Response Analysis of Infill Walled Building Frame with Tuned Mass Dampers as Soft Storey

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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 3 | Issue 09 | March 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Response Analysis of Infill Walled Building Frame with Tuned Mass Dampers as Soft Storey Arsha G Fernandez PG Student Department of Civil Engineering Mar Baselios College of Engineering, Trivandrum

Dr. T Sundararajan Scientist/Engineer Department of Civil Engineering VSSC

Tisny D.B Professor Department of Civil Engineering Mar Baselios College of Engineering, Trivandrum

Abstract Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) is a passive control device which is simple, inexpensive and a reliable means for suppressing undesirable vibration of structures caused by harmonic or wind excitation. The effect of TMD with optimum parameters (frequency and mass ratios) is studied. In the present paper, a soft storey constructed at the top of a building is treated as a TMD and its usefulness in response reduction is evaluated. Analysis and modeling are done using FE software developed by VSSC, FEASTSMT and the building is subjected to an arbitrary acceleration as base excitation to record the response at top storey. TMDs with mass percentages of 2 and 3 are considered and the results are compared between buildings with and without TMD. Keywords: FEASTSMT, Response reduction, TMD, Soft storey, Infill Walls ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.


The major goal in structural engineering is to maintain the structural stability against the effect of various forces acting on the structure. The objective of seismic analysis of structure is to mitigate or reduce the seismic risk. Seismic risk refers to various factors such as seismic hazard, exposure and vulnerability. TMDs are the simplest form of vibration absorbers which are relatively easier to implement. Tuned Mass Dampers are often used if the excitations are almost periodical and the structural response is dominated by its fundamental mode. By adding an auxiliary mass where the stiffness and damping are designed properly, the building vibrations can be substantially controlled. Hence to reduce the seismic response, optimum parameters needed to be considered for design. Mass ratio, frequency ratio and damping ratio are the criteria to be considered. TMD proves to be efficient in arresting acceleration and displacement responses of building when the optimum parameters are taken into consideration. For TMD to be effective in structures with high damping ratios, large mass ratios must be employed. Top floor with adequate stiffness and damping can be considered as a vibration absorber for the bottom floors. In order to obtain the optimum parameters of TMD single and multiple degrees of freedom structure are considered. For an un-damped structure, the tuning ratio: Tuning ratio, ‘f ‘= 1/ (1+Îź) Damping ratio, ‘Ξ’= √đ?œ‡/(1 + đ?œ‡) For a damped structure, f=


[1 − đ?›˝ √



đ?›˝ 1+đ?œ‡


đ?œ‡ 1+đ?œ‡




For a MDOF system, tuning ratio ‘f’ is nearly equal to tuning ratio of SDOF system for mass ratio of ¾φ and damping ratio is equal to that of SDOF system multiplied by φ. i.e. f=


[1 − đ?›˝ √




Ξ= đ?œ‘[




đ?œ‡ 1+đ?œ‡



where Âľ is mass ratio, β is damping ratio of structure and φ is the amplitude of first mode of vibration for a unit modal participation factor. By using the above formulas, optimum TMD parameters can be obtained which in turn results in considerable response reduction.

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Response Analysis of Infill Walled Building Frame with Tuned Mass Dampers as Soft Storey (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 071)

II. ANALYTICAL MODELLING A ten storey building with a 3m height for each storey regular in plan with infill walls in the form of brick masonry with a bottom soft storey has been modeled. TMD is assumed to have the same damping as that of the structure. The building is fixed at the base and storey heights are assumed to be constant including the ground storey. Modeling is done using the finite element software developed by VSSC, namely FEAST SMT . The building details and its geometric properties are listed below. Table – 1 Geometric Parameters of Models No: of stories Storey Height Beam (Transverse and Longitudinal) Column Slab Thickness Infill Wall Thickness Grade of concrete and steel

For 10 storey G+9 3m 0.23m×0.5m 0.3m×0.6m 0.15m 0.23m M25 & Fe415

Table – 2 Material Properties Beam ,Column and Slab elements Grade of concrete M25 Modulus of Elasticity 2.5E+10 N/m2 Poisson’s ratio 0.2 Density of concrete 2500kg/m3 Infill Wall (Brick Masonry) Modulus of Elasticity 6.3E+9 N/m2 Poisson’s ratio 0.15 Density of concrete 2000kg/m3

In order to tune the natural frequency of TMD with that of the building, TMD in the form of soft storey is modeled separately and the area, moment of inertia and thickness of structural elements are adjusted.

Fig. 1: Elevation of Infill walled building without TMD

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Response Analysis of Infill Walled Building Frame with Tuned Mass Dampers as Soft Storey (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 071)

Fig. 2: Infill walled building with soft storey as TMD

Fig. 3: Soft storey as TMD modeled separately

Soft storey modeled as TMD ,fixed at the building top acts as a single rigid unit. It is composed of 16 columns of height 1m , modeled as beam elements and resting directly over the columns of the main structure. The columns are supported by a slab at the top. Table – 3 Material properties of TMD Material Density(kg/m3) E (N/m2) Poisson’s ratio Steel 7850 2.1e+11 0.3 Table – 4 Free vibration characteristics of building Total mass= 2.19885e+6 kg Frequency Mode Hz rad/sec 1 1.3865 8.7116 2 2.021 12.6983 3 2.3775 14.9382 4 5.1748 32.5142 5 6.1286 38.507

TMD Parameters Sadek, F (1997), proposed that effective mass ratio should be used for calculating optimum parameters of TMD. Effective mass ratio is the ratio of mass of TMD to normalized modal mass of building. As per Sadek, F (1997), effective mass ratio (Âľ) and optimum frequency ratio (f opt), is given by following equation: m Âľ= Eqn. (1) M

f opt=

1 1+đ?œ‡đ?œ‘

[1 − đ?›˝ √

đ?œ‡đ?œ‘ 1+đ?œ‡đ?œ‘


Eqn. (2)

where m= mass of TMD; M= maximum effective modal mass of the building; β= damping ratio of structure= 5% After obtaining the optimum TMD parameters, the sizes of columns and slabs are suitably arrived at.

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Response Analysis of Infill Walled Building Frame with Tuned Mass Dampers as Soft Storey (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 071)

System Square building

Mass ratio µ (%) 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 3 4 5

µ (%) 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 3 4 5

Table – 5 Building characteristics Fundamental frequency(Hz) Modal mass(kg) Amplitude of 1st mode, TY (m) 1.3865 2.19885e+6 0.155 Table – 6 Optimum TMD parameters as per Eqn. 1 & 2 Tuning ratio (fopt) Mass of TMD , m (kg) Natural frequency of TMD (Hz) 0.997 17590.8 1.3823 0.996 21988.5 1.3809 0.9959 26386.2 1.3809 0.9955 30783.9 1.3803 0.995 35181.6 1.3796 0.9945 39579.3 1.3789 0.9941 43977 1.3783 0.9919 65965.5 1.3754 0.9899 87954 1.3725 0.9879 109942.5 1.3698 Table – 7 Details of TMD Column Slab Thickness Total mass Actu-al I (mm) (kg) µ Area (m2) 4 (m ) 0.0625 4.173e-8 8.61 17858.74 .799 0.0625 4.08e-8 12.5 21980 .999 0.09 4.504e-8 13.34 26383.54 1.19 0.09 5.055e-8 17.232 30780.79 1.39 0.09 5.724e-8 21.123 35181.44 1.59 0.09 6.445e-8 25.015 39580.96 1.8 0.09 7.195e-8 28.906 43979.34 1.99 0.25 8.966e-8 30.5 65877.2 2.99 0.36 1.135e-7 37.808 87954.16 4 0.49 1.345e-7 42.815 109942.1 4.99

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Free Vibration Analysis Free vibration analysis is carried out and natural frequencies and mode shapes of TMD are extracted from the analysis. TMD is tuned such that (by adjusting cross section and thickness of columns and slab respectively) its first frequency nearly matches with the one obtained from Sadek, F (1997) parameters that are presented in Table 5. Table – 8 Free vibration characteristics of building with TMD Mode no: Mass ratio (%) 1 2 3 4 0.8 1.379 1.404 1.407 1.418 F 1 1.374 1.437 1.472 1.624 R 1.2 1.372 1.431 1.476 1.607 E 1.4 1.37 1.43 1.48 1.633 Q U 1.6 1.35 1.41 1.487 1.645 E 1.8 1.32 1.4 1.492 1.647 N 2 1.3 1.39 1.496 1.644 C 3 1.29 1.345 1.511 1.576 Y 4 1.25 1.333 1.527 1.556 (Hz) 5 1.24 1.322 1.535 1.541

5 1.44 1.824 1.928 2.038 2.041 2.044 2.047 2.052 2.059 2.065

From Table 7, it can be observed that frequency of model with TMD is less than that of the structure in almost all the cases. Also the TMD is more effective for mass ratios between 0.8 and 2 %. For mass ratios less than 0.8 and beyond 2 %, the efficiency of TMD gradually decreases. For structures with lesser damping ratios, TMD with lower mass ratios are more effective and for those with higher damping ratios, larger mass of TMD proves to be efficient.

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Response Analysis of Infill Walled Building Frame with Tuned Mass Dampers as Soft Storey (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 071)

Frequency Response Analysis Frequency response at the top 4 nodes of building is analysed . An arbitrary acceleration of 1g given at the bottom nodes of the building along both X and Y directions simultaneously. Response is measured in terms of acceleration at the top storey nodes which are more prone to severe shaking. Results are compared for models with and without TMD. Table – 9 Acceleration response at Node 4927 without TMD Along X (m/s2) 13.45 Along y (m/s2) 11.77 Table – 10 Response at Node 4927 with TMD Mass ratio of TMD

Response along Y (m/s2)

Response along X (m/s2)

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 3 4 5

9 7.98 7.85 7.67 7.5 7.339 7.19 7.038 6.88 6.77

11.65 12.58 12.03 12.91 12.86 12.79 12.34 12.57 12.34 12.13

% response reduction X Y 13.4 23.53 6.47 32.2 10.55 33.3 4.01 34.83 4.386 36.28 4.9 37.65 8.25 38.91 6.54 40.2 8.25 41.55 9.8 42.48

From Table 10, it can be observed that by tuning the TMD to fundamental frequency 1.3865Hz ( max: modal mass being excited along Y) for different mass ratios, it expeditiously arrests the response along Y with increasing mass ratio value.But along X, it shows an irregularity in response reduction as mass ratio increases. While response reduction is limited to a mere value to 14 % along Y, TMD contributes to a massive reduction upto 43% along X.

Fig. 4: % response reduction with different mass ratios Table – 11 Response @ all storey levels with & without TMD Response without TMD (m/s2) Response with TMD (m/s2) Storey no: TX TY TX TY 10 13.45 11.77 12.08 7.85 9 12.55 11.37 11.26 7.58 8 11.61 10.956 10.44 7.28 7 10.63 10.52 9.55 6.98 6 9.638 10.076 8.67 6.67 5 8.645 9.628 7.77 6.36 4 7.668 9.182 6.88 6.05 3 6.73 8.75 6.04 5.75 2 5.86 8.34 5.25 5.48 1 4.95 7.914 4.43 5.18

The above table shows the response of infilled wall building without and with TMD (optimum mass ratio of 1.2%) and it can be seen that it is effective in reducing response at all storey levels. All rights reserved by


Response Analysis of Infill Walled Building Frame with Tuned Mass Dampers as Soft Storey (IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 09 / 071)

Fig. 5: 1st 8 Mode shapes of building with TMD

IV. CONCLUSION Following conclusions are deciphered from the present study: 1) Steel TMD with optimum frequency ratio, provided in the form of soft storey at building top is found to be effective in arresting seismic response of building. 2) TMD in the form of soft storey, tuned to fundamental frequency can bring about response reduction within a massive range of 20-43% along Y whereas it can only contribute a mere reduction up to 14% along X. 3) TMD can efficiently reduce the response for mass ratios ranging from 0.8 to 2 %.. It is found ineffective for mass ratios less than 0.8 and beyond 2%. 4) TMD as soft storey is efficient in reducing at all storey levels. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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