Review Analysis on Seismic Performance of Flat Slab Structures with Slender Column

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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 3 | Issue 09 | March 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Review Analysis on Seismic Performance of Flat Slab Structures with Slender Column Sushil S Karande M.E. Student Department of Civil Engineering ICOER, Wagholi, Pune

Prof. S. R. Suryawanshi Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering ICOER, Wagholi, Pune

Abstract In construction-industry, Flat slab buildings are take more preference than conventional buildings. Flat slab structures provide more advantages such as large spans, plain ceiling, and low shuttering cost and less construction time, increases building height etc. It is important to study the response of flat slab structures under seismic loading. While designing the flat slab structures with slender column, response under seismic loading for different zones is very important.This paper deals with study on literature review of different-authors on behavior of flat slab structures under seismic loading for better understanding of flat slab structures and concept of slender column. This study provides good data on the parameters like storey shear, lateral displacement, time-period, slenderness ratio, storey drift, etc. Keywords: ETABS, Flat Slab Structures, Slender Column, Seismic Loading ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.


A Flat-slab is slab casted monolithically on supporting columns in absence of beam. Due to absence of beam, plain ceiling is obtained. The principal feature of the flat slab floor is uniform thickness with a flat ceiling which requires plain formwork and construction is very easy. Flat-slab systems provide economic solution for high-rise construction. Due to less floor height, overall height of building is very less indirectly effect on loading of structure leads to reduction in foundation cost. The ratio of unsupported length to smaller dimension is less than 10, column is known as slender column (sometimes referred it as a long column). Slender column is developed in multistoried high-rise structures due to increasing ground floor or parking floor height for its functional use or architectural use. On the other hand, the modern trend is towards taller and slender structures. In a structure, long column has less load caring capacity as c0mpared to sh0rt c0lumn which p0ssess similar secti0nal area. Hence due to this effect the long-column carries very small l0ad as c0mpared t0 the sh0rt c0lumn. Flat-slab structures have been damaged highly, because these structure are analyzed and designed as per IS code. Hence it is required to evaluate actual performance of flat plate structure subjected to seismic loading. II. LITERATURE REVIEW 1) Mohammad Hossain, Tahsin Hossain work on FEM Apprach to Perform Parametric Study on Slender Columns for FlatPlate Structures 2) They find in their work the effect of column on flat slab structure. With the help of ETAB software work is done to know the different aspects of flat plate structures. The different parameters were used by them such as Height of column, crosssection of column with various panel sizes f0r different load. Fr0m their result it has been seen that c0lumn was m0re sensitive f0r slenderness effect in flat plate structure. Slenderness effect is observed in corner as well as edge column as compare to inner columns. 3) Micallef K, Sagaseta J, M, Muttoni A. studied on Punching of flat slabs supported on rectangular columns 4) Research carried on shear failure due to punching action in RCC flat slab under sudden loading. They had studied the mighty Experience of slab f0r various parameters like with transverse reinforcement and with0ut transverse reinf0rcement in it. In this research work they has submitted their experimental w0rk 0n flat-slab for exploration of punching shear in flat slab subjected to sudden loadings. They have presented stiffness and resp0nse of slab during experiments. Fr0m their conclusion it has been observe that stiffness is growing due to variation in dimensions of slab. 5) Patil P. S. worked on Study On Slender Column For Flat Plate Structures 6) They studied on slenderness ratio of flat slab structure. They conclude that, Design load increases about 30 percent of critical buckling load for all panels. The buckling load decreases by 27.5 percent along with increase in additional moments by 25 percent, when slenderness ratio increases about 14.91 percent, thus in flat plate structure, corner and edge columns are more sensitive to slender effect than that of inner columns. A corner column for all case needs more attention than edge and inner column. 7) R. P. Apostolska, N. Mircic in 2015 contribute study on Seismic Performance Of Flat-Slab Building Structural Systems

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Review Analysis on Seismic Performance of Flat Slab Structures with Slender Column (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 003)

8) Study on Seismic Behaviour of Flat-Slab Building Structural Systems and conclude that The purely flat-slab RC structural system is considerably more sensitive for horizontal loads than the conventional reinforced concrete frame structures which give to the increase of its adverseness to seismic effects. 9) Navyashree K, Sahana T.S in Aug 2014 publish the article on Use of flat slabs in multistory commercial buildings situated in high seismic zone 10) They study for conventional Reinforced Concrete building and flat slab structures for various heights of floor in different seismic zones. The effect of seismic load on structure has been studied for the two types of building with change in height. They conclude that the moment is raised at plinth level, first slab level and second slab level. After second level it reduced and raised at the roof. Column change its performance as height of the structure raised. Storey drift in building with flat slab structure is significantly more efficient than regular Reinforced concrete building. As a result of this, additional moments are developed there. Hence, the columns in these type of structures should be designed by keeping the additional moments in mind. III. CONCLUSION Static analysis method is used by most of the research fellows for analysis of flat slab structure related to punching behavior of flat slab. Some of them have worked out on the dynamic analysis to study the flat-slab structure. Now it is need to find the seismic response of flat plate structure using method of dynamic analysis i.e. response spectrum analysis used in Earthquake engineering and study the effect on different parameter structures using this method. From above review it is observer that, there is lac of study in dynamic analysis of flat slab structures to know their structural response. Hence it is proposed to study the seismic response of flat plate structures with slender column. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like- thanks of gratitude to my project guide Prof. S. R. Suryawanshi as well as our principal Dr. D. D. Shah who gave me-the chance to do this review paper which helped me in doing a Research. During this period I came to know about-s0 -many different things I-am really thankful to them. Sec0ndly i-w0uld like t0 thank my parents and friends wh0 helped me a l0t-in finalizing this pr0ject within the limited time peri0d. REFERENCES Mohammad Hossain1, Tahsin Hossain Et. Al, Assistant Professor, Bradley University, USA Sept 2014. “Fem Approach to Perform Parametric Study On Slender Columns For Flat-Plate Structures” [2] [2] Micallef K., Sagaseta J., M., Muttoni A.,Et. Al (2014), “Punching Of Flat Slabs Supported On Rectangular Columns” [3] [3] Patil P. S. Et. Al “Study on Slender Column for Flat Plate Structure” [4] [4] R. P. Apostolska, N. Mircic Et. Al, (Oct 2015), “Seismic Performance of Flat-Slab Building Structural Systems” [5] [5] Navyashree K1, Sahana T.S2 (Aug 2014), “Use of Flat Slabs in Multistory Commercial Buildings Situated In High Seismic Zone” [6] [6] Hyun-Su Kim1, Dong-Guen Lee2, “Efficient Seismic Analysis of Flat Plate System Structures” [7] [7] Dr. Uttamasha Gupta1, Shruti Ratnaparkhe2, Et. Al, “Seismic Behaviour of Buildings Having Flat Slabs With Drops” [8] [8] Kalyan Chowdary Kodali, B. Dean Kumar Et. Al, “Comparative Study Of Seismic Performance Of High Rise 30 Storey Building With Beam Slab, Flat Slab and Alternate Flat-Beam Slab Systems in Zone V” [9] [9] Mohana H.S, Kavan M.R (June 2015),”Comparative Study of Flat Slab and Conventional Slab Structure Using Etabs for Different Earthquake Zones of India. [10] [10] Rajiv M S1,Guru Prasad T N2,Dharmesh N3, “Seismic Behaviour Of Multi-Storeyed RC Building Having Flat Slab With And Without Shear Walls” [11] [11] Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures by M Shrikhande and P Agrawal [12] [12] Design of RC Buildings by Dr V L Shah and Dr S R Karve [1]

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