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Bayr akl ıi sl ocat edi noneoft hehi st or i calcent erofI zmi rwher ehasani mpor t antpot ent i albyi t sl ocat i on nextt ot heseasi de.Mai npr obl em i st heseper at i onoft heseasi def r om t heBayr akl ıbyt hemai nr oadAl t ı nyoli nI zmi r . I ti sapr oposedmast erpl anf orBayr akl ıt ohaveasol ut i ont oconnectt heseasi deofBayr akl ıand t hel i vi ngar eas.Theai m oft hi spr oposalt oat t r actt heseasi deandpr eventt hemai nseper at i oncaused byt hemai nr oadandpr ovi deandl i vi ngspacef orpeopl ei nBayr akl ı .

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