workshop with tim mcfarlane

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t hi spr oj ecti sal laboutgl assandi t soppor t uni t i esi nbot h const r uct i onandst r uct ur es.Thegener albel i efi nconst r uct i on def i nest hegl assasaf r agi l eandweakmat er i alf ort hel oads

buti nt hi swor kshopwor ki ngwi t hTI he M MCFARLANEshowst st r engt handpr essur eoft hegl assi nt hest r uct ur e.Thepr oj ect i sseper at edi nt o3par t sf ort henor t hgat e, westgat eandt he connect i onbr i dgei deabet weenFi neAr t sandDesi gnFacul t y andl i br ar y.Thet r i al soft hepr oposal sai mt obesel ect edf or t her ealappl i cat i onf ort hi s3speci alar easf orI z mi rUni ver si t y ofEconomi cs


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af r eest andi nggl assst r uct ur eVI deaf ort hegat e TRI NE i hel psst udent st oexhi bi t et hei rwor ksf ort hevi si t er sand def i net hegat easi ti sFi neAr tandDesi gn’ sGATE.


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