International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS) ISSN: 2348 –3733, Volume -1, Issue-9, September 2014
Performance Enhancement of Evolutionary Algorithm Based Multilevel Inverter: A Comparative Study Rajat Sunia, Abhishek Soni , Shifali Gupta Abstract— This paper aims to extend the knowledge about the performance enhancement of cascaded multilevel inverter by using heuristic optimization methods. For improving efficiency of multilevel inverter, harmonics has to be eliminated. To eliminate the harmonics, Selective Harmonics Elimination Pulse Width Modulation technique is used for a better power quality output. This technique eliminates the pre-selected lower order harmonics which are more dominant into the nature while satisfying the fundamental component of output voltage, but the major issue is to solve the set of nonlinear harmonic equations derived from Fourier analysis of the output waveform of multilevel inverter. Using Conventional approach to solve those equations does not guaranteed the optimal solution and may stuck in the local minima. Hence, Evolutionary optimization algorithms are used for solving those equation. Evolutionary algorithm consist a subset of evolutionary computation and the results are obtained. Among of all a comparison is done between simulated annealing, Genetic Algorithm and multi objective genetic algorithm. Whereas, Evolutionary optimization algorithm are inspired by the biological process of evolution. Using those algorithm the main concern is to find the notches angles for giving the gate pulse to the individual switches of multilevel inverter. Using all of the three algorithms data sets are collected for different modulation indexes and output are verified by results. Results also shows the comparison between genetic algorithm and multiobjective genetic algorithm for getting the optimum results. Index Terms— Genetic Algorithm (GA), Multilevel Inverter (MI), Selective harmonics elimination PWM (SHEPWM), Simulated Annealing(SA), Multi objective genetic algorithm (MOGA).
I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays electricity plays an important role. For improving the efficiency of the power quality, harmonics has to beeliminated. Achieving high power, high voltage situation and eliminate the harmonic components of the output voltage a single phase eleven level inverter in cascaded with equal DC supply is designed. Multilevel inverters continue to receive more and more attention because of their high voltage operation capability, low switching losses, high efficiency Manuscript received September 12, 2014. Rajat Sunia, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Govt. Polytechnic College, Chittorgarh , Rajasthan India Abhishek Soni, Asst. Prof., Department of Electrical Engineering, SwasthyaKalyan Technical Campus, Jaipur, Rajasthan ,India. Shifali Gupta, B.Tech Scholar, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur , Rajasthan ,India.
and low output of electromagnetic interference (EMI). The preferred output of a multilevel inverter is combined by several sources of dc voltages. With an increasing number of dc voltage sources, the inverter voltage waveform approaches a nearly sinusoidal waveform while using a low switching frequency scheme. This results in low switching losses, and because several dc sources are used to synthesize the total output voltage, each experiences a lower dv/dt compared to a single level inverter.Consequently the multilevel inverter technology is a promising technology for high power electric devices such as utility applications [1-4]. Today, in many electric utility applications multilevel inverter is used such as flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) equipment [1], high voltage current lines [2], electrical drives [3], solar, generating system. Three types of multilevel inverters are used: diode clamped [4], flying capacitor [5], and cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with separate dc sources [6]. Referring to the literature reviews, the cascaded multilevel inverter (CMI) with separated DC sources is clearly the most feasible topology for use as a power converter for medium & high power applications due to their modularization and extensibility.Improve the efficiency at inverter level, switching frequency techniques are used. They are categorized on the basis of high frequency and low frequency. To diminish the harmonic components from the output voltage of multilevel inverter various switching strategies are used, such as sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM), Space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM), Selective harmonics elimination PWM (SHEPWM), Optimized harmonic stepped waveform (OHSW) [7], [8]. The other method is using a low pass filter in the output of inverters to eliminate higher order harmonics. To eliminate the lower order harmonics in multilevel inverter output voltage SHEPWM strategy is widely used. In this method the aim is to eliminate the lower order harmonics, while the fundamental component is retained. In this approach by solving the n number of equations, (n-1) lower order harmonics from the fifth order can be eliminated and the fundamental component gets satisfied. The nonlinear equations involve switching angles as unknown variables.In this paper we are using heuristic optimization methods. These methods have also been introduced based on evolutionary optimization techniques. These methods involves continues optimization and combinational optimization problems. Evolutionary methods have advantage that the global minima is most of the time assured. These methods not only find the