Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Often, good value and low price are used to mean the same thing, but they actually aren’t. Value is a combination of price, quality, usefulness and how many times you can use what you’ve bought; it can also include the extras that come with it. If one person buys a pair of bright pink trainers at £50 and wears them every day for months until they fall apart, then she’s got good value. If another person buys the same pair during a sale at £15, and then decides she has made a terrible mistake and she’s never going to wear them, leaves them in the cupboard and finally gives them away, she didn’t get good value at all. So giving good value, and building a brand identity around that, includes making sure that you are selling your wares to people who really appreciate them.
The idea The Magic Marker is a pen favoured by graphic designers and layout artists worldwide. They are now made in Japan, they’ve adopted the generic name “magic” for a marker pen, just as the Russians called a pencil a karandash (from the Swiss manufacturer Caran D’Ache). You can buy them in around 150 shades, and in sets of 12 for particular uses, like portraits, landscapes or architects’ drawings. Individually, they cost around four to five times more than standard marker pens. 100 GREAT BRANDING IDEAS • 57
100 Great Branding Ideas 14dec.indd 57
12/14/11 11:14 AM