sequences of a Genocide
Contemplations on anthoms of liebrty
Hyle Entelechie
We are all born naked with closed eyes and were crying as our mother was screaming out of pain. The nurse lays us on our mother´s chest. Her warmth put us in sleep to dream. She looks at us for the first time with joy and hope.
Do you remember your first dream?
Your first refuge from your dramatic entry into this world? Do you remember the first time you felt alone as you opened a book searching for yourself between the lines of a story lived by those, who you never met?
Your search is still a just hunt for love and your naked body is still a monument of your first dream in your mother’s womb! Today you must open your eyes and look into the horizon, where not only your dreams shine, but the hope you carry for love. Today you must be loud and remind your body of the freedom it deserves.
My Love I am here to tell you that your dream is my dream. I am here to tell you that you are not alone, and neither am I. Together we stand against the oppressors that want to take away the joy our mothers hoped for us. Together we will dance under the roof we build for freedom and a glorious life that awaits us.
The times of moderation has come to an end. The times of silence has come to an end. We will occupy the air with the scent of love and will care for the dream and lives of those who we have lost.
Today we press their names in our heart and in our thought and carry on with the fight they´ve fought. Today we put up the pictures of those who have disappeared, murdered, imprisoned, raped, and beaten. Today we tell the story of those who we have never met.

Photo by Clemens Bilan - Rally on October 1st 2022 in Berlin in solidarity with the protests in Iran

On 16 September 2022, a 22-year-old Iranian woman named Mahsa Amini, also known as Jina Amini , was arrested by morality police and died 3 days later in a hospital in Tehran.
The guidance patrol, the moral police of the Iranian Law Enforcement Command, detained Mahsa for not wearing the hijab according to government standards. The police said she suffered a heart attack at a police station, fell to the ground, and died after two days in a coma. Eyewitnesses and women detained with Mahsa said she was severely beaten, which, in addition to the leaked medical scans, led independent observers to diagnose a brain hemorrhage and stroke.
Mahsa Amini - source: Instagram @from___iran
Mahsa’s death resulted in a series of major demonstrations throughout the country. This has finally captured the attention of international communities on violence against women in Iran. Several leaders, organizations, and celebrities worldwide condemned the incident and expressed their solidarity with the protesters of Iran. The United States Department of the Treasury and Canada imposed sanctions on the morality police and Iranian leaders in various security organizations.
The government of Iran attempted to suppress the protests, shooting protesters with birdshots and metal pellets, deploying tear gas and water cannons, blocking access to many apps including Instagram and whatsapp, and limiting internet accessibility to reduce protesters’ ability to organize. Amnesty’s reports revealed that, according to leaked documents, Iran’s highest military body told commanders to “severely confront troublemakers and anti-revolutionaries” as well as to “confront” all protesters “mercilessly, going as far as causing deaths.”
“The Iranian authorities knowingly decided to harm or kill people who took to the streets to express their anger at decades of repression and injustice,” Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, said in a statement. “Amid an epidemic of systemic impunity that has long prevailed in Iran, dozens of men, women and children have been unlawfully killed in the latest round of bloodshed.”

Nika Shakarami (Oct 2, 2005 - Sep 2022) was an 16-year-old Iranian girl, who went missing in Tehran’s Keshavarz Boulevard on September 20 protesting the killing of Mahsa Amini, having reported to her friends in the last moments that the security forces were after her. 9 days later, her family was informed at the police station that somebody with similar characteristics was discovered in Kahrizak forensics. Nika’s family was only allowed to see her face quickly when they went to identify the body. Nika’s aunt Atash Shahkarmi said: “The cause of Nika’s death was announced as a fall from a height, but according to the pictures shown to them, the shape of the body lying on the sidewalk was not normal and it did not seem like she was thrown from a height. In the morning, when they went to hand over the body, they saw that her nose was crushed and her skull was broken and disintegrated due to multiple blows of a hard object.” Nika’s family was threatened and told not to hold a memorial service for her. Her corpse was later stolen by the Iranian security forces and secretly buried around the village of Veysian 50 kilometers away from her hometown. She was reportedly raped before her killing, as it is not allowed to kill a virgin under islamic laws.
Nika Shakarami - source of Photo is unknown

Her friends describe her as a happy, free-spirited, and independent girl until the murder of Mahsa Amini. After hearing the news, everything changed.
Her name is #Hadis Najafi, another victim of the protests against the killing of Mahsa Amini. Hadis was killed after being shot by security forces on Wednesday, September 21st, around 20:00 on Eram Blvd in Mehrshahr, Karaj.
On the night of her killing, Hadis Najafi shared her thoughts in her last video message to her friends: “Now that I am going, I’m looking forward to seeing that in a few years, I’d be happy that I went to these protests, and finally everything had changed.”
When her family opened the coffin for burial, they found that her face and body were hit by over 20 bullets (Shotgun bullet), above her eyebrows, lips, neck and all around her chest area. They refused to hand over Hadis’ body until her family had signed a false declaration stating that she died of natural causes and agreed that they would not communicate this with the media.
Hadis Najafi, born on January 5th, 2000, would’ve turned 23 in less than three months.
Hadis Najafi - Photo from her Instagram account

As of 5th October 2022 the Regime dogs have killed more than 150 protesters within 20 days and have arrested more than 3000 people across 17 provinces in Iran. (This estimation has been made by the writer according to various official and independent sources.) Sadly, this is more than Putin´s Terrors in Ukraine and Russia in the same period. There is no doubt about this inhuman butcher of children, Students and Women in the streets of Iran. An absolute war against humanity and goodness in this world. Organized by a religious theocracy that only serves the devil under the name of Allah and terrorizes any good, moving in their range, since coming in power 43 years ago.
Tear gas Attack in Tehran- Photo by Arash Ashourinia
The question is why this evil Regime has still legitimacy in political scenes around the world? How come any politician dares to sit and to negotiate with them for JCPOA? This needs to stop!
The war against ISIS was not discussed by the politicians as an Islamophobic act, because ISIS was globally recognized as a terrorist organization. But the Islamic Revolutionay Gaurd Corpse (IRGC) is not yet considered as such, although its schemes have shed more blood and destruction than ISIS. This needs to stop!
One life is too many! How many more children, women and young people should be beaten and shot to death till it’s enough to find the Ayatollah´s Regime guilty of Genocide? There is not much time left till the History also writes our names beside the bystanders of holocaust.
A conscious mind would not leave these courageous Women alone at gunpoint in the battle for her rights. A conscious mind would not decide out of fear, not to voice their story and struggle toward freedom. A conscious mind would listen and hear what is ought to be heard. A conscious mind would open eyes to their pain.
“Sister, rise up after your freedom, Why are you quiet? rise up because henceforth you have to imbibe the blood of tyrannical men. Seek your rights, from those who keep you weak, from those whose myriad tricks and schemes keep you seated in a corner of the house. How long will you be the object of pleasure In the harem of men’s lust? how long will you bow your proud head at his feet like a benighted servant? How long for the sake of a morsel of bread, will you keep becoming an aged haji’s temporary wife, seeing second and third rival wives. oppression and cruelty, my sister, for how long? This angry moan of yours must surly become a clamorous scream. you must tear apart this heavy bond so that your life might be free. Rise up and uproot the roots of oppression. give comfort to your bleeding heart. for the sake of your freedom, strive to change the law, rise up.”
Forough Farrokhzad
We need to “rise up” today and take more pragmatic measures for the sake of human rights. For the sake of love in a land that is known to be the home of Kindness. For the sake of poetry, culture and history:
- Demand that your officials speak out on human rights violation in Iran.
- Contact your ministry of foreign affairs. Urge them to create an international investigative and accountability mechanism to address the misogynist terrorism and femicide by IRCG.
- Organize demonstrations, curate events, exhibitions, and talks.
- Write and articulate your feelings and thoughts on what is happening in Iran and publish them in any platform you see best fit.

For their memory and in the name of their blood. For their bruised skin and their broken bones. We must soften the path toward humanity today and rise with them in their fight for #womanlifefreedom.
Back of a woman shot by Shotgun in late Protest - source unknown

The times of moderation has long come to an end. The times of fear and silence has long come to an end. People of Iran remember the Women of Revolution Street. They remember Vida Movahed, saba Kord Afshari, Yasaman Ariaee; they remember Iranian Woman raising the flag of forced Hijab and occupying the streets of the world with colors of love, to heal the wounded dreams and lives of this gorgeous land. The fear of the woman of revolution Street has long transformed into courage and today her anger into fire, and her rage will burn mullah´s Regime and its foundations.
Vida Movahed protesting with her scarf - Artist is unknown

It is now our chance to give meaning to her suffering anthem. It is our turn to pick up our pen, write and create for Woman, life, Freedom. It is our turn to #behervoice and guide her open veins into an oasis of liberation.
This fight has just only started! Till all woman and life is free, we do not stay still and stand till their liberty.
Woman protesting in Tehran - Photographer is unknown

We are sea waves; our silence is our death. We are alive only to rise, not to recess.