International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS) ISSN: 2348 –3733, Volume -1, Issue-9, September 2014
Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Operating on Percentage of Blending of Castor Oil Biodiesel-Diesel Roopesh Kanwar, Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, Harimohan Sharma, Aditya Singh Abstract— Nowadays the crude oil and Petroleum products consumption are increasing rapidly. Recent concerns are the environment; increasing fuel prices and the scarcity of its supply have promoted interest in the development of alternative sources of petroleum fuels. In this research, castor oil methyl ester was prepared by transesterification using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst and tested in a four-stroke, single-cylinder compression ignition engine. The test was carried out at a constant speed of 3000 rpm and 210 bar at different loads. The emission results of the comparative test indicated that CO and smoke density emissions are found to be lower as compared to diesel, while carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) are found to increase marginally. Brake thermal efficiency and the brake Specific fuel consumption decreases and Increase respectively in Biodiesel different blends with comparison of diesel. Index Terms— Transesterification, biodiesel, castor oil , biodiesel emission and performance.
Pongamia, and there is considerably greater experience and awareness among farmers about its cultivation. Being an annual crop it gives the farmers the ability to rotate or shift away easily depending on market conditions. TABLE 1: Types of oil and their Oil yield S. TYPES OF OIL OIL YIELD (KG NO. OIL/ HA) 1 NON EDIBLE OIL 1590 1. JATROPHA
I. INTRODUCTION Castor oil is non-edible oil. Its colorless or pale yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of the castor-oil plant, Castor (Ricinus communis L) is cultivated around the world because of the commercial importance of its oil which is used in the manufacture of a number of industrial chemicals like surfactants, greases and lubricants, specialty soaps, surface coatings, cosmetics and personal care products, pharmaceuticals, etc. The castor seed has 46% to 42% of oil yield. The residual oil cake, which contains about 5.5 percent Nitrogen,1.8-1.9 percent Phosphorus and 1.1 percent Potassium, is used as organic manure. Castor plants want hot and humid tropical conditions and growing period of 4 to 5 months. The average yield of seed per hectare and oil per hectare is 1250 kg/hectare and 550 lit/hectare India is the world’s largest producer and exporter of castor oil. It is currently cultivated on about 700,000 hectares mostly in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh under rain fed conditions. The yield in terms of oil varies from 350-650 kg of oil per hectare when no maintenance is applied to the crop, Fertilizers etc. The comparative advantage of Castor is that its growing period is much shorter than that of Jatropha and Manuscript received September 14 , 2014. Roopesh Kanwar, Govt. Polytechnic College, Tonk, Rajasthan Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, THDC Institute of Hydropower Engineering and Technology, Tehri, Uttrakhand, India Harimohan Sharma, Apex group of institutions, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Aditya Singh, Institute of Research and Development, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar
85-130 1190 250-2200
OIL YIELD (% WEIGHT) SEED 35-40; KERNEL 50-65 45-50 53 30-40
380 5000 1000
20 20 40-50
The yield in terms of oil varies from 350-650 kg of oil per hectare when no maintenance is applied to the crop i.e. fertilizers etc. The comparative advantage of Castor is that its growing period is much shorter than that of Jatropha and Pongamia, and there is considerably greater experience and awareness among farmers about its cultivation. Being an annual crop it gives the farmers the ability to rotate or shift away easily depending on market conditions. However, among vegetable oils, castor oil is distinguished by its high content (over 85%) of ricinoleic acid. No other vegetable oil contains so high a proportion of fatty hydroxyacids. Castor oils unsaturated bond, high molecular weight (298), low melting point (5˚C) and very low solidification point (−12˚C to −18˚C) make it industrially useful, most of all for the highest and most stable viscosity of any vegetable oil. II. BIODIESEL PRODUCTION PROCEDURE The Experimental investigations were conducted into total 5 phases. Each of which was performed with different experimental set-up and test procedures. A. Preparation of castor oil. Castor oil seeds are firstly cleaned and sorted by machine. The oil is obtained by pressing the seeds one to three times and extracting it. During cold pressing, which is preferred for
Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Operating on Percentage of Blending of Castor Oil Biodiesel-Diesel
pharmaceutical and cosmetic use, the yield of oil is 31–37% of the mass of the seeds. S. NO.
TABLE 2 Physical properties of the vegetable oils [8] OIL KINEMA KINEM KINEM DENSI GLYCER TIC ATIC ATIC TY OL (% VISCOSI VISCO VISCO (KG/M WEIGHT 3 TY AT 20 SITY SITY ) ) O C (10-6 AT 40 AT 70 O O M2/S) C C -6 (10 (10-6 M2/S) M2/S) CAS 961 265 62 994 4.12 TOR
E. Production of biodiesel (Transesterification) Castor oils was first filtered by filter paper mainly to remove the dirt and other inert materials from the oils and then placed in a conical flask equipped with magnetic stirrer and water condenser. Under agitation, the above oil was heated up to a 700C temperature on a hot plate for an hour.
0-100 % OIL
0-100 % OIL
0-100 % OIL
0-100 % OIL
1.9 – 6.0
The refined oils were checked for acid value using ASTM D 974. Unsaponifible matter and iodine number were determined by chemical titration method using IS: 548 and pr EN 14111 respectively. Moisture content was determined by oven method using IS: 548. Both the refined oils were also tested for phosphorus content using the ASTM D 4951 method with the help of UV-visible spectrophometer.
70% & 100%
on hot plate for the removal of moisture and odour to some extent. D. Feedstock characterizations for biodiesel production
A fixed amount of freshly prepared sodium hydroxide–methanol solution was added drop by drop into the oils, taking this moment as the starting time of the reaction. When the reaction reached heating and stirring were stopped. The products of reaction were allowed to settle for five to eight hours. During settling two liquid phases were formed: crude ester phase at the top and glycerol phase at the bottom. The crude ester phase separated from the bottom glycerol phase was then washed by warm de-ionized water several times until the washed water became clear. The excess methanol and water in ester phase were then removed by evaporation under atmospheric condition. In this way neem methyl ester was prepared. The final biodiesel was then filtered to remove remaining sediments with the help of filter paper.
. B. Degumming Castor oil from pressing of seeds having relatively high levels of ricinoleic acid were degummed prior to refining to remove the majority of ricinoleic compounds. The process involved treatment of the crude oil with a limited amount of water (1% - 3%) to hydrate the ricinoleic and make them separable by mechanical agitation with the help of magnetic stirrer for 30 minutes at 70 oC. A portion of the ricinoleic not hydratable by contact with water alone was then treated with the addition of 0.05-0.2 wt% of concentrated (85%) ricinoleic acid to the castor oil. C. Refining The process of refining was performed on the degummed oils to reduce the free fatty acid content and to remove other impurities such as remaining ricinoleic, proteinaceous, and mucilaginous substances. Caustic neutralization was carried out using 16° Baume sodium hydroxide (lye solution) in 10% excess. The lye solution was added drop by drop to the degummed oil in an open beaker with constant vigorously stirring with magnetic stirrer at 70 oC for 15 minutes followed by 20 min settling time. The oil was then transferred to the separating funnel and washed to make it free of soap using 4 × 15% (v/v) hot deionised water washes, giving a pH of 7 on the final water wash. Each wash was done at 100 oC for 10 min followed by settling for 15 minutes. The soap water was then discarded. The oils were not bleached and deodorized but heated to 150 oC for 10 minutes
III. ANALYSIS OF BIODIESEL QUALITY Castor methyl esters was then finally analyzed for moisture content using the Karl Fisher titrimeter according to ASTM D 6304 07. The acid and iodine indexes were evaluated using ASTM D 974 and pr EN 14111, respectively. The density of the methyl esters was determined by pycnometer using EN ISO 3675. Kinematic viscosity was determined by Redwood viscometer according to ASTM D445 and flash point by Pensky – Martin’s apparatus by ASTM D93 method. Calorific value was determined by Bomb calorimeter. Sulphated ash was determined by muffle furnace method according to IS 1448 P: 4, cloud point and pour point by cloud and pour point apparatus by IS 1448 P: 4. Phosphorus (mass %) was determined by spectrophotometer by ASTM D 4951. All analyses were carried out in triplicate. IV. ENGINE PERFORMANCE AND EMISSIONS Set-up Experimental setup consisted of Kirloskar single cylinder water-cooled, four-stroke diesel engine, which has been modified to measure various parameters required to determine the performance of the engine. To the engine, an electric dynamometer was coupled to measure torque. The air was inducted to the engine through a calibrated air box, which was used to measure the airflow rate. Fuel supply system consists of a burette flowmeter, which was used to measure the volumetric fuel consumption. Cooling circuit was running
International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS) ISSN: 2348 –3733, Volume -1, Issue-9, September 2014 through the system, having a water flow meter. VI. RESULTS Thermocouples were installed at various places on the engine A. Fuel properties to measure different temperature. RPM of engine shaft was The various fuel properties of castor oil, castor bio diesel measured through tachometer (B100), 100% conventional diesel and different blends of Measurement of smoke was done with the help of Hartridge biodiesel (5%,10%,15%,20%) with diesel (95%,90%,85%, smoke meter. For NOx, CO, CO2 and HC measurements 80%) as determined following the ASTM standards and AVL DITEST (AVL DiGas 4000 light) gas analyzer was procedures are summarized in Table 3. used. The experimental set up consisting of all the Table 3 Exhaust gas analyzer specifications above-mentioned devices were arranged as shown below in Type AVL DiGas 4000 light figure 1. T3
Fuel tank Air Box
U-Tube Manometer
Fuel Measuring Burette
Air Filter
Object of measurement Measurement Principle Range of measurement
CO, HC, CO2, NOx
CO = 0.01 % by vol. CO2 = 0.1 % by vol. HC = 1ppm by vol. NOx = 1ppm vol.
Warm up time
15 min. (self controlled) at 20 oC
Speed of response time Sampling
Within 15 s for 90 % response
Weight Dimensions Power input Operating Voltage
14 kg 360 mm x 370 mm x 220 mm 150 W 195…253 V, 47….63 Hz
Dynamometer Controls
Gas analyzer
Exhaust Hartridge Smoke meter
Diesel Engine
Electrical Dynamom eter
CO, HC, CO2 = Infrared measurement NOx = Electrochemical measurement CO = 0……..10 % by vol. CO2 = 0…….20 % by vol. HC = 0……...20000 ppm vol. NOx = 0…….4000 ppm vol.
T`2 T`1 T 4
T1 inlet water temperature T2 outlet water temperature T3 Inlet air temperature T4 Exhaust gas temperature Fig.1 Schematic diagram of experimental set-up for engine testing
A series of experiments were carried out over a considerable period of time to determine and compare the engine performance and exhaust emission characteristics using diesel and biodiesel blends. A. Performance and Fuel consumption Tests The engine was first run on diesel under different load conditions (no load to full load) as well as injection pressures i.e. 210 kgf/cm2 at 23º BTDC injection timning to set a basis of comparison. The engine was then run with different blends of diesel and castor biodiesel under similar conditions of load as that of diesel, while injection pressures was taken in the range of 210 kgf/cm2, to find the optimum performance conditions. A period of 20 min was given between each reading for each load. From the above tests brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption, exhaust gas temperature, were found under different operating conditions of load and injection pressures as mentioned above. From the experimental data thus generated conditions of optimum injection pressure were obtained for all loads. B. Measurement of exhaust gases concentration NOx, CO, CO2 and HC measurements were done with the help of AVL DITEST (AVL DiGas 4000 light) gas analyzer. The detailed specifications of the exhaust gas analyzer are given in Table 3.
Directly sampled from tail pipe
It can be seen from this table that the fuel properties of B100 are comparable with those of diesel and except for water content are well within the ASTM D 6751-02 and EN 14214 standards for bio diesel. The castor oil and its bio diesel, however, was found to have much higher values of fuel properties, especially viscosity, way above any of these standard limits B. Engine Emissions The fuel tested in the engine consisted of 100% Diesel and 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% biodiesel with 95%, 90%, 85%, 80% diesel respectively. Emissions analysis from the diesel engine specified in Table 1 was conducted at a constant speed of 3000 rpm and 210 bar. The emission measurement system consisted of a self calibration exhaust gas analyzer (Testo Instruments Ltd.) and measurements were carried out. The analyzer consisted of a number of probes including a temperature monitor. Parameters measured by means of the gas analyzer included carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM).
Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Operating on Percentage of Blending of Castor Oil Biodiesel-Diesel
Table 4 Properties of castor biodiesel-diesel blends Propertie s
Petrole um Diesel
Sp. GR.
Castor Biodies el B100
Density Kg.m3
Fig 2 Carbon Dioxide emission versus BP
Kinematic Viscosity mm2/s
Flash Point 째C
Heating Value kJ/kg
42000. 0
41892. 1
41227. 6
37900. 8
Cloud Point 째C Pour Point 째C
D. Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions
As shown in fig.3 indicates that CO emissions decrease when diesel fuel is substituted with biodiesel. All the blends produce a low amount of CO emissions at a light load and give more emissions of CO at higher load conditions. Biodiesel has approximately 11% of O2 content. Which helps in the complete combustion of the fuel. Hence, as the biodiesel percentage increase in fuel the CO emission level decreases. In the case of diesel, the CO emission is higher than that of the biodiesel blends. E. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions As shown in fig.4 the NOx emissions for Diesel and different biodiesel blends. Biodiesel contain a small amount of nitrogen which contributes towards NOx production. The NOx emission is in B10 is lower than that of diesel.
C. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions As shown in fig. 2 compares the CO2 emissions of the different blends used in the diesel engine at the injection pressure is 210 bars and constant speed. With increase in the load the CO2 emission increases. The biodiesel blends emit high amounts of CO2 in comparison with Diesel. B20 emits a larger amount of CO2 compared to diesel. A bigger amount of CO2 in the exhaust emissions is an indication of the complete combustion of fuel. This supports the higher value of exhaust gas temperature. The difference in biodiesel and diesel is the O2 content and cetane number. Since biodiesel contains a more amount of O2 and that acts as a combustion promoter inside the cylinder, it results in better combustion for B05 than B0. The combustion of fossil fuel produces CO2, which gets accumulated in the atmosphere and leads to many environmental problems. The combustion of biofuels produce CO2, that is absorb by the crops hence, the CO2 level is kept in balance.
Fig 3 Carbon Mono-oxide emission versus BP
The NOx concentration increased with the increase in the load and attains maximum at maximum load for all blends. As the emissions of NOx are dependent on engine combustion chamber temperatures ,With the increase in the value of the exhaust gas temperature, the NOx emissions have also increased.
International Journal of Engineering, Management & Sciences (IJEMS) ISSN: 2348 –3733, Volume -1, Issue-9, September 2014 G. Brake specific fuel consumption It can be observed from fig. 7, that BSFC for all castor biodiesel-diesel blends and diesel tested decrease with increase in load. This is due to the higher percentage increase in the brake power with load as compared to increase in the fuel consumption. Whereas the BSFC of all biodiesel blends along with diesel increased initially at low loads and at higher load conditions. BSFC of biodiesel blends was increased throughout the operating range as compared to petroleum diesel. This is mainly due to the lower calorific values and higher densities and higher viscosities of the blended fuels. When engine was run at the 210 bar injection pressures of diesel and biodiesel blends, the minimum value of BSFC for diesel was obtained as 0.2610 kg/kWh at 3000 Watt load and 0.2864 kg/kWh at 3000 watt load for B10. Slight increase in the specific fuel consumption was Fig 4 Oxide of Nitrogen emission versus BP mainly attributed to lower heating value of biodiesel fuels.BSFC of all blends was found to be higher than diesel, throughout the operating load range because of its higher calorific value and lower viscosity than Castor biodiesel. F. Exhaust gas temperature Lower heating values of the fuel provides lower amount of In Figure 5 the exhaust gas temperature is lower when energy when subjected to combustion and thus leads to the biodiesel blending with diesel is upto 5%; thereafter, it increase in fuel consumption. VII.CONCLUSION increased with an increase in the blends. This reveals that On the basis of the observations and the results of the effective combustion is taking place in the early stages of experimental investigations on a bench scale set-up for strokes and there is a reduction in the loss of exhaust gas refining, production, quality testing of biodiesel and its energy. performance and emission analysis on a single cylinder, four As the biodiesel concentration is increased, the exhaust gas stroke, constant RPM, stationary, compression ignition temperature increases by a small value. The highest exhaust engine, run on different blends and diesel fuel, the following gas temperature is observed at the highest load in B20. At the conclusions may be drawn from the present study. highest load 3000 W diesel-mode exhaust gas temperature is 1. Castor seeds the abundantly available cheaper 187.7°C. The NOx emissions were directly related to the feed-stocks bear great potential for the production of engine combustion chamber temperature which, in turn, was biodiesel in India. These are renewable in nature. depicted by the prevailing exhaust gas temperature. The The methyl esters of both the oils can be used as an exhaust gas temperatures of Diesel, B5, B10 ,B15 and B20 at environmental friendly alternative fuel for diesel a full load (3500 W) is found to be 326°C, 341°C, 346°C and engine and does not leads to food v/s fuel crisis. 352°C, 374°C respectively. The higher exhaust gas temperature may be because of the better combustion of the castor biodiesel, as it contains O2 molecules that help in 2. Castor oil contains high initial free fatty acids, which proper combustion. are required to be brought down prior to use for biodiesel production. 3. Alkali catalyzed transesterification is faster, efficient, and safer for processing of biodiesel. 4. A castor biodiesel was obtained by the transestrification of castor oil with methanol in presence of KOH. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the important properties of castor biodiesel are close to that of diesel. The density and calorific value of Castor biodiesel were found to be very close to that of diesel. It was also found that CO emissions were reduced in the compression Ignition (CI) engine fuelled with Castor biodiesel as compared to diesel. The trends of NOx emissions for Castor biodiesel blends are more than diesel. Efficiency of castor biodiesel blends less than the diesel due more specific fuel consumption. These are the major drawbacks of castor biodiesel.
Fig 5. Exhaust Gas temperature versus BP
Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Operating on Percentage of Blending of Castor Oil Biodiesel-Diesel
5. The main disadvantage of castor biodiesel is its Viscosity. Viscosity of castor biodiesel is very high as comparison of other biodiesel and mineral diesel which restrict the blending of castor biodiesel with diesel up to 10%.
[17] D.P. Deshpande,Y.D. , Urunkar , P.D. Thakare. Production of Biodiesel from Castor Oil using acid and Base catalysts. 51-56:ISCA, August (2012) Vol. 2(8).
6. Engine exhaust temperatures of blended bio diesel fuel mixtures are higher than that of pure mineral diesel, mainly due to the oxygenated nature of bio diesel. On the basis of the work reported here, it can be safely concluded that B10 blend can be conveniently used to substitute Diesel oil to the extent of 20% with certain modification in injection pressure. Comparable engine performance with reduced pollution is the additional advantages of using B10 blend. While further engine performance analysis is required to be done for B-20 blends for better conclusion. Hence, Castor biodiesel can be alternately used as fuel for diesel engines.
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