IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 3 | Issue 09 | March 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-784X
Fault Detection, Indication & Protection of Induction Motor by Several Modified Techniques Pratik K. Hirapara B.E. Student Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Pin-362001
Keshu L. Divraniya B.E. Student Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Pin-362001
Bharat S. Gadhavi B.E. Student Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Pin-362001
Ketan M. Solanki Assistant Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Pin-362001
Sagar P. Khunt Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Pin-362001
Abstract The main aim of this paper is to detect, indicate and protect the 3 phase induction motor from various faults using some technique. The circuit will control the 3 phase induction motor and it will first detect faults of motor like over voltage, under voltage, over current, under current and after circuit will indicate that faults and at least it will protect induction motor from faults. These also protect induction motor from temperature imbalances i.e. overheating of motor and after that circuit will switch on motor under safe condition. There is microcontroller used for control of circuit and it will detect and indicate voltage and current of 3-phases as well as faults occur in IM. If fault occurs it will cut off power to motor and switch off motor until they are normal. Keywords: Three phase induction motor, microcontroller, over/under voltage protection, over/under current protection, temperature imbalance, faults ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
The manner in which the use of microcontroller is shaping our lives in breath taking. Today’s this versatile devise can be found in a variety of control applications. A microcontroller unit uses microprocessor as its CPU and it Incorporates memory, Timing reference, I/O peripherals etc., on same chip. In our project microcontroller is used to control the three phase induction motor. Three phase induction motors are widely used in industries as industrial drives because of the rugged, less costly, reliable and economical. It use to transform electrical power into mechanical power, so there are necessary need to protection of IMs from faults occur motor in motor. Also there are need to detect the faults and unnecessary condition occurs in induction motor because undetected faults may cause failure of motor. Failure of motor is biggest problem in industries and at many other places where induction motor widely used. Motor failure may cause production shut down and loss of processing time. The motor faults are because of electrical and mechanical hassles. Mechanical faults caused by overload and changes of load, which can cause bearing fault in motor as well as bar breakage of rotor of induction motor. Electrical faults are connected with power supply, electrical faults occur in induction motor due to over voltage, under voltage, over current, under current, temperature imbalance, single phasing, phase reversal, overheating, etc. in our project we selected some of faults from these such as over voltage, under voltage, over current, under current, temperature imbalance. So circuit will detect these faults and indicate the faults. Through display and LEDs and after that circuit will protect the IM from these faults when fault detect through circuit and circuit will cut of power to motor and switch of the motor until the normal. Here we used automatically control of motor so when there are normal condition after faulty condition. Circuit will automatic switch on the IM. [9]. II. REQUIREMENT AND IMPORTANT OF PROTECTION The faults are generated in induction motor due to variation in IM parameter such as voltage, current, frequency, temperature, etc. when three phase induction motor in running condition it is necessary to protect from these faults. When there are faults
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Fault Detection, Indication & Protection of Induction Motor by Several Modified Techniques (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 042)
generated in Induction motor winding of motor get heated which lead of failure or insulation of winding thus its reducing motor life. Three phase induction motor is directly connected through supply so it supply voltage and current increase or decrease due to fault performance of motor is affected and also winding may be burned out. It is also happened by variation of temperature also there importance of detection and indication of these faults in IM. [1] III. BLOCK DIAGRAM
Fig. 1: block diagram
The block diagram shown in above figure is simple diagram which represent our project. In diagram main part of our project is microcontrollers which fully controls circuit and also control induction motor. Here instrument transformers i.e. potential transformer and current transformer are connect with voltage as well as current sensor which senses voltage and current of three phases. They are used for detection of voltage and current of three phases. After that it will give feedback to microcontroller and microcontroller give feedback to display to indicate that voltage and current. Here we also use temperature sensor to detect temperature of winding as well as induction motor. In our project we used relays for protection of faults due to variation in parameters of induction motor such as voltage, current and temperature. If there are faults are occur than microcontroller will give feedback to relay and relay trip the circuit and switch off the induction motor until the normal condition. IV. OVER/UNDER VOLTAGE PROTECTION In our voltage protection system of three phase induction motor protects motor from over voltage and in under voltage protection system of three phase Induction motor protects motor from under voltage the voltage which is more than rated voltage or lower than rated voltage of induction motor. In our project first we detect voltage of three phase supply and this circuit will also indicate the parameter of motor. If circuit will detect some changes in voltage and current compare to its limit it will switch off the motor until the normal condition. Here we detect voltage by instrument transformer after this it indicated by LEDs and LCD. In our paper or project protect motor from these faults by relays. [4][5] V. OVER/UNDER CURRENT PROTECTION In our current protection system of three phase induction motor protects motor from over current and in under current protection system of three phase Induction motor protects motor from under current the current which is more than rated current or lower than rated current of induction motor. In our project first we detect current of three phase supply and this circuit will also indicate the parameter of motor. If circuit will detect some changes in voltage and current compare to its limit it will switch off the motor until the normal condition. Here we detect current by instrument transformer after this it indicated by LEDs and LCD. In our paper or project protect motor from these faults by relays. [4][5] VI. TEMPERATURE IMBALANCE PROTECTION Temperature imbalance protection of motor means protect the motor from variation of temperature of its winding as well as motor there are over heating problems occur due to temperature imbalance these generally occur by over loading of motor .motor simply fails to start properly due to failure of motor cause by faults occurs in winding motor. For detection of temperature we use LM 35 sensor. It will sense the heat of motor and indicate through LCD. After when temperature exceeds its particular limit will
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Fault Detection, Indication & Protection of Induction Motor by Several Modified Techniques (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 042)
give signal to microcontroller and microcontroller gives feedback to protection system used in our project and it will switch off the motor until normal condition. [4][5] VII. SCHEMATIC CIRCUIT IN EAGLE
Fig. 2: schematic circuit in eagl
VIII. CONCLUSION In this paper and project we phase in from various faults such as over voltage, under voltage, over current, under current, temperature imbalance provide smooth and safe running of motor which improves its efficiency and life time of motor. Generally these faults occur when supply system is exceeds its rating. In three phase induction motor when it’s running rated value. There faults are not generated. REFERENCES Priya V. Kale, Amit M. Kale, Nikhil R. Kamdi, Prof. Ankita A. Yeotikar, “Protection of induction motor using classical method”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017. [2] Ganapathy Subramanian, “Fault Detection and Protection of Induction Motors Using Sensors”, IEEE IFET College Of Engineering Villupuram III-BE, Department. [3] M. E. H. Benbouzid, “Bibliography on induction motors faults detection and diagnosis”, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1065-1074, Dec. 1999. [4] Shital S. Kalbande, Vaishali M. Kamble , Priyanka G. Kale , Prof. Ankita A. Yeotikar, “ Protection and monitoring of three phase induction motor from over voltage, under voltage, single phasing, phase reversal, and overheating review”, IRJET, Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017. [5] Shweta hugar, Basavaraj Amarapur, “Protection of Induction Motor using Microcontroller”, IJETAE, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2016. [6] I. Colak, H. Celik, I. Sefa, and S. Demirbas, ―On line protection system for induction motors, ‖ Energy Convers. Manage vol. 46, no. 17, pp. 2773– 2786, 2005. [7] Y. Zhongming and W. Bin, ―A review on induction motor online fault diagnosis,‖ in 3rd Int. Power Electron. Motion Control Conf. (PIEMC 2000), vol. 3, pp. 1353–1358. [8] W. A. Farag and M. I. Kamel, ―Microprocessor-based protection system for three-phase induction motors,| Electr. Mach. Power Syst., vol. 27, pp. 453– 464, 1999. [9] Chetan Borse, Akshay Pandhare and Randhir kumar, “Plc based induction motor starting and protection”,International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 2, March-April, 2015. [10] Sujith John Mathew, B.Hemalatha, “Fault Identification and Protection of Induction Motor using PLC and SCADA”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 4, April 2014. [1]
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