the It Is Written Spanish-language ministry, begins in April.


It Is Written hosts Net ‘95, an evangelistic series available via satellite and the largest evangelistic series of its time.


ACTS 2000, a new evangelistic series, broadcasts via satellite in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.


It Is Written begins My Place With Jesus, a ministry especially for children.


Every Word, the It Is Written daily devotional, launches. SALT, Soul-winning And Leadership Training, begins as a joint effort between It Is Written and Southern Adventist University to provide training in evangelism and Bible work.

Continued on page 19.




A Series of



hen you hear the word “evangelism,” what comes to mind? Most people I ask will respond with “evangelistic meetings.” And they’re right! And wrong. Evangelism involves a wide array of activities. It encompasses all the things a person or church does to lead people to Jesus. Based on what I’ve just stated, let me ask you another question: is a revival series evangelism? Yes? No? The answer: Absolutely! Before the orange farmer in Florida enjoys a rich harvest, before he even begins to prepare the ground and seed, he has to prepare himself. Is he strong enough for the season? Is he healthy? Does he know what his groves need? Does he know which trees need to be pruned and where new trees need to be planted? Laying the groundwork is essential. The same is true for evangelism. A revival series is the preparation for the work ahead and is a vital part of the evangelism journey. That’s why, as a part of the It Is Written evangelism initiative ACTS 20:21, we produced a six-part, virtual revival series called No Limits: A Life of Power. The series aired at the end of January and is still available on demand at Our goal was simple: enable church members and participants to tap into God’s infinite power for the work ahead.


It Is Written impressions

We did something we’ve never done before with It Is Written programs. Instead of simply directing people to a website or It Is Written TV to watch No Limits, we partnered with over 400 churches across North America to create a dynamic and interactive experience. We provided each church leader with the video files and materials to be used in a discussion at the end of each session. Then, facilitated by a video conference platform, members enjoyed Pastor Bradshaw’s dynamic presentation, followed by a discussion and prayer led by their pastor or church leader. For six nights members and viewers were energized by the Word of God. They were reminded of the power of prayer, the value of Bible reading, the need for the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of church attendance and involvement. The response from people as a result of this series of presentations has been so encouraging.

WER Watch on demand at or order a DVD set for your church or small group at

It was amazing, and I feel energized and revived. I am ready to face the year ahead. —Jennifer Thank you for including me in the No Limits series. I totally enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next one. —Lorraine I have been praying for God’s strength and power to do His will. No Limits could not have come at a better time. Thanks to the whole team for making this possible. When I put my full faith in God, there will be no limits to what I can do, even at 76 years old. God bless John and the whole IIW team. —John

We have been enjoying watching Pastor Bradshaw’s meetings on our Zoom link with both churches in our pastor’s district. We had 50 people online last evening and were greatly blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit as we discussed the topics covered. —Jan My husband and I have been blessed by the presentations by John Bradshaw and the discussion time following each presentation. We hope that you will continue such presentations on a periodic basis. We are uplifted and encouraged to continue on our walk with God even in these perilous times. —Bonnie

YVES MONNIER is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects around the world.

Bonnie is right: we are living in perilous times; more so than ever before. Thanks to No Limits, church members are equipped and ready to begin the next phase of the evangelism cycle in their local communities. And that next phase is a series called Next Level Health. This seven-part event is designed to reach people who, especially because of the pandemic, are asking questions about their health. Through these timely health presentations, we pray that people will be introduced to the Great Physician and want to learn more about the hope available in Jesus Christ. It Is Written is just getting started with this year’s evangelism initiatives. Find out more at and join us. For 65 years evangelism has been our focus, and it will continue to be until the gospel is preached in all the world. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support. SPRING 2021


Mission Report

Standing on


icking off her dusty shoes, a sari-clad white lady steps into the quiet interior of a church that stands at the heart of a bustling Indian village, right where the unpaved road divides. The cool cement floor drains the day’s warmth from her tired feet. On her way here, she passed the Lake of Shining Waters where large acacia trees look down at their own shadows. Nesting Indian cranes search for lunch along its banks, their long stiltlegs rippling the glossy reflection with each step. This lake is seasonal. Five months ago, these same acacias stood in the burning heat of the then dry, rocky riverbed. Only Editor’s Note: Thanks to red-coat goats and their lungi-clad herders braved the blazing It Is Written supporters, heat of those June days. Now transformed, the engorged Lake of over 50 churches were Shining Waters shares refreshment with fields of quivering rice. reopened in India last Tiny fingers slip quietly into the lady’s hand. That gesture year and staffed with dedicated and trained interrupts her gaze on the crucified Christ brightly painted on Bible workers. Josephine the sanctuary’s front wall. She looks down and finds a small shares the following story group of children assembling. Their laughter and smiles disfrom one of the reopened arm the small measure of fear that entered the church with her. churches.To support this important project, please Back when the June sun blazed and few ventured far, she had select Missions when you come to this dead church determined to resurrect it. But within give to It Is Written. moments of arriving, a brow-furrowed mason appeared and began to shout. Though at first she didn’t understand his words, body language clearly stated JOSEPHINE BIEGLER is the his mounting rage. Other masons who worked It Is Written India Mission nearby slipped into the church, slowly surroundCoordinator. She and her husband live in the Northwest ing her. Their words began to crescendo into with their three children. angry demands that she repay the theft by the Bible worker previously assigned to the church. 8

It Is Written impressions

Her friends and translator moved closer too, defending her. The ringleader had a speedy comeback to every response. Reasoning with the mob seemed pointless. A drunkard leaped closer. There was no doubt he intended to beat her if she did not comply. She wasn’t enveloped by fear, instead, only a deep sadness for how Christ’s name was shamed by the crooked dealings of the ex-Bible worker. When she asked to speak, the men hushed. Pointing at the painting of the suffering Savior, she entreated them to understand that God was shamed, His name blasphemed by the actions of the ex-Bible worker. Christ knew the betrayal they experienced because He too had been mistreated. She couldn’t help it: by now, tears flowed. Shocked by her boldness in addressing them and having never seen a white lady cry, the ringleader bent and touched her feet in apology. “Please go now,” he said. He knew the mob was still determined to exact revenge, but he opened the car door and made sure she was safely tucked in. Then, turning to her friends, he stated emphatically, “It is useless to send any Bible workers to this church. We will never come. We also will not allow our children to come.” “Whether or not you come,” the tearful lady’s translator spoke gently, “every day our new Bible worker will come to this church and pray for this village.” Given that history, is it any wonder fear accompanied her to this church? But today the atmosphere is different. The tiny hand slips out of hers as the bright-eyed child skips off to play. Looking around, the lady smiles at the growing crowd of adults. The head of the village stands regal next to the Bible worker. His approval is unmistakable. June’s ringleader smiles from the edge of the curious crowd. Wiggling children press around the lady when she invites them to join her in speaking with the God of the universe who possesses the power needed to change lives. The ex-ringleader and village leader press in as well. Forgotten are their words of warning: “We will never come, and we will not allow our children to come either.” After benedictions are made and “wandenalu” (thank you) whispered, the village leader and ex-ringleader follow the lady to the church’s front door. The lady lingers longer. It is difficult to leave a place where God has worked miracles. She hates to slip on those dusty shoes and walk away, for in those few moments she feels as though they have all been standing on holy ground.

She couldn't help it: by now, tears flowed.



Escrito Está

The Best Time to Be or the past two years, Escrito Está had faithfully shared the Spanish daily devotional, Una Mejor Manera de Vivir, through the WhatsApp mobile application. We had over one thousand contacts who received the devotionals and, in turn, would forward the messages to their friends and family. Everything was going great until one morning I received a notification that our account had been permanently suspended due to a change in the WhatsApp privacy settings. Our IT department worked diligently to find a solution. Unfortunately, we realized WhatsApp would no longer be a reliable option. I felt as if I had lost all those people and had no way to get them back. Our next step was to move forward with a similar mobile application, Telegram, along with many other users who had also


been affected by the WhatsApp changes. We moved forward in faith, knowing that people appreciate the effort and trusting God to lead us to the right audiences there. I was still discouraged that we could not rely on WhatsApp anymore, until I received a phone call from an unknown number to my personal cell phone. Since I didn’t recognize the number, I didn’t answer, but I later listened to the voicemail: “My name is Aracely from Mexico. Please call me back. I have a friend asking me about Escrito Está’s airing schedule.” Just as I finished listening to the message, Aracely called again. “Hello Miss Carolina! I was calling you to confirm Escrito Está’s airing schedule on Azteca TV. I also want you to know that my prayer group fasts every week for the people who work in this wonderful ministry. I listen to Una Mejor Manera de Vivir every day. I share it with 10 different groups of friends, and they can’t get enough! Our church is bombarding social media! I’m giving Bible studies over the phone and have two candidates ready for baptism!”

“The gospel is reaching places we cannot even imagine!”

CAROLINA BONILLA is the administrative assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishspeaking community with the gospel.


It Is Written impressions

After listening to Aracely’s story, I shared with her about what happened to us at Escrito Está. She responded, “It’s okay, sister. The devotionals continue to be shared. There are many, many groups of people who still send Una Mejor Manera de Vivir on WhatsApp. The gospel is reaching places we cannot even imagine!” What a relief! As limited as we may feel in times of COVID-19 with some of our churches still unable to reopen or mobile apps failing us, this is actually the best time to be creative in our ministry. This is an opportunity for all of us to find new ways to share our faith and love with others. I would have never known how much a brief daily devotional meant to people until WhatsApp crashed. Since it happened, I’ve been continually receiving messages from people expressing what these short videos mean to them: MOACIR: “I’ve been receiving these messages for a long time. I want to continue sharing them with my contacts who love to listen to Pastor Costa. May God bless your ministry.” NORMA: “Thank you for your daily messages. They help us start our mornings accompanied by Jesus.” JUAN FERNANDO: “Please, do not stop sending me these videos. Many people are fed through these.” VICTOR: “Thank you for the videos. I share them with over 200 people. They are so important.”

One great thing about the Escrito Está programming is that it is available on multiple platforms for free! God knew ahead of time that this “hiccup” would happen and allowed us to become available months in advance on mobile applications such as Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts, as well as the Escrito Está app,, YouTube, and Facebook. We must never feel that we are doing too much! The gospel must be shared in as many ways as possible so that we can reach as many people as possible. If you would like to receive the daily devotionals in Spanish and share them with others, please find us on Telegram at:

Robert Costa, speaker/director MAY 8 — 15

Online Evangelistic Series Tulsa, Oklahoma

MAY 28 — 30

Massive Baptism in North Mexico

JUNE 8 — 12

Idaho Conference Camp Meeting

JUNE 19 — 26

Online Evangelistic Series Canada

JULY 3 — 10

Evangelism in Colombia

AUGUST 7 — 12

Online Evangelistic Series Panama

Partnership Highlight

The Habenichts: 40 Years


rs. Herald and Donna Habenicht and Donna, passionate about spreading didn’t have a television in their the gospel, loved what It Is Written was home until 1995, but they are doing in their area and decided to support long-time believers in media ministry! For the ministry’s efforts. Over the years, over 40 years, the Habenichts, residents of the Habenichts have had the privilege Berrien Springs, Michigan, have partnered of befriending each of the It Is Written financially with It Is Written. In doing so, speakers and have supported the ministry tens of thousands of people in innumerable ways. have been introduced to Jesus This is the time to When Escrito Está began through public and media in 1994, the Habenichts pull all the plugs evangelism, and thousands were excited and impressed of people have been healed and give what we with the effective evangelism and ministered to through can during the little produced for the Spanishmission work. speaking world. Donna’s time we have left. father worked for the church In the 1960s, Herald and Donna were medical missionin Peru and is resting there aries in Puerto Rico. When they returned until Jesus comes. That’s why Donna and home in 1970, they became personally Herald were thrilled when a giving opporacquainted with It Is Written through pub- tunity arose to support a special project in lic evangelism, attending a series by Pastor Peru: motorbikes for pastors. Donna and George Vandeman in the Midwest. Herald Herald’s hearts were touched, and they eagerly contributed $50,000 to purchase CYNTHIA STEPHAN is an It Is Written the motorbikes, giving 50 pastors reliable Field Representative and Planned Giving transportation. Consultant. She lives in Wisconsin and serves in the central United States. When It Is Written began medical mission work in 2013, the Habenichts, reminded of their own experience as medical 12

It Is Written impressions

missionaries, were determined to continue supporting It Is Written in this new effort. With the help of medical professionals, volunteers, and Partners like Herald and Donna who financially support these endeavors, medical mission trips have since been completed in Mongolia, India, Peru, and all around the world, bringing sight to the blind and restoring health to those in need. Herald and Donna enjoyed the presentations by Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker, leading up to the

more hands-on experience at It Is Written, and benefiting the ministry with their invaluable time and service. The Habenicht’s philanthropy is driven by their passion for spreading the gospel, medical mission work, and Hispanic evangelism, and they were inspired by It Is Written as they saw so many lives being transformed in these areas. Herald and Donna have been Partners for a very long

and Counting evangelism planned for Indianapolis in April 2020. And they shared the collective disappointment when COVID-19 canceled the in-person evangelism event along with six of the seven Partnership weekends. Partnership weekends are another aspect of the ministry that the Habenichts are passionate about. For many years, Herald and Donna journeyed to all the Partnership weekends held in the Midwest. They love attending because of the powerful preaching, wonderful music, and most of all, the uplifting testimonies shared by the ministry. When these annual events were no longer held in their area, they were determined to continue their attendance and began making the trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. When It Is Written headquarters moved to Tennessee, Herald and Donna, now retired, made the decision to dedicate a few weeks each year volunteering in person, providing them with an even

time and, in addition, have set up an estate plan with It Is Written to leave a legacy for the ministry that will continue to impact many lives long after they are gone. So why should people give to It Is Written? Herald said it plainly, “It is a ministry with a mission. They have wonderful church resources. John Bradshaw is very ambitious, leading with integrity, and the ministry is top-notch. Right now during COVID-19, we personally cannot do evangelism. It Is Written, they are doing far more and reaching thousands of people. This is the time to pull all the plugs and give what we can during the little time we have left.” Thank you, Herald and Donna, for your ever-faithful support to spread the gospel in these last days of earth’s history.

To learn more about becoming an It Is Written Partner, visit SPRING 2021



Buried Treasure Evangelism Program Nothing is more important than reaching children for Jesus. Help children discover that Jesus is the most precious treasure of all with Buried Treasure. Based on the much-loved My Place With Jesus Bible Guides, children will dig deep into God’s Word through Scripture songs, crafts, games, and life-changing Bible activities. This 21-part program is designed to be used during an evangelistic series and can also be used in Bible classes and for VBS-style programs! Buried Treasure provides you with everything you need to conduct an effective, Christ-centered program that connects children with Jesus, their friend and Savior, in a fun and engaging way, impacting lives today and for eternity!

Buried Treasure Evangelism Program • BTEK • US $299.99 SALE $229.99 Check out

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at or call 888-664-5573 Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. EDT

Included in the box Teacher’s Manual USB key: • PowerPoint/Keynote presentations • Printable resources Craft Manual Coloring Book My Place With Jesus Bible Scripture Songbook Scripture Song CD

My Place With Jesus Bible Guides lesson #3 Treasure Map (39” × 27”) My Place With Jesus Bookmarks Journey Through the Bible Bookmarks Publicity Poster (17” × 22”) Publicity Poster (11” × 17”) Samples of Explorer Notes, postcards, decision cards, name badge lanyards, and more! SPRING 2021


Cover Feature

Jewel COLLEC TI ON T he ministry of It Is Written celebrated its 65th anniversary on Wednesday, March 25, 2021. Our first It Is Written television broadcast aired on that same date in 1956. And as of today, our weekly program is still the tenth longest-running television series in the United States,1 just behind Face the Nation on CBS. To put that in perspective, very few 65th anniversaries are celebrated. In fact, it’s almost impossible to find statistics on the coveted milestone. The rare event is commemorated with the blue sapphire stone, a translucent gemstone that forms an entire layer in the foundation of the New Jerusalem2 and represents strength and power even today. In Scripture, God’s children are referred to as precious stones. In Malachi 3:17, we are promised that God’s people will be His “on the day that I make them my jewels.” Over the past six and half decades, It Is Written has been dedicated to collecting jewels for the kingdom of God. They have come in all shapes and sizes and from all over the world. Thousands of them. And the thousands brought to Christ have changed the lives of thousands more. Arden, in Mongolia, was given a very delicate surgery to remove a flap of skin that had left him tongue-tied since birth. An It Is Written donor funded the surgery herself and as a result, Arden is able to speak and lead a normal life. In India, Aanya was given the gift of sight thanks to the It Is Written program Eyes for India. She received Steps to Christ, which she was able to share with her entire family. Sarah watched Pastor George Vandeman as a child and saw the messages change her parents’ marriage and personal lives. She was sent to Christian schools and now 1 2  Isaiah 54:11 and Revelation 21:19


It Is Written impressions

BY ELLEN HOSTETLER, development director

works at a university sharing the hope of Jesus with thousands of young people each year. Brent, a business owner, watched the It Is Written television programs about the Reformation and as a result connected with a local church family. The Supreme Court in Guatemala received The Great Controversy and listened intently as Pastor Robert Costa shared with them the message of hope available in Jesus Christ. In heaven, when our stories are told in the panoramic history of the earth, the lives impacted through It Is Written will resonate into the heart of each person whose support made it possible. You will see, in vivid relief, how your actions, your self sacrifice, and your love gave eternal life to the very people standing next to you. The impact of that Every Word card you shared, the meeting you brought someone to, the link you emailed to someone, the Bible study guide you gave will all be clearly understood. Your Father will lay a crown on your head heavy with gems and will reward you royally for your faithfulness. You will see, like never before, Over the past six and half how you brought light and decades, It Is Written has been hope to so many. Your joy will overflow. Heaven will be dedicated to collecting jewels cheap enough.3 for the kingdom of God. Take just a moment to think about the rewards in heaven; think about the reward Jesus will give you. Some false sense of humility seems to keep us from actually contemplating this coming reality. Scripture unabashedly tells us about it: Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:24 If anyones’ work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. 1 Corinthians 3:14 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. Matthew 16:27 Jesus sees every single frustration you didn’t give in to, every door you held open, every telemarketer you spoke kindly to, every meal you made for someone, every tire you helped to change. He sees the television programs you funded at It Is Written, the Bible 3  Ellen G. White, Early Writings, 67.



study guides you shared, the mission trips you went on. He has rewards for you just because He loves you so very much and wants to give back to you a hundredfold what you have given to Him. I don’t know what those rewards are for you. What are your deepest longings? To travel with your children at your side through the galaxies of the universe? To garden in the earth made new? To explore the recesses of the ocean? God knows exactly what will make your heart sing, and He has planned amazing things just for you. We don’t win souls for the reward. But it’s comforting to know that even the quiet, silent, small acts we do every day are seen and noticed by Almighty God. Our stories will be told rightly very soon. That person who we tried to witness to and who refused our every approach. That child who God’s amazing love is what has kept resisted each attempt It Is Written going for 65 years. to love them. Every action is seen and understood by a God who is too wise to err. As Charles Spurgeon put it, “God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.” Because His heart is good. God’s amazing love is what has kept It Is Written going for 65 years. It’s what pushes us forward to new ventures and new projects. This year we are in the midst of ACTS 20:21, a full-cycle evangelism program that puts six virtual evangelistic series and Bible studies in the hands of thousands of people around the country through local churches. We are developing a Bible study for teens, translating Bible studies into more languages, and producing new television programs. We aren’t retiring at 65; we’re ramping up. Why? Because we are almost Home! A couple of years ago a man approached Pastor Bradshaw at a meeting in Michigan and said, “I want to thank you for making my family whole.” Through It Is Written, his wife and children had joined him in faith in Jesus. I think that father echoes our heavenly Father’s appreciation for us. As He prepares to “make them my jewels” and pass out rewards in the coming Restoration, I think He is going to say something very similar to each one of us: “Thank you for making my family whole. Thank you for being here yourself. Thank you for bringing so many of my children with you.” As He satisfies the longing of every heart around Him, we will revel in the presence of unspeakable love. We will look around and with our Savior we will see all that has been accomplished and be satisfied (Isaiah 53:11). That’s an anniversary celebration I don’t plan to miss. 18

It Is Written impressions

Continued from page 5.


It Is Written launches the evangelistic series Revelation Today, which continues for several years in major cities around the United States including Phoenix, Las Vegas, Boston, and Kansas City.


It Is Written establishes Eyes for India, giving sight to thousands each year in India.


Every Word is translated and made available in American Sign Language.

Eyes for


The It Is Written Bible Study Guides are released in English and soon followed by translations in Arabic, Farsi, German, Hmong, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, and Turkish. Mission trips begin with medical missionary clinics and evangelistic initiatives in India. This ministry has since expanded to locations such as Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Lebanon, Mongolia, the Philippines, Siberia, and Zimbabwe.


It Is Written publishes the first issue of Impressions, the ministry’s quarterly magazine.


The My Place With Jesus Bible Guides are made available for children.


It Is Written TV, the online 24/7 It Is Written channel, launches on Roku and other online platforms.


The It Is Written team moves into permanent headquarters in Collegedale, Tennessee.


100,000 people register for Hope Awakens and other virtual series conducted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which makes live evangelism impossible.


It Is Written launches ACTS 20:21—a full-cycle evangelism program for hundreds of churches around the country. The newest program in the series, Next Level Health, airs at the end of April.





My Place With Jesus

But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. LUKE 8:15


pring has to be one of my favorite times of the year. Birds seem to sing happier songs, flowers stretch upwards after a long winter’s sleep, and gardeners begin to prepare seedlings for planting. Seeds can be planted in a number of different ways. For most vegetables, gardeners make long rows, planting seeds every few inches. But for grass and some wildflowers, gardeners will spread the seeds freely over the ground in which they are wanting the seeds to grow. This is how it happened in the parable Jesus told in Luke 8:5–15. As the sower was sowing seed, many seeds did not land on good ground. Some seeds landed on the hard ground just outside the field and became food for birds. Jesus explained that some people who hear the good news choose not to believe in Him. Satan surrounds them with every imaginable distraction, so the seed of the Word of God is not able to take root. Other seeds landed on stony ground. Plants started to grow up, but without enough soil to really take root, the heat of MELISSA BRADSHAW is the My Place With Jesus director at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area.


It Is Written impressions

the sun soon scorched them. Jesus said this represents someone who gladly receives the words of the Bible, but because they haven’t firmly rooted themselves in God’s Word, their walk with Jesus dies off when they are faced with temptation. Then there were those seeds that ended up among thorns. They grew well for a while, but before long were choked out by the thorns. Jesus said these seeds were like people who thought they could have both Jesus and the world in their hearts at the same time. The “cares, riches, and pleasures of life” soon choked out their love for Jesus and His Word (Luke 8:14). Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He encouraged His disciples to tell everyone they could about His love so that people could be prepared for His return (Matthew 28:19–20). God also calls us to be sowers of the seeds of truth. While we cannot control the soil in which the gospel seed lands, we can do something about the soil of our own hearts. It is important to be sure we keep our hearts free from the weeds of selfishness, the rocks of anger, and the thorns and weeds of unkindness. As we read the Bible daily and take time to pray, we are keeping the soil of our hearts in the right condition so that we may grow into dedicated followers of Jesus.

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Just as every seed contains the ability to produce a plant, the seeds you sow for Jesus can develop into “plants” that will grow towards the Kingdom of God. When you begin your day with Jesus, ask Him to lead you to good ground where you can plant seeds of kindness and truth.




Help the sower find the good soil.





Community Connection

Go Time! DONAVON KACK is an It Is Written evangelist. Formerly an Alaskan fisherman, Donavon has been preaching Bible prophecy for over 20 years.


It Is Written impressions

“I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” John 9:4


e are living in the time to work. Last year was a real reminder of how true the words of Jesus are: work “while it is day.” One day soon we will all realize just how serious Jesus was that “the night is coming when no one can work.” My last prophecy seminar of 2020 was in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Night after night God filled the hall with people hungry to know what the Bible had to say about the times in which we live. Earlier in the year, a devastating tornado had ripped through the area causing severe damage very close to the church. Many of the visitors who came each night said, “If you had been here a year ago, we never would have come, but after everything that has happened this year, there is no way we would miss these meetings.” After 27 years in pastoral and evangelistic ministry, I can say that I have never seen people so open and hungry and ready to seek for truth as I have these past six months. This is the opportunity that we as a church have been praying for—hearts opening to the truth right in our backyard. One young man began attending our meetings and then brought his parents to the meetings as well. At the end of the series he was baptized, and a month later he was on his way to Mexico on a mission trip. Lives are being changed— rapidly. Another young man kept seeing a book, The Great Controversy, and finally decided to read it. Then he received a flier for our meetings, and he and his girlfriend came every single night. Now, months later, he is bringing other people to church. If this isn’t the beginning of the latter rain, I don’t know what is. Despite the pandemic, I have kept a full schedule of evangelistic meetings. My family and I were recently in Chadron, Nebraska, a fairly small town with a population of around 5,800. We opened meetings there with 35 visitors and about the same number of church members. The church is very excited about what God is doing. One of the attending families showed up on opening night wondering how in the world one of our advertising brochures ended up in their bathroom! They attended regularly and were thrilled with what they learned. At the end of the meetings, 20 visitors came forward to surrender their lives to Christ, and several of the guests who did not come forward indicated on their decision cards that they wished they had! God is really pouring out His Spirit. There is no question that this is the best time for evangelism I have ever seen. This is the final push. This is go time! Whatever God is calling you to do for Him, go for it. You will never regret it. The best is just around the corner.

If this isn’t the beginning of the latter rain, I don’t know what is.




The River U sain Bolt could have run the distance from my bedroom window to the banks of the river near my childhood home in about 16 seconds. It was in that river that I learned to swim. It was like a magnet to me and my friends. We canoed and rowed and fished and climbed trees and explored the river, one of two rivers in my hometown. It provided drinking water for our 5,000 residents, attracted wildlife, and beautified our town. But the same river that fosters life can also take life. People occasionally drowned in the river and others were injured. Rivers loom large in the Bible. Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, Babylon sat on the Euphrates, and Revelation 22 speaks of the river of life in the earth made new. The prophet Ezekiel wrote about a river in Ezekiel 47, describing it as “flowing from under the threshold of the temple” (Ezekiel 47:1). When the waters of this river reached the sea, the sea was healed (Ezekiel 47:8). The river brought life, the prophet stating that “everything will live wherever the river goes” (Ezekiel 47:9). While the swamps and marshes would not be healed, the trees growing on the banks of the river flourished, and their leaves—like those on the tree of life in Revelation 22:2—were used for medicine (Ezekiel 47:12). The river seen in Ezekiel’s vision represents the church, which in the earth’s last days has been commissioned by God to proclaim the good news. The picture of a deep river giving health and life is an accurate portrayal of a Spirit-filled church taking the gospel to the world. However, just as all rivers are not healthy, the church does not always mirror God’s ideal. Like a river, the church is to be a place that causes people to grow in God’s grace. But sadly some people are harmed in the church. Instead of finding healing, they are damaged and hurt. Some people lose their way spiritually because of mistreatment at the hands of the church or church members.

"Everything will live wherever the river goes."


It Is Written impressions

While the rivers in my hometown were clean enough to swim in, other rivers are polluted beyond recognition. As recently as 1969, the industrial waste-filled Cuyahoga River caught fire as it flowed through Cleveland, Ohio. The River Thames, in London, England, was once so polluted as to be declared biologically dead. In the same way, instead of being healthy, a church can be toxic. Some churches can barely sustain spiritual life. Today, both the Thames and the Cuyahoga are healthy. Just as polluted rivers can be cleaned up, so can polluted churches. Water that stops flowing may become stagnant. Not only does it become unattractive, but it begins to smell and becomes a breeding ground for disease. Stagnant churches inevitably end up the same. Like a river, churches must flow in order to be healthy. The Great Commission begins with the word “go” (Matthew 28:19). When the church “goes”, it will give life to the world. A stagnant church can neither experience good health nor share life with its community. It is too late in the history of the world to allow congregations to be sidetracked by unimportant or inconsequential issues. The three angels in Revelation 14 are portrayed as taking God’s final message of mercy to the world, symbolic of the work of God before the closing scenes of earth’s history conclude. As a river flows to the sea, let the church rise up and take the gospel to earth’s remotest bounds. We haven’t a moment to lose. BY JOHN BRADSHAW, president




Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

I was blessed by your episode about prison labor that aired on TBN on February 21, 2021. —Sterling Heights, Michigan I love these daily talks from It Is Written. Thank you! —United States You, Pastor John, have a gifted talent of taking every day words & transforming them into a meaningful message. Thank you for your programs. —United States Thank you for the word today and the history lesson that accompanied it. A great blessing. —Unknown It is a tremendous study this quarter, timely subject matter for our day. —Rabun Gap, Georgia


Love the sign language interpreter! She is a blessing! —Phoenix, Arizona Thank you so much for your wonderful ministry! I watch every Sunday. Very inspirational, informative, and helpful during these difficult times! —Scottsdale, Arizona

The gospel work here in the Philippines is fast growing. I find your Bible study lessons really interesting and carefully arranged to make the study delightful and convincing. —The Philippines

It’s wonderful to see through the eyes of the author. It is so very clear after hearing the lesson with It Is Written. —India I absolutely admire your courage to preach the truth about the American tragedy of slavery and how if we don’t repent it will be not only a nation’s downfall but my own personally with God. —Kentucky, United States

Thank you a thousand times for such insights!!!! —Unknown Thank you for the show today. It was an eye-opener in every way. —New York, United States

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us! Simply email

Staff Highlight

Jack with his wife Crystal and their daughter Layla.


For five years, Jack has proved a pivotal part of the evangelism team, moving to a new city in the United States every 18 months in order to lay the groundwork for each new It Is Written evangelism campaign. Jack has lived in Boston, Kansas City, Indianapolis, and Rochester so far. “Through working for It Is Written, I am able to equip and encourage individuals in sharing their faith,” Jack said. Working with local churches, Jack helps them begin the cycle of evangelism and trains them on witnessing to others through friendship evangelism and Bible study. Together, the area churches begin to “prepare the soil” for the evangelism meetings to be held later by an It Is Written speaker. “The most effective leaders are ones who lead by example,” said Eric Flickinger, It Is Written associate speaker. “When Jack is doing the preparatory work for an evangelistic series, he interacts with church leaders and laity to ensure that people in the community have the best chance possible to hear of Jesus. Rather than telling the members what needs to be done, he goes the extra mile to be an example to them of how to effectively share the gospel.” Jack joined the team after the project he was previously working on went through a change. He was praying for a new direction when It Is Written called and shared that they had received his name from two

different people on opposite sides of the country. “We interviewed,” Jack said, “And on my birthday, It Is Written called to offer me the position!” Although frequent moving and working with a variety of people and situations can be challenging, Jack gets through it with a prayerful leaning on God. “I seek Jesus and remember that when I trust Him, He will accomplish His plans,” Jack shared. It Is Written is thankful to have Jack leading the charge.

Get to know Jack: What is your favorite meal? I love to go to an Indian buffet. What was your first job? I had several. At 10 I had a small lawn mowing business. At 14 I would tutor during the summers. At 16 I started work at a pizza place and worked in various pizza restaurants doing any role in the establishment for the next 12 years. What is the best advice anyone has given you? Look at Jesus, not at people’s failures. What is one thing that most of your co-workers don’t know about you? I lost a tooth playing disc golf.

BY CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ, marketing assistant



Planned Giving


Souls to


ecky lived in a small town in Oklahoma, far from any large city. She loved seeing God at work in her local church community, and she was inspired by the It Is Written messages she received via her Roku streaming device. As Becky thought about how she could do more to advance the proclamation of the gospel, she decided to dedicate a rental house she owned for God’s work. After some reflection, she elected to fund a charitable gift annuity with the gift of her rental house. Becky had learned about the charitable gift annuity plan that would provide her with income for life from the gift, while ultimately supporting the outreach ministries she loved. Because Becky was 83, she would receive a robust payout of 7.2 percent of the gift amount annually for the rest of her life. She loved knowing that when she passed to her rest, any remaining balance in the plan would go to the charitable purposes she had designated and loved. As an additional bonus, Becky liked the two generous income tax benefits from her planned gift. For several years, Becky continued to enjoy It Is Written programming, having the assurance that her support was helping to keep the message of hope going to the world. Becky rests now, but her gift lives on in the lives of transformed people. People who will be her neighbors in heaven! You too can benefit from tax savings, income for life, and a secure gift to advance God’s work. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of a charitable gift annuity.


OLAN THOMAS is the Planned Giving & Trust Services director and lives in central Florida. Olan has worked at It Is Written for over 12 years! He and his wife Phyllis have three adult children.


Let us know if you have included It Is Written in your estate plan so we can thank you.

Tributes & Memorials If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation. IN LOVING MEMORY OF

Hansen, Bernard by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Starr

Reyna, Chaplain Wilfred by Gloria E. Reyna Silver, Bob by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Culpepper

Brisco, Ross by Mr. and Mrs. Cody Tachenko

Harrison, Jerry by Dr. and Mrs. Erik S. Vetne, Mrs. Marcia Cooper and Doug McCloud, Mr. and Mrs. David Fogg, Sandra B. Myers, Cesar Rivera, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gaskell III, Ms. Judith H. Phillips, Eloise Murdoch, Mrs. J. Rita Vital, Astrid Conibear, and SAU School of Business

Cummings, Shane Phillip by Trurina Cummings

Iattoni, Louis and Hazel by Ms. Lois M. Jaecks

Pankey, Josh by Bert Logan

Davis, Creighton by Mr. Phil Davis

Iznaga, Olga M. by Jocelyn Anderson


DeVincent, Sam, Nancy, and Diane by Lawrence DeVincent

Musser, Charles by Steven Gabel

Anderson, Kris by Mrs. Maude M. Ramoutar Bauer, Andrew by Mrs. J. Rita Vital Bowen, Edwin E. by Mrs. Joan Bowen

Dinglasan-Benitez, Mrs. Adorita E. by Ms. Rowena D. Benitez Drake, Elizabeth G. by Boyd Drake Engen, David by Barbara B. Engen Garcia, Lee Ann by Ms. Rebekah Cadwallader Gonzales, Maria by Yolanda Busse

Negron, Zach by Mrs. J. Rita Vital Parker, Jimmy by Mrs. Angelin M. Parker

Phillips, Billie by Mr. Charles S. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Anders, Susan Skeen, Oliver Skeen, Kelly and Sheri Degrave, June Severs, Monte R. Wynn, Ms. Gail T. Davison, Ms. Judith H. Phillips, Margaret Halverson, Ms. Louesa Peters, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Starr

Wilson, Darlene by Amy Younce HAPPY BIRTHDAY Garcia, Adrianne by Ana Marie Dichoso

Badgley, Joseph by Mr. Andrew Badgley Barnes, Steven R. and Gladys by Mr. Richard Barnes Colin and Grace by Mr. Clifford C. Almeida FSH by Tera Nuri Ridge, Anna by Lynette S. McRill Swarny, Keith by Theresa Swarny

To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please visit

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written. Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address.


One Spark,



couple of summers ago, I was able to go with my kids to Kitui, Kenya, where we joined others in presenting evangelistic meetings. As a result, 21 people choose to follow Jesus Christ. The little group we left was on fire for God. That spark ignited into a much bigger blaze. The group we left responded to Jesus’ call in Matthew 28:19–20 to go and preach, teach, and make disciples in an amazing way. They started holding evangelistic meetings of their own. When we left, we donated several resources, including boxes of It Is Written Bible Study Guides. The study guides became pivotal for the people holding That first lesson was the spark meetings of their own because they gave the that has turned into a group of new attendees a way to follow along with the speaker as well as something to review after people ablaze for Jesus. each session. In Exodus 4:2 God asks Moses, “What is that in your hand?” These new converts didn’t have evangelistic videos, they didn’t have training on preaching the gospel, but they used what they had: the message of the gospel, the It Is Written Bible Study Guides, and the Holy Spirit as their inspiration. Every new attendee would get a copy of the study guides. That first lesson was the spark that has turned into a group of people ablaze for Jesus and kept their ministry going. God has rewarded their efforts! Over the past year, 36 more people have chosen to follow Jesus. Last December, during the rainy season, in a baptistry that is sometimes used as a watering trough by local farm animals, all 36 people were baptized. What a blessing it is to see the Holy Spirit working through the new converts as they spread the good news! DR. STEVE S. KIBWAGE serves in the Information Technology department at It Is Written writing software. He is a teacher and an elder in his local church and lives in Tennessee with his wife and kids.


It Is Written impressions

Volunteer APPRECIATION WEEK April 18–24, 2021 It Is Written honors our 95 volunteers who donated over 2,700 hours to the ministry in 2020. That’s the hours of a full-time employee! Pictured here are a team of volunteers who, during the week of Christmas, collated and packed 5,000 Korean It Is Written Bible Study Guides for shipment before the end of the year. This is just one example of the many projects our volunteers make possible each year!




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