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International for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com
The prepared gel was evaluated for organoleptic properties, pH, irritability, washability, grittiness, extrudability, foamability, spreadability [53] – [55].
A. Organoleptic Properties
1) Colour: Visual inspection revealed that the face scrub was light brown in colour.
2) Odour: The smell of formulation was checked by application of preparation on hand and feels the fragrance of perfume.
3) Consistency: The consistency of face scrub was found to be semi-solid and smooth by visual examination.
4) Homogeneity and Texture: A tiny amount of the prepared scrub was tested by pressing it between the thumb and index finger.
pH of the produced gel was assessed using pH paper. Scrub is lightly applied on pH paper. The pH was discovered to be between 56.
A small amount of the preparation was applied to the dorsal area of the hand, left on for a short time, and was discovered to be nonirritating. There is no oedema or redness occurs.
This test was carried out directly on the skin. After applying the preparation and rinsing the skin with ordinary water, the skin was found to be clear and clean.
E. Grittiness
Few gritty particles were found in the face scrub.
F. Extrudability
A small amount of gel was placed in a foldable ointment tube. One end was sealed off, while the other was left uncovered. On the closed side, a little pressure was applied. Both the length of time required for extrusion and the volume of gel extruded were recorded.
In a graduated measuring cylinder, a small amount of scrub was agitated with water to quantify the foam.
H. Spreadability
The gel that comes out of the tube behaves in a way that is greatly influenced by its spreadability. It is used to determine the extent of the gel's spreadability on the skin. A glass slide with 100 g of weight was placed on it above a small amount of sample that had been deposited on the slide. A small quantity of sample was placed on a glass slide and another slide was placed above them; 100 g of weight was placed on the slide. The amount of time it took the gel to spread out on the slide was measured and determined to be 3 cm in 40 seconds. It was calculated by using following formula:
S = m×l/t