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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com
Sr. No. Materials
Supplier Category
1 Sapodilla Local market Scrubbing agent, Antioxidant
2 Carbopol PSGVPMs College of Pharmacy, Shahada Gelling agent
3 Methyl paraben PSGVPMs College of Pharmacy, Shahada Preservative
4 Triethanolamine PSGVPMs College of Pharmacy, Shahada Neutralizer
5 Propylene glycol PSGVPMs College of Pharmacy, Shahada Moisturizer
6 Sodium lauryl sulphate PSGVPMs College of Pharmacy, Shahada Foaming agent
7 Rose water Local market Vehicle
A. Method of face scrub
1) Preparation of sapodilla powder: Sapodilla was first bought from the local market. Then sapodilla was grated and let to dry in the sunlight for the following seven days. Sapodilla was ground into a powder once the water has completely evaporated from it.
2) Preparation of gel: Methyl paraben was weighed and dissolved in beaker containing rose water. To this, carbopol was added and stirred continuously for few minutes until it forms a gel. Sodium lauryl sulphate was weighed, dissolved separately with rose water and was added into above gel. Followed by this propylene glycol was added. Dropwise triethanolamine added into gel to neutralise pH. Active ingredient was then added into prepared gel and stirred [52].